Peak file = 9-18not12-15.bed Genome = hg19 Organism = human Peak/BED file conversion summary: BED/Header formatted lines: 1321 peakfile formatted lines: 0 Duplicated Peak IDs: 3 Peak File Statistics: Total Peaks: 1321 Redundant Peak IDs: 0 Peaks lacking information: 0 (need at least 5 columns per peak) Peaks with misformatted coordinates: 0 (should be integer) Peaks with misformatted strand: 0 (should be either +/- or 0/1) Peak file looks good! Reading Positions... ----------------------- Finding Closest TSS... Annotating:.......................... Annotation Number of peaks Total size (bp) Log2 Enrichment 3UTR 6.0 21942417 -0.624 miRNA 0.0 48690 -10.349 ncRNA 1.0 5147704 -1.118 TTS 15.0 28102597 0.340 pseudo 0.0 1862682 -10.349 Exon 14.0 34376117 -0.050 Intron 506.0 1194943122 0.006 Intergenic 613.0 1773089381 -0.286 Promoter 143.0 31337586 3.436 5UTR 6.0 2504844 2.506 snoRNA 0.0 119 -10.349 snRNA 0.0 105 -10.349 NOTE: If this part takes more than 2 minutes, there is a good chance your machine ran out of memory: consider hitting ctrl+C and rerunning the command with "-noann" To capture annotation stats in a file, use "-annStats " next time Annotating:.................................... Annotation Number of peaks Total size (bp) Log2 Enrichment 3UTR 6.0 21942417 -0.642 Other 40.0 3960402 4.565 Unknown? 0.0 18108 -10.367 RNA 1.0 115354 4.345 miRNA 0.0 48690 -10.367 ncRNA 1.0 5147704 -1.135 TTS 15.0 28102597 0.323 LINE 416.0 625041741 0.642 LINE? 0.0 10448 -10.367 srpRNA 0.0 255222 -10.367 SINE 83.0 381201676 -0.970 RC 0.0 443678 -10.367 tRNA 0.0 93164 -10.367 DNA? 0.0 265124 -10.367 pseudo 0.0 1862682 -10.367 DNA 13.0 96220993 -1.659 Exon 14.0 34376117 -0.067 Intron 241.0 634430908 -0.167 Intergenic 142.0 904158070 -1.442 Promoter 143.0 31337586 3.419 5UTR 6.0 2504844 2.489 snoRNA 0.0 119 -10.367 LTR? 0.0 21177 -10.367 scRNA 0.0 116795 -10.367 CpG-Island 53.0 9366897 3.729 Low_complexity 4.0 15511740 -0.726 LTR 40.0 260523895 -1.474 Simple_repeat 25.0 24951144 1.232 snRNA 0.0 323087 -10.367 Unknown 0.0 1252703 -10.367 SINE? 0.0 43187 -10.367 Satellite 78.0 12991284 3.815 rRNA 0.0 166567 -10.367 Counting Tags in Peaks from each directory... Organism: human Loading Gene Informaiton... Outputing Annotation File... PeakID ( 9-18not12-15.bed hg19) Chr Start End Strand Peak Score Focus Ratio/Region Size Annotation Detailed Annotation Distance to TSS Nearest PromoterID Entrez ID Nearest Unigene Nearest Refseq Nearest Ensembl Gene Name Gene Alias Gene Description Gene Type 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19149 chr2 153864368 153864470 + 32.46601 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 290012 NR_024526 151188 Hs.643580 NM_152522 HPRD:12485 ARL6IP6 AIP-6|PFAAP1 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9834 chr13 97703119 97703218 + 23.12194 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -56564 NM_080818 27199 Hs.352218 NM_080818 HPRD:06082 OXGR1 GPR80|GPR99|P2RY15|P2Y15|aKGR oxoglutarate (alpha-ketoglutarate) receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29294 chr6 28316723 28316897 + 23.10797 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024493) promoter-TSS (NM_024493) -881 NM_024493 80317 Hs.380930 NM_024493 HPRD:11705 ZKSCAN3 ZF47|ZFP306|ZNF306|ZNF309|ZSCAN13|ZSCAN35|Zfp47|dJ874C20.1|dJ874C20.1.|zfp-47 zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_104 chr1 2838221 2838453 + 22.71076 NA Intergenic Intergenic -99709 NM_080431 140625 Hs.236635 NM_080431 HPRD:12254 ACTRT2 ARPM2|ARPT2|Arp-T2|HARPM2 actin-related protein T2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33611 chr8 36570395 36570491 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -71399 NM_001031836 157855 Hs.13861 NM_001031836 ENSG00000215262 KCNU1 KCNMC1|KCa5|KCa5.1|Kcnma3|Slo3 potassium channel, subfamily U, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3040 chr1 220235809 220236010 + 20.23894 NA intron (NM_001286151, intron 6 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -15909 NM_004446 2058 Hs.497788 NM_004446 HPRD:00703 EPRS EARS|GLUPRORS|PARS|QARS|QPRS glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37212 chrX 7723925 7724042 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -86320 NM_013452 26609 Hs.567503 NM_013452 HPRD:02206 VCX VCX-10r|VCX-B1|VCX1|VCX10R|VCXB1 variable charge, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30817 chr6 153717503 153717590 + 19.17369 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -265157 NM_012419 26575 Hs.166313 NM_012419 HPRD:06223 RGS17 RGS-17|RGSZ2|hRGS17 regulator of G-protein signaling 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3039 chr1 220235507 220235611 + 19.07877 NA intron (NM_001286151, intron 6 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -15559 NM_004446 2058 Hs.497788 NM_004446 HPRD:00703 EPRS EARS|GLUPRORS|PARS|QARS|QPRS glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38402 chrX 103129189 103129273 + 19.00319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -42019 NM_016370 51209 Hs.522736 NM_016370 HPRD:02237 RAB9B RAB9L|Rab-9L RAB9B, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4981 chr10 105010678 105011025 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 5207 NM_001143909 729020 Hs.458437 NM_001143909 ENSG00000235376 RPEL1 - ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33490 chr8 23746273 23746430 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic (TATATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -34031 NM_003155 6781 Hs.25590 NM_003155 HPRD:03115 STC1 STC stanniocalcin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3800 chr10 22413196 22413278 + 18.69233 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 85675 NM_001199938 340900 Hs.450519 NM_001199938 ENSG00000223601 EBLN1 EBLN-1 endogenous Bornavirus-like nucleoprotein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28864 chr5 180085480 180085770 + 18.38504 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -9001 NM_182925 2324 Hs.646917 NM_002020 HPRD:00636 FLT4 FLT41|LMPH1A|PCL|VEGFR3 fms-related tyrosine kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30473 chr6 129243402 129243559 + 18.27161 NA intron (NM_001079823, intron 1 of 63) L1PA3|LINE|L1 39194 NM_000426 3908 Hs.200841 NM_000426 HPRD:01125 LAMA2 LAMM laminin, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20584 chr20 29817765 29817844 + 18.10540 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -27663 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4489 chr10 67150220 67150302 + 17.79891 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -180922 NR_120647 101928913 Hs.568857 NR_120647 LINC01515 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1515 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36623 chr9_gl000199_random 100147 100226 + 17.65780 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34124 chr8 82754444 82754551 + 17.35515 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152837) promoter-TSS (NM_152837) 24 NM_152837 64089 Hs.492121 NM_022133 HPRD:15411 SNX16 - sorting nexin 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14034 chr17 25368633 25368820 + 17.28591 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 252296 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20486 chr20 22115304 22115387 + 17.11620 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 80617 NR_038394 100270679 Hs.385748 NR_038394 LINC01432 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1432 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_628 chr1 36463474 36463580 + 17.03475 NA intron (NM_024852, intron 5 of 18) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 66844 NM_177422 192669 Hs.657659 NM_024852 HPRD:09558 AGO3 EIF2C3 argonaute RISC catalytic component 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19830 chr2 209041609 209041700 + 16.79594 NA intron (NM_001099334, intron 6 of 8) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 13119 NM_001099334 389073 Hs.198416 NM_001099334 ENSG00000188674 C2orf80 GONDA1 chromosome 2 open reading frame 80 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8065 chr12 49704317 49704407 + 16.68443 NA intron (NR_120449, intron 2 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -12609 NM_001278324 10024 Hs.524399 NM_005480 HPRD:04849 TROAP TASTIN trophinin associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13304 chr16 72604508 72604677 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -398243 NM_001160213 83449 Hs.714939 NM_031293 HPRD:10157 PMFBP1 - polyamine modulated factor 1 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25871 chr4 119330588 119330667 + 16.65977 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -56705 NM_003619 8492 Hs.445857 NM_003619 HPRD:05989 PRSS12 BSSP-3|BSSP3|MRT1 protease, serine, 12 (neurotrypsin, motopsin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24321 chr3 190155423 190155511 + 16.62269 NA intron (NM_207316, intron 4 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 12198 NM_207316 131920 Hs.335321 NM_207316 HPRD:15621 TMEM207 UNQ846 transmembrane protein 207 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25648 chr4 99334640 99334741 + 16.44029 NA intron (NM_001100427, intron 7 of 14) L1PA2|LINE|L1 152163 NM_001100427 5910 Hs.132858 NM_021159 HPRD:11763 RAP1GDS1 GDS1|SmgGDS RAP1, GTP-GDP dissociation stimulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26416 chr4 171518793 171518901 + 16.22639 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -442906 NR_038838 100506122 Hs.434205 NR_038838 ENSG00000248872 LOC100506122 - uncharacterized LOC100506122 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20288 chr20 1122953 1123177 + 16.14773 NA intron (NM_178578, intron 5 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 23825 NM_006814 9491 Hs.471917 NM_006814 HPRD:17919 PSMF1 PI31 proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 (PI31) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38129 chrX 74781459 74781548 + 16.02426 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -38166 NM_001146257 158866 Hs.253211 NM_144969 HPRD:06758 ZDHHC15 MRX91 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27399 chr5 63144042 63144123 + 15.94570 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 114037 NM_000524 3350 Hs.247940 NM_000524 HTR1A 5-HT-1A|5-HT1A|5HT1a|ADRB2RL1|ADRBRL1|G-21|PFMCD 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4362 chr10 54120464 54120542 + 15.87166 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 46462 NM_012242 22943 Hs.40499 NM_012242 HPRD:05544 DKK1 DKK-1|SK dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_876 chr1 47588997 47589245 + 15.74612 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -13986 NM_001010969 284541 Hs.726474 NM_001010969 CYP4A22 - cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily A, polypeptide 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23235 chr3 93525454 93525536 + 15.68530 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 167439 NM_000313 5627 Hs.64016 NM_000313 HPRD:01473 PROS1 PROS|PS21|PS22|PS23|PS24|PS25|PSA|THPH5|THPH6 protein S (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37067 chrUn_gl000229 7233 7347 + 15.65075 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8499 chr12 77568911 77569046 + 15.62245 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -109618 NM_203394 144455 Hs.416375 NM_203394 HPRD:10929 E2F7 - E2F transcription factor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9913 chr13 102043298 102043387 + 15.59554 NA intron (NM_052867, intron 3 of 43) L1PA5|LINE|L1 25471 NM_052867 259232 Hs.525146 NM_052867 HPRD:15647 NALCN CanIon|INNFD|VGCNL1|bA430M15.1 sodium leak channel, non-selective protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5307 chr10 131389911 131390009 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 124506 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13565 chr17 122837 123076 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_001190412, intron 5 of 8) CpG -58040 NM_001242780 100506388 Hs.627744 NM_001242780 LOC100506388 - uncharacterized LOC100506388 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24813 chr4 26595055 26595131 + 15.53594 NA intron (NM_001292054, intron 1 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 9547 NM_018317 55296 Hs.479403 NM_018317 HPRD:07730 TBC1D19 - TBC1 domain family, member 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18964 chr2 133001999 133002071 + 15.42891 NA intron (NR_027020, intron 1 of 4) ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 12618 NR_031608 100313824 NR_031608 miRBase:MI0006336 MIR663B MIRN663B microRNA 663b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38317 chrX 91475969 91476047 + 15.23949 NA intron (NM_032969, intron 3 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 385548 NM_001168362 27328 Hs.655673 NM_014522 HPRD:02215 PCDH11X PCDH-X|PCDH11|PCDHX|PPP1R119 protocadherin 11 X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17207 chr19_gl000208_random 44671 44750 + 15.20770 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25286 chr4 61438204 61438378 + 15.12465 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -924548 NM_015236 23284 Hs.28391 NM_015236 HPRD:10055 LPHN3 CIRL3|LEC3 latrophilin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1466 chr1 108971116 108971190 + 15.07116 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -21751 NM_001143988 653149 Hs.712226 NM_001143987 ENSG00000186086 NBPF6 - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8906 chr12 114523881 114523952 + 15.03739 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -119740 NM_001146699 9904 Hs.7482 NM_016196 HPRD:15225 RBM19 - RNA binding motif protein 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15551 chr18 71677567 71677654 + 15.03739 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 137389 NM_152676 201456 Hs.664011 NM_152676 HPRD:16435 FBXO15 FBX15 F-box protein 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27217 chr5 49464024 49464117 + 14.97847 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 273164 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39271 chrY 13866947 13867021 + 14.87177 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 666405 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15804 chr19 4834797 4834880 + 14.77601 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -3084 NM_182919 148022 Hs.29344 NM_014261 HPRD:06350 TICAM1 IIAE6|MyD88-3|PRVTIRB|TICAM-1|TRIF toll-like receptor adaptor molecule 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17374 chr2 10260439 10260569 + 14.62739 NA Intergenic CpG -2191 NM_001165931 6241 Hs.226390 NM_001034 HPRD:01587 RRM2 R2|RR2|RR2M ribonucleotide reductase M2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24299 chr3 187608528 187608704 + 14.58499 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -145103 NM_001706 604 Hs.478588 NM_001706 HPRD:00180 BCL6 BCL5|BCL6A|LAZ3|ZBTB27|ZNF51 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18150 chr2 78851718 78851803 + 14.49380 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -333903 NR_110288 101927967 Hs.406952 NR_110288 LOC101927967 - uncharacterized LOC101927967 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12407 chr16 12070485 12070681 + 14.49380 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032167) promoter-TSS (NM_032167) -19 NM_032167 92017 Hs.458401 NM_032167 HPRD:17437 SNX29 A-388D4.1|RUNDC2A sorting nexin 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1144 chr1 77576794 77576905 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_005482, intron 10 of 10) L1PA5|LINE|L1 51021 NR_106978 102466995 NR_106978 MIR7156 hsa-mir-7156 microRNA 7156 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24758 chr4 18178393 18178502 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -154964 NM_153686 254251 Hs.446201 NM_153686 HPRD:10088 LCORL MLR1 ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26214 chr4 150467556 150467629 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -531834 NM_001040260 166614 Hs.591683 NM_152619 HPRD:13122 DCLK2 CL2|CLICK-II|CLICK2|CLIK2|DCAMKL2|DCDC3|DCDC3B|DCK2 doublecortin-like kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9841 chr13 98177218 98177310 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 90789 NM_021033 5911 Hs.508480 NM_021033 RAP2A K-REV|KREV|RAP2|RbBP-30 RAP2A, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8599 chr12 91676636 91676716 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -99870 NM_001920 1634 Hs.156316 NM_001920 HPRD:00501 DCN CSCD|DSPG2|PG40|PGII|PGS2|SLRR1B decorin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23340 chr3 102747750 102747853 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 593942 NM_175056 131368 Hs.352213 NM_175056 HPRD:14048 ZPLD1 - zona pellucida-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32446 chr7 100781871 100782029 + 14.49318 NA 3' UTR (NM_000602, exon 9 of 9) 3' UTR (NM_000602, exon 9 of 9) 11580 NM_000602 5054 Hs.414795 NM_000602 HPRD:01418 SERPINE1 PAI|PAI-1|PAI1|PLANH1 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31705 chr7 49064398 49064480 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 100282 NR_003595 168448 Hs.567757 NM_152627 CDC14C CDC14B2|CDC14Bretro cell division cycle 14C pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21928 chr22 36057015 36057152 + 14.46332 NA 3' UTR (NM_030641, exon 3 of 3) 3' UTR (NM_030641, exon 3 of 3) 12659 NM_030641 80830 Hs.257352 NM_030641 HPRD:06266 APOL6 APOL-VI|APOLVI apolipoprotein L, 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7742 chr12 27617681 27617915 + 14.39667 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -1945 NM_001145010 341346 Hs.282121 NM_001145010 ENSG00000165935 SMCO2 C12orf70 single-pass membrane protein with coiled-coil domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31989 chr7 64569569 64569665 + 14.37693 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 70885 NR_033416 643180 Hs.510847 NR_033416 ENSG00000234585 CCT6P3 CCT6-3P chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 6 (zeta) pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11562 chr15 52313433 52313547 + 14.36712 NA intron (NM_002748, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_002748, intron 1 of 5) 2079 NM_002748 5597 Hs.411847 NM_002748 HPRD:04213 MAPK6 ERK3|HsT17250|PRKM6|p97MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6152 chr11 51574261 51574350 + 14.35522 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 59023 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34375 chr8 103795434 103795555 + 14.19335 NA Intergenic MER90a|LTR|ERV1 80903 NM_148174 51582 Hs.459106 NM_015878 HPRD:07443 AZIN1 OAZI|OAZIN|ODC1L antizyme inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27400 chr5 63238284 63238366 + 14.16351 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 19794 NM_000524 3350 Hs.247940 NM_000524 HTR1A 5-HT-1A|5-HT1A|5HT1a|ADRB2RL1|ADRBRL1|G-21|PFMCD 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33192 chr7 158791076 158791198 + 14.12726 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9908 NR_024394 154822 Hs.544783 NM_198345 ENSG00000231419 LINC00689 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 689 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14020 chr17 25265615 25265696 + 14.10296 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 355367 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26765 chr5 6571287 6571686 + 13.83399 NA Intergenic HAL1-3A_ME|LINE|L1 -10763 NR_024423 255167 Hs.435515 NR_024423 ENSG00000250056 LINC01018 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1018 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37941 chrX 65787308 65787396 + 13.81729 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 48520 NM_001242310 60401 Hs.302017 NM_021783 HPRD:02230 EDA2R EDA-A2R|EDAA2R|TNFRSF27|XEDAR ectodysplasin A2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8821 chr12 109491754 109491870 + 13.81057 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038996) promoter-TSS (NR_038996) -42 NR_038996 100131733 Hs.660996 NR_038996 USP30-AS1 - USP30 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24888 chr4 37979515 37979626 + 13.80923 NA intron (NM_001253912, intron 2 of 20) CpG 17514 NM_006607 10744 Hs.668806 NM_006607 HPRD:09176 PTTG2 - pituitary tumor-transforming 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25631 chr4 97323639 97323719 + 13.72464 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 562440 NM_005390 5161 Hs.131361 NM_005390 HPRD:01531 PDHA2 PDHAL pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6901 chr11 102601771 102602029 + 13.61975 NA Intergenic (CCCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -6215 NM_002424 4317 Hs.161839 NM_002424 HPRD:00385 MMP8 CLG1|HNC|MMP-8|PMNL-CL matrix metallopeptidase 8 (neutrophil collagenase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8645 chr12 95015555 95015712 + 13.60294 NA intron (NM_020698, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_020698, intron 1 of 3) -5706 NM_001301036 57458 Hs.370410 NM_020698 HPRD:15519 TMCC3 - transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27049 chr5 41565083 41565186 + 13.60294 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -54404 NM_001005473 345557 Hs.145404 NM_001005473 HPRD:17860 PLCXD3 - phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8914 chr12 116715371 116715538 + 13.48445 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015335) promoter-TSS (NM_015335) -463 NM_015335 23389 Hs.603766 NM_015335 HPRD:10579 MED13L PROSIT240|THRAP2|TRAP240L mediator complex subunit 13-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36660 chr9_gl000199_random 154676 154742 + 13.47148 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17857 chr2 53536177 53536256 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -458713 NM_001008708 494143 Hs.585944 NM_001008708 HPRD:17418 CHAC2 - ChaC, cation transport regulator homolog 2 (E. coli) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36542 chr9 140563818 140564004 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001145527, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_001145527, intron 1 of 15) 50467 NM_024757 79813 Hs.495511 NM_024757 HPRD:07383 EHMT1 EUHMTASE1|Eu-HMTase1|FP13812|GLP|GLP1|KMT1D|bA188C12.1 euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2673 chr1 188145975 188146055 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1347983 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14519 chr17 53636802 53636904 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -137512 NM_012329 23531 Hs.463483 NM_012329 HPRD:06835 MMD MMA|MMD1|PAQR11 monocyte to macrophage differentiation-associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10366 chr14 46535777 46535868 + 13.42360 NA intron (NR_102701, intron 1 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 2460 NR_102702 100506412 Hs.207545 NR_102699 ENSG00000258700 LINC00871 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 871 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8027 chr12 47849247 47849331 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -239063 NR_026544 100233209 Hs.657722 NR_026544 ENSG00000247774 PCED1B-AS1 - PCED1B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39300 chrY 16069300 16069387 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 29045 NM_181880 353513 Hs.170076 NM_181880 HPRD:18602 VCY1B BPY1B variable charge, Y-linked 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6685 chr11 80597905 80598031 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -124122 NR_120570 101928944 Hs.547927 NR_120570 ENSG00000255178 LOC101928944 - uncharacterized LOC101928944 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23213 chr3 90430022 90430098 + 13.39864 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1273386 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27379 chr5 60458269 60458404 + 13.38823 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001048249) promoter-TSS (NM_001048249) -34 NM_001048249 643155 Hs.508479 NM_001048249 ENSG00000188725 SMIM15 C5orf43 small integral membrane protein 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10510 chr14 58162195 58162303 + 13.34910 NA intron (NM_001206920, intron 1 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 170343 NM_001206920 341880 Hs.28280 NM_001080455 ENSG00000151812 SLC35F4 C14orf36|c14_5373 solute carrier family 35, member F4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18297 chr2 89842252 89842342 + 13.32376 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 730413 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19093 chr2 145480710 145480797 + 13.31479 NA intron (NR_033870, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 55219 NR_033870 401014 Hs.742290 NR_033870 TEX41 DKFZp686O1327|LINC00953 testis expressed 41 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37853 chrX 61845913 61846015 + 13.29500 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 725254 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25949 chr4 122285694 122285769 + 13.25235 NA intron (NM_198179, intron 1 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 16450 NM_198179 84109 Hs.368977 NM_198179 QRFPR AQ27|GPR103|SP9155 pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31688 chr7 45989018 45989121 + 13.24619 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -28198 NM_001013398 3486 Hs.450230 NM_000598 HPRD:00899 IGFBP3 BP-53|IBP3 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32197 chr7 78551995 78552079 + 13.23734 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 2 of 20) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -86267 NR_046689 100874021 Hs.128252 NR_046689 ENSG00000226978 MAGI2-AS2 - MAGI2 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23229 chr3 90503308 90503402 + 13.23539 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1346681 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39108 chrY 13194286 13194353 + 13.22337 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1339070 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35039 chr9 17924166 17924270 + 13.17790 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 345266 NM_003026 6456 Hs.75149 NM_003026 HPRD:05125 SH3GL2 CNSA2|EEN-B1|SH3D2A|SH3P4 SH3-domain GRB2-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10309 chr14 40055420 40055537 + 13.16907 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -153774 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6050 chr11 48577114 48577193 + 13.08179 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 66808 NM_001005512 403253 Hs.554532 NM_001005512 HPRD:17718 OR4A47 OR11-113 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36581 chr9_gl000199_random 44708 44774 + 12.94723 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37088 chrUn_gl000235 1097 1317 + 12.91213 NA NA LSAU|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27874 chr5 99197771 99197860 + 12.91023 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 328121 NR_110562 102724855 Hs.519477 NR_110562 CTD-2151A2.1 - uncharacterized LOC102724855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20450 chr20 17655133 17655248 + 12.91023 NA intron (NM_004587, intron 1 of 24) AluY|SINE|Alu 7738 NM_004587 6238 Hs.472213 NM_004587 HPRD:11796 RRBP1 ES/130|ES130|RRp|hES ribosome binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36417 chr9 134537502 134537614 + 12.75192 NA intron (NM_005312, intron 1 of 23) L2|LINE|L2 47671 NM_198679 2889 Hs.127897 NM_005312 HPRD:02627 RAPGEF1 C3G|GRF2 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16894 chr19 48907027 48907128 + 12.73184 NA intron (NM_000836, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_000836, intron 2 of 12) 8945 NM_000836 2906 Hs.445015 NM_000836 HPRD:04095 GRIN2D EB11|GluN2D|NMDAR2D|NR2D glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3628 chr10 7420241 7420413 + 12.71857 NA intron (NM_001018039, intron 2 of 20) intron (NM_001018039, intron 2 of 20) 30976 NM_001018039 57713 Hs.407983 NM_001018039 ENSG00000198879 SFMBT2 - Scm-like with four mbt domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11662 chr15 60874679 60874823 + 12.63106 NA intron (NM_134260, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_134260, intron 1 of 11) 9956 NM_134262 6095 Hs.560343 NM_002943 HPRD:02896 RORA NR1F1|ROR1|ROR2|ROR3|RZR-ALPHA|RZRA RAR-related orphan receptor A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35463 chr9 66835822 66835921 + 12.60722 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -87096 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28954 chr6 4059485 4059624 + 12.55984 NA intron (NM_003913, intron 14 of 14) intron (NM_003913, intron 14 of 14) -19886 NM_001085401 404220 Hs.716731 NM_206834 HPRD:12872 C6orf201 dJ1013A10.5 chromosome 6 open reading frame 201 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28461 chr5 145902079 145902296 + 12.54776 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -6511 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23161 chr3 85517019 85517095 + 12.52853 NA intron (NM_001167674, intron 1 of 9) AluYa5|SINE|Alu -37152 NM_001256504 253559 Hs.164578 NM_153184 HPRD:11046 CADM2 IGSF4D|NECL3|Necl-3|SynCAM 2|synCAM2 cell adhesion molecule 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28059 chr5 117445967 117446079 + 12.52853 NA intron (NR_104997, intron 2 of 2) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -172246 NR_104609 100505811 Hs.369776 NR_104609 ENSG00000250427 LOC100505811 - uncharacterized LOC100505811 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21259 chr21 19810241 19810337 + 12.50342 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -34319 NM_002772 5651 Hs.149473 NM_002772 HPRD:05972 TMPRSS15 ENTK|PRSS7 transmembrane protease, serine 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37771 chrX 58562265 58562334 + 12.50308 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -625232 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11345 chr15 36488069 36488188 + 12.47721 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 269071 NR_039735 100616293 NR_039735 miRBase:MI0016876 MIR4510 - microRNA 4510 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12718 chr16 31711787 31711920 + 12.43275 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024034) promoter-TSS (NR_024034) -81 NR_024034 100132341 Hs.715792 NM_024048 ENSG00000131797 CLUHP3 C16orf67|KIAA0664L3|KIAA0664P3 clustered mitochondria (cluA/CLU1) homolog pseudogene 3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5601 chr11 9781303 9781532 + 12.42882 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033972) promoter-TSS (NR_033972) -337 NR_033972 440028 Hs.677541 NR_033972 ENSG00000245522 LOC440028 - uncharacterized LOC440028 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25376 chr4 71571389 71571550 + 12.40816 NA intron (NM_001130709, intron 1 of 11) CpG 815 NM_001130709 22902 Hs.740904 NM_014961 HPRD:15251 RUFY3 RIPX|SINGAR1 RUN and FYVE domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8342 chr12 67597119 67597303 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -65850 NM_018448 55832 Hs.546407 NM_018448 CAND1 TIP120|TIP120A cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11597 chr15 54511242 54511322 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001080534, intron 3 of 30) L1PA3|LINE|L1 206181 NM_001080534 440279 Hs.657273 NM_001080534 ENSG00000137766 UNC13C - unc-13 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5839 chr11 28051094 28051178 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_031217, intron 15 of 16) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -27226 NR_030341 693195 NR_030341 miRBase:MI0003623 MIR610 MIRN610|hsa-mir-610 microRNA 610 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23167 chr3 86601509 86601580 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -111183 NR_046939 100873773 NR_046939 ENSG00000252055 RNU6-69P RNU6-69 RNA, U6 small nuclear 69, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1423 chr1 103166885 103166980 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 407120 NM_080630 1301 Hs.523446 NM_001854 HPRD:00375 COL11A1 CO11A1|COLL6|STL2 collagen, type XI, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5859 chr11 30760136 30760213 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -152244 NM_001145399 744 Hs.289795 NM_001584 HPRD:02947 MPPED2 239FB|C11orf8 metallophosphoesterase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24312 chr3 188789405 188789497 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic Intergenic -100312 NM_198485 285386 Hs.729544 NM_198485 HPRD:13451 TPRG1 FAM79B tumor protein p63 regulated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22202 chr3 2374341 2374411 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001206955, intron 1 of 23) L1PA3|LINE|L1 93863 NM_001206955 152330 Hs.298705 NM_175607 HPRD:16239 CNTN4 AXCAM|BIG-2 contactin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11105 chr14 106551158 106551284 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic LTR16B2|LTR|ERVL -112863 NR_002224 8755 Hs.662288 NR_002224 ENSG00000233988 ADAM6 C14orf96|tMDCIV ADAM metallopeptidase domain 6, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38098 chrX 72818719 72818891 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001300884, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 35821 NM_001039840 53344 Hs.496323 NM_001039840 ENSG00000204116 CHIC1 BRX cysteine-rich hydrophobic domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24842 chr4 32158141 32158210 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 1436138 NM_032457 5099 Hs.479439 NM_002589 HPRD:04288 PCDH7 BH-Pcdh|BHPCDH|PPP1R120 protocadherin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6713 chr11 84251883 84251958 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001142699, intron 6 of 27) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -223538 NM_001206769 1740 Hs.367656 NM_001364 HPRD:04663 DLG2 PPP1R58|PSD-93|PSD93|chapsyn-110 discs, large homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2373 chr1 166373494 166373568 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -199622 NR_002925 116123 Hs.348539 NM_138784 HPRD:14011 FMO9P - flavin containing monooxygenase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16804 chr19 46148889 46148991 + 12.36394 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001193268) promoter-TSS (NM_001193268) -165 NM_001193268 24139 Hs.24178 NM_012155 HPRD:16860 EML2 ELP70|EMAP-2|EMAP2 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_892 chr1 48848341 48848916 + 12.25424 NA intron (NM_019073, intron 9 of 12) intron (NM_019073, intron 9 of 12) 89252 NM_001286238 54558 Hs.538103 NM_019073 HPRD:15430 SPATA6 HASH|SRF-1|SRF1 spermatogenesis associated 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31191 chr7 2417727 2417815 + 12.24130 NA intron (NM_001037283, intron 15 of 18) intron (NM_001037283, intron 15 of 18) 23297 NM_003751 8662 Hs.371001 NM_003751 HPRD:06795 EIF3B EIF3-ETA|EIF3-P110|EIF3-P116|EIF3S9|PRT1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15295 chr18 41932003 41932084 + 12.23583 NA intron (NR_110792, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 179619 NR_110792 101927921 Hs.464986 NR_110792 ENSG00000267337 LINC01478 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1478 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36105 chr9 114085530 114085766 + 12.10659 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 5065 NM_205859 26248 Hs.381312 NM_205859 HPRD:17701 OR2K2 HSHTPCRH06|HTPCRH06|OR2AN1P|OR2AR1P olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily K, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25511 chr4 83035823 83035904 + 12.10481 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 259286 NM_031369 3184 Hs.480073 NM_002138 HNRNPD AUF1|AUF1A|HNRPD|P37|hnRNPD0 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D (AU-rich element RNA binding protein 1, 37kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10774 chr14 77217902 77217972 + 12.10232 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -10298 NM_014909 22846 Hs.525479 NM_014909 HPRD:12353 VASH1 KIAA1036 vasohibin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20227 chr2 242249363 242249440 + 12.07787 NA intron (NM_005336, intron 1 of 27) HAL1|LINE|L1 -5201 NM_006155 4735 Hs.721234 NM_004404 HPRD:03297 SEPT2 DIFF6|NEDD-5|NEDD5|Pnutl3|hNedd5 septin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17208 chr19_gl000208_random 46246 46335 + 12.05607 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6708 chr11 83026867 83026944 + 11.91737 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -29455 NM_021825 60492 Hs.368866 NM_021825 HPRD:14378 CCDC90B MDS011|MDS025 coiled-coil domain containing 90B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33817 chr8 49370050 49370127 + 11.90544 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -94039 NR_105002 101929268 Hs.683934 NR_105002 ENSG00000253608 LOC101929268 - uncharacterized LOC101929268 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18305 chr2 89859582 89859652 + 11.84610 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 747733 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9352 chr13 34253493 34253634 + 11.82344 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2591 NM_001243476 90627 Hs.156551 NM_052851 HPRD:11607 STARD13 ARHGAP37|DLC2|GT650|LINC00464 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37979 chrX 67798080 67798183 + 11.82001 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -69380 NM_001142503 9754 Hs.95140 NM_014725 HPRD:06730 STARD8 ARHGAP38|DLC3|STARTGAP3 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39085 chrY 13109283 13109357 + 11.76414 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1424069 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8934 chr12 119545687 119545774 + 11.76098 NA intron (NM_194286, intron 2 of 12) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -70865 NM_014365 26353 Hs.400095 NM_014365 HPRD:06420 HSPB8 CMT2L|DHMN2|E2IG1|H11|HMN2|HMN2A|HSP22 heat shock 22kDa protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22575 chr3 33089409 33089594 + 11.75075 NA intron (NM_001079811, intron 9 of 15) intron (NM_001079811, intron 9 of 15) 48792 NM_001136238 643853 Hs.443031 NM_001039770 ENSG00000170266 TMPPE - transmembrane protein with metallophosphoesterase domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29173 chr6 24812097 24812181 + 11.74756 NA intron (NM_001286445, intron 20 of 21) L1HS|LINE|L1 -13015 NM_001282492 101928603 Hs.635133 NM_001282492 C6orf229 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39334 chrY 23107868 23107942 + 11.73495 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 189951 NM_001039567 140032 Hs.367761 NM_001039567 HPRD:15960 RPS4Y2 RPS4Y2P ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25882 chr4 119771714 119771878 + 11.65126 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286754) promoter-TSS (NM_001286754) -47 NM_001286754 171024 Hs.655519 NM_133477 HPRD:15456 SYNPO2 - synaptopodin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17991 chr2 66437447 66437533 + 11.63084 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 147970 NR_039938 100616464 NR_039938 miRBase:MI0017422 MIR4778 - microRNA 4778 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1758 chr1 143279405 143279490 + 11.58841 NA Intergenic ACRO1|Satellite|acro -77208 NR_110761 102723769 Hs.652926 NR_110761 LOC102723769 - uncharacterized LOC102723769 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6824 chr11 93970989 93971239 + 11.56030 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -67689 NM_001199206 390243 Hs.553758 NM_001080486 ENSG00000183560 FOLR4 Folbp3|JUNO folate receptor 4, delta (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24329 chr3 191870702 191870783 + 11.54929 NA intron (NM_021032, intron 4 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -85677 NR_046596 100873986 Hs.581652 NR_046596 FGF12-AS1 - FGF12 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_674 chr1 36611754 36611986 + 11.53348 