Peak file = 9not12.bed Genome = hg19 Organism = human Peak/BED file conversion summary: BED/Header formatted lines: 10581 peakfile formatted lines: 0 Duplicated Peak IDs: 62 Peak File Statistics: Total Peaks: 10581 Redundant Peak IDs: 0 Peaks lacking information: 0 (need at least 5 columns per peak) Peaks with misformatted coordinates: 0 (should be integer) Peaks with misformatted strand: 0 (should be either +/- or 0/1) Peak file looks good! Reading Positions... ----------------------- Finding Closest TSS... Annotating:..................................... Annotation Number of peaks Total size (bp) Log2 Enrichment 3UTR 51.0 21947099 -0.539 miRNA 0.0 48690 -13.351 ncRNA 28.0 5150079 0.687 TTS 101.0 28120964 0.089 pseudo 8.0 1884609 0.330 Exon 147.0 34385123 0.340 Intron 3765.0 1195175453 -0.100 Intergenic 4781.0 1773850687 -0.325 Promoter 1477.0 31355318 3.802 5UTR 92.0 2504844 3.443 snoRNA 0.0 119 -13.351 snRNA 0.0 105 -13.351 NOTE: If this part takes more than 2 minutes, there is a good chance your machine ran out of memory: consider hitting ctrl+C and rerunning the command with "-noann" To capture annotation stats in a file, use "-annStats " next time Annotating:.......................................................... Annotation Number of peaks Total size (bp) Log2 Enrichment 3UTR 51.0 21947099 -0.555 Other 306.0 3967636 4.498 Unknown? 0.0 18108 -13.369 RNA 2.0 115354 2.345 miRNA 0.0 48690 -13.369 ncRNA 28.0 5150079 0.671 TTS 101.0 28120964 0.073 LINE 2671.0 625648417 0.323 LINE? 0.0 10448 -13.369 srpRNA 0.0 255860 -13.369 SINE 1162.0 381464651 -0.164 RC 1.0 443678 -0.599 tRNA 7.0 93277 4.458 DNA? 0.0 265211 -13.369 pseudo 8.0 1884609 0.314 DNA 103.0 96292758 -1.674 Exon 147.0 34385123 0.325 Intron 1535.0 634540000 -0.497 Intergenic 1246.0 905105581 -1.310 Promoter 1477.0 31355318 3.786 5UTR 92.0 2504844 3.427 snoRNA 0.0 119 -13.369 LTR? 0.0 21177 -13.369 scRNA 0.0 117169 -13.369 CpG-Island 461.0 9437483 3.839 Low_complexity 45.0 15528993 -0.236 LTR 372.0 260854439 -1.259 Simple_repeat 185.0 24978884 1.117 snRNA 3.0 323287 1.443 Unknown 3.0 1253251 -0.512 SINE? 0.0 43187 -13.369 Satellite 572.0 13180539 3.668 rRNA 3.0 166688 2.398 Counting Tags in Peaks from each directory... Organism: human Loading Gene Informaiton... Outputing Annotation File... PeakID ( 9not12.bed hg19) Chr Start End Strand Peak Score Focus Ratio/Region Size Annotation Detailed Annotation Distance to TSS Nearest PromoterID Entrez ID Nearest Unigene Nearest Refseq Nearest Ensembl Gene Name Gene Alias Gene Description Gene Type 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33103 chr7 156856626 156856965 + 35.67106 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 53244 NR_038835 645249 Hs.224879 NR_038835 ENSG00000243479 MNX1-AS1 - MNX1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19149 chr2 153864368 153864470 + 32.46601 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 290012 NR_024526 151188 Hs.643580 NM_152522 HPRD:12485 ARL6IP6 AIP-6|PFAAP1 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27373 chr5 60057338 60057441 + 29.87263 NA intron (NM_001297618, intron 7 of 8) intron (NM_001297618, intron 7 of 8) -61396 NM_018369 55789 Hs.482233 NM_018369 HPRD:16794 DEPDC1B BRCC3|XTP1 DEP domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34204 chr8 88546543 88546640 + 29.15925 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 339705 NM_152418 138009 Hs.371738 NM_152418 HPRD:08187 DCAF4L2 WDR21C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30862 chr6 157704818 157705043 + 28.19177 NA Intergenic Intergenic 40361 NM_018452 729515 Hs.157212 NM_018452 ENSG00000215712 TMEM242 BM033|C6orf35 transmembrane protein 242 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34092 chr8 80084085 80084184 + 27.27898 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -366376 NM_001199887 3574 Hs.591873 NM_000880 HPRD:00892 IL7 IL-7 interleukin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37238 chrX 8715438 8715558 + 26.49673 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -15271 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19789 chr2 204840183 204840283 + 26.22703 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 38762 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30924 chr6 159357083 159357199 + 26.18202 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 47522 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_903 chr1 50348243 50348350 + 25.70487 NA intron (NM_032785, intron 1 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 141330 NM_032785 84871 Hs.551844 NM_032785 HPRD:07487 AGBL4 CCP6 ATP/GTP binding protein-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19764 chr2 204730004 204730100 + 25.59789 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu -2459 NM_001037631 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13752 chr17 6436479 6436580 + 24.37696 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 2 of 19) AluSp|SINE|Alu 23348 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32916 chr7 143112319 143112440 + 24.33250 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 2 of 4) AluSq|SINE|Alu -6394 NM_005232 2041 Hs.89839 NM_005232 HPRD:01554 EPHA1 EPH|EPHT|EPHT1 EPH receptor A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3279 chr1 232775562 232775816 + 23.96417 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 102772 NR_110683 101927683 Hs.520568 NR_110683 ENSG00000236497 LOC101927683 - uncharacterized LOC101927683 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9615 chr13 56545741 56545898 + 23.29038 NA Intergenic Intergenic 797230 NR_049804 100846996 NR_049804 miRBase:MI0017874 MIR5007 - microRNA 5007 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6553 chr11 70981981 70982224 + 23.23652 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -46260 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9834 chr13 97703119 97703218 + 23.12194 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -56564 NM_080818 27199 Hs.352218 NM_080818 HPRD:06082 OXGR1 GPR80|GPR99|P2RY15|P2Y15|aKGR oxoglutarate (alpha-ketoglutarate) receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29294 chr6 28316723 28316897 + 23.10797 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024493) promoter-TSS (NM_024493) -881 NM_024493 80317 Hs.380930 NM_024493 HPRD:11705 ZKSCAN3 ZF47|ZFP306|ZNF306|ZNF309|ZSCAN13|ZSCAN35|Zfp47|dJ874C20.1|dJ874C20.1.|zfp-47 zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36600 chr9_gl000199_random 73726 73803 + 23.03111 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_104 chr1 2838221 2838453 + 22.71076 NA Intergenic Intergenic -99709 NM_080431 140625 Hs.236635 NM_080431 HPRD:12254 ACTRT2 ARPM2|ARPT2|Arp-T2|HARPM2 actin-related protein T2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32899 chr7 143008109 143008258 + 22.59329 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -5036 NM_000083 1180 Hs.121483 NM_000083 HPRD:00320 CLCN1 CLC1 chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1684 chr1 121432344 121432427 + 22.56145 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 171475 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30898 chr6 159263436 159263666 + 22.45686 NA intron (NR_028496, intron 2 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 15113 NR_028496 202459 Hs.487035 NM_145303 HPRD:14130 OSTCP1 DC2L|OSTCL oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26335 chr4 162448755 162448860 + 22.45502 NA intron (NM_020116, intron 10 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 636379 NM_020116 56884 Hs.32452 NM_020116 HPRD:10998 FSTL5 - follistatin-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_581 chr1 35021529 35021804 + 22.45502 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 -198982 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20298 chr20 1210057 1210165 + 22.45502 NA intron (NM_001136566, intron 2 of 13) AluSx|SINE|Alu 3347 NM_001136566 642636 Hs.713451 NM_001136566 ENSG00000244588 RAD21L1 RAD21L|dJ545L17.2 RAD21-like 1 (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14958 chr18 1633922 1634161 + 22.41742 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -274411 NR_023926 56651 Hs.541165 NM_031416 LINC00470 C18orf2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 470 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27612 chr5 75528814 75529393 + 22.24551 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 149864 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6105 chr11 50676306 50676398 + 22.04873 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 308034 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22998 chr3 66806746 66806856 + 21.95080 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -241926 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38053 chrX 71319242 71319369 + 21.89476 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) AluSg4|SINE|Alu 32446 NM_001024455 340526 Hs.512180 NM_001024455 HPRD:18594 RGAG4 6430402L03Rik|MAR5|MART5 retrotransposon gag domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5271 chr10 129608001 129608284 + 21.82816 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 72604 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6906 chr11 102979993 102980455 + 21.74067 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001377) promoter-TSS (NM_001377) 64 NM_001080463 79659 Hs.503721 NM_001377 ENSG00000187240 DYNC2H1 ATD3|DHC1b|DHC2|DNCH2|DYH1B|SRPS2B|SRTD3|hdhc11 dynein, cytoplasmic 2, heavy chain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34731 chr8 138714573 138714736 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -288823 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37445 chrX 32025112 32025200 + 21.26789 NA intron (NM_004009, intron 44 of 78) L1PA3|LINE|L1 148430 NM_004021 1756 Hs.495912 NM_000109 HPRD:02303 DMD BMD|CMD3B|DXS142|DXS164|DXS206|DXS230|DXS239|DXS268|DXS269|DXS270|DXS272|MRX85 dystrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33611 chr8 36570395 36570491 + 21.26789 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -71399 NM_001031836 157855 Hs.13861 NM_001031836 ENSG00000215262 KCNU1 KCNMC1|KCa5|KCa5.1|Kcnma3|Slo3 potassium channel, subfamily U, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9907 chr13 102007817 102007921 + 21.16416 NA intron (NM_052867, intron 6 of 43) L1PA8|LINE|L1 60944 NM_052867 259232 Hs.525146 NM_052867 HPRD:15647 NALCN CanIon|INNFD|VGCNL1|bA430M15.1 sodium leak channel, non-selective protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26017 chr4 129002854 129002952 + 21.12645 NA intron (NM_001278604, intron 4 of 9) intron (NM_001278604, intron 4 of 9) 20482 NM_178043 55132 Hs.657067 NM_018078 HPRD:10963 LARP1B LARP2 La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22613 chr3 38125857 38126055 + 20.89888 NA intron (NM_007337, intron 7 of 35) (TAG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 45260 NM_007337 9940 Hs.714499 NM_007335 HPRD:07234 DLEC1 CFAP81|DLC1|F56 deleted in lung and esophageal cancer 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23324 chr3 101522114 101522368 + 20.87413 NA intron (NM_145037, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_145037, intron 5 of 7) 23955 NM_001134456 91775 Hs.595933 NM_145037 HPRD:10073 NXPE3 FAM55C|MST115 neurexophilin and PC-esterase domain family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13368 chr16 80603624 80603821 + 20.72752 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104665) promoter-TSS (NR_104665) -215 NR_104665 101928276 Hs.149769 NR_104665 ENSG00000260737 LINC01227 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1227 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23009 chr3 66864390 66864563 + 20.72752 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -184251 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3007 chr1 217804345 217804510 + 20.68885 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138796) promoter-TSS (NM_138796) 17 NM_018040 55105 Hs.362343 NM_018040 HPRD:07657 GPATCH2 CT110|GPATC2|PPP1R30 G patch domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1573 chr1 114725759 114725843 + 20.66099 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -29329 NM_001270805 148281 Hs.370963 NM_205848 HPRD:09654 SYT6 sytVI synaptotagmin VI protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38781 chrX 136520414 136520569 + 20.66099 NA Intergenic AluJr|SINE|Alu -127855 NM_003413 7547 Hs.111227 NM_003413 HPRD:02225 ZIC3 HTX|HTX1|VACTERLX|ZNF203 Zic family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6565 chr11 71077749 71077840 + 20.62011 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 56606 NR_038862 399923 Hs.128191 NM_001001680 HPRD:13457 FLJ42102 - uncharacterized LOC399923 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31096 chr6 170461224 170461658 + 20.61952 NA Intergenic Intergenic 110216 NR_002787 154449 Hs.447751 NR_002787 ENSG00000230960 LOC154449 - uncharacterized LOC154449 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13987 chr17 22022594 22022819 + 20.58172 NA 5' UTR (NM_001190452, exon 1 of 1) 5' UTR (NM_001190452, exon 1 of 1) 269 NM_001190452 100462977 Hs.740185 NM_001190452 ENSG00000256618 MTRNR2L1 HN1 MT-RNR2-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26825 chr5 14992864 14993027 + 20.46412 NA Intergenic Intergenic -121058 NM_054027 56172 Hs.156727 NM_054027 HPRD:05509 ANKH ANK|CCAL2|CMDJ|CPPDD|HANK|MANK ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25304 chr4 63667493 63667626 + 20.39769 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -640076 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33073 chr7 155278375 155278531 + 20.37286 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 27629 NM_001427 2020 Hs.134989 NM_001427 HPRD:08836 EN2 - engrailed homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3040 chr1 220235809 220236010 + 20.23894 NA intron (NM_001286151, intron 6 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -15909 NM_004446 2058 Hs.497788 NM_004446 HPRD:00703 EPRS EARS|GLUPRORS|PARS|QARS|QPRS glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5925 chr11 36504074 36504199 + 20.16561 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 27727 NM_145803 7189 Hs.444172 NM_004620 TRAF6 MGC:3310|RNF85 TNF receptor-associated factor 6, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36755 chrUn_gl000216 44614 44699 + 20.15619 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13199 chr16 67362201 67362427 + 20.13499 NA intron (NM_018296, intron 1 of 13) AluY|SINE|Alu 1567 NM_018296 55282 Hs.125139 NM_018296 HPRD:08558 LRRC36 RORBP70|XLHSRF2 leucine rich repeat containing 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39114 chrY 13196389 13196499 + 20.13008 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1336945 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35164 chr9 32363948 32364026 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -20614 NM_002197 48 Hs.567229 NM_002197 HPRD:00013 ACO1 ACONS|HEL60|IREB1|IREBP|IREBP1|IRP1 aconitase 1, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37212 chrX 7723925 7724042 + 20.09796 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -86320 NM_013452 26609 Hs.567503 NM_013452 HPRD:02206 VCX VCX-10r|VCX-B1|VCX1|VCX10R|VCXB1 variable charge, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27601 chr5 75446511 75446613 + 20.08377 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) AluJr|SINE|Alu 67323 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34843 chr8 145093240 145093338 + 19.97931 NA intron (NM_001134374, intron 1 of 3) AluSc|SINE|Alu 6707 NM_001134374 375686 Hs.97726 NM_198572 HPRD:15433 SPATC1 SPATA15 spermatogenesis and centriole associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26153 chr4 144838312 144838394 + 19.95370 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -11637 NM_198682 2996 Hs.654368 NM_002102 HPRD:00723 GYPE GPE|MNS|MiIX glycophorin E (MNS blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21656 chr22 19904036 19904160 + 19.89569 NA intron (NM_001282512, intron 5 of 11) AluSz|SINE|Alu -25165 NM_000754 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4438 chr10 63046451 63046737 + 19.86015 NA Intergenic Intergenic -165803 NR_120643 101928781 Hs.568856 NR_120643 TMEM26-AS1 - TMEM26 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35192 chr9 33658630 33658817 + 19.86015 NA Intergenic LSU-rRNA_Hsa|rRNA|rRNA -18543 NR_103745 101243555 Hs.598470 NR_103745 PTENP1-AS PTENP1as PTENP1 antisense RNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32902 chr7 143039807 143039920 + 19.73972 NA intron (NM_000083, intron 16 of 22) AluSp|SINE|Alu 19310 NM_014690 9715 Hs.648908 NM_014690 HPRD:13816 FAM131B - family with sequence similarity 131, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3783 chr10 20035717 20035808 + 19.68831 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18283 NR_120646 101928834 Hs.676482 NR_120646 ENSG00000233968 LOC101928834 - uncharacterized LOC101928834 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23076 chr3 71484859 71485108 + 19.60674 NA intron (NM_001012505, intron 3 of 6) (GGGA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 106257 NR_031697 100302112 NR_031697 miRBase:MI0006431 MIR1284 MIRN1284|hsa-mir-1284 microRNA 1284 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_670 chr1 36598365 36598459 + 19.58365 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -7727 NM_005202 1296 Hs.353001 NM_005202 HPRD:08347 COL8A2 FECD|FECD1|PPCD|PPCD2 collagen, type VIII, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36590 chr9_gl000199_random 55829 55906 + 19.55820 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20949 chr20 55935328 55935432 + 19.47326 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001190472) promoter-TSS (NM_001190472) -502 NM_001190472 100462983 Hs.727477 NM_001190472 ENSG00000256222 MTRNR2L3 HN3 MT-RNR2-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27072 chr5 42264992 42265084 + 19.43650 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -89591 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27069 chr5 42257911 42258113 + 19.39174 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -82565 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20261 chr2 243152500 243152584 + 19.31180 NA Intergenic (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 121698 NR_024437 728323 Hs.471887 NR_024437 LOC728323 - uncharacterized LOC728323 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37236 chrX 8702399 8702671 + 19.30317 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -2308 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16062 chr19 14925434 14925532 + 19.29917 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 13793 NM_017506 26659 Hs.137573 NM_017506 OR7A5 HTPCR2 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30817 chr6 153717503 153717590 + 19.17369 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -265157 NM_012419 26575 Hs.166313 NM_012419 HPRD:06223 RGS17 RGS-17|RGSZ2|hRGS17 regulator of G-protein signaling 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3263 chr1 232640192 232640302 + 19.13680 NA intron (NM_020808, intron 1 of 20) AluSz|SINE|Alu 10996 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4098 chr10 39139451 39139548 + 19.13295 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 149772 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3039 chr1 220235507 220235611 + 19.07877 NA intron (NM_001286151, intron 6 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -15559 NM_004446 2058 Hs.497788 NM_004446 HPRD:00703 EPRS EARS|GLUPRORS|PARS|QARS|QPRS glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3060 chr1 220314079 220314280 + 19.05879 NA intron (NM_018060, intron 19 of 22) AluY|SINE|Alu -22596 NR_029711 406969 NR_029711 miRBase:MI0000488 MIR194-1 MIRN194-1 microRNA 194-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38402 chrX 103129189 103129273 + 19.00319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -42019 NM_016370 51209 Hs.522736 NM_016370 HPRD:02237 RAB9B RAB9L|Rab-9L RAB9B, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33138 chr7 157014305 157014393 + 18.98298 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 15 of 22) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 82694 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6543 chr11 70931970 70932220 + 18.98298 NA intron (NM_012309, intron 1 of 22) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 3747 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_290 chr1 19161228 19161327 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 24878 NM_152232 80834 Hs.553548 NM_152232 HPRD:06940 TAS1R2 GPR71|T1R2|TR2 taste receptor, type 1, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25366 chr4 71017911 71017998 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -1950 NM_214711 401137 Hs.518795 NM_214711 HPRD:14222 PRR27 C4orf40 proline rich 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18802 chr2 120096931 120097112 + 18.94416 NA intron (NM_001017927, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_001017927, intron 3 of 6) 27237 NM_001017927 130355 Hs.99488 NM_001017927 HPRD:18547 C2orf76 AIM29 chromosome 2 open reading frame 76 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33490 chr8 23746273 23746430 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic (TATATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -34031 NM_003155 6781 Hs.25590 NM_003155 HPRD:03115 STC1 STC stanniocalcin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4981 chr10 105010678 105011025 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 5207 NM_001143909 729020 Hs.458437 NM_001143909 ENSG00000235376 RPEL1 - ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24229 chr3 183797698 183797794 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -17106 NM_001256613 285242 Hs.449179 NM_182589 HPRD:17122 HTR3E 5-HT3-E|5-HT3E|5-HT3c1 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 3E, ionotropic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21468 chr21 44377614 44377697 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -16965 NM_001286258 5316 Hs.431043 NM_004571 HPRD:03653 PKNOX1 PREP1|pkonx1c PBX/knotted 1 homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28460 chr5 145876452 145876549 + 18.94416 NA intron (NM_006706, intron 15 of 21) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 19176 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38147 chrX 75432562 75432657 + 18.94416 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 39838 NM_016500 51260 Hs.370100 NM_016500 HPRD:06659 PBDC1 CXorf26 polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23272 chr3 97540711 97540930 + 18.94019 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153605) promoter-TSS (NM_153605) -64 NM_153605 131544 Hs.733378 NM_153605 CRYBG3 DKFZp667G2110 beta-gamma crystallin domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3052 chr1 220275179 220275273 + 18.93574 NA intron (NM_018060, intron 3 of 22) AluY|SINE|Alu 7771 NM_018060 55699 Hs.262823 NM_018060 HPRD:13334 IARS2 ILERS isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22996 chr3 66790371 66790459 + 18.81448 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -239570 NM_015541 26018 Hs.518055 NM_015541 HPRD:10057 LRIG1 LIG-1|LIG1 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16065 chr19 14942333 14942552 + 18.79842 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -3166 NM_017506 26659 Hs.137573 NM_017506 OR7A5 HTPCR2 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2738 chr1 195164575 195164859 + 18.78605 NA Intergenic L1MCc|LINE|L1 1386894 NR_039888 100616363 NR_039888 MIR4735 - microRNA 4735 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3362 chr1 238105409 238105498 + 18.76133 NA Intergenic Intergenic -51231 NM_021186 57829 Hs.136241 NM_021186 ZP4 ZBP|ZP1|ZPB|Zp-4 zona pellucida glycoprotein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14607 chr17 61168924 61169402 + 18.75569 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 2 of 24) L1PA5|LINE|L1 82265 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14607-2 chr17 61168924 61169402 + 18.75569 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 2 of 24) L1PA5|LINE|L1 82265 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27605 chr5 75472839 75472929 + 18.72759 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) AluY|SINE|Alu 93645 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22904 chr3 56627653 56627762 + 18.72131 NA exon (NM_001141947, exon 9 of 18) exon (NM_001141947, exon 9 of 18) 36523 NM_001012506 285331 Hs.476399 NM_001012506 HPRD:14569 CCDC66 - coiled-coil domain containing 66 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32762 chr7 133812003 133812140 + 18.69562 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144648) promoter-TSS (NM_144648) -34 NM_144648 136332 Hs.149774 NM_144648 HPRD:08734 LRGUK - leucine-rich repeats and guanylate kinase domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36596 chr9_gl000199_random 61721 61818 + 18.69504 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3800 chr10 22413196 22413278 + 18.69233 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 85675 NM_001199938 340900 Hs.450519 NM_001199938 ENSG00000223601 EBLN1 EBLN-1 endogenous Bornavirus-like nucleoprotein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27882 chr5 99388558 99388642 + 18.67792 NA Intergenic Intergenic 335358 NR_027503 100133050 Hs.534796 NR_027503 LOC100133050 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13733-2 chr17 6341726 6341983 + 18.66489 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -3335 NM_001033054 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13733 chr17 6341726 6341983 + 18.66489 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -3335 NM_001033054 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33100 chr7 156844177 156844390 + 18.60489 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 40732 NR_038835 645249 Hs.224879 NR_038835 ENSG00000243479 MNX1-AS1 - MNX1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31935 chr7 61982947 61983026 + 18.59979 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 781448 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13193 chr16 67340188 67340305 + 18.53961 NA intron (NM_001100915, intron 2 of 15) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 20415 NM_001100915 146212 Hs.299127 NM_001100915 ENSG00000168676 KCTD19 - potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20088 chr2 234372056 234372277 + 18.53961 NA intron (NM_152879, intron 26 of 29) (CACTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 75366 NM_003648 8527 Hs.471675 NM_003648 HPRD:03492 DGKD DGKdelta|dgkd-2 diacylglycerol kinase, delta 130kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34739 chr8 139893830 139893906 + 18.51013 NA intron (NM_152888, intron 2 of 64) AluY|SINE|Alu 32368 NM_152888 169044 Hs.117169 NM_152888 HPRD:09885 COL22A1 - collagen, type XXII, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3320 chr1 235855062 235855144 + 18.40985 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 47 of 52) AluSq2|SINE|Alu -41049 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11406 chr15 41025293 41025389 + 18.38504 NA TTS (NM_001164270) TTS (NM_001164270) 22117 NM_018145 55177 Hs.511067 NM_018145 HPRD:07687 RMDN3 FAM82A2|FAM82C|RMD-3|RMD3|ptpip51 regulator of microtubule dynamics 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28864 chr5 180085480 180085770 + 18.38504 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -9001 NM_182925 2324 Hs.646917 NM_002020 HPRD:00636 FLT4 FLT41|LMPH1A|PCL|VEGFR3 fms-related tyrosine kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24707 chr4 14473220 14473328 + 18.36098 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 359682 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7881 chr12 38037141 38037364 + 18.34458 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -673305 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22999 chr3 66809245 66809469 + 18.27161 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -239370 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30473 chr6 129243402 129243559 + 18.27161 NA intron (NM_001079823, intron 1 of 63) L1PA3|LINE|L1 39194 NM_000426 3908 Hs.200841 NM_000426 HPRD:01125 LAMA2 LAMM laminin, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5303 chr10 131374551 131374664 + 18.26703 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 109153 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25801 chr4 110980909 110981178 + 18.24387 NA intron (NM_001130721, intron 3 of 4) intron (NM_001130721, intron 3 of 4) 138728 NM_001130721 79071 Hs.412939 NM_024090 HPRD:13269 ELOVL6 FACE|FAE|LCE ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9715 chr13 76111940 76112071 + 18.19203 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203497) promoter-TSS (NM_203497) 3 NM_001287392 170622 Hs.508266 NM_203495 HPRD:13084 COMMD6 Acrg COMM domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_661 chr1 36575631 36575823 + 18.19047 NA intron (NM_001294347, intron 2 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 14958 NM_001294347 1296 Hs.353001 NM_005202 HPRD:08347 COL8A2 FECD|FECD1|PPCD|PPCD2 collagen, type VIII, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3259 chr1 232591378 232591474 + 18.18199 NA intron (NM_020808, intron 8 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 59817 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37961 chrX 67044329 67044437 + 18.15906 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 255700 NM_001011645 367 Hs.76704 NM_000044 HPRD:02437 AR AIS|DHTR|HUMARA|HYSP1|KD|NR3C4|SBMA|SMAX1|TFM androgen receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27609 chr5 75527425 75527605 + 18.15474 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 148276 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3266 chr1 232666044 232666153 + 18.14099 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -14855 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3302 chr1 235324462 235324671 + 18.13409 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015014) promoter-TSS (NM_015014) 5 NM_001161533 23029 Hs.535224 NM_015014 HPRD:11065 RBM34 - RNA binding motif protein 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23602 chr3 125687961 125688093 + 18.12475 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001012337) promoter-TSS (NM_001012337) -1 NM_001012337 152015 Hs.663128 NM_001012337 HPRD:17985 ROPN1B - rhophilin associated tail protein 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20584 chr20 29817765 29817844 + 18.10540 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -27663 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20103 chr2 234767487 234767575 + 18.07673 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -4319 NM_001282962 55355 Hs.532968 NM_018410 ENSG00000123485 HJURP FAKTS|URLC9|hFLEG1 Holliday junction recognition protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37237 chrX 8713034 8713139 + 18.05997 NA Intergenic AluSz6|SINE|Alu -12859 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4471 chr10 64985527 64985733 + 18.01870 NA intron (NM_001282948, intron 2 of 24) MIRb|SINE|MIR 43353 NM_001282948 221037 Hs.413416 NM_004241 HPRD:05141 JMJD1C TRIP8 jumonji domain containing 1C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19257 chr2 162241531 162241676 + 17.98103 NA intron (NM_005805, intron 7 of 11) intron (NM_005805, intron 7 of 11) -31017 NM_006593 10716 Hs.210862 NM_006593 TBR1 TBR-1|TES-56 T-box, brain, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20299 chr20 1230514 1230644 + 17.98103 NA intron (NM_001136566, intron 13 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -16381 NM_014723 9751 Hs.323833 NM_014723 HPRD:16081 SNPH bA314N13.5 syntaphilin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19757 chr2 204698714 204698832 + 17.98103 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -33738 NM_001037631 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14971 chr18 1769388 1769495 + 17.97865 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -409811 NR_023926 56651 Hs.541165 NM_031416 LINC00470 C18orf2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 470 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37912 chrX 63878416 63878504 + 17.94133 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -263127 NM_017677 55613 Hs.442892 NM_017677 HPRD:06664 MTMR8 - myotubularin related protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16378 chr19 27919322 27919408 + 17.86677 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -365010 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4834 chr10 96588667 96588751 + 17.86677 NA intron (NM_000769, intron 6 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 66271 NM_000769 1557 Hs.282409 NM_000769 CYP2C19 CPCJ|CYP2C|CYPIIC17|CYPIIC19|P450C2C|P450IIC19 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22642 chr3 39998624 39998710 + 17.84227 NA intron (NM_001284423, intron 2 of 16) L1P2|LINE|L1 -142835 NM_001284426 25924 Hs.594535 NM_015460 HPRD:14796 MYRIP SLAC2-C|SLAC2C myosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9596 chr13 53072271 53072430 + 17.83802 NA intron (NR_002793, intron 3 of 23) L1MCa|LINE|L1 9222 NR_002793 220115 Hs.528448 NR_002793 ENSG00000198384 TPTE2P3 TPTEps1 transmembrane phosphoinositide 3-phosphatase and tensin homolog 2 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18923 chr2 132136887 132136986 + 17.81510 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -15205 NM_001077637 150786 Hs.645670 NM_001077637 WTH3DI - RAB6C-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4360 chr10 54030056 54030135 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_006258, intron 10 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 43793 NR_038277 100506939 Hs.584791 NR_038277 PRKG1-AS1 - PRKG1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18643 chr2 107159309 107159427 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic Intergenic -74567 NM_001144013 653489 Hs.726367 NM_001144013 ENSG00000153165 RGPD3 RGP3 RANBP2-like and GRIP domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37223 chrX 8593886 8593972 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_000216, intron 2 of 13) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 106298 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17783 chr2 46022488 46022622 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 1 of 14) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 143512 NM_005400 5581 Hs.580351 NM_005400 HPRD:01500 PRKCE PKCE|nPKC-epsilon protein kinase C, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39323 chrY 20012004 20012086 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -19945 NM_004825 9426 Hs.251375 NM_004825 HPRD:02459 CDY2A CDY|CDY2 chromodomain protein, Y-linked, 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19999 chr2 227586986 227587062 + 17.80640 NA Intergenic Intergenic -63515 NR_049887 100847053 NR_049887 miRBase:MI0019309 MIR5702 - microRNA 5702 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20623 chr20 30975179 30975372 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_015338, intron 3 of 11) intron (NM_015338, intron 3 of 11) 29128 NM_015338 171023 Hs.374043 NM_015338 HPRD:16516 ASXL1 BOPS|MDS additional sex combs like transcriptional regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5296 chr10 131306849 131306946 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 1 of 4) AluSq|SINE|Alu 41443 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14602 chr17 61138450 61138551 + 17.80640 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 1 of 24) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 51602 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4489 chr10 67150220 67150302 + 17.79891 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -180922 NR_120647 101928913 Hs.568857 NR_120647 LINC01515 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1515 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31489 chr7 29131408 29131541 + 17.78818 NA intron (NM_031311, intron 6 of 12) intron (NM_031311, intron 6 of 12) -33175 NR_120523 101928168 Hs.666750 NR_120523 LOC101928168 - uncharacterized LOC101928168 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37114 chrUn_gl000243 16826 16910 + 17.74983 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23577 chr3 123710913 123711055 + 17.74447 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017578) promoter-TSS (NM_017578) -785 NM_017578 54763 Hs.567516 NM_017578 HPRD:15269 ROPN1 CT91|ODF6|RHPNAP1|ROPN1A|ropporin rhophilin associated tail protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13870 chr17 15587567 15587689 + 17.72210 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1435 NM_006470 10626 Hs.123534 NM_006470 HPRD:15552 TRIM16 EBBP tripartite motif containing 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12711 chr16 31450305 31450461 + 17.71141 NA intron (NM_001136509, intron 1 of 1) L1PA5|LINE|L1 3965 NM_001136509 283933 Hs.722243 NM_001136509 ENSG00000176723 ZNF843 - zinc finger protein 843 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36623 chr9_gl000199_random 100147 100226 + 17.65780 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_642 chr1 36498454 36498535 + 17.65696 NA intron (NM_177422, intron 10 of 16) AluSq2|SINE|Alu -51182 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37232 chrX 8676571 8677119 + 17.61184 NA intron (NM_000216, intron 1 of 13) L1PA7|LINE|L1 23382 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27593 chr5 75418041 75418320 + 17.60731 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 38941 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23411 chr3 109660348 109660436 + 17.59119 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 531555 NR_109841 401082 Hs.477089 NM_001145553 LINC01205 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1205 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3316 chr1 235823890 235823990 + 17.51357 NA TTS (NM_000081) TTS (NM_000081) -9886 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1335 chr1 95320024 95320189 + 17.48305 NA intron (NM_001301079, intron 8 of 13) intron (NM_001301079, intron 8 of 13) 34006 NM_152369 126969 Hs.483423 NM_152369 HPRD:14637 SLC44A3 CTL3 solute carrier family 44, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_625 chr1 36452326 36452432 + 17.48081 NA intron (NM_024852, intron 5 of 18) AluSz|SINE|Alu 55696 NM_177422 192669 Hs.657659 NM_024852 HPRD:09558 AGO3 EIF2C3 argonaute RISC catalytic component 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1683 chr1 121430483 121430558 + 17.46025 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 169610 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4616 chr10 76333265 76333367 + 17.42909 NA intron (NM_001123, intron 7 of 10) L1P1|LINE|L1 -44234 NR_120673 102723439 NR_120673 LOC102723439 - uncharacterized LOC102723439 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27175 chr5 46392124 46392204 + 17.41912 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -695944 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15676 chr19 893175 893327 + 17.38435 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005481) promoter-TSS (NM_005481) -33 NM_005481 10025 Hs.365207 NM_005481 HPRD:06816 MED16 DRIP92|THRAP5|TRAP95 mediator complex subunit 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34124 chr8 82754444 82754551 + 17.35515 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152837) promoter-TSS (NM_152837) 24 NM_152837 64089 Hs.492121 NM_022133 HPRD:15411 SNX16 - sorting nexin 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18847 chr2 127839416 127839602 + 17.32296 NA intron (NM_139343, intron 1 of 18) intron (NM_139343, intron 1 of 18) 25394 NM_139343 274 Hs.193163 NM_004305 HPRD:03150 BIN1 AMPH2|AMPHL|SH3P9 bridging integrator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14034 chr17 25368633 25368820 + 17.28591 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 252296 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30915 chr6 159321188 159321273 + 17.26438 NA intron (NM_001195032, intron 2 of 2) AluSg|SINE|Alu 11611 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16059 chr19 14918512 14918689 + 17.25651 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -7652 NM_198944 26664 Hs.466053 NM_198944 HPRD:17783 OR7C1 CIT-HSP-146E8|HSTPCR86P|OR19-5|OR7C4|TPCR86 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13739 chr17 6388503 6388781 + 17.25651 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 4 of 19) AluSp|SINE|Alu 40907 NM_019013 54478 Hs.592116 NM_019013 HPRD:07649 FAM64A CATS|RCS1 family with sequence similarity 64, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9250 chr13 25302235 25302395 + 17.23535 NA Intergenic Intergenic -35986 NM_001184993 56163 Hs.97464 NM_031277 HPRD:05779 RNF17 Mmip-2|SPATA23|TDRD4 ring finger protein 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21072 chr21 9695394 9695478 + 17.23187 NA Intergenic Intergenic -130396 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18422 chr2 92276680 92276748 + 17.21280 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 147555 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30929 chr6 159362930 159363040 + 17.19129 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 53366 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27332 chr5 55099192 55099283 + 17.19129 NA intron (NM_024415, intron 18 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 36524 NM_001166534 54514 Hs.223581 NM_019039 HPRD:05593 DDX4 VASA DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8703 chr12 100557759 100557923 + 17.16754 NA TTS (NR_024261) TTS (NR_024261) 9280 NR_036632 55592 Hs.524660 NM_017600 HPRD:13195 GOLGA2P5 GOLGA2B|GOLGA2L1 golgin A2 pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34856 chr8 145515075 145515284 + 17.16688 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015201) promoter-TSS (NM_015201) -59 NM_015201 23246 Hs.645279 NM_015201 HPRD:16558 BOP1 - block of proliferation 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6197 chr11 55026393 55026474 + 17.14891 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -3225 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20486 chr20 22115304 22115387 + 17.11620 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 80617 NR_038394 100270679 Hs.385748 NR_038394 LINC01432 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1432 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12093 chr15 92639075 92639218 + 17.11620 NA intron (NM_013272, intron 3 of 9) MLT1I|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 242208 NM_013272 28232 Hs.311187 NM_013272 HPRD:07502 SLCO3A1 OATP-D|OATP3A1|OATPD|SLC21A11 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 3A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33279 chr8 5063019 5063247 + 17.07321 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -210805 NM_033225 64478 Hs.571466 NM_033225 HPRD:10523 CSMD1 PPP1R24 CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3258 chr1 232591155 232591287 + 17.07321 NA intron (NM_020808, intron 8 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 60022 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_628 chr1 36463474 36463580 + 17.03475 NA intron (NM_024852, intron 5 of 18) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 66844 NM_177422 192669 Hs.657659 NM_024852 HPRD:09558 AGO3 EIF2C3 argonaute RISC catalytic component 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5575 chr11 7885310 7885396 + 16.94242 NA intron (NR_036678, intron 6 of 7) L1PA2|LINE|L1 14755 NR_027711 26343 Hs.382973 NR_027711 ENSG00000170688 OR5E1P HSTPCR24|OR5E1|TPCR24 olfactory receptor, family 5, subfamily E, member 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25645 chr4 99182300 99182467 + 16.91247 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001100429) promoter-TSS (NM_001100429) -144 NM_001100430 5910 Hs.132858 NM_021159 HPRD:11763 RAP1GDS1 GDS1|SmgGDS RAP1, GTP-GDP dissociation stimulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9919 chr13 102270923 102271070 + 16.80549 NA intron (NM_001271755, intron 6 of 9) intron (NM_001271755, intron 6 of 9) 128693 NM_001271756 9358 Hs.696554 NM_004791 HPRD:07253 ITGBL1 OSCP|TIED integrin, beta-like 1 (with EGF-like repeat domains) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35948 chr9 99616799 99616910 + 16.80223 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001001662) promoter-TSS (NM_001001662) -465 NM_001001662 158431 Hs.732126 NM_001001662 HPRD:16914 ZNF782 - zinc finger protein 782 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19830 chr2 209041609 209041700 + 16.79594 NA intron (NM_001099334, intron 6 of 8) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 13119 NM_001099334 389073 Hs.198416 NM_001099334 ENSG00000188674 C2orf80 GONDA1 chromosome 2 open reading frame 80 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24710 chr4 14475901 14476108 + 16.79461 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 362412 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9592 chr13 52899043 52899197 + 16.78907 NA Intergenic L1MCa|LINE|L1 -9310 NR_120400 103191607 NR_120400 LOC103191607 - uncharacterized LOC103191607 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22417 chr3 18598136 18598308 + 16.76811 NA Intergenic Intergenic 111493 NR_125803 101927777 Hs.543235 NR_125803 SATB1-AS1 - SATB1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32905 chr7 143047910 143048011 + 16.76132 NA intron (NM_000083, intron 22 of 22) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 11213 NM_014690 9715 Hs.648908 NM_014690 HPRD:13816 FAM131B - family with sequence similarity 131, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21169 chr21 10860558 10860640 + 16.75461 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 130344 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16082 chr19 15046581 15046696 + 16.73135 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -5663 NM_012377 26658 Hs.589620 NM_012377 HPRD:15072 OR7C2 CIT-HSP-87M17|OR19-18|OR7C3 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9767 chr13 84710777 84710976 + 16.70057 NA Intergenic ERVL-E-int|LTR|ERVL -3861 NR_046871 100874128 Hs.578060 NR_046871 LINC00333 NCRNA00333 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 333 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12882 chr16 34004132 34004236 + 16.69648 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -41681 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16267 chr19 21541671 21541774 + 16.68443 NA promoter-TSS (NR_027130) promoter-TSS (NR_027130) -13 NR_027130 148203 Hs.124384 NR_027130 ZNF738 - zinc finger protein 738 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9085 chr12 130350749 130350835 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_133448, intron 1 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 37420 NM_133448 121256 Hs.507268 NM_133448 HPRD:13906 TMEM132D MOLT|PPP1R153 transmembrane protein 132D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5825 chr11 27421276 27421369 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_018490, intron 2 of 17) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -36527 NM_080654 91057 Hs.143733 NM_030771 HPRD:14868 CCDC34 NY-REN-41|RAMA3 coiled-coil domain containing 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6534 chr11 70837036 70837126 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_012309, intron 2 of 22) AluSc|SINE|Alu 98761 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13304 chr16 72604508 72604677 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -398243 NM_001160213 83449 Hs.714939 NM_031293 HPRD:10157 PMFBP1 - polyamine modulated factor 1 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6564 chr11 71061668 71061767 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 72683 NR_038862 399923 Hs.128191 NM_001001680 HPRD:13457 FLJ42102 - uncharacterized LOC399923 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5730 chr11 18080830 18080989 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -18574 NM_004179 7166 Hs.591999 NM_004179 TPH1 TPRH|TRPH tryptophan hydroxylase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38045 chrX 71270612 71270713 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) AluSz|SINE|Alu 6403 NR_002309 441502 Hs.449523 NR_002309 RPS26P11 RPS26L1|RPS26_22_1784|bA366E13.1 ribosomal protein S26 pseudogene 11 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27614 chr5 75536844 75536936 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) AluSc|SINE|Alu 157651 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37972 chrX 67773026 67773120 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 54449 NM_173834 286451 Hs.82719 NM_173834 HPRD:06639 YIPF6 FinGER6 Yip1 domain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_905 chr1 50482913 50483005 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_032785, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_032785, intron 1 of 13) 6667 NM_032785 84871 Hs.551844 NM_032785 HPRD:07487 AGBL4 CCP6 ATP/GTP binding protein-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14613 chr17 61255594 61255695 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 3 of 24) AluY|SINE|Alu 168746 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26275 chr4 155321181 155321392 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001142552, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu -8837 NM_017639 54798 Hs.655664 NM_017639 HPRD:10858 DCHS2 CDH27|CDHJ|CDHR7|PCDH23|PCDHJ dachsous cadherin-related 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9088 chr12 130787937 130788027 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic L2|LINE|L2 -34451 NM_004764 9271 Hs.405659 NM_004764 HPRD:10409 PIWIL1 CT80.1|HIWI|MIWI|PIWI piwi-like RNA-mediated gene silencing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8065 chr12 49704317 49704407 + 16.68443 NA intron (NR_120449, intron 2 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -12609 NM_001278324 10024 Hs.524399 NM_005480 HPRD:04849 TROAP TASTIN trophinin associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19758 chr2 204703812 204703910 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -28650 NM_001037631 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5230 chr10 127869669 127869768 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001288975, intron 3 of 18) AluSz|SINE|Alu 207409 NM_001288975 8038 Hs.594351 NM_003474 HPRD:04092 ADAM12 ADAM12-OT1|CAR10|MCMP|MCMPMltna|MLTN|MLTNA ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6908 chr11 103204151 103204225 + 16.68443 NA intron (NM_001080463, intron 83 of 89) AluY|SINE|Alu 224028 NM_001080463 79659 Hs.503721 NM_001377 ENSG00000187240 DYNC2H1 ATD3|DHC1b|DHC2|DNCH2|DYH1B|SRPS2B|SRTD3|hdhc11 dynein, cytoplasmic 2, heavy chain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27076 chr5 42292526 42292772 + 16.68443 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu -117202 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34782 chr8 143858801 143859026 + 16.66555 NA promoter-TSS (NM_177477) promoter-TSS (NM_177477) -169 NM_177477 66004 Hs.158665 NM_023946 HPRD:16201 LYNX1 SLURP2 Ly6/neurotoxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25871 chr4 119330588 119330667 + 16.65977 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -56705 NM_003619 8492 Hs.445857 NM_003619 HPRD:05989 PRSS12 BSSP-3|BSSP3|MRT1 protease, serine, 12 (neurotrypsin, motopsin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22490 chr3 25806818 25806909 + 16.64170 NA intron (NM_001145293, intron 2 of 11) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 18126 NM_018297 55768 Hs.368960 NM_018297 HPRD:10118 NGLY1 CDG1V|PNG1|PNGase N-glycanase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24321 chr3 190155423 190155511 + 16.62269 NA intron (NM_207316, intron 4 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 12198 NM_207316 131920 Hs.335321 NM_207316 HPRD:15621 TMEM207 UNQ846 transmembrane protein 207 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36664 chr9_gl000199_random 158330 158409 + 16.59340 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24362 chr3 195577857 195577989 + 16.59271 NA Intergenic Intergenic 31343 NR_106887 102465977 NR_106887 MIR6829 hsa-mir-6829 microRNA 6829 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2176 chr1 154996665 154996783 + 16.56238 NA intron (NM_144622, intron 11 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 9533 NM_144622 127579 Hs.591491 NM_144622 HPRD:08739 DCST2 - DC-STAMP domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29985 chr6 84048066 84048169 + 16.55828 NA intron (NM_002395, intron 5 of 13) L1HS|LINE|L1 92821 NM_002395 4199 Hs.21160 NM_002395 HPRD:01102 ME1 HUMNDME|MES malic enzyme 1, NADP(+)-dependent, cytosolic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35600 chr9 69999936 70000008 + 16.55180 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 178843 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30759 chr6 149806039 149806272 + 16.54699 NA promoter-TSS (NM_207360) promoter-TSS (NM_207360) -7 NM_207360 340152 Hs.632618 NM_207360 ZC3H12D C6orf95|MCPIP4|TFL|dJ281H8.1|p34 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30759-2 chr6 149806039 149806272 + 16.54699 NA promoter-TSS (NM_207360) promoter-TSS (NM_207360) -7 NM_207360 340152 Hs.632618 NM_207360 ZC3H12D C6orf95|MCPIP4|TFL|dJ281H8.1|p34 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8466 chr12 76034940 76035135 + 16.52513 NA Intergenic Intergenic -129619 NM_007043 11103 Hs.645517 NM_007043 HPRD:11027 KRR1 HRB2|RIP-1 KRR1, small subunit (SSU) processome component, homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27022 chr5 40361611 40361739 + 16.51847 NA Intergenic HAL1|LINE|L1 309282 NR_104633 102467077 Hs.148993 NR_104633 LINC00603 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 603 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32621 chr7 118034064 118034183 + 16.51847 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 169411 NM_019644 56311 Hs.729340 NM_019644 ENSG00000106013 ANKRD7 TSA806 ankyrin repeat domain 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30639 chr6 141095433 141095620 + 16.49123 NA Intergenic Intergenic 90575 NR_039675 100616180 NR_039675 miRBase:MI0016816 MIR4465 - microRNA 4465 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7606 chr12 19808942 19809040 + 16.47918 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 215476 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4090 chr10 39129026 39129105 + 16.47879 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 139338 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17060 chr19 54637220 54637751 + 16.47227 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -3951 NM_014516 4849 Hs.343571 NM_014516 HPRD:05368 CNOT3 LENG2|NOT3|NOT3H CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31342 chr7 14323494 14323592 + 16.45720 NA intron (NM_004080, intron 22 of 24) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -292493 NM_001163148 2115 Hs.22634 NM_004956 HPRD:02765 ETV1 ER81 ets variant 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25648 chr4 99334640 99334741 + 16.44029 NA intron (NM_001100427, intron 7 of 14) L1PA2|LINE|L1 152163 NM_001100427 5910 Hs.132858 NM_021159 HPRD:11763 RAP1GDS1 GDS1|SmgGDS RAP1, GTP-GDP dissociation stimulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32068 chr7 71145399 71145579 + 16.44029 NA intron (NM_022479, intron 9 of 10) (TCCC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -372733 NR_037477 100500836 NR_037477 miRBase:MI0016419 MIR3914-1 - microRNA 3914-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20438 chr20 17515896 17516141 + 16.42393 NA intron (NM_001278608, intron 3 of 9) AluSx3|SINE|Alu -4004 NM_001195 631 Hs.129702 NM_001195 HPRD:04494 BFSP1 CP115|CP94|CTRCT33|LIFL-H beaded filament structural protein 1, filensin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33819 chr8 49427098 49427295 + 16.39282 NA Intergenic CpG -36931 NR_105002 101929268 Hs.683934 NR_105002 ENSG00000253608 LOC101929268 - uncharacterized LOC101929268 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32612 chr7 116151903 116152046 + 16.39091 NA Intergenic Intergenic 11876 NM_001206748 858 Hs.212332 NM_001233 HPRD:03029 CAV2 CAV caveolin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24550 chr4 4262071 4262200 + 16.36864 NA Intergenic L1ME3|LINE|L1 -12166 NM_001297552 85013 Hs.12845 NM_032927 HPRD:17483 TMEM128 - transmembrane protein 128 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37308 chrX 14701956 14702043 + 16.36864 NA intron (NM_002063, intron 7 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 154579 NM_002063 2742 Hs.2700 NM_002063 HPRD:02379 GLRA2 GLR glycine receptor, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27606 chr5 75497571 75497740 + 16.36207 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 3 of 12) AluY|SINE|Alu 118416 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35213 chr9 34665324 34665609 + 16.34182 NA Intergenic CpG -2777 NM_006664 10850 Hs.648124 NM_006664 HPRD:05321 CCL27 ALP|CTACK|CTAK|ESKINE|ILC|PESKY|SCYA27 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7149 chr11 124609701 124609837 + 16.33095 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001126181) promoter-TSS (NM_001126181) -60 NM_001126181 4900 Hs.524116 NM_006176 HPRD:03828 NRGN RC3|hng neurogranin (protein kinase C substrate, RC3) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32922 chr7 143132232 143132309 + 16.28531 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 2 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu -8276 NM_177437 338398 Hs.688222 NM_177437 HPRD:18159 TAS2R60 T2R56|T2R60 taste receptor, type 2, member 60 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26462 chr4 178261070 178261197 + 16.25853 NA intron (NM_018248, intron 5 of 9) intron (NM_018248, intron 5 of 9) 30142 NM_018248 55247 Hs.405467 NM_018248 HPRD:16407 NEIL3 FGP2|FPG2|NEI3|ZGRF3|hFPG2|hNEI3 nei endonuclease VIII-like 3 (E. coli) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36598 chr9_gl000199_random 71886 71978 + 16.23199 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14169 chr17 33721466 33721551 + 16.22639 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -20788 NM_152270 91607 Hs.745059 NM_152270 HPRD:08178 SLFN11 SLFN8/9 schlafen family member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26416 chr4 171518793 171518901 + 16.22639 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -442906 NR_038838 100506122 Hs.434205 NR_038838 ENSG00000248872 LOC100506122 - uncharacterized LOC100506122 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22626 chr3 39195084 39195217 + 16.21829 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033027) promoter-TSS (NM_033027) -48 NM_033027 64651 Hs.370950 NM_033027 HPRD:07347 CSRNP1 AXUD1|CSRNP-1|FAM130B|TAIP-3|URAX1 cysteine-serine-rich nuclear protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20111 chr2 234836679 234836858 + 16.20835 NA intron (NM_024080, intron 2 of 25) AluY|SINE|Alu 10725 NM_024080 79054 Hs.366053 NM_024080 HPRD:09454 TRPM8 LTRPC6|TRPP8 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21617 chr22 18881614 18881746 + 16.19721 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite -12056 NM_005675 8214 Hs.474185 NM_005675 HPRD:03177 DGCR6 - DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35002 chr9 13041552 13041635 + 16.17761 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -227205 NR_125775 101929467 Hs.586443 NR_125775 LURAP1L-AS1 - LURAP1L antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35074 chr9 20403339 20403716 + 16.14773 NA intron (NM_001286691, intron 5 of 10) intron (NM_001286691, intron 5 of 10) 7709 NR_039684 100616229 NR_039684 MIR4473 - microRNA 4473 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7767 chr12 29317826 29317953 + 16.14773 NA intron (NM_001271783, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001271783, intron 1 of 11) 15953 NM_001271783 55711 Hs.728955 NM_018099 HPRD:14723 FAR2 MLSTD1|SDR10E2 fatty acyl CoA reductase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20288 chr20 1122953 1123177 + 16.14773 NA intron (NM_178578, intron 5 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 23825 NM_006814 9491 Hs.471917 NM_006814 HPRD:17919 PSMF1 PI31 proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 (PI31) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7882 chr12 38038086 38038163 + 16.13280 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -672433 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11525 chr15 49258925 49259083 + 16.12803 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -3363 NM_203349 399694 Hs.642615 NM_203349 HPRD:15289 SHC4 RaLP|SHCD SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29619 chr6 44149618 44149987 + 16.11741 NA intron (NM_007058, intron 19 of 22) (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 23254 NM_007058 11131 Hs.225953 NM_007058 HPRD:05315 CAPN11 calpain11 calpain 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29619-2 chr6 44149618 44149987 + 16.11741 NA intron (NM_007058, intron 19 of 22) (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 23254 NM_007058 11131 Hs.225953 NM_007058 HPRD:05315 CAPN11 calpain11 calpain 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39013 chrY 7344032 7344129 + 16.08666 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 202067 NR_028062 5616 Hs.584730 NM_002760 HPRD:08949 PRKY PRKXP3|PRKYP protein kinase, Y-linked, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20104 chr2 234772303 234772392 + 16.08666 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 4708 NR_024322 151507 Hs.355809 NM_001166217 ENSG00000224287 MSL3P1 MSL3L2 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila) pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19682 chr2 201238757 201239097 + 16.07767 NA intron (NM_001282743, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_001282743, intron 2 of 11) 65254 NM_001282744 26010 Hs.120323 NM_015535 HPRD:10916 SPATS2L DNAPTP6|SGNP spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19682-2 chr2 201238757 201239097 + 16.07767 NA intron (NM_001282743, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_001282743, intron 2 of 11) 65254 NM_001282744 26010 Hs.120323 NM_015535 HPRD:10916 SPATS2L DNAPTP6|SGNP spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5539 chr11 6169665 6169750 + 16.06287 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 21849 NM_001004052 255725 Hs.690457 NM_001004052 HPRD:15006 OR52B2 OR11-70 olfactory receptor, family 52, subfamily B, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30905 chr6 159285814 159285925 + 16.03513 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -7205 NR_028496 202459 Hs.487035 NM_145303 HPRD:14130 OSTCP1 DC2L|OSTCL oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5936 chr11 36664774 36664865 + 16.02629 NA intron (NM_001276723, intron 4 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -44990 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38129 chrX 74781459 74781548 + 16.02426 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -38166 NM_001146257 158866 Hs.253211 NM_144969 HPRD:06758 ZDHHC15 MRX91 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37234 chrX 8681720 8681949 + 15.99869 NA intron (NM_000216, intron 1 of 13) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 18393 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33126 chr7 156950583 156950673 + 15.98256 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 1 of 22) AluSx|SINE|Alu 18973 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33105 chr7 156863066 156863244 + 15.98256 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 59604 NR_038835 645249 Hs.224879 NR_038835 ENSG00000243479 MNX1-AS1 - MNX1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23217 chr3 90461582 90461658 + 15.97782 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1304946 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2540 chr1 178742757 178742846 + 15.96716 NA intron (NM_001286247, intron 1 of 18) AluY|SINE|Alu 48519 NM_152663 55103 Hs.632485 NM_018037 HPRD:15206 RALGPS2 dJ595C2.1 Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32596 chr7 114556691 114556801 + 15.96699 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -5463 NM_001166346 29969 Hs.741413 NM_199072 HPRD:17103 MDFIC HIC MyoD family inhibitor domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27399 chr5 63144042 63144123 + 15.94570 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 114037 NM_000524 3350 Hs.247940 NM_000524 HTR1A 5-HT-1A|5-HT1A|5HT1a|ADRB2RL1|ADRBRL1|G-21|PFMCD 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11289 chr15 31281066 31281145 + 15.93707 NA intron (NM_017762, intron 2 of 15) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 2702 NM_017762 54893 Hs.30141 NM_017762 HPRD:07895 MTMR10 - myotubularin related protein 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38950 chrX 155260247 155260447 + 15.88687 NA Intergenic (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -2499 NR_110561 727856 Hs.740212 NR_110561 DDX11L16 - DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box helicase 11 like 16 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39458 chrY 59363253 59363453 + 15.88687 NA Intergenic (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -2499 NR_110561 727856 Hs.740212 NR_110561 DDX11L16 - DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box helicase 11 like 16 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4362 chr10 54120464 54120542 + 15.87166 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 46462 NM_012242 22943 Hs.40499 NM_012242 HPRD:05544 DKK1 DKK-1|SK dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5633 chr11 10987165 10987287 + 15.87166 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 107462 NR_034137 729013 Hs.726427 NR_034137 ENSG00000247271 ZBED5-AS1 - ZBED5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19759 chr2 204709743 204709822 + 15.81224 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -22729 NM_001037631 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_253 chr1 15851479 15851674 + 15.80364 NA promoter-TSS (NR_102733) promoter-TSS (NR_102733) -291 NM_032996 842 Hs.329502 NM_001229 HPRD:03756 CASP9 APAF-3|APAF3|ICE-LAP6|MCH6|PPP1R56 caspase 9, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13861 chr17 14212727 14212910 + 15.79895 NA intron (NM_006041, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_006041, intron 1 of 1) 5761 NR_026880 84815 Hs.597458 NM_032729 MGC12916 - uncharacterized protein MGC12916 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39257 chrY 13850713 13850798 + 15.79640 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 682634 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5245 chr10 128035242 128035350 + 15.79431 NA intron (NM_001288975, intron 1 of 18) L1PA5|LINE|L1 41831 NM_001288975 8038 Hs.594351 NM_003474 HPRD:04092 ADAM12 ADAM12-OT1|CAR10|MCMP|MCMPMltna|MLTN|MLTNA ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27611-2 chr5 75527996 75528657 + 15.77230 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 149087 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27611 chr5 75527996 75528657 + 15.77230 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 149087 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35650 chr9 71837253 71837327 + 15.76280 NA intron (NM_201629, intron 5 of 20) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 17212 NM_001170416 9414 Hs.50382 NM_004817 HPRD:06369 TJP2 C9DUPq21.11|DFNA51|DUP9q21.11|PFIC4|X104|ZO2 tight junction protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17119 chr19 56181806 56181901 + 15.75805 NA intron (NM_001012478, intron 11 of 11) intron (NM_001012478, intron 11 of 11) -4708 NM_013333 29924 Hs.279953 NM_013333 HPRD:06270 EPN1 - epsin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_876 chr1 47588997 47589245 + 15.74612 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -13986 NM_001010969 284541 Hs.726474 NM_001010969 CYP4A22 - cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily A, polypeptide 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31726 chr7 51671284 51671369 + 15.74612 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -286811 NM_001287436 23242 Hs.99141 NM_015198 HPRD:10843 COBL - cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30936 chr6 159374567 159374753 + 15.72930 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 46538 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7866 chr12 37993518 37993610 + 15.72229 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -716993 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9847 chr13 99097708 99097848 + 15.71343 NA intron (NM_005766, intron 24 of 26) intron (NM_005766, intron 24 of 26) 76601 NM_003576 8428 Hs.508514 NM_003576 HPRD:10385 STK24 HEL-S-95|MST3|MST3B|STE20|STK3 serine/threonine kinase 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32644 chr7 121078555 121078699 + 15.70602 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -42205 NM_001040020 10447 Hs.434053 NM_014888 HPRD:12270 FAM3C ILEI family with sequence similarity 3, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27604 chr5 75468555 75468672 + 15.69331 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) SVA_F|Other|Other 89374 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21516 chr21 46975125 46975243 + 15.68530 NA Intergenic (CGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -12799 NM_194255 6573 Hs.84190 NM_003056 HPRD:02691 SLC19A1 CHMD|FOLT|IFC1|REFC|RFC1 solute carrier family 19 (folate transporter), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23235 chr3 93525454 93525536 + 15.68530 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 167439 NM_000313 5627 Hs.64016 NM_000313 HPRD:01473 PROS1 PROS|PS21|PS22|PS23|PS24|PS25|PSA|THPH5|THPH6 protein S (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37971 chrX 67766620 67766852 + 15.65517 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 48112 NM_173834 286451 Hs.82719 NM_173834 HPRD:06639 YIPF6 FinGER6 Yip1 domain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37067 chrUn_gl000229 7233 7347 + 15.65075 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5829 chr11 27468625 27468720 + 15.64962 NA intron (NM_018490, intron 1 of 17) L1PA5|LINE|L1 25662 NM_018490 55366 Hs.502176 NM_018490 HPRD:05978 LGR4 BNMD17|GPR48 leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1689 chr1 121443335 121443410 + 15.63695 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 182462 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8499 chr12 77568911 77569046 + 15.62245 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -109618 NM_203394 144455 Hs.416375 NM_203394 HPRD:10929 E2F7 - E2F transcription factor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5254 chr10 129459801 129460093 + 15.61695 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -75591 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9913 chr13 102043298 102043387 + 15.59554 NA intron (NM_052867, intron 3 of 43) L1PA5|LINE|L1 25471 NM_052867 259232 Hs.525146 NM_052867 HPRD:15647 NALCN CanIon|INNFD|VGCNL1|bA430M15.1 sodium leak channel, non-selective protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12822 chr16 33585436 33585552 + 15.59554 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22251 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10402 chr14 50507303 50507428 + 15.59270 NA promoter-TSS (NR_102736) promoter-TSS (NR_102736) -763 NR_102736 100506499 Hs.728904 NR_102736 LOC100506499 - uncharacterized LOC100506499 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36665 chr9_gl000199_random 159069 159148 + 15.59179 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21966 chr22 38073261 38073461 + 15.58634 NA intron (NM_002305, intron 2 of 3) CpG 1748 NM_002305 3956 Hs.445351 NM_002305 HPRD:01040 LGALS1 GAL1|GBP lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31793 chr7 57552099 57552183 + 15.58586 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 42258 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27607 chr5 75514320 75514429 + 15.58391 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) L1PA8|LINE|L1 135135 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24826 chr4 27732075 27732176 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic Intergenic 869812 NM_020860 57620 Hs.744950 NM_020860 HPRD:11609 STIM2 - stromal interaction molecule 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17779 chr2 45984276 45984357 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 1 of 14) AluSz|SINE|Alu 105273 NM_005400 5581 Hs.580351 NM_005400 HPRD:01500 PRKCE PKCE|nPKC-epsilon protein kinase C, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5216 chr10 126787243 126787346 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_001290214, intron 2 of 10) (GA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 60090 NM_001290215 1488 Hs.501345 NM_001329 HPRD:04016 CTBP2 - C-terminal binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1778 chr1 143646150 143646241 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26726 NR_106967 102466225 NR_106967 MIR6077 MIR6077-1|MIR6077-2|hsa-mir-6077-1|hsa-mir-6077-2 microRNA 6077 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28458 chr5 145852493 145852576 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_006706, intron 9 of 21) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 25661 NM_006706 10915 Hs.443465 NM_006706 HPRD:10393 TCERG1 CA150|TAF2S|Urn1 transcription elongation regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25814 chr4 111731261 111731340 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -168021 NM_001204399 5308 Hs.643588 NM_000325 HPRD:03328 PITX2 ARP1|Brx1|IDG2|IGDS|IGDS2|IHG2|IRID2|Otlx2|PTX2|RGS|RIEG|RIEG1|RS paired-like homeodomain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5307 chr10 131389911 131390009 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 124506 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14420 chr17 45437066 45437152 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_152347, intron 9 of 24) L1PA3|LINE|L1 35782 NM_001195192 124989 Hs.463303 NM_152347 HPRD:08278 EFCAB13 C17orf57 EF-hand calcium binding domain 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33282 chr8 5111467 5111563 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu -259187 NM_033225 64478 Hs.571466 NM_033225 HPRD:10523 CSMD1 PPP1R24 CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38662 chrX 129158314 129158394 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_021946, intron 5 of 11) intron (NM_021946, intron 5 of 11) 19190 NM_021946 63035 Hs.496748 NM_021946 HPRD:06517 BCORL1 BCoR-L1|CXorf10 BCL6 corepressor-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20435 chr20 17460321 17460399 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_002594, intron 11 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu 51654 NM_001195 631 Hs.129702 NM_001195 HPRD:04494 BFSP1 CP115|CP94|CTRCT33|LIFL-H beaded filament structural protein 1, filensin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14445 chr17 46342801 46342900 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_003726, intron 4 of 12) AluSx3|SINE|Alu -108977 NR_031607 100302211 NR_031607 MIR1203 MIRN1203|hsa-mir-1203 microRNA 1203 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34907 chr9 1809444 1809528 + 15.58011 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -205733 NM_003070 6595 Hs.298990 NM_003070 HPRD:02483 SMARCA2 BAF190|BRM|NCBRS|SNF2|SNF2L2|SNF2LA|SWI2|Sth1p|hBRM|hSNF2a SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14614 chr17 61261104 61261352 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 3 of 24) AluYf4|SINE|Alu 174330 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3260 chr1 232602370 232602532 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_020808, intron 6 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 48792 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13565 chr17 122837 123076 + 15.58011 NA intron (NM_001190412, intron 5 of 8) CpG -58040 NM_001242780 100506388 Hs.627744 NM_001242780 LOC100506388 - uncharacterized LOC100506388 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19156 chr2 155850300 155850379 + 15.57370 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 295246 NM_001260509 3760 Hs.591606 NM_002239 HPRD:03323 KCNJ3 GIRK1|KGA|KIR3.1 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1303 chr1 93049475 93049640 + 15.56541 NA intron (NM_005665, intron 16 of 17) intron (NM_005665, intron 16 of 17) -97124 NM_005263 2672 Hs.73172 NM_005263 HPRD:07527 GFI1 GFI-1|GFI1A|SCN2|ZNF163 growth factor independent 1 transcription repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6130 chr11 50779635 50779719 + 15.54001 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 411359 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24813 chr4 26595055 26595131 + 15.53594 NA intron (NM_001292054, intron 1 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 9547 NM_018317 55296 Hs.479403 NM_018317 HPRD:07730 TBC1D19 - TBC1 domain family, member 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21413 chr21 38807545 38807683 + 15.53594 NA intron (NM_101395, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_101395, intron 3 of 12) 15012 NM_001396 1859 Hs.368240 NM_001396 HPRD:09018 DYRK1A DYRK|DYRK1|HP86|MNB|MNBH|MRD7 dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36668 chr9_gl000199_random 160428 160509 + 15.53322 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20112 chr2 234850740 234850916 + 15.51852 NA intron (NM_024080, intron 5 of 25) AluSg7|SINE|Alu 24785 NM_024080 79054 Hs.366053 NM_024080 HPRD:09454 TRPM8 LTRPC6|TRPP8 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32463 chr7 102119441 102119670 + 15.48178 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006234) promoter-TSS (NM_006234) -174 NM_006234 5439 Hs.654952 NM_006234 HPRD:16038 POLR2J POLR2J1|RPB11|RPB11A|RPB11m|hRPB14 polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide J, 13.3kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32463-2 chr7 102119441 102119670 + 15.48178 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006234) promoter-TSS (NM_006234) -174 NM_006234 5439 Hs.654952 NM_006234 HPRD:16038 POLR2J POLR2J1|RPB11|RPB11A|RPB11m|hRPB14 polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide J, 13.3kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23629 chr3 127831604 127831750 + 15.48169 NA intron (NM_003707, intron 3 of 10) intron (NM_003707, intron 3 of 10) 10994 NM_003707 8607 Hs.272822 NM_003707 HPRD:09143 RUVBL1 ECP54|INO80H|NMP238|PONTIN|Pontin52|RVB1|TIH1|TIP49|TIP49A RuvB-like AAA ATPase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27064 chr5 42248622 42248718 + 15.45974 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -73223 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5226 chr10 127861144 127861504 + 15.44674 NA intron (NM_001288975, intron 3 of 18) L1PA7|LINE|L1 -199482 NR_102707 101410540 Hs.557889 NR_102707 ENSG00000233409 FANK1-AS1 - FANK1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18964 chr2 133001999 133002071 + 15.42891 NA intron (NR_027020, intron 1 of 4) ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 12618 NR_031608 100313824 NR_031608 miRBase:MI0006336 MIR663B MIRN663B microRNA 663b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37835 chrX 61736211 61736285 + 15.42218 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 834970 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30944 chr6 159419366 159419500 + 15.41521 NA intron (NM_031924, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 1765 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16738 chr19 43967493 43967737 + 15.41396 NA intron (NM_014400, intron 3 of 4) CpG-13856 2216 NM_014400 27076 Hs.631594 NM_014400 HPRD:10783 LYPD3 C4.4A LY6/PLAUR domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29302 chr6 28863380 28863488 + 15.41396 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104117) promoter-TSS (NR_104117) -873 NR_104117 414760 Hs.211005 NR_104117 HCG14 dJ111M5.4 HLA complex group 14 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39089 chrY 13119507 13119606 + 15.39443 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1413833 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36301 chr9 130565374 130565466 + 15.39434 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018078) promoter-TSS (NM_001018078) -40 NM_001018078 2356 Hs.335084 NM_004957 HPRD:00642 FPGS - folylpolyglutamate synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25711 chr4 103546843 103546968 + 15.38933 NA Intergenic Intergenic 124419 NM_001165412 4790 Hs.618430 NM_003998 HPRD:01238 NFKB1 EBP-1|KBF1|NF-kB1|NF-kappa-B|NF-kappaB|NFKB-p105|NFKB-p50|NFkappaB|p105|p50 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23774 chr3 139127463 139127549 + 15.38434 NA intron (NR_121609, intron 1 of 4) L1PA6|LINE|L1 18861 NR_121609 100507291 Hs.97661 NR_121608 LOC100507291 - uncharacterized LOC100507291 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1927 chr1 147833638 147833729 + 15.38434 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 17 of 18).2 intron (NR_102404, intron 17 of 18).2 -26751 NR_106967 102466225 NR_106967 MIR6077 MIR6077-1|MIR6077-2|hsa-mir-6077-1|hsa-mir-6077-2 microRNA 6077 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36979 chrUn_gl000225 113074 113156 + 15.36789 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25941 chr4 122227446 122227614 + 15.35843 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 74651 NM_198179 84109 Hs.368977 NM_198179 QRFPR AQ27|GPR103|SP9155 pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32639 chr7 120892823 120892931 + 15.35703 NA intron (NM_024913, intron 18 of 22) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -72544 NM_016087 51384 Hs.272375 NM_016087 HPRD:05882 WNT16 - wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28285 chr5 137122668 137122763 + 15.34664 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -14167 NR_002713 4888 Hs.643466 NR_002713 ENSG00000226306 NPY6R NPY1RL|NPY6RP|PP2|Y2B neuropeptide Y receptor Y6 (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3656 chr10 11325826 11326163 + 15.33475 NA intron (NM_001025076, intron 8 of 14) (TGAG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 119001 NM_001083591 10659 Hs.309288 NM_006561 HPRD:03964 CELF2 BRUNOL3|CUGBP2|ETR-3|ETR3|NAPOR CUGBP, Elav-like family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27591 chr5 75417211 75417665 + 15.33216 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 38199 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38071 chrX 71396136 71396394 + 15.33078 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -5261 NM_001170747 5303 Hs.655623 NM_006223 HPRD:02219 PIN4 EPVH|PAR14|PAR17 protein (peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting, 4 (parvulin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26731 chr5 1654124 1654238 + 15.32525 NA Intergenic CpG -20061 NR_003713 728613 Hs.720393 NR_003713 LOC728613 - programmed cell death 6 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38081 chrX 71416110 71416373 + 15.31610 NA intron (NM_006223, intron 2 of 3) AluSg|SINE|Alu 14715 NM_006223 5303 Hs.655623 NM_006223 HPRD:02219 PIN4 EPVH|PAR14|PAR17 protein (peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting, 4 (parvulin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9491 chr13 46746712 46746903 + 15.31610 NA intron (NM_002298, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_002298, intron 1 of 15) 9652 NM_002298 3936 Hs.381099 NM_002298 HPRD:01082 LCP1 CP64|HEL-S-37|L-PLASTIN|LC64P|LPL|PLS2 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1 (L-plastin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28386 chr5 141016416 141016569 + 15.28427 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003883) promoter-TSS (NM_003883) -25 NM_173828 285613 Hs.120094 NM_173828 HPRD:12830 RELL2 C5orf16 RELT-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20583 chr20 29817261 29817343 + 15.28365 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -28165 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19576 chr2 191991195 191991321 + 15.28296 NA intron (NM_003151, intron 3 of 23) intron (NM_003151, intron 3 of 23) 24728 NM_003151 6775 Hs.80642 NM_003151 HPRD:02779 STAT4 SLEB11 signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19778 chr2 204776543 204776642 + 15.26155 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -24879 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38317 chrX 91475969 91476047 + 15.23949 NA intron (NM_032969, intron 3 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 385548 NM_001168362 27328 Hs.655673 NM_014522 HPRD:02215 PCDH11X PCDH-X|PCDH11|PCDHX|PPP1R119 protocadherin 11 X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6179 chr11 54890819 54890904 + 15.23661 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -138797 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38522 chrX 116397120 116397227 + 15.23661 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 710528 NM_033495 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27897 chr5 100003102 100003372 + 15.22993 NA Intergenic Intergenic 132113 NM_198507 345757 Hs.356108 NM_198507 HPRD:18260 FAM174A TMEM157|UNQ1912 family with sequence similarity 174, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27594 chr5 75418463 75418573 + 15.21274 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 39279 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17207 chr19_gl000208_random 44671 44750 + 15.20770 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17736 chr2 43181047 43181126 + 15.20558 NA Intergenic AluJb|SINE|Alu 85596 NR_110585 102723854 Hs.570165 NR_110585 LOC102723854 - uncharacterized LOC102723854 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25925 chr4 122168447 122168521 + 15.20506 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -19863 NM_001244764 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34830 chr8 145033920 145034044 + 15.20015 NA intron (NM_000445, intron 2 of 32) AluY|SINE|Alu -5894 NM_201379 5339 Hs.434248 NM_000445 HPRD:03180 PLEC EBS1|EBSO|HD1|LGMD2Q|PCN|PLEC1|PLEC1b|PLTN plectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11615 chr15 55938575 55938656 + 15.19829 NA intron (NM_173814, intron 11 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu -57565 NM_015617 26108 Hs.87194 NM_015617 PYGO1 - pygopus family PHD finger 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1201 chr1 85039648 85039769 + 15.19456 NA intron (NM_004388, intron 1 of 6) MIRb|SINE|MIR 455 NM_004388 1486 Hs.513557 NM_004388 CTBS CTB chitobiase, di-N-acetyl- protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27901 chr5 100224937 100225149 + 15.17300 NA intron (NM_175052, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_175052, intron 2 of 2) 13946 NM_005668 7903 Hs.308628 NM_005668 HPRD:03970 ST8SIA4 PST|PST1|SIAT8D|ST8SIA-IV ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26940 chr5 32598515 32598677 + 15.13579 NA intron (NM_006713, intron 3 of 4) Tigger2b_Pri|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 12991 NM_006713 10923 Hs.229641 NM_006713 HPRD:02737 SUB1 P15|PC4|p14 SUB1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7819 chr12 33891483 33891562 + 15.13579 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -283694 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14931 chr18 10947 11076 + 15.12492 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo -1064 NR_110795 102723376 Hs.606852 NR_110795 LOC102723376 - uncharacterized LOC102723376 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25286 chr4 61438204 61438378 + 15.12465 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -924548 NM_015236 23284 Hs.28391 NM_015236 HPRD:10055 LPHN3 CIRL3|LEC3 latrophilin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20439 chr20 17527485 17527638 + 15.10433 NA intron (NM_001278606, intron 1 of 8) AluSg|SINE|Alu 12044 NM_001278607 631 Hs.129702 NM_001195 HPRD:04494 BFSP1 CP115|CP94|CTRCT33|LIFL-H beaded filament structural protein 1, filensin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26284 chr4 156386209 156386307 + 15.10433 NA Intergenic Intergenic -88136 NM_001039580 79884 Hs.61271 NM_001039580 HPRD:07957 MAP9 ASAP microtubule-associated protein 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35984 chr9 101984464 101984649 + 15.10275 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033087) promoter-TSS (NM_033087) -14 NM_006808 10952 Hs.191887 NM_006808 HPRD:06715 SEC61B - Sec61 beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_492 chr1 28318913 28319045 + 15.08865 NA intron (NR_104214, intron 15 of 16) MER1B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 32475 NM_018053 55113 Hs.55024 NM_018053 HPRD:07661 XKR8 XRG8|hXkr8 XK, Kell blood group complex subunit-related family, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9464 chr13 45009387 45009605 + 15.07734 NA intron (NM_183422, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_183422, intron 2 of 2) 1564 NM_006022 8848 Hs.436383 NM_006022 TSC22D1 Ptg-2|TGFB1I4|TSC22 TSC22 domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6315 chr11 62347193 62347269 + 15.07378 NA intron (NM_022830, intron 4 of 8) AluSx|SINE|Alu -5771 NM_001404 1937 Hs.144835 NM_001404 HPRD:11745 EEF1G EF1G|GIG35 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1466 chr1 108971116 108971190 + 15.07116 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -21751 NM_001143988 653149 Hs.712226 NM_001143987 ENSG00000186086 NBPF6 - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_742 chr1 40860597 40860740 + 15.07116 NA intron (NM_001198979, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001198979, intron 1 of 9) 1651 NM_001198979 64744 Hs.15200 NM_022733 HPRD:12442 SMAP2 SMAP1L small ArfGAP2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29788 chr6 64118121 64118224 + 15.07116 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -88290 NM_001143940 51557 Hs.149585 NM_016571 HPRD:13585 LGSN GLULD1|LGS lengsin, lens protein with glutamine synthetase domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23492 chr3 116710250 116710330 + 15.05200 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 70012 NR_121607 100506724 Hs.125983 NR_121607 ENSG00000242385 LINC00901 LSAMP-AS4|TCONS_00005428 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 901 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4864 chr10 99094385 99094595 + 15.04988 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012083) promoter-TSS (NM_012083) -32 NM_012083 23401 Hs.140720 NM_012083 HPRD:05419 FRAT2 - frequently rearranged in advanced T-cell lymphomas 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15551 chr18 71677567 71677654 + 15.03739 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 137389 NM_152676 201456 Hs.664011 NM_152676 HPRD:16435 FBXO15 FBX15 F-box protein 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8906 chr12 114523881 114523952 + 15.03739 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -119740 NM_001146699 9904 Hs.7482 NM_016196 HPRD:15225 RBM19 - RNA binding motif protein 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28103 chr5 122181027 122181149 + 15.03739 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014035) promoter-TSS (NM_014035) -72 NM_014035 28966 Hs.483200 NM_014035 HPRD:15413 SNX24 PRO1284 sorting nexin 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33097 chr7 156833309 156833403 + 15.03310 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 29805 NR_038835 645249 Hs.224879 NR_038835 ENSG00000243479 MNX1-AS1 - MNX1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31190 chr7 2417232 2417505 + 15.01146 NA intron (NM_001037283, intron 15 of 18) intron (NM_001037283, intron 15 of 18) 22894 NM_003751 8662 Hs.371001 NM_003751 HPRD:06795 EIF3B EIF3-ETA|EIF3-P110|EIF3-P116|EIF3S9|PRT1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8582 chr12 89919952 89920067 + 15.01047 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199777) promoter-TSS (NM_001199777) 30 NM_001199781 100528030 Hs.25130 NM_001199781 ENSG00000259075 POC1B-GALNT4 - POC1B-GALNT4 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3180 chr1 227730436 227730567 + 15.01033 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20719 NR_102302 339500 Hs.30323 NM_032755 ZNF678 - zinc finger protein 678 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30651 chr6 142072420 142072534 + 15.00413 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 337459 NM_002511 4829 Hs.654478 NM_002511 HPRD:01211 NMBR BB1 neuromedin B receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13722 chr17 6308267 6308379 + 15.00413 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 30129 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36206 chr9 124178515 124178607 + 15.00413 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -45979 NM_001270527 2040 Hs.253903 NM_004099 HPRD:00585 STOM BND7|EPB7|EPB72 stomatin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25948 chr4 122285513 122285590 + 15.00413 NA intron (NM_198179, intron 1 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 16630 NM_198179 84109 Hs.368977 NM_198179 QRFPR AQ27|GPR103|SP9155 pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37390 chrX 24043493 24043653 + 15.00413 NA intron (NM_030624, intron 1 of 3) CpG-27799 1730 NM_030624 80311 Hs.495854 NM_030624 ENSG00000174010 KLHL15 HEL-S-305 kelch-like family member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9354 chr13 34318146 34318370 + 14.98307 NA Intergenic Intergenic -67286 NM_001243476 90627 Hs.156551 NM_052851 HPRD:11607 STARD13 ARHGAP37|DLC2|GT650|LINC00464 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27217 chr5 49464024 49464117 + 14.97847 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 273164 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3331 chr1 235942368 235942452 + 14.97139 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 16 of 52) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 73950 NR_031718 100302139 NR_031718 miRBase:MI0007258 MIR1537 MIRN1537|hsa-mir-1537 microRNA 1537 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24050 chr3 164351449 164351532 + 14.94444 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 444793 NM_001041 6476 Hs.429596 NM_001041 HPRD:01962 SI - sucrase-isomaltase (alpha-glucosidase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34836 chr8 145054280 145054461 + 14.93669 NA intron (NM_032789, intron 9 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu -3457 NM_000445 5339 Hs.434248 NM_000445 HPRD:03180 PLEC EBS1|EBSO|HD1|LGMD2Q|PCN|PLEC1|PLEC1b|PLTN plectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10845 chr14 88471413 88471520 + 14.92607 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003608) promoter-TSS (NM_003608) -2 NM_003608 8477 Hs.443243 NM_003608 GPR65 TDAG8|hTDAG8 G protein-coupled receptor 65 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23465 chr3 113557572 113557693 + 14.92011 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017577) promoter-TSS (NM_017577) -49 NM_017577 54762 Hs.24583 NM_017577 ENSG00000178075 GRAMD1C - GRAM domain containing 1C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34838 chr8 145075098 145075380 + 14.92011 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 11013 NM_001009184 2907 Hs.594634 NM_000837 HPRD:15927 GRINA HNRGW|LFG1|NMDARA1|TMBIM3 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate-associated protein 1 (glutamate binding) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37419 chrX 26370508 26370602 + 14.90877 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 136269 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30737 chr6 148741928 148742015 + 14.90555 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 2 of 19) AluSz6|SINE|Alu 78242 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6191 chr11 55013346 55013429 + 14.89166 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -16271 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10808 chr14 80557038 80557117 + 14.89027 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -120685 NR_038355 100628307 Hs.623865 NR_038355 ENSG00000258766 DIO2-AS1 - DIO2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5428 chr11 560835 560948 + 14.87618 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001143994) promoter-TSS (NM_001143994) -80 NM_001143993 8045 Hs.72925 NM_003475 HPRD:00878 RASSF7 C11orf13|HRAS1|HRC1 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family (N-terminal) member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39271 chrY 13866947 13867021 + 14.87177 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 666405 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30865 chr6 157732628 157732717 + 14.86858 NA intron (NM_018452, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_018452, intron 3 of 3) 12619 NM_018452 729515 Hs.157212 NM_018452 ENSG00000215712 TMEM242 BM033|C6orf35 transmembrane protein 242 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4103 chr10 39148395 39148475 + 14.86456 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 158708 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14869 chr17 79869458 79869568 + 14.86193 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001256435) promoter-TSS (NM_001256435) -160 NM_001256434 5833 Hs.569843 NM_002861 PCYT2 ET phosphate cytidylyltransferase 2, ethanolamine protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1527 chr1 111749408 111749482 + 14.85940 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -2285 NM_001271833 79961 Hs.557850 NM_024901 DENND2D - DENN/MADD domain containing 2D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7674 chr12 25054023 25054177 + 14.85940 NA intron (NM_001178092, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001178092, intron 1 of 8) 1222 NM_001178094 586 Hs.438993 NM_005504 HPRD:00216 BCAT1 BCATC|BCT1|ECA39|MECA39|PNAS121|PP18 branched chain amino-acid transaminase 1, cytosolic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21662 chr22 19916598 19916841 + 14.85515 NA intron (NM_001282512, intron 2 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu -12544 NM_000754 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33121 chr7 156929727 156929908 + 14.82745 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -1838 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11812 chr15 73800828 73800915 + 14.80339 NA intron (NM_001042367, intron 2 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 61013 NR_103844 101241892 Hs.656678 NR_103844 NPTN-IT1 lncRNA-LET NPTN intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30917 chr6 159335682 159335803 + 14.79145 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 26123 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9713 chr13 76064233 76064390 + 14.77601 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8061 NM_001286659 9882 Hs.210891 NM_014832 HPRD:18164 TBC1D4 AS160 TBC1 domain family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19447 chr2 178628556 178628675 + 14.77601 NA intron (NM_001077197, intron 11 of 20) MER91A|DNA|hAT-Tip100 124851 NM_001077196 50940 Hs.570273 NM_016953 HPRD:05391 PDE11A PPNAD2 phosphodiesterase 11A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15804 chr19 4834797 4834880 + 14.77601 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -3084 NM_182919 148022 Hs.29344 NM_014261 HPRD:06350 TICAM1 IIAE6|MyD88-3|PRVTIRB|TICAM-1|TRIF toll-like receptor adaptor molecule 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37969 chrX 67706328 67706507 + 14.76967 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -12207 NM_001195214 286451 Hs.82719 NM_173834 HPRD:06639 YIPF6 FinGER6 Yip1 domain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7602 chr12 19770064 19770159 + 14.76879 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu 176596 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26407 chr4 170870685 170870763 + 14.73370 NA intron (NR_037878, intron 1 of 4) AluSx|SINE|Alu 26329 NR_037878 100506085 Hs.649173 NR_037878 ENSG00000248319 LOC100506085 - uncharacterized LOC100506085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34840 chr8 145088170 145088266 + 14.72871 NA intron (NM_001134374, intron 1 of 3) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 1636 NM_001134374 375686 Hs.97726 NM_198572 HPRD:15433 SPATC1 SPATA15 spermatogenesis and centriole associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31826 chr7 57997274 57997353 + 14.72130 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 487430 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14963 chr18 1733290 1733387 + 14.71169 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -373708 NR_023926 56651 Hs.541165 NM_031416 LINC00470 C18orf2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 470 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15013 chr18 5237745 5237898 + 14.70986 NA promoter-TSS (NR_015389) promoter-TSS (NR_015389) 207 NR_026849 147525 Hs.657197 NM_152471 LINC00526 C18orf18|HsT959 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 526 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1690 chr1 121445192 121445272 + 14.70423 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 184322 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13724 chr17 6314195 6314289 + 14.69468 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 24210 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14278 chr17 38764052 38764169 + 14.69468 NA Intergenic Intergenic 39993 NM_003079 6605 Hs.743978 NM_003079 HPRD:04382 SMARCE1 BAF57 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily e, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6071 chr11 48887316 48887390 + 14.68684 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -165799 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16996 chr19 51869698 51869832 + 14.67981 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001985) promoter-TSS (NM_001985) -93 NM_001985 2109 Hs.348531 NM_001985 HPRD:00557 ETFB MADD electron-transfer-flavoprotein, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33273 chr8 5049519 5049685 + 14.67754 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -197274 NM_033225 64478 Hs.571466 NM_033225 HPRD:10523 CSMD1 PPP1R24 CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5301 chr10 131373607 131373882 + 14.66842 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 108290 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21857 chr22 29516073 29516443 + 14.66462 NA intron (NM_001039570, intron 3 of 8) GA-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 47192 NM_001039570 83999 Hs.229335 NM_032045 HPRD:11182 KREMEN1 KREMEN|KRM1 kringle containing transmembrane protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6931 chr11 104916024 104916121 + 14.64783 NA promoter-TSS (NM_052889) promoter-TSS (NM_052889) -21 NM_052889 114769 Hs.348365 NM_052889 HPRD:16740 CARD16 COP|COP1|PSEUDO-ICE caspase recruitment domain family, member 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12150 chr15 99537418 99537496 + 14.63001 NA intron (NM_001167902, intron 2 of 4) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 11428 NM_001102612 145814 Hs.592021 NM_001102612 ENSG00000183571 PGPEP1L - pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17374 chr2 10260439 10260569 + 14.62739 NA Intergenic CpG -2191 NM_001165931 6241 Hs.226390 NM_001034 HPRD:01587 RRM2 R2|RR2|RR2M ribonucleotide reductase M2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8640 chr12 94638024 94638333 + 14.61233 NA intron (NM_005761, intron 12 of 30) MIRb|SINE|MIR -18119 NR_037687 10154 Hs.584845 NM_005761 HPRD:05036 PLXNC1 CD232|PLXN-C1|VESPR plexin C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20292 chr20 1181416 1181500 + 14.59548 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -2640 NM_001009612 400831 Hs.148503 NM_001009612 HPRD:17387 C20orf202 - chromosome 20 open reading frame 202 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3262 chr1 232639824 232639939 + 14.59548 NA intron (NM_020808, intron 1 of 20) AluSz6|SINE|Alu 11362 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7838 chr12 34833342 34833515 + 14.59355 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 658212 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16091 chr19 15063110 15063195 + 14.58499 NA intron (NR_073589, intron 8 of 8) AluY|SINE|Alu 10851 NM_012377 26658 Hs.589620 NM_012377 HPRD:15072 OR7C2 CIT-HSP-87M17|OR19-18|OR7C3 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24299 chr3 187608528 187608704 + 14.58499 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -145103 NM_001706 604 Hs.478588 NM_001706 HPRD:00180 BCL6 BCL5|BCL6A|LAZ3|ZBTB27|ZNF51 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19289 chr2 166150369 166150496 + 14.52186 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021007) promoter-TSS (NM_021007) 91 NM_021007 6326 Hs.93485 NM_021007 HPRD:03133 SCN2A BFIC3|BFIS3|BFNIS|EIEE11|HBA|HBSCI|HBSCII|NAC2|Na(v)1.2|Nav1.2|SCN2A1|SCN2A2 sodium channel, voltage-gated, type II, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7275 chr11 134709636 134709848 + 14.50431 NA Intergenic L1MA9|LINE|L1 403366 NR_033852 283177 Hs.504390 NR_033852 LOC283177 - uncharacterized LOC283177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3736 chr10 17153655 17153918 + 14.50347 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 8 of 66) AluSx|SINE|Alu 18030 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3736-2 chr10 17153655 17153918 + 14.50347 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 8 of 66) AluSx|SINE|Alu 18030 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18150 chr2 78851718 78851803 + 14.49380 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -333903 NR_110288 101927967 Hs.406952 NR_110288 LOC101927967 - uncharacterized LOC101927967 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12407 chr16 12070485 12070681 + 14.49380 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032167) promoter-TSS (NM_032167) -19 NM_032167 92017 Hs.458401 NM_032167 HPRD:17437 SNX29 A-388D4.1|RUNDC2A sorting nexin 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31968 chr7 63571927 63572008 + 14.49380 NA Intergenic Intergenic 66146 NM_001159522 442319 Hs.640774 NM_001159522 ENSG00000257482 ZNF727P ZNF727 zinc finger protein 727, pseudogene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38057 chrX 71326343 71326442 + 14.49380 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) L1PA6|LINE|L1 25359 NM_001024455 340526 Hs.512180 NM_001024455 HPRD:18594 RGAG4 6430402L03Rik|MAR5|MART5 retrotransposon gag domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8518 chr12 81788470 81788551 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_001220474, intron 6 of 30) L1PA8|LINE|L1 -25317 NM_001220479 8499 Hs.506216 NM_003625 HPRD:04392 PPFIA2 - protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide (PTPRF), interacting protein (liprin), alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33410 chr8 14280698 14280778 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_139167, intron 2 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 430281 NR_029875 494332 NR_029875 MIR383 MIRN383|hsa-mir-383 microRNA 383 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2997 chr1 215673111 215673209 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic Intergenic -67575 NM_016121 51133 Hs.335139 NM_016121 HPRD:13766 KCTD3 NY-REN-45 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32446 chr7 100781871 100782029 + 14.49318 NA 3' UTR (NM_000602, exon 9 of 9) 3' UTR (NM_000602, exon 9 of 9) 11580 NM_000602 5054 Hs.414795 NM_000602 HPRD:01418 SERPINE1 PAI|PAI-1|PAI1|PLANH1 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11959 chr15 83706582 83706653 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_001011885, intron 4 of 6) AluSq|SINE|Alu -26224 NM_001160113 123207 Hs.352541 NM_144597 HPRD:14538 C15orf40 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33267 chr8 5020460 5020549 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -168176 NM_033225 64478 Hs.571466 NM_033225 HPRD:10523 CSMD1 PPP1R24 CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29145 chr6 20837560 20837739 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_017774, intron 8 of 15) intron (NM_017774, intron 8 of 15) 302961 NM_017774 54901 Hs.657604 NM_017774 HPRD:13022 CDKAL1 - CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37905 chrX 63758478 63758616 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -143214 NM_017677 55613 Hs.442892 NM_017677 HPRD:06664 MTMR8 - myotubularin related protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34237 chr8 91640110 91640281 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_001146273, intron 1 of 1) L2|LINE|L2 17938 NM_001146273 169200 Hs.567759 NM_001008495 HPRD:16822 TMEM64 - transmembrane protein 64 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9841 chr13 98177218 98177310 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 90789 NM_021033 5911 Hs.508480 NM_021033 RAP2A K-REV|KREV|RAP2|RbBP-30 RAP2A, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8017 chr12 47596792 47596867 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_001281429, intron 2 of 2) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 13397 NR_026544 100233209 Hs.657722 NR_026544 ENSG00000247774 PCED1B-AS1 - PCED1B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1015 chr1 63090559 63090630 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_001271999, intron 12 of 48) AluSg|SINE|Alu 27436 NM_014495 27329 Hs.209153 NM_014495 HPRD:10381 ANGPTL3 ANG-5|ANGPT5|ANL3|FHBL2 angiopoietin-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30101 chr6 94001379 94001462 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_004440, intron 5 of 16) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 127880 NM_001288630 2045 Hs.73962 NM_004440 HPRD:03721 EPHA7 EHK-3|EHK3|EK11|HEK11 EPH receptor A7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9045 chr12 125229172 125229251 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu 119308 NM_005505 949 Hs.731377 NM_005505 HPRD:03024 SCARB1 CD36L1|CLA-1|CLA1|HDLQTL6|SR-BI|SRB1 scavenger receptor class B, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25500 chr4 82110705 82110786 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_006259, intron 2 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 25526 NM_006259 5593 Hs.232044 NM_006259 HPRD:09034 PRKG2 PRKGR2|cGK2|cGKII protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type II protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14601 chr17 61137710 61137803 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 1 of 24) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 50858 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37628 chrX 49415769 49415972 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 44726 NM_003785 8712 Hs.128231 NM_003785 HPRD:02240 PAGE1 AL5|CT16.3|GAGE-9|GAGEB1|PAGE-1 P antigen family, member 1 (prostate associated) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10340 chr14 43978009 43978083 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic GA-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 998453 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21848 chr22 29011296 29011370 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_001145418, intron 2 of 22) L1PA6|LINE|L1 64520 NM_001145418 23331 Hs.387856 NM_015281 HPRD:10020 TTC28 TPRBK tetratricopeptide repeat domain 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17326 chr2 7199531 7199652 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic Intergenic 18420 NR_110252 101929452 NR_110252 ENSG00000223884 LOC101929452 - uncharacterized LOC101929452 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3270 chr1 232720033 232720113 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -68830 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24431 chr4 99276 99351 + 14.49318 NA intron (NR_110527, intron 3 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu -25045 NR_110528 255403 Hs.636638 NM_001039127 ZNF718 - zinc finger protein 718 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31705 chr7 49064398 49064480 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 100282 NR_003595 168448 Hs.567757 NM_152627 CDC14C CDC14B2|CDC14Bretro cell division cycle 14C pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24758 chr4 18178393 18178502 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -154964 NM_153686 254251 Hs.446201 NM_153686 HPRD:10088 LCORL MLR1 ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20281 chr20 1059539 1059624 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -34325 NM_178578 9491 Hs.471917 NM_006814 HPRD:17919 PSMF1 PI31 proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 (PI31) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33842 chr8 53676975 53677128 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic LTR57-int|LTR|ERVL -50025 NM_014781 9821 Hs.196102 NM_014781 HPRD:06019 RB1CC1 ATG17|CC1|FIP200|PPP1R131 RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27898 chr5 100067611 100067732 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic Intergenic 171318 NM_005668 7903 Hs.308628 NM_005668 HPRD:03970 ST8SIA4 PST|PST1|SIAT8D|ST8SIA-IV ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28185 chr5 130387735 130387814 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 113267 NR_073488 3094 Hs.483305 NM_005340 HINT1 HINT|NMAN|PKCI-1|PRKCNH1 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1144 chr1 77576794 77576905 + 14.49318 NA intron (NM_005482, intron 10 of 10) L1PA5|LINE|L1 51021 NR_106978 102466995 NR_106978 MIR7156 hsa-mir-7156 microRNA 7156 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38604 chrX 124177916 124177990 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -80287 NM_001163278 10178 Hs.23796 NM_014253 HPRD:06669 TENM1 ODZ1|ODZ3|TEN-M1|TNM|TNM1 teneurin transmembrane protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22443 chr3 20261932 20262021 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -34252 NM_001199256 151648 Hs.105153 NM_138484 HPRD:12377 SGOL1 NY-BR-85|SGO|Sgo1 shugoshin-like 1 (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35342 chr9 43359101 43359191 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic AluYa8|SINE|Alu -213662 NR_027472 642929 Hs.584288 NR_027472 LOC642929 - general transcription factor II, i pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26214 chr4 150467556 150467629 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -531834 NM_001040260 166614 Hs.591683 NM_152619 HPRD:13122 DCLK2 CL2|CLICK-II|CLICK2|CLIK2|DCAMKL2|DCDC3|DCDC3B|DCK2 doublecortin-like kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8599 chr12 91676636 91676716 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -99870 NM_001920 1634 Hs.156316 NM_001920 HPRD:00501 DCN CSCD|DSPG2|PG40|PGII|PGS2|SLRR1B decorin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23340 chr3 102747750 102747853 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 593942 NM_175056 131368 Hs.352213 NM_175056 HPRD:14048 ZPLD1 - zona pellucida-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7969 chr12 43271484 43271562 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -231223 NR_110042 101927058 Hs.434238 NR_110042 ENSG00000257510 LOC101927058 - uncharacterized LOC101927058 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13303 chr16 72531158 72531236 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -324848 NM_001160213 83449 Hs.714939 NM_031293 HPRD:10157 PMFBP1 - polyamine modulated factor 1 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5970 chr11 42481196 42481276 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -205996 NR_038309 100507205 Hs.99310 NR_038309 LOC100507205 - uncharacterized LOC100507205 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25560 chr4 88507801 88507889 + 14.49318 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 -21836 NM_014208 1834 Hs.678914 NM_014208 HPRD:00508 DSPP DFNA39|DGI1|DMP3|DPP|DSP|DTDP2 dentin sialophosphoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19767 chr2 204736943 204737028 + 14.48841 NA intron (NM_005214, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_005214, intron 3 of 3) 4474 NM_005214 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23061 chr3 69459644 69459733 + 14.48818 NA Intergenic Intergenic -24233 NM_015123 23150 Hs.371681 NM_015123 ENSG00000114541 FRMD4B 6030440G05Rik|GRSP1 FERM domain containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20110 chr2 234813702 234813787 + 14.48818 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -12299 NM_024080 79054 Hs.366053 NM_024080 HPRD:09454 TRPM8 LTRPC6|TRPP8 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_948 chr1 54050957 54051056 + 14.48009 NA intron (NM_147193, intron 3 of 9) MIRb|SINE|MIR 125934 NM_033067 63948 Hs.131654 NM_033067 HPRD:16828 DMRTB1 - DMRT-like family B with proline-rich C-terminal, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39250 chrY 13839762 13839833 + 14.46411 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 693592 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1360 chr1 98513857 98514049 + 14.46332 NA intron (NR_046105, intron 1 of 4) intron (NR_046105, intron 1 of 4) 1296 NR_046105 400765 Hs.451802 NM_001001688 HPRD:16937 MIR137HG - MIR137 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32531 chr7 106358746 106358912 + 14.46332 NA Intergenic Intergenic -57195 NM_175884 168455 Hs.29692 NM_175884 HPRD:08202 CCDC71L C7orf74 coiled-coil domain containing 71-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34540 chr8 124108438 124108586 + 14.46332 NA intron (NM_145647, intron 5 of 21) L2a|LINE|L2 23592 NM_001145088 93594 Hs.492716 NM_145647 HPRD:11319 TBC1D31 Gm85|WDR67 TBC1 domain family, member 31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21928 chr22 36057015 36057152 + 14.46332 NA 3' UTR (NM_030641, exon 3 of 3) 3' UTR (NM_030641, exon 3 of 3) 12659 NM_030641 80830 Hs.257352 NM_030641 HPRD:06266 APOL6 APOL-VI|APOLVI apolipoprotein L, 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33696 chr8 43203044 43203228 + 14.45151 NA intron (NM_001002920, intron 10 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 55551 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19762 chr2 204725303 204725389 + 14.45031 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -7165 NM_001037631 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23351 chr3 105087583 105087798 + 14.44459 NA intron (NM_001243280, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_001243280, intron 1 of 14) 2133 NM_001243280 214 Hs.591293 NM_001627 HPRD:03389 ALCAM CD166|MEMD activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1667 chr1 121359416 121359506 + 14.44099 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 98551 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34825 chr8 144975633 144975857 + 14.43018 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -23113 NM_031308 83481 Hs.200412 NM_031308 EPPK1 EPIPL|EPIPL1 epiplakin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_663 chr1 36579638 36579728 + 14.42131 NA intron (NM_001294347, intron 2 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 11002 NM_001294347 1296 Hs.353001 NM_005202 HPRD:08347 COL8A2 FECD|FECD1|PPCD|PPCD2 collagen, type VIII, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34729 chr8 138706247 138706475 + 14.42131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -280530 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11123 chr14 107183270 107183356 + 14.41504 NA Intergenic Intergenic 244868 NR_027457 338005 Hs.322826 NR_027457 ENSG00000187156 LINC00221 C14orf98|NCRNA00221 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 221 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35363 chr9 44518014 44518104 + 14.41504 NA Intergenic AluYa8|SINE|Alu 133474 NR_121564 101927827 Hs.738704 NR_121564 ENSG00000229311 LOC101927827 - uncharacterized LOC101927827 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36682 chr9_gl000200_random 66010 66100 + 14.41504 NA NA AluYa8|SINE|Alu NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34822 chr8 144967801 144968051 + 14.39916 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -15294 NM_031308 83481 Hs.200412 NM_031308 EPPK1 EPIPL|EPIPL1 epiplakin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7742 chr12 27617681 27617915 + 14.39667 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -1945 NM_001145010 341346 Hs.282121 NM_001145010 ENSG00000165935 SMCO2 C12orf70 single-pass membrane protein with coiled-coil domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27705 chr5 81574139 81574280 + 14.39221 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001025) promoter-TSS (NM_001025) 26 NM_001025 6228 Hs.527193 NM_001025 HPRD:04729 RPS23 S23 ribosomal protein S23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31942 chr7 61992495 61992580 + 14.38448 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 771897 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6234 chr11 57620229 57620304 + 14.37837 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 91032 NM_001085467 1500 Hs.166011 NM_001331 HPRD:03026 CTNND1 CAS|CTNND|P120CAS|P120CTN|p120|p120(CAS)|p120(CTN) catenin (cadherin-associated protein), delta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31989 chr7 64569569 64569665 + 14.37693 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 70885 NR_033416 643180 Hs.510847 NR_033416 ENSG00000234585 CCT6P3 CCT6-3P chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 6 (zeta) pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31807 chr7 57940615 57940693 + 14.36990 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 430771 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11562 chr15 52313433 52313547 + 14.36712 NA intron (NM_002748, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_002748, intron 1 of 5) 2079 NM_002748 5597 Hs.411847 NM_002748 HPRD:04213 MAPK6 ERK3|HsT17250|PRKM6|p97MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29691 chr6 52747245 52747352 + 14.36388 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27198 NM_000847 2940 Hs.102484 NM_000847 HPRD:07290 GSTA3 GSTA3-3|GTA3 glutathione S-transferase alpha 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6152 chr11 51574261 51574350 + 14.35522 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 59023 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10623 chr14 66313906 66314056 + 14.34560 NA Intergenic Intergenic 434533 NR_038170 2530 Hs.597649 NM_004480 HPRD:03994 FUT8 - fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (1,6) fucosyltransferase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_582 chr1 35022648 35022734 + 14.34198 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 -197957 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16833 chr19 47314307 47314382 + 14.34198 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 19617 NR_024258 100170220 Hs.541243 NR_024258 SNAR-E - small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA E snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23280 chr3 98283574 98283678 + 14.34183 NA Intergenic Intergenic 28829 NM_000097 1371 Hs.476982 NM_000097 HPRD:00417 CPOX CPO|CPX|HCP coproporphyrinogen oxidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35439 chr9 66802218 66802293 + 14.33983 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -120712 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3281 chr1 233086152 233086324 + 14.33960 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032324) promoter-TSS (NM_032324) -132 NM_032324 84284 Hs.642715 NM_032324 NTPCR C1orf57|HCR-NTPase nucleoside-triphosphatase, cancer-related protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27081 chr5 42355372 42355456 + 14.33921 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -68463 NM_000163 2690 Hs.125180 NM_000163 HPRD:02971 GHR GHBP growth hormone receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34455 chr8 115014224 115014341 + 14.31713 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -565040 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35063 chr9 19999573 19999761 + 14.30849 NA Intergenic Intergenic -212650 NM_020344 25769 Hs.283014 NM_020344 HPRD:15351 SLC24A2 NCKX2 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24741 chr4 16918453 16918607 + 14.30849 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18106 NM_001130834 9079 Hs.714330 NM_001290 HPRD:16022 LDB2 CLIM1|LDB1 LIM domain binding 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23212 chr3 90416736 90417001 + 14.30157 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1260194 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4944 chr10 103347985 103348100 + 14.27799 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015448) promoter-TSS (NM_015448) -15 NM_001174085 27343 Hs.523230 NM_013274 HPRD:09394 POLL BETAN|POLKAPPA polymerase (DNA directed), lambda protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15938 chr19 10806528 10806642 + 14.27799 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5527 NM_031209 81890 Hs.631638 NM_031209 HPRD:17943 QTRT1 FP3235|TGT|TGUT queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11811 chr15 73099353 73099551 + 14.26999 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -23326 NM_031284 83440 Hs.654636 NM_031284 HPRD:12429 ADPGK 2610017G09Rik|ADP-GK ADP-dependent glucokinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35513 chr9 68408586 68408694 + 14.26719 NA Intergenic CpG 45735 NR_033907 642236 Hs.529357 NR_033907 LOC642236 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36210 chr9 124510335 124510467 + 14.26591 NA intron (NM_138709, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_138709, intron 1 of 13) 5337 NM_138709 153090 Hs.522378 NM_032552 HPRD:09903 DAB2IP AF9Q34|AIP-1|AIP1|DIP1/2 DAB2 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12747 chr16 32382618 32382717 + 14.26591 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -81365 NR_033866 390705 Hs.278513 NR_033866 LOC390705 - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19763 chr2 204725483 204725575 + 14.24983 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -6982 NM_001037631 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5042 chr10 111829614 111829727 + 14.24760 NA intron (NM_016824, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_016824, intron 1 of 14) -61531 NR_038943 100505933 Hs.604103 NR_038943 ADD3-AS1 - ADD3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29484 chr6 35270715 35270903 + 14.23955 NA intron (NM_022047, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_022047, intron 1 of 10) 5214 NM_022047 50619 Hs.15476 NM_022047 HPRD:10869 DEF6 IBP|SLAT|SWAP70L differentially expressed in FDCP 6 homolog (mouse) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32641 chr7 121012813 121012938 + 14.22159 NA intron (NM_001040020, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_001040020, intron 3 of 9) 23547 NM_014888 10447 Hs.434053 NM_014888 HPRD:12270 FAM3C ILEI family with sequence similarity 3, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9268 chr13 27046733 27046929 + 14.21713 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -85009 NM_001291965 10810 Hs.618732 NM_006646 HPRD:05458 WASF3 Brush-1|SCAR3|WAVE3 WAS protein family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34375 chr8 103795434 103795555 + 14.19335 NA Intergenic MER90a|LTR|ERV1 80903 NM_148174 51582 Hs.459106 NM_015878 HPRD:07443 AZIN1 OAZI|OAZIN|ODC1L antizyme inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28540 chr5 150128289 150128481 + 14.19123 NA intron (NM_001135643, intron 3 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 9697 NM_001135644 51164 Hs.675564 NM_016221 HPRD:13126 DCTN4 DYN4|P62 dynactin 4 (p62) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_961 chr1 55181379 55181546 + 14.18693 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004623) promoter-TSS (NM_004623) -33 NM_004623 7268 Hs.412482 NM_004623 HPRD:08417 TTC4 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20150 chr2 237297718 237297819 + 14.16562 NA intron (NM_001270585, intron 11 of 18) L1PA2|LINE|L1 114572 NM_001270585 79781 Hs.591594 NM_024726 HPRD:13743 IQCA1 4930465P12Rik|DRC11|IQCA IQ motif containing with AAA domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24143 chr3 176550312 176550410 + 14.16545 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -15572 NR_110819 101928684 Hs.639352 NR_110819 ENSG00000228308 LINC01209 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1209 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_995 chr1 59485915 59486090 + 14.16545 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110626) promoter-TSS (NR_110626) -146 NR_110626 101926925 NR_110626 LINC01358 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1358 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27400 chr5 63238284 63238366 + 14.16351 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 19794 NM_000524 3350 Hs.247940 NM_000524 HTR1A 5-HT-1A|5-HT1A|5HT1a|ADRB2RL1|ADRBRL1|G-21|PFMCD 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4386 chr10 56514753 56514824 + 14.16351 NA intron (NM_001142769, intron 1 of 35) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 46263 NM_001142765 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7917 chr12 38248599 38248673 + 14.14387 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -461921 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38579 chrX 121016460 121016541 + 14.13771 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 835038 NM_012084 2747 Hs.368538 NM_012084 HPRD:02143 GLUD2 GDH2|GLUDP1 glutamate dehydrogenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38162 chrX 76067925 76068108 + 14.13483 NA intron (NR_110403, intron 1 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 71769 NR_029909 494333 NR_029909 MIR384 MIRN384|hsa-mir-384 microRNA 384 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16366 chr19 27814319 27814427 + 14.13323 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -470002 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20720 chr20 35917985 35918097 + 14.12839 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022077) promoter-TSS (NM_022077) -10 NM_001003897 63905 Hs.6126 NM_022077 HPRD:14356 MANBAL - mannosidase, beta A, lysosomal-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33192 chr7 158791076 158791198 + 14.12726 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9908 NR_024394 154822 Hs.544783 NM_198345 ENSG00000231419 LINC00689 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 689 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11259 chr15 29955973 29956053 + 14.12726 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -93086 NM_015307 23359 Hs.383564 NM_015307 ENSG00000104059 FAM189A1 TMEM228 family with sequence similarity 189, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20295 chr20 1199742 1199850 + 14.11420 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -6968 NM_001136566 642636 Hs.713451 NM_001136566 ENSG00000244588 RAD21L1 RAD21L|dJ545L17.2 RAD21-like 1 (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21014 chr20 62077123 62077342 + 14.10912 NA intron (NM_172107, intron 2 of 16) intron (NM_172107, intron 2 of 16) 26761 NM_004518 3785 Hs.161851 NM_004518 HPRD:03757 KCNQ2 BFNC|BFNS1|EBN|EBN1|EIEE7|ENB1|HNSPC|KCNA11|KV7.2|KVEBN1 potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14020 chr17 25265615 25265696 + 14.10296 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 355367 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30115 chr6 94483776 94483854 + 14.09715 NA intron (NR_015362, intron 8 of 9) AluY|SINE|Alu 67014 NR_015362 643432 Hs.509936 NR_015362 TSG1 - tumor suppressor TSG1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39082 chrY 10098471 10098566 + 14.09462 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 350111 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37277 chrX 12789682 12789829 + 14.09346 NA Intergenic (CAGCG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -19719 NM_002765 5634 Hs.654581 NM_002765 HPRD:02414 PRPS2 PRSII phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5696 chr11 14599480 14599707 + 14.09346 NA intron (NM_148976, intron 2 of 10) L1PA7|LINE|L1 -57602 NM_001143937 5682 Hs.102798 NM_002786 HPRD:04170 PSMA1 HC2|HEL-S-275|NU|PROS30 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36624 chr9_gl000199_random 100618 100687 + 14.08819 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27801 chr5 93330854 93331092 + 14.06942 NA intron (NR_028080, intron 3 of 8) Tigger2b_Pri|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 116431 NM_001163417 83989 Hs.600086 NM_032042 HPRD:13210 FAM172A C5orf21 family with sequence similarity 172, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30718 chr6 147643588 147643828 + 14.06942 NA intron (NM_139244, intron 16 of 25) intron (NM_139244, intron 16 of 25) -117958 NR_034115 729178 Hs.557608 NR_034115 STXBP5-AS1 - STXBP5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4633 chr10 78235525 78235615 + 14.05830 NA intron (NM_032024, intron 5 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -412232 NR_120655 101929328 Hs.664552 NR_120655 KCNMA1-AS1 - KCNMA1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_648 chr1 36512730 36512813 + 14.05488 NA intron (NM_177422, intron 15 of 16) AluSp|SINE|Alu -36905 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33112 chr7 156893869 156894128 + 14.04316 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -37657 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21647 chr22 19844133 19844288 + 14.02523 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -1748 NM_053004 54584 Hs.105642 NM_053004 HPRD:13591 GNB1L DGCRK3|GY2|WDR14|WDVCF guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7976 chr12 44145479 44145684 + 14.02413 NA intron (NM_001271826, intron 1 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 6980 NM_001098615 83448 Hs.445814 NM_031292 HPRD:13189 PUS7L - pseudouridylate synthase 7 homolog (S. cerevisiae)-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7598 chr12 19732077 19732205 + 14.02413 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 138626 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30932 chr6 159371533 159371610 + 14.02335 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 49627 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7243 chr11 132259217 132259302 + 14.00863 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 105063 NR_046820 100874281 NR_046820 NTM-IT NTM-IT3 NTM intronic transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9658 chr13 67315761 67315836 + 14.00569 NA intron (NM_020403, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -83503 NR_046527 100874064 Hs.569284 NR_046527 ENSG00000228842 PCDH9-AS2 - PCDH9 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6190 chr11 55009277 55009349 + 14.00211 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -20345 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8265 chr12 58456598 58456768 + 13.98975 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 121238 NM_033276 91419 Hs.61188 NM_033276 HPRD:17256 XRCC6BP1 KUB3 XRCC6 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34471 chr8 117450104 117450295 + 13.97953 NA Intergenic Intergenic -112902 NR_046215 100859921 Hs.552281 NR_046215 ENSG00000249917 LINC00536 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 536 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22894 chr3 55132992 55133088 + 13.95514 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -170968 NM_020678 57408 Hs.591668 NM_020678 HPRD:13718 LRTM1 - leucine-rich repeats and transmembrane domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17986 chr2 65827967 65828106 + 13.95514 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -168380 NM_181784 200734 Hs.59332 NM_181784 HPRD:18100 SPRED2 Spred-2 sprouty-related, EVH1 domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27691 chr5 80133582 80133836 + 13.95022 NA intron (NM_002439, intron 20 of 23) MLT1E1A|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -122799 NM_006909 5924 Hs.162129 NM_006909 HPRD:07588 RASGRF2 GRF2|RAS-GRF2 Ras protein-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6554 chr11 70986046 70986139 + 13.95022 NA Intergenic Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -50250 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8316 chr12 64993308 64993422 + 13.94246 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10928 NR_040718 283349 Hs.643605 NM_178169 HPRD:08448 RASSF3 RASSF5 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12865 chr16 33901530 33901737 + 13.93259 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 60870 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35435 chr9 66795140 66795225 + 13.93142 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -127785 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25303 chr4 63667251 63667396 + 13.92080 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -639840 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27659 chr5 77983632 77983735 + 13.92080 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -39035 NM_005779 10184 Hs.79299 NM_005779 HPRD:17272 LHFPL2 - lipoma HMGIC fusion partner-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20113 chr2 234851820 234851891 + 13.91068 NA intron (NM_024080, intron 6 of 25) L1PA4|LINE|L1 25812 NM_024080 79054 Hs.366053 NM_024080 HPRD:09454 TRPM8 LTRPC6|TRPP8 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_649 chr1 36516121 36516327 + 13.91068 NA intron (NM_177422, intron 15 of 16) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -33452 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7887 chr12 38061125 38061195 + 13.90995 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -649397 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20339 chr20 3774509 3774585 + 13.90430 NA intron (NM_001287517, intron 1 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1839 NM_004358 994 Hs.153752 NM_004358 HPRD:00307 CDC25B - cell division cycle 25B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20446 chr20 17569190 17569424 + 13.89149 NA intron (NM_006870, intron 1 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 18708 NM_001011546 11034 Hs.304192 NM_006870 HPRD:16446 DSTN ACTDP|ADF|HEL32|bA462D18.2 destrin (actin depolymerizing factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16075 chr19 14984979 14985060 + 13.89111 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 7148 NM_030901 26333 Hs.247717 NM_030901 HPRD:17781 OR7A17 BC85395_4|HTPCRX19 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19168 chr2 156998782 156998859 + 13.88685 NA intron (NR_110250, intron 1 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 112623 NR_110249 101929378 Hs.171192 NR_110249 LOC101929378 - uncharacterized LOC101929378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37415 chrX 26354522 26354634 + 13.87976 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 120292 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24250 chr3 185000619 185000804 + 13.87955 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001242317) promoter-TSS (NM_001242317) -18 NM_001242317 9175 Hs.591306 NM_004721 HPRD:05372 MAP3K13 LZK|MEKK13|MLK mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13334 chr16 75600141 75600323 + 13.86804 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007285) promoter-TSS (NM_007285) -17 NM_007285 11345 Hs.461379 NM_007285 HPRD:16246 GABARAPL2 ATG8|ATG8C|GATE-16|GATE16|GEF-2|GEF2 GABA(A) receptor-associated protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13191 chr16 67324102 67324350 + 13.86311 NA TTS (NM_001129727) TTS (NM_001129727) 10734 NM_001129731 25894 Hs.188781 NM_015432 HPRD:10890 PLEKHG4 ARHGEF44|PRTPHN1|SCA4 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3434 chr1 246336383 246336485 + 13.86311 NA intron (NM_022743, intron 5 of 11) Tigger3b|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 244280 NM_022743 64754 Hs.567571 NM_022743 HPRD:12297 SMYD3 KMT3E|ZMYND1|ZNFN3A1|bA74P14.1 SET and MYND domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13181 chr16 67255403 67255484 + 13.85652 NA intron (NM_001004055, intron 2 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu 5278 NM_012163 26231 Hs.461000 NM_012163 HPRD:14317 LRRC29 FBL9|FBXL9 leucine rich repeat containing 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17657 chr2 36463102 36463255 + 13.85425 NA Intergenic L1MA10|LINE|L1 119535 NR_037631 100288911 Hs.432924 NR_037631 LOC100288911 - uncharacterized LOC100288911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10056 chr14 19013775 19013842 + 13.85301 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -363786 NM_001013354 440153 Hs.534880 NM_001013354 HPRD:18633 OR11H12 - olfactory receptor, family 11, subfamily H, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26499 chr4 183753132 183753214 + 13.84848 NA Intergenic (TCTCC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 85457 NM_001921 1635 Hs.183850 NM_001921 HPRD:09623 DCTD - dCMP deaminase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28987 chr6 7141317 7141478 + 13.84848 NA intron (NM_001003698, intron 1 of 11) CpG 33311 NM_001003699 6239 Hs.298248 NM_002955 HPRD:03733 RREB1 FINB|HNT|LZ321|RREB-1|Zep-1 ras responsive element binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34231 chr8 91018094 91018239 + 13.84469 NA intron (NM_001359, intron 1 of 9) MSTB1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 4586 NM_001359 1666 Hs.492212 NM_001359 HPRD:01959 DECR1 DECR|NADPH|SDR18C1 2,4-dienoyl CoA reductase 1, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17995 chr2 66856254 66856342 + 13.83399 NA intron (NR_110156, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 55136 NR_110156 100507073 Hs.667940 NR_110156 LOC100507073 - uncharacterized LOC100507073 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26765 chr5 6571287 6571686 + 13.83399 NA Intergenic HAL1-3A_ME|LINE|L1 -10763 NR_024423 255167 Hs.435515 NR_024423 ENSG00000250056 LINC01018 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1018 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11038 chr14 103058671 103058986 + 13.83288 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015156) promoter-TSS (NM_015156) -168 NM_015156 23186 Hs.510521 NM_015156 HPRD:09645 RCOR1 COREST|RCOR