Peak file = 9-12not15.bed Genome = hg19 Organism = human Peak/BED file conversion summary: BED/Header formatted lines: 3001 peakfile formatted lines: 0 Duplicated Peak IDs: 15 Peak File Statistics: Total Peaks: 3001 Redundant Peak IDs: 0 Peaks lacking information: 0 (need at least 5 columns per peak) Peaks with misformatted coordinates: 0 (should be integer) Peaks with misformatted strand: 0 (should be either +/- or 0/1) Peak file looks good! Reading Positions... ----------------------- Finding Closest TSS... Annotating:............................... Annotation Number of peaks Total size (bp) Log2 Enrichment 3UTR 9.0 21950647 -1.229 miRNA 0.0 48690 -11.538 ncRNA 6.0 5147466 0.278 TTS 23.0 28112388 -0.233 pseudo 7.0 1860850 1.968 Exon 37.0 34383156 0.163 Intron 1011.0 1194817727 -0.184 Intergenic 1525.0 1773348447 -0.161 Promoter 338.0 31347346 3.487 5UTR 18.0 2505589 2.902 snoRNA 0.0 119 -11.538 snRNA 0.0 105 -11.538 NOTE: If this part takes more than 2 minutes, there is a good chance your machine ran out of memory: consider hitting ctrl+C and rerunning the command with "-noann" To capture annotation stats in a file, use "-annStats <filename>" next time Annotating:........................................... Annotation Number of peaks Total size (bp) Log2 Enrichment 3UTR 9.0 21950647 -1.241 Other 97.0 3962040 4.659 Unknown? 0.0 18108 -11.551 RNA 1.0 115354 3.162 miRNA 0.0 48690 -11.551 ncRNA 6.0 5147466 0.267 TTS 23.0 28112388 -0.244 LINE 1356.0 625216611 1.163 LINE? 0.0 10448 -11.551 srpRNA 0.0 255860 -11.551 SINE 226.0 381269511 -0.709 RC 0.0 443678 -11.551 tRNA 0.0 93190 -11.551 DNA? 0.0 265124 -11.551 pseudo 7.0 1860850 1.957 DNA 15.0 96237003 -2.636 Exon 37.0 34383156 0.152 Intron 263.0 634351251 -1.224 Intergenic 206.0 904454108 -2.089 Promoter 338.0 31347346 3.476 5UTR 18.0 2505589 2.891 snoRNA 0.0 119 -11.551 LTR? 0.0 21177 -11.551 scRNA 0.0 116994 -11.551 CpG-Island 112.0 9417118 3.618 Low_complexity 12.0 15519426 -0.325 LTR 68.0 260677037 -1.893 Simple_repeat 48.0 24961085 0.989 snRNA 0.0 323094 -11.551 Unknown 0.0 1252870 -11.551 SINE? 0.0 43068 -11.551 Satellite 159.0 13101955 3.647 rRNA 0.0 164941 -11.551 Counting Tags in Peaks from each directory... Organism: human Loading Gene Informaiton... Outputing Annotation File... PeakID ( 9-12not15.bed hg19) Chr Start End Strand Peak Score Focus Ratio/Region Size Annotation Detailed Annotation Distance to TSS Nearest PromoterID Entrez ID Nearest Unigene Nearest Refseq Nearest Ensembl Gene Name Gene Alias Gene Description Gene Type 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10304 chr14 39981231 39981369 + 49.36517 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -79596 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10305 chr14 39986647 39986777 + 44.73857 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -85008 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15189 chr18 21195947 21196094 + 44.64827 NA intron (NM_173505, intron 8 of 9) (TATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -29439 NM_000271 4864 Hs.464779 NM_000271 HPRD:09622 NPC1 NPC Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23849 chr3 146451060 146451181 + 42.94767 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -127117 NM_001085420 389158 Hs.254692 NM_001085420 ENSG00000231213 PLSCR5 - phospholipid scramblase family, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10306 chr14 39991219 39991405 + 38.58189 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -89608 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32627 chr7 119297121 119297232 + 37.62884 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -616546 NM_012281 3751 Hs.654739 NM_012281 HPRD:09254 KCND2 KV4.2|RK5 potassium voltage-gated channel, Shal-related subfamily, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38525 chrX 116559557 116559741 + 36.45319 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 548052 NM_033495 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36545 chr9 140610559 140610966 + 35.99841 NA intron (NM_001145527, intron 2 of 15) (TGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -46712 NR_024341 643210 Hs.721002 NM_001039765 EHMT1-IT1 - EHMT1 intronic transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32210 chr7 82030366 82030464 + 33.78436 NA intron (NM_000722, intron 1 of 38) L1PA3|LINE|L1 42616 NM_000722 781 Hs.282151 NM_000722 HPRD:00245 CACNA2D1 CACNA2|CACNL2A|CCHL2A|LINC01112|lncRNA-N3 calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 2/delta subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9603 chr13 53304468 53304575 + 33.13652 NA intron (NM_001011705, intron 3 of 6) L1PA4|LINE|L1 9426 NM_001011705 11061 Hs.421391 NM_007015 HPRD:05511 LECT1 BRICD3|CHM-I|CHM1|MYETS1 leukocyte cell derived chemotaxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28564 chr5 151689117 151689223 + 32.46601 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 95670 NM_020167 56923 Hs.731911 NM_020167 HPRD:12003 NMUR2 FM-4|FM4|NMU-R2|NMU2R|TGR-1|TGR1 neuromedin U receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21220 chr21 16197057 16197176 + 31.82494 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -181688 NM_001256579 388813 Hs.334177 NM_001256579 LOC388813 - uncharacterized protein ENSP00000383407-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10280 chr14 37767957 37768074 + 31.52072 NA intron (NM_138731, intron 8 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 100897 NM_001195296 145282 Hs.660396 NM_138731 HPRD:06029 MIPOL1 - mirror-image polydactyly 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39305 chrY 16336329 16336423 + 31.16240 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 168274 NM_181880 353513 Hs.170076 NM_181880 HPRD:18602 VCY1B BPY1B variable charge, Y-linked 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3778 chr10 19014498 19014605 + 31.16240 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 66238 NM_178815 221079 Hs.25362 NM_178815 HPRD:12328 ARL5B ARL8 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 5B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26382 chr4 168194274 168194445 + 30.88184 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -38618 NM_001204355 50859 Hs.481133 NM_016950 HPRD:12147 SPOCK3 HSAJ1454|TES-3|TICN3 sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32557 chr7 109772612 109772765 + 30.42459 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -172418 NR_003024 442720 Hs.530096 NR_003024 ENSG00000237064 EIF3IP1 RG208K23 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit I pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22669 chr3 41777691 41777813 + 29.87263 NA intron (NM_017886, intron 22 of 36) L1PA4|LINE|L1 225908 NM_017886 54986 Hs.656192 NM_017886 HPRD:07928 ULK4 FAM7C1|REC01035 unc-51 like kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23504 chr3 118638532 118638667 + 29.86404 NA intron (NM_001015887, intron 4 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -23324 NR_046230 100506765 Hs.660823 NR_046230 ENSG00000239877 IGSF11-AS1 - IGSF11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1560 chr1 114044381 114044485 + 29.74195 NA intron (NM_001142782, intron 1 of 20) L1HS|LINE|L1 110958 NM_152900 260425 Hs.486189 NM_020965 HPRD:11290 MAGI3 MAGI-3|dJ730K3.2 membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15067 chr18 12202795 12202908 + 29.27669 NA intron (NR_049896, intron 2 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 2073 NR_049896 497259 Hs.451609 NR_049896 C18orf61 - uncharacterized LOC497259 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23728 chr3 135060356 135060475 + 29.10273 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 546316 NM_004441 2047 Hs.116092 NM_004441 HPRD:02790 EPHB1 ELK|EPHT2|Hek6|NET EPH receptor B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7821 chr12 33892840 33893044 + 29.10259 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -282274 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34656 chr8 133309154 133309256 + 28.93497 NA intron (NM_004519, intron 1 of 14) L1PA4|LINE|L1 150304 NM_001204824 3786 Hs.374023 NM_004519 HPRD:09077 KCNQ3 BFNC2|EBN2|KV7.3 potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32179 chr7 76790421 76790526 + 28.90670 NA intron (NM_020879, intron 1 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 38539 NM_020879 57639 Hs.113940 NM_020879 HPRD:11150 CCDC146 - coiled-coil domain containing 146 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11477 chr15 44368315 44368403 + 28.60013 NA intron (NR_104455, intron 1 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 118285 NM_001286490 84978 Hs.578544 NM_032892 HPRD:17493 FRMD5 - FERM domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32667 chr7 123664457 123664557 + 28.60013 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 9016 NM_001136002 730130 Hs.450249 NM_001136002 ENSG00000234224 TMEM229A - transmembrane protein 229A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26137 chr4 143836097 143836222 + 28.44401 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -68555 NM_001101669 8821 Hs.531403 NM_003866 HPRD:06322 INPP4B - inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type II, 105kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16258 chr19 21076373 21076480 + 28.24714 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -29633 NR_045830 7639 Hs.37138 NM_003429 HPRD:04875 ZNF85 HPF4|HTF1 zinc finger protein 85 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1003 chr1 60961363 60961619 + 28.14718 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 329765 NR_110628 101926964 Hs.650459 NR_110628 ENSG00000231252 LOC101926964 - uncharacterized LOC101926964 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24149 chr3 177106726 177106834 + 28.12471 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -52929 NR_047568 100505566 Hs.581170 NR_047568 LINC00578 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 578 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37678 chrX 53726196 53726312 + 27.71087 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -12580 NM_031407 10075 Hs.136905 NM_031407 HPRD:06608 HUWE1 ARF-BP1|HECTH9|HSPC272|Ib772|LASU1|MULE|URE-B1|UREB1 HECT, UBA and WWE domain containing 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9758 chr13 83111758 83111860 + 27.56046 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 1344719 NM_001281503 114798 Hs.415478 NM_052910 HPRD:18063 SLITRK1 LRRC12|TTM SLIT and NTRK-like family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11752 chr15 67987368 67987548 + 27.34531 NA intron (NM_001206804, intron 15 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -124584 NM_001258024 390598 Hs.451224 NM_001031807 ENSG00000188779 SKOR1 CORL1|FUSSEL15|LBXCOR1 SKI family transcriptional corepressor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31476 chr7 27332746 27332841 + 27.34531 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -45945 NR_120507 101410536 Hs.687800 NR_120507 EVX1-AS EVX1-AS1 EVX1 antisense RNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15015 chr18 5281635 5281726 + 27.34531 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 14021 NM_001243702 7541 Hs.592340 NM_003409 HPRD:03674 ZBTB14 ZF5|ZFP-161|ZFP-5|ZFP161|ZNF478 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22587 chr3 35056344 35056446 + 27.34531 NA intron (NR_110817, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 379120 NR_110817 101928135 Hs.550715 NR_110817 LOC101928135 - uncharacterized LOC101928135 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38697 chrX 131454149 131454258 + 27.33430 NA intron (NR_110410, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 93400 NM_001170702 55796 Hs.105134 NM_018388 HPRD:02329 MBNL3 CHCR|MBLX|MBLX39|MBXL muscleblind-like splicing regulator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37042 chrUn_gl000228 70999 71090 + 27.26372 NA Intergenic CpG -38818 NM_001286820 448831 Hs.626907 NM_001005217 HPRD:16418 FRG2 FRG2A FSHD region gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32270 chr7 88180829 88181010 + 27.25546 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -207834 NM_181646 219578 Hs.684410 NM_181646 HPRD:08721 ZNF804B - zinc finger protein 804B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34207 chr8 88892468 88892580 + 27.22236 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -6228 NM_152418 138009 Hs.371738 NM_152418 HPRD:08187 DCAF4L2 WDR21C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8594 chr12 90935738 90935863 + 26.83133 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -376000 NR_038868 439916 Hs.350600 NM_001039384 ENSG00000196243 LINC00615 C12orf37 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 615 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28055 chr5 116827469 116827586 + 26.80834 NA intron (NR_046089, intron 3 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 76319 NR_046089 728342 Hs.434420 NR_046089 LINC00992 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 992 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27058 chr5 42083818 42083927 + 26.75733 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 91575 NR_104635 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5111 chr10 117290648 117290763 + 26.62858 NA intron (NM_207303, intron 25 of 28) L1PA3|LINE|L1 437581 NM_001276282 26033 Hs.501127 NM_207303 HPRD:12504 ATRNL1 ALP|bA338L11.1|bA454H24.1 attractin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25241 chr4 59793366 59793578 + 26.41245 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -1816921 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19609 chr2 195508963 195509055 + 26.16757 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -86310 NR_110223 101927431 Hs.558215 NR_110223 ENSG00000230173 LOC101927431 - uncharacterized LOC101927431 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27873 chr5 99191472 99191597 + 26.12803 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 321840 NR_110562 102724855 Hs.519477 NR_110562 CTD-2151A2.1 - uncharacterized LOC102724855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23979 chr3 157447826 157447924 + 26.10587 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 186742 NM_001130002 152078 Hs.259046 NM_001099777 ENSG00000174899 C3orf55 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 55 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6710 chr11 83304306 83304406 + 26.10155 NA intron (NM_001364, intron 14 of 22) L1PA2|LINE|L1 89112 NM_001142702 1740 Hs.367656 NM_001364 HPRD:04663 DLG2 PPP1R58|PSD-93|PSD93|chapsyn-110 discs, large homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26747 chr5 3477108 3477217 + 26.10155 NA intron (NR_033898, intron 2 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 26956 NR_104618 102467075 Hs.652949 NR_104618 LINC01017 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1017 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12408 chr16 12274383 12274486 + 25.85460 NA intron (NM_032167, intron 13 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 203832 NM_032167 92017 Hs.458401 NM_032167 HPRD:17437 SNX29 A-388D4.1|RUNDC2A sorting nexin 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25684 chr4 101842815 101842927 + 25.70487 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -246601 NR_046811 100874275 Hs.136318 NR_046811 ENSG00000250223 LINC01216 EMCN-IT3 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1216 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38577 chrX 120824379 120824521 + 25.50635 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 642988 NM_012084 2747 Hs.368538 NM_012084 HPRD:02143 GLUD2 GDH2|GLUDP1 glutamate dehydrogenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23127 chr3 77044617 77044721 + 25.41239 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -44625 NM_001290039 6092 Hs.13305 NM_002942 ENSG00000185008 ROBO2 SAX3 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4454 chr10 64362870 64362981 + 25.37143 NA intron (NM_199452, intron 1 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 82718 NM_199452 22891 Hs.22653 NM_014951 HPRD:06380 ZNF365 Su48|UAN|ZNF365D zinc finger protein 365 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34006 chr8 69798349 69798446 + 25.35235 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 218028 NR_039986 100505718 Hs.122386 NR_039986 ENSG00000253658 LOC100505718 - uncharacterized LOC100505718 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6647 chr11 75463558 75463651 + 25.22202 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 16088 NR_046090 283214 Hs.591972 NR_046090 ENSG00000247867 LOC283214 - uncharacterized LOC283214 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30174 chr6 102782397 102782499 + 25.20023 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 935587 NM_021956 2898 Hs.98262 NM_021956 HPRD:00692 GRIK2 EAA4|GLR6|GLUK6|GLUR6|GluK2|MRT6 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7568 chr12 17156975 17157083 + 25.09438 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 15348 NR_036619 728622 Hs.741380 NR_036619 SKP1P2 SKP1B|p19B S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1119 chr1 74911741 74911880 + 24.94199 NA intron (NM_001199327, intron 22 of 23) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -131304 NR_121671 101927320 Hs.662589 NR_121670 ERICH3-AS1 - ERICH3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31309 chr7 10925035 10925149 + 24.89471 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 54721 NM_002489 4697 Hs.50098 NM_002489 HPRD:04831 NDUFA4 CI-9k|CI-MLRQ|MLRQ NDUFA4, mitochondrial complex associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23953 chr3 156113219 156113310 + 24.87383 NA intron (NM_172159, intron 1 of 13) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 51430 NR_046618 100874084 Hs.131282 NR_046618 ENSG00000242370 KCNAB1-AS1 - KCNAB1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23495 chr3 117782816 117783067 + 24.81096 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -878982 NR_046230 100506765 Hs.660823 NR_046230 ENSG00000239877 IGSF11-AS1 - IGSF11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8780 chr12 106058253 106058354 + 24.75863 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -39678 NR_110108 101929110 Hs.145944 NR_110108 ENSG00000257859 CASC18 - cancer susceptibility candidate 18 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22666 chr3 41419166 41419280 + 24.75695 NA intron (NM_017886, intron 35 of 36) L1PA3|LINE|L1 178281 NM_001098209 1499 Hs.476018 NM_001904 HPRD:00286 CTNNB1 CTNNB|MRD19|armadillo catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1, 88kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38104 chrX 73110674 73110781 + 24.73697 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -38139 NR_001564 7503 Hs.529901 NR_001564 ENSG00000229807 XIST DXS1089|DXS399E|LINC00001|NCRNA00001|SXI1|swd66 X inactive specific transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12775 chr16 32856744 32856854 + 24.27022 NA Intergenic Intergenic 39664 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6817 chr11 93775437 93775534 + 24.26745 NA intron (NM_001098672, intron 1 of 19) L1PA2|LINE|L1 21107 NM_001098672 341208 Hs.669645 NM_001098672 ENSG00000181333 HEPHL1 - hephaestin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27034 chr5 40546995 40547086 + 24.22375 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -132992 NM_000958 5734 Hs.199248 NM_000958 HPRD:03350 PTGER4 EP4|EP4R prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37736 chrX 56608327 56608432 + 24.18824 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 18353 NM_013444 29978 Hs.179309 NM_013444 HPRD:02224 UBQLN2 ALS15|CHAP1|DSK2|N4BP4|PLIC2 ubiquilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19595 chr2 193227504 193227612 + 24.13867 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -167914 NM_016192 23671 Hs.144513 NM_016192 HPRD:05760 TMEFF2 CT120.2|HPP1|TENB2|TPEF|TR transmembrane protein with EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2698 chr1 191033292 191033394 + 24.09348 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 439323 NR_033922 440704 Hs.518802 NR_033922 ENSG00000231175 LOC440704 - uncharacterized LOC440704 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28894 chr6 267832 267943 + 24.04837 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -24170 NR_104475 56940 Hs.29106 NM_020185 HPRD:13255 DUSP22 JKAP|JSP-1|JSP1|LMW-DSP2|LMWDSP2|MKP-x|MKPX|VHX dual specificity phosphatase 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38275 chrX 86809742 86809851 + 24.00060 NA intron (NM_019117, intron 1 of 10) L1P1|LINE|L1 37081 NM_057162 56062 Hs.49075 NM_019117 HPRD:02283 KLHL4 DKELCHL|KHL4 kelch-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25575 chr4 89817187 89817365 + 23.91010 NA intron (NM_014883, intron 6 of 23) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -72764 NM_001265578 10144 Hs.97270 NM_014883 HPRD:10944 FAM13A ARHGAP48|FAM13A1 family with sequence similarity 13, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27271 chr5 51544251 51544356 + 23.87965 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -539471 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34458 chr8 115643971 115644085 + 23.82811 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1036211 NM_001282902 7227 Hs.657018 NM_014112 HPRD:05091 TRPS1 GC79|LGCR trichorhinophalangeal syndrome I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20157 chr2 238097469 238097574 + 23.65749 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 103437 NM_006710 10920 Hs.531713 NM_006710 COPS8 COP9|CSN8|SGN8 COP9 signalosome subunit 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19965 chr2 224495911 224496009 + 23.65749 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -28743 NM_003469 7857 Hs.516726 NM_003469 HPRD:06762 SCG2 CHGC|EM66|SN|SgII secretogranin II protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_983 chr1 59048400 59048515 + 23.65749 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -5291 NM_002353 4070 Hs.23582 NM_002353 HPRD:00672 TACSTD2 EGP-1|EGP1|GA733-1|GA7331|GP50|M1S1|TROP2 tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14134 chr17 30967641 30967733 + 23.54512 NA intron (NM_015194, intron 19 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 153582 NM_003885 8851 Hs.500015 NM_003885 HPRD:04586 CDK5R1 CDK5P35|CDK5R|NCK5A|p23|p25|p35|p35nck5a cyclin-dependent kinase 5, regulatory subunit 1 (p35) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32193 chr7 78496449 78496599 + 23.42892 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 2 of 20) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -141780 NR_046689 100874021 Hs.128252 NR_046689 ENSG00000226978 MAGI2-AS2 - MAGI2 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37057 chrUn_gl000228 110673 110756 + 23.37184 NA Intergenic CpG -1891 NM_001293798 100288687 Hs.728749 NM_001205218 DUX4 DUX4L double homeobox 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25313 chr4 64519979 64520077 + 23.24583 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 755150 NM_001010874 253017 Hs.227752 NM_001010874 TECRL GPSN2L|SRD5A2L2|TERL trans-2,3-enoyl-CoA reductase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25933 chr4 122199377 122199480 + 23.12194 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -50807 NM_001244764 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24804 chr4 26211195 26211401 + 23.12194 NA Intergenic (TCCC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -110034 NM_203283 3516 Hs.479396 NM_005349 HPRD:00920 RBPJ AOS3|CBF1|IGKJRB|IGKJRB1|KBF2|RBP-J|RBPJK|RBPSUH|SUH|csl recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6750 chr11 86467182 86467307 + 23.06280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -34857 NM_001293180 11098 Hs.25338 NM_007173 HPRD:07149 PRSS23 SIG13|SPUVE|ZSIG13 protease, serine, 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29803 chr6 67135401 67135496 + 23.02129 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 637676 NR_026540 442229 Hs.390414 NR_026540 SLC25A51P1 MCART3P|bA707M13.1 solute carrier family 25, member 51 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27915 chr5 101869798 101870004 + 23.00369 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -35181 NM_173488 133482 Hs.388874 NM_173488 HPRD:15400 SLCO6A1 CT48|GST|OATP-I|OATP6A1|OATPY solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 6A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4888 chr10 100305764 100305858 + 22.95523 NA intron (NM_001166244, intron 8 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -99107 NM_000195 3257 Hs.404568 NM_000195 HPRD:05403 HPS1 HPS Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20091 chr2 234488508 234488623 + 22.94313 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -14329 NM_018218 55230 Hs.96513 NM_018218 HPRD:07166 USP40 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21912 chr22 32696050 32696166 + 22.90832 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -44790 NM_014227 6527 Hs.130101 NM_014227 HPRD:10238 SLC5A4 DJ90G24.4|SAAT1|SGLT3 solute carrier family 5 (glucose activated ion channel), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26285 chr4 156800372 156800504 + 22.86148 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -13013 NM_017419 51802 Hs.381349 NM_017419 HPRD:16470 ASIC5 ACCN5|HINAC|INAC acid-sensing (proton-gated) ion channel family member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28665 chr5 160502270 160502394 + 22.84124 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -136699 NR_027111 285629 Hs.554279 NR_027111 ENSG00000253417 LOC285629 - uncharacterized LOC285629 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24706 chr4 14472957 14473076 + 22.80506 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 359424 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2735 chr1 194875544 194875669 + 22.75422 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1601731 NR_125789 101929184 Hs.146728 NR_125789 LINC01031 TCONS_00000361 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1031 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29988 chr6 84277622 84277852 + 22.71076 NA intron (NM_001242793, intron 24 of 27) L1PA5|LINE|L1 55543 NM_001170423 167681 Hs.98381 NM_153362 HPRD:07095 PRSS35 C6orf158|dJ223E3.1 protease, serine, 35 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10202 chr14 27195017 27195174 + 22.71076 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -83459 NR_110557 102724890 Hs.569381 NR_110556 LOC102724890 - uncharacterized LOC102724890 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9129 chr12 132816103 132816206 + 22.66031 NA intron (NM_001122636, intron 6 of 10) intron (NM_001122636, intron 6 of 10) -35823 NR_024563 100130238 Hs.536338 NR_024563 LOC100130238 - uncharacterized LOC100130238 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33834 chr8 52554362 52554478 + 22.62628 NA intron (NM_144651, intron 2 of 22) L1PA3|LINE|L1 167585 NM_144651 137902 Hs.444882 NM_144651 HPRD:08693 PXDNL PMR1|PRM1|VPO2 peroxidasin homolog (Drosophila)-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8598 chr12 91629009 91629109 + 22.48847 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -52253 NM_001920 1634 Hs.156316 NM_001920 HPRD:00501 DCN CSCD|DSPG2|PG40|PGII|PGS2|SLRR1B decorin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19721 chr2 202886841 202886966 + 22.48847 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -12407 NM_003507 8324 Hs.173859 NM_003507 HPRD:04560 FZD7 FzE3 frizzled class receptor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18733 chr2 113474277 113474367 + 22.45502 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 47932 NM_152515 150468 Hs.434250 NM_152515 CKAP2L - cytoskeleton associated protein 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31277 chr7 7510307 7510407 + 22.45502 NA intron (NM_001037763, intron 15 of 34) L1HS|LINE|L1 65103 NM_001037763 340267 Hs.491104 NM_001037763 ENSG00000215018 COL28A1 COL28 collagen, type XXVIII, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8331 chr12 66451387 66451471 + 22.45502 NA Intergenic (T)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -33923 NR_106722 102464827 NR_106722 MIR6074 hsa-mir-6074 microRNA 6074 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38533 chrX 117144457 117144550 + 22.45502 NA intron (NM_001168303, intron 1 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -25127 NM_001168299 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5965 chr11 42237975 42238093 + 22.44454 NA intron (NR_038309, intron 4 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 37206 NR_038309 100507205 Hs.99310 NR_038309 LOC100507205 - uncharacterized LOC100507205 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19593 chr2 193136711 193136822 + 22.26375 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -77122 NM_016192 23671 Hs.144513 NM_016192 HPRD:05760 TMEFF2 CT120.2|HPP1|TENB2|TPEF|TR transmembrane protein with EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27810 chr5 94036385 94036500 + 22.08478 NA Intergenic L1MA6|LINE|L1 82051 NM_032290 84250 Hs.657315 NM_032290 HPRD:08538 ANKRD32 BRCTD1|BRCTx ankyrin repeat domain 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22591 chr3 35943898 35943994 + 22.07439 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 157978 NR_029824 406916 NR_029824 MIR128-2 MIR128B|MIRN128-2|MIRN128B|mir-128b microRNA 128-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27275 chr5 51833427 51833514 + 22.07439 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -250304 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38327 chrX 95310382 95310511 + 21.95581 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 282455 NR_003539 643486 Hs.590806 NR_003539 ENSG00000271209 LOC643486 - bromodomain, testis-specific pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27255 chr5 51053012 51053119 + 21.95253 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -373899 NR_046243 642366 Hs.544139 NR_046243 LOC642366 - uncharacterized LOC642366 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28483 chr5 147325992 147326199 + 21.91774 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -39994 NM_206966 389336 Hs.660038 NM_206966 HPRD:14491 C5orf46 SSSP1 chromosome 5 open reading frame 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6216 chr11 56732108 56732232 + 21.82587 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -24219 NM_001005323 390181 Hs.554520 NM_001005323 HPRD:15031 OR5AK2 - olfactory receptor, family 5, subfamily AK, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26415 chr4 171394464 171394610 + 21.82362 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -382999 NM_001286683 51166 Hs.529735 NM_016228 HPRD:12392 AADAT KAT2|KATII aminoadipate aminotransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29805 chr6 67313079 67313340 + 21.73725 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 815437 NR_026540 442229 Hs.390414 NR_026540 SLC25A51P1 MCART3P|bA707M13.1 solute carrier family 25, member 51 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32346 chr7 96887820 96887913 + 21.69446 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 141961 NM_020186 57001 Hs.592269 NM_020186 HPRD:16471 ACN9 - ACN9 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25535 chr4 84873882 84874006 + 21.58879 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 416474 NM_032717 84803 Hs.99196 NM_032717 HPRD:14417 AGPAT9 AGPAT 10|AGPAT8|GPAT3|LPAAT-theta|MAG1 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34234 chr8 91405963 91406071 + 21.57836 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 172301 NR_051989 100874052 Hs.571514 NR_051989 ENSG00000253394 LINC00534 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 534 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7582 chr12 18863807 18863941 + 21.55029 NA intron (NM_033123, intron 6 of 14) L1PA4|LINE|L1 27119 NM_033123 89869 Hs.97542 NM_033123 HPRD:06996 PLCZ1 NYD-SP27|PLC-zeta-1|PLCzeta phospholipase C, zeta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10199 chr14 26965141 26965242 + 21.48208 NA intron (NM_006491, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 101769 NM_006491 4857 Hs.31588 NM_002515 HPRD:03693 NOVA1 Nova-1 neuro-oncological ventral antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32331 chr7 94707731 94707824 + 21.46076 NA intron (NM_017650, intron 2 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 168567 NM_001166161 55607 Hs.21816 NM_017650 ENSG00000158528 PPP1R9A NRB1|NRBI|Neurabin-I protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 9A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1368 chr1 99079301 99079399 + 21.41657 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -47886 NM_015976 51375 Hs.197015 NM_015976 HPRD:15416 SNX7 - sorting nexin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14720 chr17 71806887 71806994 + 21.37208 NA intron (NR_027146, intron 2 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 17736 NR_027146 283982 Hs.464079 NM_182564 LINC00469 C17orf54 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 469 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15509 chr18 64264197 64264285 + 21.31656 NA intron (NM_001271028, intron 1 of 9) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 7134 NR_073130 28513 Hs.42771 NM_021153 HPRD:04311 CDH19 CDH7|CDH7L2 cadherin 19, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4502 chr10 69464121 69464208 + 21.31581 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -8215 NM_013266 29119 Hs.21375 NM_013266 HPRD:09639 CTNNA3 ARVD13|VR22 catenin (cadherin-associated protein), alpha 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3984 chr10 36392135 36392230 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 324952 NR_110138 102578074 NR_110138 LINC01452 PCAT5|TPCAT-10-36067 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1452 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28566 chr5 151996265 151996362 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -211473 NM_020167 56923 Hs.731911 NM_020167 HPRD:12003 NMUR2 FM-4|FM4|NMU-R2|NMU2R|TGR-1|TGR1 neuromedin U receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11233 chr15 27462016 27462231 + 21.26789 NA intron (NM_033223, intron 3 of 9) L1HS|LINE|L1 -55657 NR_120343 101928869 Hs.585699 NR_120343 ENSG00000228740 LOC101928869 - uncharacterized LOC101928869 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22155 chr22 49836964 49837227 + 21.26789 NA intron (NR_110523, intron 1 of 4) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 214095 NR_110522 348645 Hs.133159 NM_198851 HPRD:14180 C22orf34 - chromosome 22 open reading frame 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2632 chr1 184820178 184820275 + 21.26789 NA intron (NM_052966, intron 5 of 13) L1HS|LINE|L1 -96185 NM_025191 80267 Hs.523811 NM_025191 HPRD:10724 EDEM3 C1orf22 ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20981 chr20 58462504 58462610 + 21.26789 NA intron (NM_014258, intron 23 of 43) L1PA5|LINE|L1 44652 NM_014258 10388 Hs.202676 NM_014258 HPRD:06822 SYCP2 SCP2 synaptonemal complex protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20792 chr20 43082797 43082888 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -3645 NR_109893 101927242 Hs.143307 NR_109893 LINC01430 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1430 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37474 chrX 38381053 38381162 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -39624 NM_004615 7102 Hs.441664 NM_004615 HPRD:02107 TSPAN7 A15|CCG-B7|CD231|DXS1692E|MRX58|MXS1|TALLA-1|TM4SF2|TM4SF2b tetraspanin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25386 chr4 72891006 72891120 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -6458 NM_004885 10886 Hs.99231 NM_004885 HPRD:16244 NPFFR2 GPR74|HLWAR77|NPFF2|NPGPR neuropeptide FF receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1282 chr1 91573994 91574105 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -86237 NM_032186 84146 Hs.173001 NM_016620 HPRD:15885 ZNF644 BM-005|MYP21|NatF|ZEP-2 zinc finger protein 644 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9231 chr13 24021071 24021177 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -13257 NM_014363 26278 Hs.159492 NM_014363 HPRD:05135 SACS ARSACS|DNAJC29|PPP1R138|SPAX6 sacsin molecular chaperone protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35809 chr9 88775855 88775990 + 21.26750 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 33467 NR_110996 101927623 Hs.575644 NR_110996 LOC101927623 - uncharacterized LOC101927623 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32635 chr7 120623775 120623903 + 21.03369 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -4912 NM_024913 79974 Hs.189652 NM_024913 HPRD:08647 CPED1 C7orf58 cadherin-like and PC-esterase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33003 chr7 150192369 150192459 + 21.03369 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -19531 NM_153236 168537 Hs.647074 NM_153236 HPRD:17039 GIMAP7 IAN7|hIAN7 GTPase, IMAP family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24137 chr3 175039158 175039252 + 21.02413 NA intron (NM_207015, intron 4 of 13) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -48124 NR_039952 100616395 NR_039952 MIR4789 - microRNA 4789 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30032 chr6 88033301 88033407 + 20.93186 NA intron (NM_198568, intron 1 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 1048 NM_001042493 57150 Hs.70769 NM_020425 HPRD:12862 SMIM8 C6orf162|dJ102H19.2 small integral membrane protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3842 chr10 26708684 26708809 + 20.88700 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -18520 NM_019043 54518 Hs.310421 NM_019043 HPRD:16420 APBB1IP INAG1|PREL1|RARP1|RIAM amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30580 chr6 137172515 137172640 + 20.79638 NA intron (NM_000288, intron 5 of 9) L1HS|LINE|L1 28875 NM_000288 5191 Hs.280932 NM_000288 HPRD:03454 PEX7 PBD9B|PTS2R|RCDP1|RD peroxisomal biogenesis factor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32176 chr7 76772330 76772418 + 20.63921 NA intron (NM_020879, intron 1 of 18) L1PA5|LINE|L1 20440 NM_020879 57639 Hs.113940 NM_020879 HPRD:11150 CCDC146 - coiled-coil domain containing 146 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34282 chr8 97184379 97184476 + 20.57169 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -11407 NM_001001557 392255 Hs.492277 NM_001001557 HPRD:11002 GDF6 BMP-13|BMP13|CDMP2|KFM|KFS|KFS1|KFSL|LCA17|MCOP4|MCOPCB6|SCDO4|SGM1 growth differentiation factor 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28088 chr5 119647844 119647951 + 20.57169 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -152076 NM_016644 51334 Hs.157461 NM_016644 HPRD:14239 PRR16 DSC54|LARGEN proline rich 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26005 chr4 127784039 127784139 + 20.48586 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -769998 NM_015693 27152 Hs.391481 NM_015693 INTU INT|PDZD6|PDZK6 inturned planar cell polarity protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3472 chr1 248331194 248331285 + 20.45154 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -12049 NM_001004688 391194 Hs.534728 NM_001004688 HPRD:17703 OR2M2 OR2M2Q|OST423 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily M, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7717 chr12 27421642 27421761 + 20.44145 NA intron (NM_015000, intron 1 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 24623 NM_015000 23012 Hs.184523 NM_015000 HPRD:10256 STK38L NDR2 serine/threonine kinase 38 like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19813 chr2 207442463 207442559 + 20.44145 NA intron (NM_003812, intron 18 of 25) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -64631 NM_001102659 200726 Hs.144769 NM_001102659 LOC200726 - hCG1657980 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6790 chr11 90700680 90700782 + 20.43986 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -411706 NR_039711 100616186 NR_039711 miRBase:MI0016852 MIR4490 - microRNA 4490 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26032 chr4 130103269 130103367 + 20.39899 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 86036 NM_001099783 132321 Hs.567679 NM_173487 HPRD:14049 C4orf33 - chromosome 4 open reading frame 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17820 chr2 47899353 47899529 + 20.39769 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -101971 NM_022055 56660 Hs.591586 NM_022055 KCNK12 K2p12.1|THIK-2|THIK2 potassium channel, subfamily K, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32356 chr7 97479845 97479940 + 20.39769 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 21585 NM_001178077 440 Hs.489207 NM_001673 HPRD:00153 ASNS ASNSD|TS11 asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28472 chr5 146223460 146223569 + 20.19855 NA intron (NM_001271899, intron 2 of 9) L1HS|LINE|L1 34834 NM_001271948 5521 Hs.627618 NM_181674 HPRD:05059 PPP2R2B B55BETA|PP2AB55BETA|PP2ABBETA|PP2APR55B|PP2APR55BETA|PR2AB55BETA|PR2ABBETA|PR2APR55BETA|PR52B|PR55-BETA|PR55BETA|SCA12 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31625 chr7 40022166 40022313 + 20.18278 NA intron (NM_031267, intron 1 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 32280 NM_003718 8621 Hs.233552 NM_003718 HPRD:04496 CDK13 CDC2L|CDC2L5|CHED|hCDK13 cyclin-dependent kinase 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23154 chr3 84452809 84452903 + 20.15922 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 465870 NR_033860 440970 Hs.411049 NR_033860 ENSG00000242641 LINC00971 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 971 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36034 chr9 106778048 106778150 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 16109 NR_109803 101928523 NR_109803 LOC101928523 - uncharacterized LOC101928523 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27243 chr5 49911416 49911502 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -50274 NM_001178055 79668 Hs.369581 NM_024615 HPRD:07960 PARP8 ARTD16|pART16 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27914 chr5 101713901 101713994 + 20.09796 NA intron (NM_001289004, intron 11 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -81694 NM_180991 353189 Hs.127648 NM_180991 HPRD:12354 SLCO4C1 OATP-H|OATP-M1|OATP4C1|OATPX|PRO2176|SLC21A20 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 4C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10982 chr14 99231330 99231427 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu 53428 NM_182560 283598 Hs.448754 NM_182560 HPRD:08075 C14orf177 - chromosome 14 open reading frame 177 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38524 chrX 116491870 116491963 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 615785 NM_033495 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9380 chr13 38336565 38336770 + 20.09796 NA intron (NM_016179, intron 2 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 107272 NM_001135957 7223 Hs.262960 NM_003306 HPRD:09154 TRPC4 HTRP-4|HTRP4|TRP4 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11742 chr15 66743925 66744012 + 20.09796 NA intron (NM_002755, intron 5 of 10) L1HS|LINE|L1 46178 NM_006049 10302 Hs.30174 NM_006049 HPRD:16183 SNAPC5 SNAP19 small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 5, 19kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22194 chr3 739324 739423 + 20.09796 NA intron (NR_110118, intron 1 of 3) L1P1|LINE|L1 105585 NR_110118 101927215 Hs.650700 NR_110118 ENSG00000224957 LINC01266 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1266 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_886 chr1 48511683 48511773 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -49166 NM_001194986 388630 Hs.61504 NM_001194986 ENSG00000269113 TRABD2B TIKI2 TraB domain containing 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11349 chr15 36978062 36978188 + 20.09796 NA intron (NM_001290233, intron 5 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 91055 NM_001290232 84529 Hs.48348 NM_032499 HPRD:13650 C15orf41 HH114 chromosome 15 open reading frame 41 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15445 chr18 56373077 56373164 + 20.09796 NA intron (NM_006785, intron 4 of 16) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -34015 NM_001289967 101927322 Hs.644875 NM_001289967 LOC101927322 - uncharacterized LOC101927322 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10450 chr14 53104937 53105030 + 20.09796 NA TTS (NM_001099652) TTS (NM_001099652) 57436 NM_014584 30001 Hs.592304 NM_014584 ERO1L ERO1-alpha|ERO1A|ERO1LA ERO1-like (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13113 chr16 58874929 58875024 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -106715 NM_001286220 2806 Hs.599470 NM_002080 HPRD:00684 GOT2 KAT4|KATIV|mitAAT glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22150 chr22 49809821 49810023 + 20.09796 NA intron (NR_110522, intron 2 of 2) SVA_C|Other|Other 241268 NR_110522 348645 Hs.133159 NM_198851 HPRD:14180 C22orf34 - chromosome 22 open reading frame 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39409 chrY 58833965 58834054 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite -266448 NM_005840 10251 Hs.381912 NM_005840 HPRD:03917 SPRY3 HSPRY3|spry-3 sprouty homolog 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31386 chr7 20594676 20594794 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -60510 NM_001163941 340273 Hs.404102 NM_178559 ENSG00000004846 ABCB5 ABCB5alpha|ABCB5beta|EST422562 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39327 chrY 21535803 21535889 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -97496 NM_001291738 100133941 Hs.644105 NM_013230 CD24 CD24A CD24 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32637 chr7 120708542 120708633 + 20.09796 NA intron (NM_024913, intron 5 of 22) L1PA4|LINE|L1 79142 NM_001105533 79974 Hs.189652 NM_024913 HPRD:08647 CPED1 C7orf58 cadherin-like and PC-esterase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25190 chr4 55395605 55395702 + 19.96771 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -128442 NM_000222 3815 Hs.479754 NM_000222 HPRD:01287 KIT C-Kit|CD117|PBT|SCFR v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36759 chrUn_gl000216 54181 54265 + 19.87836 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18295 chr2 89831826 89831933 + 19.82552 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 719995 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24079 chr3 168126361 168126523 + 19.82069 NA intron (NR_021485, intron 3 of 15) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -143200 NR_030294 693136 NR_030294 miRBase:MI0003575 MIR551B MIRN551B microRNA 551b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2702 chr1 191290516 191290631 + 19.77353 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 696553 NR_033922 440704 Hs.518802 NR_033922 ENSG00000231175 LOC440704 - uncharacterized LOC440704 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24177 chr3 179888118 179888222 + 19.73219 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -133329 NM_001256750 51555 Hs.235331 NM_016559 HPRD:11425 PEX5L PEX5R|PEX5RP|PXR2|PXR2B|TRIP8b peroxisomal biogenesis factor 5-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19306 chr2 168521466 168521594 + 19.61115 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -153652 NM_020981 8708 Hs.735833 NM_020981 HPRD:04369 B3GALT1 beta3Gal-T1 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17633 chr2 33480294 33480379 + 19.60208 NA intron (NM_001166265, intron 7 of 29) L1PA2|LINE|L1 120672 NM_001166266 4052 Hs.619315 NM_000627 HPRD:01039 LTBP1 - latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1894 chr1 146794026 146794137 + 19.56689 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 79790 NM_001256337 9557 Hs.191164 NM_004284 HPRD:09880 CHD1L ALC1|CHDL chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28064 chr5 117831029 117831154 + 19.48710 NA intron (NR_104610, intron 4 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 66721 NR_104610 101927280 Hs.543951 NR_104610 LOC101927280 - uncharacterized LOC101927280 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19301 chr2 167850584 167850690 + 19.14551 NA intron (NM_001079810, intron 2 of 9) L1HS|LINE|L1 105640 NM_152381 129446 Hs.73680 NM_152381 HPRD:10267 XIRP2 CMYA3 xin actin-binding repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3561 chr10 3453366 3453522 + 19.13680 NA Intergenic Intergenic -238411 NM_001242307 10531 Hs.528300 NM_014889 HPRD:07142 PITRM1 MP1|PreP pitrilysin metallopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34597 chr8 127357735 127357841 + 19.09716 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 20048 NR_125421 101927657 Hs.552133 NR_125421 ENSG00000244791 LOC101927657 - uncharacterized LOC101927657 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31721 chr7 50970448 50970562 + 19.06334 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -109346 NM_001001555 2887 Hs.164060 NM_005311 HPRD:03312 GRB10 GRB-IR|Grb-10|IRBP|MEG1|RSS growth factor receptor-bound protein 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28006 chr5 110912846 110913080 + 19.03093 NA intron (NR_040093, intron 1 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -64806 NM_139164 134429 Hs.93842 NM_139164 HPRD:06133 STARD4 - StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10572 chr14 63027625 63027756 + 19.01363 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -420999 NR_104063 101954204 Hs.607093 NR_104063 LINC00644 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 644 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29809 chr6 67969349 67969457 + 18.96373 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1376229 NM_001704 577 Hs.13261 NM_001704 HPRD:04064 BAI3 - brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33512 chr8 26258488 26258580 + 18.94416 NA intron (NM_004331, intron 3 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 18011 NM_004331 665 Hs.131226 NM_004331 HPRD:07288 BNIP3L BNIP3a|NIX BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 3-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10203 chr14 27333647 27333743 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -8644 NR_110041 101927081 Hs.97955 NR_110041 ENSG00000257612 LOC101927081 - uncharacterized LOC101927081 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17950 chr2 63756386 63756475 + 18.94416 NA intron (NM_015910, intron 1 of 17) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -59313 NM_005917 4190 Hs.526521 NM_005917 HPRD:01100 MDH1 HEL-S-32|MDH-s|MDHA|MGC:1375|MOR2 malate dehydrogenase 1, NAD (soluble) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39339 chrY 23285714 23285796 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 262491 NM_001282471 100533178 NM_001282471 PRORY CYorf17 proline rich, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28181 chr5 129999996 130000095 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 500996 NR_073488 3094 Hs.483305 NM_005340 HINT1 HINT|NMAN|PKCI-1|PRKCNH1 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28698 chr5 166394096 166394207 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -40776 NR_108020 102557615 NR_108020 CTB-7E3.1 - uncharacterized LOC102557615 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38446 chrX 106057531 106057619 + 18.94416 NA intron (NM_198881, intron 1 of 11) L1PA3|LINE|L1 11656 NM_017752 54885 Hs.351798 NM_017752 HPRD:06529 TBC1D8B - TBC1 domain family, member 8B (with GRAM domain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39315 chrY 17664723 17664815 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -748856 NR_046504 100874056 Hs.743197 NR_046504 ENSG00000228787 NLGN4Y-AS1 NLGN4Y-AS|NLGN4YAS NLGN4Y antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20399 chr20 10353442 10353544 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 59080 NM_018848 8195 Hs.472119 NM_018848 HPRD:05356 MKKS BBS6|HMCS|KMS|MKS McKusick-Kaufman syndrome protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5561 chr11 6831711 6831811 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -14622 NM_003696 8590 Hs.652252 NM_003696 HPRD:09771 OR6A2 I7|OR11-55|OR6A1|OR6A2P olfactory receptor, family 6, subfamily A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29645 chr6 46131391 46131490 + 18.94416 NA intron (NM_001290073, intron 3 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 7307 NM_001290072 59084 Hs.35198 NM_021572 HPRD:13272 ENPP5 NPP-5 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 5 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39296 chrY 15883042 15883161 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 67654 NM_004202 9087 Hs.159201 NM_004202 HPRD:02458 TMSB4Y TB4Y thymosin beta 4, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27813 chr5 94397202 94397329 + 18.93692 NA intron (NM_024717, intron 1 of 22) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 20305 NM_001297777 79772 Hs.591248 NM_024717 HPRD:08652 MCTP1 - multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9705 chr13 75448683 75448783 + 18.93692 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 321753 NR_034024 338864 Hs.97408 NR_034024 ENSG00000236678 LINC00347 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 347 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26344 chr4 164130066 164130160 + 18.93423 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -42040 NM_001128931 92345 Hs.129095 NM_138386 HPRD:10054 NAF1 - nuclear assembly factor 1 ribonucleoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10840 chr14 86940977 86941083 + 18.89515 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -431092 NR_038445 283585 Hs.381998 NR_038445 ENSG00000258804 LOC283585 - uncharacterized LOC283585 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28821 chr5 177528623 177528725 + 18.89326 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -11882 NM_015111 23138 Hs.101761 NM_015111 ENSG00000145911 N4BP3 LZTS4 NEDD4 binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25604 chr4 94529501 94529714 + 18.87311 NA intron (NM_001510, intron 13 of 15) L1HS|LINE|L1 -220471 NM_005172 474 Hs.532680 NM_005172 HPRD:03270 ATOH1 ATH1|HATH1|MATH-1|bHLHa14 atonal homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24694 chr4 14013101 14013206 + 18.87311 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -100439 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24898 chr4 38665489 38665668 + 18.86576 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016531) promoter-TSS (NM_016531) -212 NM_016531 51274 Hs.298658 NM_016531 HPRD:13920 KLF3 BKLF Kruppel-like factor 3 (basic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22630 chr3 39408626 39408749 + 18.84960 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -16128 NM_017875 54977 Hs.369615 NM_017875 HPRD:07925 SLC25A38 - solute carrier family 25, member 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22104 chr22 45022388 45022481 + 18.79842 NA Intergenic (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -1135 NR_044991 414351 Hs.572878 NR_044991 LINC00229 C22orf10|NCRNA00229|dJ474I12.C22.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 229 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9333 chr13 32251974 32252071 + 18.76333 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -61657 NM_130806 122042 Hs.680763 NM_130806 HPRD:05976 RXFP2 GPR106|GREAT|INSL3R|LGR8|LGR8.1|RXFPR2 relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32803 chr7 138306605 138306870 + 18.76097 NA intron (NM_174959, intron 9 of 11) (TCTA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 42232 NM_174959 136306 Hs.99414 NM_174959 HPRD:11235 SVOPL - SVOP-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25392 chr4 73503589 73503701 + 18.65810 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -69129 NM_014243 9508 Hs.590919 NM_014243 HPRD:06893 ADAMTS3 ADAMTS-4 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16367 chr19 27821719 27821837 + 18.65136 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -462597 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25994 chr4 125328641 125328774 + 18.63607 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 150882 NR_110838 101927087 Hs.518966 NR_110838 ENSG00000261083 LOC101927087 - uncharacterized LOC101927087 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3104 chr1 223540230 223540384 + 18.62421 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2763 NM_001037175 55061 Hs.497841 NM_017982 HPRD:07641 SUSD4 PRO222 sushi domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30100 chr6 93934489 93934598 + 18.59369 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 194757 NM_001288630 2045 Hs.73962 NM_004440 HPRD:03721 EPHA7 EHK-3|EHK3|EK11|HEK11 EPH receptor A7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33795 chr8 47514400 47514509 + 18.57844 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -238054 NR_027012 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1354 chr1 97757170 97757259 + 18.54570 NA intron (NR_046590, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 195735 NR_046590 100873932 Hs.682651 NR_046590 ENSG00000232878 DPYD-AS1 - DPYD antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35146 chr9 28877826 28877930 + 18.47030 NA intron (NM_001258282, intron 2 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 11075 NR_030618 100126316 NR_030618 miRBase:MI0005564 MIR873 MIRN873|hsa-mir-873 microRNA 873 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39444 chrY 58993300 58993381 + 18.44872 NA Intergenic BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite -107117 NM_005840 10251 Hs.381912 NM_005840 HPRD:03917 SPRY3 HSPRY3|spry-3 sprouty homolog 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26689 chr5 11541 11629 + 18.42653 NA Intergenic (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -128788 NM_052909 153478 Hs.535800 NM_052909 PLEKHG4B - pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4374 chr10 55787554 55787648 + 18.42365 NA intron (NM_001142769, intron 20 of 35) L1PA3|LINE|L1 773450 NM_001142765 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34354 chr8 102697388 102697499 + 18.39610 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 105996 NM_032041 83988 Hs.492427 NM_032041 HPRD:09466 NCALD - neurocalcin delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27941 chr5 105482746 105482840 + 18.38504 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 863922 NR_104671 102467213 Hs.570923 NR_104671 LOC102467213 - uncharacterized LOC102467213 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9779 chr13 87550162 87550245 + 18.36264 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 720792 NR_039722 100616182 NR_039722 miRBase:MI0016863 MIR4500 - microRNA 4500 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25173 chr4 53333881 53333971 + 18.36264 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 188833 NM_001134223 64854 Hs.7966 NM_022832 HPRD:07507 USP46 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19062 chr2 142183011 142183094 + 18.27161 NA intron (NM_018557, intron 3 of 90) L1PA3|LINE|L1 706218 NM_018557 53353 Hs.656461 NM_018557 HPRD:16383 LRP1B LRP-DIT|LRPDIT low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26418 chr4 171565990 171566218 + 18.23375 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -395649 NR_038838 100506122 Hs.434205 NR_038838 ENSG00000248872 LOC100506122 - uncharacterized LOC100506122 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_873 chr1 47346633 47346782 + 18.22220 NA intron (NR_002788, intron 6 of 11) L1PA5|LINE|L1 19440 NR_002788 163720 Hs.591431 NR_002788 ENSG00000154198 CYP4Z2P - cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily Z, polypeptide 2, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24678 chr4 11800088 11800186 + 18.17424 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -369600 NM_005114 9957 Hs.507348 NM_005114 HS3ST1 3OST|3OST1 heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10624 chr14 66325203 66325305 + 18.15768 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 445806 NR_038170 2530 Hs.597649 NM_004480 HPRD:03994 FUT8 - fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (1,6) fucosyltransferase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_665 chr1 36586615 36586701 + 18.15228 NA intron (NM_001294347, intron 1 of 3) AluSz|SINE|Alu 4027 NM_001294347 1296 Hs.353001 NM_005202 HPRD:08347 COL8A2 FECD|FECD1|PPCD|PPCD2 collagen, type VIII, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27886 chr5 99554577 99554664 + 18.11718 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 169338 NR_027503 100133050 Hs.534796 NR_027503 LOC100133050 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38173 chrX 76468628 76468711 + 18.10540 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -233712 NR_110406 101928469 Hs.640805 NR_110400 MIR325HG MIR384HG MIR325 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6888 chr11 101550485 101550572 + 18.08439 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -95869 NM_004621 7225 Hs.159003 NM_004621 HPRD:04710 TRPC6 FSGS2|TRP6 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14229 chr17 37010014 37010173 + 18.08282 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000978) promoter-TSS (NM_000978) -40 NM_000978 9349 Hs.406300 NM_000978 RPL23 L23|rpL17 ribosomal protein L23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19800 chr2 206020775 206020876 + 18.06108 NA intron (NM_152526, intron 10 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -526399 NM_201266 8828 Hs.471200 NM_003872 HPRD:03643 NRP2 NP2|NPN2|PRO2714|VEGF165R2 neuropilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24556 chr4 4956069 4956285 + 18.01008 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 65020 NM_018659 54360 Hs.13872 NM_018659 HPRD:16260 CYTL1 C17|C4orf4 cytokine-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24003 chr3 158813330 158813439 + 18.01008 NA intron (NM_001042706, intron 1 of 3) L1HS|LINE|L1 26343 NM_001197100 654502 Hs.570685 NM_001042705 ENSG00000214216 IQCJ - IQ motif containing J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33798 chr8 47652146 47652232 + 17.98103 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -100319 NR_027012 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26099 chr4 140349549 140349769 + 17.93587 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -25302 NM_031296 83452 Hs.591679 NM_031296 HPRD:05808 RAB33B SMC2 RAB33B, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24730 chr4 15178376 15178504 + 17.86283 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -163120 NM_001135170 114905 Hs.153714 NM_031911 HPRD:16633 C1QTNF7 CTRP7|ZACRP7 C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37936 chrX 65450127 65450235 + 17.82395 NA intron (NM_001282141, intron 12 of 17) L1PA2|LINE|L1 66109 NM_014799 9843 Hs.31720 NM_014799 HPRD:02159 HEPH CPL hephaestin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9345 chr13 33443054 33443218 + 17.82395 NA intron (NR_047020, intron 4 of 4) L1HS|LINE|L1 42654 NR_047020 100874167 Hs.406290 NR_047020 LINC00423 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 423 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27272 chr5 51575607 51575735 + 17.82395 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -508103 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34423 chr8 111740580 111740667 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic (CTATT)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 299039 NR_125417 101927459 Hs.575543 NR_125416 LOC101927459 - uncharacterized LOC101927459 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33942 chr8 64357780 64357872 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 276264 NM_001277818 253943 Hs.491861 NM_152758 HPRD:08106 YTHDF3 - YTH domain family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14705 chr17 66975296 66975400 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_080283, intron 37 of 38) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -23815 NM_001288985 10351 Hs.58351 NM_007168 HPRD:09790 ABCA8 - ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30094 chr6 92560783 92560876 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -160683 NR_104154 101929083 Hs.586238 NR_104154 CASC6 - cancer susceptibility candidate 6 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14142 chr17 31770484 31770574 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_001094, intron 1 of 9) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 90250 NR_037584 100506677 Hs.652571 NR_037584 AA06 AA02|AA04|AA05 uncharacterized LOC100506677 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39331 chrY 22535240 22535373 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 145808 NR_001542 246119 Hs.461175 NR_001542 ENSG00000229236 TTTY10 NCRNA00133|TTY10 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 10 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3784 chr10 20109452 20109536 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_001282736, intron 1 of 12) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 4122 NM_032812 84898 Hs.99472 NM_032812 HPRD:08440 PLXDC2 TEM7R plexin domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24679 chr4 11853615 11853720 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -423130 NM_005114 9957 Hs.507348 NM_005114 HS3ST1 3OST|3OST1 heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35798 chr9 86644035 86644132 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -34275 NR_110995 101927575 Hs.459826 NR_110995 ENSG00000227463 LOC101927575 - uncharacterized LOC101927575 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29802 chr6 66489906 66490021 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -7809 NR_026540 442229 Hs.390414 NR_026540 SLC25A51P1 MCART3P|bA707M13.1 solute carrier family 25, member 51 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26941 chr5 32702884 32702972 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -7815 NM_001204376 4883 Hs.13528 NM_000908 HPRD:00167 NPR3 ANP-C|ANPR-C|ANPRC|C5orf23|GUCY2B|NPR-C|NPRC natriuretic peptide receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35824 chr9 89822852 89822949 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 59341 NM_001001709 401535 Hs.657740 NM_001001709 HPRD:16988 C9orf170 - chromosome 9 open reading frame 170 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30023 chr6 87216831 87216921 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -430148 NM_000865 3354 Hs.1611 NM_000865 HPRD:01635 HTR1E 5-HT1E 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1E, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34127 chr8 83323305 83323405 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -568834 NM_022133 64089 Hs.492121 NM_022133 HPRD:15411 SNX16 - sorting nexin 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9890 chr13 101851719 101851847 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_052867, intron 13 of 43) L1PA5|LINE|L1 217030 NM_052867 259232 Hs.525146 NM_052867 HPRD:15647 NALCN CanIon|INNFD|VGCNL1|bA430M15.1 sodium leak channel, non-selective protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39285 chrY 14514689 14514785 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 18652 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35780 chr9 85668187 85668270 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_152573, intron 1 of 16) L1HS|LINE|L1 9815 NM_152573 158158 Hs.129136 NM_152573 HPRD:08337 RASEF RAB45 RAS and EF-hand domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39047 chrY 9801259 9801343 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 52894 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8555 chr12 88032475 88032569 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 145966 NR_033410 400058 Hs.572212 NR_033410 MKRN9P MKRN5|MKRN9|MKRNP6|RNF65|ZNF127L3 makorin ring finger protein 9, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37645 chrX 51056798 51057011 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -18179 NM_153183 170685 Hs.375178 NM_153183 HPRD:17651 NUDT10 APS2|DIPP3a|hDIPP3alpha nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22593 chr3 36141154 36141379 + 17.71516 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -280713 NM_001292049 6769 Hs.56045 NM_003149 HPRD:11890 STAC STAC1 SH3 and cysteine rich domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8177 chr12 55186612 55186701 + 17.68607 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -61643 NM_058173 118430 Hs.348419 NM_058173 HPRD:17290 MUCL1 SBEM mucin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9163 chr13 19089741 19089926 + 17.66143 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 224406 NR_047508 100874164 Hs.739604 NR_047508 LINC00417 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23392 chr3 108294370 108294645 + 17.61539 NA intron (NM_020890, intron 8 of 20) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -13830 NM_014648 9666 Hs.409210 NM_014648 HPRD:10562 DZIP3 PPP1R66|UURF2|hRUL138 DAZ interacting zinc finger protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14136 chr17 31148997 31149099 + 17.59119 NA intron (NM_015194, intron 1 of 21) L1PA5|LINE|L1 54854 NM_015194 4642 Hs.602063 NM_015194 HPRD:07581 MYO1D PPP1R108|myr4 myosin ID protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9661 chr13 68255752 68255840 + 17.58826 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -451328 NM_203487 5101 Hs.654709 NM_020403 HPRD:04661 PCDH9 - protocadherin 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36040 chr9 107481910 107481990 + 17.57992 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 25247 NM_001004484 286365 Hs.553683 NM_001004484 HPRD:14910 OR13D1 OR9-15 olfactory receptor, family 13, subfamily D, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34499 chr8 120563009 120563117 + 17.55822 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 42185 NR_045555 5168 Hs.190977 NM_006209 HPRD:03037 ENPP2 ATX|ATX-X|AUTOTAXIN|LysoPLD|NPP2|PD-IALPHA|PDNP2 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37186 chrX 3476222 3476335 + 17.55755 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -101250 NR_046643 100873944 NR_046643 PRKX-AS1 - PRKX antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18149 chr2 78649844 78649953 + 17.50997 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -132041 NR_110288 101927967 Hs.406952 NR_110288 LOC101927967 - uncharacterized LOC101927967 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1539 chr1 112883919 112884006 + 17.50997 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -54838 NM_018704 55917 Hs.744100 NM_018704 HPRD:10906 CTTNBP2NL - CTTNBP2 N-terminal like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12958 chr16 46482927 46483049 + 17.50454 NA Intergenic Intergenic 120021 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30051 chr6 89121832 89121970 + 17.47588 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 127187 NR_110867 101928936 Hs.533080 NR_110867 LOC101928936 - uncharacterized LOC101928936 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33596 chr8 31775760 31775847 + 17.46912 NA intron (NM_013962, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -107449 NR_104158 100856811 Hs.97362 NR_104156 NRG1-IT1 - NRG1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27031 chr5 40469209 40469298 + 17.46912 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -210779 NM_000958 5734 Hs.199248 NM_000958 HPRD:03350 PTGER4 EP4|EP4R prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28692 chr5 165042201 165042288 + 17.46912 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 1144959 NR_105065 102546299 Hs.437730 NR_105065 LOC102546299 - uncharacterized LOC102546299 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_790 chr1 43626697 43626935 + 17.44563 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 10567 NR_106791 102465439 NR_106791 MIR6733 hsa-mir-6733 microRNA 6733 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31731 chr7 52400139 52400231 + 17.44563 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -703164 NM_182595 285877 Hs.381970 NM_182595 HPRD:13212 POM121L12 - POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin-like 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34708 chr8 138549346 138549442 + 17.38929 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -123563 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34032 chr8 72322499 72322603 + 17.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -48084 NM_001288574 2138 Hs.491997 NM_000503 HPRD:03388 EYA1 BOP|BOR|BOS1|OFC1 EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6971 chr11 109273920 109274033 + 17.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -18870 NM_207645 399947 Hs.172982 NM_207645 HPRD:14218 C11orf87 LOH11CR1A|NEURIM1 chromosome 11 open reading frame 87 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3105 chr1 223543443 223543545 + 17.35180 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -5950 NM_001037175 55061 Hs.497841 NM_017982 HPRD:07641 SUSD4 PRO222 sushi domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15536 chr18 68465800 68465876 + 17.35180 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -147745 NM_001278515 220158 Hs.448217 NM_178506 ENSG00000263417 GTSCR1 - Gilles de la Tourette syndrome chromosome region, candidate 1 (non-protein coding) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35027 chr9 15949841 15949932 + 17.29264 NA intron (NM_173550, intron 25 of 25) L1PA3|LINE|L1 303219 NM_001271829 100129385 Hs.586441 NM_001271829 ENSG00000205549 C9orf92 Em:AL513424.1 chromosome 9 open reading frame 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_358 chr1 23831319 23831414 + 17.27022 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -17056 NR_110799 101928163 Hs.588761 NR_110799 LOC101928163 - uncharacterized LOC101928163 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12331 chr16 3661487 3661750 + 17.26958 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032444) promoter-TSS (NM_032444) -33 NM_032444 84464 Hs.143681 NM_032444 HPRD:12537 SLX4 BTBD12|FANCP|MUS312 SLX4 structure-specific endonuclease subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33647 chr8 40295339 40295505 + 17.22550 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 284435 NM_020130 56892 Hs.591849 NM_020130 HPRD:09650 C8orf4 TC-1|TC1 chromosome 8 open reading frame 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_641 chr1 36495062 36495151 + 17.19835 NA intron (NM_177422, intron 10 of 16) AluY|SINE|Alu -54570 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15540 chr18 68980250 68980357 + 17.18892 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 265889 NR_038325 100505776 Hs.202072 NR_038325 ENSG00000260676 LOC100505776 - uncharacterized LOC100505776 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26187 chr4 147590037 147590239 + 17.16688 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 30093 NM_004575 5458 Hs.266 NM_004575 HPRD:00220 POU4F2 BRN3.2|BRN3B|Brn-3b POU class 4 homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30463 chr6 127918314 127918396 + 17.13703 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 20036 NM_001010905 352999 Hs.226268 NM_001010905 HPRD:17379 C6orf58 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23731 chr3 135304121 135304288 + 17.11620 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -380311 NM_001190447 5523 Hs.518155 NM_002718 HPRD:09225 PPP2R3A PPP2R3|PR130|PR72 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29913 chr6 77792822 77792907 + 17.07955 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 380256 NM_000863 3351 Hs.123016 NM_000863 HTR1B 5-HT1B|5-HT1DB|HTR1D2|HTR1DB|S12 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1B, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24066 chr3 166998444 166998530 + 17.06683 NA intron (NM_001199201, intron 20 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 99584 NM_001199202 79740 Hs.478143 NM_024687 HPRD:08015 ZBBX - zinc finger, B-box domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16397 chr19 29844799 29844909 + 17.04377 NA intron (NR_040029, intron 9 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -140718 NM_006003 7386 Hs.743307 NM_006003 UQCRFS1 RIP1|RIS1|RISP|UQCR5 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, Rieske iron-sulfur polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31379 chr7 19831106 19831202 + 16.99950 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -18750 NM_152774 256130 Hs.487670 NM_152774 HPRD:14617 TMEM196 - transmembrane protein 196 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38375 chrX 101124922 101125186 + 16.93699 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -12505 NM_032946 55998 Hs.307077 NM_032946 HPRD:02263 NXF5 - nuclear RNA export factor 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7688 chr12 25486818 25487035 + 16.90169 NA Intergenic Intergenic -83061 NM_033360 3845 Hs.505033 NM_004985 HPRD:01817 KRAS C-K-RAS|CFC2|K-RAS2A|K-RAS2B|K-RAS4A|K-RAS4B|KI-RAS|KRAS1|KRAS2|NS|NS3|RASK2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24344 chr3 194939678 194939836 + 16.84353 NA intron (NM_152531, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 52138 NM_152531 152002 Hs.478741 NM_152531 HPRD:08757 XXYLT1 C3orf21 xyloside xylosyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11876 chr15 77991961 77992091 + 16.80549 NA intron (NM_001301192, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_001301192, intron 2 of 4) -3189 NM_001301199 84894 Hs.656765 NM_032808 HPRD:14322 LINGO1 LERN1|LRRN6A|UNQ201 leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26472 chr4 179039923 179040003 + 16.76811 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -210873 NR_108092 101928656 Hs.508131 NR_108092 LINC01099 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1099 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33802 chr8 47991147 47991232 + 16.76132 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -109741 NR_037168 100287846 Hs.21550 NR_037168 LOC100287846 - patched 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16312 chr19 24571817 24571988 + 16.73298 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -225653 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9686 chr13 74219439 74219538 + 16.72728 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 81107 NR_047009 100874155 Hs.672679 NR_047009 LINC00392 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 392 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33792 chr8 46904630 46904729 + 16.72534 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -847829 NR_027012 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25714 chr4 103677354 103677456 + 16.70927 NA intron (NM_005908, intron 1 of 16) L1PA5|LINE|L1 4746 NM_005908 4126 Hs.480415 NM_005908 HPRD:02008 MANBA MANB1 mannosidase, beta A, lysosomal protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15274 chr18 36836047 36836156 + 16.69385 NA intron (NR_024391, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -420584 NR_049847 100847025 NR_049847 miRBase:MI0019139 MIR5583-1 - microRNA 5583-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17890 chr2 56389429 56389511 + 16.69385 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -21788 NM_001080433 114800 Hs.117136 NM_001080433 ENSG00000055813 CCDC85A - coiled-coil domain containing 85A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20431 chr20 16974673 16974783 + 16.69385 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -232024 NM_001201528 5126 Hs.315186 NM_002594 HPRD:01202 PCSK2 NEC 2|NEC-2|NEC2|PC2|SPC2 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32228 chr7 83708986 83709132 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_006080, intron 4 of 16) L1PA3|LINE|L1 115158 NM_006080 10371 Hs.252451 NM_006080 SEMA3A COLL1|HH16|Hsema-I|Hsema-III|SEMA1|SEMAD|SEMAIII|SEMAL|SemD|coll-1 sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16758 chr19 44898064 44898155 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_152354, intron 2 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 7668 NM_001291488 26974 Hs.709428 NM_152354 HPRD:15759 ZNF285 ZNF285A zinc finger protein 285 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26759 chr5 5746788 5746927 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 324071 NM_015325 23379 Hs.449296 NM_015325 ENSG00000164151 ICE1 KIAA0947 interactor of little elongator complex ELL subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7951 chr12 41487052 41487144 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -95152 NM_001164595 29951 Hs.380044 NM_013377 HPRD:15116 PDZRN4 LNX4|SAMCAP3L PDZ domain containing ring finger 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_124 chr1 4999518 4999725 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic Intergenic 284516 NM_018836 55966 Hs.25924 NM_018836 HPRD:15339 AJAP1 MOT8|SHREW-1|SHREW1 adherens junctions associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24894 chr4 38441067 38441156 + 16.68443 NA intron (NR_110951, intron 6 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 83690 NR_110951 101928776 Hs.586147 NR_110951 ENSG00000249534 LINC01258 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1258 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6779 chr11 88537591 88537682 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001143831, intron 2 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 243604 NM_001143831 2915 Hs.147361 NM_000842 ENSG00000168959 GRM5 GPRC1E|MGLUR5|PPP1R86|mGlu5 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8884 chr12 112704971 112705105 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001109662, intron 13 of 75) 7SK|RNA|RNA -103913 NR_106921 102465519 NR_106921 MIR6861 hsa-mir-6861 microRNA 6861 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20476 chr20 20275385 20275478 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_015585, intron 24 of 26) AluY|SINE|Alu -73334 NM_002196 3642 Hs.89584 NM_002196 HPRD:02480 INSM1 IA-1|IA1 insulinoma-associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39278 chrY 13875807 13875906 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 657533 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9522 chr13 48750196 48750281 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -57036 NM_021999 9445 Hs.643683 NM_021999 HPRD:04878 ITM2B ABRI|BRI|BRI2|BRICD2B|E25B|E3-16|FBD|imBRI2 integral membrane protein 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3805 chr10 22647050 22647156 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001253854, intron 3 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 12729 NM_001253855 9576 Hs.655170 NM_012443 HPRD:09305 SPAG6 CT141|Repro-SA-1|pf16 sperm associated antigen 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2778 chr1 198993047 198993133 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -4997 NR_110525 102800316 Hs.568480 NR_110525 LINC01222 TCONS_00000112 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1222 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32198 chr7 78733077 78733162 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 1 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 94815 NR_046689 100874021 Hs.128252 NR_046689 ENSG00000226978 MAGI2-AS2 - MAGI2 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7032 chr11 115881103 115881178 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -250222 NR_034148 283143 Hs.130499 NR_034148 LINC00900 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 900 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38635 chrX 126728581 126728780 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 457702 NM_138289 139741 Hs.680125 NM_138289 HPRD:06439 ACTRT1 AIP1|ARIP1|ARPT1|HSD27 actin-related protein T1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23578 chr3 123872501 123872607 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001024660, intron 1 of 59) L1PA3|LINE|L1 20778 NR_049798 100847021 NR_049798 MIR5002 - microRNA 5002 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17414 chr2 12263254 12263358 + 16.68443 NA intron (NR_110197, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_110197, intron 3 of 3) 116064 NR_110196 100506457 Hs.197824 NR_110196 ENSG00000224184 LOC100506457 - uncharacterized LOC100506457 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5851 chr11 29309586 29309715 + 16.67733 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 728927 NM_002233 3739 Hs.592002 NM_002233 HPRD:01444 KCNA4 HBK4|HK1|HPCN2|HUKII|KCNA4L|KCNA8|KV1.4|PCN2 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11669 chr15 61246115 61246303 + 16.67733 NA intron (NM_134261, intron 1 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 272441 NR_120318 100996876 Hs.511626 NR_120318 LOC100996876 - uncharacterized LOC100996876 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37685 chrX 54568834 54568950 + 16.63739 NA intron (NM_001184819, intron 5 of 15) L1PA5|LINE|L1 12248 NM_019067 54552 Hs.654677 NM_019067 GNL3L - guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 3 (nucleolar)-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6132 chr11 50780867 50780958 + 16.62643 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 412594 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26752 chr5 4501746 4501856 + 16.59726 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -271793 NR_104619 101929153 Hs.385526 NR_104619 ENSG00000249521 LOC101929153 - uncharacterized LOC101929153 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6379 chr11 64107567 64107765 + 16.58264 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032251) promoter-TSS (NM_032251) -24 NM_032251 283234 Hs.98564 NM_032251 HPRD:10986 CCDC88B BRLZ|CCDC88|HKRP3|gipie coiled-coil domain containing 88B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15488 chr18 60885833 60885940 + 16.58120 NA intron (NM_000633, intron 2 of 2) (TCCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 100727 NM_000633 596 Hs.150749 NM_000633 HPRD:01045 BCL2 Bcl-2|PPP1R50 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34595 chr8 127326112 127326199 + 16.58120 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -11585 NR_125421 101927657 Hs.552133 NR_125421 ENSG00000244791 LOC101927657 - uncharacterized LOC101927657 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34090 chr8 79680478 79680635 + 16.55916 NA intron (NM_001199886, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 37202 NM_000880 3574 Hs.591873 NM_000880 HPRD:00892 IL7 IL-7 interleukin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24965 chr4 44597466 44597571 + 16.54985 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 56140 NM_182592 285525 Hs.596000 NM_182592 HPRD:08259 YIPF7 FinGER9 Yip1 domain family, member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38128 chrX 74775142 74775236 + 16.54985 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -31852 NM_001146257 158866 Hs.253211 NM_144969 HPRD:06758 ZDHHC15 MRX91 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32602 chr7 115589453 115589544 + 16.51847 NA intron (NM_001018058, intron 5 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 18869 NM_001244583 22797 Hs.125962 NM_012252 HPRD:05294 TFEC TCFEC|TFE-C|TFEC-L|TFECL|bHLHe34|hTFEC-L transcription factor EC protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5758 chr11 19160502 19160601 + 16.48651 NA intron (NM_001001483, intron 1 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 21859 NM_001001483 54503 Hs.188569 NM_019028 HPRD:15710 ZDHHC13 HIP14L|HIP3RP zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8562 chr12 89102912 89103003 + 16.45499 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -128707 NM_000899 4254 Hs.1048 NM_000899 KITLG FPH2|KL-1|Kitl|MGF|SCF|SF|SHEP7 KIT ligand protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8504 chr12 79570993 79571100 + 16.36207 NA intron (NM_005639, intron 3 of 10) L1HS|LINE|L1 131613 NM_001135806 6857 Hs.310545 NM_005639 HPRD:01710 SYT1 P65|SVP65|SYT synaptotagmin I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25309 chr4 64133320 64133418 + 16.36207 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1105886 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5957 chr11 40607656 40607743 + 16.31938 NA intron (NM_001258419, intron 3 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -293019 NR_047673 57689 Hs.745123 NM_020929 HPRD:12303 LRRC4C NGL-1|NGL1 leucine rich repeat containing 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1274 chr1 90523426 90523536 + 16.29735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 62803 NM_182976 284695 Hs.306221 NM_181781 HPRD:15774 ZNF326 ZAN75|ZIRD|Zfp326|dJ871E2.1 zinc finger protein 326 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1766 chr1 143284128 143284220 + 16.29173 NA Intergenic Intergenic -81935 NR_110761 102723769 Hs.652926 NR_110761 LOC102723769 - uncharacterized LOC102723769 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19313 chr2 169093966 169094072 + 16.25853 NA intron (NM_013233, intron 1 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 10086 NM_013233 27347 Hs.276271 NM_013233 HPRD:09627 STK39 DCHT|PASK|SPAK serine threonine kinase 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23164 chr3 86069743 86069848 + 16.22547 NA intron (NM_001256502, intron 9 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -192595 NR_046752 100874037 Hs.570566 NR_046752 ENSG00000241648 CADM2-AS2 - CADM2 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18623 chr2 105824314 105824388 + 16.20441 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -33849 NM_007227 11250 Hs.590903 NM_007227 HPRD:05325 GPR45 PSP24|PSP24(ALPHA)|PSP24A G protein-coupled receptor 45 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23414 chr3 110164606 110164797 + 16.19313 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 624105 NR_045114 100506555 Hs.535689 NR_045114 PVRL3-AS1 - PVRL3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35061 chr9 19962873 19962972 + 16.17076 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -175905 NM_020344 25769 Hs.283014 NM_020344 HPRD:15351 SLC24A2 NCKX2 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39274 chrY 13868682 13868762 + 16.11999 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 664667 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10012 chr13 113886359 113886449 + 16.08666 NA intron (NM_001278513, intron 5 of 19) (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 22585 NM_001008895 8451 Hs.339735 NM_003589 HPRD:07218 CUL4A - cullin 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26480 chr4 180298908 180299079 + 16.08666 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1469903 NR_108092 101928656 Hs.508131 NR_108092 