NA intron (NM_001270895, intron 1 of 4) AluSc|SINE|Alu 3245 NR_073098 27095 Hs.523131 NM_014408 HPRD:11644 TRAPPC3 BET3 trafficking protein particle complex 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2007 chr1 149034326 149034564 + 11.51875 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 75280 NR_104217 101929780 Hs.534675 NR_104217 NBPF25P WI2-925H4.1 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 25, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30725 chr6 148661345 148661563 + 11.46658 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -2275 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1346 chr1 96744451 96744521 + 11.46011 NA intron (NR_110693, intron 5 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 95195 NR_110693 101928241 Hs.514137 NR_110693 ENSG00000231987 LOC101928241 - uncharacterized LOC101928241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28468 chr5 145993623 145993741 + 11.44562 NA intron (NR_073526, intron 6 of 8) L1HS|LINE|L1 -98006 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34885 chr8 146277690 146277889 + 11.44337 NA promoter-TSS (NM_023080) promoter-TSS (NM_023080) -35 NM_023080 65265 Hs.169615 NM_023080 HPRD:07951 C8orf33 - chromosome 8 open reading frame 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24475 chr4 1350813 1351017 + 11.43212 NA intron (NM_020894, intron 7 of 13) intron (NM_020894, intron 7 of 13) 9811 NM_020894 57654 Hs.380475 NM_020894 HPRD:17216 UVSSA KIAA1530|UVSS3 UV-stimulated scaffold protein A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17538 chr2 27255724 27255826 + 11.42890 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001083590) promoter-TSS (NM_001083590) 1 NM_017727 54867 Hs.533934 NM_017727 HPRD:07887 TMEM214 - transmembrane protein 214 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7897 chr12 38098929 38099013 + 11.39707 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -611586 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8423 chr12 71261186 71261267 + 11.37237 NA intron (NM_002849, intron 2 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 53358 NM_002849 5801 Hs.506076 NM_002849 HPRD:04169 PTPRR EC-PTP|PCPTP1|PTP-SL|PTPBR7|PTPRQ protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, R protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26409 chr4 171159394 171159558 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -147938 NM_001286683 51166 Hs.529735 NM_016228 HPRD:12392 AADAT KAT2|KATII aminoadipate aminotransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26913 chr5 28607201 28607277 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -319738 NR_033961 729862 Hs.646006 NR_033961 LSP1P3 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4404 chr10 58561711 58561785 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -440714 NM_032997 11130 Hs.591363 NM_007057 HPRD:18366 ZWINT HZwint-1|KNTC2AP|ZWINT1 ZW10 interacting kinetochore protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29125 chr6 18912192 18912272 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 268479 NR_110860 101928519 Hs.551771 NR_110860 LOC101928519 - uncharacterized LOC101928519 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26516 chr4 185061638 185061709 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_153343, intron 2 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 77441 NM_153343 133121 Hs.297814 NM_153343 HPRD:16863 ENPP6 NPP6 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13845 chr17 9519765 9519847 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_145054, intron 8 of 13) L1HS|LINE|L1 -29048 NM_153210 124739 Hs.709621 NM_153210 ENSG00000154914 USP43 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14035 chr17 25387202 25387400 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 233721 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18779 chr2 117781123 117781210 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic -791089 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34314 chr8 100470949 100471113 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_152564, intron 23 of 61) L1PA4|LINE|L1 77927 NR_030329 693184 NR_030329 miRBase:MI0003611 MIR599 MIRN599|hsa-mir-599 microRNA 599 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16242 chr19 20286372 20286448 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_052852, intron 1 of 3) SVA_D|Other|Other 8387 NM_052852 90649 Hs.590991 NM_052852 ENSG00000256229 ZNF486 KRBO2 zinc finger protein 486 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25600 chr4 93029029 93029119 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -196476 NM_001286838 2895 Hs.162727 NM_001510 HPRD:06781 GRID2 GluD2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38452 chrX 106732642 106732722 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -32998 NM_032428 84443 Hs.496546 NM_032428 ENSG00000147234 FRMPD3 - FERM and PDZ domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9195 chr13 21249037 21249144 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_175605, intron 26 of 27) AluY|SINE|Alu -28392 NM_138284 53342 Hs.655142 NM_138284 HPRD:16251 IL17D IL-17D|IL-27|IL27 interleukin 17D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11224 chr15 25773276 25773551 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic (TGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -89238 NM_130839 7337 Hs.598862 NM_000462 HPRD:03375 UBE3A ANCR|AS|E6-AP|EPVE6AP|HPVE6A ubiquitin protein ligase E3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39297 chrY 15884214 15884307 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 68813 NM_004202 9087 Hs.159201 NM_004202 HPRD:02458 TMSB4Y TB4Y thymosin beta 4, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23801 chr3 141263687 141263768 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_006506, intron 5 of 23) L1PA13|LINE|L1 57801 NM_006506 5922 Hs.98445 NM_006506 ENSG00000155903 RASA2 GAP1M RAS p21 protein activator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35652 chr9 72126743 72126935 + 11.33403 NA intron (NM_001163, intron 2 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 160436 NM_001163 320 Hs.171939 NM_001163 HPRD:03879 APBA1 D9S411E|LIN10|MINT1|X11|X11A|X11ALPHA amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11170 chr15 21183409 21183658 + 11.26446 NA intron (NR_040094, intron 3 of 4) intron (NR_040094, intron 3 of 4) 37766 NR_040094 348120 Hs.116287 NR_040094 ENSG00000258710 LINC01193 CT60 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1193 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31305 chr7 9612864 9612957 + 11.26125 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -60990 NR_002790 168741 Hs.545134 NR_002790 PER4 - period circadian clock 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30029 chr6 87864610 87864796 + 11.25799 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015021) promoter-TSS (NM_015021) -566 NM_015021 23036 Hs.485892 NM_015021 ENSG00000188994 ZNF292 Nbla00365|ZFP292|ZN-16|Zn-15|bA393I2.3 zinc finger protein 292 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5679 chr11 14008395 14008471 + 11.17675 NA intron (NM_006108, intron 2 of 15) L1PA7|LINE|L1 24249 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26853 chr5 17632191 17632514 + 11.17490 NA Intergenic Intergenic -244933 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20582 chr20 29813713 29813893 + 11.16259 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -31664 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19493 chr2 181971679 181971823 + 11.09250 NA Intergenic Intergenic 125900 NM_001278554 10477 Hs.470804 NM_006357 HPRD:05000 UBE2E3 UBCH9|UbcM2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7486 chr12 10563919 10564107 + 11.09250 NA TTS (NM_002261) TTS (NM_002261) -1268 NM_001199805 100528032 Hs.387787 NM_001199805 KLRC4-KLRK1 - KLRC4-KLRK1 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6042 chr11 48319010 48319088 + 11.06960 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -8726 NM_001004725 256148 Hs.553657 NM_001004725 HPRD:14987 OR4S1 OR11-100 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily S, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32347 chr7 96889397 96889474 + 11.04418 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 143530 NM_020186 57001 Hs.592269 NM_020186 HPRD:16471 ACN9 - ACN9 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8394 chr12 69998009 69998268 + 11.02263 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 6804 NM_201550 376132 Hs.448708 NM_201550 HPRD:17449 LRRC10 HRLRRP|LRRC10A leucine rich repeat containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19920 chr2 219745232 219745334 + 10.99192 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025216) promoter-TSS (NM_025216) 28 NM_025216 80326 Hs.121540 NM_025216 HPRD:16207 WNT10A OODD|SSPS|STHAG4 wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29721 chr6 55209431 55209502 + 10.98175 NA intron (NM_207410, intron 3 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 17199 NM_207410 389400 Hs.526967 NM_207410 HPRD:15622 GFRAL C6orf144|GRAL|UNQ9356|bA360D14.1 GDNF family receptor alpha like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27436 chr5 66136611 66136813 + 10.98175 NA intron (NM_015183, intron 1 of 27) intron (NM_015183, intron 1 of 27) 12108 NM_015183 375449 Hs.595458 NM_015183 HPRD:14195 MAST4 - microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19276 chr2 163844685 163844766 + 10.96816 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -149468 NM_033272 90134 Hs.657413 NM_033272 HPRD:16295 KCNH7 ERG3|HERG3|Kv11.3 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23152 chr3 84062486 84062565 + 10.96525 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 856201 NR_033860 440970 Hs.411049 NR_033860 ENSG00000242641 LINC00971 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 971 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35648 chr9 71676751 71676829 + 10.96525 NA intron (NM_181425, intron 3 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 26311 NM_001161706 2395 Hs.20685 NM_000144 HPRD:06013 FXN CyaY|FA|FARR|FRDA|X25 frataxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22539 chr3 29716125 29716198 + 10.93511 NA intron (NM_001003792, intron 4 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 259486 NR_046556 100873977 Hs.581453 NR_046556 RBMS3-AS1 - RBMS3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34628 chr8 130341810 130341882 + 10.92191 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -88360 NR_033916 728724 Hs.49902 NR_033916 ENSG00000250400 LINC00977 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 977 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18661 chr2 109229224 109229485 + 10.91775 NA intron (NM_001193482, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001193482, intron 1 of 9) 5737 NM_001193482 3987 Hs.597715 NM_004987 HPRD:03978 LIMS1 PINCH|PINCH-1|PINCH1 LIM and senescent cell antigen-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33684 chr8 43034872 43035142 + 10.91171 NA intron (NM_152419, intron 10 of 17) SVA_E|Other|Other 39415 NM_152419 138050 Hs.600384 NM_152419 ENSG00000165102 HGSNAT HGNAT|MPS3C|TMEM76 heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23596 chr3 125524458 125524536 + 10.87273 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -15102 NR_031687 100302204 NR_031687 miRBase:MI0006421 MIR548I1 MIR548I-1|MIRN548I1|hsa-mir-548i-1 microRNA 548i-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29547 chr6 39504395 39504477 + 10.84342 NA intron (NM_001289021, intron 12 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -105286 NM_001289024 221458 Hs.588202 NM_145027 HPRD:10786 KIF6 C6orf102|dJ1043E3.1|dJ137F1.4|dJ188D3.1 kinesin family member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19027 chr2 136711744 136711848 + 10.79336 NA intron (NM_001293312, intron 3 of 14) intron (NM_001293312, intron 3 of 14) -30950 NR_110200 101928243 Hs.602178 NR_110199 DARS-AS1 - DARS antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26031 chr4 130017259 130017364 + 10.76315 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001099783) promoter-TSS (NM_001099783) 29 NM_001099783 132321 Hs.567679 NM_173487 HPRD:14049 C4orf33 - chromosome 4 open reading frame 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28633 chr5 157612121 157612209 + 10.71985 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 224616 NR_109888 101927697 Hs.483960 NR_109888 LOC101927697 - uncharacterized LOC101927697 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31578 chr7 36679552 36679666 + 10.69555 NA intron (NM_001177506, intron 4 of 21) intron (NM_001177506, intron 4 of 21) -39883 NR_046764 100874264 Hs.690994 NR_046764 AOAH-IT1 - AOAH intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37848 chrX 61826213 61826320 + 10.67871 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 744952 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7908 chr12 38145453 38145529 + 10.65867 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -565066 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31917 chr7 61842519 61842597 + 10.64820 NA Intergenic Intergenic 921876 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30545 chr6 135410090 135410197 + 10.59396 NA Intergenic Intergenic -34107 NM_006620 10767 Hs.378532 NM_006620 HPRD:06582 HBS1L EF-1a|ERFS|HBS1|HSPC276|eRF3c HBS1-like translational GTPase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20101 chr2 234754960 234755032 + 10.55464 NA intron (NM_001282962, intron 3 of 6) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 8216 NM_018410 55355 Hs.532968 NM_018410 ENSG00000123485 HJURP FAKTS|URLC9|hFLEG1 Holliday junction recognition protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1782 chr1 143745482 143745585 + 10.54665 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1014 NR_027468 388685 Hs.713362 NM_207400 LINC01138 LINC00875 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1138 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_794 chr1 43644748 43644933 + 10.50320 NA intron (NM_152498, intron 2 of 10) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -6599 NM_001159936 10969 Hs.346868 NM_006824 HPRD:16849 EBNA1BP2 EBP2|NOBP|P40 EBNA1 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10312 chr14 40098974 40099045 + 10.40119 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -197305 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11132 chr15 20038279 20038373 + 10.37058 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -449671 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23401 chr3 108553997 108554166 + 10.35048 NA intron (NM_016388, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_016388, intron 2 of 5) 12450 NM_016388 50852 Hs.138701 NM_016388 HPRD:05392 TRAT1 TCRIM|TRIM T cell receptor associated transmembrane adaptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15675 chr19 873131 873246 + 10.34898 NA intron (NM_005481, intron 11 of 15) intron (NM_005481, intron 11 of 15) 13523 NM_001928 1675 Hs.155597 NM_001928 CFD ADIPSIN|ADN|DF|PFD complement factor D (adipsin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36930 chrUn_gl000225 51831 52001 + 10.33756 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35084 chr9 21030696 21030831 + 10.32581 NA intron (NM_001010915, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001010915, intron 1 of 6) 872 NM_001010915 401494 Hs.716678 NM_001010915 PTPLAD2 HACD4 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27946 chr5 106108013 106108090 + 10.32560 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 238664 NR_104671 102467213 Hs.570923 NR_104671 LOC102467213 - uncharacterized LOC102467213 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32288 chr7 90441233 90441305 + 10.32560 NA intron (NM_001287137, intron 3 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 102139 NM_001287136 5218 Hs.258576 NM_012395 HPRD:15121 CDK14 PFTAIRE1|PFTK1 cyclin-dependent kinase 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20482 chr20 21263149 21263310 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -20713 NM_012255 22803 Hs.255932 NM_012255 HPRD:10309 XRN2 - 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38101 chrX 72831378 72831577 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001300884, intron 3 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 48493 NM_001039840 53344 Hs.496323 NM_001039840 ENSG00000204116 CHIC1 BRX cysteine-rich hydrophobic domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12171 chr15 101076079 101076239 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_178842, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_178842, intron 1 of 12) 8372 NM_001290342 204219 Hs.662371 NM_178842 HPRD:13961 CERS3 ARCI9|LASS3 ceramide synthase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28060 chr5 117513102 117513193 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_104997, intron 2 of 2) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -105122 NR_104609 100505811 Hs.369776 NR_104609 ENSG00000250427 LOC100505811 - uncharacterized LOC100505811 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9922 chr13 102294110 102294184 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001271755, intron 6 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 151844 NM_001271756 9358 Hs.696554 NM_004791 HPRD:07253 ITGBL1 OSCP|TIED integrin, beta-like 1 (with EGF-like repeat domains) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11895 chr15 79012219 79012285 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -32127 NR_036495 646938 Hs.449783 NR_036495 ENSG00000238166 LOC646938 - TBC1 domain family, member 2B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22955 chr3 59613897 59613981 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -578224 NM_198463 200844 Hs.368434 NM_198463 HPRD:13458 C3orf67 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13004 chr16 49979550 49979640 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -79522 NR_104042 255919 Hs.59134 NM_153261 HPRD:08784 CNEP1R1 C16orf69|NEP1-R1|TMEM188|TMP125 CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22474 chr3 25722008 25722147 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -15647 NR_039644 100616477 NR_039644 miRBase:MI0016785 MIR4442 - microRNA 4442 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24547 chr4 4126572 4126737 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 101967 NM_177998 133060 Hs.534544 NM_177998 HPRD:07421 OTOP1 - otopetrin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25319 chr4 65765973 65766078 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 104193 NR_033976 401134 Hs.165899 NR_033976 ENSG00000250125 LOC401134 - uncharacterized LOC401134 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36562 chr9_gl000198_random 2024 2116 + 10.32280 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37276 chrX 11954740 11954815 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 177042 NM_006800 10943 Hs.655288 NM_006800 HPRD:05344 MSL3 MSL3L1 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26750 chr5 3660076 3660328 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64034 NM_024337 79192 Hs.424156 NM_024337 HPRD:16203 IRX1 IRX-5|IRXA1 iroquois homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25593 chr4 91598215 91598290 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_207491, intron 6 of 7) L1HS|LINE|L1 442070 NM_207491 401145 Hs.654735 NM_207491 HPRD:17561 CCSER1 FAM190A coiled-coil serine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16437 chr19 34519182 34519272 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -144125 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7971 chr12 43803200 43803280 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_025003, intron 28 of 38) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 142484 NM_025003 80070 Hs.287554 NM_025003 ENSG00000173157 ADAMTS20 ADAM-TS20|ADAMTS-20|GON-1 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13747 chr17 6418440 6418557 + 10.32128 NA intron (NM_001165966, intron 2 of 18) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 41379 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17915 chr2 61117096 61117165 + 10.32065 NA intron (NM_002908, intron 1 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 8500 NM_001291746 5966 Hs.631886 NM_002908 HPRD:01286 REL C-Rel v-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29628 chr6 44856826 44856893 + 10.29821 NA intron (NM_003599, intron 10 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 308648 NR_030313 693171 NR_030313 MIR586 MIRN586|hsa-mir-586 microRNA 586 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25622 chr4 96403096 96403180 + 10.28108 NA intron (NM_003728, intron 1 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 67223 NM_003728 8633 Hs.388565 NM_003728 HPRD:04678 UNC5C UNC5H3 unc-5 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14274 chr17 38685384 38685462 + 10.25825 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -27569 NM_032865 84951 Hs.438292 NM_032865 HPRD:12223 TNS4 CTEN tensin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19143 chr2 153550782 153550915 + 10.25628 NA intron (NM_017892, intron 3 of 25) AluJo|SINE|Alu 23127 NM_017892 55660 Hs.643580 NM_017892 ENSG00000196504 PRPF40A FBP-11|FBP11|FLAF1|FNBP3|HIP-10|HIP10|HYPA|NY-REN-6|Prp40 PRP40 pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5989 chr11 45101874 45101995 + 10.25628 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13630 NR_046338 56981 Hs.178715 NM_020229 HPRD:11456 PRDM11 PFM8 PR domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10739 chr14 75074666 75074865 + 10.23798 NA intron (NM_000428, intron 1 of 35) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 4269 NM_000428 4053 Hs.512776 NM_000428 HPRD:03650 LTBP2 C14orf141|GLC3D|LTBP3|MSPKA|MSTP031|WMS3 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11384 chr15 40391016 40391210 + 10.23155 NA intron (NM_001003943, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_001003943, intron 3 of 3) 7174 NM_001003942 90427 Hs.591104 NM_033503 HPRD:05881 BMF - Bcl2 modifying factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27980 chr5 109297248 109297343 + 10.20226 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 78412 NR_033175 100289673 Hs.368405 NR_033175 LOC100289673 - phosphoglycerate mutase family member 5 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23996 chr3 158357740 158357806 + 10.20158 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -4544 NM_024996 85476 Hs.518355 NM_024996 HPRD:07365 GFM1 COXPD1|EFG|EFG1|EFGM|EGF1|GFM|hEFG1 G elongation factor, mitochondrial 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18791 chr2 118669445 118669532 + 10.17827 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 97233 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38280 chrX 88041963 88042090 + 10.17301 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 39800 NM_001184771 53336 Hs.458292 NM_033048 HPRD:06474 CPXCR1 CT77 CPX chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21156 chr21 10841684 10841755 + 10.17231 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 149224 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33590 chr8 30670331 30670419 + 10.15833 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001009552) promoter-TSS (NM_001009552) -23 NM_001009552 5516 Hs.491440 NM_004156 HPRD:01487 PPP2CB PP2Abeta|PP2CB protein phosphatase 2, catalytic subunit, beta isozyme protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29128 chr6 19251558 19251629 + 10.15833 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -70882 NR_110860 101928519 Hs.551771 NR_110860 LOC101928519 - uncharacterized LOC101928519 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24703 chr4 14427729 14427796 + 10.13508 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 314170 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12027 chr15 87795034 87795104 + 10.11471 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -325091 NR_026869 145978 Hs.350808 NM_152454 HPRD:08101 LINC00052 NCRNA00052|TMEM83 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 52 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20264 chr2 243153828 243153952 + 10.10882 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 123046 NR_024437 728323 Hs.471887 NR_024437 LOC728323 - uncharacterized LOC728323 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39390 chrY 28803572 28803681 + 10.07326 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 928989 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33215 chr8 170492 170579 + 10.07238 NA intron (NR_003572, intron 2 of 3) (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -11602 NM_001287255 169270 Hs.591388 NM_173539 HPRD:11731 ZNF596 - zinc finger protein 596 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29648 chr6 46291136 46291267 + 10.05013 NA intron (NM_001251973, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_001251973, intron 2 of 4) 2428 NM_005822 10231 Hs.440168 NM_005822 HPRD:05342 RCAN2 CSP2|DSCR1L1|MCIP2|RCN2|ZAKI-4|ZAKI4 regulator of calcineurin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5671 chr11 13888492 13888649 + 10.04437 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -95614 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26605 chr4 190198237 190198308 + 10.03171 NA Intergenic Intergenic -382488 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4190 chr10 42624946 42625095 + 10.01381 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 238473 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16390 chr19 28764939 28765040 + 9.99963 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 453612 NR_110759 100420587 Hs.569956 NR_110759 LOC100420587 - SHC SH2-domain binding protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19275 chr2 163588741 163588897 + 9.99963 NA intron (NM_033272, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_033272, intron 2 of 15) -36627 NR_110258 101929570 Hs.470445 NR_110258 ENSG00000237750 LOC101929570 - uncharacterized LOC101929570 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6076 chr11 48896141 48896247 + 9.98278 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -156958 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17332 chr2 7858717 7858788 + 9.97111 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 181034 NR_110256 101929551 Hs.116006 NR_110256 LOC101929551 - uncharacterized LOC101929551 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7574 chr12 17891938 17892015 + 9.96805 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 65743 NR_039770 100616279 NR_039770 MIR3974 - microRNA 3974 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30092 chr6 91757872 91757951 + 9.94244 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -460891 NM_003188 6885 Hs.594838 NM_003188 HPRD:04011 MAP3K7 MEKK7|TAK1|TGF1a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31895 chr7 61666395 61666475 + 9.94195 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1097999 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10656 chr14 69246846 69246984 + 9.92596 NA Intergenic Intergenic 13716 NM_004926 677 Hs.85155 NM_004926 HPRD:03041 ZFP36L1 BRF1|Berg36|ERF-1|ERF1|RNF162B|TIS11B|cMG1 ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15435 chr18 55309454 55309921 + 9.91835 NA intron (NM_001242804, intron 2 of 2) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 12153 NM_001242804 100505549 Hs.660645 NM_001242804 LOC100505549 - uncharacterized LOC100505549 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11337 chr15 34816082 34816182 + 9.91827 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4440 NR_036050 100302160 NR_036050 MIR1233-1 MIR1233|MIRN1233|hsa-mir-1233|hsa-mir-1233-1 microRNA 1233-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19403 chr2 175351599 175351826 + 9.91034 NA 5' UTR (NM_001033045, exon 1 of 17) 5' UTR (NM_001033045, exon 1 of 17) 104 NM_001267050 151556 Hs.516604 NM_152529 HPRD:17066 GPR155 DEP.7|DEPDC3|PGR22 G protein-coupled receptor 155 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_190 chr1 10534897 10535040 + 9.90708 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004565) promoter-TSS (NM_004565) -35 NM_004565 5195 Hs.149983 NM_004565 HPRD:03477 PEX14 NAPP2|PBD13A|Pex14p|dJ734G22.2 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2937 chr1 208056419 208056596 + 9.90708 NA Intergenic Intergenic 28176 NM_001025109 947 Hs.374990 NM_001773 HPRD:00790 CD34 - CD34 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29408 chr6 32562633 32562840 + 9.89630 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -5123 NM_002124 3123 Hs.534322 NM_002124 HPRD:08349 HLA-DRB1 DRB1|DRw10|HLA-DR1B|HLA-DRB|SS1 major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33022 chr7 150930328 150930449 + 9.87434 NA 5' UTR (NM_019015, exon 1 of 4) 5' UTR (NM_019015, exon 1 of 4) 813 NM_001284295 54480 Hs.647084 NM_019015 HPRD:10474 CHPF2 CSGLCA-T|CSGlcAT|ChSy-3|chPF-2 chondroitin polymerizing factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25856 chr4 117127073 117127151 + 9.85862 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -93769 NR_031737 100302290 NR_031737 MIR1973 hsa-mir-1973 microRNA 1973 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27216 chr5 49463480 49463554 + 9.81278 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 273717 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27038 chr5 40675955 40676269 + 9.80618 NA Intergenic MLT1J2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -3920 NM_000958 5734 Hs.199248 NM_000958 HPRD:03350 PTGER4 EP4|EP4R prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2658 chr1 186229381 186229449 + 9.78940 NA intron (NR_046941, intron 1 of 1) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -35990 NM_001127709 10216 Hs.647723 NM_005807 HPRD:05047 PRG4 CACP|HAPO|JCAP|MSF|SZP|bG174L6.2 proteoglycan 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14479 chr17 47840946 47841045 + 9.73441 NA intron (NM_030802, intron 1 of 7) CpG 523 NM_030802 81558 Hs.514308 NM_030802 HPRD:17432 FAM117A - family with sequence similarity 117, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20802 chr20 43538594 43538743 + 9.72025 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001124756) promoter-TSS (NM_001124756) -35 NM_001124756 80336 Hs.641481 NM_001124756 ENSG00000101104 PABPC1L C20orf119|PABPC1L1|dJ1069P2.3|ePAB poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26008 chr4 128148314 128148431 + 9.69331 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -405715 NM_015693 27152 Hs.391481 NM_015693 INTU INT|PDZD6|PDZK6 inturned planar cell polarity protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29096 chr6 16699818 16699913 + 9.66679 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) 61856 NM_001128164 6310 Hs.434961 NM_000332 HPRD:03333 ATXN1 ATX1|D6S504E|SCA1 ataxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23349 chr3 105085441 105085588 + 9.64873 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243283) promoter-TSS (NM_001243283) -43 NM_001243283 214 Hs.591293 NM_001627 HPRD:03389 ALCAM CD166|MEMD activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34548 chr8 124327878 124328062 + 9.61889 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -40189 NR_037873 11244 Hs.521800 NM_007222 HPRD:10379 ZHX1 - zinc fingers and homeoboxes 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22226 chr3 4393331 4393517 + 9.61811 NA Intergenic Intergenic 48127 NR_024022 6419 Hs.475300 NM_006515 HPRD:10225 SETMAR HsMar1|METNASE|Mar1 SET domain and mariner transposase fusion gene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15385 chr18 47883732 47883817 + 9.61222 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17618 NM_145060 220134 Hs.134726 NM_145060 HPRD:12689 SKA1 C18orf24 spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38551 chrX 118819471 118819563 + 9.59819 NA intron (NM_145799, intron 1 of 10) MIR3|SINE|MIR 7816 NM_145802 23157 Hs.496666 NM_015129 HPRD:06716 SEPT6 SEP2|SEPT2 septin 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23718 chr3 133815098 133815205 + 9.55834 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -66231 NM_005630 6578 Hs.518270 NM_005630 HPRD:03269 SLCO2A1 MATR1|OATP2A1|PGT|PHOAR2|SLC21A2 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 2A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26126 chr4 142302979 142303050 + 9.55076 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -49243 NR_121625 100507639 Hs.535010 NR_121625 ENSG00000248810 LOC100507639 - uncharacterized LOC100507639 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26524 chr4 185374711 185374887 + 9.53193 NA intron (NM_002199, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_002199, intron 1 of 8) 20927 NM_002199 3660 Hs.654566 NM_002199 HPRD:00962 IRF2 IRF-2 interferon regulatory factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12168 chr15 100961905 100961977 + 9.53193 NA intron (NR_120374, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 48797 NR_120374 102723320 Hs.416099 NR_120374 LOC102723320 - uncharacterized LOC102723320 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15494 chr18 61067223 61067330 + 9.49388 NA intron (NM_004869, intron 7 of 10) intron (NM_004869, intron 7 of 10) 22476 NM_004869 9525 Hs.126550 NM_004869 HPRD:15653 VPS4B SKD1|SKD1B|VPS4-2 vacuolar protein sorting 4 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14538 chr17 56151215 56151500 + 9.47936 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 9208 NR_110809 101927666 Hs.552237 NR_110809 ENSG00000266290 LOC101927666 - uncharacterized LOC101927666 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37942 chrX 65935241 65935315 + 9.47936 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -76138 NM_001199687 60401 Hs.302017 NM_021783 HPRD:02230 EDA2R EDA-A2R|EDAA2R|TNFRSF27|XEDAR ectodysplasin A2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19567 chr2 191560531 191560804 + 9.46220 NA Intergenic Intergenic 46819 NM_005966 4664 Hs.107474 NM_005966 HPRD:02881 NAB1 - NGFI-A binding protein 1 (EGR1 binding protein 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11779 chr15 70053301 70053475 + 9.45382 NA Intergenic Intergenic -74185 NR_026764 414926 Hs.569502 NR_026764 ENSG00000259703 LINC00593 C15orf50 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 593 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15850 chr19 7515218 7515431 + 9.45382 NA intron (NM_001130955, intron 5 of 19) intron (NM_001130955, intron 5 of 19) 10750 NM_001130955 23370 Hs.465761 NM_015318 HPRD:12479 ARHGEF18 P114-RhoGEF Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34202 chr8 88496765 88496835 + 9.44587 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 389496 NM_152418 138009 Hs.371738 NM_152418 HPRD:08187 DCAF4L2 WDR21C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38935 chrX 154532764 154532837 + 9.42681 NA intron (NM_001289, intron 1 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 31190 NM_001289 1193 Hs.655445 NM_001289 HPRD:02139 CLIC2 CLIC2b|MRXS32|XAP121 chloride intracellular channel 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6184 chr11 54990272 54990342 + 9.40745 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -39351 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17750 chr2 43521112 43521204 + 9.39797 NA intron (NM_022065, intron 31 of 37) L3|LINE|CR1 66808 NR_027251 100129726 Hs.194480 NM_178529 LINC01126 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1126 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19980 chr2 224890770 224890960 + 9.35073 NA intron (NM_006216, intron 1 of 8) MLT1J1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 5330 NR_073116 5270 Hs.38449 NM_006216 HPRD:01510 SERPINE2 GDN|GDNPF|PI-7|PI7|PN-1|PN1|PNI serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24455 chr4 981029 981235 + 9.33213 NA TTS (NM_022042) TTS (NM_022042) 347 NR_110313 3425 Hs.89560 NM_000203 HPRD:02016 IDUA IDA|MPS1 iduronidase, alpha-L- protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8550 chr12 87937461 87937534 + 9.33070 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 240991 NR_033410 400058 Hs.572212 NR_033410 MKRN9P MKRN5|MKRN9|MKRNP6|RNF65|ZNF127L3 makorin ring finger protein 9, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22668 chr3 41526015 41526084 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_017886, intron 32 of 36) AluY|SINE|Alu 285107 NM_001098209 1499 Hs.476018 NM_001904 HPRD:00286 CTNNB1 CTNNB|MRD19|armadillo catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1, 88kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22361 chr3 15030612 15030782 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001291694, intron 1 of 13) MIR3|SINE|MIR -40749 NR_046251 100505641 Hs.517821 NR_046251 ENSG00000225733 FGD5-AS1 - FGD5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9509 chr13 48204832 48204992 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 370550 NM_003850 8803 Hs.743361 NM_003850 HPRD:06798 SUCLA2 A-BETA|MTDPS5|SCS-betaA succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35066 chr9 20081230 20081338 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -294267 NM_020344 25769 Hs.283014 NM_020344 HPRD:15351 SLC24A2 NCKX2 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30171 chr6 102650565 102650711 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 803777 NM_021956 2898 Hs.98262 NM_021956 HPRD:00692 GRIK2 EAA4|GLR6|GLUK6|GLUR6|GluK2|MRT6 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10524 chr14 59742467 59742621 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001270520, intron 2 of 24) intron (NM_001270520, intron 2 of 24) 12385 NM_014992 23002 Hs.19156 NM_014992 HPRD:09433 DAAM1 - dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8644 chr12 94878943 94879009 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 25197 NR_027035 144486 Hs.118205 NR_027035 CEP83-AS1 CCDC41-AS1 CEP83 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10862 chr14 90178941 90179011 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic 7SK|RNA|RNA -93482 NM_001085471 1112 Hs.434286 NM_005197 HPRD:07533 FOXN3 C14orf116|CHES1|PRO1635 forkhead box N3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27398 chr5 63030234 63030361 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 227822 NM_000524 3350 Hs.247940 NM_000524 HTR1A 5-HT-1A|5-HT1A|5HT1a|ADRB2RL1|ADRBRL1|G-21|PFMCD 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23136 chr3 79292362 79292508 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_002941, intron 2 of 30) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -168442 NR_110133 101927374 Hs.570644 NR_110133 LOC101927374 - uncharacterized LOC101927374 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22836 chr3 51098005 51098078 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_004947, intron 5 of 52) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -324627 NM_006010 7873 Hs.436446 NM_006010 HPRD:03558 MANF ARMET|ARP mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32201 chr7 79625341 79625408 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -138766 NM_002069 2770 Hs.134587 NM_002069 HPRD:00756 GNAI1 Gi guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35846 chr9 91776907 91776977 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_016848, intron 1 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 16740 NM_016848 53358 Hs.292737 NM_016848 SHC3 N-Shc|NSHC|RAI|SHCC SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) transforming protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7404 chr12 7743329 7743414 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 75131 NM_001644 339 Hs.560 NM_001644 HPRD:02531 APOBEC1 APOBEC-1|BEDP|CDAR1|HEPR apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8457 chr12 75272584 75272658 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 330907 NM_001260498 3747 Hs.27214 NM_139136 HPRD:08883 KCNC2 KV3.2 potassium voltage-gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39288 chrY 15214383 15214457 