REST corepressor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5304 chr10 131375080 131375412 + 13.83178 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 109792 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37941 chrX 65787308 65787396 + 13.81729 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 48520 NM_001242310 60401 Hs.302017 NM_021783 HPRD:02230 EDA2R EDA-A2R|EDAA2R|TNFRSF27|XEDAR ectodysplasin A2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36700 chrUn_gl000212 43938 44011 + 13.81293 NA intron (NR_027278, intron 1 of 7) HSATI|Satellite|Satellite 19925 NR_027278 26080 Hs.448583 NR_027278 FAM230C LINC00281|NCRNA00281 family with sequence similarity 230, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8821 chr12 109491754 109491870 + 13.81057 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038996) promoter-TSS (NR_038996) -42 NR_038996 100131733 Hs.660996 NR_038996 USP30-AS1 - USP30 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24888 chr4 37979515 37979626 + 13.80923 NA intron (NM_001253912, intron 2 of 20) CpG 17514 NM_006607 10744 Hs.668806 NM_006607 HPRD:09176 PTTG2 - pituitary tumor-transforming 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33108 chr7 156879030 156879106 + 13.78587 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -52587 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1694 chr1 121452664 121452757 + 13.78555 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 191800 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3055 chr1 220283749 220283845 + 13.77911 NA intron (NM_018060, intron 10 of 22) AluSg|SINE|Alu 7507 NR_029628 406997 NR_029628 miRBase:MI0000291 MIR215 MIRN215|miRNA215|mir-215 microRNA 215 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21004 chr20 61493378 61493507 + 13.75721 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006602) promoter-TSS (NM_006602) -327 NM_006602 10732 Hs.126248 NM_006602 HPRD:05297 TCFL5 CHA|E2BP-1|Figlb|bHLHe82 transcription factor-like 5 (basic helix-loop-helix) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23830 chr3 143828920 143829063 + 13.75216 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 136824 NM_001134470 205428 Hs.288954 NM_173552 HPRD:14559 C3orf58 DIA1|GoPro49|HASF chromosome 3 open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7098 chr11 119227550 119227653 + 13.75216 NA exon (NM_004205, exon 13 of 13) exon (NM_004205, exon 13 of 13) 7291 NM_171997 9099 Hs.524085 NM_004205 HPRD:05287 USP2 UBP41|USP9 ubiquitin specific peptidase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22397 chr3 17007569 17007648 + 13.72464 NA intron (NM_015184, intron 1 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 32920 NR_037465 100500913 NR_037465 miRBase:MI0016135 MIR3714 - microRNA 3714 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25631 chr4 97323639 97323719 + 13.72464 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 562440 NM_005390 5161 Hs.131361 NM_005390 HPRD:01531 PDHA2 PDHAL pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37429 chrX 27892617 27892696 + 13.71877 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 66549 NM_182506 139422 Hs.447363 NM_182506 HPRD:06554 MAGEB10 - melanoma antigen family B, 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10424 chr14 51297883 51298107 + 13.69851 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016350) promoter-TSS (NM_016350) -156 NM_182946 51199 Hs.310429 NM_016350 HPRD:09785 NIN SCKL7 ninein (GSK3B interacting protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17217 chr19_gl000208_random 76365 76447 + 13.69590 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24310 chr3 188634998 188635179 + 13.69171 NA Intergenic L3|LINE|CR1 30340 NR_046873 100874043 Hs.616287 NR_046873 TPRG1-AS1 - TPRG1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4857 chr10 98455193 98455312 + 13.66354 NA intron (NM_152309, intron 2 of 16) intron (NM_152309, intron 2 of 16) 25027 NM_152309 118788 Hs.310456 NM_152309 HPRD:06401 PIK3AP1 BCAP phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19090 chr2 145306485 145306607 + 13.66354 NA intron (NR_110570, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_110570, intron 1 of 2) 27111 NR_110570 101928455 Hs.333693 NR_110570 ENSG00000232606 LINC01412 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39055 chrY 9920025 9920107 + 13.66166 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 171659 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27443 chr5 66511748 66511945 + 13.65517 NA Intergenic Intergenic -19229 NM_005582 4064 Hs.87205 NM_005582 HPRD:03749 CD180 LY64|Ly78|RP105 CD180 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12120 chr15 96382607 96382778 + 13.65256 NA Intergenic Intergenic 406370 NR_027133 145820 Hs.652702 NR_027132 ENSG00000259134 LINC00924 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 924 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1663 chr1 121356076 121356146 + 13.63765 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 95201 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7957 chr12 42488107 42488266 + 13.63667 NA intron (NM_001099650, intron 6 of 6) AluJo|SINE|Alu 50487 NM_001099650 283464 Hs.259347 NM_173601 ENSG00000151233 GXYLT1 GLT8D3 glucoside xylosyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28584 chr5 153784889 153784985 + 13.63327 NA intron (NM_198321, intron 8 of 11) CpG 40445 NR_037897 386627 Hs.652021 NR_037897 SAP30L-AS1 GALNT10-AS1 SAP30L antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27155 chr5 46327562 46327644 + 13.62413 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -631383 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6901 chr11 102601771 102602029 + 13.61975 NA Intergenic (CCCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -6215 NM_002424 4317 Hs.161839 NM_002424 HPRD:00385 MMP8 CLG1|HNC|MMP-8|PMNL-CL matrix metallopeptidase 8 (neutrophil collagenase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37837 chrX 61745829 61745899 + 13.61569 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 825354 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7276 chr11 134709963 134710229 + 13.60649 NA Intergenic L1MA9|LINE|L1 403720 NR_033852 283177 Hs.504390 NR_033852 LOC283177 - uncharacterized LOC283177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27049 chr5 41565083 41565186 + 13.60294 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -54404 NM_001005473 345557 Hs.145404 NM_001005473 HPRD:17860 PLCXD3 - phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8645 chr12 95015555 95015712 + 13.60294 NA intron (NM_020698, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_020698, intron 1 of 3) -5706 NM_001301036 57458 Hs.370410 NM_020698 HPRD:15519 TMCC3 - transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25932 chr4 122194140 122194222 + 13.57863 NA Intergenic Intergenic -45560 NM_001244764 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8572 chr12 89740184 89740309 + 13.57863 NA Intergenic Intergenic 6390 NM_001946 1848 Hs.298654 NM_001946 HPRD:04124 DUSP6 HH19|MKP3|PYST1 dual specificity phosphatase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17355 chr2 9144078 9144180 + 13.57863 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138799) promoter-TSS (NM_138799) -253 NM_138799 129642 Hs.467634 NM_138799 MBOAT2 LPCAT4|OACT2 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3398 chr1 243759789 243760080 + 13.57745 NA intron (NM_181690, intron 7 of 13) L1ME1|LINE|L1 246650 NM_181690 10000 Hs.498292 NM_005465 HPRD:06441 AKT3 MPPH|PKB-GAMMA|PKBG|PRKBG|RAC-PK-gamma|RAC-gamma|STK-2 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7929 chr12 39201281 39201378 + 13.57346 NA intron (NM_153634, intron 6 of 19) L1PA3|LINE|L1 98091 NM_153634 144402 Hs.40910 NM_153634 HPRD:16747 CPNE8 - copine VIII protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18806 chr2 120436621 120436815 + 13.57346 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030577) promoter-TSS (NM_030577) -25 NM_001105198 80775 Hs.439991 NM_030577 HPRD:14409 TMEM177 - transmembrane protein 177 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8732 chr12 102815689 102815949 + 13.57346 NA intron (NM_001111285, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_001111285, intron 2 of 3) 56610 NM_001111284 3479 Hs.160562 NM_000618 HPRD:00936 IGF1 IGF-I|IGF1A|IGFI insulin-like growth factor 1 (somatomedin C) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36274 chr9 129485662 129485742 + 13.57346 NA Intergenic CpG -81583 NM_014007 23099 Hs.355581 NM_014007 HPRD:08346 ZBTB43 ZBTB22B|ZNF-X|ZNF297B zinc finger and BTB domain containing 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8176 chr12 55186342 55186427 + 13.57289 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -61915 NM_058173 118430 Hs.348419 NM_058173 HPRD:17290 MUCL1 SBEM mucin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31045 chr6 167846475 167847114 + 13.57289 NA Intergenic (TGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -48796 NM_004610 6953 Hs.351 NM_004610 TCP10 TCP10A t-complex 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5566 chr11 7534804 7535087 + 13.55717 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003621) promoter-TSS (NM_003621) -51 NM_003621 8495 Hs.655714 NM_003621 HPRD:04391 PPFIBP2 Cclp1 PTPRF interacting protein, binding protein 2 (liprin beta 2) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37000 chrUn_gl000225 137664 137753 + 13.55654 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26557 chr4 187123120 187123249 + 13.55478 NA intron (NM_207352, intron 7 of 10) intron (NM_207352, intron 7 of 10) 10510 NM_207352 285440 Hs.587231 NM_207352 CYP4V2 BCD|CYP4AH1 cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily V, polypeptide 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38414 chrX 103445613 103445730 + 13.55419 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 34515 NM_207318 139231 Hs.496535 NM_207318 HPRD:10045 FAM199X CXorf39 family with sequence similarity 199, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23947-2 chr3 155647272 155647658 + 13.55093 NA intron (NM_003875, intron 12 of 15) L1PA2|LINE|L1 59140 NM_003875 8833 Hs.591314 NM_003875 HPRD:10927 GMPS - guanine monphosphate synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23947 chr3 155647272 155647658 + 13.55093 NA intron (NM_003875, intron 12 of 15) L1PA2|LINE|L1 59140 NM_003875 8833 Hs.591314 NM_003875 HPRD:10927 GMPS - guanine monphosphate synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6860 chr11 95991571 95991667 + 13.54735 NA intron (NM_032427, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_032427, intron 1 of 4) -82983 NR_036125 100422991 NR_036125 miRBase:MI0014197 MIR1260B - microRNA 1260b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37527 chrX 44927973 44928119 + 13.54249 NA intron (NR_111960, intron 15 of 27) CT-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 132100 NM_024689 79742 Hs.98321 NM_024689 HPRD:06524 CXorf36 4930578C19Rik|DIA1R|EPQL1862|PRO3743|bA435K1.1 chromosome X open reading frame 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16444 chr19 34569492 34569736 + 13.53967 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -93738 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27223 chr5 49506619 49506707 + 13.53664 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 230571 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5545 chr11 6423916 6424135 + 13.53304 NA intron (NM_001257325, intron 5 of 12) intron (NM_001257325, intron 5 of 12) 1896 NM_001257325 322 Hs.372840 NM_001164 HPRD:04087 APBB1 FE65|MGC:9072|RIR amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 (Fe65) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35477 chr9 66976546 66976621 + 13.53296 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 53616 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30706 chr6 146166845 146166952 + 13.52117 NA intron (NR_038246, intron 2 of 2) AluJr4|SINE|Alu 30886 NR_038244 100507557 Hs.124537 NR_038244 ENSG00000235652 LOC100507557 - uncharacterized LOC100507557 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23011 chr3 66886420 66886649 + 13.52117 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -162193 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23277 chr3 97758503 97758656 + 13.52117 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4431 NR_047685 200959 Hs.534578 NM_001105580 ENSG00000183185 GABRR3 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, rho 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11372 chr15 39124368 39124444 + 13.52117 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 135607 NM_207444 400359 Hs.448785 NM_207444 HPRD:13418 C15orf53 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7533 chr12 12961243 12961392 + 13.49523 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4963 NM_016355 51202 Hs.719938 NM_016355 HPRD:10863 DDX47 E4-DBP|HQ0256|MSTP162|RRP3 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18523 chr2 97442561 97442634 + 13.49523 NA intron (NM_020184, intron 1 of 6) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 15958 NM_020184 26504 Hs.175043 NM_020184 HPRD:07420 CNNM4 ACDP4 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8914 chr12 116715371 116715538 + 13.48445 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015335) promoter-TSS (NM_015335) -463 NM_015335 23389 Hs.603766 NM_015335 HPRD:10579 MED13L PROSIT240|THRAP2|TRAP240L mediator complex subunit 13-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8847 chr12 110938856 110938926 + 13.48445 NA intron (NR_104099, intron 1 of 5) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 1054 NR_104099 51699 Hs.600114 NM_016226 HPRD:09499 VPS29 DC15|PEP11 vacuolar protein sorting 29 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39376 chrY 28789457 28789525 + 13.48047 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 914854 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28268 chr5 134263636 134263702 + 13.47347 NA promoter-TSS (NR_039666) promoter-TSS (NR_039666) -60 NR_039666 100616209 NR_039666 MIR4461 - microRNA 4461 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36660 chr9_gl000199_random 154676 154742 + 13.47148 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7207 chr11 128627269 128627378 + 13.46710 NA intron (NM_001167681, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_001167681, intron 2 of 9) -61405 NR_038908 100507392 Hs.657715 NR_038908 ENSG00000254703 SENCR FLI1-AS1|lncRNA9 smooth muscle and endothelial cell enriched migration/differentiation-associated long non-coding RNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21616 chr22 18880647 18880720 + 13.46185 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite -13053 NM_005675 8214 Hs.474185 NM_005675 HPRD:03177 DGCR6 - DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25857 chr4 117219364 117219462 + 13.45613 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1468 NR_031737 100302290 NR_031737 MIR1973 hsa-mir-1973 microRNA 1973 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19560 chr2 191398627 191398794 + 13.43312 NA intron (NM_001142645, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001142645, intron 1 of 8) 758 NM_001142645 100131211 Hs.659824 NM_001142645 TMEM194B - transmembrane protein 194B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12460 chr16 18023257 18023330 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic (GA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 403226 NM_001282511 101059953 Hs.636569 NM_001282511 NPIPA8 LCR16a9 nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2459 chr1 172349989 172350131 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001136127, intron 17 of 19) intron (NM_001136127, intron 17 of 19) -39768 NM_139240 92346 Hs.517991 NM_139240 HPRD:14291 C1orf105 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 105 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39361 chrY 27589960 27590039 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -11459 NR_001555 84559 Hs.531603 NR_001555 ENSG00000172332 GOLGA2P2Y GOLGA2LY|GOLGA2LY1|GOLGA2P2 golgin A2 pseudogene 2, Y-linked pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25847 chr4 115490373 115490446 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -29202 NM_001128174 7368 Hs.144197 NM_003360 HPRD:03186 UGT8 CGT|UGT4 UDP glycosyltransferase 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33889 chr8 59425928 59426055 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13271 NM_000780 1581 Hs.1644 NM_000780 HPRD:00324 CYP7A1 CP7A|CYP7|CYPVII cytochrome P450, family 7, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9886 chr13 100769703 100769774 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_000282, intron 4 of 23) L1PA6|LINE|L1 28469 NM_001127692 5095 Hs.80741 NM_000282 HPRD:01981 PCCA - propionyl CoA carboxylase, alpha polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21913 chr22 32791681 32791755 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_014306, intron 8 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu 16556 NM_014306 51493 Hs.474643 NM_014306 HPRD:13695 RTCB C22orf28|DJ149A16.6|FAAP RNA 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-OH ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2673 chr1 188145975 188146055 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1347983 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14519 chr17 53636802 53636904 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -137512 NM_012329 23531 Hs.463483 NM_012329 HPRD:06835 MMD MMA|MMD1|PAQR11 monocyte to macrophage differentiation-associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8027 chr12 47849247 47849331 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -239063 NR_026544 100233209 Hs.657722 NR_026544 ENSG00000247774 PCED1B-AS1 - PCED1B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20945 chr20 55673154 55673227 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -115562 NR_110631 102723590 Hs.667674 NR_110631 BMP7-AS1 - BMP7 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5309 chr10 131457499 131457580 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) AluSx|SINE|Alu 184099 NR_036179 100422873 NR_036179 MIR4297 - microRNA 4297 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16283 chr19 22599333 22599408 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001098626, intron 1 of 3) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 5778 NM_001098626 148198 Hs.667355 NM_001098626 ENSG00000197360 ZNF98 F7175|ZNF739 zinc finger protein 98 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1575 chr1 114825581 114825693 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic Intergenic -129165 NM_001270805 148281 Hs.370963 NM_205848 HPRD:09654 SYT6 sytVI synaptotagmin VI protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25355 chr4 69364262 69364378 + 13.42360 NA TTS (NM_014058) TTS (NM_014058) 51153 NM_014058 28983 Hs.201877 NM_014058 HPRD:09912 TMPRSS11E DESC1|TMPRSS11E2 transmembrane protease, serine 11E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39300 chrY 16069300 16069387 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 29045 NM_181880 353513 Hs.170076 NM_181880 HPRD:18602 VCY1B BPY1B variable charge, Y-linked 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13990 chr17 22031851 22031983 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic Intergenic 9480 NM_001190452 100462977 Hs.740185 NM_001190452 ENSG00000256618 MTRNR2L1 HN1 MT-RNR2-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35773 chr9 84077400 84077471 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu 226161 NM_005077 7088 Hs.197320 NM_005077 HPRD:02557 TLE1 ESG|ESG1|GRG1 transducin-like enhancer of split 1 (E(sp1) homolog, Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17857 chr2 53536177 53536256 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -458713 NM_001008708 494143 Hs.585944 NM_001008708 HPRD:17418 CHAC2 - ChaC, cation transport regulator homolog 2 (E. coli) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22961 chr3 60980877 60980956 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001166243, intron 3 of 9) AluY|SINE|Alu 256217 NM_002012 2272 Hs.655995 NM_002012 HPRD:03096 FHIT AP3Aase|FRA3B fragile histidine triad protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28354 chr5 140404479 140404579 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -26432 NM_013340 29930 Hs.278950 NM_013340 HPRD:08397 PCDHB1 PCDH-BETA1 protocadherin beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11864 chr15 76880520 76880595 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001145923, intron 22 of 31) AluY|SINE|Alu 251410 NM_145805 64843 Hs.444677 NM_145805 HPRD:11053 ISL2 - ISL LIM homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39317 chrY 17784732 17784824 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -868865 NR_046504 100874056 Hs.743197 NR_046504 ENSG00000228787 NLGN4Y-AS1 NLGN4Y-AS|NLGN4YAS NLGN4Y antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25495 chr4 81812830 81812901 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_152770, intron 4 of 5) L1HS|LINE|L1 -139254 NM_001201 651 Hs.387411 NM_001201 HPRD:00208 BMP3 BMP-3A bone morphogenetic protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12826 chr16 33760366 33760449 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -197164 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5538 chr11 6142884 6142985 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 13925 NM_001005181 196335 Hs.632154 NM_001005181 HPRD:15027 OR56B4 OR11-67 olfactory receptor, family 56, subfamily B, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24092 chr3 169552096 169552169 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001080460, intron 4 of 4) AluSz|SINE|Alu 12422 NM_001080460 344657 Hs.319484 NM_001080460 ENSG00000188306 LRRIQ4 LRRC64 leucine-rich repeats and IQ motif containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15036 chr18 8755685 8755806 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_015210, intron 4 of 16) intron (NM_015210, intron 4 of 16) 38376 NM_015210 23255 Hs.707920 NM_015210 HPRD:11110 MTCL1 CCDC165|KIAA0802|SOGA2 microtubule crosslinking factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6685 chr11 80597905 80598031 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -124122 NR_120570 101928944 Hs.547927 NR_120570 ENSG00000255178 LOC101928944 - uncharacterized LOC101928944 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30871 chr6 157762574 157762657 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -17324 NM_018452 729515 Hs.157212 NM_018452 ENSG00000215712 TMEM242 BM033|C6orf35 transmembrane protein 242 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11800 chr15 72688437 72688522 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -2189 NM_001080462 338949 Hs.446069 NM_001080462 TMEM202 - transmembrane protein 202 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37447 chrX 33051743 33051838 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_000109, intron 1 of 78) AluY|SINE|Alu 94754 NM_004010 1756 Hs.495912 NM_000109 HPRD:02303 DMD BMD|CMD3B|DXS142|DXS164|DXS206|DXS230|DXS239|DXS268|DXS269|DXS270|DXS272|MRX85 dystrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5308 chr10 131443596 131443683 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 178185 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23246 chr3 93912302 93912400 + 13.42360 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -130284 NM_001195643 200895 Hs.718516 NM_176815 HPRD:11246 DHFRL1 DHFRP4 dihydrofolate reductase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28002 chr5 110638401 110638533 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001744, intron 1 of 10) L1HS|LINE|L1 78520 NM_001744 814 Hs.591269 NM_001744 CAMK4 CaMK IV|CaMK-GR|IV|caMK calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38388 chrX 102066400 102066477 + 13.42360 NA intron (NR_038988, intron 2 of 7) L1PA2|LINE|L1 42343 NR_038988 100287765 Hs.687084 NR_038988 ENSG00000223546 LINC00630 LL0XNC01-157D4.1|LL0XNC01-237H1.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 630 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25440 chr4 77952916 77953013 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_018243, intron 9 of 9) intron (NM_018243, intron 9 of 9) 44161 NM_006835 10983 Hs.518827 NM_006835 HPRD:16690 CCNI CCNI1|CYC1|CYI cyclin I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19094 chr2 145655215 145655344 + 13.42360 NA intron (NR_033870, intron 2 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 229745 NR_033870 401014 Hs.742290 NR_033870 TEX41 DKFZp686O1327|LINC00953 testis expressed 41 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36542 chr9 140563818 140564004 + 13.42360 NA intron (NM_001145527, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_001145527, intron 1 of 15) 50467 NM_024757 79813 Hs.495511 NM_024757 HPRD:07383 EHMT1 EUHMTASE1|Eu-HMTase1|FP13812|GLP|GLP1|KMT1D|bA188C12.1 euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10366 chr14 46535777 46535868 + 13.42360 NA intron (NR_102701, intron 1 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 2460 NR_102702 100506412 Hs.207545 NR_102699 ENSG00000258700 LINC00871 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 871 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3748 chr10 17206134 17206204 + 13.41819 NA intron (NM_004412, intron 3 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -34353 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23213 chr3 90430022 90430098 + 13.39864 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1273386 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19773 chr2 204760863 204760969 + 13.39645 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 28405 NM_005214 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27617 chr5 75552236 75552332 + 13.39645 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) -146796 NM_006633 10788 Hs.291030 NM_006633 HPRD:09253 IQGAP2 - IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25791 chr4 110624170 110624336 + 13.39590 NA intron (NM_001226, intron 1 of 6) CpG 376 NM_001226 839 Hs.654616 NM_001226 HPRD:03321 CASP6 MCH2 caspase 6, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18663 chr2 109252920 109253089 + 13.39572 NA intron (NM_001193484, intron 1 of 9) LTR41|LTR|ERVL 15302 NM_001193484 3987 Hs.597715 NM_004987 HPRD:03978 LIMS1 PINCH|PINCH-1|PINCH1 LIM and senescent cell antigen-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10474 chr14 55369550 55369679 + 13.39347 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000161) promoter-TSS (NM_000161) -72 NM_001024071 2643 Hs.86724 NM_000161 HPRD:02573 GCH1 DYT14|DYT5|DYT5a|GCH|GTP-CH-1|GTPCH1|HPABH4B GTP cyclohydrolase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27379 chr5 60458269 60458404 + 13.38823 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001048249) promoter-TSS (NM_001048249) -34 NM_001048249 643155 Hs.508479 NM_001048249 ENSG00000188725 SMIM15 C5orf43 small integral membrane protein 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24724 chr4 14556646 14556730 + 13.38423 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 443096 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34716 chr8 138574701 138574809 + 13.37764 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -148924 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10510 chr14 58162195 58162303 + 13.34910 NA intron (NM_001206920, intron 1 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 170343 NM_001206920 341880 Hs.28280 NM_001080455 ENSG00000151812 SLC35F4 C14orf36|c14_5373 solute carrier family 35, member F4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23332 chr3 101733083 101733166 + 13.34910 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 73421 NR_026934 152225 Hs.376768 NR_026934 ENSG00000214407 LOC152225 - uncharacterized LOC152225 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28708 chr5 168383565 168383640 + 13.34910 NA intron (NM_003062, intron 4 of 35) AluSc|SINE|Alu -56630 NR_109897 728095 Hs.145601 NR_109897 ENSG00000248222 CTB-174D11.1 - uncharacterized LOC728095 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26758 chr5 5494813 5495061 + 13.34396 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 72151 NM_015325 23379 Hs.449296 NM_015325 ENSG00000164151 ICE1 KIAA0947 interactor of little elongator complex ELL subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1716 chr1 142540569 142540643 + 13.34017 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 172999 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17304 chr2 3688415 3688710 + 13.33758 NA intron (NM_199235, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_199235, intron 6 of 7) -17224 NM_018436 55821 Hs.97899 NM_018436 HPRD:10642 ALLC ALC allantoicase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34724 chr8 138630486 138630572 + 13.33160 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -204698 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25616 chr4 95716142 95716225 + 13.33160 NA intron (NM_001203, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 37055 NM_001203 658 Hs.598475 NM_001203 HPRD:04457 BMPR1B ALK-6|ALK6|CDw293 bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15603 chr18 76277647 76277781 + 13.33160 NA Intergenic CpG -462561 NM_171999 27164 Hs.700557 NM_171999 SALL3 ZNF796 spalt-like transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18297 chr2 89842252 89842342 + 13.32376 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 730413 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39054 chrY 9919366 9919518 + 13.32171 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 171035 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5366 chr10 135186862 135186979 + 13.32008 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004092) promoter-TSS (NM_004092) -12 NM_004092 1892 Hs.76394 NM_004092 HPRD:03799 ECHS1 SCEH enoyl CoA hydratase, short chain, 1, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2479 chr1 172807635 172807801 + 13.31479 NA Intergenic Intergenic 179533 NM_000639 356 Hs.2007 NM_000639 HPRD:00610 FASLG ALPS1B|APT1LG1|APTL|CD178|CD95-L|CD95L|FASL|TNFSF6 Fas ligand (TNF superfamily, member 6) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18064 chr2 71644070 71644160 + 13.31479 NA intron (NM_001014972, intron 20 of 27) L1HS|LINE|L1 -36638 NM_001130981 8291 Hs.252180 NM_003494 HPRD:04307 DYSF FER1L1|LGMD2B|MMD1 dysferlin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19093 chr2 145480710 145480797 + 13.31479 NA intron (NR_033870, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 55219 NR_033870 401014 Hs.742290 NR_033870 TEX41 DKFZp686O1327|LINC00953 testis expressed 41 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27417 chr5 64796106 64796197 + 13.31479 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -18447 NM_197941 11174 Hs.482291 NM_197941 HPRD:05421 ADAMTS6 ADAM-TS 6|ADAM-TS6|ADAMTS-6 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35021 chr9 15511169 15511329 + 13.30908 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021144) promoter-TSS (NM_021144) -246 NM_001128217 11168 Hs.658434 NM_021144 HPRD:04688 PSIP1 DFS70|LEDGF|PAIP|PSIP2|p52|p75 PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18618 chr2 105261474 105261563 + 13.30011 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 112659 NR_038231 284998 Hs.410180 NR_038231 ENSG00000234177 LINC01114 PANCAT long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1114 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33434 chr8 17798862 17799021 + 13.30011 NA intron (NM_006197, intron 6 of 38) intron (NM_006197, intron 6 of 38) 18575 NM_006197 5108 Hs.491148 NM_006197 HPRD:02624 PCM1 PTC4 pericentriolar material 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37853 chrX 61845913 61846015 + 13.29500 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 725254 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4607 chr10 75634250 75634369 + 13.28726 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001204492) promoter-TSS (NM_001204492) 40 NM_001222 818 Hs.523045 NM_001222 HPRD:03672 CAMK2G CAMK|CAMK-II|CAMKG calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15433 chr18 55297442 55297688 + 13.28726 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001242804) promoter-TSS (NM_001242804) 31 NM_001242804 100505549 Hs.660645 NM_001242804 LOC100505549 - uncharacterized LOC100505549 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19524 chr2 186710023 186710110 + 13.27926 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -104862 NR_110217 101927196 Hs.244783 NR_110214 ENSG00000226747 LOC101927196 - uncharacterized LOC101927196 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28898 chr6 371756 372118 + 13.26335 NA Intergenic (CAG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -19802 NR_046000 3662 Hs.401013 NM_002460 HPRD:03543 IRF4 LSIRF|MUM1|NF-EM5 interferon regulatory factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25949 chr4 122285694 122285769 + 13.25235 NA intron (NM_198179, intron 1 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 16450 NM_198179 84109 Hs.368977 NM_198179 QRFPR AQ27|GPR103|SP9155 pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25485 chr4 81344206 81344405 + 13.25235 NA intron (NM_152770, intron 2 of 5) Tigger3a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 87431 NM_152770 255119 Hs.527104 NM_152770 HPRD:14597 C4orf22 - chromosome 4 open reading frame 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26145 chr4 144513797 144513874 + 13.25235 NA intron (NM_001168235, intron 6 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 33210 NR_003675 441046 Hs.135705 NM_001011539 HPRD:17402 GUSBP5 GYPELOC441046 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6250 chr11 58912096 58912238 + 13.24946 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022074) promoter-TSS (NM_022074) -85 NM_022074 63901 Hs.150651 NM_022074 HPRD:07015 FAM111A GCLEB|KCS2 family with sequence similarity 111, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31688 chr7 45989018 45989121 + 13.24619 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -28198 NM_001013398 3486 Hs.450230 NM_000598 HPRD:00899 IGFBP3 BP-53|IBP3 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28897 chr6 371279 371627 + 13.24619 NA Intergenic (CAG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -20286 NR_046000 3662 Hs.401013 NM_002460 HPRD:03543 IRF4 LSIRF|MUM1|NF-EM5 interferon regulatory factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32197 chr7 78551995 78552079 + 13.23734 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 2 of 20) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -86267 NR_046689 100874021 Hs.128252 NR_046689 ENSG00000226978 MAGI2-AS2 - MAGI2 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23229 chr3 90503308 90503402 + 13.23539 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1346681 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27819 chr5 94967840 94968061 + 13.22562 NA Intergenic Intergenic 11970 NM_199243 285601 Hs.143315 NM_199243 GPR150 PGR11 G protein-coupled receptor 150 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39108 chrY 13194286 13194353 + 13.22337 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1339070 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17782 chr2 45990125 45990223 + 13.21190 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 1 of 14) AluY|SINE|Alu 111131 NM_005400 5581 Hs.580351 NM_005400 HPRD:01500 PRKCE PKCE|nPKC-epsilon protein kinase C, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36113 chr9 114418420 114418493 + 13.20562 NA intron (NM_004125, intron 1 of 2) AluSc8|SINE|Alu -5395 NM_001198664 2790 Hs.534196 NM_001017998 ENSG00000242616 GNG10 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34396 chr8 107670023 107670123 + 13.19854 NA promoter-TSS (NM_181354) promoter-TSS (NM_181354) 37 NM_181354 55074 Hs.127286 NM_018002 HPRD:16126 OXR1 TLDC3 oxidation resistance 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24494 chr4 2010688 2010819 + 13.19854 NA 5' UTR (NM_005663, exon 1 of 11) 5' UTR (NM_005663, exon 1 of 11) 209 NM_005663 7469 Hs.21771 NM_005663 HPRD:12080 NELFA NELF-A|WHSC2 negative elongation factor complex member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30381 chr6 118753371 118753470 + 13.19269 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -69116 NR_002730 23629 Hs.648050 NR_002730 BRD7P3 BP75 bromodomain containing 7 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37983 chrX 67876735 67876830 + 13.19269 NA intron (NM_014725, intron 1 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 9271 NM_014725 9754 Hs.95140 NM_014725 HPRD:06730 STARD8 ARHGAP38|DLC3|STARTGAP3 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20505 chr20 24389324 24389562 + 13.19269 NA Intergenic Intergenic -60392 NM_024893 79953 Hs.124638 NM_024893 HPRD:12766 SYNDIG1 C20orf39|DSPC2|IFITMD5|TMEM90B synapse differentiation inducing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30850 chr6 157101606 157101779 + 13.18361 NA promoter-TSS (NR_039676) promoter-TSS (NR_039676) -827 NR_039676 100616154 NR_039676 miRBase:MI0016817 MIR4466 - microRNA 4466 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30922 chr6 159347034 159347260 + 13.18361 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 37528 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34576 chr8 125700208 125700332 + 13.17790 NA intron (NM_001282974, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_001282974, intron 3 of 13) 40478 NM_001282971 9788 Hs.336994 NM_014751 HPRD:12243 MTSS1 MIM|MIMA|MIMB metastasis suppressor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35039 chr9 17924166 17924270 + 13.17790 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 345266 NM_003026 6456 Hs.75149 NM_003026 HPRD:05125 SH3GL2 CNSA2|EEN-B1|SH3D2A|SH3P4 SH3-domain GRB2-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31967 chr7 63570675 63570755 + 13.17476 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64894 NM_001159522 442319 Hs.640774 NM_001159522 ENSG00000257482 ZNF727P ZNF727 zinc finger protein 727, pseudogene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7826 chr12 34240498 34240576 + 13.17476 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 65321 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18096 chr2 74229690 74229889 + 13.16907 NA intron (NM_001287491, intron 1 of 10) CpG 16258 NM_001287491 200424 Hs.516107 NM_144993 ENSG00000187605 TET3 - tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4789 chr10 92958689 92958808 + 13.16907 NA intron (NR_046435, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_046435, intron 1 of 2) -21160 NM_001256549 84333 Hs.500512 NM_032373 HPRD:17825 PCGF5 RNF159 polycomb group ring finger 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10309 chr14 40055420 40055537 + 13.16907 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -153774 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19968 chr2 224634576 224634741 + 13.16365 NA intron (NR_110906, intron 2 of 3) AluYf4|SINE|Alu 67661 NR_110906 130340 Hs.632555 NM_178814 HPRD:16495 AP1S3 - adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 3 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4703 chr10 86534833 86534906 + 13.16365 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 349931 NM_001284242 54462 Hs.461988 NM_018999 HPRD:13832 CCSER2 FAM190B|Gcap14|KIAA1128|bA486O22.1 coiled-coil serine-rich protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19772 chr2 204758007 204758123 + 13.16365 NA Intergenic AluSz6|SINE|Alu 25554 NM_005214 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33539 chr8 28259418 28259721 + 13.15846 NA Intergenic CpG -15592 NM_018660 55893 Hs.435535 NM_018660 HPRD:11711 ZNF395 HDBP-2|HDBP2|HDRF-2|PBF|PRF-1|PRF1|Si-1-8-14 zinc finger protein 395 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33539-2 chr8 28259418 28259721 + 13.15846 NA Intergenic CpG -15592 NM_018660 55893 Hs.435535 NM_018660 HPRD:11711 ZNF395 HDBP-2|HDBP2|HDRF-2|PBF|PRF-1|PRF1|Si-1-8-14 zinc finger protein 395 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16068 chr19 14958735 14958939 + 13.14402 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -6148 NM_001005190 390892 Hs.553776 NM_001005190 HPRD:17780 OR7A10 BC85395_3|OR19-18 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16068-2 chr19 14958735 14958939 + 13.14402 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -6148 NM_001005190 390892 Hs.553776 NM_001005190 HPRD:17780 OR7A10 BC85395_3|OR19-18 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13745 chr17 6409772 6409848 + 13.14402 NA intron (NM_001165966, intron 2 of 18) AluSc|SINE|Alu 50067 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32058 chr7 68201538 68201620 + 13.13514 NA Intergenic Intergenic 716339 NR_120514 102723427 Hs.583491 NR_120514 LOC102723427 - uncharacterized LOC102723427 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34939 chr9 4916239 4916318 + 13.13514 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 65981 NR_029836 406894 NR_029836 MIR101-2 MIRN101-2 microRNA 101-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34185 chr8 86881716 86881791 + 13.11266 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -41582 NR_003594 100288527 Hs.535056 NR_003594 REXO1L2P - REX1, RNA exonuclease 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)-like 2 (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7720 chr12 27465960 27466134 + 13.11047 NA intron (NM_015000, intron 6 of 13) AluYk4|SINE|Alu -19740 NM_001248005 56938 Hs.445447 NM_020183 ARNTL2 BMAL2|CLIF|MOP9|PASD9|bHLHe6 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34436 chr8 113635769 113635868 + 13.11047 NA intron (NM_198124, intron 23 of 71) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -19904 NR_031745 100302225 NR_031745 miRBase:MI0010487 MIR2053 hsa-mir-2053 microRNA 2053 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37242 chrX 8743979 8744060 + 13.10969 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 25359 NM_001171186 171482 Hs.382062 NM_174951 HPRD:06506 FAM9A TEX39A family with sequence similarity 9, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6050 chr11 48577114 48577193 + 13.08179 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 66808 NM_001005512 403253 Hs.554532 NM_001005512 HPRD:17718 OR4A47 OR11-113 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2361 chr1 165060110 165060267 + 13.08179 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 265290 NM_001174069 4009 Hs.667312 NM_177398 HPRD:02623 LMX1A LMX1|LMX1.1 LIM homeobox transcription factor 1, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6021 chr11 47270354 47270468 + 13.08179 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001610) promoter-TSS (NM_001610) -38 NM_001130102 10062 Hs.438863 NM_005693 HPRD:07211 NR1H3 LXR-a|LXRA|RLD-1 nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32211 chr7 82306947 82307099 + 13.08179 NA Intergenic Intergenic -233992 NM_000722 781 Hs.282151 NM_000722 HPRD:00245 CACNA2D1 CACNA2|CACNL2A|CCHL2A|LINC01112|lncRNA-N3 calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 2/delta subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4102 chr10 39147346 39147417 + 13.08112 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 157654 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1922 chr1 147735493 147735749 + 13.07705 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 17 of 18).2 CpG -16279 NR_120331 101927468 Hs.515867 NR_120331 LOC101927468 - uncharacterized LOC101927468 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27954 chr5 106837828 106838061 + 13.07705 NA intron (NM_001962, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001962, intron 1 of 4) 168652 NM_001962 1946 Hs.288741 NM_001962 HPRD:03324 EFNA5 AF1|EFL5|EPLG7|GLC1M|LERK7|RAGS ephrin-A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1922-2 chr1 147735493 147735749 + 13.07705 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 17 of 18).2 CpG -16279 NR_120331 101927468 Hs.515867 NR_120331 LOC101927468 - uncharacterized LOC101927468 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11804 chr15 72767441 72767568 + 13.06790 NA intron (NM_005744, intron 1 of 13) CpG 837 NM_005744 25820 Hs.268787 NM_005744 HPRD:05730 ARIH1 ARI|HARI|HHARI|UBCH7BP ariadne RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5943 chr11 36699876 36699967 + 13.06790 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -80092 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23574 chr3 123211101 123211359 + 13.06626 NA Intergenic Intergenic -43838 NM_183357 111 Hs.593292 NM_183357 HPRD:08973 ADCY5 AC5|FDFM adenylate cyclase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35589 chr9 69983753 69983819 + 13.05244 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 195029 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36577 chr9_gl000199_random 37309 37458 + 13.05113 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33923 chr8 62184462 62184534 + 13.04984 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -16027 NM_173519 157807 Hs.591874 NM_173519 HPRD:14581 CLVS1 CRALBPL|RLBP1L1 clavesin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18298 chr2 89844812 89844897 + 13.04598 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 732970 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9422 chr13 41593393 41593530 + 13.04580 NA promoter-TSS (NM_172373) promoter-TSS (NM_172373) 47 NM_172373 1997 Hs.135646 NM_172373 HPRD:01808 ELF1 - E74-like factor 1 (ets domain transcription factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5312 chr10 131893456 131893551 + 13.04035 NA intron (NR_034125, intron 3 of 7) L1PA7|LINE|L1 -10770 NR_044994 119437 Hs.620802 NR_044994 ENSG00000233122 CTAGE7P CTAGE7|CTAGEP|bA500G10.2|rcCTAGE5 CTAGE family, member 7, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39272 chrY 13867478 13867544 + 13.04025 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 665878 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3555 chr10 3215271 3215613 + 13.03149 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001242307) promoter-TSS (NM_001242307) -409 NM_001242307 10531 Hs.528300 NM_014889 HPRD:07142 PITRM1 MP1|PreP pitrilysin metallopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5188 chr10 126077800 126078008 + 13.02171 NA Intergenic CpG 29641 NM_000274 4942 Hs.523332 NM_000274 HPRD:02021 OAT GACR|HOGA|OATASE|OKT ornithine aminotransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20280 chr20 1052728 1052822 + 13.02093 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -41131 NM_178578 9491 Hs.471917 NM_006814 HPRD:17919 PSMF1 PI31 proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 (PI31) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30373 chr6 117508841 117508932 + 13.01378 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -77835 NM_182645 245806 Hs.99324 NM_153453 HPRD:18282 VGLL2 VGL2|VITO1 vestigial-like family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1415 chr1 101823121 101823224 + 13.01378 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16721 NR_046482 100873740 NR_046482 ENSG00000207116 RNU6-31P RNU6-31|RNU6-6 RNA, U6 small nuclear 31, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22656 chr3 40566141 40566400 + 12.99385 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198484) promoter-TSS (NM_198484) -99 NM_001287245 285268 Hs.19977 NM_198484 ZNF621 - zinc finger protein 621 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33850 chr8 54695080 54695158 + 12.99385 NA intron (NM_213619, intron 8 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 60483 NM_213620 51606 Hs.491737 NM_015941 HPRD:10591 ATP6V1H MSTP042|NBP1|SFD|SFDalpha|SFDbeta|VMA13 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 50/57kDa, V1 subunit H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5756 chr11 19092828 19092939 + 12.99385 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10655 NM_054030 117194 Hs.350566 NM_054030 HPRD:06247 MRGPRX2 MGRG3|MRGX2 MAS-related GPR, member X2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37674 chrX 53461276 53461467 + 12.99048 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001037811) promoter-TSS (NM_001037811) -48 NM_004493 3028 Hs.171280 NM_004493 HPRD:02223 HSD17B10 17b-HSD10|ABAD|CAMR|DUPXp11.22|ERAB|HADH2|HCD2|MHBD|MRPP2|MRX17|MRX31|MRXS10|SCHAD|SDR5C1 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4807 chr10 93971127 93971274 + 12.98773 NA intron (NM_014912, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_014912, intron 2 of 9) 31836 NM_001178137 22849 Hs.131683 NM_014912 HPRD:16745 CPEB3 - cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17210 chr19_gl000208_random 49464 49535 + 12.97754 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9682 chr13 73567415 73567491 + 12.97745 NA intron (NM_006346, intron 16 of 17) AluJb|SINE|Alu -61661 NM_001286818 688 Hs.508234 NM_001730 HPRD:04212 KLF5 BTEB2|CKLF|IKLF Kruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26131 chr4 143276344 143276487 + 12.97233 NA intron (NM_001101669, intron 7 of 25) MLT1H|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 491189 NM_003866 8821 Hs.531403 NM_003866 HPRD:06322 INPP4B - inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type II, 105kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19653 chr2 198152121 198152219 + 12.96582 NA intron (NR_046837, intron 5 of 5) intron (NR_046837, intron 5 of 5) 15073 NR_046837 101927547 Hs.687027 NR_046837 ANKRD44-IT1 - ANKRD44 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3534 chr10 1318153 1318235 + 12.96061 NA intron (NM_018702, intron 3 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 112486 NR_015376 399706 Hs.721191 NM_001010910 HPRD:17990 LINC00200 C10orf139|NCRNA00200 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 200 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28340 chr5 139737387 139737493 + 12.96061 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2347 NM_001258427 83697 Hs.550313 NM_031467 HPRD:15393 SLC4A9 AE4 solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3083 chr1 222135156 222135281 + 12.96061 NA Intergenic LTR49-int|LTR|ERV1 -219700 NM_007207 11221 Hs.497822 NM_007207 HPRD:12320 DUSP10 MKP-5|MKP5 dual specificity phosphatase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7949 chr12 40531142 40531283 + 12.96061 NA Intergenic Intergenic -31551 NM_052885 114134 Hs.558595 NM_052885 HPRD:15363 SLC2A13 HMIT solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5408 chr11 183334 183424 + 12.95912 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 -9701 NM_001097610 653486 Hs.127059 NM_001097610 LOC653486 - secretoglobin, family 1C, member 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27613 chr5 75529564 75529657 + 12.95406 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 150371 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36581 chr9_gl000199_random 44708 44774 + 12.94723 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21669 chr22 19939896 19939987 + 12.94625 NA intron (NM_001135162, intron 1 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 896 NM_001135162 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38641 chrX 127824535 127824638 + 12.94471 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -638204 NM_138289 139741 Hs.680125 NM_138289 HPRD:06439 ACTRT1 AIP1|ARIP1|ARPT1|HSD27 actin-related protein T1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5409 chr11 191816 191892 + 12.94206 NA Intergenic (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -1226 NM_001097610 653486 Hs.127059 NM_001097610 LOC653486 - secretoglobin, family 1C, member 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27672 chr5 78925410 78925493 + 12.93017 NA intron (NM_001297744, intron 5 of 15) AluY|SINE|Alu 17208 NM_173797 167153 Hs.418198 NM_173797 HPRD:15098 PAPD4 GLD2|TUT2 PAP associated domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8702 chr12 100536584 100536791 + 12.92688 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015054) promoter-TSS (NM_015054) -45 NM_015054 23074 Hs.620701 NM_015054 HPRD:13811 UHRF1BP1L SHIP164 UHRF1 binding protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3332 chr1 235945545 235945779 + 12.92462 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 14 of 52) AluY|SINE|Alu 70698 NR_031718 100302139 NR_031718 miRBase:MI0007258 MIR1537 MIRN1537|hsa-mir-1537 microRNA 1537 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3035 chr1 220211484 220211662 + 12.91812 NA intron (NM_004446, intron 2 of 31) AluSp|SINE|Alu 8427 NM_004446 2058 Hs.497788 NM_004446 HPRD:00703 EPRS EARS|GLUPRORS|PARS|QARS|QPRS glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37088 chrUn_gl000235 1097 1317 + 12.91213 NA NA LSAU|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22487 chr3 25779069 25779300 + 12.91176 NA intron (NM_001145293, intron 5 of 11) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 45805 NM_018297 55768 Hs.368960 NM_018297 HPRD:10118 NGLY1 CDG1V|PNG1|PNGase N-glycanase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20450 chr20 17655133 17655248 + 12.91023 NA intron (NM_004587, intron 1 of 24) AluY|SINE|Alu 7738 NM_004587 6238 Hs.472213 NM_004587 HPRD:11796 RRBP1 ES/130|ES130|RRp|hES ribosome binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27874 chr5 99197771 99197860 + 12.91023 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 328121 NR_110562 102724855 Hs.519477 NR_110562 CTD-2151A2.1 - uncharacterized LOC102724855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30866 chr6 157733137 157733226 + 12.89950 NA intron (NM_018452, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_018452, intron 3 of 3) 12110 NM_018452 729515 Hs.157212 NM_018452 ENSG00000215712 TMEM242 BM033|C6orf35 transmembrane protein 242 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11994 chr15 85524118 85524266 + 12.89707 NA intron (NM_001243137, intron 1 of 21) CpG 448 NM_001243137 5151 Hs.9333 NM_002605 HPRD:09114 PDE8A HsT19550 phosphodiesterase 8A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30903 chr6 159280450 159280530 + 12.88896 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -1826 NR_028496 202459 Hs.487035 NM_145303 HPRD:14130 OSTCP1 DC2L|OSTCL oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32887 chr7 142374424 142374507 + 12.88240 NA 5' UTR (NM_001190487, exon 1 of 1) 5' UTR (NM_001190487, exon 1 of 1) 334 NM_001190487 100463482 NM_001190487 ENSG00000270672 MTRNR2L6 HN6 MT-RNR2-like 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30659 chr6 142716985 142717192 + 12.88240 NA intron (NM_001032394, intron 8 of 24) intron (NM_001032394, intron 8 of 24) 94032 NM_001032395 57211 Hs.743302 NM_020455 HPRD:17059 GPR126 APG1|DREG|PS1TP2|VIGR G protein-coupled receptor 126 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4828 chr10 96122388 96122568 + 12.88167 NA intron (NM_022451, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_022451, intron 1 of 20) 205 NM_022451 64318 Hs.74899 NM_022451 HPRD:12562 NOC3L AD24|C10orf117|FAD24 nucleolar complex associated 3 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24454 chr4 980704 980861 + 12.87645 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000203) promoter-TSS (NM_000203) -3 NM_000203 3425 Hs.89560 NM_000203 HPRD:02016 IDUA IDA|MPS1 iduronidase, alpha-L- protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20537 chr20 26279148 26279228 + 12.85527 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -89319 NR_040095 284801 Hs.370699 NR_040095 ENSG00000227195 MIR663AHG - MIR663A host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24855 chr4 35607158 35607368 + 12.84694 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -638475 NR_122079 439933 Hs.591071 NR_122079 ENSG00000247193 LOC439933 - uncharacterized LOC439933 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7718 chr12 27459731 27459828 + 12.84694 NA intron (NM_015000, intron 3 of 13) AluSq2|SINE|Alu -26008 NM_001248005 56938 Hs.445447 NM_020183 ARNTL2 BMAL2|CLIF|MOP9|PASD9|bHLHe6 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12811 chr16 33294948 33295042 + 12.84195 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 3707 NR_033866 390705 Hs.278513 NR_033866 LOC390705 - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12856 chr16 33881326 33881408 + 12.84104 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 81136 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12181 chr15 101746568 101746686 + 12.84033 NA intron (NM_014918, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_014918, intron 2 of 2) 45510 NM_014918 22856 Hs.110488 NM_014918 HPRD:10493 CHSY1 CHSY|CSS1|ChSy-1|TPBS chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37728 chrX 56464812 56464899 + 12.83336 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -125171 NM_013444 29978 Hs.179309 NM_013444 HPRD:02224 UBQLN2 ALS15|CHAP1|DSK2|N4BP4|PLIC2 ubiquilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24932 chr4 40319715 40319785 + 12.83336 NA intron (NR_121640, intron 1 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 1248 NR_121640 101060498 Hs.351492 NR_121640 ENSG00000249241 LOC101060498 - uncharacterized LOC101060498 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17812 chr2 47168256 47168371 + 12.83279 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020458) promoter-TSS (NM_020458) 0 NM_020458 57217 Hs.370603 NM_020458 HPRD:18239 TTC7A MINAT|TTC7 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 7A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39091 chrY 13125460 13125557 + 12.81468 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1407881 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32700 chr7 128146987 128147129 + 12.81462 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30275 NM_018396 55798 Hs.433213 NM_018396 HPRD:09705 METTL2B METL|METTL2|METTL2A|PSENIP1 methyltransferase like 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5775 chr11 20723916 20723993 + 12.81116 NA intron (NM_001288713, intron 3 of 20) L1PA5|LINE|L1 32857 NM_001288714 4745 Hs.657172 NM_006157 HPRD:09081 NELL1 IDH3GL|NRP1 NEL-like 1 (chicken) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7014 chr11 113951121 113951252 + 12.81116 NA intron (NM_001018011, intron 2 of 6) (TC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 19898 NM_001018011 7704 Hs.591945 NM_006006 HPRD:11762 ZBTB16 PLZF|ZNF145 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19625 chr2 196523925 196524066 + 12.79805 NA intron (NM_020342, intron 1 of 9) L2a|LINE|L2 2143 NM_020342 57181 Hs.650158 NM_020342 HPRD:10572 SLC39A10 LZT-Hs2 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33288 chr8 5741460 5741601 + 12.78236 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 522539 NR_040040 100287015 Hs.156928 NR_040040 ENSG00000246089 LOC100287015 - uncharacterized LOC100287015 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12075 chr15 91137766 91137897 + 12.78236 NA intron (NM_001042574, intron 3 of 14) intron (NM_001042574, intron 3 of 14) 64713 NM_022769 64784 Hs.567572 NM_022769 HPRD:13384 CRTC3 TORC-3|TORC3 CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15170 chr18 20110126 20110199 + 12.78147 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -112284 NM_172241 64693 Hs.406709 NM_022663 HPRD:16395 CTAGE1 CT21.1|CT21.2|CTAGE|CTAGE-1|CTAGE-2 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26152 chr4 144816750 144816830 + 12.78147 NA intron (NM_002102, intron 1 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 9926 NM_002102 2996 Hs.654368 NM_002102 HPRD:00723 GYPE GPE|MNS|MiIX glycophorin E (MNS blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16764 chr19 44920213 44920308 + 12.77659 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14483 NM_001291489 26974 Hs.709428 NM_152354 HPRD:15759 ZNF285 ZNF285A zinc finger protein 285 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25082 chr4 49295147 49295216 + 12.77517 NA Intergenic Intergenic 306522 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39242 chrY 13827059 13827147 + 12.75399 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 706286 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36417 chr9 134537502 134537614 + 12.75192 NA intron (NM_005312, intron 1 of 23) L2|LINE|L2 47671 NM_198679 2889 Hs.127897 NM_005312 HPRD:02627 RAPGEF1 C3G|GRF2 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34690 chr8 135471502 135471573 + 12.75041 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -138777 NR_002438 594840 Hs.626298 NR_002438 ENSG00000248492 ZFAT-AS1 NCRNA00070|SAS-ZFAT|ZFAT-AS|ZFATAS ZFAT antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37772 chrX 58562675 58562749 + 12.74616 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -625645 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39277 chrY 13869681 13869870 + 12.74597 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 663614 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27220 chr5 49491832 49491900 + 12.74375 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 245368 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14433 chr17 45908852 45909030 + 12.74020 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033413) promoter-TSS (NM_033413) -34 NR_037575 124995 Hs.347535 NM_145255 HPRD:14738 MRPL10 L10MT|MRP-L10|MRP-L8|MRPL8|RPML8 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33508 chr8 26148858 26149172 + 12.73391 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002717) promoter-TSS (NM_002717) 8 NM_002717 5520 Hs.146339 NM_002717 HPRD:09223 PPP2R2A B55A|B55ALPHA|PR52A|PR55A protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33508-2 chr8 26148858 26149172 + 12.73391 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002717) promoter-TSS (NM_002717) 8 NM_002717 5520 Hs.146339 NM_002717 HPRD:09223 PPP2R2A B55A|B55ALPHA|PR52A|PR55A protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9598 chr13 53088203 53088372 + 12.73184 NA intron (NR_002793, intron 8 of 23) Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 25159 NR_002793 220115 Hs.528448 NR_002793 ENSG00000198384 TPTE2P3 TPTEps1 transmembrane phosphoinositide 3-phosphatase and tensin homolog 2 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16894 chr19 48907027 48907128 + 12.73184 NA intron (NM_000836, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_000836, intron 2 of 12) 8945 NM_000836 2906 Hs.445015 NM_000836 HPRD:04095 GRIN2D EB11|GluN2D|NMDAR2D|NR2D glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6075 chr11 48895095 48895178 + 12.72017 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -158016 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34533 chr8 123794768 123794873 + 12.72017 NA intron (NM_014943, intron 1 of 3) CpG-25975 919 NM_014943 22882 Hs.377090 NM_014943 HPRD:16458 ZHX2 AFR1|RAF zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15579 chr18 72928308 72928415 + 12.71857 NA intron (NM_005786, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_005786, intron 1 of 1) 5651 NM_005786 10194 Hs.284217 NM_005786 HPRD:15308 TSHZ1 CAA|NY-CO-33|SDCCAG33|TSH1 teashirt zinc finger homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19005 chr2 135437404 135437521 + 12.71857 NA intron (NM_030923, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_030923, intron 2 of 7) 39109 NM_030923 81615 Hs.369471 NM_030923 HPRD:13178 TMEM163 DC29|SV31 transmembrane protein 163 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3628 chr10 7420241 7420413 + 12.71857 NA intron (NM_001018039, intron 2 of 20) intron (NM_001018039, intron 2 of 20) 30976 NM_001018039 57713 Hs.407983 NM_001018039 ENSG00000198879 SFMBT2 - Scm-like with four mbt domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1336 chr1 95509058 95509220 + 12.71857 NA intron (NM_144988, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_144988, intron 2 of 3) 29368 NM_144988 199857 Hs.408927 NM_144988 ALG14 - ALG14, UDP-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24425 chr3 197900496 197900571 + 12.71398 NA intron (NM_001145248, intron 6 of 6) (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 21296 NM_001145248 728262 Hs.744675 NM_001145248 FAM157A - family with sequence similarity 157, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30911 chr6 159314462 159314557 + 12.70377 NA intron (NM_001195032, intron 1 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 4890 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20552 chr20 26314200 26314295 + 12.69497 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -124378 NR_040095 284801 Hs.370699 NR_040095 ENSG00000227195 MIR663AHG - MIR663A host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22887 chr3 53477268 53477340 + 12.69293 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -51772 NM_001128840 776 Hs.476358 NM_000720 HPRD:00247 CACNA1D CACH3|CACN4|CACNL1A2|CCHL1A2|Cav1.3|PASNA|SANDD calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L type, alpha 1D subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33264 chr8 5008929 5009268 + 12.68691 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 -156770 NM_033225 64478 Hs.571466 NM_033225 HPRD:10523 CSMD1 PPP1R24 CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34984 chr9 7799312 7799443 + 12.68664 NA intron (NM_033428, intron 1 of 1) CpG 422 NM_033428 90871 Hs.7517 NM_033428 HPRD:12939 TMEM261 C9orf123 transmembrane protein 261 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13217 chr16 67875832 67875988 + 12.68155 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020457) promoter-TSS (NM_020457) -303 NM_020457 57215 Hs.632200 NM_020457 HPRD:11629 THAP11 CTG-B43a|CTG-B45d|RONIN THAP domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28712 chr5 169064982 169065091 + 12.68155 NA intron (NM_004946, intron 1 of 51) intron (NM_004946, intron 1 of 51) 785 NM_004946 1794 Hs.586174 NM_004946 HPRD:09121 DOCK2 - dedicator of cytokinesis 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28969 chr6 5174609 5174805 + 12.68141 NA intron (NM_001164841, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_001164841, intron 2 of 3) -26151 NR_037462 100500900 NR_037462 MIR3691 - microRNA 3691 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34571 chr8 125551258 125551373 + 12.68141 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005005) promoter-TSS (NM_005005) 14 NM_001146160 83940 Hs.170568 NM_032026 HPRD:11621 TATDN1 - TatD DNase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6991 chr11 111472899 111473201 + 12.65946 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015191) promoter-TSS (NM_015191) -120 NM_015191 23235 Hs.269128 NM_015191 SIK2 LOH11CR1I|QIK|SNF1LK2 salt-inducible kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19048 chr2 138040106 138040190 + 12.65471 NA intron (NM_001080427, intron 11 of 26) L1PA4|LINE|L1 291686 NM_001080427 80731 Hs.68533 NM_001080427 ENSG00000144229 THSD7B - thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23173 chr3 87894352 87894467 + 12.65471 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -137317 NM_000866 3355 Hs.248136 NM_000866 HTR1F 5-HT-1F|5-HT1F|5HT6|HTR1EL|MR77 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1F, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27879 chr5 99387548 99387617 + 12.64838 NA Intergenic Intergenic 336376 NR_027503 100133050 Hs.534796 NR_027503 LOC100133050 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7948 chr12 40499800 40499961 + 12.63726 NA promoter-TSS (NM_052885) promoter-TSS (NM_052885) -219 NM_052885 114134 Hs.558595 NM_052885 HPRD:15363 SLC2A13 HMIT solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37898 chrX 63518455 63518544 + 12.63472 NA intron (NM_017677, intron 12 of 13) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -67988 NM_130388 142689 Hs.56281 NM_130388 HPRD:06451 ASB12 - ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7600 chr12 19745955 19746045 + 12.63472 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 152485 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34216 chr8 90169693 90169770 + 12.63472 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -600244 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12065 chr15 90774328 90774543 + 12.63472 NA exon (NM_006384, exon 5 of 7) exon (NM_006384, exon 5 of 7) 2844 NM_006384 10519 Hs.715556 NM_006384 CIB1 CIB|CIBP|KIP1|PRKDCIP|SIP2-28 calcium and integrin binding 1 (calmyrin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32031 chr7 65613790 65613898 + 12.63106 NA intron (NM_001040647, intron 4 of 4) MIRb|SINE|MIR 34039 NM_014478 27297 Hs.300684 NM_014478 HPRD:12089 CRCP CGRP-RCP|CGRPRCP|RCP|RCP9 CGRP receptor component protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11662 chr15 60874679 60874823 + 12.63106 NA intron (NM_134260, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_134260, intron 1 of 11) 9956 NM_134262 6095 Hs.560343 NM_002943 HPRD:02896 RORA NR1F1|ROR1|ROR2|ROR3|RZR-ALPHA|RZRA RAR-related orphan receptor A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2536 chr1 178717202 178717288 + 12.62293 NA intron (NM_001286247, intron 1 of 18) AluSz|SINE|Alu 22963 NM_152663 55103 Hs.632485 NM_018037 HPRD:15206 RALGPS2 dJ595C2.1 Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21644 chr22 19826051 19826261 + 12.61022 NA intron (NM_053004, intron 2 of 7) AluSc|SINE|Alu 16215 NM_024627 79680 Hs.105642 NM_024627 HPRD:13382 C22orf29 BOP chromosome 22 open reading frame 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35463 chr9 66835822 66835921 + 12.60722 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -87096 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1202 chr1 85040066 85040305 + 12.59347 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004388) promoter-TSS (NM_004388) -22 NM_004388 1486 Hs.513557 NM_004388 CTBS CTB chitobiase, di-N-acetyl- protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7016 chr11 114079222 114079318 + 12.59147 NA intron (NM_001018011, intron 4 of 6) MIRc|SINE|MIR -87265 NM_006169 4837 Hs.503911 NM_006169 HPRD:02478 NNMT - nicotinamide N-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6570 chr11 71105442 71105668 + 12.59147 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 28845 NR_038862 399923 Hs.128191 NM_001001680 HPRD:13457 FLJ42102 - uncharacterized LOC399923 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28084 chr5 118788336 118788501 + 12.58354 NA 5' UTR (NM_001199291, exon 1 of 25) 5' UTR (NM_001199291, exon 1 of 25) 226 NM_001199291 3295 Hs.406861 NM_000414 HPRD:03514 HSD17B4 DBP|MFE-2|MPF-2|PRLTS1|SDR8C1 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30254 chr6 109156563 109156665 + 12.58354 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13005 NM_001286609 84071 Hs.645481 NM_032131 HPRD:09809 ARMC2 bA787I22.1 armadillo repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24635 chr4 9273969 9274167 + 12.58342 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4723 NM_001256863 100287513 Hs.723053 NM_001256863 ENSG00000248933 USP17L22 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8864 chr12 111766560 111766630 + 12.57666 NA intron (NM_015267, intron 18 of 21) AluSx|SINE|Alu 24649 NR_106818 102465455 NR_106818 MIR6760 hsa-mir-6760 microRNA 6760 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3290 chr1 234614868 234614998 + 12.55984 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005646) promoter-TSS (NM_005646) -84 NM_005646 6894 Hs.498115 NM_005646 HPRD:05445 TARBP1 TRM3|TRP-185|TRP185 TAR (HIV-1) RNA binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28954 chr6 4059485 4059624 + 12.55984 NA intron (NM_003913, intron 14 of 14) intron (NM_003913, intron 14 of 14) -19886 NM_001085401 404220 Hs.716731 NM_206834 HPRD:12872 C6orf201 dJ1013A10.5 chromosome 6 open reading frame 201 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30509 chr6 131170222 131170341 + 12.55984 NA intron (NM_001199388, intron 17 of 17) MER102b|DNA|hAT-Charlie 21736 NM_001195597 100507203 Hs.388715 NM_001195597 ENSG00000256162 SMLR1 - small leucine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3896 chr10 30343674 30343847 + 12.55984 NA intron (NM_020848, intron 1 of 3) AluYf4|SINE|Alu 4728 NM_020848 57608 Hs.533953 NM_020848 ENSG00000165757 KIAA1462 JCAD KIAA1462 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1634 chr1 120044742 120044815 + 12.54776 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -5048 NM_000862 3283 Hs.364941 NM_000862 HPRD:04920 HSD3B1 3BETAHSD|HSD3B|HSDB3|HSDB3A|I|SDR11E1 hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5769 chr11 19745367 19745576 + 12.54776 NA intron (NM_182964, intron 1 of 37) intron (NM_182964, intron 1 of 37) -9253 NR_015384 100126784 Hs.64341 NR_015384 LOC100126784 - uncharacterized LOC100126784 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21664 chr22 19922146 19922252 + 12.54776 NA intron (NM_001282512, intron 1 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu -7064 NM_000754 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28461 chr5 145902079 145902296 + 12.54776 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -6511 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34733 chr8 139218475 139218610 + 12.54776 NA intron (NM_015912, intron 7 of 19) intron (NM_015912, intron 7 of 19) 290523 NM_015912 51059 Hs.126024 NM_015912 HPRD:14230 FAM135B C8ORFK32 family with sequence similarity 135, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5261 chr10 129508605 129508685 + 12.53455 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -26893 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5253 chr10 129457890 129457979 + 12.53114 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -77604 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18180 chr2 85010308 85010445 + 12.52990 NA intron (NM_001370, intron 65 of 76) MIR3|SINE|MIR 97993 NM_001080824 129293 Hs.469134 NM_001080824 ENSG00000186854 TRABD2A C2orf89|TIKI1 TraB domain containing 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19990 chr2 225811770 225811950 + 12.52990 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001290263) promoter-TSS (NM_001290263) -78 NM_001290263 55619 Hs.46578 NM_014689 HPRD:10919 DOCK10 DRIP2|Nbla10300|ZIZ3 dedicator of cytokinesis 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6550 chr11 70971349 70971437 + 12.52990 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -35551 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38230 chrX 81383317 81383471 + 12.52853 NA Intergenic L1MB2|LINE|L1 -925953 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28059 chr5 117445967 117446079 + 12.52853 NA intron (NR_104997, intron 2 of 2) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -172246 NR_104609 100505811 Hs.369776 NR_104609 ENSG00000250427 LOC100505811 - uncharacterized LOC100505811 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28411 chr5 142309290 142309411 + 12.52853 NA intron (NM_015071, intron 10 of 22) intron (NM_015071, intron 10 of 22) -60875 NR_046680 100874239 Hs.570896 NR_046680 ENSG00000226272 ARHGAP26-AS1 - ARHGAP26 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23161 chr3 85517019 85517095 + 12.52853 NA intron (NM_001167674, intron 1 of 9) AluYa5|SINE|Alu -37152 NM_001256504 253559 Hs.164578 NM_153184 HPRD:11046 CADM2 IGSF4D|NECL3|Necl-3|SynCAM 2|synCAM2 cell adhesion molecule 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22330 chr3 13009291 13009489 + 12.52823 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014869) promoter-TSS (NM_014869) -192 NM_014869 9922 Hs.475506 NM_014869 HPRD:11052 IQSEC1 ARF-GEP100|ARFGEP100|BRAG2|GEP100 IQ motif and Sec7 domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4031 chr10 38816279 38816369 + 12.51654 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 99250 NR_024497 399744 Hs.497951 NM_001013665 LINC00999 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 999 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36042 chr9 107730456 107730659 + 12.50342 NA Intergenic CpG -40030 NM_005502 19 Hs.659274 NM_005502 HPRD:02501 ABCA1 ABC-1|ABC1|CERP|HDLDT1|TGD ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13737 chr17 6377218 6377294 + 12.50342 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 10 of 19) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 29521 NM_019013 54478 Hs.592116 NM_019013 HPRD:07649 FAM64A CATS|RCS1 family with sequence similarity 64, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21259 chr21 19810241 19810337 + 12.50342 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -34319 NM_002772 5651 Hs.149473 NM_002772 HPRD:05972 TMPRSS15 ENTK|PRSS7 transmembrane protease, serine 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37771 chrX 58562265 58562334 + 12.50308 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -625232 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34841 chr8 145092497 145092654 + 12.50162 NA intron (NM_001134374, intron 1 of 3) SVA_D|Other|Other 5993 NM_001134374 375686 Hs.97726 NM_198572 HPRD:15433 SPATC1 SPATA15 spermatogenesis and centriole associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25115 chr4 49512218 49512296 + 12.49946 NA Intergenic L1MB8|LINE|L1 523598 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38646 chrX 128181775 128181858 + 12.49012 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 475666 NM_001282874 6594 Hs.152292 NM_003069 HPRD:02055 SMARCA1 ISWI|NURF140|SNF2L|SNF2L1|SNF2LB|SNF2LT|SWI|SWI2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7593 chr12 19707426 19707514 + 12.49012 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu 113955 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4080 chr10 39109238 39109314 + 12.48317 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 119549 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13726 chr17 6321743 6321837 + 12.48188 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 16662 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11345 chr15 36488069 36488188 + 12.47721 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 269071 NR_039735 100616293 NR_039735 miRBase:MI0016876 MIR4510 - microRNA 4510 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19114 chr2 149571294 149571595 + 12.46626 NA Intergenic MER74A|LTR|ERVL -61348 NM_004522 3800 Hs.435557 NM_004522 ENSG00000168280 KIF5C CDCBM2|KINN|NKHC|NKHC-2|NKHC2 kinesin family member 5C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3334 chr1 235951685 235951785 + 12.46302 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 13 of 52) AluSx|SINE|Alu 64625 NR_031718 100302139 NR_031718 miRBase:MI0007258 MIR1537 MIRN1537|hsa-mir-1537 microRNA 1537 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24920 chr4 40196591 40196772 + 12.46154 NA intron (NM_001278369, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001278369, intron 1 of 2) 1412 NM_001278369 399 Hs.654594 NM_004310 RHOH ARHH|TTF ras homolog family member H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10790 chr14 77843631 77843773 + 12.45053 NA promoter-TSS (NM_213601) promoter-TSS (NM_213601) -60 NM_001010860 161394 Hs.421961 NM_001010860 SAMD15 C14orf174|FAM15A sterile alpha motif domain containing 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35070 chr9 20319992 20320243 + 12.44157 NA Intergenic Intergenic 91119 NR_039684 100616229 NR_039684 MIR4473 - microRNA 4473 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38705 chrX 132000705 132000830 + 12.44157 NA intron (NM_001077188, intron 3 of 5) L1P1|LINE|L1 94656 NM_001077188 90161 Hs.385956 NM_147175 HPRD:06590 HS6ST2 - heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30276 chr6 109804387 109804515 + 12.44053 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164313) promoter-TSS (NM_001164313) -11 NM_014797 9841 Hs.409876 NM_014797 HPRD:18315 ZBTB24 BIF1|ICF2|PATZ2|ZNF450 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27307 chr5 53916181 53916274 + 12.43521 NA Intergenic LTR33|LTR|ERVL 82925 NR_104659 102467080 Hs.637409 NR_104658 LOC102467080 - uncharacterized LOC102467080 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24222 chr3 183354675 183354897 + 12.43473 NA intron (NM_017644, intron 1 of 7) CpG 1375 NM_017644 54800 Hs.407709 NM_017644 HPRD:16838 KLHL24 DRE1|KRIP6 kelch-like family member 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12718 chr16 31711787 31711920 + 12.43275 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024034) promoter-TSS (NR_024034) -81 NR_024034 100132341 Hs.715792 NM_024048 ENSG00000131797 CLUHP3 C16orf67|KIAA0664L3|KIAA0664P3 clustered mitochondria (cluA/CLU1) homolog pseudogene 3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18886 chr2 131001908 131002275 + 12.43130 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -46057 NM_207312 112714 Hs.433336 NM_207312 HPRD:17288 TUBA3E - tubulin, alpha 3e protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5601 chr11 9781303 9781532 + 12.42882 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033972) promoter-TSS (NR_033972) -337 NR_033972 440028 Hs.677541 NR_033972 ENSG00000245522 LOC440028 - uncharacterized LOC440028 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27881 chr5 99388201 99388287 + 12.42100 NA Intergenic Intergenic 335714 NR_027503 100133050 Hs.534796 NR_027503 LOC100133050 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25376 chr4 71571389 71571550 + 12.40816 NA intron (NM_001130709, intron 1 of 11) CpG 815 NM_001130709 22902 Hs.740904 NM_014961 HPRD:15251 RUFY3 RIPX|SINGAR1 RUN and FYVE domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17962-2 chr2 64602779 64603311 + 12.40485 NA Intergenic (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -78282 NM_014181 29094 Hs.372208 NM_014181 HPRD:13708 LGALSL GRP lectin, galactoside-binding-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17962 chr2 64602779 64603311 + 12.40485 NA Intergenic (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -78282 NM_014181 29094 Hs.372208 NM_014181 HPRD:13708 LGALSL GRP lectin, galactoside-binding-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33668 chr8 42195825 42196255 + 12.40476 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002690) promoter-TSS (NM_002690) 67 NM_002690 5423 Hs.654484 NM_002690 HPRD:07517 POLB - polymerase (DNA directed), beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18084 chr2 73496614 73496733 + 12.39817 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001080410) promoter-TSS (NM_001080410) 85 NM_001080410 150726 Hs.23158 NM_001080410 ENSG00000163013 FBXO41 FBX41 F-box protein 41 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9556 chr13 50571537 50571690 + 12.38532 NA promoter-TSS (NR_037407) promoter-TSS (NR_037407) 470 NM_052811 10206 Hs.436922 NM_005798 HPRD:10414 TRIM13 CAR|DLEU5|LEU5|RFP2|RNF77 tripartite motif containing 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19131 chr2 152280279 152280582 + 12.38381 NA intron (NM_018151, intron 8 of 35) L1MB4|LINE|L1 13826 NM_001177665 55183 Hs.655671 NM_018151 HPRD:10603 RIF1 - replication timing regulatory factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8398 chr12 70028483 70028561 + 12.37649 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -23580 NM_201550 376132 Hs.448708 NM_201550 HPRD:17449 LRRC10 HRLRRP|LRRC10A leucine rich repeat containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4987 chr10 105231161 105231265 + 12.37389 NA Intergenic Intergenic 7784 NM_001129742 119395 Hs.364624 NM_182494 HPRD:13300 CALHM3 FAM26A|bA225H22.7 calcium homeostasis modulator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18619-3 chr2 105261808 105262210 + 12.37389 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 112168 NR_038231 284998 Hs.410180 NR_038231 ENSG00000234177 LINC01114 PANCAT long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1114 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18619 chr2 105261808 105262210 + 12.37389 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 112168 NR_038231 284998 Hs.410180 NR_038231 ENSG00000234177 LINC01114 PANCAT long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1114 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18619-2 chr2 105261808 105262210 + 12.37389 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 112168 NR_038231 284998 Hs.410180 NR_038231 ENSG00000234177 LINC01114 PANCAT long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1114 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5839 chr11 28051094 28051178 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_031217, intron 15 of 16) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -27226 NR_030341 693195 NR_030341 miRBase:MI0003623 MIR610 MIRN610|hsa-mir-610 microRNA 610 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5800 chr11 23442143 23442213 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -1442 NR_107021 102465860 NR_107021 MIR8054 hsa-mir-8054 microRNA 8054 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26616 chr4 190478803 190478885 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -101916 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2686 chr1 189472979 189473061 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 973739 NM_199051 339479 Hs.65765 NM_199051 HPRD:16782 BRINP3 DBCCR1L|DBCCR1L1|FAM5C bone morphogenetic protein/retinoic acid inducible neural-specific 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4859 chr10 98561336 98561515 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic GA-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -30592 NM_001170765 84458 Hs.745068 NM_032440 HPRD:07609 LCOR MLR2 ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3449 chr1 247222636 247222709 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_033213, intron 1 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 19443 NR_037894 100533111 Hs.732305 NR_037894 ZNF670-ZNF695 - ZNF670-ZNF695 readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35978 chr9 101830608 101830688 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001855, intron 40 of 41) AluSp|SINE|Alu -36764 NM_001130916 7046 Hs.494622 NM_004612 HPRD:01822 TGFBR1 AAT5|ACVRLK4|ALK-5|ALK5|ESS1|LDS1|LDS1A|LDS2A|MSSE|SKR4|TGFR-1 transforming growth factor, beta receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2782 chr1 199212721 199212826 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic Intergenic -224680 NR_110525 102800316 Hs.568480 NR_110525 LINC01222 TCONS_00000112 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1222 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36399 chr9 133454895 133454987 + 12.37201 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003934) promoter-TSS (NM_003934) -19 NM_003934 8939 Hs.98751 NM_003934 ENSG00000107164 FUBP3 FBP3 far upstream element (FUSE) binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31471 chr7 26839438 26839534 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_003930, intron 4 of 12) AluY|SINE|Alu 64855 NM_003930 8935 Hs.200770 NM_003930 HPRD:05558 SKAP2 PRAP|RA70|SAPS|SCAP2|SKAP-HOM|SKAP55R src kinase associated phosphoprotein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23167 chr3 86601509 86601580 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -111183 NR_046939 100873773 NR_046939 ENSG00000252055 RNU6-69P RNU6-69 RNA, U6 small nuclear 69, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38178 chrX 76559567 76559645 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -150041 NM_003868 8823 Hs.666364 NM_003868 FGF16 FGF-16|MF4 fibroblast growth factor 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39021 chrY 7417820 7418046 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 151355 NR_001552 252948 Hs.522848 NR_001552 ENSG00000225520 TTTY16 NCRNA00139 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 16 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1423 chr1 103166885 103166980 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 407120 NM_080630 1301 Hs.523446 NM_001854 HPRD:00375 COL11A1 CO11A1|COLL6|STL2 collagen, type XI, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12142 chr15 99480222 99480397 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001291858, intron 17 of 20) AluSx|SINE|Alu 68576 NM_001102612 145814 Hs.592021 NM_001102612 ENSG00000183571 PGPEP1L - pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22157 chr22 49858409 49858621 + 12.37201 NA intron (NR_110523, intron 1 of 4) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 192675 NR_110522 348645 Hs.133159 NM_198851 HPRD:14180 C22orf34 - chromosome 22 open reading frame 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5884 chr11 33463101 33463188 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -100733 NM_012194 25758 Hs.502266 NM_012194 ENSG00000110427 KIAA1549L C11orf41|C11orf69|G2 KIAA1549-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8870 chr12 111912770 111912848 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_002973, intron 18 of 24) AluY|SINE|Alu 40143 NM_001291424 10019 Hs.506784 NM_005475 HPRD:05480 SH2B3 IDDM20|LNK SH2B adaptor protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2373 chr1 166373494 166373568 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -199622 NR_002925 116123 Hs.348539 NM_138784 HPRD:14011 FMO9P - flavin containing monooxygenase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2388 chr1 167436153 167436233 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_198053, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 51654 NM_198053 919 Hs.156445 NM_000734 HPRD:01729 CD247 CD3-ZETA|CD3H|CD3Q|CD3Z|IMD25|T3Z|TCRZ CD247 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39284 chrY 14258522 14258602 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 274827 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16308 chr19 24400271 24400354 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -54063 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38874 chrX 151256134 151256218 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 30235 NM_021049 4104 Hs.18048 NM_021049 HPRD:02277 MAGEA5 CT1.5|MAGE5|MAGEA4 melanoma antigen family A, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24436 chr4 430639 430709 + 12.37201 NA intron (NR_002451, intron 2 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 37324 NR_002451 79963 Hs.745030 NM_024903 ABCA11P ABCA11|EST1133530 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 11, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19918 chr2 219582754 219582825 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_014640, intron 1 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 7221 NM_014640 9654 Hs.471405 NM_014640 HPRD:15586 TTLL4 - tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19281 chr2 165528954 165529034 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu 15293 NR_033309 100337591 Hs.664357 NR_033309 SNORA70F U70F small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 70F snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26399 chr4 170332105 170332208 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001199398, intron 30 of 34) intron (NM_001199398, intron 30 of 34) -139907 NM_020870 57630 Hs.301804 NM_020870 HPRD:15335 SH3RF1 POSH|RNF142|SH3MD2 SH3 domain containing ring finger 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38580 chrX 121467952 121468047 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -850097 NM_000828 2892 Hs.377070 NM_000828 HPRD:02378 GRIA3 GLUR-C|GLUR-K3|GLUR3|GLURC|GluA3|MRX94 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10270 chr14 36014177 36014254 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_194301, intron 39 of 39) AluSx|SINE|Alu 10967 NM_032594 84684 Hs.62813 NM_032594 HPRD:17152 INSM2 IA-6|IA6|mlt1 insulinoma-associated 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5270 chr10 129602542 129602743 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluYk11|SINE|Alu 67104 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11597 chr15 54511242 54511322 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001080534, intron 3 of 30) L1PA3|LINE|L1 206181 NM_001080534 440279 Hs.657273 NM_001080534 ENSG00000137766 UNC13C - unc-13 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_889 chr1 48658713 48658791 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -10652 NR_026749 391037 Hs.585393 NR_026749 SKINTL BTN12|SKINT1|SKINTP Skint-like, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5019 chr10 109045353 109045424 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -120922 NM_001013031 114815 Hs.591915 NM_052918 HPRD:12098 SORCS1 hSorCS sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16282 chr19 22561822 22561903 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 43286 NM_001098626 148198 Hs.667355 NM_001098626 ENSG00000197360 ZNF98 F7175|ZNF739 zinc finger protein 98 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21264 chr21 20479077 20479155 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -346986 NR_109925 101927797 Hs.551743 NR_109925 LOC101927797 - uncharacterized LOC101927797 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38098 chrX 72818719 72818891 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001300884, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 35821 NM_001039840 53344 Hs.496323 NM_001039840 ENSG00000204116 CHIC1 BRX cysteine-rich hydrophobic domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37407 chrX 26281153 26281249 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 46915 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34904 chr9 1694453 1694552 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -320717 NM_003070 6595 Hs.298990 NM_003070 HPRD:02483 SMARCA2 BAF190|BRM|NCBRS|SNF2|SNF2L2|SNF2LA|SWI2|Sth1p|hBRM|hSNF2a SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8799 chr12 107828340 107828418 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001018072, intron 1 of 16) AluJr|SINE|Alu 116182 NM_001018072 121551 Hs.271272 NM_152322 HPRD:12536 BTBD11 ABTB2B BTB (POZ) domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8342 chr12 67597119 67597303 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -65850 NM_018448 55832 Hs.546407 NM_018448 CAND1 TIP120|TIP120A cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5859 chr11 30760136 30760213 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -152244 NM_001145399 744 Hs.289795 NM_001584 HPRD:02947 MPPED2 239FB|C11orf8 metallophosphoesterase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5628 chr11 10923320 10923417 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 43604 NR_034137 729013 Hs.726427 NR_034137 ENSG00000247271 ZBED5-AS1 - ZBED5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11105 chr14 106551158 106551284 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic LTR16B2|LTR|ERVL -112863 NR_002224 8755 Hs.662288 NR_002224 ENSG00000233988 ADAM6 C14orf96|tMDCIV ADAM metallopeptidase domain 6, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24842 chr4 32158141 32158210 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 1436138 NM_032457 5099 Hs.479439 NM_002589 HPRD:04288 PCDH7 BH-Pcdh|BHPCDH|PPP1R120 protocadherin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14465 chr17 47392968 47393106 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_014897, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_014897, intron 2 of 5) -27221 NR_106745 102465137 NR_106745 MIR6129 hsa-mir-6129 microRNA 6129 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22314 chr3 11974037 11974115 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -71758 NM_003178 6854 Hs.445503 NM_003178 SYN2 SYNII synapsin II protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34138 chr8 84446455 84446526 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 130497 NR_122034 103352670 Hs.399852 NR_122034 LINC01419 TCONS_00014497 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1419 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39322 chrY 19562158 19562247 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -50636 NR_028083 340618 Hs.434364 NR_028083 FAM41AY1 FAM41AY family with sequence similarity 41, member A, Y-linked 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23007 chr3 66858102 66858185 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluSc8|SINE|Alu -190584 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24312 chr3 188789405 188789497 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic Intergenic -100312 NM_198485 285386 Hs.729544 NM_198485 HPRD:13451 TPRG1 FAM79B tumor protein p63 regulated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19837 chr2 209560966 209561038 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 289447 NM_005048 5746 Hs.570296 NM_005048 HPRD:03276 PTH2R PTHR2 parathyroid hormone 2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17009 chr19 52560311 52560422 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -8293 NM_014650 9668 Hs.655934 NM_014650 HPRD:11716 ZNF432 - zinc finger protein 432 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5016 chr10 108798161 108798231 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001013031, intron 1 of 26) L1PA4|LINE|L1 126270 NM_001206572 114815 Hs.591915 NM_052918 HPRD:12098 SORCS1 hSorCS sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17651 chr2 35816827 35816898 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 765851 NR_037631 100288911 Hs.432924 NR_037631 LOC100288911 - uncharacterized LOC100288911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28724 chr5 170402480 170402552 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_022897, intron 14 of 27) AluSx|SINE|Alu 113620 NM_022897 64901 Hs.410810 NM_022897 HPRD:05847 RANBP17 - RAN binding protein 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6713 chr11 84251883 84251958 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001142699, intron 6 of 27) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -223538 NM_001206769 1740 Hs.367656 NM_001364 HPRD:04663 DLG2 PPP1R58|PSD-93|PSD93|chapsyn-110 discs, large homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31070 chr6 169548481 169548576 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 105681 NM_003247 7058 Hs.371147 NM_003247 HPRD:01766 THBS2 TSP2 thrombospondin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30188 chr6 104903398 104903486 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 404352 NR_104424 57531 Hs.434340 NM_020771 HPRD:17086 HACE1 - HECT domain and ankyrin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17489 chr2 24131780 24131856 + 12.37201 NA intron (NR_125717, intron 1 of 28) L1PA3|LINE|L1 18166 NR_125717 54454 Hs.467862 NM_017552 ENSG00000119778 ATAD2B - ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17769 chr2 44706666 44706802 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_024766, intron 3 of 10) intron (NM_024766, intron 3 of 10) 69925 NR_039629 100616475 NR_039629 miRBase:MI0016770 MIR548AD - microRNA 548ad ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4675 chr10 82913075 82913145 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 612535 NM_001145719 387694 Hs.147643 NM_207372 HPRD:18050 SH2D4B - SH2 domain containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38873 chrX 151226612 151226706 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 59752 NM_021049 4104 Hs.18048 NM_021049 HPRD:02277 MAGEA5 CT1.5|MAGE5|MAGEA4 melanoma antigen family A, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3546 chr10 2296848 2297001 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 60344 NR_038884 399708 Hs.521270 NR_038884 LINC00701 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 701 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1633 chr1 119942955 119943029 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -14562 NM_001166120 3284 Hs.654399 NM_000198 HPRD:01941 HSD3B2 HSD3B|HSDB|SDR11E2 hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26280 chr4 155495870 155495959 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu 11782 NM_001184741 2244 Hs.300774 NM_005141 FGB HEL-S-78p fibrinogen beta chain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22202 chr3 2374341 2374411 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001206955, intron 1 of 23) L1PA3|LINE|L1 93863 NM_001206955 152330 Hs.298705 NM_175607 HPRD:16239 CNTN4 AXCAM|BIG-2 contactin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28910 chr6 834353 834421 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic (TTCC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -34111 NR_110853 101927691 Hs.552556 NR_110853 LOC101927691 - uncharacterized LOC101927691 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13200 chr16 67374952 67375054 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_018296, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_018296, intron 1 of 13) -6255 NM_001161575 55282 Hs.125139 NM_018296 HPRD:08558 LRRC36 RORBP70|XLHSRF2 leucine rich repeat containing 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13251 chr16 69392599 69392677 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_005652, intron 8 of 9) intron (NM_005652, intron 8 of 9) -6926 NM_144676 146456 Hs.729118 NM_144676 HPRD:15520 TMED6 PRO34237|SPLL9146 transmembrane emp24 protein transport domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35784 chr9 85898172 85898267 + 12.37201 NA intron (NM_001244960, intron 13 of 13) AluY|SINE|Alu -16017 NM_001244962 257019 Hs.127535 NM_174938 HPRD:07402 FRMD3 4.1O|EPB41L4O|EPB41LO|P410 FERM domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_592 chr1 35078761 35078904 + 12.37201 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -141816 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36955 chrUn_gl000225 84446 84533 + 12.36594 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25348 chr4 69065821 69065912 + 12.36394 NA intron (NR_104048, intron 2 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 17856 NR_015446 100130017 Hs.582037 NR_015446 ENSG00000250426 FTLP10 - ferritin, light polypeptide pseudogene 10 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30918 chr6 159338364 159338456 + 12.36394 NA Intergenic AluSz6|SINE|Alu 28791 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16804 chr19 46148889 46148991 + 12.36394 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001193268) promoter-TSS (NM_001193268) -165 NM_001193268 24139 Hs.24178 NM_012155 HPRD:16860 EML2 ELP70|EMAP-2|EMAP2 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33859 chr8 55606289 55606438 + 12.35259 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 77736 NM_006269 6101 Hs.732820 NM_006269 HPRD:04896 RP1 DCDC4A|ORP1 retinitis pigmentosa 1 (autosomal dominant) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19020 chr2 136415736 136415922 + 12.34993 NA intron (NM_015361, intron 17 of 25) AluSx3|SINE|Alu -7138 NR_029672 406915 NR_029672 MIR128-1 MIR128A|MIRN128-1|MIRN128A microRNA 128-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26998 chr5 37723013 37723138 + 12.34748 NA intron (NM_018034, intron 15 of 17) intron (NM_018034, intron 15 of 17) 111849 NM_001278098 2668 Hs.248114 NM_000514 HPRD:02906 GDNF ATF1|ATF2|HFB1-GDNF|HSCR3 glial cell derived neurotrophic factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30573 chr6 137045043 137045198 + 12.34748 NA intron (NM_005923, intron 1 of 29) intron (NM_005923, intron 1 of 29) 68536 NM_005923 4217 Hs.186486 NM_005923 HPRD:03904 MAP3K5 ASK1|MAPKKK5|MEKK5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4220 chr10 42817522 42817596 + 12.33443 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 45934 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33131 chr7 156960824 156960997 + 12.32373 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 2 of 22) AluY|SINE|Alu 29255 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23604 chr3 125802855 125803253 + 12.32171 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017836) promoter-TSS (NM_017836) 80 NM_017836 54946 Hs.573007 NM_017836 HPRD:11580 SLC41A3 SLC41A1-L2 solute carrier family 41, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22376 chr3 15671776 15671890 + 12.31731 NA intron (NM_001281724, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_001281724, intron 2 of 5) 28357 NM_001281725 686 Hs.517830 NM_000060 HPRD:08359 BTD - biotinidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5454 chr11 1283913 1284099 + 12.31570 NA TTS (NM_002458) TTS (NM_002458) 6171 NR_106802 102466725 NR_106802 MIR6744 hsa-mir-6744 microRNA 6744 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10586 chr14 64194705 64195003 + 12.29793 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030791) promoter-TSS (NM_030791) -98 NM_030791 81537 Hs.24678 NM_030791 HPRD:10226 SGPP1 SPPase1 sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26820 chr5 14706810 14706961 + 12.29793 NA 3' UTR (NM_054027, exon 12 of 12) 3' UTR (NM_054027, exon 12 of 12) -5918 NR_046285 100130744 Hs.660550 NR_046285 LOC100130744 - uncharacterized LOC100130744 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6559 chr11 71017390 71017479 + 12.29658 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -81592 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23831 chr3 143847222 143847395 + 12.29658 NA Intergenic Intergenic 155141 NM_001134470 205428 Hs.288954 NM_173552 HPRD:14559 C3orf58 DIA1|GoPro49|HASF chromosome 3 open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8442 chr12 73588233 73588304 + 12.29658 NA intron (NR_110130, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 35298 NR_110130 101928137 Hs.694666 NR_110130 ENSG00000258123 LOC101928137 - uncharacterized LOC101928137 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13755 chr17 6439249 6439322 + 12.29150 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 2 of 19) AluSz|SINE|Alu 20592 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35691 chr9 75764540 75764646 + 12.29150 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2188 NM_000700 301 Hs.494173 NM_000700 HPRD:01060 ANXA1 ANX1|LPC1 annexin A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30000 chr6 85322774 85322853 + 12.28670 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 151141 NM_001080508 9096 Hs.251830 NM_001080508 ENSG00000112837 TBX18 - T-box 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32386 chr7 99149717 99149830 + 12.27214 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145111) promoter-TSS (NM_145111) -16 NM_145111 221786 Hs.596587 NM_145111 HPRD:13221 FAM200A C7orf38 family with sequence similarity 200, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19592 chr2 192623785 192623895 + 12.26849 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR 80978 NR_045623 64859 Hs.591610 NM_022837 NABP1 OBFC2A|SOSS-B2|SSB2 nucleic acid binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10359 chr14 45944395 45944502 + 12.26849 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -221843 NM_018353 55320 Hs.732769 NM_018353 HPRD:12629 MIS18BP1 C14orf106|HSA242977|KNL2|M18BP1 MIS18 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28122 chr5 124968004 124968087 + 12.25650 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 139091 NR_109887 101927460 Hs.407582 NR_109887 ENSG00000260192 LOC101927460 - uncharacterized LOC101927460 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38364 chrX 100603487 100603831 + 12.25650 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145951) promoter-TSS (NM_001145951) 49 NM_001145951 1678 Hs.447877 NM_004085 HPRD:02287 TIMM8A DDP|DDP1|DFN1|MTS|TIM8 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 8 homolog A (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_892 chr1 48848341 48848916 + 12.25424 NA intron (NM_019073, intron 9 of 12) intron (NM_019073, intron 9 of 12) 89252 NM_001286238 54558 Hs.538103 NM_019073 HPRD:15430 SPATA6 HASH|SRF-1|SRF1 spermatogenesis associated 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37731 chrX 56483958 56484032 + 12.25424 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -106031 NM_013444 29978 Hs.179309 NM_013444 HPRD:02224 UBQLN2 ALS15|CHAP1|DSK2|N4BP4|PLIC2 ubiquilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35572 chr9 69705723 69705795 + 12.25029 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 52025 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18843 chr2 127415486 127415658 + 12.24425 NA intron (NM_016815, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_016815, intron 1 of 2) 2061 NM_002101 2995 Hs.59138 NM_002101 HPRD:00193 GYPC CD236|CD236R|GE|GPC|GPD|GYPD|PAS-2|PAS-2' glycophorin C (Gerbich blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31191 chr7 2417727 2417815 + 12.24130 NA intron (NM_001037283, intron 15 of 18) intron (NM_001037283, intron 15 of 18) 23297 NM_003751 8662 Hs.371001 NM_003751 HPRD:06795 EIF3B EIF3-ETA|EIF3-P110|EIF3-P116|EIF3S9|PRT1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9873 chr13 100033221 100033371 + 12.24130 NA intron (NR_026644, intron 8 of 8) intron (NR_026644, intron 8 of 8) 24911 NR_030353 693208 NR_030353 MIR623 MIRN623|hsa-mir-623 microRNA 623 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16374 chr19 27895617 27895691 + 12.23807 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -388721 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5560 chr11 6767656 6767818 + 12.23583 NA Intergenic Intergenic 22451 NM_001004490 338755 Hs.534614 NM_001004490 HPRD:14936 OR2AG2 OR11-76|OR2AG2P olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily AG, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25233 chr4 58753276 58753368 + 12.23583 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -776771 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15295 chr18 41932003 41932084 + 12.23583 NA intron (NR_110792, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 179619 NR_110792 101927921 Hs.464986 NR_110792 ENSG00000267337 LINC01478 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1478 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8928 chr12 118682376 118682445 + 12.23583 NA intron (NM_016281, intron 4 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 108540 NM_002567 5037 Hs.433863 NM_002567 HPRD:06850 PEBP1 HCNP|HCNPpp|HEL-210|HEL-S-34|PBP|PEBP|PEBP-1|RKIP phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36807 chrUn_gl000216 170326 170437 + 12.22743 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25397 chr4 74088765 74088923 + 12.22680 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286771) promoter-TSS (NM_001286771) -13 NM_001286771 26057 Hs.601206 NM_032217 HPRD:10648 ANKRD17 GTAR|NY-BR-16 ankyrin repeat domain 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31798 chr7 57555163 57555318 + 12.22071 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 45357 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23307 chr3 101162480 101162572 + 12.21361 NA intron (NM_001077203, intron 4 of 22) L1PA3|LINE|L1 69559 NM_001282801 57337 Hs.529551 NM_020654 HPRD:07154 SENP7 - SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23752 chr3 137620907 137620979 + 12.21361 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -96715 NM_001002026 51208 Hs.655324 NM_016369 HPRD:13066 CLDN18 SFTA5|SFTPJ claudin 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1404 chr1 101132132 101132212 + 12.21361 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -19612 NR_038914 100128787 Hs.536050 NR_038914 LINC01349 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1349 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13934 chr17 18761298 18761489 + 12.21022 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002767) promoter-TSS (NM_002767) 12 NM_001243941 5636 Hs.632236 NM_002767 HPRD:04789 PRPSAP2 PAP41 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3446 chr1 246981244 246981331 + 12.19684 NA Intergenic Intergenic 28368 NR_015422 149134 Hs.720494 NM_207326 LINC01341 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1341 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6541 chr11 70928481 70928559 + 12.19684 NA intron (NM_012309, intron 1 of 22) AluSz|SINE|Alu 7322 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27597 chr5 75434834 75434945 + 12.19684 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) AluY|SINE|Alu 55650 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13328 chr16 75496854 75497027 + 12.17945 NA intron (NM_145254, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_145254, intron 1 of 2) 1644 NM_145254 124491 Hs.487510 NM_145254 HPRD:14027 TMEM170A TMEM170 transmembrane protein 170A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12082 chr15 91478385 91478518 + 12.17712 NA 5' UTR (NM_018671, exon 1 of 20) 5' UTR (NM_018671, exon 1 of 20) 236 NM_018671 55898 Hs.389461 NM_017979 HPRD:18070 UNC45A GC-UNC45|GCUNC-45|GCUNC45|IRO039700|SMAP-1|SMAP1|UNC-45A unc-45 homolog A (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18076 chr2 73200886 73200996 + 12.17110 NA intron (NM_144579, intron 10 of 13) intron (NM_144579, intron 10 of 13) 56337 NM_004097 2016 Hs.516090 NM_004097 HPRD:08963 EMX1 - empty spiracles homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38217 chrX 80377215 80377345 + 12.17110 NA intron (NM_030763, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_030763, intron 1 of 6) -80023 NM_003022 6451 Hs.108029 NM_003022 HPRD:02178 SH3BGRL HEL-S-115|SH3BGR SH3 domain binding glutamate-rich protein like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1673 chr1 121373898 121373972 + 12.16979 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 113025 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30640 chr6 141130829 141131018 + 12.15924 NA Intergenic L1MB8|LINE|L1 125972 NR_039675 100616180 NR_039675 miRBase:MI0016816 MIR4465 - microRNA 4465 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8495 chr12 77443695 77443805 + 12.15924 NA intron (NM_203394, intron 4 of 12) intron (NM_203394, intron 4 of 12) 15610 NM_203394 144455 Hs.416375 NM_203394 HPRD:10929 E2F7 - E2F transcription factor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27602 chr5 75467002 75467351 + 12.15033 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) SVA_F|Other|Other 87937 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6882 chr11 100323088 100323189 + 12.14906 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -235269 NM_152432 143872 Hs.741465 NM_152432 ENSG00000165895 ARHGAP42 GRAF3 Rho GTPase activating protein 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34819 chr8 144932334 144932623 + 12.14405 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -9332 NM_178564 340371 Hs.521926 NM_178564 HPRD:14838 NRBP2 TRG16|pp9320 nuclear receptor binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20291 chr20 1172676 1172885 + 12.13864 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -7663 NM_018354 55321 Hs.516834 NM_018354 HPRD:12772 TMEM74B C20orf46 transmembrane protein 74B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28977 chr6 5851603 5851739 + 12.13788 NA Intergenic CpG 152606 NM_001278711 51299 Hs.103291 NM_016588 HPRD:07592 NRN1 NRN|dJ380B8.2 neuritin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16428 chr19 33233214 33233298 + 12.13173 NA intron (NM_001110822, intron 3 of 12) AluSq|SINE|Alu 22577 NM_001110822 91646 Hs.646351 NM_001015890 ENSG00000173809 TDRD12 ECAT8 tudor domain containing 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28682 chr5 162900803 162900907 + 12.13173 NA intron (NM_012484, intron 9 of 17) intron (NM_012484, intron 9 of 17) 13338 NM_001142557 3161 Hs.740467 NM_012484 HPRD:02963 HMMR CD168|IHABP|RHAMM hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor (RHAMM) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25539 chr4 85222786 85222906 + 12.13173 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 196541 NM_006168 4825 Hs.546270 NM_006168 NKX6-1 NKX6.1|NKX6A NK6 homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3364 chr1 238107171 238107251 + 12.13173 NA Intergenic Intergenic -52989 NM_021186 57829 Hs.136241 NM_021186 ZP4 ZBP|ZP1|ZPB|Zp-4 zona pellucida glycoprotein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15564 chr18 72265031 72265121 + 12.12982 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024484) promoter-TSS (NR_024484) -5 NR_024484 400657 Hs.61508 NM_001008234 HPRD:17385 LINC00909 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 909 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31108 chr6 170703542 170703667 + 12.12699 NA intron (NM_001286380, intron 8 of 10) CpG 63755 NR_039787 100616430 NR_039787 MIR4644 - microRNA 4644 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28503 chr5 148620062 148620222 + 12.12024 NA intron (NM_001301028, intron 10 of 18) intron (NM_001301028, intron 10 of 18) -31259 NM_001146337 134265 Hs.483793 NM_152406 HPRD:16943 AFAP1L1 - actin filament associated protein 1-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39080 chrY 10089791 10089877 + 12.11022 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 341427 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11028 chr14 102600430 102600501 + 12.10839 NA intron (NM_001017963, intron 1 of 11) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 5621 NM_001017963 3320 Hs.525600 NM_005348 HPRD:00777 HSP90AA1 EL52|HSP86|HSP89A|HSP90A|HSP90N|HSPC1|HSPCA|HSPCAL1|HSPCAL4|HSPN|Hsp89|Hsp90|LAP-2|LAP2 heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36105 chr9 114085530 114085766 + 12.10659 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 5065 NM_205859 26248 Hs.381312 NM_205859 HPRD:17701 OR2K2 HSHTPCRH06|HTPCRH06|OR2AN1P|OR2AR1P olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily K, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37721 chrX 56348466 56348551 + 12.10481 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 89638 NM_001159296 11279 Hs.646614 NM_007250 HPRD:02238 KLF8 BKLF3|ZNF741 Kruppel-like factor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25511 chr4 83035823 83035904 + 12.10481 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 259286 NM_031369 3184 Hs.480073 NM_002138 HNRNPD AUF1|AUF1A|HNRPD|P37|hnRNPD0 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D (AU-rich element RNA binding protein 1, 37kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10774 chr14 77217902 77217972 + 12.10232 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -10298 NM_014909 22846 Hs.525479 NM_014909 HPRD:12353 VASH1 KIAA1036 vasohibin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4011 chr10 38777432 38777629 + 12.09833 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 60456 NR_024497 399744 Hs.497951 NM_001013665 LINC00999 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 999 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11663 chr15 60884693 60884823 + 12.09512 NA promoter-TSS (NM_134262) promoter-TSS (NM_134262) -51 NM_134262 6095 Hs.560343 NM_002943 HPRD:02896 RORA NR1F1|ROR1|ROR2|ROR3|RZR-ALPHA|RZRA RAR-related orphan receptor A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30428 chr6 123170126 123170202 + 12.08871 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 59970 NM_006714 10924 Hs.486357 NM_006714 HPRD:10244 SMPDL3A ASM3A|ASML3a|yR36GH4.1 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase, acid-like 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31825 chr7 57996859 57996938 + 12.08719 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 487015 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16429 chr19 33237214 33237405 + 12.07874 NA intron (NM_001110822, intron 4 of 12) intron (NM_001110822, intron 4 of 12) 26630 NM_001110822 91646 Hs.646351 NM_001015890 ENSG00000173809 TDRD12 ECAT8 tudor domain containing 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10870 chr14 90798311 90798454 + 12.07874 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017970) promoter-TSS (NM_017970) 99 NM_017970 55051 Hs.528131 NM_017970 HPRD:12625 NRDE2 C14orf102 NRDE-2, necessary for RNA interference, domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3766 chr10 17470914 17471039 + 12.07874 NA intron (NM_001004470, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001004470, intron 2 of 7) 25278 NM_001004470 338596 Hs.677766 NM_001004470 ST8SIA6 SIA8F|SIAT8F|ST8SIA-VI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22213 chr3 3174030 3174348 + 12.07817 NA intron (NM_182916, intron 2 of 7) L1HS|LINE|L1 5589 NM_182916 51095 Hs.732725 NM_016000 HPRD:18227 TRNT1 CCA1|MtCCA tRNA nucleotidyl transferase, CCA-adding, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27170 chr5 46378170 46378266 + 12.07790 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -681998 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20227 chr2 242249363 242249440 + 12.07787 NA intron (NM_005336, intron 1 of 27) HAL1|LINE|L1 -5201 NM_006155 4735 Hs.721234 NM_004404 HPRD:03297 SEPT2 DIFF6|NEDD-5|NEDD5|Pnutl3|hNedd5 septin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9206 chr13 21535477 21535552 + 12.07477 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11947 NR_104058 101930748 Hs.637638 NR_104058 LINC00367 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 367 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34543 chr8 124253576 124253686 + 12.07008 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032847) promoter-TSS (NM_032847) 7 NM_032847 84933 Hs.707401 NM_032847 HPRD:08605 C8orf76 - chromosome 8 open reading frame 76 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24718 chr4 14488337 14488422 + 12.06564 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 374787 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36646 chr9_gl000199_random 136552 136642 + 12.05908 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9893 chr13 101930601 101930818 + 12.05616 NA intron (NM_052867, intron 10 of 43) AluSg|SINE|Alu 138104 NM_052867 259232 Hs.525146 NM_052867 HPRD:15647 NALCN CanIon|INNFD|VGCNL1|bA430M15.1 sodium leak channel, non-selective protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17208 chr19_gl000208_random 46246 46335 + 12.05607 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22224 chr3 4344962 4345357 + 12.05550 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024022) promoter-TSS (NR_024022) -138 NR_024022 6419 Hs.475300 NM_006515 HPRD:10225 SETMAR HsMar1|METNASE|Mar1 SET domain and mariner transposase fusion gene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7479 chr12 10465400 10465480 + 12.05050 NA intron (NM_007334, intron 3 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu 5023 NM_002262 3824 Hs.562457 NM_002262 HPRD:04204 KLRD1 CD94 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily D, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13186 chr16 67281456 67281602 + 12.04771 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013241) promoter-TSS (NM_013241) -104 NM_013241 29109 Hs.95231 NM_013241 HPRD:06049 FHOD1 FHOS formin homology 2 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3335 chr1 235955826 235955905 + 12.04501 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 11 of 52) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 60495 NR_031718 100302139 NR_031718 miRBase:MI0007258 MIR1537 MIRN1537|hsa-mir-1537 microRNA 1537 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23022 chr3 66938867 66938965 + 12.04269 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu -109811 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7803 chr12 32064996 32065067 + 12.04269 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -47322 NM_018169 55196 Hs.445129 NM_018169 HPRD:07691 KIAA1551 C12orf35 KIAA1551 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18125 chr2 75071206 75071290 + 12.04269 NA intron (NM_000189, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_000189, intron 1 of 17) 11466 NM_000189 3099 Hs.406266 NM_000189 HPRD:03080 HK2 HKII|HXK2 hexokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27410 chr5 64331895 64332049 + 12.04103 NA Intergenic L1ME4a|LINE|L1 267227 NM_001297644 10283 Hs.371372 NM_005869 HPRD:11541 CWC27 NY-CO-10|SDCCAG10 CWC27 spliceosome-associated protein homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20688 chr20 35089477 35089864 + 12.03443 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001042486) promoter-TSS (NM_001042486) -148 NM_001042486 22839 Hs.249600 NM_014902 HPRD:16826 DLGAP4 DAP-4|DAP4|DLP4|SAPAP-4|SAPAP4 discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10503 chr14 57735451 57735700 + 12.03443 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018229) promoter-TSS (NM_018229) -31 NM_018229 55745 Hs.597349 NM_018229 HPRD:12630 AP5M1 C14orf108|MUDENG|Mu5|MuD adaptor-related protein complex 5, mu 1 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6185 chr11 54994285 54994371 + 12.03424 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -35330 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5934 chr11 36637312 36637394 + 12.03229 NA intron (NM_001276725, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -17524 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16316 chr19 24594282 24594355 + 12.03026 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -248069 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13498 chr16 88923403 88923535 + 12.02370 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000512) promoter-TSS (NM_000512) -37 NM_016209 51693 Hs.461722 NM_016209 HPRD:13711 TRAPPC2L HSPC176 trafficking protein particle complex 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29949 chr6 81203750 81203861 + 12.02370 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 387461 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20098 chr2 234701170 234701250 + 12.02068 NA intron (NM_001287395, intron 5 of 41) AluY|SINE|Alu 16885 NM_001287395 339766 Hs.361778 NM_001287395 ENSG00000185038 MROH2A HEATR7B1 maestro heat-like repeat family member 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7206 chr11 128605984 128606074 + 12.02068 NA intron (NM_001271010, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001271010, intron 1 of 9) -40111 NR_038908 100507392 Hs.657715 NR_038908 ENSG00000254703 SENCR FLI1-AS1|lncRNA9 smooth muscle and endothelial cell enriched migration/differentiation-associated long non-coding RNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34820 chr8 144937464 144937566 + 12.02019 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -14369 NM_178564 340371 Hs.521926 NM_178564 HPRD:14838 NRBP2 TRG16|pp9320 nuclear receptor binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4210 chr10 42805944 42806013 + 12.01922 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 57515 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25447 chr4 78354646 78354788 + 12.01092 NA Intergenic Intergenic -78190 NM_006419 10563 Hs.100431 NM_006419 HPRD:05513 CXCL13 ANGIE|ANGIE2|BCA-1|BCA1|BLC|BLR1L|SCYB13 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32303 chr7 92076586 92076720 + 12.00707 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021167) promoter-TSS (NM_021167) -109 NM_021167 57798 Hs.21145 NM_021167 GATAD1 CMD2B|ODAG|RG083M05.2 GATA zinc finger domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28581 chr5 153601319 153601412 + 11.99695 NA intron (NM_198321, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_198321, intron 1 of 11) 31070 NM_198321 55568 Hs.631797 NM_017540 HPRD:12157 GALNT10 GALNACT10|PPGALNACT10|PPGANTASE10 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32606 chr7 115783022 115783112 + 11.99695 NA Intergenic MLT1J|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -67480 NM_015641 26136 Hs.592286 NM_015641 HPRD:05833 TES TESS|TESS-2 testis derived transcript (3 LIM domains) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38800 chrX 139720500 139720603 + 11.99174 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -71373 NR_028344 286411 Hs.317627 NR_028344 ENSG00000203930 LINC00632 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 632 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17649 chr2 35407374 35407465 + 11.97939 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 1175294 NR_037631 100288911 Hs.432924 NR_037631 LOC100288911 - uncharacterized LOC100288911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16389 chr19 28672437 28672510 + 11.97939 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -387625 NR_027301 148189 Hs.706547 NR_027301 ENSG00000261824 LINC00662 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 662 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7579 chr12 18179228 18179307 + 11.97939 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 63860 NR_104413 79785 Hs.732831 NM_024730 HPRD:08659 RERGL - RERG/RAS-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26690 chr5 49793 49903 + 11.97939 NA Intergenic (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -90525 NM_052909 153478 Hs.535800 NM_052909 PLEKHG4B - pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31383 chr7 20310656 20310746 + 11.97939 NA Intergenic LTR41|LTR|ERVL -25630 NR_110117 101927769 Hs.256080 NR_110117 ENSG00000226097 LOC101927769 - uncharacterized LOC101927769 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33523 chr8 27224210 27224426 + 11.97269 NA intron (NM_173174, intron 6 of 35) intron (NM_173174, intron 6 of 35) 41237 NM_173175 2185 Hs.491322 NM_004103 HPRD:03131 PTK2B CADTK|CAKB|FADK2|FAK2|PKB|PTK|PYK2|RAFTK protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10561 chr14 61970117 61970227 + 11.97052 NA intron (NM_006255, intron 10 of 13) intron (NM_006255, intron 10 of 13) 66740 NR_110417 101927780 Hs.254789 NR_110416 ENSG00000250548 LOC101927780 - uncharacterized LOC101927780 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27073 chr5 42265593 42265684 + 11.96334 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -90191 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27600 chr5 75446067 75446251 + 11.96334 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) AluSc|SINE|Alu 66920 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27074 chr5 42265935 42266012 + 11.96334 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -90526 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33272 chr8 5049281 5049359 + 11.95576 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -196992 NM_033225 64478 Hs.571466 NM_033225 HPRD:10523 CSMD1 PPP1R24 CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21668 chr22 19938650 19938726 + 11.95379 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135162) promoter-TSS (NM_001135162) 228 NM_001135161 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20206 chr2 241374652 241374791 + 11.94818 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002081) promoter-TSS (NM_002081) -394 NM_002081 2817 Hs.328232 NM_002081 HPRD:02671 GPC1 glypican glypican 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27854 chr5 96860892 96860971 + 11.94787 NA intron (NR_105028, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 20531 NR_105028 102546227 Hs.582516 NR_105028 LINC01340 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1340 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16066 chr19 14946460 14946563 + 11.94787 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 6178 NM_001005190 390892 Hs.553776 NM_001005190 HPRD:17780 OR7A10 BC85395_3|OR19-18 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16827 chr19 47025760 47025829 + 11.94787 NA intron (NM_001205281, intron 3 of 3) FLAM_C|SINE|Alu -26625 NM_020709 57469 Hs.7193 NM_020709 ENSG00000204851 PNMAL2 - paraneoplastic Ma antigen family-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34404 chr8 109456209 109456325 + 11.94631 NA intron (NM_014673, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_014673, intron 1 of 10) 414 NM_014673 9694 Hs.654351 NM_014673 HPRD:09657 EMC2 KIAA0103|TTC35 ER membrane protein complex subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29715 chr6 53659717 53659827 + 11.94626 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018214) promoter-TSS (NM_018214) -6 NM_018214 55227 Hs.606493 NM_018214 ENSG00000137269 LRRC1 LANO|dJ523E19.1 leucine rich repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4313 chr10 51007349 51007444 + 11.94431 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -36971 NM_001143996 55753 Hs.17860 NM_018245 HPRD:07704 OGDHL - oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31002 chr6 162643928 162644018 + 11.93439 NA intron (NM_004562, intron 3 of 11) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -504191 NM_001080378 135138 Hs.25791 NM_152410 HPRD:07465 PACRG GLUP|HAK005771|PARK2CRG PARK2 co-regulated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7858 chr12 34850891 34850969 + 11.93251 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 675714 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6708 chr11 83026867 83026944 + 11.91737 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -29455 NM_021825 60492 Hs.368866 NM_021825 HPRD:14378 CCDC90B MDS011|MDS025 coiled-coil domain containing 90B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16033 chr19 14399802 14399908 + 11.91737 NA Intergenic Intergenic -82858 NM_014921 22859 Hs.94229 NM_014921 LPHN1 CIRL1|CL1|LEC2 latrophilin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7773 chr12 29543509 29543645 + 11.91737 NA intron (NR_073172, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_073172, intron 1 of 1) 1350 NR_073170 101055625 Hs.569158 NR_073170 ENSG00000257599 OVCH1-AS1 - OVCH1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38384 chrX 101914785 101914953 + 11.91666 NA TTS (NM_014710) TTS (NM_014710) 8540 NM_001184727 9737 Hs.729265 NM_014710 HPRD:02333 GPRASP1 GASP|GASP-1|GASP1 G protein-coupled receptor associated sorting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23025 chr3 66952992 66953087 + 11.91666 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -95688 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29475 chr6 34753843 34754019 + 11.91666 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -5863 NM_017754 54887 Hs.700656 NM_017754 HPRD:12838 UHRF1BP1 C6orf107|ICBP90|dJ349A12.1 UHRF1 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27179 chr5 46404935 46405024 + 11.91587 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -708759 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37860 chrX 61871599 61871809 + 11.90572 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 699514 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1278 chr1 91317132 91317243 + 11.90544 NA Intergenic CpG -134393 NM_020063 343472 Hs.451956 NM_020063 BARHL2 - BarH-like homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33817 chr8 49370050 49370127 + 11.90544 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -94039 NR_105002 101929268 Hs.683934 NR_105002 ENSG00000253608 LOC101929268 - uncharacterized LOC101929268 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28659 chr5 159933731 159933879 + 11.89455 NA Intergenic Intergenic 21446 NR_029701 406938 NR_029701 miRBase:MI0000477 MIR146A MIRN146|MIRN146A|miR-146a|miRNA146A microRNA 146a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5036 chr10 111670194 111670334 + 11.89112 NA intron (NR_030724, intron 1 of 18) AluSp|SINE|Alu 13047 NM_001167604 7511 Hs.390623 NM_020383 HPRD:03899 XPNPEP1 APP1|SAMP|XPNPEP|XPNPEPL|XPNPEPL1 X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 1, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13347 chr16 77756204 77756446 + 11.89112 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243661) promoter-TSS (NM_001243661) -64 NM_001243660 283927 Hs.282665 NM_001105663 ENSG00000140876 NUDT7 - nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3535 chr10 1348208 1348289 + 11.89112 NA intron (NM_018702, intron 3 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 142540 NR_015376 399706 Hs.721191 NM_001010910 HPRD:17990 LINC00200 C10orf139|NCRNA00200 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 200 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26925 chr5 31740513 31740599 + 11.88538 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -58475 NM_178140 23037 Hs.481819 NM_015022 HPRD:10142 PDZD2 AIPC|PAPIN|PDZK3|PIN1 PDZ domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8180 chr12 55329202 55329461 + 11.87691 NA Intergenic MSTB1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 38185 NM_014796 9840 Hs.33187 NM_014796 ENSG00000135426 TESPA1 KIAA0748 thymocyte expressed, positive selection associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34927 chr9 3732749 3732869 + 11.87227 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64723 NR_121586 101929302 Hs.122828 NR_121586 RFX3-AS1 - RFX3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36574 chr9_gl000199_random 33895 33995 + 11.87170 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30605 chr6 138836105 138836261 + 11.87167 NA intron (NM_020464, intron 1 of 6) MER44B|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -15604 NM_001144060 57224 Hs.652741 NM_020464 ENSG00000135540 NHSL1 C6orf63 NHS-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27433 chr5 65467316 65467474 + 11.86465 NA intron (NM_001077199, intron 9 of 11) intron (NM_001077199, intron 9 of 11) 26732 NM_139168 140890 Hs.49367 NM_139168 HPRD:18043 SREK1 SFRS12|SRrp508|SRrp86 splicing regulatory glutamine/lysine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20909 chr20 52122870 52122970 + 11.86465 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -46389 NR_110051 101927770 NR_110051 ENSG00000197670 LOC101927770 - uncharacterized LOC101927770 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7631 chr12 22199112 22199255 + 11.86270 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018686) promoter-TSS (NM_018686) 73 NM_018686 55907 Hs.311346 NM_018686 HPRD:04501 CMAS CSS cytidine monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32857 chr7 140694998 140695163 + 11.85408 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 19399 NM_016071 51650 Hs.416207 NM_016071 HPRD:17598 MRPS33 MRP-S33|PTD003|S33mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5258 chr10 129467185 129467389 + 11.85408 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -68251 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29115 chr6 18122913 18123023 + 11.85408 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198586) promoter-TSS (NM_198586) -117 NM_198586 378884 Hs.348351 NM_198586 HPRD:06995 NHLRC1 EPM2A|EPM2B|MALIN|bA204B7.2 NHL repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3873 chr10 28031162 28031246 + 11.85408 NA intron (NM_173576, intron 2 of 6) CpG-2675 -2340 NR_121652 101929202 Hs.568843 NR_121652 MKX-AS1 - MKX antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10585 chr14 64117163 64117311 + 11.84808 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8596 NM_080666 112840 Hs.655666 NM_080666 WDR89 C14orf150 WD repeat domain 89 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18305 chr2 89859582 89859652 + 11.84610 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 747733 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20276 chr20 524678 524851 + 11.83850 NA promoter-TSS (NM_177560) promoter-TSS (NM_177560) -282 NM_001895 1457 Hs.644056 NM_001895 CSNK2A1 CK2A1|CKII|CSNK2A3 casein kinase 2, alpha 1 polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9352 chr13 34253493 34253634 + 11.82344 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2591 NM_001243476 90627 Hs.156551 NM_052851 HPRD:11607 STARD13 ARHGAP37|DLC2|GT650|LINC00464 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37979 chrX 67798080 67798183 + 11.82001 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -69380 NM_001142503 9754 Hs.95140 NM_014725 HPRD:06730 STARD8 ARHGAP38|DLC3|STARTGAP3 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37787 chrX 61684404 61684481 + 11.81995 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 886776 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4152 chr10 42418293 42418367 + 11.80628 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 445163 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31828 chr7 58007472 58007564 + 11.80608 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 497635 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21143 chr21 10811878 10811976 + 11.80459 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 179016 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28131 chr5 125786210 125786292 + 11.80311 NA intron (NM_001146320, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001146320, intron 1 of 12) -14536 NM_001146322 65983 Hs.363558 NM_023927 HPRD:11402 GRAMD3 NS3TP2 GRAM domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18011 chr2 68841410 68841487 + 11.79186 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -31506 NM_138964 10887 Hs.683430 NM_138964 HPRD:08452 PROKR1 GPR73|GPR73a|PKR1|ZAQ prokineticin receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21373 chr21 35395328 35395451 + 11.79129 NA Intergenic Intergenic -50434 NM_006933 6526 Hs.302742 NM_006933 HPRD:02708 SLC5A3 BCW2|SMIT|SMIT1|SMIT2 solute carrier family 5 (sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_677 chr1 36632190 36632269 + 11.78573 NA intron (NM_001286365, intron 1 of 15) AluSc8|SINE|Alu -10575 NM_001270895 27095 Hs.523131 NM_014408 HPRD:11644 TRAPPC3 BET3 trafficking protein particle complex 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27237 chr5 49736587 49736729 + 11.78307 NA intron (NM_198449, intron 1 of 8) CpG 576 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20553 chr20 26316709 26316800 + 11.78300 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -126885 NR_040095 284801 Hs.370699 NR_040095 ENSG00000227195 MIR663AHG - MIR663A host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37243 chrX 8744999 8745073 + 11.77735 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 24342 NM_001171186 171482 Hs.382062 NM_174951 HPRD:06506 FAM9A TEX39A family with sequence similarity 9, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6117 chr11 50731926 50731993 + 11.76660 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 363641 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39085 chrY 13109283 13109357 + 11.76414 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1424069 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8934 chr12 119545687 119545774 + 11.76098 NA intron (NM_194286, intron 2 of 12) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -70865 NM_014365 26353 Hs.400095 NM_014365 HPRD:06420 HSPB8 CMT2L|DHMN2|E2IG1|H11|HMN2|HMN2A|HSP22 heat shock 22kDa protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35078 chr9 20658164 20658415 + 11.75965 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017794) promoter-TSS (NM_017794) -19 NM_017794 54914 Hs.136247 NM_017794 HPRD:11162 FOCAD KIAA1797 focadhesin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39068 chrY 10031938 10032027 + 11.75965 NA Intergenic Intergenic 283575 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18057 chr2 71357305 71357498 + 11.75075 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032601) promoter-TSS (NM_032601) -7 NM_032601 84693 Hs.94949 NM_032601 HPRD:12229 MCEE GLOD2 methylmalonyl CoA epimerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22575 chr3 33089409 33089594 + 11.75075 NA intron (NM_001079811, intron 9 of 15) intron (NM_001079811, intron 9 of 15) 48792 NM_001136238 643853 Hs.443031 NM_001039770 ENSG00000170266 TMPPE - transmembrane protein with metallophosphoesterase domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29173 chr6 24812097 24812181 + 11.74756 NA intron (NM_001286445, intron 20 of 21) L1HS|LINE|L1 -13015 NM_001282492 101928603 Hs.635133 NM_001282492 C6orf229 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1641 chr1 120753123 120753266 + 11.74561 NA Intergenic HAL1b|LINE|L1 -85811 NM_001100910 653820 Hs.339665 NM_001100910 ENSG00000188610 FAM72B p17 family with sequence similarity 72, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32713 chr7 128379866 128380032 + 11.73510 NA intron (NR_074086, intron 1 of 4) intron (NR_074086, intron 1 of 4) 603 NM_001199671 813 Hs.7753 NM_001219 CALU - calumenin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39334 chrY 23107868 23107942 + 11.73495 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 189951 NM_001039567 140032 Hs.367761 NM_001039567 HPRD:15960 RPS4Y2 RPS4Y2P ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15921 chr19 10374699 10374775 + 11.73391 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -6780 NM_000201 3383 Hs.643447 NM_000201 HPRD:00996 ICAM1 BB2|CD54|P3.58 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_629 chr1 36464679 36464775 + 11.73391 NA intron (NM_024852, intron 5 of 18) AluSx|SINE|Alu 68044 NM_177422 192669 Hs.657659 NM_024852 HPRD:09558 AGO3 EIF2C3 argonaute RISC catalytic component 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5473 chr11 2348887 2348987 + 11.73049 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 25694 NM_139022 10077 Hs.271954 NM_005705 HPRD:04834 TSPAN32 ART1|PHEMX|PHMX|TSSC6 tetraspanin 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25228 chr4 58435100 58435179 + 11.72662 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -458588 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38801 chrX 139805671 139805847 + 11.71298 NA intron (NR_104228, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_104228, intron 2 of 3) 13835 NR_104228 286411 Hs.317627 NR_028344 ENSG00000203930 LINC00632 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 632 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18887 chr2 131002384 131002712 + 11.71298 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -46514 NM_207312 112714 Hs.433336 NM_207312 HPRD:17288 TUBA3E - tubulin, alpha 3e protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18887-2 chr2 131002384 131002712 + 11.71298 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -46514 NM_207312 112714 Hs.433336 NM_207312 HPRD:17288 TUBA3E - tubulin, alpha 3e protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38423 chrX 103606640 103606740 + 11.70796 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -107091 NM_153448 80712 Hs.223782 NM_153448 HPRD:06503 ESX1 ESX1L|ESXR1 ESX homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9655 chr13 66164063 66164147 + 11.70678 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -1235196 NR_046527 100874064 Hs.569284 NR_046527 ENSG00000228842 PCDH9-AS2 - PCDH9 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37233 chrX 8678124 8678266 + 11.70265 NA intron (NM_000216, intron 1 of 13) AluY|SINE|Alu 22032 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37380 chrX 23443388 23443488 + 11.70265 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 90453 NM_173495 139411 Hs.319503 NM_173495 PTCHD1 - patched domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8460 chr12 75740178 75740294 + 11.70003 NA intron (NM_152779, intron 2 of 4) AluSg|SINE|Alu 11773 NM_152779 256710 Hs.567788 NM_152779 HPRD:14514 GLIPR1L1 ALKN2972|PRO7434 GLI pathogenesis-related 1 like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19269 chr2 163010284 163010380 + 11.70003 NA intron (NR_110255, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_110255, intron 1 of 3) -1418 NM_002054 2641 Hs.516494 NM_002054 HPRD:00676 GCG GLP1|GLP2|GRPP glucagon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24113 chr3 171698386 171698514 + 11.70003 NA Intergenic Intergenic -58968 NM_022763 64778 Hs.744888 NM_022763 HPRD:10943 FNDC3B FAD104|PRO4979|YVTM2421 fibronectin type III domain containing 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9527 chr13 48877744 48877953 + 11.69319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000321) promoter-TSS (NM_000321) -35 NM_000321 5925 Hs.408528 NM_000321 HPRD:01574 RB1 OSRC|PPP1R130|RB|p105-Rb|pRb|pp110 retinoblastoma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6143 chr11 51567272 51567374 + 11.69233 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 52041 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17395 chr2 11093790 11094239 + 11.69078 NA Intergenic HAL1-2a_MD|LINE|L1 41951 NM_002236 3754 Hs.23735 NM_002236 HPRD:04808 KCNF1 IK8|KCNF|KV5.1|kH1 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily F, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24574 chr4 6513426 6513678 + 11.68201 NA intron (NM_001206995, intron 2 of 9) (TGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -39226 NM_020416 5522 Hs.479069 NM_020416 HPRD:09345 PPP2R2C B55-GAMMA|IMYPNO|IMYPNO1|PR52|PR55G protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2664 chr1 187042070 187042254 + 11.67887 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 244130 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13906 chr17 17726915 17727192 + 11.67874 NA intron (NM_001005291, intron 1 of 19) CpG -9808 NR_030361 693120 NR_030361 MIR33B MIRN33B|hsa-mir-33b microRNA 33b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17245 chr2 176558 176669 + 11.66951 NA Intergenic Intergenic 79727 NM_001282687 26751 Hs.515951 NM_015677 HPRD:15336 SH3YL1 RAY SH3 and SYLF domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1892 chr1 146705510 146705587 + 11.66951 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -8318 NM_001461 2330 Hs.642706 NM_001461 HPRD:04904 FMO5 - flavin containing monooxygenase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7659 chr12 22549257 22549607 + 11.65627 NA Intergenic Intergenic -61784 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28962 chr6 4776434 4776517 + 11.65152 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004824) promoter-TSS (NM_004824) -205 NM_004824 9425 Hs.269092 NM_004824 HPRD:04803 CDYL CDYL1 chromodomain protein, Y-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24795 chr4 25333237 25333331 + 11.65126 NA intron (NM_024936, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_024936, intron 3 of 12) 18888 NM_024936 29063 Hs.278945 NM_024936 ENSG00000168228 ZCCHC4 HSPC052|ZGRF4 zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25882 chr4 119771714 119771878 + 11.65126 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286754) promoter-TSS (NM_001286754) -47 NM_001286754 171024 Hs.655519 NM_133477 HPRD:15456 SYNPO2 - synaptopodin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6562 chr11 71035704 71035782 + 11.65126 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu 98657 NR_038862 399923 Hs.128191 NM_001001680 HPRD:13457 FLJ42102 - uncharacterized LOC399923 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3809 chr10 22859734 22859974 + 11.64660 NA intron (NM_005028, intron 5 of 9) Charlie1a|DNA|hAT-Charlie -132996 NR_036533 100499489 Hs.7444 NR_036533 LOC100499489 - uncharacterized LOC100499489 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30601 chr6 138428555 138428715 + 11.64660 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022121) promoter-TSS (NM_022121) 25 NM_022121 64065 Hs.201446 NM_022121 HPRD:17836 PERP KCP1|KRTCAP1|PIGPC1|THW|dJ496H19.1 PERP, TP53 apoptosis effector protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15293 chr18 41856662 41856794 + 11.63922 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 254934 NR_110792 101927921 Hs.464986 NR_110792 ENSG00000267337 LINC01478 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1478 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27636 chr5 76338388 76338504 + 11.63087 NA intron (NM_018046, intron 5 of 13) SVA_F|Other|Other 12236 NM_018046 55109 Hs.634849 NM_018046 HPRD:07621 AGGF1 GPATC7|GPATCH7|HSU84971|HUS84971|VG5Q angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29437 chr6 33257285 33257392 + 11.63087 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164267).3 promoter-TSS (NM_001164267).3 -34 NM_005452 9277 Hs.520063 NM_005452 HPRD:12839 WDR46 BING4|C6orf11|FP221|UTP7 WD repeat domain 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17991 chr2 66437447 66437533 + 11.63084 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 147970 NR_039938 100616464 NR_039938 miRBase:MI0017422 MIR4778 - microRNA 4778 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8974 chr12 121647832 121648115 + 11.63084 NA exon (NM_001256796, exon 1 of 13) exon (NM_001256796, exon 1 of 13) 309 NM_002560 5025 Hs.321709 NM_002560 HPRD:09017 P2RX4 P2X4|P2X4R purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4345 chr10 52312674 52312916 + 11.63084 NA intron (NM_147156, intron 2 of 10) MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 70942 NM_147156 259230 Hs.654698 NM_147156 HPRD:18203 SGMS1 MOB|MOB1|SMS1|TMEM23|hmob33 sphingomyelin synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7536 chr12 13153161 13153432 + 11.63084 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015987) promoter-TSS (NM_015987) -53 NM_015987 50865 Hs.642618 NM_015987 HPRD:16162 HEBP1 HBP|HEBP heme binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21121 chr21 10776057 10776135 + 11.63050 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 214847 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31856 chr7 61247309 61247377 + 11.62792 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1517091 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26228 chr4 151936209 151936528 + 11.62792 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199282) promoter-TSS (NM_001199282) 51 NM_001199282 987 Hs.480938 NM_006726 HPRD:07344 LRBA BGL|CDC4L|CVID8|LAB300|LBA LPS-responsive vesicle trafficking, beach and anchor containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26639 chr4 190934228 190934398 + 11.62427 NA Intergenic L1M1|LINE|L1 14099 NM_001005217 448831 Hs.626907 NM_001005217 HPRD:16418 FRG2 FRG2A FSHD region gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34261 chr8 95132316 95132508 + 11.60900 NA Intergenic MER52A|LTR|ERV1 88403 NM_004063 1015 Hs.591853 NM_004063 HPRD:04312 CDH17 CDH16|HPT-1|HPT1 cadherin 17, LI cadherin (liver-intestine) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19153 chr2 154487838 154487909 + 11.60900 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -152551 NM_019845 56475 Hs.100890 NM_019845 HPRD:18002 RPRM REPRIMO reprimo, TP53 dependent G2 arrest mediator candidate protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5061 chr10 112327362 112327512 + 11.60754 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005445) promoter-TSS (NM_005445) -12 NM_005445 9126 Hs.24485 NM_005445 HPRD:05829 SMC3 BAM|BMH|CDLS3|CSPG6|HCAP|SMC3L1 structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37925 chrX 64815399 64815700 + 11.60754 NA Intergenic Intergenic -43248 NR_033742 83957 Hs.652967 NR_033742 HPRD:06511 FRMD8P1 - FERM domain containing 8 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36486 chr9 139305015 139305133 + 11.59587 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001039707) promoter-TSS (NM_001039707) -20 NM_001039708 10807 Hs.94300 NM_006643 HPRD:15307 SDCCAG3 NY-CO-3 serologically defined colon cancer antigen 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30999 chr6 162629903 162629981 + 11.59587 NA intron (NM_004562, intron 3 of 11) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -518222 NM_001080378 135138 Hs.25791 NM_152410 HPRD:07465 PACRG GLUP|HAK005771|PARK2CRG PARK2 co-regulated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30792 chr6 151735002 151735153 + 11.59587 NA intron (NM_001271937, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_001271937, intron 9 of 10) -22400 NM_020861 57621 Hs.520073 NM_020861 HPRD:10314 ZBTB2 ZNF437 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39158 chrY 13484067 13484202 + 11.59323 NA Intergenic BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite 1049255 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1758 chr1 143279405 143279490 + 11.58841 NA Intergenic ACRO1|Satellite|acro -77208 NR_110761 102723769 Hs.652926 NR_110761 LOC102723769 - uncharacterized LOC102723769 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35456 chr9 66825212 66825338 + 11.58117 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -97692 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4558 chr10 73448459 73448916 + 11.57990 NA intron (NM_001171930, intron 18 of 30) (TGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 30891 NM_001164375 414152 Hs.568788 NM_001164375 ENSG00000214688 C10orf105 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 105 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19320 chr2 169347109 169347211 + 11.57926 NA intron (NM_203463, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_203463, intron 1 of 9) 34401 NM_001256126 253782 Hs.506829 NM_203463 HPRD:17258 CERS6 CERS5|LASS6 ceramide synthase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8282 chr12 61203401 61203493 + 11.57926 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 1120329 NR_073056 9194 Hs.88156 NM_004731 HPRD:06791 SLC16A7 MCT2 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21317 chr21 30672568 30672714 + 11.57787 NA intron (NM_206866, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_206866, intron 1 of 4) 904 NM_206866 571 Hs.154276 NM_001186 HPRD:04127 BACH1 BACH-1|BTBD24 BTB and CNC homology 1, basic leucine zipper transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1136 chr1 76619962 76620071 + 11.56853 NA intron (NM_152996, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_152996, intron 1 of 4) 79627 NM_001160011 256435 Hs.337040 NM_152996 ST6GALNAC3 PRO7177|SIAT7C|ST6GALNACIII|STY ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38497 chrX 112084723 112084905 + 11.56853 NA promoter-TSS (NM_133265) promoter-TSS (NM_133265) -771 NM_133265 154796 Hs.528051 NM_133265 HPRD:02327 AMOT - angiomotin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6824 chr11 93970989 93971239 + 11.56030 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -67689 NM_001199206 390243 Hs.553758 NM_001080486 ENSG00000183560 FOLR4 Folbp3|JUNO folate receptor 4, delta (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2062 chr1 150293846 150294036 + 11.56030 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004698) promoter-TSS (NM_004698) 13 NM_004698 9129 Hs.11776 NM_004698 HPRD:07389 PRPF3 HPRP3|HPRP3P|PRP3|Prp3p|RP18|SNRNP90 pre-mRNA processing factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14126 chr17 30393979 30394110 + 11.56030 NA Intergenic Intergenic 26689 NR_033412 6458 Hs.672460 NR_033412 SH3GL1P1 CNSA-P1|SH3GLP1 SH3-domain GRB2-like 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10751 chr14 75642760 75642930 + 11.55827 NA intron (NM_006827, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_006827, intron 1 of 4) 504 NM_006827 10972 Hs.74137 NM_006827 HPRD:12013 TMED10 P24(DELTA)|S31I125|S31III125|TMP21|Tmp-21-I|p23 transmembrane emp24-like trafficking protein 10 (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21403 chr21 37757571 37757713 + 11.55827 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005441) promoter-TSS (NM_005441) -47 NM_005441 8208 Hs.75238 NM_005441 CHAF1B CAF-1|CAF-IP60|CAF1|CAF1A|CAF1P60|MPHOSPH7|MPP7 chromatin assembly factor 1, subunit B (p60) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21252 chr21 19166309 19166401 + 11.55827 NA intron (NM_001100421, intron 3 of 3) MIR|SINE|MIR -1529 NR_038871 246312 Hs.473425 NR_038870 ENSG00000240770 C21orf91-OT1 D21S2089E|NCRNA00285 C21orf91 overlapping transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6088 chr11 48960740 48960811 + 11.55552 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -92377 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6126 chr11 50763688 50763764 + 11.55099 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 395408 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24329 chr3 191870702 191870783 + 11.54929 NA intron (NM_021032, intron 4 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -85677 NR_046596 100873986 Hs.581652 NR_046596 FGF12-AS1 - FGF12 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_268 chr1 16533104 16533272 + 11.54831 NA intron (NM_153213, intron 6 of 15) CpG 5916 NM_153213 128272 Hs.591532 NM_153213 HPRD:10659 ARHGEF19 WGEF Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27204 chr5 49437848 49437930 + 11.54585 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 299345 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3022 chr1 220037414 220037509 + 11.53682 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -9158 NR_002753 26828 NR_002753 ENSG00000199377 RNU5F-1 RNU5F|U5F RNA, U5F small nuclear 1 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_674 chr1 36611754 36611986 + 11.53348 NA intron (NM_001270895, intron 1 of 4) AluSc|SINE|Alu 3245 NR_073098 27095 Hs.523131 NM_014408 HPRD:11644 TRAPPC3 BET3 trafficking protein particle complex 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29663 chr6 49358625 49358716 + 11.52951 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 72371 NM_000255 4594 Hs.485527 NM_000255 HPRD:02014 MUT MCM methylmalonyl CoA mutase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30910 chr6 159303574 159303769 + 11.52782 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -5948 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23582 chr3 124770870 124771128 + 11.52782 NA intron (NM_020733, intron 1 of 16) intron (NM_020733, intron 1 of 16) 3803 NM_020733 57493 Hs.477420 NM_020733 ENSG00000173706 HEG1 HEG|MST112|MSTP112 heart development protein with EGF-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2007 chr1 149034326 149034564 + 11.51875 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 75280 NR_104217 101929780 Hs.534675 NR_104217 NBPF25P WI2-925H4.1 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 25, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31878 chr7 61515242 61515314 + 11.50727 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1249156 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11937 chr15 82810360 82810478 + 11.50053 NA intron (NR_111962, intron 7 of 10) intron (NR_111962, intron 7 of 10) 5650 NM_001291420 440295 Hs.498322 NM_198181 HPRD:11262 GOLGA6L9 GOLGA6L20 golgin A6 family-like 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39367 chrY 28784749 28784885 + 11.49984 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 910180 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13798 chr17 7303922 7303990 + 11.49210 NA intron (NR_037719, intron 2 of 9) AluY|SINE|Alu 3494 NR_037719 100529211 Hs.534591 NR_037719 TMEM256-PLSCR3 C17orf61-PLSCR3 TMEM256-PLSCR3 readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23027 chr3 66968245 66968351 + 11.49186 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -80429 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17512 chr2 25626386 25626490 + 11.48981 NA intron (NM_183361, intron 14 of 17) intron (NM_183361, intron 14 of 17) -60979 NM_175630 1788 Hs.515840 NM_022552 HPRD:04141 DNMT3A DNMT3A2|M.HsaIIIA|TBRS DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 3 alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13578 chr17 549861 550046 + 11.48981 NA intron (NM_018289, intron 6 of 17) intron (NM_018289, intron 6 of 17) 68143 NM_001128159 55275 Hs.461819 NM_018289 HPRD:07720 VPS53 HCCS1|PCH2E|hVps53L|pp13624 vacuolar protein sorting 53 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33499 chr8 25056522 25056712 + 11.48663 NA intron (NM_024940, intron 1 of 51) intron (NM_024940, intron 1 of 51) 14330 NM_024940 80005 Hs.195403 NM_024940 HPRD:09925 DOCK5 - dedicator of cytokinesis 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34973 chr9 6439436 6439613 + 11.48663 NA intron (NR_046386, intron 3 of 16) intron (NR_046386, intron 3 of 16) 26373 NM_152896 115426 Hs.493401 NM_152896 HPRD:18257 UHRF2 NIRF|RNF107|URF2 ubiquitin-like with PHD and ring finger domains 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22467 chr3 24324714 24324793 + 11.48663 NA intron (NM_000461, intron 2 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 131938 NR_121667 101927854 Hs.570625 NR_121667 LOC101927854 - uncharacterized LOC101927854 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36031 chr9 106252442 106252529 + 11.48663 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -165170 NR_121578 101928496 Hs.410860 NR_121578 ENSG00000225564 LINC01492 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1492 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34796 chr8 144363773 144363957 + 11.47893 NA promoter-TSS (NR_120682) promoter-TSS (NR_120682) 5 NR_120682 100507316 Hs.446671 NR_120682 LOC100507316 - uncharacterized LOC100507316 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23334 chr3 101776716 101776921 + 11.47893 NA Intergenic Intergenic 117115 NR_026934 152225 Hs.376768 NR_026934 ENSG00000214407 LOC152225 - uncharacterized LOC152225 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34286 chr8 97275494 97275583 + 11.47259 NA intron (NM_001290225, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_001290225, intron 1 of 10) 1424 NM_001290225 9791 Hs.292579 NM_014754 PTDSS1 LMHD|PSS1|PSSA phosphatidylserine synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22325 chr3 12883011 12883116 + 11.47050 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000994) promoter-TSS (NM_000994) 18 NM_000994 6161 Hs.265174 NM_000994 HPRD:17995 RPL32 L32 ribosomal protein L32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21246 chr21 18985189 18985372 + 11.46754 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006806) promoter-TSS (NM_006806) -12 NM_001130914 10950 Hs.473420 NM_006806 HPRD:10415 BTG3 ANA|TOB5|TOB55|TOFA BTG family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30725 chr6 148661345 148661563 + 11.46658 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -2275 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30765 chr6 150039151 150039354 + 11.46634 NA 5' UTR (NM_004690, exon 1 of 8) 5' UTR (NM_004690, exon 1 of 8) 140 NM_004690 9113 Hs.549084 NM_004690 HPRD:09147 LATS1 WARTS|wts large tumor suppressor kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1346 chr1 96744451 96744521 + 11.46011 NA intron (NR_110693, intron 5 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 95195 NR_110693 101928241 Hs.514137 NR_110693 ENSG00000231987 LOC101928241 - uncharacterized LOC101928241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3668 chr10 12408043 12408216 + 11.45919 NA intron (NM_020397, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_020397, intron 1 of 9) 16546 NM_153498 57118 Hs.659517 NM_020397 HPRD:06409 CAMK1D CKLiK|CaM-K1|CaMKID calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ID protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4702 chr10 86532870 86532940 + 11.45919 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 347967 NM_001284242 54462 Hs.461988 NM_018999 HPRD:13832 CCSER2 FAM190B|Gcap14|KIAA1128|bA486O22.1 coiled-coil serine-rich protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33129 chr7 156955853 156956039 + 11.45373 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 1 of 22) AluY|SINE|Alu 24291 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30798 chr6 152506594 152506735 + 11.45129 NA intron (NM_182961, intron 128 of 145) intron (NM_182961, intron 128 of 145) -195001 NR_120501 100505475 Hs.571203 NR_120501 SYNE1-AS1 - SYNE1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30934 chr6 159372461 159372537 + 11.44890 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 48699 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7652 chr12 22523562 22523638 + 11.44890 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -35952 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28468 chr5 145993623 145993741 + 11.44562 NA intron (NR_073526, intron 6 of 8) L1HS|LINE|L1 -98006 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34885 chr8 146277690 146277889 + 11.44337 NA promoter-TSS (NM_023080) promoter-TSS (NM_023080) -35 NM_023080 65265 Hs.169615 NM_023080 HPRD:07951 C8orf33 - chromosome 8 open reading frame 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23274 chr3 97690806 97690937 + 11.44337 NA 5' UTR (NM_001042533, exon 1 of 10) 5' UTR (NM_001042533, exon 1 of 10) 424 NM_001261829 84864 Hs.570562 NM_032778 HPRD:17575 MINA MDIG|MINA53|NO52|ROX MYC induced nuclear antigen protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26026 chr4 129775653 129775965 + 11.44337 NA intron (NM_199320, intron 6 of 10) intron (NM_199320, intron 6 of 10) 42810 NM_001287443 79960 Hs.12420 NM_024900 HPRD:10151 JADE1 PHF17 jade family PHD finger 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5667 chr11 13883462 13883791 + 11.43430 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -100558 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5667-2 chr11 13883462 13883791 + 11.43430 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -100558 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29957 chr6 81539735 81539809 + 11.43212 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 723428 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24475 chr4 1350813 1351017 + 11.43212 NA intron (NM_020894, intron 7 of 13) intron (NM_020894, intron 7 of 13) 9811 NM_020894 57654 Hs.380475 NM_020894 HPRD:17216 UVSSA KIAA1530|UVSS3 UV-stimulated scaffold protein A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15273 chr18 35404278 35404383 + 11.43075 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 167232 NR_036202 100422857 NR_036202 miRBase:MI0015847 MIR4318 - microRNA 4318 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36044 chr9 107890171 107890435 + 11.42890 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -116591 NM_080546 23446 Hs.573495 NM_022109 HPRD:16197 SLC44A1 CD92|CDW92|CHTL1|CTL1 solute carrier family 44 (choline transporter), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17538 chr2 27255724 27255826 + 11.42890 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001083590) promoter-TSS (NM_001083590) 1 NM_017727 54867 Hs.533934 NM_017727 HPRD:07887 TMEM214 - transmembrane protein 214 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39027 chrY 7440149 7440242 + 11.42118 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 129093 NR_001552 252948 Hs.522848 NR_001552 ENSG00000225520 TTTY16 NCRNA00139 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 16 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27603 chr5 75467552 75468392 + 11.41852 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) SVA_F|Other|Other 88733 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27603-3 chr5 75467552 75468392 + 11.41852 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) SVA_F|Other|Other 88733 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27603-2 chr5 75467552 75468392 + 11.41852 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) SVA_F|Other|Other 88733 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27872 chr5 99165117 99165192 + 11.40503 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 295460 NR_110562 102724855 Hs.519477 NR_110562 CTD-2151A2.1 - uncharacterized LOC102724855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_978 chr1 58839030 58839104 + 11.40503 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -122856 NM_021080 1600 Hs.477370 NM_021080 HPRD:04582 DAB1 - Dab, reelin signal transducer, homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22688 chr3 43221713 43221809 + 11.40167 NA Intergenic Intergenic -74186 NM_032806 84892 Hs.745002 NM_032806 HPRD:07863 POMGNT2 AGO61|C3orf39|GTDC2|MDDGA8 protein O-linked mannose N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 (beta 1,4-) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37454 chrX 34270133 34270213 + 11.40167 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -119726 NM_203408 158724 Hs.143268 NM_203408 HPRD:10947 FAM47A - family with sequence similarity 47, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14090 chr17 27916624 27916750 + 11.39719 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014030) promoter-TSS (NM_014030) -77 NM_014030 28964 Hs.514051 NM_014030 HPRD:06577 GIT1 - G protein-coupled receptor kinase interacting ArfGAP 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7897 chr12 38098929 38099013 + 11.39707 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -611586 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25266 chr4 60167278 60167382 + 11.39475 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -2190779 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5243 chr10 128033596 128033694 + 11.39265 NA intron (NM_001288975, intron 1 of 18) L1PA5|LINE|L1 43482 NM_001288975 8038 Hs.594351 NM_003474 HPRD:04092 ADAM12 ADAM12-OT1|CAR10|MCMP|MCMPMltna|MLTN|MLTNA ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18960 chr2 132996824 132996890 + 11.37974 NA intron (NR_027020, intron 1 of 4) ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 17796 NR_031608 100313824 NR_031608 miRBase:MI0006336 MIR663B MIRN663B microRNA 663b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17819 chr2 47748391 47748611 + 11.37909 NA exon (NM_022055, exon 2 of 2) exon (NM_022055, exon 2 of 2) -6175 NR_120602 644093 Hs.734158 NR_120602 HCG2040054 - uncharacterized LOC644093 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21715 chr22 20861787 20861899 + 11.37860 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001003891) promoter-TSS (NM_001003891) 14 NM_001293236 51586 Hs.517421 NM_015889 HPRD:12117 MED15 ARC105|CAG7A|CTG7A|PCQAP|TIG-1|TIG1|TNRC7 mediator complex subunit 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32258 chr7 87230178 87230272 + 11.37860 NA 5' UTR (NM_000927, exon 2 of 29) 5' UTR (NM_000927, exon 2 of 29) -27504 NM_001134405 154661 Hs.411488 NM_138290 HPRD:15274 RUNDC3B RPIB9|RPIP9 RUN domain containing 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25223 chr4 58029810 58029979 + 11.37860 NA intron (NR_034081, intron 1 of 4) CpG -53343 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36592 chr9_gl000199_random 58448 58529 + 11.37750 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22308 chr3 11348454 11348658 + 11.37237 NA intron (NM_001144912, intron 4 of 16) intron (NM_001144912, intron 4 of 16) 34546 NM_001144912 10533 Hs.38032 NM_006395 HPRD:12293 ATG7 APG7-LIKE|APG7L|GSA7 autophagy related 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8423 chr12 71261186 71261267 + 11.37237 NA intron (NM_002849, intron 2 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 53358 NM_002849 5801 Hs.506076 NM_002849 HPRD:04169 PTPRR EC-PTP|PCPTP1|PTP-SL|PTPBR7|PTPRQ protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, R protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23016 chr3 66899242 66899347 + 11.36415 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -149433 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36096 chr9 113018686 113019072 + 11.35835 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003329) promoter-TSS (NM_003329) 41 NM_003329 7295 Hs.435136 NM_003329 HPRD:01761 TXN TRDX|TRX|TRX1 thioredoxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29838 chr6 71377438 71377572 + 11.35108 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001281439) promoter-TSS (NM_001281439) 31 NM_001281439 60682 Hs.485717 NM_021940 HPRD:18072 SMAP1 SMAP-1 small ArfGAP 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21665 chr22 19927490 19927573 + 11.35108 NA intron (NM_001282512, intron 1 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu -1732 NM_000754 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3131 chr1 224685949 224686094 + 11.34321 NA Intergenic Intergenic -64020 NM_001115113 80232 Hs.497873 NM_025160 HPRD:18298 WDR26 CDW2|GID7|MIP2 WD repeat domain 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8603 chr12 92172907 92172987 + 11.34321 NA Intergenic Intergenic 362542 NR_046159 256021 Hs.651357 NM_001256373 ENSG00000257242 C12orf79 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 79 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23748 chr3 136887324 136887439 + 11.34321 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 210674 NM_144717 53833 Hs.61232 NM_144717 HPRD:14594 IL20RB DIRS1|FNDC6|IL-20R2 interleukin 20 receptor beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33479 chr8 22876820 22876986 + 11.34121 NA TTS (NM_147187) TTS (NM_147187) 19811 NM_015178 23221 Hs.372688 NM_015178 HPRD:06300 RHOBTB2 DBC2 Rho-related BTB domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27610 chr5 75527698 75527782 + 11.34008 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 148501 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18078 chr2 73298788 73298980 + 11.33949 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144579) promoter-TSS (NM_144579) 81 NM_144579 94097 Hs.368171 NM_144579 HPRD:18047 SFXN5 BBG-TCC sideroflexin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12324 chr16 3421969 3422037 + 11.33741 NA 5' UTR (NM_001190476, exon 1 of 1) 5' UTR (NM_001190476, exon 1 of 1) 280 NM_001190476 100463285 Hs.639648 NM_001190476 ENSG00000232196 MTRNR2L4 HN4 MT-RNR2-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34921 chr9 3467730 3467818 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001282116, intron 1 of 16) intron (NM_001282116, intron 1 of 16) 21713 NM_001282117 5991 Hs.136829 NM_002919 HPRD:03215 RFX3 - regulatory factor X, 3 (influences HLA class II expression) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14035 chr17 25387202 25387400 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 233721 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22083 chr22 43383529 43383602 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001184970, intron 1 of 10) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 27619 NM_001184970 11252 Hs.162877 NM_007229 HPRD:05390 PACSIN2 SDPII protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6561 chr11 71023986 71024059 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -88180 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5848 chr11 28646112 28646180 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -147051 NR_107035 102466876 NR_107035 MIR8068 hsa-mir-8068 microRNA 8068 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7142 chr11 123767023 123767104 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10076 NM_001005197 338662 Hs.449688 NM_001005197 HPRD:17788 OR8D4 OR11-275 olfactory receptor, family 8, subfamily D, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4582 chr10 74798523 74798613 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001017962, intron 9 of 14) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 58164 NM_001142595 5033 Hs.500047 NM_000917 HPRD:08901 P4HA1 P4HA prolyl 4-hydroxylase, alpha polypeptide I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38209 chrX 79757325 79757490 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 81461 NM_152630 169966 Hs.367959 NM_152630 HPRD:06643 FAM46D CT1.26|CT112 family with sequence similarity 46, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15419 chr18 53960181 53960279 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -155463 NR_040025 100505474 Hs.662191 NR_040025 ENSG00000267712 LOC100505474 - uncharacterized LOC100505474 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27090 chr5 42381015 42381099 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu -42820 NM_000163 2690 Hs.125180 NM_000163 HPRD:02971 GHR GHBP growth hormone receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26409 chr4 171159394 171159558 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -147938 NM_001286683 51166 Hs.529735 NM_016228 HPRD:12392 AADAT KAT2|KATII aminoadipate aminotransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11104 chr14 106539025 106539150 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic -100729 NR_002224 8755 Hs.662288 NR_002224 ENSG00000233988 ADAM6 C14orf96|tMDCIV ADAM metallopeptidase domain 6, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11188 chr15 22412430 22412522 + 11.33741 NA promoter-TSS (NR_028067) promoter-TSS (NR_028067) -986 NR_028067 390539 Hs.666555 NR_028067 ENSG00000259435 OR4N3P OR15-2 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily N, member 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37639 chrX 50956071 50956144 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -41875 NR_110382 101926971 Hs.657995 NR_110382 LINC01284 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1284 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25682 chr4 101470615 101470685 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluJr|SINE|Alu -31400 NM_001159694 51705 Hs.152913 NM_016242 HPRD:12220 EMCN EMCN2|MUC14 endomucin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20926 chr20 52991692 52991777 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -100277 NM_018431 55816 Hs.473133 NM_018431 HPRD:16317 DOK5 C20orf180|IRS-6|IRS6 docking protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32166 chr7 76325012 76325143 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -68457 NM_012230 22932 Hs.488877 NM_012230 HPRD:15974 POMZP3 POM-ZP3|POM121 POM121 and ZP3 fusion protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21321 chr21 32114369 32114525 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic 5073 NM_181617 337978 Hs.553699 NM_181617 KRTAP21-2 KAP21.2 keratin associated protein 21-2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18621 chr2 105445655 105445868 + 11.33741 NA intron (NR_037883, intron 1 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 22173 NR_037883 100506421 Hs.437281 NR_037883 ENSG00000233639 LINC01158 linc-Brn1a long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1158 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18164 chr2 83159169 83159244 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu 75279 NR_033423 1720 Hs.169235 NR_033423 ENSG00000168129 LOC1720 - dihydrofolate reductase pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6739 chr11 85929699 85929780 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26067 NM_152991 8726 Hs.503510 NM_003797 HPRD:09343 EED HEED|WAIT1 embryonic ectoderm development protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28168 chr5 128288734 128288803 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -12442 NM_014031 28965 Hs.49765 NM_014031 HPRD:09173 SLC27A6 ACSVL2|FACVL2|FATP6|VLCS-H1 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38822 chrX 144255545 144255640 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -73515 NM_001009614 494118 Hs.551270 NM_001009614 SPANXN1 CT11.6 SPANX family, member N1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26579 chr4 188830532 188830745 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic -86287 NM_174900 132625 Hs.335787 NM_174900 HPRD:15726 ZFP42 REX1|ZNF754 ZFP42 zinc finger protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26913 chr5 28607201 28607277 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -319738 NR_033961 729862 Hs.646006 NR_033961 LSP1P3 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3029 chr1 220181318 220181398 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_004446, intron 13 of 31) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 38642 NM_004446 2058 Hs.497788 NM_004446 HPRD:00703 EPRS EARS|GLUPRORS|PARS|QARS|QPRS glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4816 chr10 94404422 94404514 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_004523, intron 17 of 21) intron (NM_004523, intron 17 of 21) -45213 NM_002729 3087 Hs.118651 NM_002729 HHEX HEX|HMPH|HOX11L-PEN|PRH|PRHX hematopoietically expressed homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11903 chr15 79228723 79228792 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_004390, intron 3 of 11) intron (NM_004390, intron 3 of 11) 8663 NM_004390 1512 Hs.148641 NM_004390 CTSH ACC-4|ACC-5|CPSB|minichain cathepsin H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13845 chr17 9519765 9519847 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_145054, intron 8 of 13) L1HS|LINE|L1 -29048 NM_153210 124739 Hs.709621 NM_153210 ENSG00000154914 USP43 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22159 chr22 49865414 49865489 + 11.33741 NA intron (NR_110523, intron 1 of 4) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 185739 NR_110522 348645 Hs.133159 NM_198851 HPRD:14180 C22orf34 - chromosome 22 open reading frame 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34314 chr8 100470949 100471113 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_152564, intron 23 of 61) L1PA4|LINE|L1 77927 NR_030329 693184 NR_030329 miRBase:MI0003611 MIR599 MIRN599|hsa-mir-599 microRNA 599 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13196 chr16 67353012 67353085 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001100915, intron 2 of 15) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 7613 NM_001100915 146212 Hs.299127 NM_001100915 ENSG00000168676 KCTD19 - potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37528 chrX 45517219 45517293 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -73321 NR_102268 392452 Hs.745266 NR_102268 LOC392452 - mitochondrial fission factor pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38462 chrX 107211043 107211119 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 14519 NM_031273 56156 Hs.333130 NM_031273 HPRD:02258 TEX13B TGC3B|TSGA5 testis expressed 13B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16297 chr19 23717058 23717148 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -138741 NM_003430 7644 Hs.654471 NM_003430 HPRD:04916 ZNF91 HPF7|HTF10 zinc finger protein 91 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21789 chr22 23881912 23881999 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 40540 NM_152855 3543 Hs.348935 NM_020070 HPRD:00905 IGLL1 14.1|AGM2|CD179b|IGL1|IGL5|IGLJ14.1|IGLL|IGO|IGVPB|VPREB2 immunoglobulin lambda-like polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11801 chr15 72721216 72721284 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 30582 NM_001080462 338949 Hs.446069 NM_001080462 TMEM202 - transmembrane protein 202 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9058 chr12 126887297 126887395 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSc8|SINE|Alu -39681 NR_015398 100128554 Hs.408255 NR_015398 ENSG00000214043 LOC100128554 - uncharacterized LOC100128554 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29125 chr6 18912192 18912272 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 268479 NR_110860 101928519 Hs.551771 NR_110860 LOC101928519 - uncharacterized LOC101928519 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20759 chr20 39758071 39758160 + 11.33741 NA intron (NR_109889, intron 4 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -8046 NM_182811 5335 Hs.268177 NM_002660 HPRD:01398 PLCG1 NCKAP3|PLC-II|PLC1|PLC148|PLCgamma1 phospholipase C, gamma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31372 chr7 18329971 18330108 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001204144, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_001204144, intron 2 of 12) 203467 NM_001204144 9734 Hs.196054 NM_014707 HPRD:05944 HDAC9 HD7|HD7b|HD9|HDAC|HDAC7|HDAC7B|HDAC9B|HDAC9FL|HDRP|MITR histone deacetylase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7560 chr12 15229564 15229649 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 74839 NR_120466 101928340 Hs.401232 NR_120466 LINC01489 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1489 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7921 chr12 38357928 38358001 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -352593 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13003 chr16 49876248 49876317 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001271620, intron 1 of 7) (GGGAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 15548 NM_001271620 23090 Hs.530930 NM_015069 HPRD:05189 ZNF423 Ebfaz|JBTS19|NPHP14|OAZ|Roaz|ZFP423|Zfp104 zinc finger protein 423 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31692 chr7 47734626 47734716 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 39829 NM_001123065 401335 Hs.520816 NM_001123065 ENSG00000221845 C7orf65 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 65 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37172 chrX 2232433 2232512 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_145177, intron 3 of 6) GA-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 186108 NM_001171135 9189 Hs.131452 NM_004729 HPRD:02170 ZBED1 ALTE|DREF|TRAMP|hDREF zinc finger, BED-type containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11224 chr15 25773276 25773551 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic (TGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -89238 NM_130839 7337 Hs.598862 NM_000462 HPRD:03375 UBE3A ANCR|AS|E6-AP|EPVE6AP|HPVE6A ubiquitin protein ligase E3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27584 chr5 75177722 75177804 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -164450 NM_001099271 134359 Hs.432726 NM_152408 HPRD:08188 POC5 C5orf37 POC5 centriolar protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2283 chr1 160290243 160290311 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001098398, intron 8 of 32) AluSz|SINE|Alu 3222 NR_002190 474338 Hs.621179 NR_002190 SUMO1P3 - SUMO1 pseudogene 3 (functional) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39010 chrY 7027413 7027509 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -114552 NR_028062 5616 Hs.584730 NM_002760 HPRD:08949 PRKY PRKXP3|PRKYP protein kinase, Y-linked, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2641 chr1 185165160 185165257 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_017673, intron 10 of 18) L1PA7|LINE|L1 38917 NM_017673 54823 Hs.134183 NM_017673 HPRD:10726 SWT1 C1orf26|HsSwt1 SWT1 RNA endoribonuclease homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18145 chr2 77992082 77992152 + 11.33741 NA intron (NR_110288, intron 3 of 3) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -150943 NR_110286 101927926 Hs.149042 NR_110286 ENSG00000233605 LOC101927926 - uncharacterized LOC101927926 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2672 chr1 188056518 188056603 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 1258528 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16242 chr19 20286372 20286448 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_052852, intron 1 of 3) SVA_D|Other|Other 8387 NM_052852 90649 Hs.590991 NM_052852 ENSG00000256229 ZNF486 KRBO2 zinc finger protein 486 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38452 chrX 106732642 106732722 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -32998 NM_032428 84443 Hs.496546 NM_032428 ENSG00000147234 FRMPD3 - FERM and PDZ domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22506 chr3 26845729 26845806 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 181467 NM_052953 116135 Hs.517868 NM_052953 HPRD:14318 LRRC3B LRP15 leucine rich repeat containing 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39297 chrY 15884214 15884307 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 68813 NM_004202 9087 Hs.159201 NM_004202 HPRD:02458 TMSB4Y TB4Y thymosin beta 4, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9057 chr12 125918122 125918197 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_052907, intron 3 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 106997 NM_052907 114795 Hs.524838 NM_052907 TMEM132B - transmembrane protein 132B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4887 chr10 100227306 100227416 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001166246, intron 11 of 12) intron (NM_001166246, intron 11 of 12) -20657 NM_000195 3257 Hs.404568 NM_000195 HPRD:05403 HPS1 HPS Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8722 chr12 102311619 102311733 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_018370, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_018370, intron 5 of 6) 40571 NM_018370 55332 Hs.525634 NM_018370 HPRD:07743 DRAM1 DRAM DNA-damage regulated autophagy modulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19211 chr2 159679667 159679736 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluYc|SINE|Alu 27872 NM_001017920 92196 Hs.59761 NM_001017920 HPRD:18709 DAPL1 - death associated protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37967 chrX 67699135 67699218 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic SVA_A|Other|Other -19448 NM_001195214 286451 Hs.82719 NM_173834 HPRD:06639 YIPF6 FinGER6 Yip1 domain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17641 chr2 33992524 33992609 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic -39282 NR_003143 151325 Hs.528847 NM_207329 HPRD:14793 MYADML - myeloid-associated differentiation marker-like (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4404 chr10 58561711 58561785 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -440714 NM_032997 11130 Hs.591363 NM_007057 HPRD:18366 ZWINT HZwint-1|KNTC2AP|ZWINT1 ZW10 interacting kinetochore protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33947 chr8 65451878 65451953 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1P3|LINE|L1 37905 NR_015374 401463 Hs.651960 NR_015374 ENSG00000254102 LOC401463 - uncharacterized LOC401463 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39324 chrY 20117685 20117757 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -19946 NM_004825 9426 Hs.251375 NM_004825 HPRD:02459 CDY2A CDY|CDY2 chromodomain protein, Y-linked, 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1363 chr1 98767632 98767723 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 91410 NR_046088 729987 Hs.683961 NR_046088 ENSG00000226053 LOC729987 - uncharacterized LOC729987 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24434 chr4 323767 323852 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -7787 NM_003441 7700 Hs.654355 NM_003441 ZNF141 D4S90|PAPA6|pHZ-44 zinc finger protein 141 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26784 chr5 8686381 8686451 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -153428 NR_109932 101929284 Hs.403715 NR_109932 ENSG00000250198 LOC101929284 - uncharacterized LOC101929284 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3923 chr10 31642615 31642749 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001128128, intron 1 of 8) MamSINE1|SINE|tRNA 32618 NM_001174094 6935 Hs.124503 NM_030751 HPRD:01798 ZEB1 AREB6|BZP|DELTAEF1|FECD6|NIL2A|PPCD3|TCF8|ZFHEP|ZFHX1A zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23801 chr3 141263687 141263768 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_006506, intron 5 of 23) L1PA13|LINE|L1 57801 NM_006506 5922 Hs.98445 NM_006506 ENSG00000155903 RASA2 GAP1M RAS p21 protein activator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7141 chr11 123766836 123766923 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10260 NM_001005197 338662 Hs.449688 NM_001005197 HPRD:17788 OR8D4 OR11-275 olfactory receptor, family 8, subfamily D, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24776 chr4 21834387 21834487 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_147182, intron 1 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 20374 NR_002813 359822 Hs.354058 NR_002813 KCNIP4-IT1 NCRNA00099|UM9(5)|UM9-5 KCNIP4 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27374 chr5 60057754 60057829 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001297618, intron 7 of 8) intron (NM_001297618, intron 7 of 8) -61798 NM_018369 55789 Hs.482233 NM_018369 HPRD:16794 DEPDC1B BRCC3|XTP1 DEP domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4483 chr10 66420038 66420114 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -165209 NR_001446 305 Hs.591361 NR_001446 ANXA2P3 ANX2L3|ANX2P3|LIP2|LPC2C annexin A2 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18801 chr2 119894274 119894426 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 22121 NM_182528 165257 Hs.433493 NM_182528 HPRD:12713 C1QL2 C1QTNF10|CTRP10 complement component 1, q subcomponent-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7636 chr12 22347839 22347924 + 11.33741 NA 3' UTR (NM_003034, exon 5 of 5) 3' UTR (NM_003034, exon 5 of 5) 139767 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26516 chr4 185061638 185061709 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_153343, intron 2 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 77441 NM_153343 133121 Hs.297814 NM_153343 HPRD:16863 ENPP6 NPP6 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9941 chr13 104734868 104734948 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -800060 NR_049840 100847092 NR_049840 MIR548AS - microRNA 548as ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6711 chr11 83553519 83553591 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001364, intron 11 of 22) AluSc|SINE|Alu -160087 NM_001142702 1740 Hs.367656 NM_001364 HPRD:04663 DLG2 PPP1R58|PSD-93|PSD93|chapsyn-110 discs, large homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9195 chr13 21249037 21249144 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_175605, intron 26 of 27) AluY|SINE|Alu -28392 NM_138284 53342 Hs.655142 NM_138284 HPRD:16251 IL17D IL-17D|IL-27|IL27 interleukin 17D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38993 chrY 2182433 2182512 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_145177, intron 3 of 6).2 GA-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 186108 NM_001171135 9189 Hs.131452 NM_004729 HPRD:02170 ZBED1 ALTE|DREF|TRAMP|hDREF zinc finger, BED-type containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11291 chr15 31417711 31417815 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001252020, intron 1 of 26) AluYa5|SINE|Alu -23834 NM_002420 4308 Hs.155942 NM_002420 HPRD:04656 TRPM1 CSNB1C|LTRPC1|MLSN1 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39283 chrY 14165170 14165249 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 368180 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23080 chr3 71561289 71561388 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_001012505, intron 2 of 6) MIRb|SINE|MIR 29902 NR_031697 100302112 NR_031697 miRBase:MI0006431 MIR1284 MIRN1284|hsa-mir-1284 microRNA 1284 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7182 chr11 127694444 127694570 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluYg6|SINE|Alu 553542 NR_120580 101929497 Hs.737442 NR_120580 ENSG00000273409 LOC101929497 - uncharacterized LOC101929497 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25827 chr4 113217011 113217081 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu -1453 NM_001253884 80216 Hs.652825 NM_025144 HPRD:09554 ALPK1 8430410J10Rik|LAK alpha-kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2111 chr1 152211199 152211279 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1MC4|LINE|L1 -14567 NM_001009931 388697 Hs.490162 NM_001009931 HPRD:17114 HRNR FLG3|S100A16|S100a18 hornerin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18779 chr2 117781123 117781210 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic -791089 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25600 chr4 93029029 93029119 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -196476 NM_001286838 2895 Hs.162727 NM_001510 HPRD:06781 GRID2 GluD2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3556 chr10 3248195 3248373 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33251 NM_001242307 10531 Hs.528300 NM_014889 HPRD:07142 PITRM1 MP1|PreP pitrilysin metallopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23021 chr3 66933130 66933203 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -115561 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35830 chr9 90366726 90366800 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -21067 NR_027917 392360 Hs.690450 NM_001023564 HPRD:18619 CTSL3P CTSL3|HCTSL-s cathepsin L family member 3, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_600 chr1 35183200 35183302 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 -37397 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9804 chr13 93247837 93247958 + 11.33741 NA intron (NM_004466, intron 7 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 124311 NR_049776 100873969 Hs.577863 NR_046520 ENSG00000235984 GPC5-AS1 - GPC5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20108 chr2 234788915 234789004 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -11904 NR_024322 151507 Hs.355809 NM_001166217 ENSG00000224287 MSL3P1 MSL3L2 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila) pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27942 chr5 105889122 105889218 + 11.33741 NA Intergenic Intergenic 457545 NR_104671 102467213 Hs.570923 NR_104671 LOC102467213 - uncharacterized LOC102467213 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13162 chr16 67062866 67062946 + 11.33403 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001755) promoter-TSS (NM_001755) -144 NM_001755 865 Hs.460988 NM_001755 HPRD:00418 CBFB PEBP2B core-binding factor, beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14303 chr17 40346488 40346585 + 11.33403 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142623) promoter-TSS (NM_001142623) 14 NM_001142622 84514 Hs.38039 NM_032484 HPRD:16352 GHDC D11LGP1|LGP1 GH3 domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35652 chr9 72126743 72126935 + 11.33403 NA intron (NM_001163, intron 2 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 160436 NM_001163 320 Hs.171939 NM_001163 HPRD:03879 APBA1 D9S411E|LIN10|MINT1|X11|X11A|X11ALPHA amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6736 chr11 85827510 85827628 + 11.33400 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46646 NM_001206947 8301 Hs.163893 NM_007166 HPRD:04320 PICALM CALM|CLTH|LAP phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22245 chr3 5566250 5566327 + 11.31873 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -274348 NR_039953 100616334 NR_039953 miRBase:MI0017437 MIR4790 - microRNA 4790 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15617 chr18 76917308 76917408 + 11.31873 NA intron (NM_198531, intron 7 of 29) AluSx|SINE|Alu 87961 NM_198531 374868 Hs.465475 NM_198531 HPRD:16528 ATP9B ATPASEP|ATPIIB|NEO1L|hMMR1 ATPase, class II, type 9B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4178 chr10 42545802 42545874 + 11.31772 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 317655 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18093 chr2 74055944 74056129 + 11.30965 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006463) promoter-TSS (NM_006463) -7 NM_201647 10617 Hs.469018 NM_006463 HPRD:05877 STAMBP AMSH|MICCAP STAM binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6959 chr11 108249760 108249912 + 11.30965 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 88422 NM_152587 160140 Hs.653180 NM_152587 HPRD:14579 C11orf65 - chromosome 11 open reading frame 65 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21942 chr22 36903008 36903234 + 11.30965 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024955) promoter-TSS (NM_024955) 27 NM_001102371 80020 Hs.387601 NM_024955 HPRD:08666 FOXRED2 ERFAD FAD-dependent oxidoreductase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17213 chr19_gl000208_random 64559 64627 + 11.30820 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19817 chr2 207773216 207773503 + 11.30316 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -30919 NM_173077 130749 Hs.684103 NM_173077 HPRD:07098 CPO - carboxypeptidase O protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12840 chr16 33854983 33855084 + 11.30316 NA Intergenic Intergenic 107470 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27962 chr5 107338966 107339109 + 11.30316 NA intron (NM_001163315, intron 7 of 8) L1MEd|LINE|L1 -332441 NM_001962 1946 Hs.288741 NM_001962 HPRD:03324 EFNA5 AF1|EFL5|EPLG7|GLC1M|LERK7|RAGS ephrin-A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34191 chr8 87599806 87599878 + 11.30316 NA intron (NM_019098, intron 15 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 73186 NM_003909 8895 Hs.191219 NM_003909 HPRD:05016 CPNE3 CPN3|PRO1071 copine III protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23244 chr3 93873988 93874062 + 11.30291 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -91958 NM_001195643 200895 Hs.718516 NM_176815 HPRD:11246 DHFRL1 DHFRP4 dihydrofolate reductase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7175 chr11 126173874 126174054 + 11.28726 NA 5' UTR (NM_014026, exon 1 of 6) 5' UTR (NM_014026, exon 1 of 6) 317 NM_014026 28960 Hs.504249 NM_014026 HPRD:16787 DCPS DCS1|HINT-5|HINT5|HSL1 decapping enzyme, scavenger protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36670 chr9_gl000199_random 161208 161287 + 11.28044 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6773 chr11 88078763 88078868 + 11.27681 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7874 NM_001814 1075 Hs.128065 NM_001814 HPRD:03841 CTSC CPPI|DPP-I|DPP1|DPPI|HMS|JP|JPD|PALS|PDON1|PLS cathepsin C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6548 chr11 70968447 70968515 + 11.27681 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -32639 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10966 chr14 97860433 97860779 + 11.27681 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -64547 NR_110165 101929241 Hs.650839 NR_110165 ENSG00000246084 LOC101929241 - uncharacterized LOC101929241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31812 chr7 57958481 57958569 + 11.27482 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 448642 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13139 chr16 64124675 64124742 + 11.27111 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 1031211 NM_001797 1009 Hs.116471 NM_001797 CDH11 CAD11|CDHOB|OB|OSF-4 cadherin 11, type 2, OB-cadherin (osteoblast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11170 chr15 21183409 21183658 + 11.26446 NA intron (NR_040094, intron 3 of 4) intron (NR_040094, intron 3 of 4) 37766 NR_040094 348120 Hs.116287 NR_040094 ENSG00000258710 LINC01193 CT60 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1193 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18148 chr2 78398720 78398797 + 11.26125 NA intron (NR_110288, intron 1 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 82902 NR_110287 101927948 Hs.639404 NR_110287 ENSG00000229494 LOC101927948 - uncharacterized LOC101927948 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23421 chr3 111109061 111109152 + 11.26125 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -151820 NM_005816 10225 Hs.142023 NM_005816 HPRD:06916 CD96 TACTILE CD96 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31305 chr7 9612864 9612957 + 11.26125 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -60990 NR_002790 168741 Hs.545134 NR_002790 PER4 - period circadian clock 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5710 chr11 15096191 15096310 + 11.26125 NA intron (NM_000728, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_000728, intron 1 of 4) 1104 NM_000728 797 Hs.534305 NM_000728 HPRD:11742 CALCB CALC2|CGRP-II|CGRP2 calcitonin-related polypeptide beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29931 chr6 79786694 79786957 + 11.25943 NA intron (NM_017934, intron 4 of 39) intron (NM_017934, intron 4 of 39) 1186 NM_017934 55023 Hs.511817 NM_017934 HPRD:10152 PHIP BRWD2|DCAF14|WDR11|ndrp pleckstrin homology domain interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30029 chr6 87864610 87864796 + 11.25799 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015021) promoter-TSS (NM_015021) -566 NM_015021 23036 Hs.485892 NM_015021 ENSG00000188994 ZNF292 Nbla00365|ZFP292|ZN-16|Zn-15|bA393I2.3 zinc finger protein 292 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25492 chr4 81612262 81612332 + 11.25030 NA intron (NM_001206997, intron 4 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -339822 NM_001201 651 Hs.387411 NM_001201 HPRD:00208 BMP3 BMP-3A bone morphogenetic protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37725 chrX 56426880 56426953 + 11.25030 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -163110 NM_013444 29978 Hs.179309 NM_013444 HPRD:02224 UBQLN2 ALS15|CHAP1|DSK2|N4BP4|PLIC2 ubiquilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38271 chrX 86375298 86375407 + 11.25030 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -397363 NM_019117 56062 Hs.49075 NM_019117 HPRD:02283 KLHL4 DKELCHL|KHL4 kelch-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25679 chr4 101017267 101017432 + 11.24984 NA Intergenic Intergenic 94306 NM_145244 115265 Hs.480378 NM_145244 HPRD:09663 DDIT4L REDD2|Rtp801L DNA-damage-inducible transcript 4-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23050 chr3 68708216 68708306 + 11.23990 NA Intergenic Intergenic 273500 NM_001005527 151647 Hs.187873 NM_182522 HPRD:08343 FAM19A4 TAFA-4|TAFA4 family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33554 chr8 29120587 29120752 + 11.23701 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015254) promoter-TSS (NM_015254) -59 NM_015254 23303 Hs.444767 NM_015254 HPRD:09556 KIF13B GAKIN kinesin family member 13B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38287 chrX 89526525 89526594 + 11.23701 NA Intergenic Intergenic 349619 NM_138960 90316 Hs.592220 NM_138960 HPRD:02328 TGIF2LX TGIFLX TGFB-induced factor homeobox 2-like, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12133 chr15 99354527 99354742 + 11.23287 NA intron (NM_001291858, intron 2 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 26979 NR_039864 100616432 NR_039864 MIR4714 - microRNA 4714 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4669 chr10 82168182 82168345 + 11.23287 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243780) promoter-TSS (NM_001243780) 21 NM_001243780 84293 Hs.500333 NM_032333 HPRD:12580 FAM213A C10orf58|PAMM family with sequence similarity 213, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7700 chr12 26452039 26452219 + 11.23287 NA Intergenic Intergenic 103623 NM_005086 8082 Hs.183428 NM_005086 SSPN DAGA5|KRAG|NSPN|SPN1|SPN2 sarcospan protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11587 chr15 53199241 53199548 + 11.22628 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -117185 NM_004498 3175 Hs.658573 NM_004498 ONECUT1 HNF-6|HNF6|HNF6A one cut homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10251 chr14 35025953 35026104 + 11.22479 NA Intergenic GA-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -17085 NM_018453 55837 Hs.433269 NM_018453 HPRD:12631 EAPP BM036|C14orf11 E2F-associated phosphoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21188 chr21 14367662 14367743 + 11.22194 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -42785 NR_026916 149992 Hs.558645 NM_153773 ANKRD30BP2 C21orf99|CT85|CTSP-1|CTSP1 ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1916 chr1 147553616 147553775 + 11.21949 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 54397 NM_001101663 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35893 chr9 95088106 95088243 + 11.21282 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017948) promoter-TSS (NM_017948) -298 NM_017948 55035 Hs.442199 NM_017948 HPRD:11397 NOL8 C9orf34|NOP132|bA62C3.3|bA62C3.4 nucleolar protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8506 chr12 79703837 79703929 + 11.20890 NA intron (NM_005639, intron 8 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -109154 NR_031700 100302136 NR_031700 MIR1252 MIRN1252|hsa-mir-1252 microRNA 1252 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37915 chrX 64372857 64372942 + 11.20890 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -118275 NM_001243804 55906 Hs.28249 NM_018684 HPRD:06584 ZC4H2 HCA127|KIAA1166|WRWF|WWS zinc finger, C4H2 domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26370 chr4 167158493 167158592 + 11.20890 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 364132 NM_012464 7092 Hs.106513 NM_012464 HPRD:07074 TLL1 ASD6|TLL tolloid-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37754 chrX 57352860 57352948 + 11.20467 NA intron (NM_174912, intron 3 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 39794 NM_174912 158584 Hs.496205 NM_174912 HPRD:06551 FAAH2 AMDD fatty acid amide hydrolase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32605 chr7 115778401 115778490 + 11.20467 NA Intergenic Intergenic -72102 NM_015641 26136 Hs.592286 NM_015641 HPRD:05833 TES TESS|TESS-2 testis derived transcript (3 LIM domains) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15585 chr18 74679017 74679189 + 11.19820 NA intron (NM_007345, intron 30 of 30) (ATGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 49952 NM_002385 4155 Hs.551713 NM_002385 HPRD:01158 MBP - myelin basic protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26456 chr4 178171374 178171492 + 11.19820 NA Intergenic Intergenic -59558 NM_018248 55247 Hs.405467 NM_018248 HPRD:16407 NEIL3 FGP2|FPG2|NEI3|ZGRF3|hFPG2|hNEI3 nei endonuclease VIII-like 3 (E. coli) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29629 chr6 44891297 44891395 + 11.19820 NA intron (NM_003599, intron 10 of 10) intron (NM_003599, intron 10 of 10) 274161 NR_030313 693171 NR_030313 MIR586 MIRN586|hsa-mir-586 microRNA 586 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3008 chr1 217804611 217804758 + 11.19783 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138796) promoter-TSS (NM_138796) -11 NM_138796 128153 Hs.171130 NM_138796 SPATA17 IQCH|MSRG-11|MSRG11 spermatogenesis associated 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30908 chr6 159299391 159299481 + 11.19478 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -10183 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5835 chr11 27526767 27526865 + 11.19478 NA intron (NM_018362, intron 1 of 4) AluSx|SINE|Alu 1510 NM_018362 55327 Hs.91393 NM_018362 HPRD:17279 LIN7C LIN-7-C|LIN-7C|MALS-3|MALS3|VELI3 lin-7 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21153 chr21 10836229 10836421 + 11.18705 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 154618 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33912 chr8 60885241 60885374 + 11.17760 NA Intergenic Intergenic 308647 NM_004056 767 Hs.654388 NM_004056 CA8 CA-VIII|CALS|CAMRQ3|CARP carbonic anhydrase VIII protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10576 chr14 63938164 63938238 + 11.17760 NA intron (NM_006246, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_006246, intron 2 of 13) 36755 NM_001282182 5529 Hs.334868 NM_006246 PPP2R5E - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', epsilon isoform protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5679 chr11 14008395 14008471 + 11.17675 NA intron (NM_006108, intron 2 of 15) L1PA7|LINE|L1 24249 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6904 chr11 102940961 102941153 + 11.17620 NA intron (NM_032299, intron 4 of 7) L1MDa|LINE|L1 21887 NM_032299 84259 Hs.503716 NM_032299 HPRD:14520 DCUN1D5 - DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17907 chr2 59786045 59786126 + 11.17620 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 341242 NR_110219 101927285 Hs.570209 NR_110219 ENSG00000222030 LOC101927285 - uncharacterized LOC101927285 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26853 chr5 17632191 17632514 + 11.17490 NA Intergenic Intergenic -244933 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5167 chr10 122681474 122681827 + 11.17490 NA intron (NR_049879, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -70959 NR_033850 283089 Hs.568750 NR_033850 ENSG00000227165 WDR11-AS1 - WDR11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8781 chr12 106696242 106696336 + 11.17153 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286262) promoter-TSS (NM_001286262) -280 NM_001286262 255394 Hs.696047 NM_152772 HPRD:17555 TCP11L2 - t-complex 11, testis-specific-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20582 chr20 29813713 29813893 + 11.16259 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -31664 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33789 chr8 46898392 46898478 + 11.15796 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -854073 NR_027012 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32097 chr7 73153153 73153455 + 11.15750 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145364) promoter-TSS (NM_001145364) -107 NM_001301058 83451 Hs.647045 NM_148912 HPRD:15658 ABHD11 WBSCR21 abhydrolase domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1671 chr1 121367320 121367530 + 11.15272 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 106515 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20159 chr2 238341446 238341661 + 11.15249 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18703 NM_057166 1293 Hs.233240 NM_004369 HPRD:00371 COL6A3 - collagen, type VI, alpha 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12830 chr16 33819081 33819188 + 11.15249 NA Intergenic Intergenic 143369 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27677 chr5 79551979 79552114 + 11.15170 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001174072) promoter-TSS (NM_001174072) -148 NM_178276 256987 Hs.288232 NM_178276 HPRD:12828 SERINC5 C5orf12|TPO1 serine incorporator 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32352 chr7 97243502 97243616 + 11.14713 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -117712 NM_003182 6863 Hs.2563 NM_003182 HPRD:08876 TAC1 Hs.2563|NK2|NKNA|NPK|TAC2 tachykinin, precursor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3067 chr1 220983677 220983778 + 11.14713 NA intron (NM_022746, intron 6 of 6) intron (NM_022746, intron 6 of 6) -18870 NR_110797 101929730 Hs.398159 NR_110797 ENSG00000238078 LINC01352 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1352 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26394 chr4 169591764 169591847 + 11.14713 NA intron (NM_016081, intron 3 of 20) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 39037 NM_001166109 23022 Hs.151220 NM_016081 HPRD:09731 PALLD CGI151|MYN|PNCA1|SIH002 palladin, cytoskeletal associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28598 chr5 155200825 155200964 + 11.14713 NA Intergenic Intergenic -552873 NM_172244 6444 Hs.387207 NM_000337 HPRD:03246 SGCD 35DAG|CMD1L|DAGD|SG-delta|SGCDP|SGD sarcoglycan, delta (35kDa dystrophin-associated glycoprotein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20437-2 chr20 17508136 17508320 + 11.14668 NA intron (NM_001278608, intron 3 of 9) AluY|SINE|Alu 3786 NM_001195 631 Hs.129702 NM_001195 HPRD:04494 BFSP1 CP115|CP94|CTRCT33|LIFL-H beaded filament structural protein 1, filensin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20437 chr20 17508136 17508320 + 11.14668 NA intron (NM_001278608, intron 3 of 9) AluY|SINE|Alu 3786 NM_001195 631 Hs.129702 NM_001195 HPRD:04494 BFSP1 CP115|CP94|CTRCT33|LIFL-H beaded filament structural protein 1, filensin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21643 chr22 19824539 19824781 + 11.14090 NA intron (NM_053004, intron 2 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 17711 NM_024627 79680 Hs.105642 NM_024627 HPRD:13382 C22orf29 BOP chromosome 22 open reading frame 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18385 chr2 91664869 91664966 + 11.13948 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 183058 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32378 chr7 98972183 98972349 + 11.13543 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005720) promoter-TSS (NM_005720) -32 NM_005720 10095 Hs.489284 NM_005720 HPRD:10366 ARPC1B ARC41|p40-ARC|p41-ARC actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 1B, 41kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15795 chr19 4343478 4343583 + 11.13543 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001159846) promoter-TSS (NM_001159846) 6 NM_032868 84954 Hs.321689 NM_032868 HPRD:07873 MPND - MPN domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18356 chr2 90481674 90481826 + 11.13440 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1366225 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5344 chr10 134266660 134266905 + 11.13218 NA Intergenic CpG 8068 NM_173541 170393 Hs.375059 NM_173541 C10orf91 bA432J24.4 chromosome 10 open reading frame 91 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12383 chr16 11036298 11036499 + 11.12520 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014015) promoter-TSS (NM_014015) -141 NM_014015 28955 Hs.592051 NM_014015 HPRD:16798 DEXI MYLE Dexi homolog (mouse) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8392 chr12 69979597 69979717 + 11.12072 NA 5' UTR (NM_001198842, exon 1 of 16) 5' UTR (NM_001198842, exon 1 of 16) 195 NM_001198842 10576 Hs.189772 NM_006431 HPRD:06895 CCT2 99D8.1|CCT-beta|CCTB|HEL-S-100n|PRO1633|TCP-1-beta chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 2 (beta) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6544 chr11 70946363 70946581 + 11.12057 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu -10630 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28908 chr6 711225 711599 + 11.12057 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18271 NM_018303 55770 Hs.484412 NM_018303 HPRD:11544 EXOC2 SEC5|SEC5L1|Sec5p exocyst complex component 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20223 chr2 242048321 242048534 + 11.11694 NA intron (NM_015148, intron 15 of 17) intron (NM_015148, intron 15 of 17) -6680 NM_182501 130916 Hs.159556 NM_182501 HPRD:14699 MTERF4 MTERFD2 mitochondrial transcription termination factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21708 chr22 20692325 20692400 + 11.10887 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite -56043 NM_003426 7625 Hs.517418 NM_003426 HPRD:01928 ZNF74 COS52|ZFP520|ZNF520|hZNF7 zinc finger protein 74 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14174 chr17 33857026 33857130 + 11.10830 NA Intergenic Intergenic 28032 NM_001129820 342618 Hs.591193 NM_001129820 ENSG00000236320 SLFN14 - schlafen family member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28132 chr5 125936990 125937206 + 11.10830 NA intron (NM_032177, intron 1 of 4) CpG 491 NM_032177 51808 Hs.555731 NM_032177 HPRD:15122 PHAX RNUXA phosphorylated adaptor for RNA export protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20555 chr20 26317547 26317693 + 11.10626 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -127751 NR_040095 284801 Hs.370699 NR_040095 ENSG00000227195 MIR663AHG - MIR663A host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2484 chr1 172957022 172957091 + 11.09465 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 63047 NM_005092 8995 Hs.248197 NM_005092 TNFSF18 AITRL|GITRL|TL6|hGITRL tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22949 chr3 59430128 59430325 + 11.09465 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -394511 NM_198463 200844 Hs.368434 NM_198463 HPRD:13458 C3orf67 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13730 chr17 6333654 6333744 + 11.09465 NA intron (NM_001033055, intron 1 of 4) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 4753 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7486 chr12 10563919 10564107 + 11.09250 NA TTS (NM_002261) TTS (NM_002261) -1268 NM_001199805 100528032 Hs.387787 NM_001199805 KLRC4-KLRK1 - KLRC4-KLRK1 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19493 chr2 181971679 181971823 + 11.09250 NA Intergenic Intergenic 125900 NM_001278554 10477 Hs.470804 NM_006357 HPRD:05000 UBE2E3 UBCH9|UbcM2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31841 chr7 61064081 61064168 + 11.08974 NA Intergenic THE1B|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 1700310 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15388 chr18 48346408 48346513 + 11.08617 NA promoter-TSS (NM_031939) promoter-TSS (NM_031939) -26 NM_031939 83876 Hs.30495 NM_031939 HPRD:16276 MRO B29|C18orf3 maestro protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19535 chr2 188462928 188463001 + 11.08617 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -43745 NM_006287 7035 Hs.516578 NM_006287 HPRD:01064 TFPI EPI|LACI|TFI|TFPI1 tissue factor pathway inhibitor (lipoprotein-associated coagulation inhibitor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_183 chr1 10010522 10010636 + 11.08617 NA intron (NM_001297779, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001297779, intron 1 of 4) 7093 NM_022787 64802 Hs.633762 NM_022787 HPRD:16369 NMNAT1 LCA9|NMNAT|PNAT1 nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29888 chr6 75305684 75305760 + 11.08617 NA intron (NR_110856, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 526555 NR_110856 101928516 Hs.384600 NR_110856 ENSG00000223786 LOC101928516 - uncharacterized LOC101928516 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35454 chr9 66822756 66822838 + 11.08490 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -100170 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16770 chr19 44962518 44962623 + 11.07684 NA Intergenic ACRO1|Satellite|acro -9804 NM_001278510 7772 Hs.709348 NM_014518 HPRD:18324 ZNF229 - zinc finger protein 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35594 chr9 69991974 69992040 + 11.07678 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 186808 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30192 chr6 105237813 105237914 + 11.06960 NA intron (NR_104424, intron 12 of 25) intron (NR_104424, intron 12 of 25) 69931 NR_104424 57531 Hs.434340 NM_020771 HPRD:17086 HACE1 - HECT domain and ankyrin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6042 chr11 48319010 48319088 + 11.06960 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -8726 NM_001004725 256148 Hs.553657 NM_001004725 HPRD:14987 OR4S1 OR11-100 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily S, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28212 chr5 131705310 131705501 + 11.06960 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003060) promoter-TSS (NM_003060) 4 NM_003060 6584 Hs.443572 NM_003060 HPRD:04539 SLC22A5 CDSP|OCTN2|OCTN2VT solute carrier family 22 (organic cation/carnitine transporter), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2304 chr1 161038216 161038412 + 11.06658 NA intron (NM_181720, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_181720, intron 1 of 12) 1446 NM_001287600 257106 Hs.389374 NM_181720 HPRD:11250 ARHGAP30 - Rho GTPase activating protein 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34915 chr9 2655776 2655868 + 11.06477 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33449 NR_015375 401491 Hs.416043 NR_015375 ENSG00000236404 VLDLR-AS1 - VLDLR antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21339 chr21 33765230 33765474 + 11.06460 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014825) promoter-TSS (NM_014825) -40 NM_014825 9875 Hs.473611 NM_014825 ENSG00000142207 URB1 C21orf108|NPA1 URB1 ribosome biogenesis 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8723 chr12 102330135 102330222 + 11.05558 NA Intergenic Intergenic 59073 NM_018370 55332 Hs.525634 NM_018370 HPRD:07743 DRAM1 DRAM DNA-damage regulated autophagy modulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23838 chr3 145552669 145552741 + 11.05558 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 326577 NM_000935 5352 Hs.477866 NM_000935 HPRD:03519 PLOD2 LH2|TLH procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39106 chrY 13143719 13143859 + 11.04662 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1389600 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2708 chr1 192474313 192474385 + 11.04617 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -70508 NM_002922 5996 Hs.75256 NM_002922 HPRD:15968 RGS1 1R20|BL34|HEL-S-87|IER1|IR20 regulator of G-protein signaling 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27556 chr5 72990038 72990214 + 11.04418 NA intron (NM_001080479, intron 2 of 36) intron (NM_001080479, intron 2 of 36) 68143 NM_001080479 64283 Hs.482521 NM_001080479 ENSG00000214944 ARHGEF28 RGNEF|RIP2|p190RHOGEF Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38618 chrX 125321190 125321259 + 11.04418 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -21144 NM_001013628 340578 Hs.181867 NM_001013628 DCAF12L2 WDR40C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 12-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32347 chr7 96889397 96889474 + 11.04418 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 143530 NM_020186 57001 Hs.592269 NM_020186 HPRD:16471 ACN9 - ACN9 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2791 chr1 200271408 200271618 + 11.04418 NA Intergenic CpG 71407 NR_040064 554279 Hs.434694 NR_040064 ENSG00000203721 LINC00862 C1orf98|SMIM16 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 862 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19832 chr2 209119891 209120012 + 11.04262 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046452) promoter-TSS (NR_046452) -6 NR_046452 100507475 Hs.668038 NR_046452 ENSG00000231908 IDH1-AS1 - IDH1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39394 chrY 28807268 28807339 + 11.04181 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 932666 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26511 chr4 184427459 184427553 + 11.04124 NA intron (NM_001291959, intron 1 of 1) CpG 271 NM_001291959 3622 Hs.107153 NM_001564 HPRD:05021 ING2 ING1L|p33ING2 inhibitor of growth family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19368 chr2 172272708 172272809 + 11.03696 NA intron (NM_024770, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_024770, intron 1 of 9) -18003 NM_025000 80067 Hs.659439 NM_025000 HPRD:08579 DCAF17 C2orf37 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36426 chr9 135128100 135128212 + 11.03696 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK 90822 NM_032536 84628 Hs.163642 NM_032536 HPRD:17650 NTNG2 LHLL9381|Lmnt2|NTNG1|bA479K20.1 netrin G2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35719 chr9 78299459 78299751 + 11.03696 NA intron (NR_031679, intron 1 of 2).2 L1PA3|LINE|L1 39139 NR_031679 100302287 NR_031679 MIR548H3 MIR548H-3|MIRN548H3|hsa-mir-548h-3 microRNA 548h-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23486 chr3 115538738 115538858 + 11.03696 NA intron (NM_002338, intron 6 of 6) intron (NM_002338, intron 6 of 6) 196647 NM_001130064 2596 Hs.134974 NM_002045 HPRD:01198 GAP43 B-50|PP46 growth associated protein 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19804 chr2 206895870 206895952 + 11.03696 NA intron (NM_017759, intron 5 of 10) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 54995 NM_017759 54891 Hs.445036 NM_017759 HPRD:07894 INO80D - INO80 complex subunit D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18930 chr2 132285366 132285545 + 11.03028 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138770) promoter-TSS (NM_138770) 48 NM_001258304 90557 Hs.351461 NM_138770 HPRD:14274 CCDC74A - coiled-coil domain containing 74A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30190 chr6 104973709 104973817 + 11.02542 NA Intergenic Intergenic 334031 NR_104424 57531 Hs.434340 NM_020771 HPRD:17086 HACE1 - HECT domain and ankyrin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8394 chr12 69998009 69998268 + 11.02263 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 6804 NM_201550 376132 Hs.448708 NM_201550 HPRD:17449 LRRC10 HRLRRP|LRRC10A leucine rich repeat containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23449 chr3 112566667 112566834 + 11.01887 NA Intergenic HERVL74-int|LTR|ERVL -1953 NM_001008784 344807 Hs.531814 NM_001008784 HPRD:16691 CD200R1L CD200R2|CD200RLa CD200 receptor 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1036 chr1 65720001 65720203 + 11.01887 NA Intergenic CpG -10275 NM_001256865 9829 Hs.647643 NM_014787 HPRD:16326 DNAJC6 DJC6|PARK19 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23243 chr3 93782052 93782170 + 11.01212 NA promoter-TSS (NM_176815) promoter-TSS (NM_176815) -44 NM_001195643 200895 Hs.718516 NM_176815 HPRD:11246 DHFRL1 DHFRP4 dihydrofolate reductase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4959 chr10 104001343 104001506 + 11.01212 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005029) promoter-TSS (NM_005029) -193 NM_005029 5309 Hs.137568 NM_005029 HPRD:04051 PITX3 ASMD|ASOD|CTPP4|CTRCT11|PTX3 paired-like homeodomain 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24698 chr4 14422586 14422677 + 11.01157 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 309039 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35170 chr9 32552273 32552388 + 11.01147 NA promoter-TSS (NR_102376) promoter-TSS (NR_102376) 98 NR_102377 100129250 Hs.664395 NR_033991 ENSG00000235453 TOPORS-AS1 C9orf133 TOPORS antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28121 chr5 124966575 124966660 + 11.00960 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 137663 NR_109887 101927460 Hs.407582 NR_109887 ENSG00000260192 LOC101927460 - uncharacterized LOC101927460 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16732 chr19 43313228 43313300 + 11.00960 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -12751 NR_036584 100289650 Hs.680622 NR_036584 ENSG00000225877 LOC100289650 - uncharacterized LOC100289650 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3987 chr10 37186398 37186494 + 11.00960 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -228339 NM_052997 91074 Hs.373787 NM_052997 HPRD:10125 ANKRD30A NY-BR-1 ankyrin repeat domain 30A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26157 chr4 145716504 145716582 + 11.00960 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -149372 NR_037595 646576 Hs.632595 NR_037595 ENSG00000248890 HHIP-AS1 - HHIP antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7990 chr12 45347266 45347383 + 10.99901 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -39613 NM_001145110 4753 Hs.505326 NM_006159 HPRD:11891 NELL2 NRP2 NEL-like 2 (chicken) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30751 chr6 149022076 149022165 + 10.99901 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46151 NM_005715 10090 Hs.657370 NM_005715 HPRD:10298 UST 2OST uronyl-2-sulfotransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5770 chr11 20385237 20385349 + 10.99865 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006410) promoter-TSS (NM_006410) 4 NM_001098520 10553 Hs.90753 NM_006410 HPRD:09288 HTATIP2 CC3|SDR44U1|TIP30 HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2, 30kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3607 chr10 6540800 6540991 + 10.99865 NA intron (NM_001282645, intron 3 of 16) intron (NM_001282645, intron 3 of 16) 81368 NM_001282644 5588 Hs.498570 NM_006257 HPRD:02710 PRKCQ PRKCT|nPKC-theta protein kinase C, theta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8438 chr12 72765663 72765773 + 10.99533 NA intron (NM_013381, intron 2 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -98429 NR_026836 283392 Hs.363603 NM_001025457 HPRD:18764 TRHDE-AS1 - TRHDE antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_529 chr1 31191470 31191631 + 10.99511 NA promoter-TSS (NR_034182) promoter-TSS (NR_034182) -69 NR_034182 100129196 Hs.659751 NR_034182 ENSG00000186056 MATN1-AS1 - MATN1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38712 chrX 132078480 132078555 + 10.99365 NA intron (NM_001077188, intron 3 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 16906 NM_001077188 90161 Hs.385956 NM_147175 HPRD:06590 HS6ST2 - heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22918-2 chr3 57363337 57363553 + 10.99365 NA intron (NM_001291661, intron 46 of 57) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -36735 NM_001142733 142686 Hs.665154 NM_130387 HPRD:10668 ASB14 - ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30939 chr6 159391625 159391709 + 10.99365 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu 29531 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22918 chr3 57363337 57363553 + 10.99365 NA intron (NM_001291661, intron 46 of 57) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -36735 NM_001142733 142686 Hs.665154 NM_130387 HPRD:10668 ASB14 - ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19920 chr2 219745232 219745334 + 10.99192 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025216) promoter-TSS (NM_025216) 28 NM_025216 80326 Hs.121540 NM_025216 HPRD:16207 WNT10A OODD|SSPS|STHAG4 wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29721 chr6 55209431 55209502 + 10.98175 NA intron (NM_207410, intron 3 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 17199 NM_207410 389400 Hs.526967 NM_207410 HPRD:15622 GFRAL C6orf144|GRAL|UNQ9356|bA360D14.1 GDNF family receptor alpha like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27436 chr5 66136611 66136813 + 10.98175 NA intron (NM_015183, intron 1 of 27) intron (NM_015183, intron 1 of 27) 12108 NM_015183 375449 Hs.595458 NM_015183 HPRD:14195 MAST4 - microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3892 chr10 30287390 30287471 + 10.98175 NA Intergenic Intergenic 61058 NM_020848 57608 Hs.533953 NM_020848 ENSG00000165757 KIAA1462 JCAD KIAA1462 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27793 chr5 92602046 92602223 + 10.97592 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 304915 NR_109825 441094 Hs.457407 NR_015369 ENSG00000237187 NR2F1-AS1 - NR2F1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2374 chr1 166458973 166459144 + 10.97592 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -114095 NR_002925 116123 Hs.348539 NM_138784 HPRD:14011 FMO9P - flavin containing monooxygenase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19276 chr2 163844685 163844766 + 10.96816 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -149468 NM_033272 90134 Hs.657413 NM_033272 HPRD:16295 KCNH7 ERG3|HERG3|Kv11.3 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32682 chr7 127054114 127054281 + 10.96816 NA Intergenic Intergenic -21430 NM_176814 168850 Hs.159006 NM_176814 HPRD:14112 ZNF800 - zinc finger protein 800 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14574 chr17 57921782 57921852 + 10.96816 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu 3190 NR_029493 406991 Hs.444569 NR_029493 miRBase:MI0000077 MIR21 MIRN21|hsa-mir-21|miR-21|miRNA21 microRNA 21 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9181 chr13 20534292 20534513 + 10.96593 NA intron (NM_197968, intron 2 of 24) intron (NM_197968, intron 2 of 24) 1428 NM_001190965 7750 Hs.507433 NM_003453 HPRD:03745 ZMYM2 FIM|MYM|RAMP|SCLL|ZNF198 zinc finger, MYM-type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35648 chr9 71676751 71676829 + 10.96525 NA intron (NM_181425, intron 3 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 26311 NM_001161706 2395 Hs.20685 NM_000144 HPRD:06013 FXN CyaY|FA|FARR|FRDA|X25 frataxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31316 chr7 11784231 11784308 + 10.96525 NA intron (NM_015204, intron 1 of 26) L1PA4|LINE|L1 87555 NM_015204 221981 Hs.120855 NM_015204 ENSG00000005108 THSD7A - thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28794 chr5 176739277 176739421 + 10.96525 NA promoter-TSS (NM_031300) promoter-TSS (NM_031300) -57 NM_001142935 83463 Hs.743332 NM_031300 HPRD:14791 MXD3 BHLHC13|MAD3|MYX MAX dimerization protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23152 chr3 84062486 84062565 + 10.96525 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 856201 NR_033860 440970 Hs.411049 NR_033860 ENSG00000242641 LINC00971 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 971 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5157 chr10 122200891 122200986 + 10.95442 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -15528 NM_001030059 196051 Hs.40479 NM_001030059 HPRD:18745 PPAPDC1A DPPL2|PPAPDC1 phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2 domain containing 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33376 chr8 11995294 11995382 + 10.94281 NA exon (NM_201402, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_201402, exon 1 of 1) 931 NM_201402 377630 Hs.531448 NM_201402 HPRD:16844 USP17L2 DUB-3|DUB3|USP17 ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8362 chr12 68630508 68630622 + 10.94281 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10994 NM_018402 55801 Hs.272350 NM_018402 HPRD:16140 IL26 AK155|IL-26 interleukin 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23825 chr3 143544432 143544606 + 10.94281 NA intron (NM_173653, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_173653, intron 2 of 15) 22854 NM_173653 285195 Hs.302257 NM_173653 HPRD:12226 SLC9A9 AUTS16|NHE9 solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE9, cation proton antiporter 9), member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28784 chr5 176046332 176046458 + 10.94281 NA TTS (NM_003085) TTS (NM_003085) -9264 NM_052899 114787 Hs.150549 NM_052899 HPRD:11169 GPRIN1 GRIN1 G protein regulated inducer of neurite outgrowth 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17795 chr2 46451186 46451257 + 10.93511 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -73320 NM_001430 2034 Hs.468410 NM_001430 HPRD:06787 EPAS1 ECYT4|HIF2A|HLF|MOP2|PASD2|bHLHe73 endothelial PAS domain protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22539 chr3 29716125 29716198 + 10.93511 NA intron (NM_001003792, intron 4 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 259486 NR_046556 100873977 Hs.581453 NR_046556 RBMS3-AS1 - RBMS3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28010 chr5 111482783 111482870 + 10.93511 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13397 NR_015370 114915 Hs.12082 NM_053000 EPB41L4A-AS1 C5orf26|NCRNA00219|TIGA1 EPB41L4A antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30747 chr6 148813662 148813739 + 10.93511 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 8 of 19) AluSx|SINE|Alu 149971 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18559 chr2 98693721 98693807 + 10.93511 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -9831 NM_144992 200403 Hs.269977 NM_144992 HPRD:14510 VWA3B - von Willebrand factor A domain containing 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39061 chrY 9943924 9944055 + 10.93118 NA Intergenic L1M1|LINE|L1 195582 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20362 chr20 5100055 5100182 + 10.93072 NA promoter-TSS (NR_028370) promoter-TSS (NR_028370) -114 NR_028370 100302739 Hs.744934 NR_028370 PCNA-AS1 PCNA-AS|PCNAAS PCNA antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35479 chr9 66985376 66985455 + 10.92822 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 46657 NR_046175 286297 Hs.645503 NR_046175 ENSG00000182021 LOC286297 - uncharacterized LOC286297 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33324 chr8 7829806 7829888 + 10.92728 NA exon (NM_001256872, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_001256872, exon 1 of 1) 928 NM_001256872 392188 Hs.741135 NM_001256872 USP17L8 USP17L10 ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25272 chr4 60170454 60170542 + 10.92355 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -2192341 NM_015236 23284 Hs.28391 NM_015236 HPRD:10055 LPHN3 CIRL3|LEC3 latrophilin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34628 chr8 130341810 130341882 + 10.92191 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -88360 NR_033916 728724 Hs.49902 NR_033916 ENSG00000250400 LINC00977 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 977 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22567 chr3 32456222 32456331 + 10.91775 NA intron (NM_181472, intron 1 of 3) MIRb|SINE|MIR 23113 NM_181472 112616 Hs.440494 NM_138410 HPRD:06988 CMTM7 CKLFSF7 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18661 chr2 109229224 109229485 + 10.91775 NA intron (NM_001193482, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001193482, intron 1 of 9) 5737 NM_001193482 3987 Hs.597715 NM_004987 HPRD:03978 LIMS1 PINCH|PINCH-1|PINCH1 LIM and senescent cell antigen-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11828 chr15 74908017 74908219 + 10.91416 NA exon (NM_001130028, exon 1 of 13) exon (NM_001130028, exon 1 of 13) 783 NM_001130028 1198 Hs.584748 NM_001292 HPRD:04290 CLK3 PHCLK3|PHCLK3/152 CDC-like kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33684 chr8 43034872 43035142 + 10.91171 NA intron (NM_152419, intron 10 of 17) SVA_E|Other|Other 39415 NM_152419 138050 Hs.600384 NM_152419 ENSG00000165102 HGSNAT HGNAT|MPS3C|TMEM76 heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13047 chr16 55786786 55786964 + 10.90583 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7636 NR_003276 51716 Hs.721645 NM_016280 HPRD:07009 CES1P1 CES1A2|CES1A3|CES4|CESR|PCE-3 carboxylesterase 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22434 chr3 19793363 19793434 + 10.90550 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 182308 NM_144715 151651 Hs.733920 NM_144715 HPRD:08054 EFHB CFAP21 EF-hand domain family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28485 chr5 147522800 147522873 + 10.90550 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -26460 NM_001001325 408187 Hs.553815 NM_001001325 HPRD:18098 SPINK14 SPINK5L2 serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 14 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21337 chr21 33402515 33402894 + 10.90002 NA Intergenic (CACTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 55904 NR_038033 100551499 Hs.224449 NR_038033 LINC00159 C21orf44|NCRNA00159 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 159 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27936 chr5 103694826 103694905 + 10.90002 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -740310 NR_000039 9366 Hs.158296 NR_000039 ENSG00000232159 RAB9BP1 RAB9P1 RAB9B, member RAS oncogene family pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4694 chr10 86024486 86024583 + 10.90002 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15202 NR_038220 170425 Hs.434131 NR_038220 ENSG00000229404 LINC00858 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 858 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_792 chr1 43638182 43638377 + 10.89270 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001159936) promoter-TSS (NM_001159936) -38 NM_001159936 10969 Hs.346868 NM_006824 HPRD:16849 EBNA1BP2 EBP2|NOBP|P40 EBNA1 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12637 chr16 29973246 29973460 + 10.89270 NA promoter-TSS (NM_194280) promoter-TSS (NM_194280) 2 NM_001083613 124446 Hs.460574 NM_194280 HPRD:18546 TMEM219 IGFBP-3R transmembrane protein 219 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34794 chr8 144328707 144328990 + 10.89021 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173832) promoter-TSS (NM_173832) -143 NM_001271156 286128 Hs.668016 NM_173832 HPRD:08244 ZFP41 ZNF753|zfp-41 ZFP41 zinc finger protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9213 chr13 22033539 22033696 + 10.89021 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104487) promoter-TSS (NR_104487) -108 NR_104486 253832 Hs.564611 NM_153251 ZDHHC20 4933421L13Rik|DHHC-20 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6150 chr11 51573378 51573457 + 10.89002 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 58135 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7930 chr12 39360771 39360857 + 10.87575 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -61394 NM_153634 144402 Hs.40910 NM_153634 HPRD:16747 CPNE8 - copine VIII protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34737 chr8 139457696 139457765 + 10.87575 NA intron (NM_015912, intron 1 of 19) L1PA5|LINE|L1 51335 NM_015912 51059 Hs.126024 NM_015912 HPRD:14230 FAM135B C8ORFK32 family with sequence similarity 135, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23596 chr3 125524458 125524536 + 10.87273 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -15102 NR_031687 100302204 NR_031687 miRBase:MI0006421 MIR548I1 MIR548I-1|MIRN548I1|hsa-mir-548i-1 microRNA 548i-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21630 chr22 19419817 19420031 + 10.86819 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003325) promoter-TSS (NM_003325) -112 NM_003776 64976 Hs.431307 NM_003776 MRPL40 MRP-L22|MRPL22|NLVCF|URIM mitochondrial ribosomal protein L40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13639 chr17 2239711 2239832 + 10.86819 NA 5' UTR (NM_018128, exon 1 of 15) 5' UTR (NM_018128, exon 1 of 15) 907 NM_018128 55720 Hs.388170 NM_018128 HPRD:07681 TSR1 - TSR1, 20S rRNA accumulation, homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26753 chr5 4620002 4620080 + 10.86819 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -153553 NR_104619 101929153 Hs.385526 NR_104619 ENSG00000249521 LOC101929153 - uncharacterized LOC101929153 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19791 chr2 204850972 204851068 + 10.85994 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu 49549 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2314 chr1 161152205 161152298 + 10.85051 NA Intergenic L2|LINE|L2 -4493 NM_001199873 8703 Hs.321231 NM_003779 HPRD:04929 B4GALT3 beta4Gal-T3 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3837 chr10 25760234 25760304 + 10.84638 NA intron (NM_020752, intron 5 of 10) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -180372 NR_108068 101929052 Hs.128298 NR_108067 LINC00836 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 836 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7989 chr12 45342685 45342764 + 10.84598 NA Intergenic Intergenic -35013 NM_001145110 4753 Hs.505326 NM_006159 HPRD:11891 NELL2 NRP2 NEL-like 2 (chicken) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38322 chrX 93195240 93195316 + 10.84598 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 266266 NM_001171111 286499 Hs.110069 NM_173698 HPRD:06562 FAM133A CT115 family with sequence similarity 133, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35592 chr9 69987781 69987864 + 10.84413 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 190993 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29547 chr6 39504395 39504477 + 10.84342 NA intron (NM_001289021, intron 12 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -105286 NM_001289024 221458 Hs.588202 NM_145027 HPRD:10786 KIF6 C6orf102|dJ1043E3.1|dJ137F1.4|dJ188D3.1 kinesin family member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11845 chr15 75591423 75591517 + 10.84342 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16288 NM_001145224 653643 Hs.672474 NM_001145224 GOLGA6D - golgin A6 family, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10469 chr14 55032731 55032918 + 10.83684 NA Intergenic CpG -1506 NM_001161576 23034 Hs.98259 NM_015589 HPRD:10209 SAMD4A SAMD4|SMAUG|SMAUG1|SMG|SMGA sterile alpha motif domain containing 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23266 chr3 96337158 96337304 + 10.83247 NA Intergenic Intergenic -196194 NM_001080448 285220 Hs.653244 NM_173655 ENSG00000080224 EPHA6 EHK-2|EHK2|EK12|EPA6|HEK12|PRO57066 EPH receptor A6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37121 chrUn_gl000243 21760 21842 + 10.82969 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25276 chr4 60197482 60197666 + 10.82809 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2165265 NM_015236 23284 Hs.28391 NM_015236 HPRD:10055 LPHN3 CIRL3|LEC3 latrophilin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13426 chr16 84651703 84651866 + 10.82612 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021149) promoter-TSS (NM_021149) -82 NM_021149 23406 Hs.289092 NM_021149 HPRD:09482 COTL1 CLP coactosin-like F-actin binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27276 chr5 51993544 51993628 + 10.81881 NA Intergenic L1PA16|LINE|L1 -90188 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9466 chr13 45151400 45151641 + 10.81826 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243799) promoter-TSS (NM_001243799) -819 NM_183422 8848 Hs.436383 NM_006022 TSC22D1 Ptg-2|TGFB1I4|TSC22 TSC22 domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19085 chr2 145247739 145247914 + 10.81694 NA intron (NM_014795, intron 2 of 9) MIRb|SINE|MIR -29355 NR_040248 100303491 Hs.560789 NR_040248 ENSG00000238057 ZEB2-AS1 ZEB2-AS|ZEB2AS|ZEB2NAT ZEB2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19027 chr2 136711744 136711848 + 10.79336 NA intron (NM_001293312, intron 3 of 14) intron (NM_001293312, intron 3 of 14) -30950 NR_110200 101928243 Hs.602178 NR_110199 DARS-AS1 - DARS antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16341 chr19 27739265 27739514 + 10.79269 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -544986 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4550-2 chr10 72390997 72391232 + 10.79190 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -28583 NM_005041 5551 Hs.2200 NM_005041 HPRD:01362 PRF1 FLH2|HPLH2|P1|PFN1|PFP perforin 1 (pore forming protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4550 chr10 72390997 72391232 + 10.79190 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -28583 NM_005041 5551 Hs.2200 NM_005041 HPRD:01362 PRF1 FLH2|HPLH2|P1|PFN1|PFP perforin 1 (pore forming protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27383 chr5 60956400 60956478 + 10.79190 NA intron (NM_173667, intron 2 of 3) (GA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 22803 NM_173667 285668 Hs.683866 NM_173667 HPRD:09962 C5orf64 - chromosome 5 open reading frame 64 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17515 chr2 25811577 25811663 + 10.78767 NA intron (NM_183360, intron 6 of 19) Kanga1c|DNA|TcMar-Tc2 61471 NM_001256308 1838 Hs.307720 NM_021907 HPRD:09091 DTNB - dystrobrevin, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30303 chr6 111956584 111956655 + 10.78767 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -29142 NM_147686 10758 Hs.561514 NM_147200 HPRD:06129 TRAF3IP2 ACT1|C6orf2|C6orf4|C6orf5|C6orf6|CANDF8|CIKS|PSORS13 TRAF3 interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36373 chr9 132370615 132370689 + 10.78332 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286796) promoter-TSS (NM_001286796) -511 NM_001286796 28989 Hs.744027 NM_014064 HPRD:10628 NTMT1 AD-003|C9orf32|HOMT1A|METTL11A|NRMT|NTM1A N-terminal Xaa-Pro-Lys N-methyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38754 chrX 134655594 134655889 + 10.76987 NA intron (NM_182540, intron 2 of 16) CpG -1142 NR_046740 100874118 Hs.602150 NR_046740 DDX26B-AS1 - DDX26B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_767 chr1 42800676 42800978 + 10.76539 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001198852) promoter-TSS (NM_001198852) 59 NM_001198852 22887 Hs.26023 NM_014947 HPRD:13549 FOXJ3 - forkhead box J3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26031 chr4 130017259 130017364 + 10.76315 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001099783) promoter-TSS (NM_001099783) 29 NM_001099783 132321 Hs.567679 NM_173487 HPRD:14049 C4orf33 - chromosome 4 open reading frame 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23548 chr3 121379217 121379360 + 10.75033 NA intron (NM_005335, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_005335, intron 1 of 13) 507 NM_001292041 3059 Hs.14601 NM_005335 HPRD:03199 HCLS1 CTTNL|HS1|lckBP1|p75 hematopoietic cell-specific Lyn substrate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29942 chr6 80713890 80713980 + 10.74624 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003318) promoter-TSS (NM_003318) -387 NM_003318 7272 Hs.169840 NM_003318 HPRD:04973 TTK CT96|ESK|MPH1|MPS1|MPS1L1|PYT TTK protein kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20344 chr20 3830704 3830774 + 10.73883 NA intron (NR_037921, intron 1 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 3293 NM_020746 57506 Hs.570362 NM_020746 MAVS CARDIF|IPS-1|IPS1|VISA mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21051 chr20 62918107 62918256 + 10.73193 NA Intergenic (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -3557 NR_040415 140849 Hs.745565 NR_040415 LINC00266-1 C20orf69|NCRNA00266|NCRNA00266-1|bA476I15.3 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 266-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_761 chr1 42217066 42217229 + 10.72930 NA intron (NM_024503, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_024503, intron 1 of 8) 167231 NM_024503 59269 Hs.403972 NM_024503 HPRD:09442 HIVEP3 KBP-1|KBP1|KRC|SHN3|Schnurri-3|ZAS3|ZNF40C human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24844 chr4 33311588 33311657 + 10.72930 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 2589585 NM_032457 5099 Hs.479439 NM_002589 HPRD:04288 PCDH7 BH-Pcdh|BHPCDH|PPP1R120 protocadherin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7931 chr12 39691125 39691219 + 10.72930 NA intron (NM_001173464, intron 37 of 37) L1PA3|LINE|L1 146020 NM_001173463 55605 Hs.374201 NM_017641 HPRD:10506 KIF21A CFEOM1|FEOM1|FEOM3A kinesin family member 21A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23005 chr3 66853066 66853168 + 10.72930 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -195610 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6500 chr11 67397657 67397992 + 10.72715 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243750) promoter-TSS (NM_001243750) -416 NM_181843 254552 Hs.433329 NM_181843 HPRD:17652 NUDT8 - nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28633 chr5 157612121 157612209 + 10.71985 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 224616 NR_109888 101927697 Hs.483960 NR_109888 LOC101927697 - uncharacterized LOC101927697 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23826 chr3 143567297 143567401 + 10.71207 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173653) promoter-TSS (NM_173653) 24 NM_173653 285195 Hs.302257 NM_173653 HPRD:12226 SLC9A9 AUTS16|NHE9 solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE9, cation proton antiporter 9), member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20444 chr20 17561157 17561367 + 10.69983 NA intron (NM_006870, intron 1 of 3) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 10663 NM_001011546 11034 Hs.304192 NM_006870 HPRD:16446 DSTN ACTDP|ADF|HEL32|bA462D18.2 destrin (actin depolymerizing factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34134 chr8 84353135 84353214 + 10.69983 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 37181 NR_122034 103352670 Hs.399852 NR_122034 LINC01419 TCONS_00014497 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1419 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17882 chr2 55459706 55459902 + 10.69579 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152385) promoter-TSS (NM_152385) -10 NM_001177413 6233 Hs.311640 NM_002954 HPRD:01878 RPS27A CEP80|HEL112|S27A|UBA80|UBC|UBCEP1|UBCEP80 ribosomal protein S27a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24693 chr4 13805907 13806011 + 10.69579 NA intron (NR_121681, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 149156 NR_121681 101929071 Hs.543714 NR_121681 ENSG00000250634 LINC01182 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1182 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12116 chr15 94868413 94868604 + 10.69555 NA intron (NM_018349, intron 3 of 21) intron (NM_018349, intron 3 of 21) 27078 NM_018349 55784 Hs.33368 NM_018349 HPRD:07738 MCTP2 - multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8199 chr12 56360443 56360602 + 10.69555 NA promoter-TSS (NM_052827) promoter-TSS (NM_052827) -26 NM_006928 6490 Hs.95972 NM_006928 HPRD:01117 PMEL D12S53E|ME20|ME20-M|ME20M|P1|P100|PMEL17|SI|SIL|SILV|gp100 premelanosome protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31578 chr7 36679552 36679666 + 10.69555 NA intron (NM_001177506, intron 4 of 21) intron (NM_001177506, intron 4 of 21) -39883 NR_046764 100874264 Hs.690994 NR_046764 AOAH-IT1 - AOAH intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6744 chr11 86215202 86215373 + 10.69555 NA intron (NM_001014811, intron 4 of 13) intron (NM_001014811, intron 4 of 13) 129509 NM_021827 60494 Hs.144913 NM_021827 HPRD:08032 CCDC81 - coiled-coil domain containing 81 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3443 chr1 246887536 246887758 + 10.69555 NA 5' UTR (NM_016002, exon 1 of 12) 5' UTR (NM_016002, exon 1 of 12) 269 NM_016002 51097 Hs.498397 NM_016002 HPRD:13038 SCCPDH NET11 saccharopine dehydrogenase (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25439 chr4 77870776 77871041 + 10.69124 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018243) promoter-TSS (NM_018243) 13 NM_018243 55752 Hs.128199 NM_018243 HPRD:08555 SEPT11 - septin 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6943 chr11 107246669 107246762 + 10.68553 NA intron (NM_152434, intron 12 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 81857 NM_152434 143884 Hs.212140 NM_152434 HPRD:13102 CWF19L2 - CWF19-like 2, cell cycle control (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18141 chr2 77133870 77133938 + 10.68553 NA intron (NM_001134745, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -79187 NR_110284 101927907 Hs.382185 NR_110284 ENSG00000234653 LOC101927907 - uncharacterized LOC101927907 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18470 chr2 95564904 95565120 + 10.68553 NA intron (NR_037597, intron 5 of 9) intron (NR_037597, intron 5 of 9) 27834 NM_001286559 150483 Hs.631517 NM_144705 HPRD:14518 TEKT4 - tektin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31284 chr7 7801985 7802174 + 10.68553 NA intron (NR_034084, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_034084, intron 2 of 3) -43841 NM_002947 6119 Hs.487540 NM_002947 RPA3 REPA3 replication protein A3, 14kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7607 chr12 19816154 19816339 + 10.68553 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 222731 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8548 chr12 87498073 87498185 + 10.68553 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -265448 NM_013244 25834 Hs.589093 NM_013244 HPRD:09575 MGAT4C GNTIVH|HGNT-IV-H MGAT4 family, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37848 chrX 61826213 61826320 + 10.67871 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 744952 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9291 chr13 28713527 28713645 + 10.67721 NA promoter-TSS (NR_029383) promoter-TSS (NR_029383) -275 NR_029383 100288730 Hs.123191 NR_029383 PAN3-AS1 - PAN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37504 chrX 41420418 41420527 + 10.67721 NA intron (NM_001126055, intron 16 of 24) intron (NM_001126055, intron 16 of 24) 113759 NM_022567 60506 Hs.302019 NM_022567 HPRD:02232 NYX CLRP|CSNB1|CSNB1A|CSNB4|NBM1 nyctalopin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31824 chr7 57994989 57995055 + 10.67665 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 485139 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9929 chr13 103374176 103374260 + 10.67132 NA Intergenic U13_|snRNA|snRNA -27347 NM_001010977 196541 Hs.508623 NM_001010977 HPRD:17315 METTL21C C13orf39 methyltransferase like 21C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_257 chr1 16148266 16148349 + 10.67132 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -14113 NM_001089591 440567 Hs.568229 NM_001089591 UQCRHL - ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase hinge protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16439 chr19 34537970 34538162 + 10.67132 NA Intergenic AluYk4|SINE|Alu -125286 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27912 chr5 101529441 101529529 + 10.67129 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 102768 NM_180991 353189 Hs.127648 NM_180991 HPRD:12354 SLCO4C1 OATP-H|OATP-M1|OATP4C1|OATPX|PRO2176|SLC21A20 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 4C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7908 chr12 38145453 38145529 + 10.65867 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -565066 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30914 chr6 159320475 159320552 + 10.65652 NA intron (NM_001195032, intron 2 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 10894 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23978 chr3 157446438 157446509 + 10.65652 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 185340 NM_001130002 152078 Hs.259046 NM_001099777 ENSG00000174899 C3orf55 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 55 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22208 chr3 3089263 3089379 + 10.65492 NA intron (NM_001206956, intron 14 of 15) L1P1|LINE|L1 13508 NR_046554 100873975 Hs.581502 NR_046554 CNTN4-AS1 - CNTN4 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27686 chr5 79947931 79948009 + 10.65064 NA intron (NM_001290354, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001290354, intron 1 of 4) -1116 NM_001190470 100462981 Hs.666077 NM_001190470 ENSG00000271043 MTRNR2L2 HN2 MT-RNR2-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31917 chr7 61842519 61842597 + 10.64820 NA Intergenic Intergenic 921876 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34832 chr8 145035438 145035531 + 10.64691 NA intron (NM_000445, intron 2 of 32) AluSg|SINE|Alu -7396 NM_201379 5339 Hs.434248 NM_000445 HPRD:03180 PLEC EBS1|EBSO|HD1|LGMD2Q|PCN|PLEC1|PLEC1b|PLTN plectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28600 chr5 155829386 155829539 + 10.64691 NA intron (NM_001128209, intron 2 of 7) LTR43|LTR|ERV1 75695 NM_000337 6444 Hs.387207 NM_000337 HPRD:03246 SGCD 35DAG|CMD1L|DAGD|SG-delta|SGCDP|SGD sarcoglycan, delta (35kDa dystrophin-associated glycoprotein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21112 chr21 10728510 10728579 + 10.64254 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 262399 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17993 chr2 66847132 66847203 + 10.64250 NA intron (NR_110156, intron 1 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 46005 NR_110156 100507073 Hs.667940 NR_110156 LOC100507073 - uncharacterized LOC100507073 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18945 chr2 132814095 132814181 + 10.63934 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 105387 NR_027019 554226 Hs.380689 NR_027019 ENSG00000163046 ANKRD30BL ANKRD30BP3|NCRNA00164 ankyrin repeat domain 30B-like pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6149 chr11 51573116 51573185 + 10.63410 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 57868 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30948 chr6 159437226 159437296 + 10.63293 NA Intergenic AluJb|SINE|Alu -16063 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21654 chr22 19888013 19888114 + 10.63293 NA intron (NM_001282512, intron 8 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu -41200 NM_000754 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9469 chr13 45436279 45436358 + 10.63293 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -52552 NR_038433 144817 Hs.585616 NR_038433 ENSG00000235097 LINC00330 NCRNA00330 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 330 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21967 chr22 38090042 38090120 + 10.63293 NA TTS (NM_024313) TTS (NM_024313) -2914 NM_001039141 11078 Hs.533030 NM_007032 HPRD:11028 TRIOBP DFNB28|TAP68|TARA|dJ37E16.4 TRIO and F-actin binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7236 chr11 131623605 131623763 + 10.61453 NA intron (NM_001048209, intron 1 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -157028 NM_001144058 50863 Hs.504352 NM_016522 HPRD:06398 NTM HNT|IGLON2|NTRI neurotrimin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23711 chr3 133503884 133503979 + 10.61387 NA intron (NM_021203, intron 1 of 7) SVA_F|Other|Other 1054 NM_021203 58477 Hs.12152 NM_021203 HPRD:18105 SRPRB APMCF1 signal recognition particle receptor, B subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26300 chr4 158729120 158729199 + 10.61387 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 235517 NR_026992 340017 Hs.428275 NR_026992 ENSG00000234111 LOC340017 - uncharacterized LOC340017 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1371 chr1 99259944 99260079 + 10.60683 NA Intergenic Intergenic 132775 NM_152238 51375 Hs.197015 NM_015976 HPRD:15416 SNX7 - sorting nexin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20595 chr20 29832840 29832915 + 10.60303 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -12590 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30545 chr6 135410090 135410197 + 10.59396 NA Intergenic Intergenic -34107 NM_006620 10767 Hs.378532 NM_006620 HPRD:06582 HBS1L EF-1a|ERFS|HBS1|HSPC276|eRF3c HBS1-like translational GTPase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27685 chr5 79947592 79947734 + 10.58869 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001190470) promoter-TSS (NM_001190470) -809 NM_001190470 100462981 Hs.666077 NM_001190470 ENSG00000271043 MTRNR2L2 HN2 MT-RNR2-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33516 chr8 27132005 27132121 + 10.58546 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16107 NM_001283054 81551 Hs.201058 NM_030795 HPRD:18120 STMN4 RB3 stathmin-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3471 chr1 248283687 248283772 + 10.58546 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1709 NR_002141 388762 Hs.528509 NR_002141 OR2M1P JCG10|OR2M1|OST037 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily M, member 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12915 chr16 35259748 35260005 + 10.58525 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 278953 NR_033985 400533 Hs.499135 NR_033985 ENSG00000261122 FLJ26245 - uncharacterized LOC400533 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1188 chr1 84291381 84291492 + 10.58083 NA intron (NR_119374, intron 2 of 2) L1PA5|LINE|L1 34793 NR_119374 101927560 Hs.559661 NR_119374 ENSG00000233008 LOC101927560 - uncharacterized LOC101927560 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39214 chrY 13722291 13722376 + 10.57506 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 811056 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23109 chr3 75565707 75565776 + 10.57444 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -81475 NR_024241 692099 Hs.591652 NR_024241 ENSG00000244026 FAM86DP FAM86D family with sequence similarity 86, member D, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31599 chr7 37653942 37654037 + 10.57444 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -126007 NM_181791 353345 Hs.688230 NM_181791 HPRD:16423 GPR141 PGR13 G protein-coupled receptor 141 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10782 chr14 77506425 77506560 + 10.56556 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110554) promoter-TSS (NR_110554) -900 NR_110554 283575 Hs.651736 NR_110554 ENSG00000246548 LOC283575 - uncharacterized LOC283575 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3276 chr1 232759091 232759328 + 10.55692 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -107966 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33 chr1 802058 802275 + 10.55464 NA Intergenic CpG 10016 NR_027055 284593 Hs.449006 NR_027055 ENSG00000230368 FAM41C - family with sequence similarity 41, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28464 chr5 145945469 145945599 + 10.55464 NA Intergenic Intergenic -49858 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32322 chr7 92794880 92794972 + 10.55464 NA Intergenic MER57E1|LTR|ERV1 -17246 NM_152703 219285 Hs.489118 NM_152703 HPRD:10798 SAMD9L C7orf6|DRIF2|UEF1 sterile alpha motif domain containing 9-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38693 chrX 131157234 131157359 + 10.55464 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001042453) promoter-TSS (NM_001042453) 51 NM_016542 51765 Hs.444247 NM_016542 HPRD:06663 MST4 MASK serine/threonine protein kinase MST4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20101 chr2 234754960 234755032 + 10.55464 NA intron (NM_001282962, intron 3 of 6) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 8216 NM_018410 55355 Hs.532968 NM_018410 ENSG00000123485 HJURP FAKTS|URLC9|hFLEG1 Holliday junction recognition protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21248 chr21 19148224 19148461 + 10.55443 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 16484 NR_038870 246312 Hs.473425 NR_038870 ENSG00000240770 C21orf91-OT1 D21S2089E|NCRNA00285 C21orf91 overlapping transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38627 chrX 125606971 125607087 + 10.55354 NA Intergenic Intergenic 79813 NM_178470 139170 Hs.120403 NM_178470 HPRD:06604 DCAF12L1 KIAA1892L|WDR40B DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 12-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19944 chr2 220507304 220507413 + 10.55276 NA TTS (NM_005070) TTS (NM_005070) 15066 NR_048551 6508 Hs.1176 NM_005070 HPRD:00109 SLC4A3 AE3|SLC2C solute carrier family 4 (anion exchanger), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30628 chr6 139811708 139811810 + 10.55093 NA Intergenic MER57B2|LTR|ERV1 -16026 NR_033919 645434 Hs.666240 NR_033919 LOC645434 - uncharacterized LOC645434 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24112 chr3 171198420 171198550 + 10.55093 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20288 NM_001161562 23043 Hs.34024 NM_015028 HPRD:18206 TNIK - TRAF2 and NCK interacting kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4229 chr10 43278044 43278262 + 10.55093 NA 5' UTR (NM_014753, exon 1 of 23) 5' UTR (NM_014753, exon 1 of 23) 199 NM_014753 9790 Hs.10848 NM_014753 HPRD:10689 BMS1 ACC|BMS1L BMS1 ribosome biogenesis factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34815 chr8 144914328 144914450 + 10.54932 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -2833 NM_001271096 22827 Hs.521924 NM_014281 HPRD:18051 PUF60 FIR|RoBPI|SIAHBP1|VRJS poly-U binding splicing factor 60KDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36821 chrUn_gl000217 131862 131967 + 10.54665 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1782 chr1 143745482 143745585 + 10.54665 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1014 NR_027468 388685 Hs.713362 NM_207400 LINC01138 LINC00875 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1138 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22677 chr3 42623729 42623939 + 10.54354 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001201584) promoter-TSS (NM_001201584) -314 NM_004206 9117 Hs.445892 NM_004206 HPRD:04938 SEC22C SEC22L3 SEC22 vesicle trafficking protein homolog C (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30091 chr6 91650609 91650792 + 10.52914 NA Intergenic Intergenic -353680 NM_003188 6885 Hs.594838 NM_003188 HPRD:04011 MAP3K7 MEKK7|TAK1|TGF1a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36903 chrUn_gl000225 15147 15256 + 10.52734 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30524 chr6 133084581 133084722 + 10.52721 NA promoter-TSS (NM_078488) promoter-TSS (NM_078488) -53 NM_078488 8875 Hs.293130 NM_004665 HPRD:04652 VNN2 FOAP-4|GPI-80 vanin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4256 chr10 44983508 44983596 + 10.52721 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -103007 NM_001033886 6387 Hs.522891 NM_000609 HPRD:02904 CXCL12 IRH|PBSF|SCYB12|SDF1|TLSF|TPAR1 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26610 chr4 190229871 190230007 + 10.52721 NA Intergenic CpG -350821 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33101 chr7 156848208 156848320 + 10.52151 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 44713 NR_038835 645249 Hs.224879 NR_038835 ENSG00000243479 MNX1-AS1 - MNX1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27229 chr5 49547369 49547440 + 10.51681 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 189830 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37482 chrX 39719653 39719849 + 10.51613 NA Intergenic Intergenic 236968 NM_017745 54880 Hs.659681 NM_017745 HPRD:06458 BCOR ANOP2|MAA2|MCOPS2 BCL6 corepressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27062 chr5 42209716 42209796 + 10.51613 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -34309 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3711 chr10 15210579 15210708 + 10.51299 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004808) promoter-TSS (NM_004808) 52 NM_004808 9397 Hs.60339 NM_004808 NMT2 - N-myristoyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28079 chr5 118644786 118644954 + 10.51179 NA intron (NM_001077654, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_001077654, intron 1 of 1) -24000 NM_001286814 25816 Hs.618488 NM_014350 TNFAIP8 GG2-1|MDC-3.13|NDED|SCC-S2|SCCS2 tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18301 chr2 89852383 89852451 + 10.50647 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 740533 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26423 chr4 174290943 174291126 + 10.50555 NA Intergenic (CACG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -1059 NM_003864 8819 Hs.591715 NM_003864 HPRD:04540 SAP30 - Sin3A-associated protein, 30kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_794 chr1 43644748 43644933 + 10.50320 NA intron (NM_152498, intron 2 of 10) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -6599 NM_001159936 10969 Hs.346868 NM_006824 HPRD:16849 EBNA1BP2 EBP2|NOBP|P40 EBNA1 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14321 chr17 41157158 41157239 + 10.50320 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -1544 NM_005533 3430 Hs.632258 NM_005533 HPRD:02844 IFI35 IFP35 interferon-induced protein 35 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35695 chr9 76484294 76484482 + 10.50113 NA intron (NR_106746, intron 7 of 7) intron (NR_106746, intron 7 of 7) -502059 NR_121182 101927358 Hs.559523 NR_121182 ENSG00000227809 LOC101927358 - uncharacterized LOC101927358 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32279 chr7 89155144 89155220 + 10.50113 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -593532 NR_003551 442523 Hs.406964 NR_003551 ENSG00000235436 DPY19L2P4 - DPY19L2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32906 chr7 143064674 143064759 + 10.49985 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -4876 NM_001031690 9715 Hs.648908 NM_014690 HPRD:13816 FAM131B - family with sequence similarity 131, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11074 chr14 105451999 105452287 + 10.49985 NA promoter-TSS (NM_174891) promoter-TSS (NM_174891) -473 NM_174891 122616 Hs.27183 NM_174891 C14orf79 - chromosome 14 open reading frame 79 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4765 chr10 91092198 91092281 + 10.49516 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001031683) promoter-TSS (NM_001031683) 3 NM_001031683 3437 Hs.47338 NM_001549 HPRD:05228 IFIT3 CIG-49|GARG-49|IFI60|IFIT4|IRG2|ISG60|P60|RIG-G interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25707 chr4 103423293 103423397 + 10.49135 NA intron (NM_003998, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_003998, intron 1 of 23) 859 NM_001165412 4790 Hs.618430 NM_003998 HPRD:01238 NFKB1 EBP-1|KBF1|NF-kB1|NF-kappa-B|NF-kappaB|NFKB-p105|NFKB-p50|NFkappaB|p105|p50 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33114 chr7 156896012 156896335 + 10.48184 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -35482 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33114-2 chr7 156896012 156896335 + 10.48184 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -35482 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25653 chr4 99627417 99627545 + 10.47946 NA Intergenic LTR33|LTR|ERVL -47669 NM_005723 10098 Hs.118118 NM_005723 HPRD:15513 TSPAN5 NET-4|NET4|TM4SF9|TSPAN-5 tetraspanin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23481 chr3 114884183 114884362 + 10.47762 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18145 NM_015642 26137 Hs.202577 NM_015642 HPRD:05822 ZBTB20 DPZF|HOF|ODA-8S|ZNF288 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24306 chr3 188077092 188077192 + 10.47762 NA intron (NM_001167671, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_001167671, intron 2 of 10) 133949 NM_001167671 4026 Hs.720220 NM_005578 HPRD:02828 LPP - LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19675 chr2 200715866 200716011 + 10.47762 NA promoter-TSS (NR_034096) promoter-TSS (NR_034096) -42 NR_034096 348751 Hs.734578 NR_034096 ENSG00000226124 FTCDNL1 FONG formiminotransferase cyclodeaminase N-terminal like ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37935-2 chrX 65401718 65402006 + 10.47762 NA intron (NM_001282141, intron 4 of 17) L1HS|LINE|L1 17790 NM_014799 9843 Hs.31720 NM_014799 HPRD:02159 HEPH CPL hephaestin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37935 chrX 65401718 65402006 + 10.47762 NA intron (NM_001282141, intron 4 of 17) L1HS|LINE|L1 17790 NM_014799 9843 Hs.31720 NM_014799 HPRD:02159 HEPH CPL hephaestin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14977 chr18 2641718 2641850 + 10.47713 NA Intergenic Intergenic 13610 NR_033754 645158 Hs.712861 NR_033754 ENSG00000266405 CBX3P2 - chromobox homolog 3 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3918 chr10 31397832 31397912 + 10.47318 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -77006 NM_001143767 220929 Hs.660642 NM_182755 HPRD:11247 ZNF438 bA330O11.1 zinc finger protein 438 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18051 chr2 71222646 71222778 + 10.47091 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144582) promoter-TSS (NM_144582) -711 NM_144582 113419 Hs.516087 NM_144582 HPRD:15491 TEX261 TEG-261 testis expressed 261 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21158 chr21 10844201 10844293 + 10.46721 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 146696 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7889 chr12 38067460 38067526 + 10.46481 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -643064 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27968 chr5 108083455 108083566 + 10.45862 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005246) promoter-TSS (NM_005246) -13 NM_005246 2241 Hs.221472 NM_005246 FER FerT|PPP1R74|Pe1Fe10|Pe1Fe13|Pe1Fe3|Pe1Fe6|TYK3 fer (fps/fes related) tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7356 chr12 6183732 6183828 + 10.45599 NA intron (NM_000552, intron 7 of 51) intron (NM_000552, intron 7 of 51) 50056 NM_000552 7450 Hs.440848 NM_000552 HPRD:01906 VWF F8VWF|VWD von Willebrand factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19933 chr2 220119432 220119534 + 10.45238 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278552) promoter-TSS (NM_001278552) -153 NM_001278552 7277 Hs.75318 NM_006000 HPRD:01851 TUBA4A H2-ALPHA|TUBA1 tubulin, alpha 4a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6556 chr11 70992668 70992770 + 10.45224 NA Intergenic AluSz6|SINE|Alu -56877 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7605 chr12 19793623 19793702 + 10.45224 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 200147 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28553 chr5 150537348 150537432 + 10.45055 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001155) promoter-TSS (NM_001155) 53 NM_001155 309 Hs.412117 NM_001155 HPRD:00231 ANXA6 ANX6|CBP68 annexin A6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7192 chr11 128300315 128300408 + 10.44512 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 91844 NM_005238 2113 Hs.369438 NM_005238 HPRD:01260 ETS1 ETS-1|EWSR2|p54 v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14039 chr17 25539128 25539254 + 10.44512 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other 81831 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2992 chr1 214613116 214613234 + 10.44512 NA intron (NM_005401, intron 3 of 18) CR1_Mam|LINE|CR1 111849 NM_005401 5784 Hs.193557 NM_005401 HPRD:04402 PTPN14 PEZ|PTP36 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7690 chr12 25538516 25538679 + 10.44507 NA Intergenic Intergenic -134732 NM_033360 3845 Hs.505033 NM_004985 HPRD:01817 KRAS C-K-RAS|CFC2|K-RAS2A|K-RAS2B|K-RAS4A|K-RAS4B|KI-RAS|KRAS1|KRAS2|NS|NS3|RASK2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34710 chr8 138571870 138571954 + 10.43252 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -146081 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30930 chr6 159370056 159370129 + 10.42990 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 51106 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29956 chr6 81534453 81534536 + 10.42990 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 718150 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19586 chr2 192502548 192502679 + 10.42661 NA Intergenic Tigger15a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -40185 NM_001254736 64859 Hs.591610 NM_022837 NABP1 OBFC2A|SOSS-B2|SSB2 nucleic acid binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24295 chr3 187540352 187540488 + 10.41722 NA Intergenic Intergenic -76907 NM_001706 604 Hs.478588 NM_001706 HPRD:00180 BCL6 BCL5|BCL6A|LAZ3|ZBTB27|ZNF51 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22257 chr3 8104327 8104407 + 10.41722 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -46373 NR_110131 101927394 Hs.517767 NR_110131 ENSG00000227110 LOC101927394 - uncharacterized LOC101927394 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39181 chrY 13658772 13658856 + 10.41289 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 874575 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35469 chr9 66854838 66854926 + 10.41170 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -68085 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35443 chr9 66808519 66808622 + 10.41049 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -114397 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21658 chr22 19908366 19908447 + 10.40941 NA intron (NM_001282512, intron 2 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu -20857 NM_000754 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30511 chr6 131519017 131519146 + 10.40941 NA intron (NM_016377, intron 5 of 7) LTR14B|LTR|ERVK -52218 NM_138633 9465 Hs.486483 NM_004842 HPRD:16065 AKAP7 AKAP15|AKAP18 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36530 chr9 140353828 140353931 + 10.40489 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001178064) promoter-TSS (NM_001178064) -93 NM_001130969 26012 Hs.455336 NM_015537 HPRD:10485 NSMF HH9|NELF NMDA receptor