LINC01099 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1099 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29927 chr6 79448108 79448192 + 16.06287 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -129111 NM_001010844 134728 Hs.656212 NM_001010844 HPRD:17157 IRAK1BP1 AIP70|SIMPL interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38842 chrX 147662795 147663080 + 16.05685 NA intron (NM_001169122, intron 1 of 19) (CATATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 80798 NM_001169122 2334 Hs.496911 NM_002025 HPRD:02397 AFF2 FMR2|FMR2P|FRAXE|MRX2|OX19 AF4/FMR2 family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32009 chr7 65018923 65019059 + 16.04176 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) -93776 NR_027392 644619 Hs.676517 NR_027392 ENSG00000232270 INTS4L2 - integrator complex subunit 4-like 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18169 chr2 83580178 83580258 + 16.03068 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 496291 NR_033423 1720 Hs.169235 NR_033423 ENSG00000168129 LOC1720 - dihydrofolate reductase pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20136 chr2 235689921 235689999 + 16.01974 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -170668 NM_014521 23677 Hs.516777 NM_014521 HPRD:09285 SH3BP4 BOG25|TTP SH3-domain binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6095 chr11 49733594 49733700 + 16.01732 NA intron (NR_027044, intron 2 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 153567 NR_027044 440040 Hs.655746 NR_027044 ENSG00000205035 LOC440040 - glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1454 chr1 106365756 106365848 + 15.99869 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1233465 NM_018137 55170 Hs.26006 NM_018137 HPRD:10505 PRMT6 HRMT1L6 protein arginine methyltransferase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26497 chr4 183283416 183283498 + 15.98256 NA intron (NM_001080477, intron 2 of 26) L1PA3|LINE|L1 38320 NM_001080477 55714 Hs.130438 NM_001080477 ENSG00000218336 TENM3 MCOPCB9|ODZ3|TNM3|Ten-m3 teneurin transmembrane protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25167 chr4 53084902 53084996 + 15.96699 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 167452 NM_001297608 132671 Hs.527090 NM_145263 HPRD:14050 SPATA18 Mieap|SPETEX1 spermatogenesis associated 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5459 chr11 1444912 1445055 + 15.94866 NA intron (NM_001256630, intron 1 of 19) intron (NM_001256630, intron 1 of 19) 12601 NM_001256630 9024 Hs.170819 NM_003957 ENSG00000174672 BRSK2 C11orf7|PEN11B|SAD1|SADA|STK29 BR serine/threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34219 chr8 90688531 90688612 + 15.90345 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -81404 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33862 chr8 56563239 56563327 + 15.84622 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 113256 NM_001286657 137695 Hs.420076 NM_152417 HPRD:08128 TMEM68 - transmembrane protein 68 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10333 chr14 43437954 43438052 + 15.84006 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 1361239 NM_152447 145581 Hs.136893 NM_152447 HPRD:17445 LRFN5 C14orf146|FIGLER8|SALM5 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5150 chr10 121423473 121423624 + 15.80911 NA intron (NM_004281, intron 1 of 3) MIR3|SINE|MIR 12666 NM_004281 9531 Hs.523309 NM_004281 HPRD:04860 BAG3 BAG-3|BIS|CAIR-1|MFM6 BCL2-associated athanogene 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27578 chr5 74941454 74941567 + 15.80911 NA intron (NM_001276713, intron 7 of 13) L1PA2|LINE|L1 34209 NM_001276713 728780 Hs.370455 NM_001271529 ENSG00000189045 ANKDD1B - ankyrin repeat and death domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_526 chr1 31052134 31052232 + 15.79895 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -139436 NR_034182 100129196 Hs.659751 NR_034182 ENSG00000186056 MATN1-AS1 - MATN1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8349 chr12 68238235 68238350 + 15.78492 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -84723 NR_120456 101927922 Hs.450769 NR_120456 LINC01479 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1479 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1450 chr1 106121705 106121823 + 15.69084 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1477503 NM_018137 55170 Hs.26006 NM_018137 HPRD:10505 PRMT6 HRMT1L6 protein arginine methyltransferase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38718 chrX 132760839 132761006 + 15.69084 NA intron (NM_001164618, intron 6 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -211717 NM_001448 2239 Hs.58367 NM_001448 GPC4 K-glypican glypican 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33156 chr7 157765197 157765433 + 15.69084 NA intron (NM_130842, intron 10 of 21) intron (NM_130842, intron 10 of 21) 118038 NR_038966 100506585 Hs.661265 NR_038966 ENSG00000233038 LOC100506585 - uncharacterized LOC100506585 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27993 chr5 110113981 110114065 + 15.67496 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 39269 NM_138773 91137 Hs.75639 NM_138773 HPRD:14283 SLC25A46 - solute carrier family 25, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16060 chr19 14921226 14921346 + 15.64592 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -10338 NM_198944 26664 Hs.466053 NM_198944 HPRD:17783 OR7C1 CIT-HSP-146E8|HSTPCR86P|OR19-5|OR7C4|TPCR86 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16762 chr19 44915298 44915392 + 15.64535 NA Intergenic ACRO1|Satellite|acro -9568 NM_001291489 26974 Hs.709428 NM_152354 HPRD:15759 ZNF285 ZNF285A zinc finger protein 285 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17455 chr2 18475865 18476006 + 15.61915 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 266024 NM_020905 57665 Hs.120319 NM_020905 HPRD:10190 RDH14 PAN2|SDR7C4 retinol dehydrogenase 14 (all-trans/9-cis/11-cis) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3466 chr1 248053596 248053737 + 15.61695 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -5223 NM_001001957 343171 Hs.269151 NM_001001957 HPRD:17714 OR2W3 OR2W3P|OR2W8P|OST718 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily W, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7570 chr12 17405891 17405981 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 264255 NR_036619 728622 Hs.741380 NR_036619 SKP1P2 SKP1B|p19B S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23404 chr3 108922556 108922646 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 25589 NR_026767 677779 Hs.618669 NM_001040054 ENSG00000214381 LINC00488 C3orf66 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 488 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25870 chr4 119296393 119296559 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -22554 NM_003619 8492 Hs.445857 NM_003619 HPRD:05989 PRSS12 BSSP-3|BSSP3|MRT1 protease, serine, 12 (neurotrypsin, motopsin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24873 chr4 36414145 36414236 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 128546 NM_001170700 401124 Hs.363407 NM_001136536 DTHD1 - death domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2693 chr1 190700040 190700141 + 15.58011 NA intron (NR_033922, intron 1 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 106070 NR_033922 440704 Hs.518802 NR_033922 ENSG00000231175 LOC440704 - uncharacterized LOC440704 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15383 chr18 47871529 47871624 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -29816 NM_145060 220134 Hs.134726 NM_145060 HPRD:12689 SKA1 C18orf24 spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39279 chrY 14109682 14109763 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 423667 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28447 chr5 144866573 144866656 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 348318 NM_138492 153768 Hs.314261 NM_138492 HPRD:14479 PRELID2 - PRELI domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27583 chr5 75136342 75136519 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -123117 NM_001099271 134359 Hs.432726 NM_152408 HPRD:08188 POC5 C5orf37 POC5 centriolar protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37411 chrX 26317011 26317491 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 82965 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15019 chr18 5949590 5949799 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -57591 NM_001080209 645369 Hs.346566 NM_001080209 ENSG00000206432 TMEM200C TTMA transmembrane protein 200C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1164 chr1 79126819 79126893 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_006417, intron 7 of 8) AluSq|SINE|Alu 11379 NM_006417 10561 Hs.82316 NM_006417 HPRD:09998 IFI44 MTAP44|TLDC5|p44 interferon-induced protein 44 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25367 chr4 71194619 71194801 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -5961 NM_033122 85438 Hs.120316 NM_033122 HPRD:14865 CABS1 C4orf35|CLPH|NYD-SP26 calcium-binding protein, spermatid-specific 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32033 chr7 65757063 65757150 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_003596, intron 3 of 5) L1HS|LINE|L1 86847 NM_003596 8460 Hs.421194 NM_003596 HPRD:07216 TPST1 TANGO13A tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19107 chr2 149199035 149199121 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_018328, intron 5 of 14) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -203482 NM_015630 26122 Hs.23270 NM_015630 HPRD:13274 EPC2 EPC-LIKE enhancer of polycomb homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20843 chr20 47206007 47206112 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 217405 NR_026958 284749 Hs.299080 NR_026958 ENSG00000235621 LINC00494 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 494 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34593 chr8 127249026 127249110 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -88672 NR_125421 101927657 Hs.552133 NR_125421 ENSG00000244791 LOC101927657 - uncharacterized LOC101927657 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34645 chr8 132337256 132337355 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -284470 NM_001115 114 Hs.591859 NM_001115 HPRD:00051 ADCY8 AC8|ADCY3|HBAC1 adenylate cyclase 8 (brain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7970 chr12 43626955 43627050 + 15.56541 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 318722 NM_025003 80070 Hs.287554 NM_025003 ENSG00000173157 ADAMTS20 ADAM-TS20|ADAMTS-20|GON-1 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21439 chr21 42288005 42288098 + 15.53594 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -69012 NR_073202 1826 Hs.397800 NM_001389 HPRD:03953 DSCAM CHD2|CHD2-42|CHD2-52 Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34000 chr8 68842444 68842527 + 15.53594 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -22118 NM_024870 80243 Hs.591867 NM_024870 PREX2 6230420N16Rik|DEP.2|DEPDC2|P-REX2|PPP1R129 phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17948 chr2 63443148 63443247 + 15.51690 NA intron (NR_122106, intron 8 of 11) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -96520 NR_036635 100169989 Hs.606147 NR_036635 ENSG00000242412 DBIL5P2 ELP1P diazepam binding inhibitor-like 5 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32795 chr7 137109673 137109753 + 15.50536 NA intron (NM_004717, intron 29 of 33) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -81167 NM_002825 5764 Hs.371249 NM_002825 HPRD:01199 PTN HARP|HBGF8|HBNF|NEGF1 pleiotrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18275 chr2 87998288 87998367 + 15.48607 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -49279 NM_002665 5342 Hs.652169 NM_002665 PLGLB2 PLGP1 plasminogen-like B2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25993 chr4 125207098 125207198 + 15.48169 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 272441 NR_110838 101927087 Hs.518966 NR_110838 ENSG00000261083 LOC101927087 - uncharacterized LOC101927087 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27728 chr5 85731990 85732112 + 15.48169 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 153789 NR_003719 285622 Hs.449272 NR_003719 NBPF22P - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 22, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30522 chr6 132933703 132933834 + 15.48169 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3327 NR_028511 9288 Hs.730091 NR_028511 ENSG00000179073 TAAR3 GPR57|GPR58|TAAR2 trace amine associated receptor 3 (gene/pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28095 chr5 120549813 120549911 + 15.45368 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -108383 NR_104999 102467226 NR_104999 LOC102467226 - uncharacterized LOC102467226 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19047 chr2 138022681 138022777 + 15.44674 NA intron (NM_001080427, intron 9 of 26) L1PA3|LINE|L1 274267 NM_001080427 80731 Hs.68533 NM_001080427 ENSG00000144229 THSD7B - thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26323 chr4 160729470 160729565 + 15.44488 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 540519 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39417 chrY 58862439 58862517 + 15.42186 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite -237979 NM_005840 10251 Hs.381912 NM_005840 HPRD:03917 SPRY3 HSPRY3|spry-3 sprouty homolog 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2742 chr1 195771492 195771578 + 15.42186 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 780076 NR_039888 100616363 NR_039888 MIR4735 - microRNA 4735 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10342 chr14 44628782 44628942 + 15.42186 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 347637 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11650 chr15 59774921 59775181 + 15.42186 NA intron (NM_152450, intron 3 of 8) intron (NM_152450, intron 3 of 8) 44679 NM_152450 145773 Hs.531168 NM_152450 HPRD:14508 FAM81A - family with sequence similarity 81, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10096 chr14 20974385 20974549 + 15.38504 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -4164 NM_001012975 338879 Hs.451057 NM_001012975 HPRD:18495 RNASE10 RAH1|RNASE9 ribonuclease, RNase A family, 10 (non-active) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_245 chr1 15594673 15594916 + 15.29306 NA intron (NM_052929, intron 2 of 30) L1PA3|LINE|L1 21026 NM_052929 114827 Hs.659997 NM_052929 ENSG00000142621 FHAD1 - forkhead-associated (FHA) phosphopeptide binding domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_631 chr1 36469009 36469236 + 15.27374 NA intron (NM_024852, intron 5 of 18) AluSp|SINE|Alu 72439 NM_177422 192669 Hs.657659 NM_024852 HPRD:09558 AGO3 EIF2C3 argonaute RISC catalytic component 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35162 chr9 32133245 32133321 + 15.27198 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -251318 NM_002197 48 Hs.567229 NM_002197 HPRD:00013 ACO1 ACONS|HEL60|IREB1|IREBP|IREBP1|IRP1 aconitase 1, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39224 chrY 13742835 13742911 + 15.25737 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 790516 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4926 chr10 102461919 102462012 + 15.23949 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -43503 NM_003988 5076 Hs.155644 NM_000278 HPRD:01330 PAX2 PAPRS paired box 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25953 chr4 122441363 122441574 + 15.20558 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -139287 NM_198179 84109 Hs.368977 NM_198179 QRFPR AQ27|GPR103|SP9155 pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27135 chr5 45581232 45581347 + 15.17804 NA intron (NM_021072, intron 2 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 114931 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1376 chr1 99567847 99567930 + 15.16152 NA intron (NR_033940, intron 1 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -97439 NM_001010861 163404 Hs.483948 NM_001010861 HPRD:12966 LPPR5 PAP2|PAP2D|PRG5 lipid phosphate phosphatase-related protein type 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20984 chr20 59777197 59777461 + 15.16152 NA Intergenic Intergenic -50153 NM_001794 1002 Hs.473231 NM_001794 HPRD:04304 CDH4 CAD4|R-CAD|RCAD cadherin 4, type 1, R-cadherin (retinal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37716 chrX 55860925 55861001 + 15.13579 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 116853 NM_006064 10325 Hs.50282 NM_006064 HPRD:06710 RRAGB RAGB|bA465E19.1 Ras-related GTP binding B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4100 chr10 39144157 39144231 + 15.11563 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 154467 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26587 chr4 189479878 189479962 + 15.10433 NA intron (NR_033869, intron 4 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 103188 NR_033869 401164 Hs.435756 NR_033869 ENSG00000249378 LINC01060 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1060 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11142 chr15 20133939 20134266 + 15.09448 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL -353895 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35020 chr9 15510954 15511082 + 15.07845 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021144) promoter-TSS (NM_021144) -15 NM_001128217 11168 Hs.658434 NM_021144 HPRD:04688 PSIP1 DFS70|LEDGF|PAIP|PSIP2|p52|p75 PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17488 chr2 23965341 23965491 + 15.07378 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 184568 NR_125717 54454 Hs.467862 NM_017552 ENSG00000119778 ATAD2B - ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13177 chr16 67234969 67235072 + 15.02643 NA intron (NM_024712, intron 8 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 1278 NR_029887 442901 NR_029887 miRBase:MI0000804 MIR328 MIRN328|hsa-mir-328 microRNA 328 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39400 chrY 28814315 28814384 + 14.98143 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 939712 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9966 chr13 109387975 109388063 + 14.98018 NA intron (NM_015011, intron 4 of 34) L1PA5|LINE|L1 106448 NM_001198950 23026 Hs.656587 NM_015011 HPRD:14795 MYO16 MYAP3|MYR8|Myo16b|NYAP3|PPP1R107 myosin XVI protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5962 chr11 41744220 41744293 + 14.98018 NA intron (NR_120584, intron 1 of 5) L1PA6|LINE|L1 8138 NR_120584 102723644 Hs.564283 NR_120584 LINC01499 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1499 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1257 chr1 89836802 89836891 + 14.98018 NA intron (NM_198460, intron 3 of 10) L1PA5|LINE|L1 7410 NM_198460 163351 Hs.254338 NM_198460 GBP6 - guanylate binding protein family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39229 chrY 13799212 13799299 + 14.97715 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 734134 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25158 chr4 49659122 49659414 + 14.95905 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 670609 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19308 chr2 168695570 168695717 + 14.94717 NA intron (NM_020981, intron 1 of 1) L1PA3|LINE|L1 20461 NM_020981 8708 Hs.735833 NM_020981 HPRD:04369 B3GALT1 beta3Gal-T1 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26441 chr4 175946603 175946745 + 14.94522 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 107165 NM_001278126 11086 Hs.126838 NM_014269 HPRD:05306 ADAM29 CT73|svph1 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33704 chr8 43561955 43562040 + 14.94444 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 414412 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32276 chr7 88990046 88990131 + 14.94444 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -565057 NM_152706 219557 Hs.112877 NM_152706 HPRD:14507 C7orf62 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22444 chr3 20302908 20303014 + 14.94444 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -75237 NM_001199256 151648 Hs.105153 NM_138484 HPRD:12377 SGOL1 NY-BR-85|SGO|Sgo1 shugoshin-like 1 (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9803 chr13 93197389 93197550 + 14.94444 NA intron (NM_004466, intron 7 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 174739 NR_049776 100873969 Hs.577863 NR_046520 ENSG00000235984 GPC5-AS1 - GPC5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5570 chr11 7759903 7759977 + 14.92607 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -31999 NM_198185 341277 Hs.532475 NM_198185 HPRD:07139 OVCH2 OVTN ovochymase 2 (gene/pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32005 chr7 64973128 64973248 + 14.92107 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) 134476 NM_007139 168374 Hs.9521 NM_007139 HPRD:04919 ZNF92 HEL-203|HPF12|HTF12|TF12 zinc finger protein 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6142 chr11 51556638 51556719 + 14.90877 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 41396 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5395 chr10 135498164 135498243 + 14.89672 NA Intergenic CpG -57904 NM_001080998 441581 Hs.690471 NM_001080998 ENSG00000225899 FRG2B - FSHD region gene 2 family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21514 chr21 46922947 46923028 + 14.89027 NA intron (NM_030582, intron 31 of 41) L1PA3|LINE|L1 24807 NR_106873 102465489 NR_106873 MIR6815 hsa-mir-6815 microRNA 6815 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1345 chr1 96709351 96709436 + 14.88952 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 130288 NR_110693 101928241 Hs.514137 NR_110693 ENSG00000231987 LOC101928241 - uncharacterized LOC101928241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5885 chr11 33646745 33646902 + 14.84040 NA intron (NM_012194, intron 15 of 19) L1PA3|LINE|L1 75463 NM_001166692 100131378 Hs.709466 NM_001166692 C11orf91 - chromosome 11 open reading frame 91 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30711 chr6 146441622 146441701 + 14.83826 NA intron (NM_001278065, intron 2 of 9) L1PA5|LINE|L1 91327 NM_001278064 2911 Hs.32945 NM_000838 HPRD:05129 GRM1 GPRC1A|MGLU1|MGLUR1|PPP1R85|SCAR13 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39221 chrY 13737228 13737304 + 14.83268 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 796123 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26812 chr5 14581791 14581912 + 14.82697 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019018) promoter-TSS (NM_019018) -40 NM_019018 54491 Hs.155085 NM_019018 FAM105A NET20 family with sequence similarity 105, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26208 chr4 149240139 149240239 + 14.80817 NA intron (NM_000901, intron 2 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 123483 NM_000901 4306 Hs.163924 NM_000901 HPRD:02991 NR3C2 MCR|MLR|MR|NR3C2VIT nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39395 chrY 28808416 28808518 + 14.80186 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 933830 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23219 chr3 90473970 90474044 + 14.77831 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1317333 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34992 chr9 9838418 9838509 + 14.77601 NA intron (NM_002839, intron 5 of 45) L1PA3|LINE|L1 774260 NM_002839 5789 Hs.446083 NM_002839 HPRD:03358 PTPRD HPTP|HPTPD|HPTPDELTA|PTPD|RPTPDELTA protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33163 chr7 158141001 158141200 + 14.77259 NA intron (NM_130842, intron 1 of 21) (CCCCAG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 184405 NR_030325 693180 NR_030325 MIR595 MIRN595|hsa-mir-595 microRNA 595 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37765 chrX 58544815 58544916 + 14.75662 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -607798 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25638 chr4 98558559 98558654 + 14.72069 NA intron (NM_174952, intron 10 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 270529 NR_102713 101410545 Hs.628520 NR_102713 ENSG00000251620 STPG2-AS1 - STPG2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10058 chr14 19017685 19017767 + 14.68223 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -359868 NM_001013354 440153 Hs.534880 NM_001013354 HPRD:18633 OR11H12 - olfactory receptor, family 11, subfamily H, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39087 chrY 13113548 13113645 + 14.68135 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1419793 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29634 chr6 45034101 45034255 + 14.66762 NA intron (NM_003599, intron 3 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 131329 NR_030313 693171 NR_030313 MIR586 MIRN586|hsa-mir-586 microRNA 586 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25595 chr4 91671050 91671145 + 14.64783 NA intron (NM_001145065, intron 7 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 514915 NM_207491 401145 Hs.654735 NM_207491 HPRD:17561 CCSER1 FAM190A coiled-coil serine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6212 chr11 56492273 56492357 + 14.63001 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 18972 NM_001005284 283189 Hs.554521 NM_001005284 HPRD:17798 OR9G4 OR11-216 olfactory receptor, family 9, subfamily G, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17577 chr2 28632218 28632361 + 14.58508 NA intron (NM_005253, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_005253, intron 3 of 3) -14750 NR_103831 403150 Hs.562970 NR_103831 ENSG00000229951 FLJ31356 - uncharacterized protein FLJ31356 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39270 chrY 13865759 13865829 + 14.57008 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 667595 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9765 chr13 84538730 84538816 + 14.55344 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -82245 NM_052910 114798 Hs.415478 NM_052910 HPRD:18063 SLITRK1 LRRC12|TTM SLIT and NTRK-like family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37950 chrX 66341548 66341630 + 14.52792 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -422285 NM_000044 367 Hs.76704 NM_000044 HPRD:02437 AR AIS|DHTR|HUMARA|HYSP1|KD|NR3C4|SBMA|SMAX1|TFM androgen receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23704 chr3 132515696 132515774 + 14.52186 NA intron (NR_002811, intron 4 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -74432 NR_037804 100532724 Hs.511991 NR_037804 NPHP3-ACAD11 - NPHP3-ACAD11 readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5021 chr10 109224237 109224330 + 14.49380 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -299817 NM_001013031 114815 Hs.591915 NM_052918 HPRD:12098 SORCS1 hSorCS sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27146 chr5 45988164 45988240 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -291982 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20487 chr20 22851935 22852015 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -164082 NM_001052 6754 Hs.673846 NM_001052 HPRD:01676 SSTR4 SS-4-R|SS4-R|SS4R somatostatin receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25490 chr4 81512314 81512399 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_152770, intron 3 of 5) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 255482 NM_152770 255119 Hs.527104 NM_152770 HPRD:14597 C4orf22 - chromosome 4 open reading frame 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26445 chr4 176474238 176474315 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 234551 NM_001261448 2823 Hs.75819 NM_005277 HPRD:03174 GPM6A GPM6|M6A glycoprotein M6A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16572 chr19 38245805 38245886 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_001172690, intron 4 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu 24385 NM_001172691 126231 Hs.531262 NM_152360 HPRD:15852 ZNF573 - zinc finger protein 573 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39218 chrY 13731622 13731698 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 801729 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3960 chr10 33157863 33157959 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_024688, intron 21 of 22) L1PA4|LINE|L1 66575 NM_033668 3688 Hs.643813 NM_002211 HPRD:00628 ITGB1 CD29|FNRB|GPIIA|MDF2|MSK12|VLA-BETA|VLAB integrin, beta 1 (fibronectin receptor, beta polypeptide, antigen CD29 includes MDF2, MSK12) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37964 chrX 67389315 67389408 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_002547, intron 15 of 24) L1PA3|LINE|L1 263938 NM_002547 4983 Hs.128824 NM_002547 HPRD:02130 OPHN1 ARHGAP41|MRX60|OPN1 oligophrenin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8009 chr12 46815024 46815132 + 14.49318 NA intron (NR_125381, intron 2 of 2) L1PA2|LINE|L1 37188 NR_125381 100288798 Hs.525922 NR_125377 LOC100288798 - uncharacterized LOC100288798 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3326 chr1 235870814 235870903 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 44 of 52) AluSg4|SINE|Alu -56804 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39164 chrY 13580854 13580947 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 952489 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15174 chr18 20389728 20389812 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -22970 NR_110782 101927571 Hs.335020 NR_110782 ENSG00000266850 LOC101927571 - uncharacterized LOC101927571 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9288 chr13 28658911 28659001 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_004119, intron 1 of 23) AluY|SINE|Alu 15773 NM_004119 2322 Hs.507590 NM_004119 HPRD:00635 FLT3 CD135|FLK-2|FLK2|STK1 fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27944 chr5 106031842 106031917 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 314836 NR_104671 102467213 Hs.570923 NR_104671 LOC102467213 - uncharacterized LOC102467213 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6783 chr11 88851770 88851856 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -54967 NM_000842 2915 Hs.147361 NM_000842 ENSG00000168959 GRM5 GPRC1E|MGLUR5|PPP1R86|mGlu5 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_899 chr1 50021787 50021865 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_032785, intron 3 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -84069 NR_046839 100874313 Hs.551277 NR_046839 AGBL4-IT1 - AGBL4 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20514 chr20 25091911 25091989 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -28935 NM_199425 30813 Hs.274264 NM_014588 HPRD:09232 VSX1 CAASDS|KTCN|KTCN1|PPCD|PPCD1|PPD|RINX visual system homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25170 chr4 53261038 53261134 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 261673 NM_001134223 64854 Hs.7966 NM_022832 HPRD:07507 USP46 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23616 chr3 126999652 126999745 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 87724 NM_001007534 285311 Hs.591284 NM_001007534 HPRD:16949 C3orf56 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 56 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31378 chr7 19786777 19786850 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_152774, intron 1 of 3) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 25591 NM_152774 256130 Hs.487670 NM_152774 HPRD:14617 TMEM196 - transmembrane protein 196 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9226 chr13 23344491 23344606 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 127772 NR_033774 646201 Hs.729338 NR_033774 BASP1P1 - brain abundant, membrane attached signal protein 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25624 chr4 96514110 96514192 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -43790 NM_003728 8633 Hs.388565 NM_003728 HPRD:04678 UNC5C UNC5H3 unc-5 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38813 chrX 142333823 142333896 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 220155 NM_001009613 441525 Hs.535082 NM_001009613 HPRD:18093 SPANXN4 CT11.9 SPANX family, member N4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26477 chr4 179869527 179869642 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -1040494 NR_108092 101928656 Hs.508131 NR_108092 LINC01099 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1099 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34084 chr8 79104758 79104857 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -323529 NM_181839 5569 Hs.433700 NM_006823 HPRD:05828 PKIA PRKACN1 protein kinase (cAMP-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30810 chr6 153245029 153245105 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 59136 NM_012177 26271 Hs.520506 NM_012177 HPRD:09348 FBXO5 EMI1|FBX5|Fbxo31 F-box protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39035 chrY 8002629 8002814 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 329756 NR_001551 83867 Hs.667616 NR_001551 ENSG00000237048 TTTY12 NCRNA00135|TTY11|TTY12 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 12 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15202 chr18 23205777 23205868 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -273608 NM_015461 25925 Hs.116935 NM_015461 HPRD:18350 ZNF521 EHZF|Evi3 zinc finger protein 521 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22837 chr3 51242173 51242249 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_004947, intron 12 of 52) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -180457 NM_006010 7873 Hs.436446 NM_006010 HPRD:03558 MANF ARMET|ARP mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9700 chr13 75005897 75006014 + 14.49318 NA intron (NR_047005, intron 3 of 4) L1HS|LINE|L1 12645 NR_047005 100874151 Hs.564552 NR_047005 ENSG00000226240 LINC00381 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38818 chrX 144126373 144126457 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -202692 NM_001009614 494118 Hs.551270 NM_001009614 SPANXN1 CT11.6 SPANX family, member N1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32233 chr7 85286613 85286692 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -535405 NM_152754 223117 Hs.201340 NM_152754 HPRD:15321 SEMA3D Sema-Z2|coll-2 sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6784 chr11 88932291 88932377 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_000372, intron 2 of 4) L1PA5|LINE|L1 21294 NM_000372 7299 Hs.503555 NM_000372 HPRD:06086 TYR ATN|CMM8|OCA1|OCA1A|OCAIA|SHEP3 tyrosinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25700 chr4 102999381 102999459 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 246049 NM_001135148 64116 Hs.288034 NM_022154 HPRD:12286 SLC39A8 BIGM103|LZT-Hs6|ZIP8 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5018 chr10 108989116 108989190 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -64687 NM_001013031 114815 Hs.591915 NM_052918 HPRD:12098 SORCS1 hSorCS sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5816 chr11 25769492 25769577 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -584144 NM_031418 63982 Hs.91791 NM_031418 HPRD:15526 ANO3 C11orf25|DYT23|DYT24|TMEM16C anoctamin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38358 chrX 100123864 100124064 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_007052, intron 2 of 12) L1P1|LINE|L1 5370 NM_001271815 27035 Hs.592227 NM_007052 HPRD:02203 NOX1 GP91-2|MOX1|NOH-1|NOH1 NADPH oxidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37747 chrX 56915807 56915894 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 106138 NR_027139 169981 Hs.522672 NM_001010862 SPIN3 SPIN-3|bA445O16.1 spindlin family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38433 chrX 104286795 104286919 + 14.46411 NA intron (NM_017416, intron 2 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 178520 NM_031274 56157 Hs.567543 NM_031274 HPRD:02257 TEX13A - testis expressed 13A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7627 chr12 21618216 21618300 + 14.46411 NA intron (NM_024854, intron 10 of 11) L1PA5|LINE|L1 27720 NM_024854 79912 Hs.709545 NM_024854 PYROXD1 - pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33597 chr8 31948570 31948647 + 14.45151 NA intron (NR_104156, intron 3 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 64874 NR_104156 100856811 Hs.97362 NR_104156 NRG1-IT1 - NRG1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32291 chr7 91332141 91332219 + 14.37837 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 177854 NM_001301135 7978 Hs.532216 NM_006980 HPRD:08373 MTERF1 MTERF mitochondrial transcription termination factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37766 chrX 58545076 58545245 + 14.37140 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -608093 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15351 chr18 46361185 46361292 + 14.36712 NA intron (NM_014772, intron 10 of 11) intron (NM_014772, intron 10 of 11) 107939 NM_001190823 4092 Hs.465087 NM_005904 HPRD:04241 SMAD7 CRCS3|MADH7|MADH8 SMAD family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16344 chr19 27750133 27750355 + 14.35342 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -534131 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30169 chr6 102541847 102541945 + 14.34560 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 695035 NM_021956 2898 Hs.98262 NM_021956 HPRD:00692 GRIK2 EAA4|GLR6|GLUK6|GLUR6|GluK2|MRT6 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26309 chr4 159801041 159801129 + 14.33543 NA intron (NM_020840, intron 14 of 16) L1PA5|LINE|L1 110903 NM_020840 57600 Hs.652441 NM_020840 ENSG00000052795 FNIP2 FNIPL|MAPO1 folliculin interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15465 chr18 58122497 58122582 + 14.30619 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -82538 NM_005912 4160 Hs.532833 NM_005912 HPRD:01116 MC4R - melanocortin 4 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27346 chr5 56647501 56647574 + 14.30619 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 131099 NM_001017992 345651 Hs.482167 NM_001017992 HPRD:18598 ACTBL2 ACT actin, beta-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4927 chr10 102463571 102463649 + 14.29701 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -41858 NM_003988 5076 Hs.155644 NM_000278 HPRD:01330 PAX2 PAPRS paired box 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17558 chr2 27762919 27763362 + 14.29256 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -36249 NM_032266 84226 Hs.131021 NM_032266 HPRD:09849 C2orf16 - chromosome 2 open reading frame 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39084 chrY 10104022 10104123 + 14.27799 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 355665 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28280 chr5 137022619 137022787 + 14.27799 NA intron (NM_001257194, intron 5 of 14) SVA_E|Other|Other 19413 NM_001257195 26249 Hs.655084 NM_017415 HPRD:09011 KLHL3 PHA2D kelch-like family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2723 chr1 193074161 193074301 + 14.27799 NA intron (NM_001243399, intron 1 of 3) CpG 377 NM_197962 51022 Hs.458283 NM_016066 HPRD:12112 GLRX2 CGI-133|GRX2 glutaredoxin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23157 chr3 84827070 84827216 + 14.26999 NA intron (NR_033860, intron 10 of 20) L1PA5|LINE|L1 91583 NR_033860 440970 Hs.411049 NR_033860 ENSG00000242641 LINC00971 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 971 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28196 chr5 130648060 130648220 + 14.26591 NA intron (NM_001038702, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 48438 NM_020240 56990 Hs.508829 NM_020240 HPRD:16695 CDC42SE2 SPEC2 CDC42 small effector 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3314 chr1 235818979 235819065 + 14.26591 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -4968 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10362 chr14 46076892 46076979 + 14.23441 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -354330 NM_018353 55320 Hs.732769 NM_018353 HPRD:12629 MIS18BP1 C14orf106|HSA242977|KNL2|M18BP1 MIS18 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31784 chr7 57547129 57547355 + 14.20690 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 37359 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22640 chr3 39916145 39916231 + 14.19856 NA intron (NR_104316, intron 1 of 16) L1PA3|LINE|L1 65037 NM_001284424 25924 Hs.594535 NM_015460 HPRD:14796 MYRIP SLAC2-C|SLAC2C myosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6634 chr11 74658029 74658104 + 14.18693 NA intron (NM_001270380, intron 1 of 14) AluY|SINE|Alu 2166 NM_001270380 143570 Hs.370145 NM_182969 ENSG00000166435 XRRA1 - X-ray radiation resistance associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6785 chr11 89048460 89048541 + 14.16545 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 137460 NM_000372 7299 Hs.503555 NM_000372 HPRD:06086 TYR ATN|CMM8|OCA1|OCA1A|OCAIA|SHEP3 tyrosinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10307 chr14 40053774 40053928 + 14.16545 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -152147 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20405 chr20 11493640 11493736 + 14.16351 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -239657 NR_038972 339593 Hs.434320 NR_038972 LOC339593 - uncharacterized LOC339593 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21519 chr21 47217742 47217840 + 14.15702 NA Intergenic (TGGA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 38542 NR_038876 100129027 Hs.689591 NR_038876 ENSG00000205424 LOC100129027 - uncharacterized LOC100129027 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32389 chr7 99288413 99288642 + 14.15702 NA intron (NM_001256497, intron 14 of 14) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -10878 NM_001291829 1577 Hs.571258 NM_000777 HPRD:05617 CYP3A5 CP35|CYPIIIA5|P450PCN3|PCN3 cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily A, polypeptide 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7956 chr12 42070153 42070242 + 14.13483 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 238656 NM_013377 29951 Hs.380044 NM_013377 HPRD:15116 PDZRN4 LNX4|SAMCAP3L PDZ domain containing ring finger 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8339 chr12 66919656 66919787 + 14.10114 NA intron (NM_021150, intron 5 of 23) L1PA4|LINE|L1 153204 NM_001178074 23426 Hs.505946 NM_021150 ENSG00000155974 GRIP1 GRIP glutamate receptor interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19479 chr2 180600384 180600611 + 14.09346 NA intron (NM_152520, intron 3 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 10272 NM_001113397 151126 Hs.655005 NM_152520 HPRD:15823 ZNF385B ZNF533 zinc finger protein 385B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34454 chr8 115013031 115013127 + 14.08310 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -563837 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27558 chr5 73172304 73172376 + 14.06786 NA intron (NM_001244364, intron 14 of 27) L1PA3|LINE|L1 62997 NM_001244364 64283 Hs.482521 NM_001080479 ENSG00000214944 ARHGEF28 RGNEF|RIP2|p190RHOGEF Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24825 chr4 27382533 27382620 + 14.05830 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 520263 NM_020860 57620 Hs.744950 NM_020860 HPRD:11609 STIM2 - stromal interaction molecule 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36175 chr9 120781932 120782014 + 14.05830 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 315520 NM_138554 7099 Hs.174312 NM_003266 HPRD:04325 TLR4 ARMD10|CD284|TLR-4|TOLL toll-like receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26381 chr4 168184166 168184392 + 14.05830 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -28538 NM_001204355 50859 Hs.481133 NM_016950 HPRD:12147 SPOCK3 HSAJ1454|TES-3|TICN3 sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3236 chr1 230434480 230434557 + 14.05488 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 127156 NM_001258311 79605 Hs.520463 NM_024554 HPRD:10148 PGBD5 - piggyBac transposable element derived 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3929 chr10 32004640 32004723 + 14.03704 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 193173 NM_001270699 94134 Hs.499264 NM_018287 HPRD:06446 ARHGAP12 - Rho GTPase activating protein 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25465 chr4 79697007 79697190 + 14.02523 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198892) promoter-TSS (NM_198892) -434 NM_017593 55589 Hs.146551 NM_017593 HPRD:09828 BMP2K BIKE BMP2 inducible kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19477 chr2 180315744 180315820 + 13.98975 NA intron (NM_152520, intron 6 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 111533 NM_001113398 151126 Hs.655005 NM_152520 HPRD:15823 ZNF385B ZNF533 zinc finger protein 385B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5782 chr11 22311580 22311694 + 13.98042 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -48030 NM_020346 57084 Hs.242821 NM_020346 HPRD:10459 SLC17A6 DNPI|VGLUT2 solute carrier family 17 (vesicular glutamate transporter), member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18616 chr2 105013898 105013989 + 13.97418 NA intron (NR_037885, intron 1 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 10847 NR_037885 100287010 Hs.694603 NR_037885 LOC100287010 - uncharacterized LOC100287010 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38042 chrX 71252151 71252243 + 13.97418 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -12062 NR_002309 441502 Hs.449523 NR_002309 RPS26P11 RPS26L1|RPS26_22_1784|bA366E13.1 ribosomal protein S26 pseudogene 11 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37838 chrX 61762707 61762780 + 13.96404 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 808475 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_810 chr1 44116003 44116177 + 13.95727 NA intron (NM_014663, intron 1 of 21) CpG 293 NM_014663 9682 Hs.155983 NM_014663 HPRD:17168 KDM4A JHDM3A|JMJD2|JMJD2A|TDRD14A lysine (K)-specific demethylase 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27395 chr5 62814721 62814898 + 13.92080 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 443310 NM_000524 3350 Hs.247940 NM_000524 HTR1A 5-HT-1A|5-HT1A|5HT1a|ADRB2RL1|ADRBRL1|G-21|PFMCD 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17712 chr2 40719668 40719820 + 13.91068 NA intron (NM_001112802, intron 1 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 19831 NM_001112802 6546 Hs.31961 NM_021097 HPRD:01659 SLC8A1 NCX1 solute carrier family 8 (sodium/calcium exchanger), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34194 chr8 88276582 88276684 + 13.88685 NA intron (NM_173538, intron 6 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 397957 NM_173538 168975 Hs.246284 NM_173538 HPRD:08192 CNBD1 - cyclic nucleotide binding domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24838 chr4 31687236 31687430 + 13.88685 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 965296 NM_032457 5099 Hs.479439 NM_002589 HPRD:04288 PCDH7 BH-Pcdh|BHPCDH|PPP1R120 protocadherin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1721 chr1 142542667 142542760 + 13.88565 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 170892 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31827 chr7 58006755 58006906 + 13.88106 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 496947 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34456 chr8 115056223 115056315 + 13.87955 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -607027 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29878 chr6 74557642 74557829 + 13.84848 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -151881 NR_110889 101928489 Hs.660059 NR_110889 LOC101928489 - uncharacterized LOC101928489 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34400 chr8 108903666 108903891 + 13.83399 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 191653 NM_001282863 340419 Hs.444834 NM_178565 HPRD:17536 RSPO2 CRISTIN2 R-spondin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38274 chrX 86785725 86785804 + 13.83399 NA intron (NM_019117, intron 1 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 13049 NM_057162 56062 Hs.49075 NM_019117 HPRD:02283 KLHL4 DKELCHL|KHL4 kelch-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9773 chr13 85702988 85703094 + 13.82906 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -234697 NR_046989 100874137 Hs.742643 NR_046989 ENSG00000226317 LINC00351 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 351 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7918 chr12 38262502 38262584 + 13.80523 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -448014 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10049 chr14 19000644 19000757 + 13.80523 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -376894 NM_001013354 440153 Hs.534880 NM_001013354 HPRD:18633 OR11H12 - olfactory receptor, family 11, subfamily H, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2222 chr1 156186698 156186856 + 13.80412 NA intron (NM_001199664, intron 1 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 3998 NM_001199663 100527963 Hs.530479 NM_001199661 ENSG00000260238 PMF1-BGLAP PMF1 PMF1-BGLAP readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20579 chr20 29810482 29810564 + 13.78898 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -34944 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34065 chr8 76195952 76196034 + 13.78547 NA intron (NR_103849, intron 1 of 1) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -5277 NR_103848 101805492 Hs.571424 NR_103848 CASC9 LINC00981 cancer susceptibility candidate 9 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38150 chrX 75548615 75548718 + 13.74821 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -99380 NM_020932 57692 Hs.8453 NM_020932 HPRD:06583 MAGEE1 DAMAGE|HCA1 melanoma antigen family E, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19389 chr2 174151900 174152002 + 13.68571 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -5187 NR_033882 339751 Hs.570083 NR_033882 ENSG00000238133 MLK7-AS1 - MLK7 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34149 chr8 85594125 85594221 + 13.68571 NA intron (NM_001100392, intron 3 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -23989 NM_001287244 138046 Hs.121663 NM_173848 HPRD:11236 RALYL HNRPCL3 RALY RNA binding protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2247 chr1 158191081 158191218 + 13.68571 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -32778 NM_001763 909 Hs.1309 NM_001763 HPRD:01776 CD1A CD1|FCB6|HTA1|R4|T6 CD1a molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1661 chr1 121355002 121355080 + 13.64607 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 94131 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11794 chr15 72393595 72393954 + 13.63479 NA intron (NM_006901, intron 1 of 41) SVA_F|Other|Other -12825 NM_001166340 123228 Hs.513002 NM_145204 HPRD:09784 SENP8 DEN1|NEDP1|PRSC2 SUMO/sentrin specific peptidase family member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11794-2 chr15 72393595 72393954 + 13.63479 NA intron (NM_006901, intron 1 of 41) SVA_F|Other|Other -12825 NM_001166340 123228 Hs.513002 NM_145204 HPRD:09784 SENP8 DEN1|NEDP1|PRSC2 SUMO/sentrin specific peptidase family member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13815 chr17 7748202 7748305 + 13.63340 NA 5' UTR (NM_001080424, exon 2 of 22) 5' UTR (NM_001080424, exon 2 of 22) 5018 NM_001080424 23135 Hs.223678 NM_001080424 ENSG00000132510 KDM6B JMJD3 lysine (K)-specific demethylase 6B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22607 chr3 37654960 37655040 + 13.63327 NA intron (NM_002207, intron 15 of 27) L1PA4|LINE|L1 161187 NM_002207 3680 Hs.113157 NM_002207 ITGA9 ALPHA-RLC|ITGA4L|RLC integrin, alpha 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33606 chr8 35034373 35034465 + 13.61975 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -58556 NM_080872 137970 Hs.238889 NM_080872 HPRD:11661 UNC5D PRO34692|Unc5h4 unc-5 homolog D (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35749 chr9 81268466 81268549 + 13.57289 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 356516 NM_021154 29968 Hs.494261 NM_021154 HPRD:17918 PSAT1 EPIP|PSA|PSAT phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19057 chr2 139861241 139861323 + 13.55419 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 206388 NR_033658 647012 Hs.639411 NR_033658 YY1P2 - YY1 transcription factor pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26295 chr4 158101458 158101571 + 13.54249 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -40222 NM_000826 2891 Hs.32763 NM_000826 HPRD:04726 GRIA2 GLUR2|GLURB|GluA2|GluR-K2|HBGR2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29776 chr6 62062022 62062116 + 13.52117 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -221939 NM_001190706 100463487 NM_001190706 ENSG00000255633 MTRNR2L9 HN9 MT-RNR2-like 9 (pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30600 chr6 138371007 138371145 + 13.49507 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 57584 NM_022121 64065 Hs.201446 NM_022121 HPRD:17836 PERP KCP1|KRTCAP1|PIGPC1|THW|dJ496H19.1 PERP, TP53 apoptosis effector protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24980 chr4 46237979 46238053 + 13.48253 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -111934 NM_173536 2565 Hs.375051 NM_173536 HPRD:15923 GABRG1 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22622 chr3 38979417 38979521 + 13.45613 NA intron (NM_014139, intron 3 of 25) L1PA3|LINE|L1 12583 NM_014139 11280 Hs.591657 NM_014139 HPRD:05090 SCN11A FEPS3|HSAN7|NAV1.9|NaN|PN5|SCN12A|SNS-2 sodium channel, voltage-gated, type XI, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23753 chr3 137621456 137621564 + 13.45237 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -96148 NM_001002026 51208 Hs.655324 NM_016369 HPRD:13066 CLDN18 SFTA5|SFTPJ claudin 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26134 chr4 143486997 143487224 + 13.44014 NA intron (NM_003866, intron 2 of 26) intron (NM_003866, intron 2 of 26) 280494 NM_003866 8821 Hs.531403 NM_003866 HPRD:06322 INPP4B - inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type II, 105kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38430 chrX 104068074 104068150 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_017416, intron 2 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 257116 NM_017416 26280 Hs.675519 NM_017416 HPRD:02231 IL1RAPL2 IL-1R9|IL1R9|IL1RAPL-2|TIGIRR-1 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8568 chr12 89547647 89547729 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -134219 NR_038385 728084 Hs.132563 NR_038385 ENSG00000246363 LOC728084 - uncharacterized LOC728084 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8679 chr12 96867309 96867414 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic Intergenic -72995 NM_001170464 5128 Hs.506415 NM_002595 HPRD:09141 CDK17 PCTAIRE2|PCTK2 cyclin-dependent kinase 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20243 chr2 242770866 242771069 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 18940 NM_001167602 129807 Hs.551747 NM_080741 HPRD:12249 NEU4 - sialidase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19154 chr2 154693397 154693474 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -34991 NM_052917 114805 Hs.470277 NM_052917 HPRD:16325 GALNT13 GalNAc-T13 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25647 chr4 99270812 99270896 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001100427, intron 3 of 14) L1PA5|LINE|L1 88327 NM_001100427 5910 Hs.132858 NM_021159 HPRD:11763 RAP1GDS1 GDS1|SmgGDS RAP1, GTP-GDP dissociation stimulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38534 chrX 117154167 117154248 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001168303, intron 1 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -34831 NM_001168299 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12893 chr16 34351440 34351519 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 53283 NR_002837 606551 Hs.646441 NR_002837 UBE2MP1 - ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2M pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26578 chr4 188611640 188611786 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -17918 NR_110436 100506272 Hs.508163 NR_110436 ENSG00000250590 LOC100506272 - uncharacterized LOC100506272 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36836 chrUn_gl000219 26844 26920 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1MA6|LINE|L1 72760 NR_027436 283788 Hs.657131 NR_027436 LOC283788 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38374 chrX 101109702 101109799 + 13.42360 NA intron (NR_028089, intron 1 of 18) L1PA4|LINE|L1 2799 NR_028089 55998 Hs.307077 NM_032946 HPRD:02263 NXF5 - nuclear RNA export factor 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20934 chr20 54438284 54438367 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 142203 NM_080617 140689 Hs.126141 NM_080617 HPRD:16685 CBLN4 CBLNL1 cerebellin 4 precursor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1087 chr1 69676371 69676446 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -549450 NM_020794 57554 Hs.479658 NM_020794 HPRD:09930 LRRC7 DENSIN leucine rich repeat containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24835 chr4 30048911 30049011 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -673069 NM_032456 5099 Hs.479439 NM_002589 HPRD:04288 PCDH7 BH-Pcdh|BHPCDH|PPP1R120 protocadherin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11963 chr15 84330642 84330735 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001301110, intron 2 of 29) L1PA2|LINE|L1 7850 NM_001301110 57188 Hs.459162 NM_207517 HPRD:12426 ADAMTSL3 ADAMTSL-3 ADAMTS-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5568 chr11 7740879 7740958 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -12977 NM_198185 341277 Hs.532475 NM_198185 HPRD:07139 OVCH2 OVTN ovochymase 2 (gene/pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36088 chr9 112464604 112464676 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001037293, intron 1 of 6) L1PA4|LINE|L1 61572 NM_001037293 114299 Hs.591908 NM_053016 HPRD:17817 PALM2 AKAP2 paralemmin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17274 chr2 1730104 1730193 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_012293, intron 1 of 22) L1PA3|LINE|L1 18171 NM_012293 7837 Hs.332197 NM_012293 ENSG00000130508 PXDN COPOA|D2S448|D2S448E|MG50|PRG2|PXN|VPO peroxidasin homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37464 chrX 36447396 36447485 + 13.42360 NA intron (NR_110412, intron 3 of 7) L1PA2|LINE|L1 10935 NR_110412 101928627 Hs.590831 NR_110412 ENSG00000226484 LOC101928627 - uncharacterized LOC101928627 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3179 chr1 227396669 227396757 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_014826, intron 3 of 34) L1PA2|LINE|L1 109113 NM_014826 8476 Hs.35433 NM_003607 HPRD:04562 CDC42BPA MRCK|MRCKA|PK428 CDC42 binding protein kinase alpha (DMPK-like) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29674 chr6 50899909 50900001 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 113516 NM_003221 7021 Hs.33102 NM_003221 HPRD:03360 TFAP2B AP-2B|AP2-B transcription factor AP-2 beta (activating enhancer binding protein 2 beta) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30474 chr6 129304120 129304220 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001079823, intron 1 of 63) L1PA3|LINE|L1 99884 NM_000426 3908 Hs.200841 NM_000426 HPRD:01125 LAMA2 LAMM laminin, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34039 chr8 73793113 73793196 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_004770, intron 2 of 2) L1HS|LINE|L1 -127943 NM_017489 7013 Hs.442707 NM_003218 HPRD:02975 TERF1 PIN2|TRBF1|TRF|TRF1|hTRF1-AS|t-TRF1 telomeric repeat binding factor (NIMA-interacting) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4359 chr10 53726757 53726829 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_006258, intron 5 of 17) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -267438 NM_015235 23283 Hs.591358 NM_015235 HPRD:09900 CSTF2T CstF-64T cleavage stimulation factor, 3' pre-RNA, subunit 2, 64kDa, tau variant protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12088 chr15 91719474 91719556 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_014848, intron 2 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 75976 NM_014848 9899 Hs.21754 NM_014848 HPRD:11765 SV2B HsT19680 synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4792 chr10 93125154 93125239 + 13.42360 NA intron (NR_024467, intron 3 of 4) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -44846 NM_001284274 143279 Hs.596096 NM_173497 HPRD:13643 HECTD2 - HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39340 chrY 23318604 23318788 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 229550 NM_001282471 100533178 NM_001282471 PRORY CYorf17 proline rich, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28441 chr5 144676017 144676114 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 538867 NM_138492 153768 Hs.314261 NM_138492 HPRD:14479 PRELID2 - PRELI domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39313 chrY 17635498 17635581 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -719626 NR_046504 100874056 Hs.743197 NR_046504 ENSG00000228787 NLGN4Y-AS1 NLGN4Y-AS|NLGN4YAS NLGN4Y antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1441 chr1 105361962 105362059 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 746365 NR_033990 100129138 Hs.514487 NR_033990 ENSG00000215869 LOC100129138 - THAP domain containing, apoptosis associated protein 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39307 chrY 16973428 16973573 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -57587 NR_046504 100874056 Hs.743197 NR_046504 ENSG00000228787 NLGN4Y-AS1 NLGN4Y-AS|NLGN4YAS NLGN4Y antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7146 chr11 124207600 124207804 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -17609 NM_001002918 283160 Hs.504212 NM_001002918 HPRD:15081 OR8D2 JCG2 olfactory receptor, family 8, subfamily D, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32486 chr7 103814343 103814451 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_002553, intron 8 of 13) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 34098 NM_181747 5001 Hs.432948 NM_002553 HPRD:09086 ORC5 ORC5L|ORC5P|ORC5T|PPP1R117 origin recognition complex, subunit 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19108 chr2 149203063 149203148 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_018328, intron 5 of 14) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -199455 NM_015630 26122 Hs.23270 NM_015630 HPRD:13274 EPC2 EPC-LIKE enhancer of polycomb homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3981 chr10 35967800 35967912 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -37494 NM_031866 8325 Hs.302634 NM_031866 HPRD:05852 FZD8 FZ-8|hFZ8 frizzled class receptor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18065 chr2 71658730 71658833 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001252613, intron 26 of 27) AluY|SINE|Alu -21972 NM_001130981 8291 Hs.252180 NM_003494 HPRD:04307 DYSF FER1L1|LGMD2B|MMD1 dysferlin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6974 chr11 109445668 109445746 + 13.41584 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 152861 NM_207645 399947 Hs.172982 NM_207645 HPRD:14218 C11orf87 LOH11CR1A|NEURIM1 chromosome 11 open reading frame 87 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4780 chr10 92015820 92015944 + 13.39645 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 284680 NR_110657 101926942 Hs.382666 NR_110657 ENSG00000236373 LOC101926942 - uncharacterized LOC101926942 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10256 chr14 35452082 35452239 + 13.37625 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003136) promoter-TSS (NM_003136) 56 NM_001146282 6729 Hs.167535 NM_003136 HPRD:05330 SRP54 - signal recognition particle 54kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19183 chr2 157818921 157818995 + 13.36711 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -295382 NM_014568 11227 Hs.269027 NM_014568 GALNT5 GALNAC-T5|GALNACT5 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4157 chr10 42486873 42486977 + 13.36361 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 376568 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9950 chr13 106871467 106871596 + 13.36361 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -157380 NR_034119 728192 Hs.559194 NR_034119 LINC00460 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 460 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27918 chr5 102020038 102020126 + 13.36071 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -12914 NR_103753 285708 Hs.533011 NR_103753 LINC00491 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 491 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24988 chr4 47300174 47300254 + 13.36071 NA intron (NM_000812, intron 4 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 165462 NM_017845 54951 Hs.23956 NM_017845 HPRD:13086 COMMD8 - COMM domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29787 chr6 63881197 63881303 + 13.33160 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 148632 NM_016571 51557 Hs.149585 NM_016571 HPRD:13585 LGSN GLULD1|LGS lengsin, lens protein with glutamine synthetase domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31601 chr7 37847591 37847684 + 13.31479 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -40562 NM_016616 51314 Hs.723454 NM_016616 HPRD:16243 NME8 CILD6|NM23-H8|SPTRX2|TXNDC3|sptrx-2 NME/NM23 family member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25880 chr4 119714391 119714482 + 13.30011 NA intron (NM_014822, intron 8 of 22) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 42890 NM_014822 9871 Hs.189641 NM_014822 HPRD:06218 SEC24D - SEC24 family member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37403 chrX 25350755 25350979 + 13.26861 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -316802 NM_139058 170302 Hs.300304 NM_139058 HPRD:02307 ARX CT121|EIEE1|ISSX|MRX29|MRX32|MRX33|MRX36|MRX38|MRX43|MRX54|MRX76|MRX87|MRXS1|PRTS aristaless related homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13632 chr17 1992904 1993023 + 13.26861 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282326) promoter-TSS (NM_001282326) -908 NM_001282326 23293 Hs.448342 NM_017575 HPRD:06502 SMG6 C17orf31|EST1A|SMG-6|hSMG5/7a SMG6 nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32555 chr7 109291532 109291603 + 13.25031 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 308703 NR_003024 442720 Hs.530096 NR_003024 ENSG00000237064 EIF3IP1 RG208K23 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit I pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33845 chr8 53956300 53956386 + 13.24619 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 103875 NM_005285 2831 Hs.248117 NM_005285 NPBWR1 GPR7 neuropeptides B/W receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34919 chr9 2898048 2898130 + 13.22153 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -53959 NM_014878 9933 Hs.493309 NM_014878 HPRD:08822 KIAA0020 HA-8|HLA-HA8|PEN|PUF6|XTP5|hPUF-A KIAA0020 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26000 chr4 126492966 126493054 + 13.17790 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 64596 NR_031746 100302267 NR_031746 MIR2054 hsa-mir-2054 microRNA 2054 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31808 chr7 57947545 57947695 + 13.16218 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 437737 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25889 chr4 120198893 120199048 + 13.14511 NA intron (NM_019050, intron 16 of 17) L1PA2|LINE|L1 22998 NM_001001701 401152 Hs.173705 NM_001001701 C4orf3 - chromosome 4 open reading frame 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12182 chr15 101763777 101764042 + 13.14402 NA intron (NM_014918, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_014918, intron 2 of 2) 28228 NM_014918 22856 Hs.110488 NM_014918 HPRD:10493 CHSY1 CHSY|CSS1|ChSy-1|TPBS chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31875 chr7 61412085 61412200 + 13.14215 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1352292 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7505 chr12 11536150 11536228 + 13.11047 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 12309 NM_006248 653247 Hs.654486 NM_006248 HPRD:18511 PRB2 IB-9|PRPPRB1|Ps|cP7 proline-rich protein BstNI subfamily 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7437 chr12 8835103 8835174 + 13.11047 NA intron (NR_123740, intron 1 of 8) AluY|SINE|Alu 865 NR_123740 57494 Hs.504670 NM_020734 HPRD:13844 RIMKLB FAM80B|NAAGS|NAAGS-I ribosomal modification protein rimK-like family member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6806 chr11 93153939 93154030 + 13.09474 NA intron (NM_181645, intron 13 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 90101 NM_181645 159989 Hs.436625 NM_181645 HPRD:08689 CCDC67 - coiled-coil domain containing 67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38761 chrX 135027954 135028371 + 13.09240 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 27972 NM_173470 93380 Hs.110702 NM_173470 HPRD:06626 MMGT1 EMC5|TMEM32 membrane magnesium transporter 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17781 chr2 45988364 45988457 + 13.07705 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 1 of 14) AluY|SINE|Alu 109367 NM_005400 5581 Hs.580351 NM_005400 HPRD:01500 PRKCE PKCE|nPKC-epsilon protein kinase C, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34002 chr8 69277999 69278091 + 13.04580 NA intron (NM_001195639, intron 1 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -34319 NR_038877 286189 Hs.593427 NR_038877 ENSG00000248801 LOC286189 - uncharacterized LOC286189 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1447 chr1 105762659 105762755 + 13.02171 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 1147062 NR_033990 100129138 Hs.514487 NR_033990 ENSG00000215869 LOC100129138 - THAP domain containing, apoptosis associated protein 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10158 chr14 24497809 24497880 + 13.02093 NA intron (NR_102687, intron 1 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -7777 NR_102691 728635 Hs.647569 NM_001082488 DHRS4L1 SDR25C4 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 4 like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12725 chr16 32110824 32111023 + 13.00541 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 88511 NR_109773 100289574 Hs.531536 NR_109773 ENSG00000230267 HERC2P4 D16F37S5 hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24736 chr4 15773173 15773309 + 12.99048 NA Intergenic L1MC4a|LINE|L1 -6690 NM_001775 952 Hs.479214 NM_001775 CD38 ADPRC 1|T10 CD38 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15661 chr19 524834 525132 + 12.98773 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6750 NM_004359 997 Hs.514997 NM_004359 HPRD:00306 CDC34 E2-CDC34|UBC3|UBCH3|UBE2R1 cell division cycle 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36688 chrUn_gl000211 17018 17120 + 12.98189 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -31434 NR_033856 644316 Hs.632789 NR_033856 FLJ43315 - asparagine synthetase pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24773 chr4 21447795 21447870 + 12.97745 NA intron (NM_147182, intron 2 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 98447 NM_001035004 80333 Hs.655705 NM_025221 HPRD:12184 KCNIP4 CALP|KCHIP4 Kv channel interacting protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17643 chr2 34735762 34735858 + 12.97745 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -782526 NR_003143 151325 Hs.528847 NM_207329 HPRD:14793 MYADML - myeloid-associated differentiation marker-like (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34017 chr8 70776644 70776737 + 12.97745 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -29391 NM_030958 81796 Hs.152460 NM_030958 HPRD:15399 SLCO5A1 OATP-J|OATP-RP4|OATP5A1|OATPRP4|SLC21A15 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 5A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17462 chr2 19584242 19584313 + 12.94471 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -25905 NM_145260 130497 Hs.123933 NM_145260 HPRD:16401 OSR1 ODD odd-skipped related transciption factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38684 chrX 130691935 130692009 + 12.93820 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 13924 NM_001004486 347468 Hs.553711 NM_001004486 HPRD:18600 OR13H1 ORX1 olfactory receptor, family 13, subfamily H, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17216 chr19_gl000208_random 76094 76165 + 12.92857 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21172 chr21 10893520 10893607 + 12.92703 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 97380 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12829 chr16 33818411 33818492 + 12.92462 NA Intergenic Intergenic 144052 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34010 chr8 69949499 69949578 + 12.91176 NA intron (NR_039986, intron 2 of 4) L1PA5|LINE|L1 66887 NR_039986 100505718 Hs.122386 NR_039986 ENSG00000253658 LOC100505718 - uncharacterized LOC100505718 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39336 chrY 23111481 23111566 + 12.91176 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 193569 NM_001039567 140032 Hs.367761 NM_001039567 HPRD:15960 RPS4Y2 RPS4Y2P ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38265 chrX 85544926 85545122 + 12.91023 NA intron (NM_001139515, intron 1 of 11) L1PA3|LINE|L1 27053 NM_001139515 117154 Hs.86603 NM_053281 HPRD:06481 DACH2 - dachshund family transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2483 chr1 172952483 172952555 + 12.88423 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 67584 NM_005092 8995 Hs.248197 NM_005092 TNFSF18 AITRL|GITRL|TL6|hGITRL tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36452 chr9 136344246 136344387 + 12.88240 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017585) promoter-TSS (NM_017585) -40 NM_017585 11182 Hs.244378 NM_017585 HPRD:06010 SLC2A6 GLUT6|GLUT9|HSA011372 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26273 chr4 155093137 155093296 + 12.87918 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 219233 NM_017639 54798 Hs.655664 NM_017639 HPRD:10858 DCHS2 CDH27|CDHJ|CDHR7|PCDH23|PCDHJ dachsous cadherin-related 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15783 chr19 4035758 4035904 + 12.87645 NA intron (NM_015897, intron 9 of 10) (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 28082 NM_015897 51588 Hs.105779 NM_015897 PIAS4 PIASY|Piasg|ZMIZ6 protein inhibitor of activated STAT, 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33646 chr8 40294198 40294292 + 12.84033 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 283258 NM_020130 56892 Hs.591849 NM_020130 HPRD:09650 C8orf4 TC-1|TC1 chromosome 8 open reading frame 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25360 chr4 69856791 69856868 + 12.82787 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 29286 NM_001144767 7365 Hs.201634 NM_001075 UGT2B10 UDPGT2B10 UDP glucuronosyltransferase 2 family, polypeptide B10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21612 chr22 18878100 18878258 + 12.79838 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite -15557 NM_005675 8214 Hs.474185 NM_005675 HPRD:03177 DGCR6 - DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22396 chr3 16997569 16997659 + 12.78236 NA intron (NM_015184, intron 1 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 22926 NR_037465 100500913 NR_037465 miRBase:MI0016135 MIR3714 - microRNA 3714 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25463 chr4 79224950 79225144 + 12.78236 NA intron (NM_001166133, intron 14 of 41) L1PA3|LINE|L1 246323 NM_001166133 80144 Hs.369448 NM_020875 HPRD:06382 FRAS1 - Fraser extracellular matrix complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27387 chr5 61699276 61699402 + 12.77659 NA intron (NM_014473, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_014473, intron 1 of 11) 389 NM_014473 27292 Hs.731665 NM_014473 HPRD:13676 DIMT1 DIM1|DIMT1L|HSA9761|HUSSY5 DIM1 dimethyladenosine transferase 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38837 chrX 147205249 147205327 + 12.71857 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 142439 NM_152578 158521 Hs.128580 NM_152578 HPRD:06546 FMR1NB CT37|NY-SAR-35|NYSAR35 fragile X mental retardation 1 neighbor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32600 chr7 115079575 115079731 + 12.71857 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 360641 NR_120521 102724386 Hs.352357 NR_120521 LINC01393 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1393 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22411 chr3 18367537 18367745 + 12.71857 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 99188 NM_002971 6304 Hs.517717 NM_002971 HPRD:03647 SATB1 - SATB homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29376 chr6 31515270 31515417 + 12.71019 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138282).2 promoter-TSS (NM_138282).2 -10 NM_005007 4795 Hs.2764 NM_005007 HPRD:07043 NFKBIL1 IKBL|LST1|NFKBIL nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4455 chr10 64363099 64363179 + 12.70658 NA intron (NM_199452, intron 1 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 82932 NM_199452 22891 Hs.22653 NM_014951 HPRD:06380 ZNF365 Su48|UAN|ZNF365D zinc finger protein 365 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32628 chr7 119298022 119298120 + 12.69293 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -615651 NM_012281 3751 Hs.654739 NM_012281 HPRD:09254 KCND2 KV4.2|RK5 potassium voltage-gated channel, Shal-related subfamily, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10381 chr14 49407984 49408156 + 12.68647 NA Intergenic (TTATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 645064 NM_001032 6235 Hs.156367 NM_001032 HPRD:04698 RPS29 DBA13|S29 ribosomal protein S29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20825 chr20 44992564 44992787 + 12.68141 NA intron (NM_001281460, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_001281460, intron 1 of 10) 422 NM_015945 51006 Hs.593344 NM_015945 HPRD:15371 SLC35C2 BA394O2.1|C20orf5|CGI-15|OVCOV1 solute carrier family 35 (GDP-fucose transporter), member C2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31389 chr7 20709209 20709284 + 12.66357 NA intron (NM_178559, intron 5 of 18) SVA_E|Other|Other 22280 NM_001163993 340273 Hs.404102 NM_178559 ENSG00000004846 ABCB5 ABCB5alpha|ABCB5beta|EST422562 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23984 chr3 157757441 157757540 + 12.65471 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu 66462 NM_003030 6474 Hs.55967 NM_003030 SHOX2 OG12|OG12X|SHOT short stature homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21146 chr21 10827124 10827215 + 12.63459 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 163774 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18836 chr2 125885505 125885586 + 12.62293 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 1102681 NM_130773 129684 Hs.660653 NM_130773 HPRD:16732 CNTNAP5 caspr5 contactin associated protein-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1431 chr1 104220686 104220779 + 12.60297 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 18157 NM_001008218 277 Hs.599274 NM_001008218 HPRD:18510 AMY1B AMY1 amylase, alpha 1B (salivary) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5854 chr11 29890915 29891019 + 12.58354 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 147610 NM_002233 3739 Hs.592002 NM_002233 HPRD:01444 KCNA4 HBK4|HK1|HPCN2|HUKII|KCNA4L|KCNA8|KV1.4|PCN2 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38097 chrX 72736187 72736272 + 12.57666 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 46692 NR_029423 139201 Hs.586477 NR_029423 ENSG00000269904 MAP2K4P1 - mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10053 chr14 19008027 19008137 + 12.55696 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -369512 NM_001013354 440153 Hs.534880 NM_001013354 HPRD:18633 OR11H12 - olfactory receptor, family 11, subfamily H, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8070 chr12 49830945 49831156 + 12.54776 NA intron (NM_001293285, intron 3 of 14) SVA_D|Other|Other 48093 NR_033267 100335030 Hs.687044 NR_033267 LOC100335030 - FGFR1 oncogene partner 2 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17692 chr2 38798479 38798597 + 12.52853 NA intron (NM_138394, intron 8 of 12) intron (NM_138394, intron 8 of 12) 31640 NM_138394 92906 Hs.445497 NM_138394 HPRD:13667 HNRNPLL HNRPLL|SRRF heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11962 chr15 84057100 84057177 + 12.51898 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -58842 NM_001301109 6457 Hs.270055 NM_003027 HPRD:04528 SH3GL3 CNSA3|EEN-B2|HsT19371|SH3D2C|SH3P13 SH3-domain GRB2-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38782 chrX 136848105 136848312 + 12.49762 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 199862 NM_003413 7547 Hs.111227 NM_003413 HPRD:02225 ZIC3 HTX|HTX1|VACTERLX|ZNF203 Zic family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12771 chr16 32839258 32839414 + 12.47940 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 57127 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35389 chr9 45729121 45729269 + 12.47308 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -387748 NR_103714 100289124 Hs.567050 NM_001024608 ENSG00000237198 FAM27E2 FAM27E1 family with sequence similarity 27, member E2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25171 chr4 53308468 53308566 + 12.46626 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 214242 NM_001134223 64854 Hs.7966 NM_022832 HPRD:07507 USP46 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2616 chr1 183550998 183551081 + 12.46626 NA intron (NM_000433, intron 2 of 14) AluY|SINE|Alu 8700 NM_001190794 4688 Hs.587558 NM_000433 HPRD:01991 NCF2 NCF-2|NOXA2|P67-PHOX|P67PHOX neutrophil cytosolic factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30253 chr6 109119929 109120047 + 12.46154 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47131 NR_033376 387111 Hs.520310 NR_033376 ENSG00000203801 LINC00222 C6orf181|NCRNA00222|dJ354J5.