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 197721 NM_004660 8653 Hs.99120 NM_004660 HPRD:02452 DDX3Y DBY DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box helicase 3, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31391 chr7 21275138 21275204 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -192518 NM_003112 6671 Hs.88013 NM_003112 HPRD:02764 SP4 HF1B|SPR-1 Sp4 transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6017 chr11 46958232 46958312 + 9.32885 NA promoter-TSS (NR_103472) promoter-TSS (NR_103472) 32 NR_103472 79096 Hs.368296 NM_024113 HPRD:08332 C11orf49 - chromosome 11 open reading frame 49 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9951 chr13 106961535 106961601 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -67343 NR_034119 728192 Hs.559194 NR_034119 LINC00460 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 460 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18397 chr2 91992473 91992571 + 9.32794 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 29154 NR_003503 645367 Hs.650223 NR_003503 GGT8P GGT1P1 gamma-glutamyltransferase 8 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29975 chr6 83012466 83012535 + 9.29957 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -55029 NM_001300906 25998 Hs.306425 NM_015525 HPRD:12105 IBTK BTBD26|BTKI inhibitor of Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10432 chr14 52265195 52265268 + 9.29957 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -61791 NM_053064 54331 Hs.187772 NM_053064 HPRD:16234 GNG2 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18536 chr2 97891875 97891941 + 9.29393 NA intron (NM_001164315, intron 67 of 75) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -52546 NR_103732 100506076 Hs.732616 NR_103732 LOC100506076 - uncharacterized LOC100506076 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5811 chr11 25452151 25452238 + 9.24018 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -901484 NM_031418 63982 Hs.91791 NM_031418 HPRD:15526 ANO3 C11orf25|DYT23|DYT24|TMEM16C anoctamin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31789 chr7 57549265 57549332 + 9.24016 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 39415 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10823 chr14 81951758 81951950 + 9.22750 NA intron (NM_005065, intron 18 of 20) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -35353 NR_109999 100506700 Hs.116304 NR_109999 ENSG00000258675 LOC100506700 - uncharacterized LOC100506700 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21890 chr22 31422631 31422833 + 9.21606 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -54550 NM_006932 6525 Hs.149098 NM_006932 HPRD:03675 SMTN - smoothelin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23739 chr3 136090433 136090511 + 9.21606 NA intron (NM_005862, intron 23 of 33) L1PA4|LINE|L1 121305 NM_001178014 5096 Hs.63788 NM_000532 HPRD:01982 PCCB - propionyl CoA carboxylase, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9610 chr13 55314963 55315180 + 9.19394 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -428888 NR_031628 100302187 NR_031628 MIR1297 MIRN1297|hsa-mir-1297 microRNA 1297 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5588 chr11 8999305 8999448 + 9.17109 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -12818 NM_001286095 56674 Hs.501853 NM_020644 HPRD:12603 TMEM9B C11orf15 TMEM9 domain family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28963 chr6 4809946 4810159 + 9.16067 NA intron (NM_004824, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_004824, intron 1 of 6) -26280 NM_001143970 9425 Hs.269092 NM_004824 HPRD:04803 CDYL CDYL1 chromodomain protein, Y-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8305 chr12 63568038 63568120 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -21489 NM_000706 552 Hs.2131 NM_000706 AVPR1A AVPR V1a|AVPR1|V1aR arginine vasopressin receptor 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17869 chr2 54785382 54785544 + 9.13417 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178313) promoter-TSS (NM_178313) -68 NM_178313 6711 Hs.503178 NM_003128 HPRD:01683 SPTBN1 ELF|HEL102|SPTB2|betaSpII spectrin, beta, non-erythrocytic 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19865 chr2 214372828 214372921 + 9.10612 NA intron (NR_047659, intron 12 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 223771 NR_047659 79582 Hs.743365 NM_024532 HPRD:18089 SPAG16 PF20|WDR29 sperm associated antigen 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10420 chr14 51226397 51226473 + 9.10300 NA intron (NM_182946, intron 17 of 29) AluY|SINE|Alu 71404 NM_016350 51199 Hs.310429 NM_016350 HPRD:09785 NIN SCKL7 ninein (GSK3B interacting protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23683 chr3 130611823 130611982 + 9.08268 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199179) promoter-TSS (NM_001199179) -933 NM_001199179 27032 Hs.584884 NM_014382 HPRD:05089 ATP2C1 ATP2C1A|BCPM|HHD|PMR1|SPCA1|hSPCA1 ATPase, Ca++ transporting, type 2C, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30998 chr6 162628131 162628209 + 9.07866 NA intron (NM_004562, intron 3 of 11) AluSc8|SINE|Alu -519994 NM_001080378 135138 Hs.25791 NM_152410 HPRD:07465 PACRG GLUP|HAK005771|PARK2CRG PARK2 co-regulated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16547 chr19 37762025 37762112 + 9.07866 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -2156 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19606 chr2 194768273 194768342 + 9.07866 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -440686 NR_110222 101927406 Hs.385793 NR_110222 ENSG00000225539 LOC101927406 - uncharacterized LOC101927406 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20517 chr20 25291148 25291230 + 9.06210 NA intron (NM_001042472, intron 6 of 12) intron (NM_001042472, intron 6 of 12) 62483 NM_002862 5834 Hs.368157 NM_002862 HPRD:00720 PYGB GPBB phosphorylase, glycogen; brain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23941 chr3 155506310 155506393 + 9.05224 NA intron (NM_173657, intron 3 of 5) AluSc|SINE|Alu 17704 NM_173657 285315 Hs.350846 NM_173657 HPRD:08095 C3orf33 AC3-33 chromosome 3 open reading frame 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7297 chr12 623436 623629 + 9.05224 NA intron (NM_173593, intron 1 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 53989 NM_173593 283358 Hs.504416 NM_173593 HPRD:12514 B4GALNT3 - beta-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl transferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26482 chr4 180378647 180378789 + 9.02509 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1549628 NR_108092 101928656 Hs.508131 NR_108092 LINC01099 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1099 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20105 chr2 234776198 234776387 + 9.02509 NA intron (NR_024322, intron 1 of 1) AluSq|SINE|Alu 763 NR_024322 151507 Hs.355809 NM_001166217 ENSG00000224287 MSL3P1 MSL3L2 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila) pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20199 chr2 240738049 240738211 + 9.00492 NA Intergenic CpG 53576 NR_037808 150935 Hs.555582 NR_037808 LOC150935 - uncharacterized LOC150935 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9569 chr13 50940105 50940220 + 8.92397 NA intron (NR_109974, intron 2 of 6) intron (NR_109974, intron 2 of 6) 161423 NR_125753 103689915 Hs.722230 NR_125753 DLEU1-AS1 LINC01308 DLEU1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37842 chrX 61804555 61804621 + 8.92085 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 766630 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16090 chr19 15062544 15062627 + 8.91796 NA intron (NR_073589, intron 8 of 8) AluSq|SINE|Alu 10284 NM_012377 26658 Hs.589620 NM_012377 HPRD:15072 OR7C2 CIT-HSP-87M17|OR19-18|OR7C3 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8358 chr12 68557596 68557783 + 8.91796 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4168 NM_000619 3458 Hs.856 NM_000619 HPRD:00957 IFNG IFG|IFI interferon, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6819 chr11 93828304 93828372 + 8.90214 NA intron (NM_001098672, intron 13 of 19) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -33756 NM_015368 24145 Hs.591976 NM_015368 HPRD:10526 PANX1 MRS1|PX1|UNQ2529 pannexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_470 chr1 27463827 27463932 + 8.90214 NA intron (NM_003047, intron 1 of 11) MIR3|SINE|MIR 17742 NR_046474 6548 Hs.91389 NM_003047 HPRD:00123 SLC9A1 APNH|NHE-1|NHE1|PPP1R143 solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE1, cation proton antiporter 1), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26523 chr4 185339171 185339310 + 8.90214 NA intron (NM_002199, intron 5 of 8) intron (NM_002199, intron 5 of 8) 56486 NM_002199 3660 Hs.654566 NM_002199 HPRD:00962 IRF2 IRF-2 interferon regulatory factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19537 chr2 188994037 188994137 + 8.90214 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -162309 NM_001252669 51454 Hs.470887 NM_016315 GULP1 CED-6|CED6|GULP GULP, engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_689 chr1 37945363 37945494 + 8.86702 NA promoter-TSS (NR_106790) promoter-TSS (NR_106790) -403 NR_106790 102465438 NR_106790 MIR6732 hsa-mir-6732 microRNA 6732 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26299 chr4 158563321 158563394 + 8.86592 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 69715 NR_026992 340017 Hs.428275 NR_026992 ENSG00000234111 LOC340017 - uncharacterized LOC340017 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24195 chr3 180868333 180868436 + 8.86592 NA intron (NR_075091, intron 2 of 7) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -24548 NR_075093 347689 Hs.654932 NR_004053 SOX2-OT NCRNA00043|SOX2OT SOX2 overlapping transcript ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27947 chr5 106110206 106110350 + 8.86019 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 236437 NR_104671 102467213 Hs.570923 NR_104671 LOC102467213 - uncharacterized LOC102467213 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17701 chr2 39348093 39348219 + 8.85882 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005633) promoter-TSS (NM_005633) -552 NM_005633 6654 Hs.709893 NM_005633 HPRD:01681 SOS1 GF1|GGF1|GINGF|HGF|NS4 son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38329 chrX 95316109 95316178 + 8.85842 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 276758 NR_003539 643486 Hs.590806 NR_003539 ENSG00000271209 LOC643486 - bromodomain, testis-specific pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6222 chr11 57333752 57333842 + 8.85489 NA intron (NM_198183, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_198183, intron 1 of 3) 1383 NM_004223 9246 Hs.425777 NM_004223 HPRD:04867 UBE2L6 RIG-B|UBCH8 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17199 chr19_gl000208_random 1261 1334 + 8.85199 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8245 chr12 57856593 57856683 + 8.76281 NA intron (NM_001160045, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001160045, intron 1 of 9) 2704 NM_001167609 2735 Hs.632702 NM_005269 HPRD:01311 GLI1 GLI GLI family zinc finger 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35764 chr9 83225400 83225639 + 8.76193 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 635581 NR_121212 101927477 Hs.571630 NR_121212 LINC01507 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1507 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8740 chr12 103680837 103680904 + 8.76193 NA intron (NR_103526, intron 4 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 208918 NR_103526 374470 Hs.534649 NM_198521 HPRD:13393 C12orf42 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5525 chr11 5500946 5501022 + 8.73753 NA intron (NR_038321, intron 1 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -8931 NM_001005163 390066 Hs.553734 NM_001005163 HPRD:15008 OR52D1 OR11-43 olfactory receptor, family 52, subfamily D, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15454 chr18 57568137 57568299 + 8.73422 NA intron (NM_021127, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_021127, intron 1 of 1) 1026 NM_021127 5366 Hs.96 NM_021127 HPRD:12002 PMAIP1 APR|NOXA phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4266 chr10 45825750 45825837 + 8.71065 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -14737 NM_001004297 79290 Hs.532435 NM_001004297 HPRD:14904 OR13A1 - olfactory receptor, family 13, subfamily A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2351 chr1 163610467 163610598 + 8.71065 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -217551 NR_104294 100422212 Hs.556898 NR_104294 LOC100422212 - eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit J pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14031 chr17 25290587 25290775 + 8.71000 NA Intergenic Intergenic 330341 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8669 chr12 96341886 96342009 + 8.68620 NA intron (NM_152435, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_152435, intron 1 of 8) 4876 NM_152435 144193 Hs.424907 NM_152435 HPRD:14605 AMDHD1 - amidohydrolase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23688 chr3 130817036 130817104 + 8.68534 NA intron (NM_145910, intron 4 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -71372 NM_014065 28990 Hs.100878 NM_014065 HPRD:11038 ASTE1 - asteroid homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18269 chr2 87776724 87776814 + 8.67033 NA intron (NR_024205, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_024205, intron 2 of 2) 21795 NR_024206 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1601 chr1 117081291 117081438 + 8.63484 NA intron (NM_001144822, intron 2 of 4) L2c|LINE|L2 32351 NR_026665 965 Hs.34341 NM_001779 HPRD:01081 CD58 LFA-3|LFA3|ag3 CD58 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34674 chr8 134581122 134581265 + 8.62647 NA intron (NM_173344, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_173344, intron 1 of 9) 2990 NM_173344 6482 Hs.374257 NM_003033 HPRD:06219 ST3GAL1 Gal-NAc6S|SIAT4A|SIATFL|ST3GalA|ST3GalA.1|ST3GalIA|ST3GalIA,1|ST3O ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36306 chr9 130700119 130700256 + 8.62519 NA 5' UTR (NM_003863, exon 1 of 4) 5' UTR (NM_003863, exon 1 of 4) 576 NM_003863 8818 Hs.108973 NM_003863 HPRD:16028 DPM2 CDG1U dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 2, regulatory subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24673 chr4 11385698 11385767 + 8.60980 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 15281 NR_030298 693157 NR_030298 miRBase:MI0003579 MIR572 MIRN572|hsa-mir-572 microRNA 572 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_785 chr1 43583746 43583825 + 8.60502 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -29809 NM_001101376 440585 Hs.657614 NM_001101376 ENSG00000186973 FAM183A - family with sequence similarity 183, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22271 chr3 9404612 9404766 + 8.60403 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015453) promoter-TSS (NM_015453) -28 NM_001114092 25917 Hs.443081 NM_015453 HPRD:15507 THUMPD3 - THUMP domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10558 chr14 61911053 61911187 + 8.60078 NA intron (NM_006255, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_006255, intron 3 of 13) 122959 NM_006255 5583 Hs.333907 NM_006255 HPRD:05669 PRKCH PKC-L|PKCL|PRKCL|nPKC-eta protein kinase C, eta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9531 chr13 49079939 49080033 + 8.58436 NA intron (NM_001286832, intron 5 of 9) intron (NM_001286832, intron 5 of 9) 27406 NM_001268 1102 Hs.652712 NM_001268 HPRD:04631 RCBTB2 CHC1L|RLG regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) and BTB (POZ) domain containing protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11373 chr15 39127742 39127854 + 8.58125 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 138999 NM_207444 400359 Hs.448785 NM_207444 HPRD:13418 C15orf53 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10293 chr14 39491400 39491488 + 8.56190 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 80993 NM_006364 10484 Hs.272927 NM_006364 HPRD:06714 SEC23A CLSD Sec23 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20493 chr20 23347207 23347331 + 8.53730 NA intron (NM_022482, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_022482, intron 1 of 4) 2248 NM_022482 64412 Hs.709462 NM_022482 HPRD:15778 GZF1 ZBTB23|ZNF336 GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9015 chr12 123561233 123561384 + 8.52640 NA intron (NM_001300801, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001300801, intron 1 of 24) -4623 NR_038290 100507091 Hs.683912 NR_038290 ENSG00000251497 LOC100507091 - uncharacterized LOC100507091 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36728 chrUn_gl000216 866 1032 + 8.51297 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32272 chr7 88502198 88502448 + 8.50998 NA intron (NM_181646, intron 1 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -77292 NM_152706 219557 Hs.112877 NM_152706 HPRD:14507 C7orf62 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_472 chr1 27481952 27482097 + 8.49795 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046474) promoter-TSS (NR_046474) -403 NM_003047 6548 Hs.91389 NM_003047 HPRD:00123 SLC9A1 APNH|NHE-1|NHE1|PPP1R143 solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE1, cation proton antiporter 1), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29097 chr6 16732004 16732126 + 8.47742 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) 29656 NM_001128164 6310 Hs.434961 NM_000332 HPRD:03333 ATXN1 ATX1|D6S504E|SCA1 ataxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18800 chr2 119756539 119756619 + 8.45699 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 56834 NM_006770 8685 Hs.67726 NM_006770 HPRD:05337 MARCO SCARA2 macrophage receptor with collagenous structure protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21675 chr22 20067715 20067856 + 8.45699 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022720) promoter-TSS (NM_022720) 30 NM_001190326 54487 Hs.643452 NM_022720 HPRD:09913 DGCR8 C22orf12|DGCRK6|Gy1|pasha DGCR8 microprocessor complex subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28287 chr5 137304752 137304893 + 8.44732 NA intron (NM_001101801, intron 9 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 63980 NM_016603 51306 Hs.567453 NM_016603 HPRD:06464 FAM13B ARHGAP49|C5orf5|FAM13B1|KHCHP|N61 family with sequence similarity 13, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38145 chrX 75371547 75371649 + 8.44052 NA Intergenic Intergenic -21166 NM_001300888 51260 Hs.370100 NM_016500 HPRD:06659 PBDC1 CXorf26 polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8615 chr12 92855938 92856176 + 8.41218 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -34133 NM_001025232 574016 Hs.551199 NM_001025232 ENSG00000205057 CLLU1OS - chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated 1 opposite strand protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7360 chr12 6446456 6446591 + 8.39754 NA intron (NM_001065, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001065, intron 1 of 9) 4760 NM_001065 7132 Hs.279594 NM_001065 HPRD:01861 TNFRSF1A CD120a|FPF|MS5|TBP1|TNF-R|TNF-R-I|TNF-R55|TNFAR|TNFR1|TNFR1-d2|TNFR55|TNFR60|p55|p55-R|p60 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12206 chr16 76185 76331 + 8.39573 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9139 NR_106918 102466751 NR_106918 MIR6859-1 hsa-mir-6859-1 microRNA 6859-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35236 chr9 35756693 35756818 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2481 NM_001044264 692094 Hs.571601 NM_001044264 ENSG00000215183 MSMP PSMP microseminoprotein, prostate associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19809 chr2 207184857 207184990 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 45171 NM_001285549 57683 Hs.110489 NM_020923 ENSG00000204186 ZDBF2 - zinc finger, DBF-type containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28662 chr5 160138631 160138709 + 8.36374 NA intron (NM_025153, intron 3 of 25) L1HS|LINE|L1 140549 NM_025153 23120 Hs.109358 NM_025153 HPRD:08637 ATP10B ATPVB ATPase, class V, type 10B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3171 chr1 226899707 226899903 + 8.35763 NA intron (NM_002221, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_002221, intron 2 of 7) 27071 NM_002221 3707 Hs.528087 NM_002221 HPRD:00942 ITPKB IP3-3KB|IP3K|IP3K-B|IP3KB|PIG37 inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_713 chr1 39649494 39649609 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_012090, intron 1 of 92) intron (NM_012090, intron 1 of 92) 99712 NM_012090 23499 Hs.472475 NM_012090 HPRD:09750 MACF1 ABP620|ACF7|MACF|OFC4 microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38544 chrX 118314935 118315001 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -30426 NM_020721 57481 Hs.97594 NM_020721 ENSG00000250423 KIAA1210 - KIAA1210 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11670 chr15 61551414 61551485 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -29947 NM_134261 6095 Hs.560343 NM_002943 HPRD:02896 RORA NR1F1|ROR1|ROR2|ROR3|RZR-ALPHA|RZRA RAR-related orphan receptor A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20422 chr20 15334453 15334519 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_080676, intron 6 of 16) L1PA4|LINE|L1 156982 NM_001033087 140733 Hs.661576 NM_080676 HPRD:16640 MACROD2 C20orf133 MACRO domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32877 chr7 141083384 141083450 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001195278, intron 2 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -167661 NM_018238 55750 Hs.743318 NM_018238 AGK CATC5|CTRCT38|MTDPS10|MULK acylglycerol kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39280 chrY 14111011 14111085 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 422341 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25389 chr4 73157406 73157472 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_014243, intron 19 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 252590 NM_001144756 10886 Hs.99231 NM_004885 HPRD:16244 NPFFR2 GPR74|HLWAR77|NPFF2|NPGPR neuropeptide FF receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31282 chr7 7759057 7759172 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002947) promoter-TSS (NM_002947) -876 NM_002947 6119 Hs.487540 NM_002947 RPA3 REPA3 replication protein A3, 14kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2101 chr1 151620038 151620210 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_030918, intron 2 of 11) MER57A-int|LTR|ERV1 35462 NM_030918 81609 Hs.192326 NM_030918 HPRD:11591 SNX27 MRT1|MY014 sorting nexin family member 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13660 chr17 3367524 3367652 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001170696, intron 2 of 7) SVA_D|Other|Other 7453 NM_032598 84690 Hs.351068 NM_032598 HPRD:14862 SPATA22 NYD-SP20|NYDSP20 spermatogenesis associated 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23458 chr3 113296835 113296932 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_017699, intron 4 of 24) intron (NM_017699, intron 4 of 24) -16840 NR_039648 100616476 NR_039648 MIR4446 - microRNA 4446 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16287 chr19 22816940 22817152 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020855) promoter-TSS (NM_020855) -80 NM_020855 57615 Hs.232108 NM_020855 ENSG00000229676 ZNF492 ZNF115 zinc finger protein 492 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11145 chr15 20177982 20178057 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -309978 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10500 chr14 57309917 57309987 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_029385, intron 1 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 30051 NR_029385 100309464 Hs.637962 NR_029385 ENSG00000248550 OTX2-AS1 OTX2OS1 OTX2 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27800 chr5 93322513 93322672 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_028080, intron 3 of 8) SVA_B|Other|Other 124812 NM_001163417 83989 Hs.600086 NM_032042 HPRD:13210 FAM172A C5orf21 family with sequence similarity 172, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30475 chr6 129324145 129324220 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001079823, intron 1 of 63) L1HS|LINE|L1 119896 NM_000426 3908 Hs.200841 NM_000426 HPRD:01125 LAMA2 LAMM laminin, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19486 chr2 181703605 181703671 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_104320, intron 3 of 3) L1HS|LINE|L1 -141474 NM_182678 10477 Hs.470804 NM_006357 HPRD:05000 UBE2E3 UBCH9|UbcM2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31203 chr7 2760579 2760672 + 8.34634 NA Intergenic Intergenic 32789 NM_001284355 155185 Hs.42221 NM_133463 HPRD:17232 AMZ1 - archaelysin family metallopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34203 chr8 88499302 88499493 + 8.34252 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 386899 NM_152418 138009 Hs.371738 NM_152418 HPRD:08187 DCAF4L2 WDR21C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23038 chr3 67332132 67332198 + 8.33114 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 56277 NR_036234 100422941 NR_036234 MIR4272 - microRNA 4272 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25590 chr4 91245331 91245409 + 8.30471 NA intron (NM_207491, intron 3 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 89188 NM_207491 401145 Hs.654735 NM_207491 HPRD:17561 CCSER1 FAM190A coiled-coil serine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39456 chrY 59346089 59346232 + 8.30455 NA Intergenic Intergenic 14694 NR_110561 727856 Hs.740212 NR_110561 DDX11L16 - DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box helicase 11 like 16 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38948 chrX 155243083 155243226 + 8.30455 NA Intergenic Intergenic 14694 NR_110561 727856 Hs.740212 NR_110561 DDX11L16 - DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box helicase 11 like 16 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17694 chr2 38830654 38830783 + 8.30349 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142650) promoter-TSS (NM_001142650) -540 NM_001142650 92906 Hs.445497 NM_138394 HPRD:13667 HNRNPLL HNRPLL|SRRF heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33081 chr7 155556930 155557049 + 8.30196 NA intron (NM_053043, intron 15 of 17) intron (NM_053043, intron 15 of 17) 47978 NM_000193 6469 Hs.164537 NM_000193 SHH HHG1|HLP3|HPE3|MCOPCB5|SMMCI|TPT|TPTPS sonic hedgehog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17836 chr2 48782730 48782892 + 8.29926 NA intron (NM_001198595, intron 2 of 4) SVA_F|Other|Other -13348 NM_172311 286749 Hs.732016 NM_172311 HPRD:18496 STON1-GTF2A1L SALF STON1-GTF2A1L readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12894 chr16 34707169 34707235 + 8.29915 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 7765 NR_026980 146481 Hs.316564 NR_026980 LOC146481 - FSHD region gene 2 family, member C pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18126 chr2 75076380 75076584 + 8.29915 NA intron (NM_000189, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_000189, intron 1 of 17) 16700 NM_000189 3099 Hs.406266 NM_000189 HPRD:03080 HK2 HKII|HXK2 hexokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38565 chrX 119631984 119632060 + 8.27868 NA Intergenic Intergenic -28818 NM_013995 3920 Hs.496684 NM_002294 HPRD:02396 LAMP2 CD107b|LAMP-2|LAMPB|LGP110 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28372 chr5 140608953 140609023 + 8.27762 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -4950 NR_001281 54660 Hs.676071 NR_001281 ENSG00000146001 PCDHB18 PCDH-psi2 protocadherin beta 18 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3647 chr10 10598688 10598761 + 8.27532 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -94412 NR_120637 101928322 Hs.576789 NR_120637 LOC101928322 - uncharacterized LOC101928322 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5068 chr10 112632576 112632700 + 8.27150 NA intron (NM_001199492, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001199492, intron 1 of 11) 1085 NM_001199492 27250 Hs.711490 NM_014456 HPRD:10549 PDCD4 H731 programmed cell death 4 (neoplastic transformation inhibitor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16735 chr19 43749605 43749681 + 8.25580 NA intron (NR_033888, intron 2 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 3155 NR_033888 284344 Hs.678987 NR_033888 ENSG00000241104 LOC284344 - uncharacterized LOC284344 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18996 chr2 135090483 135090637 + 8.25275 NA intron (NM_002410, intron 4 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 78730 NM_002410 4249 Hs.4988 NM_002410 HPRD:03467 MGAT5 GNT-V|GNT-VA mannosyl (alpha-1,6-)-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30754 chr6 149180115 149180200 + 8.25275 NA intron (NM_005715, intron 1 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 105663 NR_038408 100128176 Hs.557541 NR_038408 LOC100128176 - uncharacterized LOC100128176 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7449 chr12 9517540 9517674 + 8.25275 NA Intergenic MER101B|LTR|ERV1 -2453 NR_120479 101930452 Hs.734183 NR_120479 LOC101930452 - uncharacterized LOC101930452 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33223 chr8 580059 580267 + 8.24981 NA Intergenic Intergenic -84382 NM_175075 157695 Hs.289293 NM_175075 HPRD:13740 TDRP C8orf42|Inm01|TDRP1|TDRP2 testis development related protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7501 chr12 11453999 11454086 + 8.24981 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 9327 NM_001261399 5545 Hs.528651 NM_002723 HPRD:01624 PRB4 Po proline-rich protein BstNI subfamily 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34311 chr8 100436320 100436389 + 8.22822 NA intron (NM_152564, intron 21 of 61) L1PA4|LINE|L1 112604 NR_030329 693184 NR_030329 miRBase:MI0003611 MIR599 MIRN599|hsa-mir-599 microRNA 599 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16398 chr19 29845062 29845207 + 8.22822 NA intron (NR_040029, intron 9 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -140998 NM_006003 7386 Hs.743307 NM_006003 UQCRFS1 RIP1|RIS1|RISP|UQCR5 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, Rieske iron-sulfur polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12489 chr16 20775250 20775366 + 8.22684 NA promoter-TSS (NM_202000) promoter-TSS (NM_202000) -4 NM_202000 6296 Hs.706754 NM_005622 HPRD:07033 ACSM3 SA|SAH acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22681 chr3 42839235 42839306 + 8.20480 NA intron (NM_001099669, intron 1 of 3) SVA_F|Other|Other 6664 NM_001099668 25994 Hs.593134 NM_014056 HIGD1A HIG1|RCF1a HIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family, member 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24491 chr4 1872210 1872345 + 8.20338 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001042424) promoter-TSS (NM_001042424) -846 NM_001042424 7468 Hs.113876 NM_007331 HPRD:04259 WHSC1 MMSET|NSD2|REIIBP|TRX5|WHS Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36082 chr9 111773074 111773206 + 8.18661 NA intron (NM_003798, intron 1 of 18) intron (NM_003798, intron 1 of 18) 2734 NM_003798 8727 Hs.58488 NM_003798 HPRD:09210 CTNNAL1 ACRP|CLLP|alpha-CATU catenin (cadherin-associated protein), alpha-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16731 chr19 43313001 43313079 + 8.18165 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -12975 NR_036584 100289650 Hs.680622 NR_036584 ENSG00000225877 LOC100289650 - uncharacterized LOC100289650 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14146 chr17 32750398 32750671 + 8.17551 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -60282 NM_002981 6346 Hs.72918 NM_002981 HPRD:01654 CCL1 I-309|P500|SCYA1|SISe|TCA3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38892 chrX 153212893 153213069 + 8.17085 NA TTS (NM_005334) TTS (NM_005334) -2749 NM_002910 5973 Hs.158331 NM_002910 HPRD:02423 RENBP RBP|RNBP renin binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39093 chrY 13129406 13129599 + 8.13340 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1403887 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1713 chr1 142538617 142538699 + 8.12694 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 174947 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36553 chr9 141121921 141122041 + 8.12248 NA intron (NM_001145249, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001145249, intron 5 of 6) 15344 NM_001145249 100132403 Hs.741123 NM_001145249 FAM157B - family with sequence similarity 157, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38312 chrX 91078202 91078272 + 8.11238 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -12223 NM_001168363 27328 Hs.655673 NM_014522 HPRD:02215 PCDH11X PCDH-X|PCDH11|PCDHX|PPP1R119 protocadherin 11 X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13719 chr17 6298739 6298924 + 8.10742 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 39621 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11286 chr15 31091890 31092005 + 8.10511 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18292 NR_072991 390561 Hs.721293 NR_072991 HERC2P10 - hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 10 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32064 chr7 70134995 70135099 + 8.09906 NA intron (NM_001127231, intron 5 of 17) intron (NM_001127231, intron 5 of 17) -462476 NM_022479 64409 Hs.488591 NM_022479 HPRD:15655 WBSCR17 GALNACT17|GALNT16|GALNT20|GALNTL3|GalNAc-T5L Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29765 chr6 61898533 61898636 + 8.09783 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -385424 NM_001190706 100463487 NM_001190706 ENSG00000255633 MTRNR2L9 HN9 MT-RNR2-like 9 (pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5034 chr10 111555875 111555992 + 8.08931 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 127378 NM_001167604 7511 Hs.390623 NM_020383 HPRD:03899 XPNPEP1 APP1|SAMP|XPNPEP|XPNPEPL|XPNPEPL1 X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 1, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34677 chr8 134628849 134629021 + 8.08679 NA Intergenic Intergenic -44752 NM_003033 6482 Hs.374257 NM_003033 HPRD:06219 ST3GAL1 Gal-NAc6S|SIAT4A|SIATFL|ST3GalA|ST3GalA.1|ST3GalIA|ST3GalIA,1|ST3O ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3327 chr1 235885877 235886017 + 8.06612 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 39 of 52) AluSg|SINE|Alu -71893 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27153 chr5 46324230 46324307 + 8.06418 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -628048 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11610 chr15 55582731 55582865 + 8.05141 NA promoter-TSS (NM_183235) promoter-TSS (NM_183235) -785 NM_183235 5873 Hs.654978 NM_004580 HPRD:04845 RAB27A GS2|HsT18676|RAB27|RAM RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14488 chr17 48277237 48277320 + 8.04848 NA exon (NM_000088, exon 2 of 51) exon (NM_000088, exon 2 of 51) 1722 NM_000088 1277 Hs.172928 NM_000088 HPRD:00362 COL1A1 OI4 collagen, type I, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18873 chr2 129701182 129701254 + 8.04515 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 79044 NR_110278 101927881 Hs.570247 NR_110278 LOC101927881 - uncharacterized LOC101927881 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31410 chr7 22893391 22893542 + 8.03650 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2766 NR_003075 692210 NR_003075 ENSG00000221740 SNORD93 HBII-336 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 93 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9877 chr13 100148991 100149191 + 8.03650 NA intron (NR_110731, intron 2 of 4) MER51A|LTR|ERV1 2469 NR_110731 102725509 Hs.648968 NR_110731 LINC01232 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1232 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3861 chr10 27444984 27445067 + 8.03564 NA intron (NM_001172303, intron 1 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu 1272 NM_032844 84930 Hs.276905 NM_032844 HPRD:10499 MASTL GREATWALL|GW|GWL|MAST-L|THC2|hGWL microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29509 chr6 36750704 36750857 + 8.02360 NA intron (NM_020939, intron 8 of 20) MIRb|SINE|MIR 56440 NM_020939 57699 Hs.657869 NM_020939 HPRD:05018 CPNE5 COPN5|CPN5 copine V protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19970 chr2 224682134 224682264 + 8.02135 NA intron (NR_110906, intron 1 of 3) AluSx|SINE|Alu 20120 NR_110906 130340 Hs.632555 NM_178814 HPRD:16495 AP1S3 - adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 3 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38539 chrX 117629442 117629641 + 8.01034 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144658) promoter-TSS (NM_144658) -331 NM_144658 139818 Hs.368203 NM_144658 HPRD:06492 DOCK11 ACG|ZIZ2|bB128O4.1 dedicator of cytokinesis 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28740 chr5 172198209 172198393 + 8.00357 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004417) promoter-TSS (NM_004417) -98 NM_004417 1843 Hs.171695 NM_004417 HPRD:02835 DUSP1 CL100|HVH1|MKP-1|MKP1|PTPN10 dual specificity phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14158 chr17 33488042 33488174 + 8.00357 NA intron (NM_001267052, intron 8 of 19) Tigger11a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 13272 NM_001267052 146862 Hs.379636 NM_173167 HPRD:10840 UNC45B CMYA4|SMUNC45|UNC45 unc-45 homolog B (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6415 chr11 65219187 65219428 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 7378 NR_030343 693197 NR_030343 miRBase:MI0003625 MIR612 MIRN612|hsa-mir-612 microRNA 612 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35743 chr9 80693914 80693988 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -47586 NM_002072 2776 Hs.269782 NM_002072 GNAQ CMC1|G-ALPHA-q|GAQ|SWS guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), q polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22967 chr3 62834139 62834335 + 7.99864 NA intron (NM_183393, intron 1 of 26) L1PA2|LINE|L1 26827 NM_003716 8618 Hs.654933 NM_003716 HPRD:05236 CADPS CADPS1|CAPS|CAPS1 Ca++-dependent secretion activator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_865 chr1 46769227 46769337 + 7.99144 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006369) promoter-TSS (NM_006369) -3 NM_001297566 7388 Hs.481571 NM_006004 HPRD:15629 UQCRH QCR6|UQCR8 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase hinge protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26185 chr4 147587033 147587100 + 7.97257 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 27021 NM_004575 5458 Hs.266 NM_004575 HPRD:00220 POU4F2 BRN3.2|BRN3B|Brn-3b POU class 4 homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8227 chr12 57030081 57030264 + 7.95927 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013449) promoter-TSS (NM_013449) -9 NM_013449 11176 Hs.314263 NM_013449 HPRD:10417 BAZ2A TIP5|WALp3 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain, 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17904 chr2 58468267 58468355 + 7.95380 NA intron (NM_001114636, intron 1 of 13) CpG 204 NM_001114636 55120 Hs.631890 NM_018062 HPRD:06997 FANCL FAAP43|PHF9|POG Fanconi anemia, complementation group L protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37928 chrX 64876524 64876628 + 7.94925 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10935 NM_002444 4478 Hs.87752 NM_002444 HPRD:02399 MSN HEL70 moesin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28186 chr5 130405116 130405259 + 7.94223 NA Intergenic Intergenic 95854 NR_073488 3094 Hs.483305 NM_005340 HINT1 HINT|NMAN|PKCI-1|PRKCNH1 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_762 chr1 42277197 42277323 + 7.92182 NA intron (NM_024503, intron 1 of 8) MIR|SINE|MIR 107118 NM_024503 59269 Hs.403972 NM_024503 HPRD:09442 HIVEP3 