synaptonuclear signaling and neuronal migration factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16495 chr19 36394667 36394834 + 10.40121 NA TTS (NM_198125) TTS (NM_198125) 1368 NM_014266 10870 Hs.117339 NM_014266 HPRD:04971 HCST DAP10|KAP10|PIK3AP hematopoietic cell signal transducer protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10312 chr14 40098974 40099045 + 10.40119 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -197305 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15963 chr19 11593498 11593723 + 10.40119 NA TTS (NM_138783) TTS (NM_138783) -1807 NM_001420 1995 Hs.1701 NM_001420 HPRD:16024 ELAVL3 HUC|HUCL|PLE21 ELAV like neuron-specific RNA binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36631 chr9_gl000199_random 111557 111629 + 10.40114 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11585 chr15 53198588 53198789 + 10.39919 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -116479 NM_004498 3175 Hs.658573 NM_004498 ONECUT1 HNF-6|HNF6|HNF6A one cut homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3739 chr10 17157845 17157913 + 10.38988 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 6 of 66) intron (NM_001081, intron 6 of 66) 13937 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5002 chr10 106093168 106093274 + 10.38715 NA 5' UTR (NM_033397, exon 2 of 3) 5' UTR (NM_033397, exon 2 of 3) 442 NM_033397 85450 Hs.523252 NM_033397 ITPRIP DANGER|KIAA1754|bA127L20|bA127L20.2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8574 chr12 89769753 89769903 + 10.38564 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23192 NM_022652 1848 Hs.298654 NM_001946 HPRD:04124 DUSP6 HH19|MKP3|PYST1 dual specificity phosphatase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15354 chr18 46394861 46395041 + 10.38258 NA Intergenic Intergenic 74226 NM_001190823 4092 Hs.465087 NM_005904 HPRD:04241 SMAD7 CRCS3|MADH7|MADH8 SMAD family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27708 chr5 81751057 81751151 + 10.37577 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 175823 NM_001017971 92270 Hs.729805 NM_001017971 HPRD:18710 ATP6AP1L - ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal accessory protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11132 chr15 20038279 20038373 + 10.37058 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -449671 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12282 chr16 2255655 2255767 + 10.36866 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199174) promoter-TSS (NM_001199174) -21 NM_001199174 64223 Hs.29203 NM_022372 HPRD:17031 MLST8 GBL|GbetaL|LST8|POP3|WAT1 MTOR associated protein, LST8 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7855 chr12 34847614 34847687 + 10.36521 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 672434 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15635 chr18 77383682 77383772 + 10.36237 NA Intergenic Intergenic -56074 NM_004715 9150 Hs.465490 NM_004715 HPRD:05377 CTDP1 CCFDN|FCP1 CTD (carboxy-terminal domain, RNA polymerase II, polypeptide A) phosphatase, subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30498 chr6 130702999 130703158 + 10.36237 NA intron (NM_001258276, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_001258276, intron 1 of 1) 15652 NM_001258276 114801 Hs.591341 NM_052913 HPRD:13901 TMEM200A KIAA1913|TTMA|TTMC transmembrane protein 200A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33992 chr8 68256047 68256258 + 10.36237 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006421) promoter-TSS (NM_006421) -240 NM_006421 10565 Hs.656902 NM_006421 HPRD:09163 ARFGEF1 ARFGEP1|BIG1|P200 ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 1 (brefeldin A-inhibited) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29791 chr6 64308610 64308713 + 10.36214 NA Intergenic LTR33C|LTR|ERVL 26744 NM_003463 7803 Hs.227777 NM_003463 HPRD:03349 PTP4A1 HH72|PRL-1|PRL1|PTP(CAAX1)|PTPCAAX1 protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37768 chrX 58554926 58555002 + 10.35087 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -617897 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23401 chr3 108553997 108554166 + 10.35048 NA intron (NM_016388, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_016388, intron 2 of 5) 12450 NM_016388 50852 Hs.138701 NM_016388 HPRD:05392 TRAT1 TCRIM|TRIM T cell receptor associated transmembrane adaptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15675 chr19 873131 873246 + 10.34898 NA intron (NM_005481, intron 11 of 15) intron (NM_005481, intron 11 of 15) 13523 NM_001928 1675 Hs.155597 NM_001928 CFD ADIPSIN|ADN|DF|PFD complement factor D (adipsin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1022 chr1 64059293 64059557 + 10.34720 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001172819) promoter-TSS (NM_001172819) -55 NM_001172819 5236 Hs.1869 NM_002633 HPRD:01389 PGM1 CDG1T|GSD14 phosphoglucomutase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31809 chr7 57948440 57948526 + 10.34583 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 438600 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11985 chr15 85197441 85197614 + 10.34485 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032856) promoter-TSS (NM_032856) -6 NM_032856 84942 Hs.745027 NM_032856 HPRD:08608 WDR73 - WD repeat domain 73 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8894 chr12 113622738 113622899 + 10.34485 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032848) promoter-TSS (NM_032848) 466 NM_001111322 79039 Hs.506861 NM_024072 HPRD:13129 DDX54 DP97 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 54 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6163 chr11 51584206 51584385 + 10.34435 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 69013 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14941 chr18 112221 112298 + 10.34230 NA promoter-TSS (NR_107045) promoter-TSS (NR_107045) 80 NR_107045 102466878 NR_107045 MIR8078 hsa-mir-8078 microRNA 8078 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1672 chr1 121370269 121370375 + 10.34158 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 109412 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37461 chrX 36190260 36190328 + 10.33914 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -56602 NM_001098843 645090 Hs.632791 NM_001098843 ENSG00000205081 CXorf30 - chromosome X open reading frame 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36930 chrUn_gl000225 51831 52001 + 10.33756 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39199 chrY 13693695 13693767 + 10.33551 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 839658 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32883 chr7 141502029 141502101 + 10.33451 NA Intergenic Intergenic 12048 NM_018980 54429 Hs.675370 NM_018980 HPRD:05453 TAS2R5 T2R5 taste receptor, type 2, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36781 chrUn_gl000216 142825 142910 + 10.33410 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27210 chr5 49441248 49441314 + 10.33301 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 295953 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1822 chr1 144948624 144948802 + 10.32889 NA intron (NM_001002812, intron 4 of 22) L1PREC2|LINE|L1 -16348 NM_001002811 9659 Hs.584841 NM_014644 HPRD:10482 PDE4DIP CMYA2|MMGL phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35084 chr9 21030696 21030831 + 10.32581 NA intron (NM_001010915, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001010915, intron 1 of 6) 872 NM_001010915 401494 Hs.716678 NM_001010915 PTPLAD2 HACD4 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27946 chr5 106108013 106108090 + 10.32560 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 238664 NR_104671 102467213 Hs.570923 NR_104671 LOC102467213 - uncharacterized LOC102467213 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4318 chr10 51057086 51057195 + 10.32560 NA intron (NM_003631, intron 13 of 17) AluSp|SINE|Alu -86715 NM_001143996 55753 Hs.17860 NM_018245 HPRD:07704 OGDHL - oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11604 chr15 55548051 55548128 + 10.32560 NA intron (NM_183234, intron 1 of 6) MIRc|SINE|MIR 14395 NM_183234 5873 Hs.654978 NM_004580 HPRD:04845 RAB27A GS2|HsT18676|RAB27|RAM RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4932 chr10 102747238 102747308 + 10.32560 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001163812) promoter-TSS (NM_001163812) -1 NM_176794 84545 Hs.421848 NM_032112 HPRD:14762 MRPL43 bMRP36a mitochondrial ribosomal protein L43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19335 chr2 170335910 170336068 + 10.32560 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152384) promoter-TSS (NM_152384) -17 NM_152384 129880 Hs.233398 NM_152384 HPRD:10353 BBS5 - Bardet-Biedl syndrome 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29331 chr6 30217877 30217960 + 10.32560 NA intron (NR_052012, intron 2 of 4) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -9421 NR_027822 3139 Hs.656020 NR_027822 ENSG00000243753 HLA-L HLA-92|HLA92|HLAL major histocompatibility complex, class I, L (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32288 chr7 90441233 90441305 + 10.32560 NA intron (NM_001287137, intron 3 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 102139 NM_001287136 5218 Hs.258576 NM_012395 HPRD:15121 CDK14 PFTAIRE1|PFTK1 cyclin-dependent kinase 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20482 chr20 21263149 21263310 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -20713 NM_012255 22803 Hs.255932 NM_012255 HPRD:10309 XRN2 - 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12171 chr15 101076079 101076239 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_178842, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_178842, intron 1 of 12) 8372 NM_001290342 204219 Hs.662371 NM_178842 HPRD:13961 CERS3 ARCI9|LASS3 ceramide synthase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38407 chrX 103217107 103217230 + 10.32280 NA promoter-TSS (NM_194324) promoter-TSS (NM_194324) -32 NM_194324 286527 Hs.56145 NM_194324 HPRD:17546 TMSB15B Tbeta15b thymosin beta 15B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11258 chr15 29893183 29893304 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -30316 NM_015307 23359 Hs.383564 NM_015307 ENSG00000104059 FAM189A1 TMEM228 family with sequence similarity 189, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9922 chr13 102294110 102294184 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001271755, intron 6 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 151844 NM_001271756 9358 Hs.696554 NM_004791 HPRD:07253 ITGBL1 OSCP|TIED integrin, beta-like 1 (with EGF-like repeat domains) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10732 chr14 74802995 74803074 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -12132 NM_018228 55237 Hs.578167 NM_018228 HPRD:16593 VRTN C14orf115|vertnin vertebrae development associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3782 chr10 20030150 20030271 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -12731 NR_120646 101928834 Hs.676482 NR_120646 ENSG00000233968 LOC101928834 - uncharacterized LOC101928834 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36139 chr9 115995231 115995386 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001859, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001859, intron 1 of 4) 11500 NM_001859 1317 Hs.532315 NM_001859 HPRD:04362 SLC31A1 COPT1|CTR1 solute carrier family 31 (copper transporter), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19044 chr2 137828207 137828279 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001080427, intron 2 of 26) L1PA4|LINE|L1 79781 NM_001080427 80731 Hs.68533 NM_001080427 ENSG00000144229 THSD7B - thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38672 chrX 129955413 129955589 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_006375, intron 2 of 14) L1PA2|LINE|L1 81790 NM_001281736 10495 Hs.171458 NM_006375 HPRD:02234 ENOX2 APK1|COVA1|tNOX ecto-NOX disulfide-thiol exchanger 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8879 chr12 112511308 112511376 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_024953, intron 9 of 23) AluY|SINE|Alu 35293 NM_024953 80018 Hs.530941 NM_024953 HPRD:08578 NAA25 C12orf30|MDM20|NAP1 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 25, NatB auxiliary subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24547 chr4 4126572 4126737 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 101967 NM_177998 133060 Hs.534544 NM_177998 HPRD:07421 OTOP1 - otopetrin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33507 chr8 25619526 25619610 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 283072 NM_022659 64641 Hs.491292 NM_022659 HPRD:16848 EBF2 COE2|EBF-2|O/E-3|OE-3 early B-cell factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19106 chr2 149156216 149156290 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_018328, intron 5 of 14) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -246307 NM_015630 26122 Hs.23270 NM_015630 HPRD:13274 EPC2 EPC-LIKE enhancer of polycomb homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11671 chr15 61720480 61720547 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -199011 NM_134261 6095 Hs.560343 NM_002943 HPRD:02896 RORA NR1F1|ROR1|ROR2|ROR3|RZR-ALPHA|RZRA RAR-related orphan receptor A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24789 chr4 24963642 24963715 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_173463, intron 1 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 18148 NM_173463 91050 Hs.106432 NM_173463 HPRD:10908 CCDC149 - coiled-coil domain containing 149 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36115 chr9 114459955 114460024 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_109816, intron 23 of 26) L1PA5|LINE|L1 36138 NM_001017998 2790 Hs.534196 NM_001017998 ENSG00000242616 GNG10 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8576 chr12 89821429 89821534 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_037660, intron 8 of 9) intron (NR_037660, intron 8 of 9) -74845 NM_022652 1848 Hs.298654 NM_001946 HPRD:04124 DUSP6 HH19|MKP3|PYST1 dual specificity phosphatase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28060 chr5 117513102 117513193 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_104997, intron 2 of 2) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -105122 NR_104609 100505811 Hs.369776 NR_104609 ENSG00000250427 LOC100505811 - uncharacterized LOC100505811 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1308 chr1 93348519 93348652 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001252273, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001252273, intron 1 of 4) -5878 NM_001252271 388650 Hs.180946 NM_001006605 HPRD:14204 FAM69A - family with sequence similarity 69, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38862 chrX 149577480 149577744 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001177465, intron 1 of 4) MIR|SINE|MIR -36108 NM_001177466 10046 Hs.20136 NM_005491 HPRD:02126 MAMLD1 CG1|CXorf6|F18|HYSP2 mastermind-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9355 chr13 34348927 34348996 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -43245 NM_002915 5983 Hs.115474 NM_002915 HPRD:02676 RFC3 RFC38 replication factor C (activator 1) 3, 38kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37228 chrX 8648003 8648189 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_000216, intron 2 of 13) AluSz|SINE|Alu 52131 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37646 chrX 51260589 51260692 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -10347 NR_110654 102723426 Hs.584513 NR_110654 LINC01496 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1496 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2570 chr1 179595247 179595318 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001199089, intron 6 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 19920 NM_001199092 163589 Hs.197354 NM_173533 HPRD:15483 TDRD5 TUDOR3 tudor domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22152 chr22 49823712 49823853 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_110522, intron 1 of 2) AluSq|SINE|Alu 227408 NR_110522 348645 Hs.133159 NM_198851 HPRD:14180 C22orf34 - chromosome 22 open reading frame 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26750 chr5 3660076 3660328 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64034 NM_024337 79192 Hs.424156 NM_024337 HPRD:16203 IRX1 IRX-5|IRXA1 iroquois homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19608 chr2 195145485 195145566 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -63468 NR_110222 101927406 Hs.385793 NR_110222 ENSG00000225539 LOC101927406 - uncharacterized LOC101927406 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10674 chr14 71014700 71014779 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -13007 NM_003814 8748 Hs.177984 NM_003814 HPRD:04754 ADAM20 - ADAM metallopeptidase domain 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38444 chrX 105764361 105764463 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic (TATAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -90748 NM_018015 55086 Hs.274267 NM_018015 HPRD:06513 CXorf57 - chromosome X open reading frame 57 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36069 chr9 110071685 110071888 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_002874, intron 4 of 9) intron (NM_002874, intron 4 of 9) 24736 NM_001244713 5887 Hs.521640 NM_002874 HPRD:06772 RAD23B HHR23B|HR23B|P58 RAD23 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29268 chr6 27560582 27560657 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic tRNA-Met-i|tRNA|tRNA -101195 NR_038293 100507173 Hs.635987 NR_038292 LINC01012 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1012 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_591 chr1 35063077 35063278 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYf4|SINE|Alu -157471 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39352 chrY 26559692 26559775 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -71746 NR_001526 252949 Hs.522869 NR_001526 ENSG00000228240 TTTY17A NCRNA00140|TTTY17 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 17A (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38427 chrX 103962832 103962901 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_017416, intron 2 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 151870 NM_017416 26280 Hs.675519 NM_017416 HPRD:02231 IL1RAPL2 IL-1R9|IL1R9|IL1RAPL-2|TIGIRR-1 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26349 chr4 164794077 164794152 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001166373, intron 2 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu -259338 NM_017923 55016 Hs.592804 NM_017923 HPRD:07940 MARCH1 MARCH-I|RNF171 membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38790 chrX 138593509 138593596 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -19343 NM_000133 2158 Hs.522798 NM_000133 HPRD:02385 F9 FIX|HEMB|P19|PTC|THPH8 coagulation factor IX protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2800 chr1 200785598 200785669 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001297708, intron 4 of 16) AluSq|SINE|Alu -56450 NM_005298 2848 Hs.534316 NM_005298 HPRD:03707 GPR25 - G protein-coupled receptor 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36562 chr9_gl000198_random 2024 2116 + 10.32280 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17784 chr2 46026059 46026159 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 1 of 14) AluY|SINE|Alu 147066 NM_005400 5581 Hs.580351 NM_005400 HPRD:01500 PRKCE PKCE|nPKC-epsilon protein kinase C, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4417 chr10 60415062 60415135 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001080512, intron 2 of 20) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -59677 NR_027508 728640 Hs.729209 NR_027508 FAM133CP - family with sequence similarity 133, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32957 chr7 145677192 145677278 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -136218 NM_014141 26047 Hs.655684 NM_014141 HPRD:05197 CNTNAP2 AUTS15|CASPR2|CDFE|NRXN4|PTHSL1 contactin associated protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36394 chr9 132826623 132826697 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_020960, intron 1 of 17) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 10675 NM_020960 57720 Hs.512461 NM_020960 HPRD:17054 GPR107 GCDRP|LUSTR1|bA138E2.2 G protein-coupled receptor 107 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16437 chr19 34519182 34519272 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -144125 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21845 chr22 27772083 27772181 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 425354 NM_002430 4330 Hs.268515 NM_002430 HPRD:08862 MN1 MGCR|MGCR1|MGCR1-PEN|dJ353E16.2 meningioma (disrupted in balanced translocation) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24772 chr4 21359541 21359620 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_147182, intron 2 of 8) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -54051 NM_147183 80333 Hs.655705 NM_025221 HPRD:12184 KCNIP4 CALP|KCHIP4 Kv channel interacting protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12377 chr16 10270592 10270670 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_000833, intron 3 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 5293 NM_001134408 2903 Hs.411472 NM_000833 HPRD:00698 GRIN2A EPND|FESD|GluN2A|LKS|NMDAR2A|NR2A glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28353 chr5 140404255 140404334 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -26667 NM_013340 29930 Hs.278950 NM_013340 HPRD:08397 PCDHB1 PCDH-BETA1 protocadherin beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2582 chr1 180272824 180272902 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_032360, intron 7 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -29047 NR_037642 100527964 Hs.496545 NR_037642 ENSG00000230124 LHX4-AS1 - LHX4 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2357 chr1 164258893 164258963 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -269669 NM_001204963 5087 Hs.557097 NM_002585 HPRD:08889 PBX1 - pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34917 chr9 2824033 2824110 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_014878, intron 11 of 17) (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 20059 NM_014878 9933 Hs.493309 NM_014878 HPRD:08822 KIAA0020 HA-8|HLA-HA8|PEN|PUF6|XTP5|hPUF-A KIAA0020 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24318 chr3 190004774 190004842 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 35427 NM_021101 9076 Hs.439060 NM_021101 HPRD:04760 CLDN1 CLD1|ILVASC|SEMP1 claudin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38244 chrX 82992859 82992933 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -123238 NM_021118 1538 Hs.444230 NM_021118 ENSG00000183035 CYLC1 CYCL1 cylicin, basic protein of sperm head cytoskeleton 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38859 chrX 149142104 149142171 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_027456, intron 9 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 35371 NR_027456 100272228 Hs.496916 NR_027456 ENSG00000235703 LINC00894 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 894 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34024 chr8 71446820 71446929 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR 63505 NR_110653 101926892 Hs.367827 NR_110653 ENSG00000253967 LOC101926892 - uncharacterized LOC101926892 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11625 chr15 56734096 56734171 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_018365, intron 7 of 9) AluY|SINE|Alu 23202 NM_018365 55329 Hs.444483 NM_018365 HPRD:10967 MNS1 SPATA40 meiosis-specific nuclear structural 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1029 chr1 65343071 65343171 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_002227, intron 4 of 24) intron (NM_002227, intron 4 of 24) 89066 NM_002227 3716 Hs.207538 NM_002227 HPRD:00992 JAK1 JAK1A|JAK1B|JTK3 Janus kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11582 chr15 53156716 53156811 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -74554 NM_004498 3175 Hs.658573 NM_004498 ONECUT1 HNF-6|HNF6|HNF6A one cut homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30789 chr6 151485346 151485416 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -75753 NM_005100 9590 Hs.371240 NM_005100 HPRD:05263 AKAP12 AKAP250|SSeCKS A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25699 chr4 102989772 102989850 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001127507, intron 12 of 15) AluSx|SINE|Alu 254828 NM_001083907 55024 Hs.480400 NM_017935 HPRD:09819 BANK1 BANK B-cell scaffold protein with ankyrin repeats 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38253 chrX 83658945 83659015 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_144657, intron 4 of 9) intron (NM_144657, intron 4 of 9) 98507 NM_001177479 139324 Hs.559546 NM_144657 HPRD:06550 HDX CXorf43|D030011N01Rik highly divergent homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39326 chrY 21270438 21270511 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001291738, intron 1 of 1) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -31041 NR_125734 83869 Hs.138453 NR_001543 ENSG00000176728 TTTY14 CYorf14|NCRNA00137|NCRNA00185|PRO2834|TTY14 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 14 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20095 chr2 234692263 234692334 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001287395, intron 3 of 41) AluSz|SINE|Alu 7973 NM_001287395 339766 Hs.361778 NM_001287395 ENSG00000185038 MROH2A HEATR7B1 maestro heat-like repeat family member 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5919 chr11 36034897 36034964 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_174902, intron 1 of 5) L1PA8|LINE|L1 3282 NR_039769 100616311 NR_039769 MIR3973 - microRNA 3973 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32061 chr7 69696499 69696571 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001127231, intron 4 of 17) AluY|SINE|Alu 632630 NM_001127231 26053 Hs.21631 NM_015570 HPRD:06276 AUTS2 FBRSL2|MRD26 autism susceptibility candidate 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33268 chr8 5025560 5025630 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluSg4|SINE|Alu -173267 NM_033225 64478 Hs.571466 NM_033225 HPRD:10523 CSMD1 PPP1R24 CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22474 chr3 25722008 25722147 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -15647 NR_039644 100616477 NR_039644 miRBase:MI0016785 MIR4442 - microRNA 4442 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_417 chr1 25820285 25820354 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001282564, intron 8 of 8) AluY|SINE|Alu -49757 NM_015627 26119 Hs.590911 NM_015627 HPRD:05765 LDLRAP1 ARH|ARH1|ARH2|FHCB1|FHCB2 low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21635 chr22 19693680 19693805 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -8245 NM_002688 5413 Hs.728762 NM_002688 HPRD:04100 SEPT5 CDCREL|CDCREL-1|CDCREL1|H5|HCDCREL-1|PNUTL1 septin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32687 chr7 127385654 127385767 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_014390, intron 10 of 23) intron (NM_014390, intron 10 of 23) 93508 NM_014390 27044 Hs.122523 NM_014390 HPRD:03714 SND1 TDRD11|p100 staphylococcal nuclease and tudor domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25593 chr4 91598215 91598290 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_207491, intron 6 of 7) L1HS|LINE|L1 442070 NM_207491 401145 Hs.654735 NM_207491 HPRD:17561 CCSER1 FAM190A coiled-coil serine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18808 chr2 120620124 120620212 + 10.32280 NA exon (NM_002830, exon 3 of 27) exon (NM_002830, exon 3 of 27) 102961 NM_002830 5775 Hs.469809 NM_002830 HPRD:01471 PTPN4 MEG|PTPMEG|PTPMEG1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 4 (megakaryocyte) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33874 chr8 57257015 57257129 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -23831 NM_138969 195814 Hs.170673 NM_138969 HPRD:12351 SDR16C5 RDH#2|RDH-E2|RDHE2 short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 16C, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37227 chrX 8632286 8632497 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_000216, intron 2 of 13) AluY|SINE|Alu 67836 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20290 chr20 1139544 1139672 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_178578, intron 5 of 7) AluSx|SINE|Alu 25509 NM_018354 55321 Hs.516834 NM_018354 HPRD:12772 TMEM74B C20orf46 transmembrane protein 74B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15496 chr18 61306086 61306190 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_175041, intron 7 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 5415 NM_175041 6318 Hs.123035 NM_002974 HPRD:02746 SERPINB4 LEUPIN|PI11|SCCA-2|SCCA1|SCCA2 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17447 chr2 16778443 16778519 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_030797, intron 2 of 11) L1HS|LINE|L1 68653 NM_030797 81553 Hs.467769 NM_030797 HPRD:07729 FAM49A - family with sequence similarity 49, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8931 chr12 118870448 118870518 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 56125 NM_022491 64426 Hs.416630 NM_022491 HPRD:12196 SUDS3 SAP45|SDS3 suppressor of defective silencing 3 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13339 chr16 75798219 75798323 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic Intergenic 116636 NM_018975 54386 Hs.301419 NM_018975 HPRD:05452 TERF2IP DRIP5|RAP1 telomeric repeat binding factor 2, interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27343 chr5 56431835 56431903 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -37906 NM_022913 65056 Hs.444279 NM_022913 HPRD:16333 GPBP1 GPBP|SSH6|VASCULIN GC-rich promoter binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6137 chr11 51247809 51247881 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 164603 NM_001005272 81318 Hs.554531 NM_001005272 HPRD:17719 OR4A5 OR11-111 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6356 chr11 63588178 63588299 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_138471, intron 5 of 5) AluYg6|SINE|Alu 7315 NM_138471 144097 Hs.502793 NM_138471 HPRD:14064 C11orf84 - chromosome 11 open reading frame 84 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1537 chr1 112698299 112698391 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 165155 NM_001270945 643355 Hs.279714 NM_001270945 LOC643355 - uncharacterized LOC643355 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28068 chr5 118276954 118277029 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_173666, intron 2 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -33290 NR_036052 100302285 NR_036052 MIR1244-1 MIR1244|MIRN1244|hsa-mir-1244|hsa-mir-1244-1 microRNA 1244-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6545 chr11 70954495 70954578 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -18694 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17417 chr2 12628587 12628723 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_110196, intron 4 of 5) L2b|LINE|L2 -228343 NR_027303 28951 Hs.467751 NM_021643 HPRD:18224 TRIB2 C5FW|GS3955|TRB2 tribbles pseudokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12141 chr15 99438136 99438203 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001291858, intron 3 of 20) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 110514 NR_039864 100616432 NR_039864 MIR4714 - microRNA 4714 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9363 chr13 36532086 36532381 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_004734, intron 3 of 17) (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -16851 NR_031646 100302239 NR_031646 MIR548F5 MIR548F-5|MIRN548F5|hsa-mir-548f-5 microRNA 548f-5 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25893 chr4 120300403 120300471 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 31378 NR_037596 401149 Hs.448518 NR_037596 LINC01061 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1061 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30011 chr6 86463608 86463677 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -75191 NR_003038 387066 Hs.292457 NR_003038 ENSG00000203875 SNHG5 C6orf160|LINC00044|NCRNA00044|U50HG|bA33E24.2 small nucleolar RNA host gene 5 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22439 chr3 20122764 20122983 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_003884, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_003884, intron 2 of 17) 41349 NM_003884 8850 Hs.533055 NM_003884 HPRD:06780 KAT2B CAF|P/CAF|PCAF K(lysine) acetyltransferase 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20834 chr20 46239319 46239457 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001174088, intron 2 of 22) intron (NM_001174088, intron 2 of 22) 108787 NM_001174088 8202 Hs.592142 NM_006534 HPRD:03570 NCOA3 ACTR|AIB-1|AIB1|CAGH16|CTG26|KAT13B|RAC3|SRC-3|SRC3|TNRC14|TNRC16|TRAM-1|bHLHe42|pCIP nuclear receptor coactivator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20347 chr20 3934308 3934378 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001134337, intron 2 of 5) AluSg|SINE|Alu -36133 NR_031722 100302282 NR_031722 MIR103B2 MIR103-2-AS|MIR103-2AS|MIRN103-2AS|hsa-mir-103-2-as microRNA 103b-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38101 chrX 72831378 72831577 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001300884, intron 3 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 48493 NM_001039840 53344 Hs.496323 NM_001039840 ENSG00000204116 CHIC1 BRX cysteine-rich hydrophobic domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2585 chr1 180754452 180754522 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001135669, intron 2 of 13) AluSx|SINE|Alu -127826 NM_020950 57710 Hs.734816 NM_020950 KIAA1614 - KIAA1614 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7259 chr11 133674837 133674918 + 10.32280 NA intron (NR_120444, intron 2 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 5394 NR_120444 646522 Hs.560000 NR_120444 LOC646522 - uncharacterized LOC646522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25293 chr4 62729094 62729184 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_015236, intron 6 of 22) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 298344 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5032 chr10 111002697 111002770 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 72318 NR_046928 100873762 NR_046928 RNU6-53P RNU6-53 RNA, U6 small nuclear 53, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24719 chr4 14513087 14513258 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYc3|SINE|Alu 399580 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1344 chr1 96639547 96639615 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 200100 NR_110693 101928241 Hs.514137 NR_110693 ENSG00000231987 LOC101928241 - uncharacterized LOC101928241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13004 chr16 49979550 49979640 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -79522 NR_104042 255919 Hs.59134 NM_153261 HPRD:08784 CNEP1R1 C16orf69|NEP1-R1|TMEM188|TMP125 CTD nuclear envelope phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10103 chr14 21197512 21197697 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -16495 NM_006683 10876 Hs.304757 NM_006683 HPRD:13289 EDDM3A EP3A|FAM12A|HE3-ALPHA|HE3A|HE3ALPHA|RAM1 epididymal protein 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25319 chr4 65765973 65766078 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 104193 NR_033976 401134 Hs.165899 NR_033976 ENSG00000250125 LOC401134 - uncharacterized LOC401134 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15290 chr18 40355562 40355636 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_002930, intron 4 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu 340058 NM_001272077 6014 Hs.464985 NM_002930 HPRD:15253 RIT2 RIBA|RIN|ROC2 Ras-like without CAAX 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14037 chr17 25473748 25473833 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 147232 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23166 chr3 86454399 86454472 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 35926 NR_046939 100873773 NR_046939 ENSG00000252055 RNU6-69P RNU6-69 RNA, U6 small nuclear 69, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7971 chr12 43803200 43803280 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_025003, intron 28 of 38) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 142484 NM_025003 80070 Hs.287554 NM_025003 ENSG00000173157 ADAMTS20 ADAM-TS20|ADAMTS-20|GON-1 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39347 chrY 26372393 26372469 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -11453 NR_001555 84559 Hs.531603 NR_001555 ENSG00000172332 GOLGA2P2Y GOLGA2LY|GOLGA2LY1|GOLGA2P2 golgin A2 pseudogene 2, Y-linked pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26873 chr5 20413433 20413501 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001291956, intron 1 of 14) L1PA6|LINE|L1 162515 NM_001291956 1016 Hs.317632 NM_004934 HPRD:04314 CDH18 CDH14|CDH14L|CDH24 cadherin 18, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_302 chr1 19327472 19327680 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -44750 NM_001136265 126917 Hs.466625 NM_001136265 ENSG00000169991 IFFO2 - intermediate filament family orphan 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23085 chr3 71947878 71947948 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYc|SINE|Alu -113556 NM_021935 60675 Hs.528665 NM_021935 HPRD:08446 PROK2 BV8|HH4|KAL4|MIT1|PK2 prokineticin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33989 chr8 68000994 68001086 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001291339, intron 2 of 25) AluY|SINE|Alu 4957 NM_001291339 79848 Hs.370147 NM_024790 HPRD:07991 CSPP1 CSPP|JBTS21 centrosome and spindle pole associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11895 chr15 79012219 79012285 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -32127 NR_036495 646938 Hs.449783 NR_036495 ENSG00000238166 LOC646938 - TBC1 domain family, member 2B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25763 chr4 107534160 107534228 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -245602 NM_001195138 100507096 Hs.722750 NM_001195138 GIMD1 - GIMAP family P-loop NTPase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35008 chr9 13709393 13709459 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -218544 NR_038194 100113404 Hs.149786 NR_038194 ENSG00000205636 LINC00583 C9orf146 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 583 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_898 chr1 49976468 49976535 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_032785, intron 3 of 13) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -38744 NR_046839 100874313 Hs.551277 NR_046839 AGBL4-IT1 - AGBL4 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29032 chr6 12514355 12514457 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic Intergenic -121820 NR_103808 100887744 NR_103808 RNU6-48P RNU6-48 RNA, U6 small nuclear 48, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22955 chr3 59613897 59613981 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -578224 NM_198463 200844 Hs.368434 NM_198463 HPRD:13458 C3orf67 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37276 chrX 11954740 11954815 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 177042 NM_006800 10943 Hs.655288 NM_006800 HPRD:05344 MSL3 MSL3L1 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26232 chr4 152135792 152135869 + 10.32280 NA intron (NM_001009555, intron 2 of 20) SVA_D|Other|Other 11830 NM_001009555 152503 Hs.744983 NM_001009555 HPRD:16364 SH3D19 EBP|EVE1|Kryn|SH3P19 SH3 domain containing 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37421 chrX 26396150 26396248 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 161913 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17017 chr19 52924872 52925023 + 10.32280 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -9720 NM_001291368 147658 Hs.447583 NM_182512 ENSG00000198633 ZNF534 KRBO3 zinc finger protein 534 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22493 chr3 25824859 25825053 + 10.32143 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018297) promoter-TSS (NM_018297) 33 NM_018297 55768 Hs.368960 NM_018297 HPRD:10118 NGLY1 CDG1V|PNG1|PNGase N-glycanase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13747 chr17 6418440 6418557 + 10.32128 NA intron (NM_001165966, intron 2 of 18) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 41379 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17915 chr2 61117096 61117165 + 10.32065 NA intron (NM_002908, intron 1 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 8500 NM_001291746 5966 Hs.631886 NM_002908 HPRD:01286 REL C-Rel v-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9752 chr13 80960266 80960369 + 10.32065 NA Intergenic Intergenic -45231 NM_005842 10253 Hs.18676 NM_005842 HPRD:03916 SPRY2 hSPRY2 sprouty homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21558 chr22 16852193 16852302 + 10.31575 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 221453 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20032 chr2 231306390 231306521 + 10.31247 NA intron (NM_001206704, intron 3 of 15) intron (NM_001206704, intron 3 of 15) 24984 NM_001206704 6672 Hs.369056 NM_003113 HPRD:06844 SP100 lysp100b SP100 nuclear antigen protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7234 chr11 131581929 131582008 + 10.31247 NA intron (NM_001048209, intron 1 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -171207 NR_110140 101929653 Hs.559159 NR_110140 ENSG00000237654 LOC101929653 - uncharacterized LOC101929653 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29628 chr6 44856826 44856893 + 10.29821 NA intron (NM_003599, intron 10 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 308648 NR_030313 693171 NR_030313 MIR586 MIRN586|hsa-mir-586 microRNA 586 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26151 chr4 144725355 144725421 + 10.29821 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 101328 NM_002102 2996 Hs.654368 NM_002102 HPRD:00723 GYPE GPE|MNS|MiIX glycophorin E (MNS blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16977 chr19 50991457 50991548 + 10.29062 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -11499 NM_138411 112703 Hs.448941 NM_138411 HPRD:18718 FAM71E1 - family with sequence similarity 71, member E1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23207 chr3 90367052 90367120 + 10.28646 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1210412 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6102 chr11 50651642 50651708 + 10.28295 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 283357 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37003 chrUn_gl000225 139951 140019 + 10.28212 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25622 chr4 96403096 96403180 + 10.28108 NA intron (NM_003728, intron 1 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 67223 NM_003728 8633 Hs.388565 NM_003728 HPRD:04678 UNC5C UNC5H3 unc-5 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16721 chr19 42808669 42808738 + 10.28108 NA intron (NM_199285, intron 1 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu -1751 NM_001145940 5050 Hs.466831 NM_002573 HPRD:04354 PAFAH1B3 PAFAHG platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b, catalytic subunit 3 (29kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30411 chr6 121073555 121073622 + 10.27521 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 582058 NR_104452 221322 Hs.121396 NM_152730 HPRD:12867 TBC1D32 BROMI|C6orf170|C6orf171|bA301B7.2|bA57L9.1|dJ310J6.1 TBC1 domain family, member 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1348 chr1 97072228 97072331 + 10.27521 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -114882 NM_001300986 58155 Hs.596061 NM_021190 HPRD:12233 PTBP2 PTBLP|brPTB|nPTB polypyrimidine tract binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2447 chr1 171454190 171454352 + 10.26726 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015172) promoter-TSS (NM_015172) -395 NM_015172 23215 Hs.494614 NM_015172 HPRD:16539 PRRC2C BAT2-iso|BAT2D1|BAT2L2|XTP2 proline-rich coiled-coil 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19972 chr2 224702254 224702388 + 10.26706 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001039569) promoter-TSS (NM_001039569) -2 NR_110905 130340 Hs.632555 NM_178814 HPRD:16495 AP1S3 - adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 3 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26105 chr4 140619635 140619717 + 10.26092 NA intron (NM_001204366, intron 3 of 5) CpG 32754 NM_002413 4258 Hs.81874 NM_002413 HPRD:03436 MGST2 GST2|MGST-II microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4356 chr10 53266717 53266800 + 10.26092 NA intron (NM_006258, intron 3 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 192597 NM_015235 23283 Hs.591358 NM_015235 HPRD:09900 CSTF2T CstF-64T cleavage stimulation factor, 3' pre-RNA, subunit 2, 64kDa, tau variant protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19829 chr2 209040191 209040262 + 10.25825 NA intron (NM_001099334, intron 6 of 8) intron (NM_001099334, intron 6 of 8) -11929 NM_014617 1418 Hs.122566 NM_014617 HPRD:00433 CRYGA CRY-g-A|CRYG1|CRYG5 crystallin, gamma A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14274 chr17 38685384 38685462 + 10.25825 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -27569 NM_032865 84951 Hs.438292 NM_032865 HPRD:12223 TNS4 CTEN tensin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38426 chrX 103876069 103876141 + 10.25825 NA intron (NM_017416, intron 1 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 65109 NM_017416 26280 Hs.675519 NM_017416 HPRD:02231 IL1RAPL2 IL-1R9|IL1R9|IL1RAPL-2|TIGIRR-1 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36914 chrUn_gl000225 27271 27340 + 10.25649 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22960 chr3 60914976 60915054 + 10.25628 NA intron (NM_001166243, intron 3 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 322118 NM_002012 2272 Hs.655995 NM_002012 HPRD:03096 FHIT AP3Aase|FRA3B fragile histidine triad protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19143 chr2 153550782 153550915 + 10.25628 NA intron (NM_017892, intron 3 of 25) AluJo|SINE|Alu 23127 NM_017892 55660 Hs.643580 NM_017892 ENSG00000196504 PRPF40A FBP-11|FBP11|FLAF1|FNBP3|HIP-10|HIP10|HYPA|NY-REN-6|Prp40 PRP40 pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38535 chrX 117168394 117168469 + 10.25628 NA intron (NM_001168301, intron 1 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -49055 NM_001168299 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5989 chr11 45101874 45101995 + 10.25628 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13630 NR_046338 56981 Hs.178715 NM_020229 HPRD:11456 PRDM11 PFM8 PR domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24067 chr3 167098041 167098179 + 10.25628 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024687) promoter-TSS (NM_024687) -25 NM_024687 79740 Hs.478143 NM_024687 HPRD:08015 ZBBX - zinc finger, B-box domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25246 chr4 60051230 60051315 + 10.25127 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2074721 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32150 chr7 75943636 75943835 + 10.23916 NA Intergenic Intergenic 11860 NM_001540 3315 Hs.520973 NM_001540 HPRD:09076 HSPB1 CMT2F|HEL-S-102|HMN2B|HS.76067|HSP27|HSP28|Hsp25|SRP27 heat shock 27kDa protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23119 chr3 75834665 75834839 + 10.23916 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001128223) promoter-TSS (NM_001128223) -18 NM_001290210 100131827 Hs.556877 NM_001128223 ENSG00000227124 ZNF717 X17|ZNF838 zinc finger protein 717 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10739 chr14 75074666 75074865 + 10.23798 NA intron (NM_000428, intron 1 of 35) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 4269 NM_000428 4053 Hs.512776 NM_000428 HPRD:03650 LTBP2 C14orf141|GLC3D|LTBP3|MSPKA|MSTP031|WMS3 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15257 chr18 33077861 33078005 + 10.23798 NA promoter-TSS (NM_194281) promoter-TSS (NM_194281) 22 NM_001098817 125476 Hs.464903 NM_194281 HPRD:10719 INO80C C18orf37|IES6|hIes6 INO80 complex subunit C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2383 chr1 167189308 167189451 + 10.23579 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002697) promoter-TSS (NM_002697) -687 NM_001198786 5451 Hs.283402 NM_002697 HPRD:01250 POU2F1 OCT1|OTF1|oct-1B POU class 2 homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7595 chr12 19719791 19720120 + 10.23384 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 126440 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28396 chr5 141475337 141475543 + 10.23155 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12884 NM_030571 80762 Hs.9788 NM_030571 HPRD:14816 NDFIP1 N4WBP5 Nedd4 family interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21651 chr22 19876848 19877008 + 10.23155 NA intron (NM_006440, intron 11 of 17) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -34466 NM_053004 54584 Hs.105642 NM_053004 HPRD:13591 GNB1L DGCRK3|GY2|WDR14|WDVCF guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24870 chr4 36387569 36387770 + 10.23155 NA Intergenic LTR33A_|LTR|ERVL 102025 NM_001170700 401124 Hs.363407 NM_001136536 DTHD1 - death domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11384 chr15 40391016 40391210 + 10.23155 NA intron (NM_001003943, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_001003943, intron 3 of 3) 7174 NM_001003942 90427 Hs.591104 NM_033503 HPRD:05881 BMF - Bcl2 modifying factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15318 chr18 43377668 43377750 + 10.23155 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -27836 NM_213602 284266 Hs.287692 NM_213602 HPRD:13011 SIGLEC15 CD33L3|HsT1361|SIGLEC-15 sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26063 chr4 135565975 135566068 + 10.23155 NA Intergenic Intergenic -443118 NM_001114734 132430 Hs.49889 NM_001114734 ENSG00000254535 PABPC4L - poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 4-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2527 chr1 176225776 176225842 + 10.23155 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -49429 NM_022457 64326 Hs.523744 NM_022457 HPRD:07455 RFWD2 COP1|RNF200 ring finger and WD repeat domain 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22953 chr3 59501009 59501129 + 10.23155 NA Intergenic Intergenic -465354 NM_198463 200844 Hs.368434 NM_198463 HPRD:13458 C3orf67 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24243 chr3 184220614 184220856 + 10.23155 NA Intergenic Intergenic -58852 NM_004443 2049 Hs.2913 NM_004443 HPRD:03502 EPHB3 ETK2|HEK2|TYRO6 EPH receptor B3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25905 chr4 121051517 121051589 + 10.23155 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -63540 NM_002358 4085 Hs.591697 NM_002358 MAD2L1 HSMAD2|MAD2 MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38844 chrX 148420759 148420830 + 10.23005 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 166090 NM_000202 3423 Hs.460960 NM_000202 HPRD:02402 IDS MPS2|SIDS iduronate 2-sulfatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4145 chr10 42404364 42404610 + 10.22961 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 459006 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23113 chr3 75629431 75629535 + 10.21977 NA Intergenic CpG -50431 NR_031714 100302212 NR_031714 miRBase:MI0006657 MIR1324 MIRN1324|hsa-mir-1324 microRNA 1324 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31873 chr7 61384795 61384964 + 10.20892 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1379555 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9038 chr12 124457765 124457860 + 10.20678 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001204299) promoter-TSS (NM_001204299) 50 NM_001204299 100533183 Hs.432901 NM_001204299 ENSG00000255906 ZNF664-FAM101A - protein FAM101A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32246 chr7 86669527 86669643 + 10.20484 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001291990) promoter-TSS (NM_001291990) -35 NM_001291990 222223 Hs.208093 NM_152748 HPRD:13405 KIAA1324L EIG121L KIAA1324-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19794 chr2 204860869 204860945 + 10.20484 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 59436 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2710 chr1 192508165 192508336 + 10.20371 NA Intergenic Intergenic -36607 NM_002922 5996 Hs.75256 NM_002922 HPRD:15968 RGS1 1R20|BL34|HEL-S-87|IER1|IR20 regulator of G-protein signaling 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14604 chr17 61167627 61167813 + 10.20371 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 2 of 24) L1PA5|LINE|L1 80822 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_178 chr1 9648648 9648849 + 10.20371 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001010866) promoter-TSS (NM_001010866) -184 NM_001130924 199953 Hs.632365 NM_001010866 HPRD:17991 TMEM201 NET5 transmembrane protein 201 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38531 chrX 116912801 116912868 + 10.20226 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 194867 NM_033495 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24199 chr3 181608720 181608787 + 10.20226 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -61399 NR_104146 100996490 Hs.606987 NR_104146 ENSG00000242512 LINC01206 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1206 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34495 chr8 120318600 120318667 + 10.20226 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 98023 NM_052886 114569 Hs.201083 NM_052886 HPRD:14351 MAL2 - mal, T-cell differentiation protein 2 (gene/pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27980 chr5 109297248 109297343 + 10.20226 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 78412 NR_033175 100289673 Hs.368405 NR_033175 LOC100289673 - phosphoglycerate mutase family member 5 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26868 chr5 19016889 19016956 + 10.20226 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 869459 NM_001291957 1016 Hs.317632 NM_004934 HPRD:04314 CDH18 CDH14|CDH14L|CDH24 cadherin 18, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23996 chr3 158357740 158357806 + 10.20158 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -4544 NM_024996 85476 Hs.518355 NM_024996 HPRD:07365 GFM1 COXPD1|EFG|EFG1|EFGM|EGF1|GFM|hEFG1 G elongation factor, mitochondrial 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9055 chr12 125473649 125473835 + 10.19588 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032656) promoter-TSS (NM_032656) -75 NM_032656 57647 Hs.107382 NM_032656 HPRD:10883 DHX37 DDX37 DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33069 chr7 155158841 155159081 + 10.19089 NA intron (NR_103545, intron 1 of 5) SVA_E|Other|Other 1667 NR_103545 338436 Hs.521326 NR_103545 ENSG00000204960 BLACE - B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia expressed ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16379 chr19 27925893 27925959 + 10.18430 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -358449 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18352 chr2 90443037 90443119 + 10.18339 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 1331194 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33120 chr7 156924821 156924934 + 10.18273 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -6778 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37409 chrX 26300773 26300843 + 10.18273 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 66522 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17186 chr19 59070163 59070521 + 10.18273 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003969) promoter-TSS (NM_003969) 1 NM_003969 9040 Hs.406068 NM_003969 HPRD:04414 UBE2M UBC-RS2|UBC12|hUbc12 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24761 chr4 19066817 19066889 + 10.18253 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -1043370 NM_153686 254251 Hs.446201 NM_153686 HPRD:10088 LCORL MLR1 ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12312 chr16 3156685 3156779 + 10.18253 NA Intergenic CpG -5831 NM_001042428 7755 Hs.592088 NM_003456 HPRD:04580 ZNF205 RhitH|ZNF210|Zfp13 zinc finger protein 205 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5933 chr11 36636542 36637216 + 10.18253 NA intron (NM_001276725, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -17050 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5933-2 chr11 36636542 36637216 + 10.18253 NA intron (NM_001276725, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -17050 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36118 chr9 114800079 114800268 + 10.18253 NA intron (NR_036085, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_036085, intron 3 of 3) 105793 NR_039814 100616114 NR_039814 MIR4668 - microRNA 4668 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26450 chr4 177617211 177617296 + 10.18253 NA intron (NM_005429, intron 4 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 96646 NM_005429 7424 Hs.435215 NM_005429 HPRD:03317 VEGFC Flt4-L|LMPH1D|VRP vascular endothelial growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_595 chr1 35103688 35103761 + 10.18253 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -116924 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18791 chr2 118669445 118669532 + 10.17827 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 97233 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28691 chr5 164711759 164711827 + 10.17827 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu 814508 NR_105065 102546299 Hs.437730 NR_105065 LOC102546299 - uncharacterized LOC102546299 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35423 chr9 66553522 66553636 + 10.17697 NA non-coding (NR_122076, exon 1 of 6) non-coding (NR_122076, exon 1 of 6) 332 NR_122077 403323 Hs.646340 NM_203449 LOC403323 - uncharacterized LOC403323 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38280 chrX 88041963 88042090 + 10.17301 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 39800 NM_001184771 53336 Hs.458292 NM_033048 HPRD:06474 CPXCR1 CT77 CPX chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9436 chr13 42385827 42385996 + 10.17301 NA intron (NM_001009814, intron 16 of 25) intron (NM_001009814, intron 16 of 25) 149310 NM_001009814 23078 Hs.368282 NM_015058 HPRD:17194 VWA8 KIAA0564 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3274 chr1 232741328 232741441 + 10.17301 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -90141 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21156 chr21 10841684 10841755 + 10.17231 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 149224 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27172 chr5 46383200 46383267 + 10.16968 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -687013 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21940 chr22 36851147 36851302 + 10.16466 NA Intergenic CpG 26463 NM_012473 25828 Hs.211929 NM_012473 HPRD:07161 TXN2 MT-TRX|MTRX|TRX2 thioredoxin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1494 chr1 110026328 110026642 + 10.16454 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153340) promoter-TSS (NM_153340) -76 NM_153340 127002 Hs.118248 NM_153340 HPRD:12506 ATXN7L2 - ataxin 7-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37408 chrX 26300374 26300559 + 10.16454 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 66180 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25258 chr4 60077208 60077278 + 10.16205 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2100692 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37456 chrX 34435087 34435154 + 10.16195 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 240285 NM_031442 83604 Hs.8769 NM_031442 HPRD:06741 TMEM47 BCMP1|TM4SF10 transmembrane protein 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8322 chr12 65108308 65108453 + 10.16195 NA 3' UTR (NM_002076, exon 14 of 14) 3' UTR (NM_002076, exon 14 of 14) 44846 NM_002076 2799 Hs.334534 NM_002076 HPRD:09637 GNS G6S glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32718 chr7 128695161 128695319 + 10.16195 NA promoter-TSS (NR_034053) promoter-TSS (NR_034053) -13 NR_034053 23534 Hs.193613 NM_012470 HPRD:18209 TNPO3 IPO12|LGMD1F|MTR10A|TRN-SR|TRN-SR2|TRNSR transportin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12965 chr16 46655245 46655364 + 10.16187 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024745) promoter-TSS (NM_024745) 7 NM_024745 79801 Hs.123253 NM_024745 HPRD:11557 SHCBP1 PAL SHC SH2-domain binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32339 chr7 96181954 96182024 + 10.15833 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -49154 NM_001201451 401388 Hs.734935 NM_207503 HPRD:16959 C7orf76 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 76 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33590 chr8 30670331 30670419 + 10.15833 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001009552) promoter-TSS (NM_001009552) -23 NM_001009552 5516 Hs.491440 NM_004156 HPRD:01487 PPP2CB PP2Abeta|PP2CB protein phosphatase 2, catalytic subunit, beta isozyme protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36106 chr9 114288037 114288216 + 10.15833 NA intron (NM_001007169, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001007169, intron 1 of 5) 687 NM_133464 158399 Hs.660784 NM_133464 HPRD:18345 ZNF483 ZKSCAN16|ZSCAN48 zinc finger protein 483 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27290 chr5 52337037 52337468 + 10.15833 NA intron (NR_073106, intron 2 of 29) intron (NR_073106, intron 2 of 29) 52096 NR_073106 3673 Hs.482077 NM_002203 HPRD:01893 ITGA2 BR|CD49B|GPIa|HPA-5|VLA-2|VLAA2 integrin, alpha 2 (CD49B, alpha 2 subunit of VLA-2 receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29128 chr6 19251558 19251629 + 10.15833 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -70882 NR_110860 101928519 Hs.551771 NR_110860 LOC101928519 - uncharacterized LOC101928519 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8682 chr12 96889823 96889909 + 10.15162 NA Intergenic Intergenic -95500 NM_001170464 5128 Hs.506415 NM_002595 HPRD:09141 CDK17 PCTAIRE2|PCTK2 cyclin-dependent kinase 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14139 chr17 31204181 31204438 + 10.15162 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015194) promoter-TSS (NM_015194) -407 NM_015194 4642 Hs.602063 NM_015194 HPRD:07581 MYO1D PPP1R108|myr4 myosin ID protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38306 chrX 89649745 89649822 + 10.15162 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu 472843 NM_138960 90316 Hs.592220 NM_138960 HPRD:02328 TGIF2LX TGIFLX TGFB-induced factor homeobox 2-like, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33739 chr8 43822770 43822860 + 10.14803 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 675230 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10458 chr14 53615527 53615690 + 10.14759 NA intron (NM_030637, intron 1 of 11) MIR|SINE|MIR 4438 NM_001160147 80821 Hs.125525 NM_030637 HPRD:07482 DDHD1 PA-PLA1|PAPLA1|SPG28 DDHD domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23006 chr3 66857105 66857209 + 10.14357 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -191570 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1270 chr1 90270344 90270436 + 10.14357 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16183 NM_001134479 55144 Hs.482087 NM_018103 HPRD:11287 LRRC8D LRRC5 leucine rich repeat containing 8 family, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33848 chr8 54522553 54522758 + 10.14357 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 232947 NM_213620 51606 Hs.491737 NM_015941 HPRD:10591 ATP6V1H MSTP042|NBP1|SFD|SFDalpha|SFDbeta|VMA13 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 50/57kDa, V1 subunit H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32926 chr7 143181927 143182124 + 10.14357 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 2 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu 7059 NM_176883 259287 Hs.650648 NM_176883 HPRD:18151 TAS2R41 T2R41|T2R59 taste receptor, type 2, member 41 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33994 chr8 68402624 68402731 + 10.14357 NA intron (NM_020361, intron 6 of 10) intron (NM_020361, intron 6 of 10) -146765 NM_006421 10565 Hs.656902 NM_006421 HPRD:09163 ARFGEF1 ARFGEP1|BIG1|P200 ADP-ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide-exchange factor 1 (brefeldin A-inhibited) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_715 chr1 39662653 39662816 + 10.14081 NA intron (NM_012090, intron 1 of 92) intron (NM_012090, intron 1 of 92) 112895 NM_012090 23499 Hs.472475 NM_012090 HPRD:09750 MACF1 ABP620|ACF7|MACF|OFC4 microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12335 chr16 3930824 3930960 + 10.13963 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001079846) promoter-TSS (NM_001079846) -771 NM_004380 1387 Hs.459759 NM_004380 HPRD:02534 CREBBP CBP|KAT3A|RSTS CREB binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8901 chr12 113772936 113773059 + 10.13963 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024959) promoter-TSS (NM_024959) -72 NM_024959 80024 Hs.286194 NM_024959 HPRD:15354 SLC8B1 NCKX6|NCLX|SLC24A6 solute carrier family 8 (sodium/lithium/calcium exchanger), member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18333 chr2 90372865 90372998 + 10.13578 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 1261047 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24703 chr4 14427729 14427796 + 10.13508 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 314170 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30235 chr6 108256208 108256295 + 10.13406 NA intron (NM_007214, intron 1 of 20) SVA_D|Other|Other 23231 NM_007214 11231 Hs.26904 NM_007214 HPRD:09783 SEC63 DNAJC23|ERdj2|PRO2507|SEC63L SEC63 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35980 chr9 101842625 101842697 + 10.13406 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -24751 NM_001130916 7046 Hs.494622 NM_004612 HPRD:01822 TGFBR1 AAT5|ACVRLK4|ALK-5|ALK5|ESS1|LDS1|LDS1A|LDS2A|MSSE|SKR4|TGFR-1 transforming growth factor, beta receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4763 chr10 91020257 91020397 + 10.13406 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8531 NM_000235 3988 Hs.643030 NM_000235 HPRD:02044 LIPA CESD|LAL lipase A, lysosomal acid, cholesterol esterase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5589 chr11 8999885 8999967 + 10.13406 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -13368 NM_001286095 56674 Hs.501853 NM_020644 HPRD:12603 TMEM9B C11orf15 TMEM9 domain family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19533 chr2 187817516 187817585 + 10.12514 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -103653 NM_182521 151112 Hs.375054 NM_182521 HPRD:15902 ZSWIM2 MEX|ZZZ2 zinc finger, SWIM-type containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_647 chr1 36510892 36510968 + 10.11996 NA intron (NM_177422, intron 15 of 16) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -38746 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26176 chr4 147207846 147207924 + 10.11720 NA intron (NM_001029998, intron 9 of 11) intron (NM_001029998, intron 9 of 11) 111050 NM_007080 11157 Hs.190520 NM_007080 HPRD:06286 LSM6 YDR378C LSM6 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA associated (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14002 chr17 22246596 22246670 + 10.11679 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 224196 NM_001190452 100462977 Hs.740185 NM_001190452 ENSG00000256618 MTRNR2L1 HN1 MT-RNR2-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17987 chr2 65828379 65828471 + 10.11471 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -168769 NM_181784 200734 Hs.59332 NM_181784 HPRD:18100 SPRED2 Spred-2 sprouty-related, EVH1 domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12027 chr15 87795034 87795104 + 10.11471 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -325091 NR_026869 145978 Hs.350808 NM_152454 HPRD:08101 LINC00052 NCRNA00052|TMEM83 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 52 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9915 chr13 102070986 102071100 + 10.10981 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -2230 NM_052867 259232 Hs.525146 NM_052867 HPRD:15647 NALCN CanIon|INNFD|VGCNL1|bA430M15.1 sodium leak channel, non-selective protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23380 chr3 107318098 107318195 + 10.10981 NA intron (NM_001276286, intron 2 of 16) intron (NM_001276286, intron 2 of 16) 76363 NM_001276286 56987 Hs.124366 NM_020235 HPRD:10688 BBX ARTC1|HBP2|HSPC339|MDS001 bobby sox homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17580 chr2 28789712 28789878 + 10.10981 NA intron (NM_001170585, intron 20 of 56) CpG-14852 70857 NM_153021 151056 Hs.444933 NM_153021 HPRD:15141 PLB1 PLB|PLB/LIP|hPLB phospholipase B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20264 chr2 243153828 243153952 + 10.10882 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 123046 NR_024437 728323 Hs.471887 NR_024437 LOC728323 - uncharacterized LOC728323 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25354 chr4 69305199 69305387 + 10.09852 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7874 NM_014058 28983 Hs.201877 NM_014058 HPRD:09912 TMPRSS11E DESC1|TMPRSS11E2 transmembrane protease, serine 11E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31090 chr6 170133760 170133834 + 10.08548 NA Intergenic L1PA8A|LINE|L1 -9691 NM_133325 55274 Hs.435933 NM_018288 HPRD:11428 PHF10 BAF45A|XAP135 PHD finger protein 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26084 chr4 139281432 139281540 + 10.08548 NA intron (NR_051987, intron 1 of 2) L1PA5|LINE|L1 50621 NR_051987 100874047 Hs.570848 NR_051987 ENSG00000251372 LINC00499 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 499 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5870 chr11 32648112 32648194 + 10.08548 NA intron (NM_001008391, intron 14 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 42840 NM_006360 10480 Hs.502244 NM_006360 EIF3M B5|PCID1|TANGO7|hfl-B5 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23092 chr3 73015015 73015258 + 10.08538 NA intron (NM_001080393, intron 5 of 6) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -30983 NM_174907 151987 Hs.431092 NM_174907 HPRD:11453 PPP4R2 PP4R2 protein phosphatase 4, regulatory subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33441 chr8 19553979 19554085 + 10.08538 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13771 NR_024040 55790 Hs.613729 NM_018371 HPRD:13114 CSGALNACT1 CSGalNAcT-1|ChGn|beta4GalNAcT chondroitin sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7820 chr12 33892077 33892189 + 10.08538 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -283083 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39024 chrY 7439139 7439205 + 10.08125 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 130116 NR_001552 252948 Hs.522848 NR_001552 ENSG00000225520 TTTY16 NCRNA00139 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 16 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39390 chrY 28803572 28803681 + 10.07326 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 928989 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33215 chr8 170492 170579 + 10.07238 NA intron (NR_003572, intron 2 of 3) (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -11602 NM_001287255 169270 Hs.591388 NM_173539 HPRD:11731 ZNF596 - zinc finger protein 596 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28276 chr5 135468480 135468571 + 10.07238 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005903) promoter-TSS (NM_005903) -9 NM_001001419 4090 Hs.167700 NM_005903 HPRD:04381 SMAD5 DWFC|JV5-1|MADH5 SMAD family member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5928 chr11 36539425 36539520 + 10.07238 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -7609 NM_004620 7189 Hs.444172 NM_004620 TRAF6 MGC:3310|RNF85 TNF receptor-associated factor 6, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39374 chrY 28788693 28788763 + 10.06894 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 914091 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19737 chr2 203776876 203777022 + 10.06168 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018256) promoter-TSS (NM_018256) 0 NM_018256 55759 Hs.73291 NM_018256 WDR12 YTM1 WD repeat domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8108 chr12 51956862 51956934 + 10.06113 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -28122 NM_001177984 6334 Hs.436550 NM_014191 HPRD:09006 SCN8A CERIII|CIAT|EIEE13|MED|NaCh6|Nav1.6|PN4 sodium channel, voltage gated, type VIII, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25885 chr4 119988573 119988651 + 10.06113 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -68327 NM_016599 51778 Hs.732122 NM_016599 HPRD:05724 MYOZ2 C4orf5|CMH16|CS-1 myozenin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21250 chr21 19156195 19156306 + 10.05954 NA intron (NR_038870, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_038870, intron 2 of 2) 8576 NR_038870 246312 Hs.473425 NR_038870 ENSG00000240770 C21orf91-OT1 D21S2089E|NCRNA00285 C21orf91 overlapping transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27173 chr5 46383764 46383839 + 10.05810 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -687581 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7538 chr12 13550029 13550108 + 10.05693 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -20389 NR_036555 283422 Hs.448717 NM_182558 HPRD:08166 C12orf36 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 36 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26674 chr4_gl000193_random 104488 104590 + 10.05601 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -16164 NR_038377 441058 Hs.130535 NR_038377 MGC39584 - uncharacterized LOC441058 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36330 chr9 131166312 131166406 + 10.05013 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -11366 NR_029837 407003 NR_029837 miRBase:MI0000740 MIR219A2 MIR219-2|MIRN219-2|hsa-mir-219a-2 microRNA 219a-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9123 chr12 132568658 132568859 + 10.05013 NA promoter-TSS (NR_003290) promoter-TSS (NR_003290) -70 NR_003290 347918 Hs.122115 NM_182613 HPRD:13413 EP400NL - EP400 N-terminal like pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29648 chr6 46291136 46291267 + 10.05013 NA intron (NM_001251973, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_001251973, intron 2 of 4) 2428 NM_005822 10231 Hs.440168 NM_005822 HPRD:05342 RCAN2 CSP2|DSCR1L1|MCIP2|RCN2|ZAKI-4|ZAKI4 regulator of calcineurin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23002 chr3 66817709 66817831 + 10.04867 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -230957 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18767 chr2 115764308 115764395 + 10.04604 NA intron (NM_001178036, intron 2 of 26) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -57896 NM_001178037 57628 Hs.580539 NM_020868 HPRD:07083 DPP10 DPL2|DPPY|DPRP-3|DPRP3 dipeptidyl-peptidase 10 (non-functional) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37692 chrX 54944872 54944943 + 10.04604 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2089 NM_177556 7216 Hs.633653 NM_016157 HPRD:02134 TRO MAGE-d3|MAGED3 trophinin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3282 chr1 233431216 233431313 + 10.04604 NA 5' UTR (NM_014801, exon 1 of 34) 5' UTR (NM_014801, exon 1 of 34) 195 NM_014801 80003 Hs.370605 NM_014801 HPRD:15108 PCNXL2 - pecanex-like 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5671 chr11 13888492 13888649 + 10.04437 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -95614 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28324 chr5 138774876 138774973 + 10.03715 NA intron (NM_152686, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_152686, intron 1 of 7) 290 NM_152686 202052 Hs.483537 NM_152686 HPRD:07130 DNAJC18 - DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5673 chr11 13915801 13916006 + 10.03715 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -68281 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34893 chr9 400013 400114 + 10.03715 NA intron (NM_001193536, intron 25 of 46) (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -70231 NM_001256876 23189 Hs.306764 NM_015158 HPRD:09651 KANK1 ANKRD15|CPSQ2|KANK KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3760 chr10 17248170 17248370 + 10.03715 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -4200 NM_004412 1787 Hs.351665 NM_004412 HPRD:16001 TRDMT1 DMNT2|DNMT2|MHSAIIP|PUMET|RNMT1 tRNA aspartic acid methyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21978 chr22 38966239 38966516 + 10.03715 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007068) promoter-TSS (NM_007068) -176 NM_007068 11144 Hs.339396 NM_007068 HPRD:04099 DMC1 DMC1H|LIM15|dJ199H16.1 DNA meiotic recombinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39057 chrY 9925195 9925276 + 10.03604 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 176828 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11128 chr15 20013336 20013408 + 10.03264 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -474625 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26605 chr4 190198237 190198308 + 10.03171 NA Intergenic Intergenic -382488 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9423 chr13 41617043 41617125 + 10.02804 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -18613 NM_007187 11193 Hs.411300 NM_007187 HPRD:16086 WBP4 FBP21 WW domain binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9882 chr13 100470453 100470546 + 10.02804 NA intron (NR_120421, intron 1 of 4) MLT1J1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -89244 NR_046525 101927465 Hs.130690 NR_046525 CLYBL-AS1 - CLYBL antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3027 chr1 220158140 220158236 + 10.02804 NA intron (NM_004446, intron 20 of 31) AluSp|SINE|Alu -56195 NR_046437 55532 Hs.284450 NM_018713 SLC30A10 HMDPC|ZNT10|ZNT8|ZRC1|ZnT-10 solute carrier family 30, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5672 chr11 13888795 13889135 + 10.02801 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -95219 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5672-2 chr11 13888795 13889135 + 10.02801 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -95219 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2386 chr1 167417056 167417180 + 10.02801 NA intron (NM_198053, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_198053, intron 1 of 7) 70729 NM_198053 919 Hs.156445 NM_000734 HPRD:01729 CD247 CD3-ZETA|CD3H|CD3Q|CD3Z|IMD25|T3Z|TCRZ CD247 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25840 chr4 114598602 114598724 + 10.01996 NA intron (NM_172114, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_172114, intron 2 of 17) 84420 NM_172127 817 Hs.144114 NM_001221 HPRD:09653 CAMK2D CAMKD calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19372 chr2 172455412 172455496 + 10.01996 NA Intergenic L1MC5|LINE|L1 76588 NM_001127383 79901 Hs.221941 NM_024843 HPRD:05764 CYBRD1 CYB561A2|DCYTB|FRRS3 cytochrome b reductase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11547 chr15 50978949 50979193 + 10.01664 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017672) promoter-TSS (NM_017672) -59 NM_001301212 54822 Hs.512894 NM_017672 HPRD:10418 TRPM7 ALSPDC|CHAK|CHAK1|LTRPC7|LTrpC-7|TRP-PLIK transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4190 chr10 42624946 42625095 + 10.01381 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 238473 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26713 chr5 1098284 1098894 + 10.01338 NA intron (NM_006598, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_006598, intron 1 of 23) 13583 NM_006598 10723 Hs.172613 NM_006598 HPRD:09221 SLC12A7 KCC4 solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporter), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30459 chr6 127741658 127741911 + 10.01338 NA Intergenic Intergenic 38751 NM_014702 9729 Hs.319247 NM_014702 KIAA0408 - KIAA0408 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26713-2 chr5 1098284 1098894 + 10.01338 NA intron (NM_006598, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_006598, intron 1 of 23) 13583 NM_006598 10723 Hs.172613 NM_006598 HPRD:09221 SLC12A7 KCC4 solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporter), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20452 chr20 17687755 17687852 + 10.01338 NA intron (NM_001014977, intron 1 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 7210 NM_001014977 140836 Hs.115366 NM_178477 HPRD:12759 BANF2 BAF-L|BAF2|BAFL|C20orf179 barrier to autointegration factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37376 chrX 22003575 22003700 + 10.01338 NA intron (NM_001258423, intron 7 of 8) intron (NM_001258423, intron 7 of 8) 44946 NM_001258423 6611 Hs.724874 NM_004595 HPRD:02115 SMS MRSR|SPMSY|SRS|SpS spermine synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2822 chr1 202129754 202129857 + 10.01239 NA promoter-TSS (NM_080588) promoter-TSS (NM_080588) -686 NM_080588 5778 Hs.402773 NM_002832 HPRD:01480 PTPN7 BPTP-4|HEPTP|LC-PTP|LPTP|PTPNI protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30457 chr6 127664491 127664594 + 10.00582 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001139510) promoter-TSS (NM_001139510) 212 NM_001105544 55862 Hs.486410 NM_018479 HPRD:13260 ECHDC1 HEL-S-76|MMCD|dJ351K20.2 enoyl CoA hydratase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32520 chr7 105662667 105662835 + 10.00582 NA exon (NM_152750, exon 14 of 19) exon (NM_152750, exon 14 of 19) 59094 NM_001301161 222256 Hs.150120 NM_152750 HPRD:08042 CDHR3 CDH28 cadherin-related family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27442 chr5 66502853 66503078 + 10.00184 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10348 NM_005582 4064 Hs.87205 NM_005582 HPRD:03749 CD180 LY64|Ly78|RP105 CD180 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30919 chr6 159339235 159339472 + 10.00130 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 29734 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19275 chr2 163588741 163588897 + 9.99963 NA intron (NM_033272, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_033272, intron 2 of 15) -36627 NR_110258 101929570 Hs.470445 NR_110258 ENSG00000237750 LOC101929570 - uncharacterized LOC101929570 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34639 chr8 131291423 131291565 + 9.99963 NA intron (NM_018482, intron 3 of 29) intron (NM_018482, intron 3 of 29) 17285 NR_002765 29065 Hs.639318 NR_002765 ASAP1-IT1 ASAP1-IT|ASAP1IT|ASAP1IT1|DDEF1IT1|HSPC054|NCRNA00050 ASAP1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32442 chr7 100528497 100528565 + 9.99963 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -18521 NM_005960 4584 Hs.744422 NM_005960 MUC3A MUC-3A|MUC3 mucin 3A, cell surface associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16390 chr19 28764939 28765040 + 9.99963 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 453612 NR_110759 100420587 Hs.569956 NR_110759 LOC100420587 - SHC SH2-domain binding protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29822 chr6 70077795 70078012 + 9.99963 NA intron (NM_001704, intron 29 of 31) L1PA2|LINE|L1 429146 NM_018368 55788 Hs.271643 NM_018368 HPRD:12877 LMBRD1 C6orf209|LMBD1|MAHCF|NESI LMBR1 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25989 chr4 124521237 124521358 + 9.99413 NA Intergenic Intergenic -52643 NR_027105 285419 Hs.535763 NR_027105 ENSG00000249464 LINC01091 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1091 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7503 chr12 11471521 11471593 + 9.99413 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -8188 NM_002723 5545 Hs.528651 NM_002723 HPRD:01624 PRB4 Po proline-rich protein BstNI subfamily 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5077 chr10 113869103 113869194 + 9.98960 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 74389 NM_001244949 57678 Hs.42586 NM_020918 HPRD:03865 GPAM GPAT|GPAT1 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_634 chr1 36480136 36480224 + 9.98960 NA intron (NM_177422, intron 9 of 16) AluY|SINE|Alu -69496 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34823 chr8 144972079 144972172 + 9.98340 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -19493 NM_031308 83481 Hs.200412 NM_031308 EPPK1 EPIPL|EPIPL1 epiplakin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6076 chr11 48896141 48896247 + 9.98278 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -156958 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7411 chr12 8111367 8111499 + 9.97570 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22541 NM_006931 6515 Hs.419240 NM_006931 HPRD:00686 SLC2A3 GLUT3 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17332 chr2 7858717 7858788 + 9.97111 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 181034 NR_110256 101929551 Hs.116006 NR_110256 LOC101929551 - uncharacterized LOC101929551 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32923 chr7 143163253 143163329 + 9.97111 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 2 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu -11675 NM_176883 259287 Hs.650648 NM_176883 HPRD:18151 TAS2R41 T2R41|T2R59 taste receptor, type 2, member 41 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29903 chr6 76906957 76907026 + 9.97111 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -124596 NM_001282368 3617 Hs.590893 NM_001563 HPRD:04186 IMPG1 GP147|IPM150|SPACR interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycan 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9821 chr13 96023433 96023504 + 9.97111 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -62385 NM_182848 9071 Hs.534377 NM_006984 HPRD:13063 CLDN10 CPETRL3|OSP-L claudin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1229 chr1 86682098 86682194 + 9.97111 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -60025 NM_152890 255631 Hs.659516 NM_152890 HPRD:10846 COL24A1 - collagen, type XXIV, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7574 chr12 17891938 17892015 + 9.96805 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 65743 NR_039770 100616279 NR_039770 MIR3974 - microRNA 3974 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36528 chr9 140317683 140317807 + 9.96805 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017820) promoter-TSS (NM_017820) -31 NR_104599 54932 Hs.495553 NM_017820 HPRD:07906 EXD3 mut-7 exonuclease 3'-5' domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35817 chr9 89224533 89224599 + 9.96805 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -255164 NM_001185059 79670 Hs.597057 NM_024617 HPRD:11697 ZCCHC6 PAPD6|TUT7 zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33362 chr8 11059300 11059463 + 9.96565 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173683) promoter-TSS (NM_173683) -506 NM_173683 286046 Hs.657083 NM_173683 HPRD:12926 XKR6 C8orf21|C8orf5|C8orf7|XRG6 XK, Kell blood group complex subunit-related family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19120 chr2 150454244 150454480 + 9.96565 NA intron (NR_110240, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_110240, intron 1 of 2) -10032 NM_015702 27249 Hs.5324 NM_015702 HPRD:10781 MMADHC C2orf25|CL25022|cblD methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblD type, with homocystinuria protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26135 chr4 143488497 143488617 + 9.96399 NA intron (NM_003866, intron 2 of 26) intron (NM_003866, intron 2 of 26) 279047 NM_003866 8821 Hs.531403 NM_003866 HPRD:06322 INPP4B - inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type II, 105kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29763 chr6 58780054 58780126 + 9.96381 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -492366 NR_125728 375513 Hs.561539 NM_206908 GUSBP4 C6orf216|GUSBL2|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31235 chr7 5570276 5570385 + 9.96226 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001101) promoter-TSS (NM_001101) -98 NM_001101 60 Hs.520640 NM_001101 HPRD:00032 ACTB BRWS1|PS1TP5BP1 actin, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31275 chr7 7298485 7298643 + 9.96222 NA intron (NR_108073, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_108073, intron 1 of 3) 3779 NR_108073 101927354 Hs.520664 NR_108073 LOC101927354 - uncharacterized LOC101927354 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26834 chr5 16617074 16617206 + 9.96222 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001034850) promoter-TSS (NM_001034850) 27 NM_001034850 54463 Hs.481704 NM_019000 HPRD:07879 FAM134B JK-1|JK1 family with sequence similarity 134, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35766 chr9 83277617 83277695 + 9.96222 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 687718 NR_121212 101927477 Hs.571630 NR_121212 LINC01507 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1507 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21253 chr21 19191643 19191767 + 9.96065 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017447) promoter-TSS (NM_017447) -2 NM_001100421 54149 Hs.293811 NM_017447 HPRD:10776 C21orf91 C21orf14|C21orf38|CSSG1|EURL|YG81 chromosome 21 open reading frame 91 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28329 chr5 139145208 139145332 + 9.95536 NA Intergenic CpG -19462 NR_105053 101929696 Hs.147408 NR_105052 ENSG00000249131 LOC101929696 - uncharacterized LOC101929696 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16337 chr19 27737470 27737541 + 9.95463 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -546870 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31870 chr7 61374382 61374456 + 9.94485 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1390015 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3321 chr1 235855752 235855828 + 9.94475 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 47 of 52) AluSq2|SINE|Alu -41736 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33427 chr8 17013432 17013549 + 9.94475 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016353) promoter-TSS (NM_016353) -346 NM_016353 51201 Hs.744097 NM_016353 ZDHHC2 DHHC2|ZNF372 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28026 chr5 112646782 112646850 + 9.94299 NA intron (NM_001085377, intron 3 of 18) FRAM|SINE|Alu -16204 NM_002387 4163 Hs.593171 NM_002387 HPRD:01157 MCC MCC1 mutated in colorectal cancers protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30518 chr6 132707154 132707233 + 9.94299 NA intron (NM_015529, intron 1 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu 15480 NM_015529 26002 Hs.6909 NM_015529 HPRD:10093 MOXD1 MOX|PRO5780|dJ248E1.1 monooxygenase, DBH-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38563 chrX 119443441 119443571 + 9.94261 NA intron (NM_017938, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_017938, intron 1 of 9) 1885 NM_001104545 55026 Hs.437563 NM_017938 HPRD:06535 TMEM255A FAM70A transmembrane protein 255A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39014 chrY 7345098 7345173 + 9.94261 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 203122 NR_028062 5616 Hs.584730 NM_002760 HPRD:08949 PRKY PRKXP3|PRKYP protein kinase, Y-linked, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30092 chr6 91757872 91757951 + 9.94244 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -460891 NM_003188 6885 Hs.594838 NM_003188 HPRD:04011 MAP3K7 MEKK7|TAK1|TGF1a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5279 chr10 129901851 129901968 + 9.94244 NA exon (NM_002417, exon 13 of 15) exon (NM_002417, exon 13 of 15) 22559 NM_002417 4288 Hs.80976 NM_002417 HPRD:08902 MKI67 KIA|MIB-|MIB-1|PPP1R105 marker of proliferation Ki-67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31895 chr7 61666395 61666475 + 9.94195 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1097999 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33588 chr8 30601645 30601973 + 9.94049 NA intron (NM_001282189, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001282189, intron 1 of 7) 127 NM_001282189 7993 Hs.153678 NM_005671 UBXN8 D8S2298E|REP8|UBXD6 UBX domain protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33588-2 chr8 30601645 30601973 + 9.94049 NA intron (NM_001282189, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001282189, intron 1 of 7) 127 NM_001282189 7993 Hs.153678 NM_005671 UBXN8 D8S2298E|REP8|UBXD6 UBX domain protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32450 chr7 100887672 100887766 + 9.92999 NA intron (NM_016068, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_016068, intron 1 of 4) 652 NM_016068 51024 Hs.423968 NM_016068 HPRD:12352 FIS1 TTC11 fission 1 (mitochondrial outer membrane) homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10656 chr14 69246846 69246984 + 9.92596 NA Intergenic Intergenic 13716 NM_004926 677 Hs.85155 NM_004926 HPRD:03041 ZFP36L1 BRF1|Berg36|ERF-1|ERF1|RNF162B|TIS11B|cMG1 ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38069 chrX 71389925 71389996 + 9.92596 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -11566 NM_001170747 5303 Hs.655623 NM_006223 HPRD:02219 PIN4 EPVH|PAR14|PAR17 protein (peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting, 4 (parvulin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18976 chr2 133044698 133045043 + 9.92156 NA Intergenic ACRO1|Satellite|acro -29328 NR_027020 554226 Hs.380689 NR_027019 ENSG00000163046 ANKRD30BL ANKRD30BP3|NCRNA00164 ankyrin repeat domain 30B-like pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6074 chr11 48894769 48894839 + 9.92012 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -158348 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9327 chr13 31618652 31618779 + 9.91835 NA Intergenic Intergenic 111881 NM_152325 122046 Hs.124463 NM_152325 HPRD:17551 TEX26 C13orf26 testis expressed 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7910 chr12 38167386 38167465 + 9.91835 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -543132 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15435 chr18 55309454 55309921 + 9.91835 NA intron (NM_001242804, intron 2 of 2) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 12153 NM_001242804 100505549 Hs.660645 NM_001242804 LOC100505549 - uncharacterized LOC100505549 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11337 chr15 34816082 34816182 + 9.91827 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4440 NR_036050 100302160 NR_036050 MIR1233-1 MIR1233|MIRN1233|hsa-mir-1233|hsa-mir-1233-1 microRNA 1233-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27462 chr5 67665443 67665612 + 9.91827 NA Intergenic L1MB2|LINE|L1 77131 NM_001242466 5295 Hs.132225 NM_181504 HPRD:01381 PIK3R1 AGM7|GRB1|p85|p85-ALPHA phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30585 chr6 137555769 137555886 + 9.91827 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15260 NM_000416 3459 Hs.520414 NM_000416 HPRD:00127 IFNGR1 CD119|IFNGR interferon gamma receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33096 chr7 156831706 156831796 + 9.91827 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 28200 NR_038835 645249 Hs.224879 NR_038835 ENSG00000243479 MNX1-AS1 - MNX1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10201 chr14 27144079 27144148 + 9.91679 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -77153 NM_002515 4857 Hs.31588 NM_002515 HPRD:03693 NOVA1 Nova-1 neuro-oncological ventral antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6743 chr11 86197878 86198027 + 9.91679 NA intron (NM_001014811, intron 6 of 13) intron (NM_001014811, intron 6 of 13) 112174 NM_021827 60494 Hs.144913 NM_021827 HPRD:08032 CCDC81 - coiled-coil domain containing 81 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5969 chr11 42452569 42452659 + 9.91679 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -177374 NR_038309 100507205 Hs.99310 NR_038309 LOC100507205 - uncharacterized LOC100507205 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34702 chr8 136896201 136896302 + 9.91489 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 426535 NM_006558 10656 Hs.444558 NM_006558 HPRD:10007 KHDRBS3 Etle|SALP|SLM-2|SLM2|T-STAR|TSTAR|etoile KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28936 chr6 3000079 3000168 + 9.91034 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000904) promoter-TSS (NM_000904) 73 NM_001290221 4835 Hs.145597 NM_000904 HPRD:01190 NQO2 DHQV|DIA6|NMOR2|QR2 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19403 chr2 175351599 175351826 + 9.91034 NA 5' UTR (NM_001033045, exon 1 of 17) 5' UTR (NM_001033045, exon 1 of 17) 104 NM_001267050 151556 Hs.516604 NM_152529 HPRD:17066 GPR155 DEP.7|DEPDC3|PGR22 G protein-coupled receptor 155 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2937 chr1 208056419 208056596 + 9.90708 NA Intergenic Intergenic 28176 NM_001025109 947 Hs.374990 NM_001773 HPRD:00790 CD34 - CD34 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34816 chr8 144923145 144923294 + 9.90708 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178564) promoter-TSS (NM_178564) -73 NM_178564 340371 Hs.521926 NM_178564 HPRD:14838 NRBP2 TRG16|pp9320 nuclear receptor binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_190 chr1 10534897 10535040 + 9.90708 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004565) promoter-TSS (NM_004565) -35 NM_004565 5195 Hs.149983 NM_004565 HPRD:03477 PEX14 NAPP2|PBD13A|Pex14p|dJ734G22.2 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29408 chr6 32562633 32562840 + 9.89630 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -5123 NM_002124 3123 Hs.534322 NM_002124 HPRD:08349 HLA-DRB1 DRB1|DRw10|HLA-DR1B|HLA-DRB|SS1 major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_385 chr1 24861574 24861674 + 9.89630 NA exon (NM_001251984, exon 4 of 4) exon (NM_001251984, exon 4 of 4) 20820 NM_001251980 11123 Hs.656799 NM_013441 HPRD:05792 RCAN3 DSCR1L2|MCIP3|RCN3|hRCN3 RCAN family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19683 chr2 201248572 201248766 + 9.89486 NA intron (NM_001282743, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_001282743, intron 2 of 11) 74996 NM_001282744 26010 Hs.120323 NM_015535 HPRD:10916 SPATS2L DNAPTP6|SGNP spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16637 chr19 40507466 40507538 + 9.89486 NA intron (NM_178544, intron 3 of 6) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 4559 NM_001297763 339327 Hs.125008 NM_178544 HPRD:11726 ZNF546 ZNF49 zinc finger protein 546 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31582 chr7 36820778 36820910 + 9.89446 NA Intergenic Intergenic -56690 NM_001637 313 Hs.488007 NM_001637 HPRD:00027 AOAH - acyloxyacyl hydrolase (neutrophil) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23809 chr3 141632182 141632280 + 9.89124 NA intron (NM_001679, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_001679, intron 3 of 6) 36761 NM_001679 483 Hs.477789 NM_001679 HPRD:03521 ATP1B3 ATPB-3|CD298 ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, beta 3 polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18988 chr2 134767390 134767606 + 9.89124 NA Intergenic CpG -117198 NR_037450 100500878 NR_037450 miRBase:MI0016080 MIR3679 - microRNA 3679 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3407 chr1 244488883 244489033 + 9.88810 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26979 NM_001276349 200159 Hs.442703 NM_001012970 HPRD:13168 C1orf100 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 100 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28643 chr5 158625536 158625669 + 9.88680 NA intron (NM_001199382, intron 2 of 10) L2b|LINE|L2 9054 NM_001199382 153830 Hs.349306 NM_144726 HPRD:08113 RNF145 - ring finger protein 145 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8745 chr12 104003391 104003462 + 9.88680 NA intron (NM_017564, intron 3 of 68) L1PA5|LINE|L1 22357 NM_017564 55576 Hs.408249 NM_017564 HPRD:10542 STAB2 FEEL2|FELE-2|FELL2|FEX2|HARE stabilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19755 chr2 204693423 204693503 + 9.88680 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -39048 NM_001037631 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30096 chr6 92649251 92649327 + 9.88680 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -249143 NR_104154 101929083 Hs.586238 NR_104154 CASC6 - cancer susceptibility candidate 6 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4223 chr10 43022117 43022187 + 9.88680 NA intron (NR_026777, intron 5 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 26166 NR_026777 100129482 Hs.278064 NR_026777 ENSG00000234420 ZNF37BP KOX21|ZNF37B zinc finger protein 37B, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13736 chr17 6351327 6351424 + 9.87469 NA intron (NM_019013, intron 3 of 5) AluSx|SINE|Alu 3640 NM_019013 54478 Hs.592116 NM_019013 HPRD:07649 FAM64A CATS|RCS1 family with sequence similarity 64, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36331 chr9 131178111 131178225 + 9.87469 NA Intergenic AluYc|SINE|Alu -3271 NM_001286760 51148 Hs.495230 NM_016174 HPRD:16705 CERCAM CEECAM1|GLT25D3 cerebral endothelial cell adhesion molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16052 chr19 14881704 14881772 + 9.87434 NA intron (NM_013447, intron 5 of 20) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 6001 NM_001271052 30817 Hs.531619 NM_013447 HPRD:07308 EMR2 CD312 egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33022 chr7 150930328 150930449 + 9.87434 NA 5' UTR (NM_019015, exon 1 of 4) 5' UTR (NM_019015, exon 1 of 4) 813 NM_001284295 54480 Hs.647084 NM_019015 HPRD:10474 CHPF2 CSGLCA-T|CSGlcAT|ChSy-3|chPF-2 chondroitin polymerizing factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19723 chr2 202898318 202898439 + 9.87434 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003507) promoter-TSS (NM_003507) -932 NM_003507 8324 Hs.173859 NM_003507 HPRD:04560 FZD7 FzE3 frizzled class receptor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36137 chr9 115913174 115913274 + 9.87154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001860) promoter-TSS (NM_001860) -14 NM_001860 1318 Hs.24030 NM_001860 HPRD:04365 SLC31A2 COPT2|CTR2|hCTR2 solute carrier family 31 (copper transporter), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3127 chr1 224518069 224518163 + 9.87154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243146) promoter-TSS (NM_001243146) -225 NM_206840 4931 Hs.497867 NM_002533 HPRD:03887 NVL - nuclear VCP-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19470 chr2 179929491 179929570 + 9.87154 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -14744 NM_173648 285025 Hs.324341 NM_173648 HPRD:08257 CCDC141 CAMDI coiled-coil domain containing 141 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32992 chr7 149468879 149468974 + 9.87154 NA intron (NM_207336, intron 1 of 4) C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 1369 NM_207336 168544 Hs.726477 NM_207336 HPRD:18343 ZNF467 EZI|Zfp467 zinc finger protein 467 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25550 chr4 87788516 87788585 + 9.87154 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -18134 NM_197965 345274 Hs.452996 NM_197965 HPRD:11593 SLC10A6 SOAT solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter), member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5559 chr11 6759238 6759358 + 9.86554 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16188 NR_003945 387751 Hs.494757 NR_003945 ENSG00000254838 GVINP1 GVIN1|GVIN1P|VLIG-1|VLIG1 GTPase, very large interferon inducible pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18835 chr2 125785255 125785340 + 9.86554 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 1002433 NM_130773 129684 Hs.660653 NM_130773 HPRD:16732 CNTNAP5 caspr5 contactin associated protein-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4412 chr10 60042465 60042631 + 9.86554 NA intron (NM_018464, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_018464, intron 2 of 2) 13686 NM_018464 55847 Hs.370102 NM_018464 HPRD:12587 CISD1 C10orf70|ZCD1|mitoNEET CDGSH iron sulfur domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24559 chr4 5274039 5274123 + 9.85862 NA intron (NM_018401, intron 3 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 220554 NM_018401 55351 Hs.133062 NM_018401 HPRD:15446 STK32B HSA250839|STK32|STKG6|YANK2 serine/threonine kinase 32B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25856 chr4 117127073 117127151 + 9.85862 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -93769 NR_031737 100302290 NR_031737 MIR1973 hsa-mir-1973 microRNA 1973 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23026 chr3 66963396 66963485 + 9.85395 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -85287 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26647 chr4 190990755 190990830 + 9.84879 NA Intergenic CpG 5135 NR_121644 100419743 NR_121644 DBET DBE-T D4Z4 binding element transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29131 chr6 19941110 19941182 + 9.84805 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 103545 NM_001546 3400 Hs.519601 NM_001546 ID4 IDB4|bHLHb27 inhibitor of DNA binding 4, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2179 chr1 155010089 155010190 + 9.84805 NA intron (NM_152494, intron 4 of 16) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 3857 NM_152494 149095 Hs.567717 NM_152494 HPRD:08733 DCST1 - DC-STAMP domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3485 chr1 249120859 249120956 + 9.84110 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030645) promoter-TSS (NM_030645) 331 NR_036070 100422879 NR_036070 miRBase:MI0014140 MIR3124 - microRNA 3124 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15021 chr18 6168199 6168275 + 9.83995 NA intron (NM_173464, intron 13 of 19) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -88506 NR_110765 101927150 NR_110765 LOC101927150 - uncharacterized LOC101927150 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38337 chrX 97181873 97181952 + 9.83995 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -362378 NR_125391 10824 Hs.654372 NR_125391 DIAPH2-AS1 EPAG DIAPH2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13192 chr16 67338611 67338707 + 9.83995 NA intron (NM_001100915, intron 2 of 15) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 22002 NM_001100915 146212 Hs.299127 NM_001100915 ENSG00000168676 KCTD19 - potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20709 chr20 35608972 35609048 + 9.83995 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -28764 NM_015474 25939 Hs.580681 NM_015474 HPRD:08418 SAMHD1 CHBL2|DCIP|HDDC1|MOP-5|SBBI88 SAM domain and HD domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18585 chr2 100769170 100769244 + 9.83995 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -10170 NM_002285 3899 Hs.444414 NM_002285 HPRD:03272 AFF3 LAF4|MLLT2-like AF4/FMR2 family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25920 chr4 122140109 122140313 + 9.83778 NA intron (NM_001244764, intron 1 of 12) AluSp|SINE|Alu -2429 NM_001128843 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4964 chr10 104209486 104209563 + 9.83376 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038938) promoter-TSS (NR_038938) -50 NR_038938 100505761 Hs.656457 NR_038937 ENSG00000269609 RPARP-AS1 - RPARP antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2490 chr1 173446427 173446555 + 9.83376 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004905) promoter-TSS (NM_004905) 5 NM_004905 9588 Hs.120 NM_004905 HPRD:03817 PRDX6 1-Cys|AOP2|HEL-S-128m|NSGPx|PRX|aiPLA2|p29 peroxiredoxin 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16051 chr19 14880713 14880798 + 9.83376 NA intron (NM_013447, intron 5 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 6984 NM_001271052 30817 Hs.531619 NM_013447 HPRD:07308 EMR2 CD312 egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33353 chr8 10190367 10190447 + 9.83087 NA intron (NM_001199729, intron 6 of 6) intron (NM_001199729, intron 6 of 6) -141668 NR_120604 101929191 Hs.595262 NR_120604 LINCR-0001 - uncharacterized LINCR-0001 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29990 chr6 84509810 84509897 + 9.83087 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -53132 NM_001009994 134701 Hs.149454 NM_001009994 HPRD:16658 RIPPLY2 C6orf159|dJ237I15.1 ripply transcriptional repressor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19974 chr2 224737778 224737865 + 9.83087 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -35502 NR_110905 130340 Hs.632555 NM_178814 HPRD:16495 AP1S3 - adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 3 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_121 chr1 4764249 4764576 + 9.82469 NA intron (NM_001042478, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 49307 NM_018836 55966 Hs.25924 NM_018836 HPRD:15339 AJAP1 MOT8|SHREW-1|SHREW1 adherens junctions associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30681 chr6 144261312 144261408 + 9.82469 NA TTS (NM_006718) TTS (NM_006718) 68181 NM_001080953 5325 Hs.743225 NM_002656 HPRD:16010 PLAGL1 LOT1|ZAC|ZAC1 pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3487 chr1 249133210 249133306 + 9.82231 NA intron (NM_024836, intron 1 of 3) CpG 728 NM_024836 79894 Hs.521151 NM_024836 HPRD:07983 ZNF672 - zinc finger protein 672 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21229 chr21 17102055 17102201 + 9.81957 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001283042) promoter-TSS (NM_001283042) -216 NM_013396 29761 Hs.743994 NM_013396 HPRD:05296 USP25 USP21 ubiquitin specific peptidase 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21574 chr22 17046698 17046842 + 9.81698 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 26930 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7815 chr12 33109616 33109685 + 9.81445 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -59870 NM_001005242 5318 Hs.164384 NM_004572 HPRD:04177 PKP2 ARVD9 plakophilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3227 chr1 229265109 229265290 + 9.81445 NA Intergenic Intergenic -141610 NM_001271998 5867 Hs.296169 NM_004578 HPRD:01541 RAB4A HRES-1|HRES-1/RAB4|HRES1|RAB4 RAB4A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19842 chr2 209729795 209729931 + 9.81445 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 458308 NM_005048 5746 Hs.570296 NM_005048 HPRD:03276 PTH2R PTHR2 parathyroid hormone 2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23787 chr3 140962287 140962422 + 9.81445 NA intron (NM_152282, intron 3 of 7) intron (NM_152282, intron 3 of 7) 11687 NM_001037172 92370 Hs.657887 NM_152282 HPRD:08675 PXYLP1 ACPL2|HEL124|XYLP 2-phosphoxylose phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27618 chr5 75558545 75558617 + 9.81386 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) L1PA8|LINE|L1 -140499 NM_006633 10788 Hs.291030 NM_006633 HPRD:09253 IQGAP2 - IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27216 chr5 49463480 49463554 + 9.81278 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 273717 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13184 chr16 67269307 67269375 + 9.81278 NA intron (NM_013241, intron 11 of 21) AluSz|SINE|Alu 8325 NM_014187 29100 Hs.433203 NM_014187 HPRD:13710 TMEM208 - transmembrane protein 208 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7355 chr12 6041594 6041749 + 9.81005 NA intron (NM_001278597, intron 1 of 25) intron (NM_001278597, intron 1 of 25) 12754 NM_001278596 57101 Hs.148970 NM_020373 HPRD:11634 ANO2 C12orf3|TMEM16B anoctamin 2, calcium activated chloride channel protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27038 chr5 40675955 40676269 + 9.80618 NA Intergenic MLT1J2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -3920 NM_000958 5734 Hs.199248 NM_000958 HPRD:03350 PTGER4 EP4|EP4R prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17499 chr2 24962626 24962774 + 9.80303 NA intron (NM_147233, intron 16 of 20) intron (NM_147233, intron 16 of 20) -53475 NM_001199803 79172 Hs.731569 NM_024322 HPRD:14414 CENPO CENP-O|ICEN-36|MCM21R centromere protein O protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9217 chr13 22423625 22423787 + 9.80303 NA Intergenic Intergenic 28593 NR_047040 100874182 Hs.148951 NR_047040 LINC00424 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 424 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10698 chr14 71886244 71886513 + 9.80303 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu 21324 NR_001276 319139 NR_001276 ENSG00000207444 SNORD56B RNU56B small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 56B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13001 chr16 49475412 49475545 + 9.80303 NA Intergenic Intergenic 67670 NM_144602 123970 Hs.125875 NM_144602 HPRD:14560 C16orf78 - chromosome 16 open reading frame 78 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29775 chr6 62054139 62054229 + 9.80303 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -229824 NM_001190706 100463487 NM_001190706 ENSG00000255633 MTRNR2L9 HN9 MT-RNR2-like 9 (pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31042 chr6 167746760 167746827 + 9.80303 NA intron (NM_031949, intron 1 of 2) L1PA2|LINE|L1 8219 NM_031949 83887 Hs.520554 NM_031949 TTLL2 C6orf104|NYD-TSPG|dJ366N23.3 tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38766 chrX 135522482 135522556 + 9.80303 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -47606 NM_001727 680 Hs.121484 NM_001727 HPRD:02116 BRS3 BB3 bombesin-like receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3308 chr1 235547660 235547729 + 9.80303 NA intron (NM_001287802, intron 2 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 17019 NM_001079515 6905 Hs.744998 NM_003193 HPRD:05381 TBCE HRD|KCS|KCS1|pac2 tubulin folding cofactor E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9526 chr13 48807961 48808065 + 9.80157 NA intron (NM_021999, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_021999, intron 1 of 5) 739 NM_021999 9445 Hs.643683 NM_021999 HPRD:04878 ITM2B ABRI|BRI|BRI2|BRICD2B|E25B|E3-16|FBD|imBRI2 integral membrane protein 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23860 chr3 148661437 148661572 + 9.80157 NA Intergenic Intergenic -47691 NM_001184721 2992 Hs.477892 NM_004130 HPRD:06805 GYG1 GSD15|GYG glycogenin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10113 chr14 21698062 21698225 + 9.79387 NA intron (NM_001077443, intron 4 of 7) intron (NM_001077443, intron 4 of 7) -23084 NR_038971 283624 Hs.525210 NR_038970 ENSG00000258441 LINC00641 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 641 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2390 chr1 167487802 167487915 + 9.79387 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000734) promoter-TSS (NM_000734) -11 NM_000734 919 Hs.156445 NM_000734 HPRD:01729 CD247 CD3-ZETA|CD3H|CD3Q|CD3Z|IMD25|T3Z|TCRZ CD247 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28241 chr5 133450207 133450398 + 9.79387 NA promoter-TSS (NM_201632) promoter-TSS (NM_201632) -100 NM_003202 6932 Hs.573153 NM_003202 HPRD:01797 TCF7 TCF-1 transcription factor 7 (T-cell specific, HMG-box) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33879 chr8 57906226 57906585 + 9.79387 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017813) promoter-TSS (NM_017813) 25 NM_017813 54928 Hs.438689 NM_017813 HPRD:06531 IMPAD1 GPAPP|IMP 3|IMP-3|IMPA3 inositol monophosphatase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38528 chrX 116894813 116894879 + 9.79387 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 212855 NM_033495 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26962 chr5 34929881 34930042 + 9.79367 NA exon (NM_194283, exon 1 of 13) exon (NM_194283, exon 1 of 13) 263 NM_001012339 134218 Hs.131887 NM_194283 HPRD:14056 DNAJC21 DNAJA5|GS3|JJJ1 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 21 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30916 chr6 159330191 159330343 + 9.78940 NA intron (NM_001195032, intron 2 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 20648 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2658 chr1 186229381 186229449 + 9.78940 NA intron (NR_046941, intron 1 of 1) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -35990 NM_001127709 10216 Hs.647723 NM_005807 HPRD:05047 PRG4 CACP|HAPO|JCAP|MSF|SZP|bG174L6.2 proteoglycan 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32920 chr7 143125068 143125155 + 9.78866 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 2 of 4) AluYc|SINE|Alu -15435 NM_177437 338398 Hs.688222 NM_177437 HPRD:18159 TAS2R60 T2R56|T2R60 taste receptor, type 2, member 60 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25782 chr4 109571681 109571821 + 9.78866 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021227) promoter-TSS (NM_021227) 10 NM_001267817 58505 Hs.445803 NM_021227 HPRD:13120 OSTC - oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25478 chr4 81047070 81047241 + 9.78866 NA Intergenic Intergenic -52529 NM_001286780 118429 Hs.162963 NM_058172 HPRD:07452 ANTXR2 CMG-2|CMG2|HFS|ISH|JHF anthrax toxin receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4048 chr10 38888376 38888445 + 9.77989 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite -101317 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7940 chr12 40063399 40063570 + 9.77807 NA intron (NM_001031748, intron 7 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 43512 NM_001031748 283461 Hs.648205 NM_173599 HPRD:08806 C12orf40 HEL-206 chromosome 12 open reading frame 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35940 chr9 99188251 99188334 + 9.77807 NA Intergenic L1MC4a|LINE|L1 -7623 NM_153695 195828 Hs.494557 NM_153695 HPRD:18330 ZNF367 AFF29|CDC14B|ZFF29 zinc finger protein 367 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23479 chr3 114528849 114529018 + 9.77534 NA intron (NM_015642, intron 3 of 9) L1MB8|LINE|L1 -50809 NM_001164344 26137 Hs.202577 NM_015642 HPRD:05822 ZBTB20 DPZF|HOF|ODA-8S|ZNF288 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26009 chr4 128148711 128148778 + 9.77534 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -405343 NM_015693 27152 Hs.391481 NM_015693 INTU INT|PDZD6|PDZK6 inturned planar cell polarity protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35053 chr9 19444241 19444312 + 9.77534 NA intron (NM_001010887, intron 4 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 35351 NM_001010887 340485 Hs.41379 NM_001010887 ACER2 ALKCDase2|ASAH3L alkaline ceramidase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7040 chr11 116969227 116969368 + 9.77119 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001281749) promoter-TSS (NM_001281749) -166 NM_001281748 23387 Hs.167451 NM_025164 HPRD:11121 SIK3 QSK|SIK-3 SIK family kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20554 chr20 26317278 26317368 + 9.76811 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -127454 NR_040095 284801 Hs.370699 NR_040095 ENSG00000227195 MIR663AHG - MIR663A host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36922 chrUn_gl000225 40731 40820 + 9.76714 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21727 chr22 21270682 21270753 + 9.76707 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005207) promoter-TSS (NM_005207) -997 NM_005207 1399 Hs.5613 NM_005207 HPRD:03596 CRKL - v-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28462 chr5 145914649 145914728 + 9.76707 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -19012 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12957 chr16 46482674 46482762 + 9.76325 NA Intergenic Intergenic 120291 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38517 chrX 115293220 115293309 + 9.75516 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -8694 NM_000686 186 Hs.405348 NM_000686 HPRD:02071 AGTR2 AT2|ATGR2|MRX88 angiotensin II receptor, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5239 chr10 128031800 128031875 + 9.75511 NA intron (NM_001288975, intron 1 of 18) L1PA5|LINE|L1 45290 NM_001288975 8038 Hs.594351 NM_003474 HPRD:04092 ADAM12 ADAM12-OT1|CAR10|MCMP|MCMPMltna|MLTN|MLTNA ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5996 chr11 45662429 45662496 + 9.74783 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 24744 NM_003654 8534 Hs.104576 NM_003654 CHST1 C6ST|GST-1|KS6ST|KSGal6ST|KSST carbohydrate (keratan sulfate Gal-6) sulfotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20326 chr20 3153825 3153986 + 9.74577 NA intron (NM_001282533, intron 1 of 5) CpG 333 NM_001282533 9762 Hs.90232 NM_014731 HPRD:11461 LZTS3 PROSAPIP1 leucine zipper, putative tumor suppressor family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7136 chr11 123301111 123301237 + 9.74577 NA Intergenic CpG -48954 NR_039714 100616319 NR_039714 miRBase:MI0016855 MIR4493 - microRNA 4493 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32685 chr7 127228408 127228518 + 9.74433 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001662) promoter-TSS (NM_001662) 57 NM_001662 381 Hs.653202 NM_001662 HPRD:00055 ARF5 - ADP-ribosylation factor 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19236 chr2 161654350 161654421 + 9.73907 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -304067 NM_002897 5937 Hs.470412 NM_002897 HPRD:03814 RBMS1 C2orf12|HCC-4|MSSP|MSSP-1|MSSP-2|MSSP-3|SCR2|YC1 RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37449 chrX 33136250 33136321 + 9.73907 NA intron (NM_000109, intron 1 of 78) AluY|SINE|Alu 10259 NM_004010 1756 Hs.495912 NM_000109 HPRD:02303 DMD BMD|CMD3B|DXS142|DXS164|DXS206|DXS230|DXS239|DXS268|DXS269|DXS270|DXS272|MRX85 dystrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8991 chr12 122185769 122186082 + 9.73907 NA intron (NM_001080825, intron 2 of 11) G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 35267 NM_001080825 144404 Hs.644504 NM_001080825 ENSG00000188735 TMEM120B - transmembrane protein 120B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19395 chr2 174763851 174763946 + 9.73907 NA Intergenic Intergenic 65049 NM_001017371 6670 Hs.531587 NM_003111 HPRD:03483 SP3 SPR2 Sp3 transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7251 chr11 133543991 133544062 + 9.73907 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 136245 NR_120444 646522 Hs.560000 NR_120444 LOC646522 - uncharacterized LOC646522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8385 chr12 69753412 69753570 + 9.73630 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006530) promoter-TSS (NM_006530) 1 NM_006530 8089 Hs.4029 NM_006530 HPRD:03666 YEATS4 4930573H17Rik|B230215M10Rik|GAS41|NUBI-1|YAF9 YEATS domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14479 chr17 47840946 47841045 + 9.73441 NA intron (NM_030802, intron 1 of 7) CpG 523 NM_030802 81558 Hs.514308 NM_030802 HPRD:17432 FAM117A - family with sequence similarity 117, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8759 chr12 104609459 104609629 + 9.73224 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001093771) promoter-TSS (NM_001093771) -13 NM_001093771 7296 Hs.654922 NM_003330 HPRD:03068 TXNRD1 GRIM-12|TR|TR1|TRXR1|TXNR thioredoxin reductase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4709 chr10 87535012 87535080 + 9.73224 NA intron (NM_017551, intron 8 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 197558 NR_038986 100507470 Hs.585483 NR_038986 GRID1-AS1 - GRID1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1330 chr1 94483134 94483334 + 9.73224 NA intron (NM_000350, intron 36 of 49) L1MC4|LINE|L1 103471 NM_000350 24 Hs.416707 NM_000350 HPRD:03408 ABCA4 ABC10|ABCR|ARMD2|CORD3|FFM|RMP|RP19|STGD|STGD1 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25086 chr4 49301341 49301407 + 9.73108 NA Intergenic Intergenic 312715 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38161 chrX 76063358 76063432 + 9.72435 NA intron (NR_110403, intron 1 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 76390 NR_029909 494333 NR_029909 MIR384 MIRN384|hsa-mir-384 microRNA 384 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13978 chr17 21493467 21493655 + 9.72025 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -38620 NM_001113434 339263 Hs.514016 NM_001113434 ENSG00000212719 C17orf51 - chromosome 17 open reading frame 51 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26588 chr4 189826034 189826117 + 9.72025 NA Intergenic Intergenic 449343 NR_033869 401164 Hs.435756 NR_033869 ENSG00000249378 LINC01060 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1060 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20802 chr20 43538594 43538743 + 9.72025 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001124756) promoter-TSS (NM_001124756) -35 NM_001124756 80336 Hs.641481 NM_001124756 ENSG00000101104 PABPC1L C20orf119|PABPC1L1|dJ1069P2.3|ePAB poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3275 chr1 232745354 232745451 + 9.72025 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu -94159 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26337 chr4 162896217 162896285 + 9.72025 NA intron (NM_020116, intron 3 of 15) L1PA2|LINE|L1 188935 NM_020116 56884 Hs.32452 NM_020116 HPRD:10998 FSTL5 - follistatin-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34818 chr8 144930338 144930407 + 9.71985 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -7226 NM_178564 340371 Hs.521926 NM_178564 HPRD:14838 NRBP2 TRG16|pp9320 nuclear receptor binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19977 chr2 224806385 224806771 + 9.71985 NA intron (NM_020830, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_020830, intron 1 of 11) 3474 NM_020830 57590 Hs.368359 NM_020830 HPRD:15663 WDFY1 FENS-1|WDF1|ZFYVE17 WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6999 chr11 111944709 111944917 + 9.71424 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018195) promoter-TSS (NM_018195) 82 NM_001082619 120379 Hs.420662 NM_138789 HPRD:14021 PIH1D2 - PIH1 domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23521 chr3 119421743 119421855 + 9.71424 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033364) promoter-TSS (NM_033364) -70 NM_033364 89876 Hs.341906 NM_033364 HPRD:10782 MAATS1 AAT1|AAT1alpha|C3orf15|CaM-IP2|SPATA26 MYCBP-associated, testis expressed 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12546 chr16 24121115 24121233 + 9.71424 NA intron (NM_212535, intron 7 of 16) SVA_F|Other|Other -145700 NM_006539 10368 Hs.7235 NM_006539 HPRD:05910 CACNG3 - calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20117 chr2 234868438 234868529 + 9.71424 NA intron (NM_024080, intron 11 of 25) AluSz|SINE|Alu 42440 NM_024080 79054 Hs.366053 NM_024080 HPRD:09454 TRPM8 LTRPC6|TRPP8 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6046 chr11 48537720 48537803 + 9.70926 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 27416 NM_001005512 403253 Hs.554532 NM_001005512 HPRD:17718 OR4A47 OR11-113 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13645 chr17 2304356 2304526 + 9.70719 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020310) promoter-TSS (NM_020310) -183 NM_020310 4335 Hs.626579 NM_020310 HPRD:04331 MNT MAD6|MXD6|ROX|bHLHd3 MAX network transcriptional repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14344 chr17 42201129 42201226 + 9.70316 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005474) promoter-TSS (NM_005474) -163 NM_005474 10014 Hs.438782 NM_005474 HPRD:09246 HDAC5 HD5|NY-CO-9 histone deacetylase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2768 chr1 198596881 198597075 + 9.70316 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11120 NM_001267798 5788 Hs.654514 NM_002838 HPRD:01050 PTPRC B220|CD45|CD45R|GP180|L-CA|LCA|LY5|T200 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9165 chr13 19101542 19101667 + 9.69516 NA Intergenic MER77|LTR|ERVL 212635 NR_047508 100874164 Hs.739604 NR_047508 LINC00417 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3961 chr10 33247151 33247281 + 9.69493 NA promoter-TSS (NM_133376) promoter-TSS (NM_133376) 77 NM_002211 3688 Hs.643813 NM_002211 HPRD:00628 ITGB1 CD29|FNRB|GPIIA|MDF2|MSK12|VLA-BETA|VLAB integrin, beta 1 (fibronectin receptor, beta polypeptide, antigen CD29 includes MDF2, MSK12) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26008 chr4 128148314 128148431 + 9.69331 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -405715 NM_015693 27152 Hs.391481 NM_015693 INTU INT|PDZD6|PDZK6 inturned planar cell polarity protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38820 chrX 144191872 144191944 + 9.69331 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -137199 NM_001009614 494118 Hs.551270 NM_001009614 SPANXN1 CT11.6 SPANX family, member N1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16212 chr19 19442198 19442265 + 9.69331 NA intron (NM_015329, intron 1 of 18) AluY|SINE|Alu 10601 NM_015329 23383 Hs.654939 NM_015329 HPRD:11117 MAU2 KIAA0892|MAU2L|SCC4|mau-2 MAU2 sister chromatid cohesion factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3563 chr10 3782393 3782508 + 9.69331 NA Intergenic Intergenic 45023 NM_001300 1316 Hs.4055 NM_001300 HPRD:03632 KLF6 BCD1|CBA1|COPEB|CPBP|GBF|PAC1|ST12|ZF9 Kruppel-like factor 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4073 chr10 39098363 39098588 + 9.69227 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 108748 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8791 chr12 107380883 107381053 + 9.68940 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025198) promoter-TSS (NM_025198) -24 NM_001033050 80298 Hs.5009 NM_025198 HPRD:17431 MTERF2 MTERFD3|mTERFL mitochondrial transcription termination factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33926 chr8 62763187 62763258 + 9.68940 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 135875 NR_039680 100616484 NR_039680 miRBase:MI0016821 MIR4470 - microRNA 4470 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2939 chr1 209162202 209162321 + 9.68940 NA Intergenic Intergenic -439907 NM_001104548 642587 Hs.510543 NM_001104548 MIR205HG LINC00510 MIR205 host gene (non-protein coding) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39363 chrY 28549281 28549504 + 9.68640 NA Intergenic Intergenic 674755 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4255 chr10 44981730 44981811 + 9.68640 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -101225 NM_001033886 6387 Hs.522891 NM_000609 HPRD:02904 CXCL12 IRH|PBSF|SCYB12|SDF1|TLSF|TPAR1 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3444 chr1 246948966 246949057 + 9.68640 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3908 NR_015422 149134 Hs.720494 NM_207326 LINC01341 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1341 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18671 chr2 109648423 109648581 + 9.68239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -42674 NM_022336 10913 Hs.171971 NM_022336 HPRD:04974 EDAR DL|ECTD10A|ECTD10B|ED1R|ED3|ED5|EDA-A1R|EDA1R|EDA3|HRM1 ectodysplasin A receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25879 chr4 119606709 119606794 + 9.68239 NA exon (NM_020961, exon 1 of 11) exon (NM_020961, exon 1 of 11) 177 NM_020961 57721 Hs.657806 NM_020961 HPRD:13879 METTL14 - methyltransferase like 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4185 chr10 42598664 42598750 + 9.67898 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 264786 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29096 chr6 16699818 16699913 + 9.66679 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) 61856 NM_001128164 6310 Hs.434961 NM_000332 HPRD:03333 ATXN1 ATX1|D6S504E|SCA1 ataxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17687 chr2 38360613 38360773 + 9.66679 NA intron (NR_027252, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 2446 NR_027252 285154 Hs.353894 NM_173652 HPRD:14592 CYP1B1-AS1 C2orf58 CYP1B1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29762 chr6 58779686 58779752 + 9.66614 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -491995 NR_125728 375513 Hs.561539 NM_206908 GUSBP4 C6orf216|GUSBL2|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25680 chr4 101028263 101028377 + 9.66588 NA Intergenic Intergenic 83335 NM_145244 115265 Hs.480378 NM_145244 HPRD:09663 DDIT4L REDD2|Rtp801L DNA-damage-inducible transcript 4-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10677 chr14 71122296 71122456 + 9.66588 NA intron (NM_015351, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_015351, intron 1 of 2) 13872 NM_015351 23508 Hs.79170 NM_015351 ENSG00000133985 TTC9 TTC9A tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18699 chr2 111880058 111880213 + 9.66464 NA intron (NM_207002, intron 1 of 3) CpG-15379 1644 NM_001204111 10018 Hs.469658 NM_006538 HPRD:04828 BCL2L11 BAM|BIM|BOD BCL2-like 11 (apoptosis facilitator) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27401 chr5 63403794 63403869 + 9.66463 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -57840 NM_001113561 285671 Hs.657843 NM_178532 HPRD:15263 RNF180 - ring finger protein 180 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3106 chr1 223571977 223572074 + 9.66463 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 5310 NM_152610 164127 Hs.192090 NM_152610 HPRD:08761 CCDC185 C1orf65 coiled-coil domain containing 185 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35673 chr9 74410505 74410679 + 9.66382 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26792 NM_001135820 23670 Hs.494146 NM_013390 HPRD:09317 TMEM2 - transmembrane protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34193 chr8 88236811 88236889 + 9.66382 NA intron (NM_173538, intron 5 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 358174 NM_173538 168975 Hs.246284 NM_173538 HPRD:08192 CNBD1 - cyclic nucleotide binding domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8742 chr12 103835364 103835487 + 9.66143 NA intron (NM_198521, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_198521, intron 2 of 5) 54363 NR_103526 374470 Hs.534649 NM_198521 HPRD:13393 C12orf42 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19294 chr2 166731105 166731253 + 9.66143 NA 3' UTR (NM_024753, exon 29 of 29) 3' UTR (NM_024753, exon 29 of 29) -2728 NR_045375 100506124 Hs.709870 NR_045375 LOC100506124 - uncharacterized LOC100506124 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14728 chr17 72772469 72772590 + 9.65588 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017728) promoter-TSS (NM_017728) -59 NM_015654 26151 Hs.144058 NM_015654 HPRD:13259 NAT9 EBSP, hNATL N-acetyltransferase 9 (GCN5-related, putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23000 chr3 66815451 66815522 + 9.65176 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -233241 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23349 chr3 105085441 105085588 + 9.64873 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243283) promoter-TSS (NM_001243283) -43 NM_001243283 214 Hs.591293 NM_001627 HPRD:03389 ALCAM CD166|MEMD activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31598 chr7 37653363 37653435 + 9.64078 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -126597 NM_181791 353345 Hs.688230 NM_181791 HPRD:16423 GPR141 PGR13 G protein-coupled receptor 141 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30025 chr6 87402936 87403008 + 9.64078 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -244052 NM_000865 3354 Hs.1611 NM_000865 HPRD:01635 HTR1E 5-HT1E 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1E, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35896 chr9 95427065 95427278 + 9.64010 NA intron (NM_022755, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_022755, intron 1 of 12) 5376 NM_022755 64768 Hs.459896 NM_022755 HPRD:10799 IPPK C9orf12|INSP5K2|IP5K|IPK1|bA476B13.1 inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12467 chr16 18619876 18619960 + 9.64004 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 37348 NR_003569 653190 Hs.13188 NR_003569 ENSG00000256340 ABCC6P1 - ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 6 pseudogene 1 (functional) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34358 chr8 103017871 103017940 + 9.63924 NA intron (NM_001040624, intron 3 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 118657 NM_001040624 83988 Hs.492427 NM_032041 HPRD:09466 NCALD - neurocalcin delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5834 chr11 27514757 27514829 + 9.63924 NA Intergenic AluYc|SINE|Alu 13533 NM_018362 55327 Hs.91393 NM_018362 HPRD:17279 LIN7C LIN-7-C|LIN-7C|MALS-3|MALS3|VELI3 lin-7 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16361 chr19 27804764 27804837 + 9.63172 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -479575 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36698 chrUn_gl000212 42316 42388 + 9.62619 NA intron (NR_027278, intron 1 of 7) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 18303 NR_027278 26080 Hs.448583 NR_027278 FAM230C LINC00281|NCRNA00281 family with sequence similarity 230, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36644 chr9_gl000199_random 129656 129804 + 9.62296 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23396 chr3 108321514 108321655 + 9.61889 NA intron (NM_014648, intron 1 of 32) intron (NM_014648, intron 1 of 32) -13093 NM_020890 57650 Hs.591308 NM_020890 HPRD:11151 KIAA1524 CIP2A|p90 KIAA1524 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34548 chr8 124327878 124328062 + 9.61889 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -40189 NR_037873 11244 Hs.521800 NM_007222 HPRD:10379 ZHX1 - zinc fingers and homeoboxes 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22226 chr3 4393331 4393517 + 9.61811 NA Intergenic Intergenic 48127 NR_024022 6419 Hs.475300 NM_006515 HPRD:10225 SETMAR HsMar1|METNASE|Mar1 SET domain and mariner transposase fusion gene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13813 chr17 7737154 7737271 + 9.61654 NA TTS (NM_020877) TTS (NM_020877) -6023 NM_001080424 23135 Hs.223678 NM_001080424 ENSG00000132510 KDM6B JMJD3 lysine (K)-specific demethylase 6B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3159 chr1 226496763 226496985 + 9.61536 NA exon (NM_173083, exon 1 of 15) exon (NM_173083, exon 1 of 15) 330 NM_001270409 286826 Hs.120817 NM_173083 HPRD:13990 LIN9 BARA|BARPsv|Lin-9|TGS|TGS1|TGS2 lin-9 DREAM MuvB core complex component protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32382 chr7 99025011 99025101 + 9.61536 NA intron (NM_015545, intron 5 of 7) SVA_D|Other|Other 11406 NM_015545 26024 Hs.632313 NM_015545 HPRD:11463 PTCD1 - pentatricopeptide repeat domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28077 chr5 118623318 118623409 + 9.61536 NA intron (NM_001077654, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_001077654, intron 1 of 1) 18976 NM_001286815 25816 Hs.618488 NM_014350 TNFAIP8 GG2-1|MDC-3.13|NDED|SCC-S2|SCCS2 tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10529 chr14 60043545 60043618 + 9.61536 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164399) promoter-TSS (NM_001164399) -32 NM_001164399 729665 Hs.29706 NM_001164399 ENSG00000151838 CCDC175 C14orf38|c14_5395 coiled-coil domain containing 175 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14848 chr17 78937238 78937533 + 9.61536 NA intron (NM_020761, intron 33 of 33) CpG -28256 NM_024591 79643 Hs.514560 NM_024591 HPRD:08564 CHMP6 VPS20 charged multivesicular body protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9417 chr13 41476350 41476417 + 9.61536 NA intron (NR_038259, intron 1 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 19503 NR_038259 100616668 Hs.660718 NR_038258 TPTE2P5 - transmembrane phosphoinositide 3-phosphatase and tensin homolog 2 pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30220 chr6 107056112 107056227 + 9.61222 NA intron (NM_032730, intron 4 of 8) L1MA5|LINE|L1 21204 NM_032730 84816 Hs.155839 NM_032730 RTN4IP1 NIMP reticulon 4 interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6737 chr11 85904665 85904822 + 9.61222 NA Intergenic Intergenic -51063 NM_152991 8726 Hs.503510 NM_003797 HPRD:09343 EED HEED|WAIT1 embryonic ectoderm development protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29349 chr6 30606236 30606307 + 9.61222 NA intron (NM_001254952, intron 6 of 9).3 AluSz|SINE|Alu -8545 NM_145029 221545 Hs.591787 NM_145029 HPRD:12851 C6orf136 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 136 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15852 chr19 7553884 7553974 + 9.61222 NA promoter-TSS (NM_080662) promoter-TSS (NM_080662) -5 NM_001270539 92960 Hs.515100 NM_080662 HPRD:16250 PEX11G - peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15385 chr18 47883732 47883817 + 9.61222 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17618 NM_145060 220134 Hs.134726 NM_145060 HPRD:12689 SKA1 C18orf24 spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34619 chr8 129665738 129665818 + 9.61222 NA Intergenic L3|LINE|CR1 -88853 NR_121673 101927774 Hs.628730 NR_121672 ENSG00000254275 LINC00824 LINC01263 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 824 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18793 chr2 118761030 118761185 + 9.61222 NA intron (NM_019044, intron 3 of 23) intron (NM_019044, intron 3 of 23) 10632 NM_019044 54520 Hs.107845 NM_019044 HPRD:08557 CCDC93 - coiled-coil domain containing 93 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25683 chr4 101816890 101816996 + 9.61222 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -220673 NR_046811 100874275 Hs.136318 NR_046811 ENSG00000250223 LINC01216 EMCN-IT3 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1216 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18838 chr2 126526460 126526716 + 9.61222 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -886923 NM_001256584 2995 Hs.59138 NM_002101 HPRD:00193 GYPC CD236|CD236R|GE|GPC|GPD|GYPD|PAS-2|PAS-2' glycophorin C (Gerbich blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9891 chr13 101909191 101909258 + 9.61222 NA intron (NM_052867, intron 11 of 43) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 159589 NM_052867 259232 Hs.525146 NM_052867 HPRD:15647 NALCN CanIon|INNFD|VGCNL1|bA430M15.1 sodium leak channel, non-selective protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13986 chr17 22021888 22021959 + 9.60618 