track 20150928_ACSS2_hubs container multiWig noInherit on shortLabel H3K9ac longLabel H3K9ac undiff to diff, dark to light, CAD input subtracted per 10 million type bigWig configurable on visibility full aggregate transparentOverlay showSubtrackColorOnUi on autoScale on windowingFunction maximum priority 1.4 alwaysZero on yLineMark 0 yLineOnOff on maxHeightPixels 100:30:11 track H3K9ac_undiff type bigWig shortLabel H3K9ac_undiff longLabel H3K9ac_undiff parent 20150928_ACSS2_hubs visibility full bigDataUrl color 155,0,0 track H3K9ac_diff type bigWig shortLabel H3K9ac_diff longLabel H3K9ac_diff parent 20150928_ACSS2_hubs visibility full bigDataUrl color 255,57,57