KBP-1|KBP1|KRC|SHN3|Schnurri-3|ZAS3|ZNF40C human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4673 chr10 82592945 82593052 + 7.90009 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 292423 NM_001145719 387694 Hs.147643 NM_207372 HPRD:18050 SH2D4B - SH2 domain containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14812 chr17 76377943 76378154 + 7.88701 NA intron (NR_111989, intron 1 of 8) L2c|LINE|L2 3349 NM_024419 9489 Hs.654671 NM_024419 HPRD:17841 PGS1 - phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27145 chr5 45977752 45977820 + 7.87578 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -281566 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35770 chr9 83435354 83435553 + 7.86480 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 845515 NR_121212 101927477 Hs.571630 NR_121212 LINC01507 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1507 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8606 chr12 92385306 92385447 + 7.85144 NA intron (NR_046159, intron 2 of 5) MIRb|SINE|MIR 150113 NR_046159 256021 Hs.651357 NM_001256373 ENSG00000257242 C12orf79 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 79 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26869 chr5 19164839 19164912 + 7.84273 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 721506 NM_001291957 1016 Hs.317632 NM_004934 HPRD:04314 CDH18 CDH14|CDH14L|CDH24 cadherin 18, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32860 chr7 140704006 140704079 + 7.84273 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 10437 NM_016071 51650 Hs.416207 NM_016071 HPRD:17598 MRPS33 MRP-S33|PTD003|S33mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17314 chr2 5768359 5768748 + 7.84220 NA Intergenic Intergenic 62697 NR_110580 102723818 Hs.128107 NR_110580 LINC01248 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1248 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13880 chr17 16319994 16320072 + 7.84220 NA intron (NM_016113, intron 1 of 14) MIR3|SINE|MIR 1177 NM_016113 51393 Hs.279746 NM_016113 HPRD:05980 TRPV2 VRL|VRL-1|VRL1 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14107 chr17 29136042 29136164 + 7.82715 NA intron (NM_015986, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_015986, intron 1 of 7) 15675 NM_015986 51379 Hs.649372 NM_015986 HPRD:16757 CRLF3 CREME-9|CREME9|CRLM9|CYTOR4|FRWS|p48.2 cytokine receptor-like factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29513 chr6 36880601 36880679 + 7.82715 NA intron (NM_001286637, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_001286637, intron 4 of 8) 27000 NM_001286635 221477 Hs.433381 NM_152734 HPRD:12905 C6orf89 BRAP chromosome 6 open reading frame 89 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9160 chr13 19031606 19031919 + 7.82317 NA Intergenic MER30|DNA|hAT-Charlie 282477 NR_047508 100874164 Hs.739604 NR_047508 LINC00417 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30259 chr6 109195778 109195907 + 7.82317 NA intron (NM_032131, intron 4 of 17) intron (NM_032131, intron 4 of 17) 26223 NM_032131 84071 Hs.645481 NM_032131 HPRD:09809 ARMC2 bA787I22.1 armadillo repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27377 chr5 60279579 60279645 + 7.75587 NA intron (NM_174889, intron 1 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 38656 NM_174889 91942 Hs.591757 NM_174889 HPRD:14288 NDUFAF2 B17.2L|MMTN|NDUFA12L|mimitin NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) complex I, assembly factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20632 chr20 31989290 31989434 + 7.75587 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016082) promoter-TSS (NM_016082) 13 NM_016082 51654 Hs.435952 NM_016082 HPRD:12189 CDK5RAP1 C20orf34|C42|CGI-05|HSPC167 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15591 chr18 74818462 74818551 + 7.74658 NA intron (NM_001025101, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001025101, intron 1 of 8) 26268 NM_001025100 4155 Hs.551713 NM_002385 HPRD:01158 MBP - myelin basic protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10519 chr14 58764579 58764671 + 7.74131 NA promoter-TSS (NM_023000) promoter-TSS (NM_023000) 230 NR_029434 379025 Hs.531089 NR_029434 ENSG00000257621 FLJ31306 - uncharacterized LOC379025 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23594 chr3 125499110 125499286 + 7.74044 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 10197 NR_031687 100302204 NR_031687 miRBase:MI0006421 MIR548I1 MIR548I-1|MIRN548I1|hsa-mir-548i-1 microRNA 548i-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34439 chr8 113708526 113708595 + 7.71354 NA intron (NM_198124, intron 14 of 71) L1PA5|LINE|L1 52838 NR_031745 100302225 NR_031745 miRBase:MI0010487 MIR2053 hsa-mir-2053 microRNA 2053 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34448 chr8 114622004 114622131 + 7.70822 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -172825 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22096 chr22 44422886 44423093 + 7.70822 NA intron (NM_001243386, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001243386, intron 1 of 11) 805 NM_001243386 29780 Hs.475074 NM_013327 HPRD:16284 PARVB CGI-56 parvin, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9866 chr13 99910601 99910770 + 7.70669 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005292) promoter-TSS (NM_005292) -3 NM_005292 2841 Hs.741589 NM_005292 HPRD:03621 GPR18 - G protein-coupled receptor 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33082 chr7 155584725 155584929 + 7.69162 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 20140 NM_000193 6469 Hs.164537 NM_000193 SHH HHG1|HLP3|HPE3|MCOPCB5|SMMCI|TPT|TPTPS sonic hedgehog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11023 chr14 102343000 102343182 + 7.64897 NA intron (NM_178586, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_178586, intron 2 of 12) 66951 NM_178587 5527 Hs.368264 NM_002719 HPRD:03385 PPP2R5C B56G|PR61G protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34106 chr8 81270924 81271096 + 7.63779 NA Intergenic MER57A-int|LTR|ERV1 117386 NR_049894 100847056 NR_049894 miRBase:MI0019316 MIR5708 - microRNA 5708 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7892 chr12 38072799 38072918 + 7.63686 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -637699 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38269 chrX 86225120 86225199 + 7.60619 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -547556 NM_019117 56062 Hs.49075 NM_019117 HPRD:02283 KLHL4 DKELCHL|KHL4 kelch-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35107 chr9 22352222 22352299 + 7.60619 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -94580 NM_022160 63951 Hs.371976 NM_022160 DMRTA1 DMO|DMRT4 DMRT-like family A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8787 chr12 106869428 106869494 + 7.60619 NA intron (NM_001160708, intron 23 of 27) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -107224 NM_213594 5992 Hs.388827 NM_002920 HPRD:04905 RFX4 NYD-SP10 regulatory factor X, 4 (influences HLA class II expression) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21588 chr22 17700300 17700484 + 7.60619 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282225) promoter-TSS (NM_001282225) 83 NM_001282225 51816 Hs.170310 NM_017424 HPRD:10462 CECR1 ADA2|ADGF|IDGFL|PAN|SNEDS cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37286 chrX 13003221 13003358 + 7.60499 NA Intergenic MER112|DNA|hAT-Charlie 10063 NM_021109 7114 Hs.437277 NM_021109 HPRD:02153 TMSB4X FX|PTMB4|TB4X|TMSB4 thymosin beta 4, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7247 chr11 133511207 133511368 + 7.59535 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -108884 NM_001012393 4978 Hs.4817 NM_002545 HPRD:07198 OPCML IGLON1|OBCAM|OPCM opioid binding protein/cell adhesion molecule-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37404 chrX 25792181 25792266 + 7.59087 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -364237 NM_173699 286514 Hs.350683 NM_173699 HPRD:06647 MAGEB18 - melanoma antigen family B, 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25455 chr4 78775670 78775766 + 7.58969 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8087 NM_020236 65008 Hs.532019 NM_020236 ENSG00000169288 MRPL1 BM022|L1MT|MRP-L1 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10292 chr14 39490093 39490180 + 7.58769 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 82301 NM_006364 10484 Hs.272927 NM_006364 HPRD:06714 SEC23A CLSD Sec23 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35447 chr9 66812407 66812549 + 7.57769 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -110489 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14972 chr18 2249411 2249478 + 7.56459 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 322045 NM_022840 64863 Hs.126888 NM_022840 HPRD:14390 METTL4 HsT661 methyltransferase like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38921 chrX 153959603 153959684 + 7.54495 NA intron (NR_104114, intron 1 of 8) intron (NR_104114, intron 1 of 8) 19715 NM_001282283 139716 Hs.496982 NM_080612 HPRD:06571 GAB3 - GRB2-associated binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26290 chr4 157680818 157680923 + 7.54495 NA Intergenic Intergenic 211676 NM_016205 56034 Hs.570855 NM_016205 PDGFC FALLOTEIN|SCDGF platelet derived growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16446-2 chr19 34570869 34571211 + 7.54059 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -92312 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16446 chr19 34570869 34571211 + 7.54059 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -92312 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26147 chr4 144583851 144583917 + 7.52236 NA intron (NM_001168235, intron 2 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 37944 NM_001168235 166752 Hs.252714 NM_001168235 ENSG00000183090 FREM3 - FRAS1 related extracellular matrix 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11981 chr15 85131387 85131469 + 7.52236 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12821 NM_181877 54993 Hs.594023 NM_017894 HPRD:15898 ZSCAN2 ZFP29|ZNF854 zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14186 chr17 34216350 34216422 + 7.50883 NA Intergenic LTR8|LTR|ERV1 -9009 NM_002985 6352 Hs.514821 NM_002985 HPRD:01751 CCL5 D17S136E|RANTES|SCYA5|SIS-delta|SISd|TCP228|eoCP chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14415 chr17 45281460 45281617 + 7.50176 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4890 NM_001002841 4635 Hs.463300 NM_002476 HPRD:01176 MYL4 ALC1|AMLC|GT1 myosin, light chain 4, alkali; atrial, embryonic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26291 chr4 157681044 157681226 + 7.47657 NA Intergenic Intergenic 211411 NM_016205 56034 Hs.570855 NM_016205 PDGFC FALLOTEIN|SCDGF platelet derived growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8025 chr12 47791617 47791688 + 7.47657 NA Intergenic L1PA16|LINE|L1 -181426 NR_026544 100233209 Hs.657722 NR_026544 ENSG00000247774 PCED1B-AS1 - PCED1B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21249 chr21 19153043 19153143 + 7.46795 NA intron (NR_038870, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_038870, intron 2 of 2) 11733 NR_038870 246312 Hs.473425 NR_038870 ENSG00000240770 C21orf91-OT1 D21S2089E|NCRNA00285 C21orf91 overlapping transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32165 chr7 76266486 76266587 + 7.44697 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9916 NM_012230 22932 Hs.488877 NM_012230 HPRD:15974 POMZP3 POM-ZP3|POM121 POM121 and ZP3 fusion protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25839 chr4 114594790 114594919 + 7.43142 NA intron (NM_172114, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_172114, intron 2 of 17) 88229 NM_172127 817 Hs.144114 NM_001221 HPRD:09653 CAMK2D CAMKD calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9676 chr13 72842212 72842278 + 7.43142 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -400915 NM_004392 1602 Hs.129452 NM_004392 HPRD:16031 DACH1 DACH dachshund family transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11689 chr15 63789367 63789474 + 7.42670 NA Intergenic L1M5|LINE|L1 -7290 NR_046341 9960 Hs.458499 NM_006537 USP3 SIH003|UBP ubiquitin specific peptidase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29356 chr6 30881960 30882079 + 7.41956 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001167733).4 promoter-TSS (NM_001167733).4 34 NM_001167733 57176 Hs.597526 NM_020442 HPRD:11670 VARS2 COXPD20|VALRS|VARS2L|VARSL valyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36920 chrUn_gl000225 39146 39219 + 7.41896 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15723 chr19 1882593 1882766 + 7.41619 NA intron (NM_001130111, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001130111, intron 1 of 4) 2839 NM_001130111 81926 Hs.465542 NM_031213 HPRD:07475 ABHD17A C19orf27|FAM108A1 abhydrolase domain containing 17A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16549 chr19 37764564 37764642 + 7.41431 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -4691 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14709 chr17 68543168 68543265 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 377540 NM_000891 3759 Hs.1547 NM_000891 HPRD:02815 KCNJ2 ATFB9|HHBIRK1|HHIRK1|IRK1|KIR2.1|LQT7|SQT3 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15442 chr18 56325459 56325697 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13040 NM_006785 10892 Hs.601217 NM_006785 HPRD:06892 MALT1 IMD12|MLT|MLT1 mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34651 chr8 132890274 132890366 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -26036 NM_015137 23167 Hs.204564 NM_015137 HPRD:17179 EFR3A - EFR3 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27045 chr5 41225678 41225772 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001115131, intron 1 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -12030 NM_000065 729 Hs.481992 NM_000065 HPRD:01956 C6 - complement component 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17521 chr2 26048282 26048355 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_018263, intron 2 of 11) L1MB2|LINE|L1 52994 NM_018263 55252 Hs.119815 NM_018263 HPRD:10676 ASXL2 ASXH2 additional sex combs like transcriptional regulator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20266 chr20 112044 112199 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -11073 NM_030931 81623 Hs.124211 NM_030931 DEFB126 C20orf8|DEFB-26|DEFB26|bA530N10.1|hBD-26 defensin, beta 126 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34773 chr8 142997918 142998015 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -259734 NR_039682 100616268 NR_039682 miRBase:MI0016823 MIR4472-1 - microRNA 4472-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36178 chr9 121866983 121867049 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 264723 NM_014618 1620 Hs.532316 NM_014618 HPRD:04181 BRINP1 DBC1|DBCCR1|FAM5A bone morphogenetic protein/retinoic acid inducible neural-specific 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23586 chr3 125029738 125029884 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_021964, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_021964, intron 4 of 8) 64387 NM_021964 7707 Hs.592591 NM_021964 HPRD:03540 ZNF148 BERF-1|BFCOL1|HT-BETA|ZBP-89|ZFP148|pHZ-52 zinc finger protein 148 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6987 chr11 110571732 110572001 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001258416, intron 1 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 10907 NM_001258415 57569 Hs.6136 NM_020809 HPRD:10657 ARHGAP20 RARHOGAP Rho GTPase activating protein 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17892 chr2 56653715 56653781 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -240843 NR_125368 100129434 Hs.580330 NR_125368 ENSG00000233251 LOC100129434 - uncharacterized LOC100129434 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36251 chr9 127728232 127728319 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001144877, intron 17 of 17) Tigger2|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -24889 NM_002077 2800 Hs.59504 NM_002077 HPRD:03934 GOLGA1 golgin-97 golgin A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38247 chrX 83172488 83172563 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 56391 NM_001271680 1538 Hs.444230 NM_021118 ENSG00000183035 CYLC1 CYCL1 cylicin, basic protein of sperm head cytoskeleton 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39009 chrY 6638161 6638227 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 103874 NM_001143 266 Hs.1238 NM_001143 HPRD:02462 AMELY AMGL|AMGY amelogenin, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38487 chrX 110063638 110063748 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -24407 NM_001143981 91851 Hs.496587 NM_145234 HPRD:02285 CHRDL1 CHL|MGC1|MGCN|NRLN1|VOPT|dA141H5.1 chordin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12422 chr16 14861189 14861362 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16605 NM_001277324 642799 NM_001277324 ENSG00000254852 NPIPA2 NPIP nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1290 chr1 91989034 91989167 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001134420, intron 11 of 11) L2b|LINE|L2 22435 NM_001134420 8317 Hs.533573 NM_003503 HPRD:10345 CDC7 CDC7L1|HsCDC7|Hsk1|huCDC7 cell division cycle 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20662 chr20 33505953 33506077 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001076552, intron 8 of 18) MIRc|SINE|MIR 37586 NM_000178 2937 Hs.82327 NM_000178 HPRD:03000 GSS GSHS|HEL-S-64p|HEL-S-88n glutathione synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2118 chr1 152745054 152745120 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -3761 NM_178354 353137 Hs.553712 NM_178354 HPRD:13970 LCE1F LEP6 late cornified envelope 1F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7029 chr11 115727824 115727891 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -96939 NR_034148 283143 Hs.130499 NR_034148 LINC00900 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 900 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25765 chr4 108228693 108228805 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -271296 NM_014421 27123 Hs.211869 NM_014421 HPRD:05658 DKK2 DKK-2 dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38015 chrX 69900097 69900192 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 15 of 30) SVA_D|Other|Other -224300 NR_109801 100873930 Hs.571699 NR_046586 DLG3-AS1 - DLG3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23081 chr3 71690566 71690633 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -57459 NM_001244810 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25226 chr4 58252200 58252267 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -275682 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21282 chr21 26671233 26671375 + 7.40724 NA Intergenic Intergenic 132709 NR_024027 54072 Hs.234016 NM_058184 HPRD:10748 LINC00158 C21orf42|NCRNA00158 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 158 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31116 chr6 170787760 170787962 + 7.39459 NA Intergenic CpG 74556 NM_002793 5689 Hs.352768 NM_002793 HPRD:03603 PSMB1 HC5|PMSB1|PSC5 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1058 chr1 66815979 66816062 + 7.38688 NA intron (NM_001297440, intron 7 of 15) intron (NM_001297440, intron 7 of 15) -4041 NM_001297442 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19169 chr2 157000330 157000524 + 7.37222 NA intron (NR_110250, intron 1 of 3) L1P1|LINE|L1 111016 NR_110249 101929378 Hs.171192 NR_110249 LOC101929378 - uncharacterized LOC101929378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30042 chr6 88428537 88428621 + 7.36688 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16594 NM_018064 55122 Hs.485915 NM_018064 HPRD:12864 AKIRIN2 C6orf166|FBI1|dJ486L4.2 akirin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37550 chrX 47221502 47221667 + 7.35169 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8415 NM_003446 7712 Hs.89897 NM_003446 ZNF157 HZF22 zinc finger protein 157 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31025 chr6 166032927 166033049 + 7.35040 NA intron (NR_045597, intron 1 of 22) (TAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 42600 NM_001130690 10846 Hs.348762 NM_006661 HPRD:17828 PDE10A HSPDE10A phosphodiesterase 10A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27319 chr5 54368675 54368800 + 7.35040 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29737 NM_006144 3001 Hs.90708 NM_006144 HPRD:00771 GZMA CTLA3|HFSP granzyme A (granzyme 1, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase 3) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19476 chr2 180314183 180314249 + 7.35040 NA intron (NM_152520, intron 6 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 113099 NM_001113398 151126 Hs.655005 NM_152520 HPRD:15823 ZNF385B ZNF533 zinc finger protein 385B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23837 chr3 145462792 145462878 + 7.33978 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 416447 NM_000935 5352 Hs.477866 NM_000935 HPRD:03519 PLOD2 LH2|TLH procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22272 chr3 9437948 9438034 + 7.33834 NA intron (NR_027007, intron 1 of 2) CpG 1183 NR_027007 440944 Hs.598958 NM_001013713 ENSG00000206573 THUMPD3-AS1 SETD5-AS1 THUMPD3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16238 chr19 20259299 20259485 + 7.32857 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -18631 NM_052852 90649 Hs.590991 NM_052852 ENSG00000256229 ZNF486 KRBO2 zinc finger protein 486 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33835 chr8 52810969 52811090 + 7.32711 NA intron (NM_052937, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_052937, intron 1 of 5) 717 NM_001286782 115294 Hs.671268 NM_052937 HPRD:08313 PCMTD1 - protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8500 chr12 78051317 78051401 + 7.32367 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -173710 NM_001024383 89795 Hs.655301 NM_014903 HPRD:10114 NAV3 POMFIL1|STEERIN3|unc53H3 neuron navigator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37074 chrUn_gl000231 25296 25471 + 7.31552 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20787 chr20 42709469 42709535 + 7.31552 NA Intergenic Intergenic 106716 NM_175913 57158 Hs.441737 NM_020433 HPRD:12006 JPH2 CMH17|JP-2|JP2 junctophilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5225 chr10 127638641 127638721 + 7.30711 NA intron (NM_145235, intron 1 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 23161 NR_102707 101410540 Hs.557889 NR_102707 ENSG00000233409 FANK1-AS1 - FANK1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35625 chr9 70417497 70417582 + 7.29530 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 11360 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8553 chr12 88025068 88025190 + 7.26761 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 153359 NR_033410 400058 Hs.572212 NR_033410 MKRN9P MKRN5|MKRN9|MKRNP6|RNF65|ZNF127L3 makorin ring finger protein 9, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15748 chr19 2608117 2608209 + 7.26761 NA intron (NM_052847, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_052847, intron 2 of 4) 94583 NM_052847 2788 Hs.515544 NM_052847 HPRD:07638 GNG7 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15165 chr18 19812268 19812506 + 7.26363 NA Intergenic (TCCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 62989 NM_005257 2627 Hs.514746 NM_005257 HPRD:09043 GATA6 - GATA binding protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38352 chrX 99423244 99423323 + 7.25103 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -228442 NR_024608 442459 Hs.706599 NM_001127438 XRCC6P5 - X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6 pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26296 chr4 158339485 158339551 + 7.24196 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -154124 NR_026992 340017 Hs.428275 NR_026992 ENSG00000234111 LOC340017 - uncharacterized LOC340017 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15043 chr18 9334096 9334301 + 7.23964 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020648) promoter-TSS (NM_020648) -567 NM_020648 57045 Hs.514685 NM_020648 HPRD:05443 TWSG1 TSG twisted gastrulation BMP signaling modulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31755 chr7 55638020 55638146 + 7.23952 NA intron (NM_030796, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_030796, intron 1 of 4) 2117 NM_030796 81552 Hs.488307 NM_030796 HPRD:08526 VOPP1 ECOP|GASP vesicular, overexpressed in cancer, prosurvival protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32535 chr7 106684944 106685198 + 7.22133 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002736) promoter-TSS (NM_002736) -107 NM_002736 5577 Hs.433068 NM_002736 HPRD:01486 PRKAR2B PRKAR2|RII-BETA protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, regulatory, type II, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31589 chr7 37205448 37205524 + 7.22025 NA intron (NM_001206480, intron 13 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 168085 NR_104120 100861514 Hs.627775 NR_104120 ELMO1-AS1 - ELMO1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2026 chr1 149513761 149513895 + 7.19906 NA TTS (NR_104086).2 TTS (NR_104086).2 428 NR_104086 101954277 NR_104086 RNVU1-19 RNU1-126|RNU1-147|RNVU1-13|vU1.13|vU1.19 RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 19 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38780 chrX 136134571 136134738 + 7.19899 NA Intergenic CpG -20821 NM_054021 83550 Hs.350569 NM_054021 HPRD:02315 GPR101 GPCR6 G protein-coupled receptor 101 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34078 chr8 77937394 77937542 + 7.19899 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -24188 NM_001172086 5828 Hs.437966 NM_000318 HPRD:01367 PEX2 PAF1|PBD5A|PBD5B|PMP3|PMP35|PXMP3|RNF72|ZWS3 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15182 chr18 21017922 21017990 + 7.19899 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032933) promoter-TSS (NM_032933) -31 NM_032933 85019 Hs.137562 NM_032933 HPRD:12692 TMEM241 C18orf45|hVVT transmembrane protein 241 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38631 chrX 126254950 126255017 + 7.18563 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 301236 NM_001122716 100130613 Hs.130370 NM_001122716 ENSG00000183631 PRR32 CXorf64 proline rich 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28787 chr5 176388978 176389281 + 7.16972 NA intron (NM_016290, intron 6 of 14) SVA_F|Other|Other 44314 NM_016290 51720 Hs.232721 NM_016290 HPRD:11482 UIMC1 RAP80|X2HRIP110 ubiquitin interaction motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27154 chr5 46325805 46325937 + 7.16460 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -629651 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13338 chr16 75755212 75755278 + 7.14904 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 73610 NM_018975 54386 Hs.301419 NM_018975 HPRD:05452 TERF2IP DRIP5|RAP1 telomeric repeat binding factor 2, interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16971 chr19 50861105 50861262 + 7.13236 NA TTS (NM_004851) TTS (NM_004851) 7748 NM_004851 9476 Hs.512843 NM_004851 HPRD:07064 NAPSA KAP|Kdap|NAP1|NAPA|SNAPA napsin A aspartic peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34259 chr8 94929893 94930088 + 7.12258 NA intron (NM_001161781, intron 1 of 1) CpG 711 NM_001161781 54704 Hs.22265 NM_018444 HPRD:16185 PDP1 PDH|PDP|PDPC|PPM2C pyruvate dehyrogenase phosphatase catalytic subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15855 chr19 7600271 7600337 + 7.11879 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166114) promoter-TSS (NM_001166114) -285 NM_001166114 10908 Hs.631863 NM_006702 HPRD:04432 PNPLA6 BNHS|NTE|NTEMND|SPG39|iPLA2delta|sws patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29871 chr6 74362936 74363054 + 7.11826 NA intron (NM_012434, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_012434, intron 1 of 10) 742 NM_012434 26503 Hs.597422 NM_012434 HPRD:05058 SLC17A5 AST|ISSD|NSD|SD|SIALIN|SIASD|SLD solute carrier family 17 (acidic sugar transporter), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24671 chr4 11150578 11150644 + 7.11389 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -219840 NR_030298 693157 NR_030298 miRBase:MI0003579 MIR572 MIRN572|hsa-mir-572 microRNA 572 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20445 chr20 17565070 17565136 + 7.11197 NA intron (NM_006870, intron 1 of 3) AluSp|SINE|Alu 14504 NM_001011546 11034 Hs.304192 NM_006870 HPRD:16446 DSTN ACTDP|ADF|HEL32|bA462D18.2 destrin (actin depolymerizing factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13439 chr16 85604609 85604750 + 7.11197 NA Intergenic MER5A1|DNA|hAT-Charlie -40350 NM_001134473 23199 Hs.461647 NM_014615 HPRD:11066 GSE1 KIAA0182 Gse1 coiled-coil protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1828 chr1 145312807 145312910 + 7.10820 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 15 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 15 of 85) 19487 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7155 chr11 124746291 124746386 + 7.09693 NA exon (NM_022370, exon 17 of 28) exon (NM_022370, exon 17 of 28) 11033 NM_022370 64221 Hs.435621 NM_022370 HPRD:10554 ROBO3 HGPPS|HGPS|RBIG1|RIG1 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1710 chr1 142537316 142537396 + 7.09292 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 176249 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13500 chr16 89108953 89109094 + 7.07876 NA Intergenic CpG -51194 NM_001243279 197322 Hs.461727 NM_174917 HPRD:14117 ACSF3 - acyl-CoA synthetase family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3881 chr10 28944402 28944519 + 7.07876 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -21964 NM_012342 25805 Hs.533336 NM_012342 HPRD:05117 BAMBI NMA BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9726 chr13 77600719 77600802 + 7.07711 NA intron (NM_012158, intron 1 of 4) CpG 571 NM_012158 26224 Hs.508284 NM_012158 HPRD:05737 FBXL3 FBL3|FBL3A|FBXL3A F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12053 chr15 90398866 90399052 + 7.07370 NA intron (NR_037582, intron 4 of 5) AluSp|SINE|Alu -5006 NR_049817 100847059 NR_049817 MIR5094 - microRNA 5094 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21693 chr22 20424556 20424687 + 7.07013 NA Intergenic Intergenic -25926 NR_003563 728233 Hs.592456 NR_003563 ENSG00000215513 PI4KAP1 - phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, catalytic, alpha pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6702 chr11 82873566 82873632 + 7.06174 NA intron (NM_015885, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_015885, intron 2 of 15) 5462 NM_015885 51585 Hs.128959 NM_015885 PCF11 - PCF11 cleavage and polyadenylation factor subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8845 chr12 110907050 110907225 + 7.06174 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164372) promoter-TSS (NM_001164372) -611 NM_001164372 51184 Hs.634680 NM_016301 HPRD:17498 GPN3 ATPBD1C GPN-loop GTPase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10785 chr14 77587898 77587990 + 7.05452 NA Intergenic Intergenic 20190 NM_174976 283576 Hs.525485 NM_174976 HPRD:12655 ZDHHC22 C14orf59 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38014 chrX 69882374 69882448 + 7.05113 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 17 of 30) L1P1|LINE|L1 -206567 NR_109801 100873930 Hs.571699 NR_046586 DLG3-AS1 - DLG3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16370 chr19 27864387 27864486 + 7.03558 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -419939 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4520 chr10 70787410 70787615 + 7.03238 NA Intergenic Intergenic 39035 NM_015634 26128 Hs.279580 NM_015634 HPRD:13848 KIAA1279 KBP|TTC20 KIAA1279 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11680 chr15 63340597 63340681 + 7.03238 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018008) promoter-TSS (NM_001018008) 3 NM_001018008 7168 Hs.133892 NM_000366 HPRD:01839 TPM1 C15orf13|CMD1Y|CMH3|HTM-alpha|LVNC9|TMSA tropomyosin 1 (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35703 chr9 77625627 77625716 + 7.02702 NA intron (NM_152420, intron 3 of 7) L1MEf|LINE|L1 17639 NM_152420 138199 Hs.567688 NM_152420 HPRD:12958 C9orf41 - chromosome 9 open reading frame 41 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3199 chr1 228373377 228373464 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic MER82|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 19991 NM_001010867 200205 Hs.237017 NM_001010867 HPRD:17318 IBA57 C1orf69|MMDS3 IBA57, iron-sulfur cluster assembly homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29113 chr6 17736226 17736371 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -29233 NM_001278210 9972 Hs.601591 NM_005124 HPRD:04899 NUP153 HNUP153|N153 nucleoporin 153kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30749 chr6 148827082 148827193 + 7.00931 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 8 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 163408 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16484 chr19 36207855 36207980 + 7.00540 NA TTS (NM_014383) TTS (NM_014383) -1004 NM_014727 9757 Hs.92236 NM_014727 HPRD:06017 KMT2B HRX2|MLL1B|MLL2|MLL4|TRX2|WBP-7|WBP7 lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23073 chr3 71275907 71276313 + 6.99766 NA intron (NM_001012505, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001012505, intron 5 of 6) 18206 NM_001244814 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23073-2 chr3 71275907 71276313 + 6.99766 NA intron (NM_001012505, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001012505, intron 5 of 6) 18206 NM_001244814 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33678 chr8 42911342 42911457 + 6.99200 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002027) promoter-TSS (NM_002027) -43 NR_033698 2339 Hs.370312 NM_002027 HPRD:00607 FNTA FPTA|PGGT1A|PTAR2 farnesyltransferase, CAAX box, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4688 chr10 85898599 85898689 + 6.98319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014394) promoter-TSS (NM_014394) -541 NM_014394 27069 Hs.352656 NM_014394 HPRD:17038 GHITM DERP2|HSPC282|MICS1|PTD010|TMBIM5 growth hormone inducible transmembrane protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12037 chr15 89170818 89170917 + 6.97318 NA intron (NM_022767, intron 2 of 3) Tigger9b|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 6340 NM_022767 64782 Hs.436102 NM_022767 HPRD:08573 AEN ISG20L1|pp12744 apoptosis enhancing nuclease protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25509 chr4 83033894 83033966 + 6.96814 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 261219 NM_031369 3184 Hs.480073 NM_002138 HNRNPD AUF1|AUF1A|HNRPD|P37|hnRNPD0 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D (AU-rich element RNA binding protein 1, 37kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16909 chr19 49376326 49376429 + 6.94312 NA intron (NM_014330, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_014330, intron 1 of 2) 728 NM_014330 23645 Hs.631593 NM_014330 HPRD:06572 PPP1R15A GADD34 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 15A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14244 chr17 37778741 37778832 + 6.94060 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4391 NM_032192 84152 Hs.286192 NM_032192 HPRD:05097 PPP1R1B DARPP-32|DARPP32 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24145 chr3 176917084 176917327 + 6.93946 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2157 NM_024665 79718 Hs.715026 NM_024665 HPRD:15476 TBL1XR1 C21|DC42|IRA1|TBLR1 transducin (beta)-like 1 X-linked receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17194 chr19 59117108 59117300 + 6.93223 NA Intergenic LTR60|LTR|ERV1 30438 NR_026052 65996 Hs.541177 NM_023939 HPRD:14527 CENPBD1P1 - CENPBD1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32310 chr7 92262845 92262911 + 6.92288 NA intron (NM_001259, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_001259, intron 5 of 7) -43170 NR_109929 257415 Hs.18564 NM_152789 HPRD:17557 FAM133B - family with sequence similarity 133, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24087 chr3 169477123 169477349 + 6.90626 NA Intergenic Intergenic 5612 NR_001566 7012 Hs.436182 NR_001566 ENSG00000270141 TERC DKCA1|PFBMFT2|SCARNA19|TR|TRC3|hTR telomerase RNA component ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28902 chr6 446942 447037 + 6.90438 NA Intergenic Intergenic 55250 NM_002460 3662 Hs.401013 NM_002460 HPRD:03543 IRF4 LSIRF|MUM1|NF-EM5 interferon regulatory factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6138 chr11 51270596 51270679 + 6.88657 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 141811 NM_001005272 81318 Hs.554531 NM_001005272 HPRD:17719 OR4A5 OR11-111 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21549 chr22 16212831 16212935 + 6.88444 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -19874 NR_122113 503637 Hs.744284 NR_122113 DUXAP8 - double homeobox A pseudogene 8 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11134 chr15 20041454 20041612 + 6.87664 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -446464 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10575 chr14 63850597 63850706 + 6.87375 NA intron (NR_104104, intron 11 of 12) intron (NR_104104, intron 11 of 12) -65058 NM_145171 122876 Hs.375028 NM_145171 GPHB5 B5|GPB5|ZLUT1 glycoprotein hormone beta 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31905 chr7 61772243 61772469 + 6.87005 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 992078 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6489 chr11 67213916 67213982 + 6.86743 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -2657 NM_001018070 57175 Hs.6191 NM_020441 HPRD:16743 CORO1B CORONIN-2 coronin, actin binding protein, 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37367 chrX 20281543 20281619 + 6.83840 NA intron (NM_004586, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_004586, intron 1 of 21) 3169 NM_004586 6197 Hs.445387 NM_004586 HPRD:02092 RPS6KA3 CLS|HU-3|ISPK-1|MAPKAPK1B|MRX19|RSK|RSK2|S6K-alpha3|p90-RSK2|pp90RSK2 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kDa, polypeptide 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13205 chr16 67596620 67596766 + 6.83439 NA intron (NM_006565, intron 1 of 11) CpG 383 NM_001191022 10664 Hs.368367 NM_006565 HPRD:05005 CTCF MRD21 CCCTC-binding factor (zinc finger protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38074 chrX 71398840 71399245 + 6.83154 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -2484 NM_001170747 5303 Hs.655623 NM_006223 HPRD:02219 PIN4 EPVH|PAR14|PAR17 protein (peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting, 4 (parvulin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23908 chr3 152027868 152027960 + 6.82956 NA intron (NM_207292, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_207292, intron 2 of 8) 10720 NM_207295 4154 Hs.201858 NM_021038 HPRD:07355 MBNL1 EXP|EXP35|EXP40|EXP42|MBNL muscleblind-like splicing regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21527 chr21 47554348 47554550 + 6.82642 NA Intergenic (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 21032 NM_006657 10841 Hs.415846 NM_006657 HPRD:08430 FTCD LCHC1 formimidoyltransferase cyclodeaminase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14531 chr17 55677585 55677729 + 6.82171 NA TTS (NR_110807) TTS (NR_110807) 8116 NR_110807 101927539 Hs.680439 NR_110807 ENSG00000263499 LOC101927539 - uncharacterized LOC101927539 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5649 chr11 12257798 12258024 + 6.81230 NA intron (NM_001282665, intron 15 of 21) intron (NM_001282665, intron 15 of 21) -50536 NM_032867 84953 Hs.128196 NM_032867 HPRD:08610 MICALCL Ebitein1 MICAL C-terminal like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6459 chr11 66085397 66085567 + 6.81230 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020404) promoter-TSS (NM_020404) -967 NM_020404 57124 Hs.195727 NM_020404 HPRD:06933 CD248 CD164L1|TEM1 CD248 molecule, endosialin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26327 chr4 161495845 161495925 + 6.81230 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 1306887 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19234 chr2 161570119 161570274 + 6.80733 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -219878 NM_002897 5937 Hs.470412 NM_002897 HPRD:03814 RBMS1 C2orf12|HCC-4|MSSP|MSSP-1|MSSP-2|MSSP-3|SCR2|YC1 RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37650 chrX 51838696 51838782 + 6.