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001190452) promoter-TSS (NM_001190452) -514 NM_001190452 100462977 Hs.740185 NM_001190452 ENSG00000256618 MTRNR2L1 HN1 MT-RNR2-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21192 chr21 14528002 14528120 + 9.60587 NA Intergenic MER77|LTR|ERVL 117574 NR_026916 149992 Hs.558645 NM_153773 ANKRD30BP2 C21orf99|CT85|CTSP-1|CTSP1 ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38551 chrX 118819471 118819563 + 9.59819 NA intron (NM_145799, intron 1 of 10) MIR3|SINE|MIR 7816 NM_145802 23157 Hs.496666 NM_015129 HPRD:06716 SEPT6 SEP2|SEPT2 septin 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9455 chr13 44686895 44687052 + 9.59803 NA intron (NR_104065, intron 1 of 4) intron (NR_104065, intron 1 of 4) 2288 NR_104065 101929212 Hs.534877 NR_104064 SMIM2-AS1 C13orf44-AS1|C3orf81-AS1 SMIM2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38757 chrX 134926687 134926756 + 9.59795 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 10014 NM_001017436 441520 Hs.568346 NM_001017436 HPRD:18654 CT45A4 CT45-4|CT45.4 cancer/testis antigen family 45, member A4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2726 chr1 193506972 193507124 + 9.59715 NA Intergenic L1MB2|LINE|L1 233173 NR_125789 101929184 Hs.146728 NR_125789 LINC01031 TCONS_00000361 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1031 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38078 chrX 71410678 71410752 + 9.59715 NA intron (NM_006223, intron 2 of 3) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 9189 NM_006223 5303 Hs.655623 NM_006223 HPRD:02219 PIN4 EPVH|PAR14|PAR17 protein (peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting, 4 (parvulin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19300 chr2 167849553 167849641 + 9.59574 NA intron (NM_001079810, intron 2 of 9) L1HS|LINE|L1 104600 NM_152381 129446 Hs.73680 NM_152381 HPRD:10267 XIRP2 CMYA3 xin actin-binding repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24153 chr3 177315698 177315883 + 9.59085 NA intron (NR_047568, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_047568, intron 2 of 3) 156081 NR_047568 100505566 Hs.581170 NR_047568 LINC00578 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 578 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1189 chr1 84291636 84291839 + 9.59085 NA intron (NR_119374, intron 2 of 2) L1PA5|LINE|L1 34492 NR_119374 101927560 Hs.559661 NR_119374 ENSG00000233008 LOC101927560 - uncharacterized LOC101927560 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7789-2 chr12 31479071 31479322 + 9.59079 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135811) promoter-TSS (NM_001135811) -37 NM_001135812 58516 Hs.505154 NM_021238 HPRD:16588 FAM60A C12orf14|TERA family with sequence similarity 60, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7789 chr12 31479071 31479322 + 9.59079 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135811) promoter-TSS (NM_001135811) -37 NM_001135812 58516 Hs.505154 NM_021238 HPRD:16588 FAM60A C12orf14|TERA family with sequence similarity 60, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13955 chr17 19501914 19501986 + 9.58517 NA Intergenic Intergenic 41077 NR_003025 677885 Hs.658450 NR_003025 SNORA59A ACA59 small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 59A snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16056 chr19 14900327 14900440 + 9.58517 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 10565 NM_198944 26664 Hs.466053 NM_198944 HPRD:17783 OR7C1 CIT-HSP-146E8|HSTPCR86P|OR19-5|OR7C4|TPCR86 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28392 chr5 141340443 141340610 + 9.57766 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1899 NM_016580 51294 Hs.439474 NM_016580 HPRD:09287 PCDH12 VE-cadherin-2|VECAD2 protocadherin 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19003 chr2 135427749 135427849 + 9.57766 NA intron (NM_030923, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_030923, intron 2 of 7) 48772 NM_030923 81615 Hs.369471 NM_030923 HPRD:13178 TMEM163 DC29|SV31 transmembrane protein 163 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27225 chr5 49517154 49517234 + 9.57539 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 220040 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15711 chr19 1667063 1667133 + 9.57337 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -14770 NM_003200 6929 Hs.371282 NM_003200 HPRD:00918 TCF3 E2A|E47|ITF1|TCF-3|VDIR|bHLHb21 transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7337 chr12 4140484 4140663 + 9.56627 NA Intergenic CpG -157959 NM_001286521 57097 Hs.657268 NM_020367 HPRD:15101 PARP11 ARTD11|C12orf6|MIB006 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35665 chr9 73178713 73178893 + 9.56627 NA intron (NM_001007471, intron 21 of 24) intron (NM_001007471, intron 21 of 24) -149230 NM_001206 687 Hs.150557 NM_001206 HPRD:04211 KLF9 BTEB|BTEB1 Kruppel-like factor 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34894 chr9 400347 400844 + 9.56627 NA intron (NM_001193536, intron 25 of 46) (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -69699 NM_001256876 23189 Hs.306764 NM_015158 HPRD:09651 KANK1 ANKRD15|CPSQ2|KANK KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38532 chrX 116965214 116965283 + 9.56627 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 142453 NM_033495 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1938 chr1 148007728 148007814 + 9.56119 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 15 of 18).2 intron (NR_102404, intron 15 of 18).2 13625 NR_104086 101954277 NR_104086 RNVU1-19 RNU1-126|RNU1-147|RNVU1-13|vU1.13|vU1.19 RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 19 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_196 chr1 10993037 10993104 + 9.55834 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu 49024 NM_001170754 148345 Hs.127026 NM_173507 HPRD:08780 C1orf127 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 127 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23441 chr3 112183198 112183284 + 9.55834 NA 3' UTR (NM_181780, exon 5 of 5) 3' UTR (NM_181780, exon 5 of 5) 35167 NM_001085357 151888 Hs.445162 NM_181780 HPRD:06392 BTLA BTLA1|CD272 B and T lymphocyte associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23718 chr3 133815098 133815205 + 9.55834 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -66231 NM_005630 6578 Hs.518270 NM_005630 HPRD:03269 SLCO2A1 MATR1|OATP2A1|PGT|PHOAR2|SLC21A2 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 2A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27542 chr5 72143888 72143972 + 9.55665 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153188) promoter-TSS (NM_153188) 0 NM_153188 3842 Hs.482497 NM_002270 HPRD:04210 TNPO1 IPO2|KPNB2|MIP|MIP1|TRN transportin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4863 chr10 99078964 99079086 + 9.55665 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005479) promoter-TSS (NM_005479) 3 NM_005479 10023 Hs.126057 NM_005479 HPRD:03935 FRAT1 - frequently rearranged in advanced T-cell lymphomas 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26126 chr4 142302979 142303050 + 9.55076 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -49243 NR_121625 100507639 Hs.535010 NR_121625 ENSG00000248810 LOC100507639 - uncharacterized LOC100507639 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31813 chr7 57959711 57959789 + 9.54937 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 449867 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31531 chr7 32930182 32930323 + 9.54503 NA intron (NM_015483, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_015483, intron 1 of 3) 1216 NM_015483 25948 Hs.372541 NM_015483 HPRD:13756 KBTBD2 BKLHD1 kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2821 chr1 201952177 201952266 + 9.54192 NA exon (NM_020216, exon 1 of 11) exon (NM_020216, exon 1 of 11) 455 NM_020216 6051 Hs.497391 NM_020216 HPRD:04055 RNPEP - arginyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase B) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_152 chr1 7661400 7661534 + 9.54192 NA intron (NM_015215, intron 6 of 22) SVA_D|Other|Other -169862 NM_004781 9341 Hs.66708 NM_004781 HPRD:04711 VAMP3 CEB vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6952 chr11 107940837 107940939 + 9.54192 NA exon (NM_003478, exon 8 of 19) exon (NM_003478, exon 8 of 19) -51370 NM_000019 38 Hs.232375 NM_000019 HPRD:01946 ACAT1 ACAT|MAT|T2|THIL acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11912 chr15 80263513 80263685 + 9.54192 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001114735) promoter-TSS (NM_001114735) 44 NM_004049 597 Hs.227817 NM_004049 HPRD:03034 BCL2A1 ACC-1|ACC-2|BCL2L5|BFL1|GRS|HBPA1 BCL2-related protein A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11235 chr15 28341188 28341465 + 9.53744 NA intron (NM_001300984, intron 1 of 22) CpG 3132 NM_001300984 4948 Hs.654411 NM_000275 HPRD:01945 OCA2 BEY|BEY1|BEY2|BOCA|D15S12|EYCL|EYCL2|EYCL3|HCL3|P|PED|SHEP1 oculocutaneous albinism II protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1391 chr1 100816930 100817047 + 9.53744 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1035 NM_003672 8556 Hs.127411 NM_003672 HPRD:04614 CDC14A cdc14|hCDC14 cell division cycle 14A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30077 chr6 90813268 90813337 + 9.53193 NA intron (NM_021813, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_021813, intron 4 of 8) 193325 NM_021813 60468 Hs.269764 NM_021813 HPRD:12012 BACH2 BTBD25 BTB and CNC homology 1, basic leucine zipper transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12168 chr15 100961905 100961977 + 9.53193 NA intron (NR_120374, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 48797 NR_120374 102723320 Hs.416099 NR_120374 LOC102723320 - uncharacterized LOC102723320 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26524 chr4 185374711 185374887 + 9.53193 NA intron (NM_002199, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_002199, intron 1 of 8) 20927 NM_002199 3660 Hs.654566 NM_002199 HPRD:00962 IRF2 IRF-2 interferon regulatory factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34089 chr8 79578172 79578419 + 9.53193 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016010) promoter-TSS (NM_016010) 13 NM_016010 51101 Hs.271876 NM_016010 HPRD:13039 ZC2HC1A C8orf70|FAM164A zinc finger, C2HC-type containing 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24638 chr4 9370453 9370586 + 9.53007 NA non-coding (NR_027279, exon 1 of 1) non-coding (NR_027279, exon 1 of 1) 919 NR_027279 391622 Hs.722658 NR_027279 ENSG00000205946 USP17L6P DUB4|USP17L6|vDUB4 ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 6, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17548 chr2 27440164 27440351 + 9.52859 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004341) promoter-TSS (NM_004341) -1 NM_004341 790 Hs.377010 NM_004341 HPRD:06437 CAD - carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase, and dihydroorotase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20211 chr2 241506022 241506160 + 9.52780 NA Intergenic CpG -1913 NM_018226 57140 Hs.5345 NM_018226 RNPEPL1 - arginyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase B)-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34434 chr8 113610828 113611065 + 9.52545 NA intron (NM_198124, intron 23 of 71) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -44776 NR_031745 100302225 NR_031745 miRBase:MI0010487 MIR2053 hsa-mir-2053 microRNA 2053 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18717 chr2 113012377 113012474 + 9.51972 NA intron (NM_032494, intron 1 of 8) CpG 239 NM_032494 84524 Hs.418416 NM_032494 HPRD:11695 ZC3H8 Fliz1|ZC3HDC8 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2307 chr1 161089581 161089676 + 9.51972 NA exon (NM_001185094, exon 5 of 7) exon (NM_001185094, exon 5 of 7) 1720 NM_001185094 4817 Hs.146406 NM_005600 HPRD:07056 NIT1 - nitrilase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28107 chr5 122590529 122590601 + 9.51786 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 165724 NM_001136239 93166 Hs.135118 NM_001136239 ENSG00000061455 PRDM6 - PR domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37917 chrX 64449004 64449148 + 9.51786 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -194452 NM_001243804 55906 Hs.28249 NM_018684 HPRD:06584 ZC4H2 HCA127|KIAA1166|WRWF|WWS zinc finger, C4H2 domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36091 chr9 112810844 112810993 + 9.51537 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001198656) promoter-TSS (NM_001198656) 40 NM_001198656 11217 Hs.591908 NM_001004065 ENSG00000241978 AKAP2 AKAP-2|AKAPKL|PRKA2 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2178 chr1 155008144 155008219 + 9.50609 NA intron (NM_152494, intron 4 of 16) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 1899 NM_152494 149095 Hs.567717 NM_152494 HPRD:08733 DCST1 - DC-STAMP domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12183 chr15 101792118 101792248 + 9.50609 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014918) promoter-TSS (NM_014918) -46 NM_014918 22856 Hs.110488 NM_014918 HPRD:10493 CHSY1 CHSY|CSS1|ChSy-1|TPBS chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19467 chr2 179847980 179848046 + 9.50609 NA intron (NM_173648, intron 2 of 23) L1PA3|LINE|L1 66773 NM_173648 285025 Hs.324341 NM_173648 HPRD:08257 CCDC141 CAMDI coiled-coil domain containing 141 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15593 chr18 75127995 75128065 + 9.50548 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 166022 NM_001480 2587 Hs.272191 NM_001480 GALR1 GALNR|GALNR1 galanin receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20713 chr20 35636512 35636589 + 9.50548 NA intron (NM_183404, intron 19 of 20) intron (NM_183404, intron 19 of 20) -56304 NM_015474 25939 Hs.580681 NM_015474 HPRD:08418 SAMHD1 CHBL2|DCIP|HDDC1|MOP-5|SBBI88 SAM domain and HD domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38394 chrX 102469954 102470073 + 9.50548 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001080425) promoter-TSS (NM_001080425) -7 NM_001080425 56271 Hs.184736 NM_001080425 ENSG00000102409 BEX4 BEXL1 brain expressed, X-linked 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1183 chr1 84151884 84151958 + 9.50074 NA intron (NR_119375, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 174308 NR_119374 101927560 Hs.559661 NR_119374 ENSG00000233008 LOC101927560 - uncharacterized LOC101927560 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36732 chrUn_gl000216 2610 2701 + 9.49985 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29151 chr6 21798071 21798176 + 9.49388 NA intron (NR_015410, intron 3 of 11) SVA_D|Other|Other 131448 NR_015410 401237 Hs.712707 NR_015410 ENSG00000272168 CASC15 LINC00340 cancer susceptibility candidate 15 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15494 chr18 61067223 61067330 + 9.49388 NA intron (NM_004869, intron 7 of 10) intron (NM_004869, intron 7 of 10) 22476 NM_004869 9525 Hs.126550 NM_004869 HPRD:15653 VPS4B SKD1|SKD1B|VPS4-2 vacuolar protein sorting 4 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31588 chr7 37165393 37165468 + 9.49388 NA intron (NM_001206480, intron 14 of 21) L1PA5|LINE|L1 128029 NR_104120 100861514 Hs.627775 NR_104120 ELMO1-AS1 - ELMO1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33336 chr8 8091344 8091520 + 9.48617 NA intron (NR_024363, intron 3 of 5) intron (NR_024363, intron 3 of 5) 5340 NR_024362 286042 Hs.656318 NR_024361 ENSG00000173295 FAM86B3P - family with sequence similarity 86, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30839 chr6 155636195 155636308 + 9.48468 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016020) promoter-TSS (NM_016020) -634 NM_016020 51106 Hs.279908 NM_016020 TFB1M CGI75|mtTFB|mtTFB1 transcription factor B1, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30237 chr6 108395844 108396181 + 9.48173 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014028) promoter-TSS (NM_014028) -71 NM_014028 28962 Hs.226780 NM_014028 HPRD:09628 OSTM1 GIPN|GL|OPTB5 osteopetrosis associated transmembrane protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7320 chr12 2144219 2144329 + 9.47936 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13244 NR_046768 100874369 Hs.208723 NR_046768 CACNA1C-IT2 - CACNA1C intronic transcript 2 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11581 chr15 53022473 53022588 + 9.47936 NA Intergenic Intergenic 50551 NR_073510 3175 Hs.658573 NM_004498 ONECUT1 HNF-6|HNF6|HNF6A one cut homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35912 chr9 96785622 96785698 + 9.47936 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -7416 NM_177995 138639 Hs.437943 NM_152422 HPRD:06689 PTPDC1 PTP9Q22 protein tyrosine phosphatase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_102 chr1 2769144 2769222 + 9.47936 NA Intergenic Intergenic -62953 NM_001242672 100287898 Hs.632363 NM_001242672 ENSG00000215912 TTC34 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14538 chr17 56151215 56151500 + 9.47936 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 9208 NR_110809 101927666 Hs.552237 NR_110809 ENSG00000266290 LOC101927666 - uncharacterized LOC101927666 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37942 chrX 65935241 65935315 + 9.47936 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -76138 NM_001199687 60401 Hs.302017 NM_021783 HPRD:02230 EDA2R EDA-A2R|EDAA2R|TNFRSF27|XEDAR ectodysplasin A2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36710 chrUn_gl000214 117072 117287 + 9.47876 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4016 chr10 38783780 38783846 + 9.47874 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 66739 NR_024497 399744 Hs.497951 NM_001013665 LINC00999 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 999 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22388 chr3 16379908 16379984 + 9.47435 NA intron (NM_015150, intron 7 of 9) intron (NM_015150, intron 7 of 9) 73279 NM_138381 92106 Hs.655449 NM_138381 HPRD:14446 OXNAD1 - oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30456 chr6 127623940 127624072 + 9.47435 NA intron (NM_001002030, intron 5 of 5) intron (NM_001002030, intron 5 of 5) 36023 NM_001242845 81847 Hs.267120 NM_030963 ENSG00000118518 RNF146 dJ351K20.1 ring finger protein 146 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16857 chr19 47777629 47777739 + 9.46987 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178511) promoter-TSS (NM_178511) 25 NR_037675 255783 Hs.128690 NM_178511 ENSG00000257704 INAFM1 PRR24 InaF-motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25510 chr4 83034690 83034756 + 9.46975 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 260426 NM_031369 3184 Hs.480073 NM_002138 HNRNPD AUF1|AUF1A|HNRPD|P37|hnRNPD0 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D (AU-rich element RNA binding protein 1, 37kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38658 chrX 128990143 128990216 + 9.46975 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -12269 NM_016032 51114 Hs.193566 NM_016032 HPRD:06759 ZDHHC9 CGI89|CXorf11|DHHC9|MMSA1|MRXSZ|ZDHHC10|ZNF379|ZNF380 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1464 chr1 108808440 108808506 + 9.46975 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -21770 NM_001143989 148545 Hs.511849 NM_152488 HPRD:08144 NBPF4 - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39265 chrY 13857432 13857585 + 9.46321 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 675881 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25934 chr4 122202477 122202617 + 9.46220 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -53926 NM_001244764 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19567 chr2 191560531 191560804 + 9.46220 NA Intergenic Intergenic 46819 NM_005966 4664 Hs.107474 NM_005966 HPRD:02881 NAB1 - NGFI-A binding protein 1 (EGR1 binding protein 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23082 chr3 71772905 71773025 + 9.46205 NA intron (NM_173359, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_173359, intron 2 of 7) 1561 NM_001134651 317649 Hs.581355 NM_173359 HPRD:10687 EIF4E3 eIF-4E3|eIF4E-3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25256 chr4 60075946 60076028 + 9.45465 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2099436 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39210 chrY 13716685 13716759 + 9.45382 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 816667 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15850 chr19 7515218 7515431 + 9.45382 NA intron (NM_001130955, intron 5 of 19) intron (NM_001130955, intron 5 of 19) 10750 NM_001130955 23370 Hs.465761 NM_015318 HPRD:12479 ARHGEF18 P114-RhoGEF Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22963 chr3 61235758 61235948 + 9.45382 NA intron (NM_001166243, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001166243, intron 1 of 9) 1280 NM_002012 2272 Hs.655995 NM_002012 HPRD:03096 FHIT AP3Aase|FRA3B fragile histidine triad protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11779 chr15 70053301 70053475 + 9.45382 NA Intergenic Intergenic -74185 NR_026764 414926 Hs.569502 NR_026764 ENSG00000259703 LINC00593 C15orf50 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 593 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6189 chr11 55009114 55009189 + 9.45382 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -20507 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19468 chr2 179896555 179896781 + 9.45306 NA intron (NM_173648, intron 2 of 23) intron (NM_173648, intron 2 of 23) 18118 NM_173648 285025 Hs.324341 NM_173648 HPRD:08257 CCDC141 CAMDI coiled-coil domain containing 141 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13540 chr16 89919066 89919263 + 9.45306 NA intron (NM_032451, intron 3 of 14) CpG -20830 NM_014972 22980 Hs.415342 NM_014972 HPRD:13830 TCF25 Hulp1|NULP1|PRO2620|hKIAA1049 transcription factor 25 (basic helix-loop-helix) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12976 chr16 47383932 47384000 + 9.45306 NA intron (NM_030790, intron 8 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 111049 NM_030790 81533 Hs.42217 NM_030790 ITFG1 TIP integrin alpha FG-GAP repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22250 chr3 6539092 6539174 + 9.45306 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 308003 NR_110123 101927347 Hs.333345 NR_110123 ENSG00000226258 GRM7-AS3 - GRM7 antisense RNA 3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9128 chr12 132812450 132812517 + 9.44987 NA intron (NM_001122636, intron 6 of 10) intron (NM_001122636, intron 6 of 10) -39494 NR_024563 100130238 Hs.536338 NR_024563 LOC100130238 - uncharacterized LOC100130238 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5433 chr11 615687 615784 + 9.44662 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004031) promoter-TSS (NM_004031) -7 NM_004031 3665 Hs.166120 NM_001572 HPRD:05441 IRF7 IRF-7H|IRF7A|IRF7B|IRF7C|IRF7H interferon regulatory factor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7359 chr12 6444915 6445042 + 9.44662 NA intron (NM_001065, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001065, intron 1 of 9) 6305 NM_001065 7132 Hs.279594 NM_001065 HPRD:01861 TNFRSF1A CD120a|FPF|MS5|TBP1|TNF-R|TNF-R-I|TNF-R55|TNFAR|TNFR1|TNFR1-d2|TNFR55|TNFR60|p55|p55-R|p60 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18186 chr2 85134334 85134404 + 9.44662 NA TTS (NM_021103) TTS (NM_021103) 1606 NM_021103 9168 Hs.446574 NM_021103 HPRD:01779 TMSB10 MIG12|TB10 thymosin beta 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_84 chr1 2159177 2159364 + 9.44662 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003036) promoter-TSS (NM_003036) -864 NM_003036 6497 Hs.656507 NM_003036 HPRD:01271 SKI SGS|SKV SKI proto-oncogene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26239 chr4 152670297 152670393 + 9.44587 NA intron (NM_004564, intron 2 of 12) L1PA5|LINE|L1 11830 NM_004564 5188 Hs.119316 NM_004564 HPRD:04706 GATB PET112|PET112L glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase, subunit B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34202 chr8 88496765 88496835 + 9.44587 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 389496 NM_152418 138009 Hs.371738 NM_152418 HPRD:08187 DCAF4L2 WDR21C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20069 chr2 233470929 233471035 + 9.44587 NA intron (NM_001243252, intron 1 of 3) CpG 215 NM_001243252 80303 Hs.516769 NM_025202 HPRD:13265 EFHD1 MST133|MSTP133|SWS2 EF-hand domain family, member D1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7597 chr12 19721428 19721805 + 9.44452 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 128101 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34652 chr8 132916245 132916359 + 9.44382 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015137) promoter-TSS (NM_015137) -54 NM_015137 23167 Hs.204564 NM_015137 HPRD:17179 EFR3A - EFR3 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36967 chrUn_gl000225 101307 101381 + 9.44346 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34437 chr8 113674668 113674747 + 9.43341 NA intron (NM_198124, intron 18 of 71) L1PA3|LINE|L1 18985 NR_031745 100302225 NR_031745 miRBase:MI0010487 MIR2053 hsa-mir-2053 microRNA 2053 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26329 chr4 161581606 161581848 + 9.43341 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 1392729 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39348 chrY 26426849 26426954 + 9.42681 NA Intergenic Intergenic -65923 NR_001555 84559 Hs.531603 NR_001555 ENSG00000172332 GOLGA2P2Y GOLGA2LY|GOLGA2LY1|GOLGA2P2 golgin A2 pseudogene 2, Y-linked pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38935 chrX 154532764 154532837 + 9.42681 NA intron (NM_001289, intron 1 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 31190 NM_001289 1193 Hs.655445 NM_001289 HPRD:02139 CLIC2 CLIC2b|MRXS32|XAP121 chloride intracellular channel 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19303 chr2 167970956 167971030 + 9.42681 NA intron (NM_001079810, intron 2 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 26472 NR_046665 100874011 NR_046665 XIRP2-AS1 - XIRP2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22432 chr3 19635966 19636082 + 9.42194 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -279601 NR_039954 100616291 NR_039954 miRBase:MI0017438 MIR4791 - microRNA 4791 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31764 chr7 56131867 56132067 + 9.41808 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130069) promoter-TSS (NM_001130069) 50 NM_001042469 25870 Hs.279696 NM_015411 HPRD:06400 SUMF2 pFGE sulfatase modifying factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23406 chr3 109230092 109230158 + 9.41808 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 101288 NR_109841 401082 Hs.477089 NM_001145553 LINC01205 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1205 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8636 chr12 94542437 94542536 + 9.41312 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005761) promoter-TSS (NM_005761) -13 NM_005761 10154 Hs.584845 NM_005761 HPRD:05036 PLXNC1 CD232|PLXN-C1|VESPR plexin C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7134 chr11 122958512 122958656 + 9.41312 NA intron (NM_024769, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_024769, intron 2 of 6) -25541 NM_153201 3312 Hs.180414 NM_006597 HPRD:07205 HSPA8 HEL-33|HEL-S-72p|HSC54|HSC70|HSC71|HSP71|HSP73|HSPA10|LAP-1|LAP1|NIP71 heat shock 70kDa protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19736 chr2 203776615 203776755 + 9.41312 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024744) promoter-TSS (NM_024744) -256 NM_001104586 79800 Hs.444982 NM_024744 HPRD:10464 CARF ALS2CR8|NYD-SP24 calcium responsive transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24709 chr4 14474490 14474818 + 9.41032 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 361062 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6184 chr11 54990272 54990342 + 9.40745 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -39351 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1182 chr1 84151223 84151293 + 9.40595 NA intron (NR_119375, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 174971 NR_119374 101927560 Hs.559661 NR_119374 ENSG00000233008 LOC101927560 - uncharacterized LOC101927560 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5233 chr10 127909738 127909828 + 9.40071 NA intron (NM_001288975, intron 3 of 18) AluSz|SINE|Alu 167344 NM_001288975 8038 Hs.594351 NM_003474 HPRD:04092 ADAM12 ADAM12-OT1|CAR10|MCMP|MCMPMltna|MLTN|MLTNA ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19995 chr2 226329495 226329597 + 9.40071 NA intron (NM_020864, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_020864, intron 2 of 5) 63944 NM_020864 57624 Hs.224409 NM_020864 ENSG00000144460 NYAP2 KIAA1486 neuronal tyrosine-phosphorylated phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7592 chr12 19687710 19687785 + 9.40071 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 94232 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30048 chr6 89029494 89029565 + 9.40071 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -153762 NM_001160258 1268 Hs.75110 NM_016083 HPRD:00259 CNR1 CANN6|CB-R|CB1|CB1A|CB1K5|CB1R|CNR cannabinoid receptor 1 (brain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37882 chrX 62741498 62741577 + 9.39797 NA intron (NR_015353, intron 1 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 39336 NR_015353 92249 Hs.31532 NR_015353 ENSG00000235437 LINC01278 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1278 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17750 chr2 43521112 43521204 + 9.39797 NA intron (NM_022065, intron 31 of 37) L3|LINE|CR1 66808 NR_027251 100129726 Hs.194480 NM_178529 LINC01126 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1126 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28374 chr5 140609526 140609752 + 9.39797 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -4299 NR_001281 54660 Hs.676071 NR_001281 ENSG00000146001 PCDHB18 PCDH-psi2 protocadherin beta 18 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37352 chrX 18693083 18693393 + 9.39620 NA Intergenic CpG -3015 NM_000330 6247 Hs.715725 NM_000330 HPRD:02426 RS1 RS|XLRS1 retinoschisin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6948 chr11 107711563 107711732 + 9.39620 NA intron (NM_017515, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_017515, intron 1 of 7) 18267 NM_017515 54733 Hs.524014 NM_017515 HPRD:15377 SLC35F2 HSNOV1 solute carrier family 35, member F2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32252 chr7 86782071 86782317 + 9.39517 NA intron (NM_021145, intron 1 of 19) CpG 324 NM_021145 9988 Hs.196129 NM_021145 HPRD:09770 DMTF1 DMP1|DMTF|MRUL|hDMP1 cyclin D binding myb-like transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22517 chr3 27753673 27753800 + 9.39308 NA Intergenic Intergenic 10470 NM_001278182 8320 Hs.591663 NM_005442 HPRD:07054 EOMES TBR2 eomesodermin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16641 chr19 40543870 40543944 + 9.39136 NA intron (NM_001005851, intron 4 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 18208 NM_001005851 163131 Hs.101139 NM_001005851 HPRD:11243 ZNF780B ZNF779 zinc finger protein 780B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6124 chr11 50753637 50753712 + 9.37991 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 385356 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24359 chr3 195437553 195437671 + 9.37898 NA intron (NR_122105, intron 4 of 4) intron (NR_122105, intron 4 of 4) -10141 NM_152673 200958 Hs.308992 NM_020790 HPRD:17615 MUC20 MUC-20 mucin 20, cell surface associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28956 chr6 4135998 4136098 + 9.37606 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166010) promoter-TSS (NM_001166010) -217 NM_006117 10455 Hs.15250 NM_006117 HPRD:16269 ECI2 ACBD2|DRS-1|DRS1|HCA88|PECI|dJ1013A10.3 enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22855 chr3 52243270 52243383 + 9.37479 NA intron (NM_199166, intron 8 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu 11227 NM_199166 211 Hs.476308 NM_000688 HPRD:00505 ALAS1 ALAS|ALAS3|ALASH|MIG4 aminolevulinate, delta-, synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22647 chr3 40074168 40074253 + 9.37479 NA intron (NM_001284423, intron 2 of 16) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -67292 NM_001284426 25924 Hs.594535 NM_015460 HPRD:14796 MYRIP SLAC2-C|SLAC2C myosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7657 chr12 22542670 22542750 + 9.37479 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -55062 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7522 chr12 12764714 12764871 + 9.37443 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001310) promoter-TSS (NM_001310) 25 NM_001310 1389 Hs.591156 NM_001310 HPRD:07541 CREBL2 - cAMP responsive element binding protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27311 chr5 54177230 54177378 + 9.37443 NA Intergenic Intergenic 104110 NM_007036 11082 Hs.129944 NM_007036 HPRD:03310 ESM1 endocan endothelial cell-specific molecule 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28557 chr5 150880436 150880569 + 9.37443 NA Intergenic Intergenic 21207 NR_106752 102465246 NR_106752 MIR6499 hsa-mir-6499 microRNA 6499 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18132 chr2 75937838 75937916 + 9.37443 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001201334) promoter-TSS (NM_001201334) -145 NM_001201334 6936 Hs.303808 NM_003203 HPRD:01791 GCFC2 C2orf3|DNABF|GCF|TCF9 GC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3863 chr10 27514691 27514824 + 9.37443 NA intron (NM_001271512, intron 3 of 11) intron (NM_001271512, intron 3 of 11) 15051 NM_001301252 91452 Hs.530597 NM_145698 HPRD:12415 ACBD5 - acyl-CoA binding domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2166 chr1 154922536 154922611 + 9.37294 NA intron (NM_020524, intron 5 of 10) AluSx|SINE|Alu 5994 NM_020524 57326 Hs.505806 NM_020524 HPRD:17823 PBXIP1 HPIP pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15713 chr19 1683557 1683662 + 9.37294 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -31281 NM_003200 6929 Hs.371282 NM_003200 HPRD:00918 TCF3 E2A|E47|ITF1|TCF-3|VDIR|bHLHb21 transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8471 chr12 76338111 76338197 + 9.35978 NA Intergenic Intergenic 87402 NM_007350 22822 Hs.602085 NM_007350 PHLDA1 DT1P1B11|PHRIP|TDAG51 pleckstrin homology-like domain, family A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35570 chr9 69696898 69696968 + 9.35729 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 45572 NR_024443 100133920 Hs.645503 NR_024443 LOC100133920 - uncharacterized LOC100133920 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10248 chr14 35015414 35015556 + 9.35729 NA Intergenic CT-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -6542 NM_018453 55837 Hs.433269 NM_018453 HPRD:12631 EAPP BM036|C14orf11 E2F-associated phosphoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25918 chr4 122121253 122121402 + 9.35225 NA intron (NM_001128843, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_001128843, intron 2 of 12) 16455 NM_001128843 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28493 chr5 148110625 148110770 + 9.35225 NA Intergenic Intergenic -76607 NM_000870 3360 Hs.483773 NM_000870 ENSG00000164270 HTR4 5-HT4|5-HT4R 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 4, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35281 chr9 38242546 38242645 + 9.35225 NA Intergenic Intergenic -150066 NM_000692 219 Hs.436219 NM_000692 HPRD:00005 ALDH1B1 ALDH5|ALDHX aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_965 chr1 55267230 55267360 + 9.35073 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017904) promoter-TSS (NM_017904) -354 NM_017904 55001 Hs.16230 NM_017904 HPRD:07932 TTC22 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19980 chr2 224890770 224890960 + 9.35073 NA intron (NM_006216, intron 1 of 8) MLT1J1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 5330 NR_073116 5270 Hs.38449 NM_006216 HPRD:01510 SERPINE2 GDN|GDNPF|PI-7|PI7|PN-1|PN1|PNI serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33128 chr7 156955089 156955180 + 9.35073 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 1 of 22) AluSg|SINE|Alu 23479 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30003 chr6 85346446 85346517 + 9.34920 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 127473 NM_001080508 9096 Hs.251830 NM_001080508 ENSG00000112837 TBX18 - T-box 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3790 chr10 21814471 21814594 + 9.34920 NA promoter-TSS (NM_207371) promoter-TSS (NM_207371) 79 NM_207371 387640 Hs.350848 NM_207371 HPRD:16981 SKIDA1 C10orf140|DLN-1 SKI/DACH domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30109 chr6 94345645 94345925 + 9.34864 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -71016 NR_015362 643432 Hs.509936 NR_015362 TSG1 - tumor suppressor TSG1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37846 chrX 61822333 61822423 + 9.33790 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 748840 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12774 chr16 32856096 32856169 + 9.33605 NA Intergenic Intergenic 40331 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24455 chr4 981029 981235 + 9.33213 NA TTS (NM_022042) TTS (NM_022042) 347 NR_110313 3425 Hs.89560 NM_000203 HPRD:02016 IDUA IDA|MPS1 iduronidase, alpha-L- protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8550 chr12 87937461 87937534 + 9.33070 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 240991 NR_033410 400058 Hs.572212 NR_033410 MKRN9P MKRN5|MKRN9|MKRNP6|RNF65|ZNF127L3 makorin ring finger protein 9, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23796 chr3 141160311 141160471 + 9.33070 NA intron (NM_001080412, intron 7 of 7) intron (NM_001080412, intron 7 of 7) -45535 NM_006506 5922 Hs.98445 NM_006506 ENSG00000155903 RASA2 GAP1M RAS p21 protein activator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23899 chr3 151330999 151331070 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -16286 NR_031678 100313773 NR_031678 miRBase:MI0006412 MIR548H2 MIR548H-2|MIRN548H2 microRNA 548h-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26974 chr5 35990038 35990117 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001171873, intron 2 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 1458 NM_152404 133688 Hs.254699 NM_152404 HPRD:08175 UGT3A1 - UDP glycosyltransferase 3 family, polypeptide A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34079 chr8 77983133 77983201 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -69887 NM_001172086 5828 Hs.437966 NM_000318 HPRD:01367 PEX2 PAF1|PBD5A|PBD5B|PMP3|PMP35|PXMP3|RNF72|ZWS3 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9509 chr13 48204832 48204992 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 370550 NM_003850 8803 Hs.743361 NM_003850 HPRD:06798 SUCLA2 A-BETA|MTDPS5|SCS-betaA succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38811 chrX 141544021 141544090 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluYk4|SINE|Alu -250979 NM_016249 51438 Hs.123536 NM_016249 HPRD:06632 MAGEC2 CT10|HCA587|MAGEE1 melanoma antigen family C, 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3970 chr10 35025032 35025108 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001184791, intron 1 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 79183 NM_001184791 56288 Hs.131489 NM_019619 HPRD:05994 PARD3 ASIP|Baz|PAR3|PAR3alpha|PARD-3|PARD3A|PPP1R118|SE2-5L16|SE2-5LT1|SE2-5T2 par-3 family cell polarity regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39287 chrY 15121632 15121698 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 104966 NM_004660 8653 Hs.99120 NM_004660 HPRD:02452 DDX3Y DBY DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box helicase 3, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25315 chr4 65105845 65105912 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 169300 NM_001010874 253017 Hs.227752 NM_001010874 TECRL GPSN2L|SRD5A2L2|TERL trans-2,3-enoyl-CoA reductase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8644 chr12 94878943 94879009 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 25197 NR_027035 144486 Hs.118205 NR_027035 CEP83-AS1 CCDC41-AS1 CEP83 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15542 chr18 69572678 69572756 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -326525 NR_038326 100505776 Hs.202072 NR_038325 ENSG00000260676 LOC100505776 - uncharacterized LOC100505776 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23136 chr3 79292362 79292508 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_002941, intron 2 of 30) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -168442 NR_110133 101927374 Hs.570644 NR_110133 LOC101927374 - uncharacterized LOC101927374 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29465 chr6 34312530 34312600 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001202470, intron 5 of 8) AluY|SINE|Alu 47892 NM_006703 11165 Hs.188882 NM_006703 NUDT3 DIPP|DIPP-1|DIPP1 nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19194 chr2 158404739 158404828 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001111033, intron 2 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 49289 NM_001111031 130399 Hs.562901 NM_145259 HPRD:10608 ACVR1C ACVRLK7|ALK7 activin A receptor, type IC protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37990 chrX 68881231 68881317 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001005612, intron 1 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 45363 NM_001005609 1896 Hs.105407 NM_001399 HPRD:02347 EDA ECTD1|ED1|ED1-A1|ED1-A2|EDA-A1|EDA-A2|EDA1|EDA2|HED|HED1|ODT1|STHAGX1|XHED|XLHED ectodysplasin A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8457 chr12 75272584 75272658 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 330907 NM_001260498 3747 Hs.27214 NM_139136 HPRD:08883 KCNC2 KV3.2 potassium voltage-gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20146 chr2 236991687 236991764 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001037131, intron 16 of 17) AluSp|SINE|Alu 84927 NM_001485 2637 Hs.184945 NM_001485 HPRD:03087 GBX2 - gastrulation brain homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20477 chr20 20318039 20318155 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_015585, intron 25 of 26) (TGGA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -30668 NM_002196 3642 Hs.89584 NM_002196 HPRD:02480 INSM1 IA-1|IA1 insulinoma-associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9951 chr13 106961535 106961601 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -67343 NR_034119 728192 Hs.559194 NR_034119 LINC00460 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 460 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13349 chr16 78169123 78169222 + 9.32885 NA intron (NR_120436, intron 4 of 5) intron (NR_120436, intron 4 of 5) 35862 NR_120435 51741 Hs.461453 NM_016373 HPRD:05501 WWOX D16S432E|FOR|FRA16D|HHCMA56|PRO0128|SCAR12|SDR41C1|WOX1 WW domain containing oxidoreductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_610 chr1 35545011 35545172 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001289089, intron 1 of 9) CpG 127 NM_001289090 79830 Hs.471243 NM_024772 HPRD:15739 ZMYM1 MYM zinc finger, MYM-type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7973 chr12 43926534 43926604 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_025003, intron 2 of 38) L1HS|LINE|L1 19155 NM_025003 80070 Hs.287554 NM_025003 ENSG00000173157 ADAMTS20 ADAM-TS20|ADAMTS-20|GON-1 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31604 chr7 38244664 38244772 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_032016, intron 1 of 8) L1P1|LINE|L1 26910 NM_032016 83930 Hs.309753 NM_032016 HPRD:18117 STARD3NL MENTHO STARD3 N-terminal like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11584 chr15 53176297 53176363 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -94121 NM_004498 3175 Hs.658573 NM_004498 ONECUT1 HNF-6|HNF6|HNF6A one cut homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39311 chrY 17520420 17520486 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -604540 NR_046504 100874056 Hs.743197 NR_046504 ENSG00000228787 NLGN4Y-AS1 NLGN4Y-AS|NLGN4YAS NLGN4Y antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11751 chr15 67987080 67987154 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001206804, intron 15 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -124925 NM_001258024 390598 Hs.451224 NM_001031807 ENSG00000188779 SKOR1 CORL1|FUSSEL15|LBXCOR1 SKI family transcriptional corepressor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7723 chr12 27473734 27473825 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_015000, intron 12 of 13) AluYc|SINE|Alu -12008 NM_001248005 56938 Hs.445447 NM_020183 ARNTL2 BMAL2|CLIF|MOP9|PASD9|bHLHe6 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2995 chr1 214846697 214846788 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 70210 NM_016343 1063 Hs.497741 NM_016343 HPRD:02582 CENPF CENF|PRO1779|hcp-1 centromere protein F, 350/400kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31788 chr7 57548538 57548645 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 38708 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4690 chr10 85916638 85916783 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16844 NM_207373 387695 Hs.298713 NM_207373 HPRD:12599 C10orf99 UNQ1833 chromosome 10 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19125 chr2 150867214 150867287 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -422920 NM_015702 27249 Hs.5324 NM_015702 HPRD:10781 MMADHC C2orf25|CL25022|cblD methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblD type, with homocystinuria protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9485 chr13 46368328 46368399 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_198849, intron 1 of 1) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 57483 NM_198849 283514 Hs.368483 NM_198849 HPRD:14145 SIAH3 - siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34604 chr8 128209197 128209373 + 9.32885 NA intron (NR_120364, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_120364, intron 1 of 2) 587 NR_120364 103021165 Hs.573407 NR_120364 CASC19 CARLo-6|LINC01245 cancer susceptibility candidate 19 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7601 chr12 19762133 19762204 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 168653 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_496 chr1 28535531 28535598 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_014280, intron 5 of 8) intron (NM_014280, intron 5 of 8) -15117 NM_001164722 5724 Hs.77542 NM_000952 HPRD:01422 PTAFR PAFR platelet-activating factor receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15912 chr19 9993097 9993170 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_058164, intron 1 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 47250 NR_038422 5300 Hs.465849 NM_006221 HPRD:03031 PIN1 DOD|UBL5 peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase, NIMA-interacting 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14600 chr17 61123533 61123614 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 1 of 24) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 36675 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8903 chr12 114045697 114045773 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluYg6|SINE|Alu -135858 NM_022363 64211 Hs.302029 NM_022363 LHX5 - LIM homeobox 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27097 chr5 42844951 42845023 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -32963 NM_001085486 6414 Hs.275775 NM_005410 HPRD:03286 SEPP1 SELP|SeP selenoprotein P, plasma, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33133 chr7 156975497 156975631 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 8 of 22) AluSc|SINE|Alu 43909 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8660 chr12 96104715 96104781 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_021229, intron 4 of 9) AluSx|SINE|Alu 61717 NR_077225 100132594 Hs.676211 NR_077225 ENSG00000257150 PGAM1P5 - phosphoglycerate mutase 1 pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17403 chr2 11692952 11693028 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_033090, intron 1 of 10) AluYg6|SINE|Alu 10139 NM_033090 9687 Hs.467733 NM_014668 HPRD:13611 GREB1 - growth regulation by estrogen in breast cancer 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24725 chr4 14562995 14563141 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSc8|SINE|Alu 440601 NR_038857 441009 Hs.535004 NR_038857 ENSG00000247624 CPEB2-AS1 - CPEB2 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4891 chr10 100720677 100720743 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001166246, intron 3 of 12) L1HS|LINE|L1 274922 NM_001166244 60495 Hs.500750 NM_021828 HPSE2 HPA2|HPR2|UFS|UFS1 heparanase 2 (inactive) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2667 chr1 187318715 187318781 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 520716 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_788 chr1 43594246 43594331 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -19306 NM_001101376 440585 Hs.657614 NM_001101376 ENSG00000186973 FAM183A - family with sequence similarity 183, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11590 chr15 53327732 53327805 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu -245559 NM_004498 3175 Hs.658573 NM_004498 ONECUT1 HNF-6|HNF6|HNF6A one cut homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31722 chr7 51284040 51284108 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001287436, intron 2 of 13) AluSx|SINE|Alu 100441 NM_015198 23242 Hs.99141 NM_015198 HPRD:10843 COBL - cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6017 chr11 46958232 46958312 + 9.32885 NA promoter-TSS (NR_103472) promoter-TSS (NR_103472) 32 NR_103472 79096 Hs.368296 NM_024113 HPRD:08332 C11orf49 - chromosome 11 open reading frame 49 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36174 chr9 120710560 120710644 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 244149 NM_138554 7099 Hs.174312 NM_003266 HPRD:04325 TLR4 ARMD10|CD284|TLR-4|TOLL toll-like receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9358 chr13 34731256 34731427 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 339135 NM_181558 5983 Hs.115474 NM_002915 HPRD:02676 RFC3 RFC38 replication factor C (activator 1) 3, 38kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17481 chr2 22322521 22322606 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -389039 NR_038837 645949 Hs.456782 NR_038837 ENSG00000229621 LOC645949 - uncharacterized LOC645949 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10027 chr13 114477909 114478098 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_182614, intron 3 of 8) (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 15787 NM_182614 348013 Hs.280805 NM_182614 HPRD:14474 TMEM255B FAM70B transmembrane protein 255B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8275 chr12 60179902 60179971 + 9.32885 NA non-coding (NR_073056, exon 7 of 7) non-coding (NR_073056, exon 7 of 7) 96818 NR_073056 9194 Hs.88156 NM_004731 HPRD:06791 SLC16A7 MCT2 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17307 chr2 4650093 4650159 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 53686 NR_034134 727982 Hs.444391 NR_034134 ENSG00000231532 LINC01249 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1249 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19100 chr2 148022758 148022830 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1M1|LINE|L1 -579292 NM_001278580 92 Hs.470174 NM_001616 HPRD:00025 ACVR2A ACTRII|ACVR2 activin A receptor, type IIA protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37539 chrX 46932112 46932210 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -5593 NM_001282849 9104 Hs.77854 NM_004683 HPRD:02196 RGN GNL|HEL-S-41|RC|SMP30 regucalcin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1133 chr1 76408643 76408728 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -10569 NR_026546 127247 Hs.125423 NM_080868 HPRD:10671 ASB17 Asb-17 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35138 chr9 27052927 27052999 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001099222, intron 16 of 19) AluYf4|SINE|Alu -47272 NM_022901 64922 Hs.128071 NM_022901 HPRD:14313 LRRC19 - leucine rich repeat containing 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20376 chr20 5833168 5833236 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_152504, intron 2 of 2) AluSz6|SINE|Alu -58772 NM_001819 1114 Hs.516874 NM_001819 HPRD:07512 CHGB SCG1 chromogranin B (secretogranin 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27726 chr5 85690897 85690966 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 112669 NR_003719 285622 Hs.449272 NR_003719 NBPF22P - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 22, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24982 chr4 46438619 46438755 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -46631 NM_000807 2555 Hs.116250 NM_000807 HPRD:11747 GABRA2 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24068 chr3 167234569 167234659 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_178824, intron 12 of 14) L1PA10|LINE|L1 -42694 NM_006217 5276 Hs.445555 NM_006217 HPRD:05722 SERPINI2 MEPI|PANCPIN|PI14|TSA2004 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade I (pancpin), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9066 chr12 128181608 128181730 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic (TGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -60657 NR_120451 101927637 Hs.170413 NR_120451 ENSG00000256022 LOC101927637 - uncharacterized LOC101927637 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3377 chr1 241290704 241290778 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_002924, intron 2 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -4831 NR_036069 100422856 NR_036069 miRBase:MI0014139 MIR3123 - microRNA 3123 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31391 chr7 21275138 21275204 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -192518 NM_003112 6671 Hs.88013 NM_003112 HPRD:02764 SP4 HF1B|SPR-1 Sp4 transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20413 chr20 13147965 13148031 + 9.32885 NA TTS (NM_018327) TTS (NM_018327) -54420 NM_080826 140862 Hs.559353 NM_080826 ENSG00000101230 ISM1 C20orf82|ISM|Isthmin|bA149I18.1|dJ1077I2.1 isthmin 1, angiogenesis inhibitor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32494 chr7 104249018 104249095 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_199000, intron 1 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 195483 NR_034141 645591 Hs.658835 NR_034141 ENSG00000226869 LHFPL3-AS1 - LHFPL3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2555 chr1 178896662 178896871 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -56551 NM_004673 9068 Hs.591474 NM_004673 HPRD:04851 ANGPTL1 ANG3|ANGPT3|ARP1|AngY|UNQ162|dJ595C2.2 angiopoietin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31555 chr7 35031958 35032083 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_015283, intron 6 of 21) LTR24B|LTR|ERV1 45633 NM_015283 23333 Hs.408623 NM_015283 ENSG00000173852 DPY19L1 - dpy-19-like 1 (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16628 chr19 40418094 40418169 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_003890, intron 6 of 35) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 22402 NM_003890 8857 Hs.111732 NM_003890 HPRD:10956 FCGBP FC(GAMMA)BP Fc fragment of IgG binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38770 chrX 135659865 135659943 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 26867 NR_030631 100126324 NR_030631 MIR934 MIRN934|hsa-mir-934 microRNA 934 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22668 chr3 41526015 41526084 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_017886, intron 32 of 36) AluY|SINE|Alu 285107 NM_001098209 1499 Hs.476018 NM_001904 HPRD:00286 CTNNB1 CTNNB|MRD19|armadillo catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1, 88kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1961 chr1 148319090 148319189 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_015383, intron 25 of 65) intron (NM_015383, intron 25 of 65) 27617 NM_015383 25832 Hs.534675 NM_015383 HPRD:13148 NBPF14 DJ328E19.C1.1|NBPF neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31703 chr7 48503371 48503442 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_152701, intron 43 of 61) (GAATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 292349 NM_152701 154664 Hs.226568 NM_152701 HPRD:07422 ABCA13 - ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19136 chr2 152526412 152526537 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001164508, intron 38 of 181) L2b|LINE|L2 64527 NM_001164508 4703 Hs.588655 NM_004543 HPRD:01196 NEB NEB177D|NEM2 nebulin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38740 chrX 134220669 134220751 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 12023 NR_024493 644596 Hs.656427 NR_024493 ENSG00000196972 LINC00087 NCRNA00087 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 87 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1047 chr1 66571564 66571651 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001037340, intron 1 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -55206 NR_123718 101927139 Hs.127908 NR_123718 LOC101927139 - uncharacterized LOC101927139 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3730 chr10 17115536 17115602 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 17 of 66) AluSp|SINE|Alu 56247 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1227 chr1 86598975 86599053 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_152890, intron 2 of 59) L1PA4|LINE|L1 23107 NM_152890 255631 Hs.659516 NM_152890 HPRD:10846 COL24A1 - collagen, type XXIV, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20107 chr2 234784520 234784592 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 -7501 NR_024322 151507 Hs.355809 NM_001166217 ENSG00000224287 MSL3P1 MSL3L2 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila) pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6265 chr11 59671269 59671351 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -37269 NM_001062 6947 Hs.2012 NM_001062 HPRD:01795 TCN1 HC|TC-1|TC1|TCI transcobalamin I (vitamin B12 binding protein, R binder family) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22429 chr3 19503436 19503502 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_144633, intron 11 of 15) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -147046 NR_039954 100616291 NR_039954 miRBase:MI0017438 MIR4791 - microRNA 4791 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23730 chr3 135154350 135154422 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -530129 NM_001190447 5523 Hs.518155 NM_002718 HPRD:09225 PPP2R3A PPP2R3|PR130|PR72 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32563 chr7 110778387 110778512 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_032549, intron 3 of 5) intron (NM_032549, intron 3 of 5) 47387 NM_001099660 54674 Hs.3781 NM_018334 HPRD:14321 LRRN3 FIGLER5|NLRR-3|NLRR3 leucine rich repeat neuronal 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25725 chr4 103967983 103968084 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001300756, intron 6 of 9) intron (NM_001300756, intron 6 of 9) -27137 NM_139173 150159 Hs.666728 NM_139173 HPRD:11240 SLC9B1 NHA1|NHEDC1 solute carrier family 9, subfamily B (NHA1, cation proton antiporter 1), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13356 chr16 79414957 79415113 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 219587 NM_005360 4094 Hs.134859 NM_005360 HPRD:01518 MAF CCA4|c-MAF v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6557 chr11 71007367 71007446 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -71564 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3478 chr1 248469855 248470016 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11055 NM_001004692 127064 Hs.553582 NM_001004692 HPRD:14951 OR2T12 OR1-57 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily T, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38262 chrX 84610341 84610409 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_024921, intron 4 of 16) L1PA5|LINE|L1 24373 NM_024921 79983 Hs.267038 NM_024921 HPRD:06679 POF1B POF|POF2B premature ovarian failure, 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30171 chr6 102650565 102650711 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 803777 NM_021956 2898 Hs.98262 NM_021956 HPRD:00692 GRIK2 EAA4|GLR6|GLUK6|GLUR6|GluK2|MRT6 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34920 chr9 3240821 3240892 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_134428, intron 16 of 17) intron (NM_134428, intron 16 of 17) 59267 NR_121585 101929247 Hs.547178 NR_121585 LINC01231 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1231 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27398 chr5 63030234 63030361 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 227822 NM_000524 3350 Hs.247940 NM_000524 HTR1A 5-HT-1A|5-HT1A|5HT1a|ADRB2RL1|ADRBRL1|G-21|PFMCD 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22836 chr3 51098005 51098078 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_004947, intron 5 of 52) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -324627 NM_006010 7873 Hs.436446 NM_006010 HPRD:03558 MANF ARMET|ARP mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32201 chr7 79625341 79625408 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -138766 NM_002069 2770 Hs.134587 NM_002069 HPRD:00756 GNAI1 Gi guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9656 chr13 66279997 66280067 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1119269 NR_046527 100874064 Hs.569284 NR_046527 ENSG00000228842 PCDH9-AS2 - PCDH9 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1960 chr1 148314318 148314440 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_015383, intron 31 of 65) intron (NM_015383, intron 31 of 65) 32377 NM_015383 25832 Hs.534675 NM_015383 HPRD:13148 NBPF14 DJ328E19.C1.1|NBPF neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13116 chr16 59083920 59083994 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -315696 NM_001286220 2806 Hs.599470 NM_002080 HPRD:00684 GOT2 KAT4|KATIV|mitAAT glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37651 chrX 51888511 51888577 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -39375 NM_001242362 81557 Hs.522650 NM_030801 HPRD:06631 MAGED4B - melanoma antigen family D, 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24303 chr3 187816684 187816750 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluYc|SINE|Alu -54944 NM_001167672 4026 Hs.720220 NM_005578 HPRD:02828 LPP - LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38084 chrX 71647505 71647576 + 9.32885 NA intron (NR_051952, intron 8 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -120503 NM_001144886 4435 Hs.40403 NM_004143 HPRD:02146 CITED1 MSG1 Cbp/p300-interacting transactivator, with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2506 chr1 174515987 174516093 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_014857, intron 13 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 98828 NM_005684 9293 Hs.673850 NM_005684 HPRD:07247 GPR52 - G protein-coupled receptor 52 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29991 chr6 84521404 84521522 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -41522 NM_001009994 134701 Hs.149454 NM_001009994 HPRD:16658 RIPPLY2 C6orf159|dJ237I15.1 ripply transcriptional repressor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39362 chrY 28161562 28161633 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 286960 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22361 chr3 15030612 15030782 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001291694, intron 1 of 13) MIR3|SINE|MIR -40749 NR_046251 100505641 Hs.517821 NR_046251 ENSG00000225733 FGD5-AS1 - FGD5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35768 chr9 83397024 83397091 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 807119 NR_121212 101927477 Hs.571630 NR_121212 LINC01507 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1507 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28291 chr5 137532224 137532426 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_004661, intron 9 of 15) AluY|SINE|Alu 16707 NM_004661 8697 Hs.73625 NM_004661 HPRD:07221 CDC23 ANAPC8|APC8|CUT23 cell division cycle 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6875 chr11 98317851 98317917 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -573822 NM_001243270 53942 Hs.656783 NM_014361 HPRD:06241 CNTN5 HNB-2s|NB-2 contactin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38165 chrX 76167567 76167635 + 9.32885 NA intron (NR_110403, intron 1 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -27816 NR_029909 494333 NR_029909 MIR384 MIRN384|hsa-mir-384 microRNA 384 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_797 chr1 43662891 43662964 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_152498, intron 6 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu -24686 NM_001159936 10969 Hs.346868 NM_006824 HPRD:16849 EBNA1BP2 EBP2|NOBP|P40 EBNA1 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27910 chr5 100928783 100928869 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic (TC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -689837 NM_175052 7903 Hs.308628 NM_005668 HPRD:03970 ST8SIA4 PST|PST1|SIAT8D|ST8SIA-IV ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17038 chr19 53616576 53616652 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_018355, intron 3 of 3) AluYg6|SINE|Alu -9927 NM_033288 90338 Hs.655967 NM_033288 HPRD:11856 ZNF160 F11|HKr18|HZF5|KR18 zinc finger protein 160 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36281 chr9 129767724 129767832 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_014636, intron 4 of 18) Charlie24|DNA|hAT-Charlie 43274 NM_001190728 9649 Hs.432842 NM_014636 HPRD:11479 RALGPS1 RALGEF2|RALGPS1A Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8128 chr12 53179927 53180023 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -8846 NM_015848 51350 Hs.654392 NM_015848 HPRD:17123 KRT76 HUMCYT2A|KRT2B|KRT2P keratin 76 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36098 chr9 113180791 113180857 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_153366, intron 36 of 47) L1HS|LINE|L1 -80660 NM_001286947 255220 Hs.147064 NM_001003936 HPRD:18251 TXNDC8 SPTRX-3|TRX6|bA427L11.2 thioredoxin domain containing 8 (spermatozoa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15216 chr18 25674591 25674661 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001792, intron 2 of 15) AluY|SINE|Alu 82819 NM_001792 1000 Hs.464829 NM_001792 HPRD:00226 CDH2 CD325|CDHN|CDw325|NCAD cadherin 2, type 1, N-cadherin (neuronal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17248 chr2 214456 214548 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 41838 NM_001282687 26751 Hs.515951 NM_015677 HPRD:15336 SH3YL1 RAY SH3 and SYLF domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35089 chr9 21111069 21111173 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 31023 NM_002177 3467 Hs.73010 NM_002177 HPRD:00944 IFNW1 - interferon, omega 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30422 chr6 122647274 122647438 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -73340 NM_001135564 3298 Hs.158195 NM_004506 HPRD:00779 HSF2 HSF 2|HSTF 2 heat shock transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39288 chrY 15214383 15214457 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 197721 NM_004660 8653 Hs.99120 NM_004660 HPRD:02452 DDX3Y DBY DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box helicase 3, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33820 chr8 49685999 49686065 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -38162 NR_024605 79645 Hs.23245 NM_024593 HPRD:08565 EFCAB1 - EF-hand calcium binding domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15968 chr19 11750482 11750574 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic -34285 NR_028594 401898 Hs.672384 NM_001013691 ZNF833P ZNF833 zinc finger protein 833, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14609 chr17 61189141 61189351 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 3 of 24) AluSc|SINE|Alu 102348 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4894 chr10 100862963 100863053 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001166246, intron 3 of 12) L1PA5|LINE|L1 132624 NM_001166244 60495 Hs.500750 NM_021828 HPSE2 HPA2|HPR2|UFS|UFS1 heparanase 2 (inactive) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7722 chr12 27471738 27471866 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_015000, intron 11 of 13) AluY|SINE|Alu -13985 NM_001248005 56938 Hs.445447 NM_020183 ARNTL2 BMAL2|CLIF|MOP9|PASD9|bHLHe6 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19539 chr2 189525078 189525144 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 129720 NM_052952 116093 Hs.470892 NM_052952 DIRC1 - disrupted in renal carcinoma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28480 chr5 147007649 147007843 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001282282, intron 15 of 20) FAM|SINE|Alu 68189 NR_038902 153469 Hs.184323 NR_038902 JAKMIP2-AS1 - JAKMIP2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38139 chrX 75270274 75270350 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -122452 NM_001300888 51260 Hs.370100 NM_016500 HPRD:06659 PBDC1 CXorf26 polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35066 chr9 20081230 20081338 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -294267 NM_020344 25769 Hs.283014 NM_020344 HPRD:15351 SLC24A2 NCKX2 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3634 chr10 7724196 7724262 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic (GGAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -15268 NM_001001851 80760 Hs.498586 NM_030569 HPRD:07865 ITIH5 ITI-HC5 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10524 chr14 59742467 59742621 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001270520, intron 2 of 24) intron (NM_001270520, intron 2 of 24) 12385 NM_014992 23002 Hs.19156 NM_014992 HPRD:09433 DAAM1 - dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10862 chr14 90178941 90179011 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic 7SK|RNA|RNA -93482 NM_001085471 1112 Hs.434286 NM_005197 HPRD:07533 FOXN3 C14orf116|CHES1|PRO1635 forkhead box N3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35925 chr9 97633478 97633602 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_032823, intron 5 of 14) intron (NM_032823, intron 5 of 14) 61296 NR_031755 100313780 NR_031755 MIR2278 - microRNA 2278 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23524 chr3 119795477 119795553 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001146156, intron 1 of 10) AluYg6|SINE|Alu 17749 NM_001146156 2932 Hs.445733 NM_002093 HPRD:05418 GSK3B - glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10242 chr14 34430377 34430445 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -10127 NM_022073 112399 Hs.135507 NM_022073 HPRD:06972 EGLN3 HIFP4H3|HIFPH3|PHD3 egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38933 chrX 154493715 154493905 + 9.32885 NA promoter-TSS (NM_171998) promoter-TSS (NM_171998) 64 NM_171998 116442 Hs.632832 NM_171998 HPRD:06703 RAB39B MRX72 RAB39B, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21334 chr21 33128723 33128790 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -24325 NM_001145444 57466 Hs.17255 NM_020706 HPRD:11551 SCAF4 SFRS15|SRA4 SR-related CTD-associated factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17613 chr2 31547263 31547400 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1MEe|LINE|L1 90280 NM_000379 7498 Hs.250 NM_000379 HPRD:06363 XDH XO|XOR xanthine dehydrogenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12134 chr15 99384111 99384178 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001291858, intron 2 of 20) AluSx|SINE|Alu 56489 NR_039864 100616432 NR_039864 MIR4714 - microRNA 4714 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30055 chr6 89265092 89265158 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16037 NR_110867 101928936 Hs.533080 NR_110867 LOC101928936 - uncharacterized LOC101928936 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39314 chrY 17636594 17636662 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -720715 NR_046504 100874056 Hs.743197 NR_046504 ENSG00000228787 NLGN4Y-AS1 NLGN4Y-AS|NLGN4YAS NLGN4Y antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19121 chr2 150678232 150678320 + 9.32885 NA intron (NR_110240, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -233946 NM_015702 27249 Hs.5324 NM_015702 HPRD:10781 MMADHC C2orf25|CL25022|cblD methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblD type, with homocystinuria protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26893 chr5 24072452 24072551 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 564777 NM_020227 56979 Hs.283096 NM_020227 HPRD:17905 PRDM9 MEISETZ|MSBP3|PFM6|PRMD9|ZNF899 PR domain containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3772 chr10 18463506 18463574 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_201572, intron 2 of 13) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 33798 NM_201572 783 Hs.59093 NM_000724 HPRD:02473 CACNB2 CACNLB2|CAVB2|MYSB calcium channel, voltage-dependent, beta 2 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35264 chr9 37146518 37146613 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001289119, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_001289119, intron 2 of 8) 25970 NM_001289121 84186 Hs.654700 NM_032226 HPRD:15703 ZCCHC7 AIR1 zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22796 chr3 49591821 49591940 + 9.32885 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003458) promoter-TSS (NM_003458) -42 NM_003458 8927 Hs.194684 NM_003458 HPRD:04933 BSN ZNF231 bassoon presynaptic cytomatrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4745 chr10 90145742 90145903 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001031709, intron 4 of 6) intron (NM_001031709, intron 4 of 6) 197260 NM_018363 55328 Hs.149849 NM_018363 HPRD:07742 RNLS C10orf59|RENALASE renalase, FAD-dependent amine oxidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18129 chr2 75312109 75312194 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_015727, intron 2 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -5788 NR_049796 100846995 NR_049796 miRBase:MI0017866 MIR5000 - microRNA 5000 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1955 chr1 148295252 148295374 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_015383, intron 41 of 65) intron (NM_015383, intron 41 of 65) 51443 NM_015383 25832 Hs.534675 NM_015383 HPRD:13148 NBPF14 DJ328E19.C1.1|NBPF neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23993 chr3 158231427 158231499 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_001271834, intron 6 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 57392 NR_104147 100996447 Hs.369810 NR_104147 ENSG00000243150 LOC100996447 - uncharacterized LOC100996447 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35846 chr9 91776907 91776977 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_016848, intron 1 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 16740 NM_016848 53358 Hs.292737 NM_016848 SHC3 N-Shc|NSHC|RAI|SHCC SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) transforming protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7404 chr12 7743329 7743414 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 75131 NM_001644 339 Hs.560 NM_001644 HPRD:02531 APOBEC1 APOBEC-1|BEDP|CDAR1|HEPR apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17605 chr2 30690312 30690382 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_182551, intron 2 of 6) L1PA5|LINE|L1 20210 NM_001002257 253558 Hs.468048 NM_182551 HPRD:17458 LCLAT1 1AGPAT8|AGPAT8|ALCAT1|HSRG1849|LYCAT|UNQ1849 lysocardiolipin acyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6666 chr11 77088106 77088172 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_002576, intron 4 of 14) AluSz|SINE|Alu -89676 NM_182833 220032 Hs.249795 NM_182833 HPRD:17320 GDPD4 GDE6 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19096 chr2 146263868 146263941 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 838370 NR_033870 401014 Hs.742290 NR_033870 TEX41 DKFZp686O1327|LINC00953 testis expressed 41 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27646 chr5 76926072 76926144 + 9.32885 NA exon (NM_032109, exon 3 of 3) exon (NM_032109, exon 3 of 3) 8414 NM_032109 23440 Hs.202247 NM_032109 OTP - orthopedia homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6641 chr11 75040175 75040261 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_004041, intron 1 of 15) AluJb|SINE|Alu 6012 NR_029891 442900 NR_029891 MIR326 MIRN326|hsa-mir-326 microRNA 326 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36104 chr9 114080646 114080726 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 10027 NM_205859 26248 Hs.381312 NM_205859 HPRD:17701 OR2K2 HSHTPCRH06|HTPCRH06|OR2AN1P|OR2AR1P olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily K, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18742 chr2 113699450 113699545 + 9.32885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 26727 NM_173205 27178 Hs.166371 NM_014439 HPRD:05695 IL37 FIL1|FIL1(ZETA)|FIL1Z|IL-1F7|IL-1H|IL-1H4|IL-1RP1|IL-37|IL1F7|IL1H4|IL1RP1 interleukin 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7669 chr12 24551657 24551802 + 9.32885 NA intron (NM_152989, intron 2 of 17) Arthur1B|DNA|hAT-Tip100 163654 NM_152989 6660 Hs.657542 NM_006940 HPRD:18086 SOX5 L-SOX5|L-SOX5B|L-SOX5F SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24264 chr3 185724113 185724187 + 9.32805 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 46392 NR_033752 344887 Hs.128803 NR_033752 ENSG00000171658 LOC344887 - NmrA-like family domain containing 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24837 chr4 30887616 30887763 + 9.32805 NA intron (NM_032457, intron 1 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 165652 NM_032457 5099 Hs.479439 NM_002589 HPRD:04288 PCDH7 BH-Pcdh|BHPCDH|PPP1R120 protocadherin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18397 chr2 91992473 91992571 + 9.32794 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 29154 NR_003503 645367 Hs.650223 NR_003503 GGT8P GGT1P1 gamma-glutamyltransferase 8 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19712 chr2 202147980 202148309 + 9.31988 NA intron (NR_111983, intron 7 of 8) SVA_E|Other|Other 22921 NM_033356 841 Hs.599762 NM_001228 HPRD:03459 CASP8 ALPS2B|CAP4|Casp-8|FLICE|MACH|MCH5 caspase 8, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4409 chr10 60026176 60026379 + 9.31832 NA intron (NM_152230, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_152230, intron 1 of 5) 1417 NM_152230 253430 Hs.30280 NM_152230 HPRD:17153 IPMK - inositol polyphosphate multikinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31864 chr7 61361938 61362004 + 9.31801 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1402463 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1903 chr1 147071774 147071876 + 9.31535 NA intron (NM_004326, intron 1 of 9) CpG 58554 NM_004326 607 Hs.415209 NM_004326 HPRD:04000 BCL9 LGS B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33997 chr8 68499774 68499843 + 9.30990 NA intron (NM_020361, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_020361, intron 2 of 10) 158812 NM_020361 57094 Hs.658850 NM_020361 HPRD:09891 CPA6 CPAH|ETL5|FEB11 carboxypeptidase A6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37968 chrX 67705919 67706018 + 9.30990 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -12656 NM_001195214 286451 Hs.82719 NM_173834 HPRD:06639 YIPF6 FinGER6 Yip1 domain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1942 chr1 148014009 148014095 + 9.30748 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 12 of 18).2 intron (NR_102404, intron 12 of 18).2 19906 NR_104086 101954277 NR_104086 RNVU1-19 RNU1-126|RNU1-147|RNVU1-13|vU1.13|vU1.19 RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 19 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31401 chr7 22122641 22122722 + 9.30371 NA Intergenic CpG -137139 NM_001127370 55536 Hs.744069 NM_018719 HPRD:11481 CDCA7L JPO2|R1|RAM2 cell division cycle associated 7-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20449 chr20 17642635 17642714 + 9.30371 NA intron (NM_004587, intron 1 of 24) AluY|SINE|Alu 20254 NM_004587 6238 Hs.472213 NM_004587 HPRD:11796 RRBP1 ES/130|ES130|RRp|hES ribosome binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10432 chr14 52265195 52265268 + 9.29957 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -61791 NM_053064 54331 Hs.187772 NM_053064 HPRD:16234 GNG2 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1956 chr1 148300022 148300121 + 9.29957 NA intron (NM_015383, intron 41 of 65) intron (NM_015383, intron 41 of 65) 46685 NM_015383 25832 Hs.534675 NM_015383 HPRD:13148 NBPF14 DJ328E19.C1.1|NBPF neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38390 chrX 102083214 102083300 + 9.29957 NA intron (NR_038988, intron 4 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 59162 NR_038988 100287765 Hs.687084 NR_038988 ENSG00000223546 LINC00630 LL0XNC01-157D4.1|LL0XNC01-237H1.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 630 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15208 chr18 23770684 23770819 + 9.29957 NA intron (NM_001025097, intron 6 of 6) intron (NM_001025097, intron 6 of 6) -36096 NR_121653 6875 Hs.369519 NM_005640 ENSG00000141384 TAF4B SPGF13|TAF2C2|TAFII105 TAF4b RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 105kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29975 chr6 83012466 83012535 + 9.29957 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -55029 NM_001300906 25998 Hs.306425 NM_015525 HPRD:12105 IBTK BTBD26|BTKI inhibitor of Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10825 chr14 82939625 82939696 + 9.29957 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -850255 NR_110074 101928559 Hs.525499 NR_110074 ENSG00000258977 LINC01467 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1467 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9081 chr12 129737509 129737580 + 9.29957 NA intron (NM_133448, intron 4 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 44398 NR_110058 101927735 Hs.569212 NR_110058 ENSG00000256699 LOC101927735 - uncharacterized LOC101927735 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4979 chr10 104814202 104814287 + 9.29957 NA intron (NM_017649, intron 3 of 7) intron (NM_017649, intron 3 of 7) 136169 NM_199076 54805 Hs.643509 NM_017649 HPRD:07418 CNNM2 ACDP2 cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37424 chrX 26441511 26441609 + 9.29932 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -134894 NR_001559 139538 Hs.447377 NR_001559 ENSG00000259849 VENTXP1 CT18|NA88A|VENTX2P1 VENT homeobox pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15670 chr19 680410 680642 + 9.29932 NA intron (NM_005860, intron 3 of 4) CpG-12113 4137 NM_005860 10272 Hs.529038 NM_005860 HPRD:05632 FSTL3 FLRG|FSRP follistatin-like 3 (secreted glycoprotein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8771 chr12 105076775 105076973 + 9.29932 NA intron (NM_018413, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_018413, intron 2 of 2) 91463 NR_037487 100500843 NR_037487 MIR3922 - microRNA 3922 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7083 chr11 118889394 118889492 + 9.29932 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001028) promoter-TSS (NM_001028) 202 NM_016146 51399 Hs.132760 NM_016146 HPRD:18220 TRAPPC4 HSPC172|PTD009|SBDN|SYNBINDIN|TRS23 trafficking protein particle complex 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1810 chr1 144568000 144568147 + 9.29596 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 52 of 130) intron (NM_001278267, intron 52 of 130) 44646 NR_003242 767846 Hs.657186 NR_003242 PFN1P2 C1orf152|COAS3 profilin 1 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9431 chr13 41837962 41838057 + 9.29393 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004294) promoter-TSS (NM_004294) -296 NM_004294 9617 Hs.382176 NM_004294 HPRD:06855 MTRF1 MRF1|MTTRF1|RF1 mitochondrial translational release factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28577 chr5 153454974 153455063 + 9.29393 NA Intergenic Intergenic 36499 NM_001135037 4238 Hs.432818 NM_005927 HPRD:02731 MFAP3 - microfibrillar-associated protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18536 chr2 97891875 97891941 + 9.29393 NA intron (NM_001164315, intron 67 of 75) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -52546 NR_103732 100506076 Hs.732616 NR_103732 LOC100506076 - uncharacterized LOC100506076 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34247 chr8 92887425 92887496 + 9.29393 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 142448 NM_175636 862 Hs.368431 NM_004349 HPRD:00590 RUNX1T1 AML1T1|CBFA2T1|CDR|ETO|MTG8|ZMYND2 runt-related transcription factor 1; translocated to, 1 (cyclin D-related) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31465 chr7 26204970 26205047 + 9.29393 NA intron (NM_004289, intron 1 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 13161 NM_004289 9603 Hs.404741 NM_004289 HPRD:09162 NFE2L3 NRF3 nuclear factor, erythroid 2-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4180 chr10 42546282 42546403 + 9.29374 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 317151 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39172 chrY 13643328 13643403 + 9.29211 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 890024 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24793 chr4 25236488 25236685 + 9.28729 NA intron (NM_018323, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_018323, intron 1 of 9) 933 NM_018323 55300 Hs.191701 NM_018323 HPRD:15132 PI4K2B PI4KIIB|PIK42B phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37240 chrX 8716604 8716676 + 9.28652 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -16413 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34308 chr8 100094021 100094121 + 9.28652 NA intron (NR_047582, intron 4 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 68577 NM_152564 157680 Hs.191540 NM_015243 HPRD:06379 VPS13B CHS1|COH1 vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog B (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4966 chr10 104221029 104221135 + 9.28652 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024789) promoter-TSS (NM_024789) -88 NM_024789 79847 Hs.309069 NM_024789 HPRD:12589 TMEM180 C10orf77|bA18I14.8 transmembrane protein 180 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22418 chr3 18720874 18720990 + 9.28652 NA Intergenic Intergenic 234203 NR_125803 101927777 Hs.543235 NR_125803 SATB1-AS1 - SATB1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39262 chrY 13853677 13853749 + 9.28088 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 679676 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7318 chr12 2103327 2103503 + 9.27847 NA intron (NM_152640, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_152640, intron 2 of 8) 10262 NM_152640 196513 Hs.130934 NM_152640 ENSG00000151065 DCP1B DCP1|hDcp1b decapping mRNA 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10898 chr14 91854992 91855120 + 9.27847 NA intron (NM_001080414, intron 3 of 29) intron (NM_001080414, intron 3 of 29) 29132 NM_001080414 440193 Hs.525536 NM_001080414 ENSG00000015133 CCDC88C DAPLE|HKRP2|KIAA1509|SCA40 coiled-coil domain containing 88C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8399 chr12 70032640 70032711 + 9.27847 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -27733 NM_201550 376132 Hs.448708 NM_201550 HPRD:17449 LRRC10 HRLRRP|LRRC10A leucine rich repeat containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6777 chr11 88277650 88277803 + 9.27847 NA intron (NM_001143831, intron 7 of 8) intron (NM_001143831, intron 7 of 8) 39982 NR_049724 100873989 Hs.616625 NR_049724 ENSG00000255082 GRM5-AS1 - GRM5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36722 chrUn_gl000214 136361 136534 + 9.27484 NA NA ACRO1|Satellite|acro NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9146 chr12 133405552 133405836 + 9.27233 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001172557) promoter-TSS (NM_001172557) -268 NM_001172557 2802 Hs.507333 NM_005895 HPRD:03990 GOLGA3 GCP170|MEA-2 golgin A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24086 chr3 169423030 169423129 + 9.27178 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -41516 NM_004991 2122 Hs.744090 NM_004991 HPRD:01310 MECOM AML1-EVI-1|EVI1|MDS1|MDS1-EVI1|PRDM3 MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8684 chr12 96972441 96972547 + 9.27178 NA Intergenic Intergenic -178128 NM_001170464 5128 Hs.506415 NM_002595 HPRD:09141 CDK17 PCTAIRE2|PCTK2 cyclin-dependent kinase 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7884 chr12 38047586 38047653 + 9.26531 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -662938 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31397 chr7 21452246 21452378 + 9.26312 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR -15377 NM_003112 6671 Hs.88013 NM_003112 HPRD:02764 SP4 HF1B|SPR-1 Sp4 transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19768 chr2 204741683 204741892 + 9.26231 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 9276 NM_005214 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37006 chrUn_gl000225 144373 144441 + 9.26186 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19448 chr2 178648935 178649105 + 9.25874 NA intron (NM_001077197, intron 10 of 20) MER41B|LTR|ERV1 104446 NM_001077196 50940 Hs.570273 NM_016953 HPRD:05391 PDE11A PPNAD2 phosphodiesterase 11A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20578 chr20 29806612 29806712 + 9.25459 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -38805 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27834 chr5 95873237 95873379 + 9.25300 NA Intergenic Intergenic -104323 NM_000439 5122 Hs.78977 NM_000439 HPRD:01201 PCSK1 BMIQ12|NEC1|PC1|PC3|SPC3 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20754 chr20 39250189 39250290 + 9.25300 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 67641 NM_005461 9935 Hs.169487 NM_005461 HPRD:07129 MAFB KRML|MCTO v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27318 chr5 54358271 54358495 + 9.25300 NA Intergenic Intergenic 38276 NM_002104 3003 Hs.277937 NM_002104 GZMK TRYP2 granzyme K (granzyme 3; tryptase II) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15243 chr18 32556993 32557121 + 9.25107 NA intron (NM_001143826, intron 1 of 7) CpG 165 NM_001143826 10982 Hs.532824 NM_014268 HPRD:16157 MAPRE2 EB1|EB2|RP1 microtubule-associated protein, RP/EB family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21641 chr22 19818962 19819211 + 9.24365 NA intron (NM_053004, intron 2 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 23285 NM_024627 79680 Hs.105642 NM_024627 HPRD:13382 C22orf29 BOP chromosome 22 open reading frame 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14360 chr17 42632205 42632271 + 9.24365 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -2574 NM_001466 2535 Hs.142912 NM_001466 FZD2 Fz2|fz-2|fzE2|hFz2 frizzled class receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4715 chr10 88281816 88281926 + 9.24365 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015045) promoter-TSS (NM_015045) -330 NM_015045 23063 Hs.203099 NM_015045 HPRD:11072 WAPAL FOE|KIAA0261|WAPL wings apart-like homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15710 chr19 1662940 1663023 + 9.24018 NA Intergenic AluSc8|SINE|Alu -10653 NM_003200 6929 Hs.371282 NM_003200 HPRD:00918 TCF3 E2A|E47|ITF1|TCF-3|VDIR|bHLHb21 transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27762 chr5 89447575 89447696 + 9.24018 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -135098 NR_037433 100500825 NR_037433 miRBase:MI0016061 MIR3660 - microRNA 3660 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5811 chr11 25452151 25452238 + 9.24018 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -901484 NM_031418 63982 Hs.91791 NM_031418 HPRD:15526 ANO3 C11orf25|DYT23|DYT24|TMEM16C anoctamin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31789 chr7 57549265 57549332 + 9.24016 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 39415 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1197 chr1 84944919 84944993 + 9.22952 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025065) promoter-TSS (NM_025065) 36 NM_025065 80135 Hs.481202 NM_025065 RPF1 BXDC5 ribosome production factor 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10823 chr14 81951758 81951950 + 9.22750 NA intron (NM_005065, intron 18 of 20) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -35353 NR_109999 100506700 Hs.116304 NR_109999 ENSG00000258675 LOC100506700 - uncharacterized LOC100506700 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21324 chr21 32383824 32383989 + 9.22750 NA Intergenic AluJo|SINE|Alu 26889 NM_001099219 728299 Hs.580875 NM_001099219 ENSG00000206102 KRTAP19-8 - keratin associated protein 19-8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22936 chr3 58457186 58457375 + 9.22750 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20543 NM_001128214 200845 Hs.13982 NM_153331 HPRD:13769 KCTD6 KCASH3 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18167 chr2 83321499 83321581 + 9.22750 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 237613 NR_033423 1720 Hs.169235 NR_033423 ENSG00000168129 LOC1720 - dihydrofolate reductase pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9401 chr13 40794515 40794650 + 9.22657 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033877) promoter-TSS (NR_033877) 57 NR_033877 400123 Hs.577960 NR_033877 LINC00548 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 548 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16817 chr19 46389389 46389524 + 9.22551 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015649) promoter-TSS (NM_015649) -80 NM_015649 26145 Hs.515477 NM_015649 HPRD:17159 IRF2BP1 - interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37107 chrUn_gl000240 41633 41729 + 9.22551 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8452 chr12 73792871 73792939 + 9.22232 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 239935 NR_110130 101928137 Hs.694666 NR_110130 ENSG00000258123 LOC101928137 - uncharacterized LOC101928137 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14105 chr17 28977981 28978088 + 9.21913 NA Intergenic Intergenic 26698 NR_033420 6459 Hs.684860 NR_033420 SH3GL1P2 CNSA-P2|SH3GLP2 SH3-domain GRB2-like 1 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6552 chr11 70977924 70978076 + 9.21696 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -42158 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21890 chr22 31422631 31422833 + 9.21606 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -54550 NM_006932 6525 Hs.149098 NM_006932 HPRD:03675 SMTN - smoothelin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25863 chr4 118440264 118440342 + 9.21606 NA intron (NR_125757, intron 2 of 3) L1P1|LINE|L1 90749 NR_125757 103689918 Hs.582062 NR_125757 LINC01378 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30794 chr6 152012434 152012523 + 9.21606 NA intron (NM_001122742, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001122742, intron 1 of 9) 847 NM_001122742 2099 Hs.208124 NM_000125 HPRD:00589 ESR1 ER|ESR|ESRA|ESTRR|Era|NR3A1 estrogen receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23739 chr3 136090433 136090511 + 9.21606 NA intron (NM_005862, intron 23 of 33) L1PA4|LINE|L1 121305 NM_001178014 5096 Hs.63788 NM_000532 HPRD:01982 PCCB - propionyl CoA carboxylase, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18891 chr2 131113512 131113632 + 9.20849 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142370) promoter-TSS (NM_001142370) -8 NM_014369 26469 Hs.516390 NM_014369 HPRD:05961 PTPN18 BDP1|PTP-HSCF protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 18 (brain-derived) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18967 chr2 133012723 133012879 + 9.20384 NA intron (NR_027020, intron 1 of 4) SSU-rRNA_Hsa|rRNA|rRNA 1852 NR_031608 100313824 NR_031608 miRBase:MI0006336 MIR663B MIRN663B microRNA 663b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12457 chr16 17543324 17543522 + 9.20256 NA intron (NM_022166, intron 1 of 11) MIR|SINE|MIR 21315 NM_022166 64131 Hs.22907 NM_022166 HPRD:12168 XYLT1 DBQD2|PXYLT1|XT-I|XT1|XTI|XYLTI xylosyltransferase I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30694 chr6 144781691 144781909 + 9.20256 NA intron (NM_007124, intron 20 of 73) intron (NM_007124, intron 20 of 73) 168927 NM_007124 7402 Hs.133135 NM_007124 HPRD:00547 UTRN DMDL|DRP|DRP1 utrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8145 chr12 53798686 53798755 + 9.20256 NA intron (NM_001251825, intron 3 of 5) AluSz|SINE|Alu -18919 NM_020547 269 Hs.659889 NM_020547 HPRD:02978 AMHR2 AMHR|MISR2|MISRII|MRII anti-Mullerian hormone receptor, type II protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27633 chr5 76165762 76165831 + 9.20256 NA intron (NM_130772, intron 1 of 4) AluSz|SINE|Alu 19970 NM_130772 170591 Hs.482563 NM_130772 S100Z Gm625|S100-zeta S100 calcium binding protein Z protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16648 chr19 40624243 40624381 + 9.20256 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -27467 NM_001142579 284323 Hs.115140 NM_001010880 HPRD:17336 ZNF780A ZNF780 zinc finger protein 780A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11410 chr15 41047408 41047621 + 9.19957 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018145) promoter-TSS (NM_018145) -56 NM_018145 55177 Hs.511067 NM_018145 HPRD:07687 RMDN3 FAM82A2|FAM82C|RMD-3|RMD3|ptpip51 regulator of microtubule dynamics 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30168 chr6 102540869 102540937 + 9.19957 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 694042 NM_021956 2898 Hs.98262 NM_021956 HPRD:00692 GRIK2 EAA4|GLR6|GLUK6|GLUR6|GluK2|MRT6 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34109 chr8 81830943 81831129 + 9.19957 NA Intergenic Intergenic -44020 NM_001033723 619279 Hs.434957 NM_032651 ENSG00000164684 ZNF704 Gig1 zinc finger protein 704 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9610 chr13 55314963 55315180 + 9.19394 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -428888 NR_031628 100302187 NR_031628 MIR1297 MIRN1297|hsa-mir-1297 microRNA 1297 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38123 chrX 74714335 74714409 + 9.19394 NA intron (NM_001146257, intron 1 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 28965 NM_001146256 158866 Hs.253211 NM_144969 HPRD:06758 ZDHHC15 MRX91 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1932 chr1 147933018 147933102 + 9.19351 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 17 of 18).2 intron (NR_102404, intron 17 of 18).2 22359 NM_001135789 653598 Hs.534674 NM_001135789 ENSG00000198161 PPIAL4C COAS-2 peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27988 chr5 110074341 110074466 + 9.19221 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138773) promoter-TSS (NM_138773) -351 NM_138773 91137 Hs.75639 NM_138773 HPRD:14283 SLC25A46 - solute carrier family 25, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1829 chr1 145314049 145314145 + 9.19201 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 16 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 16 of 85) 20726 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15247 chr18 32622599 32622821 + 9.18992 NA intron (NR_046177, intron 1 of 6) intron (NR_046177, intron 1 of 6) 1096 NR_046177 10982 Hs.532824 NM_014268 HPRD:16157 MAPRE2 EB1|EB2|RP1 microtubule-associated protein, RP/EB family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4450 chr10 63943261 63943443 + 9.18846 NA Intergenic Intergenic 85270 NM_145307 219790 Hs.58559 NM_145307 HPRD:17863 RTKN2 PLEKHK1|bA531F24.1 rhotekin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17585 chr2 29033254 29033473 + 9.18748 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142634) promoter-TSS (NM_001142634) -337 NM_182756 245711 Hs.511956 NM_182756 HPRD:18095 SPDYA RINGO3|RINGOA|SPDY1|SPY1 speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5662 chr11 13843189 13843310 + 9.18184 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -140935 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27545 chr5 72683010 72683167 + 9.17993 NA Intergenic Intergenic 61264 NM_004472 2297 Hs.519385 NM_004472 HPRD:03055 FOXD1 FKHL8|FREAC-4|FREAC4 forkhead box D1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5265 chr10 129546667 129546794 + 9.17993 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 11192 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8156 chr12 54411722 54411985 + 9.17745 NA intron (NM_014620, intron 1 of 3) CpG 1217 NR_003084 3222 Hs.549040 NM_018953 HPRD:00859 HOXC5 CP11|HOX3|HOX3D homeobox C5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23692 chr3 131221815 131221889 + 9.17745 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007208) promoter-TSS (NM_007208) 8 NM_007208 11222 Hs.205163 NM_007208 HPRD:06175 MRPL3 COXPD9|MRL3|RPML3 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11973 chr15 84910865 84910946 + 9.17387 NA exon (NM_001267536, exon 8 of 9) exon (NM_001267536, exon 8 of 9) 6380 NM_001267536 643707 Hs.498345 NM_001267536 ENSG00000184206 GOLGA6L4 - golgin A6 family-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5588 chr11 8999305 8999448 + 9.17109 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -12818 NM_001286095 56674 Hs.501853 NM_020644 HPRD:12603 TMEM9B C11orf15 TMEM9 domain family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38897 chrX 153363230 153363324 + 9.17109 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001110792) promoter-TSS (NM_001110792) -89 NM_004992 4204 Hs.200716 NM_004992 HPRD:02050 MECP2 AUTSX3|MRX16|MRX79|MRXS13|MRXSL|PPMX|RS|RTS|RTT methyl CpG binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30940 chr6 159396004 159396152 + 9.17109 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu 25120 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19501 chr2 182258234 182258371 + 9.17065 NA Intergenic L2|LINE|L2 -63317 NM_000885 3676 Hs.440955 NM_000885 HPRD:01894 ITGA4 CD49D|IA4 integrin, alpha 4 (antigen CD49D, alpha 4 subunit of VLA-4 receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10308 chr14 40054026 40054100 + 9.16621 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -152359 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35767 chr9 83360476 83360556 + 9.16621 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 770578 NR_121212 101927477 Hs.571630 NR_121212 LINC01507 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1507 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1951 chr1 148261837 148261959 + 9.16067 NA intron (NM_001277444, intron 20 of 24).2 intron (NM_001277444, intron 20 of 24).2 -59362 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28963 chr6 4809946 4810159 + 9.16067 NA intron (NM_004824, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_004824, intron 1 of 6) -26280 NM_001143970 9425 Hs.269092 NM_004824 HPRD:04803 CDYL CDYL1 chromodomain protein, Y-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8305 chr12 63568038 63568120 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -21489 NM_000706 552 Hs.2131 NM_000706 AVPR1A AVPR V1a|AVPR1|V1aR arginine vasopressin receptor 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32778 chr7 134966389 134966487 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic Intergenic 49707 NM_182489 346673 Hs.592279 NM_182489 HPRD:18123 STRA8 - stimulated by retinoic acid 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21265 chr21 20523397 20523473 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -391305 NR_109925 101927797 Hs.551743 NR_109925 LOC101927797 - uncharacterized LOC101927797 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27569 chr5 74319742 74319839 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic Intergenic 6934 NM_016591 51301 Hs.272404 NM_016591 HPRD:16651 GCNT4 C2GNT3 glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 4, core 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35747 chr9 81150276 81150359 + 9.16067 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 238326 NM_021154 29968 Hs.494261 NM_021154 HPRD:17918 PSAT1 EPIP|PSA|PSAT phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33674 chr8 42752104 42752184 + 9.16046 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030954) promoter-TSS (NM_030954) 111 NM_032410 84376 Hs.162852 NM_032410 HPRD:09699 HOOK3 HK3 hook microtubule-tethering protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3319 chr1 235852040 235852114 + 9.16046 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 47 of 52) AluSc8|SINE|Alu -38023 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31490 chr7 29235859 29236128 + 9.16046 NA intron (NM_001293071, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001293071, intron 1 of 11) -1364 NM_001293072 1124 Hs.654611 NM_004067 HPRD:04173 CHN2 ARHGAP3|BCH|CHN2-3|RHOGAP3 chimerin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31394 chr7 21392600 21392701 + 9.16046 NA Intergenic Intergenic -75039 NM_003112 6671 Hs.88013 NM_003112 HPRD:02764 SP4 HF1B|SPR-1 Sp4 transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33106 chr7 156872572 156872663 + 9.15247 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -59038 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30153 chr6 99968808 99968926 + 9.15246 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195131) promoter-TSS (NM_001195131) -3 NM_001195131 100130890 Hs.634506 NM_001195131 TSTD3 - thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (rhodanese)-like domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30454 chr6 127587689 127588047 + 9.15246 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030963) promoter-TSS (NM_030963) -15 NR_045102 81847 Hs.267120 NM_030963 ENSG00000118518 RNF146 dJ351K20.1 ring finger protein 146 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7002 chr11 112090599 112090691 + 9.14838 NA TTS (NM_001256397) TTS (NM_001256397) -6443 NM_000317 5805 Hs.503860 NM_000317 HPRD:11840 PTS PTPS 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29977 chr6 83343440 83343514 + 9.14838 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 269516 NM_001166392 7162 Hs.82128 NM_006670 HPRD:01837 TPBG 5T4|5T4AG|M6P1|WAIF1 trophoblast glycoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36985 chrUn_gl000225 118471 118542 + 9.14537 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24966 chr4 44599830 44599902 + 9.14521 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 53792 NM_182592 285525 Hs.596000 NM_182592 HPRD:08259 YIPF7 FinGER9 Yip1 domain family, member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13753 chr17 6436846 6436917 + 9.14521 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 2 of 19) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 22996 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3015 chr1 219347391 219347498 + 9.14108 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038845) promoter-TSS (NR_038845) -69 NM_001300771 127018 Hs.657617 NM_138794 HPRD:14335 LYPLAL1 - lysophospholipase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36974 chrUn_gl000225 108643 108717 + 9.13991 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17869 chr2 54785382 54785544 + 9.13417 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178313) promoter-TSS (NM_178313) -68 NM_178313 6711 Hs.503178 NM_003128 HPRD:01683 SPTBN1 ELF|HEL102|SPTB2|betaSpII spectrin, beta, non-erythrocytic 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9307 chr13 30833971 30834038 + 9.13350 NA intron (NM_001014380, intron 3 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 47187 NM_001014380 84056 Hs.243596 NM_032116 HPRD:13753 KATNAL1 - katanin p60 subunit A-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26566 chr4 187453548 187453651 + 9.13350 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 22938 NM_005958 4543 Hs.243467 NM_005958 HPRD:02812 MTNR1A MEL-1A-R|MT1 melatonin receptor 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19309 chr2 168892065 168892258 + 9.12745 NA intron (NM_013233, intron 14 of 17) intron (NM_013233, intron 14 of 17) 211944 NM_013233 27347 Hs.276271 NM_013233 HPRD:09627 STK39 DCHT|PASK|SPAK serine threonine kinase 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22446 chr3 20915742 20915888 + 9.12745 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -531403 NR_002311 391518 Hs.543226 NR_002311 ENSG00000236380 VENTXP7 HPX42|VENTX1 VENT homeobox pseudogene 7 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17404 chr2 11758252 11758347 + 9.12745 NA intron (NM_014668, intron 21 of 32) intron (NM_014668, intron 21 of 32) 52030 NM_012344 23620 Hs.131138 NM_012344 HPRD:05704 NTSR2 NTR2 neurotensin receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23839 chr3 145636199 145636268 + 9.12745 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 243049 NM_000935 5352 Hs.477866 NM_000935 HPRD:03519 PLOD2 LH2|TLH procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_732 chr1 40526220 40526319 + 9.12745 NA intron (NM_001105530, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001105530, intron 3 of 12) 20014 NM_006367 10487 Hs.370581 NM_006367 HPRD:09869 CAP1 CAP|CAP1-PEN CAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1 (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26732 chr5 1710444 1710667 + 9.12745 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1572 NR_036240 100422966 NR_036240 miRBase:MI0015886 MIR4277 - microRNA 4277 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19897 chr2 218298991 218299116 + 9.12556 NA intron (NR_026597, intron 3 of 12) intron (NR_026597, intron 3 of 12) 322263 NR_026597 729582 Hs.572788 NR_026597 ENSG00000231672 DIRC3 - disrupted in renal carcinoma 3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13826 chr17 8077099 8077207 + 9.12433 NA 3' UTR (NM_032354, exon 5 of 5) 3' UTR (NM_032354, exon 5 of 5) 2561 NM_183065 84314 Hs.513933 NM_032354 TMEM107 GRVS638|PRO1268 transmembrane protein 107 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35104 chr9 21919694 21919896 + 9.12433 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -47343 NR_024274 51198 Hs.721053 NM_016349 ENSG00000224854 C9orf53 bA149I2.3 chromosome 9 open reading frame 53 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5932 chr11 36635954 36636171 + 9.12175 NA intron (NM_001276725, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -16233 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7733 chr12 27561054 27561159 + 9.11721 NA intron (NM_001248002, intron 13 of 15) L1PA4|LINE|L1 38461 NR_109975 101928646 Hs.434269 NR_109975 ENSG00000245311 ARNTL2-AS1 - ARNTL2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18970 chr2 133026132 133026274 + 9.10706 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10661 NR_027020 554226 Hs.380689 NR_027019 ENSG00000163046 ANKRD30BL ANKRD30BP3|NCRNA00164 ankyrin repeat domain 30B-like pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17050 chr19 53970896 53971077 + 9.10612 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001004301) promoter-TSS (NM_001004301) -3 NM_001004301 126017 Hs.710780 NM_001004301 ZNF813 - zinc finger protein 813 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33949 chr8 65558161 65558234 + 9.10612 NA intron (NM_004820, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 65402 NM_152414 27319 Hs.388788 NM_152414 HPRD:16551 BHLHE22 BHLHB5|Beta3|CAGL85|TNRC20 basic helix-loop-helix family, member e22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19865 chr2 214372828 214372921 + 9.10612 NA intron (NR_047659, intron 12 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 223771 NR_047659 79582 Hs.743365 NM_024532 HPRD:18089 SPAG16 PF20|WDR29 sperm associated antigen 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13727 chr17 6322696 6322855 + 9.10322 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu 15677 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11924 chr15 82163713 82163792 + 9.10322 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 174732 NM_032246 84206 Hs.104744 NM_032246 HPRD:15256 MEX3B MEX-3B|RKHD3|RNF195 mex-3 RNA binding family member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34306 chr8 100025175 100025307 + 9.10322 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015243) promoter-TSS (NM_015243) -253 NM_181661 157680 Hs.191540 NM_015243 HPRD:06379 VPS13B CHS1|COH1 vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog B (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30942 chr6 159410120 159410205 + 9.10300 NA intron (NM_031924, intron 2 of 7) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 11036 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24154 chr3 177360690 177360808 + 9.10300 NA intron (NR_047568, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_047568, intron 3 of 3) -173904 NR_110826 102724550 Hs.570526 NR_110826 LOC102724550 - uncharacterized LOC102724550 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30675 chr6 143748474 143748602 + 9.10300 NA 3' UTR (NM_001286259, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_001286259, exon 6 of 6) 15276 NM_001286259 134637 Hs.709561 NM_182503 ADAT2 DEADC1|TAD2|dJ20N2|dJ20N2.1 adenosine deaminase, tRNA-specific 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10420 chr14 51226397 51226473 + 9.10300 NA intron (NM_182946, intron 17 of 29) AluY|SINE|Alu 71404 NM_016350 51199 Hs.310429 NM_016350 HPRD:09785 NIN SCKL7 ninein (GSK3B interacting protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13571 chr17 205494 205568 + 9.10300 NA Intergenic CpG -2898 NM_006987 9501 Hs.651925 NM_006987 HPRD:05345 RPH3AL NOC2 rabphilin 3A-like (without C2 domains) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24597 chr4 7092164 7092475 + 9.10300 NA Intergenic PRIMA41-int|LTR|ERV1 12784 NR_027441 730971 Hs.591718 NR_027441 FLJ36777 - uncharacterized LOC730971 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33733 chr8 43819067 43819156 + 9.09946 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 671526 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23683 chr3 130611823 130611982 + 9.08268 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199179) promoter-TSS (NM_001199179) -933 NM_001199179 27032 Hs.584884 NM_014382 HPRD:05089 ATP2C1 ATP2C1A|BCPM|HHD|PMR1|SPCA1|hSPCA1 ATPase, Ca++ transporting, type 2C, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33480 chr8 23076405 23076491 + 9.08268 NA intron (NM_003844, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_003844, intron 1 of 9) 6232 NM_003844 8797 Hs.213467 NM_003844 TNFRSF10A APO2|CD261|DR4|TRAILR-1|TRAILR1 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16273 chr19 21904385 21904481 + 9.08247 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -29114 NR_024523 641367 Hs.680128 NR_024523 ENSG00000269845 LOC641367 - cyclin Y-like 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13171 chr16 67206732 67206817 + 9.08247 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001185057) promoter-TSS (NM_001185057) -982 NM_001276311 8996 Hs.513667 NM_003946 HPRD:05572 NOL3 ARC|FCM|MYP|NOP|NOP30 nucleolar protein 3 (apoptosis repressor with CARD domain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33711 chr8 43771360 43771480 + 9.08173 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 623835 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3978 chr10 35625309 35625418 + 9.08042 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282854) promoter-TSS (NM_001282854) -439 NM_145012 219771 Hs.14745 NM_145012 HPRD:10700 CCNY C10orf9|CBCP1|CCNX|CFP1 cyclin Y protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7378 chr12 6862248 6862340 + 9.08029 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005439) promoter-TSS (NM_005439) -212 NM_005439 8079 Hs.524214 NM_005439 HPRD:03238 MLF2 NTN4 myeloid leukemia factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17407 chr2 11886676 11886823 + 9.08022 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145693) promoter-TSS (NM_145693) 27 NM_145693 23175 Hs.467740 NM_145693 HPRD:09271 LPIN1 PAP1 lipin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35716 chr9 78177696 78177782 + 9.07932 NA intron (NR_031679, intron 2 of 2).2 L1PA5|LINE|L1 161005 NR_031679 100302287 NR_031679 MIR548H3 MIR548H-3|MIRN548H3|hsa-mir-548h-3 microRNA 548h-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16547 chr19 37762025 37762112 + 9.07866 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -2156 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23687 chr3 130761276 130761431 + 9.07866 NA intron (NM_145910, intron 3 of 14) L1P3|LINE|L1 -15655 NM_014065 28990 Hs.100878 NM_014065 HPRD:11038 ASTE1 - asteroid homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19606 chr2 194768273 194768342 + 9.07866 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -440686 NR_110222 101927406 Hs.385793 NR_110222 ENSG00000225539 LOC101927406 - uncharacterized LOC101927406 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30998 chr6 162628131 162628209 + 9.07866 NA intron (NM_004562, intron 3 of 11) AluSc8|SINE|Alu -519994 NM_001080378 135138 Hs.25791 NM_152410 HPRD:07465 PACRG GLUP|HAK005771|PARK2CRG PARK2 co-regulated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30559 chr6 136301026 136301092 + 9.07866 NA intron (NM_018945, intron 2 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 128225 NM_018945 27115 Hs.744230 NM_018945 HPRD:06870 PDE7B bA472E5.1 phosphodiesterase 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5974 chr11 43120134 43120206 + 9.07866 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 170749 NR_033868 399881 Hs.446761 NR_033868 ENSG00000251557 HNRNPKP3 - heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8030 chr12 48206780 48206854 + 9.07866 NA intron (NM_001098416, intron 1 of 24) CpG 6946 NM_001098416 51564 Hs.200063 NM_015401 HPRD:09133 HDAC7 HD7A|HDAC7A histone deacetylase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32689 chr7 127672095 127672214 + 9.07866 NA intron (NM_014390, intron 16 of 23) CpG -1152 NM_022143 64101 Hs.655003 NM_022143 HPRD:10060 LRRC4 NGL-2 leucine rich repeat containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27920 chr5 102090896 102091026 + 9.07382 NA Intergenic CpG -83793 NR_103753 285708 Hs.533011 NR_103753 LINC00491 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 491 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36666 chr9_gl000199_random 159291 159368 + 9.07194 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14015 chr17 22262651 22262717 + 9.06540 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 240247 NM_001190452 100462977 Hs.740185 NM_001190452 ENSG00000256618 MTRNR2L1 HN1 MT-RNR2-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20517 chr20 25291148 25291230 + 9.06210 NA intron (NM_001042472, intron 6 of 12) intron (NM_001042472, intron 6 of 12) 62483 NM_002862 5834 Hs.368157 NM_002862 HPRD:00720 PYGB GPBB phosphorylase, glycogen; brain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5206 chr10 126471058 126471146 + 9.06188 NA intron (NM_212554, intron 3 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu 9337 NM_212554 399818 Hs.741365 NM_212554 METTL10 C10orf138|Em:AC068896.3 methyltransferase like 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30260 chr6 109217347 109217521 + 9.06188 NA intron (NM_032131, intron 6 of 17) intron (NM_032131, intron 6 of 17) 27872 NR_104137 101929716 NR_104137 ARMC2-AS1 - ARMC2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36059 chr9 108541100 108541263 + 9.06188 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 84375 NM_018112 55151 Hs.411925 NM_018112 HPRD:15538 TMEM38B C9orf87|D4Ertd89e|OI14|TRIC-B|TRICB|bA219P18.1 transmembrane protein 38B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19802 chr2 206805118 206805188 + 9.06188 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 145753 NM_017759 54891 Hs.445036 NM_017759 HPRD:07894 INO80D - INO80 complex subunit D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22479 chr3 25742718 25742853 + 9.06153 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -36355 NR_039644 100616477 NR_039644 miRBase:MI0016785 MIR4442 - microRNA 4442 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26997 chr5 37676091 37676157 + 9.05801 NA intron (NM_018034, intron 10 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 158800 NM_001278098 2668 Hs.248114 NM_000514 HPRD:02906 GDNF ATF1|ATF2|HFB1-GDNF|HSCR3 glial cell derived neurotrophic factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28907 chr6 693078 693216 + 9.05801 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018303) promoter-TSS (NM_018303) -6 NM_018303 55770 Hs.484412 NM_018303 HPRD:11544 EXOC2 SEC5|SEC5L1|Sec5p exocyst complex component 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31012 chr6 163835054 163835216 + 9.05683 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006775) promoter-TSS (NM_006775) -153 NR_037593 100526820 Hs.644159 NR_037593 ENSG00000270419 CAHM LINC00468 colon adenocarcinoma hypermethylated (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39335 chrY 23108366 23108432 + 9.05391 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 190445 NM_001039567 140032 Hs.367761 NM_001039567 HPRD:15960 RPS4Y2 RPS4Y2P ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11707 chr15 64722611 64722838 + 9.05391 NA intron (NM_016213, intron 11 of 12) intron (NM_016213, intron 11 of 12) 42721 NM_016213 9325 Hs.500340 NM_016213 HPRD:05140 TRIP4 ASC-1|ASC1|HsT17391|ZC2HC5 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8253 chr12 58134952 58135098 + 9.05391 NA intron (NM_014770, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_014770, intron 1 of 17) 919 NM_014770 116986 Hs.302435 NM_014770 HPRD:05687 AGAP2 CENTG1|GGAP2|PIKE ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2707 chr1 192456378 192456445 + 9.05391 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -88446 NM_002922 5996 Hs.75256 NM_002922 HPRD:15968 RGS1 1R20|BL34|HEL-S-87|IER1|IR20 regulator of G-protein signaling 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2967 chr1 212472189 212472331 + 9.05391 NA intron (NM_006243, intron 1 of 12) SVA_E|Other|Other -2888 NM_001199756 5525 Hs.744012 NM_006243 HPRD:03384 PPP2R5A B56A|PR61A protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23941 chr3 155506310 155506393 + 9.05224 NA intron (NM_173657, intron 3 of 5) AluSc|SINE|Alu 17704 NM_173657 285315 Hs.350846 NM_173657 HPRD:08095 C3orf33 AC3-33 chromosome 3 open reading frame 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7297 chr12 623436 623629 + 9.05224 NA intron (NM_173593, intron 1 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 53989 NM_173593 283358 Hs.504416 NM_173593 HPRD:12514 B4GALNT3 - beta-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl transferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25969 chr4 123379787 123379980 + 9.04435 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2233 NM_000586 3558 Hs.89679 NM_000586 IL2 IL-2|TCGF|lymphokine interleukin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36237 chr9 126085369 126085450 + 9.04435 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33037 NM_173689 286204 Hs.568340 NM_173689 HPRD:13093 CRB2 - crumbs family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24594 chr4 6988524 6988843 + 9.04109 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001113363) promoter-TSS (NM_001113363) -206 NM_001113363 57533 Hs.518611 NM_020773 HPRD:11623 TBC1D14 - TBC1 domain family, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15003 chr18 3604721 3604900 + 9.03990 NA intron (NR_119377, intron 1 of 2) MER112|DNA|hAT-Charlie 1075 NR_119377 84777 Hs.659053 NM_032691 DLGAP1-AS2 - DLGAP1 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16678 chr19 41352591 41352658 + 9.03546 NA intron (NM_000762, intron 5 of 8) AluSx|SINE|Alu 3728 NM_000762 1548 Hs.250615 NM_000762 HPRD:00420 CYP2A6 CPA6|CYP2A|CYP2A3|CYPIIA6|P450C2A|P450PB cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily A, polypeptide 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32885 chr7 142373455 142373529 + 9.03546 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001190487) promoter-TSS (NM_001190487) -639 NM_001190487 100463482 NM_001190487 ENSG00000270672 MTRNR2L6 HN6 MT-RNR2-like 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35073 chr9 20361789 20361914 + 9.03546 NA intron (NM_001286691, intron 7 of 10) intron (NM_001286691, intron 7 of 10) 49385 NR_039684 100616229 NR_039684 MIR4473 - microRNA 4473 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24291 chr3 187431433 187431561 + 9.02920 NA intron (NR_034062, intron 1 of 2) MER51A|LTR|ERV1 -11152 NM_001004312 344892 Hs.567872 NM_001004312 HPRD:12371 RTP2 Z3CXXC2 receptor (chemosensory) transporter protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6770 chr11 87912487 87912604 + 9.02920 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3910 NM_022337 23682 Hs.591975 NM_022337 HPRD:05889 RAB38 NY-MEL-1|rrGTPbp RAB38, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38268 chrX 86126462 86126564 + 9.02920 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 608542 NM_001139515 117154 Hs.86603 NM_053281 HPRD:06481 DACH2 - dachshund family transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35643 chr9 71395154 71395257 + 9.02611 NA exon (NM_138333, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_138333, exon 1 of 1) 241 NM_138333 116224 Hs.655572 NM_138333 HPRD:10074 FAM122A C9orf42 family with sequence similarity 122A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30729 chr6 148686995 148687061 + 9.02611 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 1 of 19) AluSx|SINE|Alu 23299 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_372 chr1 24151907 24152068 + 9.02509 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000191) promoter-TSS (NM_000191) -38 NM_001166059 3155 Hs.533444 NM_000191 HPRD:02003 HMGCL HL 3-hydroxymethyl-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8600 chr12 91749326 91749400 + 9.02509 NA Intergenic Intergenic -172557 NM_001920 1634 Hs.156316 NM_001920 HPRD:00501 DCN CSCD|DSPG2|PG40|PGII|PGS2|SLRR1B decorin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12551 chr16 25060689 25060854 + 9.02509 NA Intergenic Intergenic 17709 NR_038379 554206 Hs.552959 NR_038379 LOC554206 - leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32238 chr7 85885576 85885649 + 9.02509 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -387618 NM_000840 2913 Hs.590575 NM_000840 HPRD:03070 GRM3 GLUR3|GPRC1C|MGLUR3|mGlu3 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10685 chr14 71378814 71378880 + 9.02509 NA intron (NM_014982, intron 1 of 35) AluY|SINE|Alu 4725 NM_014982 22990 Hs.446559 NM_014982 HPRD:10139 PCNX PCNXL1|pecanex pecanex homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3056 chr1 220285536 220285745 + 9.02509 NA intron (NM_018060, intron 11 of 22) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 5664 NR_029628 406997 NR_029628 miRBase:MI0000291 MIR215 MIRN215|miRNA215|mir-215 microRNA 215 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3853 chr10 27117903 27117972 + 9.02509 NA intron (NM_001012750, intron 1 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu 32079 NM_001012750 10006 Hs.508148 NM_005470 HPRD:04336 ABI1 ABI-1|ABLBP4|E3B1|NAP1BP|SSH3BP|SSH3BP1 abl-interactor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26482 chr4 180378647 180378789 + 9.02509 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1549628 NR_108092 101928656 Hs.508131 NR_108092 LINC01099 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1099 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20105 chr2 234776198 234776387 + 9.02509 NA intron (NR_024322, intron 1 of 1) AluSq|SINE|Alu 763 NR_024322 151507 Hs.355809 NM_001166217 ENSG00000224287 MSL3P1 MSL3L2 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila) pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32956 chr7 145352204 145352312 + 9.02509 NA Intergenic AluYg6|SINE|Alu -461195 NM_014141 26047 Hs.655684 NM_014141 HPRD:05197 CNTNAP2 AUTS15|CASPR2|CDFE|NRXN4|PTHSL1 contactin associated protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27162 chr5 46350135 46350201 + 9.02374 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -653948 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39389 chrY 28801411 28801479 + 9.02064 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 926808 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7398 chr12 7282927 7283009 + 9.02045 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014718) promoter-TSS (NM_014718) 1 NM_014718 9746 Hs.535378 NM_014718 HPRD:16725 CLSTN3 CDHR14|CSTN3|alcbeta calsyntenin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33117 chr7 156916798 156916885 + 9.02045 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -14814 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5555 chr11 6639388 6639539 + 9.01483 NA intron (NM_000391, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_000391, intron 3 of 12) 1229 NM_000391 1200 Hs.523454 NM_000391 HPRD:06415 TPP1 CLN2|LPIC|SCAR7|TPP-1 tripeptidyl peptidase I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20175 chr2 239229076 239229201 + 9.01300 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015650) promoter-TSS (NM_015650) -47 NM_001139490 26146 Hs.631898 NM_015650 HPRD:09571 TRAF3IP1 IFT54|MIP-T3|MIPT3 TNF receptor-associated factor 3 interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11517-2 chr15 47424088 47424428 + 9.01300 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -52145 NM_001198999 80031 Hs.511265 NM_020858 HPRD:10221 SEMA6D - sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26420 chr4 172908888 172908962 + 9.01300 NA intron (NM_001034845, intron 2 of 12) HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 174350 NM_001034845 442117 Hs.386236 NM_001034845 ENSG00000174473 GALNTL6 GALNACT20|GALNT17|GalNAc-T6L polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-like 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11517 chr15 47424088 47424428 + 9.01300 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -52145 NM_001198999 80031 Hs.511265 NM_020858 HPRD:10221 SEMA6D - sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26006 chr4 127942231 127942332 + 9.00492 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -611806 NM_015693 27152 Hs.391481 NM_015693 INTU INT|PDZD6|PDZK6 inturned planar cell polarity protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20199 chr2 240738049 240738211 + 9.00492 NA Intergenic CpG 53576 NR_037808 150935 Hs.555582 NR_037808 LOC150935 - uncharacterized LOC150935 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19896 chr2 217471556 217471658 + 9.00492 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110392) promoter-TSS (NR_110392) 54 NR_110392 101928232 Hs.694592 NR_110392 ENSG00000224391 LINC01280 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1280 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18922 chr2 132135597 132135663 + 9.00460 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -13899 NM_001077637 150786 Hs.645670 NM_001077637 WTH3DI - RAB6C-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29557 chr6 41513939 41514055 + 8.99967 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001012427) promoter-TSS (NM_001012427) -167 NM_001012426 116113 Hs.131436 NM_138457 HPRD:10600 FOXP4 hFKHLA forkhead box P4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27384 chr5 61519358 61519433 + 8.99967 NA Intergenic Intergenic -82594 NM_001243953 3796 Hs.558351 NM_004520 KIF2A CDCBM3|HK2|KIF2 kinesin heavy chain member 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29678 chr6 51745130 51745203 + 8.99835 NA intron (NM_138694, intron 46 of 66) L1HS|LINE|L1 207257 NM_170724 5314 Hs.662050 NM_138694 HPRD:05987 PKHD1 ARPKD|FCYT|TIGM1 polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 (autosomal recessive) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22195 chr3 804150 804228 + 8.99835 NA intron (NR_110118, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 170401 NR_110118 101927215 Hs.650700 NR_110118 ENSG00000224957 LINC01266 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1266 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5263 chr10 129516788 129516871 + 8.99835 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu -18709 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21350 chr21 34558313 34558424 + 8.99835 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -15827 NR_024102 728409 Hs.125234 NR_024102 ENSG00000229086 C21orf54 - chromosome 21 open reading frame 54 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32385 chr7 99102446 99102653 + 8.98958 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014569) promoter-TSS (NM_014569) -24 NM_014569 23660 Hs.110839 NM_014569 HPRD:10318 ZKSCAN5 ZFP95|ZNF914|ZSCAN37 zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30584 chr6 137553118 137553211 + 8.98687 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12597 NM_000416 3459 Hs.520414 NM_000416 HPRD:00127 IFNGR1 CD119|IFNGR interferon gamma receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27979 chr5 109193081 109193414 + 8.98687 NA intron (NM_002372, intron 20 of 21) intron (NM_002372, intron 20 of 21) -25636 NR_033175 100289673 Hs.368405 NR_033175 LOC100289673 - phosphoglycerate mutase family member 5 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37058 chrUn_gl000228 115862 115936 + 8.98124 NA Intergenic BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite 3294 NM_001293798 100288687 Hs.728749 NM_001205218 DUX4 DUX4L double homeobox 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2507 chr1 174562020 174562093 + 8.98046 NA intron (NM_014857, intron 13 of 20) L1HS|LINE|L1 144844 NM_005684 9293 Hs.673850 NM_005684 HPRD:07247 GPR52 - G protein-coupled receptor 52 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27822 chr5 95096623 95096746 + 8.98046 NA intron (NM_014899, intron 6 of 11) intron (NM_014899, intron 6 of 11) 29834 NM_014899 22836 Hs.445030 NM_014899 HPRD:09557 RHOBTB3 - Rho-related BTB domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31974 chr7 64111440 64111506 + 8.98046 NA Intergenic BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite -14988 NM_016220 51427 Hs.50216 NM_016220 HPRD:18669 ZNF107 Y8|ZFD25|ZNF588|smap-7 zinc finger protein 107 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15306 chr18 42385749 42385851 + 8.98046 NA intron (NM_001130110, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_001130110, intron 2 of 3) 124937 NM_015559 26040 Hs.435458 NM_015559 HPRD:10224 SETBP1 SEB SET binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19805 chr2 206915425 206915491 + 8.97922 NA intron (NM_017759, intron 4 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu 35448 NM_017759 54891 Hs.445036 NM_017759 HPRD:07894 INO80D - INO80 complex subunit D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25975 chr4 123653989 123654114 + 8.97182 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024041) promoter-TSS (NR_024041) 194 NM_001178007 166379 Hs.400698 NM_152618 HPRD:08759 BBS12 C4orf24 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38316 chrX 91268236 91268309 + 8.97143 NA intron (NM_001168362, intron 2 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 177812 NM_001168362 27328 Hs.655673 NM_014522 HPRD:02215 PCDH11X PCDH-X|PCDH11|PCDHX|PPP1R119 protocadherin 11 X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27922 chr5 102116287 102116412 + 8.97143 NA Intergenic MER20B|DNA|hAT-Charlie -85178 NR_033440 5066 Hs.369430 NM_000919 HPRD:01361 PAM PAL|PHM peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29153 chr6 22180514 22180710 + 8.97143 NA intron (NR_015410, intron 10 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -33190 NR_034143 729177 Hs.730673 NR_034143 ENSG00000260455 CASC14 - cancer susceptibility candidate 14 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19354 chr2 170793687 170793757 + 8.97143 NA intron (NM_172070, intron 19 of 38) L1PA5|LINE|L1 109704 NM_172070 130507 Hs.379548 NM_172070 HPRD:15887 UBR3 ZNF650 ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 3 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21348 chr21 34304712 34304911 + 8.96844 NA Intergenic Intergenic -93405 NM_005806 10215 Hs.176977 NM_005806 HPRD:07334 OLIG2 BHLHB1|OLIGO2|PRKCBP2|RACK17|bHLHe19 oligodendrocyte lineage transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17938 chr2 62435929 62436094 + 8.96844 NA intron (NM_006577, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_006577, intron 1 of 1) 3050 NR_049824 100847087 NR_049824 miRBase:MI0018171 MIR5192 - microRNA 5192 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31151 chr7 1015172 1015266 + 8.96791 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001031617) promoter-TSS (NM_001031617) 16 NM_001031617 90639 Hs.121593 NM_001031617 COX19 - cytochrome c oxidase assembly homolog 19 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5670 chr11 13888163 13888257 + 8.95690 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -95974 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8743 chr12 103889234 103889382 + 8.95607 NA intron (NM_198521, intron 1 of 5) CpG 480 NR_103526 374470 Hs.534649 NM_198521 HPRD:13393 C12orf42 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33375 chr8 11990497 11990604 + 8.95607 NA exon (NM_001256869, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_001256869, exon 1 of 1) 968 NM_001256869 392197 Hs.741132 NM_001256869 USP17L7 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36267 chr9 128542049 128542126 + 8.95607 NA intron (NR_024123, intron 2 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 31609 NM_001134778 5090 Hs.428027 NM_006195 HPRD:15938 PBX3 - pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4449 chr10 63842480 63842640 + 8.95607 NA intron (NM_001244638, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001244638, intron 5 of 6) 33590 NM_001244638 84159 Hs.535297 NM_032199 ENSG00000150347 ARID5B DESRT|MRF-2|MRF2 AT rich interactive domain 5B (MRF1-like) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28518 chr5 149496072 149496164 + 8.95607 NA intron (NM_002609, intron 22 of 22) AluSp|SINE|Alu -3183 NM_005211 1436 Hs.586219 NM_005211 HPRD:01269 CSF1R C-FMS|CD115|CSF-1R|CSFR|FIM2|FMS|HDLS|M-CSF-R colony stimulating factor 1 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26206 chr4 149077194 149077285 + 8.95607 NA intron (NM_000901, intron 4 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 286433 NM_000901 4306 Hs.163924 NM_000901 HPRD:02991 NR3C2 MCR|MLR|MR|NR3C2VIT nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29755 chr6 58606399 58606465 + 8.95607 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -318708 NR_125728 375513 Hs.561539 NM_206908 GUSBP4 C6orf216|GUSBL2|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32012 chr7 65051856 65051986 + 8.95507 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 8 of 9) THE1B|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -60846 NR_027392 644619 Hs.676517 NR_027392 ENSG00000232270 INTS4L2 - integrator complex subunit 4-like 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37982 chrX 67827686 67827832 + 8.95496 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -39752 NM_001142503 9754 Hs.95140 NM_014725 HPRD:06730 STARD8 ARHGAP38|DLC3|STARTGAP3 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37637 chrX 50861625 50861701 + 8.94612 NA intron (NR_110382, intron 1 of 8) SVA_B|Other|Other 52569 NR_110382 101926971 Hs.657995 NR_110382 LINC01284 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1284 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28005 chr5 110866065 110866215 + 8.94612 NA intron (NR_040093, intron 1 of 6) intron (NR_040093, intron 1 of 6) -17983 NM_139164 134429 Hs.93842 NM_139164 HPRD:06133 STARD4 - StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34117 chr8 82201458 82201668 + 8.94612 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 8845 NM_001444 2171 Hs.408061 NM_001444 HPRD:05524 FABP5 E-FABP|EFABP|KFABP|PA-FABP|PAFABP fatty acid binding protein 5 (psoriasis-associated) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5493 chr11 3484826 3484919 + 8.94612 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -71727 NR_044999 10821 Hs.637689 NR_044999 ENSG00000189398 OR7E12P HG1058|OR11-3|OR7E58P|OR7E79P|OR7E81P|OST021 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily E, member 12 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15834 chr19 6663703 6663818 + 8.94474 NA 3' UTR (NM_003807, exon 5 of 5) 3' UTR (NM_003807, exon 5 of 5) 6839 NM_003807 8740 Hs.129708 NM_003807 HPRD:05157 TNFSF14 CD258|HVEML|LIGHT|LTg|TR2 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30648 chr6 141875379 141875532 + 8.94474 NA Intergenic L1MA6|LINE|L1 534481 NM_002511 4829 Hs.654478 NM_002511 HPRD:01211 NMBR BB1 neuromedin B receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9173 chr13 20161230 20161305 + 8.94474 NA Intergenic Intergenic -25553 NR_073485 93492 Hs.377488 NM_130785 HPRD:06003 TPTE2 TPIP transmembrane phosphoinositide 3-phosphatase and tensin homolog 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32420 chr7 100026353 100026564 + 8.94345 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001194991) promoter-TSS (NM_001194991) -27 NM_017984 55063 Hs.105191 NM_017984 HPRD:15706 ZCWPW1 ZCW1 zinc finger, CW type with PWWP domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25874 chr4 119513127 119513236 + 8.94229 NA intron (NR_109983, intron 1 of 9) intron (NR_109983, intron 1 of 9) 282 NR_109983 729218 Hs.448518 NR_103825 LOC729218 - uncharacterized LOC729218 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26654 chr4 191010525 191010667 + 8.94229 NA Intergenic CpG 24939 NR_121644 100419743 NR_121644 DBET DBE-T D4Z4 binding element transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21058 chr21 9462121 9462220 + 8.94083 NA Intergenic Intergenic -363662 