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 222 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34009 chr8 69933670 69933877 + 12.46154 NA intron (NR_039986, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 82652 NR_039986 100505718 Hs.122386 NR_039986 ENSG00000253658 LOC100505718 - uncharacterized LOC100505718 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28635 chr5 157614043 157614210 + 12.45053 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 222655 NR_109888 101927697 Hs.483960 NR_109888 LOC101927697 - uncharacterized LOC101927697 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6086 chr11 48953393 48953485 + 12.41363 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -99713 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27707 chr5 81725267 81725590 + 12.40816 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 150147 NM_001017971 92270 Hs.729805 NM_001017971 HPRD:18710 ATP6AP1L - ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal accessory protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23252 chr3 94468233 94468380 + 12.40816 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -188801 NR_015400 255025 Hs.130994 NR_015400 ENSG00000239589 LINC00879 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 879 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24215 chr3 183231207 183231367 + 12.40816 NA intron (NM_130446, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_130446, intron 2 of 6) -35236 NR_046687 100874019 NR_046687 KLHL6-AS1 - KLHL6 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18972 chr2 133029239 133029312 + 12.37940 NA Intergenic GA-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -13733 NR_027020 554226 Hs.380689 NR_027019 ENSG00000163046 ANKRD30BL ANKRD30BP3|NCRNA00164 ankyrin repeat domain 30B-like pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8483 chr12 76718821 76718905 + 12.37649 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 23359 NM_024685 79738 Hs.96322 NM_024685 HPRD:08036 BBS10 C12orf58 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2703 chr1 192062747 192062827 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -64805 NM_130782 64407 Hs.440890 NM_130782 HPRD:06224 RGS18 RGS13 regulator of G-protein signaling 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19330 chr2 170105766 170105847 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_004525, intron 19 of 78) L1HS|LINE|L1 113316 NM_004525 4036 Hs.657729 NM_004525 HPRD:02509 LRP2 DBS|GP330 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14040 chr17 25581682 25581792 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 39285 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23983 chr3 157716001 157716077 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 107913 NM_003030 6474 Hs.55967 NM_003030 SHOX2 OG12|OG12X|SHOT short stature homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38193 chrX 77975429 77975524 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -27730 NM_005296 2846 Hs.522701 NM_005296 HPRD:02099 LPAR4 GPR23|LPA4|P2RY9|P2Y5-LIKE|P2Y9 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3870 chr10 27732586 27732724 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic (CATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -29358 NM_001034842 374308 Hs.631832 NM_001034842 ENSG00000182077 PTCHD3 PTR patched domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3509 chr10 470986 471229 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_014974, intron 4 of 36) (ACATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 216611 NR_049884 100847086 NR_049884 MIR5699 - microRNA 5699 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2687 chr1 189996364 189996450 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 450352 NM_199051 339479 Hs.65765 NM_199051 HPRD:16782 BRINP3 DBCCR1L|DBCCR1L1|FAM5C bone morphogenetic protein/retinoic acid inducible neural-specific 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39301 chrY 16082968 16083043 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 15383 NM_181880 353513 Hs.170076 NM_181880 HPRD:18602 VCY1B BPY1B variable charge, Y-linked 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32647 chr7 121448364 121448434 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -64760 NM_001206838 5803 Hs.489824 NM_002851 HPRD:01481 PTPRZ1 HPTPZ|HPTPzeta|PTP-ZETA|PTP18|PTPRZ|PTPZ|R-PTP-zeta-2|RPTPB|RPTPbeta|phosphacan protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor-type, Z polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3732 chr10 17128009 17128121 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 15 of 66) AluSc|SINE|Alu 43751 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25475 chr4 80859501 80859582 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001286781, intron 16 of 16) L1HS|LINE|L1 110916 NR_026555 118425 Hs.104215 NR_026555 HPRD:17035 PCAT4 GDEP|PCA4|PCAN1 prostate cancer associated transcript 4 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1109 chr1 72928864 72928933 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -180621 NM_173808 257194 Hs.146542 NM_173808 NEGR1 DMML2433|IGLON4|KILON|Ntra neuronal growth regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8700 chr12 99360283 99360442 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_181670, intron 3 of 12) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -71688 NM_001204080 56899 Hs.506458 NM_020140 HPRD:07426 ANKS1B AIDA|AIDA-1|ANKS2|EB-1|EB1|cajalin-2 ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17644 chr2 34797926 34798065 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -844711 NR_003143 151325 Hs.528847 NM_207329 HPRD:14793 MYADML - myeloid-associated differentiation marker-like (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37435 chrX 28902178 28902254 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_014271, intron 2 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 296535 NM_014271 11141 Hs.658912 NM_014271 IL1RAPL1 IL1R8|IL1RAPL|MRX10|MRX21|MRX34|OPHN4|TIGIRR-2 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1455 chr1 106827376 106827462 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -771848 NM_018137 55170 Hs.26006 NM_018137 HPRD:10505 PRMT6 HRMT1L6 protein arginine methyltransferase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18160 chr2 81793719 81793805 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -99692 NR_110161 100507201 Hs.98589 NR_110161 LOC100507201 - uncharacterized LOC100507201 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15568 chr18 72533530 72533613 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_017757, intron 3 of 7) L1PA7|LINE|L1 190652 NM_001146189 55628 Hs.536490 NM_017757 HPRD:11713 ZNF407 - zinc finger protein 407 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6802 chr11 92870438 92870519 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 60143 NM_001286139 120103 Hs.148766 NM_152313 SLC36A4 PAT4 solute carrier family 36 (proton/amino acid symporter), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32232 chr7 85286308 85286389 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -535101 NM_152754 223117 Hs.201340 NM_152754 HPRD:15321 SEMA3D Sema-Z2|coll-2 sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38481 chrX 109278320 109278412 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_032227, intron 2 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 32024 NM_032227 84187 Hs.496572 NM_017698 HPRD:06539 TMEM164 bB360B22.3 transmembrane protein 164 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7928 chr12 38757823 38757939 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 47324 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11513 chr15 46721149 46721244 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -755207 NM_001198999 80031 Hs.511265 NM_020858 HPRD:10221 SEMA6D - sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32564 chr7 110837320 110837401 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_032549, intron 3 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 106298 NM_001099660 54674 Hs.3781 NM_018334 HPRD:14321 LRRN3 FIGLER5|NLRR-3|NLRR3 leucine rich repeat neuronal 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34519 chr8 122009223 122009440 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -185022 NM_021021 6641 Hs.46701 NM_021021 HPRD:02490 SNTB1 59-DAP|A1B|BSYN2|DAPA1B|SNT2|SNT2B1|TIP-43 syntrophin, beta 1 (dystrophin-associated protein A1, 59kDa, basic component 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5978 chr11 43665626 43665803 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic Intergenic -36429 NM_016142 51144 Hs.132513 NM_016142 HPRD:09989 HSD17B12 KAR|SDR12C1 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18720 chr2 113056731 113056818 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_198581, intron 1 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu 23596 NM_198581 376940 Hs.190477 NM_198581 HPRD:15698 ZC3H6 ZC3HDC6 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23264 chr3 96205398 96205485 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 126633 NR_107027 102465864 NR_107027 MIR8060 hsa-mir-8060 microRNA 8060 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37358 chrX 19261302 19261406 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -100657 NM_001173455 5160 Hs.530331 NM_000284 HPRD:02420 PDHA1 PDHA|PDHCE1A|PHE1A pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33794 chr8 47223803 47223900 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -528657 NR_027012 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10829 chr14 83668528 83668608 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -1579163 NR_110074 101928559 Hs.525499 NR_110074 ENSG00000258977 LINC01467 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1467 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5795 chr11 22932747 22932910 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -50856 NM_001195637 100500938 Hs.555029 NM_001195637 ENSG00000255359 CCDC179 - coiled-coil domain containing 179 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26426 chr4 174689813 174690019 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 238307 NR_003679 79804 Hs.61435 NR_003679 ENSG00000237125 HAND2-AS1 DEIN|NBLA00301 HAND2 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12122 chr15 97202616 97202694 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 122229 NR_102754 100652749 Hs.303588 NR_102753 ENSG00000259282 SPATA8-AS1 - SPATA8 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39299 chrY 16026712 16026788 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 71638 NM_181880 353513 Hs.170076 NM_181880 HPRD:18602 VCY1B BPY1B variable charge, Y-linked 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32571 chr7 111604657 111604736 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_014705, intron 8 of 51) L1HS|LINE|L1 156135 NR_103806 100506413 Hs.677513 NR_103806 ENSG00000225572 DOCK4-AS1 - DOCK4 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_607 chr1 35445789 35445884 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -1529 NR_037869 653160 Hs.533986 NR_037869 ENSG00000241014 LOC653160 - uncharacterized LOC653160 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19237 chr2 161911025 161911096 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -82406 NM_133484 10010 Hs.132257 NM_004180 HPRD:04870 TANK I-TRAF|ITRAF|TRAF2 TRAF family member-associated NFKB activator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6073 chr11 48892956 48893034 + 12.37066 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -160157 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38589 chrX 122912581 122912658 + 12.36810 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -45715 NM_001081550 57187 Hs.149991 NM_020449 HPRD:02317 THOC2 CXorf3|THO2|dJ506G2.1|hTREX120 THO complex 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5193 chr10 126298917 126299281 + 12.36030 NA intron (NM_022126, intron 6 of 6) (ATGGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -93498 NR_120631 101927944 Hs.437448 NR_120630 FAM53B-AS1 - FAM53B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25906 chr4 121177261 121177374 + 12.35259 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -189304 NM_002358 4085 Hs.591697 NM_002358 MAD2L1 HSMAD2|MAD2 MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31737 chr7 54377899 54378015 + 12.33962 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -20433 NR_120515 102723605 Hs.154626 NR_120515 LINC01445 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1445 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17732 chr2 42848391 42848564 + 12.33497 NA intron (NM_001282755, intron 5 of 17) SVA_C|Other|Other 52820 NM_020744 57504 Hs.435413 NM_020744 HPRD:12359 MTA3 - metastasis associated 1 family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13117 chr16 59443016 59443127 + 12.33497 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 346024 NR_028471 644649 Hs.250392 NR_028471 APOOP5 - apolipoprotein O pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26498 chr4 183705585 183705786 + 12.32412 NA intron (NM_001080477, intron 23 of 26) L1PA2|LINE|L1 132945 NM_001921 1635 Hs.183850 NM_001921 HPRD:09623 DCTD - dCMP deaminase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12128 chr15 98659375 98659469 + 12.30139 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -27440 NR_120325 101927332 NR_120325 LOC101927332 - uncharacterized LOC101927332 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8277 chr12 60411214 60411300 + 12.30139 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 328139 NR_073056 9194 Hs.88156 NM_004731 HPRD:06791 SLC16A7 MCT2 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16071 chr19 14971844 14971933 + 12.30139 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -19199 NM_001005190 390892 Hs.553776 NM_001005190 HPRD:17780 OR7A10 BC85395_3|OR19-18 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8241 chr12 57616950 57617076 + 12.29658 NA intron (NM_007224, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_007224, intron 1 of 1) -6343 NM_005412 6472 Hs.741179 NM_005412 HPRD:00717 SHMT2 GLYA|HEL-S-51e|SHMT serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2 (mitochondrial) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38703 chrX 131999448 131999709 + 12.29658 NA intron (NM_001077188, intron 3 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 95845 NM_001077188 90161 Hs.385956 NM_147175 HPRD:06590 HS6ST2 - heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22134 chr22 47070392 47070522 + 12.27214 NA intron (NM_015124, intron 14 of 17) intron (NM_015124, intron 14 of 17) 47799 NM_015124 23151 Hs.475150 NM_015124 HPRD:11107 GRAMD4 DIP|dA59H18.1|dJ439F8.1 GRAM domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29960 chr6 81621891 81621974 + 12.26853 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 805588 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4394 chr10 57534769 57534854 + 12.26849 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 176061 NM_001190478 100463289 Hs.727204 NM_001190478 ENSG00000249860 MTRNR2L5 HN5 MT-RNR2-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10439 chr14 52372648 52372819 + 12.26744 NA intron (NM_001243773, intron 2 of 3) THE1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 45711 NM_001243773 54331 Hs.187772 NM_053064 HPRD:16234 GNG2 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28666 chr5 161568112 161568186 + 12.23583 NA intron (NM_000816, intron 6 of 8) AluY|SINE|Alu 73501 NM_198904 2566 Hs.7195 NM_000816 HPRD:00663 GABRG2 CAE2|ECA2|GEFSP3 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_165 chr1 8562019 8562101 + 12.22122 NA intron (NM_012102, intron 9 of 23) SVA_E|Other|Other -78313 NM_001042682 473 Hs.463041 NM_012102 HPRD:05566 RERE ARG|ARP|ATN1L|DNB1 arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide (RE) repeats protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39186 chrY 13667343 13667426 + 12.21585 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 866005 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26446 chr4 176995176 176995327 + 12.20342 NA intron (NM_181265, intron 1 of 28) L1PA4|LINE|L1 8266 NM_181265 116966 Hs.532056 NM_170710 HPRD:16417 WDR17 - WD repeat domain 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2508 chr1 174581717 174581821 + 12.19684 NA intron (NM_014857, intron 13 of 20) L1PA3|LINE|L1 164557 NM_005684 9293 Hs.673850 NM_005684 HPRD:07247 GPR52 - G protein-coupled receptor 52 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36656 chr9_gl000199_random 145902 145973 + 12.19680 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35739 chr9 80376295 80376373 + 12.18802 NA intron (NM_002072, intron 5 of 6) SVA_F|Other|Other -113102 NM_004297 9630 Hs.657795 NM_004297 HPRD:05095 GNA14 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19781 chr2 204789377 204789482 + 12.18663 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -12042 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28953 chr6 4021413 4021525 + 12.17945 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003913) promoter-TSS (NM_003913) -100 NM_003913 8899 Hs.159014 NM_003913 HPRD:09087 PRPF4B PR4H|PRP4|PRP4H|PRP4K|dJ1013A10.1 pre-mRNA processing factor 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31350 chr7 15112218 15112305 + 12.17110 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -231186 NM_004080 1607 Hs.567255 NM_004080 HPRD:06819 DGKB DAGK2|DGK|DGK-BETA diacylglycerol kinase, beta 90kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35669 chr9 74383855 74384040 + 12.16401 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135820) promoter-TSS (NM_001135820) -147 NM_001135820 23670 Hs.494146 NM_013390 HPRD:09317 TMEM2 - transmembrane protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30557 chr6 136091972 136092065 + 12.15924 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -80816 NM_018945 27115 Hs.744230 NM_018945 HPRD:06870 PDE7B bA472E5.1 phosphodiesterase 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22907 chr3 56759400 56759486 + 12.14536 NA Intergenic Intergenic -42308 NM_001112736 23272 Hs.116877 NM_015224 HPRD:10183 FAM208A C3orf63|RAP140|se89-1 family with sequence similarity 208, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5823 chr11 27246853 27247110 + 12.13864 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -5321 NR_125767 103695435 Hs.196133 NR_125766 BBOX1-AS1 - BBOX1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31019 chr6 164895825 164895902 + 12.13864 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 827248 NM_144980 168090 Hs.144734 NM_144980 HPRD:12844 C6orf118 bA85G2.1|dJ416F21.2 chromosome 6 open reading frame 118 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4539 chr10 71922678 71922883 + 12.13788 NA intron (NM_001142648, intron 1 of 7) Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 7505 NM_020150 56681 Hs.499960 NM_020150 HPRD:07608 SAR1A SAR1|SARA1|Sara|masra2 secretion associated, Ras related GTPase 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15026 chr18 7402176 7402260 + 12.13788 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -165096 NM_002845 5797 Hs.49774 NM_002845 HPRD:01479 PTPRM PTPRL1|R-PTP-MU|RPTPM|RPTPU|hR-PTPu protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20539 chr20 26292455 26292560 + 12.13413 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -102638 NR_040095 284801 Hs.370699 NR_040095 ENSG00000227195 MIR663AHG - MIR663A host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9092 chr12 130877236 130877851 + 12.13173 NA Intergenic Intergenic 55110 NM_001190971 9271 Hs.405659 NM_004764 HPRD:10409 PIWIL1 CT80.1|HIWI|MIWI|PIWI piwi-like RNA-mediated gene silencing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19856 chr2 212758711 212758782 + 12.12024 NA intron (NM_005235, intron 3 of 27) L1PA2|LINE|L1 532338 NR_031643 100313771 NR_031643 MIR548F2 MIR548F-2|MIRN548F2|hsa-mir-548f-2 microRNA 548f-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10319 chr14 41188272 41188355 + 12.10659 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -235603 NR_109758 644919 Hs.434414 NR_109757 LOC644919 - uncharacterized LOC644919 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30840 chr6 155677393 155677505 + 12.10659 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -41832 NM_016020 51106 Hs.279908 NM_016020 TFB1M CGI75|mtTFB|mtTFB1 transcription factor B1, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29410 chr6 32563280 32563567 + 12.10481 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -5810 NM_002124 3123 Hs.534322 NM_002124 HPRD:08349 HLA-DRB1 DRB1|DRw10|HLA-DR1B|HLA-DRB|SS1 major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16345 chr19 27753859 27753930 + 12.09670 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -530481 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27798 chr5 93107646 93107718 + 12.07874 NA intron (NM_032042, intron 10 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -30373 NM_153216 134187 Hs.678995 NM_153216 HPRD:08695 POU5F2 SPRM-1 POU domain class 5, transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27273 chr5 51610784 51610854 + 12.07874 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -472955 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8727 chr12 102533303 102533387 + 12.07874 NA intron (NM_017915, intron 2 of 10) L1PA5|LINE|L1 19389 NM_017915 55010 Hs.330663 NM_017915 HPRD:07937 PARPBP AROM|C12orf48|PARI PARP1 binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2699 chr1 191038335 191038409 + 12.07787 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 444352 NR_033922 440704 Hs.518802 NR_033922 ENSG00000231175 LOC440704 - uncharacterized LOC440704 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27235 chr5 49676069 49676143 + 12.07787 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 61128 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12782 chr16 33054111 33054305 + 12.07668 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL -151375 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12126 chr15 97981567 97981657 + 12.04967 NA intron (NR_120324, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 83429 NR_120324 101927286 Hs.611279 NR_120324 LOC101927286 - uncharacterized LOC101927286 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39401 chrY 28815131 28815362 + 12.04911 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 940609 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2359 chr1 164432342 164432455 + 12.02370 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -96199 NM_001204963 5087 Hs.557097 NM_002585 HPRD:08889 PBX1 - pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31414 chr7 23079321 23079392 + 12.02370 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -25586 NM_032581 84668 Hs.85603 NM_032581 HPRD:16837 FAM126A DRCTNNB1A|HCC|HLD5|HYCC1 family with sequence similarity 126, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31862 chr7 61285352 61285456 + 12.02248 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1479030 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2715 chr1 192591982 192592063 + 11.99174 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -13246 NM_002927 6003 Hs.497220 NM_002927 HPRD:06222 RGS13 - regulator of G-protein signaling 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39383 chrY 28798952 28799031 + 11.97429 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 924354 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6402 chr11 64902202 64902294 + 11.96991 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032431) promoter-TSS (NM_032431) -245 NM_172230 84447 Hs.75859 NM_032431 HPRD:07618 SYVN1 DER3|HRD1 synovial apoptosis inhibitor 1, synoviolin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6174 chr11 54718419 54718515 + 11.96334 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -311191 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30562 chr6 136462134 136462215 + 11.94787 NA intron (NM_018945, intron 3 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 109275 NM_138419 113115 Hs.121536 NM_138419 HPRD:16884 MTFR2 DUFD1|FAM54A mitochondrial fission regulator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17854 chr2 52267168 52267249 + 11.94431 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1007534 NM_001135659 9378 Hs.637685 NM_004801 HPRD:11858 NRXN1 Hs.22998|PTHSL2|SCZD17 neurexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24140 chr3 175737889 175737973 + 11.94431 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -243810 NR_046714 100874245 Hs.614827 NR_046714 NAALADL2-AS1 - NAALADL2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3433 chr1 246335867 246336041 + 11.94431 NA intron (NM_022743, intron 5 of 11) Tigger3b|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 244760 NM_022743 64754 Hs.567571 NM_022743 HPRD:12297 SMYD3 KMT3E|ZMYND1|ZNFN3A1|bA74P14.1 SET and MYND domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34784 chr8 143926170 143926306 + 11.91737 NA intron (NM_002066, intron 3 of 3) L1ME3A|LINE|L1 10021 NM_002066 2765 Hs.661218 NM_002066 HPRD:03844 GML LY6DL glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored molecule like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8524 chr12 82887646 82887746 + 11.91666 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -135112 NR_033192 29080 Hs.582627 NM_014167 HPRD:13696 CCDC59 BR22|TAP26 coiled-coil domain containing 59 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22359 chr3 15009342 15009416 + 11.91666 NA intron (NM_001291694, intron 1 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -19431 NR_046251 100505641 Hs.517821 NR_046251 ENSG00000225733 FGD5-AS1 - FGD5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33774 chr8 46859917 46860027 + 11.90688 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -892536 NR_027012 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35777 chr9 85367121 85367226 + 11.89671 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 310870 NM_152573 158158 Hs.129136 NM_152573 HPRD:08337 RASEF RAB45 RAS and EF-hand domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29778 chr6 62101788 62101899 + 11.89671 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -182165 NM_001190706 100463487 NM_001190706 ENSG00000255633 MTRNR2L9 HN9 MT-RNR2-like 9 (pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22768 chr3 48507550 48507701 + 11.89455 NA TTS (NM_130384) TTS (NM_130384) 706 NM_007248 11277 Hs.707026 NM_007248 HPRD:09423 TREX1 AGS1|CRV|DRN3|HERNS three prime repair exonuclease 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17685 chr2 37862756 37862953 + 11.89112 NA Intergenic THE1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 36488 NM_006449 10602 Hs.369574 NM_006449 HPRD:09364 CDC42EP3 BORG2|CEP3|UB1 CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38240 chrX 82947470 82947617 + 11.88538 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -168591 NM_021118 1538 Hs.444230 NM_021118 ENSG00000183035 CYLC1 CYCL1 cylicin, basic protein of sperm head cytoskeleton 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35102 chr9 21803205 21803341 + 11.84867 NA intron (NM_002451, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_002451, intron 1 of 7) 638 NM_002451 4507 Hs.193268 NM_002451 HPRD:01134 MTAP BDMF|DMSFH|DMSMFH|HEL-249|LGMBF|MSAP|c86fus methylthioadenosine phosphorylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7779 chr12 30068579 30068651 + 11.84826 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -130923 NM_175861 83857 Hs.401954 NM_175861 HPRD:12472 TMTC1 OLF|TMTC1A transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6598 chr11 72505042 72505155 + 11.84808 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006645) promoter-TSS (NM_006645) -348 NM_006645 10809 Hs.188606 NM_006645 HPRD:18116 STARD10 NY-CO-28|PCTP2|SDCCAG28 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23488 chr3 115925878 115925959 + 11.83850 NA intron (NM_002338, intron 1 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -152953 NR_109998 101926903 Hs.26479 NR_109998 ENSG00000240922 LSAMP-AS1 - uncharacterized LOC101926903 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38013 chrX 69877492 69877630 + 11.82301 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 17 of 30) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -201717 NR_109801 100873930 Hs.571699 NR_046586 DLG3-AS1 - DLG3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10078 chr14 19907396 19907472 + 11.81958 NA intron (NR_122111, intron 2 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 13065 NR_073460 101101776 Hs.617315 NR_073460 BMS1P17 LINC00516 BMS1 pseudogene 17 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38154 chrX 75798489 75798614 + 11.77735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 150505 NM_020932 57692 Hs.8453 NM_020932 HPRD:06583 MAGEE1 DAMAGE|HCA1 melanoma antigen family E, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31933 chr7 61982133 61982203 + 11.77055 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 782266 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17433 chr2 13774234 13774304 + 11.76295 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -627131 NR_038434 100506474 Hs.242196 NR_038434 ENSG00000225649 LOC100506474 - uncharacterized LOC100506474 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34869 chr8 145912881 145913330 + 11.73391 NA Intergenic Intergenic 67865 NM_138367 90987 Hs.534516 NM_138367 ENSG00000198169 ZNF251 - zinc finger protein 251 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35446 chr9 66810953 66811038 + 11.73004 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -111972 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8294 chr12 62339104 62339187 + 11.72662 NA intron (NM_178539, intron 1 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 247475 NM_178539 338811 Hs.269745 NM_178539 HPRD:16876 FAM19A2 TAFA-2|TAFA2 family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18386 chr2 91666907 91667038 + 11.70918 NA Intergenic L2|LINE|L2 181003 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6245 chr11 58787848 58787924 + 11.70775 NA intron (NR_033853, intron 3 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 38039 NR_033853 283194 NR_033853 ENSG00000255240 LOC283194 - uncharacterized LOC283194 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15203 chr18 23301514 23301621 + 11.70678 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 369044 NM_001007559 6760 Hs.129261 NM_005637 HPRD:02559 SS18 SSXT|SYT synovial sarcoma translocation, chromosome 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19105 chr2 149142934 149143089 + 11.70003 NA intron (NM_018328, intron 5 of 14) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -259549 NM_015630 26122 Hs.23270 NM_015630 HPRD:13274 EPC2 EPC-LIKE enhancer of polycomb homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33703 chr8 43560901 43560983 + 11.70003 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 413357 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8413 chr12 70595964 70596289 + 11.69078 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -40648 NM_014515 4848 Hs.133350 NM_014515 HPRD:05367 CNOT2 CDC36|NOT2|NOT2H CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30309 chr6 112115041 112115238 + 11.67874 NA intron (NM_002037, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_002037, intron 2 of 13) -34805 NM_153048 2534 Hs.390567 NM_002037 HPRD:00655 FYN SLK|SYN|p59-FYN FYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39095 chrY 13137989 13138056 + 11.65660 NA Intergenic (CACTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1395367 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26964 chr5 35396593 35396744 + 11.65627 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -165977 NM_000949 5618 Hs.368587 NM_000949 HPRD:01457 PRLR HPRL|MFAB|hPRLrI prolactin receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20005 chr2 227932019 227932099 + 11.65126 NA intron (NM_000092, intron 25 of 47) L1PA3|LINE|L1 97216 NM_000092 1286 Hs.591645 NM_000092 HPRD:00360 COL4A4 CA44 collagen, type IV, alpha 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14167 chr17 33700640 33700769 + 11.65126 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001104589) promoter-TSS (NM_001104589) 16 NM_001104589 91607 Hs.745059 NM_152270 HPRD:08178 SLFN11 SLFN8/9 schlafen family member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6072 chr11 48888334 48888438 + 11.64174 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -164766 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22971 chr3 63684591 63684669 + 11.62369 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 46286 NM_001080537 132203 Hs.130704 NM_001080537 SNTN S100A1L|S100AL|sentan sentan, cilia apical structure protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21547 chr22 16175084 16175160 + 11.62092 NA intron (NR_122113, intron 6 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 13056 NR_073459 414763 Hs.617315 NR_073459 ENSG00000215394 BMS1P18 C14orf17|LINC00516 BMS1 pseudogene 18 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13070 chr16 56773844 56773986 + 11.60900 NA intron (NM_014669, intron 1 of 21) SVA_F|Other|Other 9898 NM_014669 9688 Hs.276878 NM_014669 HPRD:14854 NUP93 NIC96 nucleoporin 93kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10349 chr14 45431591 45431754 + 11.60818 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017658) promoter-TSS (NM_017658) 256 NM_015091 23116 Hs.371078 NM_015091 HPRD:11082 FAM179B KIAA0423 family with sequence similarity 179, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9164 chr13 19095302 19095392 + 11.60818 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 218892 NR_047508 100874164 Hs.739604 NR_047508 LINC00417 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29091 chr6 16488407 16488517 + 11.60215 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_001128164, intron 5 of 7) 249651 NM_006877 2766 Hs.484741 NM_006877 HPRD:00754 GMPR GMPR1 guanosine monophosphate reductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17653 chr2 36293482 36293582 + 11.59587 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 289181 NR_037631 100288911 Hs.432924 NR_037631 LOC100288911 - uncharacterized LOC100288911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8260 chr12 58293137 58293268 + 11.59587 NA Intergenic Intergenic 36745 NR_038269 100506844 Hs.90286 NR_038269 LOC100506844 - uncharacterized LOC100506844 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8616 chr12 92971698 92971772 + 11.57926 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -124884 NM_001037671 338809 Hs.326303 NM_001037671 ENSG00000214215 C12orf74 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 74 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33511 chr8 26257685 26257775 + 11.57926 NA intron (NM_004331, intron 3 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 17207 NM_004331 665 Hs.131226 NM_004331 HPRD:07288 BNIP3L BNIP3a|NIX BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 3-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8011 chr12 47098884 47098988 + 11.56853 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 120844 NM_001143824 55089 Hs.446077 NM_018018 HPRD:12159 SLC38A4 ATA3|NAT3|PAAT solute carrier family 38, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24841 chr4 32129120 32129226 + 11.54929 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1407136 NM_032457 5099 Hs.479439 NM_002589 HPRD:04288 PCDH7 BH-Pcdh|BHPCDH|PPP1R120 protocadherin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34521 chr8 122063946 122064048 + 11.54929 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -239688 NM_021021 6641 Hs.46701 NM_021021 HPRD:02490 SNTB1 59-DAP|A1B|BSYN2|DAPA1B|SNT2|SNT2B1|TIP-43 syntrophin, beta 1 (dystrophin-associated protein A1, 59kDa, basic component 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5945 chr11 37267577 37267681 + 11.54116 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -647800 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20602 chr20 30058561 30058721 + 11.53636 NA intron (NM_001037500, intron 1 of 1) SVA_F|Other|Other 2175 NM_001037500 245937 Hs.381373 NM_001037500 HPRD:18759 DEFB124 DEFB-24 defensin, beta 124 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21936 chr22 36761118 36761301 + 11.53636 NA intron (NM_002473, intron 1 of 40) intron (NM_002473, intron 1 of 40) 22854 NM_002473 4627 Hs.474751 NM_002473 HPRD:01177 MYH9 BDPLT6|DFNA17|EPSTS|FTNS|MHA|NMHC-II-A|NMMHC-IIA|NMMHCA myosin, heavy chain 9, non-muscle protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36361 chr9 132172572 132172675 + 11.51414 NA Intergenic (CACCAT)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 73421 NR_120686 100506119 Hs.624047 NR_120685 LINC01503 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1503 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34399 chr8 108724626 108724839 + 11.51352 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -214478 NM_001199859 284 Hs.369675 NM_001146 HPRD:03392 ANGPT1 AGP1|AGPT|ANG1 angiopoietin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38607 chrX 124744664 124744751 + 11.48981 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 290738 NM_001195272 100129520 Hs.728728 NM_001195272 LOC100129520 - testis expressed sequence 13-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6825 chr11 93983435 93983776 + 11.48981 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -55198 NM_001199206 390243 Hs.553758 NM_001080486 ENSG00000183560 FOLR4 Folbp3|JUNO folate receptor 4, delta (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17019 chr19 53030781 53030992 + 11.48981 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001039886) promoter-TSS (NM_001039886) -23 NM_001039886 388558 Hs.729294 NM_001039886 ENSG00000198482 ZNF808 - zinc finger protein 808 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1948 chr1 148247669 148247756 + 11.48211 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 6 of 18).2 CpG -45176 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18772 chr2 116807029 116807118 + 11.47893 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 887389 NM_001004360 57628 Hs.580539 NM_020868 HPRD:07083 DPP10 DPL2|DPPY|DPRP-3|DPRP3 dipeptidyl-peptidase 10 (non-functional) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29811 chr6 68330146 68330224 + 11.45919 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -1015447 NM_001704 577 Hs.13261 NM_001704 HPRD:04064 BAI3 - brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2734 chr1 194285257 194285350 + 11.45373 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 1011428 NR_125789 101929184 Hs.146728 NR_125789 LINC01031 TCONS_00000361 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1031 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21167 chr21 10858353 10858439 + 11.44337 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 132547 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28469 chr5 145994818 145995009 + 11.44095 NA intron (NR_073526, intron 6 of 8) L1HS|LINE|L1 -99237 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25797 chr4 110817953 110818060 + 11.43075 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -16034 NM_001178131 1950 Hs.419815 NM_001963 HPRD:00578 EGF HOMG4|URG epidermal growth factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17369 chr2 9983381 9983639 + 11.42890 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005680) promoter-TSS (NM_005680) -61 NM_005680 9014 Hs.584833 NM_005680 HPRD:05363 TAF1B MGC:9349|RAF1B|RAFI63|SL1|TAFI63 TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, RNA polymerase I, B, 63kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25179 chr4 54103752 54103996 + 11.42890 NA intron (NM_152540, intron 4 of 8) SVA_D|Other|Other 128368 NM_152540 152579 Hs.302287 NM_152540 HPRD:15300 SCFD2 STXBP1L1 sec1 family domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37465 chrX 36483464 36483633 + 11.40503 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -25173 NR_110412 101928627 Hs.590831 NR_110412 ENSG00000226484 LOC101928627 - uncharacterized LOC101928627 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21118 chr21 10774347 10774488 + 11.40503 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 216526 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16404 chr19 30162725 30162835 + 11.40503 NA intron (NM_024310, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_024310, intron 1 of 1) 6453 NM_024310 79156 Hs.466383 NM_024310 HPRD:15146 PLEKHF1 APPD|LAPF|PHAFIN1|ZFYVE15 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family F (with FYVE domain) member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13754 chr17 6438950 6439045 + 11.40420 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 2 of 19) AluSz|SINE|Alu 20880 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10462 chr14 53735176 53735267 + 11.40167 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 115149 NR_110062 101927620 NR_110062 ENSG00000258731 LOC101927620 - uncharacterized LOC101927620 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33325 chr8 7834530 7834620 + 11.40167 NA exon (NM_001256871, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_001256871, exon 1 of 1) 932 NM_001256871 645836 Hs.741131 NM_001256871 USP17L3 USP17B|USP17F ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34303 chr8 99751477 99751674 + 11.37860 NA intron (NM_001256312, intron 6 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 86324 NM_001256313 6788 Hs.492333 NM_006281 HPRD:05433 STK3 KRS1|MST2 serine/threonine kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22249 chr3 6430280 6430562 + 11.37237 NA Intergenic Intergenic 416715 NR_110123 101927347 Hs.333345 NR_110123 ENSG00000226258 GRM7-AS3 - GRM7 antisense RNA 3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31884 chr7 61608797 61608918 + 11.37134 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1155577 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37656 chrX 52631050 52631156 + 11.34321 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -20882 NR_027250 280659 Hs.694472 NM_174961 HPRD:06728 SSX8 - synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 8 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33409 chr8 14103538 14103615 + 11.34321 NA intron (NM_139167, intron 3 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 607443 NR_029875 494332 NR_029875 MIR383 MIRN383|hsa-mir-383 microRNA 383 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36621 chr9_gl000199_random 97497 97667 + 11.34035 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27526 chr5 70751670 70751759 + 11.33949 NA exon (NM_018429, exon 1 of 39) exon (NM_018429, exon 1 of 39) 272 NM_018429 55814 Hs.258272 NM_018429 HPRD:06114 BDP1 HSA238520|TAF3B1|TFC5|TFIIIB''|TFIIIB150|TFIIIB90|TFNR B double prime 1, subunit of RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor IIIB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6134 chr11 51128845 51128927 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 283562 NM_001005272 81318 Hs.554531 NM_001005272 HPRD:17719 OR4A5 OR11-111 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17279 chr2 2208344 2208425 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_015025, intron 2 of 24) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -114620 NR_024468 730811 Hs.629472 NR_024468 ENSG00000225619 MYT1L-AS1 - MYT1L antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24935 chr4 40713655 40713726 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -38224 NM_024677 79730 Hs.570821 NM_024677 HPRD:07846 NSUN7 - NOP2/Sun domain family, member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3935 chr10 32170870 32170952 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001270695, intron 3 of 18) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 26943 NM_001270699 94134 Hs.499264 NM_018287 HPRD:06446 ARHGAP12 - Rho GTPase activating protein 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19193 chr2 158403498 158403574 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001111033, intron 2 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 50536 NM_001111031 130399 Hs.562901 NM_145259 HPRD:10608 ACVR1C ACVRLK7|ALK7 activin A receptor, type IC protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31547 chr7 33588040 33588114 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_198428, intron 21 of 22) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -356446 NM_133468 168667 Hs.660998 NM_133468 HPRD:16368 BMPER CRIM3|CV-2|CV2 BMP binding endothelial regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20198 chr2 240718097 240718173 + 11.33741 NA intron (NR_037808, intron 2 of 2) SVA_D|Other|Other 33581 NR_037808 150935 Hs.555582 NR_037808 LOC150935 - uncharacterized LOC150935 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22142 chr22 47936672 47936761 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -53856 NR_109967 101927722 Hs.589927 NR_109967 ENSG00000218357 LOC101927722 - uncharacterized LOC101927722 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36016 chr9 104854078 104854165 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -353259 NM_133445 116443 Hs.654783 NM_133445 HPRD:09443 GRIN3A GluN3A|NMDAR-L|NR3A glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl-D-aspartate 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11860 chr15 76196142 76196247 + 11.33741 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012170) promoter-TSS (NM_012170) -6 NM_012170 26263 Hs.591115 NM_012170 HPRD:16437 FBXO22 FBX22|FISTC1 F-box protein 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11765 chr15 68983720 68983844 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_006091, intron 2 of 11) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 59455 NM_001190457 10391 Hs.551213 NM_006091 HPRD:05416 CORO2B CLIPINC coronin, actin binding protein, 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2787 chr1 199879013 199879085 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -117681 NM_003822 2494 Hs.33446 NM_003822 HPRD:06830 NR5A2 B1F|B1F2|CPF|FTF|FTZ-F1|FTZ-F1beta|LRH-1|LRH1|hB1F-2 nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38810 chrX 141465724 141465882 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -172727 NM_016249 51438 Hs.123536 NM_016249 HPRD:06632 MAGEC2 CT10|HCA587|MAGEE1 melanoma antigen family C, 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10226 chr14 31159827 31160003 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001283033, intron 11 of 21) L1HS|LINE|L1 68390 NM_001257376 23256 Hs.369168 NM_016106 HPRD:10210 SCFD1 C14orf163|RA410|SLY1|SLY1P|STXBP1L2 sec1 family domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8178 chr12 55244312 55244388 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -3949 NM_058173 118430 Hs.348419 NM_058173 HPRD:17290 MUCL1 SBEM mucin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25865 chr4 118987498 118987605 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_004784, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_004784, intron 2 of 13) 32051 NM_004784 9348 Hs.480596 NM_004784 ENSG00000164100 NDST3 HSST3 N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20725 chr20 36722843 36722936 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR 60941 NM_021215 58490 Hs.278839 NM_021215 HPRD:08513 RPRD1B C20orf77|CREPT|NET60|dJ1057B20.2 regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36008 chr9 103633998 103634077 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -156994 NM_207299 54886 Hs.382683 NM_017753 HPRD:17906 LPPR1 PRG-3 lipid phosphate phosphatase-related protein type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10084 chr14 20619790 20619874 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 7937 NM_001004724 390437 Hs.553766 NM_001004724 HPRD:14985 OR4N5 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily N, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31344 chr7 14449151 14449231 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_004080, intron 20 of 24) AluYb8|SINE|Alu -418141 NM_001163148 2115 Hs.22634 NM_004956 HPRD:02765 ETV1 ER81 ets variant 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23677 chr3 130014909 130014978 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -49416 NM_001278298 256076 Hs.205403 NM_153264 HPRD:08196 COL6A5 COL29A1|VWA4 collagen, type VI, alpha 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23399 chr3 108472774 108472855 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 3316 NM_032579 84666 Hs.307047 NM_032579 HPRD:05734 RETNLB FIZZ1|FIZZ2|HXCP2|RELM-beta|RELMb|RELMbeta|XCP2 resistin like beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13775 chr17 6848446 6848514 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -50904 NM_000697 239 Hs.654431 NM_000697 HPRD:01066 ALOX12 12-LOX|12S-LOX|LOG12 arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24767 chr4 20115351 20115447 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -139788 NM_001289135 9353 Hs.29802 NM_004787 HPRD:04776 SLIT2 SLIL3|Slit-2 slit homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17214 chr19_gl000208_random 64745 64820 + 11.33741 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35872 chr9 93555020 93555103 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -8901 NM_003177 6850 Hs.371720 NM_003177 HPRD:02514 SYK p72-Syk spleen tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14512 chr17 51608654 51608738 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -291543 NM_032559 84643 Hs.226805 NM_032559 HPRD:10053 KIF2B - kinesin family member 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6094 chr11 49527970 49528050 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -52070 NR_027044 440040 Hs.655746 NR_027044 ENSG00000205035 LOC440040 - glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20092 chr2 234576507 234576589 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_019075, intron 1 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -3996 NM_021027 54600 Hs.554822 NM_021027 HPRD:07073 UGT1A9 HLUGP4|LUGP4|UDPGT|UDPGT 1-9|UGT-1I|UGT1-09|UGT1-9|UGT1.9|UGT1AI|UGT1I UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4793 chr10 93131585 93131669 + 11.33741 NA intron (NR_024467, intron 3 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -38415 NM_001284274 143279 Hs.596096 NM_173497 HPRD:13643 HECTD2 - HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_976 chr1 57242801 57242881 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001004303, intron 4 of 19) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 42528 NM_001004303 199920 Hs.437655 NM_001004303 HPRD:14120 C1orf168 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 168 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6177 chr11 54756112 54756197 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -273504 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38709 chrX 132025901 132026029 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001077188, intron 3 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 69458 NM_001077188 90161 Hs.385956 NM_147175 HPRD:06590 HS6ST2 - heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34288 chr8 97569193 97569376 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_002998, intron 1 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 63402 NM_002998 6383 Hs.1501 NM_002998 HPRD:00803 SDC2 CD362|HSPG|HSPG1|SYND2 syndecan 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4536 chr10 71797006 71797086 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -15311 NM_018649 55506 Hs.499953 NM_018649 HPRD:13625 H2AFY2 macroH2A2 H2A histone family, member Y2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5028 chr10 110217641 110217713 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -388626 NR_125760 103695365 Hs.648991 NR_125760 LINC01435 TCONS_00018040 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1435 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7619 chr12 21439475 21439554 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_021094, intron 11 of 13) L1PA2|LINE|L1 48318 NM_021094 6579 Hs.46440 NM_005075 HPRD:09112 SLCO1A2 OATP|OATP-A|OATP1A2|SLC21A3 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22553 chr3 31190403 31190470 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -254283 NM_207359 339896 Hs.657052 NM_207359 HPRD:13557 GADL1 ADC|CSADC|HuADC|HuCSADC glutamate decarboxylase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29296 chr6 28411203 28411335 + 11.33741 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001012455) promoter-TSS (NM_001012455) 10 NM_001012455 222696 Hs.721841 NM_001012455 ENSG00000187987 ZSCAN23 ZNF390|ZNF453|dJ29K1.3|dJ29K1.3.1 zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2676 chr1 188342980 188343064 + 11.33400 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 1544990 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25544 chr4 86462342 86462414 + 11.33400 NA intron (NM_001025616, intron 1 of 9) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 66094 NM_001025616 83478 Hs.444229 NM_031305 HPRD:09804 ARHGAP24 FILGAP|RC-GAP72|RCGAP72|p73|p73RhoGAP Rho GTPase activating protein 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_656 chr1 36545444 36545529 + 11.33251 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -4190 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4936 chr10 102792136 102792261 + 11.32986 NA 5' UTR (NM_030971, exon 2 of 12) 5' UTR (NM_030971, exon 2 of 12) 1202 NM_030971 81855 Hs.283844 NM_030971 HPRD:15329 SFXN3 BA108L7.2|SFX3 sideroflexin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30359 chr6 116285100 116285179 + 11.31873 NA intron (NM_002031, intron 4 of 7) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -74755 NR_027338 728402 Hs.729953 NR_027338 TPI1P3 - triosephosphate isomerase 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18849 chr2 128051708 128051806 + 11.30316 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000122) promoter-TSS (NM_000122) -5 NM_000122 2071 Hs.469872 NM_000122 HPRD:00593 ERCC3 BTF2|GTF2H|RAD25|TFIIH|XPB excision repair cross-complementation group 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39036 chrY 8003713 8003782 + 11.30291 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 330782 NR_001551 83867 Hs.667616 NR_001551 ENSG00000237048 TTTY12 NCRNA00135|TTY11|TTY12 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 12 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4358 chr10 53706768 53706873 + 11.28984 NA intron (NM_006258, intron 5 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -247465 NM_015235 23283 Hs.591358 NM_015235 HPRD:09900 CSTF2T CstF-64T cleavage stimulation factor, 3' pre-RNA, subunit 2, 64kDa, tau variant protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27722 chr5 85205545 85205642 + 11.28984 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -372669 NR_003719 285622 Hs.449272 NR_003719 NBPF22P - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 22, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33614 chr8 37320164 37320272 + 11.28560 NA intron (NR_121620, intron 3 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 31213 NR_121620 100507420 Hs.105962 NR_121620 LOC100507420 - uncharacterized LOC100507420 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35117 chr9 24121954 24122048 + 11.27111 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -295938 NM_004432 1993 Hs.166109 NM_004432 HPRD:03396 ELAVL2 HEL-N1|HELN1|HUB ELAV like neuron-specific RNA binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20536 chr20 26267585 26267724 + 11.26943 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -77785 NR_040095 284801 Hs.370699 NR_040095 ENSG00000227195 MIR663AHG - MIR663A host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10372 chr14 47335587 47335681 + 11.26125 NA intron (NM_001113498, intron 14 of 16) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -214606 NM_080746 140801 Hs.308332 NM_080746 HPRD:11753 RPL10L RPL10_5_1358 ribosomal protein L10-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23543 chr3 121065263 121065342 + 11.26113 NA intron (NM_014980, intron 21 of 27) L1PA4|LINE|L1 199551 NM_199420 10721 Hs.241517 NM_199420 HPRD:10375 POLQ POLH|PRO0327 polymerase (DNA directed), theta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9644 chr13 62381431 62381505 + 11.23287 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 222213 NR_046995 100874143 Hs.552684 NR_046995 LINC00358 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 358 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6986 chr11 110465907 110465991 + 11.20467 NA intron (NM_001258415, intron 9 of 14) L1PA4|LINE|L1 116824 NM_001258415 57569 Hs.6136 NM_020809 HPRD:10657 ARHGAP20 RARHOGAP Rho GTPase activating protein 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4204 chr10 42790783 42790884 + 11.18969 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 72660 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8016 chr12 47555804 47555880 + 11.17760 NA intron (NM_001281429, intron 2 of 2) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -25753 NR_039847 100616486 NR_039847 miRBase:MI0017331 MIR4698 - microRNA 4698 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32188 chr7 77926945 77927036 + 11.17760 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 9 of 20) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -49569 NR_003680 399670 Hs.568045 NR_003680 HPRD:14588 RPL13AP17 RPL13A_6_816 ribosomal protein L13a pseudogene 17 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32137 chr7 75103016 75103085 + 11.17760 NA intron (NM_001099415, intron 3 of 14) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 12515 NM_001099415 100101267 Hs.712563 NM_001099415 ENSG00000135213 POM121C POM121-2 POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6704 chr11 82904672 82904840 + 11.17675 NA promoter-TSS (NR_125355) promoter-TSS (NR_125355) -25 NM_001300973 338699 Hs.503438 NM_182603 HPRD:08230 ANKRD42 PPP1R79|SARP ankyrin repeat domain 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13147 chr16 65587363 65587493 + 11.17620 NA intron (NR_027755, intron 2 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 22775 NR_027755 283867 Hs.444774 NM_001101346 ENSG00000261742 LINC00922 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 922 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15515 chr18 65972690 65972767 + 11.17251 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 409625 NM_019022 54495 Hs.440534 NM_019022 HPRD:15591 TMX3 PDIA13|TXNDC10 thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33193 chr7 158791421 158791592 + 11.17251 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9539 NR_024394 154822 Hs.544783 NM_198345 ENSG00000231419 LINC00689 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 689 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8542 chr12 86886885 86887016 + 11.17251 NA intron (NM_013244, intron 1 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 59779 NR_039710 100616215 NR_039710 miRBase:MI0016851 MIR548AL - microRNA 548al ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35490 chr9 67319731 67319806 + 11.16867 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -30276 NR_002817 375719 Hs.658215 NR_002817 AQP7P1 bA251O17.3 aquaporin 7 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30351 chr6 115502168 115502257 + 11.15249 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -857682 NR_027338 728402 Hs.729953 NR_027338 TPI1P3 - triosephosphate isomerase 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13627 chr17 1933994 1934094 + 11.12057 NA intron (NM_001383, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001383, intron 1 of 12) 613 NM_001383 1801 Hs.513856 NM_001383 HPRD:04634 DPH1 DPH2L|DPH2L1|OVCA1 diphthamide biosynthesis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9972 chr13 110221579 110221800 + 11.11646 NA Intergenic Intergenic -158932 NR_103846 101409253 Hs.578072 NR_103846 ENSG00000234854 LINC00676 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 676 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1985 chr1 148760797 148760872 + 11.11507 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) CpG -45181 NM_001144032 730262 NM_001144032 PPIAL4E COAS2 peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_683 chr1 36852159 36852297 + 11.11283 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032017) promoter-TSS (NM_032017) -700 NM_001282546 83931 Hs.471768 NM_032017 HPRD:11359 STK40 SHIK|SgK495 serine/threonine kinase 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25759 chr4 107042368 107042474 + 11.09250 NA intron (NM_001163435, intron 23 of 25) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -194346 NM_001142415 9255 Hs.591680 NM_004757 HPRD:04676 AIMP1 EMAP2|EMAPII|HLD3|SCYE1|p43 aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3609 chr10 6572259 6572448 + 11.09250 NA intron (NM_001282644, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001282644, intron 1 of 17) 49910 NM_001282644 5588 Hs.498570 NM_006257 HPRD:02710 PRKCQ PRKCT|nPKC-theta protein kinase C, theta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17754 chr2 43809874 43809944 + 11.08617 NA intron (NM_022065, intron 7 of 37) AluSz|SINE|Alu 13204 NM_001083953 63892 Hs.369592 NM_022065 HPRD:18177 THADA GITA thyroid adenoma associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25302 chr4 63625564 63625644 + 11.08617 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -598121 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30020 chr6 86921191 86921281 + 11.08617 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -532785 NR_003038 387066 Hs.292457 NR_003038 ENSG00000203875 SNHG5 C6orf160|LINC00044|NCRNA00044|U50HG|bA33E24.2 small nucleolar RNA host gene 5 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21582 chr22 17391406 17391529 + 11.07614 NA Intergenic Intergenic 83103 NR_003607 27437 Hs.143955 NR_003607 ENSG00000229027 HSFY1P1 CECR8|HSFYL1|HSFYP1|NCRNA00016 heat shock transcription factor, Y-linked 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_633 chr1 36479860 36480010 + 11.06960 NA intron (NM_177422, intron 9 of 16) AluSx|SINE|Alu -69741 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14351 chr17 42315814 42316136 + 11.06960 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -16981 NR_045058 7343 Hs.89781 NM_014233 HPRD:02814 UBTF NOR-90|UBF|UBF-1|UBF1|UBF2 upstream binding transcription factor, RNA polymerase I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13717 chr17 6292978 6293050 + 11.06477 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 45438 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11143 chr15 20140163 20140248 + 11.06241 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -347792 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38767 chrX 135527681 135527863 + 11.05558 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -42353 NM_001727 680 Hs.121484 NM_001727 HPRD:02116 BRS3 BB3 bombesin-like receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39109 chrY 13194494 13194581 + 11.05128 NA Intergenic (CACTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1338852 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7759 chr12 28655736 28655820 + 11.04418 NA intron (NM_018318, intron 11 of 11) L1PA3|LINE|L1 245645 NM_018318 55297 Hs.653125 NM_018318 HPRD:16905 CCDC91 p56 coiled-coil domain containing 91 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19661 chr2 198501075 198501158 + 11.04418 NA intron (NM_144629, intron 3 of 8) L1HS|LINE|L1 39468 NM_144629 130132 Hs.591615 NM_144629 RFTN2 C2orf11|Raftlin-2 raftlin family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23797 chr3 141179106 141179211 + 11.04418 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26768 NM_006506 5922 Hs.98445 NM_006506 ENSG00000155903 RASA2 GAP1M RAS p21 protein activator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14431 chr17 45899053 45899295 + 11.04262 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145798) promoter-TSS (NM_145798) -27 NM_145798 114881 Hs.463320 NM_017731 HPRD:09477 OSBPL7 ORP7 oxysterol binding protein-like 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15505 chr18 62963530 62963605 + 11.03696 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -453921 NM_033646 1005 Hs.657522 NM_004361 HPRD:12049 CDH7 CDH7L1 cadherin 7, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27133 chr5 45545141 45545232 + 11.03696 NA intron (NM_021072, intron 2 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 151034 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34526 chr8 122520750 122520844 + 11.00960 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -130789 NR_002835 594842 Hs.668686 NR_002835 HAS2-AS1 HAS2-AS|HAS2AS|HASNT|NCRNA00077 HAS2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37459 chrX 35240045 35240160 + 11.00960 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 279189 NM_152631 170062 Hs.197801 NM_152631 HPRD:06559 FAM47B - family with sequence similarity 47, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26059 chr4 134655604 134655776 + 10.99726 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 467213 NM_001114734 132430 Hs.49889 NM_001114734 ENSG00000254535 PABPC4L - poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 4-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30075 chr6 90766031 90766126 + 10.99533 NA intron (NM_021813, intron 5 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 161890 NM_032602 84694 Hs.334499 NM_032602 HPRD:13104 GJA10 CX62 gap junction protein, alpha 10, 62kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37753 chrX 57351259 57351332 + 10.98175 NA intron (NM_174912, intron 3 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 38185 NM_174912 158584 Hs.496205 NM_174912 HPRD:06551 FAAH2 AMDD fatty acid amide hydrolase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10693 chr14 71836887 71837067 + 10.95784 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -28077 NR_001276 319139 NR_001276 ENSG00000207444 SNORD56B RNU56B small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 56B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12677 chr16 30773415 30773576 + 10.95501 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195620) promoter-TSS (NM_001195620) 70 NM_001014979 90835 Hs.724010 NM_001014979 HPRD:18705 C16orf93 - chromosome 16 open reading frame 93 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10364 chr14 46352740 46352828 + 10.95442 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -180578 NR_102701 100506412 Hs.207545 NR_102699 ENSG00000258700 LINC00871 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 871 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39192 chrY 13677225 13677302 + 10.94915 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 856126 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2976 chr1 212952767 212952860 + 10.94281 NA intron (NM_001042549, intron 4 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 12326 NM_015471 25936 Hs.497692 NM_015471 HPRD:12378 NSL1 C1orf48|MIS14 NSL1, MIS12 kinetochore complex component protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15954 chr19 11225260 11225329 + 10.93511 NA intron (NM_001195799, intron 9 of 16) AluY|SINE|Alu 1144 NR_106946 102465534 NR_106946 MIR6886 hsa-mir-6886 microRNA 6886 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27787 chr5 91491039 91491109 + 10.92728 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -811925 NM_020801 57561 Hs.24684 NM_020801 HPRD:09810 ARRDC3 TLIMP arrestin domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36057 chr9 108465791 108465936 + 10.90550 NA intron (NM_018112, intron 1 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 9057 NM_018112 55151 Hs.411925 NM_018112 HPRD:15538 TMEM38B C9orf87|D4Ertd89e|OI14|TRIC-B|TRICB|bA219P18.1 transmembrane protein 38B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6985 chr11 110421171 110421274 + 10.89270 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 120561 NM_004109 2230 Hs.744 NM_004109 HPRD:00059 FDX1 ADX|FDX|LOH11CR1D ferredoxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17852 chr2 51964310 51964396 + 10.89270 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -704679 NM_001135659 9378 Hs.637685 NM_004801 HPRD:11858 NRXN1 Hs.22998|PTHSL2|SCZD17 neurexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27250 chr5 50550535 50550611 + 10.88284 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -128385 NM_002202 3670 Hs.505 NM_002202 HPRD:02650 ISL1 ISLET1|Isl-1 ISL LIM homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24032 chr3 161468345 161468458 + 10.87575 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 253805 NM_001080440 131149 Hs.585021 NM_001080440 ENSG00000182447 OTOL1 C1QTNF15 otolin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3827 chr10 23800412 23800509 + 10.87273 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 72262 NM_001145373 220213 Hs.499042 NM_001145373 ENSG00000165312 OTUD1 DUBA7|OTDC1 OTU deubiquitinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28887 chr6 147858 147945 + 10.85717 NA intron (NR_109817, intron 1 of 2).2 (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 258 NR_109817 441123 NR_109817 ENSG00000170590 LINC00266-3 C6orf88|NCRNA00266-3|NCRNA00266C|dJ24O22.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 266-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18563 chr2 99077476 99077629 + 10.85004 NA intron (NM_001134225, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001134225, intron 1 of 24) 16231 NM_001134224 3631 Hs.469386 NM_001566 HPRD:02949 INPP4A INPP4|TVAS1 inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type I, 107kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13396 chr16 81851072 81851146 + 10.84598 NA intron (NM_002661, intron 2 of 32) intron (NM_002661, intron 2 of 32) 38246 NM_002661 5336 Hs.372303 NM_002661 HPRD:02570 PLCG2 APLAID|FCAS3|PLC-IV|PLC-gamma-2 phospholipase C, gamma 2 (phosphatidylinositol-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34013 chr8 70265677 70265750 + 10.84342 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 94766 NR_110433 100505739 Hs.127115 NR_110433 LOC100505739 - uncharacterized LOC100505739 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27861 chr5 97886280 97886359 + 10.84342 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -218680 NM_001012761 285704 Hs.526902 NM_173670 HPRD:15243 RGMB DRAGON repulsive guidance molecule family member b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21048 chr20 62764605 62764944 + 10.83437 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26590 NM_005286 2832 Hs.248118 NM_005286 NPBWR2 GPR8 neuropeptides B/W receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28438 chr5 144423026 144423105 + 10.81694 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 791867 NM_138492 153768 Hs.314261 NM_138492 HPRD:14479 PRELID2 - PRELI domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27354 chr5 58249877 58249962 + 10.81694 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 45840 NM_001197223 5144 Hs.117545 NM_006203 HPRD:02530 PDE4D ACRDYS2|DPDE3|HSPDE4D|PDE43|PDE4DN2|STRK1 phosphodiesterase 4D, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37330 chrX 16354788 16354860 + 10.81694 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 169220 NM_001277307 645864 Hs.632792 NM_001277307 ENSG00000182798 MAGEB17 - melanoma antigen family B, 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35765 chr9 83276985 83277065 + 10.81389 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 687087 NR_121212 101927477 Hs.571630 NR_121212 LINC01507 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1507 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27094 chr5 42739074 42739237 + 10.79336 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -17765 NM_001134848 100129792 Hs.745017 NM_001134848 ENSG00000198865 CCDC152 CH5400 coiled-coil domain containing 152 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36223 chr9 125590875 125590986 + 10.79077 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005388) promoter-TSS (NM_005388) 5 NM_005388 5082 Hs.271749 NM_005388 HPRD:05108 PDCL PhLP phosducin-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23696 chr3 131994012 131994089 + 10.78767 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -42161 NM_001099 55 Hs.433060 NM_001099 HPRD:01378 ACPP 5'-NT|ACP-3|ACP3 acid phosphatase, prostate protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12871 chr16 33950158 33950237 + 10.78473 NA Intergenic Intergenic 12306 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10057 chr14 19014945 19015025 + 10.76602 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -362609 NM_001013354 440153 Hs.534880 NM_001013354 HPRD:18633 OR11H12 - olfactory receptor, family 11, subfamily H, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19799 chr2 205861181 205861369 + 10.75838 NA intron (NM_205863, intron 3 of 21) L1PA2|LINE|L1 450759 NM_057177 117583 Hs.657382 NM_057177 HPRD:09795 PARD3B ALS2CR19|PAR3B|PAR3L|PAR3LC|PAR3beta|Par3Lb par-3 family cell polarity regulator beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17713 chr2 41009878 41009983 + 10.75838 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -270355 NM_001112802 6546 Hs.31961 NM_021097 HPRD:01659 SLC8A1 NCX1 solute carrier family 8 (sodium/calcium exchanger), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38062 chrX 71371079 71371181 + 10.75838 NA intron (NM_207422, intron 1 of 1) AluSc|SINE|Alu 7096 NM_207422 392490 Hs.660859 NM_207422 FLJ44635 - TPT1-like protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12953 chr16 46464971 46465102 + 10.74624 NA Intergenic Intergenic 137973 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34197 chr8 88316419 88316574 + 10.73883 NA intron (NM_173538, intron 8 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 437820 NM_173538 168975 Hs.246284 NM_173538 HPRD:08192 CNBD1 - cyclic nucleotide binding domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12444 chr16 16127421 16127532 + 10.72930 NA intron (NM_004996, intron 6 of 30) intron (NM_004996, intron 6 of 30) 84042 NM_004996 4363 Hs.391464 NM_004996 HPRD:01153 ABCC1 ABC29|ABCC|GS-X|MRP|MRP1 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19299 chr2 167360150 167360221 + 10.71207 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -16704 NM_002976 6332 Hs.596087 NM_002976 HPRD:08355 SCN7A NaG|Nav2.1|Nav2.2|SCN6A sodium channel, voltage-gated, type VII, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12526 chr16 22500152 22500279 + 10.70559 NA intron (NR_027154, intron 25 of 28) intron (NR_027154, intron 25 of 28) -24629 NM_001135865 100132247 Hs.611072 NM_001135865 ENSG00000243716 NPIPB5 - nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member B5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12996 chr16 48804106 48804191 + 10.69983 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -160028 NM_153029 9683 Hs.511839 NM_153029 HPRD:08109 N4BP1 - NEDD4 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12866 chr16 33902129 33902295 + 10.69569 NA Intergenic (CACTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 60291 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29893 chr6 75717500 75717589 + 10.69555 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 198079 NM_080645 1303 Hs.101302 NM_004370 HPRD:00377 COL12A1 BA209D8.1|COL12A1L|DJ234P15.1 collagen, type XII, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4079 chr10 39108679 39108885 + 10.69218 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 119055 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38314 chrX 91227857 91227935 + 10.68553 NA intron (NM_001168362, intron 2 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 137436 NM_001168362 27328 Hs.655673 NM_014522 HPRD:02215 PCDH11X PCDH-X|PCDH11|PCDHX|PPP1R119 protocadherin 11 X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15806 chr19 4915311 4915389 + 10.67728 NA intron (NM_001048201, intron 2 of 16) MER58A|DNA|hAT-Charlie 4971 NM_001290052 29128 Hs.108106 NM_013282 UHRF1 ICBP90|Np95|RNF106|hNP95|hUHRF1|huNp95 ubiquitin-like with PHD and ring finger domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35792 chr9 86467115 86467191 + 10.67132 NA intron (NM_017576, intron 15 of 17) AluY|SINE|Alu -34401 NM_001135953 80318 Hs.522255 NM_025211 HPRD:17042 GKAP1 GKAP42 G kinase anchoring protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30416 chr6 122026542 122026617 + 10.67132 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 269856 NM_000165 2697 Hs.74471 NM_000165 HPRD:00414 GJA1 AVSD3|CMDR|CX43|GJAL|HLHS1|HSS|ODDD gap junction protein, alpha 1, 43kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38140 chrX 75363131 75363241 + 10.66300 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29578 NM_001300888 51260 Hs.370100 NM_016500 HPRD:06659 PBDC1 CXorf26 polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33382 chr8 12232080 12232168 + 10.65900 NA intron (NR_026789, intron 2 of 4) intron (NR_026789, intron 2 of 4) 5174 NR_046415 649352 Hs.742474 NR_046415 LOC649352 - ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 17-like protein 2-like pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5659 chr11 13531531 13531711 + 10.65900 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -14054 NM_000315 5741 Hs.37045 NM_000315 HPRD:01345 PTH PTH1 parathyroid hormone protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8492 chr12 77158241 77158364 + 10.64713 NA intron (NM_015336, intron 1 of 16) CpG 448 NM_015336 23390 Hs.4014 NM_015336 HPRD:09697 ZDHHC17 HIP14|HIP3|HYPH zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36712 chrUn_gl000214 118000 118124 + 10.64382 NA NA ACRO1|Satellite|acro NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5864 chr11 31597831 31597917 + 10.64250 NA intron (NM_019040, intron 3 of 9) L1PA5|LINE|L1 66598 NM_019040 26610 Hs.175534 NM_019040 HPRD:07377 ELP4 AN|C11orf19|PAX6NEB|PAXNEB|dJ68P15A.1|hELP4 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5956 chr11 40065354 40065430 + 10.64250 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 249288 NR_047674 57689 Hs.745123 NM_020929 HPRD:12303 LRRC4C NGL-1|NGL1 leucine rich repeat containing 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15312 chr18 42971181 42971261 + 10.64250 NA intron (NM_001242692, intron 1 of 20) L1PA4|LINE|L1 115780 NR_110899 101927980 Hs.591058 NR_110899 SLC14A2-AS1 - SLC14A2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18934 chr2 132430373 132430496 + 10.63559 NA Intergenic Intergenic 35836 NR_108087 101927994 Hs.635757 NR_108087 ENSG00000224559 LINC01087 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1087 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33048 chr7 152282987 152283291 + 10.63559 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 90111 NM_005431 7516 Hs.647093 NM_005431 HPRD:02656 XRCC2 - X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29969 chr6 82462334 82462571 + 10.63249 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017633) promoter-TSS (NM_017633) -24 NM_017633 55603 Hs.10784 NM_017633 HPRD:13311 FAM46A C6orf37|XTP11 family with sequence similarity 46, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34985 chr9 7864747 7864935 + 10.62258 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -65042 NM_033428 90871 Hs.7517 NM_033428 HPRD:12939 TMEM261 C9orf123 transmembrane protein 261 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15108 chr18 14820418 14820524 + 10.60683 NA intron (NM_001145029, intron 24 of 35) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -9694 NR_036153 100422907 NR_036153 MIR3156-2 - microRNA 3156-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35030 chr9 16068279 16068365 + 10.60683 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 184783 NM_001271829 100129385 Hs.586441 NM_001271829 ENSG00000205549 C9orf92 Em:AL513424.1 chromosome 9 open reading frame 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12724 chr16 32094929 32095030 + 10.60211 NA Intergenic Intergenic 104455 NR_109773 100289574 Hs.531536 NR_109773 ENSG00000230267 HERC2P4 D16F37S5 hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19224-2 chr2 161046260 161046530 + 10.58546 NA intron (NM_001282390, intron 3 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 10429 NM_001282389 3694 Hs.470399 NM_000888 HPRD:00947 ITGB6 - integrin, beta 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19224 chr2 161046260 161046530 + 10.58546 NA intron (NM_001282390, intron 3 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 10429 NM_001282389 3694 Hs.470399 NM_000888 HPRD:00947 ITGB6 - integrin, beta 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26325 chr4 160860777 160860849 + 10.58083 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 671815 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28281 chr5 137023188 137023265 + 10.57444 NA intron (NM_001257194, intron 5 of 14) SVA_E|Other|Other 18890 NM_001257195 26249 Hs.655084 NM_017415 HPRD:09011 KLHL3 PHA2D kelch-like family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29671 chr6 50593077 50593161 + 10.55692 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -88138 NM_172238 83741 Hs.434107 NM_172238 HPRD:11627 TFAP2D TFAP2BL1 transcription factor AP-2 delta (activating enhancer binding protein 2 delta) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25623 chr4 96403672 96403764 + 10.55464 NA intron (NM_003728, intron 1 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 66643 NM_003728 8633 Hs.388565 NM_003728 HPRD:04678 UNC5C UNC5H3 unc-5 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32658 chr7 123167745 123167826 + 10.55443 NA intron (NM_178827, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 5217 NR_104244 154865 Hs.159650 NM_178827 HPRD:08194 IQUB - IQ motif and ubiquitin domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37724 chrX 56426562 56426660 + 10.52914 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -163415 NM_013444 29978 Hs.179309 NM_013444 HPRD:02224 UBQLN2 ALS15|CHAP1|DSK2|N4BP4|PLIC2 ubiquilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10344 chr14 45111513 45111589 + 10.52721 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -135052 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18730 chr2 113382126 113382233 + 10.50320 NA Intergenic Intergenic 19578 NR_033871 400999 Hs.585221 NR_033871 FLJ42351 - uncharacterized LOC400999 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32195 chr7 78521082 78521155 + 10.50320 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 2 of 20) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -117186 NR_046689 100874021 Hs.128252 NR_046689 ENSG00000226978 MAGI2-AS2 - MAGI2 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13145 chr16 65396122 65396193 + 10.50113 NA intron (NR_027755, intron 5 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -185681 NR_110918 101927650 Hs.634008 NR_110918 LOC101927650 - uncharacterized LOC101927650 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8526 chr12 83079613 83079747 + 10.48533 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1254 NM_152588 160335 Hs.577775 NM_152588 HPRD:13230 TMTC2 IBDBP1 transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26318 chr4 160444799 160444871 + 10.47946 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 255837 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37987 chrX 68672102 68672175 + 10.47762 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -52940 NM_015686 27112 Hs.87619 NM_015686 HPRD:06740 FAM155B CXorf63|TED|TMEM28|bB57D9.1 family with sequence similarity 155, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9021 chr12 123850332 123850457 + 10.46853 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1004 NR_107039 102466877 NR_107039 MIR8072 hsa-mir-8072 microRNA 8072 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6384 chr11 64577991 64578207 + 10.45599 NA promoter-TSS (NM_130799) promoter-TSS (NM_130799) -64 NM_130801 4221 Hs.423348 NM_000244 HPRD:00564 MEN1 MEAI|SCG2 multiple endocrine neoplasia I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10648 chr14 68340232 68340316 + 10.45224 NA intron (NM_133510, intron 5 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 53778 NM_133510 5890 Hs.172587 NM_002877 HPRD:04255 RAD51B R51H2|RAD51L1|REC2 RAD51 paralog B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20842 chr20 47132745 47132917 + 10.45153 NA Intergenic D20S16|Satellite|Satellite 144177 NR_026958 284749 Hs.299080 NR_026958 ENSG00000235621 LINC00494 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 494 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39364 chrY 28549656 28549837 + 10.43245 NA Intergenic (CTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 675109 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38311 chrX 91013186 91013376 + 10.42661 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -77179 NM_001168363 27328 Hs.655673 NM_014522 HPRD:02215 PCDH11X PCDH-X|PCDH11|PCDHX|PPP1R119 protocadherin 11 X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10875 chr14 90865005 90865121 + 10.42027 NA intron (NM_006888, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_006888, intron 1 of 5) 1736 NM_006888 801 Hs.282410 NM_006888 HPRD:00241 CALM1 CALML2|CAMI|CPVT4|DD132|PHKD|caM calmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase, delta) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19282 chr2 165657697 165657785 + 10.41722 NA intron (NM_001278458, intron 2 of 16) AluY|SINE|Alu -39518 NR_110574 101929633 Hs.570267 NR_110574 LOC101929633 - uncharacterized LOC101929633 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22974 chr3 63840418 63840514 + 10.38928 NA intron (NM_025075, intron 1 of 7) AluYa5|SINE|Alu -5855 NR_104326 100874039 NR_104326 THOC7-AS1 - THOC7 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11041 chr14 103144065 103144181 + 10.38564 NA intron (NM_015156, intron 2 of 11) SVA_D|Other|Other 85127 NM_015156 23186 Hs.510521 NM_015156 HPRD:09645 RCOR1 COREST|RCOR REST corepressor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38879 chrX 151406973 151407044 + 10.37577 NA intron (NM_000808, intron 5 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -99958 NM_001204811 100533997 Hs.18048 NM_001204811 MAGEA10-MAGEA5 CT1.5 MAGEA10-MAGEA5 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22192 chr22 51243765 51244051 + 10.37212 NA Intergenic LTR60|LTR|ERV1 21751 NR_026982 284942 Hs.406135 NM_203302 RPL23AP82 RPL23A_43_1761 ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene 82 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34031 chr8 71766056 71766133 + 10.36214 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 184412 NM_001287260 389668 Hs.458938 NM_001011720 HPRD:18309 XKR9 XRG9 XK, Kell blood group complex subunit-related family, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15268 chr18 33818640 33818726 + 10.35048 NA intron (NM_017947, intron 9 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 51203 NM_017947 55034 Hs.405028 NM_017947 MOCOS HMCS|MCS|MOS molybdenum cofactor sulfurase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29662 chr6 49355173 49355251 + 10.35048 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 75829 NM_000255 4594 Hs.485527 NM_000255 HPRD:02014 MUT MCM methylmalonyl CoA mutase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29508 chr6 36723667 36723813 + 10.33914 NA intron (NM_020939, intron 13 of 20) intron (NM_020939, intron 13 of 20) 58112 NM_001257357 401258 Hs.485258 NM_207498 RAB44 RASD3|RASL13|dJ431A14.3 RAB44, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7954 chr12 42032288 42032361 + 10.33914 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 200783 NM_013377 29951 Hs.380044 NM_013377 HPRD:15116 PDZRN4 LNX4|SAMCAP3L PDZ domain containing ring finger 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20010 chr2 228597314 228597390 + 10.33451 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -14607 NM_025243 80704 Hs.221597 NM_025243 HPRD:07311 SLC19A3 BBGD|THMD2|THTR2 solute carrier family 19 (thiamine transporter), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22489 chr3 25802133 25802316 + 10.33451 NA intron (NM_001145293, intron 3 of 11) AluSp|SINE|Alu 22765 NM_018297 55768 Hs.368960 NM_018297 HPRD:10118 NGLY1 CDG1V|PNG1|PNGase N-glycanase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1099 chr1 71060851 71060931 + 10.32560 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 183990 NM_001902 1491 Hs.19904 NM_001902 HPRD:09633 CTH - cystathionine gamma-lyase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7454 chr12 9733968 9734051 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 26488 NM_002258 3820 Hs.169824 NM_002258 KLRB1 CD161|CLEC5B|NKR|NKR-P1|NKR-P1A|NKRP1A|hNKR-P1A killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily B, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24817 chr4 26742777 26742869 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_018317, intron 17 of 20) AluYb8|SINE|Alu -119490 NM_001169117 57620 Hs.744950 NM_020860 HPRD:11609 STIM2 - stromal interaction molecule 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38011 chrX 69850040 69850116 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 18 of 30) AluY|SINE|Alu -174234 NR_109801 100873930 Hs.571699 NR_046586 DLG3-AS1 - DLG3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26205 chr4 149057084 149057152 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_000901, intron 6 of 8) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 306554 NM_000901 4306 Hs.163924 NM_000901 HPRD:02991 NR3C2 MCR|MLR|MR|NR3C2VIT nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38428 chrX 103975441 103975519 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_017416, intron 2 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 164484 NM_017416 26280 Hs.675519 NM_017416 HPRD:02231 IL1RAPL2 IL-1R9|IL1R9|IL1RAPL-2|TIGIRR-1 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23852 chr3 147289048 147289129 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 149974 NR_121655 440982 Hs.535724 NR_121655 LOC440982 - uncharacterized LOC440982 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21009 chr20 61699943 61700067 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_033370, intron 1 of 4) intron (NR_033370, intron 1 of 4) 30642 NR_033369 100144597 Hs.636485 NR_033369 ENSG00000237119 LINC01056 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1056 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10571 chr14 63008210 63008278 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -401553 NR_104063 101954204 Hs.607093 NR_104063 LINC00644 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 644 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35962 chr9 100761218 100761309 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_006401, intron 3 of 6) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 15774 NM_006401 10541 Hs.730654 NM_006401 HPRD:09803 ANP32B APRIL|PHAPI2|SSP29 acidic (leucine-rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1174 chr1 81119279 81119349 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -1046141 NM_001297704 23266 Hs.24212 NM_012302 HPRD:06116 LPHN2 CIRL2|CL2|LEC1|LPHH1 latrophilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7572 chr12 17809261 17809338 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -16934 NR_039770 100616279 NR_039770 MIR3974 - microRNA 3974 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10204 chr14 27419825 27419896 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 42012 NR_036193 100423019 NR_036193 miRBase:MI0015838 MIR4307 - microRNA 4307 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25401 chr4 74446095 74446235 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_201431, intron 8 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 40122 NM_177532 166824 Hs.529677 NM_177532 HPRD:15220 RASSF6 - Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20488 chr20 23223822 23224012 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -107456 NM_013248 29107 Hs.516933 NM_013248 HPRD:16159 NXT1 MTR2|P15 nuclear transport factor 2-like export factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18654 chr2 108953494 108953568 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_037191, intron 3 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 14837 NR_037191 151234 Hs.447681 NR_037191 ENSG00000237223 SULT1C2P1 SULT1C1P sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 1C, member 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37955 chrX 66670842 66670913 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -92997 NM_000044 367 Hs.76704 NM_000044 HPRD:02437 AR AIS|DHTR|HUMARA|HYSP1|KD|NR3C4|SBMA|SMAX1|TFM androgen receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34868 chr8 145792705 145792800 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_025251, intron 4 of 12) LTR13|LTR|ERVK -38294 NM_001001795 414919 Hs.105685 NM_001001795 C8orf82 - chromosome 8 open reading frame 82 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4420 chr10 61301229 61301308 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 168381 NM_194298 220963 Hs.499709 NM_194298 HPRD:15348 SLC16A9 C10orf36|MCT9 solute carrier family 16, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17989 chr2 66343619 66343747 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 241777 NR_039938 100616464 NR_039938 miRBase:MI0017422 MIR4778 - microRNA 4778 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39048 chrY 9802867 9802958 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 54505 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32206 chr7 80776479 80776548 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -227846 NM_006379 10512 Hs.269109 NM_006379 HPRD:04034 SEMA3C SEMAE|SemE sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18813 chr2 120950736 120950817 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 30208 NM_024121 79134 Hs.376722 NM_024121 TMEM185B FAM11B transmembrane protein 185B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5022 chr10 109265602 109265680 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -341175 NM_001013031 114815 Hs.591915 NM_052918 HPRD:12098 SORCS1 hSorCS sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10809 chr14 80713778 80713859 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_038355, intron 2 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -16421 NM_000793 1734 Hs.202354 NM_000793 HPRD:09027 DIO2 5DII|D2|DIOII|SelY|TXDI2 deiodinase, iodothyronine, type II protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12326 chr16 3493526 3493666 + 10.32280 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001083601) promoter-TSS (NM_001083601) -72 NM_001083601 79903 Hs.513296 NM_024845 HPRD:07852 NAA60 HAT4|NAT15 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 60, NatF catalytic subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6214 chr11 56679775 56679846 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 63856 NR_110136 101927120 Hs.472675 NR_110136 ENSG00000255433 LOC101927120 - uncharacterized LOC101927120 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2254 chr1 158731864 158732130 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 4475 NM_001005185 128372 Hs.553592 NM_001005185 HPRD:15066 OR6N1 OR1-22 olfactory receptor, family 6, subfamily N, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18648 chr2 108412424 108412496 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 30123 NR_024439 729121 Hs.386155 NR_024439 ENSG00000230651 RGPD4-AS1 - RGPD4 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7339 chr12 4216631 4216779 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic Intergenic -166197 NM_001759 894 Hs.376071 NM_001759 HPRD:00451 CCND2 KIAK0002 cyclin D2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25860 chr4 117363495 117363562 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 142647 NR_031737 100302290 NR_031737 MIR1973 hsa-mir-1973 microRNA 1973 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20060 chr2 232916321 232916411 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_046477, intron 5 of 18) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 90073 NR_046476 129563 Hs.732236 NM_152383 HPRD:14619 DIS3L2 FAM6A|PRLMNS|hDIS3L2 DIS3 like 3'-5' exoribonuclease 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29403 chr6 32328960 32329028 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001286475, intron 5 of 23).2 L1PA5|LINE|L1 10695 NM_006781 10665 Hs.567414 NM_006781 HPRD:09851 C6orf10 TSBP chromosome 6 open reading frame 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9647 chr13 63242595 63242690 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 128183 NR_047029 100874176 Hs.402083 NR_047029 LINC00448 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 448 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20933 chr20 54435300 54435385 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 145186 NM_080617 140689 Hs.126141 NM_080617 HPRD:16685 CBLN4 CBLNL1 cerebellin 4 precursor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7569 chr12 17250632 17250787 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic Intergenic 109028 NR_036619 728622 Hs.741380 NR_036619 SKP1P2 SKP1B|p19B S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34021 chr8 71158905 71159039 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_006540, intron 2 of 22) L1MB2|LINE|L1 157048 NM_006540 10499 Hs.446678 NM_006540 HPRD:09066 NCOA2 GRIP1|KAT13C|NCoA-2|SRC2|TIF2|bHLHe75 nuclear receptor coactivator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23920 chr3 153262430 153262511 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 60186 NM_001101337 152118 Hs.58586 NM_001101337 ENSG00000237787 C3orf79 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 79 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15054 chr18 11116486 11116669 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_022068, intron 1 of 51) AluY|SINE|Alu 32184 NM_022068 63895 Hs.436902 NM_022068 HPRD:07636 PIEZO2 C18orf30|C18orf58|DA3|DA5|FAM38B|FAM38B2|HsT748|HsT771|MWKS piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9003 chr12 122849555 122849626 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_198240, intron 3 of 23) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -30499 NR_045382 100507066 Hs.624253 NR_045382 CLIP1-AS1 - CLIP1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10185 chr14 25021327 25021421 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 24092 NM_001911 1511 Hs.421724 NM_001911 HPRD:00289 CTSG CATG|CG cathepsin G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12539 chr16 23788488 23788603 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 22597 NM_022097 63928 Hs.178589 NM_022097 HPRD:14259 CHP2 - calcineurin-like EF-hand protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16245 chr19 20420603 20420681 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 89521 NR_036053 100302179 NR_036053 miRBase:MI0006407 MIR1270 MIR1270-1|MIR1270-2|MIRN1270|hsa-mir-1270|hsa-mir-1270-1 microRNA 1270 