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -26371 NM_001242362 81557 Hs.522650 NM_030801 HPRD:06631 MAGED4B - melanoma antigen family D, 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38679 chrX 130379927 130380023 + 6.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 43060 NM_001170963 3547 Hs.22111 NM_001555 HPRD:02138 IGSF1 CHTE|IGCD1|IGDC1|INHBP|PGSF2|p120 immunoglobulin superfamily, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13942 chr17 19016165 19016238 + 6.77167 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14581 NM_001129778 400581 Hs.661470 NM_001129778 GRAPL - GRB2-related adaptor protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17578 chr2 28633172 28633398 + 6.77054 NA intron (NM_005253, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_005253, intron 3 of 3) -15746 NR_103831 403150 Hs.562970 NR_103831 ENSG00000229951 FLJ31356 - uncharacterized protein FLJ31356 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21751 chr22 21868533 21868664 + 6.76887 NA intron (NR_003700, intron 1 of 16) intron (NR_003700, intron 1 of 16) 3182 NR_003700 375133 Hs.448225 NR_003700 HPRD:14194 PI4KAP2 - phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, catalytic, alpha pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34758 chr8 142211788 142211859 + 6.76652 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 26850 NM_001080431 57210 Hs.372492 NM_001080431 ENSG00000022567 SLC45A4 - solute carrier family 45, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39076 chrY 10075647 10075733 + 6.76652 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 327283 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14428 chr17 45737503 45737600 + 6.76652 NA intron (NM_001276453, intron 4 of 20) L1MB2|LINE|L1 8989 NM_001276453 3837 Hs.532793 NM_002265 KPNB1 IMB1|IPO1|IPOB|Impnb|NTF97 karyopherin (importin) beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10652 chr14 68750229 68750422 + 6.76351 NA intron (NM_133510, intron 7 of 10) intron (NM_133510, intron 7 of 10) 463829 NM_133510 5890 Hs.172587 NM_002877 HPRD:04255 RAD51B R51H2|RAD51L1|REC2 RAD51 paralog B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28965 chr6 4942528 4942655 + 6.74665 NA intron (NR_026590, intron 6 of 8) intron (NR_026590, intron 6 of 8) 52365 NM_001143971 9425 Hs.269092 NM_004824 HPRD:04803 CDYL CDYL1 chromodomain protein, Y-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37348 chrX 18128757 18128825 + 6.74665 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 110233 NM_153346 139105 Hs.403802 NM_153346 HPRD:06646 BEND2 CXorf20 BEN domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19310 chr2 169031353 169031553 + 6.74665 NA intron (NM_013233, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_013233, intron 2 of 17) 72652 NM_013233 27347 Hs.276271 NM_013233 HPRD:09627 STK39 DCHT|PASK|SPAK serine threonine kinase 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28833 chr5 178531516 178531582 + 6.74144 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 43942 NM_014594 30832 Hs.272328 NM_014594 HPRD:15785 ZNF354C KID3 zinc finger protein 354C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18358 chr2 90485043 90485224 + 6.73684 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1362842 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_265 chr1 16405612 16405842 + 6.72679 NA Intergenic MER91A|DNA|hAT-Tip100 -5600 NM_182623 348487 Hs.126825 NM_182623 HPRD:08779 FAM131C C1orf117 family with sequence similarity 131, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20410 chr20 12565489 12565702 + 6.72150 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 352016 NR_109872 102606466 Hs.602196 NR_109872 LOC102606466 - uncharacterized LOC102606466 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28167 chr5 128273779 128273931 + 6.72005 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -27355 NM_014031 28965 Hs.49765 NM_014031 HPRD:09173 SLC27A6 ACSVL2|FACVL2|FATP6|VLCS-H1 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26437 chr4 175905145 175905368 + 6.70714 NA Intergenic SVA_A|Other|Other 65747 NM_001278126 11086 Hs.126838 NM_014269 HPRD:05306 ADAM29 CT73|svph1 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1626 chr1 119374589 119374664 + 6.70714 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 157553 NM_152380 6913 Hs.146196 NM_152380 HPRD:16035 TBX15 TBX14 T-box 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3791 chr10 21822653 21822740 + 6.70714 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195628) promoter-TSS (NM_001195628) -405 NM_001195627 8028 Hs.30385 NM_004641 HPRD:03874 MLLT10 AF10 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20343 chr20 3801124 3801483 + 6.70487 NA 5' UTR (NM_018347, exon 1 of 3) 5' UTR (NM_018347, exon 1 of 3) 132 NM_018347 55317 Hs.104806 NM_018347 HPRD:16649 AP5S1 C20orf29 adaptor-related protein complex 5, sigma 1 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27284 chr5 52083672 52083738 + 6.68607 NA promoter-TSS (NM_181501) promoter-TSS (NM_181501) -69 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9025 chr12 123932876 123932954 + 6.67660 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -9736 NR_104103 11066 Hs.632738 NM_007020 SNRNP35 HM-1|U1SNRNPBP small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 35kDa (U11/U12) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3906 chr10 30818790 30818987 + 6.66943 NA Intergenic Intergenic 95938 NM_005204 1326 Hs.432453 NM_005204 HPRD:01863 MAP3K8 COT|EST|ESTF|MEKK8|TPL2|Tpl-2|c-COT mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20827 chr20 45029753 45030003 + 6.66815 NA intron (NM_133171, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_133171, intron 1 of 21) 5393 NM_182764 63916 Hs.210469 NM_022086 HPRD:12103 ELMO2 CED-12|CED12|ELMO-2 engulfment and cell motility 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4640 chr10 79637577 79637807 + 6.66815 NA intron (NM_004747, intron 1 of 31) intron (NM_004747, intron 1 of 31) 48656 NM_004747 9231 Hs.652690 NM_004747 HPRD:04972 DLG5 LP-DLG|P-DLG5|PDLG discs, large homolog 5 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5554 chr11 6633896 6633992 + 6.66695 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006284) promoter-TSS (NM_006284) -469 NM_006284 6881 Hs.5158 NM_006284 TAF10 TAF2A|TAF2H|TAFII30 TAF10 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 30kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11248 chr15 29324056 29324148 + 6.65505 NA intron (NM_001130414, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_001130414, intron 2 of 12) 110262 NM_001130414 321 Hs.618112 NM_005503 HPRD:04090 APBA2 D15S1518E|HsT16821|LIN-10|MGC:14091|MINT2|X11-BETA|X11L amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10080 chr14 19945208 19945313 + 6.64757 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -19926 NR_110526 503639 Hs.659013 NM_001013701 DUXAP10 - double homeobox A pseudogene 10 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32360 chr7 97544821 97544928 + 6.63835 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -43020 NM_001673 440 Hs.489207 NM_001673 HPRD:00153 ASNS ASNSD|TS11 asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12789 chr16 33067612 33067751 + 6.63243 NA Intergenic L2|LINE|L2 -137902 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4855 chr10 98431162 98431370 + 6.63125 NA intron (NM_152309, intron 2 of 16) intron (NM_152309, intron 2 of 16) 49013 NM_152309 118788 Hs.310456 NM_152309 HPRD:06401 PIK3AP1 BCAP phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23907 chr3 152016869 152016975 + 6.63125 NA promoter-TSS (NM_207297) promoter-TSS (NM_207297) -272 NM_207294 4154 Hs.201858 NM_021038 HPRD:07355 MBNL1 EXP|EXP35|EXP40|EXP42|MBNL muscleblind-like splicing regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38896 chrX 153251254 153251344 + 6.62953 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR -4672 NR_036175 100422877 NR_036175 MIR3202-2 - microRNA 3202-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38628 chrX 125808595 125808849 + 6.61232 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -121880 NM_178470 139170 Hs.120403 NM_178470 HPRD:06604 DCAF12L1 KIAA1892L|WDR40B DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 12-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37306 chrX 14127531 14127603 + 6.61232 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -79532 NM_001042480 54960 Hs.592237 NM_017856 HPRD:06533 GEMIN8 FAM51A1 gem (nuclear organelle) associated protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34706 chr8 138048630 138048696 + 6.61022 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 377168 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1840 chr1 145350590 145350687 + 6.61022 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 57 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 57 of 85) 57267 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29303 chr6 28863573 28863701 + 6.60673 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104117) promoter-TSS (NR_104117) -670 NR_104117 414760 Hs.211005 NR_104117 HCG14 dJ111M5.4 HLA complex group 14 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16552 chr19 37769623 37769694 + 6.60346 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -9746 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12877 chr16 33995494 33995853 + 6.60234 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -33170 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30041 chr6 88424344 88424429 + 6.59094 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -12401 NM_018064 55122 Hs.485915 NM_018064 HPRD:12864 AKIRIN2 C6orf166|FBI1|dJ486L4.2 akirin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36879 chrUn_gl000224 5968 6079 + 6.58762 NA NA ACRO1|Satellite|acro NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34330 chr8 101506833 101506909 + 6.58620 NA Intergenic Intergenic 65068 NM_001270378 157567 Hs.530199 NM_198401 HPRD:14103 ANKRD46 ANK-S|GENX-115279 ankyrin repeat domain 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16551 chr19 37767094 37767171 + 6.57976 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -7220 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8190 chr12 55958879 55958950 + 6.57158 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -9285 NM_001258285 121129 Hs.742584 NM_001258285 ENSG00000179615 OR2AP1 OR2AP1P olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily AP, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16166 chr19 17958759 17958904 + 6.57158 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000215) promoter-TSS (NM_000215) 10 NM_000215 3718 Hs.515247 NM_000215 HPRD:02547 JAK3 JAK-3|JAK3_HUMAN|JAKL|L-JAK|LJAK Janus kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21037 chr20 62534318 62534394 + 6.57019 NA intron (NM_025219, intron 1 of 4) AluJo|SINE|Alu 7901 NM_025219 80331 Hs.164419 NM_025219 HPRD:08539 DNAJC5 CLN4|CLN4B|CSP|DNAJC5A|NCL DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18323 chr2 89877790 89878061 + 6.56971 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 766041 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2868 chr1 204463788 204463859 + 6.55271 NA Intergenic CpG -4349 NM_002646 5287 Hs.497487 NM_002646 HPRD:04160 PIK3C2B C2-PI3K phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit type 2 beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31124 chr6 171054739 171054964 + 6.54067 NA Intergenic Intergenic -161071 NM_001199461 5134 Hs.367900 NM_002598 HPRD:02922 PDCD2 RP8|ZMYND7 programmed cell death 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6536 chr11 70878111 70878177 + 6.52795 NA intron (NM_012309, intron 1 of 22) SVA_D|Other|Other 57698 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26451 chr4 177824354 177824483 + 6.52795 NA Intergenic Intergenic -110519 NM_005429 7424 Hs.435215 NM_005429 HPRD:03317 VEGFC Flt4-L|LMPH1D|VRP vascular endothelial growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29250 chr6 26870934 26871032 + 6.52118 NA intron (NR_003504, intron 3 of 8) MLT1A|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 53350 NR_003504 387036 Hs.675815 NM_001033523 ENSG00000241549 GUSBP2 GUSBL1|GUSBP4|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|SMAC3L2|b55C20.1|bA239L20.1|bA239L20.5|bGLU-Lp glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27716 chr5 83089621 83089790 + 6.51456 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -72809 NM_001884 1404 Hs.2799 NM_001884 HPRD:00275 HAPLN1 CRTL1 hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26938 chr5 32585665 32585845 + 6.51262 NA intron (NM_006713, intron 1 of 4) CpG 150 NM_006713 10923 Hs.229641 NM_006713 HPRD:02737 SUB1 P15|PC4|p14 SUB1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11899 chr15 79053938 79054074 + 6.51020 NA intron (NM_014272, intron 23 of 23) MIR3|SINE|MIR 9627 NR_036495 646938 Hs.449783 NR_036495 ENSG00000238166 LOC646938 - TBC1 domain family, member 2B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37641 chrX 50991524 50991747 + 6.50750 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -77403 NR_110382 101926971 Hs.657995 NR_110382 LINC01284 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1284 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5137 chr10 120938285 120938402 + 6.49677 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014098) promoter-TSS (NM_014098) 34 NM_014098 10935 Hs.523302 NM_006793 HPRD:05305 PRDX3 AOP-1|AOP1|HBC189|MER5|PRO1748|SP-22|prx-III peroxiredoxin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3813 chr10 22905201 22905284 + 6.49438 NA intron (NM_005028, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_005028, intron 1 of 9) 98261 NM_005028 5305 Hs.57079 NM_005028 HPRD:11931 PIP4K2A PI5P4KA|PIP5K2A|PIP5KII-alpha|PIP5KIIA|PIPK phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31248 chr7 6120803 6120928 + 6.49438 NA Intergenic CpG -22005 NM_014413 27102 Hs.520205 NM_014413 HPRD:10684 EIF2AK1 HCR|HRI eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21437 chr21 41720089 41720263 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_073202, intron 5 of 32) intron (NR_073202, intron 5 of 32) -34834 NR_038898 100506492 Hs.667053 NR_038896 ENSG00000235123 DSCAM-AS1 M41 DSCAM antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22912 chr3 56950035 56950143 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001128615, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001128615, intron 3 of 12) 410 NM_001289698 50650 Hs.476402 NM_019555 HPRD:12480 ARHGEF3 GEF3|STA3|XPLN Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_970 chr1 55606352 55606490 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_015306, intron 24 of 67) intron (NM_015306, intron 24 of 67) 74618 NM_015306 23358 Hs.477009 NM_015306 ENSG00000162402 USP24 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39333 chrY 23076538 23076675 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 158652 NM_001039567 140032 Hs.367761 NM_001039567 HPRD:15960 RPS4Y2 RPS4Y2P ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17612 chr2 31456872 31456944 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014600) promoter-TSS (NM_014600) 28 NM_014600 30845 Hs.368808 NM_014600 EHD3 PAST3 EH-domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10465 chr14 54902450 54902516 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_005776, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_005776, intron 2 of 4) 5665 NM_005776 10175 Hs.294603 NM_005776 HPRD:16730 CNIH1 CNIH|CNIH-1|CNIL|TGAM77 cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29922 chr6 78584255 78584440 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001282136, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 183974 NM_001282136 101928601 NM_001282136 MEI4 - meiosis-specific 4 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18173 chr2 84686608 84686713 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003849) promoter-TSS (NM_003849) -74 NM_003849 8802 Hs.270428 NM_003849 HPRD:18128 SUCLG1 GALPHA|MTDPS9|SUCLA1 succinate-CoA ligase, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26894 chr5 24372835 24372901 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 272217 NM_006727 1008 Hs.92489 NM_006727 HPRD:05187 CDH10 - cadherin 10, type 2 (T2-cadherin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29256 chr6 26978587 26978676 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_026775, intron 2 of 2) L1PA6|LINE|L1 9454 NR_026776 100270746 Hs.590428 NR_026776 LOC100270746 - uncharacterized LOC100270746 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11687 chr15 63524776 63524845 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_016530, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_016530, intron 1 of 7) 43082 NM_016530 51762 Hs.389733 NM_016530 HPRD:11476 RAB8B - RAB8B, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3376 chr1 241150004 241150077 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_002924, intron 3 of 17) AluYf4|SINE|Alu -145532 NR_036069 100422856 NR_036069 miRBase:MI0014139 MIR3123 - microRNA 3123 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18098 chr2 74288507 74288698 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001287491, intron 3 of 10) SVA_D|Other|Other 75071 NM_001287491 200424 Hs.516107 NM_144993 ENSG00000187605 TET3 - tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11539 chr15 50295993 50296100 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_073596, intron 8 of 27) intron (NR_073596, intron 8 of 27) 109467 NR_073598 79895 Hs.511311 NM_024837 HPRD:10681 ATP8B4 ATPIM ATPase, class I, type 8B, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6938 chr11 105995006 105995087 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -46581 NM_198439 143879 Hs.101949 NM_152433 HPRD:10005 KBTBD3 BKLHD3 kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21493 chr21 46221720 46221825 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001202489) promoter-TSS (NM_001202489) -21 NM_001202489 7327 Hs.529420 NM_003343 HPRD:04387 UBE2G2 UBC7 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6962 chr11 108464469 108464557 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015065) promoter-TSS (NM_015065) -139 NM_015065 23086 Hs.28540 NM_015065 HPRD:08341 EXPH5 SLAC2-B|SLAC2B exophilin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37895 chrX 63363063 63363137 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 62524 NM_152424 139285 Hs.314225 NM_152424 HPRD:06565 AMER1 FAM123B|OSCS|WTX APC membrane recruitment protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29832 chr6 70724863 70724929 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001858, intron 11 of 50) L1HS|LINE|L1 148448 NM_001858 1310 Hs.444842 NM_001858 COL19A1 COL9A1L|D6S228E collagen, type XIX, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18944 chr2 132810385 132810569 + 6.49133 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 109048 NR_027019 554226 Hs.380689 NR_027019 ENSG00000163046 ANKRD30BL ANKRD30BP3|NCRNA00164 ankyrin repeat domain 30B-like pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30893 chr6 159125892 159126108 + 6.48862 NA intron (NM_001242395, intron 6 of 15) intron (NM_001242395, intron 6 of 15) 54954 NM_001242394 94120 Hs.436977 NM_001009991 HPRD:15462 SYTL3 SLP3 synaptotagmin-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23951 chr3 155997050 155997214 + 6.48270 NA intron (NM_003471, intron 1 of 13) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -11644 NM_172159 7881 Hs.654519 NM_003471 HPRD:03089 KCNAB1 AKR6A3|KCNA1B|KV-BETA-1|Kvb1.3|hKvBeta3|hKvb3 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33903 chr8 59832922 59833005 + 6.47474 NA intron (NM_014729, intron 3 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 198804 NM_014729 9760 Hs.491805 NM_014729 HPRD:12113 TOX TOX1 thymocyte selection-associated high mobility group box protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19523 chr2 186450892 186450958 + 6.46905 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -152430 NM_173651 401024 Hs.98025 NM_173651 HPRD:13483 FSIP2 - fibrous sheath interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39232 chrY 13802866 13802936 + 6.46501 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 730488 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5192 chr10 126195892 126196388 + 6.45574 NA intron (NM_001167880, intron 5 of 5) intron (NM_001167880, intron 5 of 5) 45799 NM_001167880 64077 Hs.527748 NM_022126 HPRD:17274 LHPP HDHD2B phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5192-2 chr10 126195892 126196388 + 6.45574 NA intron (NM_001167880, intron 5 of 5) intron (NM_001167880, intron 5 of 5) 45799 NM_001167880 64077 Hs.527748 NM_022126 HPRD:17274 LHPP HDHD2B phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38283 chrX 88462314 88462454 + 6.45467 NA Intergenic Intergenic 460158 NM_001184771 53336 Hs.458292 NM_033048 HPRD:06474 CPXCR1 CT77 CPX chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35077 chr9 20623613 20623687 + 6.44571 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1108 NM_004529 4300 Hs.317248 NM_004529 HPRD:01163 MLLT3 AF9|YEATS3 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11522 chr15 49102698 49102967 + 6.41432 NA intron (NM_001194998, intron 1 of 26) CpG 511 NM_001194998 22995 Hs.443005 NM_014985 HPRD:16778 CEP152 MCPH4|MCPH9|SCKL5 centrosomal protein 152kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2149 chr1 154301121 154301229 + 6.41085 NA intron (NM_001005855, intron 2 of 11) CpG 899 NM_020452 57198 Hs.435700 NM_020452 HPRD:05794 ATP8B2 ATPID ATPase, aminophospholipid transporter, class I, type 8B, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7249 chr11 133516076 133516224 + 6.40768 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -113747 NM_001012393 4978 Hs.4817 NM_002545 HPRD:07198 OPCML IGLON1|OBCAM|OPCM opioid binding protein/cell adhesion molecule-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8501 chr12 78464389 78464455 + 6.40706 NA intron (NM_001024383, intron 12 of 39) L1PA2|LINE|L1 239353 NM_014903 89795 Hs.655301 NM_014903 HPRD:10114 NAV3 POMFIL1|STEERIN3|unc53H3 neuron navigator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12110 chr15 94772898 94772992 + 6.40171 NA Intergenic Intergenic -68485 NM_001159643 55784 Hs.33368 NM_018349 HPRD:07738 MCTP2 - multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15168 chr18 19925001 19925069 + 6.39511 NA Intergenic Intergenic 72843 NM_172241 64693 Hs.406709 NM_022663 HPRD:16395 CTAGE1 CT21.1|CT21.2|CTAGE|CTAGE-1|CTAGE-2 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27939 chr5 104520547 104520616 + 6.39511 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 85406 NR_000039 9366 Hs.158296 NR_000039 ENSG00000232159 RAB9BP1 RAB9P1 RAB9B, member RAS oncogene family pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2769 chr1 198608131 198608249 + 6.37983 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002838) promoter-TSS (NM_002838) 92 NM_002838 5788 Hs.654514 NM_002838 HPRD:01050 PTPRC B220|CD45|CD45R|GP180|L-CA|LCA|LY5|T200 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8356 chr12 68513540 68513688 + 6.37697 NA Intergenic Intergenic 39907 NM_000619 3458 Hs.856 NM_000619 HPRD:00957 IFNG IFG|IFI interferon, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8982 chr12 122028669 122028877 + 6.37697 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9853 NM_032590 84678 Hs.524800 NM_032590 HPRD:12362 KDM2B CXXC2|FBXL10|Fbl10|JHDM1B|PCCX2 lysine (K)-specific demethylase 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21288 chr21 26946223 26946289 + 6.36427 NA promoter-TSS (NR_030784) promoter-TSS (NR_030784) -36 NR_030784 406947 NR_030784 miRBase:MI0000681 MIR155 MIRN155|miRNA155 microRNA 155 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31252 chr7 6413882 6414055 + 6.36427 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018890) promoter-TSS (NM_018890) -158 NM_006908 5879 Hs.413812 NM_006908 HPRD:03627 RAC1 Rac-1|TC-25|p21-Rac1 ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (rho family, small GTP binding protein Rac1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11556 chr15 52070322 52070388 + 6.36231 NA intron (NM_014548, intron 5 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 26597 NM_001142885 29767 Hs.513734 NM_014548 HPRD:04237 TMOD2 N-TMOD|NTMOD tropomodulin 2 (neuronal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5986 chr11 44590835 44590974 + 6.36081 NA intron (NM_001024844, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001024844, intron 1 of 8) 3763 NM_001024844 3732 Hs.527778 NM_002231 CD82 4F9|C33|GR15|IA4|KAI1|R2|SAR2|ST6|TSPAN27 CD82 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9566 chr13 50811213 50811281 + 6.35891 NA intron (NR_109974, intron 2 of 6) intron (NR_109974, intron 2 of 6) 65093 NR_002183 145165 Hs.511834 NM_153290 ST13P4 FAM10A4|FAM10A4P suppression of tumorigenicity 13 (colon carcinoma) (Hsp70 interacting protein) pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4472 chr10 64996284 64996390 + 6.35511 NA intron (NM_001282948, intron 2 of 24) intron (NM_001282948, intron 2 of 24) 32646 NM_001282948 221037 Hs.413416 NM_004241 HPRD:05141 JMJD1C TRIP8 jumonji domain containing 1C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3187 chr1 228122625 228122835 + 6.35511 NA intron (NM_003395, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_003395, intron 1 of 3) 6654 NR_049806 100847072 NR_049806 MIR5008 - microRNA 5008 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5912 chr11 35269561 35269638 + 6.34908 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 109182 NM_001202556 960 Hs.502328 NM_000610 HPRD:00115 CD44 CDW44|CSPG8|ECMR-III|HCELL|HUTCH-I|IN|LHR|MC56|MDU2|MDU3|MIC4|Pgp1 CD44 molecule (Indian blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20605 chr20 30190794 30190952 + 6.34046 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2213 NM_181353 3397 Hs.504609 NM_002165 HPRD:08980 ID1 ID|bHLHb24 inhibitor of DNA binding 1, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7841 chr12 34835448 34835603 + 6.33476 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 660309 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39071 chrY 10043693 10043784 + 6.33409 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 295331 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21328 chr21 32727263 32727334 + 6.31540 NA intron (NM_003253, intron 2 of 28) intron (NM_003253, intron 2 of 28) 203992 NM_003253 7074 Hs.517228 NM_003253 HPRD:02820 TIAM1 - T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2645 chr1 185238072 185238168 + 6.31540 NA intron (NM_017673, intron 16 of 18) AluY|SINE|Alu 48341 NM_006469 10625 Hs.497183 NM_006469 HPRD:10004 IVNS1ABP FLARA3|HSPC068|KLHL39|ND1|NS-1|NS1-BP|NS1BP influenza virus NS1A binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19128 chr2 152144782 152144862 + 6.30544 NA intron (NM_004688, intron 1 of 7) MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 1608 NM_004688 9111 Hs.54483 NM_004688 HPRD:04632 NMI - N-myc (and STAT) interactor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34912 chr9 2026666 2026773 + 6.30446 NA intron (NM_001289396, intron 1 of 33) intron (NM_001289396, intron 1 of 33) 4774 NM_001289396 6595 Hs.298990 NM_003070 HPRD:02483 SMARCA2 BAF190|BRM|NCBRS|SNF2|SNF2L2|SNF2LA|SWI2|Sth1p|hBRM|hSNF2a SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12987 chr16 48400512 48400619 + 6.30200 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001006610) promoter-TSS (NM_001006610) -781 NM_001006610 6477 Hs.706828 NM_003031 HPRD:03736 SIAH1 SIAH1A siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16553 chr19 37772155 37772221 + 6.30067 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -12276 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24010 chr3 159261407 159261593 + 6.29569 NA intron (NM_001197108, intron 1 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 224901 NR_121669 100874433 Hs.601476 NR_121669 IQCJ-SCHIP1-AS1 uaz98 IQCJ-SCHIP1 readthrough antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7353 chr12 5230946 5231053 + 6.27376 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 77914 NM_002234 3741 Hs.150208 NM_002234 HPRD:08888 KCNA5 ATFB7|HCK1|HK2|HPCN1|KV1.5|PCN1 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22365 chr3 15167032 15167181 + 6.27272 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -26451 NM_022340 64145 Hs.475565 NM_022340 HPRD:15732 ZFYVE20 Rabenosyn-5 zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38072 chrX 71398358 71398446 + 6.26107 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -3124 NM_001170747 5303 Hs.655623 NM_006223 HPRD:02219 PIN4 EPVH|PAR14|PAR17 protein (peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting, 4 (parvulin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1912 chr1 147454742 147454812 + 6.25571 NA intron (NM_016334, intron 10 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 32411 NR_111936 100034743 Hs.696575 NR_003377 ENSG00000215860 PDZK1P2 OTTHUMT00000038524|PDZK1P1 PDZ domain containing 1 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11108 chr14 106626972 106627080 + 6.25571 NA Intergenic Intergenic -117243 NR_033375 338004 Hs.569411 NR_033375 ENSG00000229084 LINC00226 C14orf97|NCRNA00226 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 226 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12745 chr16 32313097 32313372 + 6.25451 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -11932 NR_033866 390705 Hs.278513 NR_033866 LOC390705 - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33491 chr8 24697490 24697680 + 6.23601 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -73689 NM_005382 4741 Hs.458657 NM_005382 HPRD:01205 NEFM NEF3|NF-M|NFM neurofilament, medium polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10764 chr14 76009226 76009397 + 6.23601 NA intron (NM_006399, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_006399, intron 2 of 2) 20527 NM_006399 10538 Hs.509964 NM_006399 HPRD:09820 BATF B-ATF|BATF1|SFA-2|SFA2 basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6035 chr11 47972058 47972176 + 6.23601 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29993 NM_001098503 5795 Hs.318547 NM_002843 HPRD:02955 PTPRJ CD148|DEP1|HPTPeta|R-PTP-ETA|SCC1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35212 chr9 34664418 34664487 + 6.23522 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1763 NM_006664 10850 Hs.648124 NM_006664 HPRD:05321 CCL27 ALP|CTACK|CTAK|ESKINE|ILC|PESKY|SCYA27 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10371 chr14 47148332 47148415 + 6.23025 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -27345 NM_080746 140801 Hs.308332 NM_080746 HPRD:11753 RPL10L RPL10_5_1358 ribosomal protein L10-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12437 chr16 15455401 15455631 + 6.22885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16635 NM_001277325 100288332 Hs.676266 NM_001277325 ENSG00000183793 NPIPA5 NPIP nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12952 chr16 46458257 46458459 + 6.21924 NA Intergenic MER77|LTR|ERVL 144651 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22585 chr3 34454704 34454957 + 6.21657 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 614767 NM_001162429 10015 Hs.475896 NM_013374 HPRD:06425 PDCD6IP AIP1|ALIX|DRIP4|HP95 programmed cell death 6 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30520 chr6 132833875 132834069 + 6.21234 NA intron (NM_003569, intron 1 of 9) CpG 365 NM_003569 8417 Hs.593148 NM_003569 STX7 - syntaxin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36296 chr9 130478283 130478349 + 6.19720 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144965) promoter-TSS (NM_144965) -42 NM_144965 158248 Hs.642748 NM_144965 HPRD:15581 TTC16 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25902 chr4 120987540 120987716 + 6.17198 NA intron (NM_002358, intron 1 of 4) CpG 385 NM_002358 4085 Hs.591697 NM_002358 MAD2L1 HSMAD2|MAD2 MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15857 chr19 7701906 7702044 + 6.16215 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001127396) promoter-TSS (NM_001127396) -12 NR_073560 6813 Hs.515104 NM_006949 HPRD:03423 STXBP2 FHL5|Hunc18b|MUNC18-2|UNC18-2|UNC18B|pp10122 syntaxin binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20880 chr20 49407323 49407400 + 6.16215 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4070 NM_017843 55653 Hs.381178 NM_017843 HPRD:06314 BCAS4 CNOL breast carcinoma amplified sequence 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5725 chr11 17307421 17307491 + 6.15846 NA intron (NM_005013, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_005013, intron 2 of 13) 9170 NM_005013 4925 Hs.654599 NM_005013 HPRD:09726 NUCB2 HEL-S-109|NEFA nucleobindin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18072 chr2 73052941 73053009 + 6.15846 NA exon (NM_015189, exon 1 of 22) exon (NM_015189, exon 1 of 22) 202 NM_015189 23233 Hs.303454 NM_015189 ENSG00000144036 EXOC6B SEC15B|SEC15L2 exocyst complex component 6B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_94 chr1 2458026 2458097 + 6.15253 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018216) promoter-TSS (NM_018216) -26 NM_018216 55229 Hs.26156 NM_018216 HPRD:07313 PANK4 - pantothenate kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20805 chr20 43596203 43596300 + 6.12377 NA intron (NM_006282, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_006282, intron 1 of 10) 1131 NM_006282 6789 Hs.472838 NM_006282 HPRD:05395 STK4 KRS2|MST1|TIIAC|YSK3 serine/threonine kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22115 chr22 45637003 45637175 + 6.10961 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001009880) promoter-TSS (NM_001009880) -439 NM_001009880 23313 Hs.592207 NM_015264 HPRD:12802 KIAA0930 C22orf9|LSC3 KIAA0930 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2930 chr1 207907703 207907781 + 6.10961 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -17641 NM_002389 4179 Hs.510402 NM_002389 HPRD:00406 CD46 AHUS2|MCP|MIC10|TLX|TRA2.10 CD46 molecule, complement regulatory protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19126 chr2 152117875 152118010 + 6.10709 NA intron (NM_198557, intron 1 of 3) CpG 447 NM_198557 375287 Hs.302442 NM_198557 HPRD:10992 RBM43 C2orf38 RNA binding motif protein 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38508 chrX 114070631 114070839 + 6.10117 NA intron (NM_001256761, intron 4 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 12718 NR_029955 554212 NR_029955 MIR448 MIRN448|hsa-mir-448|miRNA448 microRNA 448 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16591 chr19 39157823 39157910 + 6.10117 NA intron (NM_004924, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_004924, intron 1 of 20) 19599 NM_004924 81 Hs.270291 NM_004924 ACTN4 ACTININ-4|FSGS|FSGS1 actinin, alpha 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30658 chr6 142553729 142553816 + 6.10117 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -69284 NM_001032394 57211 Hs.743302 NM_020455 HPRD:17059 GPR126 APG1|DREG|PS1TP2|VIGR G protein-coupled receptor 126 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34384 chr8 104418632 104418700 + 6.10087 NA intron (NM_030780, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_030780, intron 2 of 6) -8276 NM_015420 25879 Hs.532265 NM_015420 HPRD:08528 DCAF13 GM83|WDSOF1 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14787 chr17 75331721 75331903 + 6.09238 NA intron (NM_006640, intron 1 of 10) (TATATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 16215 NM_006640 10801 Hs.440932 NM_006640 HPRD:10360 SEPT9 AF17q25|MSF|MSF1|NAPB|PNUTL4|SINT1|SeptD1 septin 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12760 chr16 32805292 32805432 + 6.08784 NA Intergenic Intergenic 91101 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7467 chr12 9950760 9950826 + 6.08174 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29284 NM_001291823 51348 Hs.183125 NM_016523 HPRD:05432 KLRF1 CLEC5C|NKp80 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily F, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25708 chr4 103440097 103440317 + 6.08031 NA intron (NM_003998, intron 1 of 23) MLT1H|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 17721 NM_001165412 4790 Hs.618430 NM_003998 HPRD:01238 NFKB1 EBP-1|KBF1|NF-kB1|NF-kappa-B|NF-kappaB|NFKB-p105|NFKB-p50|NFkappaB|p105|p50 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25521 chr4 83826528 83826670 + 6.07544 NA intron (NM_024672, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_024672, intron 2 of 4) -4530 NR_034075 100499177 Hs.728916 NR_034075 ENSG00000251022 THAP9-AS1 - THAP9 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3397 chr1 243759260 243759398 + 6.06393 NA intron (NM_181690, intron 7 of 13) Tigger3b|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 247255 NM_181690 10000 Hs.498292 NM_005465 HPRD:06441 AKT3 MPPH|PKB-GAMMA|PKBG|PRKBG|RAC-PK-gamma|RAC-gamma|STK-2 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2948 chr1 210088230 210088296 + 6.05953 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -23256 NM_153262 255928 Hs.658866 NM_153262 HPRD:11617 SYT14 SCAR11|sytXIV synaptotagmin XIV protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10968 chr14 97923457 97923540 + 6.05830 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1655 NR_110165 101929241 Hs.650839 NR_110165 ENSG00000246084 LOC101929241 - uncharacterized LOC101929241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8748 chr12 104323218 104323308 + 6.05201 NA promoter-TSS (NR_037425) promoter-TSS (NR_037425) 726 NR_027249 253724 Hs.506549 NR_027249 ENSG00000214198 GNN - Grp94 neighboring nucleotidase pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27270 chr5 51541613 51541725 + 6.04401 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -542105 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9757 chr13 82685653 82685750 + 6.02542 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 1093175 NR_125770 103724386 Hs.539622 NR_125770 LINC00377 TCONS_00021861 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 377 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17696 chr2 38909410 38909564 + 6.02382 NA intron (NM_138801, intron 3 of 6) Plat_L3|LINE|CR1 16435 NM_138801 130589 Hs.435012 NM_138801 HPRD:13559 GALM GLAT|HEL-S-63p|IBD1 galactose mutarotase (aldose 1-epimerase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28467 chr5 145993011 145993079 + 6.01777 NA intron (NR_073526, intron 6 of 8) L1HS|LINE|L1 -97369 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20301 chr20 1231133 1231298 + 5.99695 NA intron (NM_001136566, intron 13 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -15745 NM_014723 9751 Hs.323833 NM_014723 HPRD:16081 SNPH bA314N13.5 syntaphilin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34080 chr8 78002175 78002247 + 5.98981 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -88931 NM_001172086 5828 Hs.437966 NM_000318 HPRD:01367 PEX2 PAF1|PBD5A|PBD5B|PMP3|PMP35|PXMP3|RNF72|ZWS3 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8833 chr12 110330745 110330839 + 5.98825 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR -7287 NM_001143852 84260 Hs.410924 NM_032300 HPRD:14403 TCHP TpMs trichoplein, keratin filament binding protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2217 chr1 156124234 156124304 + 