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31020 chr6 165125838 165125907 + 8.93803 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 597239 NM_144980 168090 Hs.144734 NM_144980 HPRD:12844 C6orf118 bA85G2.1|dJ416F21.2 chromosome 6 open reading frame 118 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22906 chr3 56717254 56717351 + 8.93803 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001112736) promoter-TSS (NM_001112736) -167 NM_001112736 23272 Hs.116877 NM_015224 HPRD:10183 FAM208A C3orf63|RAP140|se89-1 family with sequence similarity 208, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5907 chr11 35099642 35099764 + 8.93803 NA Intergenic Intergenic 59876 NR_120528 100507144 Hs.673491 NR_120528 ENSG00000255521 LOC100507144 - uncharacterized LOC100507144 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12610 chr16 28999301 28999379 + 8.93803 NA intron (NM_001014989, intron 9 of 12) AluJb|SINE|Alu 2953 NM_014387 27040 Hs.632179 NM_014387 HPRD:03832 LAT LAT1|pp36 linker for activation of T cells protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34635 chr8 131028691 131028906 + 8.93723 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046360) promoter-TSS (NR_046360) 99 NR_046360 51571 Hs.126941 NM_016623 HPRD:13313 FAM49B L1 family with sequence similarity 49, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7076 chr11 118785194 118785283 + 8.93723 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3625 NM_182557 283149 Hs.414740 NM_182557 BCL9L BCL9-2|DLNB11 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 9-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1831 chr1 145317535 145317639 + 8.93637 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 21 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 21 of 85) 24216 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1615 chr1 118158165 118158324 + 8.93202 NA intron (NM_017709, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_017709, intron 1 of 1) 9640 NM_017709 54855 Hs.356216 NM_017709 HPRD:13312 FAM46C - family with sequence similarity 46, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31457 chr7 25643106 25643210 + 8.93202 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 237472 NR_046486 100873753 NR_046486 RNU6-16P RNU6-16 RNA, U6 small nuclear 16, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19895 chr2 217419175 217419282 + 8.93202 NA Intergenic Intergenic 52433 NR_110392 101928232 Hs.694592 NR_110392 ENSG00000224391 LINC01280 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1280 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6688 chr11 81870802 81870875 + 8.93202 NA intron (NR_120571, intron 3 of 7) L1HS|LINE|L1 244117 NR_120571 101928989 Hs.145117 NR_120571 ENSG00000245832 LOC101928989 - uncharacterized LOC101928989 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30933 chr6 159372214 159372372 + 8.92979 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 48905 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1835 chr1 145323488 145323570 + 8.92442 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 28 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 28 of 85) 30158 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9569 chr13 50940105 50940220 + 8.92397 NA intron (NR_109974, intron 2 of 6) intron (NR_109974, intron 2 of 6) 161423 NR_125753 103689915 Hs.722230 NR_125753 DLEU1-AS1 LINC01308 DLEU1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32914 chr7 143111203 143111330 + 8.92293 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 1 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu -5281 NM_005232 2041 Hs.89839 NM_005232 HPRD:01554 EPHA1 EPH|EPHT|EPHT1 EPH receptor A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37842 chrX 61804555 61804621 + 8.92085 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 766630 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_331 chr1 21761313 21761379 + 8.91830 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -5237 NR_046176 84224 Hs.325422 NM_032264 HPRD:10633 NBPF3 AE2 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24209 chr3 182920257 182920357 + 8.91830 NA intron (NM_015078, intron 25 of 29) L1MB7|LINE|L1 -39640 NM_014398 27074 Hs.518448 NM_014398 HPRD:12062 LAMP3 CD208|DC LAMP|DC-LAMP|DCLAMP|LAMP|LAMP-3|TSC403 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22645 chr3 40029599 40029671 + 8.91830 NA intron (NM_001284423, intron 2 of 16) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -111867 NM_001284426 25924 Hs.594535 NM_015460 HPRD:14796 MYRIP SLAC2-C|SLAC2C myosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6693 chr11 82638455 82638551 + 8.91830 NA intron (NM_145018, intron 3 of 5) intron (NM_145018, intron 3 of 5) 25766 NM_145018 220042 Hs.165607 NM_145018 HPRD:08062 DDIAS C11orf82|noxin DNA damage-induced apoptosis suppressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29906 chr6 77447651 77447738 + 8.91830 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -665299 NM_001282368 3617 Hs.590893 NM_001563 HPRD:04186 IMPG1 GP147|IPM150|SPACR interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycan 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1953 chr1 148266596 148266725 + 8.91830 NA intron (NM_015383, intron 55 of 65) intron (NM_015383, intron 55 of 65) -64124 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8358 chr12 68557596 68557783 + 8.91796 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4168 NM_000619 3458 Hs.856 NM_000619 HPRD:00957 IFNG IFG|IFI interferon, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11247 chr15 29278483 29278597 + 8.91796 NA intron (NM_001130414, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001130414, intron 1 of 12) 64700 NM_001130414 321 Hs.618112 NM_005503 HPRD:04090 APBA2 D15S1518E|HsT16821|LIN-10|MGC:14091|MINT2|X11-BETA|X11L amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16090 chr19 15062544 15062627 + 8.91796 NA intron (NR_073589, intron 8 of 8) AluSq|SINE|Alu 10284 NM_012377 26658 Hs.589620 NM_012377 HPRD:15072 OR7C2 CIT-HSP-87M17|OR19-18|OR7C3 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34831 chr8 145034218 145034309 + 8.91796 NA intron (NM_000445, intron 2 of 32) AluSp|SINE|Alu -6175 NM_201379 5339 Hs.434248 NM_000445 HPRD:03180 PLEC EBS1|EBSO|HD1|LGMD2Q|PCN|PLEC1|PLEC1b|PLTN plectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29039 chr6 13428463 13428683 + 8.91097 NA intron (NM_018988, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_018988, intron 1 of 1) -20204 NM_001242630 54438 Hs.484686 NM_018988 HPRD:13574 GFOD1 ADG-90|C6orf114 glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33058 chr7 154795048 154795248 + 8.91097 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007349) promoter-TSS (NM_007349) 5 NR_028090 202781 Hs.193172 NR_028090 ENSG00000273344 PAXIP1-AS1 - PAXIP1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32907 chr7 143066643 143066714 + 8.91097 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -6838 NM_001031690 9715 Hs.648908 NM_014690 HPRD:13816 FAM131B - family with sequence similarity 131, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25588 chr4 90850852 90851110 + 8.90802 NA intron (NM_007351, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_007351, intron 5 of 7) 34929 NM_007351 22915 Hs.268107 NM_007351 HPRD:03267 MMRN1 ECM|EMILIN4|GPIa*|MMRN multimerin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28768 chr5 174961190 174961300 + 8.90802 NA Intergenic Intergenic 55731 NM_022754 94081 Hs.369440 NM_022754 HPRD:18044 SFXN1 - sideroflexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2424 chr1 169226172 169226250 + 8.90802 NA intron (NR_104229, intron 7 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -110983 NM_003666 8548 Hs.130746 NM_003666 HPRD:16367 BLZF1 GOLGIN-45|JEM-1|JEM-1s|JEM1 basic leucine zipper nuclear factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3745 chr10 17177895 17177987 + 8.90802 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -6125 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25324 chr4 66155141 66155213 + 8.90802 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -284959 NR_033976 401134 Hs.165899 NR_033976 ENSG00000250125 LOC401134 - uncharacterized LOC401134 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24136 chr3 174548755 174548828 + 8.90214 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -28320 NM_207015 254827 Hs.565848 NM_207015 HPRD:16388 NAALADL2 - N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_470 chr1 27463827 27463932 + 8.90214 NA intron (NM_003047, intron 1 of 11) MIR3|SINE|MIR 17742 NR_046474 6548 Hs.91389 NM_003047 HPRD:00123 SLC9A1 APNH|NHE-1|NHE1|PPP1R143 solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE1, cation proton antiporter 1), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1695 chr1 121458253 121458334 + 8.90214 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 197383 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3659 chr10 11445216 11445398 + 8.90214 NA Intergenic MER31A|LTR|ERV1 128972 NM_001080491 9712 Hs.498661 NM_014688 ENSG00000148429 USP6NL RNTRE|TRE2NL|USP6NL-IT1 USP6 N-terminal like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35003 chr9 13043477 13043543 + 8.90214 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -229122 NR_125775 101929467 Hs.586443 NR_125775 LURAP1L-AS1 - LURAP1L antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26523 chr4 185339171 185339310 + 8.90214 NA intron (NM_002199, intron 5 of 8) intron (NM_002199, intron 5 of 8) 56486 NM_002199 3660 Hs.654566 NM_002199 HPRD:00962 IRF2 IRF-2 interferon regulatory factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19537 chr2 188994037 188994137 + 8.90214 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -162309 NM_001252669 51454 Hs.470887 NM_016315 GULP1 CED-6|CED6|GULP GULP, engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38370 chrX 100872922 100873043 + 8.90214 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019007) promoter-TSS (NM_019007) 9 NM_001009584 54470 Hs.83530 NM_019007 HPRD:06536 ARMCX6 GASP10 armadillo repeat containing, X-linked 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6819 chr11 93828304 93828372 + 8.90214 NA intron (NM_001098672, intron 13 of 19) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -33756 NM_015368 24145 Hs.591976 NM_015368 HPRD:10526 PANX1 MRS1|PX1|UNQ2529 pannexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28019 chr5 112257900 112258143 + 8.89824 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005669) promoter-TSS (NM_005669) 10 NM_005669 7905 Hs.429608 NM_005669 HPRD:15918 REEP5 C5orf18|D5S346|DP1|TB2|YOP1 receptor accessory protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25132 chr4 49633397 49633496 + 8.89438 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 644787 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12993 chr16 48645780 48645949 + 8.89263 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1744 NM_153029 9683 Hs.511839 NM_153029 HPRD:08109 N4BP1 - NEDD4 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28625 chr5 157090495 157090653 + 8.89211 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -7987 NM_001145132 100190949 Hs.720862 NM_001145132 ENSG00000187658 C5orf52 - chromosome 5 open reading frame 52 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27616 chr5 75548083 75548189 + 8.89211 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -150944 NM_006633 10788 Hs.291030 NM_006633 HPRD:09253 IQGAP2 - IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10361 chr14 46066535 46066613 + 8.89211 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -343969 NM_018353 55320 Hs.732769 NM_018353 HPRD:12629 MIS18BP1 C14orf106|HSA242977|KNL2|M18BP1 MIS18 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11187 chr15 22358945 22359034 + 8.89211 NA intron (NR_110480, intron 7 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -9489 NM_001004719 390538 Hs.729625 NM_001004719 HPRD:14984 OR4M2 OR15-3 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily M, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23188 chr3 88554752 88554818 + 8.88428 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -355769 NM_001195308 8545 Hs.444818 NM_003663 HPRD:04529 CGGBP1 CGGBP|p20-CGGBP CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35969 chr9 101026175 101026252 + 8.88428 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8210 NM_001267571 55357 Hs.371016 NM_018421 ENSG00000095383 TBC1D2 PARIS-1|PARIS1|TBC1D2A TBC1 domain family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28437 chr5 144312536 144312627 + 8.88428 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 762144 NM_020768 57528 Hs.661870 NM_020768 KCTD16 - potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3476 chr1 248420144 248420237 + 8.88428 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 16926 NM_001004695 391195 Hs.553783 NM_001004695 HPRD:14953 OR2T33 OR1-56 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily T, member 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18992 chr2 134975530 134975664 + 8.88428 NA Intergenic Intergenic -36233 NM_002410 4249 Hs.4988 NM_002410 HPRD:03467 MGAT5 GNT-V|GNT-VA mannosyl (alpha-1,6-)-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1562 chr1 114181392 114181509 + 8.88428 NA intron (NM_001142782, intron 9 of 20) L1PA3|LINE|L1 120327 NM_006608 10745 Hs.655824 NM_006608 HPRD:09227 PHTF1 PHTF putative homeodomain transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19067 chr2 143791991 143792135 + 8.88034 NA intron (NM_003937, intron 12 of 13) intron (NM_003937, intron 12 of 13) -94836 NM_018460 55843 Hs.171011 NM_018460 HPRD:06447 ARHGAP15 BM046 Rho GTPase activating protein 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29238 chr6 26596879 26597124 + 8.88034 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013375) promoter-TSS (NM_013375) -170 NM_013375 29777 Hs.254406 NM_013375 HPRD:16469 ABT1 hABT1 activator of basal transcription 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7270 chr11 134146063 134146252 + 8.88034 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001080407) promoter-TSS (NM_001080407) -118 NM_001080407 112937 Hs.721382 NM_138416 HPRD:08814 GLB1L3 - galactosidase, beta 1-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7406 chr12 7792936 7793059 + 8.88034 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 25505 NM_001644 339 Hs.560 NM_001644 HPRD:02531 APOBEC1 APOBEC-1|BEDP|CDAR1|HEPR apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27642 chr5 76769836 76769912 + 8.87746 NA intron (NM_018268, intron 2 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 18458 NM_018268 55255 Hs.482573 NM_018268 WDR41 - WD repeat domain 41 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26405 chr4 170679028 170679263 + 8.87746 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017867) promoter-TSS (NM_017867) -52 NM_017867 54969 Hs.406756 NM_017867 HPRD:07924 C4orf27 - chromosome 4 open reading frame 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25703 chr4 103352343 103352530 + 8.87746 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -70050 NM_003998 4790 Hs.618430 NM_003998 HPRD:01238 NFKB1 EBP-1|KBF1|NF-kB1|NF-kappa-B|NF-kappaB|NFKB-p105|NFKB-p50|NFkappaB|p105|p50 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11125 chr15 20001535 20001618 + 8.86863 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -486421 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6151 chr11 51573756 51573838 + 8.86798 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 58515 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27531 chr5 70897121 70897262 + 8.86702 NA intron (NM_022132, intron 4 of 16) Charlie16a|DNA|hAT-Charlie 14076 NM_022132 64087 Hs.604789 NM_022132 HPRD:01952 MCCC2 MCCB methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase 2 (beta) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9137-2 chr12 133174561 133175070 + 8.86702 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 12222 NM_001195520 100507055 Hs.282811 NM_001195520 LRCOL1 - leucine rich colipase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_689 chr1 37945363 37945494 + 8.86702 NA promoter-TSS (NR_106790) promoter-TSS (NR_106790) -403 NR_106790 102465438 NR_106790 MIR6732 hsa-mir-6732 microRNA 6732 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9137 chr12 133174561 133175070 + 8.86702 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 12222 NM_001195520 100507055 Hs.282811 NM_001195520 LRCOL1 - leucine rich colipase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24195 chr3 180868333 180868436 + 8.86592 NA intron (NR_075091, intron 2 of 7) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -24548 NR_075093 347689 Hs.654932 NR_004053 SOX2-OT NCRNA00043|SOX2OT SOX2 overlapping transcript ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26299 chr4 158563321 158563394 + 8.86592 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 69715 NR_026992 340017 Hs.428275 NR_026992 ENSG00000234111 LOC340017 - uncharacterized LOC340017 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29046 chr6 13688254 13688452 + 8.86592 NA intron (NM_005493, intron 2 of 13) MIRb|SINE|MIR 23443 NM_005493 10048 Hs.708182 NM_005493 HPRD:04835 RANBP9 BPM-L|BPM90|RANBPM|RanBP7 RAN binding protein 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3820 chr10 23176226 23176294 + 8.86592 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -40693 NM_001282746 219681 Hs.659807 NM_173081 HPRD:12487 ARMC3 CT81|KU-CT-1 armadillo repeat containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28705 chr5 168040142 168040226 + 8.86592 NA Intergenic L1MC4|LINE|L1 -33570 NM_024594 79646 Hs.388400 NM_024594 PANK3 - pantothenate kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36654 chr9_gl000199_random 142388 142480 + 8.86363 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3072 chr1 221899787 221899900 + 8.86019 NA intron (NR_111940, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_111940, intron 1 of 2) 10399 NR_111939 11221 Hs.497822 NM_007207 HPRD:12320 DUSP10 MKP-5|MKP5 dual specificity phosphatase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27947 chr5 106110206 106110350 + 8.86019 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 236437 NR_104671 102467213 Hs.570923 NR_104671 LOC102467213 - uncharacterized LOC102467213 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17701 chr2 39348093 39348219 + 8.85882 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005633) promoter-TSS (NM_005633) -552 NM_005633 6654 Hs.709893 NM_005633 HPRD:01681 SOS1 GF1|GGF1|GINGF|HGF|NS4 son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6990 chr11 111317396 111317526 + 8.85842 NA Intergenic Intergenic -28550 NR_046085 100132078 Hs.672662 NR_046085 ENSG00000255428 LOC100132078 - uncharacterized LOC100132078 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17429 chr2 13088748 13088955 + 8.85842 NA Intergenic Intergenic 58287 NR_038434 100506474 Hs.242196 NR_038434 ENSG00000225649 LOC100506474 - uncharacterized LOC100506474 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38329 chrX 95316109 95316178 + 8.85842 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 276758 NR_003539 643486 Hs.590806 NR_003539 ENSG00000271209 LOC643486 - bromodomain, testis-specific pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24233 chr3 183947257 183947377 + 8.85842 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138345) promoter-TSS (NM_138345) -1000 NM_138345 90113 Hs.584997 NM_138345 ENSG00000145198 VWA5B2 - von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5B2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34834 chr8 145041259 145041444 + 8.85842 NA intron (NM_000445, intron 2 of 32) AluY|SINE|Alu 6346 NM_201378 5339 Hs.434248 NM_000445 HPRD:03180 PLEC EBS1|EBSO|HD1|LGMD2Q|PCN|PLEC1|PLEC1b|PLTN plectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32942 chr7 143598879 143599051 + 8.85734 NA intron (NM_001206938, intron 1 of 8) CpG 207 NM_014719 9747 Hs.735149 NM_014719 HPRD:13813 FAM115A - family with sequence similarity 115, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28085 chr5 119025969 119026038 + 8.85734 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 60749 NM_182761 340069 Hs.713304 NM_182761 HPRD:14174 FAM170A ZNFD family with sequence similarity 170, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31093 chr6 170190359 170190472 + 8.85734 NA non-coding (NR_026781, exon 2 of 2) non-coding (NR_026781, exon 2 of 2) 246 NR_026780 80069 Hs.677182 NM_025002 HPRD:12876 LINC00574 C6orf208|dJ182D15.1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 574 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6222 chr11 57333752 57333842 + 8.85489 NA intron (NM_198183, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_198183, intron 1 of 3) 1383 NM_004223 9246 Hs.425777 NM_004223 HPRD:04867 UBE2L6 RIG-B|UBCH8 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17199 chr19_gl000208_random 1261 1334 + 8.85199 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26843 chr5 17529651 17529803 + 8.84965 NA Intergenic Intergenic -142308 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17209 chr19_gl000208_random 47250 47330 + 8.84526 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34532 chr8 123793788 123793898 + 8.84331 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014943) promoter-TSS (NM_014943) -58 NM_014943 22882 Hs.377090 NM_014943 HPRD:16458 ZHX2 AFR1|RAF zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5973 chr11 42919423 42919501 + 8.83951 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 371457 NR_033868 399881 Hs.446761 NR_033868 ENSG00000251557 HNRNPKP3 - heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17675 chr2 37647445 37647512 + 8.83951 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 75725 NM_012413 25797 Hs.79033 NM_012413 HPRD:06140 QPCT GCT|QC|sQC glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31177 chr7 1751971 1752046 + 8.83951 NA intron (NM_001128636, intron 1 of 1) AluY|SINE|Alu 3210 NM_001128636 392617 Hs.42896 NM_001128636 ENSG00000225968 ELFN1 PPP1R28 extracellular leucine-rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30832 chr6 155414726 155414859 + 8.83951 NA intron (NM_012454, intron 1 of 25) L3|LINE|CR1 3369 NM_012454 26230 Hs.586279 NM_012454 HPRD:05273 TIAM2 STEF|TIAM-2 T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13725 chr17 6314601 6314695 + 8.83694 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 23804 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19776 chr2 204775719 204775792 + 8.83667 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -25716 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15320 chr18 43460074 43460140 + 8.83667 NA exon (NM_020964, exon 32 of 44) exon (NM_020964, exon 32 of 44) 54562 NM_213602 284266 Hs.287692 NM_213602 HPRD:13011 SIGLEC15 CD33L3|HsT1361|SIGLEC-15 sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4542 chr10 72032705 72032872 + 8.83667 NA intron (NM_022146, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_022146, intron 1 of 3) 10662 NM_022146 64106 Hs.302026 NM_022146 NPFFR1 GPR147|NPFF1|NPFF1R1|OT7T022 neuropeptide FF receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22527 chr3 28282951 28283107 + 8.83667 NA promoter-TSS (NM_182523) promoter-TSS (NM_182523) -95 NM_182523 152100 Hs.444724 NM_182523 CMC1 C3orf68 C-x(9)-C motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28810 chr5 177062177 177062255 + 8.83667 NA intron (NR_026921, intron 1 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 35097 NM_007255 11285 Hs.455109 NM_007255 HPRD:05060 B4GALT7 EDSP1|XGALT1|XGPT1 xylosylprotein beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29963 chr6 81627673 81627757 + 8.83667 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 811371 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31224 chr7 4923391 4923518 + 8.83667 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018059) promoter-TSS (NM_018059) -119 NM_018059 55698 Hs.667336 NM_018059 HPRD:07663 RADIL RASIP2 Ras association and DIL domains protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9820 chr13 95953710 95953876 + 8.83630 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005845) promoter-TSS (NM_005845) -106 NM_005845 10257 Hs.508423 NM_005845 HPRD:05583 ABCC4 EST170205|MOAT-B|MOATB|MRP4 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27596 chr5 75419293 75419363 + 8.83273 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 40089 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39092 chrY 13127152 13127222 + 8.82818 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1406202 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29998 chr6 84937819 84937904 + 8.82460 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014895) promoter-TSS (NM_014895) -508 NM_014895 22832 Hs.485865 NM_014895 HPRD:10796 CEP162 C6orf84|KIAA1009|QN1 centrosomal protein 162kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19480 chr2 180871758 180871883 + 8.82460 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020943) promoter-TSS (NM_020943) -40 NM_020943 57703 Hs.311363 NM_020943 HPRD:17220 CWC22 EIF4GL|NCM|fSAPb CWC22 spliceosome-associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25220 chr4 57687802 57687894 + 8.81485 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001271718) promoter-TSS (NM_001271718) 60 NM_001271720 6691 Hs.98243 NM_021114 HPRD:10422 SPINK2 HUSI-II serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 2 (acrosin-trypsin inhibitor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6911 chr11 103610030 103610234 + 8.81485 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -110502 NR_039842 100616457 NR_039842 miRBase:MI0017326 MIR4693 - microRNA 4693 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15814 chr19 5791121 5791302 + 8.81484 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020175) promoter-TSS (NM_020175) 38 NM_020175 56931 Hs.284297 NM_020175 HPRD:14252 DUS3L DUS3 dihydrouridine synthase 3-like (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31821 chr7 57993367 57993433 + 8.81381 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 483517 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15624 chr18 77050165 77050241 + 8.81381 NA intron (NM_198531, intron 13 of 29) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -105569 NM_001278669 4772 Hs.534074 NM_006162 HPRD:02729 NFATC1 NF-ATC|NFAT2|NFATc nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34982 chr9 6798371 6798467 + 8.81316 NA intron (NM_001146696, intron 2 of 17) SVA_D|Other|Other 40778 NM_015061 23081 Hs.709425 NM_015061 HPRD:12016 KDM4C GASC1|JHDM3C|JMJD2C|TDRD14C|bA146B14.1 lysine (K)-specific demethylase 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30161 chr6 100649004 100649070 + 8.81316 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -206923 NM_032503 84539 Hs.591342 NM_032503 HPRD:12088 MCHR2 GPR145|GPRv17|MCH-2R|MCH-R2|MCH2|MCH2R|MCHR-2|SLT melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25886 chr4 119995353 119995424 + 8.81316 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -61551 NM_016599 51778 Hs.732122 NM_016599 HPRD:05724 MYOZ2 C4orf5|CMH16|CS-1 myozenin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7596 chr12 19721059 19721237 + 8.81174 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 127633 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26555 chr4 187103556 187103637 + 8.80860 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 9048 NR_046264 651430 Hs.727796 NR_046264 FLJ38576 - uncharacterized LOC651430 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34116 chr8 82192595 82192971 + 8.80860 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001444) promoter-TSS (NM_001444) 65 NM_001444 2171 Hs.408061 NM_001444 HPRD:05524 FABP5 E-FABP|EFABP|KFABP|PA-FABP|PAFABP fatty acid binding protein 5 (psoriasis-associated) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8064 chr12 49659329 49659467 + 8.79872 NA intron (NM_032704, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_032704, intron 1 of 3) 533 NM_032704 84790 Hs.652390 NM_032704 HPRD:06747 TUBA1C TUBA6|bcm948 tubulin, alpha 1c protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3900 chr10 30722816 30722920 + 8.79872 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001244134) promoter-TSS (NM_001244134) -82 NM_001244134 1326 Hs.432453 NM_005204 HPRD:01863 MAP3K8 COT|EST|ESTF|MEKK8|TPL2|Tpl-2|c-COT mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30275 chr6 109780096 109780187 + 8.79739 NA intron (NM_001286613, intron 1 of 24) L2a|LINE|L2 -2951 NM_001159291 64780 Hs.33476 NM_022765 HPRD:06183 MICAL1 MICAL|MICAL-1|NICAL microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18569 chr2 99388297 99388417 + 8.79721 NA Intergenic Intergenic -40768 NM_012214 11320 Hs.177576 NM_012214 HPRD:06860 MGAT4A GNT-IV|GNT-IVA|GnT-4a mannosyl (alpha-1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, isozyme A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33303 chr8 7195525 7195607 + 8.79721 NA exon (NM_001256874, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_001256874, exon 1 of 1) 929 NM_001256874 645402 Hs.741134 NM_001256874 USP17L4 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29221 chr6 26305667 26305766 + 8.79340 NA Intergenic Intergenic -19989 NM_003543 8365 Hs.591790 NM_003543 HPRD:11919 HIST1H4H H4/h|H4FH histone cluster 1, H4h protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14975 chr18 2605767 2605946 + 8.79340 NA intron (NM_006101, intron 13 of 16) intron (NM_006101, intron 13 of 16) 34346 NM_006101 10403 Hs.414407 NM_006101 HPRD:06277 NDC80 HEC|HEC1|HsHec1|KNTC2|TID3|hsNDC80 NDC80 kinetochore complex component protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38926 chrX 154170274 154170340 + 8.78947 NA intron (NM_000132, intron 13 of 25) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -54574 NR_036260 100422977 NR_036260 miRBase:MI0015972 MIR1184-3 - microRNA 1184-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27943 chr5 105960541 105960607 + 8.78947 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 386141 NR_104671 102467213 Hs.570923 NR_104671 LOC102467213 - uncharacterized LOC102467213 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6030 chr11 47736900 47736996 + 8.78947 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024783) promoter-TSS (NM_024783) -20 NM_024783 79841 Hs.147377 NM_024783 HPRD:08039 AGBL2 CCP2 ATP/GTP binding protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18447 chr2 92308467 92308538 + 8.78855 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 179343 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4786 chr10 92793916 92794124 + 8.78797 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11545 NR_047467 100874184 Hs.512240 NR_047467 LINC00502 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 502 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13417 chr16 84178720 84178916 + 8.78797 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178452) promoter-TSS (NM_178452) -18 NM_031463 83693 Hs.555992 NM_031463 HPRD:17117 HSDL1 SDR12C3 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9074 chr12 129267958 129268086 + 8.78035 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 40519 NM_145648 121260 Hs.507260 NM_145648 ENSG00000139370 SLC15A4 PHT1|PTR4 solute carrier family 15 (oligopeptide transporter), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29433 chr6 33176191 33176281 + 8.77725 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002931) promoter-TSS (NM_002931) -50 NM_002931 6015 Hs.631989 NM_002931 HPRD:03624 RING1 RING1A|RNF1 ring finger protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30975 chr6 160883628 160883760 + 8.77725 NA Intergenic LTR78|LTR|ERV1 48462 NR_028092 80350 Hs.654503 NM_024492 HPRD:17441 LPAL2 APOA2|APOAL|APOARGC lipoprotein, Lp(a)-like 2, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7856 chr12 34848779 34848868 + 8.77589 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 673607 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_584 chr1 35033029 35033133 + 8.77525 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -187567 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24650 chr4 9631373 9631468 + 8.77181 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -73483 NR_031688 100302277 NR_031688 miRBase:MI0006422 MIR548I2 MIR548I-2|MIRN548I2|hsa-mir-548i-2 microRNA 548i-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10969 chr14 97925061 97925178 + 8.77181 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110166) promoter-TSS (NR_110166) -34 NR_110165 101929241 Hs.650839 NR_110165 ENSG00000246084 LOC101929241 - uncharacterized LOC101929241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2238 chr1 156721609 156721722 + 8.77181 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004494) promoter-TSS (NM_004494) -122 NM_004494 3068 Hs.743948 NM_004494 HPRD:02079 HDGF HMG1L2 hepatoma-derived growth factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15642-2 chr18 77793693 77793934 + 8.76732 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024805) promoter-TSS (NM_024805) -533 NM_001171967 79863 Hs.728931 NM_024805 RBFA C18orf22|HsT169 ribosome binding factor A (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15642 chr18 77793693 77793934 + 8.76732 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024805) promoter-TSS (NM_024805) -533 NM_001171967 79863 Hs.728931 NM_024805 RBFA C18orf22|HsT169 ribosome binding factor A (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5424 chr11 507134 507434 + 8.76680 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203383) promoter-TSS (NM_203383) -1 NM_203387 6050 Hs.530687 NM_002939 HPRD:01412 RNH1 RAI|RNH ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5424-2 chr11 507134 507434 + 8.76680 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203383) promoter-TSS (NM_203383) -1 NM_203387 6050 Hs.530687 NM_002939 HPRD:01412 RNH1 RAI|RNH ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25691 chr4 102249289 102249401 + 8.76577 NA intron (NM_001130691, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001130691, intron 1 of 12) 19283 NM_001130692 5530 Hs.435512 NM_000944 HPRD:00234 PPP3CA CALN|CALNA|CALNA1|CCN1|CNA1|PPP2B protein phosphatase 3, catalytic subunit, alpha isozyme protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1215 chr1 85493047 85493129 + 8.76577 NA intron (NM_001253693, intron 6 of 11) MIR|SINE|MIR 21135 NM_001253693 55283 Hs.535239 NM_018298 HPRD:09585 MCOLN3 TRP-ML3|TRPML3 mucolipin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17269-2 chr2 1493841 1494252 + 8.76577 NA intron (NM_175722, intron 8 of 14) CpG 75866 NM_175721 7173 Hs.467554 NM_000547 HPRD:06000 TPO MSA|TDH2A|TPX thyroid peroxidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33127 chr7 156952338 156952405 + 8.76577 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 1 of 22) AluSz|SINE|Alu 20716 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31569 chr7 36024913 36025002 + 8.76577 NA Intergenic Intergenic -109963 NR_108089 101928618 Hs.561704 NR_108089 ENSG00000261184 LOC101928618 - uncharacterized LOC101928618 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17269 chr2 1493841 1494252 + 8.76577 NA intron (NM_175722, intron 8 of 14) CpG 75866 NM_175721 7173 Hs.467554 NM_000547 HPRD:06000 TPO MSA|TDH2A|TPX thyroid peroxidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8245 chr12 57856593 57856683 + 8.76281 NA intron (NM_001160045, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001160045, intron 1 of 9) 2704 NM_001167609 2735 Hs.632702 NM_005269 HPRD:01311 GLI1 GLI GLI family zinc finger 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12216 chr16 402901 403161 + 8.76281 NA promoter-TSS (NM_181050) promoter-TSS (NM_181050) -355 NM_181050 8312 Hs.592082 NM_003502 HPRD:04819 AXIN1 AXIN|PPP1R49 axin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22865 chr3 52346744 52346884 + 8.76193 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -3521 NM_015512 25981 Hs.655469 NM_015512 HPRD:11790 DNAH1 DNAHC1|HDHC7|HL-11|HL11|HSRF-1|XLHSRF-1 dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23416 chr3 110533524 110533606 + 8.76193 NA Intergenic Intergenic 255241 NR_045114 100506555 Hs.535689 NR_045114 PVRL3-AS1 - PVRL3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8740 chr12 103680837 103680904 + 8.76193 NA intron (NR_103526, intron 4 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 208918 NR_103526 374470 Hs.534649 NM_198521 HPRD:13393 C12orf42 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11693 chr15 64000446 64000614 + 8.76193 NA intron (NM_003922, intron 24 of 77) intron (NM_003922, intron 24 of 77) -107504 NR_034080 100130855 Hs.631163 NR_034080 ENSG00000259248 USP3-AS1 - USP3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35764 chr9 83225400 83225639 + 8.76193 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 635581 NR_121212 101927477 Hs.571630 NR_121212 LINC01507 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1507 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34477 chr8 117721585 117721700 + 8.76193 NA intron (NM_003756, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_003756, intron 2 of 7) 46420 NM_003756 8667 Hs.492599 NM_003756 EIF3H EIF3S3|eIF3-gamma|eIF3-p40 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9799 chr13 92001228 92001415 + 8.76160 NA intron (NR_027349, intron 1 of 3) CpG 1247 NR_027349 407975 Hs.24115 NR_027349 HPRD:12617 MIR17HG C13orf25|FGLDS2|LINC00048|MIHG1|MIRH1|MIRHG1|NCRNA00048|miR-17-92 miR-17-92 cluster host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23885 chr3 150321532 150321719 + 8.75988 NA intron (NM_016275, intron 1 of 5) CpG 559 NM_016275 51714 Hs.369052 NM_016275 HPRD:07446 SELT - selenoprotein T protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35569 chr9 69692784 69692861 + 8.75614 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 41461 NR_024443 100133920 Hs.645503 NR_024443 LOC100133920 - uncharacterized LOC100133920 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6762 chr11 87332084 87332151 + 8.75026 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 576518 NM_022337 23682 Hs.591975 NM_022337 HPRD:05889 RAB38 NY-MEL-1|rrGTPbp RAB38, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3353 chr1 236767767 236767949 + 8.75026 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018072) promoter-TSS (NM_018072) -17 NM_018072 55127 Hs.708114 NM_018072 HPRD:17569 HEATR1 BAP28|UTP10 HEAT repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9196 chr13 21278267 21278455 + 8.74344 NA exon (NM_138284, exon 2 of 3) exon (NM_138284, exon 2 of 3) 879 NM_138284 53342 Hs.655142 NM_138284 HPRD:16251 IL17D IL-17D|IL-27|IL27 interleukin 17D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34265 chr8 95834989 95835113 + 8.74344 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017864) promoter-TSS (NM_017864) -467 NR_073444 55656 Hs.727669 NM_017864 HPRD:08626 INTS8 C8orf52|INT8 integrator complex subunit 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7907 chr12 38143994 38144073 + 8.74344 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -566524 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35791 chr9 86432813 86433016 + 8.74344 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135953) promoter-TSS (NM_001135953) -162 NM_001135953 80318 Hs.522255 NM_025211 HPRD:17042 GKAP1 GKAP42 G kinase anchoring protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23373 chr3 106057537 106057619 + 8.74255 NA Intergenic MER5C1|DNA|hAT-Charlie -469691 NM_170662 868 Hs.430589 NM_170662 HPRD:05136 CBLB Cbl-b|RNF56 Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11786 chr15 70820650 70820790 + 8.74255 NA Intergenic MLT1N2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 173900 NM_001008224 55075 Hs.108049 NM_018003 HPRD:11657 UACA NUCLING uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25962 chr4 122821694 122821772 + 8.74255 NA intron (NM_003305, intron 8 of 10) intron (NM_003305, intron 8 of 10) -30081 NM_176824 55212 Hs.591694 NM_018190 HPRD:07399 BBS7 BBS2L1 Bardet-Biedl syndrome 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5525 chr11 5500946 5501022 + 8.73753 NA intron (NR_038321, intron 1 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -8931 NM_001005163 390066 Hs.553734 NM_001005163 HPRD:15008 OR52D1 OR11-43 olfactory receptor, family 52, subfamily D, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1162 chr1 79115414 79115531 + 8.73753 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006417) promoter-TSS (NM_006417) -5 NM_006417 10561 Hs.82316 NM_006417 HPRD:09998 IFI44 MTAP44|TLDC5|p44 interferon-induced protein 44 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15404 chr18 51037863 51037937 + 8.73753 NA intron (NM_005215, intron 27 of 28) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -56917 NR_110798 102724651 Hs.123442 NR_110798 LOC102724651 - uncharacterized LOC102724651 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33976 chr8 67525453 67525578 + 8.73657 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001144755) promoter-TSS (NM_001144755) -31 NM_001294282 4603 Hs.445898 NM_001080416 ENSG00000185697 MYBL1 A-MYB|AMYB v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4791 chr10 93058197 93058314 + 8.73638 NA Intergenic Intergenic 77896 NR_046310 84333 Hs.500512 NM_032373 HPRD:17825 PCGF5 RNF159 polycomb group ring finger 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29004 chr6 10404752 10404845 + 8.73638 NA exon (NM_003220, exon 4 of 7) exon (NM_003220, exon 4 of 7) -7753 NR_033910 100130275 Hs.661431 NR_033910 TFAP2A-AS1 - TFAP2A antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37714 chrX 55812343 55812432 + 8.73638 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 68277 NM_006064 10325 Hs.50282 NM_006064 HPRD:06710 RRAGB RAGB|bA465E19.1 Ras-related GTP binding B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28832 chr5 178487247 178487403 + 8.73638 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014594) promoter-TSS (NM_014594) -282 NM_014594 30832 Hs.272328 NM_014594 HPRD:15785 ZNF354C KID3 zinc finger protein 354C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8566 chr12 89434059 89434156 + 8.73638 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20638 NR_038385 728084 Hs.132563 NR_038385 ENSG00000246363 LOC728084 - uncharacterized LOC728084 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15454 chr18 57568137 57568299 + 8.73422 NA intron (NM_021127, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_021127, intron 1 of 1) 1026 NM_021127 5366 Hs.96 NM_021127 HPRD:12002 PMAIP1 APR|NOXA phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20209 chr2 241500490 241500695 + 8.72968 NA intron (NM_001033575, intron 1 of 2) CpG 1121 NM_001033575 285193 Hs.369297 NM_001033575 HPRD:18773 DUSP28 DUSP26|VHP dual specificity phosphatase 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35282 chr9 38242802 38242890 + 8.72875 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -149815 NM_000692 219 Hs.436219 NM_000692 HPRD:00005 ALDH1B1 ALDH5|ALDHX aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9458 chr13 44716423 44716536 + 8.72512 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104064) promoter-TSS (NR_104064) 15 NR_104064 101929212 Hs.534877 NR_104064 SMIM2-AS1 C13orf44-AS1|C3orf81-AS1 SMIM2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33140 chr7 157022094 157022164 + 8.71913 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 17 of 22) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 90474 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23390 chr3 108125557 108125718 + 8.71913 NA intron (NM_014981, intron 33 of 41) intron (NM_014981, intron 33 of 41) 95005 NM_001282557 11148 Hs.252351 NM_007072 HPRD:05082 HHLA2 B7H7 HERV-H LTR-associating 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17608 chr2 31041078 31041146 + 8.71913 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -10801 NM_144575 92291 Hs.660911 NM_144575 HPRD:07008 CAPN13 - calpain 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8424 chr12 71512416 71512498 + 8.71913 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 39322 NM_004616 7103 Hs.170563 NM_004616 HPRD:02865 TSPAN8 CO-029|TM4SF3 tetraspanin 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12032 chr15 89010818 89010907 + 8.71913 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022163) promoter-TSS (NM_022163) 178 NM_176805 64963 Hs.111286 NM_022839 HPRD:14776 MRPS11 HCC-2 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2423 chr1 169222566 169222632 + 8.71913 NA intron (NR_104229, intron 7 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -114595 NM_003666 8548 Hs.130746 NM_003666 HPRD:16367 BLZF1 GOLGIN-45|JEM-1|JEM-1s|JEM1 basic leucine zipper nuclear factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26204 chr4 148978078 148978243 + 8.71119 NA intron (NM_024605, intron 20 of 22) MIRb|SINE|MIR 274414 NR_039962 100616246 NR_039962 MIR4799 - microRNA 4799 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2351 chr1 163610467 163610598 + 8.71065 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -217551 NR_104294 100422212 Hs.556898 NR_104294 LOC100422212 - eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit J pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17235 chr1_gl000191_random 63429 63509 + 8.71065 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -13188 NM_054016 10772 Hs.3530 NM_006625 HPRD:05562 SRSF10 FUSIP1|FUSIP2|NSSR|PPP1R149|SFRS13|SFRS13A|SRp38|SRrp40|TASR|TASR1|TASR2 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9946 chr13 105951621 105951687 + 8.71065 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -166562 NM_001161814 267012 Hs.381382 NM_172370 HPRD:07591 DAOA LG72|SG72 D-amino acid oxidase activator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10566 chr14 62304481 62304558 + 8.71065 NA Intergenic Intergenic 75444 NM_003082 6617 Hs.179312 NM_003082 HPRD:08998 SNAPC1 PTFgamma|SNAP43 small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 1, 43kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4266 chr10 45825750 45825837 + 8.71065 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -14737 NM_001004297 79290 Hs.532435 NM_001004297 HPRD:14904 OR13A1 - olfactory receptor, family 13, subfamily A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1795 chr1 144191877 144191999 + 8.71065 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 27 of 130) intron (NM_001278267, intron 27 of 130) 45127 NM_001278267 100288142 Hs.445080 NM_001278267 ENSG00000203832 NBPF20 - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14031 chr17 25290587 25290775 + 8.71000 NA Intergenic Intergenic 330341 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25087 chr4 49301965 49302033 + 8.70894 NA Intergenic Intergenic 313340 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13718 chr17 6295212 6295329 + 8.70751 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 43182 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13890 chr17 17140401 17140747 + 8.70751 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144606) promoter-TSS (NM_144606) -72 NM_144606 201163 Hs.31652 NM_144606 HPRD:06278 FLCN BHD|FLCL folliculin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15501 chr18 61637704 61637968 + 8.70697 NA intron (NM_198833, intron 1 of 6) CpG 573 NM_198833 5271 Hs.368077 NM_002640 HPRD:03412 SERPINB8 CAP2|PI8 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7904 chr12 38124601 38124674 + 8.70499 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -585920 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23863 chr3 148721812 148722043 + 8.69793 NA intron (NM_004130, intron 4 of 7) intron (NM_004130, intron 4 of 7) 12732 NM_004130 2992 Hs.477892 NM_004130 HPRD:06805 GYG1 GSD15|GYG glycogenin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2795 chr1 200452769 200452854 + 8.69582 NA Intergenic Intergenic -73625 NM_012482 23528 Hs.59757 NM_012482 HPRD:11702 ZNF281 ZBP-99|ZNP-99 zinc finger protein 281 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27951 chr5 106810634 106810837 + 8.69351 NA intron (NM_001962, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001962, intron 1 of 4) 195861 NM_001962 1946 Hs.288741 NM_001962 HPRD:03324 EFNA5 AF1|EFL5|EPLG7|GLC1M|LERK7|RAGS ephrin-A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18028 chr2 70173828 70173940 + 8.68620 NA Intergenic Intergenic 15513 NM_152792 151516 Hs.516253 NM_152792 HPRD:08683 ASPRV1 MUNO|SASP|SASPase|Taps aspartic peptidase, retroviral-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6044 chr11 48411759 48411853 + 8.68620 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -37807 NM_001005513 403257 Hs.554533 NM_001005513 OR4C45 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 45 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8669 chr12 96341886 96342009 + 8.68620 NA intron (NM_152435, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_152435, intron 1 of 8) 4876 NM_152435 144193 Hs.424907 NM_152435 HPRD:14605 AMDHD1 - amidohydrolase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5205 chr10 126468071 126468147 + 8.68620 NA intron (NM_212554, intron 3 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu 12330 NM_212554 399818 Hs.741365 NM_212554 METTL10 C10orf138|Em:AC068896.3 methyltransferase like 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29967 chr6 81993759 81993842 + 8.68534 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 468628 NM_017633 55603 Hs.10784 NM_017633 HPRD:13311 FAM46A C6orf37|XTP11 family with sequence similarity 46, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13166 chr16 67177151 67177247 + 8.68534 NA intron (NM_025187, intron 10 of 15) AluSx|SINE|Alu 7703 NM_033309 84752 Hs.744158 NM_033309 HPRD:14651 B3GNT9 - UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37524 chrX 44844634 44844706 + 8.68534 NA intron (NR_111960, intron 4 of 27) L1PA4|LINE|L1 112249 NM_021140 7403 Hs.522616 NM_021140 HPRD:02131 KDM6A KABUK2|UTX|bA386N14.2 lysine (K)-specific demethylase 6A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23688 chr3 130817036 130817104 + 8.68534 NA intron (NM_145910, intron 4 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -71372 NM_014065 28990 Hs.100878 NM_014065 HPRD:11038 ASTE1 - asteroid homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26655 chr4 191011100 191011182 + 8.68053 NA Intergenic CpG 25484 NR_121644 100419743 NR_121644 DBET DBE-T D4Z4 binding element transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39022 chrY 7438372 7438446 + 8.67991 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 130879 NR_001552 252948 Hs.522848 NR_001552 ENSG00000225520 TTTY16 NCRNA00139 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 16 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31511 chr7 30519108 30519230 + 8.67846 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006092) promoter-TSS (NM_006092) -776 NM_006092 10392 Hs.405153 NM_006092 HPRD:05815 NOD1 CARD4|CLR7.1|NLRC1 nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34844-2 chr8 145149660 145150037 + 8.67846 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001916) promoter-TSS (NM_001916) -90 NM_001916 1537 Hs.289271 NM_001916 HPRD:00480 CYC1 MC3DN6|UQCR4 cytochrome c-1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34844 chr8 145149660 145150037 + 8.67846 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001916) promoter-TSS (NM_001916) -90 NM_001916 1537 Hs.289271 NM_001916 HPRD:00480 CYC1 MC3DN6|UQCR4 cytochrome c-1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7133 chr11 122941295 122941412 + 8.67846 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8310 NM_153201 3312 Hs.180414 NM_006597 HPRD:07205 HSPA8 HEL-33|HEL-S-72p|HSC54|HSC70|HSC71|HSP71|HSP73|HSPA10|LAP-1|LAP1|NIP71 heat shock 70kDa protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24731 chr4 15651691 15651803 + 8.67846 NA intron (NM_012161, intron 1 of 10) MER20|DNA|hAT-Charlie 5288 NR_036464 26234 Hs.643433 NM_012161 HPRD:05739 FBXL5 FBL4|FBL5|FLR1 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28184 chr5 130236835 130236960 + 8.67282 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 264144 NR_073488 3094 Hs.483305 NM_005340 HINT1 HINT|NMAN|PKCI-1|PRKCNH1 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19472 chr2 179960854 179960994 + 8.67282 NA Intergenic L1MA2|LINE|L1 -46138 NM_173648 285025 Hs.324341 NM_173648 HPRD:08257 CCDC141 CAMDI coiled-coil domain containing 141 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13608 chr17 1073987 1074054 + 8.67282 NA intron (NM_001159746, intron 1 of 22) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 9248 NM_021962 29 Hs.159306 NM_001092 HPRD:02649 ABR MDB active BCR-related protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18269 chr2 87776724 87776814 + 8.67033 NA intron (NR_024205, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_024205, intron 2 of 2) 21795 NR_024206 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33665 chr8 42128756 42128909 + 8.67033 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001190720) promoter-TSS (NM_001190720) 12 NR_033819 3551 Hs.597664 NM_001556 HPRD:04462 IKBKB IKK-beta|IKK2|IKKB|IMD15|NFKBIKB inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells, kinase beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3034 chr1 220210602 220210773 + 8.67033 NA intron (NM_004446, intron 2 of 31) AluSx|SINE|Alu 9313 NM_004446 2058 Hs.497788 NM_004446 HPRD:00703 EPRS EARS|GLUPRORS|PARS|QARS|QPRS glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26653 chr4 191007803 191007883 + 8.66934 NA Intergenic CpG 22186 NR_121644 100419743 NR_121644 DBET DBE-T D4Z4 binding element transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4803 chr10 93668636 93668733 + 8.66506 NA exon (NM_152429, exon 2 of 2) exon (NM_152429, exon 2 of 2) 574 NM_152429 143282 Hs.466120 NM_152429 HPRD:08499 FGFBP3 C10orf13|FGF-BP3 fibroblast growth factor binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36046 chr9 108167800 108167985 + 8.66506 NA Intergenic L1MB5|LINE|L1 -42423 NM_001287191 83856 Hs.136901 NM_031919 HPRD:14641 FSD1L CCDC10|CSDUFD1|FSD1CL|FSD1NL|MIR1 fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19266 chr2 162912060 162912139 + 8.66506 NA intron (NM_001935, intron 2 of 25) AluSz|SINE|Alu 18953 NM_001935 1803 Hs.368912 NM_001935 HPRD:02187 DPP4 ADABP|ADCP2|CD26|DPPIV|TP103 dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33986 chr8 67974300 67974399 + 8.66345 NA 5' UTR (NM_006837, exon 1 of 8) 5' UTR (NM_006837, exon 1 of 8) 213 NM_006837 10987 Hs.491912 NM_006837 HPRD:06888 COPS5 CSN5|JAB1|MOV-34|SGN5 COP9 signalosome subunit 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27363 chr5 58695991 58696057 + 8.66006 NA intron (NM_001165899, intron 3 of 16) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -43297 NM_001197219 5144 Hs.117545 NM_006203 HPRD:02530 PDE4D ACRDYS2|DPDE3|HSPDE4D|PDE43|PDE4DN2|STRK1 phosphodiesterase 4D, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28562 chr5 151406315 151406430 + 8.66006 NA intron (NR_109876, intron 1 of 2) L1PA7|LINE|L1 67913 NR_109876 101927115 Hs.549665 NR_109876 ENSG00000254226 CTB-12O2.1 - uncharacterized LOC101927115 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35710 chr9 77767483 77767594 + 8.65916 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64140 NM_012383 26578 Hs.494192 NM_012383 HPRD:17808 OSTF1 OSF|SH3P2|bA235O14.1 osteoclast stimulating factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3437 chr1 246670574 246670675 + 8.65227 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001167740) promoter-TSS (NM_001167740) 20 NM_001167740 64754 Hs.567571 NM_022743 HPRD:12297 SMYD3 KMT3E|ZMYND1|ZNFN3A1|bA74P14.1 SET and MYND domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15196 chr18 21594490 21594610 + 8.65227 NA 5' UTR (NM_001135993, exon 1 of 14) 5' UTR (NM_001135993, exon 1 of 14) 166 NM_001243425 125488 Hs.128576 NM_153211 HPRD:08745 TTC39C C18orf17|HsT2697 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26898 chr5 25080343 25080410 + 8.64993 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -239684 NR_037896 340107 Hs.145181 NR_037896 ENSG00000248908 LOC340107 - uncharacterized LOC340107 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25529 chr4 84255960 84256049 + 8.64993 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098540) promoter-TSS (NM_001098540) 30 NM_001098540 10855 Hs.44227 NM_006665 HPRD:05286 HPSE HPA|HPA1|HPR1|HPSE1|HSE1 heparanase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36603 chr9_gl000199_random 77016 77175 + 8.64846 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17115 chr19 56135915 56136024 + 8.64415 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203374) promoter-TSS (NM_203374) -28 NM_203374 147808 Hs.53996 NM_203374 HPRD:14076 ZNF784 - zinc finger protein 784 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16945 chr19 50096760 50096890 + 8.64375 NA intron (NM_020719, intron 2 of 13) CpG 1913 NM_020719 57479 Hs.590971 NM_020719 ENSG00000126464 PRR12 KIAA1205 proline rich 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31834 chr7 58021866 58021961 + 8.63935 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 512030 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31831 chr7 58014521 58014707 + 8.63721 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 504731 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6253 chr11 59110813 59110883 + 8.63484 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -21084 NM_001004729 390195 Hs.553755 NM_001004729 HPRD:15032 OR5AN1 OR11-244 olfactory receptor, family 5, subfamily AN, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26934 chr5 32512033 32512099 + 8.63484 NA Intergenic Intergenic -67222 NM_016107 51663 Hs.435231 NM_016107 HPRD:15730 ZFR SPG71|ZFR1 zinc finger RNA binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18927 chr2 132194414 132194548 + 8.63484 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 7986 NR_002826 401010 Hs.452369 NR_002826 ENSG00000217950 LOC401010 - nucleolar complex associated 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae) pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1601 chr1 117081291 117081438 + 8.63484 NA intron (NM_001144822, intron 2 of 4) L2c|LINE|L2 32351 NR_026665 965 Hs.34341 NM_001779 HPRD:01081 CD58 LFA-3|LFA3|ag3 CD58 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7751 chr12 27933058 27933395 + 8.63436 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020782) promoter-TSS (NM_020782) 39 NM_020782 57542 Hs.505104 NM_020782 HPRD:17237 KLHL42 Ctb9|KLHDC5 kelch-like family member 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25146 chr4 49642315 49642396 + 8.62882 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 653696 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26297 chr4 158545049 158545128 + 8.62703 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 51446 NR_026992 340017 Hs.428275 NR_026992 ENSG00000234111 LOC340017 - uncharacterized LOC340017 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34674 chr8 134581122 134581265 + 8.62647 NA intron (NM_173344, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_173344, intron 1 of 9) 2990 NM_173344 6482 Hs.374257 NM_003033 HPRD:06219 ST3GAL1 Gal-NAc6S|SIAT4A|SIATFL|ST3GalA|ST3GalA.1|ST3GalIA|ST3GalIA,1|ST3O ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36306 chr9 130700119 130700256 + 8.62519 NA 5' UTR (NM_003863, exon 1 of 4) 5' UTR (NM_003863, exon 1 of 4) 576 NM_003863 8818 Hs.108973 NM_003863 HPRD:16028 DPM2 CDG1U dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 2, regulatory subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23585 chr3 124860414 124860520 + 8.62322 NA intron (NM_024628, intron 5 of 13) intron (NM_024628, intron 5 of 13) 9929 NR_049815 100847039 NR_049815 MIR5092 - microRNA 5092 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19631 chr2 197065429 197065535 + 8.62322 NA 3' UTR (NM_020760, exon 29 of 29) 3' UTR (NM_020760, exon 29 of 29) -29146 NM_004226 9262 Hs.88297 NM_004226 HPRD:05289 STK17B DRAK2 serine/threonine kinase 17b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15586 chr18 74695367 74695471 + 8.62322 NA intron (NM_001025101, intron 8 of 8) intron (NM_001025101, intron 8 of 8) 33636 NM_002385 4155 Hs.551713 NM_002385 HPRD:01158 MBP - myelin basic protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29620 chr6 44191255 44191408 + 8.62025 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001078177) promoter-TSS (NM_001078177) -32 NM_001078177 2030 Hs.25450 NM_004955 HPRD:03724 SLC29A1 ENT1 solute carrier family 29 (equilibrative nucleoside transporter), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30947 chr6 159429942 159430009 + 8.62025 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -8777 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18357 chr2 90481954 90482521 + 8.61851 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1365738 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14253 chr17 38109102 38109175 + 8.61625 NA Intergenic (CTGGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -10088 NM_178171 284110 Hs.448873 NM_178171 HPRD:17081 GSDMA GSDM|GSDM1 gasdermin A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17110 chr19 56110480 56110650 + 8.61621 NA intron (NM_032836, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_032836, intron 1 of 2) 328 NM_032836 84922 Hs.515617 NM_032836 HPRD:07870 FIZ1 ZNF798 FLT3-interacting zinc finger 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12765 chr16 32828068 32828142 + 8.61571 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 68358 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24673 chr4 11385698 11385767 + 8.60980 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 15281 NR_030298 693157 NR_030298 miRBase:MI0003579 MIR572 MIRN572|hsa-mir-572 microRNA 572 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12149 chr15 99537231 99537308 + 8.60980 NA intron (NM_001167902, intron 2 of 4) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 11616 NM_001102612 145814 Hs.592021 NM_001102612 ENSG00000183571 PGPEP1L - pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24704 chr4 14457284 14457381 + 8.60980 NA Intergenic AluSx4|SINE|Alu 343740 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38004 chrX 69618788 69619047 + 8.60980 NA intron (NM_012310, intron 22 of 30) Charlie1a|DNA|hAT-Charlie -23964 NM_001171193 54857 Hs.438712 NM_017711 HPRD:06528 GDPD2 GDE3|OBDPF glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11654 chr15 60099566 60099649 + 8.60980 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -117965 NM_004330 663 Hs.592515 NM_004330 HPRD:04481 BNIP2 BNIP-2|NIP2 BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23048 chr3 68137475 68137575 + 8.60980 NA intron (NM_213609, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_213609, intron 2 of 4) 84166 NM_213609 407738 Hs.655061 NM_213609 HPRD:13294 FAM19A1 TAFA-1|TAFA1 family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26362 chr4 166216075 166216175 + 8.60980 NA intron (NM_007246, intron 6 of 14) intron (NM_007246, intron 6 of 14) -14950 NR_026575 2713 Hs.654557 NR_026575 ENSG00000229894 GK3P GKP3|GKTB glycerol kinase 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22013 chr22 40637203 40637364 + 8.60980 NA intron (NM_015088, intron 1 of 20) L1MC4|LINE|L1 63354 NM_001162501 23112 Hs.372082 NM_015088 ENSG00000100354 TNRC6B - trinucleotide repeat containing 6B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32884 chr7 141505059 141505126 + 8.60980 NA Intergenic Intergenic 15075 NM_018980 54429 Hs.675370 NM_018980 HPRD:05453 TAS2R5 T2R5 taste receptor, type 2, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14674 chr17 65959540 65959635 + 8.60980 NA intron (NM_182641, intron 24 of 27) intron (NM_182641, intron 24 of 27) 30178 NM_181655 284018 Hs.90790 NM_181655 HPRD:14151 C17orf58 - chromosome 17 open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6887 chr11 101428981 101429108 + 8.60980 NA intron (NM_004621, intron 1 of 12) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 25615 NM_004621 7225 Hs.159003 NM_004621 HPRD:04710 TRPC6 FSGS2|TRP6 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24268 chr3 186258444 186258577 + 8.60980 NA intron (NM_017541, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_017541, intron 1 of 2) 3657 NM_017541 1427 Hs.376209 NM_017541 CRYGS CRYG8|CTRCT20 crystallin, gamma S protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_785 chr1 43583746 43583825 + 8.60502 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -29809 NM_001101376 440585 Hs.657614 NM_001101376 ENSG00000186973 FAM183A - family with sequence similarity 183, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13764 chr17 6473953 6474019 + 8.60403 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -14109 NM_031220 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3264 chr1 232644709 232644792 + 8.60403 NA intron (NM_020808, intron 1 of 20) AluSx|SINE|Alu 6493 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22271 chr3 9404612 9404766 + 8.60403 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015453) promoter-TSS (NM_015453) -28 NM_001114092 25917 Hs.443081 NM_015453 HPRD:15507 THUMPD3 - THUMP domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33094 chr7 156742303 156742462 + 8.60403 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138400) promoter-TSS (NM_138400) -35 NM_138400 64434 Hs.15825 NM_138400 HPRD:18485 NOM1 C7orf3|PPP1R113|SGD1 nucleolar protein with MIF4G domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24691 chr4 13655861 13655953 + 8.60403 NA promoter-TSS (NR_121681) promoter-TSS (NR_121681) -896 NR_121681 101929071 Hs.543714 NR_121681 ENSG00000250634 LINC01182 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1182 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20914 chr20 52259841 52259929 + 8.60403 NA Intergenic Intergenic -60249 NM_006526 7764 Hs.155040 NM_006526 HPRD:04272 ZNF217 ZABC1 zinc finger protein 217 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2776 chr1 198904189 198904401 + 8.60201 NA intron (NR_040073, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_040073, intron 1 of 2) 2263 NR_040073 100131234 Hs.711077 NR_040073 MIR181A1HG - MIR181A1 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10558 chr14 61911053 61911187 + 8.60078 NA intron (NM_006255, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_006255, intron 3 of 13) 122959 NM_006255 5583 Hs.333907 NM_006255 HPRD:05669 PRKCH PKC-L|PKCL|PRKCL|nPKC-eta protein kinase C, eta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15739 chr19 2258042 2258204 + 8.60078 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1701 NM_144616 126306 Hs.330742 NM_144616 HPRD:08724 JSRP1 JP-45|JP45 junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6694 chr11 82667121 82667308 + 8.59829 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 54477 NM_145018 220042 Hs.165607 NM_145018 HPRD:08062 DDIAS C11orf82|noxin DNA damage-induced apoptosis suppressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4283 chr10 47640821 47640894 + 8.59829 NA promoter-TSS (NR_103828) promoter-TSS (NR_103828) -13 NR_103828 100996567 Hs.546758 NR_103827 ANTXRLP1 - anthrax toxin receptor-like pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31469 chr7 26331454 26331569 + 8.59829 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199835) promoter-TSS (NM_001199835) -4 NR_037670 29887 Hs.741316 NM_013322 HPRD:15409 SNX10 OPTB8 sorting nexin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5887 chr11 33796133 33796233 + 8.59829 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033406) promoter-TSS (NM_033406) -62 NR_120550 101928440 Hs.202343 NR_120550 ENSG00000254508 FBXO3-AS1 - FBXO3 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6078 chr11 48899046 48899128 + 8.59574 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -154065 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36124 chr9 115096014 115096185 + 8.59299 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005156) promoter-TSS (NM_005156) -155 NM_001163788 9991 Hs.269988 NM_005156 HPRD:09603 PTBP3 ROD1 polypyrimidine tract binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34715 chr8 138574409 138574481 + 8.59084 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -148614 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4832 chr10 96578251 96578444 + 8.58436 NA intron (NM_000769, intron 5 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 55909 NM_000769 1557 Hs.282409 NM_000769 CYP2C19 CPCJ|CYP2C|CYPIIC17|CYPIIC19|P450C2C|P450IIC19 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24074 chr3 167468204 167468370 + 8.58436 NA intron (NM_005025, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_005025, intron 1 of 8) 14776 NM_005025 5274 Hs.478153 NM_005025 HPRD:03901 SERPINI1 PI12|neuroserpin serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade I (neuroserpin), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5773 chr11 20711242 20711316 + 8.58436 NA intron (NM_001288713, intron 3 of 20) L1PA3|LINE|L1 20182 NM_001288714 4745 Hs.657172 NM_006157 HPRD:09081 NELL1 IDH3GL|NRP1 NEL-like 1 (chicken) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9531 chr13 49079939 49080033 + 8.58436 NA intron (NM_001286832, intron 5 of 9) intron (NM_001286832, intron 5 of 9) 27406 NM_001268 1102 Hs.652712 NM_001268 HPRD:04631 RCBTB2 CHC1L|RLG regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) and BTB (POZ) domain containing protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9061 chr12 127568052 127568140 + 8.58436 NA Intergenic L1ME3A|LINE|L1 -23154 NR_104646 101927592 Hs.385663 NR_104646 ENSG00000249345 LOC101927592 - uncharacterized LOC101927592 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38227 chrX 81093393 81093467 + 8.58436 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -635989 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36501 chr9 139768476 139768547 + 8.58436 NA Intergenic AluYf4|SINE|Alu -7723 NM_003792 8721 Hs.174050 NM_003792 HPRD:09235 EDF1 EDF-1|MBF1 endothelial differentiation-related factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1834 chr1 145322253 145322341 + 8.58430 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 27 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 27 of 85) 28926 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9964 chr13 108870647 108870905 + 8.58421 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032859) promoter-TSS (NM_032859) 13 NM_032859 84945 Hs.183528 NM_032859 HPRD:12618 ABHD13 BEM46L1|C13orf6|bA153I24.2 abhydrolase domain containing 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32830 chr7 139929763 139929933 + 8.58421 NA Intergenic Intergenic 52787 NR_024451 100134229 Hs.634333 NR_024451 ENSG00000260231 JHDM1D-AS1 - JHDM1D antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33716 chr8 43785613 43785788 + 8.58351 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 638115 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9435 chr13 42067167 42067322 + 8.58125 NA Intergenic Intergenic 35702 NM_014059 28984 Hs.507866 NM_014059 HPRD:17970 RGCC C13orf15|RGC-32|RGC32|bA157L14.2 regulator of cell cycle protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29305 chr6 28891731 28891869 + 8.58125 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006510).3 promoter-TSS (NM_006510).3 -32 NM_006510 5987 Hs.440382 NM_006510 HPRD:15996 TRIM27 RFP|RNF76 tripartite motif containing 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15028 chr18 7950846 7950994 + 8.58125 NA intron (NM_001105244, intron 6 of 32) intron (NM_001105244, intron 6 of 32) 383606 NM_001105244 5797 Hs.49774 NM_002845 HPRD:01479 PTPRM PTPRL1|R-PTP-MU|RPTPM|RPTPU|hR-PTPu protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11373 chr15 39127742 39127854 + 8.58125 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 138999 NM_207444 400359 Hs.448785 NM_207444 HPRD:13418 C15orf53 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8729 chr12 102705183 102705251 + 8.58125 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -113603 NM_002674 5367 Hs.707990 NM_002674 HPRD:01459 PMCH MCH pro-melanin-concentrating hormone protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30471 chr6 128841770 128841930 + 8.58125 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002844) promoter-TSS (NM_002844) -31 NM_001291984 5796 Hs.155919 NM_002844 HPRD:03968 PTPRK R-PTP-kappa protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, K protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33301 chr8 7190797 7190879 + 8.58125 NA exon (NM_001256873, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_001256873, exon 1 of 1) 929 NM_001256873 401447 Hs.653091 NM_001256873 USP17L1P USP17L1 ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 1, pseudogene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21278 chr21 25260000 25260206 + 8.58125 NA Intergenic LTR1|LTR|ERV1 433587 NR_109963 101927869 Hs.555591 NR_109963 ENSG00000224832 LOC101927869 - uncharacterized LOC101927869 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1031 chr1 65431633 65431821 + 8.57638 NA intron (NM_002227, intron 1 of 24) CpG 460 NM_002227 3716 Hs.207538 NM_002227 HPRD:00992 JAK1 JAK1A|JAK1B|JTK3 Janus kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1967 chr1 148527279 148527414 + 8.57638 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) -30842 NM_001170755 284565 Hs.523572 NM_173638 HPRD:14710 NBPF15 AB14|AG3|NBPF16 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12796 chr16 33102644 33102919 + 8.56475 NA Intergenic Intergenic -102802 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30468 chr6 128255722 128255951 + 8.56190 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16060 NM_001164687 387357 Hs.661756 NM_001010923 HPRD:16662 THEMIS C6orf190|C6orf207|GASP|SPOT|TSEPA|bA325O24.3|bA325O24.4 thymocyte selection associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3312 chr1 235805699 235805819 + 8.56190 NA intron (NM_001098721, intron 1 of 3) CpG 7534 NM_001098722 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31258 chr7 6617008 6617162 + 8.56190 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001134389) promoter-TSS (NM_001134389) 20 NM_001134389 55146 Hs.5268 NM_018106 HPRD:15719 ZDHHC4 ZNF374 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15253 chr18 32924422 32924527 + 8.56190 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006965) promoter-TSS (NM_006965) -48 NM_006965 7572 Hs.514802 NM_006965 HPRD:01921 ZNF24 KOX17|RSG-A|ZNF191|ZSCAN3|Zfp191 zinc finger protein 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30308 chr6 112098707 112098795 + 8.56190 NA intron (NM_002037, intron 3 of 13) MER20|DNA|hAT-Charlie -18417 NM_153048 2534 Hs.390567 NM_002037 HPRD:00655 FYN SLK|SYN|p59-FYN FYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10293 chr14 39491400 39491488 + 8.56190 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 80993 NM_006364 10484 Hs.272927 NM_006364 HPRD:06714 SEC23A CLSD Sec23 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3593 chr10 6093070 6093295 + 8.56190 NA intron (NM_000417, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_000417, intron 1 of 7) 11151 NM_000417 3559 Hs.231367 NM_000417 HPRD:00986 IL2RA CD25|IDDM10|IL2R|TCGFR|p55 interleukin 2 receptor, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20911 chr20 52211124 52211198 + 8.56190 NA Intergenic CpG -11525 NM_006526 7764 Hs.155040 NM_006526 HPRD:04272 ZNF217 ZABC1 zinc finger protein 217 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36355 chr9 131873127 131873253 + 8.56190 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021131) promoter-TSS (NM_021131) -38 NM_021131 5524 Hs.400740 NM_021131 HPRD:02858 PPP2R4 PP2A|PR53|PTPA protein phosphatase 2A activator, regulatory subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12180 chr15 101670778 101671239 + 8.56190 NA Intergenic L1MB3|LINE|L1 121129 NM_014918 22856 Hs.110488 NM_014918 HPRD:10493 CHSY1 CHSY|CSS1|ChSy-1|TPBS chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13314 chr16 74635148 74635244 + 8.55896 NA intron (NR_027264, intron 1 of 26) MIR3|SINE|MIR 5846 NM_012201 2734 Hs.109731 NM_012201 GLG1 CFR-1|ESL-1|MG-160|MG160 golgi glycoprotein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15109 chr18 14820885 14820956 + 8.55896 NA intron (NM_001145029, intron 24 of 35) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -9245 NR_036153 100422907 NR_036153 MIR3156-2 - microRNA 3156-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5785 chr11 22647098 22647219 + 8.55311 NA exon (NM_022725, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_022725, exon 1 of 1) 229 NM_022725 2188 Hs.632151 NM_022725 HPRD:04589 FANCF FAF Fanconi anemia, complementation group F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1708 chr1 142536158 142536237 + 8.54029 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 177408 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12155 chr15 100106068 100106250 + 8.53957 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130927) promoter-TSS (NM_001130927) 26 NM_001130926 4205 Hs.268675 NM_005587 HPRD:02807 MEF2A ADCAD1|RSRFC4|RSRFC9|mef2 myocyte enhancer factor 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27805 chr5 93905752 93905823 + 8.53730 NA intron (NM_173665, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_173665, intron 2 of 4) 48522 NM_173665 285600 Hs.425123 NM_173665 HPRD:11337 KIAA0825 C5orf36 KIAA0825 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20493 chr20 23347207 23347331 + 8.53730 NA intron (NM_022482, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_022482, intron 1 of 4) 2248 NM_022482 64412 Hs.709462 NM_022482 HPRD:15778 GZF1 ZBTB23|ZNF336 GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24915 chr4 39979226 39979391 + 8.53730 NA 5' UTR (NM_001100399, exon 1 of 33) 5' UTR (NM_001100399, exon 1 of 33) 268 NM_001100400 23244 Hs.331431 NM_015200 HPRD:11537 PDS5A SCC-112|SCC112 PDS5, regulator of cohesion maintenance, homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5492 chr11 3476178 3476350 + 8.53611 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK -63119 NR_044999 10821 Hs.637689 NR_044999 ENSG00000189398 OR7E12P HG1058|OR11-3|OR7E58P|OR7E79P|OR7E81P|OST021 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily E, member 12 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28425 chr5 143430977 143431055 + 8.53510 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 119262 NM_030799 81555 Hs.372050 NM_030799 HPRD:18071 YIPF5 FinGER5|SB140|SMAP-5|SMAP5|YIP1A Yip1 domain family, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3057 chr1 220296860 220297034 + 8.53510 NA intron (NM_018060, intron 12 of 22) AluY|SINE|Alu -5364 NR_029711 406969 NR_029711 miRBase:MI0000488 MIR194-1 MIRN194-1 microRNA 194-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24782 chr4 22888529 22888606 + 8.53510 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 172855 NM_001277225 57733 Hs.653107 NM_020973 HPRD:09428 GBA3 CBG|CBGL1|GLUC|KLRP glucosidase, beta, acid 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12912 chr16 35245930 35246072 + 8.53164 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 265078 NR_033985 400533 Hs.499135 NR_033985 ENSG00000261122 FLJ26245 - uncharacterized LOC400533 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9015 chr12 123561233 123561384 + 8.52640 NA intron (NM_001300801, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001300801, intron 1 of 24) -4623 NR_038290 100507091 Hs.683912 NR_038290 ENSG00000251497 LOC100507091 - uncharacterized LOC100507091 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19843 chr2 209760787 209760873 + 8.52640 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 489275 NM_005048 5746 Hs.570296 NM_005048 HPRD:03276 PTH2R PTHR2 parathyroid hormone 2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12833 chr16 33837041 33837193 + 8.52604 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 125386 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27625 chr5 75769656 75769786 + 8.51874 NA intron (NM_006633, intron 2 of 35) intron (NM_006633, intron 2 of 35) 70641 NM_006633 10788 Hs.291030 NM_006633 HPRD:09253 IQGAP2 - IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5614 chr11 10530252 10530320 + 8.51555 NA promoter-TSS (NR_039705) promoter-TSS (NR_039705) -413 NR_039705 100616263 NR_039705 MIR4485 - microRNA 4485 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38581 chrX 121528337 121528411 + 8.51323 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -789722 NM_000828 2892 Hs.377070 NM_000828 HPRD:02378 GRIA3 GLUR-C|GLUR-K3|GLUR3|GLURC|GluA3|MRX94 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, AMPA 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36728 chrUn_gl000216 866 1032 + 8.51297 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25073 chr4 49281671 49281789 + 8.51252 NA Intergenic ACRO1|Satellite|acro 293071 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32272 chr7 88502198 88502448 + 8.50998 NA intron (NM_181646, intron 1 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -77292 NM_152706 219557 Hs.112877 NM_152706 HPRD:14507 C7orf62 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38009 chrX 69819808 69819991 + 8.50998 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 25 of 30) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -144055 NR_109801 100873930 Hs.571699 NR_046586 DLG3-AS1 - DLG3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15502 chr18 61646784 61646900 + 8.50998 NA intron (NM_001031848, intron 2 of 6) MER20|DNA|hAT-Charlie 9579 NM_198833 5271 Hs.368077 NM_002640 HPRD:03412 SERPINB8 CAP2|PI8 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30001 chr6 85338423 85338503 + 8.50868 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 135491 NM_001080508 9096 Hs.251830 NM_001080508 ENSG00000112837 TBX18 - T-box 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21581 chr22 17389982 17390049 + 8.50638 NA Intergenic MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 81651 NR_003607 27437 Hs.143955 NR_003607 ENSG00000229027 HSFY1P1 CECR8|HSFYL1|HSFYP1|NCRNA00016 heat shock transcription factor, Y-linked 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25278 chr4 60198971 60199037 + 8.50632 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2163835 NM_015236 23284 Hs.28391 NM_015236 HPRD:10055 LPHN3 CIRL3|LEC3 latrophilin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7624 chr12 21576691 21576862 + 8.50458 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -13762 NM_024854 79912 Hs.709545 NM_024854 PYROXD1 - pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5302 chr10 131374112 131374262 + 8.50273 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 108733 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16557 chr19 37785139 37785227 + 8.50119 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -25271 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_472 chr1 27481952 27482097 + 8.49795 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046474) promoter-TSS (NR_046474) -403 NM_003047 6548 Hs.91389 NM_003047 HPRD:00123 SLC9A1 APNH|NHE-1|NHE1|PPP1R143 solute carrier family 9, subfamily A (NHE1, cation proton antiporter 1), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32499 chr7 104597619 104597735 + 8.49795 NA Intergenic Intergenic -30585 NR_027374 723809 Hs.124316 NR_027374 LHFPL3-AS2 - LHFPL3 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33526 chr8 27263123 27263225 + 8.49795 NA intron (NM_173174, intron 7 of 35) intron (NM_173174, intron 7 of 35) -27713 NR_106901 102465507 NR_106901 MIR6842 hsa-mir-6842 microRNA 6842 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31886 chr7 61636046 61636214 + 8.49794 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1128304 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7453 chr12 9600695 9600977 + 8.49788 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033399) promoter-TSS (NR_033399) -68 NR_033399 440081 Hs.447869 NM_004400 ENSG00000214826 DDX12P CHLR2|DDX12 DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide 12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32565 chr7 111085817 111085902 + 8.49076 NA intron (NM_032549, intron 3 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 116488 NM_032549 83943 Hs.655722 NM_032549 HPRD:07297 IMMP2L IMMP2L-IT1|IMP2|IMP2-LIKE IMP2 inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase-like (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16162 chr19 17650536 17650652 + 8.49076 NA intron (NM_001098524, intron 9 of 15) CpG-13228 -15917 NM_024656 79709 Hs.418795 NM_024656 HPRD:07986 COLGALT1 GLT25D1 collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12834 chr16 33841828 33841905 + 8.49076 NA Intergenic L1MD|LINE|L1 120637 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24721 chr4 14550480 14550671 + 8.49076 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 436983 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6558 chr11 71017226 71017296 + 8.49076 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -81419 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37209 chrX 7526298 7526365 + 8.49076 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -283972 NM_013452 26609 Hs.567503 NM_013452 HPRD:02206 VCX VCX-10r|VCX-B1|VCX1|VCX10R|VCXB1 variable charge, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10597 chr14 64805196 64805284 + 8.49076 NA promoter-TSS (NR_073496) promoter-TSS (NR_073496) 28 NM_001291712 2100 Hs.660607 NM_001437 HPRD:03390 ESR2 ER-BETA|ESR-BETA|ESRB|ESTRB|Erb|NR3A2 estrogen receptor 2 (ER beta) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28866 chr5 180230834 180231052 + 8.49053 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001114620) promoter-TSS (NM_001114620) -41 NM_001114620 4245 Hs.519818 NM_002406 HPRD:01189 MGAT1 GLCNAC-TI|GLCT1|GLYT1|GNT-1|GNT-I|MGAT mannosyl (alpha-1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1664 chr1 121356275 121356350 + 8.48601 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 95402 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39168 chrY 13631234 13631303 + 8.48549 NA Intergenic Intergenic 902121 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19113 chr2 149466970 149467044 + 8.48549 NA intron (NM_015630, intron 2 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 64447 NM_015630 26122 Hs.23270 NM_015630 HPRD:13274 EPC2 EPC-LIKE enhancer of polycomb homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16624 chr19 40336987 40337136 + 8.48549 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001436) promoter-TSS (NM_001436) -7 NM_001436 2091 Hs.299002 NM_001436 HPRD:00617 FBL FIB|FLRN|RNU3IP1 fibrillarin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34933 chr9 4662227 4662351 + 8.48549 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203453) promoter-TSS (NM_203453) -5 NM_203453 403313 Hs.107510 NM_203453 HPRD:17397 PPAPDC2 PDP1|PSDP|bA6J24.6 phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2 domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22958 chr3 60697572 60697638 + 8.48549 NA intron (NM_001166243, intron 4 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 539528 NM_002012 2272 Hs.655995 NM_002012 HPRD:03096 FHIT AP3Aase|FRA3B fragile histidine triad protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9544 chr13 50019345 50019439 + 8.48512 NA intron (NM_031915, intron 1 of 14) MIR|SINE|MIR 963 NM_031915 83852 Hs.631789 NM_031915 HPRD:09712 SETDB2 C13orf4|CLLD8|CLLL8|KMT1F SET domain, bifurcated 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7939 chr12 40014949 40015034 + 8.48334 NA Intergenic AluSz6|SINE|Alu -1148 NM_005164 225 Hs.117852 NM_005164 ABCD2 ABC39|ALDL1|ALDR|ALDRP|hALDR ATP-binding cassette, sub-family D (ALD), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7646 chr12 22498420 22498504 + 8.47742 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -10814 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10334 chr14 43532033 43532140 + 8.47742 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1444413 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35944 chr9 99416744 99416893 + 8.47742 NA intron (NM_153698, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_153698, intron 2 of 5) 781 NM_153698 195827 Hs.44640 NM_153698 AAED1 C9orf21 AhpC/TSA antioxidant enzyme domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29097 chr6 16732004 16732126 + 8.47742 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001128164, intron 2 of 7) 29656 NM_001128164 6310 Hs.434961 NM_000332 HPRD:03333 ATXN1 ATX1|D6S504E|SCA1 ataxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26501 chr4 183838402 183838619 + 8.47622 NA 5' UTR (NM_001921, exon 1 of 6) 5' UTR (NM_001921, exon 1 of 6) 120 NM_001921 1635 Hs.183850 NM_001921 HPRD:09623 DCTD - dCMP deaminase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21598 chr22 18685361 18685428 + 8.47104 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite 52636 NM_017414 11274 Hs.38260 NM_017414 HPRD:06136 USP18 ISG43|UBP43 ubiquitin specific peptidase 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23198 chr3 89988855 89988925 + 8.46847 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 832216 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7604 chr12 19791508 19791587 + 8.46847 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu 198032 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7638 chr12 22384535 22384781 + 8.46847 NA intron (NM_003034, intron 4 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu 102990 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15476 chr18 60251685 60251798 + 8.46652 NA Intergenic Intergenic 61083 NM_017742 54877 Hs.114191 NM_017742 HPRD:11696 ZCCHC2 C18orf49 zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19563 chr2 191416841 191417016 + 8.46088 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17460 NM_001142645 100131211 Hs.659824 NM_001142645 TMEM194B - transmembrane protein 194B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1588 chr1 115334012 115334095 + 8.46088 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -10745 NM_001102396 80143 Hs.709277 NM_025073 HPRD:07958 SIKE1 SIKE suppressor of IKBKE 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24956 chr4 43674297 43674386 + 8.46088 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 776483 NM_198353 386617 Hs.479644 NM_198353 HPRD:13771 KCTD8 - potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5000 chr10 106051287 106051408 + 8.46088 NA intron (NM_183239, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_183239, intron 5 of 6) 16460 NM_001191015 119391 Hs.107384 NM_183239 HPRD:13614 GSTO2 GSTO 2-2|bA127L20.1 glutathione S-transferase omega 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3322 chr1 235857526 235857610 + 8.45962 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 46 of 52) AluSz|SINE|Alu -43514 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18800 chr2 119756539 119756619 + 8.45699 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 56834 NM_006770 8685 Hs.67726 NM_006770 HPRD:05337 MARCO SCARA2 macrophage receptor with collagenous structure protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21675 chr22 20067715 20067856 + 8.45699 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022720) promoter-TSS (NM_022720) 30 NM_001190326 54487 Hs.643452 NM_022720 HPRD:09913 DGCR8 C22orf12|DGCRK6|Gy1|pasha DGCR8 microprocessor complex subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9591 chr13 52898826 52898899 + 8.45699 NA Intergenic L1P3|LINE|L1 -9568 NR_120400 103191607 NR_120400 LOC103191607 - uncharacterized LOC103191607 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14868 chr17 79869271 79869362 + 8.45699 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001256435) promoter-TSS (NM_001256435) 37 NM_001256433 5833 Hs.569843 NM_002861 PCYT2 ET phosphate cytidylyltransferase 2, ethanolamine protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23208 chr3 90368864 90368933 + 8.45405 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1212224 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39397 chrY 28811276 28811378 + 8.45247 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 936690 NR_002176 474148 Hs.511777 NR_002176 TTTY3B LNCRNA00122|NCRNA00122 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 3B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7673 chr12 24992407 24992619 + 8.44732 NA intron (NM_005504, intron 7 of 10) intron (NM_005504, intron 7 of 10) 62809 NM_001178094 586 Hs.438993 NM_005504 HPRD:00216 BCAT1 BCATC|BCT1|ECA39|MECA39|PNAS121|PP18 branched chain amino-acid transaminase 1, cytosolic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9238 chr13 24734694 24734939 + 8.44732 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166271) promoter-TSS (NM_001166271) -39 NM_001166271 221178 Hs.434298 NM_153023 HPRD:15427 SPATA13 ARHGEF29|ASEF2 spermatogenesis associated 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22929 chr3 58223016 58223547 + 8.44732 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020676) promoter-TSS (NM_020676) 22 NM_020676 57406 Hs.476454 NM_020676 HPRD:12407 ABHD6 - abhydrolase domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28287 chr5 137304752 137304893 + 8.44732 NA intron (NM_001101801, intron 9 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 63980 NM_016603 51306 Hs.567453 NM_016603 HPRD:06464 FAM13B ARHGAP49|C5orf5|FAM13B1|KHCHP|N61 family with sequence similarity 13, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21520 chr21 47218044 47218137 + 8.44616 NA Intergenic (TGGA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 38243 NR_038876 100129027 Hs.689591 NR_038876 ENSG00000205424 LOC100129027 - uncharacterized LOC100129027 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24643 chr4 9565953 9566027 + 8.44616 NA Intergenic (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -8053 NR_031688 100302277 NR_031688 miRBase:MI0006422 MIR548I2 MIR548I-2|MIRN548I2|hsa-mir-548i-2 microRNA 548i-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3119 chr1 224200158 224200412 + 8.44573 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -101504 NR_049764 23219 Hs.64691 NM_015176 HPRD:12367 FBXO28 CENP-30|Fbx28 F-box protein 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5244 chr10 128034718 128034815 + 8.44360 NA intron (NM_001288975, intron 1 of 18) L1PA5|LINE|L1 42361 NM_001288975 8038 Hs.594351 NM_003474 HPRD:04092 ADAM12 ADAM12-OT1|CAR10|MCMP|MCMPMltna|MLTN|MLTNA ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38145 chrX 75371547 75371649 + 8.44052 NA Intergenic Intergenic -21166 NM_001300888 51260 Hs.370100 NM_016500 HPRD:06659 PBDC1 CXorf26 polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37836 chrX 61743910 61744141 + 8.43899 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 827193 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6420 chr11 65308078 65308249 + 8.43782 NA intron (NM_001130144, intron 21 of 27) CpG-4341 15615 NM_001048218 57410 Hs.238839 NM_020680 HPRD:06414 SCYL1 GKLP|NKTL|NTKL|P105|TAPK|TEIF|TRAP SCY1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21200 chr21 15223544 15223610 + 8.43782 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2892 NR_026755 54055 Hs.580910 NR_026755 ENSG00000228314 CYP4F29P 4F-se4[6:7:8]|C21orf15|CYP4F-se4[6:7:8]|CYP4F3LP cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily F, polypeptide 29, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5713 chr11 16546995 16547103 + 8.43650 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -49114 NM_033326 55553 Hs.368226 NM_017508 HPRD:06267 SOX6 HSSOX6|SOXD SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21508 chr21 46707778 46707990 + 8.43650 NA promoter-TSS (NM_133635) promoter-TSS (NM_133635) -73 NR_004858 23275 Hs.592164 NM_015227 HPRD:09846 POFUT2 C21orf80|FUT13 protein O-fucosyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22225 chr3 4392683 4392789 + 8.43650 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47439 NR_024022 6419 Hs.475300 NM_006515 HPRD:10225 SETMAR HsMar1|METNASE|Mar1 SET domain and mariner transposase fusion gene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33190 chr7 158769835 158769930 + 8.43650 NA Intergenic L1MC1|LINE|L1 -31163 NR_024394 154822 Hs.544783 NM_198345 ENSG00000231419 LINC00689 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 689 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23938 chr3 155187318 155187425 + 8.43650 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -175882 NR_037902 100507537 Hs.518341 NR_037902 ENSG00000240045 LOC100507537 - uncharacterized LOC100507537 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4637 chr10 79586983 79587049 + 8.43650 NA intron (NM_004747, intron 13 of 31) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 99332 NM_004747 9231 Hs.652690 NM_004747 HPRD:04972 DLG5 LP-DLG|P-DLG5|PDLG discs, large homolog 5 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26366 chr4 166534303 166534400 + 8.43650 NA Intergenic Intergenic -71440 NR_121676 101928151 Hs.639858 NR_121676 ENSG00000249500 LINC01179 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1179 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18935 chr2 132439985 132440112 + 8.42402 NA Intergenic CpG -40016 NM_013310 29798 Hs.635289 NM_013310 HPRD:12811 C2orf27A C2orf27|C2orf27B chromosome 2 open reading frame 27A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25391 chr4 73266061 73266469 + 8.42402 NA intron (NM_014243, intron 4 of 21) (TATATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 168251 NM_014243 9508 Hs.590919 NM_014243 HPRD:06893 ADAMTS3 ADAMTS-4 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15177 chr18 20649560 20649675 + 8.42034 NA Intergenic MER4A1|LTR|ERV1 -64911 NM_001256438 91768 Hs.11108 NM_138375 HPRD:16461 CABLES1 CABL1|CABLES|HsT2563|IK3-1 Cdk5 and Abl enzyme substrate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11177 chr15 21318049 21318224 + 8.41793 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 172369 NR_040094 348120 Hs.116287 NR_040094 ENSG00000258710 LINC01193 CT60 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1193 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22829 chr3 50628414 50628502 + 8.41595 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20000 NM_001171741 51161 Hs.517860 NM_016210 HPRD:16654 C3orf18 G20 chromosome 3 open reading frame 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5256 chr10 129460710 129460935 + 8.41595 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -74716 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21308 chr21 30209037 30209186 + 8.41282 NA Intergenic L1PB1|LINE|L1 48584 NR_047510 29104 Hs.163846 NM_013240 N6AMT1 C21orf127|HEMK2|MTQ2|N6AMT|m.HsaHemK2P N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 1 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15139 chr18 18511675 18511780 + 8.41251 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 180085 NM_005406 6093 Hs.306307 NM_005406 ROCK1 P160ROCK|ROCK-I Rho-associated, coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8615 chr12 92855938 92856176 + 8.41218 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -34133 NM_001025232 574016 Hs.551199 NM_001025232 ENSG00000205057 CLLU1OS - chronic lymphocytic leukemia up-regulated 1 opposite strand protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20279 chr20 1052131 1052198 + 8.41218 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -41742 NM_178578 9491 Hs.471917 NM_006814 HPRD:17919 PSMF1 PI31 proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 (PI31) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24760-2 chr4 19009746 19010178 + 8.41218 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -986479 NM_153686 254251 Hs.446201 NM_153686 HPRD:10088 LCORL MLR1 ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13743 chr17 6404199 6404286 + 8.41218 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 4 of 19) AluSx|SINE|Alu 55635 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38166 chrX 76167907 76167983 + 8.41218 NA intron (NR_110403, intron 1 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -28160 NR_029909 494333 NR_029909 MIR384 MIRN384|hsa-mir-384 microRNA 384 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24760 chr4 19009746 19010178 + 8.41218 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -986479 NM_153686 254251 Hs.446201 NM_153686 HPRD:10088 LCORL MLR1 ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13585 chr17 697706 697801 + 8.41218 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -12182 NM_016080 51031 Hs.279061 NM_016080 HPRD:12678 GLOD4 C17orf25|HC71 glyoxalase domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9979 chr13 111258131 111258334 + 8.41218 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -9575 NR_040104 55739 Hs.408324 NM_018210 HPRD:07698 CARKD LP3298 carbohydrate kinase domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5273 chr10 129609455 129609641 + 8.41039 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 74010 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32781 chr7 135197006 135197104 + 8.41038 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2180 NM_001190848 4850 Hs.490224 NM_013316 HPRD:05369 CNOT4 CLONE243|NOT4|NOT4H CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4553 chr10 72575554 72575634 + 8.40193 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003901) promoter-TSS (NM_003901) -110 NM_003901 8879 Hs.499984 NM_003901 HPRD:07224 SGPL1 S1PL|SPL sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7360 chr12 6446456 6446591 + 8.39754 NA intron (NM_001065, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001065, intron 1 of 9) 4760 NM_001065 7132 Hs.279594 NM_001065 HPRD:01861 TNFRSF1A CD120a|FPF|MS5|TBP1|TNF-R|TNF-R-I|TNF-R55|TNFAR|TNFR1|TNFR1-d2|TNFR55|TNFR60|p55|p55-R|p60 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12206 chr16 76185 76331 + 8.39573 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9139 NR_106918 102466751 NR_106918 MIR6859-1 hsa-mir-6859-1 microRNA 6859-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_403 chr1 25357418 25357488 + 8.39406 NA Intergenic Intergenic -65952 NM_001031680 864 Hs.170019 NM_004350 HPRD:02565 RUNX3 AML2|CBFA3|PEBP2aC runt-related transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5640 chr11 11864132 11864240 + 8.39096 NA intron (NM_017944, intron 1 of 26) intron (NM_017944, intron 1 of 26) 1216 NM_017944 55031 Hs.577256 NM_017944 ENSG00000170242 USP47 TRFP ubiquitin specific peptidase 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9789 chr13 91321749 91321827 + 8.39096 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 176246 NR_120414 101927224 Hs.385801 NR_120414 LINC01049 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1049 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5264 chr10 129545089 129545494 + 8.39096 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 9753 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10422 chr14 51288384 51288588 + 8.39096 NA intron (NM_182946, intron 3 of 29) intron (NM_182946, intron 3 of 29) 9353 NM_016350 51199 Hs.310429 NM_016350 HPRD:09785 NIN SCKL7 ninein (GSK3B interacting protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21603 chr22 18717578 18717646 + 8.38836 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite 61862 NR_003267 2679 Hs.595809 NR_003267 ENSG00000197421 GGT3P GGT3 gamma-glutamyltransferase 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36744 chrUn_gl000216 21857 21927 + 8.38810 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28046 chr5 114970536 114970614 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8699 NM_001164469 100302736 NM_001164468 ENSG00000243414 TMED7-TICAM2 - TMED7-TICAM2 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15512 chr18 65118410 65118502 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -65327 NR_033921 643542 Hs.652901 NR_033921 ENSG00000265533 LOC643542 - uncharacterized LOC643542 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23084 chr3 71924685 71924764 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic Intergenic -90367 NM_021935 60675 Hs.528665 NM_021935 HPRD:08446 PROK2 BV8|HH4|KAL4|MIT1|PK2 prokineticin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19809 chr2 207184857 207184990 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 45171 NM_001285549 57683 Hs.110489 NM_020923 ENSG00000204186 ZDBF2 - zinc finger, DBF-type containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24108 chr3 170987494 170987589 + 8.38800 NA intron (NM_001161565, intron 2 of 30) intron (NM_001161565, intron 2 of 30) -162993 NR_030295 693154 NR_030295 MIR569 MIRN569|hsa-mir-569 microRNA 569 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35236 chr9 35756693 35756818 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2481 NM_001044264 692094 Hs.571601 NM_001044264 ENSG00000215183 MSMP PSMP microseminoprotein, prostate associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32648 chr7 121784359 121784463 + 8.38800 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005763) promoter-TSS (NM_005763) -67 NM_005763 10157 Hs.156738 NM_005763 AASS LKR/SDH|LKRSDH|LORSDH aminoadipate-semialdehyde synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32704 chr7 128249136 128249214 + 8.38800 NA Intergenic Intergenic -32120 NR_024368 402483 Hs.722350 NM_001039682 LINC01000 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1000 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32974 chr7 148762994 148763131 + 8.37975 NA Intergenic CpG 24807 NM_152411 136051 Hs.729572 NM_152411 HPRD:13232 ZNF786 - zinc finger protein 786 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29181 chr6 24942847 24943202 + 8.37975 NA intron (NM_001286446, intron 1 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -6744 NM_001286445 9750 Hs.559459 NM_014722 HPRD:12881 FAM65B C6orf32|DIFF40|DIFF48|MYONAP|PL48 family with sequence similarity 65, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22914 chr3 56957993 56958075 + 8.37975 NA intron (NM_001128615, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001128615, intron 3 of 12) -7535 NM_001289698 50650 Hs.476402 NM_019555 HPRD:12480 ARHGEF3 GEF3|STA3|XPLN Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31794-2 chr7 57553143 57553398 + 8.37908 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 43387 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31794 chr7 57553143 57553398 + 8.37908 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 43387 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11543 chr15 50552706 50552798 + 8.37552 NA intron (NM_002112, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_002112, intron 2 of 11) 5410 NM_002112 3067 Hs.1481 NM_002112 HPRD:00817 HDC - histidine decarboxylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5668 chr11 13887183 13887400 + 8.36686 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -96893 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35871 chr9 93178810 93178882 + 8.36374 NA intron (NR_109795, intron 1 of 2) HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 16925 NR_109795 101927873 Hs.598482 NR_109795 LINC01508 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1508 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28958 chr6 4334245 4334322 + 8.36374 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 197977 NR_103764 100507506 Hs.665936 NR_103764 ENSG00000234817 LOC100507506 - uncharacterized LOC100507506 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27317 chr5 54357972 54358155 + 8.36374 NA Intergenic Intergenic 37956 NM_002104 3003 Hs.277937 NM_002104 GZMK TRYP2 granzyme K (granzyme 3; tryptase II) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28662 chr5 160138631 160138709 + 8.36374 NA intron (NM_025153, intron 3 of 25) L1HS|LINE|L1 140549 NM_025153 23120 Hs.109358 NM_025153 HPRD:08637 ATP10B ATPVB ATPase, class V, type 10B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8261 chr12 58299267 58299361 + 8.36374 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30633 NR_038269 100506844 Hs.90286 NR_038269 LOC100506844 - uncharacterized LOC100506844 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4831 chr10 96578005 96578071 + 8.36374 NA intron (NM_000769, intron 5 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 55600 NM_000769 1557 Hs.282409 NM_000769 CYP2C19 CPCJ|CYP2C|CYPIIC17|CYPIIC19|P450C2C|P450IIC19 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4403 chr10 58449496 58449569 + 8.36374 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -328498 NM_032997 11130 Hs.591363 NM_007057 HPRD:18366 ZWINT HZwint-1|KNTC2AP|ZWINT1 ZW10 interacting kinetochore protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20846 chr20 47376957 47377059 + 8.36129 NA intron (NM_020820, intron 1 of 39) MIRb|SINE|MIR 67412 NM_020820 57580 Hs.153310 NM_020820 HPRD:06066 PREX1 P-REX1 phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12062 chr15 90642427 90642533 + 8.36103 NA intron (NM_002168, intron 1 of 10) L2a|LINE|L2 1373 NM_001289910 3418 Hs.596461 NM_002168 HPRD:00973 IDH2 D2HGA2|ICD-M|IDH|IDHM|IDP|IDPM|mNADP-IDH isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19916 chr2 219536670 219536793 + 8.35763 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015690) promoter-TSS (NM_015690) -18 NM_015690 27148 Hs.471404 NM_015690 HPRD:09631 STK36 FU serine/threonine kinase 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3171 chr1 226899707 226899903 + 8.35763 NA intron (NM_002221, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_002221, intron 2 of 7) 27071 NM_002221 3707 Hs.528087 NM_002221 HPRD:00942 ITPKB IP3-3KB|IP3K|IP3K-B|IP3KB|PIG37 inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38707 chrX 132015293 132015435 + 8.35763 NA intron (NM_001077188, intron 3 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 80059 NM_001077188 90161 Hs.385956 NM_147175 HPRD:06590 HS6ST2 - heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4437 chr10 62815164 62815255 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 39176 NR_108052 100507058 Hs.145227 NR_108052 LINC00845 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 845 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22475 chr3 25731822 25731888 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -25425 NR_039644 100616477 NR_039644 miRBase:MI0016785 MIR4442 - microRNA 4442 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20422 chr20 15334453 15334519 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_080676, intron 6 of 16) L1PA4|LINE|L1 156982 NM_001033087 140733 Hs.661576 NM_080676 HPRD:16640 MACROD2 C20orf133 MACRO domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33826 chr8 50482249 50482315 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -340067 NM_001287813 54212 Hs.584914 NM_018967 HPRD:16373 SNTG1 G1SYN|SYN4 syntrophin, gamma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26033 chr4 130615990 130616121 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 76578 NR_110753 101927282 Hs.407480 NR_110753 ENSG00000246876 LOC101927282 - uncharacterized LOC101927282 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6624 chr11 73793935 73794018 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001286577, intron 22 of 32) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -73694 NM_022803 7352 Hs.101337 NM_003356 HPRD:03623 UCP3 SLC25A9 uncoupling protein 3 (mitochondrial, proton carrier) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37462 chrX 36249757 36249844 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001098843, intron 1 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 2904 NM_001098843 645090 Hs.632791 NM_001098843 ENSG00000205081 CXorf30 - chromosome X open reading frame 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32877 chr7 141083384 141083450 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001195278, intron 2 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -167661 NM_018238 55750 Hs.743318 NM_018238 AGK CATC5|CTRCT38|MTDPS10|MULK acylglycerol kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34732 chr8 139166055 139166131 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_015912, intron 12 of 19) L1PA5|LINE|L1 342972 NM_015912 51059 Hs.126024 NM_015912 HPRD:14230 FAM135B C8ORFK32 family with sequence similarity 135, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1836 chr1 145326980 145327063 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 32 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 32 of 85) 33650 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37316 chrX 15065278 15065555 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 162003 NM_001177475 158747 Hs.744919 NM_152581 HPRD:06642 MOSPD2 - motile sperm domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15569 chr18 72608510 72608600 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_017757, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_017757, intron 6 of 7) 265636 NM_001146189 55628 Hs.536490 NM_017757 HPRD:11713 ZNF407 - zinc finger protein 407 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24001 chr3 158802898 158802972 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001042706, intron 1 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 15894 NM_001197100 654502 Hs.570685 NM_001042705 ENSG00000214216 IQCJ - IQ motif containing J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3868 chr10 27649650 27649726 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic 53609 NM_001034842 374308 Hs.631832 NM_001034842 ENSG00000182077 PTCHD3 PTR patched domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25288 chr4 61850288 61850389 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -512501 NM_015236 23284 Hs.28391 NM_015236 HPRD:10055 LPHN3 CIRL3|LEC3 latrophilin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13660 chr17 3367524 3367652 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001170696, intron 2 of 7) SVA_D|Other|Other 7453 NM_032598 84690 Hs.351068 NM_032598 HPRD:14862 SPATA22 NYD-SP20|NYDSP20 spermatogenesis associated 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38585 chrX 122655233 122655312 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 211632 NM_001081550 57187 Hs.149991 NM_020449 HPRD:02317 THOC2 CXorf3|THO2|dJ506G2.1|hTREX120 THO complex 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27059 chr5 42166367 42166559 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_104636, intron 1 of 3) L1HS|LINE|L1 8984 NR_104635 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33951 chr8 65825471 65825647 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -114211 NM_004820 9420 Hs.667720 NM_004820 HPRD:04753 CYP7B1 CBAS3|CP7B|SPG5A cytochrome P450, family 7, subfamily B, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38344 chrX 97947738 97947808 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -1128239 NR_125391 10824 Hs.654372 NR_125391 DIAPH2-AS1 EPAG DIAPH2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23013 chr3 66897376 66897455 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -151312 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10500 chr14 57309917 57309987 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_029385, intron 1 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 30051 NR_029385 100309464 Hs.637962 NR_029385 ENSG00000248550 OTX2-AS1 OTX2OS1 OTX2 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15042 chr18 9233017 9233084 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001083625, intron 7 of 11) AluSz6|SINE|Alu 95489 NM_001204056 23253 Hs.464585 NM_015208 HPRD:12457 ANKRD12 ANCO-2|ANCO1|GAC-1|Nbla00144 ankyrin repeat domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33658 chr8 41895347 41895566 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001099413, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_001099413, intron 3 of 17) 14049 NM_006766 7994 Hs.491577 NM_006766 HPRD:03244 KAT6A MOZ|MYST3|RUNXBP2|ZC2HC6A|ZNF220 K(lysine) acetyltransferase 6A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19486 chr2 181703605 181703671 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_104320, intron 3 of 3) L1HS|LINE|L1 -141474 NM_182678 10477 Hs.470804 NM_006357 HPRD:05000 UBE2E3 UBCH9|UbcM2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20667 chr20 33742129 33742200 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -7003 NM_001145025 55741 Hs.720177 NM_018217 HPRD:09841 EDEM2 C20orf31|C20orf49|bA4204.1 ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38544 chrX 118314935 118315001 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -30426 NM_020721 57481 Hs.97594 NM_020721 ENSG00000250423 KIAA1210 - KIAA1210 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5629 chr11 10931984 10932050 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 52253 NR_034137 729013 Hs.726427 NR_034137 ENSG00000247271 ZBED5-AS1 - ZBED5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5237 chr10 127988365 127988456 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001288975, intron 2 of 18) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 88717 NM_001288975 8038 Hs.594351 NM_003474 HPRD:04092 ADAM12 ADAM12-OT1|CAR10|MCMP|MCMPMltna|MLTN|MLTNA ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12118 chr15 95990127 95990313 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_027132, intron 1 of 6) intron (NR_027132, intron 1 of 6) 13898 NR_027133 145820 Hs.652702 NR_027132 ENSG00000259134 LINC00924 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 924 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32752 chr7 132146094 132146218 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001105543, intron 3 of 3) L1M6|LINE|L1 115167 NM_020911 91584 Hs.511454 NM_020911 HPRD:10901 PLXNA4 FAYV2820|PLEXA4|PLXNA4A|PLXNA4B|PRO34003 plexin A4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4622 chr10 76756306 76756483 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001256469, intron 13 of 17) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 61878 NM_001003892 338599 Hs.535090 NM_001003892 HPRD:16846 DUPD1 DUSP27|FMDSP dual specificity phosphatase and pro isomerase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4818 chr10 94481482 94481548 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluJb|SINE|Alu 31834 NM_002729 3087 Hs.118651 NM_002729 HHEX HEX|HMPH|HOX11L-PEN|PRH|PRHX hematopoietically expressed homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5345 chr10 134326046 134326275 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -25193 NM_005539 3632 Hs.523360 NM_005539 HPRD:02521 INPP5A 5PTASE inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase, 40kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27579 chr5 74965057 74965130 + 8.35735 NA exon (NM_001276713, exon 13 of 14) exon (NM_001276713, exon 13 of 14) 43187 NM_152408 134359 Hs.432726 NM_152408 HPRD:08188 POC5 C5orf37 POC5 centriolar protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10803 chr14 79651883 79651949 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_073547, intron 14 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu -93766 NM_138970 9369 Hs.368307 NM_004796 NRXN3 C14orf60 neurexin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1245 chr1 89190664 89190731 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_006256, intron 1 of 21) AluSz6|SINE|Alu -39810 NR_110682 101927891 Hs.637231 NR_110682 ENSG00000237505 PKN2-AS1 - PKN2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5678 chr11 13972053 13972119 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -12098 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2101 chr1 151620038 151620210 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_030918, intron 2 of 11) MER57A-int|LTR|ERV1 35462 NM_030918 81609 Hs.192326 NM_030918 HPRD:11591 SNX27 MRT1|MY014 sorting nexin family member 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31519 chr7 30859539 30859711 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_032222, intron 5 of 17) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 48592 NM_032222 84182 Hs.660192 NM_032222 HPRD:13387 FAM188B C7orf67 family with sequence similarity 188, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39354 chrY 27289083 27289222 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 41768 NR_001526 252949 Hs.522869 NR_001526 ENSG00000228240 TTTY17A NCRNA00140|TTTY17 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 17A (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34397 chr8 107896731 107896797 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -114292 NM_139166 137735 Hs.374668 NM_139166 HPRD:11608 ABRA STARS actin-binding Rho activating protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27615 chr5 75544479 75544545 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 4 of 12) AluSz|SINE|Alu -154568 NM_006633 10788 Hs.291030 NM_006633 HPRD:09253 IQGAP2 - IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2986 chr1 213688913 213688987 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -409142 NR_046189 100861504 Hs.742586 NR_046189 LINC00538 PROX1UT|Yiya long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 538 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16517 chr19 36822705 36822807 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038279) promoter-TSS (NR_038279) -136 NR_038278 100506930 Hs.595153 NR_038278 ENSG00000232677 LINC00665 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 665 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33937 chr8 64269219 64269302 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 187698 NM_001277818 253943 Hs.491861 NM_152758 HPRD:08106 YTHDF3 - YTH domain family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37443 chrX 31010106 31010177 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSx4|SINE|Alu 80029 NM_031894 53940 Hs.333125 NM_031894 HPRD:02254 FTHL17 CT38 ferritin, heavy polypeptide-like 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37450 chrX 33197687 33197775 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_000109, intron 1 of 78) AluY|SINE|Alu 31942 NM_004006 1756 Hs.495912 NM_000109 HPRD:02303 DMD BMD|CMD3B|DXS142|DXS164|DXS206|DXS230|DXS239|DXS268|DXS269|DXS270|DXS272|MRX85 dystrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38226 chrX 81027871 81027937 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -570463 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34497 chr8 120329544 120329645 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -98958 NM_002514 4856 Hs.235935 NM_002514 HPRD:01291 NOV CCN3|IBP-9|IGFBP-9|IGFBP9|NOVh nephroblastoma overexpressed protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38289 chrX 89538355 89538421 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 361448 NM_138960 90316 Hs.592220 NM_138960 HPRD:02328 TGIF2LX TGIFLX TGFB-induced factor homeobox 2-like, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11670 chr15 61551414 61551485 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -29947 NM_134261 6095 Hs.560343 NM_002943 HPRD:02896 RORA NR1F1|ROR1|ROR2|ROR3|RZR-ALPHA|RZRA RAR-related orphan receptor A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33578 chr8 29957635 29957776 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_015344, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_015344, intron 1 of 3) 4783 NM_015344 23484 Hs.146585 NM_015344 HPRD:09551 LEPROTL1 HSPC112|Vps55|my047 leptin receptor overlapping transcript-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20773-2 chr20 41144395 41144871 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_133170, intron 7 of 31) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -169490 NR_110004 101927159 Hs.570383 NR_110004 ENSG00000229042 LOC101927159 - uncharacterized LOC101927159 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39344 chrY 25039427 25039566 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 41765 NR_002180 474151 Hs.741142 NR_002180 ENSG00000227439 TTTY17B NCRNA00141 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 17B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39280 chrY 14111011 14111085 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 422341 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22731 chr3 46887446 46887702 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic (CCCCG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -11989 NM_182702 339906 Hs.585127 NM_182702 HPRD:07156 PRSS42 TESSP2 protease, serine, 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14990 chr18 3129445 3129569 + 8.35735 NA exon (NM_003803, exon 18 of 38) exon (NM_003803, exon 18 of 38) 90599 NM_019856 8736 Hs.464469 NM_003803 HPRD:04618 MYOM1 SKELEMIN myomesin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38419 chrX 103546381 103546469 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSg7|SINE|Alu -46826 NM_153448 80712 Hs.223782 NM_153448 HPRD:06503 ESX1 ESX1L|ESXR1 ESX homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5478 chr11 2474471 2474547 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_000218, intron 1 of 15) AluSp|SINE|Alu -8175 NM_181798 3784 Hs.95162 NM_000218 HPRD:06341 KCNQ1 ATFB1|ATFB3|JLNS1|KCNA8|KCNA9|KVLQT1|Kv1.9|Kv7.1|LQT|LQT1|RWS|SQT2|WRS potassium voltage-gated channel, KQT-like subfamily, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10630 chr14 67229998 67230068 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001024218, intron 2 of 21) L1HS|LINE|L1 255908 NM_001024218 10243 Hs.208765 NM_020806 HPRD:04893 GPHN GEPH|GPH|GPHRYN|HKPX1|MOCODC gephyrin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14452 chr17 46655761 46655832 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024015) promoter-TSS (NM_024015) -53 NM_024015 3214 Hs.664706 NM_024015 HOXB4 HOX-2.6|HOX2|HOX2F homeobox B4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34994 chr9 10560332 10560410 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_002839, intron 2 of 45) L1PA3|LINE|L1 52352 NM_002839 5789 Hs.446083 NM_002839 HPRD:03358 PTPRD HPTP|HPTPD|HPTPDELTA|PTPD|RPTPDELTA protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15331 chr18 44389600 44389666 + 8.35735 NA TTS (NM_004671) TTS (NM_004671) -52594 NM_013305 29906 Hs.465025 NM_013305 HPRD:06199 ST8SIA5 SIAT8E|ST8SiaV ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29058 chr6 14717699 14717797 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -432063 NR_108096 102216342 Hs.563409 NR_108096 LINC01108 LncRNA-ES1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1108 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15555 chr18 71871958 71872051 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 56258 NM_014177 29090 Hs.532835 NM_014177 HPRD:13706 TIMM21 C18orf55|TIM21 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 21 homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15516 chr18 66344284 66344374 + 8.35735 NA exon (NM_019022, exon 16 of 16) exon (NM_019022, exon 16 of 16) 38024 NM_019022 54495 Hs.440534 NM_019022 HPRD:15591 TMX3 PDIA13|TXNDC10 thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9359 chr13 34882576 34882653 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 332208 NR_047036 100874179 Hs.569253 NR_047036 ENSG00000225179 LINC00457 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 457 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34926 chr9 3695209 3695332 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 27184 NR_121586 101929302 Hs.122828 NR_121586 RFX3-AS1 - RFX3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5748 chr11 18831657 18831778 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -17449 NM_001278236 84867 Hs.79092 NM_006906 HPRD:01472 PTPN5 PTPSTEP|STEP protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 5 (striatum-enriched) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5006 chr10 106248824 106248890 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -8824 NR_120624 101927523 Hs.407539 NR_120624 ENSG00000225768 LOC101927523 - uncharacterized LOC101927523 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6602 chr11 72704199 72704404 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_014824, intron 5 of 19) L1PA4|LINE|L1 148842 NM_014824 9873 Hs.744959 NM_014824 HPRD:13321 FCHSD2 NWK|SH3MD3 FCH and double SH3 domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1169 chr1 80796338 80796419 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic (CATATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -1323883 NM_022159 64123 Hs.132314 NM_022159 ENSG00000162618 ELTD1 ETL|KPG_003 EGF, latrophilin and seven transmembrane domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28766 chr5 174891819 174891909 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13650 NM_022754 94081 Hs.369440 NM_022754 HPRD:18044 SFXN1 - sideroflexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1084 chr1 69462623 69462689 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -499752 NM_001114120 55635 Hs.445098 NM_017779 HPRD:10879 DEPDC1 DEP.8|DEPDC1-V2|DEPDC1A|SDP35 DEP domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9198 chr13 21299030 21299103 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 21584 NM_138284 53342 Hs.655142 NM_138284 HPRD:16251 IL17D IL-17D|IL-27|IL27 interleukin 17D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9296 chr13 30104053 30104127 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_003045, intron 5 of 12) intron (NM_003045, intron 5 of 12) -42203 NR_046378 100874107 Hs.577987 NR_046378 MTUS2-AS1 - MTUS2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12364 chr16 7952829 7952948 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 570137 NM_145893 54715 Hs.459842 NM_018723 HPRD:16091 RBFOX1 2BP1|A2BP1|FOX-1|FOX1|HRNBP1 RNA binding protein, fox-1 homolog (C. elegans) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33613 chr8 37051127 37051266 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 300235 NR_121620 100507420 Hs.105962 NR_121620 LOC100507420 - uncharacterized LOC100507420 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9650 chr13 63756423 63756492 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -374965 NR_120403 100874176 Hs.402083 NR_047029 LINC00448 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 448 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14454 chr17 46894434 46894607 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130918) promoter-TSS (NM_001130918) -51 NM_001130918 284076 Hs.91930 NM_173623 HPRD:08763 TTLL6 TTL.6 tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38843 chrX 147847600 147847666 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001170628, intron 1 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 47018 NM_001170628 2334 Hs.496911 NM_002025 HPRD:02397 AFF2 FMR2|FMR2P|FRAXE|MRX2|OX19 AF4/FMR2 family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27261 chr5 51345656 51345722 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -666523 NR_046243 642366 Hs.544139 NR_046243 LOC642366 - uncharacterized LOC642366 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37379 chrX 23262419 23262600 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_073010, intron 2 of 5) L1HS|LINE|L1 48754 NR_073010 100873065 Hs.742479 NR_046436 ENSG00000233067 PTCHD1-AS DDX53-AS1|PTCHD1AS1|PTCHD1AS2 PTCHD1 antisense RNA (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8538 chr12 85863490 85863556 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 189487 NM_006982 8092 Hs.41683 NM_006982 HPRD:03316 ALX1 CART1|FND3|HEL23 ALX homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1796 chr1 144218954 144219029 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 45 of 130) intron (NM_001278267, intron 45 of 130) 72180 NM_001278267 100288142 Hs.445080 NM_001278267 ENSG00000203832 NBPF20 - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31435 chr7 24446001 24446097 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic 122242 NM_000905 4852 Hs.1832 NM_000905 HPRD:01214 NPY PYY4 neuropeptide Y protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38380 chrX 101410932 101411014 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001159560) promoter-TSS (NM_001159560) 13 NM_001012978 340542 Hs.47209 NM_001012978 HPRD:18484 BEX5 NGFRAP1L1 brain expressed, X-linked 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26040 chr4 130991732 130991867 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -299166 NR_110753 101927282 Hs.407480 NR_110753 ENSG00000246876 LOC101927282 - uncharacterized LOC101927282 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38823 chrX 144314610 144314683 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -14461 NM_001009614 494118 Hs.551270 NM_001009614 SPANXN1 CT11.6 SPANX family, member N1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27424 chr5 65056835 65056973 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_020726, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_020726, intron 2 of 12) 38881 NM_020726 57486 Hs.247460 NM_020726 HPRD:07495 NLN AGTBP|EP24.16|MEP|MOP neurolysin (metallopeptidase M3 family) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4634 chr10 78346832 78346898 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -300937 NR_120655 101929328 Hs.664552 NR_120655 KCNMA1-AS1 - KCNMA1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33978 chr8 67550966 67551041 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_025054, intron 2 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu -25519 NM_001294282 4603 Hs.445898 NM_001080416 ENSG00000185697 MYBL1 A-MYB|AMYB v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16752 chr19 44518265 44518332 + 8.35735 NA TTS (NM_006300) TTS (NM_006300) -11196 NM_001129996 7673 Hs.279840 NM_013360 HPRD:15748 ZNF222 - zinc finger protein 222 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16640 chr19 40518792 40518895 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_178544, intron 6 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu 15900 NM_001297763 339327 Hs.125008 NM_178544 HPRD:11726 ZNF546 ZNF49 zinc finger protein 546 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1357 chr1 98022650 98022717 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_000110, intron 11 of 22) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -239794 NR_046591 100873933 Hs.568669 NR_046591 DPYD-AS2 - DPYD antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4779 chr10 91943651 91943717 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -226554 NR_110655 101926924 Hs.500498 NR_110655 ENSG00000226159 LINC01375 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1375 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5546 chr11 6440240 6440353 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164) promoter-TSS (NM_001164) 45 NM_001164 322 Hs.372840 NM_001164 HPRD:04087 APBB1 FE65|MGC:9072|RIR amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 (Fe65) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37446 chrX 32466643 32466753 + 8.35735 NA exon (NM_004010, exon 27 of 79) exon (NM_004010, exon 27 of 79) -36327 NM_004011 1756 Hs.495912 NM_000109 HPRD:02303 DMD BMD|CMD3B|DXS142|DXS164|DXS206|DXS230|DXS239|DXS268|DXS269|DXS270|DXS272|MRX85 dystrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15007 chr18 4363774 4363847 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001242761, intron 1 of 11) L1PA3|LINE|L1 91456 NM_001242761 9229 Hs.594640 NM_004746 HPRD:09260 DLGAP1 DAP-1|DAP-1-ALPHA|DAP-1-BETA|DAP1|DLGAP1A|DLGAP1B|GKAP|SAPAP1|hGKAP discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25389 chr4 73157406 73157472 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_014243, intron 19 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 252590 NM_001144756 10886 Hs.99231 NM_004885 HPRD:16244 NPFFR2 GPR74|HLWAR77|NPFF2|NPGPR neuropeptide FF receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3698 chr10 14837225 14837304 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -20368 NM_001282695 83641 Hs.446315 NM_031453 HPRD:12575 FAM107B C10orf45 family with sequence similarity 107, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31470 chr7 26416771 26416870 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic CpG 12875 NM_001199838 29887 Hs.741316 NM_013322 HPRD:15409 SNX10 OPTB8 sorting nexin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31282 chr7 7759057 7759172 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002947) promoter-TSS (NM_002947) -876 NM_002947 6119 Hs.487540 NM_002947 RPA3 REPA3 replication protein A3, 14kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30697 chr6 144952330 144952397 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_007124, intron 50 of 73) (TG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 339490 NM_007124 7402 Hs.133135 NM_007124 HPRD:00547 UTRN DMDL|DRP|DRP1 utrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29031 chr6 12163494 12163626 + 8.35735 NA exon (NM_002114, exon 9 of 9) exon (NM_002114, exon 9 of 9) -126969 NM_001168319 1906 Hs.511899 NM_001955 HPRD:07030 EDN1 ARCND3|ET1|HDLCQ7|PPET1|QME endothelin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18647 chr2 108329158 108329225 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 113392 NR_024439 729121 Hs.386155 NR_024439 ENSG00000230651 RGPD4-AS1 - RGPD4 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_802 chr1 43744501 43744576 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 6712 NM_182517 149466 Hs.158963 NM_182517 HPRD:14677 C1orf210 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 210 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5630 chr11 10937834 10937902 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu 58104 NR_034137 729013 Hs.726427 NR_034137 ENSG00000247271 ZBED5-AS1 - ZBED5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5052 chr10 112010363 112010429 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_005962, intron 3 of 5) AluSz6|SINE|Alu 24634 NM_005962 4601 Hs.602078 NM_005962 HPRD:02486 MXI1 MAD2|MXD2|MXI|bHLHc11 MAX interactor 1, dimerization protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4621 chr10 76745690 76745756 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001256469, intron 12 of 17) AluSc|SINE|Alu 72549 NM_001003892 338599 Hs.535090 NM_001003892 HPRD:16846 DUPD1 DUSP27|FMDSP dual specificity phosphatase and pro isomerase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16257 chr19 21013261 21013328 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -92765 NR_045830 7639 Hs.37138 NM_003429 HPRD:04875 ZNF85 HPF4|HTF1 zinc finger protein 85 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15211 chr18 24290575 24290711 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7041 NR_024259 728606 Hs.170599 NR_024259 ENSG00000265369 PCAT18 LINC01092 prostate cancer associated transcript 18 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7999 chr12 46522301 46522367 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 -137933 NM_004719 9169 Hs.210367 NM_004719 SCAF11 CASP11|SFRS2IP|SIP1|SRRP129|SRSF2IP SR-related CTD-associated factor 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38435 chrX 104930454 104930520 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_017416, intron 6 of 10) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -136049 NM_198465 203447 Hs.209527 NM_198465 HPRD:14841 NRK NESK Nik related kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_713 chr1 39649494 39649609 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_012090, intron 1 of 92) intron (NM_012090, intron 1 of 92) 99712 NM_012090 23499 Hs.472475 NM_012090 HPRD:09750 MACF1 ABP620|ACF7|MACF|OFC4 microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22469 chr3 25552691 25552766 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_110892, intron 3 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu 52927 NM_001290217 5915 Hs.654490 NM_000965 HPRD:07183 RARB HAP|MCOPS12|NR1B2|RRB2 retinoic acid receptor, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_580 chr1 34998856 34999043 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -221699 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3226 chr1 229027851 229027949 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 157076 NM_021205 58480 Hs.647774 NM_021205 HPRD:06965 RHOU ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K ras homolog family member U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2689 chr1 190269212 190269278 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_199051, intron 2 of 7) L1HS|LINE|L1 177514 NM_199051 339479 Hs.65765 NM_199051 HPRD:16782 BRINP3 DBCCR1L|DBCCR1L1|FAM5C bone morphogenetic protein/retinoic acid inducible neural-specific 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1950 chr1 148260272 148260338 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001277444, intron 20 of 24).2 (GA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -57769 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39353 chrY 26673176 26673315 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 41766 NR_002179 474152 Hs.741142 NR_002179 ENSG00000223641 TTTY17C NCRNA00142 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 17C (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11361 chr15 38766507 38766606 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_173611, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_173611, intron 6 of 7) 20228 NM_173611 283742 Hs.6799 NM_173611 FAM98B - family with sequence similarity 98, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16756 chr19 44711547 44711654 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5081 NM_001289166 7770 Hs.298089 NM_182490 HPRD:15752 ZNF227 - zinc finger protein 227 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17340 chr2 8308586 8308679 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_034135, intron 7 of 8) L3|LINE|CR1 159917 NR_034135 339789 Hs.565619 NM_207358 HPRD:14171 LINC00299 C2orf46|NCRNA00299 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 299 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14608 chr17 61174444 61174510 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 2 of 24) AluJb|SINE|Alu 87579 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32578 chr7 112371601 112371769 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 58793 NM_022484 64418 Hs.606345 NM_022484 TMEM168 - transmembrane protein 168 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2612 chr1 182951042 182951117 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -28526 NM_030933 81626 Hs.497034 NM_030933 HPRD:16634 SHCBP1L C1orf14|GE36 SHC SH2-domain binding protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16576 chr19 38357324 38357544 