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35772 chr9 83724635 83724726 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic (CTATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 578916 NM_005077 7088 Hs.197320 NM_005077 HPRD:02557 TLE1 ESG|ESG1|GRG1 transducin-like enhancer of split 1 (E(sp1) homolog, Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20744 chr20 38112406 38112479 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -259051 NR_027124 339568 Hs.434319 NR_027124 ENSG00000230324 LOC339568 - uncharacterized LOC339568 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23162 chr3 85690856 85690931 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001256503, intron 2 of 9) AluY|SINE|Alu -84739 NM_153184 253559 Hs.164578 NM_153184 HPRD:11046 CADM2 IGSF4D|NECL3|Necl-3|SynCAM 2|synCAM2 cell adhesion molecule 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15981 chr19 12534343 12534410 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 17550 NM_005815 10224 Hs.636894 NM_005815 HPRD:09460 ZNF443 ZK1 zinc finger protein 443 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30795 chr6 152252633 152252702 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001291230, intron 4 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 123853 NM_000125 2099 Hs.208124 NM_000125 HPRD:00589 ESR1 ER|ESR|ESRA|ESTRR|Era|NR3A1 estrogen receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27909 chr5 100626340 100626421 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -387391 NM_175052 7903 Hs.308628 NM_005668 HPRD:03970 ST8SIA4 PST|PST1|SIAT8D|ST8SIA-IV ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36054 chr9 108394140 108394304 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_006731, intron 9 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -30516 NM_005421 6887 Hs.247978 NM_005421 HPRD:01735 TAL2 - T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24035 chr3 162025647 162025723 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu 811089 NM_001080440 131149 Hs.585021 NM_001080440 ENSG00000182447 OTOL1 C1QTNF15 otolin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6210 chr11 56422796 56422868 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -8330 NM_001004730 219493 Hs.553633 NM_001004730 HPRD:17750 OR5AR1 OR11-209 olfactory receptor, family 5, subfamily AR, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18231 chr2 86669822 86669978 + 10.32143 NA intron (NM_001146688, intron 2 of 25) intron (NM_001146688, intron 2 of 25) 1316 NM_001146688 55818 Hs.557425 NM_018433 HPRD:11054 KDM3A JHDM2A|JHMD2A|JMJD1|JMJD1A|TSGA lysine (K)-specific demethylase 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21797 chr22 24196955 24197174 + 10.32143 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -1826 NR_104248 66035 Hs.661910 NM_030807 HPRD:11571 SLC2A11 GLUT10|GLUT11 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33895 chr8 59557119 59557188 + 10.32065 NA intron (NM_003580, intron 1 of 30) L1PA7|LINE|L1 14813 NM_001144772 8439 Hs.372000 NM_003580 HPRD:09117 NSMAF FAN neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) activation associated factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6347 chr11 63135657 63135833 + 10.32065 NA intron (NR_049833, intron 2 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -1516 NM_080866 114571 Hs.502772 NM_080866 HPRD:06982 SLC22A9 HOAT4|OAT4|OAT7|UST3H|ust3 solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29373 chr6 31465725 31465866 + 10.30948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005931).8 promoter-TSS (NM_005931).8 -32 NM_001289161 4277 Hs.731446 NM_005931 HPRD:03894 MICB PERB11.2 MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35776 chr9 85035770 85035850 + 10.29062 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 432123 NM_001001670 389763 Hs.209545 NM_001001670 HPRD:13531 SPATA31D1 FAM75D1 SPATA31 subfamily D, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34398 chr8 107975260 107975340 + 10.26092 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -192828 NM_139166 137735 Hs.374668 NM_139166 HPRD:11608 ABRA STARS actin-binding Rho activating protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23556 chr3 121820057 121820228 + 10.25825 NA intron (NM_001206924, intron 2 of 5) MER5A1|DNA|hAT-Charlie 23446 NM_176892 942 Hs.171182 NM_006889 HPRD:03011 CD86 B7-2|B7.2|B70|CD28LG2|LAB72 CD86 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31077 chr6 169760933 169761022 + 10.25825 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -106768 NM_003247 7058 Hs.371147 NM_003247 HPRD:01766 THBS2 TSP2 thrombospondin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23268 chr3 97274422 97274529 + 10.25825 NA intron (NM_001080448, intron 11 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 116038 NM_001278300 285220 Hs.653244 NM_173655 ENSG00000080224 EPHA6 EHK-2|EHK2|EK12|EPA6|HEK12|PRO57066 EPH receptor A6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10365 chr14 46356298 46356370 + 10.25628 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -177028 NR_102701 100506412 Hs.207545 NR_102699 ENSG00000258700 LINC00871 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 871 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35651 chr9 72126352 72126497 + 10.25275 NA intron (NM_001163, intron 2 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 160851 NM_001163 320 Hs.171939 NM_001163 HPRD:03879 APBA1 D9S411E|LIN10|MINT1|X11|X11A|X11ALPHA amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27163 chr5 46352632 46352739 + 10.23786 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -656465 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4049 chr10 38888699 38888774 + 10.23384 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite -100991 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1234 chr1 87077873 87077947 + 10.23155 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -22049 NR_024604 9629 Hs.673847 NM_004921 HPRD:05065 CLCA3P CLCA3 chloride channel accessory 3, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1832 chr1 145318768 145318865 + 10.22626 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 22 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 22 of 85) 25445 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27998 chr5 110559950 110560096 + 10.21540 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001744) promoter-TSS (NM_001744) 76 NM_001744 814 Hs.591269 NM_001744 CAMK4 CaMK IV|CaMK-GR|IV|caMK calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29175 chr6 24813883 24814019 + 10.21235 NA intron (NM_001286445, intron 20 of 21) L1HS|LINE|L1 -14827 NM_001282492 101928603 Hs.635133 NM_001282492 C6orf229 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29680 chr6 51959370 51959444 + 10.20678 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -6984 NM_138694 5314 Hs.662050 NM_138694 HPRD:05987 PKHD1 ARPKD|FCYT|TIGM1 polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 (autosomal recessive) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29925 chr6 79067699 79067773 + 10.20484 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -509525 NM_001010844 134728 Hs.656212 NM_001010844 HPRD:17157 IRAK1BP1 AIP70|SIMPL interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32147 chr7 75681320 75681423 + 10.20371 NA intron (NM_001282404, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001282404, intron 1 of 7) 4034 NM_005918 4191 Hs.520967 NM_005918 HPRD:01099 MDH2 M-MDH|MDH|MGC:3559|MOR1 malate dehydrogenase 2, NAD (mitochondrial) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6016 chr11 46919445 46919521 + 10.20226 NA intron (NM_002334, intron 7 of 37) SVA_D|Other|Other 20690 NM_002334 4038 Hs.4930 NM_002334 HPRD:18517 LRP4 CLSS|LRP-4|LRP10|MEGF7|SOST2 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30076 chr6 90790709 90790881 + 10.18430 NA intron (NM_021813, intron 5 of 8) intron (NM_021813, intron 5 of 8) 186607 NM_032602 84694 Hs.334499 NM_032602 HPRD:13104 GJA10 CX62 gap junction protein, alpha 10, 62kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14684 chr17 66231235 66231317 + 10.18273 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12869 NM_001033570 51321 Hs.293560 NM_016627 HPRD:14237 AMZ2 - archaelysin family metallopeptidase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18702 chr2 112208229 112208368 + 10.18038 NA intron (NR_024373, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_024373, intron 1 of 1) 44394 NR_015395 541471 Hs.560805 NR_015395 ENSG00000172965 MIR4435-1HG AGD2|LINC00978 MIR4435-1 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_906 chr1 51225414 51225482 + 10.17301 NA intron (NM_007051, intron 4 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 200488 NM_007051 11124 Hs.530402 NM_007051 HPRD:05124 FAF1 HFAF1s|UBXD12|UBXN3A|hFAF1 Fas (TNFRSF6) associated factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34468 chr8 117203936 117204004 + 10.17301 NA intron (NR_046215, intron 4 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 133327 NR_046215 100859921 Hs.552281 NR_046215 ENSG00000249917 LINC00536 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 536 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14474 chr17 47773659 47773825 + 10.15162 NA Intergenic Intergenic 11571 NM_001278784 10237 Hs.154073 NM_005827 HPRD:10237 SLC35B1 UGTREL1 solute carrier family 35, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21887 chr22 31063774 31063964 + 10.14357 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152511) promoter-TSS (NM_152511) 3 NM_152511 150290 Hs.517544 NM_152511 HPRD:13253 DUSP18 DSP18|DUSP20|LMWDSP20|bK963H5.1 dual specificity phosphatase 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1222 chr1 86113333 86113408 + 10.13406 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 60746 NM_001170670 54680 Hs.5111 NM_017953 HPRD:08630 ZNHIT6 BCD1|C1orf181|NY-BR-75 zinc finger, HIT-type containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28373 chr5 140609179 140609394 + 10.13406 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -4652 NR_001281 54660 Hs.676071 NR_001281 ENSG00000146001 PCDHB18 PCDH-psi2 protocadherin beta 18 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6765 chr11 87365477 87365571 + 10.11720 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 543111 NM_022337 23682 Hs.591975 NM_022337 HPRD:05889 RAB38 NY-MEL-1|rrGTPbp RAB38, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37874 chrX 62206028 62206200 + 10.11471 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 365104 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18054 chr2 71295389 71295486 + 10.07339 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017567) promoter-TSS (NM_017567) 29 NM_017567 55577 Hs.7036 NM_017567 HPRD:08441 NAGK GNK|HSA242910 N-acetylglucosamine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10508 chr14 58089181 58089251 + 10.07238 NA intron (NM_001206920, intron 1 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -128635 NM_001283058 55195 Hs.659706 NM_018168 HPRD:12628 C14orf105 - chromosome 14 open reading frame 105 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16631 chr19 40465623 40465847 + 10.07238 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -11177 NM_153001 5704 Hs.211594 NM_006503 HPRD:04085 PSMC4 MIP224|RPT3|S6|TBP-7|TBP7 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15508 chr18 64261886 64261963 + 10.07238 NA intron (NM_001271028, intron 1 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 9451 NR_073130 28513 Hs.42771 NM_021153 HPRD:04311 CDH19 CDH7|CDH7L2 cadherin 19, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33595 chr8 31773808 31773884 + 10.07238 NA intron (NM_013962, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -109406 NR_104158 100856811 Hs.97362 NR_104156 NRG1-IT1 - NRG1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21456 chr21 43640308 43640516 + 10.06113 NA intron (NM_207174, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_207174, intron 1 of 14) 404 NM_207174 9619 Hs.124649 NM_004915 HPRD:04355 ABCG1 ABC8|WHITE1 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family G (WHITE), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33374 chr8 11973260 11973390 + 10.06113 NA promoter-TSS (NR_027425) promoter-TSS (NR_027425) 34 NR_027425 100132923 Hs.546711 NR_027425 ENSG00000255052 FAM66D - family with sequence similarity 66, member D ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24681 chr4 12336076 12336148 + 10.06113 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -905575 NM_005114 9957 Hs.507348 NM_005114 HS3ST1 3OST|3OST1 heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8788 chr12 107168031 107168129 + 10.04604 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018157) promoter-TSS (NM_018157) -319 NM_018157 55188 Hs.131306 NM_018157 HPRD:16452 RIC8B RIC8|hSyn RIC8 guanine nucleotide exchange factor B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20928 chr20 53401220 53401460 + 10.03715 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 309083 NM_177959 55816 Hs.473133 NM_018431 HPRD:16317 DOK5 C20orf180|IRS-6|IRS6 docking protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19599 chr2 193714433 193714503 + 10.02804 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 99897 NR_002769 64002 Hs.546994 NR_002769 ENSG00000227418 PCGEM1 LINC00071|NCRNA00071|PCAT9 PCGEM1, prostate-specific transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15697 chr19 1275470 1275555 + 10.02048 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017914) promoter-TSS (NM_017914) -8 NM_017914 55009 Hs.591383 NM_017914 C19orf24 - chromosome 19 open reading frame 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13590 chr17 744668 744764 + 10.01996 NA intron (NM_022463, intron 1 of 7) CpG 22635 NM_001205319 64359 Hs.527989 NM_022463 HPRD:14858 NXN NRX|TRG-4 nucleoredoxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27725 chr5 85510862 85511045 + 10.01996 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -67309 NR_003719 285622 Hs.449272 NR_003719 NBPF22P - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 22, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22466 chr3 24134479 24134636 + 10.01996 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 10181 NR_026834 152024 Hs.385606 NR_026834 ENSG00000224074 LINC00691 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 691 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14907 chr17 80851186 80851295 + 10.01996 NA intron (NM_005993, intron 16 of 38) intron (NM_005993, intron 16 of 38) -53309 NM_024702 79755 Hs.464391 NM_024702 HPRD:08588 ZNF750 ZFP750 zinc finger protein 750 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22548 chr3 30681621 30681716 + 10.01115 NA intron (NM_001024847, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001024847, intron 2 of 7) 33674 NM_003242 7048 Hs.82028 NM_003242 HPRD:01823 TGFBR2 AAT3|FAA3|LDS1B|LDS2|LDS2B|MFS2|RIIC|TAAD2|TGFR-2|TGFbeta-RII transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70/80kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19065 chr2 143370783 143370849 + 10.00582 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -264379 NM_003937 8942 Hs.470126 NM_003937 HPRD:08940 KYNU - kynureninase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38270 chrX 86225294 86225418 + 9.98960 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -547359 NM_019117 56062 Hs.49075 NM_019117 HPRD:02283 KLHL4 DKELCHL|KHL4 kelch-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25231 chr4 58722266 58722528 + 9.98960 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -745846 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2278 chr1 160068331 160068439 + 9.98039 NA promoter-TSS (NM_052868) promoter-TSS (NM_052868) 54 NM_052868 93185 Hs.332012 NM_052868 HPRD:09438 IGSF8 CD316|CD81P3|EWI-2|EWI2|KCT-4|LIR-D1|PGRL immunoglobulin superfamily, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5869 chr11 32647869 32647956 + 9.97111 NA intron (NM_001008391, intron 14 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 42599 NM_006360 10480 Hs.502244 NM_006360 EIF3M B5|PCID1|TANGO7|hfl-B5 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22216 chr3 3713533 3713731 + 9.96805 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -127489 NM_020873 57633 Hs.163244 NM_020873 HPRD:14320 LRRN1 FIGLER3|NLRR-1 leucine rich repeat neuronal 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31498 chr7 29625153 29625219 + 9.96805 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 21759 NM_175887 222171 Hs.91109 NM_175887 HPRD:14136 PRR15 - proline rich 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11795 chr15 72394050 72394178 + 9.96565 NA intron (NM_006901, intron 1 of 41) SVA_F|Other|Other -12485 NM_001166340 123228 Hs.513002 NM_145204 HPRD:09784 SENP8 DEN1|NEDP1|PRSC2 SUMO/sentrin specific peptidase family member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35163 chr9 32154058 32154134 + 9.96565 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -230505 NM_002197 48 Hs.567229 NM_002197 HPRD:00013 ACO1 ACONS|HEL60|IREB1|IREBP|IREBP1|IRP1 aconitase 1, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26331 chr4 161744617 161744716 + 9.94299 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 1340520 NM_020116 56884 Hs.32452 NM_020116 HPRD:10998 FSTL5 - follistatin-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38656 chrX 128977827 128978023 + 9.94299 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016032) promoter-TSS (NM_016032) -15 NM_016032 51114 Hs.193566 NM_016032 HPRD:06759 ZDHHC9 CGI89|CXorf11|DHHC9|MMSA1|MRXSZ|ZDHHC10|ZNF379|ZNF380 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16229 chr19 19887544 19887647 + 9.94244 NA promoter-TSS (NR_026956) promoter-TSS (NR_026956) -373 NR_026956 284440 Hs.665307 NR_026956 LINC00663 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 663 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29391 chr6 31774614 31774808 + 9.94244 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021177) promoter-TSS (NM_021177) 50 NM_021177 57819 Hs.103106 NM_021177 HPRD:06282 LSM2 C6orf28|G7B|YBL026W|snRNP LSM2 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA associated (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27587 chr5 75330097 75330193 + 9.91835 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -49094 NM_014979 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9621 chr13 57902838 57902904 + 9.91679 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu 161540 NM_001130406 729246 Hs.525056 NM_001130406 ENSG00000227151 PRR20D - proline rich 20D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25296 chr4 63032976 63033055 + 9.91489 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -5532 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30178 chr6 103202809 103202886 + 9.89630 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 1355986 NM_021956 2898 Hs.98262 NM_021956 HPRD:00692 GRIK2 EAA4|GLR6|GLUK6|GLUR6|GluK2|MRT6 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34144 chr8 85435861 85436065 + 9.89486 NA intron (NM_001100392, intron 2 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -182199 NM_001287244 138046 Hs.121663 NM_173848 HPRD:11236 RALYL HNRPCL3 RALY RNA binding protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18496 chr2 96823654 96823765 + 9.89446 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12530 NM_004418 1844 Hs.1183 NM_004418 HPRD:04348 DUSP2 PAC-1|PAC1 dual specificity phosphatase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30002 chr6 85341383 85341587 + 9.89446 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 132469 NM_001080508 9096 Hs.251830 NM_001080508 ENSG00000112837 TBX18 - T-box 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14934 chr18 106766 106846 + 9.89280 NA Intergenic BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite -2259 NR_033770 727758 Hs.585843 NR_033770 ROCK1P1 - Rho-associated, coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22177 chr22 50836208 50836385 + 9.89124 NA intron (NM_001242900, intron 3 of 22) intron (NM_001242900, intron 3 of 22) 54550 NM_001242900 9701 Hs.449098 NM_014678 HPRD:11102 PPP6R2 KIAA0685|PP6R2|SAP190|SAPS2 protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20719 chr20 35815704 35815794 + 9.88680 NA intron (NM_001135771, intron 2 of 16) AluYa5|SINE|Alu -7758 NM_213631 140699 Hs.349125 NM_152503 HPRD:12745 MROH8 C20orf131|C20orf132|dJ621N11.3|dJ621N11.4 maestro heat-like repeat family member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18273 chr2 87799565 87799700 + 9.87469 NA intron (NR_024204, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_024204, intron 3 of 3) 44658 NR_024206 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36002 chr9 103458294 103458486 + 9.87154 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 118029 NM_001018116 347273 Hs.99004 NM_001018116 HPRD:18599 MURC CAVIN4|cavin-4 muscle-related coiled-coil protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33922 chr8 62181029 62181098 + 9.87154 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -19462 NM_173519 157807 Hs.591874 NM_173519 HPRD:14581 CLVS1 CRALBPL|RLBP1L1 clavesin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_384 chr1 24829279 24829455 + 9.86930 NA promoter-TSS (NR_045409) promoter-TSS (NR_045409) -20 NM_013441 11123 Hs.656799 NM_013441 HPRD:05792 RCAN3 DSCR1L2|MCIP3|RCN3|hRCN3 RCAN family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8284 chr12 61368170 61368244 + 9.86554 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 1218413 NM_178539 338811 Hs.269745 NM_178539 HPRD:16876 FAM19A2 TAFA-2|TAFA2 family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9510 chr13 48244648 48244726 + 9.85862 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 330775 NM_003850 8803 Hs.743361 NM_003850 HPRD:06798 SUCLA2 A-BETA|MTDPS5|SCS-betaA succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26393 chr4 169402212 169402347 + 9.84318 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001012967) promoter-TSS (NM_001012967) -614 NM_001012967 91351 Hs.535011 NM_001012967 ENSG00000181381 DDX60L - DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 60-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11988 chr15 85259400 85259504 + 9.83376 NA non-coding (NR_073518, exon 1 of 7) non-coding (NR_073518, exon 1 of 7) 239 NM_001271918 23478 Hs.9534 NM_014300 HPRD:07503 SEC11A 1810012E07Rik|SEC11L1|SPC18|SPCS4A|sid2895 SEC11 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38677 chrX 130289930 130290012 + 9.83134 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 97755 NM_144967 158763 Hs.22905 NM_144967 HPRD:06547 ARHGAP36 - Rho GTPase activating protein 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18256 chr2 87649260 87649427 + 9.82996 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -105631 NR_024204 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38206 chrX 79408774 79408889 + 9.82469 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 131089 NM_016954 50945 Hs.374253 NM_016954 HPRD:02253 TBX22 ABERS|CLPA|CPX|TBXX|dJ795G23.1 T-box 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14583 chr17 58959306 58959380 + 9.81445 NA intron (NM_017679, intron 9 of 23) L1PA2|LINE|L1 204171 NM_001099432 54828 Hs.655028 NM_017679 HPRD:06313 BCAS3 GAOB1|MAAB breast carcinoma amplified sequence 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29660 chr6 48707351 48707507 + 9.81005 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -671004 NM_207499 442213 Hs.659409 NM_207499 HPRD:18470 PTCHD4 C6orf138|dJ402H5.2 patched domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2256 chr1 158856408 158856528 + 9.80303 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -44869 NM_152501 149628 Hs.710248 NM_152501 HPRD:09999 PYHIN1 IFIX pyrin and HIN domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15946 chr19 10946913 10946999 + 9.79389 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006858) promoter-TSS (NM_006858) 27 NM_006858 11018 Hs.211463 NM_006858 TMED1 IL1RL1LG|Il1rl1l|Tp24 transmembrane emp24 protein transport domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27761 chr5 89354633 89354750 + 9.77534 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -42154 NR_037433 100500825 NR_037433 miRBase:MI0016061 MIR3660 - microRNA 3660 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19841 chr2 209700528 209700597 + 9.77414 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 429007 NM_005048 5746 Hs.570296 NM_005048 HPRD:03276 PTH2R PTHR2 parathyroid hormone 2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33167 chr7 158153630 158153796 + 9.75516 NA intron (NM_130842, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_130842, intron 1 of 21) 171792 NR_030325 693180 NR_030325 MIR595 MIRN595|hsa-mir-595 microRNA 595 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24422 chr3 197895785 197895926 + 9.75192 NA intron (NM_001145248, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001145248, intron 5 of 6) 16618 NM_001145248 728262 Hs.744675 NM_001145248 FAM157A - family with sequence similarity 157, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26996 chr5 37563980 37564115 + 9.74783 NA intron (NM_018034, intron 9 of 17) SVA_D|Other|Other 184635 NM_018034 55100 Hs.213690 NM_018034 WDR70 - WD repeat domain 70 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39185 chrY 13665865 13665935 + 9.74073 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 867489 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15504 chr18 62962783 62962860 + 9.73907 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -454667 NM_033646 1005 Hs.657522 NM_004361 HPRD:12049 CDH7 CDH7L1 cadherin 7, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13794 chr17 7218641 7218815 + 9.73441 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004489) promoter-TSS (NM_004489) -70 NM_004489 2874 Hs.438219 NM_004489 HPRD:11878 GPS2 AMF-1 G protein pathway suppressor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23815 chr3 142014486 142014617 + 9.73224 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -70102 NM_001039547 256356 Hs.135904 NM_152776 HPRD:14612 GK5 - glycerol kinase 5 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35024 chr9 15628548 15628665 + 9.73224 NA intron (NM_173550, intron 7 of 25) L1PA3|LINE|L1 75509 NM_173550 203238 Hs.17267 NM_173550 HPRD:10805 CCDC171 C9orf93|bA536D16.1|bA778P13.1 coiled-coil domain containing 171 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1166 chr1 79316540 79316693 + 9.72025 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 155879 NM_022159 64123 Hs.132314 NM_022159 ENSG00000162618 ELTD1 ETL|KPG_003 EGF, latrophilin and seven transmembrane domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33557 chr8 29208419 29208514 + 9.71898 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001394) promoter-TSS (NM_001394) -199 NM_001394 1846 Hs.417962 NM_001394 HPRD:04123 DUSP4 HVH2|MKP-2|MKP2|TYP dual specificity phosphatase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1405 chr1 101146079 101146149 + 9.71424 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -33554 NR_038914 100128787 Hs.536050 NR_038914 LINC01349 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1349 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31380 chr7 19917655 19917734 + 9.71424 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -105290 NM_152774 256130 Hs.487670 NM_152774 HPRD:14617 TMEM196 - transmembrane protein 196 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31865 chr7 61362713 61362779 + 9.71161 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 1401688 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33000 chr7 150102303 150102410 + 9.70316 NA promoter-TSS (NR_027237) promoter-TSS (NR_027237) -484 NR_027237 728743 Hs.650365 NM_001080852 LOC728743 - zinc finger protein pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36773 chrUn_gl000216 134118 134202 + 9.70113 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6782 chr11 88724509 88724601 + 9.68940 NA intron (NM_001143831, intron 1 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 56685 NM_001143831 2915 Hs.147361 NM_000842 ENSG00000168959 GRM5 GPRC1E|MGLUR5|PPP1R86|mGlu5 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25388 chr4 73029864 73030023 + 9.68940 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 125094 NM_001144756 10886 Hs.99231 NM_004885 HPRD:16244 NPFFR2 GPR74|HLWAR77|NPFF2|NPGPR neuropeptide FF receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31912 chr7 61800929 61801123 + 9.68094 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 963408 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20587 chr20 29821436 29821547 + 9.67499 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -23976 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10746 chr14 75348511 75348635 + 9.66463 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033814) promoter-TSS (NR_033814) -21 NR_045209 1743 Hs.525459 NM_001933 HPRD:00520 DLST DLTS dihydrolipoamide S-succinyltransferase (E2 component of 2-oxo-glutarate complex) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15623 chr18 77045915 77046003 + 9.66463 NA intron (NM_198531, intron 13 of 29) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -109813 NM_001278669 4772 Hs.534074 NM_006162 HPRD:02729 NFATC1 NF-ATC|NFAT2|NFATc nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7837 chr12 34831680 34831796 + 9.66457 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 656522 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39238 chrY 13815506 13815651 + 9.66045 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 717811 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25107 chr4 49330962 49331082 + 9.65050 NA Intergenic ACRO1|Satellite|acro 342363 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14909 chr17 80929938 80930253 + 9.64078 NA intron (NM_001009905, intron 6 of 12) intron (NM_001009905, intron 6 of 12) 79591 NM_001009905 146712 Hs.607824 NM_001009905 HPRD:14071 B3GNTL1 B3GNT8 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14909-2 chr17 80929938 80930253 + 9.64078 NA intron (NM_001009905, intron 6 of 12) intron (NM_001009905, intron 6 of 12) 79591 NM_001009905 146712 Hs.607824 NM_001009905 HPRD:14071 B3GNTL1 B3GNT8 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27626 chr5 75838837 75838941 + 9.63437 NA intron (NM_006633, intron 2 of 35) intron (NM_006633, intron 2 of 35) -4345 NM_001285460 10788 Hs.291030 NM_006633 HPRD:09253 IQGAP2 - IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21556 chr22 16850118 16850254 + 9.63437 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 223514 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12604 chr16 28875017 28875124 + 9.61889 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145795) promoter-TSS (NM_001145795) -8 NM_001145795 25970 Hs.15744 NM_015503 HPRD:12336 SH2B1 PSM|SH2B SH2B adaptor protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31162 chr7 1312046 1312137 + 9.61536 NA Intergenic Intergenic 39437 NM_001080461 340260 Hs.232272 NM_001080461 UNCX UNCX4.1 UNC homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2096 chr1 151431966 151432068 + 9.61222 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001194938) promoter-TSS (NM_001194938) -76 NM_001194938 23126 Hs.489873 NM_015100 HPRD:11445 POGZ ZNF280E|ZNF635|ZNF635m pogo transposable element with ZNF domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37258 chrX 9645410 9645503 + 9.61222 NA intron (NM_005647, intron 5 of 17) intron (NM_005647, intron 5 of 17) 88549 NM_000273 4935 Hs.74124 NM_000273 HPRD:02355 GPR143 NYS6|OA1 G protein-coupled receptor 143 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19892 chr2 217323446 217323514 + 9.59574 NA intron (NM_014140, intron 12 of 17) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -40040 NM_000998 6168 Hs.433701 NM_000998 RPL37A L37A ribosomal protein L37a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32227 chr7 83697505 83697633 + 9.59574 NA intron (NM_006080, intron 4 of 16) L1PA2|LINE|L1 126648 NM_006080 10371 Hs.252451 NM_006080 SEMA3A COLL1|HH16|Hsema-I|Hsema-III|SEMA1|SEMAD|SEMAIII|SEMAL|SemD|coll-1 sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_638 chr1 36493120 36493332 + 9.59175 NA intron (NM_177422, intron 10 of 16) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -56450 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19971 chr2 224687149 224687374 + 9.58517 NA intron (NR_110906, intron 1 of 3) AluSp|SINE|Alu 15058 NR_110906 130340 Hs.632555 NM_178814 HPRD:16495 AP1S3 - adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 3 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16467 chr19 35225378 35225483 + 9.58517 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145665) promoter-TSS (NM_001145665) -50 NM_001029997 339318 Hs.720472 NM_001029997 HPRD:18783 ZNF181 HHZ181 zinc finger protein 181 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15835 chr19 6670154 6670354 + 9.57741 NA intron (NM_172014, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_172014, intron 1 of 4) 345 NM_003807 8740 Hs.129708 NM_003807 HPRD:05157 TNFSF14 CD258|HVEML|LIGHT|LTg|TR2 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9308 chr13 30880941 30881091 + 9.57741 NA intron (NM_032116, intron 1 of 10) CpG 175 NM_001014380 84056 Hs.243596 NM_032116 HPRD:13753 KATNAL1 - katanin p60 subunit A-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31112 chr6 170709169 170709321 + 9.57539 NA intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) 69396 NR_039787 100616430 NR_039787 MIR4644 - microRNA 4644 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20820 chr20 44539562 44539712 + 9.57337 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001242921) promoter-TSS (NM_001242921) -4 NM_001242921 5360 Hs.439312 NM_006227 HPRD:01399 PLTP BPIFE|HDLCQ9 phospholipid transfer protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17946 chr2 63067952 63068023 + 9.56627 NA intron (NM_001142614, intron 6 of 22) L1PA2|LINE|L1 133955 NM_001142614 23301 Hs.271667 NM_015252 HPRD:10109 EHBP1 HPC12|NACSIN EH domain binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19364 chr2 171786848 171786997 + 9.56169 NA intron (NM_015530, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_015530, intron 1 of 9) 1886 NM_015530 26003 Hs.431317 NM_015530 HPRD:08303 GORASP2 GOLPH6|GRASP55|GRS2|p59 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2, 55kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5396 chr10 135498600 135498668 + 9.55624 NA Intergenic Intergenic -58335 NM_001080998 441581 Hs.690471 NM_001080998 ENSG00000225899 FRG2B - FSHD region gene 2 family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21561 chr22 16862343 16862417 + 9.54288 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 211320 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34205 chr8 88639492 88639571 + 9.54192 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 246765 NM_152418 138009 Hs.371738 NM_152418 HPRD:08187 DCAF4L2 WDR21C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14195 chr17 34516617 34516830 + 9.53904 NA Intergenic Intergenic 7424 NM_001001437 414062 Hs.454713 NM_001001437 HPRD:14426 CCL3L3 464.2|D17S1718|G0S19-2|LD78|LD78BETA|SCYA3L|SCYA3L1 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9740 chr13 79104213 79104287 + 9.53193 NA intron (NR_047001, intron 3 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 73445 NM_006237 5457 Hs.654522 NM_006237 HPRD:03379 POU4F1 BRN3A|Oct-T1|RDC-1|brn-3A POU class 4 homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11433 chr15 41850168 41850277 + 9.52859 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006293) promoter-TSS (NM_006293) -998 NM_006293 7301 Hs.381282 NM_006293 HPRD:02641 TYRO3 BYK|Dtk|RSE|Sky|Tif TYRO3 protein tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31832 chr7 58015243 58015491 + 9.52227 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 505484 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25013 chr4 49093315 49093460 + 9.51972 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 104728 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4508 chr10 69644748 69644939 + 9.51972 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142498) promoter-TSS (NM_001142498) -96 NM_001142498 23411 Hs.369779 NM_012238 HPRD:08381 SIRT1 SIR2L1 sirtuin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25732 chr4 104451701 104451782 + 9.50548 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 189232 NM_001059 6870 Hs.942 NM_001059 TACR3 HH11|NK-3R|NK3R|NKR|TAC3RL tachykinin receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2366 chr1 165662765 165662845 + 9.49479 NA intron (NM_000696, intron 2 of 10) L1PA6|LINE|L1 5095 NM_000696 223 Hs.2533 NM_000696 HPRD:04109 ALDH9A1 ALDH4|ALDH7|ALDH9|E3|TMABADH aldehyde dehydrogenase 9 family, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9511 chr13 48359948 48360057 + 9.49388 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 215460 NM_003850 8803 Hs.743361 NM_003850 HPRD:06798 SUCLA2 A-BETA|MTDPS5|SCS-betaA succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20761 chr20 39785577 39785728 + 9.48173 NA intron (NM_182811, intron 1 of 31) intron (NM_182811, intron 1 of 31) -12011 NR_106931 102466912 NR_106931 MIR6871 hsa-mir-6871 microRNA 6871 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30007 chr6 86303765 86303956 + 9.48173 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001297614) promoter-TSS (NM_001297614) -10 NM_001297614 57231 Hs.485871 NM_020468 HPRD:11590 SNX14 RGS-PX2 sorting nexin 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28253 chr5 133984377 133984510 + 9.48173 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001252231) promoter-TSS (NM_001252231) -32 NM_001252231 10802 Hs.595540 NM_021982 ENSG00000113615 SEC24A - SEC24 family member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_335 chr1 22261151 22261219 + 9.47936 NA intron (NM_001291860, intron 1 of 96) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 2605 NM_001291860 3339 Hs.562227 NM_005529 HPRD:00804 HSPG2 HSPG|PLC|PRCAN|SJA|SJS|SJS1 heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20238 chr2 242641294 242641465 + 9.47045 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032329) promoter-TSS (NM_032329) -77 NM_032329 84289 Hs.529172 NM_032329 HPRD:16348 ING5 p28ING5 inhibitor of growth family, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7941 chr12 40077049 40077140 + 9.46975 NA intron (NM_001031748, intron 8 of 12) intron (NM_001031748, intron 8 of 12) 57122 NM_001031748 283461 Hs.648205 NM_173599 HPRD:08806 C12orf40 HEL-206 chromosome 12 open reading frame 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22067 chr22 42666611 42666710 + 9.46220 NA intron (NR_036498, intron 1 of 1) CpG 901 NR_036498 388906 Hs.730075 NR_036498 ENSG00000182057 OGFRP1 - opioid growth factor receptor pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19838 chr2 209613276 209613347 + 9.45382 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 341756 NM_005048 5746 Hs.570296 NM_005048 HPRD:03276 PTH2R PTHR2 parathyroid hormone 2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12916 chr16 35274919 35275013 + 9.45113 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 294043 NR_033985 400533 Hs.499135 NR_033985 ENSG00000261122 FLJ26245 - uncharacterized LOC400533 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23256 chr3 95378137 95378209 + 9.44005 NA intron (NR_077228, intron 4 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 23864 NR_077228 100287639 Hs.591320 NR_077228 ENSG00000244681 MTHFD2P1 - methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25816 chr4 112262476 112262560 + 9.43341 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -699239 NM_001204399 5308 Hs.643588 NM_000325 HPRD:03328 PITX2 ARP1|Brx1|IDG2|IGDS|IGDS2|IHG2|IRID2|Otlx2|PTX2|RGS|RIEG|RIEG1|RS paired-like homeodomain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17378 chr2 10442652 10442771 + 9.43341 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002149) promoter-TSS (NM_002149) -319 NM_002149 3241 Hs.580427 NM_002149 HPRD:02564 HPCAL1 BDR1|HLP2|VILIP-3 hippocalcin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26468 chr4 178767110 178767183 + 9.42681 NA intron (NR_108092, intron 1 of 1) L1PA3|LINE|L1 61944 NR_108093 101928656 Hs.508131 NR_108092 LINC01099 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1099 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8264 chr12 58448616 58448685 + 9.42681 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 113205 NM_033276 91419 Hs.61188 NM_033276 HPRD:17256 XRCC6BP1 KUB3 XRCC6 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16852 chr19 47759723 47759866 + 9.42504 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015603) promoter-TSS (NM_015603) 63 NM_015603 26093 Hs.227782 NM_015603 HPRD:10813 CCDC9 - coiled-coil domain containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30654 chr6 142140263 142140343 + 9.41808 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 269633 NM_002511 4829 Hs.654478 NM_002511 HPRD:01211 NMBR BB1 neuromedin B receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27010 chr5 39165075 39165204 + 9.41312 NA intron (NM_001243093, intron 2 of 18) intron (NM_001243093, intron 2 of 18) 54541 NM_199335 2533 Hs.370503 NM_001465 HPRD:04107 FYB ADAP|PRO0823|SLAP-130 FYN binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18383 chr2 91660927 91661039 + 9.40681 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 186992 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25186 chr4 54911882 54911957 + 9.40071 NA intron (NM_012110, intron 3 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 18896 NM_012110 26511 Hs.335393 NM_012110 HPRD:10373 CHIC2 BTL cysteine-rich hydrophobic domain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3424 chr1 245266208 245266989 + 9.39797 NA intron (NM_001143943, intron 6 of 6) intron (NM_001143943, intron 6 of 6) -51689 NM_018012 55083 Hs.368096 NM_018012 ENSG00000162849 KIF26B - kinesin family member 26B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27799 chr5 93188920 93188990 + 9.39620 NA intron (NM_032042, intron 7 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -111646 NM_153216 134187 Hs.678995 NM_153216 HPRD:08695 POU5F2 SPRM-1 POU domain class 5, transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16105 chr19 15666731 15666807 + 9.39620 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47433 NM_173483 126410 Hs.156452 NM_173483 HPRD:08256 CYP4F22 ARCI5|INLNE|LI3 cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily F, polypeptide 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24717 chr4 14486671 14486785 + 9.38645 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 373136 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13372 chr16 80679347 80679461 + 9.37479 NA intron (NM_152342, intron 2 of 6) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -72699 NR_104666 101928276 Hs.149769 NR_104665 ENSG00000260737 LINC01227 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1227 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29934 chr6 79943657 79943774 + 9.36825 NA intron (NR_040671, intron 1 of 1) CpG 324 NR_040671 100288198 Hs.586270 NR_040671 ENSG00000270362 HMGN3-AS1 - HMGN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4214 chr10 42811367 42811485 + 9.35861 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 52067 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29033 chr6 13230027 13230240 + 9.35073 NA intron (NM_030948, intron 9 of 14) intron (NM_030948, intron 9 of 14) 65685 NM_001242698 100130357 Hs.657498 NM_001242698 LOC100130357 - uncharacterized LOC100130357 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19611 chr2 196131642 196131795 + 9.34920 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -389814 NM_001127257 57181 Hs.650158 NM_020342 HPRD:10572 SLC39A10 LZT-Hs2 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18043 chr2 70656960 70657058 + 9.34920 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 51763 NR_046798 100874273 Hs.682157 NR_046798 TGFA-IT1 - TGFA intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37944 chrX 66150057 66150135 + 9.33070 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -290956 NM_001199687 60401 Hs.302017 NM_021783 HPRD:02230 EDA2R EDA-A2R|EDAA2R|TNFRSF27|XEDAR ectodysplasin A2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21628 chr22 19366690 19366763 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_003325, intron 13 of 24) AluY|SINE|Alu 52493 NM_003325 7290 Hs.474206 NM_003325 HPRD:02583 HIRA DGCR1|TUP1|TUPLE1 histone cell cycle regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13350 chr16 78575275 78575342 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001291997, intron 7 of 7) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 441998 NR_120435 51741 Hs.461453 NM_016373 HPRD:05501 WWOX D16S432E|FOR|FRA16D|HHCMA56|PRO0128|SCAR12|SDR41C1|WOX1 WW domain containing oxidoreductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39008 chrY 6637434 6637579 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 104562 NM_001143 266 Hs.1238 NM_001143 HPRD:02462 AMELY AMGL|AMGY amelogenin, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39002 chrY 2786322 2786388 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -16757 NM_001145276 7544 Hs.522845 NM_003411 HPRD:02466 ZFY ZNF911 zinc finger protein, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17152 chr19 58125494 58125633 + 9.32885 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003435) promoter-TSS (NM_003435) -267 NM_003435 7693 Hs.469694 NM_003435 ZNF134 pHZ-15 zinc finger protein 134 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16575 chr19 38328724 38328862 + 9.32885 NA intron (NR_040015, intron 2 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 17043 NR_040015 100631378 Hs.726940 NR_040015 ENSG00000225868 LOC100631378 - uncharacterized 100631378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1000 chr1 60931929 60931999 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 359292 NR_110628 101926964 Hs.650459 NR_110628 ENSG00000231252 LOC101926964 - uncharacterized LOC101926964 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22149 chr22 49796297 49796373 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 254855 NR_110522 348645 Hs.133159 NM_198851 HPRD:14180 C22orf34 - chromosome 22 open reading frame 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17841 chr2 49235543 49235623 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_181446, intron 4 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 146083 NM_000145 2492 Hs.1428 NM_000145 HPRD:00639 FSHR FSHRO|LGR1|ODG1 follicle stimulating hormone receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10221 chr14 31007983 31008059 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -20308 NM_017769 55632 Hs.509008 NM_017769 HPRD:13851 G2E3 KIAA1333|PHF7B G2/M-phase specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36242 chr9 127329173 127329244 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_033334, intron 2 of 9) AluYa5|SINE|Alu -59509 NM_004959 2516 Hs.495108 NM_004959 HPRD:01702 NR5A1 AD4BP|ELP|FTZ1|FTZF1|POF7|SF-1|SF1|SPGF8|SRXY3 nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2113 chr1 152375705 152375792 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 11002 NM_016190 49860 Hs.242057 NM_016190 HPRD:12720 CRNN C1orf10|DRC1|PDRC1|SEP53 cornulin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20186 chr2 240140852 240141034 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_006037, intron 3 of 26) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -23790 NR_026664 85009 Hs.744565 NM_032923 MGC16025 - uncharacterized LOC85009 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37430 chrX 27946241 27946317 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 53287 NM_001017930 139425 Hs.447365 NM_001017930 HPRD:18551 DCAF8L1 WDR42B DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 8-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4776 chr10 91757125 91757286 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -40075 NR_110655 101926924 Hs.500498 NR_110655 ENSG00000226159 LINC01375 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1375 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21849 chr22 29063209 29063276 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001145418, intron 1 of 22) L1HS|LINE|L1 12611 NM_001145418 23331 Hs.387856 NM_015281 HPRD:10020 TTC28 TPRBK tetratricopeptide repeat domain 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39286 chrY 14632399 14632465 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -99043 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6477 chr11 66713356 66713446 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001040716, intron 3 of 22) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 12446 NM_001040716 5091 Hs.89890 NM_000920 HPRD:02032 PC PCB pyruvate carboxylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37452 chrX 33323102 33323294 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_000109, intron 1 of 78) L1PA3|LINE|L1 34528 NM_000109 1756 Hs.495912 NM_000109 HPRD:02303 DMD BMD|CMD3B|DXS142|DXS164|DXS206|DXS230|DXS239|DXS268|DXS269|DXS270|DXS272|MRX85 dystrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_834 chr1 45418421 45418488 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_020365, intron 3 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu 33940 NM_020365 8891 Hs.533549 NM_020365 HPRD:09379 EIF2B3 EIF-2B|EIF2Bgamma eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B, subunit 3 gamma, 58kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21340 chr21 33942239 33942336 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 15558 NM_144659 140290 Hs.728804 NM_018277 TCP10L C21orf77|TCP10A-2 t-complex 10-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12109 chr15 94693193 94693307 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -42083 NR_120320 101927112 Hs.134687 NR_120320 ENSG00000259724 LOC101927112 - uncharacterized LOC101927112 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15503 chr18 61656927 61657011 + 9.32885 NA TTS (NM_001276490) TTS (NM_001276490) 19706 NM_198833 5271 Hs.368077 NM_002640 HPRD:03412 SERPINB8 CAP2|PI8 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35819 chr9 89462603 89462669 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 99468 NM_002048 2619 Hs.65029 NM_002048 HPRD:00747 GAS1 - growth arrest-specific 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39290 chrY 15641354 15641424 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -48839 NR_047601 7404 Hs.115277 NM_007125 HPRD:02451 UTY KDM6AL|UTY1 ubiquitously transcribed tetratricopeptide repeat containing, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30095 chr6 92581969 92582040 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -181858 NR_104154 101929083 Hs.586238 NR_104154 CASC6 - cancer susceptibility candidate 6 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23606 chr3 125940603 125940691 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -40618 NM_001270364 10840 Hs.434435 NM_012190 HPRD:02594 ALDH1L1 10-FTHFDH|10-fTHF|FDH|FTHFD aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member L1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2430 chr1 169470995 169471079 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -15829 NM_006996 10560 Hs.30246 NM_006996 HPRD:04897 SLC19A2 TC1|THMD1|THT1|THTR1|TRMA solute carrier family 19 (thiamine transporter), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30529 chr6 133207437 133207508 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 69114 NR_002436 594839 Hs.671378 NR_002436 SNORA33 ACA33 small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 33 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18841 chr2 126941039 126941124 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -472430 NM_001256584 2995 Hs.59138 NM_002101 HPRD:00193 GYPC CD236|CD236R|GE|GPC|GPD|GYPD|PAS-2|PAS-2' glycophorin C (Gerbich blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39291 chrY 15671495 15671598 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -78996 NR_047601 7404 Hs.115277 NM_007125 HPRD:02451 UTY KDM6AL|UTY1 ubiquitously transcribed tetratricopeptide repeat containing, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5961 chr11 41558737 41558807 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -77586 NM_020929 57689 Hs.745123 NM_020929 HPRD:12303 LRRC4C NGL-1|NGL1 leucine rich repeat containing 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37755 chrX 57447011 57447084 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_174912, intron 7 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 133937 NM_174912 158584 Hs.496205 NM_174912 HPRD:06551 FAAH2 AMDD fatty acid amide hydrolase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13000 chr16 49266076 49266164 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 49622 NM_004352 869 Hs.458423 NM_004352 HPRD:02697 CBLN1 - cerebellin 1 precursor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9453 chr13 44106091 44106160 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001242863, intron 2 of 16) L1PA4|LINE|L1 83137 NR_120399 100874130 Hs.738887 NR_120399 ENOX1-AS2 - ENOX1 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32826 chr7 139650493 139650583 + 9.32885 NA intron (NR_029394, intron 5 of 12) C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 112983 NM_022750 64761 Hs.12646 NM_022750 HPRD:15696 PARP12 ARTD12|MST109|MSTP109|ZC3H1|ZC3HDC1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5684 chr11 14143977 14144045 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_006108, intron 5 of 15) AluY|SINE|Alu 159827 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38484 chrX 109586588 109586672 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001171689, intron 2 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -25250 NM_001025580 9949 Hs.656243 NM_015365 HPRD:02182 AMMECR1 AMMERC1 Alport syndrome, mental retardation, midface hypoplasia and elliptocytosis chromosomal region gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2259 chr1 158923109 158923195 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_198929, intron 7 of 7) L1PA2|LINE|L1 21815 NM_198929 149628 Hs.710248 NM_152501 HPRD:09999 PYHIN1 IFIX pyrin and HIN domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12980 chr16 47663793 47663887 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001031835, intron 15 of 31) L1PA3|LINE|L1 168630 NM_001031835 5257 Hs.78060 NM_000293 HPRD:01407 PHKB - phosphorylase kinase, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34520 chr8 122037474 122037544 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -213200 NM_021021 6641 Hs.46701 NM_021021 HPRD:02490 SNTB1 59-DAP|A1B|BSYN2|DAPA1B|SNT2|SNT2B1|TIP-43 syntrophin, beta 1 (dystrophin-associated protein A1, 59kDa, basic component 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29798 chr6 65399015 65399090 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001292009, intron 22 of 43) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -612259 NM_001271675 441155 Hs.546686 NM_001271675 LOC441155 - zinc finger CCCH-type domain-containing-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11117 chr14 106993680 106993828 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 55309 NR_027457 338005 Hs.322826 NR_027457 ENSG00000187156 LINC00221 C14orf98|NCRNA00221 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 221 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18142 chr2 77282623 77282689 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001134745, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 69565 NR_110284 101927907 Hs.382185 NR_110284 ENSG00000234653 LOC101927907 - uncharacterized LOC101927907 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39303 chrY 16129103 16129169 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -30744 NM_004679 9084 Hs.632284 NM_004679 HPRD:02453 VCY BPY1|VCY1|VCY1A variable charge, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7120 chr11 121866880 121866954 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 103635 NR_029671 406911 NR_029671 miRBase:MI0000446 MIR125B1 MIRN125B1 microRNA 125b-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6689 chr11 81882369 81882577 + 9.32885 NA intron (NR_120571, intron 3 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 232482 NR_120571 101928989 Hs.145117 NR_120571 ENSG00000245832 LOC101928989 - uncharacterized LOC101928989 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27971 chr5 108338912 108338983 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_005246, intron 13 of 19) L1PA4|LINE|L1 255424 NM_005246 2241 Hs.221472 NM_005246 FER FerT|PPP1R74|Pe1Fe10|Pe1Fe13|Pe1Fe3|Pe1Fe6|TYK3 fer (fps/fes related) tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3613 chr10 6649317 6649414 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11313 NR_120634 101928150 Hs.576825 NR_120634 LOC101928150 - uncharacterized LOC101928150 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18645 chr2 107518479 107518653 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -15003 NM_032528 84620 Hs.98265 NM_032528 HPRD:12237 ST6GAL2 SIAT2|ST6GalII ST6 beta-galactosamide alpha-2,6-sialyltranferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29240 chr6 26625703 26625779 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu 28570 NM_013375 29777 Hs.254406 NM_013375 HPRD:16469 ABT1 hABT1 activator of basal transcription 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21787 chr22 23820108 23820368 + 9.32885 NA intron (NR_110539, intron 4 of 11) intron (NR_110539, intron 4 of 11) 8929 NR_110539 388882 Hs.542766 NR_110539 HPRD:14207 LOC388882 - uncharacterized LOC388882 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23929 chr3 154075743 154075814 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001038705, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -33492 NM_001114397 170506 Hs.446270 NM_020865 HPRD:09918 DHX36 DDX36|G4R1|MLEL1|RHAU DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13676 chr17 3947334 3947513 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_015113, intron 38 of 54) intron (NM_015113, intron 38 of 54) -79665 NM_174954 489 Hs.513870 NM_005173 HPRD:03568 ATP2A3 SERCA3 ATPase, Ca++ transporting, ubiquitous protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2443 chr1 170811458 170811535 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -93116 NM_001163629 80133 Hs.591489 NM_025063 HPRD:08672 MROH9 ARMC11|C1orf129 maestro heat-like repeat family member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34909 chr9 2001168 2001239 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -14016 NM_003070 6595 Hs.298990 NM_003070 HPRD:02483 SMARCA2 BAF190|BRM|NCBRS|SNF2|SNF2L2|SNF2LA|SWI2|Sth1p|hBRM|hSNF2a SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35845 chr9 91585587 91585656 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -20157 NM_001001938 286223 Hs.585118 NM_001001938 HPRD:12962 C9orf47 C9orf108|bA791O21.3 chromosome 9 open reading frame 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20423 chr20 15885315 15885381 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_080676, intron 10 of 16) AluY|SINE|Alu 668731 NM_024704 55614 Hs.101774 NM_024704 HPRD:10731 KIF16B C20orf23|KISC20ORF|SNX23 kinesin family member 16B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30334 chr6 113928218 113928332 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -250252 NM_002356 4082 Hs.519909 NM_002356 HPRD:07519 MARCKS 80K-L|MACS|PKCSL|PRKCSL myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26981 chr5 36748064 36748143 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 128693 NR_046262 646719 Hs.355684 NR_046262 LOC646719 - uncharacterized LOC646719 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24936 chr4 41404580 41404649 + 9.32805 NA intron (NM_001289122, intron 1 of 25) L1PA3|LINE|L1 41812 NM_001289122 22998 Hs.335163 NM_014988 HPRD:11125 LIMCH1 LIMCH1A|LMO7B LIM and calponin homology domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13643 chr17 2297159 2297348 + 9.31980 NA intron (NM_020310, intron 4 of 5) CpG 7005 NM_020310 4335 Hs.626579 NM_020310 HPRD:04331 MNT MAD6|MXD6|ROX|bHLHd3 MAX network transcriptional repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30247 chr6 108880827 108881061 + 9.31832 NA promoter-TSS (NM_201559) promoter-TSS (NM_201559) -82 NM_201559 2309 Hs.220950 NM_001455 HPRD:04061 FOXO3 AF6q21|FKHRL1|FKHRL1P2|FOXO2|FOXO3A forkhead box O3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34005 chr8 69661015 69661084 + 9.30371 NA intron (NM_052958, intron 10 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 355376 NR_039986 100505718 Hs.122386 NR_039986 ENSG00000253658 LOC100505718 - uncharacterized LOC100505718 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37275 chrX 11810991 11811102 + 9.30371 NA Intergenic Intergenic 33311 NM_006800 10943 Hs.655288 NM_006800 HPRD:05344 MSL3 MSL3L1 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19602 chr2 194512790 194512871 + 9.30371 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -696163 NR_110222 101927406 Hs.385793 NR_110222 ENSG00000225539 LOC101927406 - uncharacterized LOC101927406 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24558 chr4 5175185 5175360 + 9.30371 NA intron (NM_018401, intron 3 of 11) L1PA4|LINE|L1 121745 NM_018401 55351 Hs.133062 NM_018401 HPRD:15446 STK32B HSA250839|STK32|STKG6|YANK2 serine/threonine kinase 32B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1842 chr1 145361578 145361687 + 9.30366 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 64 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 64 of 85) -51559 NM_213653 148738 Hs.632436 NM_145277 HPRD:10521 HFE2 HFE2A|HJV|JH|RGMC hemochromatosis type 2 (juvenile) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25182 chr4 54270696 54270767 + 9.29957 NA intron (NM_001134938, intron 8 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 26911 NM_001134937 81608 Hs.624245 NM_030917 HPRD:09646 FIP1L1 FIP1|Rhe|hFip1 factor interacting with PAPOLA and CPSF1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25329 chr4 66794466 66794537 + 9.29957 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -258288 NM_001281767 2044 Hs.654492 NM_004439 HPRD:02474 EPHA5 CEK7|EHK-1|EHK1|EK7|HEK7|TYRO4 EPH receptor A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39121 chrY 13352784 13352900 + 9.29932 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1180547 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4445 chr10 63747804 63747917 + 9.28071 NA intron (NM_032199, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_032199, intron 3 of 9) 11799 NR_049858 100847083 NR_049858 MIR548AV - microRNA 548av ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32449 chr7 100861276 100861464 + 9.28071 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001084) promoter-TSS (NM_001084) -359 NM_001084 8985 Hs.153357 NM_001084 HPRD:04347 PLOD3 LH3 procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16138 chr19 17190940 17191100 + 9.28071 NA intron (NM_001130065, intron 1 of 39) intron (NM_001130065, intron 1 of 39) 4429 NM_004145 4650 Hs.123198 NM_004145 HPRD:03677 MYO9B CELIAC4|MYR5 myosin IXB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24778 chr4 22310584 22310673 + 9.27847 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 30661 NR_037877 100505912 Hs.270471 NR_037877 LOC100505912 - uncharacterized LOC100505912 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27533 chr5 71055848 71055928 + 9.27847 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 40898 NM_004291 9607 Hs.1707 NM_004291 HPRD:04006 CARTPT CART CART prepropeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31987 chr7 64567939 64568190 + 9.27358 NA Intergenic Intergenic 69332 NR_033416 643180 Hs.510847 NR_033416 ENSG00000234585 CCT6P3 CCT6-3P chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 6 (zeta) pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5897 chr11 34255681 34255828 + 9.27233 NA intron (NM_145804, intron 1 of 16) intron (NM_145804, intron 1 of 16) 123801 NM_145804 25841 Hs.23361 NM_145804 HPRD:10624 ABTB2 ABTB2A|BTBD22 ankyrin repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7661 chr12 22596433 22596556 + 9.25300 NA Intergenic MamGypLTR3|LTR|Gypsy 100986 NM_001286175 9847 Hs.271014 NM_014802 HPRD:11087 C2CD5 CDP138|KIAA0528 C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_293 chr1 19229052 19229145 + 9.25107 NA 5' UTR (NM_003748, exon 1 of 15) 5' UTR (NM_003748, exon 1 of 15) 195 NM_170726 8659 Hs.77448 NM_003748 HPRD:06009 ALDH4A1 ALDH4|P5CD|P5CDh aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17357 chr2 9182480 9182561 + 9.24018 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -38644 NM_138799 129642 Hs.467634 NM_138799 MBOAT2 LPCAT4|OACT2 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4432 chr10 62453162 62453245 + 9.22750 NA intron (NM_001204403, intron 1 of 43) L1PA3|LINE|L1 40081 NM_001204403 288 Hs.499725 NM_001149 HPRD:02715 ANK3 ANKYRIN-G|MRT37 ankyrin 3, node of Ranvier (ankyrin G) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6119 chr11 50739053 50739135 + 9.21913 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 370776 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26011 chr4 128572961 128573064 + 9.21696 NA intron (NM_015693, intron 2 of 15) L1PA2|LINE|L1 18925 NM_015693 27152 Hs.391481 NM_015693 INTU INT|PDZD6|PDZK6 inturned planar cell polarity protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9223 chr13 23108071 23108160 + 9.21606 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 323691 NR_103810 100506622 Hs.255773 NR_103810 LINC00540 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 540 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34858 chr8 145582132 145582248 + 9.20849 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012162) promoter-TSS (NM_012162) -7 NM_012162 26233 Hs.12271 NM_012162 HPRD:16429 FBXL6 FBL6|FBL6A|PP14630 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8348 chr12 68237908 68238003 + 9.20849 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -85060 NR_120456 101927922 Hs.450769 NR_120456 LINC01479 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1479 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21835 chr22 26824877 26825094 + 9.20849 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020437) promoter-TSS (NM_020437) -295 NM_020437 57168 Hs.567547 NM_020437 HPRD:14255 ASPHD2 - aspartate beta-hydroxylase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28974 chr6 5303628 5303722 + 9.20256 NA intron (NM_006567, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_006567, intron 1 of 6) 42091 NM_006567 10667 Hs.484547 NM_006567 HPRD:09946 FARS2 COXPD14|FARS1|HSPC320|PheRS|dJ520B18.2 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4383 chr10 56055637 56055703 + 9.19957 NA intron (NM_001142769, intron 9 of 35) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 505381 NM_001142765 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6818 chr11 93827744 93827818 + 9.19394 NA intron (NM_001098672, intron 13 of 19) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -34313 NM_015368 24145 Hs.591976 NM_015368 HPRD:10526 PANX1 MRS1|PX1|UNQ2529 pannexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16891 chr19 48837267 48837390 + 9.18184 NA exon (NM_018273, exon 7 of 8) exon (NM_018273, exon 7 of 8) 8699 NM_001425 2014 Hs.9999 NM_001425 HPRD:18514 EMP3 YMP epithelial membrane protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23779 chr3 139519487 139519583 + 9.17745 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -122650 NM_178177 349565 Hs.208673 NM_178177 HPRD:16370 NMNAT3 PNAT-3|PNAT3 nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6397 chr11 64863584 64863702 + 9.17745 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013265) promoter-TSS (NM_013265) 56 NM_013265 738 Hs.277517 NM_013265 HPRD:12605 VPS51 ANG2|ANG3|C11orf2|C11orf3|FFR vacuolar protein sorting 51 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33083 chr7 155782977 155783077 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27701 NM_001291913 389602 Hs.583071 NM_001291913 LOC389602 - uncharacterized LOC389602 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26213 chr4 149898747 149898822 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -535112 NM_001166104 4306 Hs.163924 NM_000901 HPRD:02991 NR3C2 MCR|MLR|MR|NR3C2VIT nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37690 chrX 54909012 54909143 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -37919 NM_177556 7216 Hs.633653 NM_016157 HPRD:02134 TRO MAGE-d3|MAGED3 trophinin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26955 chr5 34429463 34429529 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -226937 NM_015577 26064 Hs.431400 NM_015577 HPRD:09416 RAI14 NORPEG|RAI13 retinoic acid induced 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7340 chr12 4252155 4252437 + 9.15247 NA Intergenic Intergenic -130606 NM_001759 894 Hs.376071 NM_001759 HPRD:00451 CCND2 KIAK0002 cyclin D2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30447 chr6 126240217 126240429 + 9.14838 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199622) promoter-TSS (NM_001199622) -47 NM_001199622 135112 Hs.171426 NM_181782 HPRD:14814 NCOA7 ERAP140|ESNA1|NCOA7-AS|Nbla00052|Nbla10993|TLDC4|dJ187J11.3 nuclear receptor coactivator 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13266 chr16 70100104 70100187 + 9.13417 NA promoter-TSS (NR_003610) promoter-TSS (NR_003610) -294 NR_003610 283970 Hs.513695 NM_199134 ENSG00000196696 PDXDC2P NPIP|PDXDC2 pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain containing 2, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14635 chr17 62658361 62658481 + 9.12745 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022739) promoter-TSS (NM_022739) -35 NM_022739 64750 Hs.515011 NM_022739 SMURF2 - SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38369 chrX 100800745 100800860 + 9.12556 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -4712 NM_016608 51309 Hs.9728 NM_016608 HPRD:02292 ARMCX1 ALEX1|GASP7 armadillo repeat containing, X-linked 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5999 chr11 45868563 45868656 + 9.12433 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021117) promoter-TSS (NM_021117) -60 NM_001127457 1408 Hs.532491 NM_021117 HPRD:07226 CRY2 HCRY2|PHLL2 cryptochrome circadian clock 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4070 chr10 39092857 39092929 + 9.11671 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 103166 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33418 chr8 15433880 15433947 + 9.10612 NA intron (NM_178234, intron 1 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 36317 NM_178234 7991 Hs.426324 NM_006765 HPRD:03228 TUSC3 D8S1992|M33|MRT22|MRT7|N33|OST3A tumor suppressor candidate 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18829 chr2 124142697 124142790 + 9.10612 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -640121 NM_130773 129684 Hs.660653 NM_130773 HPRD:16732 CNTNAP5 caspr5 contactin associated protein-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37526 chrX 44901032 44901149 + 9.10322 NA intron (NR_111960, intron 8 of 27) SVA_D|Other|Other 159056 NM_024689 79742 Hs.98321 NM_024689 HPRD:06524 CXorf36 4930578C19Rik|DIA1R|EPQL1862|PRO3743|bA435K1.1 chromosome X open reading frame 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21064 chr21 9486056 9486305 + 9.09641 NA Intergenic Intergenic -339652 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37097 chrUn_gl000237 45441 45713 + 9.09641 NA NA (TAGA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24060 chr3 165308269 165308444 + 9.08042 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 246897 NM_000055 590 Hs.420483 NM_000055 HPRD:01519 BCHE CHE1|CHE2|E1 butyrylcholinesterase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26776 chr5 8085562 8085745 + 9.07866 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 216436 NM_002454 4552 Hs.481551 NM_002454 HPRD:03979 MTRR MSR|cblE 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase reductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30438 chr6 125710458 125710759 + 9.06348 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -87326 NM_016063 51020 Hs.32826 NM_016063 HPRD:12897 HDDC2 C6orf74|NS5ATP2|dJ167O5.2 HD domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39217 chrY 13728480 13728605 + 9.06012 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 804847 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29497 chr6 36067985 36068129 + 9.05391 NA intron (NM_001315, intron 9 of 11) intron (NM_001315, intron 9 of 11) -30204 NR_072996 5603 Hs.178695 NM_002754 HPRD:09113 MAPK13 MAPK 13|MAPK-13|PRKM13|SAPK4|p38delta mitogen-activated protein kinase 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1369 chr1 99080411 99080495 + 9.05391 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -46783 NM_015976 51375 Hs.197015 NM_015976 HPRD:15416 SNX7 - sorting nexin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26905 chr5 27211502 27211584 + 9.05224 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -172854 NM_016279 1007 Hs.272212 NM_016279 HPRD:13021 CDH9 - cadherin 9, type 2 (T1-cadherin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19017 chr2 136082125 136082198 + 9.05224 NA intron (NM_001286568, intron 6 of 20) L1PA5|LINE|L1 206139 NM_001286569 84083 Hs.658422 NM_032143 HPRD:15896 ZRANB3 4933425L19Rik|AH2 zinc finger, RAN-binding domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33289 chr8 5943847 5943938 + 9.05224 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 320177 NR_040040 100287015 Hs.156928 NR_040040 ENSG00000246089 LOC100287015 - uncharacterized LOC100287015 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20014 chr2 229436845 229436941 + 9.04109 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -390532 NM_030623 80309 Hs.436306 NM_030623 HPRD:18052 SPHKAP SKIP SPHK1 interactor, AKAP domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17908 chr2 60418378 60418499 + 9.03546 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 196142 NR_039631 100616473 NR_039631 miRBase:MI0016772 MIR4432 - microRNA 4432 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7262 chr11 133870053 133870469 + 9.03546 NA Intergenic MER81|DNA|hAT-Blackjack -31906 NR_027276 100128239 Hs.423734 NR_027276 ENSG00000204241 LOC100128239 - uncharacterized LOC100128239 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17170 chr19 58838900 58839090 + 9.02045 NA intron (NM_181846, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_181846, intron 1 of 2) 610 NM_181846 342945 Hs.388162 NM_181846 HPRD:01315 ZSCAN22 HKR2|ZNF50 zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9418 chr13 41495757 41496051 + 9.02045 NA promoter-TSS (NR_003365) promoter-TSS (NR_003365) 6 NR_003365 283507 Hs.442781 NR_003365 ENSG00000239827 SUGT1P3 SUGT1L1 SUGT1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29955 chr6 81513592 81513668 + 9.01300 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 697286 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4631 chr10 77906189 77906267 + 8.99835 NA intron (NM_032024, intron 4 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 363709 NM_032024 83938 Hs.118161 NM_032024 HPRD:12560 C10orf11 OCA5|OCA7 chromosome 10 open reading frame 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31823 chr7 57994797 57994888 + 8.98744 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 484959 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6301 chr11 61560046 61560170 + 8.98687 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014206) promoter-TSS (NM_014206) -1 NM_004111 2237 Hs.409065 NM_004111 HPRD:02670 FEN1 FEN-1|MF1|RAD2 flap structure-specific endonuclease 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32760 chr7 133579582 133579667 + 8.97143 NA intron (NM_021807, intron 11 of 17) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -69983 NR_120513 101928861 Hs.675747 NR_120513 LOC101928861 - uncharacterized LOC101928861 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34596 chr8 127326610 127326682 + 8.96844 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -11094 NR_125421 101927657 Hs.552133 NR_125421 ENSG00000244791 LOC101927657 - uncharacterized LOC101927657 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26508 chr4 184425350 184425488 + 8.96792 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001564) promoter-TSS (NM_001564) 249 NR_033995 389247 Hs.385787 NR_033995 LOC389247 - uncharacterized LOC389247 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18146 chr2 78022180 78022341 + 8.95607 NA intron (NR_110288, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -120800 NR_110286 101927926 Hs.149042 NR_110286 ENSG00000233605 LOC101927926 - uncharacterized LOC101927926 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12766 chr16 32831966 32832091 + 8.94778 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64435 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29102 chr6 16769444 16769628 + 8.93723 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7815 NM_000332 6310 Hs.434961 NM_000332 HPRD:03333 ATXN1 ATX1|D6S504E|SCA1 ataxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16363 chr19 27806633 27806720 + 8.93231 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -477699 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2265 chr1 159426991 159427058 + 8.93202 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 17512 NM_012351 26476 Hs.532661 NM_012351 HPRD:17671 OR10J1 HGMP07J|HSHGMP07J olfactory receptor, family 10, subfamily J, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30307 chr6 112085553 112085845 + 8.92685 NA intron (NM_002037, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_002037, intron 3 of 13) -5365 NM_153048 2534 Hs.390567 NM_002037 HPRD:00655 FYN SLK|SYN|p59-FYN FYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27717 chr5 83094693 83094883 + 8.92397 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -77892 NM_001884 1404 Hs.2799 NM_001884 HPRD:00275 HAPLN1 CRTL1 hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38795 chrX 139071342 139071408 + 8.91830 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -23698 NM_001013403 347487 Hs.121384 NM_001013403 HPRD:18139 CXorf66 SGPX chromosome X open reading frame 66 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35037 chr9 17914753 17914824 + 8.91830 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 335836 NM_003026 6456 Hs.75149 NM_003026 HPRD:05125 SH3GL2 CNSA2|EEN-B1|SH3D2A|SH3P4 SH3-domain GRB2-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39000 chrY 2559198 2559422 + 8.91097 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001122898).2 promoter-TSS (NM_001122898).2 82 NM_001122898 4267 Hs.653349 NM_002414 HPRD:02434 CD99 HBA71|MIC2|MIC2X|MIC2Y|MSK5X CD99 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37179 chrX 2609198 2609422 + 8.91097 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002414) promoter-TSS (NM_002414) 82 NM_001122898 4267 Hs.653349 NM_002414 HPRD:02434 CD99 HBA71|MIC2|MIC2X|MIC2Y|MSK5X CD99 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20380 chr20 6950053 6950126 + 8.90802 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 201344 NM_001200 650 Hs.73853 NM_001200 HPRD:00206 BMP2 BDA2|BMP2A bone morphogenetic protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6894 chr11 102118485 102118558 + 8.90802 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -69660 NM_182962 330 Hs.127799 NM_001165 HPRD:03426 BIRC3 AIP1|API2|CIAP2|HAIP1|HIAP1|MALT2|MIHC|RNF49|c-IAP2 baculoviral IAP repeat containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3145 chr1 225965940 225966084 + 8.90654 NA intron (NM_003133, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_003133, intron 1 of 2) 497 NM_001130440 6726 Hs.511425 NM_003133 HPRD:02830 SRP9 ALURBP signal recognition particle 9kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30762 chr6 149886781 149886932 + 8.90214 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138785) promoter-TSS (NM_138785) -672 NM_138785 116254 Hs.438872 NM_138785 GINM1 C6orf72|dJ12G14.2 glycoprotein integral membrane 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13495 chr16 88848275 88848450 + 8.89765 NA intron (NM_001142864, intron 1 of 50) intron (NM_001142864, intron 1 of 50) 3010 NM_001142864 9780 Hs.377001 NM_001142864 HPRD:10945 PIEZO1 DHS|FAM38A|Mib piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16261 chr19 21188003 21188076 + 8.89211 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -15387 NM_025189 80264 Hs.729202 NM_025189 HPRD:15788 ZNF430 - zinc finger protein 430 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22037 chr22 41705106 41705219 + 8.89211 NA intron (NM_017590, intron 1 of 22) AluYg6|SINE|Alu 7655 NM_017590 23264 Hs.592188 NM_017590 HPRD:06711 ZC3H7B RoXaN zinc finger CCCH-type containing 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12690 chr16 31115872 31116051 + 8.89022 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -3654 NM_001271926 10295 Hs.513520 NM_005881 HPRD:12523 BCKDK BCKDKD|BDK branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15622 chr18 77006743 77006811 + 8.88450 NA intron (NM_198531, intron 11 of 29) intron (NM_198531, intron 11 of 29) -148995 NM_001278669 4772 Hs.534074 NM_006162 HPRD:02729 NFATC1 NF-ATC|NFAT2|NFATc nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6313 chr11 62324068 62324235 + 8.87375 NA Intergenic Intergenic 3627 NR_037427 100500804 NR_037427 MIR3654 - microRNA 3654 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38085 chrX 71900513 71900683 + 8.86592 NA intron (NM_001172436, intron 5 of 29) CpG -8201 NR_110391 101928259 Hs.666679 NR_110391 ENSG00000231944 LOC101928259 - uncharacterized LOC101928259 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17609 chr2 31075696 31075763 + 8.86592 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -45418 NM_144575 92291 Hs.660911 NM_144575 HPRD:07008 CAPN13 - calpain 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22500 chr3 26772655 26772995 + 8.85842 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 108525 NM_052953 116135 Hs.517868 NM_052953 HPRD:14318 LRRC3B LRP15 leucine rich repeat containing 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30652 chr6 142073034 142073103 + 8.83667 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 336868 NM_002511 4829 Hs.654478 NM_002511 HPRD:01211 NMBR BB1 neuromedin B receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20045 chr2 231921561 231921666 + 8.83231 NA promoter-TSS (NR_034059) promoter-TSS (NR_034059) 35 NR_034059 5707 Hs.3887 NM_002807 HPRD:10169 PSMD1 P112|Rpn2|S1 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38056 chrX 71325804 71326034 + 8.82460 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) AluYf4|SINE|Alu 25832 NM_001024455 340526 Hs.512180 NM_001024455 HPRD:18594 RGAG4 6430402L03Rik|MAR5|MART5 retrotransposon gag domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19198 chr2 158732901 158733129 + 8.81710 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001111067) promoter-TSS (NM_001111067) -641 NM_001111067 90 Hs.470316 NM_001105 HPRD:00021 ACVR1 ACTRI|ACVR1A|ACVRLK2|ALK2|FOP|SKR1|TSRI activin A receptor, type I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11252 chr15 29355543 29355834 + 8.81485 NA intron (NM_001130414, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001130414, intron 3 of 12) 141848 NM_001130414 321 Hs.618112 NM_005503 HPRD:04090 APBA2 D15S1518E|HsT16821|LIN-10|MGC:14091|MINT2|X11-BETA|X11L amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23170 chr3 87395113 87395179 + 8.81316 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -69409 NM_001122757 5449 Hs.591654 NM_000306 HPRD:01409 POU1F1 CPHD1|GHF-1|PIT1|POU1F1a|Pit-1 POU class 1 homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23254 chr3 95003787 95003885 + 8.79340 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 346729 NR_015400 255025 Hs.130994 NR_015400 ENSG00000239589 LINC00879 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 879 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23335 chr3 101934731 101934929 + 8.78947 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -219029 NM_175056 131368 Hs.352213 NM_175056 HPRD:14048 ZPLD1 - zona pellucida-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23302 chr3 100833197 100833263 + 8.78947 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -120896 NM_015429 25890 Hs.477015 NM_015429 HPRD:09380 ABI3BP NESHBP|TARSH ABI family, member 3 (NESH) binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38272 chrX 86476823 86476975 + 8.78797 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -295816 NM_019117 56062 Hs.49075 NM_019117 HPRD:02283 KLHL4 DKELCHL|KHL4 kelch-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7823 chr12 33931514 33931600 + 8.78797 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -243659 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2983 chr1 213324590 213324808 + 8.77725 NA intron (NM_001287219, intron 7 of 14) intron (NM_001287219, intron 7 of 14) 100124 NM_001287219 26750 Hs.591416 NM_012424 HPRD:10204 RPS6KC1 RPK118|RSKL1|S6K-delta-1|S6PKh1|humS6PKh1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 52kDa, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13534 chr16 89790127 89790311 + 8.76680 NA intron (NR_110126, intron 4 of 10) intron (NR_110126, intron 4 of 10) 2267 NM_001113525 92822 Hs.290154 NM_152287 HPRD:12235 ZNF276 CENP-Z|CENPZ|ZADT|ZFP276|ZNF477 zinc finger protein 276 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27934 chr5 103529145 103529232 + 8.76577 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -630686 NM_031438 83594 Hs.434289 NM_031438 HPRD:10123 NUDT12 - nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23356 chr3 105465928 105466069 + 8.75746 NA intron (NM_170662, intron 5 of 18) intron (NM_170662, intron 5 of 18) 121889 NM_170662 868 Hs.430589 NM_170662 HPRD:05136 CBLB Cbl-b|RNF56 Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17559 chr2 27763783 27763889 + 8.75746 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -35553 NM_032266 84226 Hs.131021 NM_032266 HPRD:09849 C2orf16 - chromosome 2 open reading frame 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34873 chr8 146012150 146012276 + 8.75026 NA intron (NM_001286769, intron 1 of 5) CpG 517 NM_030580 80778 Hs.631854 NM_030580 HPRD:11772 ZNF34 KOX32 zinc finger protein 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8465 chr12 75913237 75913315 + 8.75026 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -7858 NM_007043 11103 Hs.645517 NM_007043 HPRD:11027 KRR1 HRB2|RIP-1 KRR1, small subunit (SSU) processome component, homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39128 chrY 13447118 13447373 + 8.74658 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1086144 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14768 chr17 74349910 74350077 + 8.74255 NA 5' UTR (NM_002766, exon 1 of 10) 5' UTR (NM_002766, exon 1 of 10) 237 NM_002766 5635 Hs.77498 NM_002766 HPRD:03151 PRPSAP1 PAP39 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28231 chr5 132299021 132299653 + 8.73753 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014423) promoter-TSS (NM_014423) 17 NM_014423 27125 Hs.519313 NM_014423 HPRD:09187 AFF4 AF5Q31|MCEF AF4/FMR2 family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29127 chr6 19225085 19225161 + 8.73753 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -44412 NR_110860 101928519 Hs.551771 NR_110860 LOC101928519 - uncharacterized LOC101928519 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28231-2 chr5 132299021 132299653 + 8.73753 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014423) promoter-TSS (NM_014423) 17 NM_014423 27125 Hs.519313 NM_014423 HPRD:09187 AFF4 AF5Q31|MCEF AF4/FMR2 family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28231-3 chr5 132299021 132299653 + 8.73753 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014423) promoter-TSS (NM_014423) 17 NM_014423 27125 Hs.519313 NM_014423 HPRD:09187 AFF4 AF5Q31|MCEF AF4/FMR2 family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16266 chr19 21512222 21512358 + 8.73638 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021269) promoter-TSS (NM_021269) -49 NM_001297560 7562 Hs.466296 NM_021269 HPRD:18322 ZNF708 KOX8|ZNF15|ZNF15L1 zinc finger protein 708 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10077 chr14 19667898 19667964 + 8.72048 NA intron (NR_122112, intron 6 of 7).2 L1PA5|LINE|L1 13085 NR_073460 101101776 Hs.617315 NR_073460 BMS1P17 LINC00516 BMS1 pseudogene 17 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20861 chr20 48429098 48429202 + 8.71913 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015266) promoter-TSS (NM_015266) -100 NR_048538 23315 Hs.444202 NM_015266 HPRD:18062 SLC9A8 NHE-8|NHE8 solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE8, cation proton antiporter 8), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10035-2 chr13 114891393 114891680 + 8.71119 NA intron (NM_007368, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_007368, intron 1 of 23) 6559 NM_007368 22821 Hs.593075 NM_007368 HPRD:05537 RASA3 GAP1IP4BP|GAPIII RAS p21 protein activator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10035 chr13 114891393 114891680 + 8.71119 NA intron (NM_007368, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_007368, intron 1 of 23) 6559 NM_007368 22821 Hs.593075 NM_007368 HPRD:05537 RASA3 GAP1IP4BP|GAPIII RAS p21 protein activator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18870 chr2 129618157 129618237 + 8.71065 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -3977 NR_110278 101927881 Hs.570247 NR_110278 LOC101927881 - uncharacterized LOC101927881 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4269 chr10 45909923 45909989 + 8.70751 NA intron (NM_001256153, intron 4 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 38613 NR_120674 102724323 Hs.559151 NR_120674 LOC102724323 - uncharacterized LOC102724323 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39223 chrY 13739725 13739818 + 8.69086 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 793618 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33285 chr8 5318708 5318781 + 8.68534 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -466416 NM_033225 64478 Hs.571466 NM_033225 HPRD:10523 CSMD1 PPP1R24 CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12808 chr16 33262798 33262917 + 8.68053 NA intron (NR_110897, intron 2 of 3).2 CpG-9197 737 NM_001205259 653550 Hs.592038 NM_001205259 ENSG00000205457 TP53TG3C TP53TG3 TP53 target 3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35344 chr9 43424708 