5.98825 NA intron (NM_001193302, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001193302, intron 1 of 12) 900 NM_001193302 64218 Hs.408846 NM_022367 HPRD:09528 SEMA4A CORD10|RP35|SEMAB|SEMB sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12722 chr16 31963683 31963833 + 5.97633 NA Intergenic Intergenic 78679 NM_001265588 10308 Hs.460645 NM_003414 HPRD:06883 ZNF267 HZF2 zinc finger protein 267 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17346 chr2 8628515 8628590 + 5.97633 NA Intergenic Intergenic 95370 NR_110257 101929567 Hs.634706 NR_110257 ENSG00000236008 LOC101929567 - uncharacterized LOC101929567 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13833 chr17 8191899 8192014 + 5.96957 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001177801) promoter-TSS (NM_001177801) -13 NM_001177802 29098 Hs.408233 NM_016492 HPRD:06407 RANGRF HSPC236|MOG1|RANGNRF RAN guanine nucleotide release factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11420 chr15 41407829 41407932 + 5.96293 NA intron (NR_104038, intron 1 of 34) intron (NR_104038, intron 1 of 34) 564 NR_104038 54617 Hs.292949 NM_017553 HPRD:10024 INO80 INO80A|INOC1|hINO80 INO80 complex subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8 chr1 471148 471258 + 5.96016 NA Intergenic Intergenic 96590 NR_106781 102465432 NR_106781 MIR6723 hsa-mir-6723 microRNA 6723 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14649 chr17 63023601 63023709 + 5.95574 NA intron (NM_006572, intron 2 of 3) L2c|LINE|L2 28237 NM_001282425 10672 Hs.515018 NM_006572 HPRD:05100 GNA13 G13 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1874 chr1 146373770 146373975 + 5.95041 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278141) promoter-TSS (NM_001278141) 15 NM_001278141 149013 Hs.666981 NM_001278141 ENSG00000186275 NBPF12 COAS1|KIAA1245 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15830 chr19 6460554 6460668 + 5.95041 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024103) promoter-TSS (NM_024103) -830 NM_024103 79085 Hs.356231 NM_024103 HPRD:16381 SLC25A23 APC2|MCSC2|SCaMC-3 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20414 chr20 13340800 13340877 + 5.93268 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 -120504 NR_040043 100505536 Hs.665253 NR_040043 ISM1-AS1 - ISM1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1052 chr1 66740459 66740537 + 5.90555 NA intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) -57293 NM_001037339 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35663 chr9 73034609 73034723 + 5.89834 NA Intergenic CpG -5093 NM_001206 687 Hs.150557 NM_001206 HPRD:04211 KLF9 BTEB|BTEB1 Kruppel-like factor 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11473 chr15 44042049 44042156 + 5.89511 NA intron (NM_005313, intron 1 of 12) AluJb|SINE|Alu 3512 NM_005313 2923 Hs.591095 NM_005313 HPRD:03625 PDIA3 ER60|ERp57|ERp60|ERp61|GRP57|GRP58|HEL-S-269|HEL-S-93n|HsT17083|P58|PI-PLC protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1705 chr1 121483820 121483928 + 5.88757 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 222964 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31853 chr7 61237532 61237652 + 5.87705 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1526842 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10655 chr14 69201346 69201450 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic Intergenic 59233 NM_004926 677 Hs.85155 NM_004926 HPRD:03041 ZFP36L1 BRF1|Berg36|ERF-1|ERF1|RNF162B|TIS11B|cMG1 ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26289 chr4 157680488 157680698 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic Intergenic 211953 NM_016205 56034 Hs.570855 NM_016205 PDGFC FALLOTEIN|SCDGF platelet derived growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7752 chr12 27975098 27975298 + 5.87235 NA Intergenic Intergenic 42011 NM_020782 57542 Hs.505104 NM_020782 HPRD:17237 KLHL42 Ctb9|KLHDC5 kelch-like family member 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31903 chr7 61768688 61768763 + 5.86348 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 995709 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18042 chr2 70529056 70529311 + 5.85796 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032822) promoter-TSS (NM_032822) 37 NM_032822 84908 Hs.516077 NM_032822 HPRD:07866 FAM136A - family with sequence similarity 136, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37599 chrX 49022917 49022997 + 5.85796 NA 3' UTR (NM_024859, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_024859, exon 6 of 6) 3776 NM_001099681 79917 Hs.193170 NM_024859 MAGIX JM10|PDZX MAGI family member, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30689 chr6 144627159 144627277 + 5.84257 NA intron (NM_007124, intron 1 of 73) intron (NM_007124, intron 1 of 73) 14345 NM_007124 7402 Hs.133135 NM_007124 HPRD:00547 UTRN DMDL|DRP|DRP1 utrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38213 chrX 80214600 80214672 + 5.84090 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -149403 NM_153252 254065 Hs.147027 NM_153252 HPRD:06564 BRWD3 BRODL|MRX93 bromodomain and WD repeat domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15741 chr19 2281385 2281493 + 5.83905 NA intron (NM_198532, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_198532, intron 1 of 3) 742 NM_198532 374872 Hs.511803 NM_198532 HPRD:12707 C19orf35 - chromosome 19 open reading frame 35 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1306 chr1 93306256 93306414 + 5.83403 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002444) promoter-TSS (NR_002444) 59 NR_002444 26782 Hs.180946 NR_002444 SNORA66 RNU66|U66 small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 66 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6282 chr11 60746380 60746519 + 5.83403 NA intron (NM_001254750, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_001254750, intron 1 of 10) 7336 NM_001254750 923 Hs.744366 NM_006725 HPRD:01724 CD6 TP120 CD6 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23147 chr3 82157361 82157542 + 5.82281 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -346501 NM_000158 2632 Hs.436062 NM_000158 HPRD:01985 GBE1 APBD|GBE|GSD4 glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15695 chr19 1266627 1266697 + 5.82000 NA TTS (NR_027271) TTS (NR_027271) -2603 NM_001300829 1153 Hs.618145 NM_001280 HPRD:08375 CIRBP CIRP cold inducible RNA binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2879 chr1 205254105 205254176 + 5.80618 NA Intergenic Intergenic 28811 NM_001297613 9911 Hs.6360 NM_014858 HPRD:11040 TMCC2 HUCEP11 transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20883 chr20 49461366 49461516 + 5.80514 NA intron (NM_198799, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_198799, intron 4 of 4) 50010 NM_001010974 55653 Hs.381178 NM_017843 HPRD:06314 BCAS4 CNOL breast carcinoma amplified sequence 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3924 chr10 31696333 31696546 + 5.79410 NA intron (NM_001128128, intron 1 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 86375 NM_001174094 6935 Hs.124503 NM_030751 HPRD:01798 ZEB1 AREB6|BZP|DELTAEF1|FECD6|NIL2A|PPCD3|TCF8|ZFHEP|ZFHX1A zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10475 chr14 55375122 55375205 + 5.79410 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -5621 NM_001024071 2643 Hs.86724 NM_000161 HPRD:02573 GCH1 DYT14|DYT5|DYT5a|GCH|GTP-CH-1|GTPCH1|HPABH4B GTP cyclohydrolase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27863 chr5 98263041 98263124 + 5.78354 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001270) promoter-TSS (NM_001270) -844 NM_001270 1105 Hs.643465 NM_001270 HPRD:03668 CHD1 - chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34610 chr8 128862087 128862243 + 5.77438 NA Intergenic (TG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -40709 NR_003367 5820 Hs.133107 NR_003367 ENSG00000249859 PVT1 LINC00079|NCRNA00079 Pvt1 oncogene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21492 chr21 46077914 46078028 + 5.76782 NA exon (NM_198697, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_198697, exon 1 of 1) 122 NM_198697 386683 Hs.528023 NM_198697 HPRD:11199 KRTAP12-3 KRTAP12.3 keratin associated protein 12-3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25681 chr4 101304289 101304355 + 5.75462 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 134928 NM_016242 51705 Hs.152913 NM_016242 HPRD:12220 EMCN EMCN2|MUC14 endomucin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2670 chr1 187792870 187793141 + 5.75462 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 994973 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6365 chr11 63975350 63975456 + 5.75277 NA intron (NM_178443, intron 2 of 14) intron (NM_178443, intron 2 of 14) 1251 NM_031471 83706 Hs.180535 NM_031471 HPRD:07440 FERMT3 KIND3|MIG-2|MIG2B|UNC112C|URP2|URP2SF fermitin family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31854 chr7 61240623 61240728 + 5.73791 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1523759 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10314 chr14 40760385 40760451 + 5.73518 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -663498 NR_109758 644919 Hs.434414 NR_109757 LOC644919 - uncharacterized LOC644919 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29964 chr6 81628703 81628769 + 5.73410 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 812392 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35072 chr9 20358292 20358520 + 5.73410 NA intron (NM_001286691, intron 8 of 10) intron (NM_001286691, intron 8 of 10) 52830 NR_039684 100616229 NR_039684 MIR4473 - microRNA 4473 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23911 chr3 152878321 152878402 + 5.72552 NA Intergenic CpG -1640 NM_002886 5912 Hs.98643 NM_002886 RAP2B - RAP2B, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9054 chr12 125425280 125425366 + 5.71069 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 25230 NR_049820 100847004 NR_049820 miRBase:MI0018167 MIR5188 - microRNA 5188 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21247 chr21 19147807 19147914 + 5.70854 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 16966 NR_038870 246312 Hs.473425 NR_038870 ENSG00000240770 C21orf91-OT1 D21S2089E|NCRNA00285 C21orf91 overlapping transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16016 chr19 13901168 13901337 + 5.69687 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -5022 NM_023072 65249 Hs.466015 NM_023072 HPRD:15904 ZSWIM4 - zinc finger, SWIM-type containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33322 chr8 7656924 7657021 + 5.69367 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16266 NM_001040705 503614 Hs.520874 NM_001040705 ENSG00000198129 DEFB107B HsT21816 defensin, beta 107B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38259 chrX 84249812 84249917 + 5.67703 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -9034 NM_198450 139322 Hs.512181 NM_198450 APOOL CXorf33|FAM121A|UNQ8193 apolipoprotein O-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37817 chrX 61718701 61718824 + 5.66210 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 852456 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26965 chr5 35445978 35446046 + 5.65753 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -171977 NM_144722 79925 Hs.298863 NM_024867 HPRD:11181 SPEF2 CT122|KPL2 sperm flagellar 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9869 chr13 99967204 99967362 + 5.65753 NA intron (NR_026644, intron 5 of 8) intron (NR_026644, intron 5 of 8) -7534 NM_004951 1880 Hs.784 NM_004951 HPRD:12040 GPR183 EBI2 G protein-coupled receptor 183 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2739 chr1 195583799 195583866 + 5.65753 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 967779 NR_039888 100616363 NR_039888 MIR4735 - microRNA 4735 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30663 chr6 143164008 143164090 + 5.64989 NA intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) 102289 NM_006734 3097 Hs.510172 NM_006734 HPRD:00881 HIVEP2 HIV-EP2|MBP-2|MIBP1|SHN2|ZAS2|ZNF40B human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23584 chr3 124774939 124775034 + 5.64946 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020733) promoter-TSS (NM_020733) -184 NM_020733 57493 Hs.477420 NM_020733 ENSG00000173706 HEG1 HEG|MST112|MSTP112 heart development protein with EGF-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19159 chr2 156326790 156326907 + 5.64946 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 771755 NM_001260509 3760 Hs.591606 NM_002239 HPRD:03323 KCNJ3 GIRK1|KGA|KIR3.1 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20954 chr20 56008049 56008208 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic Intergenic 41674 NM_001291780 55544 Hs.236361 NM_017495 HPRD:15268 RBM38 HSRNASEB|RNPC1|SEB4B|SEB4D|dJ800J21.2 RNA binding motif protein 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10590 chr14 64319611 64319737 + 5.62897 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015180) promoter-TSS (NM_015180) -9 NM_015180 23224 Hs.745014 NM_015180 HPRD:09763 SYNE2 EDMD5|NUA|NUANCE|Nesp2|Nesprin-2|SYNE-2|TROPH spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4311 chr10 50927036 50927103 + 5.62607 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 39385 NM_001042427 282966 Hs.131287 NM_182554 C10orf53 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5891 chr11 34075038 34075131 + 5.62481 NA intron (NM_005898, intron 2 of 18) intron (NM_005898, intron 2 of 18) 1854 NM_203364 4076 Hs.471818 NM_005898 HPRD:03108 CAPRIN1 GPIAP1|GPIP137|GRIP137|M11S1|RNG105|p137GPI cell cycle associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38361 chrX 100306620 100306691 + 5.61339 NA 5' UTR (NM_001167971, exon 2 of 14) 5' UTR (NM_001167971, exon 2 of 14) 450 NM_001167971 79979 Hs.496501 NM_024917 HPRD:06520 TRMT2B CXorf34|dJ341D10.3 tRNA methyltransferase 2 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35182 chr9 33159749 33159817 + 5.61339 NA intron (NM_001497, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001497, intron 1 of 5) -7163 NR_108110 101929639 Hs.545818 NR_108108 B4GALT1-AS1 - B4GALT1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38872 chrX 151179748 151179819 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1MA4A|LINE|L1 -36632 NM_004961 2564 Hs.22785 NM_004961 HPRD:02104 GABRE - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23977 chr3 156957043 156957116 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -78597 NM_020307 57018 Hs.4859 NM_020307 CCNL1 ANIA6A|PRO1073|ania-6a cyclin L1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1010 chr1 61918868 61919163 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001145511, intron 10 of 10) intron (NM_001145511, intron 10 of 10) -199825 NR_104180 645030 Hs.632410 NR_104180 NFIA-AS1 - NFIA antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10379 chr14 49043074 49043181 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -778910 NR_039996 100506433 Hs.547419 NR_039996 ENSG00000259129 LINC00648 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 648 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35712 chr9 77990867 77991034 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 287552 NM_012383 26578 Hs.494192 NM_012383 HPRD:17808 OSTF1 OSF|SH3P2|bA235O14.1 osteoclast stimulating factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1142 chr1 77326364 77326490 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -6759 NM_030965 81849 Hs.303609 NM_030965 ST6GALNAC5 SIAT7E|ST6GalNAcV ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38575 chrX 120434122 120434193 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 252695 NM_012084 2747 Hs.368538 NM_012084 HPRD:02143 GLUD2 GDH2|GLUDP1 glutamate dehydrogenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7566 chr12 16064205 16064351 + 5.60568 NA 5' UTR (NM_015954, exon 1 of 9) 5' UTR (NM_015954, exon 1 of 9) 172 NM_015954 51071 Hs.39429 NM_015954 HPRD:13138 DERA DEOC deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1374 chr1 99449006 99449199 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001010861, intron 1 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -20730 NR_033940 100129620 Hs.588631 NR_033940 ENSG00000232825 LOC100129620 - uncharacterized LOC100129620 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34214 chr8 90101465 90101552 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -668467 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28165 chr5 127824743 127824811 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001999, intron 5 of 64) L1PA3|LINE|L1 48958 NM_001999 2201 Hs.519294 NM_001999 HPRD:00416 FBN2 CCA|DA9 fibrillin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1353 chr1 97627769 97627835 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_000110, intron 20 of 22) L1PA3|LINE|L1 66323 NR_046590 100873932 Hs.682651 NR_046590 ENSG00000232878 DPYD-AS1 - DPYD antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28689 chr5 164509894 164509980 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 612652 NR_105065 102546299 Hs.437730 NR_105065 LOC102546299 - uncharacterized LOC102546299 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_422 chr1 25969281 25969458 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001289010, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001289010, intron 1 of 11) 25410 NM_020379 57134 Hs.197043 NM_020379 MAN1C1 HMIC|MAN1A3|MAN1C|pp6318 mannosidase, alpha, class 1C, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39330 chrY 22017009 22017075 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -110217 NM_001146705 8284 Hs.80358 NM_004653 HPRD:02464 KDM5D HY|HYA|JARID1D|SMCY lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13851 chr17 11381727 11381793 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001173462, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -119988 NM_001372 1770 Hs.567259 NM_001372 HPRD:04511 DNAH9 DNAH17L|DNEL1|DYH9|Dnahc9|HL-20|HL20 dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2660 chr1 186373802 186373868 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001164245, intron 10 of 12) intron (NM_001164245, intron 10 of 12) 4131 NM_022375 10896 Hs.679230 NM_022375 HPRD:16054 OCLM TISR oculomedin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27670 chr5 78908067 78908133 + 5.60154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001114394) promoter-TSS (NM_001114394) -143 NM_001114394 167153 Hs.418198 NM_173797 HPRD:15098 PAPD4 GLD2|TUT2 PAP associated domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16124 chr19 16560375 16560572 + 5.59379 NA intron (NM_001258374, intron 1 of 23) L1MD1|LINE|L1 22350 NM_001258374 58513 Hs.654639 NM_021235 HPRD:09445 EPS15L1 EPS15R epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12262 chr16 1649212 1649371 + 5.59238 NA intron (NM_014714, intron 4 of 30) SVA_F|Other|Other 12818 NM_014714 9742 Hs.389438 NM_014714 HPRD:11093 IFT140 MZSDS|SRTD9|WDTC2|c305C8.4|c380F5.1|gs114 intraflagellar transport 140 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17329 chr2 7591031 7591113 + 5.59013 NA TTS (NR_038432) TTS (NR_038432) 29680 NR_038432 100506274 Hs.177930 NR_038432 ENSG00000229727 LOC100506274 - uncharacterized LOC100506274 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11715 chr15 65175428 65175580 + 5.59013 NA Intergenic Intergenic -28597 NM_182703 348094 Hs.207157 NM_182703 HPRD:14178 ANKDD1A - ankyrin repeat and death domain containing 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19988 chr2 225792426 225792500 + 5.58851 NA intron (NM_001290263, intron 2 of 55) L2a|LINE|L2 19319 NM_001290263 55619 Hs.46578 NM_014689 HPRD:10919 DOCK10 DRIP2|Nbla10300|ZIZ3 dedicator of cytokinesis 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1546 chr1 113247859 113247971 + 5.57929 NA intron (NM_175744, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_175744, intron 1 of 5) 1763 NM_001042679 389 Hs.502659 NM_175744 HPRD:01322 RHOC ARH9|ARHC|H9|RHOH9 ras homolog family member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6942 chr11 107245936 107246002 + 5.57509 NA intron (NM_152434, intron 12 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 82603 NM_152434 143884 Hs.212140 NM_152434 HPRD:13102 CWF19L2 - CWF19-like 2, cell cycle control (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32710 chr7 128298426 128298542 + 5.57509 NA non-coding (NR_024368, exon 5 of 5) non-coding (NR_024368, exon 5 of 5) -13836 NM_001290255 346653 Hs.445236 NM_001012454 HPRD:17840 FAM71F2 FAM137B family with sequence similarity 71, member F2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5013 chr10 107983789 107984092 + 5.57331 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -403849 NR_120625 101927549 Hs.556885 NR_120625 ENSG00000229466 LOC101927549 - uncharacterized LOC101927549 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29820 chr6 69496999 69497088 + 5.57331 NA intron (NM_001704, intron 3 of 31) L1PA4|LINE|L1 151411 NM_001704 577 Hs.13261 NM_001704 HPRD:04064 BAI3 - brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36513 chr9 140039425 140039508 + 5.57173 NA intron (NM_007327, intron 2 of 19) intron (NM_007327, intron 2 of 19) 5857 NM_021569 2902 Hs.558334 NM_000832 HPRD:15926 GRIN1 GluN1|MRD8|NMDA1|NMDAR1|NR1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29814 chr6 68603381 68603462 + 5.57173 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -742211 NM_001704 577 Hs.13261 NM_001704 HPRD:04064 BAI3 - brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31365 chr7 17300912 17301107 + 5.57173 NA Intergenic Intergenic -37267 NM_001621 196 Hs.171189 NM_001621 HPRD:02596 AHR bHLHe76 aryl hydrocarbon receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19164 chr2 156734057 156734152 + 5.56398 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 377339 NR_110249 101929378 Hs.171192 NR_110249 LOC101929378 - uncharacterized LOC101929378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2485 chr1 173127163 173127230 + 5.55637 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 47501 NM_001297562 7292 Hs.181097 NM_003326 HPRD:04668 TNFSF4 CD134L|CD252|GP34|OX-40L|OX4OL|TXGP1 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9132 chr12 133022643 133022735 + 5.54883 NA Intergenic CpG -44468 NM_001142641 57666 Hs.411138 NM_001142641 ENSG00000112787 FBRSL1 - fibrosin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7451 chr12 9588373 9588495 + 5.53852 NA intron (NR_033399, intron 5 of 26) L2c|LINE|L2 12334 NR_033399 440081 Hs.447869 NM_004400 ENSG00000214826 DDX12P CHLR2|DDX12 DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide 12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25855 chr4 117125522 117125595 + 5.52982 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -95323 NR_031737 100302290 NR_031737 MIR1973 hsa-mir-1973 microRNA 1973 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32142 chr7 75396523 75396589 + 5.52982 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 22508 NM_006072 10344 Hs.131342 NM_006072 HPRD:05262 CCL26 IMAC|MIP-4a|MIP-4alpha|SCYA26|TSC-1 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10336 chr14 43844060 43844216 + 5.52250 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1132361 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20017 chr2 229624680 229624868 + 5.52250 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 511283 NM_017933 55022 Hs.745038 NM_017933 HPRD:07944 PID1 NYGGF4|P-CLI1|PCLI1 phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4303 chr10 50391830 50392003 + 5.51908 NA intron (NM_001010863, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001010863, intron 1 of 5) 4529 NM_001288743 170371 Hs.385493 NM_001010863 C10orf128 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 128 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37910 chrX 63792900 63793048 + 5.50910 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -177641 NM_017677 55613 Hs.442892 NM_017677 HPRD:06664 MTMR8 - myotubularin related protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14862 chr17 79670351 79670428 + 5.50113 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002949) promoter-TSS (NM_002949) -11 NM_002949 6182 Hs.109059 NM_002949 HPRD:03849 MRPL12 5c5-2|L12mt|MRP-L31/34|MRPL7|MRPL7/L12|RPML12 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3339 chr1 236029510 236029629 + 5.49675 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 1 of 52) intron (NM_001301365, intron 1 of 52) 658 NM_000081 1130 Hs.532411 NM_000081 HPRD:06060 LYST CHS|CHS1 lysosomal trafficking regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30582 chr6 137539915 137540004 + 5.49642 NA intron (NM_000416, intron 1 of 6) Tigger3a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 608 NM_000416 3459 Hs.520414 NM_000416 HPRD:00127 IFNGR1 CD119|IFNGR interferon gamma receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13269 chr16 70266278 70266467 + 5.49057 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6436 NR_033959 100506060 Hs.655258 NR_033959 ENSG00000261556 SMG1P7 - SMG1 pseudogene 7 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13209 chr16 67746538 67746755 + 5.48861 NA intron (NM_001243650, intron 1 of 1) SVA_E|Other|Other 6627 NM_030819 81577 Hs.307084 NM_030819 HPRD:14419 GFOD2 - glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10483 chr14 55565155 55565264 + 5.47680 NA Intergenic Intergenic -30726 NM_001177388 3958 Hs.531081 NM_002306 HPRD:01090 LGALS3 CBP35|GAL3|GALBP|GALIG|L31|LGALS2|MAC2 lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30049 chr6 89067549 89067717 + 5.47242 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 181455 NR_110867 101928936 Hs.533080 NR_110867 LOC101928936 - uncharacterized LOC101928936 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16822 chr19 46431037 46431194 + 5.46804 NA Intergenic LTR67B|LTR|ERVL -13079 NM_001029861 339345 Hs.434218 NM_001029861 HPRD:18784 NANOS2 NOS2 nanos homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17807 chr2 46862174 46862327 + 5.46804 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 17939 NM_014171 9419 Hs.133998 NM_014171 HPRD:05208 CRIPT SSMDF cysteine-rich PDZ-binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28420 chr5 142784770 142784900 + 5.46515 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018076) promoter-TSS (NM_001018076) -790 NM_001018076 2908 Hs.122926 NM_000176 HPRD:00679 NR3C1 GCCR|GCR|GR|GRL nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 (glucocorticoid receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23115 chr3 75718948 75719057 + 5.46485 NA Intergenic CpG -2430 NR_040005 401074 Hs.528540 NR_040004 ENSG00000242516 LINC00960 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15683 chr19 1041083 1041156 + 5.45729 NA intron (NM_019112, intron 1 of 46) intron (NM_019112, intron 1 of 46) 1017 NM_019112 10347 Hs.134514 NM_019112 HPRD:09255 ABCA7 ABCA-SSN|ABCX ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31023 chr6 165373359 165373458 + 5.44591 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 349703 NM_144980 168090 Hs.144734 NM_144980 HPRD:12844 C6orf118 bA85G2.1|dJ416F21.2 chromosome 6 open reading frame 118 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2754 chr1 197745617 197745717 + 5.44154 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1044 NR_125340 163486 Hs.125056 NM_019049 HPRD:13303 DENND1B C1ORF18|C1orf218|FAM31B DENN/MADD domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32429 chr7 100167894 100167996 + 5.43492 NA Intergenic CpG 3325 NM_001168682 100316904 Hs.633863 NM_001168682 ENSG00000205307 SAP25 - Sin3A-associated protein, 25kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34283 chr8 97243819 97243993 + 5.42903 NA intron (NR_045639, intron 3 of 4) intron (NR_045639, intron 3 of 4) 3956 NM_001199975 7381 Hs.131255 NM_006294 HPRD:11770 UQCRB MC3DN3|QCR7|QP-C|QPC|UQBC|UQBP|UQCR6|UQPC ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34331 chr8 101539299 101539474 + 5.42734 NA intron (NM_198401, intron 5 of 5) intron (NM_198401, intron 5 of 5) 32553 NM_001270378 157567 Hs.530199 NM_198401 HPRD:14103 ANKRD46 ANK-S|GENX-115279 ankyrin repeat domain 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18085 chr2 73511626 73511729 + 5.42700 NA Intergenic CpG 9152 NM_001965 1961 Hs.3052 NM_001965 HPRD:00550 EGR4 NGFI-C|NGFIC|PAT133 early growth response 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30541 chr6 134757435 134757503 + 5.42303 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1385 NR_038216 154092 Hs.223718 NR_038216 LINC01010 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1010 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16494 chr19 36390681 36390747 + 5.41867 NA intron (NM_139239, intron 1 of 11) CpG 838 NM_139239 84807 Hs.466531 NM_139239 HPRD:18140 NFKBID IkappaBNS|TA-NFKBH nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5507 chr11 3892647 3892768 + 5.40702 NA intron (NM_001277962, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001277962, intron 1 of 12) 15415 NR_039835 100616453 NR_039835 miRBase:MI0017319 MIR4687 - microRNA 4687 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_881 chr1 47799347 47799448 + 5.40702 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016308) promoter-TSS (NM_016308) -72 NM_016308 51727 Hs.731647 NM_016308 HPRD:18258 CMPK1 CK|CMK|CMPK|UMK|UMP-CMPK|UMPK cytidine monophosphate (UMP-CMP) kinase 1, cytosolic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13914 chr17 17936928 17937009 + 5.39135 NA intron (NM_145691, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_145691, intron 1 of 7) 5512 NM_145691 91647 Hs.528889 NM_145691 HPRD:10599 ATPAF2 ATP12|ATP12p|MC5DN1 ATP synthase mitochondrial F1 complex assembly factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_207 chr1 11809355 11809437 + 5.38703 NA intron (NM_020350, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_020350, intron 4 of 4) -12854 NM_001010881 284498 Hs.585415 NM_001010881 C1orf167 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 167 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10577 chr14 63944792 63944977 + 5.38703 NA intron (NM_006246, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_006246, intron 2 of 13) 30072 NM_001282182 5529 Hs.334868 NM_006246 PPP2R5E - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', epsilon isoform protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33422 chr8 16530001 16530068 + 5.38703 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 329640 NM_019851 26281 Hs.199905 NM_019851 FGF20 FGF-20|RHDA2 fibroblast growth factor 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6421 chr11 65314158 65314387 + 5.38186 NA exon (NM_001164266, exon 15 of 27) exon (NM_001164266, exon 15 of 27) 11427 NM_001130144 4054 Hs.289019 NM_021070 HPRD:03649 LTBP3 LTBP-3|LTBP2|STHAG6|pp6425 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32474 chr7 102356257 102356345 + 5.38186 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33098 NR_026879 222234 Hs.202543 NM_147194 FAM185A - family with sequence similarity 185, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23425 chr3 111296794 111296871 + 5.37379 NA intron (NM_198196, intron 4 of 14) MER5B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 17350 NM_024508 79413 Hs.136912 NM_024508 HPRD:15686 ZBED2 - zinc finger, BED-type containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34498 chr8 120473997 120474081 + 5.37379 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 45487 NM_002514 4856 Hs.235935 NM_002514 HPRD:01291 NOV CCN3|IBP-9|IGFBP-9|IGFBP9|NOVh nephroblastoma overexpressed protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34965 chr9 6080318 6080479 + 5.37354 NA Intergenic Intergenic -64758 NM_012416 26953 Hs.167496 NM_012416 HPRD:17953 RANBP6 - RAN binding protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3114 chr1 224095890 224095995 + 5.37062 NA Intergenic Intergenic -62268 NM_005426 7159 Hs.523968 NM_005426 HPRD:11803 TP53BP2 53BP2|ASPP2|BBP|P53BP2|PPP1R13A tumor protein p53 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11867 chr15 77287401 77287502 + 5.36704 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003978) promoter-TSS (NM_003978) -14 NM_003978 9051 Hs.129758 NM_003978 HPRD:05891 PSTPIP1 CD2BP1|CD2BP1L|CD2BP1S|H-PIP|PAPAS|PSTPIP proline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26320 chr4 160530748 160530929 + 5.36704 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 341840 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27167 chr5 46369135 46369201 + 5.35761 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -672948 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_336 chr1 22345640 22345739 + 5.35561 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5995 NR_023918 29092 Hs.279842 NR_023918 ENSG00000218510 LINC00339 HSPC157|NCRNA00339 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 339 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12815 chr16 33493592 33493694 + 5.35504 NA intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) L1M2a|LINE|L1 69600 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12955 chr16 46479310 46479453 + 5.35211 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 123628 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35083 chr9 21001712 21001778 + 5.32020 NA Intergenic L1M4c|LINE|L1 29890 NM_001010915 401494 Hs.716678 NM_001010915 PTPLAD2 HACD4 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14802 chr17 75884170 75884249 + 5.32020 NA Intergenic CpG -4040 NR_028337 400624 Hs.514521 NM_001001685 FLJ45079 - FLJ45079 protein ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11160 chr15 20546780 20547139 + 5.31769 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 58962 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4757 chr10 90750331 90750454 + 5.31712 NA TTS (NR_028371) TTS (NR_028371) 104 NR_028033 355 Hs.244139 NM_000043 HPRD:00609 FAS ALPS1A|APO-1|APT1|CD95|FAS1|FASTM|TNFRSF6 Fas cell surface death receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6494 chr11 67251792 67251879 + 5.31528 NA intron (NM_003977, intron 1 of 5) MIR|SINE|MIR 1330 NM_003977 9049 Hs.412433 NM_003977 HPRD:10408 AIP ARA9|FKBP16|FKBP37|SMTPHN|XAP-2|XAP2 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27144 chr5 45939868 45939934 + 5.30756 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -243681 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25217 chr4 57410892 57410958 + 5.30756 NA intron (NM_001256475, intron 1 of 8) CpG 14150 NM_001256475 100506564 Hs.573073 NM_001256475 ENSG00000249693 THEGL - theg spermatid protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8808 chr12 108962697 108962763 + 5.30253 NA 3' UTR (NM_014301, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_014301, exon 6 of 6) 7491 NM_001301141 23479 Hs.615131 NM_014301 HPRD:14828 ISCU 2310020H20Rik|HML|ISU2|NIFU|NIFUN|hnifU iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12818 chr16 33521820 33521971 + 5.29700 NA intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) 41348 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7132 chr11 122940026 122940125 + 5.29333 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -7032 NM_153201 3312 Hs.180414 NM_006597 HPRD:07205 HSPA8 HEL-33|HEL-S-72p|HSC54|HSC70|HSC71|HSP71|HSP73|HSPA10|LAP-1|LAP1|NIP71 heat shock 70kDa protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9459 chr13 44833196 44833456 + 5.29333 NA Intergenic Intergenic -62990 NR_107046 102465876 NR_107046 MIR8079 hsa-mir-8079 microRNA 8079 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5277 chr10 129893874 129893968 + 5.28476 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30547 NM_002417 4288 Hs.80976 NM_002417 HPRD:08902 MKI67 KIA|MIB-|MIB-1|PPP1R105 marker of proliferation Ki-67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36702 chrUn_gl000212 146745 146968 + 5.27932 NA Intergenic AluJb|SINE|Alu 122807 NR_027278 26080 Hs.448583 NR_027278 FAM230C LINC00281|NCRNA00281 family with sequence similarity 230, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5400 chr10 135523492 135523730 + 5.27169 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo -83312 NM_001080998 441581 Hs.690471 NM_001080998 ENSG00000225899 FRG2B - FSHD region gene 2 family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26951 chr5 34231966 34232162 + 5.27092 NA Intergenic THE1D-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -107431 NR_037951 100534612 Hs.171929 NR_037951 C1QTNF3-AMACR - C1QTNF3-AMACR readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22716 chr3 46018330 46018404 + 5.26161 NA intron (NM_024513, intron 4 of 17) intron (NM_024513, intron 4 of 17) 18949 NM_024513 79443 Hs.200227 NM_024513 HPRD:06215 FYCO1 CATC2|CTRCT18|RUFY3|ZFYVE7 FYVE and coiled-coil domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38776 chrX 136017779 136018005 + 5.26161 NA Intergenic Intergenic -54953 NM_001164803 27316 Hs.380118 NM_002139 HPRD:02186 RBMX HNRNPG|HNRPG|RBMXP1|RBMXRT|RNMX|hnRNP-G RNA binding motif protein, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17237 chr1_gl000192_random 16004 16107 + 5.26161 NA Intergenic CpG 391455 NR_103556 100288805 Hs.648712 NR_049745 HYDIN2 HYDINP1 HYDIN2, axonemal central pair apparatus protein (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4946 chr10 103454930 103455017 + 5.24933 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022039) promoter-TSS (NM_022039) -230 NM_022039 6468 Hs.500822 NM_022039 HPRD:06994 FBXW4 DAC|FBW4|FBWD4|SHFM3|SHSF3 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4344 chr10 52300012 52300180 + 5.24933 NA intron (NM_147156, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_147156, intron 2 of 10) 83641 NM_147156 259230 Hs.654698 NM_147156 HPRD:18203 SGMS1 MOB|MOB1|SMS1|TMEM23|hmob33 sphingomyelin synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2227 chr1 156390114 156390231 + 5.22940 NA promoter-TSS (NR_029691) promoter-TSS (NR_029691) 49 NR_029691 407046 NR_029691 MIR9-1 MIRN9-1|hsa-mir-9-1|miRNA9-1 microRNA 9-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7183 chr11 127909261 127909392 + 5.22060 NA Intergenic Intergenic 482879 NM_005238 2113 Hs.369438 NM_005238 HPRD:01260 ETS1 ETS-1|EWSR2|p54 v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20783 chr20 42286106 42286206 + 5.20982 NA Intergenic CpG -9503 NM_002466 4605 Hs.179718 NM_002466 HPRD:03247 MYBL2 B-MYB|BMYB v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11665 chr15 61133165 61133270 + 5.20624 NA intron (NM_134261, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_134261, intron 1 of 10) 159449 NR_120318 100996876 Hs.511626 NR_120318 LOC100996876 - uncharacterized LOC100996876 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15925 chr19 10519331 10519467 + 5.20481 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5128 NM_007065 11140 Hs.160958 NM_007065 HPRD:05456 CDC37 P50CDC37 cell division cycle 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36489 chr9 139434273 139434357 + 5.20434 NA intron (NM_017617, intron 2 of 33) MIR3|SINE|MIR 5923 NM_017617 4851 Hs.495473 NM_017617 HPRD:01827 NOTCH1 TAN1|hN1 notch 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9214 chr13 22154300 22154380 + 5.19746 NA intron (NM_152726, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_152726, intron 1 of 11) 24015 NM_152726 221154 Hs.412103 NM_152726 HPRD:16852 MICU2 1110008L20Rik|EFHA1 mitochondrial calcium uptake 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19218 chr2 160372820 160372886 + 5.19746 NA intron (NM_001289975, intron 2 of 35) intron (NM_001289975, intron 2 of 35) -98952 NR_110588 643072 Hs.632541 NR_110587 LOC643072 - uncharacterized LOC643072 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16969 chr19 50641953 50642194 + 5.18782 NA TTS (NR_024231) TTS (NR_024231) 421 NR_024231 100170224 Hs.446545 NR_024231 SNAR-B1 - small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA B1 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34924 chr9 3526356 3526631 + 5.18258 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282116) promoter-TSS (NM_001282116) -492 NM_134428 5991 Hs.136829 NM_002919 