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -11598 NR_040015 100631378 Hs.726940 NR_040015 ENSG00000225868 LOC100631378 - uncharacterized 100631378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6202 chr11 55244542 55244616 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -77204 NM_001001920 81309 Hs.589003 NM_001001920 HPRD:14963 OR4C15 OR11-127|OR11-134 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39020 chrY 7401052 7401261 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 168132 NR_001552 252948 Hs.522848 NR_001552 ENSG00000225520 TTTY16 NCRNA00139 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 16 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29920 chr6 78476367 78476439 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001282136, intron 2 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 76030 NM_001282136 101928601 NM_001282136 MEI4 - meiosis-specific 4 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23458 chr3 113296835 113296932 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_017699, intron 4 of 24) intron (NM_017699, intron 4 of 24) -16840 NR_039648 100616476 NR_039648 MIR4446 - microRNA 4446 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16287 chr19 22816940 22817152 + 8.35735 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020855) promoter-TSS (NM_020855) -80 NM_020855 57615 Hs.232108 NM_020855 ENSG00000229676 ZNF492 ZNF115 zinc finger protein 492 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10235 chr14 32338152 32338288 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 154445 NM_001201574 80224 Hs.288981 NM_025152 HPRD:16600 NUBPL C14orf127|IND1|huInd1 nucleotide binding protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11145 chr15 20177982 20178057 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -309978 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18620 chr2 105353576 105353657 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 20561 NR_038231 284998 Hs.410180 NR_038231 ENSG00000234177 LINC01114 PANCAT long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1114 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35096 chr9 21505054 21505129 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_027054, intron 1 of 3) L2c|LINE|L2 7093 NR_029505 407035 NR_029505 miRBase:MI0000089 MIR31 MIRN31|hsa-mir-31|miR-31 microRNA 31 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22158 chr22 49859684 49859750 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_110523, intron 1 of 4) L1PA6|LINE|L1 191473 NR_110522 348645 Hs.133159 NM_198851 HPRD:14180 C22orf34 - chromosome 22 open reading frame 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17786 chr2 46044691 46044828 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 1 of 14) AluY|SINE|Alu 165716 NM_005400 5581 Hs.580351 NM_005400 HPRD:01500 PRKCE PKCE|nPKC-epsilon protein kinase C, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33411 chr8 14302111 14302189 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_139167, intron 2 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 408869 NR_029875 494332 NR_029875 MIR383 MIRN383|hsa-mir-383 microRNA 383 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21866 chr22 30040191 30040368 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_181833, intron 4 of 4) SVA_D|Other|Other 40734 NM_181832 4771 Hs.187898 NM_000268 HPRD:06980 NF2 ACN|BANF|SCH neurofibromin 2 (merlin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22900 chr3 56528841 56528912 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26485 NM_015576 26059 Hs.476389 NM_015576 HPRD:10810 ERC2 CAST|CAST1|ELKSL|SPBC110|Spc110 ELKS/RAB6-interacting/CAST family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7968 chr12 42766084 42766202 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_016488, intron 4 of 12) intron (NM_016488, intron 4 of 12) 46196 NM_201439 51535 Hs.444157 NM_016488 HPRD:10488 PPHLN1 HSPC232 periphilin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5298 chr10 131336964 131337039 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) AluSg|SINE|Alu 71547 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21418 chr21 39230599 39230671 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_002240, intron 1 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 58106 NM_002240 3763 Hs.626242 NM_002240 KCNJ6 BIR1|GIRK-2|GIRK2|KATP-2|KATP2|KCNJ7|KIR3.2|hiGIRK2 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3269 chr1 232708569 232708660 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -57371 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28829 chr5 178252033 178252135 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -34870 NM_058230 117608 Hs.724051 NM_058230 ZNF354B KID2 zinc finger protein 354B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32719 chr7 128731725 128731798 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -34564 NR_002144 407835 Hs.592273 NR_002144 LOC407835 - mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18543 chr2 98190247 98190313 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_025190, intron 6 of 43) L1PA4|LINE|L1 16148 NM_025190 57730 Hs.532921 NM_020970 ANKRD36B KIAA1641 ankyrin repeat domain 36B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38421 chrX 103577634 103577710 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -78073 NM_153448 80712 Hs.223782 NM_153448 HPRD:06503 ESX1 ESX1L|ESXR1 ESX homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16072 chr19 14973478 14973657 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 18600 NM_030901 26333 Hs.247717 NM_030901 HPRD:17781 OR7A17 BC85395_4|HTPCRX19 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13866 chr17 15442793 15442859 + 8.35735 NA 3' UTR (NM_001135036, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_001135036, exon 6 of 6) 24119 NR_037924 100533496 Hs.164595 NM_001204478 ENSG00000259024 TVP23C-CDRT4 FAM18B2-CDRT4 TVP23C-CDRT4 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12024 chr15 87265201 87265268 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_152336, intron 22 of 23) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -405035 NR_046012 727915 Hs.451281 NR_046012 ENSG00000260125 AGBL1-AS1 - AGBL1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28240 chr5 133436267 133436404 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14067 NM_003202 6932 Hs.573153 NM_003202 HPRD:01797 TCF7 TCF-1 transcription factor 7 (T-cell specific, HMG-box) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_590 chr1 35043462 35043532 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -177151 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34074 chr8 77367102 77367296 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_105006, intron 2 of 5) intron (NR_105006, intron 2 of 5) 48310 NR_105006 101926978 Hs.615028 NR_105006 ENSG00000254300 LINC01111 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1111 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18832 chr2 124713389 124713516 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -69412 NM_130773 129684 Hs.660653 NM_130773 HPRD:16732 CNTNAP5 caspr5 contactin associated protein-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20773 chr20 41144395 41144871 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_133170, intron 7 of 31) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -169490 NR_110004 101927159 Hs.570383 NR_110004 ENSG00000229042 LOC101927159 - uncharacterized LOC101927159 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14208 chr17 35078599 35078680 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic CpG 120614 NM_024864 79922 Hs.194864 NM_024864 HPRD:08656 MRM1 - mitochondrial rRNA methyltransferase 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25206 chr4 56488949 56489015 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_120489, intron 2 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 13483 NM_001292045 10874 Hs.418367 NM_006681 HPRD:05485 NMU - neuromedin U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39416 chrY 58858867 58858934 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite -241557 NM_005840 10251 Hs.381912 NM_005840 HPRD:03917 SPRY3 HSPRY3|spry-3 sprouty homolog 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25698 chr4 102767036 102767105 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001083907, intron 2 of 16) L1PA4|LINE|L1 32087 NM_001083907 55024 Hs.480400 NM_017935 HPRD:09819 BANK1 BANK B-cell scaffold protein with ankyrin repeats 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11788 chr15 71027052 71027128 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_018003, intron 1 of 18) L1HS|LINE|L1 28760 NM_018003 55075 Hs.108049 NM_018003 HPRD:11657 UACA NUCLING uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39004 chrY 4820545 4820616 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -47687 NM_032971 83259 Hs.661308 NM_032971 HPRD:11847 PCDH11Y PCDH-PC|PCDH22|PCDHX|PCDHY protocadherin 11 Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24477 chr4 1422024 1422090 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic Intergenic -21827 NM_001290079 54729 Hs.526396 NM_001290079 NKX1-1 HSPX153|NKX-1.1|SAX2 NK1 homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30989 chr6 162508674 162508761 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_004562, intron 4 of 11) AluSc|SINE|Alu -639447 NM_001080378 135138 Hs.25791 NM_152410 HPRD:07465 PACRG GLUP|HAK005771|PARK2CRG PARK2 co-regulated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20151 chr2 237346126 237346202 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001270585, intron 7 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 66176 NM_001270585 79781 Hs.591594 NM_024726 HPRD:13743 IQCA1 4930465P12Rik|DRC11|IQCA IQ motif containing with AAA domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30103 chr6 94325705 94325928 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -90985 NR_015362 643432 Hs.509936 NR_015362 TSG1 - tumor suppressor TSG1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34242 chr8 92533677 92533757 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 272201 NM_052832 115111 Hs.354013 NM_052832 HPRD:10533 SLC26A7 SUT2 solute carrier family 26 (anion exchanger), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1108 chr1 72393919 72394069 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_173808, intron 2 of 6) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -91299 NR_046218 100852409 Hs.681780 NR_046218 NEGR1-IT1 - NEGR1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3280 chr1 232781548 232781671 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu 96852 NR_110683 101927683 Hs.520568 NR_110683 ENSG00000236497 LOC101927683 - uncharacterized LOC101927683 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_801 chr1 43720347 43720420 + 8.35735 NA TTS (NM_001195831) TTS (NM_001195831) -15282 NM_144626 128218 Hs.104476 NM_144626 HPRD:14457 TMEM125 - transmembrane protein 125 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9828 chr13 96378667 96378733 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_006260, intron 4 of 11) L1PA4|LINE|L1 49307 NM_006260 5611 Hs.59214 NM_006260 HPRD:03114 DNAJC3 ERdj6|HP58|P58|P58IPK|PRKRI DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12412 chr16 13833976 13834047 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -180003 NM_005236 2072 Hs.567265 NM_005236 HPRD:00594 ERCC4 ERCC11|FANCQ|RAD1|XPF excision repair cross-complementation group 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33797 chr8 47603894 47603964 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -148579 NR_027012 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27331 chr5 55059726 55059839 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_024415, intron 5 of 21) intron (NM_024415, intron 5 of 21) -2931 NM_001166534 54514 Hs.223581 NM_019039 HPRD:05593 DDX4 VASA DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7922 chr12 38578518 38578593 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic L1M1|LINE|L1 -132002 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27800 chr5 93322513 93322672 + 8.35735 NA intron (NR_028080, intron 3 of 8) SVA_B|Other|Other 124812 NM_001163417 83989 Hs.600086 NM_032042 HPRD:13210 FAM172A C5orf21 family with sequence similarity 172, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30475 chr6 129324145 129324220 + 8.35735 NA intron (NM_001079823, intron 1 of 63) L1HS|LINE|L1 119896 NM_000426 3908 Hs.200841 NM_000426 HPRD:01125 LAMA2 LAMM laminin, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24350 chr3 195194186 195194254 + 8.35735 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu 14447 NR_049867 100847082 NR_049867 miRBase:MI0019288 MIR5692C1 - microRNA 5692c-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30487 chr6 130070988 130071143 + 8.35185 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR -39695 NM_033515 93663 Hs.486458 NM_033515 HPRD:12474 ARHGAP18 MacGAP|SENEX|bA307O14.2 Rho GTPase activating protein 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23214 chr3 90447947 90448108 + 8.34802 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1291353 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32859 chr7 140700101 140700273 + 8.34634 NA Intergenic AluYf4|SINE|Alu 14292 NM_016071 51650 Hs.416207 NM_016071 HPRD:17598 MRPS33 MRP-S33|PTD003|S33mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31203 chr7 2760579 2760672 + 8.34634 NA Intergenic Intergenic 32789 NM_001284355 155185 Hs.42221 NM_133463 HPRD:17232 AMZ1 - archaelysin family metallopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7870 chr12 38002228 38002294 + 8.34620 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -708296 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34203 chr8 88499302 88499493 + 8.34252 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 386899 NM_152418 138009 Hs.371738 NM_152418 HPRD:08187 DCAF4L2 WDR21C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8433 chr12 72303855 72304055 + 8.34252 NA intron (NR_027449, intron 10 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -28671 NM_173353 121278 Hs.736576 NM_173353 HPRD:09594 TPH2 ADHD7|NTPH tryptophan hydroxylase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13731 chr17 6336032 6336099 + 8.34192 NA intron (NM_001033055, intron 1 of 4) AluSg|SINE|Alu 2387 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14246 chr17 37886724 37886944 + 8.34192 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032339) promoter-TSS (NM_032339) -46 NM_032339 84299 Hs.333526 NM_032339 HPRD:12681 MIEN1 C17orf37|C35|ORB3|RDX12|XTP4 migration and invasion enhancer 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35841 chr9 91003255 91003375 + 8.34192 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006717) promoter-TSS (NM_006717) 18 NM_006717 10927 Hs.146804 NM_006717 HPRD:18096 SPIN1 SPIN spindlin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18850 chr2 128145003 128145113 + 8.33578 NA Intergenic Intergenic -30938 NM_000312 5624 Hs.224698 NM_000312 HPRD:01466 PROC APC|PC|PROC1|THPH3|THPH4 protein C (inactivator of coagulation factors Va and VIIIa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6106 chr11 50681571 50681653 + 8.33578 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 313294 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23038 chr3 67332132 67332198 + 8.33114 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 56277 NR_036234 100422941 NR_036234 MIR4272 - microRNA 4272 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12366 chr16 8110224 8110352 + 8.33114 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 477540 NM_001290098 283953 Hs.150849 NM_001146336 ENSG00000232258 TMEM114 - transmembrane protein 114 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24048 chr3 163854388 163854476 + 8.33114 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -833343 NR_033945 647107 Hs.408584 NR_033945 ENSG00000241369 LINC01192 CT64 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1192 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3889 chr10 29771844 29771929 + 8.33114 NA non-coding (NR_110921, exon 3 of 3) non-coding (NR_110921, exon 3 of 3) 62140 NR_030335 693189 NR_030335 MIR604 MIRN604|hsa-mir-604 microRNA 604 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21494 chr21 46237510 46237713 + 8.32257 NA intron (NM_001286416, intron 1 of 3) CpG 433 NM_001286416 6612 Hs.474005 NM_006936 HPRD:03754 SUMO3 SMT3A|SMT3H1|SUMO-3|Smt3B small ubiquitin-like modifier 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2092 chr1 151299806 151299932 + 8.32257 NA 5' UTR (NM_002651, exon 1 of 13) 5' UTR (NM_002651, exon 1 of 13) 264 NM_001198775 5298 Hs.632465 NM_002651 HPRD:11805 PI4KB NPIK|PI4K-BETA|PI4K92|PI4KBETA|PI4KIIIBETA|PIK4CB phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, catalytic, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1629 chr1 119398695 119398777 + 8.32257 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 133443 NM_152380 6913 Hs.146196 NM_152380 HPRD:16035 TBX15 TBX14 T-box 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36867 chrUn_gl000222 173249 173346 + 8.32257 NA Intergenic CpG -83987 NR_037925 647476 Hs.274541 NR_037925 FLJ20518 - FSHD region gene 2 family, member C pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33737 chr8 43822273 43822344 + 8.32145 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 674723 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26794 chr5 10628098 10628217 + 8.32108 NA intron (NM_001164440, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_001164440, intron 2 of 3) 63722 NM_001164440 651746 Hs.26039 NM_001164440 ANKRD33B - ankyrin repeat domain 33B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13920 chr17 18164064 18164290 + 8.31989 NA promoter-TSS (NM_148886) promoter-TSS (NM_148886) -247 NM_148886 125170 Hs.655555 NM_139162 HPRD:18074 MIEF2 MID49|SMCR7 mitochondrial elongation factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5176 chr10 124702608 124702692 + 8.30471 NA intron (NM_024942, intron 4 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 11269 NM_024942 80007 Hs.501286 NM_024942 HPRD:18531 C10orf88 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 88 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15308 chr18 42524990 42525066 + 8.30471 NA intron (NM_015559, intron 3 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 25103 NR_036203 100422829 NR_036203 miRBase:MI0015848 MIR4319 - microRNA 4319 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1041 chr1 65917661 65917741 + 8.30471 NA intron (NM_001003680, intron 2 of 19) L1PA3|LINE|L1 31302 NM_001198681 54741 Hs.23581 NM_017526 HPRD:13987 LEPROT LEPR|OB-RGRP|OBRGRP|VPS55 leptin receptor overlapping transcript protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30206 chr6 106509023 106509268 + 8.30471 NA Intergenic Intergenic -25050 NM_001198 639 Hs.436023 NM_001198 HPRD:04572 PRDM1 BLIMP1|PRDI-BF1 PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2437 chr1 169974364 169974451 + 8.30471 NA intron (NM_001204514, intron 11 of 20) L1PA4|LINE|L1 63649 NM_001204517 22920 Hs.433442 NM_014970 HPRD:03499 KIFAP3 FLA3|KAP-1|KAP-3|KAP3|SMAP|Smg-GDS|dJ190I16.1 kinesin-associated protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21553 chr22 16696857 16696975 + 8.30471 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -247112 NM_001005239 81061 Hs.554706 NM_001005239 OR11H1 OR22-1 olfactory receptor, family 11, subfamily H, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25590 chr4 91245331 91245409 + 8.30471 NA intron (NM_207491, intron 3 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 89188 NM_207491 401145 Hs.654735 NM_207491 HPRD:17561 CCSER1 FAM190A coiled-coil serine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39456 chrY 59346089 59346232 + 8.30455 NA Intergenic Intergenic 14694 NR_110561 727856 Hs.740212 NR_110561 DDX11L16 - DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box helicase 11 like 16 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38948 chrX 155243083 155243226 + 8.30455 NA Intergenic Intergenic 14694 NR_110561 727856 Hs.740212 NR_110561 DDX11L16 - DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box helicase 11 like 16 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17694 chr2 38830654 38830783 + 8.30349 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142650) promoter-TSS (NM_001142650) -540 NM_001142650 92906 Hs.445497 NM_138394 HPRD:13667 HNRNPLL HNRPLL|SRRF heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33081 chr7 155556930 155557049 + 8.30196 NA intron (NM_053043, intron 15 of 17) intron (NM_053043, intron 15 of 17) 47978 NM_000193 6469 Hs.164537 NM_000193 SHH HHG1|HLP3|HPE3|MCOPCB5|SMMCI|TPT|TPTPS sonic hedgehog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22745 chr3 47462674 47462794 + 8.30196 NA intron (NM_012235, intron 10 of 22) intron (NM_012235, intron 10 of 22) 40243 NM_015466 25930 Hs.25524 NM_015466 HPRD:05959 PTPN23 HD-PTP|HDPTP|PTP-TD14 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36538 chr9 140486305 140486385 + 8.30196 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -1408 NM_138462 116225 Hs.128096 NM_138462 HPRD:15743 ZMYND19 MIZIP zinc finger, MYND-type containing 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17836 chr2 48782730 48782892 + 8.29926 NA intron (NM_001198595, intron 2 of 4) SVA_F|Other|Other -13348 NM_172311 286749 Hs.732016 NM_172311 HPRD:18496 STON1-GTF2A1L SALF STON1-GTF2A1L readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1061 chr1 66911280 66911372 + 8.29926 NA Intergenic Intergenic -88499 NM_032291 84251 Hs.132121 NM_032291 HPRD:10910 SGIP1 - SH3-domain GRB2-like (endophilin) interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37880 chrX 62414972 62415095 + 8.29926 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 156185 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33141 chr7 157023110 157023355 + 8.29926 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 17 of 22) AluSx4|SINE|Alu 91577 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12894 chr16 34707169 34707235 + 8.29915 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 7765 NR_026980 146481 Hs.316564 NR_026980 LOC146481 - FSHD region gene 2 family, member C pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18126 chr2 75076380 75076584 + 8.29915 NA intron (NM_000189, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_000189, intron 1 of 17) 16700 NM_000189 3099 Hs.406266 NM_000189 HPRD:03080 HK2 HKII|HXK2 hexokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15191 chr18 21444770 21444924 + 8.29915 NA exon (NM_001127717, exon 36 of 74) exon (NM_001127717, exon 36 of 74) -8137 NM_001127718 3909 Hs.436367 NM_000227 HPRD:02883 LAMA3 BM600|E170|LAMNA|LOCS|lama3a laminin, alpha 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27259 chr5 51315081 51315199 + 8.29915 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -635974 NR_046243 642366 Hs.544139 NR_046243 LOC642366 - uncharacterized LOC642366 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4846 chr10 97625088 97625200 + 8.29915 NA intron (NM_001098175, intron 9 of 9) intron (NM_001098175, intron 9 of 9) -42578 NM_001130446 100127889 Hs.719076 NM_001098847 ENSG00000173088 C10orf131 bA690P14.3 chromosome 10 open reading frame 131 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25043 chr4 49134284 49134354 + 8.29859 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 145660 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34104 chr8 81143132 81143215 + 8.28816 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10451 NR_049894 100847056 NR_049894 miRBase:MI0019316 MIR5708 - microRNA 5708 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15725 chr19 1940740 1940842 + 8.28816 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001319) promoter-TSS (NM_001319) -370 NM_001319 1455 Hs.651905 NM_001319 HPRD:03738 CSNK1G2 CK1g2 casein kinase 1, gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4645 chr10 80733388 80733460 + 8.28816 NA intron (NR_015429, intron 3 of 7) intron (NR_015429, intron 3 of 7) 93781 NR_024429 283050 Hs.309176 NR_015429 ENSG00000224596 ZMIZ1-AS1 - ZMIZ1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2922 chr1 207097597 207097782 + 8.28759 NA Intergenic (TG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -2311 NM_005449 9214 Hs.58831 NM_005449 FAIM3 FCMR|TOSO Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15060 chr18 11851250 11851481 + 8.28626 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020412) promoter-TSS (NM_020412) -24 NM_020412 57132 Hs.656244 NM_020412 HPRD:12106 CHMP1B C10orf2|C18-ORF2|C18orf2|CHMP1.5|Vps46-2|Vps46B|hVps46-2 charged multivesicular body protein 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9168 chr13 19320205 19320402 + 8.28626 NA Intergenic HSAT5|Satellite|Satellite -6064 NR_047508 100874164 Hs.739604 NR_047508 LINC00417 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37412 chrX 26332993 26333229 + 8.28211 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 98825 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12393 chr16 11626142 11626228 + 8.28206 NA Intergenic Intergenic 54044 NM_004862 9516 Hs.459940 NM_004862 HPRD:10354 LITAF PIG7|SIMPLE|TP53I7 lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34252 chr8 94680528 94680599 + 8.27868 NA intron (NR_033858, intron 3 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 32098 NR_033858 642924 Hs.434882 NR_033858 ENSG00000246662 LINC00535 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 535 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10299 chr14 39730094 39730162 + 8.27868 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -4348 NM_203354 4253 Hs.509200 NM_005930 HPRD:03680 CTAGE5 MEA6|MGEA|MGEA11|MGEA6 CTAGE family, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26912 chr5 28596412 28596508 + 8.27868 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -330517 NR_033961 729862 Hs.646006 NR_033961 LSP1P3 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38565 chrX 119631984 119632060 + 8.27868 NA Intergenic Intergenic -28818 NM_013995 3920 Hs.496684 NM_002294 HPRD:02396 LAMP2 CD107b|LAMP-2|LAMPB|LGP110 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32183 chr7 77137718 77137788 + 8.27868 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29020 NM_002835 5782 Hs.61812 NM_002835 HPRD:02513 PTPN12 PTP-PEST|PTPG1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38196 chrX 78363447 78363566 + 8.27868 NA Intergenic Intergenic -62963 NM_032553 84636 Hs.326713 NM_032553 HPRD:06512 GPR174 GPCR17|LYPSR3 G protein-coupled receptor 174 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14045 chr17 25783362 25783519 + 8.27762 NA Intergenic CpG -15596 NM_014238 8844 Hs.133534 NM_014238 KSR1 KSR|RSU2 kinase suppressor of ras 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35100 chr9 21789587 21789719 + 8.27762 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12982 NM_002451 4507 Hs.193268 NM_002451 HPRD:01134 MTAP BDMF|DMSFH|DMSMFH|HEL-249|LGMBF|MSAP|c86fus methylthioadenosine phosphorylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28372 chr5 140608953 140609023 + 8.27762 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -4950 NR_001281 54660 Hs.676071 NR_001281 ENSG00000146001 PCDHB18 PCDH-psi2 protocadherin beta 18 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14513 chr17 51995727 51995821 + 8.27762 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 95535 NM_032559 84643 Hs.226805 NM_032559 HPRD:10053 KIF2B - kinesin family member 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30052 chr6 89144871 89144937 + 8.27762 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 104184 NR_110867 101928936 Hs.533080 NR_110867 LOC101928936 - uncharacterized LOC101928936 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35843 chr9 91450252 91450352 + 8.27532 NA Intergenic Intergenic -89482 NR_036252 100423015 NR_036252 miRBase:MI0015898 MIR4289 - microRNA 4289 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24439 chr4 544336 544402 + 8.27532 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 51380 NR_110293 54872 Hs.7099 NM_017733 HPRD:07890 PIGG GPI7|LAS21|PRO4405|RLGS1930 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15029 chr18 8062932 8063020 + 8.27532 NA intron (NM_001105244, intron 7 of 32) L1PA2|LINE|L1 304056 NR_024419 100192426 Hs.666655 NR_024419 ENSG00000266149 LOC100192426 - uncharacterized LOC100192426 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20183 chr2 239778972 239779051 + 8.27532 NA intron (NM_001271893, intron 1 of 1) (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 22338 NM_001271893 117581 Hs.422585 NM_057179 HPRD:09616 TWIST2 DERMO1|FFDD3|SETLSS|bHLHa39 twist family bHLH transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3647 chr10 10598688 10598761 + 8.27532 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -94412 NR_120637 101928322 Hs.576789 NR_120637 LOC101928322 - uncharacterized LOC101928322 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5068 chr10 112632576 112632700 + 8.27150 NA intron (NM_001199492, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001199492, intron 1 of 11) 1085 NM_001199492 27250 Hs.711490 NM_014456 HPRD:10549 PDCD4 H731 programmed cell death 4 (neoplastic transformation inhibitor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6058 chr11 48845924 48845993 + 8.26963 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -207194 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2160 chr1 154891766 154891866 + 8.26789 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 17668 NM_006556 10654 Hs.30954 NM_006556 HPRD:07404 PMVK HUMPMKI|PMK|PMKA|PMKASE phosphomevalonate kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24661 chr4 10458924 10459099 + 8.26789 NA promoter-TSS (NM_053042) promoter-TSS (NM_053042) 21 NM_053042 85460 Hs.455089 NM_053042 HPRD:13889 ZNF518B - zinc finger protein 518B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3323 chr1 235861017 235861127 + 8.26789 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 45 of 52) L2c|LINE|L2 -47018 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28948 chr6 3251834 3251950 + 8.26216 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7270 NM_001128591 389362 Hs.207069 NM_001128591 ENSG00000180822 PSMG4 C6orf86|PAC4|bA506K6.2 proteasome (prosome, macropain) assembly chaperone 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15101 chr18 14259348 14259423 + 8.26216 NA Intergenic Intergenic -78037 NR_026756 284233 Hs.607579 NR_026756 ENSG00000265787 CYP4F35P - cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily F, polypeptide 35, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16087 chr19 15056300 15056409 + 8.26216 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 4053 NM_012377 26658 Hs.589620 NM_012377 HPRD:15072 OR7C2 CIT-HSP-87M17|OR19-18|OR7C3 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25997 chr4 125871891 125871996 + 8.25580 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -238056 NM_020337 57182 Hs.480694 NM_020337 HPRD:13843 ANKRD50 - ankyrin repeat domain 50 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37999 chrX 69044059 69044137 + 8.25580 NA intron (NM_001005613, intron 2 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -198609 NR_037494 100500887 NR_037494 MIR676 hsa-mir-676 microRNA 676 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16720 chr19 42806827 42806936 + 8.25580 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145939) promoter-TSS (NM_001145939) 48 NM_001145939 5050 Hs.466831 NM_002573 HPRD:04354 PAFAH1B3 PAFAHG platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b, catalytic subunit 3 (29kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29827 chr6 70211035 70211219 + 8.25580 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 295922 NM_018368 55788 Hs.271643 NM_018368 HPRD:12877 LMBRD1 C6orf209|LMBD1|MAHCF|NESI LMBR1 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9723 chr13 77554346 77554456 + 8.25580 NA Intergenic CpG -11658 NM_006493 1203 Hs.30213 NM_006493 CLN5 NCL ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10763 chr14 75988769 75988867 + 8.25580 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006399) promoter-TSS (NM_006399) 34 NM_006399 10538 Hs.509964 NM_006399 HPRD:09820 BATF B-ATF|BATF1|SFA-2|SFA2 basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19130 chr2 152266322 152266442 + 8.25580 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001177664) promoter-TSS (NM_001177664) -15 NM_018151 55183 Hs.655671 NM_018151 HPRD:10603 RIF1 - replication timing regulatory factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16735 chr19 43749605 43749681 + 8.25580 NA intron (NR_033888, intron 2 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 3155 NR_033888 284344 Hs.678987 NR_033888 ENSG00000241104 LOC284344 - uncharacterized LOC284344 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18698 chr2 111878407 111878499 + 8.25539 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001204109) promoter-TSS (NM_001204109) -38 NM_138622 10018 Hs.469658 NM_006538 HPRD:04828 BCL2L11 BAM|BIM|BOD BCL2-like 11 (apoptosis facilitator) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21659 chr22 19910251 19910336 + 8.25539 NA intron (NM_001282512, intron 2 of 11) AluSx3|SINE|Alu -18970 NM_000754 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9387 chr13 39612461 39612541 + 8.25418 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025138) promoter-TSS (NM_025138) 53 NM_001017370 387921 Hs.507783 NM_001012754 HPRD:18377 NHLRC3 - NHL repeat containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30421 chr6 122646785 122646918 + 8.25275 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -73845 NM_001135564 3298 Hs.158195 NM_004506 HPRD:00779 HSF2 HSF 2|HSTF 2 heat shock transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7449 chr12 9517540 9517674 + 8.25275 NA Intergenic MER101B|LTR|ERV1 -2453 NR_120479 101930452 Hs.734183 NR_120479 LOC101930452 - uncharacterized LOC101930452 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19643 chr2 197779960 197780036 + 8.25275 NA intron (NM_024989, intron 3 of 26) L2|LINE|L2 11456 NM_024989 80055 Hs.229988 NM_024989 HPRD:10147 PGAP1 Bst1|ISPD3024|MRT42|SPG67 post-GPI attachment to proteins 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18996 chr2 135090483 135090637 + 8.25275 NA intron (NM_002410, intron 4 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 78730 NM_002410 4249 Hs.4988 NM_002410 HPRD:03467 MGAT5 GNT-V|GNT-VA mannosyl (alpha-1,6-)-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30754 chr6 149180115 149180200 + 8.25275 NA intron (NM_005715, intron 1 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 105663 NR_038408 100128176 Hs.557541 NR_038408 LOC100128176 - uncharacterized LOC100128176 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24263 chr3 185723444 185723547 + 8.25275 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 45737 NR_033752 344887 Hs.128803 NR_033752 ENSG00000171658 LOC344887 - NmrA-like family domain containing 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6615 chr11 73608083 73608239 + 8.25195 NA intron (NM_001267805, intron 5 of 12) SVA_D|Other|Other 20147 NM_001267803 80227 Hs.525017 NM_025155 HPRD:07761 PAAF1 PAAF|Rpn14|WDR71 proteasomal ATPase-associated factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23758 chr3 138048082 138048244 + 8.25195 NA 5' UTR (NM_178130, exon 2 of 12) 5' UTR (NM_178130, exon 2 of 12) 565 NM_178130 347736 Hs.660992 NM_178130 HPRD:18250 NME9 NM23-H9|TXL-2|TXL2|TXNDC6 NME/NM23 family member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26221 chr4 151581165 151581375 + 8.25195 NA intron (NM_006726, intron 37 of 57) SVA_F|Other|Other 78193 NM_006439 10586 Hs.584852 NM_006439 HPRD:05075 MAB21L2 MCOPS14 mab-21-like 2 (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5156 chr10 122200592 122200797 + 8.25195 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -15772 NM_001030059 196051 Hs.40479 NM_001030059 HPRD:18745 PPAPDC1A DPPL2|PPAPDC1 phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2 domain containing 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26452 chr4 177968652 177968733 + 8.25195 NA Intergenic Intergenic -254793 NM_005429 7424 Hs.435215 NM_005429 HPRD:03317 VEGFC Flt4-L|LMPH1D|VRP vascular endothelial growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28352 chr5 140105712 140105788 + 8.25195 NA promoter-TSS (NR_026705) promoter-TSS (NR_026705) 6 NR_026705 56662 NR_026705 ENSG00000202515 VTRNA1-3 HVG3|VAULTRC3|VR3|hvg-3 vault RNA 1-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33223 chr8 580059 580267 + 8.24981 NA Intergenic Intergenic -84382 NM_175075 157695 Hs.289293 NM_175075 HPRD:13740 TDRP C8orf42|Inm01|TDRP1|TDRP2 testis development related protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15099 chr18 14247900 14247972 + 8.24981 NA Intergenic Intergenic 68840 NR_040113 440482 Hs.632352 NM_001029999 ANKRD20A5P ANKRD20A5 ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A5, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7501 chr12 11453999 11454086 + 8.24981 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 9327 NM_001261399 5545 Hs.528651 NM_002723 HPRD:01624 PRB4 Po proline-rich protein BstNI subfamily 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16610 chr19 39826695 39826766 + 8.24247 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001301008) promoter-TSS (NM_001301008) -4 NM_004877 9535 Hs.5210 NM_004877 HPRD:06821 GMFG GMF-GAMMA glia maturation factor, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34273 chr8 96280932 96281120 + 8.23956 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038208) promoter-TSS (NR_038208) -38 NR_038201 100616530 Hs.554328 NR_038201 ENSG00000253773 C8orf37-AS1 - C8orf37 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25425 chr4 76860954 76861081 + 8.23956 NA intron (NM_001042402, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_001042402, intron 2 of 8) 1149 NM_014435 27163 Hs.437365 NM_014435 HPRD:12122 NAAA ASAHL|PLT N-acylethanolamine acid amidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28547 chr5 150458434 150458504 + 8.23726 NA intron (NM_001252390, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001252390, intron 1 of 17) 2176 NM_001252385 10318 Hs.355141 NM_006058 HPRD:09216 TNIP1 ABIN-1|NAF1|VAN|nip40-1 TNFAIP3 interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30925 chr6 159357520 159357588 + 8.23460 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu 47935 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36899 chrUn_gl000225 10836 10904 + 8.23061 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16398 chr19 29845062 29845207 + 8.22822 NA intron (NR_040029, intron 9 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -140998 NM_006003 7386 Hs.743307 NM_006003 UQCRFS1 RIP1|RIS1|RISP|UQCR5 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, Rieske iron-sulfur polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20612 chr20 30697485 30697603 + 8.22822 NA exon (NM_014742, exon 1 of 18) exon (NM_014742, exon 1 of 18) 235 NM_014742 9777 Hs.654665 NM_014742 HPRD:15514 TM9SF4 dJ836N17.2 transmembrane 9 superfamily protein member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34311 chr8 100436320 100436389 + 8.22822 NA intron (NM_152564, intron 21 of 61) L1PA4|LINE|L1 112604 NR_030329 693184 NR_030329 miRBase:MI0003611 MIR599 MIRN599|hsa-mir-599 microRNA 599 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29038 chr6 13383899 13384032 + 8.22822 NA intron (NM_018988, intron 1 of 1) MER57E1|LTR|ERV1 24404 NM_001242630 54438 Hs.484686 NM_018988 HPRD:13574 GFOD1 ADG-90|C6orf114 glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34340 chr8 101868888 101868956 + 8.22822 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 93877 NM_001135702 7534 Hs.492407 NM_003406 HPRD:03183 YWHAZ 14-3-3-zeta|HEL-S-3|HEL4|KCIP-1|YWHAD tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, zeta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38671 chrX 129581999 129582102 + 8.22822 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 46107 NM_016024 51634 Hs.740515 NM_016024 HPRD:06470 RBMX2 CGI-79 RNA binding motif protein, X-linked 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26020 chr4 129140826 129140898 + 8.22822 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 69122 NM_006320 10424 Hs.507910 NM_006320 HPRD:09665 PGRMC2 DG6|PMBP progesterone receptor membrane component 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26535 chr4 185926502 185926586 + 8.22684 NA Intergenic CpG -13451 NM_001300782 391723 Hs.531242 NM_001029887 ENSG00000187821 HELT HCM1228|HESL|Mgn|bHLHb44 helt bHLH transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2129 chr1 153669074 153669192 + 8.22684 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -6864 NR_107050 102466879 NR_107050 MIR8083 hsa-mir-8083 microRNA 8083 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12489 chr16 20775250 20775366 + 8.22684 NA promoter-TSS (NM_202000) promoter-TSS (NM_202000) -4 NM_202000 6296 Hs.706754 NM_005622 HPRD:07033 ACSM3 SA|SAH acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30157 chr6 100155546 100155617 + 8.22684 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 100931 NM_021620 59336 Hs.287386 NM_021620 PRDM13 MU-MB-20.220|PFM10 PR domain containing 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33561 chr8 29316709 29316792 + 8.22684 NA Intergenic Intergenic -108483 NM_001394 1846 Hs.417962 NM_001394 HPRD:04123 DUSP4 HVH2|MKP-2|MKP2|TYP dual specificity phosphatase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1440 chr1 105314631 105314708 + 8.22684 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 699024 NR_033990 100129138 Hs.514487 NR_033990 ENSG00000215869 LOC100129138 - THAP domain containing, apoptosis associated protein 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5049 chr10 111981662 111981841 + 8.22369 NA intron (NM_001008541, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001008541, intron 1 of 4) -4011 NM_005962 4601 Hs.602078 NM_005962 HPRD:02486 MXI1 MAD2|MXD2|MXI|bHLHc11 MAX interactor 1, dimerization protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28244 chr5 133512633 133512766 + 8.21314 NA promoter-TSS (NM_170679) promoter-TSS (NM_170679) 25 NM_170679 6500 Hs.171626 NM_006930 SKP1 EMC19|OCP-II|OCP2|SKP1A|TCEB1L|p19A S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17428 chr2 12997175 12997377 + 8.21314 NA Intergenic Intergenic 119783 NR_036072 100422986 NR_036072 MIR3125 - microRNA 3125 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11914 chr15 80444865 80444949 + 8.21314 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000137) promoter-TSS (NM_000137) -326 NM_000137 2184 Hs.73875 NM_000137 HPRD:02040 FAH - fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (fumarylacetoacetase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36927 chrUn_gl000225 46641 46713 + 8.20788 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28757 chr5 173043028 173043105 + 8.20774 NA intron (NM_138369, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_138369, intron 1 of 3) 600 NM_001159651 91272 Hs.425091 NM_138369 HPRD:13309 BOD1 FAM44B biorientation of chromosomes in cell division 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38625 chrX 125605802 125605968 + 8.20774 NA Intergenic Intergenic 80957 NM_178470 139170 Hs.120403 NM_178470 HPRD:06604 DCAF12L1 KIAA1892L|WDR40B DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 12-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22928 chr3 58020813 58020954 + 8.20480 NA intron (NM_001457, intron 1 of 45) intron (NM_001457, intron 1 of 45) 26756 NM_001164317 2317 Hs.476448 NM_001457 HPRD:04543 FLNB ABP-278|ABP-280|AOI|FH1|FLN-B|FLN1L|LRS1|SCT|TABP|TAP filamin B, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22681 chr3 42839235 42839306 + 8.20480 NA intron (NM_001099669, intron 1 of 3) SVA_F|Other|Other 6664 NM_001099668 25994 Hs.593134 NM_014056 HIGD1A HIG1|RCF1a HIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family, member 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26122 chr4 142228480 142228747 + 8.20480 NA Intergenic Intergenic 25158 NR_121625 100507639 Hs.535010 NR_121625 ENSG00000248810 LOC100507639 - uncharacterized LOC100507639 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25977 chr4 123749172 123749269 + 8.20480 NA intron (NM_002006, intron 1 of 2) MIRb|SINE|MIR 1357 NM_002006 2247 Hs.284244 NM_002006 HPRD:00622 FGF2 BFGF|FGF-2|FGFB|HBGF-2 fibroblast growth factor 2 (basic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24491 chr4 1872210 1872345 + 8.20338 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001042424) promoter-TSS (NM_001042424) -846 NM_001042424 7468 Hs.113876 NM_007331 HPRD:04259 WHSC1 MMSET|NSD2|REIIBP|TRX5|WHS Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19901 chr2 218933606 218933678 + 8.20338 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198483) promoter-TSS (NM_198483) -96 NM_198483 285180 Hs.570069 NM_198483 HPRD:13539 RUFY4 - RUN and FYVE domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19875 chr2 216035993 216036076 + 8.20127 NA Intergenic Intergenic -32883 NR_103740 26154 Hs.134585 NM_015657 HPRD:07416 ABCA12 ARCI4A|ARCI4B|ICR2B|LI2 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37697 chrX 55145188 55145264 + 8.20127 NA Intergenic Intergenic 29729 NM_207339 203569 Hs.662489 NM_207339 HPRD:17565 PAGE2 CT16.4|GAGEC2|GAGEE2|PAGE-2 P antigen family, member 2 (prostate associated) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5282 chr10 129946633 129946837 + 8.19218 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -22267 NM_001145966 4288 Hs.80976 NM_002417 HPRD:08902 MKI67 KIA|MIB-|MIB-1|PPP1R105 marker of proliferation Ki-67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36082 chr9 111773074 111773206 + 8.18661 NA intron (NM_003798, intron 1 of 18) intron (NM_003798, intron 1 of 18) 2734 NM_003798 8727 Hs.58488 NM_003798 HPRD:09210 CTNNAL1 ACRP|CLLP|alpha-CATU catenin (cadherin-associated protein), alpha-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5681 chr11 14012336 14012402 + 8.18661 NA intron (NM_006108, intron 2 of 15) L1PA7|LINE|L1 28185 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30044 chr6 88441613 88441743 + 8.18368 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29693 NM_018064 55122 Hs.485915 NM_018064 HPRD:12864 AKIRIN2 C6orf166|FBI1|dJ486L4.2 akirin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30258 chr6 109193582 109193656 + 8.18368 NA intron (NM_032131, intron 4 of 17) intron (NM_032131, intron 4 of 17) 24000 NM_032131 84071 Hs.645481 NM_032131 HPRD:09809 ARMC2 bA787I22.1 armadillo repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24917 chr4 40058466 40058556 + 8.18368 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018177) promoter-TSS (NM_018177) -13 NM_018177 55728 Hs.391463 NM_018177 HPRD:11382 N4BP2 B3BP NEDD4 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8486 chr12 76850922 76851064 + 8.18368 NA intron (NM_020841, intron 3 of 23) Tigger2b_Pri|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 102596 NM_020841 114882 Hs.430849 NM_020841 HPRD:09478 OSBPL8 MST120|MSTP120|ORP8|OSBP10 oxysterol binding protein-like 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16731 chr19 43313001 43313079 + 8.18165 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -12975 NR_036584 100289650 Hs.680622 NR_036584 ENSG00000225877 LOC100289650 - uncharacterized LOC100289650 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13716 chr17 6292700 6292877 + 8.18165 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 45664 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32853 chr7 140656411 140656506 + 8.18165 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -31894 NM_004333 673 Hs.550061 NM_004333 HPRD:01264 BRAF B-RAF1|BRAF1|NS7|RAFB1 B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37433 chrX 28229492 28229558 + 8.18165 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -229959 NM_001017930 139425 Hs.447365 NM_001017930 HPRD:18551 DCAF8L1 WDR42B DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 8-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31579 chr7 36726228 36726322 + 8.18165 NA intron (NM_001177507, intron 1 of 19) intron (NM_001177507, intron 1 of 19) 37879 NM_001177506 313 Hs.488007 NM_001637 HPRD:00027 AOAH - acyloxyacyl hydrolase (neutrophil) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28531 chr5 149952350 149952547 + 8.18165 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -28194 NM_001166208 11346 Hs.435228 NM_007286 HPRD:12179 SYNPO - synaptopodin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23722 chr3 134204530 134204650 + 8.17825 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001042383) promoter-TSS (NM_001042383) 15 NM_001042383 80254 Hs.443301 NM_025180 HPRD:07826 CEP63 SCKL6 centrosomal protein 63kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38348 chrX 98658547 98658615 + 8.17551 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 536260 NR_024608 442459 Hs.706599 NM_001127438 XRCC6P5 - X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6 pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19286 chr2 165825135 165825201 + 8.17551 NA Intergenic LTR17|LTR|ERV1 -13133 NM_173512 151258 Hs.658702 NM_173512 HPRD:08267 SLC38A11 AVT2 solute carrier family 38, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3146 chr1 225975118 225975185 + 8.17551 NA intron (NM_001130440, intron 3 of 3) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 9636 NM_001130440 6726 Hs.511425 NM_003133 HPRD:02830 SRP9 ALURBP signal recognition particle 9kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27453 chr5 67224695 67224766 + 8.17551 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -260974 NR_105003 102467655 Hs.544102 NR_105003 LOC102467655 - uncharacterized LOC102467655 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25387 chr4 72995182 72995379 + 8.17551 NA intron (NM_053036, intron 2 of 3) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 90431 NM_001144756 10886 Hs.99231 NM_004885 HPRD:16244 NPFFR2 GPR74|HLWAR77|NPFF2|NPGPR neuropeptide FF receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14146 chr17 32750398 32750671 + 8.17551 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -60282 NM_002981 6346 Hs.72918 NM_002981 HPRD:01654 CCL1 I-309|P500|SCYA1|SISe|TCA3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17978 chr2 65108106 65108585 + 8.17085 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17580 NR_110224 101927438 Hs.580313 NR_110224 LOC101927438 - uncharacterized LOC101927438 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38892 chrX 153212893 153213069 + 8.17085 NA TTS (NM_005334) TTS (NM_005334) -2749 NM_002910 5973 Hs.158331 NM_002910 HPRD:02423 RENBP RBP|RNBP renin binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8214 chr12 56652092 56652266 + 8.17085 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173595) promoter-TSS (NM_173595) -36 NM_173595 283373 Hs.524506 NM_173595 ENSG00000139645 ANKRD52 ANKRD33 ankyrin repeat domain 52 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17978-2 chr2 65108106 65108585 + 8.17085 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17580 NR_110224 101927438 Hs.580313 NR_110224 LOC101927438 - uncharacterized LOC101927438 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16633 chr19 40482460 40482619 + 8.16984 NA intron (NM_006503, intron 6 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu 5627 NM_006503 5704 Hs.211594 NM_006503 HPRD:04085 PSMC4 MIP224|RPT3|S6|TBP-7|TBP7 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34052 chr8 74888303 74888473 + 8.16960 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017866) promoter-TSS (NM_017866) 11 NR_033334 54968 Hs.106650 NM_017866 HPRD:07923 TMEM70 MC5DN2 transmembrane protein 70 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13569 chr17 165145 165680 + 8.16662 NA intron (NM_001190411, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_001190411, intron 4 of 8) -15584 NM_001242780 100506388 Hs.627744 NM_001242780 LOC100506388 - uncharacterized LOC100506388 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13569-2 chr17 165145 165680 + 8.16662 NA intron (NM_001190411, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_001190411, intron 4 of 8) -15584 NM_001242780 100506388 Hs.627744 NM_001242780 LOC100506388 - uncharacterized LOC100506388 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36164 chr9 117665166 117665283 + 8.16416 NA 3' UTR (NM_001244, exon 4 of 4) 3' UTR (NM_001244, exon 4 of 4) 27651 NM_001244 944 Hs.494901 NM_001244 TNFSF8 CD153|CD30L|CD30LG tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16556 chr19 37782614 37782702 + 8.16158 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -22746 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5272 chr10 129608396 129608604 + 8.16065 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 72962 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38802 chrX 139806296 139806435 + 8.15891 NA intron (NR_104228, intron 2 of 3) (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 14441 NR_104228 286411 Hs.317627 NR_028344 ENSG00000203930 LINC00632 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 632 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29138 chr6 20319661 20319995 + 8.15891 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -82309 NM_001949 1871 Hs.269408 NM_001949 HPRD:02693 E2F3 E2F-3 E2F transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27995 chr5 110325373 110325445 + 8.15891 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -80369 NR_045089 85480 Hs.389874 NM_033035 HPRD:06108 TSLP - thymic stromal lymphopoietin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37652 chrX 51906582 51906648 + 8.15864 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -21304 NM_001242362 81557 Hs.522650 NM_030801 HPRD:06631 MAGED4B - melanoma antigen family D, 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26219 chr4 151247145 151247276 + 8.15864 NA intron (NM_006726, intron 49 of 57) intron (NM_006726, intron 49 of 57) 247784 NR_036614 166614 Hs.591683 NM_152619 HPRD:13122 DCLK2 CL2|CLICK-II|CLICK2|CLIK2|DCAMKL2|DCDC3|DCDC3B|DCK2 doublecortin-like kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32342 chr7 96466954 96467178 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic Intergenic -127863 NM_006304 7979 Hs.489201 NM_006304 SHFM1 DSS1|ECD|SEM1|SHFD1|SHSF1|Shfdg1 split hand/foot malformation (ectrodactyly) type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38696 chrX 131379088 131379161 + 8.14974 NA intron (NR_110410, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -25616 NM_001271187 57826 Hs.119889 NM_021183 HPRD:06706 RAP2C - RAP2C, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24400 chr3 197025002 197025119 + 8.14974 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038289) promoter-TSS (NR_038289) -58 NR_038289 100507086 Hs.636103 NR_038289 ENSG00000227375 DLG1-AS1 - DLG1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19722 chr2 202893574 202893682 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -5682 NM_003507 8324 Hs.173859 NM_003507 HPRD:04560 FZD7 FzE3 frizzled class receptor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24185 chr3 180279897 180279966 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -39987 NM_133462 151613 Hs.43213 NM_133462 HPRD:15579 TTC14 DRDL5813|PRO19630 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5162 chr10 122653496 122653654 + 8.14974 NA intron (NM_018117, intron 19 of 28) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -42884 NR_033850 283089 Hs.568750 NR_033850 ENSG00000227165 WDR11-AS1 - WDR11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38229 chrX 81347876 81347959 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic MER4B|LTR|ERV1 -890476 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15411 chr18 51869628 51869729 + 8.14974 NA intron (NM_139171, intron 2 of 5) SVA_F|Other|Other 11265 NM_139171 147323 Hs.438779 NM_139171 HPRD:09518 STARD6 - StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9611 chr13 55315295 55315362 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -429145 NR_031628 100302187 NR_031628 MIR1297 MIRN1297|hsa-mir-1297 microRNA 1297 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15595 chr18 75570963 75571067 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic Intergenic 134668 NR_104127 101927715 Hs.385670 NR_104127 LINC01029 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1029 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18714 chr2 112641520 112641866 + 8.14974 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022662) promoter-TSS (NM_022662) 48 NM_022662 64682 Hs.436527 NM_022662 HPRD:09769 ANAPC1 APC1|MCPR|TSG24 anaphase promoting complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34622 chr8 129760899 129761022 + 8.14974 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -184035 NR_121673 101927774 Hs.628730 NR_121672 ENSG00000254275 LINC00824 LINC01263 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 824 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25881 chr4 119757248 119757350 + 8.14097 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014822) promoter-TSS (NM_014822) 27 NM_014822 9871 Hs.189641 NM_014822 HPRD:06218 SEC24D - SEC24 family member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16555 chr19 37780064 37780169 + 8.13792 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -20204 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12007 chr15 86125436 86125538 + 8.13611 NA intron (NM_007200, intron 7 of 36) intron (NM_007200, intron 7 of 36) -37694 NM_001270546 11214 Hs.459211 NM_006738 HPRD:05253 AKAP13 AKAP-13|AKAP-Lbc|ARHGEF13|BRX|HA-3|Ht31|LBC|PRKA13|PROTO-LB|PROTO-LBC|c-lbc|p47 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16839 chr19 47458830 47458963 + 8.13544 NA intron (NM_004491, intron 2 of 5) AluJo|SINE|Alu 36963 NM_004491 2909 Hs.509447 NM_004491 HPRD:05592 ARHGAP35 GRF-1|GRLF1|P190-A|P190A|p190ARhoGAP|p190RhoGAP Rho GTPase activating protein 35 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34287 chr8 97340323 97340436 + 8.13544 NA intron (NM_001290225, intron 8 of 10) intron (NM_001290225, intron 8 of 10) 66265 NM_001290225 9791 Hs.292579 NM_014754 PTDSS1 LMHD|PSS1|PSSA phosphatidylserine synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13875 chr17 16171549 16171660 + 8.13544 NA intron (NM_004278, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_004278, intron 2 of 6) -13724 NR_031698 100302124 NR_031698 MIR1288 MIRN1288|hsa-mir-1288 microRNA 1288 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31507 chr7 30370437 30370517 + 8.13544 NA intron (NM_147128, intron 2 of 4) Kanga11a|DNA|TcMar-Tc2 -39189 NR_002186 222161 Hs.112423 NR_002186 DKFZP586I1420 - uncharacterized protein DKFZp586I1420 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34066 chr8 76357013 76357089 + 8.13544 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -95152 NM_004133 3174 Hs.241529 NM_004133 HPRD:06909 HNF4G NR2A2|NR2A3 hepatocyte nuclear factor 4, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39093 chrY 13129406 13129599 + 8.13340 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1403887 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36643 chr9_gl000199_random 129117 129190 + 8.13080 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31169 chr7 1597113 1597288 + 8.12860 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -1134 NM_001097620 202915 Hs.592174 NM_152689 HPRD:14716 TMEM184A - transmembrane protein 184A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13626 chr17 1933364 1933552 + 8.12860 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001383) promoter-TSS (NM_001383) 27 NM_001383 1801 Hs.513856 NM_001383 HPRD:04634 DPH1 DPH2L|DPH2L1|OVCA1 diphthamide biosynthesis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1713 chr1 142538617 142538699 + 8.12694 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 174947 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37997 chrX 69008536 69008612 + 8.12544 NA intron (NM_001005613, intron 2 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 172663 NM_001005609 1896 Hs.105407 NM_001399 HPRD:02347 EDA ECTD1|ED1|ED1-A1|ED1-A2|EDA-A1|EDA-A2|EDA1|EDA2|HED|HED1|ODT1|STHAGX1|XHED|XLHED ectodysplasin A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27148 chr5 46095232 46095326 + 8.12544 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -399059 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8105 chr12 51788102 51788231 + 8.12544 NA intron (NM_001258401, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001258401, intron 1 of 24) -2966 NM_007210 11226 Hs.505575 NM_007210 HPRD:05512 GALNT6 GALNAC-T6|GalNAcT6 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17780 chr2 45988203 45988277 + 8.12445 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 1 of 14) AluY|SINE|Alu 109197 NM_005400 5581 Hs.580351 NM_005400 HPRD:01500 PRKCE PKCE|nPKC-epsilon protein kinase C, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14406 chr17 45079162 45079229 + 8.12445 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -22581 NM_203400 388394 Hs.367999 NM_203400 HPRD:14201 RPRML - reprimo-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_724 chr1 40157084 40157189 + 8.12445 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282397) promoter-TSS (NM_001282397) 21 NM_001282396 51440 Hs.743975 NM_016257 HPRD:17113 HPCAL4 HLP4 hippocalcin like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1952 chr1 148265032 148265098 + 8.12445 NA intron (NM_015383, intron 57 of 65) (GA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -62529 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31405 chr7 22502251 22502321 + 8.12445 NA intron (NM_001164460, intron 4 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 37615 NM_001164460 256227 Hs.729825 NM_207342 ENSG00000105889 STEAP1B - STEAP family member 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1377 chr1 99645975 99646053 + 8.12445 NA Intergenic Intergenic -83834 NM_001166252 9890 Hs.13245 NM_014839 HPRD:07425 LPPR4 LPR4|PHP1|PRG-1|PRG1 lipid phosphate phosphatase-related protein type 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24775 chr4 21688828 21688930 + 8.12445 NA intron (NM_147182, intron 2 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 10439 NM_001035003 80333 Hs.655705 NM_025221 HPRD:12184 KCNIP4 CALP|KCHIP4 Kv channel interacting protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_784 chr1 43582513 43582597 + 8.12413 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -31039 NM_001101376 440585 Hs.657614 NM_001101376 ENSG00000186973 FAM183A - family with sequence similarity 183, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10607 chr14 65362584 65362880 + 8.12311 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -18347 NM_001204064 91612 Hs.731537 NM_145165 HPRD:12262 CHURC1 C14orf52|chch churchill domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36553 chr9 141121921 141122041 + 8.12248 NA intron (NM_001145249, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001145249, intron 5 of 6) 15344 NM_001145249 100132403 Hs.741123 NM_001145249 FAM157B - family with sequence similarity 157, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17212 chr19_gl000208_random 64023 64099 + 8.11955 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28856 chr5 179719079 179719180 + 8.11949 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135044) promoter-TSS (NM_001135044) -58 NM_139068 5601 Hs.484371 NM_002752 HPRD:04206 MAPK9 JNK-55|JNK2|JNK2A|JNK2ALPHA|JNK2B|JNK2BETA|PRKM9|SAPK|SAPK1a|p54a|p54aSAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23427 chr3 111329178 111329332 + 8.11359 NA intron (NM_198196, intron 9 of 14) intron (NM_198196, intron 9 of 14) -15073 NM_024508 79413 Hs.136912 NM_024508 HPRD:15686 ZBED2 - zinc finger, BED-type containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38312 chrX 91078202 91078272 + 8.11238 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -12223 NM_001168363 27328 Hs.655673 NM_014522 HPRD:02215 PCDH11X PCDH-X|PCDH11|PCDHX|PPP1R119 protocadherin 11 X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30126 chr6 96914136 96914343 + 8.11238 NA Intergenic Intergenic -55463 NM_015323 23376 Hs.149367 NM_015323 HPRD:11109 UFL1 KIAA0776|Maxer|NLBP|RCAD UFM1-specific ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6235 chr11 57765307 57765374 + 8.11238 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -26013 NM_001005212 219956 Hs.689841 NM_001005212 HPRD:17800 OR9Q1 - olfactory receptor, family 9, subfamily Q, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7689 chr12 25530504 25530617 + 8.10742 NA Intergenic Intergenic -126695 NM_033360 3845 Hs.505033 NM_004985 HPRD:01817 KRAS C-K-RAS|CFC2|K-RAS2A|K-RAS2B|K-RAS4A|K-RAS4B|KI-RAS|KRAS1|KRAS2|NS|NS3|RASK2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12705 chr16 31380029 31380173 + 8.10742 NA intron (NM_000887, intron 14 of 29) SVA_D|Other|Other 13646 NM_001286375 3687 Hs.248472 NM_000887 HPRD:01051 ITGAX CD11C|SLEB6 integrin, alpha X (complement component 3 receptor 4 subunit) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30316 chr6 112311184 112311282 + 8.10742 NA Intergenic Intergenic -64045 NM_003880 8838 Hs.558428 NM_003880 HPRD:04550 WISP3 CCN6|LIBC|PPAC|PPD WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23071 chr3 71179711 71179874 + 8.10742 NA exon (NM_001244815, exon 1 of 16) exon (NM_001244815, exon 1 of 16) 300 NM_001244815 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35805 chr9 88420052 88420244 + 8.10742 NA promoter-TSS (NR_029410) promoter-TSS (NR_029410) -769 NR_029410 389765 Hs.715986 NR_029410 LOC389765 - kinesin family member 27 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13719 chr17 6298739 6298924 + 8.10742 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 39621 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14033 chr17 25367836 25367910 + 8.10597 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 253149 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4720 chr10 88699282 88699382 + 8.10511 NA intron (NM_024756, intron 6 of 6) intron (NM_024756, intron 6 of 6) 18093 NM_024756 79812 Hs.524479 NM_024756 HPRD:10601 MMRN2 EMILIN-3|EMILIN3|ENDOGLYX-1 multimerin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11286 chr15 31091890 31092005 + 8.10511 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18292 NR_072991 390561 Hs.721293 NR_072991 HERC2P10 - hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 10 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28289 chr5 137368670 137368793 + 8.10291 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016603) promoter-TSS (NM_016603) 71 NM_016603 51306 Hs.567453 NM_016603 HPRD:06464 FAM13B ARHGAP49|C5orf5|FAM13B1|KHCHP|N61 family with sequence similarity 13, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32064 chr7 70134995 70135099 + 8.09906 NA intron (NM_001127231, intron 5 of 17) intron (NM_001127231, intron 5 of 17) -462476 NM_022479 64409 Hs.488591 NM_022479 HPRD:15655 WBSCR17 GALNACT17|GALNT16|GALNT20|GALNTL3|GalNAc-T5L Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29045 chr6 13681897 13681999 + 8.09906 NA intron (NM_005493, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_005493, intron 2 of 13) 29848 NM_005493 10048 Hs.708182 NM_005493 HPRD:04835 RANBP9 BPM-L|BPM90|RANBPM|RanBP7 RAN binding protein 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15596 chr18 75612141 75612300 + 8.09906 NA Intergenic GC_rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 93463 NR_104127 101927715 Hs.385670 NR_104127 LINC01029 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1029 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18458 chr2 92322753 92322838 + 8.09861 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 193636 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35605 chr9 70007887 70008012 + 8.09822 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 170866 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29765 chr6 61898533 61898636 + 8.09783 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -385424 NM_001190706 100463487 NM_001190706 ENSG00000255633 MTRNR2L9 HN9 MT-RNR2-like 9 (pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6066 chr11 48880505 48880575 + 8.09379 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -172612 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5034 chr10 111555875 111555992 + 8.08931 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 127378 NM_001167604 7511 Hs.390623 NM_020383 HPRD:03899 XPNPEP1 APP1|SAMP|XPNPEP|XPNPEPL|XPNPEPL1 X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 1, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28407 chr5 142178150 142178308 + 8.08708 NA intron (NM_015071, intron 1 of 22) intron (NM_015071, intron 1 of 22) 27937 NM_001135608 23092 Hs.654668 NM_015071 HPRD:05643 ARHGAP26 GRAF|GRAF1|OPHN1L|OPHN1L1 Rho GTPase activating protein 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25910 chr4 121666916 121667041 + 8.08679 NA intron (NM_001300824, intron 12 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 177043 NM_018699 11107 Hs.666782 NM_018699 HPRD:17902 PRDM5 BCS2|PFM2 PR domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33139 chr7 157020282 157020368 + 8.08679 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 17 of 22) AluY|SINE|Alu 88670 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9817 chr13 95838286 95838366 + 8.08679 NA intron (NM_001105515, intron 11 of 20) L1MC5|LINE|L1 115361 NM_001105515 10257 Hs.508423 NM_005845 HPRD:05583 ABCC4 EST170205|MOAT-B|MOATB|MRP4 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34677 chr8 134628849 134629021 + 8.08679 NA Intergenic Intergenic -44752 NM_003033 6482 Hs.374257 NM_003033 HPRD:06219 ST3GAL1 Gal-NAc6S|SIAT4A|SIATFL|ST3GalA|ST3GalA.1|ST3GalIA|ST3GalIA,1|ST3O ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13180 chr16 67246465 67246632 + 8.08679 NA intron (NM_001004055, intron 2 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu -10250 NR_029887 442901 NR_029887 miRBase:MI0000804 MIR328 MIRN328|hsa-mir-328 microRNA 328 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15376 chr18 47792680 47792980 + 8.08679 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145020) promoter-TSS (NM_145020) 35 NM_145020 220136 Hs.658630 NM_145020 HPRD:09958 CCDC11 HTX6 coiled-coil domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23029 chr3 66968774 66968936 + 8.08637 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -79872 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12737 chr16 32159730 32159807 + 8.07481 NA Intergenic Intergenic 39666 NR_109773 100289574 Hs.531536 NR_109773 ENSG00000230267 HERC2P4 D16F37S5 hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35662 chr9 73029281 73029379 + 8.07481 NA 5' UTR (NM_001206, exon 1 of 2) 5' UTR (NM_001206, exon 1 of 2) 243 NM_001206 687 Hs.150557 NM_001206 HPRD:04211 KLF9 BTEB|BTEB1 Kruppel-like factor 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10434 chr14 52313593 52313781 + 8.07441 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13335 NM_053064 54331 Hs.187772 NM_053064 HPRD:16234 GNG2 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28492 chr5 148000328 148000564 + 8.07359 NA intron (NM_001286410, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001286410, intron 1 of 5) 16178 NM_001286410 3360 Hs.483773 NM_000870 ENSG00000164270 HTR4 5-HT4|5-HT4R 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 4, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36173 chr9 120546177 120546400 + 8.07359 NA Intergenic Intergenic 79835 NM_138554 7099 Hs.174312 NM_003266 HPRD:04325 TLR4 ARMD10|CD284|TLR-4|TOLL toll-like receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22557 chr3 31563807 31563939 + 8.07359 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10120 NM_178862 201595 Hs.475812 NM_178862 STT3B CDG1X|SIMP|STT3-B STT3B, subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex (catalytic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33677 chr8 42795083 42795168 + 8.07359 NA intron (NM_032410, intron 4 of 21) SVA_D|Other|Other 43092 NM_032410 84376 Hs.162852 NM_032410 HPRD:09699 HOOK3 HK3 hook microtubule-tethering protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33821 chr8 49854149 49854225 + 8.07359 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -20188 NM_003068 6591 Hs.360174 NM_003068 HPRD:03689 SNAI2 SLUG|SLUGH1|SNAIL2|WS2D snail family zinc finger 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34756 chr8 141646223 141646323 + 8.06929 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164623) promoter-TSS (NM_001164623) -627 NM_001164623 27161 Hs.743313 NM_012154 HPRD:06943 AGO2 EIF2C2|Q10 argonaute RISC catalytic component 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33024 chr7 151038706 151038873 + 8.06929 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243351) promoter-TSS (NM_001243351) -58 NM_016118 51667 Hs.647082 NM_016118 HPRD:07450 NUB1 BS4|NUB1L|NYREN18 negative regulator of ubiquitin-like proteins 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24755 chr4 17818789 17818900 + 8.06752 NA intron (NM_022346, intron 5 of 20) intron (NM_022346, intron 5 of 20) 6408 NM_022346 64151 Hs.567567 NM_022346 HPRD:12097 NCAPG CAPG|CHCG|NY-MEL-3|YCG1 non-SMC condensin I complex, subunit G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8578 chr12 89862525 89862635 + 8.06752 NA intron (NR_037660, intron 5 of 9) intron (NR_037660, intron 5 of 9) 56003 NM_003774 8693 Hs.25130 NM_003774 HPRD:09152 GALNT4 GALNAC-T4|GALNACT4 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3712 chr10 15210856 15210979 + 8.06703 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004808) promoter-TSS (NM_004808) -222 NM_004808 9397 Hs.60339 NM_004808 NMT2 - N-myristoyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37995 chrX 68970861 68970995 + 8.06679 NA intron (NM_001005613, intron 2 of 2) L1PA5|LINE|L1 135017 NM_001005609 1896 Hs.105407 NM_001399 HPRD:02347 EDA ECTD1|ED1|ED1-A1|ED1-A2|EDA-A1|EDA-A2|EDA1|EDA2|HED|HED1|ODT1|STHAGX1|XHED|XLHED ectodysplasin A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26139 chr4 144027197 144027279 + 8.06679 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -78832 NM_001290325 84640 Hs.480848 NM_032557 USP38 HP43.8KD ubiquitin specific peptidase 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29214 chr6 26240431 26240735 + 8.06612 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003540) promoter-TSS (NM_003540) -71 NM_003540 8361 Hs.247816 NM_003540 HIST1H4F H4|H4/c|H4FC histone cluster 1, H4f protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34201 chr8 88401382 88401454 + 8.06612 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 484878 NM_152418 138009 Hs.371738 NM_152418 HPRD:08187 DCAF4L2 WDR21C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3327 chr1 235885877 235886017 + 8.06612 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 39 of 52) AluSg|SINE|Alu -71893 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32536 chr7 106766963 106767215 + 8.06612 NA intron (NM_002736, intron 3 of 10) intron (NM_002736, intron 3 of 10) -42317 NM_001244262 26959 Hs.162032 NM_012257 HPRD:13634 HBP1 - HMG-box transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16290 chr19 23109808 23110136 + 8.06612 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 76038 NM_001267716 388523 Hs.616766 NM_001267716 ZNF728 - zinc finger protein 728 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33113 chr7 156894297 156894444 + 8.06527 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -37285 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27153 chr5 46324230 46324307 + 8.06418 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -628048 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19618 chr2 196424430 196424565 + 8.05272 NA Intergenic Intergenic -97035 NM_001127257 57181 Hs.650158 NM_020342 HPRD:10572 SLC39A10 LZT-Hs2 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11610 chr15 55582731 55582865 + 8.05141 NA promoter-TSS (NM_183235) promoter-TSS (NM_183235) -785 NM_183235 5873 Hs.654978 NM_004580 HPRD:04845 RAB27A GS2|HsT18676|RAB27|RAM RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2516 chr1 174936308 174936429 + 8.05134 NA intron (NM_001243764, intron 1 of 6) AluJb|SINE|Alu 2463 NM_001243764 9910 Hs.585378 NM_014857 HPRD:16464 RABGAP1L HHL|TBC1D18 RAB GTPase activating protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14488 chr17 48277237 48277320 + 8.04848 NA exon (NM_000088, exon 2 of 51) exon (NM_000088, exon 2 of 51) 1722 NM_000088 1277 Hs.172928 NM_000088 HPRD:00362 COL1A1 OI4 collagen, type I, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34763 chr8 142502377 142502507 + 8.04848 NA intron (NR_102363, intron 3 of 27) intron (NR_102363, intron 3 of 27) 14888 NM_207414 389690 Hs.689547 NM_207414 HPRD:13480 MROH5 - maestro heat-like repeat family member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19078 chr2 144973986 144974093 + 8.04848 NA intron (NM_001164629, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_001164629, intron 2 of 11) -4893 NM_001284233 79712 Hs.44780 NM_024659 HPRD:13615 GTDC1 Hmat-Xa|mat-Xa glycosyltransferase-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38026 chrX 70287960 70288159 + 8.04848 NA exon (NM_001256187, exon 1 of 3) exon (NM_001256187, exon 1 of 3) 239 NM_001256188 29934 Hs.260750 NM_013346 HPRD:06719 SNX12 - sorting nexin 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15708 chr19 1592860 1593011 + 8.04848 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001281453) promoter-TSS (NM_001281453) -175 NM_001281453 53615 Hs.178728 NM_003926 HPRD:04653 MBD3 - methyl-CpG binding domain protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18873 chr2 129701182 129701254 + 8.04515 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 79044 NR_110278 101927881 Hs.570247 NR_110278 LOC101927881 - uncharacterized LOC101927881 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16083 chr19 15048686 15048854 + 8.04515 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -3531 NM_012377 26658 Hs.589620 NM_012377 HPRD:15072 OR7C2 CIT-HSP-87M17|OR19-18|OR7C3 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1027 chr1 65329821 65329917 + 8.04515 NA intron (NM_002227, intron 8 of 24) intron (NM_002227, intron 8 of 24) 102318 NM_002227 3716 Hs.207538 NM_002227 HPRD:00992 JAK1 JAK1A|JAK1B|JTK3 Janus kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16074 chr19 14983190 14983260 + 8.04515 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 8942 NM_030901 26333 Hs.247717 NM_030901 HPRD:17781 OR7A17 BC85395_4|HTPCRX19 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29804 chr6 67135754 67135829 + 8.04515 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 638019 NR_026540 442229 Hs.390414 NR_026540 SLC25A51P1 MCART3P|bA707M13.1 solute carrier family 25, member 51 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36652 chr9_gl000199_random 140988 141153 + 8.04467 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20496 chr20 23437220 23437292 + 8.04411 NA Intergenic MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -3774 NM_080830 140880 Hs.128100 NM_080830 HPRD:16767 CST11 CST8L|CTES2|SC13|dJ322G13.6 cystatin 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10302 chr14 39852380 39852631 + 8.04411 NA Intergenic Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 49199 NM_203301 254170 Hs.146632 NM_203301 FBXO33 BMND12|Fbx33|c14_5247 F-box protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32850 chr7 140638427 140638513 + 8.04411 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -13906 NM_004333 673 Hs.550061 NM_004333 HPRD:01264 BRAF B-RAF1|BRAF1|NS7|RAFB1 B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19322 chr2 169727377 169727445 + 8.04411 NA TTS (NM_020675) TTS (NM_020675) 19533 NM_020675 57405 Hs.421956 NM_020675 HPRD:15465 SPC25 SPBC25|hSpc25 SPC25, NDC80 kinetochore complex component protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35374 chr9 44990220 44990296 + 8.03827 NA promoter-TSS (NR_027421) promoter-TSS (NR_027421) 22 NR_027421 100132948 Hs.645763 NM_001024942 ENSG00000154537 FAM27C FAM27A|FAM27A1|FAM27A3 family with sequence similarity 27, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31410 chr7 22893391 22893542 + 8.03650 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2766 NR_003075 692210 NR_003075 ENSG00000221740 SNORD93 HBII-336 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 93 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23892 chr3 150920910 150921047 + 8.03650 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013308) promoter-TSS (NM_013308) 10 NM_013308 29909 Hs.549152 NM_013308 HPRD:17071 GPR171 H963 G protein-coupled receptor 171 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9877 chr13 100148991 100149191 + 8.03650 NA intron (NR_110731, intron 2 of 4) MER51A|LTR|ERV1 2469 NR_110731 102725509 Hs.648968 NR_110731 LINC01232 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1232 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3861 chr10 27444984 27445067 + 8.03564 NA intron (NM_001172303, intron 1 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu 1272 NM_032844 84930 Hs.276905 NM_032844 HPRD:10499 MASTL GREATWALL|GW|GWL|MAST-L|THC2|hGWL microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_101 chr1 2629219 2629317 + 8.03407 NA intron (NM_001242672, intron 4 of 6) intron (NM_001242672, intron 4 of 6) -64787 NM_033467 79258 Hs.591453 NM_033467 HPRD:07024 MMEL1 MMEL2|NEP2|NEPII|NL1|NL2|SEP membrane metallo-endopeptidase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21382 chr21 36260399 36260526 + 8.03407 NA 5' UTR (NM_001001890, exon 1 of 6) 5' UTR (NM_001001890, exon 1 of 6) 525 NM_001122607 861 Hs.149261 NM_001754 HPRD:01043 RUNX1 AML1|AML1-EVI-1|AMLCR1|CBFA2|EVI-1|PEBP2aB runt-related transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3043 chr1 220243714 220243804 + 8.02937 NA intron (NM_001286150, intron 3 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 19436 NM_001286149 10380 Hs.406134 NM_006085 HPRD:06814 BPNT1 HEL20|PIP 3'(2'), 5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27916 chr5 102006979 102007051 + 8.02937 NA non-coding (NR_103753, exon 1 of 3) non-coding (NR_103753, exon 1 of 3) 153 NR_103756 285708 Hs.533011 NR_103753 LINC00491 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 491 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9421 chr13 41579119 41579303 + 8.02421 NA intron (NM_172373, intron 1 of 8) L4|LINE|RTE 14297 NM_172373 1997 Hs.135646 NM_172373 HPRD:01808 ELF1 - E74-like factor 1 (ets domain transcription factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9863 chr13 99867783 99867883 + 8.02421 NA TTS (NR_039765) TTS (NR_039765) 14670 NM_177967 337867 Hs.508545 NM_177967 ENSG00000134882 UBAC2 PHGDHL1 UBA domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7580 chr12 18318635 18318771 + 8.02360 NA Intergenic MER57-int|LTR|ERV1 -75576 NM_024730 79785 Hs.732831 NM_024730 HPRD:08659 RERGL - RERG/RAS-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29509 chr6 36750704 36750857 + 8.02360 NA intron (NM_020939, intron 8 of 20) MIRb|SINE|MIR 56440 NM_020939 57699 Hs.657869 NM_020939 HPRD:05018 CPNE5 COPN5|CPN5 copine V protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23010 chr3 66871843 66871941 + 8.02360 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -176835 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24831 chr4 29219035 29219102 + 8.02360 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 397864 NR_036237 100422937 NR_036237 MIR4275 - microRNA 4275 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25911 chr4 121963018 121963104 + 8.02360 NA intron (NM_024574, intron 2 of 3) L2c|LINE|L2 30612 NM_024574 79625 Hs.709520 NM_024574 HPRD:08019 NDNF C4orf31 neuron-derived neurotrophic factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3884 chr10 29553647 29553723 + 8.02360 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -24305 NM_032517 84569 Hs.558572 NM_032517 HPRD:14336 LYZL1 KAAG648|LYC2|PRO1278|bA534G20.1 lysozyme-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20500 chr20 23883113 23883182 + 8.02360 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -22767 NM_001900 1473 Hs.121489 NM_001900 HPRD:00463 CST5 - cystatin D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4253 chr10 44311928 44312068 + 8.02360 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26133 NR_002726 10151 Hs.632956 NR_002726 HPRD:05644 HNRNPA3P1 D10S102|FBRNP|HNRPA3|HNRPA3P1 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5790 chr11 22717793 22717859 + 8.02360 NA intron (NM_005256, intron 2 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 21507 NM_005256 2620 Hs.711297 NM_005256 HPRD:04158 GAS2 - growth arrest-specific 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24157 chr3 178066670 178066964 + 8.02360 NA Intergenic LTR12|LTR|ERV1 -70172 NR_046786 100874330 Hs.201902 NR_046786 ENSG00000223941 LINC01014 KCNMB2-IT1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1014 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15436 chr18 55710831 55710951 + 8.02135 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015277) promoter-TSS (NM_015277) -719 NM_015277 23327 Hs.185677 NM_015277 HPRD:05903 NEDD4L NEDD4-2|NEDD4.2|RSP5|hNEDD4-2 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4-like, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34640 chr8 131296835 131296960 + 8.02135 NA intron (NM_018482, intron 3 of 29) intron (NM_018482, intron 3 of 29) 11882 NR_002765 29065 Hs.639318 NR_002765 ASAP1-IT1 ASAP1-IT|ASAP1IT|ASAP1IT1|DDEF1IT1|HSPC054|NCRNA00050 ASAP1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19970 chr2 224682134 224682264 + 8.02135 NA intron (NR_110906, intron 1 of 3) AluSx|SINE|Alu 20120 NR_110906 130340 Hs.632555 NM_178814 HPRD:16495 AP1S3 - adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 3 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1414 chr1 101774987 101775386 + 8.02036 NA Intergenic Intergenic 31265 NR_046482 100873740 NR_046482 ENSG00000207116 RNU6-31P RNU6-31|RNU6-6 RNA, U6 small nuclear 31, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1414-2 chr1 101774987 101775386 + 8.02036 NA Intergenic Intergenic 31265 NR_046482 100873740 NR_046482 ENSG00000207116 RNU6-31P RNU6-31|RNU6-6 RNA, U6 small nuclear 31, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29590 chr6 42847333 42847426 + 8.01656 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198486) promoter-TSS (NM_198486) -292 NM_198486 285855 Hs.520133 NM_198486 HPRD:18000 RPL7L1 dJ475N16.4 ribosomal protein L7-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17880 chr2 55450813 55450949 + 8.01656 NA intron (NM_152385, intron 2 of 12) CpG -8158 NM_001135592 6233 Hs.311640 NM_002954 HPRD:01878 RPS27A CEP80|HEL112|S27A|UBA80|UBC|UBCEP1|UBCEP80 ribosomal protein S27a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36777 chrUn_gl000216 136524 136691 + 8.01473 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9747 chr13 80055253 80055562 + 8.01034 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046685) promoter-TSS (NR_046685) -41 NR_046685 100874208 Hs.602801 NR_046685 ENSG00000232132 NDFIP2-AS1 - NDFIP2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10920 chr14 93052618 93052689 + 8.01034 NA intron (NM_024832, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_024832, intron 3 of 9) 72528 NM_024832 79890 Hs.326822 NM_024832 HPRD:11494 RIN3 - Ras and Rab interactor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34018 chr8 71072396 71072467 + 8.01034 NA intron (NM_006540, intron 9 of 22) intron (NM_006540, intron 9 of 22) -88869 NM_024504 63978 Hs.736037 NM_024504 HPRD:11457 PRDM14 PFM11 PR domain containing 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38539 chrX 117629442 117629641 + 8.01034 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144658) promoter-TSS (NM_144658) -331 NM_144658 139818 Hs.368203 NM_144658 HPRD:06492 DOCK11 ACG|ZIZ2|bB128O4.1 dedicator of cytokinesis 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36832 chrUn_gl000218 140341 140433 + 8.00743 NA Intergenic Tigger3a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -42933 NR_037871 100233156 Hs.487536 NM_174888 LOC100233156 - tektin 4 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28740 chr5 172198209 172198393 + 8.00357 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004417) promoter-TSS (NM_004417) -98 NM_004417 1843 Hs.171695 NM_004417 HPRD:02835 DUSP1 CL100|HVH1|MKP-1|MKP1|PTPN10 dual specificity phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14158 chr17 33488042 33488174 + 8.00357 NA intron (NM_001267052, intron 8 of 19) Tigger11a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 13272 NM_001267052 146862 Hs.379636 NM_173167 HPRD:10840 UNC45B CMYA4|SMUNC45|UNC45 unc-45 homolog B (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28172 chr5 128881504 128881572 + 8.00357 NA intron (NM_133638, intron 6 of 22) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -85156 NR_125748 103689846 Hs.628635 NR_125748 ADAMTS19-AS1 - ADAMTS19 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17482 chr2 22381766 22381832 + 8.00357 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -377552 NR_110577 102723362 Hs.502887 NR_110577 LOC102723362 - uncharacterized LOC102723362 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17448 chr2 16847066 16847133 + 8.00357 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030797) promoter-TSS (NM_030797) 35 NM_030797 81553 Hs.467769 NM_030797 HPRD:07729 FAM49A - family with sequence similarity 49, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22967 chr3 62834139 62834335 + 7.99864 NA intron (NM_183393, intron 1 of 26) L1PA2|LINE|L1 26827 NM_003716 8618 Hs.654933 NM_003716 HPRD:05236 CADPS CADPS1|CAPS|CAPS1 Ca++-dependent secretion activator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9642 chr13 61552068 61552162 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic (TATATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 221899 NR_036128 100422973 NR_036128 miRBase:MI0014200 MIR3169 - microRNA 3169 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20639 chr20 32287119 32287208 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -12953 NM_005225 1869 Hs.654393 NM_005225 HPRD:01806 E2F1 E2F-1|RBAP1|RBBP3|RBP3 E2F transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30514 chr6 131840835 131840981 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic L1PB4|LINE|L1 -53436 NM_000045 383 Hs.440934 NM_000045 HPRD:01947 ARG1 - arginase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27900 chr5 100116155 100116249 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic Intergenic 122787 NM_005668 7903 Hs.308628 NM_005668 HPRD:03970 ST8SIA4 PST|PST1|SIAT8D|ST8SIA-IV ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23561 chr3 122216403 122216594 + 7.99864 NA intron (NR_026698, intron 1 of 14) L1MB7|LINE|L1 17288 NM_002264 3836 Hs.161008 NM_002264 HPRD:02819 KPNA1 IPOA5|NPI-1|RCH2|SRP1 karyopherin alpha 1 (importin alpha 5) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35743 chr9 80693914 80693988 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -47586 NM_002072 2776 Hs.269782 NM_002072 GNAQ CMC1|G-ALPHA-q|GAQ|SWS guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), q polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38944 chrX 155110847 155111009 + 7.99864 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145149) promoter-TSS (NM_001145149) -15 NM_005638 6845 Hs.24167 NM_005638 HPRD:02084 VAMP7 SYBL1|TI-VAMP|TIVAMP|VAMP-7 vesicle-associated membrane protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38643 chrX 127872659 127872834 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -686364 NM_138289 139741 Hs.680125 NM_138289 HPRD:06439 ACTRT1 AIP1|ARIP1|ARPT1|HSD27 actin-related protein T1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39452 chrY 59213853 59214015 + 7.99864 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033715) promoter-TSS (NR_033715) -15 NR_033715 6845 Hs.24167 NM_005638 HPRD:02084 VAMP7 SYBL1|TI-VAMP|TIVAMP|VAMP-7 vesicle-associated membrane protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6415 chr11 65219187 65219428 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 7378 NR_030343 693197 NR_030343 miRBase:MI0003625 MIR612 MIRN612|hsa-mir-612 microRNA 612 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28053 chr5 116449506 116449590 + 7.99864 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -301660 NR_046089 728342 Hs.434420 NR_046089 LINC00992 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 992 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28065 chr5 117831282 117831359 + 7.99864 NA intron (NR_104610, intron 4 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 66492 NR_104610 101927280 Hs.543951 NR_104610 LOC101927280 - uncharacterized LOC101927280 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8575 chr12 89791919 89792216 + 7.99144 NA Intergenic Intergenic -45431 NM_022652 1848 Hs.298654 NM_001946 HPRD:04124 DUSP6 HH19|MKP3|PYST1 dual specificity phosphatase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35210 chr9 34646496 34646710 + 7.99144 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000155) promoter-TSS (NM_000155) 17 NM_000155 2592 Hs.522090 NM_000155 HPRD:06106 GALT - galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_865 chr1 46769227 46769337 + 7.99144 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006369) promoter-TSS (NM_006369) -3 NM_001297566 7388 Hs.481571 NM_006004 HPRD:15629 UQCRH QCR6|UQCR8 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase hinge protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38059 chrX 71329397 71329597 + 7.98997 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) AluSg|SINE|Alu 22254 NM_001024455 340526 Hs.512180 NM_001024455 HPRD:18594 RGAG4 6430402L03Rik|MAR5|MART5 retrotransposon gag domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18596 chr2 101925061 101925181 + 7.98831 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173647) promoter-TSS (NM_173647) 57 NM_173647 284996 Hs.142074 NM_173647 HPRD:11513 RNF149 DNAPTP2 ring finger protein 149 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19267 chr2 162915892 162916017 + 7.98308 NA intron (NM_001935, intron 2 of 25) intron (NM_001935, intron 2 of 25) 15098 NM_001935 1803 Hs.368912 NM_001935 HPRD:02187 DPP4 ADABP|ADCP2|CD26|DPPIV|TP103 dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12995 chr16 48657261 48657357 + 7.98308 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13189 NM_153029 9683 Hs.511839 NM_153029 HPRD:08109 N4BP1 - NEDD4 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38063 chrX 71375100 71375179 + 7.98308 NA intron (NM_207422, intron 1 of 1) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 11105 NM_207422 392490 Hs.660859 NM_207422 FLJ44635 - TPT1-like protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12191 chr15 102182189 102182375 + 7.97610 NA 3' UTR (NM_078474, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_078474, exon 6 of 6) 10312 NM_078474 80213 Hs.288912 NM_025141 HPRD:16554 TM2D3 BLP2 TM2 domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25861 chr4 117769651 117769717 + 7.97610 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 237052 NM_152402 133022 Hs.570737 NM_152402 HPRD:11643 TRAM1L1 - translocation associated membrane protein 1-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19230 chr2 161284772 161284842 + 7.97610 NA intron (NM_016836, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_016836, intron 1 of 13) -20414 NR_039946 100616364 NR_039946 MIR4785 - microRNA 4785 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17418 chr2 12641717 12641816 + 7.97610 NA intron (NR_110196, intron 4 of 5) intron (NR_110196, intron 4 of 5) -215232 NR_027303 28951 Hs.467751 NM_021643 HPRD:18224 TRIB2 C5FW|GS3955|TRB2 tribbles pseudokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20997 chr20 61273700 61273793 + 7.97610 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016354) promoter-TSS (NM_016354) -51 NM_016354 28231 Hs.235782 NM_016354 HPRD:11582 SLCO4A1 OATP-E|OATP1|OATP4A1|OATPE|OATPRP1|POAT|SLC21A12 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 4A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5448 chr11 1017738 1017986 + 7.97447 NA exon (NM_005961, exon 31 of 33) exon (NM_005961, exon 31 of 33) 18844 NM_005961 4588 Hs.528432 NM_005961 ENSG00000184956 MUC6 MUC-6 mucin 6, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27744 chr5 86704184 86704272 + 7.97392 NA intron (NM_001199189, intron 3 of 8) intron (NM_001199189, intron 3 of 8) 4493 NM_001199189 902 Hs.292524 NM_001239 HPRD:09059 CCNH CAK|CycH|p34|p37 cyclin H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34565 chr8 125424409 125424475 + 7.97392 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -38606 NM_017956 55039 Hs.9925 NM_017956 HPRD:07947 TRMT12 TRM12|TYW2 tRNA methyltransferase 12 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33898 chr8 59614420 59614553 + 7.97392 NA Intergenic Intergenic -42082 NM_003580 8439 Hs.372000 NM_003580 HPRD:09117 NSMAF FAN neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) activation associated factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33939 chr8 64304007 64304137 + 7.97392 NA Intergenic Intergenic 222510 NM_001277818 253943 Hs.491861 NM_152758 HPRD:08106 YTHDF3 - YTH domain family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26248 chr4 153445735 153445819 + 7.97392 NA intron (NM_001257069, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_001257069, intron 2 of 3) 10408 NM_033632 55294 Hs.561245 NM_018315 HPRD:05888 FBXW7 AGO|CDC4|FBW6|FBW7|FBX30|FBXO30|FBXW6|SEL-10|SEL10|hAgo|hCdc4 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 7, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33134 chr7 156980367 156980547 + 7.97392 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 10 of 22) AluYf4|SINE|Alu 48802 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26034 chr4 130640103 130640264 + 7.97392 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 52450 NR_110753 101927282 Hs.407480 NR_110753 ENSG00000246876 LOC101927282 - uncharacterized LOC101927282 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20327 chr20 3154157 3154315 + 7.97257 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282533) promoter-TSS (NM_001282533) 2 NM_001282533 9762 Hs.90232 NM_014731 HPRD:11461 LZTS3 PROSAPIP1 leucine zipper, putative tumor suppressor family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26185 chr4 147587033 147587100 + 7.97257 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 27021 NM_004575 5458 Hs.266 NM_004575 HPRD:00220 POU4F2 BRN3.2|BRN3B|Brn-3b POU class 4 homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1492 chr1 109968127 109968212 + 7.97113 NA intron (NM_001199774, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001199774, intron 1 of 8) 901 NM_001199772 5686 Hs.485246 NM_002790 HPRD:01464 PSMA5 PSC5|ZETA proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19129 chr2 152146348 152146493 + 7.97113 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004688) promoter-TSS (NM_004688) 10 NM_004688 9111 Hs.54483 NM_004688 HPRD:04632 NMI - N-myc (and STAT) interactor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33759 chr8 46841362 46841439 + 7.96838 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -911108 NR_027012 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29654 chr6 46897755 46897835 + 7.96263 NA intron (NM_015234, intron 1 of 20) AluSq|SINE|Alu -8081 NM_001098518 221395 Hs.362806 NM_015234 HPRD:11010 GPR116 KPG_001 G protein-coupled receptor 116 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30484 chr6 130035265 130035364 + 7.96263 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3944 NM_033515 93663 Hs.486458 NM_033515 HPRD:12474 ARHGAP18 MacGAP|SENEX|bA307O14.2 Rho GTPase activating protein 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23108 chr3 75565073 75565221 + 7.96263 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -80881 NR_024241 692099 Hs.591652 NR_024241 ENSG00000244026 FAM86DP FAM86D family with sequence similarity 86, member D, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31503 chr7 30203013 30203111 + 7.96263 NA TTS (NM_152793) TTS (NM_152793) 28510 NM_152793 222166 Hs.200100 NM_152793 HPRD:07635 MTURN C7orf41|Ells1 maturin, neural progenitor differentiation regulator homolog (Xenopus) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8227 chr12 57030081 57030264 + 7.95927 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013449) promoter-TSS (NM_013449) -9 NM_013449 11176 Hs.314263 NM_013449 HPRD:10417 BAZ2A TIP5|WALp3 bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain, 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10169 chr14 24664825 24665015 + 7.95455 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006405) promoter-TSS (NM_006405) 22 NM_001289006 10548 Hs.91586 NM_006405 HPRD:09987 TM9SF1 HMP70|MP70 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30281 chr6 109920968 109921042 + 7.95380 NA intron (NM_001145128, intron 17 of 40) L1PA5|LINE|L1 91410 NM_145025 221264 Hs.205144 NM_145025 HPRD:12871 AK9 AK 9|AKD1|AKD2|C6orf199|C6orf224|dJ70A9.1 adenylate kinase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17904 chr2 58468267 58468355 + 7.95380 NA intron (NM_001114636, intron 1 of 13) CpG 204 NM_001114636 55120 Hs.631890 NM_018062 HPRD:06997 FANCL FAAP43|PHF9|POG Fanconi anemia, complementation group L protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16425 chr19 33081638 33081714 + 7.95380 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 9582 NM_004708 9141 Hs.443831 NM_004708 HPRD:06843 PDCD5 TFAR19 programmed cell death 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12395 chr16 11666167 11666402 + 7.95377 NA intron (NR_024320, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_024320, intron 1 of 3) 13945 NM_004862 9516 Hs.459940 NM_004862 HPRD:10354 LITAF PIG7|SIMPLE|TP53I7 lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7896 chr12 38094904 38094974 + 7.95023 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -615618 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36737 chrUn_gl000216 8041 8108 + 7.94955 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17251 chr2 318192 318305 + 7.94925 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29940 NM_001002919 285016 Hs.355207 NM_001002919 HPRD:17344 FAM150B PRO1097|RGPG542 family with sequence similarity 150, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37928 chrX 64876524 64876628 + 7.94925 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10935 NM_002444 4478 Hs.87752 NM_002444 HPRD:02399 MSN HEL70 moesin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10457 chr14 53555811 53555879 + 7.94925 NA intron (NM_030637, intron 4 of 11) L1PA6|LINE|L1 64201 NM_001160147 80821 Hs.125525 NM_030637 HPRD:07482 DDHD1 PA-PLA1|PAPLA1|SPG28 DDHD domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22485 chr3 25762968 25763035 + 7.94925 NA intron (NM_001145293, intron 10 of 11) AluY|SINE|Alu -56571 NR_039644 100616477 NR_039644 miRBase:MI0016785 MIR4442 - microRNA 4442 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8620 chr12 93179011 93179163 + 7.94925 NA intron (NM_003566, intron 22 of 28) intron (NM_003566, intron 22 of 28) 48822 NM_001004330 440107 Hs.591013 NM_001004330 HPRD:17004 PLEKHG7 - pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31822 chr7 57994195 57994269 + 7.94869 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 484349 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23222 chr3 90479166 90479233 + 7.94248 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1322525 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12961 chr16 46499016 46499122 + 7.94248 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 103940 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28786 chr5 176388586 176388760 + 7.94223 NA intron (NM_016290, intron 6 of 14) SVA_F|Other|Other 44770 NM_016290 51720 Hs.232721 NM_016290 HPRD:11482 UIMC1 RAP80|X2HRIP110 ubiquitin interaction motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28186 chr5 130405116 130405259 + 7.94223 NA Intergenic Intergenic 95854 NR_073488 3094 Hs.483305 NM_005340 HINT1 HINT|NMAN|PKCI-1|PRKCNH1 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22962 chr3 61197251 61197318 + 7.94223 NA intron (NM_001166243, intron 1 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 39849 NM_002012 2272 Hs.655995 NM_002012 HPRD:03096 FHIT AP3Aase|FRA3B fragile histidine triad protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31593 chr7 37382344 37382559 + 7.94223 NA intron (NM_001206480, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_001206480, intron 1 of 21) 10821 NM_001206482 9844 Hs.434989 NM_014800 HPRD:12102 ELMO1 CED-12|CED12|ELMO-1 engulfment and cell motility 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13333 chr16 75599923 75600054 + 7.93837 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007285) promoter-TSS (NM_007285) -261 NM_007285 11345 Hs.461379 NM_007285 HPRD:16246 GABARAPL2 ATG8|ATG8C|GATE-16|GATE16|GEF-2|GEF2 GABA(A) receptor-associated protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5319 chr10 131937643 131937709 + 7.93466 NA intron (NM_006541, intron 1 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu 3037 NM_001199868 10539 Hs.42644 NM_006541 HPRD:10153 GLRX3 GLRX4|GRX3|GRX4|PICOT|TXNL2|TXNL3 glutaredoxin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18197 chr2 85632859 85632933 + 7.93133 NA intron (NM_001256139, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001256139, intron 1 of 9) 4924 NM_001256140 822 Hs.516155 NM_001747 HPRD:01088 CAPG AFCP|HEL-S-66|MCP capping protein (actin filament), gelsolin-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6885 chr11 100363810 100363890 + 7.93133 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -194557 NM_152432 143872 Hs.741465 NM_152432 ENSG00000165895 ARHGAP42 GRAF3 Rho GTPase activating protein 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3528 chr10 1109275 1109426 + 7.93133 NA intron (NM_014023, intron 1 of 13) L1MD2|LINE|L1 6574 NM_014023 22884 Hs.188495 NM_014023 HPRD:15668 WDR37 - WD repeat domain 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13038 chr16 53552793 53552897 + 7.93133 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15675 NM_022476 64400 Hs.380897 NM_022476 HPRD:07467 AKTIP FT1|FTS AKT interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33388 chr8 12323986 12324080 + 7.92869 NA intron (NR_040092, intron 4 of 5) HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 29511 NR_040092 100506990 Hs.656893 NR_040091 LOC100506990 - uncharacterized LOC100506990 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8468 chr12 76132330 76132432 + 7.92457 NA Intergenic Intergenic -226963 NM_007043 11103 Hs.645517 NM_007043 HPRD:11027 KRR1 HRB2|RIP-1 KRR1, small subunit (SSU) processome component, homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19209 chr2 159380953 159381036 + 7.92182 NA intron (NM_001005476, intron 1 of 20) L1PA2|LINE|L1 67518 NM_001005476 8502 Hs.407580 NM_003628 HPRD:05043 PKP4 p0071 plakophilin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21645 chr22 19827152 19827222 + 7.92182 NA intron (NM_053004, intron 2 of 7) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 15184 NM_024627 79680 Hs.105642 NM_024627 HPRD:13382 C22orf29 BOP chromosome 22 open reading frame 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_762 chr1 42277197 42277323 + 7.92182 NA intron (NM_024503, intron 1 of 8) MIR|SINE|MIR 107118 NM_024503 59269 Hs.403972 NM_024503 HPRD:09442 HIVEP3 KBP-1|KBP1|KRC|SHN3|Schnurri-3|ZAS3|ZNF40C human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35678 chr9 74979434 74979553 + 7.91946 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278243) promoter-TSS (NM_001278243) 15 NM_001278243 7763 Hs.406096 NM_006007 HPRD:05302 ZFAND5 ZA20D2|ZFAND5A|ZNF216 zinc finger, AN1-type domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29174 chr6 24813249 24813322 + 7.91701 NA intron (NM_001286445, intron 20 of 21) L1HS|LINE|L1 -14161 NM_001282492 101928603 Hs.635133 NM_001282492 C6orf229 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30649 chr6 141884014 141884180 + 7.91597 NA Intergenic Intergenic 525839 NM_002511 4829 Hs.654478 NM_002511 HPRD:01211 NMBR BB1 neuromedin B receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16343 chr19 27748944 27749010 + 7.91065 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -535398 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15140 chr18 18512269 18512341 + 7.91053 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 179507 NM_005406 6093 Hs.306307 NM_005406 ROCK1 P160ROCK|ROCK-I Rho-associated, coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35583 chr9 69948970 69949234 + 7.91020 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -191318 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33899 chr8 59628410 59628477 + 7.90917 NA Intergenic Intergenic -56039 NM_003580 8439 Hs.372000 NM_003580 HPRD:09117 NSMAF FAN neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) activation associated factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38692 chrX 131121367 131121602 + 7.90917 NA Intergenic Intergenic -35761 NM_001042453 51765 Hs.444247 NM_016542 HPRD:06663 MST4 MASK serine/threonine protein kinase MST4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12145 chr15 99517846 99517915 + 7.90917 NA intron (NM_001167902, intron 2 of 4) AluSx|SINE|Alu 31005 NM_001102612 145814 Hs.592021 NM_001102612 ENSG00000183571 PGPEP1L - pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20588 chr20 29821825 29821892 + 7.90798 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -23609 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2566 chr1 179334805 179334895 + 7.90589 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144696) promoter-TSS (NM_144696) -5 NM_144696 126859 Hs.658505 NM_144696 HPRD:08740 AXDND1 C1orf125 axonemal dynein light chain domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33050 chr7 152456702 152456955 + 7.90131 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020445) promoter-TSS (NM_020445) -6 NM_020445 57180 Hs.647117 NM_020445 HPRD:12489 ACTR3B ARP11|ARP3BETA ARP3 actin-related protein 3 homolog B (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24705 chr4 14459881 14459960 + 7.90009 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 346328 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4673 chr10 82592945 82593052 + 7.90009 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 292423 NM_001145719 387694 Hs.147643 NM_207372 HPRD:18050 SH2D4B - SH2 domain containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25001 chr4 48316618 48316737 + 7.90009 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -26936 NM_020846 57606 Hs.479677 NM_020846 ENSG00000109171 SLAIN2 KIAA1458 SLAIN motif family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9162 chr13 19086800 19086876 + 7.89842 NA Intergenic Intergenic 227401 NR_047508 100874164 Hs.739604 NR_047508 LINC00417 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4350 chr10 52396425 52396662 + 7.89737 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12806 NM_147156 259230 Hs.654698 NM_147156 HPRD:18203 SGMS1 MOB|MOB1|SMS1|TMEM23|hmob33 sphingomyelin synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31643 chr7 43874234 43874343 + 7.89737 NA Intergenic LTR12F|LTR|ERV1 34857 NM_032014 64951 Hs.284286 NM_032014 HPRD:17593 MRPS24 MRP-S24|S24mt|bMRP-47|bMRP47 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10237 chr14 32671257 32671339 + 7.89737 NA promoter-TSS (NR_125730).3 promoter-TSS (NR_125730).3 47 NR_125730 103625684 NR_125730 RNU6-2 U6-2 RNA, U6 small nuclear 2 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31733 chr7 53192291 53192364 + 7.89737 NA Intergenic Intergenic 88978 NM_182595 285877 Hs.381970 NM_182595 HPRD:13212 POM121L12 - POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin-like 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26684 chr4_gl000194_random 158060 158152 + 7.89618 NA Intergenic Tigger3a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -43033 NR_046439 727764 Hs.626311 NM_001190825 MAFIP MIP|TEKT4P4|pp5644 MAFF interacting protein (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12703 chr16 31355119 31355276 + 7.89400 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -11258 NM_000887 3687 Hs.248472 NM_000887 HPRD:01051 ITGAX CD11C|SLEB6 integrin, alpha X (complement component 3 receptor 4 subunit) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20448 chr20 17586505 17586648 + 7.88701 NA intron (NM_001011546, intron 4 of 4) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 35977 NM_001011546 11034 Hs.304192 NM_006870 HPRD:16446 DSTN ACTDP|ADF|HEL32|bA462D18.2 destrin (actin depolymerizing factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8031 chr12 48282856 48283009 + 7.88701 NA intron (NM_000376, intron 1 of 9) MIRc|SINE|MIR 15882 NM_001017536 7421 Hs.524368 NM_000376 HPRD:03463 VDR NR1I1|PPP1R163 vitamin D (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14812 chr17 76377943 76378154 + 7.88701 NA intron (NR_111989, intron 1 of 8) L2c|LINE|L2 3349 NM_024419 9489 Hs.654671 NM_024419 HPRD:17841 PGS1 - phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14884 chr17 80376227 80376301 + 7.88701 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173620) promoter-TSS (NM_173620) 12 NM_173620 284004 Hs.744207 NM_173620 HPRD:08677 HEXDC - hexosaminidase (glycosyl hydrolase family 20, catalytic domain) containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7195 chr11 128360662 128360737 + 7.88701 NA intron (NM_001143820, intron 3 of 9) AluSz|SINE|Alu 31506 NM_005238 2113 Hs.369438 NM_005238 HPRD:01260 ETS1 ETS-1|EWSR2|p54 v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10159 chr14 24550370 24550486 + 7.88701 NA 3' UTR (NM_006177, exon 3 of 3) 3' UTR (NM_006177, exon 3 of 3) 3404 NM_006177 4901 Hs.652297 NM_006177 HPRD:08875 NRL D14S46E|NRL-MAF|RP27 neural retina leucine zipper protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32290 chr7 91279166 91279238 + 7.88701 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 230832 NM_001301135 7978 Hs.532216 NM_006980 HPRD:08373 MTERF1 MTERF mitochondrial transcription termination factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_915 chr1 51983865 51983955 + 7.88317 NA intron (NM_001981, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001981, intron 1 of 24) 1085 NM_001981 2060 Hs.83722 NM_001981 HPRD:08968 EPS15 AF-1P|AF1P|MLLT5 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36766 chrUn_gl000216 70336 70417 + 7.88198 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17271 chr2 1569731 1569942 + 7.88112 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 151656 NM_175721 7173 Hs.467554 NM_000547 HPRD:06000 TPO MSA|TDH2A|TPX thyroid peroxidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28157 chr5 127088259 127088344 + 7.88112 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 99594 NM_001127385 613212 Hs.66194 NM_001048252 ENSG00000205279 CTXN3 KABE cortexin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3408 chr1 244614003 244614113 + 7.88112 NA intron (NM_001126, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001126, intron 1 of 12) 1378 NM_001126 159 Hs.498313 NM_001126 HPRD:00050 ADSS ADEH|ADSS 2 adenylosuccinate synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4351 chr10 52396913 52397043 + 7.87858 NA Intergenic Tigger10|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -13241 NM_147156 259230 Hs.654698 NM_147156 HPRD:18203 SGMS1 MOB|MOB1|SMS1|TMEM23|hmob33 sphingomyelin synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25133 chr4 49633679 49633753 + 7.87840 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 645057 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17368 chr2 9939920 9940024 + 7.87665 NA Intergenic Intergenic -43599 NM_005680 9014 Hs.584833 NM_005680 HPRD:05363 TAF1B MGC:9349|RAF1B|RAFI63|SL1|TAFI63 TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, RNA polymerase I, B, 63kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26698 chr5 464202 464305 + 7.87665 NA intron (NM_007277, intron 9 of 12) intron (NM_007277, intron 9 of 12) 8827 NR_024158 25845 Hs.719132 NR_024158 ENSG00000188242 PP7080 - uncharacterized LOC25845 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27739 chr5 86423364 86423495 + 7.87578 NA intron (NR_105018, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_105018, intron 1 of 3) 7464 NR_105018 101929380 NR_105018 LOC101929380 - uncharacterized LOC101929380 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23063 chr3 70064770 70064836 + 7.87578 NA TTS (NR_110000) TTS (NR_110000) 15908 NR_110000 101927152 Hs.382046 NR_110000 ENSG00000240405 LINC01212 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1212 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26371 chr4 167190140 167190206 + 7.87578 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 395763 NM_012464 7092 Hs.106513 NM_012464 HPRD:07074 TLL1 ASD6|TLL tolloid-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27145 chr5 45977752 45977820 + 7.87578 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -281566 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35770 chr9 83435354 83435553 + 7.86480 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 845515 NR_121212 101927477 Hs.571630 NR_121212 LINC01507 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1507 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4886 chr10 100206544 100206807 + 7.86480 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000195) promoter-TSS (NM_000195) 29 NM_182639 3257 Hs.404568 NM_000195 HPRD:05403 HPS1 HPS Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11898 chr15 79043517 79043607 + 7.86480 NA promoter-TSS (NR_036495) promoter-TSS (NR_036495) -817 NR_036495 646938 Hs.449783 NR_036495 ENSG00000238166 LOC646938 - TBC1 domain family, member 2B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13538 chr16 89888090 89888215 + 7.86080 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5087 NM_001286167 2175 Hs.744083 NM_000135 HPRD:06186 FANCA FA|FA-H|FA1|FAA|FACA|FAH|FANCH Fanconi anemia, complementation group A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31840 chr7 61063199 61063268 + 7.85583 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1701201 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29794 chr6 64537505 64537602 + 7.85144 NA intron (NM_001292009, intron 36 of 43) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 181122 NM_015153 23469 Hs.348921 NM_015153 HPRD:08477 PHF3 - PHD finger protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24070 chr3 167409234 167409434 + 7.85144 NA intron (NM_145860, intron 5 of 7) Charlie15a|DNA|hAT-Charlie -38045 NM_178824 151790 Hs.213762 NM_178824 HPRD:08160 WDR49 - WD repeat domain 49 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8606 chr12 92385306 92385447 + 7.85144 NA intron (NR_046159, intron 2 of 5) MIRb|SINE|MIR 150113 NR_046159 256021 Hs.651357 NM_001256373 ENSG00000257242 C12orf79 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 79 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15372 chr18 47476653 47476745 + 7.85144 NA intron (NM_001080467, intron 14 of 39) intron (NM_001080467, intron 14 of 39) 136306 NR_117096 103091864 Hs.646459 NR_117096 SNHG22 SCARNA17HG small nucleolar RNA host gene 22 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7650 chr12 22499401 22499535 + 7.84974 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -11820 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13828 chr17 8090160 8090246 + 7.84514 NA promoter-TSS (NR_039746) promoter-TSS (NR_039746) -60 NR_039746 100616406 NR_039746 MIR4521 - microRNA 4521 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13189 chr16 67299387 67299453 + 7.84273 NA intron (NM_004594, intron 14 of 15) AluSx|SINE|Alu -11993 NM_015432 25894 Hs.188781 NM_015432 HPRD:10890 PLEKHG4 ARHGEF44|PRTPHN1|SCA4 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26869 chr5 19164839 19164912 + 7.84273 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 721506 NM_001291957 1016 Hs.317632 NM_004934 HPRD:04314 CDH18 CDH14|CDH14L|CDH24 cadherin 18, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25669 chr4 100719305 100719378 + 7.84273 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -18640 NM_014395 27071 Hs.436271 NM_014395 HPRD:05773 DAPP1 BAM32 dual adaptor of phosphotyrosine and 3-phosphoinositides protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32860 chr7 140704006 140704079 + 7.84273 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 10437 NM_016071 51650 Hs.416207 NM_016071 HPRD:17598 MRPS33 MRP-S33|PTD003|S33mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13880 chr17 16319994 16320072 + 7.84220 NA intron (NM_016113, intron 1 of 14) MIR3|SINE|MIR 1177 NM_016113 51393 Hs.279746 NM_016113 HPRD:05980 TRPV2 VRL|VRL-1|VRL1 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3113 chr1 224033583 224033739 + 7.84220 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005426) promoter-TSS (NM_005426) 13 NM_001031685 7159 Hs.523968 NM_005426 HPRD:11803 TP53BP2 53BP2|ASPP2|BBP|P53BP2|PPP1R13A tumor protein p53 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17314 chr2 5768359 5768748 + 7.84220 NA Intergenic Intergenic 62697 NR_110580 102723818 Hs.128107 NR_110580 LINC01248 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1248 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17593 chr2 29338149 29338339 + 7.84159 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024692) promoter-TSS (NM_024692) -48 NM_001287527 79745 Hs.122927 NM_024692 HPRD:08634 CLIP4 RSNL2 CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31565 chr7 35770263 35770369 + 7.84159 NA Intergenic Intergenic 14269 NR_108083 100506725 Hs.304253 NR_108082 ENSG00000227544 LOC100506725 - uncharacterized LOC100506725 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21159 chr21 10848279 10848434 + 7.84143 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 142587 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15119 chr18 15174228 15174422 + 7.84131 NA Intergenic L1MB7|LINE|L1 151593 NR_027417 644669 Hs.579474 NR_027417 ENSG00000215512 LOC644669 - ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11979 chr15 85053554 85053635 + 7.84131 NA non-coding (NR_003246, exon 11 of 12) non-coding (NR_003246, exon 11 of 12) 6484 NR_003246 374650 Hs.454625 NM_198079 GOLGA6L5P GOLGA6L5|GOLGA6L8 golgin A6 family-like 5, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35682 chr9 75128138 75128234 + 7.82715 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -8531 NM_138691 117531 Hs.670211 NM_138691 HPRD:05988 TMC1 DFNA36|DFNB11|DFNB7 transmembrane channel-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21221 chr21 16197418 16197565 + 7.82715 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -182063 NM_001256579 388813 Hs.334177 NM_001256579 LOC388813 - uncharacterized protein ENSP00000383407-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5752 chr11 18891033 18891162 + 7.82715 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 65452 NM_147199 259249 Hs.711459 NM_147199 HPRD:06246 MRGPRX1 GPCR|MGRG2|MRGX1|SNSR4 MAS-related GPR, member X1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37257 chrX 9498983 9499124 + 7.82715 NA intron (NM_005647, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_005647, intron 2 of 17) 65852 NM_005647 6907 Hs.495656 NM_005647 HPRD:02183 TBL1X EBI|SMAP55|TBL1 transducin (beta)-like 1X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5755 chr11 18937937 18938142 + 7.82715 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 18510 NM_147199 259249 Hs.711459 NM_147199 HPRD:06246 MRGPRX1 GPCR|MGRG2|MRGX1|SNSR4 MAS-related GPR, member X1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37906 chrX 63759660 63759810 + 7.82715 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -144402 NM_017677 55613 Hs.442892 NM_017677 HPRD:06664 MTMR8 - myotubularin related protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17660 chr2 36540667 36540744 + 7.82715 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 42008 NR_037631 100288911 Hs.432924 NR_037631 LOC100288911 - uncharacterized LOC100288911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19063 chr2 142721255 142721323 + 7.82715 NA intron (NM_018557, intron 1 of 90) L1PA2|LINE|L1 167981 NM_018557 53353 Hs.656461 NM_018557 HPRD:16383 LRP1B LRP-DIT|LRPDIT low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14107 chr17 29136042 29136164 + 7.82715 NA intron (NM_015986, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_015986, intron 1 of 7) 15675 NM_015986 51379 Hs.649372 NM_015986 HPRD:16757 CRLF3 CREME-9|CREME9|CRLM9|CYTOR4|FRWS|p48.2 cytokine receptor-like factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26589 chr4 189826203 189826318 + 7.82715 NA Intergenic Intergenic 449528 NR_033869 401164 Hs.435756 NR_033869 ENSG00000249378 LINC01060 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1060 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33476 chr8 22766621 22766707 + 7.82715 NA intron (NM_144962, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_144962, intron 3 of 6) 18757 NM_144962 157310 Hs.491242 NM_144962 HPRD:11424 PEBP4 CORK-1|CORK1|GWTM1933|HEL-S-300|PEBP-4|PRO4408|hPEBP4 phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29513 chr6 36880601 36880679 + 7.82715 NA intron (NM_001286637, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_001286637, intron 4 of 8) 27000 NM_001286635 221477 Hs.433381 NM_152734 HPRD:12905 C6orf89 BRAP chromosome 6 open reading frame 89 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31521 chr7 31659758 31659861 + 7.82715 NA intron (NM_194300, intron 8 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -66822 NM_006658 10842 Hs.227011 NM_006658 HPRD:06820 PPP1R17 C7orf16|GSBS protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25578 chr4 90148246 90148367 + 7.82715 NA Intergenic Intergenic 80855 NM_198281 285513 Hs.605082 NM_198281 GPRIN3 GRIN3 GPRIN family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9076 chr12 129282064 129282242 + 7.82550 NA intron (NM_145648, intron 7 of 7) intron (NM_145648, intron 7 of 7) 26388 NM_145648 121260 Hs.507260 NM_145648 ENSG00000139370 SLC15A4 PHT1|PTR4 solute carrier family 15 (oligopeptide transporter), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22919 chr3 57541725 57541817 + 7.82317 NA promoter-TSS (NM_177966) promoter-TSS (NM_177966) -210 NM_177966 201626 Hs.572993 NM_177966 PDE12 2'-PDE phosphodiesterase 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21565 chr22 16961480 16961662 + 7.82317 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 112129 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9160 chr13 19031606 19031919 + 7.82317 NA Intergenic MER30|DNA|hAT-Charlie 282477 NR_047508 100874164 Hs.739604 NR_047508 LINC00417 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30259 chr6 109195778 109195907 + 7.82317 NA intron (NM_032131, intron 4 of 17) intron (NM_032131, intron 4 of 17) 26223 NM_032131 84071 Hs.645481 NM_032131 HPRD:09809 ARMC2 bA787I22.1 armadillo repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11572 chr15 52756800 52756938 + 7.82133 NA intron (NM_001142495, intron 1 of 39) intron (NM_001142495, intron 1 of 39) 64378 NM_001142495 4644 Hs.21213 NM_000259 HPRD:01179 MYO5A GS1|MYH12|MYO5|MYR12 myosin VA (heavy chain 12, myoxin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2982 chr1 213289476 213289593 + 7.82133 NA intron (NM_001287219, intron 5 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 64959 NM_001287219 26750 Hs.591416 NM_012424 HPRD:10204 RPS6KC1 RPK118|RSKL1|S6K-delta-1|S6PKh1|humS6PKh1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 52kDa, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23901 chr3 151608554 151608667 + 7.82133 NA intron (NR_110202, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_110202, intron 1 of 3) 17179 NM_033050 56670 Hs.279575 NM_033050 SUCNR1 GPR91 succinate receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1461 chr1 108506279 108506389 + 7.82133 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046653) promoter-TSS (NR_046653) -731 NR_046653 100873946 Hs.568676 NR_046653 ENSG00000230489 VAV3-AS1 - VAV3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23432 chr3 111436502 111436705 + 7.82133 NA intron (NM_153268, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_153268, intron 3 of 3) -14724 NM_001134437 90102 Hs.603252 NM_145753 HPRD:06611 PHLDB2 LL5b|LL5beta pleckstrin homology-like domain, family B, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30670 chr6 143247966 143248111 + 7.82133 NA intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) CpG 18300 NM_006734 3097 Hs.510172 NM_006734 HPRD:00881 HIVEP2 HIV-EP2|MBP-2|MIBP1|SHN2|ZAS2|ZNF40B human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5821 chr11 26987199 26987323 + 7.82133 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -28367 NM_203371 387758 Hs.712718 NM_203371 HPRD:17366 FIBIN - fin bud initiation factor homolog (zebrafish) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8445 chr12 73699484 73699563 + 7.82133 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 146553 NR_110130 101928137 Hs.694666 NR_110130 ENSG00000258123 LOC101928137 - uncharacterized LOC101928137 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2163 chr1 154902661 154902728 + 7.82133 NA intron (NM_006556, intron 2 of 4) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 6790 NM_006556 10654 Hs.30954 NM_006556 HPRD:07404 PMVK HUMPMKI|PMK|PMKA|PMKASE phosphomevalonate kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1310 chr1 93426057 93426158 + 7.82103 NA intron (NM_001252273, intron 1 of 4) MamSINE1|SINE|tRNA 972 NM_001252269 388650 Hs.180946 NM_001006605 HPRD:14204 FAM69A - family with sequence similarity 69, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20538 chr20 26291415 26291535 + 7.81296 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -101606 NR_040095 284801 Hs.370699 NR_040095 ENSG00000227195 MIR663AHG - MIR663A host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14546 chr17 56422343 56422450 + 7.80480 NA TTS (NM_003168) TTS (NM_003168) 7203 NM_003168 6827 Hs.439481 NM_003168 HPRD:16026 SUPT4H1 SPT4|SPT4H|SUPT4H suppressor of Ty 4 homolog 1 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1105 chr1 71588940 71589014 + 7.80348 NA intron (NR_046217, intron 2 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 41970 NR_046217 100852410 Hs.535534 NR_046217 ENSG00000229956 ZRANB2-AS2 - ZRANB2 antisense RNA 2 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23689 chr3 130893735 130893862 + 7.80348 NA 3' UTR (NM_145910, exon 15 of 15) 3' UTR (NM_145910, exon 15 of 15) -148100 NM_014065 28990 Hs.100878 NM_014065 HPRD:11038 ASTE1 - asteroid homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7571 chr12 17779686 17779762 + 7.80348 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -46509 NR_039770 100616279 NR_039770 MIR3974 - microRNA 3974 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6972 chr11 109318221 109318397 + 7.80348 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 25463 NM_207645 399947 Hs.172982 NM_207645 HPRD:14218 C11orf87 LOH11CR1A|NEURIM1 chromosome 11 open reading frame 87 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28957 chr6 4254877 4255113 + 7.80348 NA Intergenic CpG 118689 NR_103764 100507506 Hs.665936 NR_103764 ENSG00000234817 LOC100507506 - uncharacterized LOC100507506 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5086 chr10 114292190 114292271 + 7.80348 NA intron (NM_145206, intron 4 of 7) intron (NM_145206, intron 4 of 7) 85474 NM_145206 143187 Hs.194554 NM_145206 HPRD:18290 VTI1A MMDS3|MVti1|VTI1RP2|Vti1-rp2 vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34515 chr8 121798230 121798373 + 7.80348 NA intron (NM_021021, intron 1 of 6) L1PBa|LINE|L1 24808 NR_125419 101927543 Hs.371902 NR_125419 ENSG00000248318 LOC101927543 - uncharacterized LOC101927543 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9976 chr13 111133871 111133968 + 7.79971 NA intron (NM_001846, intron 31 of 47) intron (NM_001846, intron 31 of 47) 26607 NR_046583 100874203 Hs.508716 NR_046583 ENSG00000232814 COL4A2-AS1 - COL4A2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32792 chr7 136483232 136483316 + 7.79971 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -70125 NM_001006627 1129 Hs.535891 NM_000739 HPRD:00328 CHRM2 HM2 cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27650 chr5 77393521 77393587 + 7.79971 NA intron (NM_003664, intron 21 of 26) SVA_D|Other|Other 139483 NR_105013 101929154 Hs.252895 NR_105012 LOC101929154 - uncharacterized LOC101929154 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11368 chr15 38975969 38976047 + 7.79971 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12791 NM_207444 400359 Hs.448785 NM_207444 HPRD:13418 C15orf53 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8183 chr12 55495514 55495690 + 7.79971 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -27951 NM_001005243 441639 Hs.553827 NM_001005243 HPRD:15090 OR9K2 OR12-2 olfactory receptor, family 9, subfamily K, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11943 chr15 83011831 83011928 + 7.79554 NA intron (NM_001164465, intron 6 of 9) intron (NM_001164465, intron 6 of 9) 6319 NM_001164465 647042 Hs.454625 NM_001164465 ENSG00000205281 GOLGA6L10 GOLGA6L18 golgin A6 family-like 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32157 chr7 76075089 76075220 + 7.79396 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15818 NM_001102594 113878 Hs.187058 NM_020892 HPRD:16841 DTX2 RNF58 deltex 2, E3 ubiquitin ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16 chr1 568281 568386 + 7.79336 NA promoter-TSS (NR_106781) promoter-TSS (NR_106781) -540 NR_106781 102465432 NR_106781 MIR6723 hsa-mir-6723 microRNA 6723 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_827 chr1 45197034 45197172 + 7.79135 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8387 NM_006845 11004 Hs.720061 NM_006845 HPRD:05172 KIF2C CT139|KNSL6|MCAK kinesin family member 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6144 chr11 51567837 51567903 + 7.79002 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 52588 NM_001004703 119749 Hs.553564 NM_001004703 HPRD:14964 OR4C46 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25269 chr4 60168867 60168941 + 7.78326 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -2192353 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21105 chr21 10188167 10188242 + 7.78138 NA Intergenic Intergenic -219610 NR_038328 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15745 chr19 2456956 2457068 + 7.78105 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032737) promoter-TSS (NM_032737) -46 NM_032737 84823 Hs.538286 NM_032737 HPRD:01037 LMNB2 LAMB2|LMN2 lamin B2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6678 chr11 77914453 77914568 + 7.78105 NA intron (NM_020798, intron 6 of 10) intron (NM_020798, intron 6 of 10) 14652 NM_020798 57558 Hs.531249 NM_020798 ENSG00000118369 USP35 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 35 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33985 chr8 67861516 67861582 + 7.77945 NA intron (NM_001193502, intron 3 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 13276 NM_001193502 100129654 Hs.120040 NM_001193502 ENSG00000261787 TCF24 TCF-24|bHLHa25 transcription factor 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31957 chr7 62324014 62324090 + 7.77945 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 440382 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18837 chr2 126175831 126175897 + 7.77945 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -1237647 NM_001256584 2995 Hs.59138 NM_002101 HPRD:00193 GYPC CD236|CD236R|GE|GPC|GPD|GYPD|PAS-2|PAS-2' glycophorin C (Gerbich blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4920 chr10 102193665 102193784 + 7.77945 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29088 NM_003393 7479 Hs.421281 NM_003393 HPRD:03235 WNT8B - wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 8B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11495 chr15 45036572 45036638 + 7.77945 NA intron (NM_080745, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 8045 NM_001301145 140691 Hs.745248 NM_080745 HPRD:11518 TRIM69 HSD-34|HSD34|RNF36|Trif tripartite motif containing 69 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2961 chr1 211871918 211872060 + 7.77800 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23017 NM_001204182 4751 Hs.153704 NM_002497 HPRD:04953 NEK2 HsPK21|NEK2A|NLK1|PPP1R111|RP67 NIMA-related kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12138 chr15 99409273 99409421 + 7.77800 NA intron (NM_001291858, intron 2 of 20) intron (NM_001291858, intron 2 of 20) 81692 NR_039864 100616432 NR_039864 MIR4714 - microRNA 4714 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35953 chr9 100174067 100174268 + 7.77800 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014290) promoter-TSS (NM_014290) -135 NM_014290 23424 Hs.193842 NM_014290 HPRD:11626 TDRD7 CATC4|CTRCT36|PCTAIRE2BP|TRAP tudor domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34264 chr8 95603037 95603122 + 7.77800 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -37333 NM_015496 25962 Hs.202238 NM_015496 HPRD:10889 KIAA1429 fSAP121 KIAA1429 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27599 chr5 75437409 75437618 + 7.77800 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 2 of 12) AluSz|SINE|Alu 58274 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32013 chr7 65053185 65053361 + 7.77296 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 8 of 9) intron (NR_038378, intron 8 of 9) -59494 NR_027392 644619 Hs.676517 NR_027392 ENSG00000232270 INTS4L2 - integrator complex subunit 4-like 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19408 chr2 175499554 175499781 + 7.76818 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003387) promoter-TSS (NM_003387) -360 NM_003387 7456 Hs.128067 NM_003387 HPRD:03835 WIPF1 PRPL-2|WASPIP|WIP WAS/WASL interacting protein family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2614 chr1 183441369 183441462 + 7.76771 NA promoter-TSS (NM_201568) promoter-TSS (NM_201568) -91 NM_201569 9887 Hs.591463 NM_014837 HPRD:10723 SMG7 C1orf16|EST1C|SGA56M SMG7 nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7528 chr12 12878002 12878148 + 7.76369 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130415) promoter-TSS (NM_001130415) -776 NM_001130415 81575 Hs.23388 NM_030817 HPRD:13153 APOLD1 VERGE apolipoprotein L domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16376 chr19 27897233 27897308 + 7.76181 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -387105 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34435 chr8 113612027 113612204 + 7.76139 NA intron (NM_198124, intron 23 of 71) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -43607 NR_031745 100302225 NR_031745 miRBase:MI0010487 MIR2053 hsa-mir-2053 microRNA 2053 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37498 chrX 40976255 40976411 + 7.76139 NA intron (NM_001039591, intron 1 of 44) intron (NM_001039591, intron 1 of 44) 31445 NM_001039591 8239 Hs.77578 NM_004652 HPRD:02091 USP9X DFFRX|FAF|FAM|MRX99 ubiquitin specific peptidase 9, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15287 chr18 40240842 40240915 + 7.76139 NA intron (NR_046174, intron 7 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 454779 NM_001272077 6014 Hs.464985 NM_002930 HPRD:15253 RIT2 RIBA|RIN|ROC2 Ras-like without CAAX 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_850 chr1 46016382 46016526 + 7.76139 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001202413) promoter-TSS (NM_001202413) -1 NM_006066 10327 Hs.474584 NM_006066 HPRD:00069 AKR1A1 ALDR1|ALR|ARM|DD3|HEL-S-6 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member A1 (aldehyde reductase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32867 chr7 140736986 140737058 + 7.76047 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -22241 NM_053035 51650 Hs.416207 NM_016071 HPRD:17598 MRPS33 MRP-S33|PTD003|S33mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7965 chr12 42632115 42632217 + 7.75722 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005748) promoter-TSS (NM_005748) -12 NM_005748 10138 Hs.649195 NM_005748 HPRD:09606 YAF2 - YY1 associated factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29286 chr6 27870717 27870791 + 7.75620 NA Intergenic tRNA-Gly-GGY|tRNA|tRNA 9420 NM_033057 81697 Hs.307111 NM_033057 HPRD:17695 OR2B2 OR2B2Q|OR2B9|OR6-1|dJ193B12.4|hs6M1-10 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily B, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24536 chr4 3816943 3817014 + 7.75620 NA Intergenic (CTATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 48682 NM_000683 152 Hs.123022 NM_000683 HPRD:00085 ADRA2C ADRA2L2|ADRA2RL2|ADRARL2|ALPHA2CAR adrenoceptor alpha 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28688 chr5 164468077 164468143 + 7.75620 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 570825 NR_105065 102546299 Hs.437730 NR_105065 LOC102546299 - uncharacterized LOC102546299 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13746 chr17 6410703 6410845 + 7.75587 NA intron (NM_001165966, intron 2 of 18) AluSx|SINE|Alu 49103 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25584 chr4 90238130 90238417 + 7.75587 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -9112 NM_198281 285513 Hs.605082 NM_198281 GPRIN3 GRIN3 GPRIN family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20632 chr20 31989290 31989434 + 7.75587 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016082) promoter-TSS (NM_016082) 13 NM_016082 51654 Hs.435952 NM_016082 HPRD:12189 CDK5RAP1 C20orf34|C42|CGI-05|HSPC167 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33598 chr8 32871310 32871376 + 7.75587 NA Intergenic Intergenic 291992 NM_001159996 3084 Hs.453951 NM_004495 HPRD:00802 NRG1 ARIA|GGF|GGF2|HGL|HRG|HRG1|HRGA|MST131|MSTP131|NDF|NRG1-IT2|SMDF neuregulin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2915 chr1 206931325 206931455 + 7.75587 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 14449 NM_000572 3586 Hs.193717 NM_000572 HPRD:00495 IL10 CSIF|GVHDS|IL-10|IL10A|TGIF interleukin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27377 