43424774 + 8.67282 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 205989 NM_001145196 389730 Hs.455299 NM_001145196 ENSG00000185775 SPATA31A6 FAM75A6 SPATA31 subfamily A, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24906 chr4 39298586 39298679 + 8.66006 NA intron (NM_002913, intron 21 of 24) L1PA2|LINE|L1 69369 NM_001204747 5981 Hs.507475 NM_002913 HPRD:00024 RFC1 A1|MHCBFB|PO-GA|RECC1|RFC|RFC140 replication factor C (activator 1) 1, 145kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29400 chr6 32143930 32144014 + 8.65303 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006411).5 promoter-TSS (NM_006411).5 -56 NM_006411 10554 Hs.409230 NM_006411 HPRD:04372 AGPAT1 1-AGPAT1|G15|LPAAT-alpha|LPAATA 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35067 chr9 20105167 20105235 + 8.62322 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 306035 NR_039684 100616229 NR_039684 MIR4473 - microRNA 4473 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6413 chr11 65193758 65193893 + 8.62041 NA non-coding (NR_028272, exon 1 of 1) non-coding (NR_028272, exon 1 of 1) 3556 NR_028272 283131 Hs.523789 NR_002802 NEAT1 LINC00084|NCRNA00084|TncRNA|VINC nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10614 chr14 65569677 65569778 + 8.61639 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145112) promoter-TSS (NM_145112) -314 NR_073137 4149 Hs.285354 NM_002382 HPRD:01113 MAX bHLHd4 MYC associated factor X protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13387 chr16 81650369 81650568 + 8.61621 NA intron (NM_198390, intron 2 of 20) intron (NM_198390, intron 2 of 20) 5515 NR_106759 102465251 NR_106759 MIR6504 hsa-mir-6504 microRNA 6504 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26993 chr5 37447653 37447748 + 8.60980 NA intron (NM_018034, intron 7 of 17) L1PA5|LINE|L1 68288 NM_018034 55100 Hs.213690 NM_018034 WDR70 - WD repeat domain 70 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2732 chr1 194229466 194229533 + 8.60201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 955624 NR_125789 101929184 Hs.146728 NR_125789 LINC01031 TCONS_00000361 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1031 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36815 chrUn_gl000217 107682 107935 + 8.59552 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31887 chr7 61638950 61639048 + 8.58642 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1125435 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15462 chr18 57972005 57972090 + 8.58436 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 67954 NM_005912 4160 Hs.532833 NM_005912 HPRD:01116 MC4R - melanocortin 4 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24330 chr3 191872420 191872535 + 8.58436 NA intron (NM_021032, intron 4 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -83942 NR_046596 100873986 Hs.581652 NR_046596 FGF12-AS1 - FGF12 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19419 chr2 176587019 176587113 + 8.58125 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 279952 NM_030650 80856 Hs.209561 NM_030650 KIAA1715 LNP|LNP1|Ul|ulnaless KIAA1715 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38695 chrX 131352188 131352304 + 8.56190 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021183) promoter-TSS (NM_021183) -57 NM_021183 57826 Hs.119889 NM_021183 HPRD:06706 RAP2C - RAP2C, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_882 chr1 47799881 47799994 + 8.56190 NA intron (NM_001136140, intron 1 of 4) CpG 468 NR_046395 51727 Hs.731647 NM_016308 HPRD:18258 CMPK1 CK|CMK|CMPK|UMK|UMP-CMPK|UMPK cytidine monophosphate (UMP-CMP) kinase 1, cytosolic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5496 chr11 3533673 3533813 + 8.56025 NA Intergenic HERVS71-int|LTR|ERV1 -113947 NR_002720 7221 Hs.131910 NR_002720 ENSG00000182048 TRPC2 - transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 2, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31546 chr7 33567240 33567328 + 8.55983 NA intron (NM_198428, intron 20 of 22) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -377239 NM_133468 168667 Hs.660998 NM_133468 HPRD:16368 BMPER CRIM3|CV-2|CV2 BMP binding endothelial regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7797 chr12 31902238 31902353 + 8.55983 NA Intergenic LTR8|LTR|ERV1 -20187 NM_001278412 196394 Hs.585084 NM_001113402 HPRD:14115 AMN1 - antagonist of mitotic exit network 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33004 chr7 150203402 150203476 + 8.55896 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -8506 NM_153236 168537 Hs.647074 NM_153236 HPRD:17039 GIMAP7 IAN7|hIAN7 GTPase, IMAP family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22549 chr3 30685771 30685879 + 8.55311 NA intron (NM_001024847, intron 2 of 7) L2b|LINE|L2 37831 NM_003242 7048 Hs.82028 NM_003242 HPRD:01823 TGFBR2 AAT3|FAA3|LDS1B|LDS2|LDS2B|MFS2|RIIC|TAAD2|TGFR-2|TGFbeta-RII transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70/80kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36762 chrUn_gl000216 58730 58802 + 8.54272 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31687 chr7 45852045 45852233 + 8.54070 NA Intergenic Intergenic -43522 NR_024271 641977 Hs.723477 NR_024271 ENSG00000214765 SEPT7P2 SEPT13|SEPT7B septin 7 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37636 chrX 50860231 50860299 + 8.53957 NA intron (NR_110382, intron 1 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 53967 NR_110382 101926971 Hs.657995 NR_110382 LINC01284 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1284 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13558 chr16 90293154 90293407 + 8.53730 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 -150942 NM_001098173 11105 Hs.406695 NM_052996 HPRD:17903 PRDM7 PFM4|ZNF910 PR domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34742 chr8 140474196 140474403 + 8.53510 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 241000 NR_104210 51305 Hs.493037 NM_001282534 HPRD:16167 KCNK9 K2p9.1|KT3.2|TASK-3|TASK3 potassium channel, subfamily K, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19288 chr2 165989608 165989755 + 8.53510 NA intron (NM_001081677, intron 15 of 27) L1PA3|LINE|L1 70896 NM_001081677 6328 Hs.435274 NM_006922 HPRD:01671 SCN3A NAC3|Nav1.3 sodium channel, voltage-gated, type III, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20197 chr2 240587047 240587378 + 8.53510 NA Intergenic Intergenic -97342 NR_037808 150935 Hs.555582 NR_037808 LOC150935 - uncharacterized LOC150935 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17903 chr2 58402344 58402410 + 8.51323 NA intron (NM_018062, intron 7 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 66138 NM_001114636 55120 Hs.631890 NM_018062 HPRD:06997 FANCL FAAP43|PHF9|POG Fanconi anemia, complementation group L protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12167 chr15 100890385 100890491 + 8.51323 NA promoter-TSS (NR_028140) promoter-TSS (NR_028140) 0 NR_028140 388182 Hs.136982 NM_207383 HPRD:16960 SPATA41 - spermatogenesis associated 41 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12798 chr16 33206263 33206382 + 8.51068 NA intron (NR_110886, intron 2 of 3).3 CpG-9194 737 NM_001205259 653550 Hs.592038 NM_001205259 ENSG00000205457 TP53TG3C TP53TG3 TP53 target 3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29381 chr6 31620157 31620259 + 8.50932 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098534).5 promoter-TSS (NM_001098534).5 21 NR_045828 55937 Hs.534468 NM_019101 HPRD:06068 APOM G3a|HSPC336|NG20|apo-M apolipoprotein M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2292 chr1 160684109 160684431 + 8.50868 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2629 NM_001778 962 Hs.243564 NM_001778 HPRD:00177 CD48 BCM1|BLAST|BLAST1|MEM-102|SLAMF2|hCD48|mCD48 CD48 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2654 chr1 185678966 185679156 + 8.49795 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -24622 NM_031935 83872 Hs.58877 NM_031935 HPRD:06509 HMCN1 ARMD1|FBLN6|FIBL-6|FIBL6 hemicentin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23658 chr3 129081518 129081867 + 8.49258 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 34499 NR_002992 677797 Hs.711399 NR_002992 ENSG00000207088 SNORA7B ACA7B small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 7B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35214 chr9 34666061 34666167 + 8.49258 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3425 NM_006664 10850 Hs.648124 NM_006664 HPRD:05321 CCL27 ALP|CTACK|CTAK|ESKINE|ILC|PESKY|SCYA27 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38116 chrX 73936613 73936683 + 8.49076 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -102187 NM_016120 51132 Hs.653288 NM_016120 HPRD:02304 RLIM NY-REN-43|RNF12 ring finger protein, LIM domain interacting protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8665 chr12 96235330 96235826 + 8.49076 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -17131 NM_003095 6636 Hs.105465 NM_003095 SNRPF SMF|Sm-F|snRNP-F small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32004 chr7 64971032 64971267 + 8.49053 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) 132437 NM_007139 168374 Hs.9521 NM_007139 HPRD:04919 ZNF92 HEL-203|HPF12|HTF12|TF12 zinc finger protein 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16146 chr19 17371777 17371867 + 8.48549 NA intron (NM_031941, intron 4 of 12) L2|LINE|L2 3722 NM_031941 83878 Hs.512773 NM_031941 HPRD:18276 USHBP1 AIEBP|MCC2 Usher syndrome 1C binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3293 chr1 234746664 234746847 + 8.48002 NA Intergenic CpG -1484 NM_001077397 359948 Hs.350268 NM_182972 HPRD:17160 IRF2BP2 - interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39220 chrY 13734119 13734212 + 8.47742 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 799224 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15638 chr18 77444941 77445050 + 8.47622 NA intron (NM_001202504, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001202504, intron 1 of 12) 3565 NM_001202504 9150 Hs.465490 NM_004715 HPRD:05377 CTDP1 CCFDN|FCP1 CTD (carboxy-terminal domain, RNA polymerase II, polypeptide A) phosphatase, subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13484 chr16 88636584 88636893 + 8.46847 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001294340) promoter-TSS (NM_001294340) -51 NM_144604 124245 Hs.93670 NM_144604 HPRD:11232 ZC3H18 NHN1 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17135 chr19 57702747 57702933 + 8.46088 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003417) promoter-TSS (NM_003417) -28 NM_003417 9422 Hs.515634 NM_003417 ZNF264 - zinc finger protein 264 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25846 chr4 115446321 115446517 + 8.46088 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -73192 NM_001128174 7368 Hs.144197 NM_003360 HPRD:03186 UGT8 CGT|UGT4 UDP glycosyltransferase 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6862 chr11 96074975 96075068 + 8.45405 NA TTS (NR_036125) TTS (NR_036125) 419 NR_036125 100422991 NR_036125 miRBase:MI0014197 MIR1260B - microRNA 1260b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38486 chrX 109847150 109847218 + 8.44616 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 83644 NR_002718 6998 Hs.592361 NR_002718 ENSG00000225366 TDGF1P3 CR-3|CRIPTO|CRIPTO-3|CRIPTO3|TDGF1|TDGF2|TDGF3 teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23196 chr3 89932327 89932396 + 8.44616 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 775687 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31100 chr6 170530377 170530603 + 8.44319 NA Intergenic CpG 41167 NR_002787 154449 Hs.447751 NR_002787 ENSG00000230960 LOC154449 - uncharacterized LOC154449 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25111 chr4 49332749 49332830 + 8.43820 NA Intergenic ACRO1|Satellite|acro 344130 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28093 chr5 120418537 120418604 + 8.43650 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -239675 NR_104999 102467226 NR_104999 LOC102467226 - uncharacterized LOC102467226 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29661 chr6 48710316 48710438 + 8.42842 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -673952 NM_207499 442213 Hs.659409 NM_207499 HPRD:18470 PTCHD4 C6orf138|dJ402H5.2 patched domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8941 chr12 120356128 120356225 + 8.42402 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -41081 NM_001206999 11113 Hs.119594 NM_007174 HPRD:09289 CIT CRIK|STK21 citron rho-interacting serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29621 chr6 44205384 44205457 + 8.39573 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8483 NM_001271970 3326 Hs.509736 NM_007355 HPRD:06763 HSP90AB1 D6S182|HSP84|HSP90B|HSPC2|HSPCB heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class B member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8041 chr12 48744585 48744775 + 8.39573 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001172681) promoter-TSS (NM_001172681) -6 NM_152320 121274 Hs.23492 NM_152320 HPRD:08711 ZNF641 - zinc finger protein 641 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_941 chr1 53686208 53686466 + 8.39096 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017887) promoter-TSS (NM_017887) -48 NM_017887 54987 Hs.525391 NM_017887 HPRD:07929 C1orf123 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 123 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20755 chr20 39252706 39252786 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 65134 NM_005461 9935 Hs.169487 NM_005461 HPRD:07129 MAFB KRML|MCTO v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33238 chr8 1398009 1398141 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic CpG -51457 NM_001277161 9228 Hs.113287 NM_004745 HPRD:09258 DLGAP2 DAP2|SAPAP2 discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36200 chr9 123918900 123919066 + 8.38800 NA intron (NM_007018, intron 25 of 41) intron (NM_007018, intron 25 of 41) 45382 NM_016322 51552 Hs.371563 NM_016322 HPRD:06693 RAB14 FBP|RAB-14 RAB14, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35326 chr9 42729380 42729469 + 8.38229 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 11358 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36477 chr9 138799410 138799714 + 8.37975 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015447) promoter-TSS (NM_015447) -557 NM_015447 157922 Hs.522493 NM_015447 HPRD:13001 CAMSAP1 PRO2405|bA100C15.1 calmodulin regulated spectrin-associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13429 chr16 85045090 85045184 + 8.37552 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017740) promoter-TSS (NM_017740) 4 NM_017740 55625 Hs.461610 NM_017740 HPRD:15722 ZDHHC7 DHHC7|SERZ-B|SERZ1|ZNF370 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35056 chr9 19536741 19536819 + 8.36374 NA intron (NM_020344, intron 7 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 127855 NM_001010887 340485 Hs.41379 NM_001010887 ACER2 ALKCDase2|ASAH3L alkaline ceramidase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_925 chr1 52638738 52638832 + 8.36374 NA intron (NM_004799, intron 1 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 31019 NM_007324 9372 Hs.532345 NM_004799 HPRD:04782 ZFYVE9 MADHIP|NSP|PPP1R173|SARA|SMADIP zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29291 chr6 28234834 28234989 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287421) promoter-TSS (NM_001287421) 123 NM_001111039 7741 Hs.157883 NM_007151 ZSCAN26 SRE-ZBP|ZNF187 zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37992 chrX 68932492 68932558 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001005613, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 96614 NM_001005609 1896 Hs.105407 NM_001399 HPRD:02347 EDA ECTD1|ED1|ED1-A1|ED1-A2|EDA-A1|EDA-A2|EDA1|EDA2|HED|HED1|ODT1|STHAGX1|XHED|XLHED ectodysplasin A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_766 chr1 42699222 42699291 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_014947, intron 4 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -68861 NM_033553 2980 Hs.778 NM_033553 HPRD:00767 GUCA2A GCAP-I|GUCA2|STARA guanylate cyclase activator 2A (guanylin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2252 chr1 158679013 158679099 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -8614 NM_001005279 81448 Hs.554489 NM_001005279 HPRD:15063 OR6K2 OR1-17 olfactory receptor, family 6, subfamily K, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11527 chr15 49329167 49329321 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001193489, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_001193489, intron 2 of 17) 9516 NM_014701 9728 Hs.9997 NM_014701 HPRD:17181 SECISBP2L SBP2L|SLAN SECIS binding protein 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11923 chr15 82158125 82158191 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 180326 NM_032246 84206 Hs.104744 NM_032246 HPRD:15256 MEX3B MEX-3B|RKHD3|RNF195 mex-3 RNA binding family member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7952 chr12 41512128 41512194 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -70089 NM_001164595 29951 Hs.380044 NM_013377 HPRD:15116 PDZRN4 LNX4|SAMCAP3L PDZ domain containing ring finger 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11793 chr15 72062368 72062505 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001286429, intron 10 of 11) AluSp|SINE|Alu -40452 NM_014249 10002 Hs.187354 NM_014249 NR2E3 ESCS|PNR|RNR|RP37|rd7 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1625 chr1 119278155 119278230 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 253987 NM_152380 6913 Hs.146196 NM_152380 HPRD:16035 TBX15 TBX14 T-box 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3241 chr1 231040213 231040279 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 29654 NR_110681 101927604 Hs.638929 NR_110681 ENSG00000223393 LOC101927604 - uncharacterized LOC101927604 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19855 chr2 211867886 211868040 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 385668 NR_002763 29034 Hs.658398 NR_002763 CPS1-IT1 CPS1-IT|CPS1IT|CPS1IT1|PRO0132 CPS1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37988 chrX 68680443 68680513 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -44600 NM_015686 27112 Hs.87619 NM_015686 HPRD:06740 FAM155B CXorf63|TED|TMEM28|bB57D9.1 family with sequence similarity 155, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3925 chr10 31730047 31730119 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001128128, intron 1 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 120019 NM_001174094 6935 Hs.124503 NM_030751 HPRD:01798 ZEB1 AREB6|BZP|DELTAEF1|FECD6|NIL2A|PPCD3|TCF8|ZFHEP|ZFHX1A zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2553 chr1 178882140 178882221 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001286247, intron 18 of 18) AluSz|SINE|Alu -41965 NM_004673 9068 Hs.591474 NM_004673 HPRD:04851 ANGPTL1 ANG3|ANGPT3|ARP1|AngY|UNQ162|dJ595C2.2 angiopoietin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39042 chrY 8175819 8175911 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 376054 NR_001550 252950 Hs.522852 NR_001550 ENSG00000233699 TTTY18 NCRNA00143 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 18 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39332 chrY 22972248 22972327 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 54333 NM_001039567 140032 Hs.367761 NM_001039567 HPRD:15960 RPS4Y2 RPS4Y2P ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8522 chr12 82618247 82618331 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 133910 NM_014167 29080 Hs.582627 NM_014167 HPRD:13696 CCDC59 BR22|TAP26 coiled-coil domain containing 59 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_706 chr1 38794787 38795000 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -114454 NR_038928 339442 Hs.434245 NR_038928 ENSG00000237290 LINC01343 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1343 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8512 chr12 80791658 80791766 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -46414 NM_001145026 374462 Hs.539284 NM_001145026 PTPRQ DFNB84|DFNB84A|PTPGMC1|R-PTP-Q protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, Q protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27928 chr5 102496953 102497027 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001276277, intron 17 of 30) L1PA5|LINE|L1 31980 NM_015216 23262 Hs.212046 NM_015216 HPRD:13802 PPIP5K2 HISPPD1|IP7K2|VIP2 diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17792 chr2 46371714 46371785 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 11 of 14) intron (NM_005400, intron 11 of 14) -152792 NM_001430 2034 Hs.468410 NM_001430 HPRD:06787 EPAS1 ECYT4|HIF2A|HLF|MOP2|PASD2|bHLHe73 endothelial PAS domain protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12087 chr15 91636322 91636389 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -6827 NM_001167580 9899 Hs.21754 NM_014848 HPRD:11765 SV2B HsT19680 synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20168 chr2 239018797 239018913 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_194312, intron 4 of 8) L1MC3|LINE|L1 9904 NM_194312 339768 Hs.127724 NM_194312 HPRD:14170 ESPNL - espin-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23342 chr3 102939824 102939918 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 786012 NM_175056 131368 Hs.352213 NM_175056 HPRD:14048 ZPLD1 - zona pellucida-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22499 chr3 26519614 26519727 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -144630 NM_052953 116135 Hs.517868 NM_052953 HPRD:14318 LRRC3B LRP15 leucine rich repeat containing 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16115 chr19 16080214 16080280 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 20429 NM_001004465 126541 Hs.553579 NM_001004465 HPRD:14891 OR10H4 OR19-28 olfactory receptor, family 10, subfamily H, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4439 chr10 63202991 63203062 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_178505, intron 1 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu -9371 NR_120643 101928781 Hs.568856 NR_120643 TMEM26-AS1 - TMEM26 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25287 chr4 61524439 61524518 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -838361 NM_015236 23284 Hs.28391 NM_015236 HPRD:10055 LPHN3 CIRL3|LEC3 latrophilin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22667 chr3 41429418 41429484 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_017886, intron 35 of 36) L1PA4|LINE|L1 188509 NM_001098209 1499 Hs.476018 NM_001904 HPRD:00286 CTNNB1 CTNNB|MRD19|armadillo catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1, 88kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11030 chr14 102638832 102638993 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001242418, intron 1 of 2) SVA_D|Other|Other 32723 NM_001242416 91833 Hs.36859 NM_144574 HPRD:11679 WDR20 DMR WD repeat domain 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5650 chr11 12955539 12955608 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_021961, intron 12 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 55522 NR_038904 100506305 Hs.153408 NR_038904 ENSG00000251381 LINC00958 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 958 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36022 chr9 105147537 105147603 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -134349 NR_103830 414319 Hs.385790 NR_103830 LINC00587 C9orf107|bA785H23.1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 587 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38398 chrX 102709593 102709709 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 64766 NM_080879 142684 Hs.706904 NM_080879 HPRD:06705 RAB40A RAR2|RAR2A RAB40A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28039 chr5 114474577 114474643 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001300759, intron 5 of 9) AluY|SINE|Alu 31050 NM_001300759 55521 Hs.519514 NM_018700 HPRD:15554 TRIM36 HAPRIN|RBCC728|RNF98 tripartite motif containing 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1275 chr1 90545684 90545753 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 85040 NM_182976 284695 Hs.306221 NM_181781 HPRD:15774 ZNF326 ZAN75|ZIRD|Zfp326|dJ871E2.1 zinc finger protein 326 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39038 chrY 8007816 8007891 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 334888 NR_001551 83867 Hs.667616 NR_001551 ENSG00000237048 TTTY12 NCRNA00135|TTY11|TTY12 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 12 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28683 chr5 162921936 162922002 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NR_109892) promoter-TSS (NR_109892) -905 NR_109892 101927813 Hs.726818 NR_109892 HMMR-AS1 - HMMR antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26595 chr4 190076453 190076600 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -504234 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38436 chrX 104983806 104983928 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_017416, intron 7 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -82669 NM_198465 203447 Hs.209527 NM_198465 HPRD:14841 NRK NESK Nik related kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22984 chr3 65684252 65684322 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001033057, intron 1 of 22) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -195204 NR_046575 100873983 Hs.663889 NR_046575 ENSG00000240175 MAGI1-AS1 - MAGI1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35867 chr9 92912391 92912513 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -108671 NR_038882 286370 Hs.407589 NR_038882 ENSG00000227555 LOC286370 - uncharacterized LOC286370 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9787 chr13 90915477 90915543 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 32074 NR_030754 693207 NR_030754 miRBase:MI0003636 MIR622 MIRN622|hsa-mir-622 microRNA 622 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16388 chr19 28621711 28621793 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -336904 NR_027301 148189 Hs.706547 NR_027301 ENSG00000261824 LINC00662 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 662 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27394 chr5 62573899 62573965 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 684187 NM_000524 3350 Hs.247940 NM_000524 HTR1A 5-HT-1A|5-HT1A|5HT1a|ADRB2RL1|ADRBRL1|G-21|PFMCD 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4680 chr10 83339679 83339748 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -295357 NM_001165972 10718 Hs.125119 NM_001010848 HPRD:16115 NRG3 HRG3|pro-NRG3 neuregulin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15272 chr18 35226609 35226690 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -10449 NR_036202 100422857 NR_036202 miRBase:MI0015847 MIR4318 - microRNA 4318 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25736 chr4 104667838 104668041 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -26966 NM_001059 6870 Hs.942 NM_001059 TACR3 HH11|NK-3R|NK3R|NKR|TAC3RL tachykinin receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33404 chr8 12666763 12666980 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_102423, intron 1 of 1) L1PA3|LINE|L1 2039 NR_015383 340357 Hs.434302 NR_015383 ENSG00000254813 LOC340357 - uncharacterized LOC340357 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15212 chr18 24526550 24526616 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_031422, intron 4 of 5) L1PA7|LINE|L1 -80867 NM_001650 361 Hs.315369 NM_001650 HPRD:02631 AQP4 HMIWC2|MIWC aquaporin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6176 chr11 54730691 54730762 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -298932 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4655 chr10 81335818 81335892 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -15692 NM_001098668 729238 Hs.523084 NM_001098668 ENSG00000185303 SFTPA2 COLEC5|PSAP|PSP-A|PSPA|SFTP1|SFTPA2B|SP-A|SPA2|SPAII surfactant protein A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35324 chr9 42728650 42728747 + 8.35302 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 10632 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26619 chr4 190573630 190573697 + 8.35127 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7097 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3460 chr1 247590870 247591251 + 8.34634 NA intron (NM_183395, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_183395, intron 3 of 6) 9709 NM_001243133 114548 Hs.159483 NM_004895 HPRD:05915 NLRP3 AGTAVPRL|AII|AVP|C1orf7|CIAS1|CLR1.1|FCAS|FCU|MWS|NALP3|PYPAF1 NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33074 chr7 155279112 155279223 + 8.34252 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 28343 NM_001427 2020 Hs.134989 NM_001427 HPRD:08836 EN2 - engrailed homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39023 chrY 7438576 7438819 + 8.33802 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 130591 NR_001552 252948 Hs.522848 NR_001552 ENSG00000225520 TTTY16 NCRNA00139 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 16 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12867 chr16 33907037 33907142 + 8.33802 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 55414 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26459 chr4 178231374 178231476 + 8.32788 NA intron (NM_018248, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_018248, intron 1 of 9) 434 NM_018248 55247 Hs.405467 NM_018248 HPRD:16407 NEIL3 FGP2|FPG2|NEI3|ZGRF3|hFPG2|hNEI3 nei endonuclease VIII-like 3 (E. coli) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4400 chr10 58286263 58286349 + 8.32257 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -165272 NM_032997 11130 Hs.591363 NM_007057 HPRD:18366 ZWINT HZwint-1|KNTC2AP|ZWINT1 ZW10 interacting kinetochore protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12895 chr16 34768959 34769030 + 8.32257 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -28154 NR_034018 100130700 Hs.97712 NR_034018 ENSG00000260857 LOC100130700 - uncharacterized LOC100130700 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38632 chrX 126255998 126256119 + 8.32199 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 302311 NM_001122716 100130613 Hs.130370 NM_001122716 ENSG00000183631 PRR32 CXorf64 proline rich 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4216 chr10 42815130 42815207 + 8.30654 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 48325 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5637 chr11 11268517 11268721 + 8.30471 NA Intergenic CT-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 106285 NM_001256686 283106 Hs.654675 NM_001256686 ENSG00000254598 CSNK2A3 CSNK2A1P casein kinase 2, alpha 3 polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19714 chr2 202170387 202170455 + 8.30471 NA intron (NM_139163, intron 11 of 14) L1PA5|LINE|L1 45198 NM_033356 841 Hs.599762 NM_001228 HPRD:03459 CASP8 ALPS2B|CAP4|Casp-8|FLICE|MACH|MCH5 caspase 8, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5249 chr10 129049657 129049723 + 8.30471 NA intron (NM_001380, intron 28 of 51) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -55268 NM_001039762 642938 Hs.613882 NM_001039762 ENSG00000188916 FAM196A C10orf141 family with sequence similarity 196, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35522 chr9 68463745 68463962 + 8.30224 NA Intergenic MSTA|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -9478 NR_033907 642236 Hs.529357 NR_033907 LOC642236 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14207 chr17 34957904 34958004 + 8.29926 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024864) promoter-TSS (NM_024864) -71 NM_024864 79922 Hs.194864 NM_024864 HPRD:08656 MRM1 - mitochondrial rRNA methyltransferase 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24848 chr4 34655405 34655471 + 8.29915 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1590300 NR_122079 439933 Hs.591071 NR_122079 ENSG00000247193 LOC439933 - uncharacterized LOC439933 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23968 chr3 156738352 156738438 + 8.29915 NA intron (NM_001004316, intron 10 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -69275 NR_034008 100498859 Hs.633655 NR_034008 ENSG00000241135 LINC00881 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 881 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34886 chr9 10085 10317 + 8.29674 NA Intergenic (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -1786 NR_051986 100287596 Hs.719844 NR_051986 DDX11L5 - DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box helicase 11 like 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15592 chr18 74840330 74840454 + 8.28816 NA intron (NM_001025101, intron 1 of 8) L1MD2|LINE|L1 4382 NM_001025100 4155 Hs.551713 NM_002385 HPRD:01158 MBP - myelin basic protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35606 chr9 70009674 70009747 + 8.28211 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 169105 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26670 chr4_gl000193_random 90107 90388 + 8.28159 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -1872 NR_038377 441058 Hs.130535 NR_038377 MGC39584 - uncharacterized LOC441058 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34711 chr8 138572165 138572233 + 8.28072 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -146368 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22966 chr3 61420026 61420385 + 8.27868 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -127038 NM_002841 5793 Hs.595541 NM_002841 PTPRG HPTPG|PTPG|R-PTP-GAMMA|RPTPG protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35998 chr9 102972413 102972561 + 8.27868 NA intron (NM_014425, intron 3 of 16) intron (NM_014425, intron 3 of 16) 110985 NR_051962 27130 Hs.558477 NM_014425 HPRD:08356 INVS INV|NPH2|NPHP2 inversin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4896 chr10 100918226 100918324 + 8.27762 NA intron (NM_001166244, intron 2 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 77357 NM_001166244 60495 Hs.500750 NM_021828 HPSE2 HPA2|HPR2|UFS|UFS1 heparanase 2 (inactive) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37953 chrX 66541431 66541572 + 8.27532 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -222373 NM_000044 367 Hs.76704 NM_000044 HPRD:02437 AR AIS|DHTR|HUMARA|HYSP1|KD|NR3C4|SBMA|SMAX1|TFM androgen receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16222 chr19 19754471 19754600 + 8.26789 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016573) promoter-TSS (NM_016573) -59 NM_001288999 51291 Hs.49427 NM_016573 HPRD:11005 GMIP ARHGAP46 GEM interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21911 chr22 32534146 32534227 + 8.25580 NA Intergenic HERVIP10FH-int|LTR|ERV1 16222 NR_040114 23782 Hs.581098 NR_040114 ENSG00000234479 AP1B1P1 ADTB1L1|dJ127L4.2 adaptor-related protein complex 1, beta 1 subunit pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29578 chr6 42358023 42358322 + 8.24981 NA intron (NM_033502, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_033502, intron 2 of 17) 61617 NM_001297573 55809 Hs.485392 NM_018415 HPRD:11647 TRERF1 BCAR2|HSA277276|RAPA|TREP132|TReP-132|dJ139D8.5 transcriptional regulating factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9186 chr13 21099988 21100085 + 8.23460 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015974) promoter-TSS (NM_015974) -24 NM_015974 51084 Hs.370703 NM_015974 HPRD:16762 CRYL1 GDH|HEL30|lambda-CRY crystallin, lambda 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30745 chr6 148803910 148804078 + 8.22822 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 7 of 19) AluSz|SINE|Alu 140265 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18162 chr2 82072143 82072209 + 8.22822 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -378106 NR_110161 100507201 Hs.98589 NR_110161 LOC100507201 - uncharacterized LOC100507201 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_914 chr1 51967035 51967219 + 8.22684 NA intron (NM_001981, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001981, intron 1 of 24) 17868 NM_001981 2060 Hs.83722 NM_001981 HPRD:08968 EPS15 AF-1P|AF1P|MLLT5 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6795 chr11 91765011 91765079 + 8.21314 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -320217 NM_001008781 120114 Hs.98523 NM_001008781 ENSG00000165323 FAT3 CDHF15|CDHR10 FAT atypical cadherin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9147 chr12 133412873 133412956 + 8.21314 NA Intergenic CpG -7488 NM_001172557 2802 Hs.507333 NM_005895 HPRD:03990 GOLGA3 GCP170|MEA-2 golgin A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12009 chr15 86162225 86162447 + 8.20480 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001270546) promoter-TSS (NM_001270546) -845 NM_001270546 11214 Hs.459211 NM_006738 HPRD:05253 AKAP13 AKAP-13|AKAP-Lbc|ARHGEF13|BRX|HA-3|Ht31|LBC|PRKA13|PROTO-LB|PROTO-LBC|c-lbc|p47 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27925 chr5 102384143 102384209 + 8.20338 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 71666 NM_017676 54826 Hs.24088 NM_017676 HPRD:07878 GIN1 GIN-1|TGIN1|ZH2C2 gypsy retrotransposon integrase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8520 chr12 82058481 82058681 + 8.20338 NA intron (NM_001220474, intron 2 of 30) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -66431 NM_001220478 8499 Hs.506216 NM_003625 HPRD:04392 PPFIA2 - protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide (PTPRF), interacting protein (liprin), alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39143 chrY 13465898 13466086 + 8.20336 NA Intergenic BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite 1067397 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27748 chr5 86992752 86992862 + 8.20127 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -283957 NM_001239 902 Hs.292524 NM_001239 HPRD:09059 CCNH CAK|CycH|p34|p37 cyclin H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23230 chr3 93505070 93505136 + 8.20127 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 187831 NM_000313 5627 Hs.64016 NM_000313 HPRD:01473 PROS1 PROS|PS21|PS22|PS23|PS24|PS25|PSA|THPH5|THPH6 protein S (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29576 chr6 42325127 42325207 + 8.20127 NA intron (NM_033502, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_033502, intron 3 of 17) 94622 NM_001297573 55809 Hs.485392 NM_018415 HPRD:11647 TRERF1 BCAR2|HSA277276|RAPA|TREP132|TReP-132|dJ139D8.5 transcriptional regulating factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27160 chr5 46339523 46339606 + 8.19472 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -643344 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34445 chr8 114579797 114579865 + 8.19218 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -130589 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10543 chr14 60888495 60888572 + 8.18165 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 64231 NM_174978 317761 Hs.335754 NM_174978 HPRD:08504 C14orf39 Six6os1 chromosome 14 open reading frame 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26510 chr4 184426120 184426187 + 8.18155 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033995) promoter-TSS (NR_033995) -50 NM_001564 3622 Hs.107153 NM_001564 HPRD:05021 ING2 ING1L|p33ING2 inhibitor of growth family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1320 chr1 93811329 93811511 + 8.17700 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001938) promoter-TSS (NM_001938) -52 NR_034089 100131564 Hs.732666 NR_034089 LOC100131564 - uncharacterized LOC100131564 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30958 chr6 160073954 160074153 + 8.17551 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 40300 NM_001024466 6648 Hs.487046 NM_000636 HPRD:00938 SOD2 IPOB|MNSOD|MVCD6 superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1268 chr1 90218483 90218562 + 8.17551 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -68051 NM_001134479 55144 Hs.482087 NM_018103 HPRD:11287 LRRC8D LRRC5 leucine rich repeat containing 8 family, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1034 chr1 65468278 65468356 + 8.17551 NA promoter-TSS (NR_119383) promoter-TSS (NR_119383) -158 NR_119383 101927084 Hs.734218 NR_119383 ENSG00000226891 LINC01359 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1359 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1841 chr1 145351463 145351529 + 8.17461 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 58 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 58 of 85) 58125 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3704 chr10 15001279 15001421 + 8.16984 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001080836) promoter-TSS (NM_001080836) -88 NM_001080836 644890 Hs.257249 NM_001080836 ENSG00000197889 MEIG1 SPATA39|bA2K17.3 meiosis/spermiogenesis associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21101 chr21 10087876 10087950 + 8.16140 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -119319 NR_038328 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12098 chr15 93312073 93312217 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -26569 NR_033769 728619 Hs.684129 NR_033769 ASB9P1 - ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 9 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22482 chr3 25754254 25754327 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -47860 NR_039644 100616477 NR_039644 miRBase:MI0016785 MIR4442 - microRNA 4442 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23557 chr3 121853020 121853087 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -49477 NM_000388 846 Hs.435615 NM_000388 HPRD:03122 CASR CAR|EIG8|FHH|FIH|GPRC2A|HHC|HHC1|HYPOC1|NSHPT|PCAR1 calcium-sensing receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9812 chr13 95201654 95201757 + 8.14888 NA Intergenic CpG 46806 NM_014305 23483 Hs.12393 NM_014305 HPRD:15494 TGDS SDR2E1|TDPGD TDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17507 chr2 25518061 25518325 + 8.14496 NA intron (NM_175629, intron 3 of 22) intron (NM_175629, intron 3 of 22) 33397 NR_031570 100302246 NR_031570 miRBase:MI0003815 MIR1301 MIRN1301|hsa-mir-1301 microRNA 1301 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4013 chr10 38780342 38780414 + 8.12311 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 63304 NR_024497 399744 Hs.497951 NM_001013665 LINC00999 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 999 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39074 chrY 10068158 10068342 + 8.10551 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 319843 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36844 chrUn_gl000219 110621 110954 + 8.10551 NA Intergenic AluJr|SINE|Alu -11145 NR_027436 283788 Hs.657131 NR_027436 LOC283788 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37101 chrUn_gl000240 699 827 + 8.10471 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9948 chr13 106406854 106406948 + 8.09906 NA intron (NR_046391, intron 3 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 47722 NR_046391 144920 Hs.567700 NR_046391 LINC00343 LINC00344|NCRNA00343|NCRNA00344 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 343 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35771 chr9 83531798 83531869 + 8.09906 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 771763 NM_005077 7088 Hs.197320 NM_005077 HPRD:02557 TLE1 ESG|ESG1|GRG1 transducin-like enhancer of split 1 (E(sp1) homolog, Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37078 chrUn_gl000232 25058 25152 + 8.09621 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2456 chr1 172150163 172150251 + 8.08679 NA intron (NM_001136127, intron 14 of 19) intron (NM_001136127, intron 14 of 19) -36232 NR_103486 100628315 Hs.584880 NR_038397 DNM3OS DNM3-AS1|MIR199A2HG DNM3 opposite strand/antisense RNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29488 chr6 35352020 35352323 + 8.08679 NA intron (NM_001171819, intron 2 of 6) SVA_F|Other|Other 41836 NM_177435 5467 Hs.696032 NM_006238 HPRD:02679 PPARD FAAR|NR1C2|NUC1|NUCI|NUCII|PPARB peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22282 chr3 9791850 9791970 + 8.08263 NA 5' UTR (NM_016827, exon 1 of 4) 5' UTR (NM_016827, exon 1 of 4) 282 NM_016821 4968 Hs.380271 NM_002542 HPRD:03582 OGG1 HMMH|HOGG1|MUTM|OGH1 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14703 chr17 66650756 66650864 + 8.07359 NA intron (NR_110825, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 26515 NR_110825 101928104 Hs.569826 NR_110825 ENSG00000267659 LINC01482 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1482 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19713 chr2 202148473 202148804 + 8.06703 NA intron (NR_111983, intron 7 of 8) SVA_E|Other|Other 23415 NM_033356 841 Hs.599762 NM_001228 HPRD:03459 CASP8 ALPS2B|CAP4|Casp-8|FLICE|MACH|MCH5 caspase 8, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29003 chr6 9811499 9811633 + 8.06679 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -600985 NR_033910 100130275 Hs.661431 NR_033910 TFAP2A-AS1 - TFAP2A antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11402 chr15 40975495 40975665 + 8.05141 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 11723 NR_040058 100505648 Hs.586876 NR_040058 ENSG00000245849 RAD51-AS1 - RAD51 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9330 chr13 31774476 31774758 + 8.04848 NA intron (NM_194318, intron 1 of 14) CpG 505 NM_194318 145173 Hs.13205 NM_194318 HPRD:12513 B3GALTL B3GLCT|B3GTL|B3Glc-T|Gal-T|beta3Glc-T beta 1,3-galactosyltransferase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19497 chr2 182030103 182030231 + 8.03650 NA Intergenic Intergenic 140212 NR_039637 100616213 NR_039637 miRBase:MI0016778 MIR4437 - microRNA 4437 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3815 chr10 22923096 22923346 + 8.03168 NA intron (NM_005028, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_005028, intron 1 of 9) 80282 NM_005028 5305 Hs.57079 NM_005028 HPRD:11931 PIP4K2A PI5P4KA|PIP5K2A|PIP5KII-alpha|PIP5KIIA|PIPK phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15918 chr19 10253527 10253660 + 8.02421 NA intron (NM_001379, intron 28 of 39) intron (NM_001379, intron 28 of 39) -22994 NM_003755 8666 Hs.529059 NM_003755 HPRD:04886 EIF3G EIF3-P42|EIF3S4|eIF3-delta|eIF3-p44 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19465 chr2 179766474 179766556 + 8.02421 NA intron (NM_173648, intron 8 of 23) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -94365 NM_001267550 7273 Hs.134602 NM_003319 HPRD:01787 TTN CMD1G|CMH9|CMPD4|EOMFC|HMERF|LGMD2J|MYLK5|TMD titin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36691 chrUn_gl000211 94856 94922 + 8.02421 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 46386 NR_033856 644316 Hs.632789 NR_033856 FLJ43315 - asparagine synthetase pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7400 chr12 7488803 7488912 + 8.02135 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 31929 NM_001080454 341392 Hs.450804 NM_001080454 ENSG00000215009 ACSM4 - acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7354 chr12 6039153 6039286 + 8.01034 NA intron (NM_001278597, intron 1 of 25) CT-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 15206 NM_001278596 57101 Hs.148970 NM_020373 HPRD:11634 ANO2 C12orf3|TMEM16B anoctamin 2, calcium activated chloride channel protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15646 chr18 77930041 77930222 + 8.00507 NA TTS (NR_028339) TTS (NR_028339) 24324 NR_028340 100130522 Hs.352602 NM_001145731 ENSG00000267270 PARD6G-AS1 - PARD6G antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24670 chr4 11064243 11064316 + 8.00357 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -306172 NR_030298 693157 NR_030298 miRBase:MI0003579 MIR572 MIRN572|hsa-mir-572 microRNA 572 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20222 chr2 242041683 242041915 + 8.00357 NA promoter-TSS (NR_028049) promoter-TSS (NR_028049) -52 NM_182501 130916 Hs.159556 NM_182501 HPRD:14699 MTERF4 MTERFD2 mitochondrial transcription termination factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6098 chr11 49932747 49932879 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic SVA_B|Other|Other -41130 NM_001001955 283092 Hs.553668 NM_001001955 HPRD:17720 OR4C13 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36185 chr9 123257158 123257321 + 7.99864 NA intron (NM_001011649, intron 12 of 36) CpG 85209 NR_073556 55755 Hs.269560 NM_018249 HPRD:09740 CDK5RAP2 C48|Cep215|MCPH3 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34290 chr8 97866582 97866656 + 7.99864 NA intron (NM_016134, intron 3 of 7) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 209164 NM_016134 10404 Hs.156178 NM_016134 HPRD:07140 CPQ LDP|PGCP carboxypeptidase Q protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8530 chr12 84265295 84265380 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 1041271 NM_018057 55117 Hs.44424 NM_018057 HPRD:12141 SLC6A15 NTT73|SBAT1|V7-3|hv7-3 solute carrier family 6 (neutral amino acid transporter), member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36554 chr9 141122276 141122417 + 7.99706 NA intron (NM_001145249, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001145249, intron 5 of 6) 15709 NM_001145249 100132403 Hs.741123 NM_001145249 FAM157B - family with sequence similarity 157, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_200 chr1 11121082 11121175 + 7.99144 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1037 NM_003132 6723 Hs.76244 NM_003132 HPRD:01692 SRM PAPT|SPDSY|SPS1|SRML1 spermidine synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5278 chr10 129901435 129901620 + 7.98308 NA exon (NM_002417, exon 13 of 15) exon (NM_002417, exon 13 of 15) 22941 NM_002417 4288 Hs.80976 NM_002417 HPRD:08902 MKI67 KIA|MIB-|MIB-1|PPP1R105 marker of proliferation Ki-67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10970 chr14 97925373 97925574 + 7.98308 NA intron (NR_110166, intron 1 of 4) intron (NR_110166, intron 1 of 4) 320 NR_110166 101929241 Hs.650839 NR_110165 ENSG00000246084 LOC101929241 - uncharacterized LOC101929241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30093 chr6 91920088 91920158 + 7.97610 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -311255 NR_039786 100616174 NR_039786 miRBase:MI0017270 MIR4643 - microRNA 4643 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18257 chr2 87651721 87651899 + 7.96404 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -103164 NR_024204 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13803 chr17 7387982 7388218 + 7.95937 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020899) promoter-TSS (NM_020899) 402 NM_000937 5430 Hs.270017 NM_000937 HPRD:08916 POLR2A POLR2|POLRA|RPB1|RPBh1|RPO2|RPOL2|RpIILS|hRPB220|hsRPB1 polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide A, 220kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36565 chr9_gl000198_random 89331 89425 + 7.94510 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35253 chr9 36400704 36400863 + 7.93837 NA promoter-TSS (NM_194329) promoter-TSS (NM_194329) 137 NM_194332 152006 Hs.333503 NM_022781 HPRD:11519 RNF38 - ring finger protein 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16230 chr19 19932241 19932405 + 7.93133 NA intron (NM_001145404, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001145404, intron 1 of 2) 237 NM_001145404 440515 Hs.351906 NM_001099269 ZNF506 - zinc finger protein 506 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23285 chr3 99010937 99011110 + 7.93133 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -346417 NM_020351 1295 Hs.654548 NM_001850 HPRD:00372 COL8A1 C3orf7 collagen, type VIII, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23171 chr3 87455273 87455358 + 7.92457 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -129578 NM_001122757 5449 Hs.591654 NM_000306 HPRD:01409 POU1F1 CPHD1|GHF-1|PIT1|POU1F1a|Pit-1 POU class 1 homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5171 chr10 123963335 123963442 + 7.92182 NA intron (NM_206860, intron 2 of 15) SVA_D|Other|Other 40447 NM_006997 10579 Hs.501252 NM_006997 HPRD:05600 TACC2 AZU-1|ECTACC transforming, acidic coiled-coil containing protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29885 chr6 75200291 75200357 + 7.92182 NA intron (NR_110856, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 421157 NR_110856 101928516 Hs.384600 NR_110856 ENSG00000223786 LOC101928516 - uncharacterized LOC101928516 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3413 chr1 244703686 244703828 + 7.90917 NA intron (NM_001242340, intron 5 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 79084 NM_001242340 257044 Hs.459534 NM_173807 HPRD:14561 C1orf101 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 101 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37720 chrX 56185304 56185434 + 7.90917 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -73453 NM_007250 11279 Hs.646614 NM_007250 HPRD:02238 KLF8 BKLF3|ZNF741 Kruppel-like factor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6703 chr11 82904451 82904569 + 7.89400 NA promoter-TSS (NR_125355) promoter-TSS (NR_125355) -271 NM_001300973 338699 Hs.503438 NM_182603 HPRD:08230 ANKRD42 PPP1R79|SARP ankyrin repeat domain 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12836 chr16 33847126 33847251 + 7.88317 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 115315 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35436 chr9 66797668 66797753 + 7.87949 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -125257 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15538 chr18 68790788 68790859 + 7.87578 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 455369 NR_038325 100505776 Hs.202072 NR_038325 ENSG00000260676 LOC100505776 - uncharacterized LOC100505776 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11894 chr15 78905793 78905863 + 7.87578 NA intron (NM_000743, intron 4 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 7809 NM_001166694 1136 Hs.89605 NM_000743 HPRD:07511 CHRNA3 LNCR2|NACHRA3|PAOD2 cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 3 (neuronal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11194 chr15 22461115 22461278 + 7.87379 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47734 NR_028067 390539 Hs.666555 NR_028067 ENSG00000259435 OR4N3P OR15-2 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily N, member 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34506 chr8 121203972 121204038 + 7.86480 NA intron (NM_021110, intron 5 of 47) L1PA3|LINE|L1 66658 NM_021110 7373 Hs.409662 NM_021110 HPRD:00379 COL14A1 UND collagen, type XIV, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34509 chr8 121457337 121457490 + 7.86080 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022045) promoter-TSS (NM_022045) -225 NM_022045 27085 Hs.657656 NM_022045 HPRD:12068 MTBP MDM2BP MDM2 binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8269 chr12 58728818 58728921 + 7.85310 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 393424 NM_033276 91419 Hs.61188 NM_033276 HPRD:17256 XRCC6BP1 KUB3 XRCC6 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11631 chr15 57179561 57179651 + 7.85144 NA non-coding (NR_015419, exon 4 of 4) non-coding (NR_015419, exon 4 of 4) 31091 NR_015419 145783 Hs.620525 NR_015419 ENSG00000137871 LOC145783 - uncharacterized LOC145783 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7853 chr12 34846620 34846756 + 7.84467 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 671472 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24206-2 chr3 182735718 182736173 + 7.84273 NA intron (NR_120639, intron 14 of 15) intron (NR_120639, intron 14 of 15) -37619 NM_020640 54165 Hs.744153 NM_020640 DCUN1D1 DCNL1|DCUN1L1|RP42|SCCRO|SCRO|Tes3 DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24206 chr3 182735718 182736173 + 7.84273 NA intron (NR_120639, intron 14 of 15) intron (NR_120639, intron 14 of 15) -37619 NM_020640 54165 Hs.744153 NM_020640 DCUN1D1 DCNL1|DCUN1L1|RP42|SCCRO|SCRO|Tes3 DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7964 chr12 42631381 42631501 + 7.84220 NA exon (NM_005748, exon 2 of 4) exon (NM_005748, exon 2 of 4) 648 NM_001190977 10138 Hs.649195 NM_005748 HPRD:09606 YAF2 - YY1 associated factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1648 chr1 121133210 121133287 + 7.84131 NA intron (NR_104189, intron 2 of 3) L1MB4|LINE|L1 6517 NR_104189 100873165 Hs.568525 NR_104189 SRGAP2-AS1 - SRGAP2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34896 chr9 459891 460021 + 7.82715 NA intron (NM_001193536, intron 45 of 46) MLT1G|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -10338 NM_001256876 23189 Hs.306764 NM_015158 HPRD:09651 KANK1 ANKRD15|CPSQ2|KANK KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37870 chrX 61919211 61919285 + 7.82133 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 651970 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35580 chr9 69796129 69796208 + 7.82009 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -38384 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12768 chr16 32838216 32838479 + 7.80953 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 58116 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21868 chr22 30163287 30163387 + 7.80480 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013387) promoter-TSS (NM_013387) -21 NM_013387 29796 Hs.284292 NM_013387 HPRD:13691 UQCR10 HSPC051|HSPC151|QCR9|UCCR7.2|UCRC ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, complex III subunit X protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8972 chr12 121514105 121514332 + 7.80348 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -37173 NM_198213 8638 Hs.118633 NM_003733 HPRD:04473 OASL OASLd|TRIP-14|TRIP14|p59 OASL|p59-OASL|p59OASL 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38228 chrX 81098869 81098935 + 7.80348 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -641461 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15913 chr19 10196869 10197024 + 7.78105 NA 5' UTR (NM_018381, exon 1 of 8) 5' UTR (NM_018381, exon 1 of 8) 140 NM_018381 55337 Hs.655613 NM_018381 HPRD:07747 C19orf66 - chromosome 19 open reading frame 66 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8067 chr12 49760578 49760652 + 7.77945 NA promoter-TSS (NM_023071) promoter-TSS (NM_023071) -73 NM_023071 65244 Hs.654826 NM_023071 HPRD:15434 SPATS2 P59SCR|SCR59|SPATA10 spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28174 chr5 128961092 128961232 + 7.77945 NA intron (NM_133638, intron 10 of 22) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -122722 NM_001257308 100127206 Hs.582534 NM_001257308 KIAA1024L - KIAA1024-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29243 chr6 26852292 26852490 + 7.77134 NA intron (NR_003504, intron 5 of 8) AluJo|SINE|Alu 71942 NR_003504 387036 Hs.675815 NM_001033523 ENSG00000241549 GUSBP2 GUSBL1|GUSBP4|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|SMAC3L2|b55C20.1|bA239L20.1|bA239L20.5|bGLU-Lp glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9630 chr13 60423945 60424025 + 7.75587 NA intron (NM_030932, intron 16 of 20) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -162867 NR_046539 100874195 Hs.664101 NR_046539 ENSG00000227528 DIAPH3-AS1 - DIAPH3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15460 chr18 57740582 57740792 + 7.75587 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 173495 NM_021127 5366 Hs.96 NM_021127 HPRD:12002 PMAIP1 APR|NOXA phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37800 chrX 61697746 61697819 + 7.75186 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 873436 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31950 chr7 62029722 62029810 + 7.74999 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 734668 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25935 chr4 122203225 122203335 + 7.74998 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -54659 NM_001244764 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1839 chr1 145342009 145342075 + 7.74973 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 46 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 46 of 85) 48671 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18347 chr2 90429960 90430051 + 7.74122 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 1318121 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33594 chr8 31618275 31618661 + 7.73191 NA intron (NM_013962, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 121200 NM_013962 3084 Hs.453951 NM_004495 HPRD:00802 NRG1 ARIA|GGF|GGF2|HGL|HRG|HRG1|HRGA|MST131|MSTP131|NDF|NRG1-IT2|SMDF neuregulin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32839 chr7 140409749 140409821 + 7.72193 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -12908 NR_024454 100134713 Hs.534141 NR_024454 ENSG00000240889 NDUFB2-AS1 - NDUFB2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21008 chr20 61585698 61585852 + 7.72193 NA intron (NM_022082, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_022082, intron 1 of 12) 1776 NM_022082 63910 Hs.512686 NM_022082 HPRD:12777 SLC17A9 C20orf59|VNUT solute carrier family 17 (vesicular nucleotide transporter), member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35327 chr9 42734832 42734908 + 7.71617 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 16804 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2851 chr1 203290155 203290395 + 7.71354 NA Intergenic Intergenic 15611 NM_006763 7832 Hs.519162 NM_006763 HPRD:03357 BTG2 PC3|TIS21 BTG family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15349 chr18 46340352 46340511 + 7.71319 NA intron (NM_014772, intron 9 of 11) L1ME4a|LINE|L1 128746 NM_001190823 4092 Hs.465087 NM_005904 HPRD:04241 SMAD7 CRCS3|MADH7|MADH8 SMAD family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3129 chr1 224567886 224567983 + 7.71319 NA TTS (NM_001277200) TTS (NM_001277200) 18079 NR_039896 100616468 NR_039896 MIR4742 - microRNA 4742 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35630 chr9 70426464 70426571 + 7.70886 NA Intergenic Intergenic 2382 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24806 chr4 26314071 26314249 + 7.69541 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -7172 NM_203283 3516 Hs.479396 NM_005349 HPRD:00920 RBPJ AOS3|CBF1|IGKJRB|IGKJRB1|KBF2|RBP-J|RBPJK|RBPSUH|SUH|csl recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10331 chr14 42895617 42895686 + 7.68468 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 818887 NM_152447 145581 Hs.136893 NM_152447 HPRD:17445 LRFN5 C14orf146|FIGLER8|SALM5 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12588 chr16 28565163 28565260 + 7.68285 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138414) promoter-TSS (NM_138414) -38 NM_138414 112869 Hs.655476 NM_138414 HPRD:13996 CCDC101 SGF29|STAF36 coiled-coil domain containing 101 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26491 chr4 181865115 181865285 + 7.67028 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 215102 NR_033918 728081 Hs.535735 NR_033918 ENSG00000248197 LINC00290 NCRNA00290 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 290 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9508 chr13 47957364 47957430 + 7.66305 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -486186 NM_000621 3356 Hs.72630 NM_000621 HPRD:01638 HTR2A 5-HT2A|HTR2 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38479 chrX 109245556 109245622 + 7.66305 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017698) promoter-TSS (NM_017698) -274 NM_017698 84187 Hs.496572 NM_017698 HPRD:06539 TMEM164 bB360B22.3 transmembrane protein 164 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2882 chr1 205266002 205266071 + 7.66114 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 24847 NM_030952 81788 Hs.497512 NM_030952 HPRD:12172 NUAK2 SNARK NUAK family, SNF1-like kinase, 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5658 chr11 13529854 13529945 + 7.66114 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -12332 NM_000315 5741 Hs.37045 NM_000315 HPRD:01345 PTH PTH1 parathyroid hormone protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36366 chr9 132251675 132251741 + 7.65648 NA intron (NR_038955, intron 1 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu 769 NR_038955 100506190 Hs.529860 NR_038955 LINC00963 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 963 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24216 chr3 183234166 183234242 + 7.65648 NA intron (NM_130446, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_130446, intron 2 of 6) -32319 NR_046687 100874019 NR_046687 KLHL6-AS1 - KLHL6 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8564 chr12 89241316 89241519 + 7.64897 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 172052 NR_038385 728084 Hs.132563 NR_038385 ENSG00000246363 LOC728084 - uncharacterized LOC728084 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36904 chrUn_gl000225 19023 19102 + 7.64729 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32438 chr7 100339380 100339505 + 7.64356 NA intron (NR_111918, intron 7 of 46) SVA_F|Other|Other 8193 NR_111917 7455 Hs.307004 NM_003386 HPRD:03846 ZAN - zonadhesin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23563 chr3 122252832 122252935 + 7.63779 NA 3' UTR (NM_001146106, exon 10 of 10) 3' UTR (NM_001146106, exon 10 of 10) -19097 NR_026698 3836 Hs.161008 NM_002264 HPRD:02819 KPNA1 IPOA5|NPI-1|RCH2|SRP1 karyopherin alpha 1 (importin alpha 5) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20011 chr2 228897980 228898075 + 7.63779 NA intron (NM_030623, intron 3 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 148334 NM_001142644 80309 Hs.436306 NM_030623 HPRD:18052 SPHKAP SKIP SPHK1 interactor, AKAP domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20378 chr20 5977569 5977666 + 7.63779 NA intron (NR_110101, intron 3 of 4) MER74A|LTR|ERVL 8850 NR_110101 101929225 Hs.635771 NR_110101 MCM8-AS1 - MCM8 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_238 chr1 13654744 13654869 + 7.63686 NA intron (NM_001099850, intron 1 of 2) SVA_E|Other|Other 10006 NM_001300891 101929983 NM_001300891 LOC101929983 - PRAME family member 9/15-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16897 chr19 49017204 49017305 + 7.62756 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001080434) promoter-TSS (NM_001080434) -808 NM_001080434 114783 Hs.207426 NM_001080434 ENSG00000142235 LMTK3 LMR3|PPP1R101|TYKLM3 lemur tyrosine kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4570 chr10 74057814 74057924 + 7.62301 NA Intergenic CpG 24192 NM_019058 54541 Hs.744875 NM_019058 HPRD:09662 DDIT4 Dig2|REDD-1|REDD1 DNA-damage-inducible transcript 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37978 chrX 67797762 67797964 + 7.62301 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -69648 NM_001142503 9754 Hs.95140 NM_014725 HPRD:06730 STARD8 ARHGAP38|DLC3|STARTGAP3 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34452 chr8 114919889 114919964 + 7.61882 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -470684 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34119 chr8 82342881 82342947 + 7.61429 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 16805 NM_002677 5375 Hs.571512 NM_002677 HPRD:01366 PMP2 FABP8|M-FABP|MP2|P2 peripheral myelin protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25913 chr4 122095021 122095090 + 7.61429 NA intron (NM_001128843, intron 3 of 12) AluSz|SINE|Alu -9560 NM_024873 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18769 chr2 116134189 116134259 + 7.61429 NA intron (NM_001004360, intron 3 of 25) L1PA3|LINE|L1 214540 NM_001004360 57628 Hs.580539 NM_020868 HPRD:07083 DPP10 DPL2|DPPY|DPRP-3|DPRP3 dipeptidyl-peptidase 10 (non-functional) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34494 chr8 120310190 120310258 + 7.60499 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 89614 NM_052886 114569 Hs.201083 NM_052886 HPRD:14351 MAL2 - mal, T-cell differentiation protein 2 (gene/pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37383 chrX 23761443 23761563 + 7.60499 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001037171) promoter-TSS (NM_001037171) -96 NM_001033583 23597 Hs.298885 NM_001033583 HPRD:06438 ACOT9 ACATE2|MT-ACT48|MTACT48 acyl-CoA thioesterase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23507 chr3 118725650 118725760 + 7.59087 NA intron (NM_152538, intron 3 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 27971 NM_001015887 152404 Hs.112873 NM_152538 HPRD:16321 IGSF11 BT-IgSF|CT119|CXADRL1|Igsf13|VSIG3 immunoglobulin superfamily, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16246 chr19 20585302 20585465 + 7.58549 NA intron (NR_036455, intron 2 of 2) CpG -6061 NR_036053 100302179 NR_036053 miRBase:MI0006407 MIR1270 MIR1270-1|MIR1270-2|MIRN1270|hsa-mir-1270|hsa-mir-1270-1 microRNA 1270 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12238 chr16 757644 757797 + 7.58549 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1895 NM_153350 146330 Hs.513244 NM_153350 HPRD:12365 FBXL16 C16orf22|Fbl16|c380A1.1 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30322 chr6 112484667 112484752 + 7.56808 NA intron (NM_001105206, intron 13 of 38) L2a|LINE|L2 -73088 NR_121193 101927640 Hs.510007 NR_121193 LOC101927640 - uncharacterized LOC101927640 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10972 chr14 98069680 98069764 + 7.56808 NA Intergenic Intergenic 83273 NR_033943 100129345 Hs.23632 NR_033943 ENSG00000197176 LOC100129345 - uncharacterized LOC100129345 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14156 chr17 33469266 33469391 + 7.56808 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018096) promoter-TSS (NM_018096) 6 NM_018096 54475 Hs.85570 NM_018096 HPRD:16903 NLE1 Nle notchless homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1237 chr1 87148500 87148568 + 7.56808 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -21719 NM_016009 51100 Hs.136309 NM_016009 HPRD:15333 SH3GLB1 Bif-1|PPP1R70|dJ612B15.2 SH3-domain GRB2-like endophilin B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22792 chr3 49395748 49395903 + 7.56629 NA promoter-TSS (NM_201397) promoter-TSS (NM_201397) -34 NM_000581 2876 Hs.76686 NM_000581 HPRD:11749 GPX1 GPXD|GSHPX1 glutathione peroxidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25757 chr4 106803658 106803752 + 7.56459 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -12892 NM_001033047 255743 Hs.518921 NM_198278 HPRD:14141 NPNT EGFL6L|POEM nephronectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5427 chr11 537422 537527 + 7.55899 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198075) promoter-TSS (NM_198075) -48 NM_198075 115399 Hs.567655 NM_198075 HPRD:13227 LRRC56 - leucine rich repeat containing 56 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38513 chrX 115004089 115004196 + 7.55375 NA Intergenic CpG 176323 NM_001282338 5358 Hs.496622 NM_005032 HPRD:02133 PLS3 BMND18|T-plastin plastin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21931 chr22 36522581 36522672 + 7.54495 NA Intergenic CT-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 34351 NR_027833 80833 Hs.474737 NM_014349 HPRD:06264 APOL3 APOLIII|CG121 apolipoprotein L, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19859 chr2 213498372 213498533 + 7.54495 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -95100 NM_005235 2066 Hs.390729 NM_005235 HPRD:02767 ERBB4 ALS19|HER4|p180erbB4 v-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31855 chr7 61243200 61243455 + 7.54413 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1521107 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14874 chr17 80056641 80056760 + 7.54059 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004104) promoter-TSS (NM_004104) -594 NM_004104 2194 Hs.83190 NM_004104 HPRD:02567 FASN FAS|OA-519|SDR27X1 fatty acid synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31098 chr6 170529316 170529491 + 7.52863 NA Intergenic Intergenic 42254 NR_002787 154449 Hs.447751 NR_002787 ENSG00000230960 LOC154449 - uncharacterized LOC154449 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19845 chr2 209993845 209993920 + 7.52278 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -294889 NM_001039538 4133 Hs.368281 NM_002374 HPRD:01140 MAP2 MAP2A|MAP2B|MAP2C microtubule-associated protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1006 chr1 61106223 61106298 + 7.52278 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 184996 NR_110628 101926964 Hs.650459 NR_110628 ENSG00000231252 LOC101926964 - uncharacterized LOC101926964 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31458 chr7 25783918 25784067 + 7.52278 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 96638 NR_046486 100873753 NR_046486 RNU6-16P RNU6-16 RNA, U6 small nuclear 16, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2360 chr1 165056345 165056411 + 7.52278 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 269100 NM_001174069 4009 Hs.667312 NM_177398 HPRD:02623 LMX1A LMX1|LMX1.1 LIM homeobox transcription factor 1, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15689 chr19 1142116 1142260 + 7.50883 NA intron (NM_014963, intron 4 of 31) intron (NM_014963, intron 4 of 31) -9915 NM_001100122 22904 Hs.408708 NM_014963 HPRD:17203 SBNO2 KIAA0963|SNO|STNO strawberry notch homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15277 chr18 37148983 37149051 + 7.50883 NA intron (NR_024391, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -107668 NR_049847 100847025 NR_049847 miRBase:MI0019139 MIR5583-1 - microRNA 5583-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24361-2 chr3 195439831 195440456 + 7.50335 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -7610 NM_152673 200958 Hs.308992 NM_020790 HPRD:17615 MUC20 MUC-20 mucin 20, cell surface associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24361 chr3 195439831 195440456 + 7.50335 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -7610 NM_152673 200958 Hs.308992 NM_020790 HPRD:17615 MUC20 MUC-20 mucin 20, cell surface associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11242 chr15 28983332 28983586 + 7.49935 NA intron (NR_026589, intron 1 of 8) CpG 730 NR_026589 440253 Hs.558967 NR_026589 WHAMMP2 WHAMML2|WHDC1L2 WAS protein homolog associated with actin, golgi membranes and microtubules pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29209 chr6 26204872 26205155 + 7.49935 NA exon (NM_003545, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_003545, exon 1 of 1) 140 NM_003545 8367 Hs.662174 NM_003545 HIST1H4E H4/j|H4FJ histone cluster 1, H4e protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21568 chr22 17026421 17026674 + 7.48295 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47153 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17746 chr2 43445941 43446118 + 7.48233 NA Intergenic Intergenic 7716 NM_006887 678 Hs.503093 NM_006887 HPRD:18319 ZFP36L2 BRF2|ERF-2|ERF2|RNF162C|TIS11D ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28432 chr5 144007046 144007152 + 7.47657 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 456662 NM_020768 57528 Hs.661870 NM_020768 KCTD16 - potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17288 chr2 3224918 3225170 + 7.47521 NA intron (NM_003310, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_003310, intron 4 of 8) -95246 NR_110228 101927554 Hs.638446 NR_110228 ENSG00000234423 LINC01250 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1250 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4833 chr10 96588349 96588415 + 7.47105 NA intron (NM_000769, intron 6 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 65944 NM_000769 1557 Hs.282409 NM_000769 CYP2C19 CPCJ|CYP2C|CYPIIC17|CYPIIC19|P450C2C|P450IIC19 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29748 chr6 58065012 58065127 + 7.46058 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 222655 NR_125729 375513 Hs.561539 NM_206908 GUSBP4 C6orf216|GUSBL2|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17352 chr2 8821221 8821344 + 7.45832 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002166) promoter-TSS (NM_002166) 709 NR_110153 100506299 Hs.439031 NR_110153 ID2-AS1 - ID2 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_804 chr1 43833589 43833664 + 7.45394 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001256399) promoter-TSS (NM_001256399) 119 NM_001256401 64834 Hs.25597 NM_022821 HPRD:10935 ELOVL1 Ssc1 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12013 chr15 86233085 86233224 + 7.44279 NA intron (NM_007200, intron 16 of 36) intron (NM_007200, intron 16 of 36) 68802 NR_120366 101929679 Hs.513112 NR_120366 ENSG00000259416 LOC101929679 - uncharacterized LOC101929679 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12510 chr16 21893580 21893664 + 7.43525 NA Intergenic Intergenic -63127 NR_003370 730092 Hs.31290 NR_003370 RRN3P1 - RNA polymerase I transcription factor homolog (S. cerevisiae) pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11078 chr14 105579094 105579232 + 7.43322 NA Intergenic CpG 18679 NR_110546 102723354 Hs.569410 NR_110546 LOC102723354 - uncharacterized LOC102723354 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34457 chr8 115191345 115191593 + 7.43142 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -742227 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2353 chr1 163719838 163719911 + 7.43142 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -326893 NR_104294 100422212 Hs.556898 NR_104294 LOC100422212 - eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit J pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16700 chr19 42418849 42418947 + 7.42976 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 30452 NM_199002 9138 Hs.631550 NM_004706 HPRD:03511 ARHGEF1 GEF1|LBCL2|LSC|P115-RHOGEF|SUB1.5 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36032 chr9 106513821 106513927 + 7.41956 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -248116 NR_109803 101928523 NR_109803 LOC101928523 - uncharacterized LOC101928523 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1298 chr1 92781758 92781868 + 7.41439 NA intron (NM_024813, intron 6 of 12) intron (NM_024813, intron 6 of 12) -17247 NM_053274 11146 Hs.49105 NM_007070 HPRD:03451 GLMN FAP|FAP48|FAP68|FKBPAP|GLML|GVM|VMGLOM glomulin, FKBP associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7115 chr11 121472188 121472264 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_003105, intron 32 of 47) L1PA2|LINE|L1 149314 NM_003105 6653 Hs.368592 NM_003105 HPRD:03595 SORL1 C11orf32|LR11|LRP9|SORLA|SorLA-1|gp250 sortilin-related receptor, L(DLR class) A repeats containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34517 chr8 121898902 121898971 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -74627 NM_021021 6641 Hs.46701 NM_021021 HPRD:02490 SNTB1 59-DAP|A1B|BSYN2|DAPA1B|SNT2|SNT2B1|TIP-43 syntrophin, beta 1 (dystrophin-associated protein A1, 59kDa, basic component 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35894 chr9 95169011 95169142 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001012267, intron 5 of 7) MLT1F2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -2139 NM_033014 4969 Hs.109439 NM_014057 HPRD:03856 OGN OG|OIF|SLRR3A osteoglycin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32349 chr7 96939605 96939745 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 193770 NM_020186 57001 Hs.592269 NM_020186 HPRD:16471 ACN9 - ACN9 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25240 chr4 59644397 59644477 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -1667886 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20913 chr20 52250023 52250092 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -50421 NM_006526 7764 Hs.155040 NM_006526 HPRD:04272 ZNF217 ZABC1 zinc finger protein 217 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17036 chr19 53475649 53475727 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_003578, intron 3 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu -9524 NM_001202457 125893 Hs.655592 NM_001031665 HPRD:18722 ZNF816 ZNF816A zinc finger protein 816 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28286 chr5 137148378 137148566 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 11590 NR_002713 4888 Hs.643466 NR_002713 ENSG00000226306 NPY6R NPY1RL|NPY6RP|PP2|Y2B neuropeptide Y receptor Y6 (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2950 chr1 211159309 211159375 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_002238, intron 6 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 148115 NM_002238 3756 Hs.553187 NM_002238 KCNH1 EAG|EAG1|Kv10.1|h-eag potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38519 chrX 115442953 115443032 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -124755 NM_007231 11254 Hs.522109 NM_007231 HPRD:02344 SLC6A14 BMIQ11 solute carrier family 6 (amino acid transporter), member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26027 chr4 129881930 129882050 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_144643, intron 11 of 20) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 132772 NM_001300898 132320 Hs.654690 NM_144643 HPRD:08700 SCLT1 CAP-1A|CAP1A sodium channel and clathrin linker 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4354 chr10 52972867 52972934 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_006258, intron 2 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -86433 NR_030336 693190 NR_030336 MIR605 MIRN605|hsa-mir-605 microRNA 605 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21390 chr21 36643912 36643978 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -222350 NM_001754 861 Hs.149261 NM_001754 HPRD:01043 RUNX1 AML1|AML1-EVI-1|AMLCR1|CBFA2|EVI-1|PEBP2aB runt-related transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6141 chr11 51423887 51423953 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -11472 NM_001005272 81318 Hs.554531 NM_001005272 HPRD:17719 OR4A5 OR11-111 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28087 chr5 119129975 119130041 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 164754 NM_182761 340069 Hs.713304 NM_182761 HPRD:14174 FAM170A ZNFD family with sequence similarity 170, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1471 chr1 109121848 109121962 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001010883, intron 1 of 10) L1HS|LINE|L1 18934 NM_001010883 284611 Hs.200230 NM_001010883 HPRD:17339 FAM102B SYM-3B family with sequence similarity 102, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1362 chr1 98575420 98575486 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -60204 NR_046105 400765 Hs.451802 NM_001001688 HPRD:16937 MIR137HG - MIR137 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22451 chr3 22475508 22475579 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 476912 NR_046876 100874221 Hs.160616 NR_046876 ZNF385D-AS2 - ZNF385D antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31111 chr6 170708634 170709005 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) 68970 NR_039787 100616430 NR_039787 MIR4644 - microRNA 4644 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4718 chr10 88595854 88596041 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_004329, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_004329, intron 1 of 12) 79551 NM_004329 657 Hs.524477 NM_004329 BMPR1A 10q23del|ACVRLK3|ALK3|CD292|SKR5 bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IA protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13142 chr16 64429029 64429095 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 726857 NM_001797 1009 Hs.116471 NM_001797 CDH11 CAD11|CDHOB|OB|OSF-4 cadherin 11, type 2, OB-cadherin (osteoblast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_234 chr1 13433950 13434075 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001099850, intron 1 of 2) SVA_E|Other|Other 10009 NM_001300891 101929983 NM_001300891 LOC101929983 - PRAME family member 9/15-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26810 chr5 13796224 13796290 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001369, intron 47 of 78) L1PA6|LINE|L1 148332 NM_001369 1767 Hs.212360 NM_001369 HPRD:04514 DNAH5 CILD3|DNAHC5|HL1|KTGNR|PCD dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26539 chr4 186240490 186240589 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_031953, intron 7 of 18) AluSp|SINE|Alu 59613 NM_018409 55805 Hs.558513 NM_018409 HPRD:10911 LRP2BP - LRP2 binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24919 chr4 40073237 40073327 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_018177, intron 1 of 17) AluSq2|SINE|Alu -14463 NR_027277 344967 Hs.534633 NR_027277 ENSG00000205794 LOC344967 - acyl-CoA thioesterase 7 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10282 chr14 37916086 37916209 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_138731, intron 12 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 148178 NM_004496 3169 Hs.163484 NM_004496 HPRD:03801 FOXA1 HNF3A|TCF3A forkhead box A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31732 chr7 52960321 52960388 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -142995 NM_182595 285877 Hs.381970 NM_182595 HPRD:13212 POM121L12 - POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin-like 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11114 chr14 106885741 106886105 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -52522 NR_027457 338005 Hs.322826 NR_027457 ENSG00000187156 LINC00221 C14orf98|NCRNA00221 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 221 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39341 chrY 24487262 24487342 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_152585, intron 1 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 24477 NR_104151 100652931 Hs.684794 NR_104151 LOC100652931 - RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked, family 1, member A1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17952 chr2 63949121 63949268 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -118904 NM_001001521 7360 Hs.516217 NM_006759 HPRD:08934 UGP2 UDPG|UDPGP|UDPGP2|UGP1|UGPP1|UGPP2|pHC379 UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4696 chr10 86041958 86042027 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_038220, intron 1 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 2256 NR_038220 170425 Hs.434131 NR_038220 ENSG00000229404 LINC00858 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 858 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31111-2 chr6 170708634 170709005 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) 68970 NR_039787 100616430 NR_039787 MIR4644 - microRNA 4644 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27585 chr5 75179042 75179116 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -165766 NM_001099271 134359 Hs.432726 NM_152408 HPRD:08188 POC5 C5orf37 POC5 centriolar protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2480 chr1 172848124 172848190 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 171946 NM_005092 8995 Hs.248197 NM_005092 TNFSF18 AITRL|GITRL|TL6|hGITRL tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18653 chr2 108814002 108814070 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -49615 NM_001008743 442038 Hs.535156 NM_001008743 HPRD:18131 SULT1C3 ST1C3 sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 1C, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6719 chr11 85222003 85222121 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001142699, intron 3 of 27) L1PA4|LINE|L1 116252 NM_001142699 1740 Hs.367656 NM_001364 HPRD:04663 DLG2 PPP1R58|PSD-93|PSD93|chapsyn-110 discs, large homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39306 chrY 16498336 16498403 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -136119 NM_001206850 22829 Hs.439199 NM_014893 HPRD:11849 NLGN4Y - neuroligin 4, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2356 chr1 164139776 164139843 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -388788 NM_001204963 5087 Hs.557097 NM_002585 HPRD:08889 PBX1 - pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32220 chr7 83083455 83083528 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_012431, intron 4 of 16) AluY|SINE|Alu 163246 NR_107016 102465857 NR_107016 MIR7976 hsa-mir-7976 microRNA 7976 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32243 chr7 86201529 86201605 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -71663 NM_000840 2913 Hs.590575 NM_000840 HPRD:03070 GRM3 GLUR3|GPRC1C|MGLUR3|mGlu3 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37876 chrX 62283196 62283263 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 287989 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25205 chr4 56485918 56486010 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_120489, intron 2 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 16501 NM_001292045 10874 Hs.418367 NM_006681 HPRD:05485 NMU - neuromedin U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38478 chrX 109156784 109156862 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -89040 NM_017698 84187 Hs.496572 NM_017698 HPRD:06539 TMEM164 bB360B22.3 transmembrane protein 164 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30370 chr6 117118360 117118452 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001286355, intron 3 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -31520 NM_001085480 221303 Hs.126712 NM_001085480 ENSG00000183807 FAM162B C6orf189|bA86F4.2 family with sequence similarity 162, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35627 chr9 70418219 70418320 + 7.40509 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 10630 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6823 chr11 93969303 93969448 + 7.40190 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -69428 NM_001199206 390243 Hs.553758 NM_001080486 ENSG00000183560 FOLR4 Folbp3|JUNO folate receptor 4, delta (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38138 chrX 75224143 75224290 + 7.39459 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -168548 NM_001300888 51260 Hs.370100 NM_016500 HPRD:06659 PBDC1 CXorf26 polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4029 chr10 38813162 38813369 + 7.39291 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 96191 NR_024497 399744 Hs.497951 NM_001013665 LINC00999 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 999 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7263 chr11 133870590 133870741 + 7.38688 NA Intergenic MER81|DNA|hAT-Blackjack -31502 NR_027276 100128239 Hs.423734 NR_027276 ENSG00000204241 LOC100128239 - uncharacterized LOC100128239 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6525 chr11 70049265 70049425 + 7.36872 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003824) promoter-TSS (NM_003824) 76 NM_003824 8772 Hs.86131 NM_003824 HPRD:03909 FADD MORT1 Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16247 