HPRD:03215 RFX3 - regulatory factor X, 3 (influences HLA class II expression) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2916 chr1 206939894 206940025 + 5.18019 NA TTS (NM_000572) TTS (NM_000572) 5880 NM_000572 3586 Hs.193717 NM_000572 HPRD:00495 IL10 CSIF|GVHDS|IL-10|IL10A|TGIF interleukin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18782 chr2 117917794 117917873 + 5.17776 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -654422 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7070 chr11 118563256 118563335 + 5.17771 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12914 NM_007180 11181 Hs.129712 NM_007180 HPRD:02038 TREH TRE|TREA trehalase (brush-border membrane glycoprotein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6847 chr11 95176674 95176864 + 5.17128 NA Intergenic LTR33A_|LTR|ERVL -211064 NM_001271594 143686 Hs.120633 NM_144665 HPRD:09682 SESN3 SEST3 sestrin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23074 chr3 71442372 71442504 + 5.17128 NA intron (NM_001012505, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_001012505, intron 3 of 6) -88527 NM_001244812 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_95 chr1 2478406 2478521 + 5.16327 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9341 NM_001297605 8764 Hs.512898 NM_003820 HPRD:04122 TNFRSF14 ATAR|CD270|HVEA|HVEM|LIGHTR|TR2 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1262 chr1 90073953 90074143 + 5.15542 NA Intergenic MLT1A|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 24405 NR_033981 400761 Hs.741594 NR_033981 ENSG00000231999 FLJ27354 - uncharacterized LOC400761 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25828 chr4 113405418 113405525 + 5.15205 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 31857 NM_024019 63973 Hs.744415 NM_024019 HPRD:06976 NEUROG2 Atoh4|Math4A|NGN2|bHLHa8|ngn-2 neurogenin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12319 chr16 3313725 3313796 + 5.15149 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033904) promoter-TSS (NR_033904) -8 NR_033904 283876 Hs.592092 NR_033904 ENSG00000006194 LINC00921 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 921 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9576 chr13 51489146 51489241 + 5.15149 NA intron (NM_024570, intron 1 of 10) MIR|SINE|MIR -4345 NR_046552 100874255 Hs.741501 NR_046552 ENSG00000233672 RNASEH2B-AS1 - RNASEH2B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21747 chr22 21774829 21774937 + 5.15149 NA intron (NM_015094, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_015094, intron 1 of 2) 3190 NM_015094 23119 Hs.632767 NM_015094 HPRD:07412 HIC2 HRG22|ZBTB30|ZNF907 hypermethylated in cancer 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1711 chr1 142537619 142537699 + 5.14914 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 175946 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_910 chr1 51435649 51435716 + 5.13582 NA promoter-TSS (NM_078626) promoter-TSS (NM_078626) 40 NM_078626 1031 Hs.525324 NM_001262 HPRD:04534 CDKN2C INK4C|p18|p18-INK4C cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C (p18, inhibits CDK4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1591 chr1 115605940 115606031 + 5.13474 NA intron (NM_005725, intron 2 of 7) L1PA16|LINE|L1 26136 NM_005725 10100 Hs.310458 NM_005725 HPRD:18233 TSPAN2 NET3|TSN2|TSPAN-2 tetraspanin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_729 chr1 40420640 40420796 + 5.13326 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287809) promoter-TSS (NM_001287809) -66 NM_001136493 84879 Hs.655177 NM_032793 HPRD:07861 MFSD2A MFSD2|NLS1 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15004 chr18 3738506 3738579 + 5.11413 NA intron (NM_001242764, intron 3 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 106816 NM_001242766 9229 Hs.594640 NM_004746 HPRD:09260 DLGAP1 DAP-1|DAP-1-ALPHA|DAP-1-BETA|DAP1|DLGAP1A|DLGAP1B|GKAP|SAPAP1|hGKAP discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17155 chr19 58239009 58239075 + 5.11413 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024833) promoter-TSS (NM_024833) -47 NM_024833 79891 Hs.180402 NM_024833 HPRD:08031 ZNF671 - zinc finger protein 671 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18519 chr2 97303690 97303812 + 5.10514 NA promoter-TSS (NR_047658) promoter-TSS (NR_047658) 46 NR_047658 55683 Hs.516341 NM_017991 HPRD:07643 KANSL3 KIAA1310|NSL3|Rcd1 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6864 chr11 96122765 96122831 + 5.09885 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001261833) promoter-TSS (NM_001261833) 285 NM_024725 79780 Hs.525088 NM_014148 HPRD:08033 CCDC82 HSPC048 coiled-coil domain containing 82 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28228 chr5 132082999 132083067 + 5.09491 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287253) promoter-TSS (NM_001287253) -104 NM_001287253 645121 Hs.522057 NM_001039780 ENSG00000205089 CCNI2 - cyclin I family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22107 chr22 45080765 45080854 + 5.08982 NA intron (NM_001198721, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_001198721, intron 2 of 9) 8121 NM_001017530 55615 Hs.102336 NM_015366 HPRD:18696 PRR5 FLJ20185k|PP610|PROTOR-1|PROTOR1 proline rich 5 (renal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24503 chr4 2414386 2414469 + 5.08003 NA intron (NM_001172656, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001172656, intron 1 of 11) 5943 NM_001172658 57732 Hs.292056 NM_020972 HPRD:11701 ZFYVE28 LST2|LYST2 zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_964 chr1 55266959 55267057 + 5.07789 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017904) promoter-TSS (NM_017904) -67 NM_017904 55001 Hs.16230 NM_017904 HPRD:07932 TTC22 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26936 chr5 32532279 32532406 + 5.07326 NA Intergenic Intergenic -53263 NM_006713 10923 Hs.229641 NM_006713 HPRD:02737 SUB1 P15|PC4|p14 SUB1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29521 chr6 37140148 37140249 + 5.04660 NA intron (NM_001243186, intron 4 of 5) intron (NM_001243186, intron 4 of 5) 2276 NM_001243186 5292 Hs.81170 NM_002648 HPRD:01292 PIM1 PIM Pim-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25964 chr4 122871503 122871606 + 5.04448 NA intron (NM_001130698, intron 1 of 11) CpG 1355 NM_001130698 7222 Hs.150981 NM_003305 HPRD:15999 TRPC3 TRP3 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22017 chr22 40721448 40721603 + 5.03947 NA 3' UTR (NM_001162501, exon 23 of 23) 3' UTR (NM_001162501, exon 23 of 23) -20979 NM_001123378 158 Hs.75527 NM_000026 HPRD:00049 ADSL AMPS|ASASE|ASL adenylosuccinate lyase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6304 chr11 61602210 61602307 + 5.03947 NA intron (NM_004265, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_004265, intron 1 of 11) 6753 NM_004265 9415 Hs.502745 NM_004265 HPRD:05854 FADS2 D6D|DES6|FADSD6|LLCDL2|SLL0262|TU13 fatty acid desaturase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27226 chr5 49534945 49535083 + 5.03741 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 202220 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18254 chr2 87644143 87644304 + 5.03225 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -110751 NR_024204 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15659 chr19 507404 507516 + 5.02278 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033513) promoter-TSS (NM_033513) -37 NM_033513 91978 Hs.369613 NM_033513 HPRD:12701 TPGS1 C19orf20|GTRGEO22|PGs1 tubulin polyglutamylase complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13080 chr16 57234505 57234658 + 5.00240 NA intron (NM_133368, intron 1 of 14) SVA_D|Other|Other 14340 NM_133368 89970 Hs.460885 NM_133368 HPRD:13908 RSPRY1 - ring finger and SPRY domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9975 chr13 111037987 111038066 + 5.00240 NA intron (NM_001846, intron 4 of 47) intron (NM_001846, intron 4 of 47) 44721 NR_107040 102465872 NR_107040 MIR8073 hsa-mir-8073 microRNA 8073 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31170 chr7 1609633 1609766 + 4.99861 NA promoter-TSS (NR_021487) promoter-TSS (NR_021487) -10 NR_027328 114796 Hs.436146 NR_021487 ENSG00000230487 PSMG3-AS1 - PSMG3 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23720 chr3 133969677 133969787 + 4.99484 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002958) promoter-TSS (NM_002958) -146 NM_001005861 6259 Hs.654562 NM_002958 HPRD:02751 RYK D3S3195|JTK5|JTK5A|RYK1 receptor-like tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37357 chrX 19166101 19166276 + 4.96592 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -25433 NM_001184837 10149 Hs.146978 NM_005756 HPRD:04040 GPR64 EDDM6|HE6|TM7LN2 G protein-coupled receptor 64 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27452 chr5 67185926 67186008 + 4.96592 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -299737 NR_105003 102467655 Hs.544102 NR_105003 LOC102467655 - uncharacterized LOC102467655 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7809 chr12 32287487 32287635 + 4.96190 NA intron (NM_001003398, intron 1 of 8) L3|LINE|CR1 27376 NM_001714 636 Hs.505202 NM_001714 HPRD:03730 BICD1 BICD bicaudal D homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23142 chr3 80959851 80959945 + 4.94750 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 851052 NM_000158 2632 Hs.436062 NM_000158 HPRD:01985 GBE1 APBD|GBE|GSD4 glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18056 chr2 71357129 71357195 + 4.93897 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005791) promoter-TSS (NM_005791) 232 NM_032601 84693 Hs.94949 NM_032601 HPRD:12229 MCEE GLOD2 methylmalonyl CoA epimerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1053 chr1 66740902 66741046 + 4.93897 NA intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) -56817 NM_001037339 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21416 chr21 39128930 39129086 + 4.92926 NA intron (NM_002240, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_002240, intron 2 of 3) 159733 NM_002240 3763 Hs.626242 NM_002240 KCNJ6 BIR1|GIRK-2|GIRK2|KATP-2|KATP2|KCNJ7|KIR3.2|hiGIRK2 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20518 chr20 25302226 25302382 + 4.92914 NA intron (NM_001042472, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001042472, intron 3 of 12) 69314 NM_015600 26090 Hs.441550 NM_015600 HPRD:07094 ABHD12 ABHD12A|BEM46L2|C20orf22|PHARC|dJ965G21.2 abhydrolase domain containing 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3694 chr10 14644179 14644324 + 4.91278 NA intron (NM_001282695, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_001282695, intron 2 of 5) 2166 NM_001282697 83641 Hs.446315 NM_031453 HPRD:12575 FAM107B C10orf45 family with sequence similarity 107, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20009 chr2 228336756 228336847 + 4.91276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135187) promoter-TSS (NM_001135187) -47 NR_049888 100847081 NR_049888 miRBase:MI0019310 MIR5703 - microRNA 5703 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11960 chr15 83736162 83736228 + 4.91276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025238) promoter-TSS (NM_025238) -89 NM_001011885 53339 Hs.459149 NM_025238 HPRD:12251 BTBD1 C15orf1|NS5ATP8 BTB (POZ) domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30139 chr6 98508707 98508780 + 4.91150 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 36336 NR_031579 100302164 NR_031579 miRBase:MI0003939 MIR2113 hsa-mir-2113 microRNA 2113 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15838 chr19 6753467 6753610 + 4.91150 NA exon (NM_005490, exon 9 of 10) exon (NM_005490, exon 9 of 10) 13845 NR_110231 9322 Hs.515094 NM_004240 HPRD:05142 TRIP10 CIP4|HSTP|STOT|STP|TRIP-10 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_779 chr1 43404083 43404155 + 4.90949 NA intron (NM_006516, intron 2 of 9) MIRc|SINE|MIR -20601 NR_033967 440584 Hs.260928 NR_033967 ENSG00000227533 SLC2A1-AS1 - SLC2A1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35653 chr9 72374446 72374529 + 4.89507 NA intron (NM_001099666, intron 1 of 7) CpG 389 NM_001099666 375743 Hs.744192 NM_001099666 ENSG00000188647 PTAR1 - protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21615 chr22 18880416 18880555 + 4.89435 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite -13251 NM_005675 8214 Hs.474185 NM_005675 HPRD:03177 DGCR6 - DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17228 chr19_gl000208_random 91812 91920 + 4.88601 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14637 chr17 62776529 62776656 + 4.88595 NA promoter-TSS (NR_106728) promoter-TSS (NR_106728) -285 NR_106728 102464831 NR_106728 MIR6080 hsa-mir-6080 microRNA 6080 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19028 chr2 136711983 136712049 + 4.88039 NA intron (NM_001293312, intron 3 of 14) MIR|SINE|MIR -30730 NR_110200 101928243 Hs.602178 NR_110199 DARS-AS1 - DARS antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22027 chr22 41214793 41214962 + 4.87560 NA intron (NR_104235, intron 1 of 10) intron (NR_104235, intron 1 of 10) 526 NR_104236 10478 Hs.474938 NM_006358 HPRD:08425 SLC25A17 PMP34 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; peroxisomal membrane protein, 34kDa), member 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30760 chr6 149816063 149816301 + 4.87560 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10034 NM_207360 340152 Hs.632618 NM_207360 ZC3H12D C6orf95|MCPIP4|TFL|dJ281H8.1|p34 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3811 chr10 22895260 22895326 + 4.86512 NA intron (NM_005028, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_005028, intron 3 of 9) 108210 NM_005028 5305 Hs.57079 NM_005028 HPRD:11931 PIP4K2A PI5P4KA|PIP5K2A|PIP5KII-alpha|PIP5KIIA|PIPK phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30212 chr6 106611469 106611556 + 4.85898 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64775 NM_182907 639 Hs.436023 NM_001198 HPRD:04572 PRDM1 BLIMP1|PRDI-BF1 PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35901 chr9 95716469 95716626 + 4.84826 NA intron (NM_001083536, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001083536, intron 1 of 17) 6946 NM_001083536 89846 Hs.411081 NM_033086 HPRD:10957 FGD3 ZFYVE5 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18367 chr2 91597867 91598092 + 4.83452 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 249996 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22939 chr3 58518633 58518715 + 4.83227 NA intron (NM_003500, intron 5 of 14) intron (NM_003500, intron 5 of 14) 4255 NM_003500 8309 Hs.444959 NM_003500 HPRD:09037 ACOX2 BCOX|BRCACOX|BRCOX|THCCox acyl-CoA oxidase 2, branched chain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1994 chr1 148846951 148847118 + 4.82898 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 41019 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16240 chr19 20269548 20269681 + 4.82191 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 -8409 NM_052852 90649 Hs.590991 NM_052852 ENSG00000256229 ZNF486 KRBO2 zinc finger protein 486 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22023 chr22 41079271 41079346 + 4.82191 NA TTS (NM_005297) TTS (NM_005297) 4126 NM_005297 2847 Hs.248122 NM_005297 HPRD:11874 MCHR1 GPR24|MCH-1R|MCH1R|SLC-1|SLC1 melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31110 chr6 170708230 170708537 + 4.81897 NA intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) 68534 NR_039787 100616430 NR_039787 MIR4644 - microRNA 4644 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12462 chr16 18409738 18409914 + 4.81531 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16693 NM_001282511 101059953 Hs.636569 NM_001282511 NPIPA8 LCR16a9 nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11884 chr15 78361136 78361233 + 4.80452 NA intron (NM_144572, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_144572, intron 1 of 12) 8810 NM_144572 23102 Hs.567426 NM_015079 HPRD:08310 TBC1D2B - TBC1 domain family, member 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21005 chr20 61531751 61531820 + 4.80452 NA intron (NM_080797, intron 6 of 14) intron (NM_080797, intron 6 of 14) 26118 NM_001193369 11083 Hs.517172 NM_022105 HPRD:10363 DIDO1 BYE1|C20orf158|DATF-1|DATF1|DIDO2|DIDO3|DIO-1|DIO1|dJ885L7.8 death inducer-obliterator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20998 chr20 61282730 61282796 + 4.79238 NA intron (NM_016354, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_016354, intron 1 of 11) 8966 NM_016354 28231 Hs.235782 NM_016354 HPRD:11582 SLCO4A1 OATP-E|OATP1|OATP4A1|OATPE|OATPRP1|POAT|SLC21A12 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 4A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_156 chr1 8009209 8009375 + 4.78455 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6067 NM_001561 3604 Hs.86447 NM_001561 TNFRSF9 4-1BB|CD137|CDw137|ILA tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10544 chr14 61220111 61220177 + 4.78455 NA intron (NM_001177963, intron 1 of 6) MLT1F1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 18685 NM_002431 4331 Hs.509523 NM_002431 HPRD:04042 MNAT1 CAP35|MAT1|RNF66|TFB3 MNAT CDK-activating kinase assembly factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20819 chr20 44519927 44519993 + 4.76880 NA promoter-TSS (NM_080749) promoter-TSS (NM_080749) -34 NM_080749 140825 Hs.517094 NM_080749 HPRD:16353 NEURL2 C20orf163|OZZ|OZZ-E3 neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24658 chr4 10108388 10108470 + 4.76383 NA intron (NM_017491, intron 2 of 14) intron (NM_017491, intron 2 of 14) 10144 NM_005112 9948 Hs.128548 NM_005112 HPRD:09199 WDR1 AIP1|HEL-S-52|NORI-1 WD repeat domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14842 chr17 78807091 78807167 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_020761, intron 9 of 33) intron (NM_020761, intron 9 of 33) -27697 NR_110852 101928855 Hs.670692 NR_110852 ENSG00000262833 LOC101928855 - uncharacterized LOC101928855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_735 chr1 40652319 40652404 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_012421, intron 1 of 7) L2c|LINE|L2 25320 NM_012421 6018 Hs.205627 NM_012421 HPRD:01614 RLF ZN-15L|ZNF292L rearranged L-myc fusion protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15296 chr18 42087787 42087926 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_110792, intron 2 of 4) intron (NR_110792, intron 2 of 4) 23806 NR_110792 101927921 Hs.464986 NR_110792 ENSG00000267337 LINC01478 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1478 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10001 chr13 113194489 113194729 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_006322, intron 11 of 21) intron (NM_006322, intron 11 of 21) 47890 NM_006322 10426 Hs.224152 NM_006322 HPRD:10289 TUBGCP3 104p|GCP3|Grip104|SPBC98|Spc98|Spc98p tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24743 chr4 16949314 16949384 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -48925 NM_001130834 9079 Hs.714330 NM_001290 HPRD:16022 LDB2 CLIM1|LDB1 LIM domain binding 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11603 chr15 55540107 55540235 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_183234, intron 1 of 6) AluYc|SINE|Alu 22313 NM_183234 5873 Hs.654978 NM_004580 HPRD:04845 RAB27A GS2|HsT18676|RAB27|RAM RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36532 chr9 140404782 140404850 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_152286, intron 11 of 33) LTR13|LTR|ERVK 40205 NM_152286 375775 Hs.294147 NM_152286 HPRD:12933 PNPLA7 C9orf111|NTE-R1|NTEL1 patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31587 chr7 37009169 37009239 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001206480, intron 16 of 21) intron (NM_001206480, intron 16 of 21) 15513 NM_001039459 9844 Hs.434989 NM_014800 HPRD:12102 ELMO1 CED-12|CED12|ELMO-1 engulfment and cell motility 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2613 chr1 183076720 183076786 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_002293, intron 2 of 27) AluY|SINE|Alu -78421 NM_005562 3918 Hs.591484 NM_005562 HPRD:01031 LAMC2 B2T|BM600|CSF|EBR2|EBR2A|LAMB2T|LAMNB2 laminin, gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21766 chr22 22222434 22222559 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138957) promoter-TSS (NM_138957) -526 NM_138957 5594 Hs.431850 NM_002745 HPRD:01496 MAPK1 ERK|ERK-2|ERK2|ERT1|MAPK2|P42MAPK|PRKM1|PRKM2|p38|p40|p41|p41mapk|p42-MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16666 chr19 41119914 41120024 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001042544, intron 21 of 32) CpG-13769 12692 NM_001042545 8425 Hs.466766 NM_003573 HPRD:05274 LTBP4 ARCL1C|LTBP-4|LTBP4L|LTBP4S latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32280 chr7 89273645 89273711 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -475036 NR_003551 442523 Hs.406964 NR_003551 ENSG00000235436 DPY19L2P4 - DPY19L2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36560 chr9_gl000198_random 1091 1272 + 4.75276 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32965 chr7 148028748 148028843 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_036093, intron 3 of 3) (TGGA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -258862 NM_145304 202865 Hs.352212 NM_145304 HPRD:12921 C7orf33 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37696 chrX 55111091 55111206 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -4349 NM_207339 203569 Hs.662489 NM_207339 HPRD:17565 PAGE2 CT16.4|GAGEC2|GAGEE2|PAGE-2 P antigen family, member 2 (prostate associated) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15926 chr19 10523082 10523182 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -4317 NM_001243121 5141 Hs.89901 NM_006202 HPRD:02527 PDE4A DPDE2|PDE4|PDE46 phosphodiesterase 4A, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23949 chr3 155879000 155879281 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_003471, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_003471, intron 1 of 13) 18389 NM_003471 7881 Hs.654519 NM_003471 HPRD:03089 KCNAB1 AKR6A3|KCNA1B|KV-BETA-1|Kvb1.3|hKvBeta3|hKvb3 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3936 chr10 32181799 32181893 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001270695, intron 3 of 18) L1PA5|LINE|L1 16008 NM_001270699 94134 Hs.499264 NM_018287 HPRD:06446 ARHGAP12 - Rho GTPase activating protein 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24309 chr3 188506449 188506530 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001167671, intron 8 of 10) intron (NM_001167671, intron 8 of 10) 158939 NR_046873 100874043 Hs.616287 NR_046873 TPRG1-AS1 - TPRG1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23581 chr3 124509268 124509334 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_002213, intron 10 of 14) intron (NM_002213, intron 10 of 14) 60088 NR_033434 7372 Hs.2057 NM_000373 UMPS OPRT uridine monophosphate synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39294 chrY 15853695 15853875 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 38338 NM_004202 9087 Hs.159201 NM_004202 HPRD:02458 TMSB4Y TB4Y thymosin beta 4, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1623 chr1 119221479 119221545 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 310667 NM_152380 6913 Hs.146196 NM_152380 HPRD:16035 TBX15 TBX14 T-box 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27781 chr5 90677658 90677740 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_027435, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_027435, intron 1 of 2) 1450 NM_020801 57561 Hs.24684 NM_020801 HPRD:09810 ARRDC3 TLIMP arrestin domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30951 chr6 159474909 159474988 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8764 NM_054114 117289 Hs.529984 NM_054114 HPRD:18143 TAGAP ARHGAP47|IDDM21|TAGAP1 T-cell activation RhoGTPase activating protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27289 chr5 52300839 52300964 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_073107, intron 1 of 28) intron (NR_073107, intron 1 of 28) 15745 NR_073106 3673 Hs.482077 NM_002203 HPRD:01893 ITGA2 BR|CD49B|GPIa|HPA-5|VLA-2|VLAA2 integrin, alpha 2 (CD49B, alpha 2 subunit of VLA-2 receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17523 chr2 26100369 26100449 + 4.75260 NA intron (NM_018263, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_018263, intron 1 of 11) 903 NM_018263 55252 Hs.119815 NM_018263 HPRD:10676 ASXL2 ASXH2 additional sex combs like transcriptional regulator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24570 chr4 6200062 6200176 + 4.75260 NA intron (NM_001099433, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_001099433, intron 1 of 20) 2199 NM_001099433 152789 Hs.479066 NM_144720 HPRD:11292 JAKMIP1 Gababrbp|JAMIP1|MARLIN1 janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32549 chr7 108166227 108166368 + 4.74640 NA intron (NM_001256011, intron 1 of 10) CpG 465 NM_001256008 50640 Hs.617340 NM_015723 HPRD:13741 PNPLA8 IPLA2(GAMMA)|IPLA2-2|IPLA2G|iPLA2gamma patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14083 chr17 27472466 27472584 + 4.73886 NA intron (NM_203318, intron 2 of 40) intron (NM_203318, intron 2 of 40) 34882 NM_078471 399687 Hs.462590 NM_078471 HPRD:10106 MYO18A MYSPDZ|SPR210 myosin XVIIIA protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20523 chr20 25604398 25604464 + 4.72449 NA intron (NM_152667, intron 1 of 1) CpG 217 NM_152667 140838 Hs.143137 NM_152667 HPRD:17097 NANP C20orf147|HDHD4|dJ694B14.3 N-acetylneuraminic acid phosphatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37584 chrX 48749032 48749182 + 4.70876 NA Intergenic CpG -6088 NM_001032382 10084 Hs.534384 NM_005710 HPRD:02354 PQBP1 MRX2|MRX55|MRXS3|MRXS8|NPW38|RENS1|SHS polyglutamine binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10549 chr14 61447995 61448114 + 4.70876 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020810) promoter-TSS (NM_020810) 89 NR_033344 145389 Hs.200738 NM_153811 HPRD:15382 SLC38A6 NAT-1 solute carrier family 38, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16665 chr19 41119723 41119813 + 4.70582 NA intron (NM_001042544, intron 20 of 32) CpG-13769 12491 NM_001042545 8425 Hs.466766 NM_003573 HPRD:05274 LTBP4 ARCL1C|LTBP-4|LTBP4L|LTBP4S latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24764 chr4 19398671 19398795 + 4.70110 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -856454 NM_001289135 9353 Hs.29802 NM_004787 HPRD:04776 SLIT2 SLIL3|Slit-2 slit homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21994 chr22 39495583 39495759 + 4.69356 NA intron (NM_181773, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_181773, intron 1 of 4) 2442 NM_001166003 164668 Hs.440515 NM_181773 HPRD:16508 APOBEC3H A3H|ARP-10|ARP10 apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10391 chr14 50234339 50234489 + 4.68145 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014315) promoter-TSS (NM_014315) -373 NM_014315 23588 Hs.509264 NM_014315 HPRD:08824 KLHDC2 HCLP-1|HCLP1|LCP kelch domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17190 chr19 59092522 59092650 + 4.67852 NA intron (NR_026052, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_026052, intron 1 of 1) 5820 NR_026052 65996 Hs.541177 NM_023939 HPRD:14527 CENPBD1P1 - CENPBD1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37606 chrX 49174571 49174730 + 4.66827 NA intron (NM_001098413, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_001098413, intron 4 of 4) -3859 NM_001098406 729396 Hs.645554 NM_001098406 ENSG00000224659 GAGE12J GAGE11 G antigen 12J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6127 chr11 50764112 50764224 + 4.65534 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 395850 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16885 chr19 48763063 48763140 + 4.65521 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -3898 NM_001184902 22900 Hs.446146 NM_014959 HPRD:16425 CARD8 CARDINAL|DACAR|DAKAR|NDPP|NDPP1|TUCAN caspase recruitment domain family, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10725 chr14 74252733 74252814 + 4.65521 NA intron (NM_001043318, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001043318, intron 1 of 11) 1188 NM_001043318 91748 Hs.594157 NM_194278 HPRD:12648 ELMSAN1 C14orf117|C14orf43|LSR68|c14_5541 ELM2 and Myb/SANT-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33573 chr8 29848378 29848511 + 4.64841 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33580 NR_036104 100422876 NR_036104 miRBase:MI0014175 MIR3148 - microRNA 3148 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18651 chr2 108488936 108489013 + 4.64203 NA exon (NM_182588, exon 20 of 23) exon (NM_182588, exon 20 of 23) 45586 NM_182588 285190 Hs.449164 NM_182588 RGPD4 RGP4 RANBP2-like and GRIP domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12599 chr16 28835276 28835387 + 4.64026 NA intron (NM_148416, intron 1 of 22) CpG 962 NM_148415 11273 Hs.460499 NM_007245 HPRD:06394 ATXN2L A2D|A2LG|A2LP|A2RP ataxin 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15766 chr19 3275846 3275986 + 4.63368 NA exon (NM_001172673, exon 4 of 12) exon (NM_001172673, exon 4 of 12) 50433 NR_033342 60680 Hs.655747 NM_021938 HPRD:12535 CELF5 BRUNOL-5|BRUNOL5|CELF-5 CUGBP, Elav-like family member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17124 chr19 56334328 56334515 + 4.61720 NA intron (NM_145007, intron 3 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 9039 NM_001297743 204801 Hs.375039 NM_145007 HPRD:10110 NLRP11 CLR19.6|NALP11|NOD17|PAN10|PYPAF6|PYPAF7 NLR family, pyrin domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34637 chr8 131207068 131207134 + 4.60065 NA intron (NM_018482, intron 5 of 29) MER1B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 101678 NR_002765 29065 Hs.639318 NR_002765 ASAP1-IT1 ASAP1-IT|ASAP1IT|ASAP1IT1|DDEF1IT1|HSPC054|NCRNA00050 ASAP1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7817 chr12 33566961 33567036 + 4.59566 NA intron (NM_198992, intron 2 of 6) L1P1|LINE|L1 25756 NM_198992 341359 Hs.118703 NM_198992 SYT10 - synaptotagmin X protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37098 chrUn_gl000239 1345 1438 + 4.59360 NA NA HERV17-int|LTR|ERV1 NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6476 chr11 66623786 66623874 + 4.58700 NA intron (NM_001040716, intron 12 of 22) CpG -1046 NM_024036 78999 Hs.209979 NM_024036 HPRD:14310 LRFN4 FIGLER6|SALM3|SALM3. leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36418 chr9 134543138 134543280 + 4.57927 NA intron (NM_005312, intron 1 of 23) MIRb|SINE|MIR 42020 NM_198679 2889 Hs.127897 NM_005312 HPRD:02627 RAPGEF1 C3G|GRF2 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1594 chr1 116681769 116681946 + 4.57713 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27481 NM_152367 126868 Hs.376194 NM_152367 HPRD:08245 MAB21L3 C1orf161 mab-21-like 3 (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1418 chr1 102600188 102600350 + 4.57713 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -137479 NR_110211 118427 Hs.484475 NM_058170 ENSG00000118733 OLFM3 NOE3|NOELIN3|OPTIMEDIN olfactomedin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_339 chr1 22352423 22352489 + 4.57350 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110692) promoter-TSS (NR_110692) 85 NR_110692 101928043 Hs.617422 NR_110692 LOC101928043 - uncharacterized LOC101928043 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18242 chr2 87214474 87214551 + 4.56449 NA exon (NM_001078170, exon 20 of 23) exon (NM_001078170, exon 20 of 23) 34457 NM_001032392 5343 Hs.652169 NM_001032392 PLGLB1 PLGL|PLGP1|PRGB|PRP-B plasminogen-like B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6832 chr11 94277294 94277366 + 4.54625 NA exon (NM_002033, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_002033, exon 1 of 1) 313 NM_002033 2526 Hs.390420 NM_002033 HPRD:00083 FUT4 CD15|ELFT|FCT3A|FUC-TIV|FUTIV|LeX|SSEA-1 fucosyltransferase 4 (alpha (1,3) fucosyltransferase, myeloid-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37783 chrX 58581768 58581850 + 4.53712 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -644742 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7701 chr12 26939119 26939200 + 4.53500 NA intron (NM_002223, intron 2 of 56) SVA_E|Other|Other 46972 NM_002223 3709 Hs.512235 NM_002223 HPRD:02536 ITPR2 CFAP48|IP3R2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17343 chr2 8486542 8486621 + 4.53500 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18032 NR_034135 339789 Hs.565619 NM_207358 HPRD:14171 LINC00299 C2orf46|NCRNA00299 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 299 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33245 chr8 1729570 1729656 + 4.53293 NA 3' UTR (NM_018941, exon 3 of 3) 3' UTR (NM_018941, exon 3 of 3) 17743 NM_018941 2055 Hs.127675 NM_018941 HPRD:06383 CLN8 C8orf61|EPMR ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 8 (epilepsy, progressive with mental retardation) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11518 chr15 47458260 47458366 + 4.50389 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -18090 NM_001198999 80031 Hs.511265 NM_020858 HPRD:10221 SEMA6D - sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33144 chr7 157179976 157180100 + 4.49994 NA intron (NM_058246, intron 8 of 9) intron (NM_058246, intron 8 of 9) 50327 NM_058246 10049 Hs.490745 NM_005494 HPRD:07107 DNAJB6 DJ4|DnaJ|HHDJ1|HSJ-2|HSJ2|LGMD1D|LGMD1E|MRJ|MSJ-1 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18336 chr2 90377178 90377331 + 4.49120 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1265370 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14255 chr17 38170072 38170182 + 4.48623 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1487 NR_033662 1440 Hs.2233 NM_000759 HPRD:00736 CSF3 C17orf33|CSF3OS|GCSF colony stimulating factor 3 (granulocyte) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14566 chr17 57642917 57642997 + 4.48598 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166301) promoter-TSS (NM_001166301) 71 NM_024612 79665 Hs.29403 NM_024612 HPRD:06346 DHX40 DDX40|PAD DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13497 chr16 88878657 88878773 + 4.48501 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000485) promoter-TSS (NM_000485) -373 NM_001030018 353 Hs.28914 NM_000485 HPRD:00029 APRT AMP|APRTD adenine phosphoribosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12641 chr16 30076428 30076534 + 4.47932 NA promoter-TSS (NM_184041) promoter-TSS (NM_184041) -513 NM_184041 226 Hs.513490 NM_000034 HPRD:00070 ALDOA ALDA|GSD12|HEL-S-87p aldolase A, fructose-bisphosphate protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24981 chr4 46380346 46380421 + 4.47035 NA intron (NM_000807, intron 3 of 9) SVA_D|Other|Other 11013 NM_001114175 2555 Hs.116250 NM_000807 HPRD:11747 GABRA2 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9051 chr12 125412402 125412574 + 4.46836 NA Intergenic Intergenic 12395 NR_049820 100847004 NR_049820 miRBase:MI0018167 MIR5188 - microRNA 5188 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34691 chr8 135510009 135510247 + 4.45598 NA intron (NM_001174158, intron 13 of 13) intron (NM_001174158, intron 13 of 13) -100186 NR_002438 594840 Hs.626298 NR_002438 ENSG00000248492 ZFAT-AS1 NCRNA00070|SAS-ZFAT|ZFAT-AS|ZFATAS ZFAT antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1974 chr1 148604590 148604683 + 4.44396 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 43789 NM_173638 284565 Hs.523572 NM_173638 HPRD:14710 NBPF15 AB14|AG3|NBPF16 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13513 chr16 89382789 89382857 + 4.44396 NA intron (NR_045839, intron 3 of 9) intron (NR_045839, intron 3 of 9) -4718 NM_001242885 100287036 Hs.656995 NM_001242885 LOC100287036 - uncharacterized LOC100287036 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18562 chr2 99074843 99074909 + 4.42693 NA intron (NM_001134225, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001134225, intron 1 of 24) 13555 NM_001134224 3631 Hs.469386 NM_001566 HPRD:02949 INPP4A INPP4|TVAS1 inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type I, 107kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11991 chr15 85291247 85291327 + 4.41333 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014630) promoter-TSS (NM_014630) -531 NM_014630 9640 Hs.79347 NM_014630 HPRD:10339 ZNF592 CAMOS|SCAR5 zinc finger protein 592 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37794 chrX 61690278 61690376 + 4.39699 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 880891 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12607 chr16 28937031 28937111 + 4.38771 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024816) promoter-TSS (NM_024816) -539 NM_024816 79874 Hs.555978 NM_024816 HPRD:17948 RABEP2 FRA rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10660 chr14 69262981 69263111 + 4.38484 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001244701) promoter-TSS (NM_001244701) -86 NM_001244701 677 Hs.85155 NM_004926 HPRD:03041 ZFP36L1 BRF1|Berg36|ERF-1|ERF1|RNF162B|TIS11B|cMG1 ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20881 chr20 49411383 49411528 + 4.38460 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198799) promoter-TSS (NM_198799) 24 NM_001010974 55653 Hs.381178 NM_017843 HPRD:06314 BCAS4 CNOL breast carcinoma amplified sequence 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22975 chr3 63896634 63896811 + 4.38393 NA intron (NM_001177387, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001177387, intron 1 of 12) 12647 NM_001177387 6314 Hs.476595 NM_000333 HPRD:06365 ATXN7 ADCAII|OPCA3|SCA7 ataxin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34837 chr8 145060548 145060673 + 4.38388 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032789) promoter-TSS (NM_032789) 25 NM_032789 84875 Hs.348609 NM_032789 HPRD:15100 PARP10 ARTD10 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5960 chr11 41326687 41326753 + 4.37928 NA intron (NM_001258419, intron 1 of 6) SVA_F|Other|Other 154466 NM_001258419 57689 Hs.745123 NM_020929 HPRD:12303 LRRC4C NGL-1|NGL1 leucine rich repeat containing 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21677 chr22 20088140 20088342 + 4.37928 NA intron (NM_001190326, intron 8 of 12) intron (NM_001190326, intron 8 of 12) 14033 NR_106874 102465490 NR_106874 MIR6816 hsa-mir-6816 microRNA 6816 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31149 chr7 965417 965526 + 4.37276 NA intron (NM_006869, intron 3 of 10) intron (NM_006869, intron 3 of 10) 1381 NM_001284310 11033 Hs.602573 NM_006869 HPRD:09733 ADAP1 CENTA1|GCS1L|p42IP4 ArfGAP with dual PH domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20942 chr20 54968240 54968352 + 4.37206 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198436) promoter-TSS (NM_198436) 589 NM_001033522 1477 Hs.172865 NM_001324 HPRD:02653 CSTF1 CstF-50|CstFp50 cleavage stimulation factor, 3' pre-RNA, subunit 1, 50kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17742 chr2 43367211 43367311 + 4.37206 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR 86484 NM_006887 678 Hs.503093 NM_006887 HPRD:18319 ZFP36L2 BRF2|ERF-2|ERF2|RNF162C|TIS11D ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38564 chrX 119603176 119603277 + 4.37058 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002294) promoter-TSS (NM_002294) -22 NM_013995 3920 Hs.496684 NM_002294 HPRD:02396 LAMP2 CD107b|LAMP-2|LAMPB|LGP110 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2577 chr1 179853050 179853136 + 4.36399 NA intron (NM_001267578, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001267578, intron 1 of 9) 1916 NM_001267578 26092 Hs.496459 NM_015602 HPRD:13958 TOR1AIP1 LAP1|LAP1B torsin A interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6639 chr11 74986796 74986884 + 4.36154 NA intron (NM_004041, intron 10 of 15) MIRb|SINE|MIR 34890 NM_001195528 100507050 Hs.577323 NM_001195528 ENSG00000261594 TPBGL - trophoblast glycoprotein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2493 chr1 173794045 173794125 + 4.36154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171182) promoter-TSS (NM_001171182) 288 NM_018122 55157 