chr19 20587670 20587875 + 7.36688 NA intron (NR_036455, intron 2 of 2) AluSp|SINE|Alu -8450 NR_036053 100302179 NR_036053 miRBase:MI0006407 MIR1270 MIR1270-1|MIR1270-2|MIRN1270|hsa-mir-1270|hsa-mir-1270-1 microRNA 1270 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15238 chr18 31916729 31916795 + 7.36424 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -113247 NM_001198546 8715 Hs.514795 NM_003787 HPRD:04657 NOL4 CT125|NOLP nucleolar protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26626 chr4 190770014 190770110 + 7.35468 NA Intergenic Intergenic -91912 NM_004477 2483 Hs.203772 NM_004477 HPRD:03176 FRG1 FRG1A|FSG1 FSHD region gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37077 chrUn_gl000232 310 447 + 7.35432 NA NA MSTA-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13740 chr17 6393094 6393324 + 7.34702 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 4 of 19) AluSg|SINE|Alu 45474 NM_019013 54478 Hs.592116 NM_019013 HPRD:07649 FAM64A CATS|RCS1 family with sequence similarity 64, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18415 chr2 92236273 92236351 + 7.34693 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 107153 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3177 chr1 227115896 227115962 + 7.33978 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -12009 NM_020247 56997 Hs.118241 NM_020247 HPRD:07375 ADCK3 ARCA2|CABC1|COQ10D4|COQ8|SCAR9 aarF domain containing kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_725 chr1 40204377 40204590 + 7.33978 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195007) promoter-TSS (NM_001195007) -34 NR_036543 10450 Hs.524690 NM_006112 HPRD:03893 PPIE CYP-33|CYP33 peptidylprolyl isomerase E (cyclophilin E) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33187 chr7 158743336 158743622 + 7.33978 NA Intergenic Intergenic -57566 NR_024394 154822 Hs.544783 NM_198345 ENSG00000231419 LINC00689 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 689 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38602 chrX 123885742 123885810 + 7.33978 NA intron (NM_001163278, intron 3 of 31) L1PA3|LINE|L1 211890 NM_001163279 10178 Hs.23796 NM_014253 HPRD:06669 TENM1 ODZ1|ODZ3|TEN-M1|TNM|TNM1 teneurin transmembrane protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21577 chr22 17114713 17114821 + 7.33978 NA intron (NR_001591, intron 4 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 31966 NR_001591 387590 Hs.474116 NR_001591 TPTEP1 psiTPTE22 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6449 chr11 65868393 65868504 + 7.33978 NA intron (NM_018026, intron 1 of 23) MLT1G1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 30624 NM_018026 55690 Hs.644326 NM_018026 HPRD:06320 PACS1 MRD17 phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20336 chr20 3749116 3749207 + 7.33931 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001039140) promoter-TSS (NM_001039140) -126 NR_047675 54976 Hs.274422 NM_017874 HPRD:16648 C20orf27 - chromosome 20 open reading frame 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17810 chr2 47142993 47143075 + 7.33499 NA promoter-TSS (NM_139279) promoter-TSS (NM_139279) -27 NM_001171509 90411 Hs.662152 NM_139279 HPRD:09693 MCFD2 F5F8D|F5F8D2|LMAN1IP|SDNSF multiple coagulation factor deficiency 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19908 chr2 219157246 219157405 + 7.33499 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022152) promoter-TSS (NM_022152) -45 NM_022152 64114 Hs.591605 NM_022152 HPRD:17884 TMBIM1 LFG3|MST100|MSTP100|RECS1 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36222 chr9 125590496 125590564 + 7.33007 NA intron (NM_005388, intron 1 of 3) CpG 405 NM_005388 5082 Hs.271749 NM_005388 HPRD:05108 PDCL PhLP phosducin-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4909 chr10 101852737 101852803 + 7.32857 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -11128 NM_001308 1369 Hs.2246 NM_001308 HPRD:09120 CPN1 CPN|SCPN carboxypeptidase N, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34990 chr9 9372351 9372423 + 7.32857 NA intron (NM_002839, intron 9 of 45) L1PA4|LINE|L1 514369 NR_121599 101929407 Hs.649971 NR_121599 PTPRD-AS1 - PTPRD antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10929 chr14 93650815 93650941 + 7.32367 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098621) promoter-TSS (NM_001098621) 371 NM_022151 64112 Hs.24719 NM_022151 HPRD:17580 MOAP1 MAP-1|PNMA4 modulator of apoptosis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29202 chr6 26156480 26156573 + 7.31552 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005321) promoter-TSS (NM_005321) -33 NM_005321 3008 Hs.248133 NM_005321 HPRD:07513 HIST1H1E H1.4|H1E|H1F4|H1s-4|dJ221C16.5 histone cluster 1, H1e protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12355 chr16 4817201 4817343 + 7.30728 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021646) promoter-TSS (NM_021646) -106 NM_021646 26048 Hs.513316 NM_021646 HPRD:18347 ZNF500 ZKSCAN18|ZSCAN50 zinc finger protein 500 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1103 chr1 71575447 71575527 + 7.29149 NA intron (NR_046217, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 28480 NR_046217 100852410 Hs.535534 NR_046217 ENSG00000229956 ZRANB2-AS2 - ZRANB2 antisense RNA 2 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8586 chr12 90201379 90201445 + 7.28516 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 98680 NR_028138 338758 Hs.601766 NR_028138 ENSG00000271614 LINC00936 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 936 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7813 chr12 32908820 32908971 + 7.27570 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001040436) promoter-TSS (NM_001040436) -8 NM_001040436 51067 Hs.505231 NM_015936 HPRD:13025 YARS2 MLASA2|MT-TYRRS|TYRRS tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20893 chr20 50147731 50147936 + 7.27570 NA intron (NM_001258292, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001258292, intron 1 of 9) 11425 NM_001258297 4773 Hs.744148 NM_012340 HPRD:02730 NFATC2 NFAT1|NFATP nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11393 chr15 40650328 40650491 + 7.27570 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033510) promoter-TSS (NM_033510) -25 NM_033510 85455 Hs.355645 NM_033510 HPRD:06327 DISP2 DISPB|HsT16908 dispatched homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_288 chr1 19142642 19142712 + 7.26761 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 43478 NM_152232 80834 Hs.553548 NM_152232 HPRD:06940 TAS1R2 GPR71|T1R2|TR2 taste receptor, type 1, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9701 chr13 75114752 75114842 + 7.26761 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -12183 NR_034025 338864 Hs.97408 NR_034024 ENSG00000236678 LINC00347 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 347 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3740 chr10 17161426 17161492 + 7.25772 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 6 of 66) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 10357 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14704 chr17 66651213 66651399 + 7.24352 NA intron (NR_110825, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 27011 NR_110825 101928104 Hs.569826 NR_110825 ENSG00000267659 LINC01482 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1482 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6324 chr11 62446517 62446627 + 7.22840 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286078) promoter-TSS (NM_001286078) 17 NM_015853 51035 Hs.351296 NM_015853 HPRD:11266 UBXN1 2B28|SAKS1|UBXD10 UBX domain protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28914 chr6 1434379 1434475 + 7.22025 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -43781 NR_106778 102466720 NR_106778 MIR6720 hsa-mir-6720 microRNA 6720 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32053 chr7 66594226 66594297 + 7.21974 NA intron (NM_018264, intron 13 of 15) L1MC1|LINE|L1 -14877 NR_039793 100616310 NR_039793 miRBase:MI0017277 MIR4650-1 - microRNA 4650-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23780 chr3 140199151 140199217 + 7.21974 NA intron (NM_022131, intron 8 of 16) L1PA4|LINE|L1 28447 NR_108084 101927808 Hs.581236 NR_108084 ENSG00000250433 CLSTN2-AS1 - CLSTN2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16929 chr19 49834996 49835069 + 7.21788 NA Intergenic MLT1J2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -3645 NM_001040031 951 Hs.166556 NM_001774 HPRD:01053 CD37 GP52-40|TSPAN26 CD37 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28428 chr5 143569448 143569788 + 7.21771 NA intron (NM_020768, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_020768, intron 2 of 3) 19181 NM_020768 57528 Hs.661870 NM_020768 KCTD16 - potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35822 chr9 89658285 89658364 + 7.20879 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1283 NR_027471 440173 Hs.127361 NR_027471 ENSG00000269994 LOC440173 - uncharacterized LOC440173 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3797 chr10 22291753 22291877 + 7.19906 NA intron (NM_022365, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_022365, intron 1 of 11) 835 NM_022365 64215 Hs.499000 NM_022365 HPRD:09922 DNAJC1 DNAJL1|ERdj1|HTJ1|MTJ1 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29375 chr6 31514481 31514626 + 7.19906 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138282).2 promoter-TSS (NM_138282).2 72 NM_001204078 534 Hs.249227 NM_130463 HPRD:06030 ATP6V1G2 ATP6G|ATP6G2|NG38|VMA10 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 13kDa, V1 subunit G2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2008 chr1 149034759 149035085 + 7.19815 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 74803 NR_104217 101929780 Hs.534675 NR_104217 NBPF25P WI2-925H4.1 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 25, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26841 chr5 17528739 17528904 + 7.19595 NA Intergenic Intergenic -141402 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14161 chr17 33569353 33569552 + 7.19031 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144975) promoter-TSS (NM_144975) -634 NM_144975 162394 Hs.709347 NM_144975 SLFN5 - schlafen family member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10156 chr14 24422847 24422923 + 7.18563 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282990) promoter-TSS (NM_001282990) -59 NM_001282988 10901 Hs.528385 NM_021004 HPRD:07484 DHRS4 CR|NRDR|PHCR|PSCD|SCAD-SRL|SDR-SRL|SDR25C1|SDR25C2 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11714 chr15 65133770 65133975 + 7.18563 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195059) promoter-TSS (NM_001195059) -210 NM_001195059 80301 Hs.709337 NM_025201 HPRD:15910 PLEKHO2 PLEKHQ1|PP1628|pp9099 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family O member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1496 chr1 110036875 110036943 + 7.18465 NA exon (NM_182580, exon 1 of 3) exon (NM_182580, exon 1 of 3) 208 NM_182580 284613 Hs.514682 NM_182580 HPRD:09902 CYB561D1 - cytochrome b561 family, member D1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14029 chr17 25277338 25277412 + 7.18100 NA Intergenic Intergenic 343647 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35624 chr9 70412058 70412131 + 7.17647 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 16805 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8871 chr12 111943410 111943476 + 7.17210 NA intron (NM_002973, intron 14 of 24) L1MB8|LINE|L1 70777 NM_001291424 10019 Hs.506784 NM_005475 HPRD:05480 SH2B3 IDDM20|LNK SH2B adaptor protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30004 chr6 85346683 85346755 + 7.17210 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 127235 NM_001080508 9096 Hs.251830 NM_001080508 ENSG00000112837 TBX18 - T-box 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23886 chr3 150333488 150333562 + 7.17210 NA intron (NM_016275, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 12459 NM_016275 51714 Hs.369052 NM_016275 HPRD:07446 SELT - selenoprotein T protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5515 chr11 4195220 4195412 + 7.16972 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -13066 NR_047550 100506082 Hs.445705 NR_047550 ENSG00000254480 LOC100506082 - uncharacterized LOC100506082 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1286 chr1 91836130 91836196 + 7.15607 NA intron (NM_001017975, intron 13 of 38) L1PA4|LINE|L1 34263 NM_001017975 164045 Hs.454818 NM_001017975 HPRD:13423 HFM1 MER3|POF9|SEC63D1|Si-11|Si-11-6|helicase HFM1, ATP-dependent DNA helicase homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5093 chr10 115611404 115611532 + 7.15050 NA intron (NM_001271816, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_001271816, intron 2 of 9) 2507 NM_014881 9937 Hs.1560 NM_014881 HPRD:08519 DCLRE1A PSO2|SNM1|SNM1A DNA cross-link repair 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1002 chr1 60956467 60956558 + 7.15050 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 334744 NR_110628 101926964 Hs.650459 NR_110628 ENSG00000231252 LOC101926964 - uncharacterized LOC101926964 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27152 chr5 46323569 46323860 + 7.15022 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -627494 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5094 chr10 115656211 115656286 + 7.14904 NA intron (NM_198514, intron 5 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 41857 NM_198514 374354 Hs.369924 NM_198514 NHLRC2 - NHL repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28825 chr5 177945848 177946017 + 7.13512 NA intron (NM_173465, intron 2 of 28) CpG 71624 NM_173465 91522 Hs.660026 NM_173465 HPRD:16733 COL23A1 - collagen, type XXIII, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29796 chr6 65103915 65103990 + 7.13236 NA intron (NM_001292009, intron 28 of 43) L1PA2|LINE|L1 747521 NM_015153 23469 Hs.348921 NM_015153 HPRD:08477 PHF3 - PHD finger protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8531 chr12 84403313 84403386 + 7.13132 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 903259 NM_018057 55117 Hs.44424 NM_018057 HPRD:12141 SLC6A15 NTT73|SBAT1|V7-3|hv7-3 solute carrier family 6 (neutral amino acid transporter), member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10715 chr14 73958312 73958378 + 7.13132 NA exon (NM_024644, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_024644, exon 1 of 1) 706 NM_024644 79697 Hs.509916 NM_024644 C14orf169 MAPJD|NO66|ROX|hsNO66 chromosome 14 open reading frame 169 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35417 chr9 66455442 66455600 + 7.12801 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1768 NR_121647 103352539 Hs.351215 NR_121647 LINC01410 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1410 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33417 chr8 15418785 15418941 + 7.12525 NA intron (NM_178234, intron 1 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 21267 NM_178234 7991 Hs.426324 NM_006765 HPRD:03228 TUSC3 D8S1992|M33|MRT22|MRT7|N33|OST3A tumor suppressor candidate 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25300 chr4 63293437 63293552 + 7.12525 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -266011 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35613 chr9 70161130 70161203 + 7.12333 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 17649 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10591 chr14 64320075 64320201 + 7.12258 NA intron (NM_182914, intron 1 of 115) CpG 455 NM_182914 23224 Hs.745014 NM_015180 HPRD:09763 SYNE2 EDMD5|NUA|NUANCE|Nesp2|Nesprin-2|SYNE-2|TROPH spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19418 chr2 176569087 176569153 + 7.11389 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 297898 NM_030650 80856 Hs.209561 NM_030650 KIAA1715 LNP|LNP1|Ul|ulnaless KIAA1715 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22320 chr3 12598740 12598865 + 7.11197 NA intron (NM_001271707, intron 1 of 6) CpG 289 NM_014160 23609 Hs.591666 NM_014160 HPRD:09761 MKRN2 RNF62 makorin ring finger protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27645 chr5 76905040 76905135 + 7.11197 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 29435 NM_032109 23440 Hs.202247 NM_032109 OTP - orthopedia homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8034 chr12 48499785 48499924 + 7.11197 NA promoter-TSS (NR_051992) promoter-TSS (NR_051992) -79 NR_051992 29843 Hs.371957 NM_014554 HPRD:07153 SENP1 SuPr-2 SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36997 chrUn_gl000225 132875 132968 + 7.10694 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5293 chr10 130833792 130833943 + 7.10198 NA Intergenic Intergenic -431587 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23014 chr3 66897679 66897808 + 7.09881 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -150984 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24452 chr4 964187 964342 + 7.09586 NA intron (NM_001347, intron 2 of 22) intron (NM_001347, intron 2 of 22) 3084 NM_001347 1609 Hs.584858 NM_001347 HPRD:03127 DGKQ DAGK|DAGK4|DAGK7 diacylglycerol kinase, theta 110kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16582 chr19 38826934 38827188 + 7.08294 NA intron (NM_021185, intron 1 of 28) CpG 618 NM_021185 57828 Hs.324335 NM_021185 HPRD:12698 CATSPERG C19orf15 catsper channel auxiliary subunit gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27984 chr5 109577302 109577368 + 7.07876 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 358452 NR_033175 100289673 Hs.368405 NR_033175 LOC100289673 - phosphoglycerate mutase family member 5 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34008 chr8 69931784 69931850 + 7.07206 NA intron (NR_039986, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 84608 NR_039986 100505718 Hs.122386 NR_039986 ENSG00000253658 LOC100505718 - uncharacterized LOC100505718 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24877 chr4 37332644 37332833 + 7.07206 NA intron (NM_001144990, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_001144990, intron 2 of 6) 86048 NM_001144990 57495 Hs.4280 NM_001144990 ENSG00000174145 NWD2 KIAA1239 NACHT and WD repeat domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2290 chr1 160666677 160666807 + 7.07013 NA intron (NM_001256030, intron 1 of 2) HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 14899 NM_001256030 962 Hs.243564 NM_001778 HPRD:00177 CD48 BCM1|BLAST|BLAST1|MEM-102|SLAMF2|hCD48|mCD48 CD48 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30418 chr6 122317736 122317802 + 7.05531 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -402927 NM_001135564 3298 Hs.158195 NM_004506 HPRD:00779 HSF2 HSF 2|HSTF 2 heat shock transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17498 chr2 24962377 24962469 + 7.05531 NA intron (NM_147233, intron 16 of 20) intron (NM_147233, intron 16 of 20) -53752 NM_001199803 79172 Hs.731569 NM_024322 HPRD:14414 CENPO CENP-O|ICEN-36|MCM21R centromere protein O protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_162 chr1 8229925 8230055 + 7.05452 NA Intergenic Intergenic -143597 NM_018948 54206 Hs.605445 NM_018948 HPRD:09218 ERRFI1 GENE-33|MIG-6|MIG6|RALT ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9772 chr13 85699591 85699674 + 7.05373 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -238106 NR_046989 100874137 Hs.742643 NR_046989 ENSG00000226317 LINC00351 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 351 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19644 chr2 197791375 197791445 + 7.05113 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024989) promoter-TSS (NM_024989) 44 NM_024989 80055 Hs.229988 NM_024989 HPRD:10147 PGAP1 Bst1|ISPD3024|MRT42|SPG67 post-GPI attachment to proteins 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20927 chr20 53399603 53399679 + 7.05113 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 307384 NM_177959 55816 Hs.473133 NM_018431 HPRD:16317 DOK5 C20orf180|IRS-6|IRS6 docking protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32697 chr7 128095781 128095948 + 7.03742 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098786) promoter-TSS (NM_001098786) -20 NM_001098786 29923 Hs.706124 NM_013332 HPRD:17105 HILPDA C7orf68|HIG-2|HIG2 hypoxia inducible lipid droplet-associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13130 chr16 60913451 60913531 + 7.03550 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -519824 NM_001282301 729159 NM_001282301 LOC729159 - UPF0607 protein ENSP00000381418-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1866 chr1 146054226 146054396 + 7.02642 NA non-coding (NR_046188, exon 8 of 25).2 non-coding (NR_046188, exon 8 of 25).2 11945 NM_001101663 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26141 chr4 144105760 144105866 + 7.02533 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001290326) promoter-TSS (NM_001290326) -257 NM_001290325 84640 Hs.480848 NM_032557 USP38 HP43.8KD ubiquitin specific peptidase 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29498 chr6 36088480 36088584 + 7.01086 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -9729 NR_072996 5603 Hs.178695 NM_002754 HPRD:09113 MAPK13 MAPK 13|MAPK-13|PRKM13|SAPK4|p38delta mitogen-activated protein kinase 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6884 chr11 100351874 100351976 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -206482 NM_152432 143872 Hs.741465 NM_152432 ENSG00000165895 ARHGAP42 GRAF3 Rho GTPase activating protein 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32852 chr7 140643881 140643952 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -19352 NM_004333 673 Hs.550061 NM_004333 HPRD:01264 BRAF B-RAF1|BRAF1|NS7|RAFB1 B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12575 chr16 28204647 28204713 + 7.00931 NA intron (NM_015171, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_015171, intron 1 of 23) 18559 NM_001270940 23214 Hs.460468 NM_015171 HPRD:10525 XPO6 EXP6|RANBP20 exportin 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13517 chr16 89475917 89476029 + 7.00931 NA intron (NM_001256182, intron 3 of 13) AluJr|SINE|Alu -21353 NR_110932 101927817 Hs.667942 NR_110931 LOC101927817 - uncharacterized LOC101927817 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11666 chr15 61136794 61136893 + 7.00931 NA intron (NM_134261, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_134261, intron 1 of 10) 163075 NR_120318 100996876 Hs.511626 NR_120318 LOC100996876 - uncharacterized LOC100996876 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35328 chr9 42738749 42738823 + 7.00813 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 20720 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16007 chr19 13261126 13261232 + 7.00267 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004907) promoter-TSS (NM_004907) 9 NM_001271610 8677 Hs.43812 NM_003765 HPRD:04791 STX10 SYN10|hsyn10 syntaxin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37076 chrUn_gl000232 131 226 + 6.99714 NA NA MSTA-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20970 chr20 57483044 57483136 + 6.98686 NA intron (NM_001077490, intron 6 of 12) intron (NM_001077490, intron 6 of 12) 16664 NM_080426 2778 Hs.125898 NM_000516 HPRD:00761 GNAS AHO|C20orf45|GNAS1|GPSA|GSA|GSP|NESP|PHP1A|PHP1B|PHP1C|POH GNAS complex locus protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38151 chrX 75648651 75648825 + 6.98686 NA exon (NM_020932, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_020932, exon 1 of 1) 692 NM_020932 57692 Hs.8453 NM_020932 HPRD:06583 MAGEE1 DAMAGE|HCA1 melanoma antigen family E, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28224 chr5 131999909 132000033 + 6.97475 NA Intergenic Intergenic 6106 NM_002188 3596 Hs.845 NM_002188 HPRD:00981 IL13 IL-13|P600 interleukin 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25175 chr4 53578987 53579181 + 6.96905 NA promoter-TSS (NR_003016) promoter-TSS (NR_003016) 235 NR_039651 100616436 NR_039651 miRBase:MI0016792 MIR4449 - microRNA 4449 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28486 chr5 147700029 147700261 + 6.96387 NA intron (NR_105057, intron 2 of 4) L1P1|LINE|L1 8155 NM_032566 84651 Hs.244569 NM_032566 HPRD:16850 SPINK7 ECG2|ECRG2 serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 7 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29525 chr6 37190462 37190582 + 6.96387 NA intron (NM_001286401, intron 1 of 2) MER52C|LTR|ERV1 34891 NM_145316 221468 Hs.520101 NM_145316 HPRD:12848 TMEM217 C6orf128|dJ355M6.2 transmembrane protein 217 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36218 chr9 125354060 125354302 + 6.94743 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -22836 NM_012364 158131 Hs.684864 NM_012364 HPRD:14926 OR1Q1 HSTPCR106|OR1Q2|OR1Q3|OR9-25|OR9-A|OST226|OST226OR9-A|TPCR106 olfactory receptor, family 1, subfamily Q, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19298 chr2 167359588 167359825 + 6.94743 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -16225 NM_002976 6332 Hs.596087 NM_002976 HPRD:08355 SCN7A NaG|Nav2.1|Nav2.2|SCN6A sodium channel, voltage-gated, type VII, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24256 chr3 185287634 185287742 + 6.94312 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK -16343 NM_021627 59343 Hs.401388 NM_021627 SENP2 AXAM2|SMT3IP2 SUMO1/sentrin/SMT3 specific peptidase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38018 chrX 69968498 69968578 + 6.94115 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 10 of 30) L1PA2|LINE|L1 160029 NM_031276 56159 Hs.121776 NM_031276 HPRD:02256 TEX11 TGC1|TSGA3 testis expressed 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3627 chr10 7311328 7311624 + 6.92316 NA intron (NM_001018039, intron 7 of 20) intron (NM_001018039, intron 7 of 20) 139827 NM_001018039 57713 Hs.407983 NM_001018039 ENSG00000198879 SFMBT2 - Scm-like with four mbt domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14456 chr17 46908799 46908865 + 6.92288 NA intron (NM_001261395, intron 1 of 11) CpG 482 NM_001261393 10241 Hs.514920 NM_005831 HPRD:06846 CALCOCO2 NDP52 calcium binding and coiled-coil domain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_373 chr1 24165047 24165113 + 6.91870 NA Intergenic LTR1|LTR|ERV1 -13131 NM_001166059 3155 Hs.533444 NM_000191 HPRD:02003 HMGCL HL 3-hydroxymethyl-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27149 chr5 46198118 46198223 + 6.91870 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -501950 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_145 chr1 6685136 6685271 + 6.90680 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138350) promoter-TSS (NM_138350) -7 NM_138350 90326 Hs.689006 NM_138350 HPRD:18178 THAP3 - THAP domain containing, apoptosis associated protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21976 chr22 38625706 38626109 + 6.90680 NA intron (NM_012264, intron 5 of 8) intron (NM_012264, intron 5 of 8) 26880 NM_001161573 23764 Hs.517617 NM_012323 HPRD:05343 MAFF U-MAF|hMafF v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20263 chr2 243153525 243153640 + 6.90031 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 122738 NR_024437 728323 Hs.471887 NR_024437 LOC728323 - uncharacterized LOC728323 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1919 chr1 147596063 147596233 + 6.89738 NA non-coding (NR_046188, exon 8 of 25) non-coding (NR_046188, exon 8 of 25) 11944 NM_001101663 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32032 chr7 65670188 65670344 + 6.88657 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003596) promoter-TSS (NM_003596) 7 NM_003596 8460 Hs.421194 NM_003596 HPRD:07216 TPST1 TANGO13A tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37945 chrX 66152876 66153025 + 6.88657 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -293810 NM_001199687 60401 Hs.302017 NM_021783 HPRD:02230 EDA2R EDA-A2R|EDAA2R|TNFRSF27|XEDAR ectodysplasin A2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13802 chr17 7387550 7387713 + 6.88611 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000937) promoter-TSS (NM_000937) -63 NM_020899 57659 Hs.35096 NM_020899 HPRD:11693 ZBTB4 KAISO-L1|ZNF903 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32776 chr7 134855537 134855720 + 6.88343 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243754) promoter-TSS (NM_001243754) -50 NM_001243751 78996 Hs.732134 NM_024033 HPRD:08333 C7orf49 MRI chromosome 7 open reading frame 49 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10195 chr14 25673621 25673694 + 6.87375 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -154562 NM_014178 29091 Hs.508958 NM_014178 ENSG00000168952 STXBP6 amisyn syntaxin binding protein 6 (amisyn) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12709 chr16 31433105 31433191 + 6.86743 NA intron (NM_005353, intron 23 of 29) MIR|SINE|MIR 6601 NM_005205 1339 Hs.250760 NM_005205 HPRD:03598 COX6A2 COX6AH|COXVIAH cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIa polypeptide 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23343 chr3 102945191 102945267 + 6.85153 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 791370 NM_175056 131368 Hs.352213 NM_175056 HPRD:14048 ZPLD1 - zona pellucida-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5075 chr10 113824494 113824731 + 6.85153 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 118925 NM_001244949 57678 Hs.42586 NM_020918 HPRD:03865 GPAM GPAT|GPAT1 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34903 chr9 1574451 1574552 + 6.85153 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -440718 NM_003070 6595 Hs.298990 NM_003070 HPRD:02483 SMARCA2 BAF190|BRM|NCBRS|SNF2|SNF2L2|SNF2LA|SWI2|Sth1p|hBRM|hSNF2a SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28711 chr5 169064158 169064291 + 6.84676 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004946) promoter-TSS (NM_004946) -27 NM_004946 1794 Hs.586174 NM_004946 HPRD:09121 DOCK2 - dedicator of cytokinesis 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2619 chr1 183631348 183631431 + 6.84649 NA intron (NM_015149, intron 1 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -8941 NM_203454 403314 Hs.97335 NM_203454 HPRD:17522 APOBEC4 C1orf169 apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 4 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31992 chr7 64604319 64604537 + 6.84534 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) 105696 NR_033416 643180 Hs.510847 NR_033416 ENSG00000234585 CCT6P3 CCT6-3P chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 6 (zeta) pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38540 chrX 117630451 117630649 + 6.83840 NA intron (NM_144658, intron 1 of 52) CpG 678 NM_144658 139818 Hs.368203 NM_144658 HPRD:06492 DOCK11 ACG|ZIZ2|bB128O4.1 dedicator of cytokinesis 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2028 chr1 149521544 149521673 + 6.82502 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7352 NR_104086 101954277 NR_104086 RNVU1-19 RNU1-126|RNU1-147|RNVU1-13|vU1.13|vU1.19 RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 19 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28142 chr5 126231423 126231504 + 6.80733 NA intron (NM_178450, intron 3 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 118618 NM_001198557 4001 Hs.89497 NM_005573 HPRD:01036 LMNB1 ADLD|LMN|LMN2|LMNB lamin B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2249 chr1 158278350 158278417 + 6.80733 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 18820 NM_001765 911 Hs.132448 NM_001765 HPRD:01772 CD1C BDCA1|CD1|CD1A|R7 CD1c molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37655 chrX 52004967 52005099 + 6.80640 NA Intergenic CpG 71315 NR_003711 100124541 Hs.709779 NR_003711 SNORA11D - small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 11D snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_98 chr1 2509853 2509946 + 6.80640 NA intron (NR_121638, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_121638, intron 1 of 3) -8000 NR_036637 127281 Hs.462033 NM_152371 HPRD:14513 FAM213B C1orf93 family with sequence similarity 213, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4988 chr10 105250522 105250623 + 6.80640 NA intron (NR_120675, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_120675, intron 3 of 3) -3163 NM_004210 9148 Hs.594708 NM_004210 HPRD:04815 NEURL1 NEUR1|NEURL|RNF67|bA416N2.1|neu|neu-1 neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2914 chr1 206910545 206910651 + 6.80007 NA Intergenic Intergenic 35241 NM_000572 3586 Hs.193717 NM_000572 HPRD:00495 IL10 CSIF|GVHDS|IL-10|IL10A|TGIF interleukin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17283 chr2 2796645 2796901 + 6.78541 NA Intergenic Intergenic 333025 NR_110228 101927554 Hs.638446 NR_110228 ENSG00000234423 LINC01250 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1250 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38930 chrX 154299691 154299773 + 6.78541 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018055) promoter-TSS (NM_001018055) 37 NM_001242640 79184 Hs.558537 NM_024332 HPRD:06465 BRCC3 BRCC36|C6.1A|CXorf53 BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex, subunit 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27972 chr5 108677545 108677854 + 6.77598 NA intron (NM_014819, intron 9 of 9) intron (NM_014819, intron 9 of 9) 67976 NM_014819 9867 Hs.483036 NM_014819 HPRD:11436 PJA2 Neurodap1|RNF131 praja ring finger 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17244 chr2 13029 13144 + 6.77113 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 33502 NM_001077710 642273 Hs.8379 NM_001077710 FAM110C - family with sequence similarity 110, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35321 chr9 42720395 42720509 + 6.76962 NA Intergenic Intergenic 2386 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37165 chrX 1601124 1601350 + 6.76887 NA intron (NM_178129, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_178129, intron 1 of 1) -28582 NM_001173473 8623 Hs.533514 NM_004192 HPRD:02156 ASMTL ASMTLX|ASMTLY|ASTML acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38986 chrY 1551124 1551350 + 6.76887 NA intron (NM_178129, intron 1 of 1).2 intron (NM_178129, intron 1 of 1).2 -28582 NM_001173473 8623 Hs.533514 NM_004192 HPRD:02156 ASMTL ASMTLX|ASMTLY|ASTML acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23306 chr3 101158536 101158612 + 6.76652 NA intron (NM_001077203, intron 4 of 22) SVA_F|Other|Other 73511 NM_001282801 57337 Hs.529551 NM_020654 HPRD:07154 SENP7 - SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19719 chr2 202520979 202521154 + 6.76351 NA exon (NM_033066, exon 17 of 22) exon (NM_033066, exon 17 of 22) -12814 NM_001044385 65062 Hs.12319 NM_152388 HPRD:12448 TMEM237 ALS2CR4|JBTS14 transmembrane protein 237 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33915 chr8 61460948 61461021 + 6.75779 NA intron (NM_001242644, intron 1 of 6) SVA_F|Other|Other 31515 NM_001242644 5862 Hs.369017 NM_002865 HPRD:01539 RAB2A LHX|RAB2 RAB2A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17138 chr19 57791217 57791377 + 6.75449 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006635) promoter-TSS (NM_006635) -556 NM_006635 10794 Hs.99971 NM_006635 HPRD:06885 ZNF460 HZF8|ZNF272 zinc finger protein 460 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36227 chr9 125629948 125630086 + 6.74665 NA intron (NM_001100588, intron 9 of 20) SVA_D|Other|Other 12581 NR_003071 692206 Hs.693253 NR_003071 SNORD90 HBII-295 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 90 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38202 chrX 78526007 78526133 + 6.74665 NA Intergenic Intergenic 96979 NM_004867 9452 Hs.17109 NM_004867 HPRD:02200 ITM2A BRICD2A|E25A integral membrane protein 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23851 chr3 147038985 147039052 + 6.74144 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 71199 NR_033119 84107 Hs.415766 NM_032153 HPRD:12340 ZIC4 - Zic family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6419 chr11 65307711 65307810 + 6.73814 NA exon (NM_001164266, exon 23 of 27) exon (NM_001164266, exon 23 of 27) 15212 NM_001048218 57410 Hs.238839 NM_020680 HPRD:06414 SCYL1 GKLP|NKTL|NTKL|P105|TAPK|TEIF|TRAP SCY1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30313 chr6 112193707 112193833 + 6.73260 NA intron (NM_002037, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_002037, intron 1 of 13) 885 NM_002037 2534 Hs.390567 NM_002037 HPRD:00655 FYN SLK|SYN|p59-FYN FYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13393 chr16 81812758 81812932 + 6.72679 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002661) promoter-TSS (NM_002661) -18 NM_002661 5336 Hs.372303 NM_002661 HPRD:02570 PLCG2 APLAID|FCAS3|PLC-IV|PLC-gamma-2 phospholipase C, gamma 2 (phosphatidylinositol-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34524 chr8 122435758 122435826 + 6.72150 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -215794 NR_002835 594842 Hs.668686 NR_002835 HAS2-AS1 HAS2-AS|HAS2AS|HASNT|NCRNA00077 HAS2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13127 chr16 60741260 60741327 + 6.72005 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -347626 NM_001282301 729159 NM_001282301 LOC729159 - UPF0607 protein ENSP00000381418-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4058 chr10 39077006 39077223 + 6.70456 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 87387 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2295 chr1 160721486 160721595 + 6.70397 NA intron (NM_001282594, intron 4 of 5) intron (NM_001282594, intron 4 of 5) 12693 NM_001282593 57823 Hs.517265 NM_021181 HPRD:09432 SLAMF7 19A|CD319|CRACC|CS1 SLAM family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14915 chr17 81041538 81041645 + 6.69524 NA intron (NM_001004431, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_001004431, intron 1 of 3) 4024 NM_001004431 284207 Hs.378821 NM_001004431 HPRD:11255 METRNL - meteorin, glial cell differentiation regulator-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18510 chr2 97007955 97008115 + 6.69524 NA intron (NM_001281710, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_001281710, intron 3 of 17) 6556 NM_015341 23397 Hs.308045 NM_015341 HPRD:03820 NCAPH BRRN1|CAP-H non-SMC condensin I complex, subunit H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35903 chr9 95726827 95726931 + 6.69524 NA intron (NM_001286993, intron 1 of 17) MIRc|SINE|MIR 636 NM_001286993 89846 Hs.411081 NM_033086 HPRD:10957 FGD3 ZFYVE5 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_258 chr1 16160865 16161078 + 6.68825 NA non-coding (NR_024279, exon 2 of 2) non-coding (NR_024279, exon 2 of 2) -13388 NM_015001 23013 Hs.744843 NM_015001 HPRD:10230 SPEN HIAA0929|MINT|RBM15C|SHARP spen family transcriptional repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_258-2 chr1 16160865 16161078 + 6.68825 NA non-coding (NR_024279, exon 2 of 2) non-coding (NR_024279, exon 2 of 2) -13388 NM_015001 23013 Hs.744843 NM_015001 HPRD:10230 SPEN HIAA0929|MINT|RBM15C|SHARP spen family transcriptional repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20131 chr2 235397740 235398025 + 6.68825 NA Intergenic Intergenic 7811 NM_005737 10123 Hs.111554 NM_005737 HPRD:11988 ARL4C ARL7|LAK ADP-ribosylation factor-like 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33085 chr7 156058467 156058683 + 6.68780 NA Intergenic Intergenic 179707 NR_038232 285889 Hs.407095 NR_038232 ENSG00000233878 LOC285889 - uncharacterized LOC285889 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3450 chr1 247242055 247242170 + 6.68780 NA promoter-TSS (NR_037894) promoter-TSS (NR_037894) 3 NR_037894 100533111 Hs.732305 NR_037894 ZNF670-ZNF695 - ZNF670-ZNF695 readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31097 chr6 170529100 170529190 + 6.68098 NA Intergenic Intergenic 42512 NR_002787 154449 Hs.447751 NR_002787 ENSG00000230960 LOC154449 - uncharacterized LOC154449 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30500 chr6 130774509 130774660 + 6.67660 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16322 NM_052913 114801 Hs.591341 NM_052913 HPRD:13901 TMEM200A KIAA1913|TTMA|TTMC transmembrane protein 200A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33753 chr8 43838027 43838143 + 6.67244 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 690500 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37654 chrX 51970694 51970799 + 6.66815 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 37028 NR_003711 100124541 Hs.709779 NR_003711 SNORA11D - small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 11D snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14738 chr17 73185439 73185556 + 6.66815 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -6399 NM_006937 6613 Hs.380973 NM_006937 HPRD:04332 SUMO2 HSMT3|SMT3B|SMT3H2|SUMO3|Smt3A small ubiquitin-like modifier 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4777 chr10 91774211 91774277 + 6.66815 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -57114 NR_110655 101926924 Hs.500498 NR_110655 ENSG00000226159 LINC01375 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1375 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23513 chr3 119041871 119041958 + 6.66815 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046748) promoter-TSS (NR_046748) -307 NR_046748 100874246 Hs.607097 NR_046748 ARHGAP31-AS1 - ARHGAP31 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6599 chr11 72525106 72525213 + 6.66695 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033388) promoter-TSS (NM_033388) -292 NM_033388 89849 Hs.653186 NM_033388 HPRD:10959 ATG16L2 ATG16B|WDR80 autophagy related 16-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1918 chr1 147589804 147589958 + 6.65393 NA non-coding (NR_046188, exon 13 of 25) non-coding (NR_046188, exon 13 of 25) 18211 NM_001101663 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1865 chr1 146048018 146048172 + 6.65393 NA non-coding (NR_046188, exon 13 of 25).2 non-coding (NR_046188, exon 13 of 25).2 18161 NM_001101663 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4798 chr10 93268761 93268828 + 6.64880 NA intron (NR_104291, intron 20 of 20) L1PA2|LINE|L1 98752 NM_182765 143279 Hs.596096 NM_173497 HPRD:13643 HECTD2 - HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28715 chr5 169261138 169261668 + 6.64880 NA intron (NM_004946, intron 26 of 51) HAL1|LINE|L1 146341 NM_001129891 100131897 Hs.721917 NM_001129891 ENSG00000204767 FAM196B C5orf57 family with sequence similarity 196, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29582 chr6 42420898 42420998 + 6.64880 NA Intergenic CpG -1159 NM_033502 55809 Hs.485392 NM_018415 HPRD:11647 TRERF1 BCAR2|HSA277276|RAPA|TREP132|TReP-132|dJ139D8.5 transcriptional regulating factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25112 chr4 49333404 49333565 + 6.64065 NA Intergenic Intergenic 344825 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28092 chr5 120400408 120400538 + 6.63243 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -257772 NR_104999 102467226 NR_104999 LOC102467226 - uncharacterized LOC102467226 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7111 chr11 121352144 121352304 + 6.63203 NA intron (NM_003105, intron 3 of 47) intron (NM_003105, intron 3 of 47) 29312 NM_003105 6653 Hs.368592 NM_003105 HPRD:03595 SORL1 C11orf32|LR11|LRP9|SORLA|SorLA-1|gp250 sortilin-related receptor, L(DLR class) A repeats containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13874 chr17 16118779 16118935 + 6.61479 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006311) promoter-TSS (NM_006311) 17 NM_006311 9611 Hs.462323 NM_006311 HPRD:02911 NCOR1 N-CoR|N-CoR1|PPP1R109|TRAC1|hN-CoR nuclear receptor corepressor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13637 chr17 2207246 2207312 + 6.61479 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021947) promoter-TSS (NM_021947) 31 NM_021947 63826 Hs.461954 NM_021947 HPRD:10451 SRR ILV1|ISO1 serine racemase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14448 chr17 46505135 46505240 + 6.61022 NA intron (NM_003726, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_003726, intron 1 of 12) 2407 NM_001075099 8631 Hs.316931 NM_003726 HPRD:05396 SKAP1 HEL-S-81p|SCAP1|SKAP55 src kinase associated phosphoprotein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12772 chr16 32844348 32844485 + 6.59679 NA Intergenic LTR49|LTR|ERV1 52047 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35615 chr9 70167299 70167397 + 6.59429 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 11467 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25775 chr4 108998640 108998799 + 6.59101 NA intron (NM_001130713, intron 7 of 10) SVA_F|Other|Other 87849 NM_005327 3033 Hs.438289 NM_005327 ENSG00000138796 HADH HAD|HADH1|HADHSC|HCDH|HHF4|MSCHAD|SCHAD hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20324 chr20 3026626 3026725 + 6.59094 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030811) promoter-TSS (NM_030811) 0 NM_030811 64949 Hs.18946 NM_030811 HPRD:17595 MRPS26 C20orf193|GI008|MRP-S13|MRP-S26|MRPS13|NY-BR-87|RPMS13|dJ534B8.3 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35284 chr9 38324964 38325030 + 6.59094 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -67664 NM_000692 219 Hs.436219 NM_000692 HPRD:00005 ALDH1B1 ALDH5|ALDHX aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14647 chr17 62982559 62982727 + 6.58620 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10940 NR_026903 201283 Hs.396447 NM_153032 HPRD:08720 AMZ2P1 - archaelysin family metallopeptidase 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5434 chr11 616030 616119 + 6.58223 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004031) promoter-TSS (NM_004031) -75 NM_001572 3665 Hs.166120 NM_001572 HPRD:05441 IRF7 IRF-7H|IRF7A|IRF7B|IRF7C|IRF7H interferon regulatory factor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7765 chr12 29302111 29302214 + 6.57976 NA 5' UTR (NM_001271783, exon 1 of 12) 5' UTR (NM_001271783, exon 1 of 12) 226 NM_001271783 55711 Hs.728955 NM_018099 HPRD:14723 FAR2 MLSTD1|SDR10E2 fatty acyl CoA reductase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6526 chr11 70050111 70050225 + 6.57407 NA intron (NM_003824, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_003824, intron 1 of 1) 899 NM_003824 8772 Hs.86131 NM_003824 HPRD:03909 FADD MORT1 Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33201 chr7_gl000195_random 44 136 + 6.57158 NA Intergenic Intergenic 86629 NM_001242480 389831 Hs.743984 NM_001242480 LOC389831 - uncharacterized LOC389831 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8873 chr12 112037374 112037567 + 6.57158 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002973) promoter-TSS (NM_002973) 10 NM_002973 6311 Hs.76253 NM_002973 HPRD:03307 ATXN2 ASL13|ATX2|SCA2|TNRC13 ataxin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31893 chr7 61653934 61654087 + 6.56884 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1110424 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13787 chr17 7118387 7118468 + 6.56850 NA intron (NM_001365, intron 3 of 21) intron (NM_001365, intron 3 of 21) -2017 NM_001270447 37 Hs.437178 NM_000018 HPRD:01940 ACADVL ACAD6|LCACD|VLCAD acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, very long chain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1269 chr1 90228668 90228801 + 6.55271 NA Intergenic Intergenic -57839 NM_001134479 55144 Hs.482087 NM_018103 HPRD:11287 LRRC8D LRRC5 leucine rich repeat containing 8 family, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4460 chr10 64441053 64441157 + 6.55271 NA Intergenic Intergenic -123411 NM_032804 84890 Hs.99821 NM_032804 HPRD:12566 ADO C10orf22 2-aminoethanethiol (cysteamine) dioxygenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38976 chrY 1305016 1305308 + 6.55271 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -23546 NR_110830 64109 Hs.287729 NM_022148 HPRD:02288 CRLF2 CRL2|CRLF2Y|TSLPR cytokine receptor-like factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9732 chr13 78257864 78258017 + 6.54909 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -14049 NM_001242868 122060 Hs.349955 NM_144595 HPRD:13400 SLAIN1 C13orf32 SLAIN motif family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16005-2 chr19 13155131 13155480 + 6.54909 NA intron (NM_001271043, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_001271043, intron 2 of 10) 19910 NM_001271043 4784 Hs.257970 NM_002501 HPRD:01234 NFIX MRSHSS|NF1A|SOTOS2 nuclear factor I/X (CCAAT-binding transcription factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16005 chr19 13155131 13155480 + 6.54909 NA intron (NM_001271043, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_001271043, intron 2 of 10) 19910 NM_001271043 4784 Hs.257970 NM_002501 HPRD:01234 NFIX MRSHSS|NF1A|SOTOS2 nuclear factor I/X (CCAAT-binding transcription factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23950 chr3 155938859 155938934 + 6.54909 NA intron (NR_046617, intron 1 of 3) L1PA6|LINE|L1 6776 NR_046617 100874083 Hs.603823 NR_046617 ENSG00000240596 KCNAB1-AS2 - KCNAB1 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25055 chr4 49149558 49149624 + 6.54507 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 160932 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7493 chr12 10825148 10825214 + 6.54493 NA intron (NM_018423, intron 1 of 10) MER1B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 1710 NM_018423 55359 Hs.24979 NM_018423 HPRD:15447 STYK1 NOK|SuRTK106 serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35269 chr9 37465060 37465199 + 6.54067 NA intron (NM_014872, intron 1 of 1) CpG 278 NM_014872 9925 Hs.161276 NM_014872 HPRD:08829 ZBTB5 - zinc finger and BTB domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32196 chr7 78522723 78522874 + 6.53368 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 2 of 20) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -115506 NR_046689 100874021 Hs.128252 NR_046689 ENSG00000226978 MAGI2-AS2 - MAGI2 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21987 chr22 39381095 39381272 + 6.53368 NA intron (NM_001270411, intron 2 of 7) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 2779 NM_004900 9582 Hs.226307 NM_004900 HPRD:06169 APOBEC3B A3B|APOBEC1L|ARCD3|ARP4|DJ742C19.2|PHRBNL|bK150C2.2 apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21236 chr21 17209491 17209670 + 6.52795 NA intron (NM_001283041, intron 17 of 25) intron (NM_001283041, intron 17 of 25) 107236 NM_001283041 29761 Hs.743994 NM_013396 HPRD:05296 USP25 USP21 ubiquitin specific peptidase 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30734 chr6 148709142 148709327 + 6.52795 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 1 of 19) AluSp|SINE|Alu 45505 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23615 chr3 126701695 126701814 + 6.52549 NA Intergenic CpG -5683 NM_032242 5361 Hs.432329 NM_032242 HPRD:11868 PLXNA1 NOV|NOVP|PLEXIN-A1|PLXN1 plexin A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25160 chr4 49659943 49660054 + 6.51672 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 671339 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_362 chr1 23886029 23886143 + 6.51456 NA 5' UTR (NM_002167, exon 1 of 3) 5' UTR (NM_002167, exon 1 of 3) 199 NM_002167 3399 Hs.76884 NM_002167 HPRD:02608 ID3 HEIR-1|bHLHb25 inhibitor of DNA binding 3, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32417 chr7 99963373 99963523 + 6.51456 NA intron (NR_036569, intron 17 of 17) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -7620 NM_178272 29992 Hs.444407 NM_013439 HPRD:05631 PILRA FDF03 paired immunoglobin-like type 2 receptor alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4817 chr10 94434856 94435011 + 6.50750 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -14748 NM_002729 3087 Hs.118651 NM_002729 HHEX HEX|HMPH|HOX11L-PEN|PRH|PRHX hematopoietically expressed homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37155 chrX 1355016 1355308 + 6.49593 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -23546 NM_001012288 64109 Hs.287729 NM_022148 HPRD:02288 CRLF2 CRL2|CRLF2Y|TSLPR cytokine receptor-like factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35114 chr9 23548355 23548439 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_121602, intron 14 of 27) L1PA4|LINE|L1 124000 NR_121602 101929563 Hs.533220 NR_121602 LOC101929563 - uncharacterized LOC101929563 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13992 chr17 22131656 22131722 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 109252 NM_001190452 100462977 Hs.740185 NM_001190452 ENSG00000256618 MTRNR2L1 HN1 MT-RNR2-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17163 chr19 58459154 58459267 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005773) promoter-TSS (NM_005773) -133 NM_005773 10172 Hs.596242 NM_005773 HPRD:06095 ZNF256 BMZF-3|BMZF3 zinc finger protein 256 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13146 chr16 65469376 65469447 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_027755, intron 2 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 140792 NR_027755 283867 Hs.444774 NM_001101346 ENSG00000261742 LINC00922 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 922 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10551 chr14 61524103 61524181 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_033344, intron 15 of 16) L1HS|LINE|L1 76177 NR_033344 145389 Hs.200738 NM_153811 HPRD:15382 SLC38A6 NAT-1 solute carrier family 38, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8035 chr12 48512959 48513078 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000289) promoter-TSS (NM_000289) 5 NM_000289 5213 Hs.75160 NM_000289 HPRD:01988 PFKM ATP-PFK|GSD7|PFK-1|PFK1|PFKA|PFKX|PPP1R122 phosphofructokinase, muscle protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29122 chr6 18549310 18549442 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -22639 NR_030312 693125 NR_030312 miRBase:MI0003593 MIR548A1 MIRN548A1 microRNA 548a-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3009 chr1 218184391 218184463 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -32420 NR_110794 101929631 Hs.407614 NR_110794 ENSG00000232100 LOC101929631 - uncharacterized LOC101929631 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12411 chr16 13479505 13479607 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1ME2z|LINE|L1 484079 NM_001145204 729993 Hs.130661 NM_001145204 ENSG00000237515 SHISA9 CKAMP44 shisa family member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35126 chr9 25148095 25148189 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 530714 NM_001004125 286319 Hs.26268 NM_001004125 HPRD:18247 TUSC1 TSG-9|TSG9 tumor suppressor candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1792 chr1 144186167 144186253 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 20 of 130) intron (NM_001278267, intron 20 of 130) 39399 NM_001278267 100288142 Hs.445080 NM_001278267 ENSG00000203832 NBPF20 - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26212 chr4 149897926 149898011 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -534296 NM_001166104 4306 Hs.163924 NM_000901 HPRD:02991 NR3C2 MCR|MLR|MR|NR3C2VIT nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24203 chr3 182698273 182698404 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020640) promoter-TSS (NM_020640) -12 NM_020640 54165 Hs.744153 NM_020640 DCUN1D1 DCNL1|DCUN1L1|RP42|SCCRO|SCRO|Tes3 DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2716 chr1 192654141 192654211 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 48908 NM_144766 6003 Hs.497220 NM_002927 HPRD:06222 RGS13 - regulator of G-protein signaling 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34707 chr8 138258273 138258439 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 167475 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20071 chr2 233703368 233703501 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_103492, intron 21 of 26) intron (NR_103492, intron 21 of 26) -31560 NM_206895 389084 Hs.657509 NM_206895 HPRD:15620 C2orf82 UNQ830 chromosome 2 open reading frame 82 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5876 chr11 33117191 33117264 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001326, intron 15 of 20) AluYf4|SINE|Alu 19531 NR_015451 283267 Hs.533701 NR_015451 LINC00294 NCRNA00294 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 294 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_687 chr1 37097967 37098033 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -149085 NM_156039 1441 Hs.524517 NM_000760 HPRD:00737 CSF3R CD114|GCSFR colony stimulating factor 3 receptor (granulocyte) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38190 chrX 77514506 77514609 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 68631 NM_006639 10800 Hs.733809 NM_006639 CYSLTR1 CYSLT1|CYSLT1R|CYSLTR|HMTMF81 cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34489 chr8 119989583 119989651 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -25234 NM_002546 4982 Hs.81791 NM_002546 HPRD:04032 TNFRSF11B OCIF|OPG|TR1 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32209 chr7 81095014 81095092 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 304399 NM_001010933 3082 Hs.396530 NM_000601 HPRD:00799 HGF DFNB39|F-TCF|HGFB|HPTA|SF hepatocyte growth factor (hepapoietin A; scatter factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24784 chr4 23621933 23622072 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -157276 NR_039674 100616252 NR_039674 miRBase:MI0016815 MIR548AJ2 - microRNA 548aj-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21320 chr21 31741487 31741617 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 3005 NM_181621 337959 Hs.58152 NM_181621 HPRD:11201 KRTAP13-2 KAP13-2 keratin associated protein 13-2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22973 chr3 63757909 63757975 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -47099 NR_026866 132200 Hs.506386 NM_138808 ENSG00000163632 C3orf49 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 49 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9512 chr13 48419937 48420019 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 155484 NM_003850 8803 Hs.743361 NM_003850 HPRD:06798 SUCLA2 A-BETA|MTDPS5|SCS-betaA succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37706 chrX 55346322 55346388 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -55190 NR_033460 139793 Hs.163473 NM_001017931 HPRD:18552 PAGE3 CT16.6|GAGED1|PAGE-3 P antigen family, member 3 (prostate associated) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5005 chr10 106198234 106198329 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001008723, intron 15 of 17) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 41752 NR_120624 101927523 Hs.407539 NR_120624 ENSG00000225768 LOC101927523 - uncharacterized LOC101927523 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38152 chrX 75701921 75701994 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 53911 NM_020932 57692 Hs.8453 NM_020932 HPRD:06583 MAGEE1 DAMAGE|HCA1 melanoma antigen family E, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19509 chr2 183008319 183008385 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001258312, intron 15 of 15) AluY|SINE|Alu 98438 NM_001258314 5136 Hs.191046 NM_005019 HPRD:01387 PDE1A CAM-PDE-1A|HCAM-1|HCAM1|HSPDE1A phosphodiesterase 1A, calmodulin-dependent protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38886 chrX 152127448 152127565 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001178106, intron 17 of 23) CpG 17291 NM_001178115 7739 Hs.16622 NM_007150 HPRD:02306 ZNF185 - zinc finger protein 185 (LIM domain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6682 chr11 78340925 78340994 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -55050 NM_024678 79731 Hs.503389 NM_024678 HPRD:08026 NARS2 SLM5|asnRS asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22457 chr3 23586266 23586455 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_039621, intron 2 of 2) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 210734 NR_039621 100616384 NR_039621 MIR548AC - microRNA 548ac ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21262 chr21 19969130 19969264 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_109925, intron 2 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 162933 NR_109925 101927797 Hs.551743 NR_109925 LOC101927797 - uncharacterized LOC101927797 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26782 chr5 8378941 8379007 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_039984, intron 3 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 78703 NR_039984 729506 Hs.566412 NR_039984 ENSG00000245729 LOC729506 - uncharacterized LOC729506 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18828 chr2 124014523 124014593 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -768306 NM_130773 129684 Hs.660653 NM_130773 HPRD:16732 CNTNAP5 caspr5 contactin associated protein-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24433 chr4 161356 161424 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_110528, intron 1 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 37032 NM_001289930 255403 Hs.636638 NM_001039127 ZNF718 - zinc finger protein 718 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38875 chrX 151342723 151342804 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_000808, intron 9 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -35713 NM_001204811 100533997 Hs.18048 NM_001204811 MAGEA10-MAGEA5 CT1.5 MAGEA10-MAGEA5 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20418 chr20 14218556 14218714 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_080676, intron 3 of 16) L1PA4|LINE|L1 99678 NM_198391 23767 Hs.41296 NM_013281 HPRD:05313 FLRT3 HH21 fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24249 chr3 184991551 184991739 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -9084 NM_001242317 9175 Hs.591306 NM_004721 HPRD:05372 MAP3K13 LZK|MEKK13|MLK mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27791 chr5 92484740 92484864 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 422247 NR_109825 441094 Hs.457407 NR_015369 ENSG00000237187 NR2F1-AS1 - NR2F1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12419 chr16 14781991 14782175 + 6.49319 NA exon (NM_003561, exon 3 of 4) exon (NM_003561, exon 3 of 4) 6443 NM_003561 8399 Hs.567366 NM_003561 HPRD:04674 PLA2G10 GXPLA2|GXSPLA2|SPLA2 phospholipase A2, group X protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20932 chr20 53842430 53842508 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -197112 NR_110629 102723578 Hs.446269 NR_110629 LINC01440 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1440 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15270 chr18 34610950 34611071 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_020776, intron 6 of 9) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -201831 NM_015476 25941 Hs.436636 NM_015476 HPRD:12684 TPGS2 C18orf10|L17|PGs2 tubulin polyglutamylase complex subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31955 chr7 62181713 62181783 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 582686 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14112 chr17 29511491 29511564 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001128147, intron 8 of 14) AluYf4|SINE|Alu 89582 NM_001128147 4763 Hs.113577 NM_000267 HPRD:01203 NF1 NFNS|VRNF|WSS neurofibromin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26292 chr4 157853586 157853670 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_036641, intron 1 of 6) L1PA4|LINE|L1 38918 NM_016205 56034 Hs.570855 NM_016205 PDGFC FALLOTEIN|SCDGF platelet derived growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16031 chr19 14332356 14332491 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15426 NM_014921 22859 Hs.94229 NM_014921 LPHN1 CIRL1|CL1|LEC2 latrophilin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29683 chr6 52161611 52161860 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -12056 NM_001270472 4172 Hs.179565 NM_002388 HPRD:04072 MCM3 HCC5|P1-MCM3|P1.h|RLFB minichromosome maintenance complex component 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33691 chr8 43116265 43116365 + 6.48744 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -31270 NM_001002920 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31872 chr7 61381965 61382058 + 6.47503 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1382423 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31150 chr7 1014744 1014856 + 6.47297 NA intron (NM_001031617, intron 1 of 2) CpG 435 NM_001031617 90639 Hs.121593 NM_001031617 COX19 - cytochrome c oxidase assembly homolog 19 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18270 chr2 87782831 87782947 + 6.47092 NA intron (NR_024204, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_024204, intron 3 of 3) 27915 NR_024206 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22173 chr22 50639255 50639375 + 6.46905 NA promoter-TSS (NM_031454) promoter-TSS (NM_031454) -93 NM_031454 83642 Hs.365405 NM_031454 HPRD:07449 SELO - selenoprotein O protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25147 chr4 49642581 49642657 + 6.46231 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 653960 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21621 chr22 18928007 18928210 + 6.45846 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK -4042 NM_016335 5625 Hs.517352 NM_016335 HPRD:08433 PRODH HSPOX2|PIG6|POX|PRODH1|PRODH2|TP53I6 proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31899 chr7 61676464 61676670 + 6.45716 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1087867 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2885 chr1 205410257 205410381 + 6.45574 NA intron (NR_103783, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_103783, intron 1 of 1) 7207 NR_029893 442891 NR_029893 miRBase:MI0000810 MIR135B MIRN135B microRNA 135b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37207 chrX 7506005 7506076 + 6.45206 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -304263 NM_013452 26609 Hs.567503 NM_013452 HPRD:02206 VCX VCX-10r|VCX-B1|VCX1|VCX10R|VCXB1 variable charge, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24593 chr4 6979417 6979662 + 6.45057 NA intron (NM_001113361, intron 3 of 13) SVA_D|Other|Other -9350 NM_001113363 57533 Hs.518611 NM_020773 HPRD:11623 TBC1D14 - TBC1 domain family, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20886 chr20 49548165 49548294 + 6.44168 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282531) promoter-TSS (NM_001282531) -702 NM_015339 23394 Hs.293736 NM_015339 HPRD:09793 ADNP ADNP1|MRD28 activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33580 chr8 29999262 29999459 + 6.43531 NA intron (NM_001100916, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001100916, intron 1 of 2) 2840 NM_001100916 619373 Hs.627194 NM_001100916 ENSG00000177669 MBOAT4 GOAT|OACT4 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4268 chr10 45908977 45909043 + 6.43207 NA intron (NM_001256153, intron 4 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 39386 NM_000698 240 Hs.89499 NM_000698 HPRD:01065 ALOX5 5-LO|5-LOX|5LPG|LOG5 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18505 chr2 96970845 96970991 + 6.42644 NA intron (NM_014014, intron 1 of 44) intron (NM_014014, intron 1 of 44) 389 NM_014014 23020 Hs.246112 NM_014014 HPRD:03391 SNRNP200 ASCC3L1|BRR2|HELIC2|RP33|U5-200KD small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 200kDa (U5) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25706 chr4 103422452 103422519 + 6.42644 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001165412) promoter-TSS (NM_001165412) -1 NM_003998 4790 Hs.618430 NM_003998 HPRD:01238 NFKB1 EBP-1|KBF1|NF-kB1|NF-kappa-B|NF-kappaB|NFKB-p105|NFKB-p50|NFkappaB|p105|p50 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1996 chr1 148853303 148853617 + 6.42078 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 47445 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36487 chr9 139378210 139378381 + 6.42021 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014866) promoter-TSS (NM_014866) -84 NM_001276418 9919 Hs.522500 NM_014866 ENSG00000148396 SEC16A KIAA0310|SEC16L|p250 SEC16 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19496 chr2 182028127 182028195 + 6.41991 NA Intergenic AluJb|SINE|Alu 142218 NR_039637 100616213 NR_039637 miRBase:MI0016778 MIR4437 - microRNA 4437 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36194 chr9 123666434 123666513 + 6.41374 NA 3' UTR (NM_005658, exon 8 of 8) 3' UTR (NM_005658, exon 8 of 8) -9299 NM_001286840 26147 Hs.460124 NM_015651 HPRD:17846 PHF19 MTF2L1|PCL3|TDRD19B PHD finger protein 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25815 chr4 112073798 112073871 + 6.41374 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -510555 NM_001204399 5308 Hs.643588 NM_000325 HPRD:03328 PITX2 ARP1|Brx1|IDG2|IGDS|IGDS2|IHG2|IRID2|Otlx2|PTX2|RGS|RIEG|RIEG1|RS paired-like homeodomain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36447 chr9 136238453 136238561 + 6.40768 NA intron (NM_001280791, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001280791, intron 1 of 5) 4530 NM_001280793 6836 Hs.512465 NM_033161 HPRD:01715 SURF4 ERV29 surfeit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36567 chr9_gl000199_random 11145 11232 + 6.40637 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37590 chrX 48815265 48815419 + 6.40093 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001136158) promoter-TSS (NM_001136158) 306 NM_001136159 55593 Hs.496098 NM_017602 HPRD:06488 OTUD5 DUBA OTU deubiquitinase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19937 chr2 220252570 220252654 + 6.39917 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012100) promoter-TSS (NM_012100) 50 NM_012100 23549 Hs.258551 NM_012100 HPRD:09924 DNPEP ASPEP|DAP aspartyl aminopeptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13017 chr16 50756086 50756281 + 6.38486 NA intron (NM_001293557, intron 6 of 10) L3|LINE|CR1 -19778 NM_001042355 1540 Hs.578973 NM_015247 HPRD:05427 CYLD BRSS|CDMT|CYLD1|CYLDI|EAC|MFT|MFT1|SBS|TEM|USPL2 cylindromatosis (turban tumor syndrome) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9463 chr13 44926451 44926550 + 6.38468 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -21478 NM_001010897 387923 Hs.377972 NM_001010897 HPRD:16590 SERP2 C13orf21|bA269C23.1 stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32189 chr7 77959758 77959831 + 6.38468 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 9 of 20) AluYf4|SINE|Alu -16765 NR_003680 399670 Hs.568045 NR_003680 HPRD:14588 RPL13AP17 RPL13A_6_816 ribosomal protein L13a pseudogene 17 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32484 chr7 102988018 102988102 + 6.36820 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002803) promoter-TSS (NM_002803) 89 NM_001204453 5701 Hs.437366 NM_002803 HPRD:01105 PSMC2 MSS1|Nbla10058|S7 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13022 chr16 51286357 51286455 + 6.36231 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -101223 NM_002968 6299 Hs.135787 NM_002968 HPRD:03742 SALL1 HEL-S-89|HSAL1|Sal-1|TBS|ZNF794 spalt-like transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_332 chr1 21766501 21766653 + 6.36231 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032264) promoter-TSS (NM_032264) -6 NR_046176 84224 Hs.325422 NM_032264 HPRD:10633 NBPF3 AE2 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20525 chr20 25694499 25694627 + 6.35891 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -17023 NM_015655 26152 Hs.61881 NM_015655 HPRD:15779 ZNF337 - zinc finger protein 337 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32353 chr7 97409344 97409475 + 6.35891 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 48138 NM_013998 6863 Hs.2563 NM_003182 HPRD:08876 TAC1 Hs.2563|NK2|NKNA|NPK|TAC2 tachykinin, precursor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16202 chr19 18942587 18942660 + 6.35891 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002911) promoter-TSS (NM_002911) -121 NM_001297549 5976 Hs.515266 NM_002911 HPRD:03254 UPF1 HUPF1|NORF1|RENT1|pNORF1|smg-2 UPF1 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1383 chr1 100435467 100435539 + 6.35891 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001271685) promoter-TSS (NM_001271685) 158 NM_001271684 23443 Hs.448979 NM_012243 HPRD:10413 SLC35A3 AMRS solute carrier family 35 (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) transporter), member A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7103 chr11 119600109 119600202 + 6.35511 NA promoter-TSS (NR_120587) promoter-TSS (NR_120587) -138 NR_120587 102724301 Hs.637640 NR_120587 LOC102724301 - uncharacterized LOC102724301 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23059 chr3 69376142 69376215 + 6.35511 NA intron (NM_015123, intron 1 of 22) intron (NM_015123, intron 1 of 22) 59277 NM_015123 23150 Hs.371681 NM_015123 ENSG00000114541 FRMD4B 6030440G05Rik|GRSP1 FERM domain containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26120 chr4 142141971 142142262 + 6.35165 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001292002) promoter-TSS (NM_001292002) 75 NM_014487 27309 Hs.120766 NM_014487 HPRD:15775 ZNF330 HSA6591|NOA36 zinc finger protein 330 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11823 chr15 74677531 74677648 + 6.34908 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17508 NM_000781 1583 Hs.303980 NM_000781 HPRD:00326 CYP11A1 CYP11A|CYPXIA1|P450SCC cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13486 chr16 88717453 88717656 + 6.34748 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000101) promoter-TSS (NM_000101) -62 NM_000101 1535 Hs.513803 NM_000101 HPRD:01989 CYBA p22-PHOX cytochrome b-245, alpha polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4526 chr10 70939645 70939734 + 6.34046 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003171) promoter-TSS (NM_003171) -304 NM_003171 6832 Hs.106469 NM_003171 HPRD:05493 SUPV3L1 SUV3 suppressor of var1, 3-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12827 chr16 33803604 33803670 + 6.33512 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 158866 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27562 chr5 73927522 73927682 + 6.33395 NA intron (NR_046318, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_046318, intron 1 of 1) -8246 NM_001292004 3074 Hs.69293 NM_000521 HPRD:06043 HEXB ENC-1AS|HEL-248 hexosaminidase B (beta polypeptide) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16887 chr19 48824610 48824767 + 6.31967 NA Intergenic CpG -1356 NM_144577 93233 Hs.112645 NM_144577 HPRD:08149 CCDC114 CILD20 coiled-coil domain containing 114 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25281 chr4 60384842 60385164 + 6.31540 NA Intergenic CT-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -1977836 NM_015236 23284 Hs.28391 NM_015236 HPRD:10055 LPHN3 CIRL3|LEC3 latrophilin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1917 chr1 147575306 147575516 + 6.30733 NA non-coding (NR_046188, exon 25 of 25) non-coding (NR_046188, exon 25 of 25) 32681 NM_001101663 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14282 chr17 39360954 39361020 + 6.29569 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 14848 NM_001190460 728318 Hs.727478 NM_001190460 ENSG00000240542 KRTAP9-1 KAP9.1|KRTAP9L3 keratin associated protein 9-1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21524 chr21 47344270 47344618 + 6.29539 NA intron (NM_001130141, intron 8 of 12) CpG -48440 NR_109931 101928796 Hs.130919 NR_109931 LOC101928796 - uncharacterized LOC101928796 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1864 chr1 146033525 146033735 + 6.29529 NA non-coding (NR_046188, exon 25 of 25).2 non-coding (NR_046188, exon 25 of 25).2 32626 NM_001101663 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1737 chr1 142890990 142891067 + 6.28874 NA Intergenic CpG -177423 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39119 chrY 13333156 13333257 + 6.28782 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1200183 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1351 chr1 97187770 97187839 + 6.28782 NA promoter-TSS (NR_125356) promoter-TSS (NR_125356) -390 NR_125356 58155 Hs.596061 NM_021190 HPRD:12233 PTBP2 PTBLP|brPTB|nPTB polypyrimidine tract binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16010 chr19 13278622 13278688 + 6.28782 NA Intergenic Intergenic 17373 NM_004907 9592 Hs.501629 NM_004907 HPRD:09997 IER2 ETR101 immediate early response 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2560 chr1 179050995 179051166 + 6.28550 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022371) promoter-TSS (NM_022371) -32 NM_022371 64222 Hs.584957 NM_022371 TOR3A ADIR|ADIR2 torsin family 3, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34846 chr8 145159801 145159870 + 6.28105 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030974) promoter-TSS (NM_030974) 530 NM_032272 84232 Hs.19673 NM_032272 HPRD:14345 MAF1 - MAF1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12770 chr16 32838999 32839129 + 6.27860 NA Intergenic Intergenic 57399 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20268 chr20 305082 305231 + 6.27717 NA intron (NR_109990, intron 1 of 2) CpG 740 NR_109990 100507459 Hs.659689 NR_109990 NRSN2-AS1 - NRSN2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34705 chr8 137205963 137206126 + 6.27540 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 736328 NM_006558 10656 Hs.444558 NM_006558 HPRD:10007 KHDRBS3 Etle|SALP|SLM-2|SLM2|T-STAR|TSTAR|etoile KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35120 chr9 24578183 24578351 + 6.27272 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -32593 NM_001271706 100129669 Hs.573530 NM_001271706 ENSG00000205442 IZUMO3 C9orf134|bA20A20.1 IZUMO family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26815 chr5 14595549 14595690 + 6.26892 NA intron (NM_019018, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_019018, intron 1 of 7) 13728 NM_019018 54491 Hs.155085 NM_019018 FAM105A NET20 family with sequence similarity 105, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7458 chr12 9803389 9803644 + 6.25731 NA intron (NR_002814, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_002814, intron 1 of 3) 2873 NR_046446 374443 Hs.569124 NR_002814 ENSG00000256594 LOC374443 - C-type lectin domain family 2, member D pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8824 chr12 109592476 109592576 + 6.25571 NA intron (NM_001093, intron 1 of 51) CpG 15324 NM_001093 32 Hs.234898 NM_001093 HPRD:07044 ACACB ACC2|ACCB|HACC275 acetyl-CoA carboxylase beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6428 chr11 65487999 65488077 + 6.25571 NA TTS (NM_001206833) TTS (NM_001206833) 371 NM_032193 84153 Hs.718438 NM_032193 HPRD:16531 RNASEH2C AGS3|AYP1 ribonuclease H2, subunit C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22356 chr3 14988730 14988829 + 6.25471 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003298) promoter-TSS (NM_003298) 233 NR_046254 100505641 Hs.517821 NR_046251 ENSG00000225733 FGD5-AS1 - FGD5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1660 chr1 121354815 121354907 + 6.25204 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 93951 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_489 chr1 28195705 28195826 + 6.25093 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3289 NM_004848 9473 Hs.10649 NM_004848 HPRD:12728 THEMIS2 C1orf38|ICB-1 thymocyte selection associated family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6393 chr11 64781463 64781588 + 6.25093 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199745) promoter-TSS (NM_001199745) -60 NM_001667 402 Hs.502836 NM_001667 HPRD:11869 ARL2 ARFL2 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13545 chr16 90038923 90039061 + 6.23601 NA promoter-TSS (NR_003226) promoter-TSS (NR_003226) 4 NR_003228 172 Hs.534773 NM_001132 HPRD:04315 AFG3L1P AFG3|AFG3L1 AFG3-like AAA ATPase 1, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14952 chr18 812836 813005 + 6.23522 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005433) promoter-TSS (NM_005433) -593 NM_005433 7525 Hs.194148 NM_005433 HPRD:01285 YES1 HsT441|P61-YES|Yes|c-yes YES proto-oncogene 1, Src family tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23876 chr3 149470295 149470598 + 6.23301 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016094) promoter-TSS (NM_016094) -160 NM_016094 51122 Hs.432729 NM_016094 HPRD:13081 COMMD2 - COMM domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25050 chr4 49143844 49143946 + 6.21616 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 155236 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31908 chr7 61787657 61787805 + 6.21553 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 976703 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1167 chr1 79480572 79480642 + 6.20844 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -8112 NM_022159 64123 Hs.132314 NM_022159 ENSG00000162618 ELTD1 ETL|KPG_003 EGF, latrophilin and seven transmembrane domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27990 chr5 110075072 110075142 + 6.20727 NA intron (NM_138773, intron 1 of 7) CpG 353 NM_138773 91137 Hs.75639 NM_138773 HPRD:14283 SLC25A46 - solute carrier family 25, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18075 chr2 73181140 73181248 + 6.19720 NA intron (NM_144579, intron 13 of 13) intron (NM_144579, intron 13 of 13) 36590 NM_004097 2016 Hs.516090 NM_004097 HPRD:08963 EMX1 - empty spiracles homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15374 chr18 47578481 47578618 + 6.18681 NA intron (NM_001080467, intron 2 of 39) L1PA3|LINE|L1 74384 NR_036204 100422865 NR_036204 MIR4320 - microRNA 4320 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34620 chr8 129729006 129729077 + 6.17963 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -152116 NR_121673 101927774 Hs.628730 NR_121672 ENSG00000254275 LINC00824 LINC01263 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 824 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35864 chr9 92219736 92219916 + 6.17782 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006705) promoter-TSS (NM_006705) -101 NM_006705 10912 Hs.9701 NM_006705 HPRD:05383 GADD45G CR6|DDIT2|GADD45gamma|GRP17 growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16036 chr19 14480666 14480816 + 6.17717 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11215 NM_078481 976 Hs.466039 NM_001784 HPRD:03130 CD97 TM7LN1 CD97 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4500 chr10 69372882 69373159 + 6.16525 NA intron (NM_001291133, intron 3 of 8) L2c|LINE|L2 52423 NM_001127384 29119 Hs.21375 NM_013266 HPRD:09639 CTNNA3 ARVD13|VR22 catenin (cadherin-associated protein), alpha 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24391 chr3 196439125 196439304 + 6.16215 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166304) promoter-TSS (NM_001166304) -31 NM_017861 54965 Hs.223296 NM_017861 HPRD:07921 PIGX PIG-X phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class X protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37079 chrUn_gl000232 37074 37149 + 6.15601 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16877 chr19 48457939 48458045 + 6.15213 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024217).2 promoter-TSS (NR_024217).2 -947 NR_024220 100170225 Hs.717052 NR_024220 SNAR-C1 - small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA C1 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2935 chr1 208035234 208035415 + 6.14442 NA Intergenic Intergenic 43600 NR_026817 148696 Hs.125511 NM_001039568 LOC148696 - uncharacterized LOC148696 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28074 chr5 118457626 118458031 + 6.13900 NA intron (NM_001290322, intron 9 of 42) SVA_D|Other|Other 50744 NM_001290321 1657 Hs.181042 NM_005509 HPRD:09294 DMXL1 - Dmx-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5984 chr11 44117146 44117256 + 6.13900 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000401) promoter-TSS (NM_000401) 102 NM_207122 2132 Hs.368404 NM_000401 HPRD:00599 EXT2 SOTV exostosin glycosyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18696 chr2 111604737 111604923 + 6.13900 NA intron (NM_001142807, intron 10 of 17) intron (NM_001142807, intron 10 of 17) 114680 NM_001142807 55289 Hs.253320 NM_018308 HPRD:12418 ACOXL - acyl-CoA oxidase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26672 chr4_gl000193_random 91178 91378 + 6.13783 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -2903 NR_038377 441058 Hs.130535 NR_038377 MGC39584 - uncharacterized LOC441058 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21006 chr20 61557899 61557992 + 6.12686 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001193369) promoter-TSS (NM_001193369) -42 NM_001193370 11083 Hs.517172 NM_022105 HPRD:10363 DIDO1 BYE1|C20orf158|DATF-1|DATF1|DIDO2|DIDO3|DIO-1|DIO1|dJ885L7.8 death inducer-obliterator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19729 chr2 203240769 203240926 + 6.12288 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001204) promoter-TSS (NM_001204) -203 NM_001204 659 Hs.471119 NM_001204 HPRD:02880 BMPR2 BMPR-II|BMPR3|BMR2|BRK-3|POVD1|PPH1|T-ALK bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type II (serine/threonine kinase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36149 chr9 116341390 116341651 + 6.12288 NA intron (NM_134427, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_134427, intron 1 of 4) -1637 NM_001282922 5998 Hs.494875 NM_017790 HPRD:03720 RGS3 C2PA|RGP3 regulator of G-protein signaling 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28955 chr6 4060267 4060346 + 6.12275 NA intron (NM_003913, intron 14 of 14) intron (NM_003913, intron 14 of 14) -19134 NM_001085401 404220 Hs.716731 NM_206834 HPRD:12872 C6orf201 dJ1013A10.5 chromosome 6 open reading frame 201 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22004 chr22 39898250 39898390 + 6.12018 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019008) promoter-TSS (NM_019008) 36 NM_019008 54471 Hs.728085 NM_019008 HPRD:13371 MIEF1 HSU79252|MID51|SMCR7L|dJ1104E15.3 mitochondrial elongation factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7080 chr11 118827411 118827479 + 6.12018 NA intron (NM_006760, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_006760, intron 1 of 4) 437 NM_006760 7379 Hs.379613 NM_006760 HPRD:10295 UPK2 UP2|UPII uroplakin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28583 chr5 153764805 153764915 + 6.10961 NA intron (NM_198321, intron 6 of 11) intron (NM_198321, intron 6 of 11) 60522 NR_037897 386627 Hs.652021 NR_037897 SAP30L-AS1 GALNT10-AS1 SAP30L antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4036 chr10 38869122 38869261 + 6.10665 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -120536 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36410 chr9 134186341 134186487 + 6.10117 NA Intergenic Intergenic 21333 NM_032728 84814 Hs.134292 NM_032728 HPRD:12972 PPAPDC3 C9orf67|NET39 phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2 domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12579 chr16 28351820 28352058 + 6.09210 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 22242 NM_001282524 728741 Hs.726467 NM_001282524 ENSG00000198156 NPIPB6 NPIPB nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member B6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4579 chr10 74130337 74130405 + 6.07536 NA intron (NM_001195518, intron 11 of 11) L1ME3A|LINE|L1 -15464 NM_017626 54788 Hs.500013 NM_017626 HPRD:07086 DNAJB12 DJ10 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18368 chr2 91598661 91598871 + 6.06344 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 249209 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30274 chr6 109777047 109777157 + 6.06336 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001159291) promoter-TSS (NM_001159291) 88 NM_022765 64780 Hs.33476 NM_022765 HPRD:06183 MICAL1 MICAL|MICAL-1|NICAL microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18787 chr2 118541284 118541358 + 6.06295 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -30934 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16151 chr19 17445635 17445752 + 6.05957 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195422) promoter-TSS (NM_001195422) -55 NM_020959 57719 Hs.590990 NM_020959 HPRD:17223 ANO8 KIAA1623|TMEM16H anoctamin 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38222 chrX 80847322 80847419 + 6.05953 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -389929 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18788 chr2 118546495 118546629 + 6.05953 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -25693 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9167 chr13 19297158 19297229 + 6.05953 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 17046 NR_047508 100874164 Hs.739604 NR_047508 LINC00417 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28920 chr6 2070286 2070359 + 6.05953 NA intron (NM_001500, intron 4 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 105903 NM_001253846 2762 Hs.144496 NM_001500 HPRD:11925 GMDS GMD|SDR3E1 GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7552 chr12 14783192 14783288 + 6.05953 NA intron (NM_004963, intron 19 of 26) intron (NM_004963, intron 19 of 26) -62449 NM_024829 79887 Hs.131933 NM_024829 PLBD1 - phospholipase B domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15313 chr18 42971417 42971544 + 6.05953 NA intron (NM_001242692, intron 1 of 20) L1PA4|LINE|L1 115521 NR_110899 101927980 Hs.591058 NR_110899 SLC14A2-AS1 - SLC14A2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18627 chr2 105990440 105990508 + 6.05830 NA intron (NM_201557, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_201557, intron 2 of 5) 25101 NM_001039492 2274 Hs.443687 NM_001450 HPRD:04026 FHL2 AAG11|DRAL|FHL-2|SLIM-3|SLIM3 four and a half LIM domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35521 chr9 68447560 68447662 + 6.04819 NA intron (NR_033907, intron 2 of 8) intron (NR_033907, intron 2 of 8) 6764 NR_033907 642236 Hs.529357 NR_033907 LOC642236 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14261 chr17 38296403 38296524 + 6.04386 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007359) promoter-TSS (NM_007359) -44 NM_007359 22794 Hs.743287 NM_007359 HPRD:16225 CASC3 BTZ|MLN51 cancer susceptibility candidate 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22732 chr3 46988777 46988968 + 6.04386 NA intron (NM_001277074, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001277074, intron 1 of 6) 29119 NR_102269 151903 Hs.631918 NM_144716 HPRD:13007 CCDC12 - coiled-coil domain containing 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28081 chr5 118664581 118664824 + 6.04231 NA intron (NM_001286815, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_001286815, intron 2 of 2) -4168 NM_001286814 25816 Hs.618488 NM_014350 TNFAIP8 GG2-1|MDC-3.13|NDED|SCC-S2|SCCS2 tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16686 chr19 41686017 41686320 + 6.04087 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -12947 NM_030622 29785 Hs.98370 NM_030622 HPRD:07481 CYP2S1 - cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily S, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29041 chr6 13487847 13487986 + 6.04087 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018988) promoter-TSS (NM_018988) -47 NM_001242629 54438 Hs.484686 NM_018988 HPRD:13574 GFOD1 ADG-90|C6orf114 glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14413 chr17 45266504 45266606 + 6.04087 NA 5' UTR (NM_001293091, exon 1 of 18) 5' UTR (NM_001293091, exon 1 of 18) 123 NM_001293091 996 Hs.463295 NM_001256 HPRD:00304 CDC27 ANAPC3|APC3|CDC27Hs|D0S1430E|D17S978E|H-NUC|HNUC|NUC2 cell division cycle 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16415 chr19 30391426 30391501 + 6.03985 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -23088 NM_001252641 8725 Hs.466391 NM_003796 HPRD:11943 URI1 C19orf2|NNX3|PPP1R19|RMP|URI URI1, prefoldin-like chaperone protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5512 chr11 4039569 4039636 + 6.03858 NA intron (NM_001277962, intron 2 of 12) AluYb8|SINE|Alu -76322 NM_001033 6240 Hs.445705 NM_001033 HPRD:01588 RRM1 R1|RIR1|RR1 ribonucleotide reductase M1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9158 chr12 133839478 133839619 + 6.03858 NA Intergenic MER72|LTR|ERV1 -27126 NM_001191054 647589 Hs.703008 NM_001191054 ENSG00000227059 ANHX - anomalous homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19502 chr2 182258892 182259165 + 6.02072 NA Intergenic Intergenic -62591 NM_000885 3676 Hs.440955 NM_000885 HPRD:01894 ITGA4 CD49D|IA4 integrin, alpha 4 (antigen CD49D, alpha 4 subunit of VLA-4 receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6125 chr11 50758202 50758408 + 6.02051 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 389987 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29184 chr6 25027527 25027708 + 6.01777 NA intron (NM_001286446, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_001286446, intron 1 of 13) 14779 NM_001286446 9750 Hs.559459 NM_014722 HPRD:12881 FAM65B C6orf32|DIFF40|DIFF48|MYONAP|PL48 family with sequence similarity 65, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33818 chr8 49375320 49375386 + 6.01777 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -88774 NR_105002 101929268 Hs.683934 NR_105002 ENSG00000253608 LOC101929268 - uncharacterized LOC101929268 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13653 chr17 2718498 2718605 + 6.01777 NA intron (NM_015085, intron 2 of 24) intron (NM_015085, intron 2 of 24) 18819 NM_001100398 23108 Hs.499659 NM_015085 HPRD:17028 RAP1GAP2 GARNL4|RAP1GA3 RAP1 GTPase activating protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35508 chr9 68377249 68377384 + 6.01439 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 77059 NR_033907 642236 Hs.529357 NR_033907 LOC642236 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12567 chr16 27379384 27379539 + 6.01264 NA Intergenic Intergenic -34022 NM_181079 50615 Hs.210546 NM_021798 IL21R CD360|NILR interleukin 21 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35505 chr9 68315886 68315971 + 6.00704 NA Intergenic Intergenic 138447 NR_033907 642236 Hs.529357 NR_033907 LOC642236 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32480 chr7 102887604 102887680 + 6.00669 NA intron (NR_003561, intron 9 of 20) L1PA5|LINE|L1 33117 NR_003561 349152 Hs.732579 NM_182634 HPRD:08772 DPY19L2P2 - DPY19L2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31859 chr7 61255233 61255325 + 6.00533 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1509155 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3596 chr10 6187001 6187098 + 5.99695 NA intron (NM_001145443, intron 1 of 14) CpG 206 NM_001145443 5209 Hs.195471 NM_004566 HPRD:05612 PFKFB3 IPFK2|PFK2 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14463 chr17 47295590 47295689 + 5.98981 NA intron (NM_001135186, intron 3 of 7) intron (NM_001135186, intron 3 of 7) -7703 NM_001198754 2793 Hs.181781 NM_031498 HPRD:06792 GNGT2 G-GAMMA-8|G-GAMMA-C|GNG8|GNG9|GNGT8 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma transducing activity polypeptide 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30207 chr6 106534068 106534242 + 5.98981 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001198) promoter-TSS (NM_001198) -40 NM_001198 639 Hs.436023 NM_001198 HPRD:04572 PRDM1 BLIMP1|PRDI-BF1 PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17753 chr2 43775547 43775676 + 5.98981 NA intron (NM_022065, intron 20 of 37) L1PA3|LINE|L1 47502 NM_001083953 63892 Hs.369592 NM_022065 HPRD:18177 THADA GITA thyroid adenoma associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11709 chr15 64915184 64915285 + 5.98825 NA exon (NM_015042, exon 2 of 9) exon (NM_015042, exon 2 of 9) 80246 NM_001301302 4947 Hs.744924 NM_002537 HPRD:11966 OAZ2 AZ2 ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28009 chr5 111323406 111323472 + 5.97633 NA intron (NR_046678, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -10811 NM_001142475 9315 Hs.36053 NM_004772 HPRD:09545 NREP C5orf13|D4S114|P311|PRO1873|PTZ17|SEZ17 neuronal regeneration related protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25984 chr4 124145747 124145885 + 5.97633 NA intron (NM_145207, intron 14 of 15) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -172134 NM_199327 10252 Hs.744854 NM_005841 HPRD:06782 SPRY1 hSPRY1 sprouty homolog 1, antagonist of FGF signaling (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8189 chr12 55935401 55935476 + 5.97633 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -9573 NM_001005494 341418 Hs.495021 NM_001005494 HPRD:17774 OR6C4 OR12-10 olfactory receptor, family 6, subfamily C, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29877 chr6 74550496 74550602 + 5.96957 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -144695 NR_110889 101928489 Hs.660059 NR_110889 LOC101928489 - uncharacterized LOC101928489 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_216 chr1 12103652 12103750 + 5.96957 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 14486 NR_106787 102466982 NR_106787 MIR6729 hsa-mir-6729 microRNA 6729 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11287 chr15 31093123 31093204 + 5.96583 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17076 NR_072991 390561 Hs.721293 NR_072991 HERC2P10 - hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 10 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36419 chr9 134543847 134543977 + 5.96293 NA intron (NM_005312, intron 1 of 23) MIR|SINE|MIR 41317 NM_198679 2889 Hs.127897 NM_005312 HPRD:02627 RAPGEF1 C3G|GRF2 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25717 chr4 103748298 103748371 + 5.95914 NA promoter-TSS (NM_181892) promoter-TSS (NM_181892) 6 NM_181892 7323 Hs.518773 NM_003340 HPRD:04269 UBE2D3 E2(17)KB3|UBC4/5|UBCH5C ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14141 chr17 31249136 31249204 + 5.95574 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -5758 NM_015544 26022 Hs.3447 NM_015544 HPRD:13171 TMEM98 - transmembrane protein 98 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6034 chr11 47956109 47956375 + 5.95574 NA Intergenic Intergenic -45868 NM_001098503 5795 Hs.318547 NM_002843 HPRD:02955 PTPRJ CD148|DEP1|HPTPeta|R-PTP-ETA|SCC1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36290 chr9 130213133 130213231 + 5.94878 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001005373) promoter-TSS (NM_001005373) 529 NM_000976 6136 Hs.408054 NM_000976 HPRD:01603 RPL12 L12 ribosomal protein L12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21082 chr21 9773350 9773506 + 5.94862 NA Intergenic Intergenic -52404 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23445 chr3 112361897 112362066 + 5.93887 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1991 NM_199511 151887 Hs.477128 NM_199511 HPRD:10508 CCDC80 DRO1|SSG1|URB|okuribin coiled-coil domain containing 80 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_56 chr1 1447382 1447530 + 5.93480 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001170536) promoter-TSS (NM_001170536) -67 NM_018188 55210 Hs.23413 NM_018188 HPRD:12500 ATAD3A - ATPase family, AAA domain containing 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32409 chr7 99819068 99819198 + 5.93445 NA TTS (NM_024070) TTS (NM_024070) 2262 NM_024070 79037 Hs.729356 NM_024070 ENSG00000213413 PVRIG C7orf15 poliovirus receptor related immunoglobulin domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_209 chr1 11866445 11866514 + 5.93445 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005957) promoter-TSS (NM_005957) -319 NM_005957 4524 Hs.214142 NM_005957 HPRD:06158 MTHFR - methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NAD(P)H) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36884 chrUn_gl000224 12691 12801 + 5.93113 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19006 chr2 135586914 135586980 + 5.91471 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -9239 NM_138326 130013 Hs.655728 NM_138326 HPRD:12326 ACMSD - aminocarboxymuconate semialdehyde decarboxylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15089 chr18 13464909 13465078 + 5.91471 NA intron (NM_181482, intron 4 of 5) intron (NM_181482, intron 4 of 5) 5047 NR_049822 100847080 NR_049822 MIR5190 - microRNA 5190 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38412 chrX 103401546 103401712 + 5.91471 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001012755) promoter-TSS (NM_001012755) 79 NM_001012755 401612 Hs.660022 NM_001012755 HPRD:18628 SLC25A53 MCART6 solute carrier family 25, member 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11758 chr15 68427322 68427450 + 5.91414 NA intron (NM_016166, intron 2 of 13) SVA_F|Other|Other 71062 NR_104583 91860 Hs.709550 NM_033429 CALML4 NY-BR-20 calmodulin-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28804 chr5 176881576 176881765 + 5.90731 NA intron (NM_030567, intron 2 of 3) CpG 6344 NM_001174102 80758 Hs.534492 NM_030567 HPRD:15186 PRR7 - proline rich 7 (synaptic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26010 chr4 128512347 128512436 + 5.90407 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -41696 NM_015693 27152 Hs.391481 NM_015693 INTU INT|PDZD6|PDZK6 inturned planar cell polarity protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20565 chr20 29518719 29518800 + 5.89155 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -93120 NR_003579 284802 Hs.653099 NM_207350 HPRD:17570 FRG1B C20orf80|bA348I14.2 FSHD region gene 1 family, member B pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24353 chr3 195277212 195277288 + 5.88870 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7026 NM_006241 5504 Hs.535731 NM_006241 HPRD:03478 PPP1R2 IPP-2|IPP2 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19041 chr2 137139782 137140034 + 5.88870 NA Intergenic Intergenic -264183 NM_003467 7852 Hs.593413 NM_003467 HPRD:01217 CXCR4 CD184|D2S201E|FB22|HM89|HSY3RR|LAP-3|LAP3|LCR1|LESTR|NPY3R|NPYR|NPYRL|NPYY3R|WHIM chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31897 chr7 61675291 61675401 + 5.88186 NA Intergenic L1MCa|LINE|L1 1089088 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17916 chr2 61181358 61181460 + 5.87406 NA intron (NM_144709, intron 12 of 17) intron (NM_144709, intron 12 of 17) -63403 NM_002618 5194 Hs.161377 NM_002618 HPRD:03475 PEX13 NALD|PBD11A|PBD11B|ZWS peroxisomal biogenesis factor 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38640 chrX 127820647 127820728 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -634305 NM_138289 139741 Hs.680125 NM_138289 HPRD:06439 ACTRT1 AIP1|ARIP1|ARPT1|HSD27 actin-related protein T1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18403 chr2 92045723 92045843 + 5.87340 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 82415 NR_003503 645367 Hs.650223 NR_003503 GGT8P GGT1P1 gamma-glutamyltransferase 8 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29150 chr6 21797568 21797760 + 5.85891 NA intron (NR_015410, intron 3 of 11) intron (NR_015410, intron 3 of 11) 130989 NR_015410 401237 Hs.712707 NR_015410 ENSG00000272168 CASC15 LINC00340 cancer susceptibility candidate 15 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33608 chr8 35886877 35886953 + 5.85407 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -754927 NM_001031836 157855 Hs.13861 NM_001031836 ENSG00000215262 KCNU1 KCNMC1|KCa5|KCa5.1|Kcnma3|Slo3 potassium channel, subfamily U, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34569 chr8 125487404 125487534 + 5.84916 NA promoter-TSS (NR_108048) promoter-TSS (NR_108048) 461 NM_007218 11236 Hs.744151 NM_007218 RNF139 HRCA1|RCA1|TRC8 ring finger protein 139 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22699 chr3 44481183 44481544 + 5.84090 NA 3' UTR (NM_181489, exon 8 of 8) 3' UTR (NM_181489, exon 8 of 8) 37799 NM_181489 353274 Hs.250481 NM_181489 HPRD:11719 ZNF445 ZKSCAN15|ZNF168|ZSCAN47 zinc finger protein 445 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29267 chr6 27453031 27453140 + 5.84090 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -12188 NM_007149 7738 Hs.158174 NM_007149 HPRD:03785 ZNF184 - zinc finger protein 184 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1501 chr1 110282936 110283072 + 5.83403 NA non-coding (NR_024537, exon 2 of 8) non-coding (NR_024537, exon 2 of 8) 656 NR_024537 2947 Hs.2006 NM_000849 HPRD:00712 GSTM3 GST5|GSTB|GSTM3-3|GTM3 glutathione S-transferase mu 3 (brain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24462 chr4 1161495 1161588 + 5.82770 NA intron (NM_001128325, intron 6 of 6) CpG 5116 NM_012445 10417 Hs.302963 NM_012445 HPRD:16174 SPON2 DIL-1|DIL1|M-SPONDIN|MINDIN spondin 2, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20346 chr20 3887825 3887892 + 5.82281 NA intron (NM_153640, intron 1 of 6) AluSx|SINE|Alu -10283 NR_029519 406896 NR_029519 MIR103A2 MIR103-2|MIRN103-2 microRNA 103a-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32811 chr7 138770175 138770390 + 5.82261 NA intron (NM_024625, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_024625, intron 2 of 8) 24183 NM_020119 56829 Hs.133512 NM_020119 HPRD:09534 ZC3HAV1 ARTD13|FLB6421|PARP13|ZAP|ZC3H2|ZC3HDC2 zinc finger CCCH-type, antiviral 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22016 chr22 40720612 40720768 + 5.81393 NA 3' UTR (NM_001162501, exon 23 of 23) 3' UTR (NM_001162501, exon 23 of 23) -21814 NM_001123378 158 Hs.75527 NM_000026 HPRD:00049 ADSL AMPS|ASASE|ASL adenylosuccinate lyase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36872 chrUn_gl000223 149679 149781 + 5.81393 NA Intergenic CpG -30000 NM_001256280 7574 Hs.489608 NM_019591 HPRD:01922 ZNF26 HEL-179|KOX20 zinc finger protein 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16706 chr19 42636613 42636696 + 5.81393 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038332) promoter-TSS (NR_038332) -29 NM_001247994 5452 Hs.147381 NM_002698 HPRD:01251 POU2F2 OCT2|OTF2|Oct-2 POU class 2 homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12973 chr16 47034450 47034516 + 5.80514 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -26858 NM_005880 10294 Hs.368078 NM_005880 HPRD:07105 DNAJA2 CPR3|DJ3|DJA2|DNAJ|DNJ3|HIRIP4|PRO3015|RDJ2 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25218-2 chr4 57624032 57624486 + 5.79756 NA Intergenic Intergenic 63380 NR_073417 6691 Hs.98243 NM_021114 HPRD:10422 SPINK2 HUSI-II serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 2 (acrosin-trypsin inhibitor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25218 chr4 57624032 57624486 + 5.79756 NA Intergenic Intergenic 63380 NR_073417 6691 Hs.98243 NM_021114 HPRD:10422 SPINK2 HUSI-II serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 2 (acrosin-trypsin inhibitor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37814 chrX 61714875 61715042 + 5.79571 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 856260 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10672 chr14 70370497 70370563 + 5.79410 NA intron (NM_001034852, intron 1 of 11) SVA_C|Other|Other 24416 NM_022137 64093 Hs.497349 NM_022137 HPRD:12244 SMOC1 OAS SPARC related modular calcium binding 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35546 chr9 69057003 69057233 + 5.78853 NA Intergenic MSTA|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 90736 NR_002836 595135 Hs.571593 NR_002836 ENSG00000227558 PGM5P2 - phosphoglucomutase 5 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27843 chr5 96152137 96152361 + 5.78728 NA Intergenic LTR77|LTR|ERV1 -2401 NM_001198541 51752 Hs.666524 NM_016442 HPRD:06015 ERAP1 A-LAP|ALAP|APPILS|ARTS-1|ARTS1|ERAAP|ERAAP1|PILS-AP|PILSAP endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20569 chr20 29584394 29584478 + 5.78354 NA Intergenic AluJr|SINE|Alu -27443 NR_003579 284802 Hs.653099 NM_207350 HPRD:17570 FRG1B C20orf80|bA348I14.2 FSHD region gene 1 family, member B pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_500 chr1 28582875 28582962 + 5.78272 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3045 NM_031459 83667 Hs.469543 NM_031459 HPRD:06378 SESN2 HI95|SES2|SEST2 sestrin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8059 chr12 49524447 49524575 + 5.77942 NA intron (NM_006082, intron 1 of 3) CpG 793 NM_006082 10376 Hs.524390 NM_006082 HPRD:03960 TUBA1B K-ALPHA-1 tubulin, alpha 1b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6005 chr11 46370736 46370846 + 5.77763 NA intron (NM_001199268, intron 1 of 29) intron (NM_001199268, intron 1 of 29) 1835 NM_001199266 8525 Hs.502461 NM_003646 HPRD:03260 DGKZ DAGK5|DAGK6|DGK-ZETA|hDGKzeta diacylglycerol kinase, zeta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11732 chr15 65822763 65822874 + 5.77438 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016395) promoter-TSS (NM_016395) -9 NM_016395 51495 Hs.512973 NM_016395 HPRD:11037 PTPLAD1 B-IND1|BIND1|HACD3|HSPC121 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29227 chr6 26421536 26421619 + 5.76935 NA promoter-TSS (NR_027795) promoter-TSS (NR_027795) -42 NR_027795 54718 Hs.729655 NM_024018 HPRD:12546 BTN2A3P BTN2.3|BTN2A3 butyrophilin, subfamily 2, member A3, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37549 chrX 47221156 47221275 + 5.76782 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8784 NM_003446 7712 Hs.89897 NM_003446 ZNF157 HZF22 zinc finger protein 157 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36454 chr9 136547871 136548004 + 5.76782 NA intron (NM_007101, intron 17 of 20) intron (NM_007101, intron 17 of 20) -25407 NR_102735 138948 Hs.223858 NR_002783 ENSG00000225756 DBH-AS1 NCRNA00118 DBH antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32743 chr7 130916385 130916563 + 5.75722 NA intron (NM_001145354, intron 2 of 18) intron (NM_001145354, intron 2 of 18) 96064 NR_125364 100506881 Hs.660830 NR_125364 ENSG00000236753 MKLN1-AS MKLN1-AS2 MKLN1 antisense RNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17935 chr2 62132678 62132835 + 5.75462 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152516) promoter-TSS (NM_152516) -47 NM_152516 150684 Hs.468702 NM_152516 COMMD1 C2orf5|MURR1 copper metabolism (Murr1) domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9114 chr12 132111185 132111863 + 5.75195 NA Intergenic Intergenic -84108 NM_004592 6433 Hs.308171 NM_004592 HPRD:09055 SFSWAP SFRS8|SWAP splicing factor, suppressor of white-apricot family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13524 chr16 89602267 89602703 + 5.75182 NA intron (NM_003119, intron 9 of 16) intron (NM_003119, intron 9 of 16) -24580 NM_001243131 6137 Hs.410817 NM_000977 HPRD:06428 RPL13 BBC1|D16S444E|D16S44E|L13 ribosomal protein L13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2525 chr1 175976033 175976102 + 5.75182 NA intron (NM_001001740, intron 14 of 18) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -38391 NR_002998 677679 NR_002998 SCARNA3 HBI-100 small Cajal body-specific RNA 3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13576 chr17 502186 502369 + 5.75182 NA intron (NM_018289, intron 11 of 17) SVA_D|Other|Other 115819 NM_001128159 55275 Hs.461819 NM_018289 HPRD:07720 VPS53 HCCS1|PCH2E|hVps53L|pp13624 vacuolar protein sorting 53 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8536 chr12 85590995 85591161 + 5.75182 NA intron (NM_001079910, intron 24 of 26) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -82958 NM_006982 8092 Hs.41683 NM_006982 HPRD:03316 ALX1 CART1|FND3|HEL23 ALX homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3221 chr1 228776140 228776251 + 5.74534 NA Intergenic CpG -4199 NR_037962 58480 Hs.647774 NM_021205 HPRD:06965 RHOU ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K ras homolog family member U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21453 chr21 43482489 43482581 + 5.74106 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199528) promoter-TSS (NM_001199528) -533 NM_001199528 89766 Hs.242520 NM_173568 HPRD:08775 UMODL1 - uromodulin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1817 chr1 144829275 144829425 + 5.73897 NA non-coding (NR_102405, exon 18 of 18).2 non-coding (NR_102405, exon 18 of 18).2 103015 NM_001002811 9659 Hs.584841 NM_014644 HPRD:10482 PDE4DIP CMYA2|MMGL phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1817-2 chr1 144829275 144829425 + 5.73897 NA non-coding (NR_102405, exon 18 of 18).2 non-coding (NR_102405, exon 18 of 18).2 103015 NM_001002811 9659 Hs.584841 NM_014644 HPRD:10482 PDE4DIP CMYA2|MMGL phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36337 chr9 131274488 131274620 + 5.73518 NA intron (NM_001003722, intron 2 of 15) L1MD2|LINE|L1 7583 NM_001003722 2733 Hs.522418 NM_001499 HPRD:04536 GLE1 GLE1L|LCCS|LCCS1|hGLE1 GLE1 RNA export mediator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37615 chrX 49197616 49197891 + 5.73240 NA intron (NM_001098407, intron 1 of 4).2 CpG 146 NM_001127200 26749 Hs.695911 NM_001127200 HPRD:06574 GAGE2E GAGE-2E|GAGE8 G antigen 2E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6371 chr11 64038389 64038530 + 5.72743 NA intron (NM_032989, intron 3 of 3) (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -13352 NM_001170726 56834 Hs.523763 NM_020155 HPRD:12600 GPR137 C11orf4|GPR137A|TM7SF1L1 G protein-coupled receptor 137 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6370 chr11 64037373 64037615 + 5.72743 NA TTS (NM_001184883) TTS (NM_001184883) -14317 NM_001170726 56834 Hs.523763 NM_020155 HPRD:12600 GPR137 C11orf4|GPR137A|TM7SF1L1 G protein-coupled receptor 137 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38599 chrX 123719308 123719421 + 5.72509 NA intron (NM_001163278, intron 11 of 31) L1PA3|LINE|L1 239232 NM_001114937 4068 Hs.349094 NM_002351 HPRD:02390 SH2D1A DSHP|EBVS|IMD5|LYP|MTCP1|SAP|SAP/SH2D1A|XLP|XLPD|XLPD1 SH2 domain containing 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_860 chr1 46705973 46706081 + 5.72328 NA Intergenic CpG -7340 NM_001142548 8438 Hs.642042 NM_003579 HPRD:04683 RAD54L HR54|RAD54A|hHR54|hRAD54 RAD54-like (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12356 chr16 4852276 4852446 + 5.72328 NA TTS (NM_032569) TTS (NM_032569) 590 NR_046480 79641 Hs.459795 NM_024589 HPRD:13388 ROGDI KTZS rogdi homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13020 chr16 51048244 51048660 + 5.71566 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3217 NR_110913 101927334 Hs.555184 NR_110913 LOC101927334 - uncharacterized LOC101927334 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21810 chr22 24647991 24648174 + 5.71372 NA non-coding (NR_003714, exon 1 of 7) non-coding (NR_003714, exon 1 of 7) 493 NR_003714 29774 Hs.534980 NM_014549 HPRD:16807 POM121L9P DKFZP434P211|UNQ2565 POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin-like 9, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33009 chr7 150363063 150363273 + 5.71372 NA Intergenic Intergenic -19626 NM_015660 26157 Hs.647071 NM_015660 HPRD:16279 GIMAP2 HIMAP2|IAN12|IMAP2 GTPase, IMAP family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7363 chr12 6536196 6536347 + 5.70854 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17780 NM_001242 939 Hs.355307 NM_001242 HPRD:01723 CD27 S152|S152. LPFS2|T14|TNFRSF7|Tp55 CD27 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4813 chr10 94137307 94137489 + 5.69321 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -41020 NR_038243 100507674 Hs.568772 NR_038243 MARK2P9 - MAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 2 pseudogene 9 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33625 chr8 37888405 37888554 + 5.69321 NA intron (NM_004095, intron 1 of 2) CpG 459 NM_004095 1978 Hs.411641 NM_004095 HPRD:03746 EIF4EBP1 4E-BP1|4EBP1|BP-1|PHAS-I eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1392 chr1 100817182 100817356 + 5.68313 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033312) promoter-TSS (NM_033312) -754 NM_003672 8556 Hs.127411 NM_003672 HPRD:04614 CDC14A cdc14|hCDC14 cell division cycle 14A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37613 chrX 49188114 49188388 + 5.68276 NA intron (NM_001127200, intron 1 of 4).2 CpG 147 NM_001127200 26749 Hs.695911 NM_001127200 HPRD:06574 GAGE2E GAGE-2E|GAGE8 G antigen 2E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32566 chr7 111090316 111090387 + 5.68096 NA intron (NM_032549, intron 3 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 111996 NM_032549 83943 Hs.655722 NM_032549 HPRD:07297 IMMP2L IMMP2L-IT1|IMP2|IMP2-LIKE IMP2 inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase-like (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15868 chr19 8334154 8334223 + 5.68096 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK 39052 NM_016579 51293 Hs.558499 NM_016579 HPRD:05929 CD320 8D6|8D6A|TCBLR CD320 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23089 chr3 72788075 72788164 + 5.68096 NA Intergenic CpG 109479 NM_018130 55164 Hs.606584 NM_018130 HPRD:07682 SHQ1 Shq1p SHQ1, H/ACA ribonucleoprotein assembly factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26886 chr5 21497009 21497142 + 5.68076 NA intron (NR_027028, intron 5 of 5) intron (NR_027028, intron 5 of 5) 37486 NR_027027 728411 Hs.88181 NM_207331 ENSG00000183666 GUSBP1 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2472 chr1 172644508 172644606 + 5.67706 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16372 NM_000639 356 Hs.2007 NM_000639 HPRD:00610 FASLG ALPS1B|APT1LG1|APTL|CD178|CD95-L|CD95L|FASL|TNFSF6 Fas ligand (TNF superfamily, member 6) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15996 chr19 12904404 12904502 + 5.67678 NA TTS (NM_002229) TTS (NM_002229) 2143 NM_002229 3726 Hs.25292 NM_002229 HPRD:01303 JUNB AP-1 jun B proto-oncogene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4109 chr10 39152004 39152089 + 5.67553 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 162319 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4905 chr10 101599971 101600079 + 5.66974 NA intron (NM_000392, intron 25 of 31) CpG 57670 NM_000392 1244 Hs.368243 NM_000392 HPRD:03065 ABCC2 ABC30|CMOAT|DJS|MRP2|cMRP ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15566 chr18 72265696 72265767 + 5.66974 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024484) promoter-TSS (NR_024484) -660 NR_024484 400657 Hs.61508 NM_001008234 HPRD:17385 LINC00909 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 909 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35603 chr9 70006463 70006536 + 5.66619 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 172316 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13027 chr16 53088853 53088978 + 5.66357 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025134) promoter-TSS (NM_025134) -30 NM_025134 80205 Hs.59159 NM_025134 HPRD:08570 CHD9 AD013|CReMM|KISH2|PRIC320 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18224 chr2 86332936 86333072 + 5.66112 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017952) promoter-TSS (NM_017952) 274 NM_015425 25885 Hs.531818 NM_015425 HPRD:10161 POLR1A A190|RPA1|RPA194|RPO1-4|RPO14 polymerase (RNA) I polypeptide A, 194kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37741 chrX 56799568 56799662 + 5.65357 NA intron (NR_015367, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_015367, intron 2 of 2) -35598 NR_002308 442454 Hs.663220 NR_002308 UQCRBP1 - ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase binding protein pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4722 chr10 88731257 88731421 + 5.64989 NA TTS (NM_006829) TTS (NM_006829) 841 NM_133447 119385 Hs.511787 NM_133447 AGAP11 - ankyrin repeat and GTPase domain Arf GTPase activating protein 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8063 chr12 49658746 49658869 + 5.64946 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032704) promoter-TSS (NM_032704) -58 NM_032704 84790 Hs.652390 NM_032704 HPRD:06747 TUBA1C TUBA6|bcm948 tubulin, alpha 1c protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25695 chr4 102431115 102431215 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 162231 NR_033874 90024 Hs.534513 NR_033874 ENSG00000254531 FLJ20021 - uncharacterized LOC90024 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23750 chr3 137179202 137179368 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -303849 NM_004189 8403 Hs.248184 NM_004189 SOX14 SOX28 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29100 chr6 16762131 16762226 + 5.63640 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000332) promoter-TSS (NM_000332) -457 NM_000332 6310 Hs.434961 NM_000332 HPRD:03333 ATXN1 ATX1|D6S504E|SCA1 ataxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8122 chr12 52755559 52755671 + 5.63496 NA intron (NM_001300810, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001300810, intron 5 of 6) 2791 NM_001300810 3891 Hs.182507 NM_002283 HPRD:04139 KRT85 ECTD4|HB5|Hb-5|K85|KRTHB5|hHb5 keratin 85 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12014 chr15 86236171 86236261 + 5.62897 NA intron (NM_007200, intron 16 of 36) intron (NM_007200, intron 16 of 36) 65740 NR_120366 101929679 Hs.513112 NR_120366 ENSG00000259416 LOC101929679 - uncharacterized LOC101929679 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12736 chr16 32155364 32155597 + 5.61896 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 43954 NR_109773 100289574 Hs.531536 NR_109773 ENSG00000230267 HERC2P4 D16F37S5 hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37529 chrX 45631186 45631327 + 5.61894 NA Intergenic Intergenic -24726 NR_029636 407007 NR_029636 miRBase:MI0000299 MIR222 MIRN222|miRNA222|mir-222 microRNA 222 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15188 chr18 21166647 21166774 + 5.61539 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000271) promoter-TSS (NM_000271) -129 NM_000271 4864 Hs.464779 NM_000271 HPRD:09622 NPC1 NPC Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37102 chrUn_gl000240 946 1063 + 5.60568 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20898 chr20 50793228 50793294 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_199426, intron 2 of 5) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 15263 NM_199426 55734 Hs.473082 NM_018197 HPRD:15728 ZFP64 ZNF338 ZFP64 zinc finger protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3849 chr10 26973697 26973810 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -12842 NM_014317 23590 Hs.558468 NM_014317 HPRD:09591 PDSS1 COQ1|COQ10D2|DPS|SPS|TPRT|TPT|TPT 1|hDPS1 prenyl (decaprenyl) diphosphate synthase, subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21442 chr21 42685422 42685629 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3136 NM_058186 54097 Hs.473877 NM_058186 FAM3B 2-21|C21orf11|C21orf76|ORF9|PANDER family with sequence similarity 3, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26780 chr5 8274145 8274226 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 183492 NR_039984 729506 Hs.566412 NR_039984 ENSG00000245729 LOC729506 - uncharacterized LOC729506 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6175 chr11 54730337 54730531 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -299224 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13023 chr16 51680718 51680795 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -115674 NR_110916 101927364 Hs.133120 NR_110916 ENSG00000260057 LOC101927364 - uncharacterized LOC101927364 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1419 chr1 102695817 102695885 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -233061 NR_110211 118427 Hs.484475 NM_058170 ENSG00000118733 OLFM3 NOE3|NOELIN3|OPTIMEDIN olfactomedin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16707 chr19 42681294 42681366 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic CpG 40614 NM_001270615 162989 Hs.515432 NM_133328 HPRD:10868 DEDD2 FLAME-3 death effector domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3544 chr10 2274099 2274294 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic 83072 NR_038884 399708 Hs.521270 NR_038884 LINC00701 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 701 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35881 chr9 94015822 94016007 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001698, intron 6 of 9) intron (NM_001698, intron 6 of 9) 108292 NM_001698 549 Hs.175905 NM_001698 HPRD:08987 AUH - AU RNA binding protein/enoyl-CoA hydratase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16595 chr19 39282228 39282305 + 5.60568 NA exon (NM_001042507, exon 4 of 4) exon (NM_001042507, exon 4 of 4) 2416 NM_001042507 653499 Hs.558355 NM_001042507 ENSG00000178934 LGALS7B GAL7|Gal-7|HKL-14|LGALS7|PI7 lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20334 chr20 3480022 3480241 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_139321, intron 1 of 28) L1PA3|LINE|L1 28466 NM_001207047 8455 Hs.276252 NM_012070 HPRD:04388 ATRN DPPT-L|MGCA attractin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38816 chrX 143409683 143409822 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 442579 NR_121210 389898 Hs.585177 NM_001012989 HPRD:18504 UBE2NL Li174 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25618 chr4 96192585 96192670 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_003728, intron 4 of 15) AluY|SINE|Alu 179985 NM_001256794 658 Hs.598475 NM_001203 HPRD:04457 BMPR1B ALK-6|ALK6|CDw293 bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13706 chr17 5145806 5145897 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -7696 NM_001271842 388325 Hs.462080 NM_207103 HPRD:18267 SCIMP C17orf87|UNQ5783 SLP adaptor and CSK interacting membrane protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29854 chr6 72799656 72799803 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_014989, intron 2 of 33) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -122785 NM_001168407 22999 Hs.485729 NM_014989 HPRD:09435 RIMS1 CORD7|RAB3IP2|RIM|RIM1 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14838 chr17 78518572 78518659 + 5.60568 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001163034) promoter-TSS (NM_001163034) -10 NM_020761 57521 Hs.133044 NM_020761 HPRD:06184 RPTOR KOG1|Mip1 regulatory associated protein of MTOR, complex 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23926 chr3 153786772 153786838 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_037901, intron 2 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -51987 NM_001251962 26084 Hs.240845 NM_015595 HPRD:11554 ARHGEF26 CSGEF|HMFN1864|SGEF Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16993 chr19 51698111 51698177 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic LTR43B|LTR|ERV1 12121 NR_107041 102465873 NR_107041 MIR8074 hsa-mir-8074 microRNA 8074 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35950 chr9 99637502 99637599 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR 6368 NR_038890 100132781 Hs.710921 NR_038890 LOC100132781 - cyclin Y-like 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_322 chr1 21379548 21379767 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_003760, intron 1 of 31) SVA_D|Other|Other 58219 NM_003760 8672 Hs.467084 NM_003760 HPRD:06802 EIF4G3 eIF-4G 3|eIF4G 3|eIF4GII eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5158 chr10 122323090 122323178 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001030059, intron 5 of 6) AluYb8|SINE|Alu -21457 NR_049879 100847064 NR_049879 miRBase:MI0019301 MIR5694 - microRNA 5694 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25259 chr4 60077786 60077938 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2101311 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28839 chr5 179049792 179049919 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001257293, intron 2 of 13) CpG 856 NM_001257293 3187 Hs.604001 NM_005520 HPRD:03021 HNRNPH1 HNRPH|HNRPH1|hnRNPH heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 (H) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6135 chr11 51154451 51154538 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 257954 NM_001005272 81318 Hs.554531 NM_001005272 HPRD:17719 OR4A5 OR11-111 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10832 chr14 85754824 85754960 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -105331 NR_102737 100996280 Hs.135735 NR_102737 ENSG00000259107 LINC00911 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11862 chr15 76603788 76603984 + 5.60568 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000126) promoter-TSS (NM_000126) -76 NM_001127716 2108 Hs.39925 NM_000126 HPRD:01979 ETFA EMA|GA2|MADD electron-transfer-flavoprotein, alpha polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10037 chr13 114908229 114908295 + 5.60434 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10167 NM_007368 22821 Hs.593075 NM_007368 HPRD:05537 RASA3 GAP1IP4BP|GAPIII RAS p21 protein activator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12425 chr16 15068564 15068637 + 5.60434 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001285449) promoter-TSS (NM_001285449) 8 NM_001285447 23042 Hs.370781 NM_015027 HPRD:13789 PDXDC1 LP8165 pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35713 chr9 78136816 78137005 + 5.57509 NA intron (NR_031679, intron 2 of 2).2 AluYa5|SINE|Alu 201834 NR_031679 100302287 NR_031679 MIR548H3 MIR548H-3|MIRN548H3|hsa-mir-548h-3 microRNA 548h-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12794 chr16 33098280 33098513 + 5.57167 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 -107187 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14398 chr17 44450017 44450088 + 5.56398 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033799) promoter-TSS (NR_033799) -127 NR_033799 728806 Hs.735097 NR_033799 NSFP1 NSFP N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18634 chr2 106415261 106415374 + 5.56189 NA intron (NM_001004722, intron 1 of 3) L1MC4a|LINE|L1 -52887 NM_001004720 8440 Hs.529244 NM_003581 HPRD:05378 NCK2 GRB4|NCKbeta NCK adaptor protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22106 chr22 45063953 45064070 + 5.55637 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001017528) promoter-TSS (NM_001017528) -416 NM_001017528 55615 Hs.102336 NM_015366 HPRD:18696 PRR5 FLJ20185k|PP610|PROTOR-1|PROTOR1 proline rich 5 (renal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16821 chr19 46406367 46406478 + 5.54883 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001012643) promoter-TSS (NM_001012643) -560 NM_001012643 339344 Hs.515478 NM_001012643 HPRD:17352 MYPOP P42pop Myb-related transcription factor, partner of profilin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32473 chr7 102353824 102353970 + 5.54883 NA Intergenic Intergenic -35502 NR_026879 222234 Hs.202543 NM_147194 FAM185A - family with sequence similarity 185, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22560 chr3 31574290 31574498 + 5.54795 NA 5' UTR (NM_178862, exon 1 of 16) 5' UTR (NM_178862, exon 1 of 16) 401 NM_178862 201595 Hs.475812 NM_178862 STT3B CDG1X|SIMP|STT3-B STT3B, subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex (catalytic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14680 chr17 66179138 66179212 + 5.54748 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15626 NR_027283 440461 Hs.661522 NR_027283 LOC440461 - Rho GTPase activating protein 27 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7919 chr12 38346351 38346417 + 5.53793 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -364173 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36519 chr9 140149629 140149722 + 5.53323 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015456) promoter-TSS (NM_015456) -84 NM_015456 25920 Hs.521809 NM_015456 HPRD:10845 NELFB COBRA1|NELF-B negative elongation factor complex member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2897 chr1 206084085 206084286 + 5.53316 NA Intergenic AluJo|SINE|Alu -54255 NM_001287385 554282 NM_001287385 FAM72C - family with sequence similarity 72, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36647 chr9_gl000199_random 136832 136981 + 5.52982 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16455 chr19 34625294 34625486 + 5.52250 NA Intergenic CpG -37962 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22163 chr22 50219698 50219843 + 5.52250 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1318 NM_014577 23774 Hs.127950 NM_014577 HPRD:06848 BRD1 BRL|BRPF1|BRPF2 bromodomain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16647 chr19 40623921 40624096 + 5.51931 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -27163 NM_001142579 284323 Hs.115140 NM_001010880 HPRD:17336 ZNF780A ZNF780 zinc finger protein 780A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2038 chr1 149764523 149764616 + 5.51908 NA TTS (NM_000566) TTS (NM_000566) 10319 NM_000566 2209 Hs.77424 NM_000566 HPRD:00904 FCGR1A CD64|CD64A|FCRI|IGFR1 Fc fragment of IgG, high affinity Ia, receptor (CD64) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28985 chr6 6778076 6778145 + 5.50910 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -155051 NR_026970 285780 Hs.655737 NM_173675 HPRD:08165 LY86-AS1 LY86-AS|LY86AS LY86 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16399 chr19 29950249 29950317 + 5.50810 NA intron (NR_040029, intron 1 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 66376 NR_040029 284395 Hs.631601 NR_040029 ENSG00000264515 LOC284395 - uncharacterized LOC284395 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11346 chr15 36492524 36492667 + 5.50593 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 273538 NR_039735 100616293 NR_039735 miRBase:MI0016876 MIR4510 - microRNA 4510 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33189 chr7 158769611 158769726 + 5.50593 NA Intergenic MER52C|LTR|ERV1 -31377 NR_024394 154822 Hs.544783 NM_198345 ENSG00000231419 LINC00689 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 689 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26570 chr4 187547403 187547575 + 5.50593 NA intron (NM_005245, intron 9 of 26) intron (NM_005245, intron 9 of 26) -70952 NM_005958 4543 Hs.243467 NM_005958 HPRD:02812 MTNR1A MEL-1A-R|MT1 melatonin receptor 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13547 chr16 90061781 90061907 + 5.50279 NA non-coding (NR_003226, exon 11 of 11) non-coding (NR_003226, exon 11 of 11) 14685 NM_024043 79007 Hs.301394 NM_024043 HPRD:08327 DBNDD1 - dysbindin (dystrobrevin binding protein 1) domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17441 chr2 14988712 14988796 + 5.50113 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 213539 NM_001291410 653602 Hs.657296 NM_001291410 LOC653602 - uncharacterized LOC653602 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17539 chr2 27273622 27273701 + 5.48959 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021831) promoter-TSS (NM_021831) -529 NR_046730 100874031 Hs.132725 NR_046730 AGBL5-AS1 - AGBL5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18639 chr2 106810486 106810572 + 5.48342 NA intron (NR_045607, intron 1 of 13) CpG 266 NR_045607 80146 Hs.469561 NM_025076 HPRD:15642 UXS1 SDR6E1|UGD UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32024 chr7 65447157 65447334 + 5.47680 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001293104) promoter-TSS (NM_001293104) 56 NM_001284290 2990 Hs.255230 NM_000181 HPRD:02018 GUSB BG|MPS7 glucuronidase, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36266 chr9 128508727 128508868 + 5.47218 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024122) promoter-TSS (NR_024122) -589 NR_122032 51145 Hs.104671 NM_016158 ENSG00000229582 LOC51145 - uncharacterized LOC51145 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16544 chr19 37708742 37708920 + 5.46804 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7380 NM_152279 92285 Hs.390568 NM_152279 HPRD:18354 ZNF585B SZFP41 zinc finger protein 585B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2838 chr1 202779890 202780013 + 5.45610 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046326) promoter-TSS (NR_046326) -123 NR_046325 100506696 Hs.23459 NR_046325 ENSG00000228288 PCAT6 KDM5B-AS1|PCAN-R1|ncRNA-a2 prostate cancer associated transcript 6 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23064 chr3 70334661 70334780 + 5.44757 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 285825 NR_110000 101927152 Hs.382046 NR_110000 ENSG00000240405 LINC01212 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1212 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16594 chr19 39261695 39261776 + 5.44201 NA exon (NM_002307, exon 4 of 4) exon (NM_002307, exon 4 of 4) 2422 NM_002307 3963 Hs.702546 NM_002307 HPRD:09002 LGALS7 GAL7|LGALS7A lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_87 chr1 2231941 2232127 + 5.43136 NA intron (NM_003036, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_003036, intron 1 of 6) 52066 NR_024489 100129534 Hs.655313 NM_001127577 LOC100129534 - small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3291 chr1 234737403 234737559 + 5.42903 NA Intergenic Intergenic 7790 NM_182972 359948 Hs.350268 NM_182972 HPRD:17160 IRF2BP2 - interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36282 chr9 129986722 129986792 + 5.42700 NA Intergenic CpG -39184 NM_001286779 84253 Hs.29304 NM_032293 HPRD:13567 GARNL3 bA356B19.1 GTPase activating Rap/RanGAP domain-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16689 chr19 41857517 41857656 + 5.42691 NA intron (NM_000660, intron 1 of 6) CpG 2252 NM_000660 7040 Hs.645227 NM_000660 TGFB1 CED|DPD1|LAP|TGFB|TGFbeta transforming growth factor, beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14401 chr17 44656503 44656615 + 5.41533 NA intron (NM_001288812, intron 1 of 4).2 CpG 529 NM_001288812 51326 Hs.559259 NM_016632 HPRD:17424 ARL17A ARF1P2|ARL17P1 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 17A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28549 chr5 150466692 150466813 + 5.41154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001252392) promoter-TSS (NM_001252392) -5 NM_001252392 10318 Hs.355141 NM_006058 HPRD:09216 TNIP1 ABIN-1|NAF1|VAN|nip40-1 TNFAIP3 interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2419 chr1 168545546 168545676 + 5.40926 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002995) promoter-TSS (NM_002995) -100 NM_002995 6375 Hs.546295 NM_002995 HPRD:02595 XCL1 ATAC|LPTN|LTN|SCM-1|SCM-1a|SCM1|SCM1A|SCYC1 chemokine (C motif) ligand 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31506 chr7 30362017 30362130 + 5.40926 NA intron (NM_147128, intron 1 of 4) MLT1M|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -32567 NR_037513 100500883 NR_037513 MIR550B1 - microRNA 550b-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29396 chr6 31899901 31899967 + 5.40702 NA intron (NM_001282459, intron 3 of 5).6 SVA_D|Other|Other 4680 NM_000063 717 Hs.408903 NM_000063 HPRD:08939 C2 ARMD14|CO2 complement component 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29609 chr6 43395564 43395644 + 5.40702 NA intron (NM_001198934, intron 1 of 21) CpG 312 NM_001198934 89845 Hs.55879 NM_033450 HPRD:07623 ABCC10 EST182763|MRP7|SIMRP7 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10036 chr13 114894510 114894635 + 5.40608 NA intron (NM_007368, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_007368, intron 1 of 23) 3523 NM_007368 22821 Hs.593075 NM_007368 HPRD:05537 RASA3 GAP1IP4BP|GAPIII RAS p21 protein activator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38377 chrX 101186812 101187203 + 5.38703 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282401) promoter-TSS (NM_001282401) 32 NM_001011657 84460 Hs.496512 NM_001011657 HPRD:10029 ZMAT1 - zinc finger, matrin-type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21843 chr22 27053487 27053595 + 5.38703 NA promoter-TSS (NR_003491) promoter-TSS (NR_003491) 95 NR_033320 440823 Hs.517502 NR_003491 ENSG00000225783 MIAT C22orf35|GOMAFU|LINC00066|NCRNA00066|RNCR2 myocardial infarction associated transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38377-2 chrX 101186812 101187203 + 5.38703 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282401) promoter-TSS (NM_001282401) 32 NM_001011657 84460 Hs.496512 NM_001011657 HPRD:10029 ZMAT1 - zinc finger, matrin-type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14403 chr17 44667938 44668009 + 5.38186 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006178).2 promoter-TSS (NM_006178).2 -62 NM_006178 4905 Hs.431279 NM_006178 HPRD:03380 NSF SKD2 N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23905 chr3 151987373 151987460 + 5.38155 NA promoter-TSS (NR_027038) promoter-TSS (NR_027038) -1 NR_027037 401093 Hs.725347 NR_027037 ENSG00000229619 MBNL1-AS1 - MBNL1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8107 chr12 51953742 51953870 + 5.37354 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -31214 NM_001177984 6334 Hs.436550 NM_014191 HPRD:09006 SCN8A CERIII|CIAT|EIEE13|MED|NaCh6|Nav1.6|PN4 sodium channel, voltage gated, type VIII, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34163 chr8 86556326 86556470 + 5.37354 NA Intergenic CpG 11507 NR_003594 100288527 Hs.535056 NR_003594 REXO1L2P - REX1, RNA exonuclease 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)-like 2 (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30869 chr6 157744272 157744369 + 5.37354 NA intron (NM_018452, intron 1 of 3) CpG 971 NM_018452 729515 Hs.157212 NM_018452 ENSG00000215712 TMEM242 BM033|C6orf35 transmembrane protein 242 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5523 chr11 5400078 5400144 + 5.37354 NA intron (NR_038321, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -10496 NM_001004756 390059 Hs.553731 NM_001004756 HPRD:15002 OR51M1 HOR5'Beta7|OR11-40 olfactory receptor, family 51, subfamily M, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22118 chr22 45705947 45706066 + 5.36704 NA 5' UTR (NM_017911, exon 1 of 9) 5' UTR (NM_017911, exon 1 of 9) 221 NM_017911 55007 Hs.265018 NM_017911 HPRD:07936 FAM118A C22orf8 family with sequence similarity 118, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28143 chr5 126308092 126308496 + 5.36704 NA intron (NM_178450, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_178450, intron 1 of 4) 58206 NM_178450 115123 Hs.132441 NM_178450 HPRD:14362 MARCH3 MARCH-III|RNF173 membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 3, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9840 chr13 98086069 98086327 + 5.35906 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021033) promoter-TSS (NM_021033) -277 NM_021033 5911 Hs.508480 NM_021033 RAP2A K-REV|KREV|RAP2|RbBP-30 RAP2A, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4054 chr10 39030653 39030788 + 5.35761 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 40993 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25850 chr4 115942662 115942792 + 5.35561 NA intron (NM_022569, intron 2 of 13) (CATATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 92305 NM_022569 64579 Hs.591700 NM_022569 HPRD:10116 NDST4 NDST-4|NHSST4 N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23130 chr3 78035532 78035642 + 5.35561 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 888424 NM_001128929 6092 Hs.13305 NM_002942 ENSG00000185008 ROBO2 SAX3 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31606 chr7 38272258 38272375 + 5.35504 NA Intergenic Intergenic 40932 NM_001003806 445347 Hs.534032 NM_001003799 TARP CD3G|TCRG|TCRGC1|TCRGC2 TCR gamma alternate reading frame protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35623 chr9 70408151 70408282 + 5.34215 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 20683 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34147 chr8 85529826 85529894 + 5.33774 NA intron (NM_001100392, intron 3 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -88302 NM_001287244 138046 Hs.121663 NM_173848 HPRD:11236 RALYL HNRPCL3 RALY RNA binding protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_480 chr1 27944944 27945014 + 5.32700 NA intron (NM_005248, intron 5 of 12) MIR|SINE|MIR 7772 NM_001042747 2268 Hs.1422 NM_005248 HPRD:01288 FGR SRC2|c-fgr|c-src2|p55-Fgr|p55c-fgr|p58-Fgr|p58c-fgr FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_225 chr1 12261779 12261872 + 5.32550 NA intron (NM_001066, intron 8 of 9) intron (NM_001066, intron 8 of 9) 10055 NR_039775 100616438 NR_039775 MIR4632 - microRNA 4632 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35612 chr9 70157223 70157355 + 5.31888 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 21526 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14046 chr17 25798835 25798973 + 5.30927 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014238) promoter-TSS (NM_014238) -132 NM_014238 8844 Hs.133534 NM_014238 KSR1 KSR|RSU2 kinase suppressor of ras 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16042 chr19 14550975 14551056 + 5.30756 NA promoter-TSS (NM_213560) promoter-TSS (NM_213560) -71 NM_213560 5585 Hs.466044 NM_002741 HPRD:03019 PKN1 DBK|PAK-1|PAK1|PKN|PKN-ALPHA|PRK1|PRKCL1 protein kinase N1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21383 chr21 36330882 36330974 + 5.30756 NA intron (NM_001754, intron 2 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -69941 NM_001001890 861 Hs.149261 NM_001754 HPRD:01043 RUNX1 AML1|AML1-EVI-1|AMLCR1|CBFA2|EVI-1|PEBP2aB runt-related transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23134 chr3 78724903 78724979 + 5.30253 NA intron (NM_001145845, intron 9 of 28) L1PA3|LINE|L1 343668 NM_001145845 6091 Hs.744218 NM_002941 HPRD:03890 ROBO1 DUTT1|SAX3 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7641 chr12 22488350 22488416 + 5.29814 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003034) promoter-TSS (NM_003034) -735 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34226 chr8 90914206 90914340 + 5.29201 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001126111) promoter-TSS (NM_001126111) 177 NM_004337 734 Hs.436445 NM_004337 HPRD:06853 OSGIN2 C8orf1|hT41 oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18497 chr2 96829563 96829777 + 5.29201 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18491 NM_004418 1844 Hs.1183 NM_004418 HPRD:04348 DUSP2 PAC-1|PAC1 dual specificity phosphatase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6243 chr11 58347159 58347286 + 5.28631 NA intron (NR_024091, intron 1 of 12) CpG 635 NM_053023 80829 Hs.524920 NM_053023 HPRD:11700 ZFP91 DMS-8|DSM-8|PZF|ZFP-91|ZNF757 ZFP91 zinc finger protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5107 chr10 116561255 116561325 + 5.28476 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20213 NM_001135051 57700 Hs.192619 NM_020940 HPRD:17219 FAM160B1 KIAA1600|bA106M7.3 family with sequence similarity 160, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10517 chr14 58711860 58711986 + 5.27932 NA intron (NR_038123, intron 1 of 9) intron (NR_038123, intron 1 of 9) 400 NM_152132 5684 Hs.558799 NM_002788 HPRD:01463 PSMA3 HC8|PSC3 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31534 chr7 32945089 32945167 + 5.27882 NA Intergenic MER66B|LTR|ERV1 -13660 NM_015483 25948 Hs.372541 NM_015483 HPRD:13756 KBTBD2 BKLHD1 kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24729 chr4 15004538 15004691 + 5.26740 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038857) promoter-TSS (NR_038857) 316 NM_001177381 132864 Hs.656937 NM_182485 HPRD:16744 CPEB2 CPE-BP2|CPEB-2|hCPEB-2 cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29383 chr6 31620688 31620795 + 5.26703 NA promoter-TSS (NM_080703) promoter-TSS (NM_080703) -264 NM_080703 7917 Hs.440900 NM_004639 HPRD:00808 BAG6 BAG-6|BAT3|D6S52E|G3 BCL2-associated athanogene 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10389 chr14 50159761 50159842 + 5.26161 NA promoter-TSS (NM_172193) promoter-TSS (NM_172193) -22 NM_172193 122773 Hs.509258 NM_172193 HPRD:13921 KLHDC1 MST025 kelch domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16195 chr19 18654936 18655006 + 5.26161 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012181) promoter-TSS (NM_012181) -588 NM_012181 23770 Hs.173464 NM_012181 HPRD:05327 FKBP8 FKBP38|FKBPr38 FK506 binding protein 8, 38kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37253 chrX 9373607 9373693 + 5.25996 NA Intergenic Intergenic -57685 NM_001139468 6907 Hs.495656 NM_005647 HPRD:02183 TBL1X EBI|SMAP55|TBL1 transducin (beta)-like 1X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9806 chr13 94141227 94141355 + 5.24933 NA intron (NM_005708, intron 1 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 262213 NM_005708 10082 Hs.444329 NM_005708 HPRD:05099 GPC6 OMIMD1 glypican 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17536 chr2 26987013 26987117 + 5.24933 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017877) promoter-TSS (NM_017877) -77 NM_017877 54978 Hs.1594 NM_017877 HPRD:12808 SLC35F6 ANT2BP|C2orf18|TANGO9 solute carrier family 35, member F6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35280 chr9 38241406 38241527 + 5.24569 NA Intergenic CpG -151195 NM_000692 219 Hs.436219 NM_000692 HPRD:00005 ALDH1B1 ALDH5|ALDHX aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13009 chr16 50194565 50194840 + 5.23194 NA intron (NM_001040284, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_001040284, intron 2 of 12) 7873 NM_001040285 64282 Hs.514342 NM_022447 HPRD:16119 PAPD5 TRF4-2 PAP associated domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16139 chr19 17236189 17236294 + 5.23070 NA intron (NM_001130065, intron 2 of 39) intron (NM_001130065, intron 2 of 39) 49650 NM_004145 4650 Hs.123198 NM_004145 HPRD:03677 MYO9B CELIAC4|MYR5 myosin IXB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16140 chr19 17236402 17236484 + 5.23070 NA intron (NM_001130065, intron 2 of 39) intron (NM_001130065, intron 2 of 39) 49852 NM_004145 4650 Hs.123198 NM_004145 HPRD:03677 MYO9B CELIAC4|MYR5 myosin IXB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29559 chr6 41700706 41700784 + 5.22929 NA intron (NM_007162, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_007162, intron 1 of 9) 1394 NM_001271945 7942 Hs.485360 NM_007162 HPRD:02847 TFEB ALPHATFEB|BHLHE35|TCFEB transcription factor EB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14328 chr17 41399902 41400171 + 5.22929 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -18974 NR_047479 100874261 Hs.546898 NR_047479 ENSG00000236383 LINC00854 TMEM106A-AS1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 854 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28215 chr5 131763130 131763262 + 5.22929 NA intron (NR_045116, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_045116, intron 2 of 3) 16731 NR_045116 441108 Hs.658288 NM_001013717 HPRD:18460 C5orf56 - chromosome 5 open reading frame 56 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31913 chr7 61822340 61822604 + 5.22610 NA Intergenic Intergenic 941962 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11842 chr15 75495090 75495221 + 5.21731 NA intron (NM_015492, intron 1 of 2) CpG 934 NM_015492 56905 Hs.17936 NM_015492 HPRD:13154 C15orf39 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10986 chr14 99696585 99696780 + 5.21704 NA intron (NM_001282238, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_001282238, intron 2 of 2) 41368 NM_022898 64919 Hs.709690 NM_022898 HPRD:05950 BCL11B ATL1|ATL1-alpha|ATL1-beta|ATL1-delta|ATL1-gamma|CTIP-2|CTIP2|RIT1|ZNF856B|hRIT1-alpha B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11B (zinc finger protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29098 chr6 16741436 16741535 + 5.20982 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) 20236 NM_001128164 6310 Hs.434961 NM_000332 HPRD:03333 ATXN1 ATX1|D6S504E|SCA1 ataxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3939 chr10 32258723 32258834 + 5.20481 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -40974 NM_001270698 94134 Hs.499264 NM_018287 HPRD:06446 ARHGAP12 - Rho GTPase activating protein 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26789 chr5 10353445 10353535 + 5.20481 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005885) promoter-TSS (NM_005885) -261 NM_001270661 10299 Hs.432862 NM_005885 HPRD:11095 MARCH6 DOA10|MARCH-VI|RNF176|TEB4 membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 6, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24026 chr3 160728298 160728393 + 5.19746 NA intron (NM_139245, intron 2 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 94338 NM_033169 8706 Hs.418062 NM_003781 HPRD:09119 B3GALNT1 B3GALT3|GLCT3|GLOB|Gb4Cer|P|P1|beta3Gal-T3|galT3 beta-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (globoside blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5438 chr11 797585 797681 + 5.19420 NA exon (NM_001293167, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_001293167, exon 1 of 1) 122 NM_001293167 101927423 Hs.99486 NM_001293167 PANO - proapoptotic nucleolar protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1819 chr1 144932098 144932170 + 5.19366 NA 5' UTR (NM_001002811, exon 1 of 19) 5' UTR (NM_001002811, exon 1 of 19) 231 NM_001002811 9659 Hs.584841 NM_014644 HPRD:10482 PDE4DIP CMYA2|MMGL phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37680 chrX 53743648 53743724 + 5.19098 NA Intergenic MLT1L|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -30012 NM_031407 10075 Hs.136905 NM_031407 HPRD:06608 HUWE1 ARF-BP1|HECTH9|HSPC272|Ib772|LASU1|MULE|URE-B1|UREB1 HECT, UBA and WWE domain containing 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30350 chr6 115496849 115497010 + 5.19098 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -862965 NR_027338 728402 Hs.729953 NR_027338 TPI1P3 - triosephosphate isomerase 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30687 chr6 144519119 144519317 + 5.19077 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47564 NM_003764 8676 Hs.118958 NM_003764 STX11 FHL4|HLH4|HPLH4 syntaxin 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3215 chr1 228758238 228758347 + 5.18107 NA Intergenic CpG -22102 NR_037962 58480 Hs.647774 NM_021205 HPRD:06965 RHOU ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K ras homolog family member U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6378 chr11 64099359 64099465 + 5.18019 NA Intergenic L2|LINE|L2 -8278 NM_032251 283234 Hs.98564 NM_032251 HPRD:10986 CCDC88B BRLZ|CCDC88|HKRP3|gipie coiled-coil domain containing 88B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6290 chr11 60879317 60879426 + 5.18019 NA intron (NM_014207, intron 1 of 10) MIR|SINE|MIR 9441 NM_014207 921 Hs.58685 NM_014207 HPRD:01078 CD5 LEU1|T1 CD5 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20860 chr20 48421835 48422016 + 5.18019 NA Intergenic Tigger3a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -7325 NR_048538 23315 Hs.444202 NM_015266 HPRD:18062 SLC9A8 NHE-8|NHE8 solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE8, cation proton antiporter 8), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31773 chr7 56438443 56438593 + 5.16929 NA Intergenic Intergenic 77550 NR_029420 650226 Hs.448401 NR_029420 LOC650226 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2482 chr1 172952091 172952162 + 5.16703 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 67977 NM_005092 8995 Hs.248197 NM_005092 TNFSF18 AITRL|GITRL|TL6|hGITRL tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37734 chrX 56589798 56590043 + 5.16324 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013444) promoter-TSS (NM_013444) -106 NM_013444 29978 Hs.179309 NM_013444 HPRD:02224 UBQLN2 ALS15|CHAP1|DSK2|N4BP4|PLIC2 ubiquilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4310 chr10 50925154 50925452 + 5.16294 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 37619 NM_001042427 282966 Hs.131287 NM_182554 C10orf53 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35111 chr9 22736769 22736921 + 5.15205 NA intron (NR_038977, intron 4 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 90646 NR_038977 441389 NR_038977 ENSG00000234840 LINC01239 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1239 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17592 chr2 29315830 29315995 + 5.15205 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -4630 NM_001287528 79745 Hs.122927 NM_024692 HPRD:08634 CLIP4 RSNL2 CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17674 chr2 37459050 37459151 + 5.14916 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005760) promoter-TSS (NM_005760) 326 NM_001083946 55471 Hs.433466 NM_018607 HPRD:15180 NDUFAF7 C2orf56|MidA NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) complex I, assembly factor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3406 chr1 244488461 244488700 + 5.13809 NA Intergenic MER57B1|LTR|ERV1 -27357 NM_001276349 200159 Hs.442703 NM_001012970 HPRD:13168 C1orf100 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 100 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18726 chr2 113299512 113299579 + 5.13582 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282776) promoter-TSS (NM_001282776) 53 NM_001282777 84172 Hs.745127 NM_019014 HPRD:06852 POLR1B RPA135|RPA2|Rpo1-2 polymerase (RNA) I polypeptide B, 128kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14882 chr17 80275444 80275521 + 5.13326 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006137) promoter-TSS (NM_006137) -2 NM_006137 924 Hs.36972 NM_006137 HPRD:01732 CD7 GP40|LEU-9|TP41|Tp40 CD7 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2337 chr1 161708692 161709027 + 5.13326 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10722 NM_007240 11266 Hs.416216 NM_007240 HPRD:05323 DUSP12 DUSP1|YVH1 dual specificity phosphatase 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26324 chr4 160860386 160860637 + 5.12894 NA Intergenic Intergenic 671513 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_921 chr1 52499187 52499290 + 5.12894 NA non-coding (NR_046406, exon 3 of 3) non-coding (NR_046406, exon 3 of 3) 234 NM_138417 112970 Hs.476033 NM_138417 HPRD:14471 KTI12 SBBI81|TOT4 KTI12 homolog, chromatin associated (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32793 chr7 136516717 136516800 + 5.12894 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -36641 NM_001006627 1129 Hs.535891 NM_000739 HPRD:00328 CHRM2 HM2 cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33084 chr7 156057961 156058151 + 5.12894 NA Intergenic Intergenic 180226 NR_038232 285889 Hs.407095 NR_038232 ENSG00000233878 LOC285889 - uncharacterized LOC285889 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13606 chr17 1023268 1023405 + 5.12558 NA intron (NM_021962, intron 2 of 22) MIR|SINE|MIR -10996 NM_001092 29 Hs.159306 NM_001092 HPRD:02649 ABR MDB active BCR-related protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2932 chr1 207925559 207925638 + 5.12049 NA exon (NM_172359, exon 1 of 13) exon (NM_172359, exon 1 of 13) 215 NM_172353 4179 Hs.510402 NM_002389 HPRD:00406 CD46 AHUS2|MCP|MIC10|TLX|TRA2.10 CD46 molecule, complement regulatory protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22040 chr22 41809948 41810014 + 5.12049 NA Intergenic CpG 32048 NM_003216 7008 Hs.181159 NM_003216 HPRD:01783 TEF - thyrotrophic embryonic factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35683 chr9 75128321 75128416 + 5.11413 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -8349 NM_138691 117531 Hs.670211 NM_138691 HPRD:05988 TMC1 DFNA36|DFNB11|DFNB7 transmembrane channel-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21777 chr22 23130370 23130537 + 5.11195 NA Intergenic Intergenic -34817 NR_030755 723778 NR_030755 miRBase:MI0003665 MIR650 MIRN650|hsa-mir-650 microRNA 650 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38690 chrX 130956403 130956555 + 5.11195 NA intron (NR_026975, intron 2 of 12) intron (NR_026975, intron 2 of 12) 8192 NR_026975 286467 Hs.720385 NR_026975 ENSG00000213468 FIRRE LINC01200 firre intergenic repeating RNA element ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1039 chr1 65885665 65885754 + 5.10681 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002303) promoter-TSS (NM_002303) -422 NM_001198683 54741 Hs.23581 NM_017526 HPRD:13987 LEPROT LEPR|OB-RGRP|OBRGRP|VPS55 leptin receptor overlapping transcript protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19907 chr2 219151494 219151618 + 5.10290 NA intron (NM_022152, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_022152, intron 1 of 11) 5724 NM_022152 64114 Hs.591605 NM_022152 HPRD:17884 TMBIM1 LFG3|MST100|MSTP100|RECS1 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36393 chr9 132816137 132816242 + 5.09522 NA 5' UTR (NM_001287346, exon 1 of 17) 5' UTR (NM_001287346, exon 1 of 17) 204 NM_020960 57720 Hs.512461 NM_020960 HPRD:17054 GPR107 GCDRP|LUSTR1|bA138E2.2 G protein-coupled receptor 107 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_816 chr1 44457169 44457236 + 5.09522 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152499) promoter-TSS (NM_152499) -78 NM_152499 149473 Hs.632394 NM_152499 HPRD:14636 CCDC24 - coiled-coil domain containing 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13078 chr16 57162795 57162880 + 5.09491 NA intron (NM_152727, intron 12 of 15) L2b|LINE|L2 36382 NM_152727 221184 Hs.339809 NM_152727 HPRD:05015 CPNE2 COPN2|CPN2 copine II protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22552 chr3 30735107 30735224 + 5.09491 NA 3' UTR (NM_003242, exon 7 of 7) 3' UTR (NM_003242, exon 7 of 7) 87171 NM_003242 7048 Hs.82028 NM_003242 HPRD:01823 TGFBR2 AAT3|FAA3|LDS1B|LDS2|LDS2B|MFS2|RIIC|TAAD2|TGFR-2|TGFbeta-RII transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70/80kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31811 chr7 57957898 57958042 + 5.09183 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 448087 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3300 chr1 235268592 235268791 + 5.08982 NA Intergenic Intergenic 22561 NR_002956 677802 Hs.744743 NR_002956 SNORA14B ACA14b small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 14B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18910 chr2 131911686 131911761 + 5.08982 NA Intergenic Intergenic 49303 NM_017958 55041 Hs.469944 NM_017958 HPRD:15144 PLEKHB2 EVT2 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family B (evectins) member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14197 chr17 34526639 34526792 + 5.07789 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2558 NM_021006 6349 Hs.512683 NM_021006 HPRD:03234 CCL3L1 464.2|D17S1718|G0S19-2|LD78|LD78-beta(1-70)|LD78BETA|MIP1AP|SCYA3L|SCYA3L1 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27252 chr5 50606245 50606409 + 5.06106 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -72631 NM_002202 3670 Hs.505 NM_002202 HPRD:02650 ISL1 ISLET1|Isl-1 ISL LIM homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37781 chrX 58580962 58581048 + 5.05437 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -643938 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20512 chr20 25038981 25039080 + 5.05037 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001252675) promoter-TSS (NM_001252675) -212 NM_001252677 84532 Hs.529353 NM_032501 HPRD:12413 ACSS1 ACAS2L|ACECS1|AceCS2L acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39244 chrY 13830058 13830170 + 5.04483 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 703275 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31056 chr6 169060572 169060716 + 5.04448 NA intron (NM_022138, intron 11 of 12) (TTGGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 218813 NM_001166412 64094 Hs.487200 NM_022138 HPRD:06244 SMOC2 DTDP1|MST117|MSTP117|MSTP140|SMAP2|bA270C4A.1|bA37D8.1|dJ421D16.1 SPARC related modular calcium binding 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37525 chrX 44900037 44900252 + 5.04413 NA intron (NR_111960, intron 8 of 27) SVA_F|Other|Other 160002 NM_024689 79742 Hs.98321 NM_024689 HPRD:06524 CXorf36 4930578C19Rik|DIA1R|EPQL1862|PRO3743|bA435K1.1 chromosome X open reading frame 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18464 chr2 92325704 92325911 + 5.04028 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 196648 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29000 chr6 8774410 8774529 + 5.03947 NA intron (NR_038980, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 122027 NR_004855 728655 Hs.214343 NR_004855 ENSG00000251164 HULC HCCAT1|LINC00078|NCRNA00078 hepatocellular carcinoma up-regulated long non-coding RNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36261 chr9 128386014 128386105 + 5.03947 NA intron (NM_001006618, intron 4 of 7) SVA_F|Other|Other 83454 NM_001006619 79109 Hs.495138 NM_024117 HPRD:17464 MAPKAP1 JC310|MIP1|SIN1|SIN1b|SIN1g mitogen-activated protein kinase associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34867 chr8 145747799 145747865 + 5.03655 NA TTS (NM_001024678) TTS (NM_001024678) 4483 NM_014665 9684 Hs.459391 NM_014665 HPRD:14312 LRRC14 LRRC14A leucine rich repeat containing 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10533 chr14 60631508 60631603 + 5.02866 NA intron (NM_016029, intron 1 of 6) MER5A|DNA|hAT-Charlie 656 NM_016029 51635 Hs.59719 NM_016029 HPRD:16802 DHRS7 SDR34C1|retDSR4|retSDR4 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6491 chr11 67236778 67236859 + 5.02866 NA promoter-TSS (NR_073410) promoter-TSS (NR_073410) -70 NM_025124 80194 Hs.288761 NM_025124 HPRD:08642 TMEM134 - transmembrane protein 134 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25381 chr4 71924953 71925122 + 5.02784 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 65772 NM_000788 1633 Hs.709 NM_000788 HPRD:00507 DCK - deoxycytidine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29393 chr6 31795299 31795370 + 5.02266 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005346) promoter-TSS (NM_005346) -178 NM_005346 3304 Hs.719966 NM_005346 HPRD:06784 HSPA1B HSP70-1B|HSP70-2 heat shock 70kDa protein 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29332 chr6 30293547 30293688 + 5.02258 NA intron (NR_024052, intron 1 of 4).2 intron (NR_024052, intron 1 of 4).2 294 NR_052012 414778 Hs.485041 NR_052012 ENSG00000270604 HCG17 LINC00046|NCRNA00046 HLA complex group 17 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17893 chr2 56780576 56780642 + 5.01117 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -367704 NR_125368 100129434 Hs.580330 NR_125368 ENSG00000233251 LOC100129434 - uncharacterized LOC100129434 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30348 chr6 115446112 115446191 + 5.00240 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -913743 NR_027338 728402 Hs.729953 NR_027338 TPI1P3 - triosephosphate isomerase 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7051 chr11 117922578 117922675 + 4.99861 NA intron (NR_038318, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_038318, intron 2 of 3) -25101 NM_019894 56649 Hs.161985 NM_019894 TMPRSS4 CAPH2|MT-SP2|TMPRSS3 transmembrane protease, serine 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24516 chr4 2765971 2766055 + 4.99484 NA Intergenic CpG -7910 NM_024309 79155 Hs.368551 NM_024309 HPRD:18207 TNIP2 ABIN2|FLIP1|KLIP TNFAIP3 interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30743 chr6 148788830 148789027 + 4.99484 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 4 of 19) AluSx|SINE|Alu 125199 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1997 chr1 148853850 148854002 + 4.99194 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 47911 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20614 chr20 30709672 30709798 + 4.98388 NA intron (NM_014742, intron 1 of 17) SVA_D|Other|Other 12426 NM_014742 9777 Hs.654665 NM_014742 HPRD:15514 TM9SF4 dJ836N17.2 transmembrane 9 superfamily protein member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8563 chr12 89107915 89108096 + 4.98364 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -133755 NM_000899 4254 Hs.1048 NM_000899 KITLG FPH2|KL-1|Kitl|MGF|SCF|SF|SHEP7 KIT ligand protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20615 chr20 30764613 30764882 + 4.98364 NA Intergenic Intergenic 13416 NR_002781 128854 Hs.647447 NR_002781 HPRD:18235 TSPY26P TSPYL3|bA392M18.1 testis specific protein, Y-linked 26, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28050 chr5 115420702 115420859 + 4.98351 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016144) promoter-TSS (NM_016144) 53 NM_016144 51397 Hs.483136 NM_016144 HPRD:16734 COMMD10 PTD002 COMM domain containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3846 chr10 26771145 26771307 + 4.98141 NA intron (NM_019043, intron 2 of 14) intron (NM_019043, intron 2 of 14) 43960 NM_019043 54518 Hs.310421 NM_019043 HPRD:16420 APBB1IP INAG1|PREL1|RARP1|RIAM amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29875 chr6 74418173 74418287 + 4.97837 NA intron (NM_133493, intron 2 of 32) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -12376 NR_110889 101928489 Hs.660059 NR_110889 LOC101928489 - uncharacterized LOC101928489 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16771 chr19 44962984 44963076 + 4.97380 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10264 NM_001278510 7772 Hs.709348 NM_014518 HPRD:18324 ZNF229 - zinc finger protein 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35670 chr9 74384390 74384512 + 4.97380 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135820) promoter-TSS (NM_001135820) -651 NM_001135820 23670 Hs.494146 NM_013390 HPRD:09317 TMEM2 - transmembrane protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36263 chr9 128386949 128387143 + 4.96592 NA intron (NM_001006618, intron 4 of 7) SVA_F|Other|Other 82467 NM_001006619 79109 Hs.495138 NM_024117 HPRD:17464 MAPKAP1 JC310|MIP1|SIN1|SIN1b|SIN1g mitogen-activated protein kinase associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21822 chr22 25054560 25054693 + 4.95803 NA non-coding (NR_024593, exon 1 of 6) non-coding (NR_024593, exon 1 of 6) 488 NR_024593 646074 Hs.531306 NM_001025230 ENSG00000224124 POM121L10P - POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin-like 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37806 chrX 61706934 61707019 + 4.95653 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 864242 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27637 chr5 76338665 76338808 + 4.95370 NA intron (NM_018046, intron 5 of 13) SVA_F|Other|Other 12526 NM_018046 55109 Hs.634849 NM_018046 HPRD:07621 AGGF1 GPATC7|GPATCH7|HSU84971|HUS84971|VG5Q angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21507 chr21 46686656 46686757 + 4.94541 NA 3' UTR (NM_015227, exon 8 of 8) 3' UTR (NM_015227, exon 8 of 8) 21105 NM_133635 23275 Hs.592164 NM_015227 HPRD:09846 POFUT2 C21orf80|FUT13 protein O-fucosyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28403 chr5 142092819 142092924 + 4.94541 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15236 NM_001144935 2246 Hs.483635 NM_000800 HPRD:00567 FGF1 AFGF|ECGF|ECGF-beta|ECGFA|ECGFB|FGF-1|FGF-alpha|FGFA|GLIO703|HBGF-1|HBGF1 fibroblast growth factor 1 (acidic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38977 chrY 1365813 1365879 + 4.93897 NA intron (NR_027760, intron 9 of 11) intron (NR_027760, intron 9 of 11) 3035 NR_037461 100500894 NR_037461 MIR3690 MIR3690-1|MIR3690-2|hsa-mir-3690-1|hsa-mir-3690-2 microRNA 3690 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37156 chrX 1415813 1415879 + 4.93897 NA intron (NR_027760, intron 9 of 11).2 intron (NR_027760, intron 9 of 11).2 3035 NR_037461 100500894 NR_037461 MIR3690 MIR3690-1|MIR3690-2|hsa-mir-3690-1|hsa-mir-3690-2 microRNA 3690 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38214 chrX 80237552 80237737 + 4.92914 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -172411 NM_153252 254065 Hs.147027 NM_153252 HPRD:06564 BRWD3 BRODL|MRX93 bromodomain and WD repeat domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18219 chr2 86221227 86221388 + 4.92914 NA Intergenic Intergenic 29684 NR_026984 90784 Hs.594051 NR_026984 LOC90784 - uncharacterized LOC90784 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5213 chr10 126533933 126534023 + 4.92424 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 43624 NM_032182 23172 Hs.280695 NM_032182 HPRD:13783 FAM175B ABRO1|KIAA0157 family with sequence similarity 175, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7418 chr12 8179697 8179796 + 4.92026 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5613 NM_018416 55810 Hs.120844 NM_018416 HPRD:17014 FOXJ2 FHX forkhead box J2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36158 chr9 117267858 117268023 + 4.91276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001173425) promoter-TSS (NM_001173425) -204 NM_015404 25861 Hs.93836 NM_015404 HPRD:09718 DFNB31 CIP98|PDZD7B|USH2D|WHRN|WI deafness, autosomal recessive 31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_408 chr1 25566161 25566396 + 4.91276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7265 NM_207170 25949 Hs.20013 NM_015484 SYF2 CBPIN|NTC31|P29|fSAP29 SYF2 pre-mRNA-splicing factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13369 chr16 80614059 80614187 + 4.91276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7418 NR_104666 101928276 Hs.149769 NR_104665 ENSG00000260737 LINC01227 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1227 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29889 chr6 75375271 75375337 + 4.91276 NA intron (NR_110856, intron 2 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 540319 NM_080645 1303 Hs.101302 NM_004370 HPRD:00377 COL12A1 BA209D8.1|COL12A1L|DJ234P15.1 collagen, type XII, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13821 chr17 8022202 8022286 + 4.89507 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001165960) promoter-TSS (NM_001165960) -10 NM_001165960 59344 Hs.232770 NM_021628 HPRD:06231 ALOXE3 ARCI3|E-LOX|eLOX-3|eLOX3 arachidonate lipoxygenase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14180 chr17 34091291 34091375 + 4.89358 NA exon (NM_145272, exon 2 of 3) exon (NM_145272, exon 2 of 3) 3417 NM_145272 146853 Hs.127194 NM_145272 HPRD:11239 C17orf50 - chromosome 17 open reading frame 50 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10166 chr14 24630339 24630537 + 4.89250 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006084) promoter-TSS (NM_006084) 16 NM_006084 10379 Hs.1706 NM_006084 HPRD:00960 IRF9 IRF-9|ISGF3|ISGF3G|p48 interferon regulatory factor 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14191 chr17 34417685 34417764 + 4.88249 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002983) promoter-TSS (NM_002983) -218 NM_002983 6348 Hs.514107 NM_002983 HPRD:01656 CCL3 G0S19-1|LD78ALPHA|MIP-1-alpha|MIP1A|SCYA3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7010 chr11 113532823 113532928 + 4.87560 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 44220 NR_110047 80975 Hs.46720 NM_030770 HPRD:05995 TMPRSS5 SPINESIN transmembrane protease, serine 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29259 chr6 27114443 27114519 + 4.87030 NA promoter-TSS (NR_036096) promoter-TSS (NR_036096) 156 NM_080593 85236 Hs.437275 NM_080593 HPRD:13658 HIST1H2BK H2B/S|H2BFAiii|H2BFT|H2BK histone cluster 1, H2bk protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25693 chr4 102332110 102332176 + 4.86445 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 63209 NR_033874 90024 Hs.534513 NR_033874 ENSG00000254531 FLJ20021 - uncharacterized LOC90024 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34249 chr8 93393934 93394054 + 4.85781 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -278540 NM_001198633 862 Hs.368431 NM_004349 HPRD:00590 RUNX1T1 AML1T1|CBFA2T1|CDR|ETO|MTG8|ZMYND2 runt-related transcription factor 1; translocated to, 1 (cyclin D-related) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24747 chr4 17551355 17551463 + 4.85045 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -27518 NM_015907 51056 Hs.570791 NM_015907 HPRD:07516 LAP3 HEL-S-106|LAP|LAPEP|PEPS leucine aminopeptidase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13546 chr16 90061366 90061636 + 4.85045 NA non-coding (NR_003226, exon 11 of 11) non-coding (NR_003226, exon 11 of 11) 15028 NM_024043 79007 Hs.301394 NM_024043 HPRD:08327 DBNDD1 - dysbindin (dystrobrevin binding protein 1) domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13546-2 chr16 90061366 90061636 + 4.85045 NA non-coding (NR_003226, exon 11 of 11) non-coding (NR_003226, exon 11 of 11) 15028 NM_024043 79007 Hs.301394 NM_024043 HPRD:08327 DBNDD1 - dysbindin (dystrobrevin binding protein 1) domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36886 chrUn_gl000224 17407 17569 + 4.84887 NA NA ACRO1|Satellite|acro NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10327 chr14 42378400 42378533 + 4.84826 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 301702 NM_152447 145581 Hs.136893 NM_152447 HPRD:17445 LRFN5 C14orf146|FIGLER8|SALM5 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19982 chr2 225388310 225388548 + 4.84826 NA intron (NM_001257198, intron 3 of 15) L1MB3|LINE|L1 46113 NM_001257198 8452 Hs.372286 NM_003590 HPRD:09123 CUL3 CUL-3|PHA2E cullin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14497 chr17 48637956 48638039 + 4.84826 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198380) promoter-TSS (NM_198380) -432 NM_001256326 8913 Hs.591169 NM_018896 HPRD:04961 CACNA1G Ca(V)T.1|Cav3.1|NBR13 calcium channel, voltage-dependent, T type, alpha 1G subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12688 chr16 31105976 31106042 + 4.84826 NA exon (NM_206824, exon 1 of 2) exon (NM_206824, exon 1 of 2) 267 NM_206824 79001 Hs.324844 NM_024006 HPRD:10540 VKORC1 EDTP308|IMAGE3455200|MST134|MST576|VKCFD2|VKOR vitamin K epoxide reductase complex, subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15116 chr18 15163630 15163726 + 4.83798 NA Intergenic Intergenic 162240 NR_027417 644669 Hs.579474 NR_027417 ENSG00000215512 LOC644669 - ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35579 chr9 69783664 69783742 + 4.83416 NA Intergenic Intergenic -25919 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17553 chr2 27603606 27603694 + 4.83227 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144631) promoter-TSS (NM_144631) -39 NM_144631 130557 Hs.515872 NM_144631 HPRD:15813 ZNF513 HMFT0656|RP58 zinc finger protein 513 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27937 chr5 103782310 103782376 + 4.83227 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -652832 NR_000039 9366 Hs.158296 NR_000039 ENSG00000232159 RAB9BP1 RAB9P1 RAB9B, member RAS oncogene family pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4238 chr10 43904249 43904426 + 4.82849 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098205) promoter-TSS (NM_001098205) -5 NM_001098205 3185 Hs.808 NM_004966 HPRD:03023 HNRNPF HNRPF|OK/SW-cl.23|mcs94-1 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37203 chrX 6853117 6853244 + 4.82191 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -212721 NR_039924 100616467 NR_039924 miRBase:MI0017408 MIR4767 - microRNA 4767 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35145 chr9 28494597 28494663 + 4.82191 NA intron (NM_001258282, intron 3 of 6) L1PA5|LINE|L1 224673 NM_152570 158038 Hs.662661 NM_152570 HPRD:08715 LINGO2 LERN3|LRRN6C leucine rich repeat and Ig domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_237 chr1 13654435 13654625 + 4.82071 NA intron (NM_001099850, intron 1 of 2) SVA_E|Other|Other 9730 NM_001300891 101929983 NM_001300891 LOC101929983 - PRAME family member 9/15-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10254 chr14 35342884 35343014 + 4.81897 NA intron (NM_013448, intron 2 of 26) CpG 1904 NM_182648 11177 Hs.509140 NM_013448 ENSG00000198604 BAZ1A ACF1|WALp1|WCRF180|hACF1 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain, 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24624 chr4 9218567 9218633 + 4.80840 NA exon (NM_001256859, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_001256859, exon 1 of 1) 1469 NM_001256859 100287364 Hs.741138 NM_001256859 ENSG00000250844 USP17L18 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_274 chr1 16747414 16747518 + 4.80452 NA intron (NM_198546, intron 5 of 12) L2a|LINE|L2 16453 NM_198546 374955 Hs.705501 NM_198546 HPRD:14190 SPATA21 spergen-2|spergen2 spermatogenesis associated 21 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18411 chr2 92228734 92228857 + 4.80071 NA Intergenic Intergenic 99636 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33535 chr8 28206106 28206218 + 4.79238 NA 3' UTR (NM_018660, exon 10 of 10) 3' UTR (NM_018660, exon 10 of 10) 9997 NM_001284244 5368 Hs.88218 NM_006228 HPRD:03268 PNOC PPNOC prepronociceptin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13668 chr17 3666836 3666902 + 4.79232 NA intron (NM_002208, intron 3 of 30) intron (NM_002208, intron 3 of 30) 37668 NM_002208 3682 Hs.513867 NM_002208 HPRD:05249 ITGAE CD103|HUMINAE integrin, alpha E (antigen CD103, human mucosal lymphocyte antigen 1; alpha polypeptide) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35952 chr9 99984253 99984351 + 4.78455 NA Intergenic CpG -16406 NR_036527 57653 Hs.435629 NR_036527 LOC100499484-C9ORF174 - LOC100499484-C9orf174 readthrough ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14468 chr17 47439696 47439816 + 4.77820 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145365) promoter-TSS (NM_001145365) 12 NR_110882 102724596 Hs.559253 NR_110882 LOC102724596 - uncharacterized LOC102724596 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21224 chr21 16404033 16404099 + 4.76908 NA intron (NM_003489, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_003489, intron 2 of 3) 33060 NM_003489 8204 Hs.155017 NM_003489 HPRD:03927 NRIP1 RIP140 nuclear receptor interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26726 chr5 1518990 1519095 + 4.76383 NA intron (NM_024830, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_024830, intron 1 of 13) 5034 NM_024830 79888 Hs.368853 NM_024830 HPRD:08572 LPCAT1 AYTL2|PFAAP3|lpcat lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9489 chr13 46700842 46700944 + 4.76383 NA 3' UTR (NM_002298, exon 16 of 16) 3' UTR (NM_002298, exon 16 of 16) -21682 NM_001278541 1361 Hs.512937 NM_001872 HPRD:04374 CPB2 CPU|PCPB|TAFI carboxypeptidase B2 (plasma) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20876 chr20 49100192 49100283 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26621 NM_002827 5770 Hs.417549 NM_002827 HPRD:01477 PTPN1 PTP1B protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_707 chr1 39025188 39025263 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic 300270 NM_022157 64121 Hs.532461 NM_022157 HPRD:12198 RRAGC GTR2|RAGC|TIB929 Ras-related GTP binding C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2102 chr1 151735970 151736042 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001301371) promoter-TSS (NM_001301371) 50 NM_001301371 51686 Hs.713789 NM_016178 HPRD:18670 OAZ3 AZ3|OAZ-t|TISP15 ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3013 chr1 219288403 219288469 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_038845, intron 3 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 58694 NR_038845 643723 Hs.519774 NR_038845 LYPLAL1-AS1 - LYPLAL1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19099 chr2 147679868 147679934 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 335276 NR_026904 728773 Hs.334462 NR_026904 PABPC1P2 PABP2|PABP4|PABPCP2|PABPCP4 poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 1 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2814 chr1 201208817 201208883 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -43730 NM_001005337 5317 Hs.497350 NM_000299 HPRD:03579 PKP1 B6P plakophilin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39342 chrY 24487431 24487509 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_152585, intron 1 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 24645 NR_104151 100652931 Hs.684794 NR_104151 LOC100652931 - RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked, family 1, member A1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12565 chr16 27329838 27329917 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001257406, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001257406, intron 1 of 9) 4647 NM_001257406 3566 Hs.513457 NM_000418 HPRD:00990 IL4R CD124|IL-4RA|IL4RA interleukin 4 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20774 chr20 41248993 41249093 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_133170, intron 7 of 31) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -65080 NR_110004 101927159 Hs.570383 NR_110004 ENSG00000229042 LOC101927159 - uncharacterized LOC101927159 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24038 chr3 162955216 162955452 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_033945, intron 2 of 6) L1HS|LINE|L1 65755 NR_033945 647107 Hs.408584 NR_033945 ENSG00000241369 LINC01192 CT64 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1192 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26591 chr4 189898284 189898421 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic 521620 NR_033869 401164 Hs.435756 NR_033869 ENSG00000249378 LINC01060 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1060 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17604 chr2 30684694 30684866 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_182551, intron 2 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu 14643 NM_001002257 253558 Hs.468048 NM_182551 HPRD:17458 LCLAT1 1AGPAT8|AGPAT8|ALCAT1|HSRG1849|LYCAT|UNQ1849 lysocardiolipin acyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37553 chrX 47341988 47342161 + 4.75276 NA 5' UTR (NM_007130, exon 1 of 5) 5' UTR (NM_007130, exon 1 of 5) 271 NM_007130 7592 Hs.496074 NM_007130 HPRD:02447 ZNF41 MRX89 zinc finger protein 41 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13427 chr16 84769577 84769674 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_073577, intron 2 of 11) intron (NR_073577, intron 2 of 11) 36070 NR_073578 9100 Hs.136778 NM_005153 HPRD:07029 USP10 UBPO ubiquitin specific peptidase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31261 chr7 6629806 6629936 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024067) promoter-TSS (NM_024067) -44 NM_024067 79034 Hs.487511 NM_024067 HPRD:12913 C7orf26 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_755 chr1 41582972 41583038 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001031694, intron 6 of 15) LTR13|LTR|ERVK 42600 NM_001172222 22955 Hs.571874 NM_012236 HPRD:11540 SCMH1 Scml3 sex comb on midleg homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10719 chr14 74058762 74058850 + 4.75276 NA exon (NM_152331, exon 1 of 3) exon (NM_152331, exon 1 of 3) 396 NM_152331 122970 Hs.49433 NM_152331 ACOT4 PTE-Ib|PTE1B|PTE2B acyl-CoA thioesterase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32377 chr7 98923379 98923555 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001190996) promoter-TSS (NM_001190996) -29 NM_001190996 10552 Hs.124126 NM_006409 HPRD:07252 ARPC1A Arc40|HEL-68|SOP2Hs|SOP2L actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 1A, 41kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15615 chr18 76906138 76906232 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_198531, intron 6 of 29) CpG 76788 NM_198531 374868 Hs.465475 NM_198531 HPRD:16528 ATP9B ATPASEP|ATPIIB|NEO1L|hMMR1 ATPase, class II, type 9B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13940 chr17 18973807 18973873 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic CpG -22686 NM_001291905 388436 Hs.677375 NM_001291905 LOC388436 - uncharacterized protein ENSP00000382042 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36506 chr9 139887187 139887273 + 4.75260 NA intron (NM_183241, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_183241, intron 2 of 6) 360 NM_183241 286257 Hs.409582 NM_183241 HPRD:14163 C9orf142 - chromosome 9 open reading frame 142 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4938 chr10 102820515 102820584 + 4.73886 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030929) promoter-TSS (NM_030929) -450 NM_030929 81621 Hs.534859 NM_030929 KAZALD1 BONO1|FKSG28|FKSG40|IGFBP-rP10 Kazal-type serine peptidase inhibitor domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26593 chr4 190029936 190030103 + 4.72732 NA Intergenic MER41-int|LTR|ERV1 -550741 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18233 chr2 86850975 86851112 + 4.72732 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001198952) promoter-TSS (NM_001198952) -43 NM_005667 7844 Hs.469199 NM_005667 HPRD:03939 RNF103 HKF-1|KF-1|KF1|ZFP-103|ZFP103 ring finger protein 103 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19071 chr2 143935072 143935194 + 4.72449 NA intron (NM_018460, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_018460, intron 2 of 13) 48234 NM_018460 55843 Hs.171011 NM_018460 HPRD:06447 ARHGAP15 BM046 Rho GTPase activating protein 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5788 chr11 22670455 22670534 + 4.72449 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -17666 NM_001143830 2620 Hs.711297 NM_005256 HPRD:04158 GAS2 - growth arrest-specific 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35931 chr9 98638046 98638135 + 4.71843 NA non-coding (NR_023389, exon 1 of 3) non-coding (NR_023389, exon 1 of 3) 169 NR_023389 100128782 Hs.494549 NR_023389 ENSG00000175611 LINC00476 C9orf130|NAG11 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 476 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20368 chr20 5433950 5434070 + 4.70825 NA Intergenic SVA_A|Other|Other -7616 NR_038239 100507629 Hs.121383 NR_038239 ENSG00000226995 LINC00658 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 658 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25992 chr4 125138582 125138698 + 4.68923 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 340949 NR_110838 101927087 Hs.518966 NR_110838 ENSG00000261083 LOC101927087 - uncharacterized LOC101927087 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37665 chrX 53100831 53100976 + 4.68414 NA intron (NM_018969, intron 1 of 1) MER20B|DNA|hAT-Charlie -10639 NM_022117 64061 Hs.136164 NM_022117 HPRD:06713 TSPYL2 CDA1|CINAP|CTCL|DENTT|HRIHFB2216|NP79|SE204|TSPX TSPY-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15336 chr18 44556183 44556660 + 4.68285 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001100817).3 promoter-TSS (NM_001100817).3 28 NM_145653 162699 Hs.515381 NM_145653 HPRD:15479 TCEB3C HsT829|TCEB3L2 transcription elongation factor B polypeptide 3C (elongin A3) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18002 chr2 68384640 68384790 + 4.68024 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020143) promoter-TSS (NM_020143) -23 NM_001256476 116143 Hs.631877 NM_138458 HPRD:14012 WDR92 - WD repeat domain 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_826 chr1 45196462 45196577 + 4.68024 NA Intergenic AluSx4|SINE|Alu -8971 NM_006845 11004 Hs.720061 NM_006845 HPRD:05172 KIF2C CT139|KNSL6|MCAK kinesin family member 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_233 chr1 13433641 13433831 + 4.66952 NA intron (NM_001099850, intron 1 of 2) SVA_E|Other|Other 9733 NM_001300891 101929983 NM_001300891 LOC101929983 - PRAME family member 9/15-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24896 chr4 38531645 38531743 + 4.66751 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -6893 NR_110951 101928776 Hs.586147 NR_110951 ENSG00000249534 LINC01258 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1258 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3938 chr10 32258409 32258604 + 4.65771 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -40702 NM_001270698 94134 Hs.499264 NM_018287 HPRD:06446 ARHGAP12 - Rho GTPase activating protein 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11192 chr15 22449469 22449643 + 4.65548 NA Intergenic Intergenic 36094 NR_028067 390539 Hs.666555 NR_028067 ENSG00000259435 OR4N3P OR15-2 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily N, member 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_558 chr1 33177981 33178047 + 4.65139 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9653 NM_030786 81493 Hs.712631 NM_030786 HPRD:18134 SYNC SYNC1|SYNCOILIN syncoilin, intermediate filament protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16043 chr19 14570724 14570828 + 4.65076 NA intron (NM_002741, intron 9 of 21) MER20|DNA|hAT-Charlie 15398 NM_000955 5731 Hs.159360 NM_000955 HPRD:08903 PTGER1 EP1 prostaglandin E receptor 1 (subtype EP1), 42kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11327 chr15 34517173 34517300 + 4.64841 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286420) promoter-TSS (NM_001286420) 38 NM_001286420 51234 Hs.250905 NM_016454 HPRD:14233 EMC4 PIG17|TMEM85 ER membrane protein complex subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19319 chr2 169312634 169312727 + 4.64841 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001256126) promoter-TSS (NM_001256126) -79 NM_203463 253782 Hs.506829 NM_203463 HPRD:17258 CERS6 CERS5|LASS6 ceramide synthase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3651 chr10 11191604 11191839 + 4.64625 NA intron (NM_006561, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_006561, intron 1 of 14) -15272 NM_001025076 10659 Hs.309288 NM_006561 HPRD:03964 CELF2 BRUNOL3|CUGBP2|ETR-3|ETR3|NAPOR CUGBP, Elav-like family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34274 chr8 96281220 96281409 + 4.64625 NA exon (NM_177965, exon 1 of 6) exon (NM_177965, exon 1 of 6) 148 NM_177965 157657 Hs.548157 NM_177965 HPRD:14104 C8orf37 CORD16|RP64|smalltalk chromosome 8 open reading frame 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28362 chr5 140490209 140490367 + 4.64203 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 10458 NM_018937 56132 Hs.508987 NM_018937 HPRD:08398 PCDHB3 PCDH-BETA3 protocadherin beta 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18982 chr2 133119397 133119473 + 4.64203 NA Intergenic Intergenic -54712 NM_001508 2863 Hs.432395 NM_001508 HPRD:04198 GPR39 - G protein-coupled receptor 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2333 chr1 161582278 161582417 + 4.64163 NA Intergenic CpG 6498 NR_024151 3311 Hs.662180 NR_024151 HSPA7 HSP70B heat shock 70kDa protein 7 (HSP70B) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13469 chr16 87798241 87798378 + 4.63401 NA intron (NM_001184856, intron 1 of 10) MIR|SINE|MIR 1289 NM_017566 54758 Hs.123450 NM_017566 HPRD:11180 KLHDC4 - kelch domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12988 chr16 48419374 48419450 + 4.63368 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003031) promoter-TSS (NM_003031) -183 NM_003031 6477 Hs.706828 NM_003031 HPRD:03736 SIAH1 SIAH1A siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25339 chr4 68046981 68047069 + 4.63307 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 240693 NR_110747 101927237 Hs.435644 NR_110747 ENSG00000250075 LOC101927237 - uncharacterized LOC101927237 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22641 chr3 39930491 39930585 + 4.63302 NA intron (NR_104316, intron 1 of 16) L1PA3|LINE|L1 79387 NM_001284424 25924 Hs.594535 NM_015460 HPRD:14796 MYRIP SLAC2-C|SLAC2C myosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4366 chr10 54873410 54873527 + 4.63302 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -342008 NM_000242 4153 Hs.499674 NM_000242 HPRD:01107 MBL2 COLEC1|HSMBPC|MBL|MBL2D|MBP|MBP-C|MBP1|MBPD mannose-binding lectin (protein C) 2, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38893 chrX 153237469 153237541 + 4.62262 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005334) promoter-TSS (NM_005334) -486 NM_003492 8269 Hs.23119 NM_003492 HPRD:02086 TMEM187 CXorf12|DXS9878E|ITBA1 transmembrane protein 187 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27168 chr5 46369512 46369599 + 4.62200 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -673335 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10360 chr14 46018597 46018739 + 4.61784 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -296063 NM_018353 55320 Hs.732769 NM_018353 HPRD:12629 MIS18BP1 C14orf106|HSA242977|KNL2|M18BP1 MIS18 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14172 chr17 33787515 33787669 + 4.61425 NA Intergenic CpG -11736 NM_144682 146857 Hs.462833 NM_144682 HPRD:08716 SLFN13 SLFN10 schlafen family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29234 chr6 26537672 26537807 + 4.61125 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006353) promoter-TSS (NM_006353) -833 NM_006353 10473 Hs.236774 NM_006353 HMGN4 HMG17L3|NHC high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23931 chr3 154341281 154341382 + 4.60065 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -193827 NM_001038705 344758 Hs.688231 NM_001038705 ENSG00000174948 GPR149 IEDA|PGR10 G protein-coupled receptor 149 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15951 chr19 11200035 11200101 + 4.59959 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195798) promoter-TSS (NM_001195798) 30 NM_001195800 3949 Hs.213289 NM_000527 HPRD:06091 LDLR FH|FHC|LDLCQ2 low density lipoprotein receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27128 chr5 45317963 45318080 + 4.59566 NA intron (NM_021072, intron 5 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 378199 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6406 chr11 65101270 65101336 + 4.59566 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006268) promoter-TSS (NM_006268) 78 NM_006268 5977 Hs.13495 NM_006268 HPRD:03394 DPF2 REQ|UBID4|ubi-d4 D4, zinc and double PHD fingers family 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19747 chr2 204584927 204585006 + 4.58807 NA intron (NM_001243078, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001243078, intron 1 of 2) 13768 NM_001243077 940 Hs.443123 NM_006139 HPRD:01727 CD28 Tp44 CD28 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3004 chr1 216127573 216127757 + 4.58807 NA intron (NM_206933, intron 37 of 71) L1PA4|LINE|L1 386930 NM_016121 51133 Hs.335139 NM_016121 HPRD:13766 KCTD3 NY-REN-45 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22070 chr22 42833626 42833692 + 4.57713 NA Intergenic MamRep1161|DNA|TcMar -5258 NM_145912 150372 Hs.436677 NM_145912 HPRD:16380 NFAM1 CNAIP|bK126B4.4 NFAT activating protein with ITAM motif 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22018 chr22 40742365 40742531 + 4.55970 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001123378) promoter-TSS (NM_001123378) -56 NM_001123378 158 Hs.75527 NM_000026 HPRD:00049 ADSL AMPS|ASASE|ASL adenylosuccinate lyase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18580 chr2 99864653 99864771 + 4.55866 NA intron (NM_175735, intron 2 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 6858 NM_175735 254773 Hs.436468 NM_175735 HPRD:14331 LYG2 LYGH lysozyme G-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32418 chr7 99994469 99994545 + 4.55866 NA intron (NM_013439, intron 3 of 6) L1MB2|LINE|L1 23439 NM_178273 29992 Hs.444407 NM_013439 HPRD:05631 PILRA FDF03 paired immunoglobin-like type 2 receptor alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20862 chr20 48429355 48429449 + 4.55149 NA non-coding (NR_048539, exon 1 of 14) non-coding (NR_048539, exon 1 of 14) 152 NM_001260491 23315 Hs.444202 NM_015266 HPRD:18062 SLC9A8 NHE-8|NHE8 solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE8, cation proton antiporter 8), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23842 chr3 145814764 145814966 + 4.55149 NA intron (NM_000935, intron 7 of 18) SVA_E|Other|Other 64417 NM_000935 5352 Hs.477866 NM_000935 HPRD:03519 PLOD2 LH2|TLH procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23598 chr3 125555004 125555158 + 4.54625 NA intron (NR_125396, intron 2 of 2) HERVS71-int|LTR|ERV1 -45686 NR_031687 100302204 NR_031687 miRBase:MI0006421 MIR548I1 MIR548I-1|MIRN548I1|hsa-mir-548i-1 microRNA 548i-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25322 chr4 66047557 66047703 + 4.54356 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -177412 NR_033976 401134 Hs.165899 NR_033976 ENSG00000250125 LOC401134 - uncharacterized LOC401134 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10907 chr14 92347453 92347575 + 4.54047 NA intron (NM_006329, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_006329, intron 9 of 10) -13634 NM_001128596 123036 Hs.510262 NM_152332 HPRD:11375 TC2N C14orf47|C2CD1|MTAC2D1|Tac2-N tandem C2 domains, nuclear protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12679 chr16 30886593 30886668 + 4.52907 NA promoter-TSS (NR_039744) promoter-TSS (NR_039744) 14 NR_039744 100616231 NR_039744 MIR4519 - microRNA 4519 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1500 chr1 110230298 110230459 + 4.52193 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000561) promoter-TSS (NM_000561) -40 NM_146421 2944 Hs.301961 NM_000561 HPRD:00707 GSTM1 GST1|GSTM1-1|GSTM1a-1a|GSTM1b-1b|GTH4|GTM1|H-B|MU|MU-1 glutathione S-transferase mu 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23546 chr3 121171586 121171667 + 4.51445 NA intron (NM_199420, intron 25 of 29) L1PA3|LINE|L1 93227 NM_199420 10721 Hs.241517 NM_199420 HPRD:10375 POLQ POLH|PRO0327 polymerase (DNA directed), theta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18566 chr2 99254398 99254539 + 4.50389 NA intron (NM_012214, intron 12 of 15) L1MD1|LINE|L1 25468 NM_001160154 11320 Hs.177576 NM_012214 HPRD:06860 MGAT4A GNT-IV|GNT-IVA|GnT-4a mannosyl (alpha-1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, isozyme A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16601 chr19 39368830 39368941 + 4.48623 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195833) promoter-TSS (NM_001195833) 34 NM_198445 126432 Hs.446933 NM_198445 HPRD:13517 RINL - Ras and Rab interactor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13895 chr17 17295019 17295123 + 4.48598 NA Intergenic LTR12_|LTR|ERV1 -85229 NM_018019 55090 Hs.244595 NM_018019 HPRD:14383 MED9 MED25 mediator complex subunit 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16002 chr19 13044579 13044645 + 4.48063 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004461) promoter-TSS (NM_004461) -54 NM_004461 2193 Hs.23111 NM_004461 HPRD:04227 FARSA CML33|FARSL|FARSLA|FRSA|PheHA phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1554 chr1 113615343 113615434 + 4.47314 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014813) promoter-TSS (NM_014813) 336 NR_103777 100996251 Hs.382067 NR_103777 ENSG00000238198 LOC100996251 - uncharacterized LOC100996251 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22120 chr22 45714527 45714624 + 4.45598 NA intron (NM_001104595, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_001104595, intron 2 of 9) 8790 NM_017911 55007 Hs.265018 NM_017911 HPRD:07936 FAM118A C22orf8 family with sequence similarity 118, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11232 chr15 27438447 27438542 + 4.45023 NA intron (NM_033223, intron 3 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -32028 NR_120343 101928869 Hs.585699 NR_120343 ENSG00000228740 LOC101928869 - uncharacterized LOC101928869 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6633 chr11 74593986 74594054 + 4.45023 NA intron (NM_182969, intron 10 of 18) L1PA2|LINE|L1 66212 NM_001270380 143570 Hs.370145 NM_182969 ENSG00000166435 XRRA1 - X-ray radiation resistance associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36466 chr9 137283787 137283961 + 4.44396 NA intron (NM_001291920, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001291920, intron 1 of 9) 12617 NR_039816 100616236 NR_039816 MIR4669 - microRNA 4669 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36475 chr9 138392429 138392519 + 4.43861 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001048265) promoter-TSS (NM_001048265) -3 NR_051970 51116 Hs.382044 NM_016034 HPRD:14783 MRPS2 MRP-S2|S2mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25044 chr4 49134445 49134531 + 4.43527 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 145829 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5860 chr11 31379159 31379225 + 4.43219 NA intron (NM_181807, intron 1 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 12165 NM_181807 341019 Hs.127405 NM_181807 HPRD:12158 DCDC1 - doublecortin domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31455 chr7 25220143 25220273 + 4.42740 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138811) promoter-TSS (NM_138811) -391 NM_138811 136895 Hs.122055 NM_138811 HPRD:12919 C7orf31 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19847 chr2 210616156 210616249 + 4.42265 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -20515 NM_182587 285175 Hs.396201 NM_032504 HPRD:12809 UNC80 C2orf21|UNC-80 unc-80 homolog (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14275 chr17 38717218 38717389 + 4.41986 NA intron (NM_001838, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001838, intron 1 of 2) 4433 NM_001838 1236 Hs.370036 NM_001838 HPRD:02588 CCR7 BLR2|CD197|CDw197|CMKBR7|EBI1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11299 chr15 31658191 31658257 + 4.41699 NA intron (NM_015995, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_015995, intron 1 of 1) 39141 NM_015995 51621 Hs.525752 NM_015995 HPRD:05620 KLF13 BTEB3|FKLF2|NSLP1|RFLAT-1|RFLAT1 Kruppel-like factor 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11195 chr15 22462299 22462386 + 4.41596 NA Intergenic Intergenic 48880 NR_028067 390539 Hs.666555 NR_028067 ENSG00000259435 OR4N3P OR15-2 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily N, member 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15224 chr18 29540658 29540724 + 4.41389 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -17600 NM_014939 22878 Hs.202001 NM_014939 HPRD:10019 TRAPPC8 GSG1|HsT2706|KIAA1012|TRS85 trafficking protein particle complex 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13908 chr17 17739878 17739978 + 4.41389 NA intron (NM_001005291, intron 1 of 19) CpG 397 NM_001005291 6720 Hs.592123 NM_004176 HPRD:01701 SREBF1 SREBP-1c|SREBP1|bHLHd1 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7460 chr12 9823811 9823931 + 4.40777 NA intron (NM_001197319, intron 1 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 1567 NR_036693 29121 Hs.268326 NM_013269 CLEC2D CLAX|LLT1|OCIL C-type lectin domain family 2, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37802 chrX 61702838 61702907 + 4.40072 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 868346 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32677 chr7 126243457 126243593 + 4.39685 NA intron (NR_028041, intron 8 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 454713 NR_030323 693177 NR_030323 MIR592 MIRN592|hsa-mir-592 microRNA 592 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12875 chr16 33975059 33975230 + 4.39307 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -12641 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5451 chr11 1160265 1160429 + 4.37928 NA Intergenic Intergenic -83948 NM_002458 727897 Hs.523395 NM_002458 ENSG00000117983 MUC5B MG1|MUC-5B|MUC5|MUC9 mucin 5B, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36864 chrUn_gl000222 83722 83858 + 4.36971 NA Intergenic CpG -2439 NR_040005 401074 Hs.528540 NR_040004 ENSG00000242516 LINC00960 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32823 chr7 139205458 139205549 + 4.36154 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -3171 NM_001080511 154790 Hs.57806 NM_001080511 ENSG00000236279 CLEC2L - C-type lectin domain family 2, member L protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10965 chr14 97859846 97859940 + 4.35998 NA Intergenic Intergenic -65260 NR_110165 101929241 Hs.650839 NR_110165 ENSG00000246084 LOC101929241 - uncharacterized LOC101929241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3150 chr1 226163795 226163873 + 4.35998 NA Intergenic Intergenic 23232 NM_152608 163859 Hs.520192 NM_152608 HPRD:08180 SDE2 C1orf55|dJ671D7.1 SDE2 telomere maintenance homolog (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29558 chr6 41528746 41528927 + 4.35650 NA intron (NM_001012426, intron 1 of 16) CpG 14672 NM_138457 116113 Hs.131436 NM_138457 HPRD:10600 FOXP4 hFKHLA forkhead box P4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10188 chr14 25079066 25079141 + 4.35650 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033423) promoter-TSS (NM_033423) -177 NM_033423 2999 Hs.348264 NM_033423 HPRD:00290 GZMH CCP-X|CGL-2|CSP-C|CTLA1|CTSGL2 granzyme H (cathepsin G-like 2, protein h-CCPX) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22048 chr22 42015055 42015151 + 4.35043 NA intron (NM_015704, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_015704, intron 1 of 5) 1958 NM_015704 27351 Hs.570455 NM_015704 HPRD:18590 DESI1 D15Wsu75e|DESI2|DJ347H13.4|DeSI-1|FAM152B|PPPDE2 desumoylating isopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5368 chr10 135207526 135207640 + 4.35043 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138384) promoter-TSS (NM_138384) -38 NM_138384 92170 Hs.501578 NM_138384 HPRD:11602 MTG1 GTP|GTPBP7 mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18364 chr2 91596753 91596876 + 4.34901 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 251161 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11716 chr15 65185786 65185918 + 4.34705 NA Intergenic MIRc|SINE|MIR -18249 NM_182703 348094 Hs.207157 NM_182703 HPRD:14178 ANKDD1A - ankyrin repeat and death domain containing 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29911 chr6 77754236 77754344 + 4.34428 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 418830 NM_000863 3351 Hs.123016 NM_000863 HTR1B 5-HT1B|5-HT1DB|HTR1D2|HTR1DB|S12 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1B, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11404 chr15 40986905 40986995 + 4.34250 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164270) promoter-TSS (NM_001164270) 353 NR_040058 100505648 Hs.586876 NR_040058 ENSG00000245849 RAD51-AS1 - RAD51 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18524 chr2 97481808 97482006 + 4.32813 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017623) promoter-TSS (NM_017623) -84 NM_199078 26505 Hs.711617 NM_017623 CNNM3 ACDP3 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33501 chr8 25202956 25203164 + 4.30989 NA TTS (NR_106936) TTS (NR_106936) 142 NR_106936 102465527 NR_106936 MIR6876 hsa-mir-6876 microRNA 6876 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13860 chr17 14205980 14206105 + 4.30675 NA intron (NM_006041, intron 1 of 1) CpG -1015 NR_026880 84815 Hs.597458 NM_032729 MGC12916 - uncharacterized protein MGC12916 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35429 chr9 66783746 66783815 + 4.30369 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -139187 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16831 chr19 47289804 47289873 + 4.30061 NA intron (NM_005628, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_005628, intron 1 of 7) 707 NM_001145144 6510 Hs.631582 NM_005628 HPRD:00173 SLC1A5 AAAT|ASCT2|ATBO|M7V1|M7VS1|R16|RDRC solute carrier family 1 (neutral amino acid transporter), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37340 chrX 16982857 16983104 + 4.30001 NA intron (NM_004726, intron 1 of 17) SVA_D|Other|Other 18166 NM_001080975 9185 Hs.186810 NM_004726 HPRD:02262 REPS2 POB1 RALBP1 associated Eps domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22369 chr3 15311177 15311243 + 4.29764 NA intron (NM_001018009, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_001018009, intron 4 of 8) 15519 NR_046084 100505696 Hs.745026 NR_046084 ENSG00000224660 SH3BP5-AS1 - SH3BP5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20912 chr20 52226404 52226489 + 4.28238 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26810 NM_006526 7764 Hs.155040 NM_006526 HPRD:04272 ZNF217 ZABC1 zinc finger protein 217 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34618 chr8 129569003 129569174 + 4.27528 NA intron (NR_121672, intron 2 of 7) intron (NR_121672, intron 2 of 7) 7837 NR_121672 101927774 Hs.628730 NR_121672 ENSG00000254275 LINC00824 LINC01263 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 824 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14201 chr17 34628218 34628363 + 4.25835 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2559 NM_021006 6349 Hs.512683 NM_021006 HPRD:03234 CCL3L1 464.2|D17S1718|G0S19-2|LD78|LD78-beta(1-70)|LD78BETA|MIP1AP|SCYA3L|SCYA3L1 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9218 chr13 22635691 22635905 + 4.25213 NA Intergenic Intergenic -148626 NR_103810 100506622 Hs.255773 NR_103810 LINC00540 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 540 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34906 chr9 1779022 1779173 + 4.24134 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -236122 NM_003070 6595 Hs.298990 NM_003070 HPRD:02483 SMARCA2 BAF190|BRM|NCBRS|SNF2|SNF2L2|SNF2LA|SWI2|Sth1p|hBRM|hSNF2a SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34993 chr9 9936517 9936589 + 4.23440 NA intron (NM_002839, intron 5 of 45) L1PA3|LINE|L1 676170 NM_002839 5789 Hs.446083 NM_002839 HPRD:03358 PTPRD HPTP|HPTPD|HPTPDELTA|PTPD|RPTPDELTA protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31709 chr7 50344657 50344772 + 4.23440 NA intron (NM_001291845, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_001291845, intron 1 of 3) 449 NM_001291845 10320 Hs.435949 NM_006060 HPRD:04318 IKZF1 Hs.54452|IK1|IKAROS|LYF1|LyF-1|PPP1R92|PRO0758|ZNFN1A1 IKAROS family zinc finger 1 (Ikaros) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24899 chr4 38665769 38665851 + 4.23440 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016531) promoter-TSS (NM_016531) 20 NM_016531 51274 Hs.298658 NM_016531 HPRD:13920 KLF3 BKLF Kruppel-like factor 3 (basic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21718 chr22 21056643 21056783 + 4.23168 NA intron (NR_026815, intron 1 of 7) CpG 1311 NR_026815 84222 Hs.546454 NM_032262 HPRD:13197 TMEM191A TMEM191AP transmembrane protein 191A (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31752 chr7 55566037 55566121 + 4.22420 NA intron (NM_001284284, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_001284284, intron 2 of 4) 39330 NM_001284284 81552 Hs.488307 NM_030796 HPRD:08526 VOPP1 ECOP|GASP vesicular, overexpressed in cancer, prosurvival protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32932 chr7 143398220 143398286 + 4.19663 NA intron (NM_173678, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_173678, intron 1 of 6) -14686 NM_001130026 285966 Hs.743565 NM_173678 HPRD:07117 FAM115C FAM139A family with sequence similarity 115, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16717 chr19 42787395 42787609 + 4.19123 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1315 NM_015125 23152 Hs.388236 NM_015125 HPRD:10831 CIC - capicua transcriptional repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15631 chr18 77265215 77265341 + 4.19069 NA intron (NM_172387, intron 9 of 9) intron (NM_172387, intron 9 of 9) 105004 NM_172389 4772 Hs.534074 NM_006162 HPRD:02729 NFATC1 NF-ATC|NFAT2|NFATc nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2011 chr1 149132340 149132515 + 4.19069 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -22702 NR_104217 101929780 Hs.534675 NR_104217 NBPF25P WI2-925H4.1 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 25, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25620 chr4 96253415 96253510 + 4.19069 NA intron (NM_003728, intron 2 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 216899 NM_003728 8633 Hs.388565 NM_003728 HPRD:04678 UNC5C UNC5H3 unc-5 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30977 chr6 161034833 161035283 + 4.18767 NA intron (NM_005577, intron 15 of 39) intron (NM_005577, intron 15 of 39) 52349 NM_005577 4018 Hs.520120 NM_005577 HPRD:01063 LPA AK38|APOA|LP lipoprotein, Lp(a) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9169 chr13 19359147 19359232 + 4.17604 NA Intergenic MSTA|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -44950 NR_047508 100874164 Hs.739604 NR_047508 LINC00417 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24924 chr4 40267004 40267100 + 4.17398 NA Intergenic Intergenic -42150 NR_121641 101060498 Hs.351492 NR_121640 ENSG00000249241 LOC101060498 - uncharacterized LOC101060498 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10046 chr13 115047581 115047708 + 4.17206 NA intron (NM_023011, intron 2 of 9) CpG-6798 585 NM_023011 65110 Hs.533855 NM_023011 HPRD:09274 UPF3A HUPF3A|RENT3A|UPF3 UPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog A (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28656 chr5 159866245 159866335 + 4.17206 NA Intergenic Intergenic 17373 NM_001282383 9232 Hs.350966 NM_004219 HPRD:04998 PTTG1 EAP1|HPTTG|PTTG|TUTR1 pituitary tumor-transforming 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12611 chr16 29086244 29086338 + 4.16249 NA non-coding (NR_003369, exon 1 of 17) non-coding (NR_003369, exon 1 of 17) 128 NR_003369 653390 Hs.720348 NR_003369 ENSG00000103472 RRN3P2 - RNA polymerase I transcription factor homolog (S. cerevisiae) pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37112 chrUn_gl000241 40761 40827 + 4.16087 NA NA MSTA|LTR|ERVL-MaLR NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_967 chr1 55352781 55353014 + 4.15738 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014762) promoter-TSS (NM_014762) 24 NM_014762 1718 Hs.498727 NM_014762 HPRD:05916 DHCR24 DCE|Nbla03646|SELADIN1|seladin-1 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8746 chr12 104038126 104038192 + 4.15738 NA intron (NM_017564, intron 9 of 68) SVA_D|Other|Other 57090 NM_017564 55576 Hs.408249 NM_017564 HPRD:10542 STAB2 FEEL2|FELE-2|FELL2|FEX2|HARE stabilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7440 chr12 9067425 9067575 + 4.14072 NA intron (NM_004426, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_004426, intron 1 of 14) 184 NM_004426 1911 Hs.744902 NM_004426 HPRD:16009 PHC1 EDR1|HPH1|MCPH11|RAE28 polyhomeotic homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37778 chrX 58579615 58579714 + 4.13899 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -642597 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_327 chr1 21670084 21670175 + 4.13175 NA intron (NM_001113348, intron 1 of 18) MIRb|SINE|MIR 1905 NM_001113348 1889 Hs.195080 NM_001397 HPRD:02690 ECE1 ECE endothelin converting enzyme 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21767 chr22 22232564 22232673 + 4.12407 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -10648 NM_138957 5594 Hs.431850 NM_002745 HPRD:01496 MAPK1 ERK|ERK-2|ERK2|ERT1|MAPK2|P42MAPK|PRKM1|PRKM2|p38|p40|p41|p41mapk|p42-MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15653 chr19 60213 60300 + 4.12020 NA TTS (NR_033266) TTS (NR_033266) 10710 NR_033266 375690 Hs.521961 NR_033266 WASH5P - WAS protein family homolog 5 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27732 chr5 86048502 86048679 + 4.10789 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 5955 NR_105017 100505878 Hs.246405 NR_105017 ENSG00000250544 LOC100505878 - uncharacterized LOC100505878 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_174 chr1 9335721 9335787 + 4.10789 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17187 NM_025106 80176 Hs.8261 NM_025106 HPRD:18106 SPSB1 SSB-1|SSB1 splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23290 chr3 99980035 99980108 + 4.10319 NA intron (NM_001199198, intron 1 of 18) intron (NM_001199198, intron 1 of 18) 410 NM_001199198 55773 Hs.477003 NM_018309 HPRD:07727 TBC1D23 NS4ATP1 TBC1 domain family, member 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31644 chr7 43878620 43878732 + 4.09575 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30469 NM_032014 64951 Hs.284286 NM_032014 HPRD:17593 MRPS24 MRP-S24|S24mt|bMRP-47|bMRP47 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29711 chr6 53516788 53516854 + 4.09367 NA exon (NM_001003760, exon 3 of 3) exon (NM_001003760, exon 3 of 3) 13685 NM_001003760 401265 Hs.131064 NM_001003760 HPRD:13923 KLHL31 BKLHD6|KBTBD1|KLHL|bA345L23.2 kelch-like family member 31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8797 chr12 107712165 107712231 + 4.09150 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018072) promoter-TSS (NM_001018072) 1 NM_001018072 121551 Hs.271272 NM_152322 HPRD:12536 BTBD11 ABTB2B BTB (POZ) domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20858 chr20 48293645 48293806 + 4.09150 NA intron (NM_004776, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_004776, intron 1 of 8) 36696 NM_004776 9334 Hs.370487 NM_004776 HPRD:06807 B4GALT5 B4Gal-T5|BETA4-GALT-IV|beta4Gal-T5|beta4GalT-V|gt-V UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18191 chr2 85166942 85167016 + 4.08250 NA Intergenic Intergenic -31252 NM_020122 56888 Hs.654968 NM_020122 HPRD:13761 KCMF1 DEBT91|FIGC|PCMF|ZZZ1 potassium channel modulatory factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2818 chr1 201865223 201865305 + 4.07491 NA TTS (NM_012134) TTS (NM_012134) 7459 NM_198149 149345 Hs.632471 NM_198149 HPRD:12729 SHISA4 C1orf40|TMEM58 shisa family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25872 chr4 119343079 119343268 + 4.07334 NA Intergenic MLT1H|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -69251 NM_003619 8492 Hs.445857 NM_003619 HPRD:05989 PRSS12 BSSP-3|BSSP3|MRT1 protease, serine, 12 (neurotrypsin, motopsin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20889 chr20 50003248 50003365 + 4.07311 NA TTS (NM_001136021) TTS (NM_001136021) 66208 NR_036162 100422889 NR_036162 MIR3194 - microRNA 3194 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5582 chr11 8710526 8710721 + 4.07311 NA 3' UTR (NM_000990, exon 5 of 5) 3' UTR (NM_000990, exon 5 of 5) 3637 NR_002977 677826 Hs.745552 NR_002977 SNORA45B ACA3-2|SNORA45 small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 45B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31152 chr7 1067927 1068103 + 4.07311 NA intron (NM_001134395, intron 2 of 4) CpG -5353 NR_029898 442907 NR_029898 MIR339 MIRN339|hsa-mir-339 microRNA 339 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17540 chr2 27274099 27274193 + 4.07204 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021831) promoter-TSS (NM_021831) -345 NM_021831 60509 Hs.138207 NM_021831 HPRD:07968 AGBL5 CCP5 ATP/GTP binding protein-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22034 chr22 41681465 41681580 + 4.07204 NA intron (NM_001278651, intron 1 of 16) intron (NM_001278651, intron 1 of 16) 499 NM_001278651 5905 Hs.183800 NM_002883 HPRD:03839 RANGAP1 Fug1|RANGAP|SD Ran GTPase activating protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29750 chr6 58252499 58252672 + 4.07189 NA intron (NR_003660, intron 5 of 6) intron (NR_003660, intron 5 of 6) 35139 NR_125729 375513 Hs.561539 NM_206908 GUSBP4 C6orf216|GUSBL2|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13607 chr17 1023965 1024031 + 4.06128 NA intron (NM_021962, intron 2 of 22) MIRc|SINE|MIR -11658 NM_001092 29 Hs.159306 NM_001092 HPRD:02649 ABR MDB active BCR-related protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29212 chr6 26224358 26224435 + 4.05879 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003532) promoter-TSS (NM_003532) -987 NM_003532 8353 Hs.443021 NM_003532 HPRD:11907 HIST1H3E H3.1|H3/d|H3FD histone cluster 1, H3e protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5466 chr11 1859096 1859176 + 4.05625 NA TTS (NM_138567) TTS (NM_138567) -1097 NM_003282 7136 Hs.523403 NM_003282 HPRD:01843 TNNI2 AMCD2B|DA2B|FSSV|fsTnI troponin I type 2 (skeletal, fast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32073 chr7 72338534 72338600 + 4.05622 NA intron (NR_003666, intron 1 of 5) intron (NR_003666, intron 1 of 5) 1089 NR_003666 441251 Hs.591819 NM_001034844 ENSG00000179994 SPDYE7P - speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E7, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24311 chr3 188692763 188692891 + 4.04277 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -27399 NR_046873 100874043 Hs.616287 NR_046873 TPRG1-AS1 - TPRG1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_143 chr1 6663005 6663117 + 4.03002 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014851) promoter-TSS (NM_014851) -132 NM_014851 9903 Hs.7764 NM_014851 HPRD:17239 KLHL21 - kelch-like family member 21 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27193 chr5 49420795 49420964 + 4.02607 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 316355 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11021 chr14 102286025 102286138 + 4.01999 NA intron (NM_001161725, intron 3 of 15) AluJb|SINE|Alu 9941 NM_178587 5527 Hs.368264 NM_002719 HPRD:03385 PPP2R5C B56G|PR61G protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12664 chr16 30563295 30563407 + 4.01498 NA Intergenic Intergenic 6291 NM_033410 92595 Hs.132227 NM_033410 HPRD:10072 ZNF764 - zinc finger protein 764 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16799 chr19 46009974 46010189 + 4.01359 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003370) promoter-TSS (NM_003370) -607 NM_003370 7408 Hs.515469 NM_003370 HPRD:03415 VASP - vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37104 chrUn_gl000240 2026 2092 + 4.01062 NA NA CER|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31898 chr7 61676178 61676306 + 4.00149 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1088192 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12307 chr16 3020246 3020318 + 3.99052 NA intron (NM_001284512, intron 1 of 1) CpG-8725 939 NM_001284513 124222 Hs.351474 NM_152341 HPRD:08697 PAQR4 - progestin and adipoQ receptor family member IV protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7372 chr12 6717590 6717715 + 3.98932 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1053 NM_001273 1108 Hs.162233 NM_001273 HPRD:04472 CHD4 CHD-4|Mi-2b|Mi2-BETA chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13443 chr16 85833160 85833387 + 3.98632 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142288) promoter-TSS (NM_001142288) 100 NM_001861 1327 Hs.433419 NM_001861 HPRD:00466 COX4I1 COX4|COX4-1|COXIV cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV isoform 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_579 chr1 34722172 34722286 + 3.97853 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 79676 NM_001134734 84970 Hs.194610 NM_032884 HPRD:11310 C1orf94 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 94 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20390 chr20 8579433 8579518 + 3.97204 NA intron (NM_015192, intron 3 of 31) L1PA2|LINE|L1 466563 NM_015192 23236 Hs.431173 NM_015192 HPRD:06177 PLCB1 EIEE12|PI-PLC|PLC-154|PLC-I|PLC154|PLCB1A|PLCB1B phospholipase C, beta 1 (phosphoinositide-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21182 chr21 14344682 14344890 + 3.97071 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -65701 NR_026916 149992 Hs.558645 NM_153773 ANKRD30BP2 C21orf99|CT85|CTSP-1|CTSP1 ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16535 chr19 37464267 37464435 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001204838, intron 6 of 9) CpG 57120 NM_001204836 374900 Hs.404220 NM_198539 HPRD:15848 ZNF568 - zinc finger protein 568 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6398 chr11 64879229 64879298 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003273) promoter-TSS (NM_003273) -63 NR_102367 7108 Hs.31130 NM_003273 HPRD:04564 TM7SF2 ANG1|DHCR14A|NET47 transmembrane 7 superfamily member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_383 chr1 24828804 24828880 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001251984) promoter-TSS (NM_001251984) 1 NM_001251979 11123 Hs.656799 NM_013441 HPRD:05792 RCAN3 DSCR1L2|MCIP3|RCN3|hRCN3 RCAN family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8408 chr12 70247636 70247856 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic SVA_B|Other|Other 75014 NM_001024647 117177 Hs.258209 NM_022456 HPRD:10565 RAB3IP RABIN3 RAB3A interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17579 chr2 28731368 28731532 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001170585, intron 1 of 56) intron (NM_001170585, intron 1 of 56) 12512 NM_153021 151056 Hs.444933 NM_153021 HPRD:15141 PLB1 PLB|PLB/LIP|hPLB phospholipase B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_874 chr1 47519045 47519120 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -14078 NM_178134 199974 Hs.176588 NM_178134 HPRD:13111 CYP4Z1 CYP4A20 cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily Z, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_608 chr1 35450904 35451022 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195156) promoter-TSS (NM_001195156) -15 NM_001195156 100506144 Hs.533986 NM_001195156 ENSG00000243749 ZMYM6NB - ZMYM6 neighbor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16307 chr19 24358984 24359132 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -12809 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23783 chr3 140748785 140748851 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -21925 NM_080862 92369 Hs.655112 NM_080862 HPRD:18108 SPSB4 SSB-4|SSB4 splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13224 chr16 68057142 68057254 + 3.93948 NA 5' UTR (NM_018380, exon 1 of 1) 5' UTR (NM_018380, exon 1 of 1) 351 NM_001271762 54920 Hs.534460 NM_017803 HPRD:08624 DUS2 DUS2L|SMM1|URLC8 dihydrouridine synthase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38326 chrX 94694612 94694678 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 898256 NR_003539 643486 Hs.590806 NR_003539 ENSG00000271209 LOC643486 - bromodomain, testis-specific pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39337 chrY 23171414 23171544 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 253525 NM_001039567 140032 Hs.367761 NM_001039567 HPRD:15960 RPS4Y2 RPS4Y2P ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3479 chr1 248470137 248470203 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11290 NM_001004692 127064 Hs.553582 NM_001004692 HPRD:14951 OR2T12 OR1-57 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily T, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17007 chr19 52531619 52531691 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025040) promoter-TSS (NM_025040) 25 NM_025040 80110 Hs.292336 NM_025040 HPRD:15874 ZNF614 - zinc finger protein 614 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5360 chr10 135074851 135075041 + 3.93948 NA TTS (NM_001164489) TTS (NM_001164489) -13557 NR_108079 101927671 Hs.741766 NR_108078 ENSG00000166917 MIR202HG - MIR202 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17272 chr2 1643817 1643897 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_012293, intron 19 of 22) intron (NM_012293, intron 19 of 22) 104462 NM_012293 7837 Hs.332197 NM_012293 ENSG00000130508 PXDN COPOA|D2S448|D2S448E|MG50|PRG2|PXN|VPO peroxidasin homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1525 chr1 111616711 111616836 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -65476 NM_001007794 10390 Hs.363572 NM_006090 HPRD:13024 CEPT1 - choline/ethanolamine phosphotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16522 chr19 37019541 37019635 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166037) promoter-TSS (NM_001166037) -340 NM_001166036 339324 Hs.18103 NM_001012756 HPRD:18505 ZNF260 OZRF1|PEX1|ZFP260 zinc finger protein 260 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33349 chr8 9424277 9424355 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_003747, intron 1 of 26) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 10871 NM_003747 8658 Hs.370267 NM_003747 HPRD:04490 TNKS ARTD5|PARP-5a|PARP5A|PARPL|TIN1|TINF1|TNKS1|pART5 tankyrase, TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31141 chr7 658208 658351 + 3.93847 NA intron (NM_001164759, intron 4 of 10) L1M5|LINE|L1 15244 NR_110055 101926963 Hs.521338 NR_110054 LOC101926963 - uncharacterized LOC101926963 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10393 chr14 50235602 50235710 + 3.93117 NA intron (NM_014315, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_014315, intron 1 of 12) 869 NM_014315 23588 Hs.509264 NM_014315 HPRD:08824 KLHDC2 HCLP-1|HCLP1|LCP kelch domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5686 chr11 14380656 14380816 + 3.92610 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001102669) promoter-TSS (NM_001102669) -6 NM_012250 22800 Hs.502004 NM_012250 HPRD:02518 RRAS2 TC21 related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20627 chr20 31325629 31325699 + 3.92610 NA intron (NM_053041, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_053041, intron 1 of 8) 6150 NM_001099339 149951 Hs.408427 NM_053041 HPRD:13085 COMMD7 C20orf92|dJ1085F17.3 COMM domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39075 chrY 10068669 10068812 + 3.92565 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 320333 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30327 chr6 112954195 112954343 + 3.92497 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 285737 NM_001013734 442247 Hs.448264 NM_001013734 HPRD:18472 RFPL4B RNF211 ret finger protein-like 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16801 chr19 46027105 46027175 + 3.92497 NA intron (NM_003370, intron 9 of 12) intron (NM_003370, intron 9 of 12) 16452 NM_003370 7408 Hs.515469 NM_003370 HPRD:03415 VASP - vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8789 chr12 107168229 107168351 + 3.90976 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018157) promoter-TSS (NM_018157) -109 NM_018157 55188 Hs.131306 NM_018157 HPRD:16452 RIC8B RIC8|hSyn RIC8 guanine nucleotide exchange factor B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20369 chr20 5585447 5585569 + 3.89908 NA intron (NM_019593, intron 1 of 19) AluJb|SINE|Alu 6164 NM_019593 56261 Hs.636359 NM_019593 HPRD:10025 GPCPD1 GDE5|GDPD6|PREI4 glycerophosphocholine phosphodiesterase GDE1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_699 chr1 38361726 38361891 + 3.89908 NA intron (NM_005540, intron 7 of 23) SVA_D|Other|Other 35655 NM_001297434 3633 Hs.449942 NM_005540 HPRD:00924 INPP5B 5PTase inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase, 75kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15193 chr18 21465799 21465954 + 3.87928 NA intron (NM_198129, intron 41 of 74) intron (NM_198129, intron 41 of 74) 12892 NM_000227 3909 Hs.436367 NM_000227 HPRD:02883 LAMA3 BM600|E170|LAMNA|LOCS|lama3a laminin, alpha 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27468 chr5 68338786 68338958 + 3.87204 NA Intergenic Intergenic -50904 NM_001251969 64924 Hs.631975 NM_022902 HPRD:06381 SLC30A5 ZNT5|ZNTL1|ZTL1|ZnT-5 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18757 chr2 114373193 114373286 + 3.87154 NA intron (NR_000029, intron 2 of 2) L1MC3|LINE|L1 11476 NR_024531 118433 Hs.595056 NR_000029 RPL23AP7 RPL23AL1|RPL23A_6_267|bA395L14.9 ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene 7 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36714 chrUn_gl000214 119479 119580 + 3.85659 NA NA ACRO1|Satellite|acro NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16117 chr19 16189736 16189823 + 3.85131 NA intron (NM_003290, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_003290, intron 1 of 7) 2644 NM_003290 7171 Hs.631618 NM_003290 HPRD:11734 TPM4 HEL-S-108 tropomyosin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11409 chr15 41046231 41046376 + 3.83924 NA intron (NM_018145, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_018145, intron 2 of 12) 1155 NM_018145 55177 Hs.511067 NM_018145 HPRD:07687 RMDN3 FAM82A2|FAM82C|RMD-3|RMD3|ptpip51 regulator of microtubule dynamics 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21774 chr22 22659665 22659802 + 3.82672 NA intron (NR_027293, intron 3 of 10) L2|LINE|L2 7270 NR_027293 96610 Hs.449601 NM_080926 HPRD:14302 BMS1P20 - BMS1 pseudogene 20 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4513 chr10 70444312 70444390 + 3.82272 NA intron (NM_030625, intron 10 of 11) intron (NM_030625, intron 10 of 11) -36550 NM_001282960 55749 Hs.49853 NM_018237 HPRD:10811 CCAR1 - cell division cycle and apoptosis regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4646 chr10 81003491 81003652 + 3.81876 NA intron (NM_020338, intron 7 of 24) CpG -103649 NM_005729 10105 Hs.381072 NM_005729 HPRD:06839 PPIF CYP3|CyP-M|Cyp-D|CypD peptidylprolyl isomerase F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16878 chr19 48460257 48460467 + 3.81637 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 1423 NR_024219 100170223 Hs.717052 NR_024219 SNAR-C5 - small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA C5 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1302 chr1 93004476 93004565 + 3.80469 NA intron (NM_005665, intron 17 of 17) L2c|LINE|L2 -52087 NM_005263 2672 Hs.73172 NM_005263 HPRD:07527 GFI1 GFI-1|GFI1A|SCN2|ZNF163 growth factor independent 1 transcription repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_703 chr1 38495801 38495948 + 3.80469 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16576 NM_002699 5453 Hs.1837 NM_002699 HPRD:03921 POU3F1 OCT6|OTF6|SCIP POU class 3 homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11533 chr15 49688743 49688869 + 3.78971 NA intron (NM_152647, intron 11 of 15) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -26569 NM_002009 2252 Hs.567268 NM_002009 FGF7 HBGF-7|KGF fibroblast growth factor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14276 chr17 38718234 38718304 + 3.78541 NA intron (NM_001838, intron 1 of 2) MIR|SINE|MIR 3467 NM_001838 1236 Hs.370036 NM_001838 HPRD:02588 CCR7 BLR2|CD197|CDw197|CMKBR7|EBI1 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2559 chr1 178995394 178995462 + 3.78541 NA intron (NM_014864, intron 1 of 7) CpG 354 NM_014864 9917 Hs.5737 NM_014864 HPRD:13297 FAM20B gxk1 family with sequence similarity 20, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3776 chr10 18948495 18948605 + 3.78541 NA 5' UTR (NM_178815, exon 1 of 6) 5' UTR (NM_178815, exon 1 of 6) 237 NM_178815 221079 Hs.25362 NM_178815 HPRD:12328 ARL5B ARL8 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 5B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16218 chr19 19701993 19702065 + 3.77491 NA intron (NR_038198, intron 2 of 7) intron (NR_038198, intron 2 of 7) 27696 NM_025245 80714 Hs.466257 NM_025245 HPRD:16287 PBX4 - pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4854 chr10 98430682 98430758 + 3.77422 NA intron (NM_152309, intron 2 of 16) MamRep434|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 49559 NM_152309 118788 Hs.310456 NM_152309 HPRD:06401 PIK3AP1 BCAP phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28916 chr6 1534070 1534136 + 3.77305 NA Intergenic Intergenic -71663 NR_125804 101927703 Hs.607964 NR_125804 FOXCUT LINC01379|TCONS_00011636 FOXC1 upstream transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2773 chr1 198648811 198649012 + 3.76264 NA intron (NR_052021, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_052021, intron 2 of 2) 40813 NM_002838 5788 Hs.654514 NM_002838 HPRD:01050 PTPRC B220|CD45|CD45R|GP180|L-CA|LCA|LY5|T200 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36303 chr9 130668145 130668211 + 3.75224 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287002) promoter-TSS (NM_001287002) -551 NM_001287002 30815 Hs.109672 NM_013443 HPRD:18111 ST6GALNAC6 SIAT7-F|SIAT7F|ST6GALNACVI ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24911 chr4 39640646 39640730 + 3.73875 NA promoter-TSS (NM_174921) promoter-TSS (NM_174921) -207 NM_174921 201895 Hs.205952 NM_174921 SMIM14 C4orf34 small integral membrane protein 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34480 chr8 117886468 117886553 + 3.73031 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033886) promoter-TSS (NR_033886) -153 NR_033886 644660 Hs.706174 NR_033886 ENSG00000253327 RAD21-AS1 C8orf81|NCRNA00255 RAD21 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16471 chr19 35702979 35703069 + 3.72056 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR 16604 NM_152481 148109 Hs.128069 NM_152481 HPRD:08071 FAM187B TMEM162 family with sequence similarity 187, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20707 chr20 35580074 35580150 + 3.71852 NA 5' UTR (NM_015474, exon 1 of 16) 5' UTR (NM_015474, exon 1 of 16) 134 NM_015474 25939 Hs.580681 NM_015474 HPRD:08418 SAMHD1 CHBL2|DCIP|HDDC1|MOP-5|SBBI88 SAM domain and HD domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27199 chr5 49431451 49431544 + 3.71317 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 305737 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27693 chr5 80330283 80330389 + 3.70712 NA intron (NM_006909, intron 1 of 26) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -73610 NR_105015 102524628 Hs.737159 NR_105015 RASGRF2-AS1 - RASGRF2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8084 chr12 50478875 50479010 + 3.70676 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003076) promoter-TSS (NM_003076) -41 NM_139071 6602 Hs.79335 NM_003076 HPRD:03438 SMARCD1 BAF60A|CRACD1|Rsc6p SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2194 chr1 155247074 155247270 + 3.67344 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020897) promoter-TSS (NM_020897) -46 NR_073074 57657 Hs.706960 NM_020897 HPRD:17093 HCN3 - hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12614 chr16 29411969 29412106 + 3.67249 NA Intergenic Intergenic -48629 NR_002454 606724 Hs.744975 NR_002454 LOC606724 - coronin, actin binding protein, 1A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16161 chr19 17622910 17622990 + 3.67137 NA intron (NM_012088, intron 1 of 4) CpG 518 NM_012088 25796 Hs.466165 NM_012088 HPRD:12001 PGLS 6PGL 6-phosphogluconolactonase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33224 chr8 580631 580765 + 3.67137 NA Intergenic Intergenic -84917 NM_175075 157695 Hs.289293 NM_175075 HPRD:13740 TDRP C8orf42|Inm01|TDRP1|TDRP2 testis development related protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36839 chrUn_gl000219 46104 46170 + 3.67128 NA Intergenic Intergenic 53505 NR_027436 283788 Hs.657131 NR_027436 LOC283788 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13686 chr17 4613354 4613432 + 3.66396 NA promoter-TSS (NM_199004) promoter-TSS (NM_199004) -396 NM_004313 409 Hs.435811 NM_004313 HPRD:00147 ARRB2 ARB2|ARR2|BARR2 arrestin, beta 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9151 chr12 133532828 133532969 + 3.65884 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164715) promoter-TSS (NM_001164715) -6 NM_001164715 100289635 Hs.29698 NM_183238 ENSG00000196458 ZNF605 - zinc finger protein 605 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32091 chr7 72937009 72937103 + 3.65413 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032408) promoter-TSS (NM_032408) -441 NM_032408 9031 Hs.743372 NM_023005 HPRD:10416 BAZ1B WBSCR10|WBSCR9|WSTF bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain, 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28721 chr5 169706042 169706156 + 3.64313 NA intron (NM_005565, intron 3 of 20) intron (NM_005565, intron 3 of 20) 18723 NM_005565 3937 Hs.304475 NM_005565 LCP2 SLP-76|SLP76 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 (SH2 domain containing leukocyte protein of 76kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1549 chr1 113316434 113316743 + 3.64270 NA Intergenic Intergenic 53399 NM_001004440 284467 Hs.439116 NM_182759 HPRD:16877 FAM19A3 TAFA-3|TAFA3 family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32989 chr7 149318959 149319090 + 3.63327 NA intron (NR_027788, intron 1 of 7) intron (NR_027788, intron 1 of 7) 2857 NR_027788 79970 Hs.520785 NM_024910 HPRD:07791 ZNF767P ZNF767 zinc finger family member 767, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28496 chr5 148205579 148205803 + 3.63327 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000024) promoter-TSS (NM_000024) -465 NM_000024 154 Hs.2551 NM_000024 HPRD:00187 ADRB2 ADRB2R|ADRBR|B2AR|BAR|BETA2AR adrenoceptor beta 2, surface protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1249 chr1 89464562 89464675 + 3.61628 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5975 NM_001008661 56267 Hs.481898 NM_001008661 HPRD:13752 CCBL2 KAT3|KATIII cysteine conjugate-beta lyase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37940 chrX 65781975 65782098 + 3.61628 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 53836 NM_001242310 60401 Hs.302017 NM_021783 HPRD:02230 EDA2R EDA-A2R|EDAA2R|TNFRSF27|XEDAR ectodysplasin A2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11630 chr15 57179386 57179452 + 3.59488 NA non-coding (NR_015419, exon 4 of 4) non-coding (NR_015419, exon 4 of 4) 31278 NR_015419 145783 Hs.620525 NR_015419 ENSG00000137871 LOC145783 - uncharacterized LOC145783 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38411 chrX 103401366 103401451 + 3.59488 NA intron (NM_001012755, intron 1 of 1) CpG 300 NM_001012755 401612 Hs.660022 NM_001012755 HPRD:18628 SLC25A53 MCART6 solute carrier family 25, member 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_717 chr1 39874444 39874540 + 3.58835 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015038) promoter-TSS (NM_015038) -684 NM_015038 643314 Hs.658760 NM_015038 ENSG00000255103 KIAA0754 - KIAA0754 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13539 chr16 89907834 89907902 + 3.58835 NA intron (NM_032451, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_032451, intron 1 of 14) 12961 NM_032451 84501 Hs.461786 NM_032451 HPRD:18099 SPIRE2 Spir-2 spire-type actin nucleation factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4575 chr10 74114387 74114474 + 3.56634 NA intron (NM_001002762, intron 1 of 7) CpG 477 NM_001002762 54788 Hs.500013 NM_017626 HPRD:07086 DNAJB12 DJ10 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2132 chr1 153755961 153756046 + 3.55876 NA Intergenic CpG 8235 NM_024330 11000 Hs.438723 NM_024330 HPRD:11967 SLC27A3 ACSVL3|FATP3|VLCS-3 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29276 chr6 27804908 27804998 + 3.55468 NA TTS (NM_003510) TTS (NM_003510) 1164 NM_003510 8330 Hs.734717 NM_003510 HPRD:09100 HIST1H2AK H2A/d|H2AFD histone cluster 1, H2ak protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33892 chr8 59466638 59466760 + 3.53674 NA intron (NM_001007070, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001007070, intron 1 of 8) 971 NM_001007068 6386 Hs.200804 NM_005625 HPRD:03741 SDCBP MDA-9|ST1|SYCL|TACIP18 syndecan binding protein (syntenin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26714 chr5 1170425 1170609 + 3.53323 NA Intergenic Intergenic 8203 NR_109911 101928857 Hs.593732 NR_109911 ENSG00000249201 CTD-3080P12.3 - uncharacterized LOC101928857 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21389 chr21 36599712 36599778 + 3.53235 NA Intergenic MER91A|DNA|hAT-Tip100 -178150 NM_001754 861 Hs.149261 NM_001754 HPRD:01043 RUNX1 AML1|AML1-EVI-1|AMLCR1|CBFA2|EVI-1|PEBP2aB runt-related transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19037 chr2 137000434 137000501 + 3.53235 NA Intergenic Intergenic -124742 NM_003467 7852 Hs.593413 NM_003467 HPRD:01217 CXCR4 CD184|D2S201E|FB22|HM89|HSY3RR|LAP-3|LAP3|LCR1|LESTR|NPY3R|NPYR|NPYRL|NPYY3R|WHIM chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7108 chr11 121335165 121335377 + 3.53235 NA intron (NM_003105, intron 1 of 47) intron (NM_003105, intron 1 of 47) 12359 NM_003105 6653 Hs.368592 NM_003105 HPRD:03595 SORL1 C11orf32|LR11|LRP9|SORLA|SorLA-1|gp250 sortilin-related receptor, L(DLR class) A repeats containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38224 chrX 80957444 80957520 + 3.50144 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -500041 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6288 chr11 60851401 60851467 + 3.50144 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18496 NM_014207 921 Hs.58685 NM_014207 HPRD:01078 CD5 LEU1|T1 CD5 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34180 chr8 86803269 86803352 + 3.50042 NA non-coding (NR_003594, exon 1 of 1).8 non-coding (NR_003594, exon 1 of 1).8 287 NR_003594 100288527 Hs.535056 NR_003594 REXO1L2P - REX1, RNA exonuclease 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)-like 2 (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14912 chr17 80984813 80984883 + 3.49129 NA intron (NM_001009905, intron 4 of 12) intron (NM_001009905, intron 4 of 12) 24838 NM_001009905 146712 Hs.607824 NM_001009905 HPRD:14071 B3GNTL1 B3GNT8 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5453 chr11 1213313 1213524 + 3.48608 NA Intergenic Intergenic -30877 NM_002458 727897 Hs.523395 NM_002458 ENSG00000117983 MUC5B MG1|MUC-5B|MUC5|MUC9 mucin 5B, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10554 chr14 61809368 61809479 + 3.48517 NA intron (NM_006255, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_006255, intron 1 of 13) 21262 NM_006255 5583 Hs.333907 NM_006255 HPRD:05669 PRKCH PKC-L|PKCL|PRKCL|nPKC-eta protein kinase C, eta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35618 chr9 70175302 70175412 + 3.47908 NA TTS (NM_001126334) TTS (NM_001126334) 3458 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23657 chr3 129081275 129081425 + 3.47464 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 34841 NR_002992 677797 Hs.711399 NR_002992 ENSG00000207088 SNORA7B ACA7B small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 7B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15052 chr18 10572837 10573006 + 3.47089 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 47048 NM_003826 8774 Hs.464622 NM_003826 HPRD:04448 NAPG GAMMASNAP N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23509 chr3 118959733 118959853 + 3.46438 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003778) promoter-TSS (NM_003778) -41 NM_212543 8702 Hs.13225 NM_003778 HPRD:04930 B4GALT4 B4Gal-T4|beta4Gal-T4 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36123 chr9 115095784 115095878 + 3.46427 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001244898) promoter-TSS (NM_001244898) 113 NM_005156 9991 Hs.269988 NM_005156 HPRD:09603 PTBP3 ROD1 polypyrimidine tract binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14499 chr17 48785234 48785378 + 3.45065 NA promoter-TSS (NM_052855) promoter-TSS (NM_052855) -36 NM_052855 91369 Hs.463426 NM_052855 HPRD:17502 ANKRD40 - ankyrin repeat domain 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34380 chr8 103876709 103876787 + 3.44301 NA promoter-TSS (NM_148174) promoter-TSS (NM_148174) -351 NM_015878 51582 Hs.459106 NM_015878 HPRD:07443 AZIN1 OAZI|OAZIN|ODC1L antizyme inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7311 chr12 1232130 1232199 + 3.44037 NA intron (NM_001301248, intron 6 of 18) intron (NM_001301248, intron 6 of 18) 95250 NM_001301248 23085 Hs.601216 NM_178039 HPRD:06181 ERC1 Cast2|ELKS|ERC-1|RAB6IP2 ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4213 chr10 42809989 42810087 + 3.43931 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 53455 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38561 chrX 119384830 119384951 + 3.43716 NA intron (NM_006777, intron 1 of 1) CpG 280 NM_001184742 10009 Hs.143604 NM_006777 HPRD:02269 ZBTB33 ZNF-kaiso|ZNF348 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16315 chr19 24586431 24586550 + 3.43505 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -240241 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2276 chr1 159895304 159895388 + 3.41284 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003564) promoter-TSS (NM_003564) -14 NM_003564 8407 Hs.517168 NM_003564 HPRD:06864 TAGLN2 HA1756 transgelin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36208 chr9 124495190 124495340 + 3.41042 NA intron (NM_032552, intron 3 of 16) intron (NM_032552, intron 3 of 16) -9799 NM_138709 153090 Hs.522378 NM_032552 HPRD:09903 DAB2IP AF9Q34|AIP-1|AIP1|DIP1/2 DAB2 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33694 chr8 43176163 43176247 + 3.41019 NA intron (NM_001002920, intron 8 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 28620 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14417 chr17 45283025 45283091 + 3.41019 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3370 NM_001002841 4635 Hs.463300 NM_002476 HPRD:01176 MYL4 ALC1|AMLC|GT1 myosin, light chain 4, alkali; atrial, embryonic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12441 chr16 15743933 15744096 + 3.41019 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017668) promoter-TSS (NM_017668) -69 NM_017668 54820 Hs.655378 NM_017668 HPRD:14815 NDE1 HOM-TES-87|LIS4|MHAC|NDE|NUDE|NUDE1 nudE neurodevelopment protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22130 chr22 46646070 46646295 + 3.39544 NA promoter-TSS (NM_207327) promoter-TSS (NM_207327) 11 NM_207327 150383 Hs.103110 NM_207327 CDPF1 C22orf40 cysteine-rich, DPF motif domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21086 chr21 9934871 9934964 + 3.39453 NA intron (NR_038329, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_038329, intron 2 of 2) 33677 NR_038327 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_805 chr1 43833754 43833841 + 3.38042 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022821) promoter-TSS (NM_022821) -52 NM_001256402 64834 Hs.25597 NM_022821 HPRD:10935 ELOVL1 Ssc1 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8815 chr12 109232326 109232425 + 3.38042 NA intron (NM_001161330, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_001161330, intron 2 of 13) -11048 NM_001161331 54434 Hs.199763 NM_018984 HPRD:09486 SSH1 SSH1L slingshot protein phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35803 chr9 88356522 88356638 + 3.37255 NA intron (NM_015239, intron 1 of 25) CpG 364 NM_001286715 23287 Hs.719980 NM_015239 HPRD:08442 AGTPBP1 CCP1|NNA1 ATP/GTP binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12083 chr15 91478702 91478799 + 3.36596 NA intron (NM_018671, intron 1 of 19) CpG 535 NM_018671 55898 Hs.389461 NM_017979 HPRD:18070 UNC45A GC-UNC45|GCUNC-45|GCUNC45|IRO039700|SMAP-1|SMAP1|UNC-45A unc-45 homolog A (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36814 chrUn_gl000217 45349 45436 + 3.36478 NA NA G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35205 chr9 34612104 34612181 + 3.36284 NA promoter-TSS (NM_148179) promoter-TSS (NM_148179) -32 NM_148179 138716 Hs.15961 NM_148178 HPRD:12948 RPP25L C9orf23|bA296L22.5 ribonuclease P/MRP 25kDa subunit-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37296 chrX 13707159 13707293 + 3.35707 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195328) promoter-TSS (NM_001195328) -14 NM_001195328 9367 Hs.495704 NM_004251 RAB9A RAB9 RAB9A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14478 chr17 47826236 47826466 + 3.35707 NA intron (NM_030802, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_030802, intron 1 of 7) 15167 NM_030802 81558 Hs.514308 NM_030802 HPRD:17432 FAM117A - family with sequence similarity 117, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33495 chr8 24871491 24871627 + 3.35082 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -57176 NM_006158 4747 Hs.521461 NM_006158 NEFL CMT1F|CMT2E|NF-L|NF68|NFL|PPP1R110 neurofilament, light polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37583 chrX 48748872 48748943 + 3.34397 NA Intergenic CpG -6288 NM_001032382 10084 Hs.534384 NM_005710 HPRD:02354 PQBP1 MRX2|MRX55|MRXS3|MRXS8|NPW38|RENS1|SHS polyglutamine binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28634 chr5 157612866 157612935 + 3.33100 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 223881 NR_109888 101927697 Hs.483960 NR_109888 LOC101927697 - uncharacterized LOC101927697 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34239 chr8 91658220 91658377 + 3.32143 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001146273) promoter-TSS (NM_001146273) -165 NM_001008495 169200 Hs.567759 NM_001008495 HPRD:16822 TMEM64 - transmembrane protein 64 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11958 chr15 83680581 83680658 + 3.30674 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001160113) promoter-TSS (NM_001160113) -226 NM_001160113 123207 Hs.352541 NM_144597 HPRD:14538 C15orf40 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26836 chr5 17517894 17517970 + 3.29656 NA Intergenic MLT1E3|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -130513 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23889 chr3 150539102 150539235 + 3.29173 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -57905 NM_005067 6478 Hs.477959 NM_005067 HPRD:03737 SIAH2 hSiah2 siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27012 chr5 39197814 39197880 + 3.27844 NA intron (NM_001243093, intron 2 of 18) intron (NM_001243093, intron 2 of 18) 21833 NM_199335 2533 Hs.370503 NM_001465 HPRD:04107 FYB ADAP|PRO0823|SLAP-130 FYN binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11736 chr15 66085008 66085145 + 3.27275 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005848) promoter-TSS (NM_005848) -445 NM_001144823 10260 Hs.654567 NM_005848 HPRD:02662 DENND4A IRLB|MYCPBP DENN/MADD domain containing 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36438 chr9 135991219 135991325 + 3.26556 NA intron (NM_001042368, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001042368, intron 1 of 17) 5365 NM_001271776 5900 Hs.106185 NM_006266 HPRD:03371 RALGDS RGDS|RGF|RalGEF ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29387 chr6 31702536 31702661 + 3.26310 NA intron (NM_001287593, intron 2 of 6).7 intron (NM_001287593, intron 2 of 6).7 1724 NM_001287594 1192 Hs.414565 NM_001288 HPRD:04188 CLIC1 G6|NCC27 chloride intracellular channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26628 chr4 190817443 190817580 + 3.26208 NA Intergenic MER5A1|DNA|hAT-Charlie -44463 NM_004477 2483 Hs.203772 NM_004477 HPRD:03176 FRG1 FRG1A|FSG1 FSHD region gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28883 chr5 180716094 180716213 + 3.26208 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27940 NR_102759 100507602 Hs.126768 NR_102759 ENSG00000248275 TRIM52-AS1 - TRIM52 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22976 chr3 63897672 63897789 + 3.23544 NA intron (NM_001177387, intron 1 of 12) CpG 13655 NM_001177387 6314 Hs.476595 NM_000333 HPRD:06365 ATXN7 ADCAII|OPCA3|SCA7 ataxin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5414 chr11 269550 269652 + 3.23331 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 -8969 NM_001276700 171389 Hs.352611 NM_138329 HPRD:14806 NLRP6 AVR|CLR11.4|NALP6|NAVR|NAVR/AVR|PAN3|PYPAF5 NLR family, pyrin domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20341 chr20 3791765 3791943 + 3.22693 NA intron (NR_109859, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_109859, intron 2 of 3) 2713 NR_109859 101929125 Hs.744106 NR_109859 LOC101929125 - uncharacterized LOC101929125 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18950 chr2 132969329 132969419 + 3.22141 NA intron (NR_027020, intron 1 of 4) ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 45279 NR_031608 100313824 NR_031608 miRBase:MI0006336 MIR663B MIRN663B microRNA 663b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_179 chr1 9687164 9687284 + 3.21429 NA Intergenic CpG -24566 NM_005026 5293 Hs.518451 NM_005026 ENSG00000171608 PIK3CD APDS|IMD14|P110DELTA|PI3K|p110D phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4529 chr10 71078231 71078312 + 3.21390 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000188) promoter-TSS (NM_000188) -332 NM_000188 3098 Hs.370365 NM_000188 HPRD:00809 HK1 HK1-ta|HK1-tb|HK1-tc|HKD|HKI|HMSNR|HXK1 hexokinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16847 chr19 47729439 47729598 + 3.18455 NA promoter-TSS (NR_036158) promoter-TSS (NR_036158) -681 NR_036158 100422899 NR_036158 miRBase:MI0014235 MIR3190 - microRNA 3190 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20386 chr20 8093221 8093345 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -19629 NM_182734 23236 Hs.431173 NM_015192 HPRD:06177 PLCB1 EIEE12|PI-PLC|PLC-154|PLC-I|PLC154|PLCB1A|PLCB1B phospholipase C, beta 1 (phosphoinositide-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33515 chr8 26448015 26448139 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001197293, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_001197293, intron 3 of 13) 12156 NM_001244604 1808 Hs.593187 NM_001386 HPRD:03914 DPYSL2 CRMP-2|CRMP2|DHPRP2|DRP-2|DRP2|N2A3|ULIP-2|ULIP2 dihydropyrimidinase-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35706 chr9 77702944 77703073 + 3.17239 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012383) promoter-TSS (NM_012383) 125 NM_001127603 54981 Hs.494186 NM_017881 HPRD:09868 NMRK1 C9orf95|NRK1|bA235O14.2 nicotinamide riboside kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32121 chr7 74508617 74508696 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001003795, intron 1 of 15) CpG 309 NM_173537 84163 Hs.647017 NM_173537 HPRD:16402 GTF2IRD2 FP630|GTF2IRD2 alpha|GTF2IRD2A GTF2I repeat domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11702 chr15 64540279 64540429 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_022048, intron 4 of 11) intron (NM_022048, intron 4 of 11) -85000 NM_000942 5479 Hs.434937 NM_000942 HPRD:00458 PPIB CYP-S1|CYPB|HEL-S-39|OI9|SCYLP peptidylprolyl isomerase B (cyclophilin B) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13229 chr16 68119492 68119592 + 3.17239 NA 5' UTR (NM_173163, exon 1 of 11) 5' UTR (NM_173163, exon 1 of 11) 273 NM_004555 4775 Hs.436585 NM_004555 HPRD:04077 NFATC3 NFAT4|NFATX nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_708 chr1 39025359 39025484 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic 300074 NM_022157 64121 Hs.532461 NM_022157 HPRD:12198 RRAGC GTR2|RAGC|TIB929 Ras-related GTP binding C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8297 chr12 62405235 62405338 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_178539, intron 1 of 4) SVA_A|Other|Other 181334 NM_178539 338811 Hs.269745 NM_178539 HPRD:16876 FAM19A2 TAFA-2|TAFA2 family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28877 chr5 180649392 180649515 + 3.17239 NA promoter-TSS (NM_201627) promoter-TSS (NM_201627) 180 NR_039781 100616342 NR_039781 miRBase:MI0017265 MIR4638 - microRNA 4638 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14816 chr17 76732931 76732997 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_004762, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_004762, intron 1 of 12) -13132 NM_001292018 9267 Hs.191215 NM_004762 HPRD:01630 CYTH1 B2-1|CYTOHESIN-1|D17S811E|PSCD1|SEC7 cytohesin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1732 chr1 142709220 142709326 + 3.14743 NA intron (NR_046228, intron 2 of 4) intron (NR_046228, intron 2 of 4) 4332 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1733 chr1 142729971 142730112 + 3.13929 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16436 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28217 chr5 131793394 131793474 + 3.13929 NA intron (NR_045116, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_045116, intron 3 of 3) 33031 NM_002198 3659 Hs.436061 NM_002198 HPRD:00961 IRF1 IRF-1|MAR interferon regulatory factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21194 chr21 14743093 14743159 + 3.12504 NA Intergenic L1MDb|LINE|L1 35655 NR_036164 100423018 NR_036164 miRBase:MI0014242 MIR3156-3 - microRNA 3156-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29377 chr6 31540515 31540588 + 3.10471 NA exon (NM_001159740, exon 2 of 4) exon (NM_001159740, exon 2 of 4) 480 NM_000595 4049 Hs.36 NM_000595 HPRD:01084 LTA LT|TNFB|TNFSF1 lymphotoxin alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3294 chr1 234747054 234747178 + 3.10178 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1845 NM_001077397 359948 Hs.350268 NM_182972 HPRD:17160 IRF2BP2 - interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12977 chr16 47473872 47473955 + 3.09875 NA intron (NM_030790, intron 5 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 21102 NM_030790 81533 Hs.42217 NM_030790 ITFG1 TIP integrin alpha FG-GAP repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16965 chr19 50595892 50596010 + 3.09295 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024214).2 promoter-TSS (NR_024214).2 -85 NR_024226 100169955 Hs.723094 NR_024226 SNAR-A9 - small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA A9 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9178 chr13 20531638 20531726 + 3.08573 NA Intergenic CpG -1128 NM_003453 7750 Hs.507433 NM_003453 HPRD:03745 ZMYM2 FIM|MYM|RAMP|SCLL|ZNF198 zinc finger, MYM-type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17513 chr2 25745142 25745259 + 3.08355 NA intron (NM_183360, intron 9 of 19) intron (NM_183360, intron 9 of 19) 127891 NM_001256308 1838 Hs.307720 NM_021907 HPRD:09091 DTNB - dystrobrevin, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_495 chr1 28526565 28526691 + 3.08111 NA TTS (NM_014280) TTS (NM_014280) -6181 NM_001164722 5724 Hs.77542 NM_000952 HPRD:01422 PTAFR PAFR platelet-activating factor receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24458 chr4 1004333 1004534 + 3.07378 NA Intergenic CpG -1177 NM_001004356 53834 Hs.193326 NM_021923 HPRD:16163 FGFRL1 FGFR5|FHFR fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38512 chrX 115002035 115002118 + 3.06038 NA Intergenic CpG 174257 NM_001282338 5358 Hs.496622 NM_005032 HPRD:02133 PLS3 BMND18|T-plastin plastin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34277 chr8 96381451 96381517 + 3.05409 NA intron (NR_038209, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -100022 NM_177965 157657 Hs.548157 NM_177965 HPRD:14104 C8orf37 CORD16|RP64|smalltalk chromosome 8 open reading frame 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35947 chr9 99559736 99559842 + 3.05409 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -19461 NM_014930 22869 Hs.75264 NM_014930 HPRD:18348 ZNF510 - zinc finger protein 510 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20814 chr20 44420464 44420557 + 3.04076 NA promoter-TSS (NM_080614) promoter-TSS (NM_080614) 37 NM_080614 140686 Hs.419126 NM_080614 HPRD:15676 WFDC3 WAP14|dJ447F3.3 WAP four-disulfide core domain 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19344 chr2 170539816 170539882 + 3.01089 NA intron (NM_001085447, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001085447, intron 1 of 8) 11082 NM_001085447 129881 Hs.370111 NM_001085447 ENSG00000154479 CCDC173 C2orf77 coiled-coil domain containing 173 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26571 chr4 187547977 187548101 + 2.98819 NA intron (NM_005245, intron 9 of 26) (TGAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -71502 NM_005958 4543 Hs.243467 NM_005958 HPRD:02812 MTNR1A MEL-1A-R|MT1 melatonin receptor 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12296 chr16 2771070 2771183 + 2.97658 NA promoter-TSS (NM_031948) promoter-TSS (NM_031948) -574 NM_031948 83886 Hs.332878 NM_031948 PRSS27 CAPH2|MPN protease, serine 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17619 chr2 32288920 32289153 + 2.97376 NA exon (NM_014946, exon 1 of 17) exon (NM_014946, exon 1 of 17) 356 NM_014946 6683 Hs.468091 NM_014946 HPRD:05044 SPAST ADPSP|FSP2|SPG4 spastin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6410 chr11 65186604 65186733 + 2.96885 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3601 NR_028272 283131 Hs.523789 NR_002802 NEAT1 LINC00084|NCRNA00084|TncRNA|VINC nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35681 chr9 75068177 75068316 + 2.96634 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -68471 NM_138691 117531 Hs.670211 NM_138691 HPRD:05988 TMC1 DFNA36|DFNB11|DFNB7 transmembrane channel-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28626 chr5 157158321 157158387 + 2.95331 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017872) promoter-TSS (NM_017872) 31 NM_017872 54974 Hs.353090 NM_017872 THG1L ICF45|IHG-1 tRNA-histidine guanylyltransferase 1-like (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14998 chr18 3448182 3448286 + 2.92303 NA intron (NM_173207, intron 1 of 2) CpG 650 NM_173207 7050 Hs.373550 NM_003244 HPRD:04023 TGIF1 HPE4|TGIF TGFB-induced factor homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26972 chr5 35854544 35854646 + 2.85114 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2382 NM_002185 3575 Hs.591742 NM_002185 HPRD:00893 IL7R CD127|CDW127|IL-7R-alpha|IL7RA|ILRA interleukin 7 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2408 chr1 168312060 168312241 + 2.83883 NA Intergenic Intergenic -32612 NR_030284 693142 NR_030284 miRBase:MI0003563 MIR557 MIRN557|hsa-mir-557 microRNA 557 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6153 chr11 51574710 51574794 + 2.82468 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 59470 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18314 chr2 89871106 89871194 + 2.78168 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 759266 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16596 chr19 39289094 39289222 + 2.74171 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 9308 NM_001042507 653499 Hs.558355 NM_001042507 ENSG00000178934 LGALS7B GAL7|Gal-7|HKL-14|LGALS7|PI7 lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3297 chr1 235047712 235047801 + 2.72969 NA Intergenic Intergenic 187967 NR_038856 100506810 Hs.586634 NR_038856 ENSG00000227630 LINC01132 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1132 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15554 chr18 71863718 71863784 + 2.71631 NA Intergenic Intergenic 48005 NM_014177 29090 Hs.532835 NM_014177 HPRD:13706 TIMM21 C18orf55|TIM21 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 21 homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2060 chr1 150254738 150254832 + 2.71631 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001300838) promoter-TSS (NM_001300838) -158 NM_144697 148523 Hs.54680 NM_144697 HPRD:14081 CIART C1orf51|CHRONO|GM129 circadian associated repressor of transcription protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36420 chr9 134544165 134544256 + 2.68480 NA intron (NM_005312, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_005312, intron 1 of 23) 41019 NM_198679 2889 Hs.127897 NM_005312 HPRD:02627 RAPGEF1 C3G|GRF2 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18280 chr2 88354944 88355086 + 2.63534 NA intron (NM_016618, intron 1 of 3) CpG 233 NM_016618 51315 Hs.469254 NM_016618 HPRD:11269 KRCC1 CHBP2 lysine-rich coiled-coil 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8135 chr12 53601029 53601106 + 2.62359 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000889) promoter-TSS (NM_000889) 24 NR_104181 3695 Hs.654470 NM_000889 HPRD:00948 ITGB7 - integrin, beta 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6474 chr11 66610429 66610513 + 2.61528 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001032279) promoter-TSS (NM_001032279) -412 NM_001032279 9986 Hs.654972 NM_005133 HPRD:07289 RCE1 FACE2|RCE1A|RCE1B Ras converting CAAX endopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3572 chr10 3917734 3917856 + 2.53290 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -90322 NM_001160124 1316 Hs.4055 NM_001300 HPRD:03632 KLF6 BCD1|CBA1|COPEB|CPBP|GBF|PAC1|ST12|ZF9 Kruppel-like factor 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13677 chr17 3993126 3993327 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_015113, intron 12 of 54) intron (NM_015113, intron 12 of 54) 53027 NM_015113 23140 Hs.277624 NM_015113 HPRD:15906 ZZEF1 ZZZ4 zinc finger, ZZ-type with EF-hand domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10208 chr14 27982267 27982346 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -99488 NR_039992 100505967 Hs.668484 NR_039992 ENSG00000258548 LINC00645 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 645 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21980 chr22 39077831 39077921 + 2.46205 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020243) promoter-TSS (NM_020243) -78 NM_020243 56993 Hs.595072 NM_020243 HPRD:06130 TOMM22 1C9-2|MST065|MSTP065|TOM22 translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 22 homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11047 chr14 103542040 103542156 + 2.40121 NA Intergenic CpG -18356 NM_006035 9578 Hs.654634 NM_006035 HPRD:08516 CDC42BPB MRCKB CDC42 binding protein kinase beta (DMPK-like) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38529 chrX 116896594 116896689 + 2.27917 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 211060 NM_033495 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8626 chr12 93771866 93771945 + 2.16131 NA promoter-TSS (NR_040096) promoter-TSS (NR_040096) 159 NR_002212 440672 Hs.601274 NR_002212 NUDT4P1 - nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 4 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14908 chr17 80863499 80863586 + 2.13680 NA intron (NM_005993, intron 19 of 38) CpG -65611 NM_024702 79755 Hs.464391 NM_024702 HPRD:08588 ZNF750 ZFP750 zinc finger protein 750 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17740 chr2 43358668 43358751 + 2.10764 NA Intergenic Intergenic -92027 NR_110585 102723854 Hs.570165 NR_110585 LOC102723854 - uncharacterized LOC102723854 ncRNA Done annotating peaks file