Hs.647707 NM_018122 HPRD:07677 DARS2 ASPRS|LBSL|MT-ASPRS aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24867 chr4 36280544 36280619 + 4.36006 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2656 NM_001136536 401124 Hs.363407 NM_001136536 DTHD1 - death domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22020 chr22 40915735 40915815 + 4.34428 NA intron (NM_001282661, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_001282661, intron 3 of 13) -2029 NR_109965 101927257 Hs.662725 NR_109965 ENSG00000232564 LOC101927257 - uncharacterized LOC101927257 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24937 chr4 41908474 41908540 + 4.34428 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -23879 NR_104143 101927074 Hs.611425 NR_104143 ENSG00000245870 LINC00682 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 682 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10999 chr14 100530016 100530126 + 4.32842 NA Intergenic L1MEf|LINE|L1 -1680 NM_016337 51466 Hs.125867 NM_016337 HPRD:10942 EVL RNB6 Enah/Vasp-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5144 chr10 121092823 121092978 + 4.30989 NA intron (NM_005308, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_005308, intron 2 of 15) -44584 NR_039829 100616398 NR_039829 MIR4681 - microRNA 4681 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32104 chr7 73508551 73508625 + 4.29764 NA intron (NM_001204426, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_001204426, intron 1 of 14) 1102 NM_001204426 3984 Hs.647035 NM_002314 HPRD:03210 LIMK1 LIMK|LIMK-1 LIM domain kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21025 chr20 62258742 62258808 + 4.25835 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012384) promoter-TSS (NM_012384) -394 NM_012384 26205 Hs.473286 NM_012384 HPRD:16245 GMEB2 P79PIF|PIF79 glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2052 chr1 149871363 149871482 + 4.25835 NA intron (NM_016074, intron 1 of 1) CpG 267 NM_016074 51027 Hs.13880 NM_016074 HPRD:13036 BOLA1 - bolA family member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20844 chr20 47355598 47355669 + 4.25183 NA intron (NM_020820, intron 3 of 39) L2a|LINE|L2 88787 NM_020820 57580 Hs.153310 NM_020820 HPRD:06066 PREX1 P-REX1 phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8254 chr12 58135906 58136092 + 4.24172 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014770) promoter-TSS (NM_014770) -55 NM_014770 116986 Hs.302435 NM_014770 HPRD:05687 AGAP2 CENTG1|GGAP2|PIKE ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7138 chr11 123325075 123325233 + 4.23666 NA Intergenic Intergenic -71190 NM_020716 57476 Hs.144725 NM_020716 ENSG00000023171 GRAMD1B - GRAM domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19259 chr2 162397777 162397891 + 4.23666 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -33421 NR_077058 285116 Hs.470435 NR_077058 AHCTF1P1 AHCTF1P|ELYS-like AT hook containing transcription factor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28210 chr5 131434901 131434967 + 4.23092 NA Intergenic Intergenic 25449 NM_000758 1437 Hs.1349 NM_000758 HPRD:00734 CSF2 GMCSF colony stimulating factor 2 (granulocyte-macrophage) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24272 chr3 186490640 186490746 + 4.22161 NA Intergenic CpG -10668 NM_001967 1974 Hs.518475 NM_001967 HPRD:03062 EIF4A2 BM-010|DDX2B|EIF4A|EIF4F|eIF-4A-II|eIF4A-II eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14340 chr17 41856360 41856428 + 4.20736 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004090) promoter-TSS (NM_004090) -26 NM_004090 1845 Hs.181046 NM_004090 HPRD:02553 DUSP3 VHR dual specificity phosphatase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11879 chr15 78326901 78327010 + 4.20373 NA intron (NM_144572, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_144572, intron 3 of 12) -40388 NR_026998 91450 Hs.406766 NR_026998 LOC91450 - uncharacterized LOC91450 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7489 chr12 10711952 10712072 + 4.19663 NA Intergenic Intergenic 40422 NR_028045 10748 Hs.159297 NM_006611 HPRD:09180 KLRAP1 KLRA#|KLRA1|LY49L|Ly-49L|Ly49 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily A pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28140 chr5 126152535 126152669 + 4.16149 NA intron (NM_005573, intron 5 of 10) L1MC4a|LINE|L1 39757 NM_001198557 4001 Hs.89497 NM_005573 HPRD:01036 LMNB1 ADLD|LMN|LMN2|LMNB lamin B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8956 chr12 120884123 120884219 + 4.16136 NA promoter-TSS (NM_176818) promoter-TSS (NM_176818) 44 NM_016399 51499 Hs.69499 NM_016399 HPRD:13698 TRIAP1 MDM35|P53CSV|WF-1 TP53 regulated inhibitor of apoptosis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_740 chr1 40847288 40847432 + 4.15952 NA intron (NM_001198978, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001198978, intron 1 of 9) 7055 NM_001198978 64744 Hs.15200 NM_022733 HPRD:12442 SMAP2 SMAP1L small ArfGAP2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38182 chrX 77043636 77043765 + 4.14657 NA Intergenic MER51A|LTR|ERV1 -1945 NM_000489 546 Hs.533526 NM_000489 HPRD:02069 ATRX ATR2|JMS|MRXHF1|RAD54|RAD54L|SFM1|SHS|XH2|XNP|ZNF-HX alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18048 chr2 71204110 71204176 + 4.14657 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -1432 NM_001115116 79998 Hs.512744 NM_024933 HPRD:07762 ANKRD53 - ankyrin repeat domain 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30196 chr6 105697961 105698027 + 4.13580 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -70136 NM_022361 64208 Hs.458336 NM_022361 POPDC3 POP3|bA355M14.1 popeye domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15472 chr18 59854700 59854803 + 4.12407 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012327) promoter-TSS (NM_012327) 227 NM_020854 57614 Hs.465323 NM_020854 HPRD:13866 KIAA1468 HsT3308|HsT885 KIAA1468 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13720 chr17 6299019 6299186 + 4.11690 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 39350 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22742 chr3 47205903 47206017 + 4.09575 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014159) promoter-TSS (NM_014159) 100 NR_033373 285352 Hs.570631 NR_033373 KIF9-AS1 - KIF9 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6448 chr11 65849139 65849207 + 4.09150 NA intron (NM_018026, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_018026, intron 1 of 23) 11349 NM_018026 55690 Hs.644326 NM_018026 HPRD:06320 PACS1 MRD17 phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24945 chr4 42630310 42630488 + 4.09150 NA intron (NM_001105529, intron 1 of 35) intron (NM_001105529, intron 1 of 35) 28723 NM_001105529 10396 Hs.435052 NM_006095 HPRD:16527 ATP8A1 ATPASEII|ATPIA|ATPP2 ATPase, aminophospholipid transporter (APLT), class I, type 8A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11893 chr15 78832665 78832803 + 4.05879 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001102668) promoter-TSS (NM_001102668) -13 NM_001102668 5685 Hs.251531 NM_002789 HPRD:10168 PSMA4 HC9|HsT17706|PSC9 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type, 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17566 chr2 27861049 27861202 + 4.05879 NA intron (NM_001145047, intron 9 of 14) intron (NM_001145047, intron 9 of 14) -9227 NM_024584 79635 Hs.21081 NM_024584 HPRD:07834 CCDC121 - coiled-coil domain containing 121 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8796 chr12 107711985 107712061 + 4.05879 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018072) promoter-TSS (NM_001018072) -174 NM_001018072 121551 Hs.271272 NM_152322 HPRD:12536 BTBD11 ABTB2B BTB (POZ) domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7526 chr12 12867735 12867877 + 4.05099 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2398 NM_004064 1027 Hs.238990 NM_004064 HPRD:02867 CDKN1B CDKN4|KIP1|MEN1B|MEN4|P27KIP1 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (p27, Kip1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2909 chr1 206751679 206751790 + 4.04892 NA intron (NM_182665, intron 1 of 4) MIR|SINE|MIR 21242 NM_182665 83593 Hs.497579 NM_031437 HPRD:06117 RASSF5 Maxp1|NORE1|NORE1A|NORE1B|RAPL|RASSF3 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36357 chr9 131902411 131902477 + 4.04277 NA intron (NM_001271832, intron 7 of 8) intron (NM_001271832, intron 7 of 8) 28477 NM_001193397 5524 Hs.400740 NM_021131 HPRD:02858 PPP2R4 PP2A|PR53|PTPA protein phosphatase 2A activator, regulatory subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10860 chr14 90092578 90092730 + 4.02947 NA Intergenic L1MD3|LINE|L1 -7160 NM_001085471 1112 Hs.434286 NM_005197 HPRD:07533 FOXN3 C14orf116|CHES1|PRO1635 forkhead box N3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20407 chr20 12323396 12323462 + 4.02947 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 424916 NM_014962 22903 Hs.709366 NM_014962 HPRD:12538 BTBD3 dJ742J24.1 BTB (POZ) domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37362 chrX 19809860 19809986 + 4.01498 NA intron (NM_031892, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_031892, intron 2 of 17) 7994 NM_001024666 30011 Hs.726365 NM_031892 HPRD:02301 SH3KBP1 CD2BP3|CIN85|GIG10|HSB-1|HSB1|MIG18 SH3-domain kinase binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11484 chr15 44828863 44828958 + 4.01359 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003758) promoter-TSS (NM_003758) 188 NR_034171 645212 Hs.594287 NR_034170 EIF3J-AS1 - EIF3J antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11843 chr15 75497273 75497339 + 4.00149 NA intron (NM_015492, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_015492, intron 1 of 2) 3085 NM_015492 56905 Hs.17936 NM_015492 HPRD:13154 C15orf39 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21091 chr21 9967050 9967151 + 3.99581 NA intron (NR_038327, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_038327, intron 1 of 3) 1494 NR_038327 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19190 chr2 158277514 158277601 + 3.97872 NA intron (NM_004288, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_004288, intron 6 of 7) 23047 NM_004288 9595 Hs.270 NM_004288 HPRD:09192 CYTIP B3-1|CASP|CYBR|CYTHIP|HE|PSCDBP cytohesin 1 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7436 chr12 8797630 8797750 + 3.97853 NA TTS (NM_001297711) TTS (NM_001297711) 17794 NM_001297709 8076 Hs.512842 NM_003480 HPRD:03063 MFAP5 MAGP-2|MAGP2|MFAP-5|MP25 microfibrillar associated protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35544 chr9 69051515 69051648 + 3.96770 NA Intergenic Intergenic 96273 NR_002836 595135 Hs.571593 NR_002836 ENSG00000227558 PGM5P2 - phosphoglucomutase 5 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10795 chr14 78047659 78047781 + 3.96279 NA intron (NM_004863, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_004863, intron 2 of 11) 35390 NM_004863 9517 Hs.435661 NM_004863 HPRD:05755 SPTLC2 HSN1C|LCB2|LCB2A|NSAN1C|SPT2|hLCB2a serine palmitoyltransferase, long chain base subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20736 chr20 37504143 37504255 + 3.95853 NA intron (NM_015568, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_015568, intron 2 of 10) -50756 NM_030919 81610 Hs.726442 NM_030919 HPRD:12744 FAM83D C20orf129|CHICA|dJ616B8.3 family with sequence similarity 83, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10915 chr14 92587976 92588102 + 3.95781 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017437) promoter-TSS (NM_017437) 114 NM_004545 4707 Hs.183435 NM_004545 NDUFB1 CI-MNLL|CI-SGDH|MNLL NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex, 1, 7kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17310 chr2 4843260 4843335 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -139485 NR_034134 727982 Hs.444391 NR_034134 ENSG00000231532 LINC01249 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1249 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25225 chr4 58039970 58040058 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_034081, intron 1 of 4) SVA_D|Other|Other -63463 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30665 chr6 143193091 143193182 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) 73202 NM_006734 3097 Hs.510172 NM_006734 HPRD:00881 HIVEP2 HIV-EP2|MBP-2|MIBP1|SHN2|ZAS2|ZNF40B human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19177 chr2 157257235 157257301 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -34697 NM_001083112 2820 Hs.512382 NM_000408 HPRD:00715 GPD2 GDH2|GPDM|mGPDH glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (mitochondrial) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13407 chr16 82466050 82466124 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -194312 NM_001220490 1012 Hs.654386 NM_001257 HPRD:03219 CDH13 CDHH|P105 cadherin 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30219 chr6 107045816 107046083 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_032730, intron 5 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 31424 NM_032730 84816 Hs.155839 NM_032730 RTN4IP1 NIMP reticulon 4 interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35985 chr9 102009352 102009520 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 24866 NM_006808 10952 Hs.191887 NM_006808 HPRD:06715 SEC61B - Sec61 beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26848 chr5 17594356 17594488 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -207003 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1254 chr1 89751791 89751857 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4221 NR_077244 729930 Hs.745054 NR_077244 LOC729930 - chromosome 11 open reading frame 74 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29089 chr6 16436926 16436992 + 3.93847 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 6 of 7) L2a|LINE|L2 198148 NM_006877 2766 Hs.484741 NM_006877 HPRD:00754 GMPR GMPR1 guanosine monophosphate reductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4972 chr10 104406128 104406263 + 3.93539 NA intron (NM_030912, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_030912, intron 1 of 5) 1943 NM_030912 81603 Hs.336810 NM_030912 HPRD:06934 TRIM8 GERP|RNF27 tripartite motif containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20711 chr20 35628914 35629081 + 3.92610 NA intron (NM_002895, intron 21 of 21) SVA_F|Other|Other -48751 NM_015474 25939 Hs.580681 NM_015474 HPRD:08418 SAMHD1 CHBL2|DCIP|HDDC1|MOP-5|SBBI88 SAM domain and HD domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30216 chr6 106968024 106968187 + 3.91675 NA exon (NM_001624, exon 2 of 20) exon (NM_001624, exon 2 of 20) 8375 NM_001624 202 Hs.724262 NM_001624 HPRD:18576 AIM1 CRYBG1|ST4 absent in melanoma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39118 chrY 13292947 13293044 + 3.91261 NA Intergenic MLT2B3|LTR|ERVL 1240394 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6507 chr11 67636002 67636197 + 3.90983 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -63292 NR_024249 645332 Hs.535094 NR_024249 ENSG00000160172 FAM86C2P - family with sequence similarity 86, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2517 chr1 174938049 174938213 + 3.89942 NA intron (NM_001243764, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001243764, intron 1 of 6) 4226 NM_001243764 9910 Hs.585378 NM_014857 HPRD:16464 RABGAP1L HHL|TBC1D18 RAB GTPase activating protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27020 chr5 39916446 39916512 + 3.89450 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -135914 NR_104633 102467077 Hs.148993 NR_104633 LINC00603 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 603 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19049 chr2 138072443 138072509 + 3.88555 NA intron (NM_001080427, intron 11 of 26) L1PA3|LINE|L1 324014 NM_001080427 80731 Hs.68533 NM_001080427 ENSG00000144229 THSD7B - thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20950 chr20 55967815 55967967 + 3.87112 NA intron (NM_183425, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_183425, intron 2 of 2) 1437 NM_001291780 55544 Hs.236361 NM_017495 HPRD:15268 RBM38 HSRNASEB|RNPC1|SEB4B|SEB4D|dJ800J21.2 RNA binding motif protein 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2240 chr1 156783936 156784048 + 3.87112 NA intron (NM_001161443, intron 3 of 7) CpG-1809 -1550 NM_001007792 4914 Hs.406293 NM_002529 HPRD:01869 NTRK1 MTC|TRK|TRK1|TRKA|Trk-A|p140-TrkA neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6895 chr11 102139418 102139594 + 3.84936 NA Intergenic CpG -48675 NM_182962 330 Hs.127799 NM_001165 HPRD:03426 BIRC3 AIP1|API2|CIAP2|HAIP1|HIAP1|MALT2|MIHC|RNF49|c-IAP2 baculoviral IAP repeat containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27282 chr5 52067600 52067751 + 3.79090 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16099 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1156 chr1 78335956 78336099 + 3.78971 NA intron (NM_198549, intron 14 of 15) SVA_E|Other|Other -18173 NM_001172309 91624 Hs.612385 NM_144573 HPRD:11388 NEXN CMH20|NELIN nexilin (F actin binding protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19624 chr2 196522899 196523021 + 3.77415 NA intron (NM_020342, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_020342, intron 1 of 9) 1108 NM_020342 57181 Hs.650158 NM_020342 HPRD:10572 SLC39A10 LZT-Hs2 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18570 chr2 99452337 99452405 + 3.75637 NA intron (NM_207362, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_207362, intron 3 of 9) 100313 NM_207362 343990 Hs.469398 NM_207362 HPRD:14620 KIAA1211L C2orf55 KIAA1211-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35190 chr9 33523827 33523956 + 3.72358 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001244752) promoter-TSS (NM_001244752) -520 NM_001244752 441459 Hs.493710 NM_001013728 HPRD:18466 ANKRD18B bA255A11.3|bA255A11.5 ankyrin repeat domain 18B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29462 chr6 34204138 34204204 + 3.71920 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002131) promoter-TSS (NM_002131) -406 NM_145903 3159 Hs.518805 NM_002131 HPRD:02829 HMGA1 HMG-R|HMGA1A|HMGIY high mobility group AT-hook 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4930 chr10 102673002 102673101 + 3.71681 NA exon (NM_001243770, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_001243770, exon 1 of 1) 725 NM_001243770 55719 Hs.447458 NM_018121 HPRD:12581 FAM178A C10orf6 family with sequence similarity 178, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30592 chr6 138029258 138029344 + 3.71373 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30873 NR_121618 100507406 Hs.556703 NR_121618 ENSG00000234956 LOC100507406 - uncharacterized LOC100507406 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10977 chr14 98460701 98460835 + 3.70712 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16307 NR_015430 388011 Hs.651477 NR_015430 ENSG00000246223 C14orf64 - chromosome 14 open reading frame 64 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1845 chr1 145396765 145396935 + 3.70361 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 68 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 68 of 85) -16341 NM_213653 148738 Hs.632436 NM_145277 HPRD:10521 HFE2 HFE2A|HJV|JH|RGMC hemochromatosis type 2 (juvenile) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26572 chr4 187548296 187548405 + 3.67344 NA intron (NM_005245, intron 9 of 26) intron (NM_005245, intron 9 of 26) -71813 NM_005958 4543 Hs.243467 NM_005958 HPRD:02812 MTNR1A MEL-1A-R|MT1 melatonin receptor 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9202 chr13 21347756 21347873 + 3.67137 NA intron (NM_174928, intron 1 of 4) CpG 243 NM_174928 221143 Hs.26674 NM_174928 HPRD:14135 N6AMT2 ESP13 N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 2 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25116 chr4 49514877 49514992 + 3.66466 NA Intergenic Intergenic 526275 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19075 chr2 144486171 144486268 + 3.65896 NA intron (NM_018460, intron 13 of 13) intron (NM_018460, intron 13 of 13) -208415 NR_110237 101928386 Hs.668251 NR_110237 ENSG00000232377 LOC101928386 - uncharacterized LOC101928386 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38729 chrX 133973188 133973263 + 3.64725 NA intron (NM_138819, intron 3 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 32002 NM_138819 159091 Hs.269127 NM_138819 HPRD:06615 FAM122C - family with sequence similarity 122C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13530 chr16 89753266 89753378 + 3.64725 NA intron (NR_027703, intron 1 of 11) CpG 246 NR_027702 8558 Hs.699177 NM_003674 ENSG00000185324 CDK10 PISSLRE cyclin-dependent kinase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23133 chr3 78541756 78541917 + 3.64725 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 526773 NM_001145845 6091 Hs.744218 NM_002941 HPRD:03890 ROBO1 DUTT1|SAX3 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30526 chr6 133134280 133134399 + 3.63912 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1369 NM_001016 6206 Hs.546289 NM_001016 RPS12 S12 ribosomal protein S12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34829 chr8 145016845 145016954 + 3.63044 NA promoter-TSS (NM_201383) promoter-TSS (NM_201383) -207 NM_201383 5339 Hs.434248 NM_000445 HPRD:03180 PLEC EBS1|EBSO|HD1|LGMD2Q|PCN|PLEC1|PLEC1b|PLTN plectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5583 chr11 8913069 8913181 + 3.62651 NA intron (NM_005418, intron 1 of 22) L1PA5|LINE|L1 19373 NM_005418 6764 Hs.117715 NM_005418 HPRD:00780 ST5 DENND2B|HTS1|p126 suppression of tumorigenicity 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9447 chr13 42980603 42980711 + 3.62651 NA Intergenic Intergenic 134368 NM_016248 11215 Hs.105105 NM_016248 HPRD:05261 AKAP11 AKAP-11|AKAP220|PPP1R44|PRKA11 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31712 chr7 50418473 50418584 + 3.58971 NA intron (NM_001291840, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_001291840, intron 2 of 2) 59884 NM_001291842 10320 Hs.435949 NM_006060 HPRD:04318 IKZF1 Hs.54452|IK1|IKAROS|LYF1|LyF-1|PPP1R92|PRO0758|ZNFN1A1 IKAROS family zinc finger 1 (Ikaros) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23070 chr3 71136826 71137001 + 3.58835 NA intron (NM_001244810, intron 7 of 20) intron (NM_001244810, intron 7 of 20) -22839 NM_001244813 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22618 chr3 38388172 38388258 + 3.54644 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005108) promoter-TSS (NM_005108) -36 NM_005108 9942 Hs.659985 NM_005108 HPRD:06812 XYLB - xylulokinase homolog (H. influenzae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34673 chr8 134580942 134581027 + 3.54459 NA intron (NM_173344, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_173344, intron 1 of 9) 3199 NM_173344 6482 Hs.374257 NM_003033 HPRD:06219 ST3GAL1 Gal-NAc6S|SIAT4A|SIATFL|ST3GalA|ST3GalA.1|ST3GalIA|ST3GalIA,1|ST3O ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28073 chr5 118415312 118415441 + 3.53235 NA intron (NM_001290322, intron 1 of 42) intron (NM_001290322, intron 1 of 42) 8292 NM_001290321 1657 Hs.181042 NM_005509 HPRD:09294 DMXL1 - Dmx-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23829 chr3 143692047 143692143 + 3.52745 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001134470) promoter-TSS (NM_001134470) -72 NM_001134470 205428 Hs.288954 NM_173552 HPRD:14559 C3orf58 DIA1|GoPro49|HASF chromosome 3 open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8965 chr12 121341243 121341309 + 3.50504 NA intron (NM_139015, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_139015, intron 1 of 10) 879 NM_139015 121665 Hs.507087 NM_139015 HPRD:09744 SPPL3 IMP2|MDHV1887|PRO4332|PSH1|PSL4 signal peptide peptidase like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14384 chr17 43661833 43661931 + 3.49545 NA Intergenic Intergenic 17866 NR_026901 644172 Hs.448859 NR_026901 LOC644172 - mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37927 chrX 64821554 64821662 + 3.49129 NA Intergenic Intergenic -49307 NR_033742 83957 Hs.652967 NR_033742 HPRD:06511 FRMD8P1 - FERM domain containing 8 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2473 chr1 172666736 172666914 + 3.48670 NA Intergenic Intergenic 38640 NM_000639 356 Hs.2007 NM_000639 HPRD:00610 FASLG ALPS1B|APT1LG1|APTL|CD178|CD95-L|CD95L|FASL|TNFSF6 Fas ligand (TNF superfamily, member 6) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13133 chr16 61818094 61818210 + 3.47763 NA intron (NM_001796, intron 8 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 252587 NM_001796 1006 Hs.368322 NM_001796 HPRD:04306 CDH8 Nbla04261 cadherin 8, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20978 chr20 57741454 57741576 + 3.46427 NA Intergenic L1MD1|LINE|L1 -24560 NM_178457 128611 Hs.473204 NM_178457 ENSG00000124203 ZNF831 C20orf174|dJ492J12.1 zinc finger protein 831 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14222 chr17 36715780 36715846 + 3.46426 NA intron (NM_025248, intron 10 of 18) CpG 46370 NM_025248 80725 Hs.448872 NM_025248 HPRD:11589 SRCIN1 P140|SNIP SRC kinase signaling inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28719 chr5 169696708 169696836 + 3.45943 NA intron (NM_005565, intron 7 of 20) L2c|LINE|L2 28050 NM_005565 3937 Hs.304475 NM_005565 LCP2 SLP-76|SLP76 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 (SH2 domain containing leukocyte protein of 76kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22087 chr22 43482187 43482265 + 3.42023 NA intron (NM_012263, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_012263, intron 1 of 10) 3208 NR_027779 25809 Hs.660298 NM_012263 HPRD:10604 TTLL1 C22orf7|HS323M22B tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25612 chr4 95136047 95136131 + 3.41019 NA intron (NR_045644, intron 3 of 24) MIRc|SINE|MIR 6854 NR_045644 56916 Hs.410406 NM_020159 HPRD:11586 SMARCAD1 ADERM|ETL1|HEL1 SWI/SNF-related, matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, containing DEAD/H box 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13034 chr16 53488005 53488120 + 3.40937 NA intron (NM_005611, intron 7 of 21) intron (NM_005611, intron 7 of 21) 19711 NM_005611 5934 Hs.513609 NM_005611 HPRD:01576 RBL2 P130|Rb2 retinoblastoma-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2635 chr1 184861493 184861598 + 3.39778 NA intron (NM_052966, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_052966, intron 3 of 13) 82173 NM_052966 116496 Hs.518662 NM_052966 HPRD:10725 FAM129A C1orf24|NIBAN family with sequence similarity 129, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23361 chr3 105547683 105547803 + 3.39778 NA intron (NM_170662, intron 3 of 18) intron (NM_170662, intron 3 of 18) 40144 NM_170662 868 Hs.430589 NM_170662 HPRD:05136 CBLB Cbl-b|RNF56 Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11011 chr14 101106853 101107007 + 3.38042 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16675 NR_024096 283601 Hs.379802 NM_001007560 HPRD:16621 LINC00523 C14orf70 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 523 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33182 chr7 158611438 158611504 + 3.35707 NA intron (NM_020728, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_020728, intron 1 of 21) 10848 NM_020728 57488 Hs.490795 NM_020728 HPRD:13053 ESYT2 CHR2SYT|E-Syt2|FAM62B extended synaptotagmin-like protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30046 chr6 88461210 88461300 + 3.35707 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -33323 NR_110869 101928911 Hs.571178 NR_110869 LOC101928911 - uncharacterized LOC101928911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29631 chr6 44903752 44903866 + 3.35082 NA intron (NM_003599, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_003599, intron 9 of 10) 261698 NR_030313 693171 NR_030313 MIR586 MIRN586|hsa-mir-586 microRNA 586 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16159 chr19 17607190 17607276 + 3.33609 NA intron (NM_198580, intron 6 of 11) intron (NM_198580, intron 6 of 11) -15199 NM_012088 25796 Hs.466165 NM_012088 HPRD:12001 PGLS 6PGL 6-phosphogluconolactonase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14430 chr17 45887679 45887803 + 3.32143 NA intron (NM_145798, intron 18 of 22) intron (NM_145798, intron 18 of 22) 11406 NM_145798 114881 Hs.463320 NM_017731 HPRD:09477 OSBPL7 ORP7 oxysterol binding protein-like 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4 chr1 90390 90556 + 3.30279 NA Intergenic MLT1H2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 21382 NM_001005484 79501 Hs.554500 NM_001005484 OR4F5 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily F, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23742 chr3 136447390 136447559 + 3.29173 NA intron (NM_005862, intron 1 of 33) intron (NM_005862, intron 1 of 33) 23771 NM_005862 10274 Hs.412586 NM_005862 HPRD:05076 STAG1 SA1|SCC3A stromal antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1542 chr1 113160789 113160944 + 3.28965 NA intron (NM_138729, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_138729, intron 1 of 13) 1174 NM_138727 54879 Hs.201921 NM_017744 HPRD:18112 ST7L FAM4B|ST7R|STLR suppression of tumorigenicity 7 like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29592 chr6 42858587 42858678 + 3.24637 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001008739) promoter-TSS (NM_001008739) -78 NM_001008739 441150 Hs.571098 NM_001008739 HPRD:17403 C6orf226 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 226 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30553 chr6 135858937 135859060 + 3.24637 NA intron (NR_026805, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_026805, intron 1 of 3) 40059 NR_026805 100131814 Hs.734007 NR_026805 ENSG00000231028 LINC00271 C6orf217|NCRNA00271 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 271 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24119 chr3 172238422 172238516 + 3.19842 NA intron (NM_001190943, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_001190943, intron 1 of 1) 2796 NM_001190943 8743 Hs.478275 NM_003810 HPRD:04670 TNFSF10 APO2L|Apo-2L|CD253|TL2|TRAIL tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2170 chr1 154947354 154947496 + 3.19819 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003029) promoter-TSS (NM_003029) 307 NM_001826 1163 Hs.374378 NM_001826 HPRD:00299 CKS1B CKS1|PNAS-16|PNAS-18|ckshs1 CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38868 chrX 150565454 150565627 + 3.18698 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001017980) promoter-TSS (NM_001017980) -117 NM_001017980 203547 Hs.58633 NM_001017980 HPRD:18578 VMA21 MEAX|XMEA VMA21 vacuolar H+-ATPase homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19174 chr2 157191098 157191181 + 3.18149 NA Intergenic CpG -1852 NM_006186 4929 Hs.563344 NM_006186 HPRD:03493 NR4A2 HZF-3|NOT|NURR1|RNR1|TINUR nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11832 chr15 75092633 75092699 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_004383, intron 5 of 12) intron (NM_004383, intron 5 of 12) -11568 NR_039738 100616183 NR_039738 miRBase:MI0016879 MIR4513 - microRNA 4513 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28929 chr6 2892072 2892144 + 3.17239 NA exon (NM_004155, exon 6 of 7) exon (NM_004155, exon 6 of 7) 7886 NR_110841 101927730 Hs.713231 NR_110841 LOC101927730 - uncharacterized LOC101927730 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24447 chr4 730744 730858 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_006315, intron 5 of 10) CpG 31228 NM_006315 10336 Hs.144309 NM_006315 HPRD:11515 PCGF3 DONG1|RNF3|RNF3A polycomb group ring finger 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21824 chr22 25396268 25396334 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -27640 NM_001145206 85379 Hs.419171 NM_001145206 ENSG00000197077 KIAA1671 - KIAA1671 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23457 chr3 113252532 113252642 + 3.13929 NA intron (NM_017699, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_017699, intron 1 of 24) 1369 NM_017699 54847 Hs.591291 NM_017699 HPRD:12111 SIDT1 B830021E24Rik|SID-1|SID1 SID1 transmembrane family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21066 chr21 9548433 9548685 + 3.13341 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -277273 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22726 chr3 46448987 46449084 + 3.13310 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130910) promoter-TSS (NM_001130910) -14 NM_001130910 9034 Hs.535713 NM_003965 HPRD:16327 CCRL2 ACKR5|CKRX|CRAM|CRAM-A|CRAM-B|HCR chemokine (C-C motif) receptor-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35320 chr9 42610065 42610178 + 3.12888 NA Intergenic L1PA10|LINE|L1 -107945 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29577 chr6 42325490 42325574 + 3.08355 NA intron (NM_033502, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_033502, intron 3 of 17) 94257 NM_001297573 55809 Hs.485392 NM_018415 HPRD:11647 TRERF1 BCAR2|HSA277276|RAPA|TREP132|TReP-132|dJ139D8.5 transcriptional regulating factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33581 chr8 30013366 30013449 + 3.08038 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006571) promoter-TSS (NM_006571) -406 NM_006571 10671 Hs.158427 NM_006571 HPRD:09907 DCTN6 WS-3|WS3|p27 dynactin 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21544 chr21 48118312 48118417 + 3.07643 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 62857 NM_206962 3275 Hs.154163 NM_001535 HPRD:09060 PRMT2 HRMT1L1 protein arginine methyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26617 chr4 190566783 190566866 + 3.06525 NA Intergenic CpG -13936 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2287 chr1 160529364 160529430 + 3.04076 NA intron (NM_001184882, intron 1 of 5) L1PA11|LINE|L1 19909 NM_001184879 8832 Hs.398093 NM_003874 HPRD:05151 CD84 LY9B|SLAMF5|hCD84|mCD84 CD84 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34529 chr8 123309771 123309849 + 3.02806 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -484091 NM_014943 22882 Hs.377090 NM_014943 HPRD:16458 ZHX2 AFR1|RAF zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4559 chr10 73487633 73487699 + 3.01823 NA intron (NM_001171930, intron 29 of 30) intron (NM_001171930, intron 29 of 30) -8088 NM_001164375 414152 Hs.568788 NM_001164375 ENSG00000214688 C10orf105 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 105 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3502 chr10 310383 310449 + 3.01089 NA Intergenic Intergenic 84482 NM_001202468 10771 Hs.292265 NM_006624 HPRD:09830 ZMYND11 BRAM1|BS69 zinc finger, MYND-type containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31115 chr6 170783879 170784001 + 3.00221 NA Intergenic Intergenic 78477 NM_002793 5689 Hs.352768 NM_002793 HPRD:03603 PSMB1 HC5|PMSB1|PSC5 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22227 chr3 4408956 4409042 + 2.99573 NA intron (NM_001164675, intron 7 of 7) L1P1|LINE|L1 63702 NR_024022 6419 Hs.475300 NM_006515 HPRD:10225 SETMAR HsMar1|METNASE|Mar1 SET domain and mariner transposase fusion gene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14173 chr17 33815392 33815492 + 2.97658 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195790) promoter-TSS (NM_001195790) -684 NM_001195790 100506736 Hs.447559 NM_001145027 ENSG00000205045 SLFN12L - schlafen family member 12-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14999 chr18 3458498 3458678 + 2.97658 NA TTS (NM_173210) TTS (NM_173210) 4816 NM_173211 7050 Hs.373550 NM_003244 HPRD:04023 TGIF1 HPE4|TGIF TGFB-induced factor homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8856 chr12 111099503 111099569 + 2.96634 NA intron (NM_001256413, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_001256413, intron 2 of 6) 27426 NM_032369 84329 Hs.211511 NM_032369 HPRD:17507 HVCN1 HV1|VSOP hydrogen voltage-gated channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26517 chr4 185151414 185151480 + 2.92345 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12333 NM_153343 133121 Hs.297814 NM_153343 HPRD:16863 ENPP6 NPP6 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20654 chr20 32957230 32957364 + 2.86687 NA intron (NM_001257138, intron 2 of 23) intron (NM_001257138, intron 2 of 23) 6256 NM_031483 83737 Hs.632272 NM_031483 ENSG00000078747 ITCH AIF4|AIP4|NAPP1|dJ468O1.1 itchy E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14114 chr17 29641419 29641485 + 2.86316 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006495) promoter-TSS (NM_006495) -322 NM_006495 2124 Hs.5509 NM_006495 HPRD:08867 EVI2B CD361|D17S376|EVDB ecotropic viral integration site 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34661 chr8 134069752 134069836 + 2.84148 NA intron (NM_001282965, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001282965, intron 1 of 6) 2809 NM_006748 6503 Hs.75367 NM_006748 HPRD:03060 SLA SLA1|SLAP Src-like-adaptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32167 chr7 76363418 76363538 + 2.81906 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -106858 NM_012230 22932 Hs.488877 NM_012230 HPRD:15974 POMZP3 POM-ZP3|POM121 POM121 and ZP3 fusion protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38258 chrX 84249144 84249217 + 2.77032 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -9718 NM_198450 139322 Hs.512181 NM_198450 APOOL CXorf33|FAM121A|UNQ8193 apolipoprotein O-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30435 chr6 125620555 125620674 + 2.76454 NA intron (NM_016063, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_016063, intron 2 of 5) 2668 NM_016063 51020 Hs.32826 NM_016063 HPRD:12897 HDDC2 C6orf74|NS5ATP2|dJ167O5.2 HD domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11733 chr15 65823000 65823076 + 2.72969 NA exon (NM_016395, exon 1 of 11) exon (NM_016395, exon 1 of 11) 211 NM_016395 51495 Hs.512973 NM_016395 HPRD:11037 PTPLAD1 B-IND1|BIND1|HACD3|HSPC121 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37535 chrX 46433087 46433170 + 2.71423 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019886) promoter-TSS (NM_019886) 6 NM_019886 56548 Hs.129955 NM_019886 HPRD:02302 CHST7 C6ST-2|GST-5 carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine 6-O) sulfotransferase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14389 chr17 44264411 44264496 + 2.66999 NA intron (NM_001193465, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_001193465, intron 2 of 15) 5713 NM_001193466 284058 Hs.648744 NM_015443 HPRD:11254 KANSL1 CENP-36|KDVS|KIAA1267|MSL1v1|NSL1|hMSL1v1 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10891 chr14 91711525 91711615 + 2.55572 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001177676) promoter-TSS (NM_001177676) -718 NM_001177676 8111 Hs.8882 NM_003485 HPRD:03241 GPR68 GPR12A|OGR1 G protein-coupled receptor 68 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33161 chr7 157991468 157991561 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_130842, intron 3 of 21) intron (NM_130842, intron 3 of 21) 333991 NR_030325 693180 NR_030325 MIR595 MIRN595|hsa-mir-595 microRNA 595 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34346 chr8 102092920 102093036 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic CpG 28696 NR_033962 441374 Hs.652045 NR_033962 ENSG00000248599 FLJ42969 - uncharacterized LOC441374 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13491 chr16 88770023 88770115 + 2.45993 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171816) promoter-TSS (NM_001171816) -44 NM_001171816 115992 Hs.513804 NM_178841 HPRD:15260 RNF166 - ring finger protein 166 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32263 chr7 87579830 87579916 + 2.41251 NA intron (NM_004194, intron 2 of 28) L1PA3|LINE|L1 16307 NM_016351 53616 Hs.256398 NM_004194 HPRD:04751 ADAM22 ADAM 22|MDC2 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_943 chr1 53749233 53749332 + 2.07571 NA intron (NM_001018054, intron 3 of 17) (CTTA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 44539 NM_004631 7804 Hs.280387 NM_004631 LRP8 APOER2|HSZ75190|LRP-8|MCI1 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8, apolipoprotein e receptor protein-coding Done annotating peaks file