chr5 60279579 60279645 + 7.75587 NA intron (NM_174889, intron 1 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 38656 NM_174889 91942 Hs.591757 NM_174889 HPRD:14288 NDUFAF2 B17.2L|MMTN|NDUFA12L|mimitin NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) complex I, assembly factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23702 chr3 132441544 132441825 + 7.74749 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153240) promoter-TSS (NM_153240) -381 NR_037804 100532724 Hs.511991 NR_037804 NPHP3-ACAD11 - NPHP3-ACAD11 readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15591 chr18 74818462 74818551 + 7.74658 NA intron (NM_001025101, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001025101, intron 1 of 8) 26268 NM_001025100 4155 Hs.551713 NM_002385 HPRD:01158 MBP - myelin basic protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24699 chr4 14424087 14424236 + 7.74310 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 310569 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23717 chr3 133646412 133646572 + 7.74159 NA TTS (NM_025041) TTS (NM_025041) 2164 NM_025041 80111 Hs.287691 NM_025041 HPRD:07981 C3orf36 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9097 chr12 131323802 131323988 + 7.74159 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001980) promoter-TSS (NM_001980) -76 NM_001980 2054 Hs.437585 NM_001980 HPRD:11816 STX2 EPIM|EPM|STX2A|STX2B|STX2C syntaxin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30202 chr6 106164477 106164571 + 7.74159 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -313525 NM_002726 5550 Hs.436564 NM_002726 HPRD:02673 PREP PE|PEP prolyl endopeptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10519 chr14 58764579 58764671 + 7.74131 NA promoter-TSS (NM_023000) promoter-TSS (NM_023000) 230 NR_029434 379025 Hs.531089 NR_029434 ENSG00000257621 FLJ31306 - uncharacterized LOC379025 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23594 chr3 125499110 125499286 + 7.74044 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 10197 NR_031687 100302204 NR_031687 miRBase:MI0006421 MIR548I1 MIR548I-1|MIRN548I1|hsa-mir-548i-1 microRNA 548i-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6123 chr11 50750192 50750263 + 7.73451 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 381909 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31135 chr7 591646 591907 + 7.73440 NA intron (NM_001164759, intron 9 of 10) C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 31748 NR_033963 441307 Hs.521334 NR_033963 FLJ44511 - uncharacterized LOC441307 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5201 chr10 126441039 126441158 + 7.73440 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -8168 NM_014661 9679 Hs.129195 NM_014661 HPRD:13314 FAM53B KIAA0140|bA12J10.2 family with sequence similarity 53, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21295 chr21 27173969 27174118 + 7.73191 NA Intergenic Intergenic -66078 NM_001685 522 Hs.246310 NM_001685 HPRD:04399 ATP5J ATP5|ATP5A|ATPM|CF6|F6 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex, subunit F6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32554 chr7 108734736 108734804 + 7.73191 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -210133 NM_001024607 154907 Hs.276325 NM_001024607 HPRD:18563 C7orf66 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 66 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34956 chr9 5886225 5886322 + 7.73191 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4636 NM_005511 2315 Hs.154069 NM_005511 MLANA MART-1|MART1 melan-A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27856 chr5 96969071 96969202 + 7.73191 NA intron (NR_105028, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 128736 NR_105028 102546227 Hs.582516 NR_105028 LINC01340 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1340 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5966 chr11 42238218 42238363 + 7.73191 NA intron (NR_038309, intron 4 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 36950 NR_038309 100507205 Hs.99310 NR_038309 LOC100507205 - uncharacterized LOC100507205 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11288 chr15 31195743 31196135 + 7.73191 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001146096) promoter-TSS (NM_001146096) -116 NM_001146095 22909 Hs.584863 NM_014967 HPRD:17205 FAN1 KIAA1018|KMIN|MTMR15 FANCD2/FANCI-associated nuclease 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13373 chr16 80753629 80753711 + 7.73191 NA intron (NM_152342, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_152342, intron 1 of 6) 84505 NM_152342 124359 Hs.373908 NM_152342 HPRD:10819 CDYL2 PCCP1 chromodomain protein, Y-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32912 chr7 143091594 143091661 + 7.73189 NA intron (NM_005232, intron 14 of 17) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 11848 NR_106952 102465538 NR_106952 MIR6892 hsa-mir-6892 microRNA 6892 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13867 chr17 15467019 15467147 + 7.73189 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135036) promoter-TSS (NM_001135036) -138 NM_145301 201158 Hs.164595 NM_145301 HPRD:14125 TVP23C FAM18B2 trans-golgi network vesicle protein 23 homolog C (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33111 chr7 156892582 156892651 + 7.72992 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -39039 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8664 chr12 96234968 96235108 + 7.72344 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -17671 NM_003095 6636 Hs.105465 NM_003095 SNRPF SMF|Sm-F|snRNP-F small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34666 chr8 134295454 134295525 + 7.72193 NA intron (NM_001135242, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_001135242, intron 2 of 15) 14058 NM_001258432 10397 Hs.372914 NM_006096 HPRD:05586 NDRG1 CAP43|CMT4D|DRG-1|DRG1|GC4|HMSNL|NDR1|NMSL|PROXY1|RIT42|RTP|TARG1|TDD5 N-myc downstream regulated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1816 chr1 144825752 144825834 + 7.71480 NA intron (NM_001037675, intron 17 of 20) intron (NM_001037675, intron 17 of 20) 106572 NM_001002811 9659 Hs.584841 NM_014644 HPRD:10482 PDE4DIP CMYA2|MMGL phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34439 chr8 113708526 113708595 + 7.71354 NA intron (NM_198124, intron 14 of 71) L1PA5|LINE|L1 52838 NR_031745 100302225 NR_031745 miRBase:MI0010487 MIR2053 hsa-mir-2053 microRNA 2053 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4819 chr10 94608247 94608332 + 7.71354 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019053) promoter-TSS (NM_019053) 64 NM_019053 54536 Hs.655657 NM_019053 HPRD:10216 EXOC6 EXOC6A|SEC15|SEC15L|SEC15L1|SEC15L3|Sec15p exocyst complex component 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9414 chr13 41406876 41406947 + 7.71319 NA intron (NR_038259, intron 4 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 22009 NR_030352 693206 NR_030352 miRBase:MI0003635 MIR621 MIRN621|hsa-mir-621 microRNA 621 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37774 chrX 58564335 58564557 + 7.71106 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -627379 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22096 chr22 44422886 44423093 + 7.70822 NA intron (NM_001243386, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001243386, intron 1 of 11) 805 NM_001243386 29780 Hs.475074 NM_013327 HPRD:16284 PARVB CGI-56 parvin, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34448 chr8 114622004 114622131 + 7.70822 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -172825 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2078 chr1 150837110 150837176 + 7.70822 NA intron (NM_001286035, intron 1 of 22) L1PA2|LINE|L1 12101 NM_001197325 405 Hs.632446 NM_001668 HPRD:00524 ARNT HIF-1-beta|HIF-1beta|HIF1-beta|HIF1B|HIF1BETA|TANGO|bHLHe2 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36027 chr9 106048256 106048337 + 7.70822 NA intron (NR_121578, intron 3 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 39019 NR_121578 101928496 Hs.410860 NR_121578 ENSG00000225564 LINC01492 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1492 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34974 chr9 6631048 6631168 + 7.70822 NA intron (NM_000170, intron 2 of 24) intron (NM_000170, intron 2 of 24) 14584 NM_000170 2731 Hs.584238 NM_000170 HPRD:01996 GLDC GCE|GCSP|HYGN1 glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37354 chrX 19002468 19002586 + 7.70669 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000292) promoter-TSS (NM_000292) -47 NM_000292 5256 Hs.54941 NM_000292 HPRD:02380 PHKA2 GSD9A|PHK|PYK|PYKL|XLG|XLG2 phosphorylase kinase, alpha 2 (liver) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5793 chr11 22850900 22850970 + 7.70669 NA intron (NM_148893, intron 1 of 3) CpG 447 NM_148893 258010 Hs.349096 NM_148893 SVIP - small VCP/p97-interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9866 chr13 99910601 99910770 + 7.70669 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005292) promoter-TSS (NM_005292) -3 NM_005292 2841 Hs.741589 NM_005292 HPRD:03621 GPR18 - G protein-coupled receptor 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16311 chr19 24571036 24571189 + 7.70556 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -224863 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11309 chr15 32680386 32680492 + 7.70488 NA Intergenic Intergenic 15054 NM_001282493 653125 NM_001282493 GOLGA8K - golgin A8 family, member K protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18013 chr2 68948723 68948860 + 7.70240 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13122 NM_001007231 9938 Hs.531807 NM_014882 HPRD:09805 ARHGAP25 HEL-S-308|KAIA0053 Rho GTPase activating protein 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11251 chr15 29355343 29355409 + 7.70240 NA intron (NM_001130414, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001130414, intron 3 of 12) 141536 NM_001130414 321 Hs.618112 NM_005503 HPRD:04090 APBA2 D15S1518E|HsT16821|LIN-10|MGC:14091|MINT2|X11-BETA|X11L amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29107 chr6 17600492 17600711 + 7.69541 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016255) promoter-TSS (NM_016255) 83 NM_016255 51439 Hs.95260 NM_016255 HPRD:13316 FAM8A1 AHCP family with sequence similarity 8, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9881 chr13 100309119 100309230 + 7.69541 NA intron (NR_104592, intron 1 of 9) intron (NR_104592, intron 1 of 9) 13861 NR_036191 100422861 NR_036191 MIR4306 - microRNA 4306 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_585 chr1 35033701 35033829 + 7.69326 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -186883 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33082 chr7 155584725 155584929 + 7.69162 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 20140 NM_000193 6469 Hs.164537 NM_000193 SHH HHG1|HLP3|HPE3|MCOPCB5|SMMCI|TPT|TPTPS sonic hedgehog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19377 chr2 172876802 172876884 + 7.69162 NA intron (NM_199227, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_199227, intron 1 of 9) 12039 NM_199227 254042 Hs.298250 NM_199227 METAP1D MAP 1D|MAP1D|MetAP 1D|Metap1l methionyl aminopeptidase type 1D (mitochondrial) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2403 chr1 168051642 168051742 + 7.69162 NA 3' UTR (NM_001267611, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_001267611, exon 6 of 6) 53982 NM_001267612 23432 Hs.271809 NM_007369 HPRD:17070 GPR161 RE2 G protein-coupled receptor 161 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31375 chr7 19235461 19235529 + 7.68998 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -50451 NM_152898 222894 Hs.592168 NM_152898 HPRD:16890 FERD3L N-TWIST|NATO3|NTWIST|bHLHa31 Fer3-like bHLH transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31948 chr7 62022569 62022661 + 7.68883 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 741819 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_292 chr1 19220201 19220275 + 7.68468 NA intron (NM_170726, intron 1 of 15) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -2853 NM_001161504 8659 Hs.77448 NM_003748 HPRD:06009 ALDH4A1 ALDH4|P5CD|P5CDh aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30329 chr6 113155838 113155915 + 7.68468 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 487344 NM_001013734 442247 Hs.448264 NM_001013734 HPRD:18472 RFPL4B RNF211 ret finger protein-like 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15718 chr19 1740916 1740982 + 7.68285 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -12713 NM_001080488 390874 Hs.654347 NM_001080488 ONECUT3 OC3 one cut homeobox 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10754 chr14 75699513 75699580 + 7.68285 NA Intergenic MLT1E1A|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -45935 NM_005252 2353 Hs.25647 NM_005252 HPRD:01275 FOS AP-1|C-FOS|p55 FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37684 chrX 54556629 54556699 + 7.68285 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019067) promoter-TSS (NM_019067) 20 NM_019067 54552 Hs.654677 NM_019067 GNL3L - guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 3 (nucleolar)-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26663 chr4_gl000193_random 80861 80976 + 7.68205 NA intron (NR_038377, intron 1 of 5) GA-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 7457 NR_038377 441058 Hs.130535 NR_038377 MGC39584 - uncharacterized LOC441058 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9638 chr13 61005388 61005463 + 7.67747 NA intron (NM_001146070, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_001146070, intron 1 of 13) 33998 NM_001146070 81550 Hs.525061 NM_030794 HPRD:11625 TDRD3 - tudor domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6643 chr11 75237007 75237111 + 7.67747 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030792) promoter-TSS (NM_030792) -460 NM_030792 81544 Hs.503297 NM_030792 HPRD:15159 GDPD5 GDE2|PP1665 glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18909 chr2 131862762 131862940 + 7.67747 NA non-coding (NR_049790, exon 1 of 6) non-coding (NR_049790, exon 1 of 6) 431 NM_017958 55041 Hs.469944 NM_017958 HPRD:15144 PLEKHB2 EVT2 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family B (evectins) member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9305 chr13 30706834 30706945 + 7.67747 NA Intergenic Intergenic 174302 NM_001014380 84056 Hs.243596 NM_032116 HPRD:13753 KATNAL1 - katanin p60 subunit A-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13240 chr16 68572833 68572901 + 7.67028 NA promoter-TSS (NM_133458) promoter-TSS (NM_133458) -794 NM_133458 146198 Hs.461074 NM_133458 HPRD:18729 ZFP90 FIK|NK10|ZNF756 ZFP90 zinc finger protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3911 chr10 31015861 31016005 + 7.67028 NA Intergenic Intergenic 34730 NR_036438 645954 Hs.408581 NR_036438 ENSG00000234814 SVILP1 - supervillin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21638 chr22 19801007 19801296 + 7.67028 NA intron (NM_053004, intron 4 of 7) AluSx|SINE|Alu 41220 NM_024627 79680 Hs.105642 NM_024627 HPRD:13382 C22orf29 BOP chromosome 22 open reading frame 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8880 chr12 112547186 112547261 + 7.67028 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024953) promoter-TSS (NM_024953) -588 NM_024953 80018 Hs.530941 NM_024953 HPRD:08578 NAA25 C12orf30|MDM20|NAP1 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 25, NatB auxiliary subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27592 chr5 75417750 75417839 + 7.66772 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 38555 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1272 chr1 90309160 90309238 + 7.66305 NA 5' UTR (NM_018103, exon 2 of 3) 5' UTR (NM_018103, exon 2 of 3) 21719 NM_018103 55144 Hs.482087 NM_018103 HPRD:11287 LRRC8D LRRC5 leucine rich repeat containing 8 family, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23566 chr3 122329032 122329104 + 7.66305 NA intron (NM_001113523, intron 2 of 11) (TCTCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -5457 NM_152615 165631 Hs.120250 NM_152615 HPRD:08811 PARP15 ARTD7|BAL3|pART7 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27445 chr5 66810897 66811153 + 7.66305 NA Intergenic MSTA|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -318408 NM_005582 4064 Hs.87205 NM_005582 HPRD:03749 CD180 LY64|Ly78|RP105 CD180 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12896 chr16 34771298 34771367 + 7.66114 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -30492 NR_034018 100130700 Hs.97712 NR_034018 ENSG00000260857 LOC100130700 - uncharacterized LOC100130700 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32969 chr7 148646117 148646199 + 7.66114 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -64717 NM_001203248 2146 Hs.444082 NM_004456 HPRD:03342 EZH2 ENX-1|ENX1|EZH1|EZH2b|KMT6|KMT6A|WVS|WVS2 enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11627 chr15 56830139 56830257 + 7.66114 NA Intergenic Intergenic -72863 NM_018365 55329 Hs.444483 NM_018365 HPRD:10967 MNS1 SPATA40 meiosis-specific nuclear structural 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31761 chr7 56101880 56102015 + 7.66114 NA intron (NM_004577, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_004577, intron 1 of 7) 17321 NM_004577 5723 Hs.512656 NM_004577 HPRD:01406 PSPH PSP|PSPHD phosphoserine phosphatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5322 chr10 132450269 132450456 + 7.66114 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 310569 NR_036180 100422867 NR_036180 miRBase:MI0015825 MIR378C - microRNA 378c ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8593 chr12 90930704 90930785 + 7.66114 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -381056 NR_038868 439916 Hs.350600 NM_001039384 ENSG00000196243 LINC00615 C12orf37 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 615 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18920 chr2 132134964 132135072 + 7.65990 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -13287 NM_001077637 150786 Hs.645670 NM_001077637 WTH3DI - RAB6C-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19844 chr2 209761034 209761100 + 7.65648 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 489512 NM_005048 5746 Hs.570296 NM_005048 HPRD:03276 PTH2R PTHR2 parathyroid hormone 2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11023 chr14 102343000 102343182 + 7.64897 NA intron (NM_178586, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_178586, intron 2 of 12) 66951 NM_178587 5527 Hs.368264 NM_002719 HPRD:03385 PPP2R5C B56G|PR61G protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20925 chr20 52824598 52824689 + 7.64897 NA exon (NM_002623, exon 1 of 4) exon (NM_002623, exon 1 of 4) 141 NM_002623 5203 Hs.91161 NM_002623 HPRD:05358 PFDN4 C1|PFD4 prefoldin subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15201 chr18 22071964 22072078 + 7.64897 NA Intergenic Intergenic 31428 NM_021624 59340 Hs.287388 NM_021624 HPRD:06004 HRH4 AXOR35|BG26|GPCR105|GPRv53|H4|H4R|HH4R histamine receptor H4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20191 chr2 240210831 240210951 + 7.64897 NA intron (NM_006037, intron 2 of 26) L1MEe|LINE|L1 -16266 NR_036229 100423043 NR_036229 miRBase:MI0015875 MIR4269 - microRNA 4269 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33360 chr8 10981747 10981913 + 7.64897 NA intron (NM_173683, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_173683, intron 1 of 2) 77045 NM_173683 286046 Hs.657083 NM_173683 HPRD:12926 XKR6 C8orf21|C8orf5|C8orf7|XRG6 XK, Kell blood group complex subunit-related family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1300 chr1 92950319 92950398 + 7.64603 NA intron (NM_005263, intron 1 of 6) CpG-1329 -1002 NM_001127215 2672 Hs.73172 NM_005263 HPRD:07527 GFI1 GFI-1|GFI1A|SCN2|ZNF163 growth factor independent 1 transcription repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29263 chr6 27440206 27440306 + 7.64356 NA intron (NM_007149, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_007149, intron 1 of 5) 641 NM_007149 7738 Hs.158174 NM_007149 HPRD:03785 ZNF184 - zinc finger protein 184 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21219 chr21 16048611 16048735 + 7.64356 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33245 NM_001256579 388813 Hs.334177 NM_001256579 LOC388813 - uncharacterized protein ENSP00000383407-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34272 chr8 96145691 96146005 + 7.64356 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024613) promoter-TSS (NM_024613) -101 NM_024613 79666 Hs.29724 NM_024613 HPRD:15147 PLEKHF2 EAPF|PHAFIN2|ZFYVE18 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family F (with FYVE domain) member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23083 chr3 71775483 71775603 + 7.64349 NA intron (NM_173359, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_173359, intron 2 of 7) -1017 NM_001134651 317649 Hs.581355 NM_173359 HPRD:10687 EIF4E3 eIF-4E3|eIF4E-3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13167 chr16 67187357 67187453 + 7.64133 NA TTS (NM_003789) TTS (NM_003789) -2503 NM_033309 84752 Hs.744158 NM_033309 HPRD:14651 B3GNT9 - UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27740 chr5 86564230 86564354 + 7.64133 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022650) promoter-TSS (NM_022650) 222 NM_002890 5921 Hs.664080 NM_002890 HPRD:00745 RASA1 CM-AVM|CMAVM|GAP|PKWS|RASA|RASGAP|p120GAP|p120RASGAP RAS p21 protein activator (GTPase activating protein) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34106 chr8 81270924 81271096 + 7.63779 NA Intergenic MER57A-int|LTR|ERV1 117386 NR_049894 100847056 NR_049894 miRBase:MI0019316 MIR5708 - microRNA 5708 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15171 chr18 20115110 20115225 + 7.63779 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -117289 NM_172241 64693 Hs.406709 NM_022663 HPRD:16395 CTAGE1 CT21.1|CT21.2|CTAGE|CTAGE-1|CTAGE-2 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9709 chr13 75892329 75892499 + 7.63779 NA intron (NM_001286659, intron 10 of 18) intron (NM_001286659, intron 10 of 18) -77897 NR_027466 647288 Hs.567920 NR_027466 ENSG00000214249 CTAGE11P - CTAGE family, member 11, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7892 chr12 38072799 38072918 + 7.63686 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -637699 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18340 chr2 90392846 90392922 + 7.63275 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 1281000 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4522 chr10 70848779 70848886 + 7.63112 NA intron (NR_036430, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_036430, intron 1 of 1) 1004 NR_036430 5552 Hs.1908 NM_002727 HPRD:01513 SRGN PPG|PRG|PRG1 serglycin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17834 chr2 48647965 48648101 + 7.62756 NA Intergenic Intergenic -19875 NM_001135629 129285 Hs.654619 NM_152994 HPRD:17294 PPP1R21 CCDC128|KLRAQ1 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 21 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7782 chr12 30848823 30848917 + 7.62756 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006390) promoter-TSS (NM_006390) 59 NM_006390 10526 Hs.505136 NM_006390 HPRD:09282 IPO8 RANBP8 importin 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11632 chr15 57210512 57210658 + 7.62756 NA promoter-TSS (NM_207038) promoter-TSS (NM_207038) 112 NR_015419 145783 Hs.620525 NR_015419 ENSG00000137871 LOC145783 - uncharacterized LOC145783 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37485 chrX 40060913 40060979 + 7.62756 NA Intergenic MLT1G1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -24364 NM_001123384 54880 Hs.659681 NM_017745 HPRD:06458 BCOR ANOP2|MAA2|MCOPS2 BCL6 corepressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18451 chr2 92312989 92313081 + 7.62396 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 183876 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26612 chr4 190230458 190230536 + 7.62392 NA Intergenic CpG -350263 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3527 chr10 1102597 1102772 + 7.62334 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014023) promoter-TSS (NM_014023) -92 NM_014023 22884 Hs.188495 NM_014023 HPRD:15668 WDR37 - WD repeat domain 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36701 chrUn_gl000212 84821 84887 + 7.62334 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 60805 NR_027278 26080 Hs.448583 NR_027278 FAM230C LINC00281|NCRNA00281 family with sequence similarity 230, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31099 chr6 170529982 170530260 + 7.62129 NA Intergenic CpG 41536 NR_002787 154449 Hs.447751 NR_002787 ENSG00000230960 LOC154449 - uncharacterized LOC154449 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26984 chr5 36876737 36876893 + 7.62129 NA promoter-TSS (NM_133433) promoter-TSS (NM_133433) -19 NR_046262 646719 Hs.355684 NR_046262 LOC646719 - uncharacterized LOC646719 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1435 chr1 104464748 104464834 + 7.61429 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -150854 NR_033990 100129138 Hs.514487 NR_033990 ENSG00000215869 LOC100129138 - THAP domain containing, apoptosis associated protein 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26158 chr4 145731474 145731561 + 7.61429 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -164346 NR_037595 646576 Hs.632595 NR_037595 ENSG00000248890 HHIP-AS1 - HHIP antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34560 chr8 124871875 124871941 + 7.61429 NA intron (NM_001039112, intron 1 of 40) L1PA2|LINE|L1 7681 NM_001039112 654463 Hs.632058 NM_001039112 ENSG00000214814 FER1L6 C8ORFK23 fer-1-like family member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31590 chr7 37221685 37221818 + 7.61429 NA intron (NM_001206480, intron 13 of 21) intron (NM_001206480, intron 13 of 21) 171521 NM_001206482 9844 Hs.434989 NM_014800 HPRD:12102 ELMO1 CED-12|CED12|ELMO-1 engulfment and cell motility 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17990 chr2 66367455 66367572 + 7.61429 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 217947 NR_039938 100616464 NR_039938 miRBase:MI0017422 MIR4778 - microRNA 4778 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26202 chr4 148921253 148921319 + 7.61429 NA intron (NM_024605, intron 18 of 22) L1PA5|LINE|L1 217540 NR_039962 100616246 NR_039962 MIR4799 - microRNA 4799 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31161 chr7 1209582 1209658 + 7.61429 NA Intergenic Intergenic 9199 NR_110070 101927021 Hs.529566 NR_110065 LOC101927021 - uncharacterized LOC101927021 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28619 chr5 156755567 156755638 + 7.61429 NA intron (NM_001037333, intron 19 of 30) L2b|LINE|L2 17127 NM_001001343 408263 Hs.437066 NM_001001343 HPRD:17524 FNDC9 C5orf40 fibronectin type III domain containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12945 chr16 46434402 46434686 + 7.61029 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 168465 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8705 chr12 100596842 100596924 + 7.60893 NA intron (NR_048568, intron 1 of 10) MER1B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 2328 NR_048569 64431 Hs.115088 NM_022496 HPRD:12421 ACTR6 ARP6|HSPC281|MSTP136|hARP6|hARPX ARP6 actin-related protein 6 homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35107 chr9 22352222 22352299 + 7.60619 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -94580 NM_022160 63951 Hs.371976 NM_022160 DMRTA1 DMO|DMRT4 DMRT-like family A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38269 chrX 86225120 86225199 + 7.60619 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -547556 NM_019117 56062 Hs.49075 NM_019117 HPRD:02283 KLHL4 DKELCHL|KHL4 kelch-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8787 chr12 106869428 106869494 + 7.60619 NA intron (NM_001160708, intron 23 of 27) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -107224 NM_213594 5992 Hs.388827 NM_002920 HPRD:04905 RFX4 NYD-SP10 regulatory factor X, 4 (influences HLA class II expression) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21588 chr22 17700300 17700484 + 7.60619 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282225) promoter-TSS (NM_001282225) 83 NM_001282225 51816 Hs.170310 NM_017424 HPRD:10462 CECR1 ADA2|ADGF|IDGFL|PAN|SNEDS cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29517 chr6 37016611 37016727 + 7.60561 NA Intergenic Intergenic 43246 NM_173558 221472 Hs.509664 NM_173558 HPRD:05478 FGD2 ZFYVE4 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37286 chrX 13003221 13003358 + 7.60499 NA Intergenic MER112|DNA|hAT-Charlie 10063 NM_021109 7114 Hs.437277 NM_021109 HPRD:02153 TMSB4X FX|PTMB4|TB4X|TMSB4 thymosin beta 4, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37975 chrX 67782674 67782747 + 7.60499 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 64086 NM_173834 286451 Hs.82719 NM_173834 HPRD:06639 YIPF6 FinGER6 Yip1 domain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25747 chr4 106227602 106227872 + 7.60499 NA Intergenic Intergenic 159895 NM_001127208 54790 Hs.367639 NM_017628 HPRD:07876 TET2 KIAA1546|MDS tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24144 chr3 176590680 176590766 + 7.60499 NA Intergenic L1M1|LINE|L1 -55934 NR_110819 101928684 Hs.639352 NR_110819 ENSG00000228308 LINC01209 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1209 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24055 chr3 165034284 165034353 + 7.60499 NA intron (NR_125764, intron 1 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 109570 NR_125764 103695433 Hs.570689 NR_125764 LINC01322 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1322 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3878 chr10 28624184 28624352 + 7.60250 NA Intergenic MLT1F|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -45989 NR_107053 102465880 NR_107053 MIR8086 hsa-mir-8086 microRNA 8086 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7247 chr11 133511207 133511368 + 7.59535 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -108884 NM_001012393 4978 Hs.4817 NM_002545 HPRD:07198 OPCML IGLON1|OBCAM|OPCM opioid binding protein/cell adhesion molecule-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29760 chr6 58764462 58764544 + 7.59087 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -476779 NR_125728 375513 Hs.561539 NM_206908 GUSBP4 C6orf216|GUSBL2|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37404 chrX 25792181 25792266 + 7.59087 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -364237 NM_173699 286514 Hs.350683 NM_173699 HPRD:06647 MAGEB18 - melanoma antigen family B, 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12839 chr16 33854426 33854492 + 7.58969 NA Intergenic Intergenic 108044 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25455 chr4 78775670 78775766 + 7.58969 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8087 NM_020236 65008 Hs.532019 NM_020236 ENSG00000169288 MRPL1 BM022|L1MT|MRP-L1 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10292 chr14 39490093 39490180 + 7.58769 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 82301 NM_006364 10484 Hs.272927 NM_006364 HPRD:06714 SEC23A CLSD Sec23 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37737 chrX 56610997 56611063 + 7.58769 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 21004 NM_013444 29978 Hs.179309 NM_013444 HPRD:02224 UBQLN2 ALS15|CHAP1|DSK2|N4BP4|PLIC2 ubiquilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13732 chr17 6339782 6339848 + 7.58549 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -1296 NM_001033054 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33621 chr8 37739470 37739667 + 7.58549 NA intron (NM_001002814, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001002814, intron 1 of 5) 17447 NM_025151 80223 Hs.191179 NM_025151 HPRD:09787 RAB11FIP1 NOEL1A|RCP|rab11-FIP1 RAB11 family interacting protein 1 (class I) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27535 chr5 71183695 71183806 + 7.58549 NA Intergenic MLT1J|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 168760 NM_004291 9607 Hs.1707 NM_004291 HPRD:04006 CARTPT CART CART prepropeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37801 chrX 61699799 61699871 + 7.58405 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 871383 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18373 chr2 91614334 91614410 + 7.58335 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 233603 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22480 chr3 25742981 25743100 + 7.58201 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -36610 NR_039644 100616477 NR_039644 miRBase:MI0016785 MIR4442 - microRNA 4442 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35447 chr9 66812407 66812549 + 7.57769 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -110489 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25122 chr4 49517923 49517992 + 7.57463 NA Intergenic Intergenic 529298 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27699 chr5 81267109 81267207 + 7.57454 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001131028) promoter-TSS (NM_001131028) -686 NM_031482 83734 Hs.713698 NM_031482 HPRD:16497 ATG10 APG10|APG10L|pp12616 autophagy related 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12847 chr16 33868129 33868286 + 7.57449 NA Intergenic (GAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 94296 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23031 chr3 66969883 66969996 + 7.57326 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -78788 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20284 chr20 1094486 1094585 + 7.57315 NA intron (NM_178578, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 629 NM_178578 9491 Hs.471917 NM_006814 HPRD:17919 PSMF1 PI31 proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 (PI31) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7770 chr12 29533571 29533649 + 7.57315 NA intron (NM_016570, intron 1 of 13) CpG 533 NM_016570 51290 Hs.339453 NM_016570 ERGIC2 Erv41|PTX1|cd002 ERGIC and golgi 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2719 chr1 192776551 192776680 + 7.57181 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1554 NM_002923 5997 Hs.78944 NM_002923 HPRD:02917 RGS2 G0S8 regulator of G-protein signaling 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37902 chrX 63732646 63732723 + 7.56983 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -117351 NM_017677 55613 Hs.442892 NM_017677 HPRD:06664 MTMR8 - myotubularin related protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35006 chr9 13343255 13343343 + 7.56808 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -63736 NM_001261407 8777 Hs.169378 NM_003829 HPRD:09155 MPDZ HYC2|MUPP1 multiple PDZ domain protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14533 chr17 55749738 55749952 + 7.56808 NA intron (NM_138962, intron 11 of 13) intron (NM_138962, intron 11 of 13) -64072 NR_110807 101927539 Hs.680439 NR_110807 ENSG00000263499 LOC101927539 - uncharacterized LOC101927539 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19023 chr2 136577742 136577869 + 7.56808 NA promoter-TSS (NR_045486) promoter-TSS (NR_045486) 44 NR_045486 100507600 Hs.662020 NR_045486 ENSG00000226806 LOC100507600 - uncharacterized LOC100507600 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22564 chr3 32320733 32320906 + 7.56808 NA intron (NM_178868, intron 1 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 40648 NM_178868 152189 Hs.154986 NM_178868 HPRD:06989 CMTM8 CKLFSF8|CKLFSF8-V2 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27262 chr5 51354988 51355146 + 7.56808 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -675901 NR_046243 642366 Hs.544139 NR_046243 LOC642366 - uncharacterized LOC642366 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21893 chr22 31503340 31503666 + 7.56629 NA promoter-TSS (NM_080430) promoter-TSS (NM_080430) 48 NM_080430 140606 Hs.55940 NM_080430 HPRD:15320 SELM SEPM selenoprotein M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36335 chr9 131227016 131227126 + 7.56629 NA intron (NM_001242353, intron 4 of 20) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 7885 NM_153437 4957 Hs.129055 NM_002540 HPRD:03601 ODF2 CT134|ODF2/1|ODF2/2|ODF84 outer dense fiber of sperm tails 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26361 chr4 166128621 166128717 + 7.56629 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007246) promoter-TSS (NM_007246) -101 NM_007246 11275 Hs.388668 NM_007246 HPRD:09311 KLHL2 ABP-KELCH|MAV|MAYVEN kelch-like family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5533 chr11 5737494 5737560 + 7.56459 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -20151 NM_001005180 387748 Hs.689609 NM_001005180 HPRD:17748 OR56B1 OR11-65|OR56B1P olfactory receptor, family 56, subfamily B, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14972 chr18 2249411 2249478 + 7.56459 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 322045 NM_022840 64863 Hs.126888 NM_022840 HPRD:14390 METTL4 HsT661 methyltransferase like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19811 chr2 207221952 207222200 + 7.56459 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 82324 NM_001285549 57683 Hs.110489 NM_020923 ENSG00000204186 ZDBF2 - zinc finger, DBF-type containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1143 chr1 77468903 77468974 + 7.56459 NA intron (NM_030965, intron 2 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -56890 NR_106978 102466995 NR_106978 MIR7156 hsa-mir-7156 microRNA 7156 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27184 chr5 49409550 49409773 + 7.56306 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 327573 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31998 chr7 64953951 64954056 + 7.56082 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 115291 NM_007139 168374 Hs.9521 NM_007139 HPRD:04919 ZNF92 HEL-203|HPF12|HTF12|TF12 zinc finger protein 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3753 chr10 17208193 17208265 + 7.55906 NA intron (NM_004412, intron 3 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 35841 NM_004412 1787 Hs.351665 NM_004412 HPRD:16001 TRDMT1 DMNT2|DNMT2|MHSAIIP|PUMET|RNMT1 tRNA aspartic acid methyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6508 chr11 67663547 67663734 + 7.55216 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -90833 NR_024249 645332 Hs.535094 NR_024249 ENSG00000160172 FAM86C2P - family with sequence similarity 86, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38730 chrX 133974084 133974248 + 7.54685 NA intron (NM_138819, intron 3 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 32943 NM_138819 159091 Hs.269127 NM_138819 HPRD:06615 FAM122C - family with sequence similarity 122C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24061 chr3 165677054 165677146 + 7.54685 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -121847 NM_000055 590 Hs.420483 NM_000055 HPRD:01519 BCHE CHE1|CHE2|E1 butyrylcholinesterase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22412 chr3 18370217 18370289 + 7.54685 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 96576 NM_002971 6304 Hs.517717 NM_002971 HPRD:03647 SATB1 - SATB homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26290 chr4 157680818 157680923 + 7.54495 NA Intergenic Intergenic 211676 NM_016205 56034 Hs.570855 NM_016205 PDGFC FALLOTEIN|SCDGF platelet derived growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38921 chrX 153959603 153959684 + 7.54495 NA intron (NR_104114, intron 1 of 8) intron (NR_104114, intron 1 of 8) 19715 NM_001282283 139716 Hs.496982 NM_080612 HPRD:06571 GAB3 - GRB2-associated binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8341 chr12 67170824 67170986 + 7.54495 NA Intergenic L1MC4a|LINE|L1 -97980 NM_021150 23426 Hs.505946 NM_021150 ENSG00000155974 GRIP1 GRIP glutamate receptor interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21823 chr22 25202107 25202212 + 7.54495 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098498) promoter-TSS (NM_001098498) 23 NM_133454 129049 Hs.474397 NM_133454 ENSG00000167037 SGSM1 RUTBC2 small G protein signaling modulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28624 chr5 157078698 157078903 + 7.54495 NA exon (NM_178424, exon 1 of 5) exon (NM_178424, exon 1 of 5) 628 NM_007017 11063 Hs.744348 NM_007017 HPRD:09461 SOX30 - SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5951 chr11 38834383 38834456 + 7.54495 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 164011 NR_120553 101928536 Hs.144776 NR_120553 ENSG00000254562 LINC01493 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1493 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18825 chr2 123031533 123031599 + 7.54495 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 518445 NR_048557 7247 Hs.75066 NM_004622 HPRD:08993 TSN BCLF-1|C3PO|RCHF1|REHF-1|TBRBP|TRSLN translin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4427 chr10 61996828 61997181 + 7.54372 NA intron (NM_001204403, intron 8 of 43) intron (NM_001204403, intron 8 of 43) -96230 NM_001149 288 Hs.499725 NM_001149 HPRD:02715 ANK3 ANKYRIN-G|MRT37 ankyrin 3, node of Ranvier (ankyrin G) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27795 chr5 92956339 92956464 + 7.54372 NA promoter-TSS (NR_031754) promoter-TSS (NR_031754) 93 NR_031754 100313887 NR_031754 miRBase:MI0011284 MIR2277 - microRNA 2277 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24271 chr3 186334924 186335048 + 7.54372 NA exon (NM_001622, exon 4 of 7) exon (NM_001622, exon 4 of 7) 4136 NM_001622 197 Hs.324746 NM_001622 HPRD:00727 AHSG A2HS|AHS|FETUA|HSGA alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4427-2 chr10 61996828 61997181 + 7.54372 NA intron (NM_001204403, intron 8 of 43) intron (NM_001204403, intron 8 of 43) -96230 NM_001149 288 Hs.499725 NM_001149 HPRD:02715 ANK3 ANKYRIN-G|MRT37 ankyrin 3, node of Ranvier (ankyrin G) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13617 chr17 1466104 1466237 + 7.54372 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006224) promoter-TSS (NM_006224) -60 NM_006224 5306 Hs.429819 NM_006224 HPRD:02548 PITPNA HEL-S-36|PI-TPalpha|PITPN|VIB1A phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7256 chr11 133633764 133633842 + 7.54372 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 46468 NR_120444 646522 Hs.560000 NR_120444 LOC646522 - uncharacterized LOC646522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22707 chr3 45079308 45079456 + 7.54372 NA Intergenic Intergenic 11623 NM_003278 7123 Hs.476092 NM_003278 HPRD:01759 CLEC3B TN|TNA C-type lectin domain family 3, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1878 chr1 146433010 146433095 + 7.54125 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 111 of 130) intron (NM_001278267, intron 111 of 130) 59195 NM_001278141 149013 Hs.666981 NM_001278141 ENSG00000186275 NBPF12 COAS1|KIAA1245 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31883 chr7 61607690 61607766 + 7.54125 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1156706 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16446 chr19 34570869 34571211 + 7.54059 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -92312 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16446-2 chr19 34570869 34571211 + 7.54059 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -92312 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12914 chr16 35250719 35250786 + 7.53889 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 269829 NR_033985 400533 Hs.499135 NR_033985 ENSG00000261122 FLJ26245 - uncharacterized LOC400533 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14935 chr18 107007 107297 + 7.53583 NA Intergenic BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite -1913 NR_033770 727758 Hs.585843 NR_033770 ROCK1P1 - Rho-associated, coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34453 chr8 114922136 114922264 + 7.53327 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -472958 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30920 chr6 159342382 159342479 + 7.53001 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 32811 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21190 chr21 14513296 14513364 + 7.53001 NA Intergenic Intergenic 102843 NR_026916 149992 Hs.558645 NM_153773 ANKRD30BP2 C21orf99|CT85|CTSP-1|CTSP1 ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34842 chr8 145092786 145092852 + 7.52863 NA intron (NM_001134374, intron 1 of 3) AluYf5|SINE|Alu 6237 NM_001134374 375686 Hs.97726 NM_198572 HPRD:15433 SPATC1 SPATA15 spermatogenesis and centriole associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3172 chr1 226927113 226927260 + 7.52863 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002221) promoter-TSS (NM_002221) -310 NM_002221 3707 Hs.528087 NM_002221 HPRD:00942 ITPKB IP3-3KB|IP3K|IP3K-B|IP3KB|PIG37 inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31133 chr7 215632 215980 + 7.52791 NA intron (NM_020223, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_020223, intron 3 of 9) 22837 NM_020223 56975 Hs.134742 NM_020223 FAM20C DMP-4|DMP4|GEF-CK|RNS family with sequence similarity 20, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14877 chr17 80158767 80158886 + 7.52791 NA intron (NM_198082, intron 2 of 16) intron (NM_198082, intron 2 of 16) 11863 NM_198082 284001 Hs.631724 NM_152675 HPRD:08041 CCDC57 - coiled-coil domain containing 57 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16759 chr19 44914012 44914181 + 7.52724 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8319 NM_001291489 26974 Hs.709428 NM_152354 HPRD:15759 ZNF285 ZNF285A zinc finger protein 285 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1837 chr1 145331710 145331792 + 7.52460 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 33 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 33 of 85) 38380 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27281 chr5 52044606 52044681 + 7.52278 NA Intergenic L1MB7|LINE|L1 -39131 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2779 chr1 199059041 199059166 + 7.52278 NA Intergenic L1ME3A|LINE|L1 -71010 NR_110525 102800316 Hs.568480 NR_110525 LINC01222 TCONS_00000112 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1222 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27949 chr5 106724886 106724986 + 7.52278 NA intron (NM_001962, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_001962, intron 2 of 4) 281660 NM_001962 1946 Hs.288741 NM_001962 HPRD:03324 EFNA5 AF1|EFL5|EPLG7|GLC1M|LERK7|RAGS ephrin-A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18136 chr2 76879337 76879412 + 7.52278 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -333717 NR_110284 101927907 Hs.382185 NR_110284 ENSG00000234653 LOC101927907 - uncharacterized LOC101927907 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1128 chr1 75942456 75942570 + 7.52236 NA intron (NM_001130058, intron 2 of 23) L1PA3|LINE|L1 134286 NM_001130058 204962 Hs.654821 NM_152697 HPRD:14580 SLC44A5 CTL5 solute carrier family 44, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22203 chr3 2469673 2469745 + 7.52236 NA intron (NM_175607, intron 3 of 24) L1PA5|LINE|L1 189196 NM_001206955 152330 Hs.298705 NM_175607 HPRD:16239 CNTN4 AXCAM|BIG-2 contactin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5751 chr11 18878269 18878393 + 7.52236 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -64063 NM_001278236 84867 Hs.79092 NM_006906 HPRD:01472 PTPN5 PTPSTEP|STEP protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 5 (striatum-enriched) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26147 chr4 144583851 144583917 + 7.52236 NA intron (NM_001168235, intron 2 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 37944 NM_001168235 166752 Hs.252714 NM_001168235 ENSG00000183090 FREM3 - FRAS1 related extracellular matrix 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5089 chr10 115141776 115141844 + 7.52236 NA Intergenic Intergenic -168780 NM_001177660 3026 Hs.422542 NM_004132 HPRD:04890 HABP2 FSAP|HABP|HGFAL|PHBP hyaluronan binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3542 chr10 1635069 1635258 + 7.52236 NA intron (NM_018702, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_018702, intron 1 of 9) 66338 NR_033387 642394 Hs.568831 NM_001098830 ENSG00000205696 ADARB2-AS1 C10orf109|NCRNA00168|bA466B20.1 ADARB2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9832 chr13 96700954 96701031 + 7.52236 NA intron (NM_020121, intron 1 of 38) L1PA5|LINE|L1 4744 NM_020121 55757 Hs.193226 NM_020121 HPRD:12065 UGGT2 HUGT2|UGCGL2|UGT2 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29679 chr6 51764786 51764852 + 7.52236 NA intron (NM_138694, intron 43 of 66) L1PA3|LINE|L1 187604 NM_170724 5314 Hs.662050 NM_138694 HPRD:05987 PKHD1 ARPKD|FCYT|TIGM1 polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 (autosomal recessive) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23565 chr3 122291917 122292001 + 7.52236 NA 3' UTR (NM_138287, exon 5 of 5) 3' UTR (NM_138287, exon 5 of 5) -4490 NM_001113523 165631 Hs.120250 NM_152615 HPRD:08811 PARP15 ARTD7|BAL3|pART7 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2962 chr1 212185382 212185506 + 7.52236 NA intron (NM_001199811, intron 4 of 19) MER102b|DNA|hAT-Charlie -23451 NM_016448 51514 Hs.656473 NM_016448 HPRD:17952 DTL CDT2|DCAF2|L2DTL|RAMP denticleless E3 ubiquitin protein ligase homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11981 chr15 85131387 85131469 + 7.52236 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12821 NM_181877 54993 Hs.594023 NM_017894 HPRD:15898 ZSCAN2 ZFP29|ZNF854 zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3752 chr10 17207727 17207943 + 7.52085 NA intron (NM_004412, intron 3 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -36019 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8814 chr12 109125815 109125994 + 7.51700 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014325) promoter-TSS (NM_014325) -578 NM_014325 23603 Hs.330384 NM_014325 HPRD:09244 CORO1C HCRNN4 coronin, actin binding protein, 1C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14186 chr17 34216350 34216422 + 7.50883 NA Intergenic LTR8|LTR|ERV1 -9009 NM_002985 6352 Hs.514821 NM_002985 HPRD:01751 CCL5 D17S136E|RANTES|SCYA5|SIS-delta|SISd|TCP228|eoCP chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32234 chr7 85619471 85619545 + 7.50176 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -653722 NM_000840 2913 Hs.590575 NM_000840 HPRD:03070 GRM3 GLUR3|GPRC1C|MGLUR3|mGlu3 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19484 chr2 181224715 181224916 + 7.50176 NA Intergenic L1PBa|LINE|L1 -332016 NR_104322 101669767 NR_104319 SCHLAP1 LINC00913|PCAT11|PCAT114 SWI/SNF complex antagonist associated with prostate cancer 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30464 chr6 127920154 127920265 + 7.50176 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 21890 NM_001010905 352999 Hs.226268 NM_001010905 HPRD:17379 C6orf58 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8435 chr12 72305347 72305537 + 7.50176 NA intron (NR_027449, intron 10 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -27184 NM_173353 121278 Hs.736576 NM_173353 HPRD:09594 TPH2 ADHD7|NTPH tryptophan hydroxylase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14415 chr17 45281460 45281617 + 7.50176 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4890 NM_001002841 4635 Hs.463300 NM_002476 HPRD:01176 MYL4 ALC1|AMLC|GT1 myosin, light chain 4, alkali; atrial, embryonic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30470 chr6 128580359 128580441 + 7.49935 NA intron (NM_001291983, intron 2 of 18) intron (NM_001291983, intron 2 of 18) 261419 NM_001291983 5796 Hs.155919 NM_002844 HPRD:03968 PTPRK R-PTP-kappa protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, K protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32696 chr7 128063129 128063365 + 7.49935 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13211 NM_001142576 3614 Hs.654401 NM_000883 HPRD:08853 IMPDH1 IMPD|IMPD1|LCA11|RP10|sWSS2608 IMP (inosine 5'-monophosphate) dehydrogenase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30606 chr6 138838850 138838932 + 7.49935 NA intron (NM_020464, intron 1 of 6) MLT1N2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -18312 NM_001144060 57224 Hs.652741 NM_020464 ENSG00000135540 NHSL1 C6orf63 NHS-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39359 chrY 27535480 27535594 + 7.49935 NA Intergenic Intergenic -65921 NR_001555 84559 Hs.531603 NR_001555 ENSG00000172332 GOLGA2P2Y GOLGA2LY|GOLGA2LY1|GOLGA2P2 golgin A2 pseudogene 2, Y-linked pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28098 chr5 120891081 120891149 + 7.49935 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 232870 NR_104999 102467226 NR_104999 LOC102467226 - uncharacterized LOC102467226 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11101 chr14 106471635 106471871 + 7.49849 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33395 NR_002224 8755 Hs.662288 NR_002224 ENSG00000233988 ADAM6 C14orf96|tMDCIV ADAM metallopeptidase domain 6, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8393 chr12 69997641 69997794 + 7.48994 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 7225 NM_201550 376132 Hs.448708 NM_201550 HPRD:17449 LRRC10 HRLRRP|LRRC10A leucine rich repeat containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29697 chr6 52926597 52926731 + 7.48721 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016513) promoter-TSS (NM_016513) -64 NM_014920 22858 Hs.417022 NM_014920 HPRD:09996 ICK ECO|LCK2|MRK intestinal cell (MAK-like) kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21187 chr21 14367277 14367355 + 7.48582 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -43171 NR_026916 149992 Hs.558645 NM_153773 ANKRD30BP2 C21orf99|CT85|CTSP-1|CTSP1 ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38715 chrX 132148801 132148966 + 7.48295 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 13417 NM_031907 83844 Hs.333137 NM_031907 HPRD:02255 USP26 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29313 chr6 29686427 29686508 + 7.48185 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -4650 NM_018950 3134 Hs.519972 NM_018950 HPRD:00884 HLA-F CDA12|HLA-5.4|HLA-CDA12|HLAF major histocompatibility complex, class I, F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22885 chr3 53197270 53197433 + 7.48185 NA intron (NM_212539, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_212539, intron 1 of 17) 2128 NM_006254 5580 Hs.155342 NM_006254 HPRD:01501 PRKCD CVID9|MAY1|PKCD|nPKC-delta protein kinase C, delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15457 chr18 57588678 57588792 + 7.48140 NA Intergenic Intergenic 21543 NM_021127 5366 Hs.96 NM_021127 HPRD:12002 PMAIP1 APR|NOXA phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24999 chr4 48271938 48272034 + 7.48140 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003215) promoter-TSS (NM_003215) -172 NM_003215 7006 Hs.479670 NM_003215 HPRD:02786 TEC PSCTK4 tec protein tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13888 chr17 17082803 17082875 + 7.48140 NA intron (NM_015134, intron 21 of 22) intron (NM_015134, intron 21 of 22) 26807 NM_178836 201164 Hs.729079 NM_178836 HPRD:14126 PLD6 ZUC phospholipase D family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28491 chr5 147991750 147991819 + 7.48140 NA intron (NM_001286410, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 24840 NM_001286410 3360 Hs.483773 NM_000870 ENSG00000164270 HTR4 5-HT4|5-HT4R 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 4, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37533 chrX 46306612 46306785 + 7.47657 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017776) promoter-TSS (NM_017776) 74 NM_001129898 55634 Hs.632800 NM_017776 HPRD:06530 KRBOX4 ZNF673 KRAB box domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27576 chr5 74901905 74902038 + 7.47657 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -5330 NM_001276713 728780 Hs.370455 NM_001271529 ENSG00000189045 ANKDD1B - ankyrin repeat and death domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8025 chr12 47791617 47791688 + 7.47657 NA Intergenic L1PA16|LINE|L1 -181426 NR_026544 100233209 Hs.657722 NR_026544 ENSG00000247774 PCED1B-AS1 - PCED1B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24054 chr3 164828496 164828630 + 7.47657 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -32280 NM_001041 6476 Hs.429596 NM_001041 HPRD:01962 SI - sucrase-isomaltase (alpha-glucosidase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_980 chr1 58857821 58857983 + 7.47657 NA Intergenic LTR33C|LTR|ERVL -141691 NM_021080 1600 Hs.477370 NM_021080 HPRD:04582 DAB1 - Dab, reelin signal transducer, homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29476 chr6 34759752 34759860 + 7.47657 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017754) promoter-TSS (NM_017754) 12 NM_017754 54887 Hs.700656 NM_017754 HPRD:12838 UHRF1BP1 C6orf107|ICBP90|dJ349A12.1 UHRF1 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26291 chr4 157681044 157681226 + 7.47657 NA Intergenic Intergenic 211411 NM_016205 56034 Hs.570855 NM_016205 PDGFC FALLOTEIN|SCDGF platelet derived growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4801 chr10 93558514 93558643 + 7.47521 NA promoter-TSS (NR_108071) promoter-TSS (NR_108071) 427 NM_025235 80351 Hs.329327 NM_025235 HPRD:06182 TNKS2 ARTD6|PARP-5b|PARP-5c|PARP5B|PARP5C|TANK2|TNKL|pART6 tankyrase, TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39078 chrY 10085695 10085761 + 7.47380 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 337321 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14111 chr17 29306895 29307024 + 7.47105 NA intron (NM_197939, intron 1 of 3) SVA_E|Other|Other 4606 NR_002221 503645 Hs.683578 NR_002221 DPRXP4 - divergent-paired related homeobox pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20722 chr20 36156491 36156603 + 7.47105 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001167821) promoter-TSS (NM_001167821) -214 NM_006698 10904 Hs.472651 NM_006698 HPRD:16552 BLCAP BC10 bladder cancer associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20436 chr20 17485657 17485736 + 7.47105 NA intron (NM_001278607, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_001278607, intron 5 of 7) 26318 NM_001195 631 Hs.129702 NM_001195 HPRD:04494 BFSP1 CP115|CP94|CTRCT33|LIFL-H beaded filament structural protein 1, filensin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37099 chrUn_gl000239 7911 8001 + 7.47079 NA NA MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21249 chr21 19153043 19153143 + 7.46795 NA intron (NR_038870, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_038870, intron 2 of 2) 11733 NR_038870 246312 Hs.473425 NR_038870 ENSG00000240770 C21orf91-OT1 D21S2089E|NCRNA00285 C21orf91 overlapping transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18990 chr2 134877356 134877444 + 7.46795 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7296 NR_037450 100500878 NR_037450 miRBase:MI0016080 MIR3679 - microRNA 3679 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18250 chr2 87625366 87625631 + 7.46731 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -129476 NR_024204 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5609 chr11 10477443 10477638 + 7.46438 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001025390) promoter-TSS (NM_001025390) 59 NM_001025390 272 Hs.501890 NM_000480 HPRD:00041 AMPD3 - adenosine monophosphate deaminase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37096 chrUn_gl000237 26350 26440 + 7.46218 NA NA MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21175 chr21 11122694 11122789 + 7.46218 NA Intergenic MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -23804 NM_001187 574 Hs.545789 NM_001187 BAGE BAGE1|CT2.1 B melanoma antigen protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35109 chr9 22504883 22504990 + 7.46058 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 58096 NM_022160 63951 Hs.371976 NM_022160 DMRTA1 DMO|DMRT4 DMRT-like family A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3036 chr1 220214940 220215110 + 7.45711 NA intron (NM_004446, intron 1 of 31) AluSp|SINE|Alu 4975 NM_004446 2058 Hs.497788 NM_004446 HPRD:00703 EPRS EARS|GLUPRORS|PARS|QARS|QPRS glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19238 chr2 161920353 161920451 + 7.45394 NA Intergenic Intergenic -73064 NM_133484 10010 Hs.132257 NM_004180 HPRD:04870 TANK I-TRAF|ITRAF|TRAF2 TRAF family member-associated NFKB activator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23964 chr3 156429863 156429963 + 7.45394 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 35460 NM_001184718 25976 Hs.744050 NM_015508 HPRD:18192 TIPARP ARTD14|PARP7|pART14 TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22868 chr3 52401709 52401844 + 7.45394 NA intron (NM_015512, intron 36 of 77) AluSp|SINE|Alu 42345 NM_004656 8314 Hs.106674 NM_004656 HPRD:04366 BAP1 HUCEP-13|UCHL2 BRCA1 associated protein-1 (ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15627 chr18 77134289 77134529 + 7.45394 NA intron (NM_198531, intron 28 of 29) CpG -21363 NM_001278669 4772 Hs.534074 NM_006162 HPRD:02729 NFATC1 NF-ATC|NFAT2|NFATc nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5822 chr11 27241800 27241899 + 7.45394 NA promoter-TSS (NR_125766) promoter-TSS (NR_125766) -189 NR_125767 103695435 Hs.196133 NR_125766 BBOX1-AS1 - BBOX1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25323 chr4 66154300 66154376 + 7.45394 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -284120 NR_033976 401134 Hs.165899 NR_033976 ENSG00000250125 LOC401134 - uncharacterized LOC401134 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27465 chr5 67992638 67992707 + 7.45394 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -397104 NM_001251969 64924 Hs.631975 NM_022902 HPRD:06381 SLC30A5 ZNT5|ZNTL1|ZTL1|ZnT-5 solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32165 chr7 76266486 76266587 + 7.44697 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9916 NM_012230 22932 Hs.488877 NM_012230 HPRD:15974 POMZP3 POM-ZP3|POM121 POM121 and ZP3 fusion protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34864 chr8 145691176 145691354 + 7.44697 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032687) promoter-TSS (NM_032687) -234 NM_001129888 50626 Hs.459379 NM_032687 HPRD:13107 CYHR1 CHRP cysteine/histidine-rich 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13233 chr16 68298357 68298521 + 7.44697 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001076785) promoter-TSS (NM_001076785) 20 NM_001076785 9057 Hs.679580 NM_003983 HPRD:12031 SLC7A6 LAT-2|LAT3|y+LAT-2 solute carrier family 7 (amino acid transporter light chain, y+L system), member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30535 chr6 134499531 134499655 + 7.44462 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001143677) promoter-TSS (NM_001143677) -583 NM_001143677 6446 Hs.510078 NM_005627 HPRD:04264 SGK1 SGK serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27809 chr5 94029282 94029424 + 7.44012 NA intron (NM_032290, intron 20 of 20) intron (NM_032290, intron 20 of 20) 74962 NM_032290 84250 Hs.657315 NM_032290 HPRD:08538 ANKRD32 BRCTD1|BRCTx ankyrin repeat domain 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1309 chr1 93362667 93362734 + 7.44012 NA intron (NM_001252273, intron 1 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -19993 NM_001252271 388650 Hs.180946 NM_001006605 HPRD:14204 FAM69A - family with sequence similarity 69, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25238 chr4 58830058 58830128 + 7.44012 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -853542 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4914 chr10 101989324 101989433 + 7.44012 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278) promoter-TSS (NM_001278) -34 NM_001278 1147 Hs.198998 NM_001278 HPRD:02811 CHUK IKBKA|IKK-alpha|IKK1|IKKA|NFKBIKA|TCF16 conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18199 chr2 85645789 85645855 + 7.43766 NA Intergenic CpG -4625 NM_001256139 822 Hs.516155 NM_001747 HPRD:01088 CAPG AFCP|HEL-S-66|MCP capping protein (actin filament), gelsolin-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17764 chr2 44396799 44396915 + 7.43466 NA intron (NM_177969, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_177969, intron 1 of 4) 857 NM_001033556 5495 Hs.416769 NM_002706 HPRD:04796 PPM1B PP2C-beta|PP2C-beta-X|PP2CB|PP2CBETA|PPC2BETAX protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23914 chr3 152884143 152884230 + 7.43344 NA 3' UTR (NM_002886, exon 1 of 1) 3' UTR (NM_002886, exon 1 of 1) 4185 NM_002886 5912 Hs.98643 NM_002886 RAP2B - RAP2B, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13174 chr16 67222062 67222132 + 7.43344 NA intron (NM_178516, intron 4 of 13) AluSz|SINE|Alu 2010 NM_178516 283849 Hs.647356 NM_178516 HPRD:14148 EXOC3L1 EXOC3L exocyst complex component 3-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33109 chr7 156887368 156887434 + 7.43322 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -44254 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6923 chr11 104788883 104788959 + 7.43322 NA promoter-TSS (NR_034079) promoter-TSS (NR_034079) -19 NR_034078 643733 Hs.713751 NR_034078 ENSG00000235505 LOC643733 - caspase 4, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_289 chr1 19148732 19148860 + 7.43142 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 37359 NM_152232 80834 Hs.553548 NM_152232 HPRD:06940 TAS1R2 GPR71|T1R2|TR2 taste receptor, type 1, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25839 chr4 114594790 114594919 + 7.43142 NA intron (NM_172114, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_172114, intron 2 of 17) 88229 NM_172127 817 Hs.144114 NM_001221 HPRD:09653 CAMK2D CAMKD calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22954 chr3 59561238 59561369 + 7.43142 NA Intergenic Intergenic -525588 NM_198463 200844 Hs.368434 NM_198463 HPRD:13458 C3orf67 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38636 chrX 126797351 126797460 + 7.43142 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 388977 NM_138289 139741 Hs.680125 NM_138289 HPRD:06439 ACTRT1 AIP1|ARIP1|ARPT1|HSD27 actin-related protein T1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16981 chr19 51082904 51083013 + 7.43142 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -11656 NM_001080457 94030 Hs.120873 NM_001080457 ENSG00000131409 LRRC4B HSM|LRIG4 leucine rich repeat containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9676 chr13 72842212 72842278 + 7.43142 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -400915 NM_004392 1602 Hs.129452 NM_004392 HPRD:16031 DACH1 DACH dachshund family transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27828 chr5 95242873 95242949 + 7.43142 NA intron (NM_012081, intron 4 of 11) intron (NM_012081, intron 4 of 11) 54864 NM_012081 22936 Hs.192221 NM_012081 HPRD:11798 ELL2 - elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28007 chr5 111093467 111093546 + 7.43142 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142479) promoter-TSS (NM_001142479) -107 NM_001142478 9315 Hs.36053 NM_004772 HPRD:09545 NREP C5orf13|D4S114|P311|PRO1873|PTZ17|SEZ17 neuronal regeneration related protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32918 chr7 143121137 143121212 + 7.42976 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 2 of 4) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -15189 NM_005232 2041 Hs.89839 NM_005232 HPRD:01554 EPHA1 EPH|EPHT|EPHT1 EPH receptor A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11689 chr15 63789367 63789474 + 7.42670 NA Intergenic L1M5|LINE|L1 -7290 NR_046341 9960 Hs.458499 NM_006537 USP3 SIH003|UBP ubiquitin specific peptidase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25126 chr4 49561668 49561757 + 7.42391 NA Intergenic Intergenic 573053 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33143 chr7 157129535 157129757 + 7.42254 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005494) promoter-TSS (NM_005494) -64 NM_005494 10049 Hs.490745 NM_005494 HPRD:07107 DNAJB6 DJ4|DnaJ|HHDJ1|HSJ-2|HSJ2|LGMD1D|LGMD1E|MRJ|MSJ-1 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6289 chr11 60878238 60878401 + 7.41956 NA intron (NM_014207, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_014207, intron 1 of 10) 8389 NM_014207 921 Hs.58685 NM_014207 HPRD:01078 CD5 LEU1|T1 CD5 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22867 chr3 52374662 52374728 + 7.41956 NA intron (NM_015512, intron 8 of 77) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 24360 NM_015512 25981 Hs.655469 NM_015512 HPRD:11790 DNAH1 DNAHC1|HDHC7|HL-11|HL11|HSRF-1|XLHSRF-1 dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26171 chr4 146654205 146654536 + 7.41956 NA TTS (NM_001080531) TTS (NM_001080531) 53014 NM_001080531 646603 Hs.452865 NM_001080531 ENSG00000237136 C4orf51 - chromosome 4 open reading frame 51 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7349 chr12 4758181 4758273 + 7.41956 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278309) promoter-TSS (NM_001278309) -14 NM_006422 10566 Hs.98397 NM_006422 HPRD:05256 AKAP3 AKAP 110|AKAP110|CT82|FSP95|HEL159|PRKA3|SOB1 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3679 chr10 13382770 13382881 + 7.41956 NA intron (NM_001195602, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001195602, intron 1 of 7) 7473 NM_001195602 22929 Hs.124027 NM_012247 HPRD:02944 SEPHS1 SELD|SPS|SPS1 selenophosphate synthetase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29356 chr6 30881960 30882079 + 7.41956 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001167733).4 promoter-TSS (NM_001167733).4 34 NM_001167733 57176 Hs.597526 NM_020442 HPRD:11670 VARS2 COXPD20|VALRS|VARS2L|VARSL valyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19291 chr2 166592034 166592100 + 7.41956 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 58736 NM_004482 2591 Hs.170986 NM_004482 HPRD:03453 GALNT3 GalNAc-T3|HFTC|HHS polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23620 chr3 127293902 127294104 + 7.41956 NA TTS (NR_106883) TTS (NR_106883) 171 NR_106883 102466199 NR_106883 MIR6825 hsa-mir-6825 microRNA 6825 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36920 chrUn_gl000225 39146 39219 + 7.41896 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15723 chr19 1882593 1882766 + 7.41619 NA intron (NM_001130111, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001130111, intron 1 of 4) 2839 NM_001130111 81926 Hs.465542 NM_031213 HPRD:07475 ABHD17A C19orf27|FAM108A1 abhydrolase domain containing 17A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29325 chr6 30029620 30029686 + 7.41439 NA promoter-TSS (NR_026751).6 promoter-TSS (NR_026751).6 636 NM_170783 30834 Hs.57813 NM_014596 HPRD:09601 ZNRD1 HTEX-6|Rpa12|TEX6|ZR14|hZR14|tctex-6 zinc ribbon domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16549 chr19 37764564 37764642 + 7.41431 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -4691 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30727 chr6 148679933 148680086 + 7.41222 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 1 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 16280 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25769 chr4 108834590 108834658 + 7.41131 NA 3' UTR (NM_001136257, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_001136257, exon 6 of 6) -18093 NM_183075 113612 Hs.109087 NM_183075 HPRD:13109 CYP2U1 P450TEC|SPG49|SPG56 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily U, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27233 chr5 49578385 49578564 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 158760 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23875 chr3 149458954 149459022 + 7.41131 NA 3' UTR (NM_016094, exon 5 of 5) 3' UTR (NM_016094, exon 5 of 5) 11298 NM_016094 51122 Hs.432729 NM_016094 HPRD:13081 COMMD2 - COMM domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38943 chrX 155082810 155082876 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -28100 NM_005638 6845 Hs.24167 NM_005638 HPRD:02084 VAMP7 SYBL1|TI-VAMP|TIVAMP|VAMP-7 vesicle-associated membrane protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23156 chr3 84726533 84726599 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_033860, intron 16 of 20) L1PA3|LINE|L1 192160 NR_033860 440970 Hs.411049 NR_033860 ENSG00000242641 LINC00971 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 971 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36178 chr9 121866983 121867049 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 264723 NM_014618 1620 Hs.532316 NM_014618 HPRD:04181 BRINP1 DBC1|DBCCR1|FAM5A bone morphogenetic protein/retinoic acid inducible neural-specific 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17309 chr2 4783708 4783892 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -79988 NR_034134 727982 Hs.444391 NR_034134 ENSG00000231532 LINC01249 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1249 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32485 chr7 103373756 103373863 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_005045, intron 6 of 64) L1PA2|LINE|L1 256154 NM_005045 5649 Hs.655654 NM_005045 HPRD:02742 RELN LIS2|PRO1598|RL reelin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9212 chr13 22010135 22010202 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_153251, intron 1 of 11) LTR16A|LTR|ERVL 23340 NM_153251 253832 Hs.564611 NM_153251 ZDHHC20 4933421L13Rik|DHHC-20 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38247 chrX 83172488 83172563 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 56391 NM_001271680 1538 Hs.444230 NM_021118 ENSG00000183035 CYLC1 CYCL1 cylicin, basic protein of sperm head cytoskeleton 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38425 chrX 103785353 103785419 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -25610 NM_017416 26280 Hs.675519 NM_017416 HPRD:02231 IL1RAPL2 IL-1R9|IL1R9|IL1RAPL-2|TIGIRR-1 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38573 chrX 120151826 120151893 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -29603 NM_012084 2747 Hs.368538 NM_012084 HPRD:02143 GLUD2 GDH2|GLUDP1 glutamate dehydrogenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31423 chr7 23530107 23530192 + 7.41131 NA non-coding (NR_026676, exon 1 of 1) non-coding (NR_026676, exon 1 of 1) 142 NR_026676 256355 Hs.367935 NR_026676 ENSG00000232818 RPS2P32 RPS2_14_794 ribosomal protein S2 pseudogene 32 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36039 chr9 107479756 107479828 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 23089 NM_001004484 286365 Hs.553683 NM_001004484 HPRD:14910 OR13D1 OR9-15 olfactory receptor, family 13, subfamily D, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29421 chr6 32846263 32846331 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -15656 NR_037178 100294145 Hs.559456 NR_037177 LOC100294145 - uncharacterized LOC100294145 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2515 chr1 174933757 174933963 + 7.41131 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243764) promoter-TSS (NM_001243764) -45 NM_001243764 9910 Hs.585378 NM_014857 HPRD:16464 RABGAP1L HHL|TBC1D18 RAB GTPase activating protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17650 chr2 35793497 35793565 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 789182 NR_037631 100288911 Hs.432924 NR_037631 LOC100288911 - uncharacterized LOC100288911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25505 chr4 82483385 82483478 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -90349 NM_001300736 153020 Hs.591696 NM_152545 HPRD:17955 RASGEF1B GPIG4 RasGEF domain family, member 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1324 chr1 94261856 94261940 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001261408, intron 2 of 13) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -50490 NR_030621 100126348 NR_030621 miRBase:MI0005567 MIR760 MIRN760|hsa-mir-760 microRNA 760 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34070 chr8 76856027 76856094 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluSg4|SINE|Alu 403857 NM_004133 3174 Hs.241529 NM_004133 HPRD:06909 HNF4G NR2A2|NR2A3 hepatocyte nuclear factor 4, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7506 chr12 11639575 11639753 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -61300 NR_033890 338817 Hs.733066 NR_033890 ENSG00000247157 LINC01252 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1252 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39312 chrY 17543326 17543395 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -627447 NR_046504 100874056 Hs.743197 NR_046504 ENSG00000228787 NLGN4Y-AS1 NLGN4Y-AS|NLGN4YAS NLGN4Y antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28975 chr6 5627131 5627358 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_006567, intron 6 of 6) Tigger3c|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 68261 NR_110842 101927950 Hs.571136 NR_110842 ENSG00000270174 LOC101927950 - uncharacterized LOC101927950 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17521 chr2 26048282 26048355 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_018263, intron 2 of 11) L1MB2|LINE|L1 52994 NM_018263 55252 Hs.119815 NM_018263 HPRD:10676 ASXL2 ASXH2 additional sex combs like transcriptional regulator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1088 chr1 70043933 70043999 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -181892 NM_020794 57554 Hs.479658 NM_020794 HPRD:09930 LRRC7 DENSIN leucine rich repeat containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29555 chr6 41214347 41214417 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -2733 NR_002794 221438 Hs.639392 NR_002794 TREML5P TLT5|TREML2P|TREML2P1 triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-like 5, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38515 chrX 115066956 115067022 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -234969 NM_000686 186 Hs.405348 NM_000686 HPRD:02071 AGTR2 AT2|ATGR2|MRX88 angiotensin II receptor, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_295 chr1 19240457 19240591 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001136265, intron 5 of 8) AluY|SINE|Alu -11231 NM_003748 8659 Hs.77448 NM_003748 HPRD:06009 ALDH4A1 ALDH4|P5CD|P5CDh aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7008 chr11 113480209 113480275 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 96853 NR_110047 80975 Hs.46720 NM_030770 HPRD:05995 TMPRSS5 SPINESIN transmembrane protease, serine 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_650 chr1 36522470 36522637 + 7.41131 NA TTS (NM_024852) TTS (NM_024852) -27123 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6987 chr11 110571732 110572001 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001258416, intron 1 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 10907 NM_001258415 57569 Hs.6136 NM_020809 HPRD:10657 ARHGAP20 RARHOGAP Rho GTPase activating protein 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25434 chr4 77275860 77275946 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001042784, intron 14 of 23) Tigger9b|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 48724 NM_003943 8987 Hs.109590 NM_003943 HPRD:08460 STBD1 GENEX3414 starch binding domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11814 chr15 73824381 73824455 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001042367, intron 2 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 37466 NR_103844 101241892 Hs.656678 NR_103844 NPTN-IT1 lncRNA-LET NPTN intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16422 chr19 32989649 32989762 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic LTR45C|LTR|ERV1 -82389 NM_004708 9141 Hs.443831 NM_004708 HPRD:06843 PDCD5 TFAR19 programmed cell death 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9795 chr13 91743528 91743807 + 7.41131 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104057) promoter-TSS (NR_104057) 26 NR_104057 101930747 Hs.112745 NR_104057 LINC00380 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 380 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24045 chr3 163660291 163660363 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -639238 NR_033945 647107 Hs.408584 NR_033945 ENSG00000241369 LINC01192 CT64 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1192 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32530 chr7 106330355 106330456 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -28771 NM_175884 168455 Hs.29692 NM_175884 HPRD:08202 CCDC71L C7orf74 coiled-coil domain containing 71-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26244 chr4 152985112 152985182 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -36758 NR_121628 100996286 Hs.322462 NR_121627 ENSG00000245954 LOC100996286 - uncharacterized LOC100996286 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15480 chr18 60537029 60537127 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_194449, intron 4 of 16) intron (NM_194449, intron 4 of 16) 154406 NM_194449 23239 Hs.465337 NM_194449 HPRD:15145 PHLPP1 PHLPP|PLEKHE1|SCOP PH domain and leucine rich repeat protein phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38487 chrX 110063638 110063748 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -24407 NM_001143981 91851 Hs.496587 NM_145234 HPRD:02285 CHRDL1 CHL|MGC1|MGCN|NRLN1|VOPT|dA141H5.1 chordin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3328 chr1 235905473 235905539 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 30 of 52) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -91452 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19179 chr2 157352650 157352808 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001083112, intron 3 of 16) intron (NM_001083112, intron 3 of 16) 59829 NM_000408 2820 Hs.512382 NM_000408 HPRD:00715 GPD2 GDH2|GPDM|mGPDH glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (mitochondrial) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21198 chr21 15103106 15103187 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic MER11A|LTR|ERVK 6636 NR_107036 102466252 NR_107036 MIR8069-1 MIR8069|hsa-mir-8069 microRNA 8069-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36375 chr9 132414456 132414628 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -10094 NM_017873 140459 Hs.125037 NM_017873 ASB6 - ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12247 chr16 964614 964680 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_022773, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_022773, intron 2 of 10) -6386 NR_110945 101929387 Hs.737087 NR_110945 LMF1-AS1 LA16c-366D3.1 LMF1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13573 chr17 219913 220171 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17409 NM_006987 9501 Hs.651925 NM_006987 HPRD:05345 RPH3AL NOC2 rabphilin 3A-like (without C2 domains) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25553 chr4 87995158 87995277 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001166693, intron 4 of 20) intron (NM_001166693, intron 4 of 20) 67064 NM_005935 4299 Hs.480190 NM_005935 HPRD:08871 AFF1 AF4|MLLT2|PBM1 AF4/FMR2 family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31729 chr7 51938413 51938593 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 -553988 NM_001287436 23242 Hs.99141 NM_015198 HPRD:10843 COBL - cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22722 chr3 46311302 46311376 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27467 NM_001164680 1232 Hs.506190 NM_001837 HPRD:03167 CCR3 CC-CKR-3|CD193|CKR3|CMKBR3 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29941 chr6 80623216 80623363 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 34026 NM_022726 6785 Hs.101915 NM_022726 HPRD:05697 ELOVL4 ADMD|CT118|ISQMR|SCA34|STGD2|STGD3 ELOVL fatty acid elongase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23729 chr3 135105098 135105172 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -579380 NM_001190447 5523 Hs.518155 NM_002718 HPRD:09225 PPP2R3A PPP2R3|PR130|PR72 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15442 chr18 56325459 56325697 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13040 NM_006785 10892 Hs.601217 NM_006785 HPRD:06892 MALT1 IMD12|MLT|MLT1 mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33132 chr7 156969151 156969233 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 5 of 22) AluSx|SINE|Alu 37537 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23932 chr3 154372930 154372996 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -225459 NM_001038705 344758 Hs.688231 NM_001038705 ENSG00000174948 GPR149 IEDA|PGR10 G protein-coupled receptor 149 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22956 chr3 59843607 59843700 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001166243, intron 8 of 9) intron (NM_001166243, intron 8 of 9) -807938 NM_198463 200844 Hs.368434 NM_198463 HPRD:13458 C3orf67 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19541 chr2 189580774 189580864 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 74012 NM_052952 116093 Hs.470892 NM_052952 DIRC1 - disrupted in renal carcinoma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_187 chr1 10368108 10368246 + 7.41131 NA 3' UTR (NM_183416, exon 21 of 21) 3' UTR (NM_183416, exon 21 of 21) 9153 NR_125730 103625684 NR_125730 RNU6-2 U6-2 RNA, U6 small nuclear 2 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6497 chr11 67365920 67365986 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -8370 NM_007103 4723 Hs.7744 NM_007103 HPRD:01191 NDUFV1 CI-51K|CI51KD|UQOR1 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) flavoprotein 1, 51kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37472 chrX 37771659 37771860 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic MamRep605|Unknown|Unknown -64870 NM_006520 6990 Hs.446392 NM_006520 HPRD:02249 DYNLT3 RP3|TCTE1L|TCTEX1L dynein, light chain, Tctex-type 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9070 chr12 128770355 128770572 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001136103, intron 1 of 8) CT-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -8174 NR_037406 100500817 NR_037406 MIR3612 - microRNA 3612 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6714 chr11 84547943 84548009 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001142699, intron 6 of 27) L1PA4|LINE|L1 86489 NM_001300983 1740 Hs.367656 NM_001364 HPRD:04663 DLG2 PPP1R58|PSD-93|PSD93|chapsyn-110 discs, large homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35956 chr9 100565846 100565925 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic CpG -49652 NM_004473 2304 Hs.159234 NM_004473 HPRD:04014 FOXE1 FKHL15|FOXE2|HFKH4|HFKL5|TITF2|TTF-2|TTF2 forkhead box E1 (thyroid transcription factor 2) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34700 chr8 136523876 136523961 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_006558, intron 1 of 8) AluY|SINE|Alu 54202 NM_006558 10656 Hs.444558 NM_006558 HPRD:10007 KHDRBS3 Etle|SALP|SLM-2|SLM2|T-STAR|TSTAR|etoile KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3810 chr10 22886184 22886401 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_005028, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_005028, intron 3 of 9) 117211 NM_005028 5305 Hs.57079 NM_005028 HPRD:11931 PIP4K2A PI5P4KA|PIP5K2A|PIP5KII-alpha|PIP5KIIA|PIPK phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20930 chr20 53427991 53428060 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 335768 NM_177959 55816 Hs.473133 NM_018431 HPRD:16317 DOK5 C20orf180|IRS-6|IRS6 docking protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28601 chr5 156341161 156341285 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 49043 NM_138379 91937 Hs.334907 NM_138379 HPRD:15508 TIMD4 SMUCKLER|TIM4 T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31254 chr7 6487523 6487774 + 7.41131 NA promoter-TSS (NM_139179) promoter-TSS (NM_139179) -5 NM_139179 221955 Hs.487498 NM_139179 HPRD:17324 DAGLB DAGLBETA|KCCR13L diacylglycerol lipase, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39321 chrY 18971679 18971766 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -641116 NR_028083 340618 Hs.434364 NR_028083 FAM41AY1 FAM41AY family with sequence similarity 41, member A, Y-linked 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39451 chrY 59185816 59185882 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -28100 NR_033715 6845 Hs.24167 NM_005638 HPRD:02084 VAMP7 SYBL1|TI-VAMP|TIVAMP|VAMP-7 vesicle-associated membrane protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4749 chr10 90342855 90342945 + 7.41131 NA exon (NM_018363, exon 1 of 7) exon (NM_018363, exon 1 of 7) 182 NM_018363 55328 Hs.149849 NM_018363 HPRD:07742 RNLS C10orf59|RENALASE renalase, FAD-dependent amine oxidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6540 chr11 70921364 70921603 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_012309, intron 1 of 22) AluY|SINE|Alu 14359 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38833 chrX 146735976 146736051 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -257456 NM_001185082 2332 Hs.103183 NM_002024 HPRD:02398 FMR1 FMRP|FRAXA|POF|POF1 fragile X mental retardation 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20282 chr20 1072138 1072207 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluSg4|SINE|Alu -21734 NM_178578 9491 Hs.471917 NM_006814 HPRD:17919 PSMF1 PI31 proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 (PI31) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2118 chr1 152745054 152745120 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -3761 NM_178354 353137 Hs.553712 NM_178354 HPRD:13970 LCE1F LEP6 late cornified envelope 1F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16271 chr19 21752006 21752180 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 63656 NM_001001415 353088 Hs.572567 NM_001001415 HPRD:18342 ZNF429 - zinc finger protein 429 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2666 chr1 187318531 187318603 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 520535 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25226 chr4 58252200 58252267 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -275682 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24742 chr4 16944853 16945003 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -44504 NM_001130834 9079 Hs.714330 NM_001290 HPRD:16022 LDB2 CLIM1|LDB1 LIM domain binding 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8521 chr12 82407895 82407961 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 60430 NR_110089 101928449 Hs.737488 NR_110089 ENSG00000257747 LOC101928449 - uncharacterized LOC101928449 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24245 chr3 184521203 184521294 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8683 NM_001009921 23355 Hs.269263 NM_015303 HPRD:11111 VPS8 KIAA0804 vacuolar protein sorting 8 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9532 chr13 49100572 49100756 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001286830, intron 1 of 13) AluJo|SINE|Alu 6728 NM_001268 1102 Hs.652712 NM_001268 HPRD:04631 RCBTB2 CHC1L|RLG regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1) and BTB (POZ) domain containing protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38719 chrX 133443153 133443219 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -64156 NM_032335 84295 Hs.356501 NM_032335 HPRD:02330 PHF6 BFLS|BORJ|CENP-31 PHD finger protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30714 chr6 147380996 147381062 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_034115, intron 5 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu -144465 NM_001127715 134957 Hs.86320 NM_139244 STXBP5 LGL3|LLGL3|Nbla04300 syntaxin binding protein 5 (tomosyn) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15755 chr19 2872349 2872435 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001300843, intron 1 of 3) LTR13|LTR|ERVK 5059 NM_001300843 80032 Hs.287433 NM_024967 HPRD:15839 ZNF556 - zinc finger protein 556 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8184 chr12 55727760 55727933 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 2361 NM_054104 254786 Hs.553653 NM_054104 HPRD:15057 OR6C3 OST709 olfactory receptor, family 6, subfamily C, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24349 chr3 195179328 195179419 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15556 NM_012287 23527 Hs.593373 NM_012287 HPRD:09681 ACAP2 CENTB2|CNT-B2 ArfGAP with coiled-coil, ankyrin repeat and PH domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7755 chr12 28255336 28255402 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -130453 NM_198965 5744 Hs.591159 NM_002820 HPRD:01348 PTHLH BDE2|HHM|PLP|PTHR|PTHRP parathyroid hormone-like hormone protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12422 chr16 14861189 14861362 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16605 NM_001277324 642799 NM_001277324 ENSG00000254852 NPIPA2 NPIP nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26550 chr4 187045580 187045646 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -20382 NM_015398 25854 Hs.744961 NM_015398 HPRD:16810 FAM149A MSTP119 family with sequence similarity 149, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10574 chr14 63588739 63588819 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -76823 NM_139318 27133 Hs.27043 NM_139318 HPRD:10421 KCNH5 EAG2|H-EAG2|Kv10.2|hEAG2 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36375-2 chr9 132414456 132414628 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -10094 NM_017873 140459 Hs.125037 NM_017873 ASB6 - ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17295 chr2 3452420 3452515 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_016030, intron 6 of 11) CpG 69021 NM_016030 51112 Hs.252713 NM_016030 HPRD:15580 TRAPPC12 TTC-15|TTC15 trafficking protein particle complex 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5796 chr11 22981544 22981637 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluYg6|SINE|Alu -99618 NM_001195637 100500938 Hs.555029 NM_001195637 ENSG00000255359 CCDC179 - coiled-coil domain containing 179 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25765 chr4 108228693 108228805 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -271296 NM_014421 27123 Hs.211869 NM_014421 HPRD:05658 DKK2 DKK-2 dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10122 chr14 22392096 22392212 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 258857 NM_001001912 26686 Hs.547982 NM_001001912 HPRD:11414 OR4E2 OR14-42 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily E, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18138 chr2 77064713 77064781 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001134745, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -148344 NR_110284 101927907 Hs.382185 NR_110284 ENSG00000234653 LOC101927907 - uncharacterized LOC101927907 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1877 chr1 146428246 146428328 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 110 of 130) intron (NM_001278267, intron 110 of 130) 54430 NM_001278141 149013 Hs.666981 NM_001278141 ENSG00000186275 NBPF12 COAS1|KIAA1245 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25297 chr4 63107145 63107213 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -79696 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14709 chr17 68543168 68543265 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 377540 NM_000891 3759 Hs.1547 NM_000891 HPRD:02815 KCNJ2 ATFB9|HHBIRK1|HHIRK1|IRK1|KIR2.1|LQT7|SQT3 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38177 chrX 76527269 76527375 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -182325 NM_003868 8823 Hs.666364 NM_003868 FGF16 FGF-16|MF4 fibroblast growth factor 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2458 chr1 172327594 172327715 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_015569, intron 17 of 20) intron (NM_015569, intron 17 of 20) -62174 NM_139240 92346 Hs.517991 NM_139240 HPRD:14291 C1orf105 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 105 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35058 chr9 19735488 19735554 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_020344, intron 1 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 51496 NM_001193288 25769 Hs.283014 NM_020344 HPRD:15351 SLC24A2 NCKX2 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20266 chr20 112044 112199 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -11073 NM_030931 81623 Hs.124211 NM_030931 DEFB126 C20orf8|DEFB-26|DEFB26|bA530N10.1|hBD-26 defensin, beta 126 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13966 chr17 20587950 20588048 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -27760 NR_073509 100287072 Hs.676308 NR_073509 LOC100287072 - ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 70kDa, polypeptide 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31289 chr7 8054835 8055001 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_138426, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_138426, intron 2 of 7) -46535 NR_110018 100505921 Hs.634989 NR_110018 LOC100505921 - uncharacterized LOC100505921 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35829 chr9 90359214 90359302 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 18284 NM_001257972 1514 Hs.731507 NM_001912 HPRD:00293 CTSL CATL|CTSL1|MEP cathepsin L protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30433 chr6 125008634 125008700 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001300740, intron 3 of 5) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -275024 NM_001286398 154214 Hs.368639 NM_152553 HPRD:17125 RNF217 C6orf172|IBRDC1|dJ84N20.1 ring finger protein 217 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17682 chr2 37843105 37843273 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 56153 NM_006449 10602 Hs.369574 NM_006449 HPRD:09364 CDC42EP3 BORG2|CEP3|UB1 CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15020 chr18 6034550 6034626 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_173464, intron 17 of 19) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -142485 NM_001080209 645369 Hs.346566 NM_001080209 ENSG00000206432 TMEM200C TTMA transmembrane protein 200C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17892 chr2 56653715 56653781 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -240843 NR_125368 100129434 Hs.580330 NR_125368 ENSG00000233251 LOC100129434 - uncharacterized LOC100129434 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35960 chr9 100700603 100700704 + 7.41131 NA promoter-TSS (NM_197978) promoter-TSS (NM_197978) 22 NM_197978 55363 Hs.176626 NM_018437 HPRD:17100 HEMGN CT155|EDAG|EDAG-1|NDR hemogen protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9739 chr13 78654071 78654137 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_047001, intron 1 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 25114 NR_047001 100874222 Hs.493062 NR_047001 ENSG00000234377 RNF219-AS1 POU4F1-AS1 RNF219 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14099 chr17 28339035 28339108 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_026738, intron 7 of 15) LTR13|LTR|ERVK 70448 NR_026738 374786 Hs.662411 NM_198529 HPRD:13528 EFCAB5 - EF-hand calcium binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17862 chr2 54141024 54141131 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_014614, intron 20 of 46) intron (NM_014614, intron 20 of 46) -53907 NM_006794 10936 Hs.40763 NM_006794 HPRD:09462 GPR75 GPRchr2|WI31133 G protein-coupled receptor 75 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6237 chr11 57907068 57907460 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001005212, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -20348 NM_001005211 219954 Hs.632122 NM_001005211 HPRD:17799 OR9I1 OR11-228 olfactory receptor, family 9, subfamily I, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13360 chr16 79729913 79729982 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -74421 NR_104660 101928248 Hs.659802 NR_104660 LOC101928248 - uncharacterized LOC101928248 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33532 chr8 27778338 27778404 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_173833, intron 4 of 8) AluYa5|SINE|Alu -34738 NR_036249 100422828 NR_036249 MIR4287 - microRNA 4287 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32552 chr7 108368756 108368832 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 155843 NM_001024607 154907 Hs.276325 NM_001024607 HPRD:18563 C7orf66 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 66 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2355 chr1 163754985 163755051 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -362037 NR_104294 100422212 Hs.556898 NR_104294 LOC100422212 - eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit J pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1016 chr1 63135535 63135693 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001271999, intron 1 of 48) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 18425 NM_001272000 85440 Hs.744927 NM_033407 HPRD:16833 DOCK7 EIEE23|ZIR2 dedicator of cytokinesis 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39032 chrY 7489711 7489882 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 79492 NR_001552 252948 Hs.522848 NR_001552 ENSG00000225520 TTTY16 NCRNA00139 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 16 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1523 chr1 111525072 111525184 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18562 NM_001006945 55791 Hs.25245 NM_018372 HPRD:17975 LRIF1 C1orf103|RIF1 ligand dependent nuclear receptor interacting factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39012 chrY 7148467 7148564 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_028062, intron 1 of 7) intron (NR_028062, intron 1 of 7) 6502 NR_028062 5616 Hs.584730 NM_002760 HPRD:08949 PRKY PRKXP3|PRKYP protein kinase, Y-linked, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21024 chr20 62245714 62245780 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_012384, intron 2 of 9) LTR13|LTR|ERVK 12634 NM_012384 26205 Hs.473286 NM_012384 HPRD:16245 GMEB2 P79PIF|PIF79 glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9703 chr13 75124302 75124422 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1MA5|LINE|L1 -2618 NR_034025 338864 Hs.97408 NR_034024 ENSG00000236678 LINC00347 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 347 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24840 chr4 31968566 31968632 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1246562 NM_032457 5099 Hs.479439 NM_002589 HPRD:04288 PCDH7 BH-Pcdh|BHPCDH|PPP1R120 protocadherin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24224 chr3 183456370 183456437 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_018023, intron 8 of 30) L1PA2|LINE|L1 40797 NM_018023 55689 Hs.632575 NM_018023 HPRD:07652 YEATS2 - YEATS domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38015 chrX 69900097 69900192 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 15 of 30) SVA_D|Other|Other -224300 NR_109801 100873930 Hs.571699 NR_046586 DLG3-AS1 - DLG3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33877 chr8 57728375 57728459 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 178013 NM_017813 54928 Hs.438689 NM_017813 HPRD:06531 IMPAD1 GPAPP|IMP 3|IMP-3|IMPA3 inositol monophosphatase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18000 chr2 67708730 67708801 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 84323 NM_019002 54465 Hs.353022 NM_019002 HPRD:13282 ETAA1 ETAA16 Ewing tumor-associated antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26061 chr4 134707993 134708062 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 414876 NM_001114734 132430 Hs.49889 NM_001114734 ENSG00000254535 PABPC4L - poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 4-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34651 chr8 132890274 132890366 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -26036 NM_015137 23167 Hs.204564 NM_015137 HPRD:17179 EFR3A - EFR3 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12997 chr16 49000791 49000872 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 314911 NM_004352 869 Hs.458423 NM_004352 HPRD:02697 CBLN1 - cerebellin 1 precursor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24672 chr4 11170634 11170711 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -199779 NR_030298 693157 NR_030298 miRBase:MI0003579 MIR572 MIRN572|hsa-mir-572 microRNA 572 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10978 chr14 98470004 98470075 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -25578 NR_015430 388011 Hs.651477 NR_015430 ENSG00000246223 C14orf64 - chromosome 14 open reading frame 64 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1540 chr1 112912517 112912587 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26248 NM_018704 55917 Hs.744100 NM_018704 HPRD:10906 CTTNBP2NL - CTTNBP2 N-terminal like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14412 chr17 45258939 45259030 + 7.41131 NA exon (NM_001293091, exon 2 of 18) exon (NM_001293091, exon 2 of 18) 7694 NM_001293091 996 Hs.463295 NM_001256 HPRD:00304 CDC27 ANAPC3|APC3|CDC27Hs|D0S1430E|D17S978E|H-NUC|HNUC|NUC2 cell division cycle 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9437 chr13 42479888 42479987 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001009814, intron 4 of 25) L1MC4|LINE|L1 55284 NM_001009814 23078 Hs.368282 NM_015058 HPRD:17194 VWA8 KIAA0564 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4381 chr10 56000457 56000534 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001142769, intron 9 of 35) AluY|SINE|Alu 560556 NM_001142765 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21277 chr21 25136656 25136756 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -379550 NR_040254 266917 Hs.145622 NR_040254 ENSG00000228592 D21S2088E - D21S2088E ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18778 chr2 117687548 117687616 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -884673 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4384 chr10 56117928 56118015 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001142769, intron 6 of 35) L1PA3|LINE|L1 443080 NM_001142765 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6533 chr11 70669190 70669288 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_012309, intron 8 of 22) CpG -39656 NR_073536 220070 Hs.326766 NM_145308 HPRD:14132 SHANK2-AS3 C11orf76 SHANK2 antisense RNA 3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23004 chr3 66829521 66829675 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -219129 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9937 chr13 103819918 103819984 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluYc|SINE|Alu -100755 NM_000452 6555 Hs.194783 NM_000452 HPRD:03189 SLC10A2 ASBT|IBAT|ISBT|NTCP2|PBAM solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_242 chr1 14709086 14709154 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -216093 NM_015209 23254 Hs.368823 NM_015209 HPRD:11122 KAZN KAZ kazrin, periplakin interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4498 chr10 69147438 69147508 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001291133, intron 6 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 277970 NM_001127384 29119 Hs.21375 NM_013266 HPRD:09639 CTNNA3 ARVD13|VR22 catenin (cadherin-associated protein), alpha 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37271 chrX 11693173 11693245 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluYg6|SINE|Alu -9388 NM_006125 395 Hs.435291 NM_001174 HPRD:02124 ARHGAP6 RHOGAP6|RHOGAPX-1 Rho GTPase activating protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7029 chr11 115727824 115727891 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -96939 NR_034148 283143 Hs.130499 NR_034148 LINC00900 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 900 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23018 chr3 66913371 66913490 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -135297 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15458 chr18 57685389 57685492 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 118248 NM_021127 5366 Hs.96 NM_021127 HPRD:12002 PMAIP1 APR|NOXA phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15343 chr18 45493786 45493852 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -36302 NM_001003652 4087 Hs.12253 NM_005901 HPRD:03221 SMAD2 JV18|JV18-1|MADH2|MADR2|hMAD-2|hSMAD2 SMAD family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32998 chr7 149895407 149895496 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 104618 NM_001164459 653857 Hs.664579 NM_001164458 ENSG00000106526 ACTR3C ARP11 ARP3 actin-related protein 3 homolog C (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11548 chr15 51043737 51043870 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_032802, intron 1 of 14) L1MC1|LINE|L1 14107 NM_032802 84888 Hs.401537 NM_032802 HPRD:09742 SPPL2A IMP3|PSL2 signal peptide peptidase like 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7942 chr12 40177969 40178043 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_052885, intron 7 of 9) L1PA5|LINE|L1 158034 NM_001031748 283461 Hs.648205 NM_173599 HPRD:08806 C12orf40 HEL-206 chromosome 12 open reading frame 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27045 chr5 41225678 41225772 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001115131, intron 1 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -12030 NM_000065 729 Hs.481992 NM_000065 HPRD:01956 C6 - complement component 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22496 chr3 25875137 25875218 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 40009 NR_034055 285326 Hs.145246 NR_034055 ENSG00000230891 LINC00692 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 692 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23586 chr3 125029738 125029884 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_021964, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_021964, intron 4 of 8) 64387 NM_021964 7707 Hs.592591 NM_021964 HPRD:03540 ZNF148 BERF-1|BFCOL1|HT-BETA|ZBP-89|ZFP148|pHZ-52 zinc finger protein 148 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24765 chr4 19556644 19556711 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu -698510 NM_001289135 9353 Hs.29802 NM_004787 HPRD:04776 SLIT2 SLIL3|Slit-2 slit homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3084 chr1 222182605 222182678 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -267123 NM_007207 11221 Hs.497822 NM_007207 HPRD:12320 DUSP10 MKP-5|MKP5 dual specificity phosphatase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36251 chr9 127728232 127728319 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001144877, intron 17 of 17) Tigger2|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -24889 NM_002077 2800 Hs.59504 NM_002077 HPRD:03934 GOLGA1 golgin-97 golgin A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1882 chr1 146459816 146459898 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 80 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 80 of 85) 54742 NR_024442 728989 Hs.537068 NR_024442 ENSG00000227242 LOC728989 - phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35244 chr9 36103111 36103212 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_021111, intron 12 of 20) intron (NM_021111, intron 12 of 20) -33372 NR_104641 152007 Hs.493819 NM_022343 HPRD:06187 GLIPR2 C9orf19|GAPR-1|GAPR1 GLI pathogenesis-related 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39009 chrY 6638161 6638227 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 103874 NM_001143 266 Hs.1238 NM_001143 HPRD:02462 AMELY AMGL|AMGY amelogenin, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3001 chr1 216089047 216089192 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_206933, intron 38 of 71) L1PA3|LINE|L1 348384 NM_016121 51133 Hs.335139 NM_016121 HPRD:13766 KCTD3 NY-REN-45 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19064 chr2 143041894 143041966 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -152660 NM_018557 53353 Hs.656461 NM_018557 HPRD:16383 LRP1B LRP-DIT|LRPDIT low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26303 chr4 159042988 159043054 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 50697 NM_016613 51313 Hs.567498 NM_016613 HPRD:13194 FAM198B AD036|C4orf18 family with sequence similarity 198, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5567 chr11 7566354 7566421 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_003621, intron 1 of 23) AluSz6|SINE|Alu 31391 NM_003621 8495 Hs.655714 NM_003621 HPRD:04391 PPFIBP2 Cclp1 PTPRF interacting protein, binding protein 2 (liprin beta 2) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5997 chr11 45793625 45793707 + 7.41131 NA non-coding (NR_027134, exon 2 of 2) non-coding (NR_027134, exon 2 of 2) 683 NR_027134 374387 Hs.632142 NM_199137 ENSG00000205106 DKFZp779M0652 - uncharacterized DKFZp779M0652 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15971 chr19 11924989 11925060 + 7.41131 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152357) promoter-TSS (NM_152357) -83 NM_152357 126070 Hs.418192 NM_152357 HPRD:11718 ZNF440 - zinc finger protein 440 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12060 chr15 90640266 90640409 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_002168, intron 1 of 10) L1MB3|LINE|L1 3516 NM_001289910 3418 Hs.596461 NM_002168 HPRD:00973 IDH2 D2HGA2|ICD-M|IDH|IDHM|IDP|IDPM|mNADP-IDH isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23081 chr3 71690566 71690633 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -57459 NM_001244810 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3224 chr1 228797904 228797974 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_037962, intron 1 of 2) L1PA6|LINE|L1 17282 NR_002834 574029 Hs.647777 NR_002834 DUSP5P1 DUSP5P dual specificity phosphatase 5 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29289 chr6 28092272 28092348 + 7.41131 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025231) promoter-TSS (NM_025231) -77 NM_025231 80345 Hs.656641 NM_025231 HPRD:15792 ZSCAN16 ZNF392|ZNF435|dJ265C24.3 zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28765 chr5 173967102 173967168 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -184440 NM_002449 4488 Hs.89404 NM_002449 HPRD:00421 MSX2 CRS2|FPP|HOX8|MSH|PFM|PFM1 msh homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11088 chr14 105987173 105987336 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5699 NM_025268 80757 Hs.157527 NM_025268 HPRD:14652 TMEM121 hole transmembrane protein 121 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25596 chr4 92004270 92004338 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001145065, intron 9 of 10) L1PA6|LINE|L1 848122 NM_207491 401145 Hs.654735 NM_207491 HPRD:17561 CCSER1 FAM190A coiled-coil serine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25811 chr4 111517326 111517424 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 26879 NM_000325 5308 Hs.643588 NM_000325 HPRD:03328 PITX2 ARP1|Brx1|IDG2|IGDS|IGDS2|IHG2|IRID2|Otlx2|PTX2|RGS|RIEG|RIEG1|RS paired-like homeodomain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34773 chr8 142997918 142998015 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -259734 NR_039682 100616268 NR_039682 miRBase:MI0016823 MIR4472-1 - microRNA 4472-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31956 chr7 62181901 62181967 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 582500 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5269 chr10 129595765 129595888 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic (TCCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 60288 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20306 chr20 1484416 1484532 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12241 NM_001122962 284759 Hs.721685 NM_001122962 ENSG00000196209 SIRPB2 PTPN1L|PTPNS1L3|dJ776F14.2 signal-regulatory protein beta 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4261 chr10 45521722 45521837 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -25309 NM_001039380 220979 Hs.707791 NM_001039380 ENSG00000165511 C10orf25 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15239 chr18 32137829 32137904 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_032979, intron 1 of 16) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -35416 NM_001198938 1837 Hs.643454 NM_001390 HPRD:03141 DTNA D18S892E|DRP3|DTN|DTN-A|LVNC1 dystrobrevin, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15657 chr19 423162 423472 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_012435, intron 10 of 12) intron (NM_012435, intron 10 of 12) -14147 NM_001136263 126567 Hs.223770 NM_001136263 ENSG00000183186 C2CD4C FAM148C|KIAA1957|NLF3 C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11872 chr15 77702237 77702355 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_024776, intron 1 of 7) MIR|SINE|MIR 10150 NM_024776 79834 Hs.9587 NM_024776 ENSG00000173517 PEAK1 SGK269 pseudopodium-enriched atypical kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27733 chr5 86105608 86105679 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 63008 NR_105017 100505878 Hs.246405 NR_105017 ENSG00000250544 LOC100505878 - uncharacterized LOC100505878 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33137 chr7 157002599 157002665 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 13 of 22) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 70977 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2377 chr1 166636132 166636204 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 63015 NR_002925 116123 Hs.348539 NM_138784 HPRD:14011 FMO9P - flavin containing monooxygenase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7066 chr11 118479296 118479492 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001144759, intron 1 of 20) CpG 1088 NM_001144758 23187 Hs.504062 NM_015157 HPRD:15128 PHLDB1 LL5A pleckstrin homology-like domain, family B, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27833 chr5 95672240 95672321 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic Intergenic 95583 NM_001177875 5122 Hs.78977 NM_000439 HPRD:01201 PCSK1 BMIQ12|NEC1|PC1|PC3|SPC3 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18100 chr2 74405408 74405601 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_018221, intron 1 of 5) CpG 491 NM_018221 55233 Hs.602092 NM_018221 MOB1A C2orf6|MATS1|MOB1|MOBK1B|MOBKL1B|Mob4B MOB kinase activator 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11668 chr15 61209251 61209330 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_134261, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_134261, intron 1 of 10) 235522 NR_120318 100996876 Hs.511626 NR_120318 LOC100996876 - uncharacterized LOC100996876 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36090 chr9 112797888 112798005 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_007203, intron 7 of 10) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -12932 NM_001004065 11217 Hs.591908 NM_001004065 ENSG00000241978 AKAP2 AKAP-2|AKAPKL|PRKA2 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3722 chr10 16877402 16877484 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 63 of 66) intron (NM_001081, intron 63 of 66) -17990 NM_012425 6251 Hs.524161 NM_012425 HPRD:01551 RSU1 RSP-1 Ras suppressor protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33198 chr7 159002221 159002374 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L2|LINE|L2 -64648 NM_003382 7434 Hs.585052 NM_003382 HPRD:03576 VIPR2 C16DUPq36.3|DUP7q36.3|PACAP-R-3|PACAP-R3|VIP-R-2|VPAC2|VPAC2R|VPCAP2R vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2244 chr1 157313193 157313259 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -204843 NM_001145312 2117 Hs.105636 NM_005240 HPRD:01282 ETV3 METS|PE-1|PE1|bA110J1.4 ets variant 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1290 chr1 91989034 91989167 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001134420, intron 11 of 11) L2b|LINE|L2 22435 NM_001134420 8317 Hs.533573 NM_003503 HPRD:10345 CDC7 CDC7L1|HsCDC7|Hsk1|huCDC7 cell division cycle 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18652 chr2 108680420 108680526 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 77478 NM_021815 60482 Hs.287758 NM_021815 HPRD:12294 SLC5A7 CHT|CHT1|HMN7A|hCHT solute carrier family 5 (sodium/choline cotransporter), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13114 chr16 58879537 58879645 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -111330 NM_001286220 2806 Hs.599470 NM_002080 HPRD:00684 GOT2 KAT4|KATIV|mitAAT glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20662 chr20 33505953 33506077 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_001076552, intron 8 of 18) MIRc|SINE|MIR 37586 NM_000178 2937 Hs.82327 NM_000178 HPRD:03000 GSS GSHS|HEL-S-64p|HEL-S-88n glutathione synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3686 chr10 14124146 14124219 + 7.41131 NA intron (NR_120638, intron 1 of 2) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 7899 NR_120638 101928453 Hs.650212 NR_120638 LOC101928453 - uncharacterized LOC101928453 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5565 chr11 7408185 7408259 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_175733, intron 3 of 6) L1PA4|LINE|L1 78844 NR_103855 100506258 Hs.661614 NR_103855 ENSG00000251364 LOC100506258 - uncharacterized LOC100506258 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8851 chr12 111008434 111008564 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_139283, intron 1 of 5) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 12565 NM_139283 160760 Hs.13854 NM_139283 PPTC7 TA-PP2C|TAPP2C PTC7 protein phosphatase homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23898 chr3 151215316 151215386 + 7.41131 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -38854 NM_178822 285313 Hs.58561 NM_178822 IGSF10 CMF608 immunoglobulin superfamily, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29029 chr6 12052203 12052275 + 7.41131 NA intron (NM_002114, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_002114, intron 2 of 8) 39515 NM_002114 3096 Hs.567284 NM_002114 HPRD:01925 HIVEP1 CIRIP|CRYBP1|GAAP|MBP-1|PRDII-BF1|Schnurri-1|ZAS1|ZNF40|ZNF40A human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21282 chr21 26671233 26671375 + 7.40724 NA Intergenic Intergenic 132709 NR_024027 54072 Hs.234016 NM_058184 HPRD:10748 LINC00158 C21orf42|NCRNA00158 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 158 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2058 chr1 150241429 150241570 + 7.40724 NA non-coding (NR_045034, exon 1 of 4) non-coding (NR_045034, exon 1 of 4) 110 NM_001243771 51107 Hs.108408 NM_016022 ENSG00000117362 APH1A 6530402N02Rik|APH-1|APH-1A|CGI-78 APH1A gamma secretase subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5316 chr10 131917177 131917389 + 7.40724 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -8202 NR_034125 387723 Hs.127394 NR_034125 LINC00959 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 959 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11413 chr15 41074924 41075036 + 7.40724 NA intron (NM_018163, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_018163, intron 1 of 10) 12821 NM_001130448 643338 Hs.631715 NM_001130448 ENSG00000188277 C15orf62 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1658 chr1 121353951 121354104 + 7.40472 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 93117 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32904 chr7 143044442 143044520 + 7.40371 NA intron (NM_000083, intron 20 of 22) AluSx|SINE|Alu 14692 NM_014690 9715 Hs.648908 NM_014690 HPRD:13816 FAM131B - family with sequence similarity 131, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14771 chr17 74497450 74497625 + 7.40371 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024599) promoter-TSS (NM_024599) -28 NM_024599 79651 Hs.464157 NM_024599 HPRD:07987 RHBDF2 RHBDL5|RHBDL6|TOC|TOCG rhomboid 5 homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31188 chr7 2394181 2394276 + 7.40305 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003751) promoter-TSS (NM_003751) -246 NM_001037283 8662 Hs.371001 NM_003751 HPRD:06795 EIF3B EIF3-ETA|EIF3-P110|EIF3-P116|EIF3S9|PRT1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2159 chr1 154891601 154891679 + 7.40305 NA Intergenic AluSz6|SINE|Alu 17844 NM_006556 10654 Hs.30954 NM_006556 HPRD:07404 PMVK HUMPMKI|PMK|PMKA|PMKASE phosphomevalonate kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33431 chr8 17104320 17104532 + 7.40262 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013354) promoter-TSS (NM_013354) 25 NM_152415 137492 Hs.343873 NM_152415 HPRD:13410 VPS37A HCRP1|PQBP2|SPG53 vacuolar protein sorting 37 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30143 chr6 99395375 99395486 + 7.40262 NA intron (NM_001278716, intron 1 of 9) CpG 452 NM_012160 26235 Hs.536850 NM_012160 HPRD:05738 FBXL4 FBL4|FBL5|MTDPS13 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12633 chr16 29874547 29874633 + 7.40262 NA promoter-TSS (NR_015396) promoter-TSS (NR_015396) 19 NM_001286586 10423 Hs.121549 NM_006319 HPRD:12063 CDIPT PIS|PIS1 CDP-diacylglycerol--inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31672 chr7 44837064 44837180 + 7.40262 NA intron (NM_021130, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_021130, intron 1 of 4) 887 NM_001300981 5478 Hs.356331 NM_021130 HPRD:00457 PPIA CYPA|CYPH|HEL-S-69p peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25411 chr4 76142183 76142252 + 7.39459 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -137069 NR_033964 441025 Hs.407667 NR_033964 ENSG00000251383 LOC441025 - uncharacterized LOC441025 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31116 chr6 170787760 170787962 + 7.39459 NA Intergenic CpG 74556 NM_002793 5689 Hs.352768 NM_002793 HPRD:03603 PSMB1 HC5|PMSB1|PSC5 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1069 chr1 67519606 67519719 + 7.39459 NA exon (NM_015139, exon 1 of 12) exon (NM_015139, exon 1 of 12) 418 NM_015139 23169 Hs.213642 NM_015139 HPRD:15372 SLC35D1 UGTREL7 solute carrier family 35 (UDP-GlcA/UDP-GalNAc transporter), member D1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20165 chr2 238600834 238600945 + 7.38834 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001137553) promoter-TSS (NM_001137553) 82 NM_001137553 9208 Hs.471779 NM_004735 HPRD:04460 LRRFIP1 FLAP-1|FLAP1|FLIIAP1|GCF-2|GCF2|HUFI-1|TRIP leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17875 chr2 55237366 55237449 + 7.38834 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007008) promoter-TSS (NM_007008) 63 NM_007008 57142 Hs.637850 NM_007008 HPRD:07259 RTN4 ASY|NI220/250|NOGO|NOGO-A|NOGOC|NSP|NSP-CL|Nbla00271|Nbla10545|Nogo-B|Nogo-C|RTN-X|RTN4-A|RTN4-B1|RTN4-B2|RTN4-C reticulon 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37932 chrX 64970551 64970711 + 7.38834 NA Intergenic Intergenic 83120 NM_002444 4478 Hs.87752 NM_002444 HPRD:02399 MSN HEL70 moesin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6048 chr11 48539280 48539350 + 7.38688 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 28970 NM_001005512 403253 Hs.554532 NM_001005512 HPRD:17718 OR4A47 OR11-113 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30502 chr6 130897253 130897427 + 7.38688 NA Intergenic Intergenic 139078 NM_052913 114801 Hs.591341 NM_052913 HPRD:13901 TMEM200A KIAA1913|TTMA|TTMC transmembrane protein 200A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1058 chr1 66815979 66816062 + 7.38688 NA intron (NM_001297440, intron 7 of 15) intron (NM_001297440, intron 7 of 15) -4041 NM_001297442 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14969 chr18 1768845 1768951 + 7.38688 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -409268 NR_023926 56651 Hs.541165 NM_031416 LINC00470 C18orf2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 470 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12752 chr16 32661369 32661556 + 7.38652 NA Intergenic Intergenic 25986 NM_001205259 653550 Hs.592038 NM_001205259 ENSG00000205457 TP53TG3C TP53TG3 TP53 target 3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29861 chr6 74020103 74020178 + 7.38558 NA promoter-TSS (NR_027005) promoter-TSS (NR_027005) -52 NR_027005 387097 Hs.732094 NR_027005 C6orf147 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 147 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32445 chr7 100728676 100728742 + 7.38558 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030961) promoter-TSS (NM_030961) -77 NM_030961 81844 Hs.521092 NM_030961 HPRD:10284 TRIM56 RNF109 tripartite motif containing 56 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12884 chr16 34016163 34016236 + 7.37306 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -53696 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34058 chr8 75204327 75204393 + 7.37222 NA intron (NM_020647, intron 2 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 29202 NM_020647 56704 Hs.657367 NM_020647 HPRD:07286 JPH1 JP-1|JP1 junctophilin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29129 chr6 19500394 19500462 + 7.37222 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -319717 NR_110860 101928519 Hs.551771 NR_110860 LOC101928519 - uncharacterized LOC101928519 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23174 chr3 88054399 88054518 + 7.37222 NA Intergenic Intergenic 22732 NM_000866 3355 Hs.248136 NM_000866 HTR1F 5-HT-1F|5-HT1F|5HT6|HTR1EL|MR77 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1F, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27923 chr5 102137196 102137358 + 7.37222 NA Intergenic Intergenic -64250 NR_033440 5066 Hs.369430 NM_000919 HPRD:01361 PAM PAL|PHM peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19169 chr2 157000330 157000524 + 7.37222 NA intron (NR_110250, intron 1 of 3) L1P1|LINE|L1 111016 NR_110249 101929378 Hs.171192 NR_110249 LOC101929378 - uncharacterized LOC101929378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23880 chr3 150102814 150102995 + 7.37222 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23884 NM_014779 9819 Hs.722470 NM_014779 HPRD:11101 TSC22D2 TILZ4a|TILZ4b|TILZ4c TSC22 domain family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32619 chr7 117854586 117854811 + 7.37222 NA Intergenic CpG -10014 NM_019644 56311 Hs.729340 NM_019644 ENSG00000106013 ANKRD7 TSA806 ankyrin repeat domain 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12910 chr16 35237129 35237211 + 7.37188 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 256247 NR_033985 400533 Hs.499135 NR_033985 ENSG00000261122 FLJ26245 - uncharacterized LOC400533 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31193 chr7 2445825 2445926 + 7.37065 NA intron (NM_018641, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_018641, intron 1 of 1) 2680 NM_001243794 55501 Hs.744987 NM_018641 HPRD:13056 CHST12 C4S-2|C4ST-2|C4ST2 carbohydrate (chondroitin 4) sulfotransferase 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17211 chr19_gl000208_random 56827 56973 + 7.37065 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26554 chr4 187101568 187101661 + 7.37056 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 11030 NR_046264 651430 Hs.727796 NR_046264 FLJ38576 - uncharacterized LOC651430 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25244 chr4 60050413 60050490 + 7.37027 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2073900 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11952 chr15 83199423 83199541 + 7.36872 NA Intergenic Intergenic 9726 NR_111943 6218 Hs.433427 NM_001021 HPRD:01600 RPS17 DBA4|RPS17L|RPS17L1|RPS17L2|S17 ribosomal protein S17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3310 chr1 235801986 235802276 + 7.36872 NA intron (NM_001098721, intron 1 of 3) L1PA8|LINE|L1 11162 NM_001098722 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15407 chr18 51749556 51749730 + 7.36826 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002970) promoter-TSS (NR_002970) -861 NR_002970 677819 Hs.655869 NR_002970 SNORA37 ACA37 small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 37 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26351 chr4 165065043 165065111 + 7.36688 NA intron (NM_001166373, intron 1 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 53786 NM_012403 23520 Hs.661161 NM_012403 ANP32C PP32R1 acidic (leucine-rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30042 chr6 88428537 88428621 + 7.36688 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16594 NM_018064 55122 Hs.485915 NM_018064 HPRD:12864 AKIRIN2 C6orf166|FBI1|dJ486L4.2 akirin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22952 chr3 59500768 59500837 + 7.36424 NA Intergenic Intergenic -465087 NM_198463 200844 Hs.368434 NM_198463 HPRD:13458 C3orf67 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7351 chr12 4938781 4938888 + 7.36424 NA intron (NM_002235, intron 1 of 1) MER5B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 20492 NM_002235 3742 Hs.306190 NM_002235 HPRD:08884 KCNA6 HBK2|KV1.6|PPP1R96 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8621 chr12 93302032 93302108 + 7.36424 NA intron (NM_003566, intron 1 of 28) L1MB2|LINE|L1 21037 NM_003566 8411 Hs.567367 NM_003566 HPRD:05460 EEA1 MST105|MSTP105|ZFYVE2 early endosome antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31558 chr7 35464685 35464763 + 7.36424 NA Intergenic Intergenic 111258 NR_038864 401324 Hs.377034 NR_038864 LOC401324 - uncharacterized LOC401324 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15185 chr18 21143795 21143876 + 7.36424 NA intron (NM_000271, intron 4 of 24) L1MB8|LINE|L1 22746 NM_000271 4864 Hs.464779 NM_000271 HPRD:09622 NPC1 NPC Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25349 chr4 69066255 69066321 + 7.35587 NA intron (NR_104048, intron 2 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 17510 NR_104048 401136 Hs.652046 NM_001129907 ENSG00000226894 TMPRSS11BNL - TMPRSS11B N-terminal like, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1325 chr1 94312195 94312341 + 7.35212 NA promoter-TSS (NR_030621) promoter-TSS (NR_030621) -120 NR_030621 100126348 NR_030621 miRBase:MI0005567 MIR760 MIRN760|hsa-mir-760 microRNA 760 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8274 chr12 59991261 59991466 + 7.35212 NA intron (NM_001270622, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001270622, intron 1 of 5) 1542 NM_001270623 9194 Hs.88156 NM_004731 HPRD:06791 SLC16A7 MCT2 solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylate transporter), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4281 chr10 47396076 47396156 + 7.35169 NA intron (NR_027634, intron 2 of 6) (CCG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 16396 NR_027634 439965 Hs.283521 NR_027634 FAM35DP FAM35B2 family with sequence similarity 35, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37550 chrX 47221502 47221667 + 7.35169 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8415 NM_003446 7712 Hs.89897 NM_003446 ZNF157 HZF22 zinc finger protein 157 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22733 chr3 46989857 46990102 + 7.35169 NA intron (NM_001277074, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001277074, intron 1 of 6) 28012 NR_102269 151903 Hs.631918 NM_144716 HPRD:13007 CCDC12 - coiled-coil domain containing 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34929 chr9 4530470 4530595 + 7.35169 NA intron (NM_004170, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_004170, intron 1 of 11) 40105 NM_004170 6505 Hs.444915 NM_004170 HPRD:00597 SLC1A1 EAAC1|EAAT3|SCZD18 solute carrier family 1 (neuronal/epithelial high affinity glutamate transporter, system Xag), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17325 chr2 7050033 7050175 + 7.35040 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7419 NM_014746 9781 Hs.22146 NM_014746 HPRD:11510 RNF144A RNF144|UBCE7IP4 ring finger protein 144A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31025 chr6 166032927 166033049 + 7.35040 NA intron (NR_045597, intron 1 of 22) (TAGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 42600 NM_001130690 10846 Hs.348762 NM_006661 HPRD:17828 PDE10A HSPDE10A phosphodiesterase 10A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27319 chr5 54368675 54368800 + 7.35040 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29737 NM_006144 3001 Hs.90708 NM_006144 HPRD:00771 GZMA CTLA3|HFSP granzyme A (granzyme 1, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase 3) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15260 chr18 33209990 33210069 + 7.35040 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -24504 NM_020474 2589 Hs.514806 NM_020474 HPRD:03781 GALNT1 GALNAC-T1 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19476 chr2 180314183 180314249 + 7.35040 NA intron (NM_152520, intron 6 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 113099 NM_001113398 151126 Hs.655005 NM_152520 HPRD:15823 ZNF385B ZNF533 zinc finger protein 385B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26994 chr5 37467478 37467565 + 7.35040 NA intron (NM_018034, intron 7 of 17) MLT1A|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 88109 NM_018034 55100 Hs.213690 NM_018034 WDR70 - WD repeat domain 70 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1999 chr1 149007555 149007724 + 7.34985 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 77234 NR_027354 645166 Hs.744183 NR_027354 ENSG00000232527 LOC645166 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30383 chr6 118880197 118880293 + 7.34702 NA 3' UTR (NM_002667, exon 2 of 2) 3' UTR (NM_002667, exon 2 of 2) 10803 NM_002667 5350 Hs.170839 NM_002667 HPRD:01395 PLN CMD1P|CMH18|PLB phospholamban protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17496 chr2 24714560 24714775 + 7.34702 NA Intergenic CpG -92679 NM_003743 8648 Hs.596314 NM_003743 HPRD:04070 NCOA1 F-SRC-1|KAT13A|RIP160|SRC1|bHLHe42|bHLHe74 nuclear receptor coactivator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5288 chr10 130023181 130023288 + 7.34702 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -60980 NR_120619 101927381 Hs.523342 NR_120619 LINC01163 TCONS_00017722 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1163 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36317 chr9 130936192 130936264 + 7.34702 NA intron (NM_012127, intron 11 of 16) AluY|SINE|Alu 13689 NM_024112 79095 Hs.522412 NM_024112 HPRD:12946 C9orf16 EST00098 chromosome 9 open reading frame 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6549 chr11 70969145 70969211 + 7.34702 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -33336 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15339 chr18 45275617 45275809 + 7.34702 NA Intergenic CpG 181257 NM_005901 4087 Hs.12253 NM_005901 HPRD:03221 SMAD2 JV18|JV18-1|MADH2|MADR2|hMAD-2|hSMAD2 SMAD family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6199 chr11 55100373 55100458 + 7.33978 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -10262 NM_001005274 81327 Hs.554530 NM_001005274 HPRD:14959 OR4A16 OR11-117|OR4A16Q olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28442 chr5 144716471 144716642 + 7.33978 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 498376 NM_138492 153768 Hs.314261 NM_138492 HPRD:14479 PRELID2 - PRELI domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23837 chr3 145462792 145462878 + 7.33978 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 416447 NM_000935 5352 Hs.477866 NM_000935 HPRD:03519 PLOD2 LH2|TLH procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37900 chrX 63622032 63622147 + 7.33978 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -6756 NM_017677 55613 Hs.442892 NM_017677 HPRD:06664 MTMR8 - myotubularin related protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28159 chr5 127215638 127215712 + 7.33978 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 203091 NR_015360 644873 Hs.340623 NR_015360 ENSG00000245937 LINC01184 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1184 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15549 chr18 71296420 71296486 + 7.33978 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 304277 NR_038340 100505817 Hs.197042 NR_038340 ENSG00000261780 LOC100505817 - uncharacterized LOC100505817 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12404 chr16 12019175 12019265 + 7.33834 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -8701 NM_001130007 2935 Hs.528780 NM_002094 HPRD:00753 GSPT1 551G9.2|ETF3A|GST1|eRF3a G1 to S phase transition 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22272 chr3 9437948 9438034 + 7.33834 NA intron (NR_027007, intron 1 of 2) CpG 1183 NR_027007 440944 Hs.598958 NM_001013713 ENSG00000206573 THUMPD3-AS1 SETD5-AS1 THUMPD3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18124 chr2 75061100 75061277 + 7.33499 NA 5' UTR (NM_000189, exon 1 of 18) 5' UTR (NM_000189, exon 1 of 18) 1406 NM_000189 3099 Hs.406266 NM_000189 HPRD:03080 HK2 HKII|HXK2 hexokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11938 chr15 82815080 82815198 + 7.33499 NA intron (NR_111962, intron 7 of 10) intron (NR_111962, intron 7 of 10) 9726 NR_111943 6218 Hs.433427 NM_001021 HPRD:01600 RPS17 DBA4|RPS17L|RPS17L1|RPS17L2|S17 ribosomal protein S17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16176 chr19 18228615 18228720 + 7.33499 NA intron (NM_015016, intron 2 of 26) CpG -19041 NM_001290024 3594 Hs.567294 NM_005535 HPRD:03363 IL12RB1 CD212|IL-12R-BETA1|IL12RB interleukin 12 receptor, beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31627 chr7 40174442 40174635 + 7.33499 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001193312) promoter-TSS (NM_001193312) -37 NM_001193311 79783 Hs.586313 NM_024728 HPRD:09859 SUGCT C7orf10|DERP13|ORF19 succinyl-CoA:glutarate-CoA transferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34826 chr8 144980056 144980138 + 7.33499 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -27465 NM_031308 83481 Hs.200412 NM_031308 EPPK1 EPIPL|EPIPL1 epiplakin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15040 chr18 9118650 9118766 + 7.33007 NA intron (NM_021074, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_021074, intron 2 of 7) 16080 NM_021074 4729 Hs.464572 NM_021074 HPRD:02757 NDUFV2 CI-24k NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) flavoprotein 2, 24kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38699 chrX 131625348 131625483 + 7.32857 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1419 NM_001170704 55796 Hs.105134 NM_018388 HPRD:02329 MBNL3 CHCR|MBLX|MBLX39|MBXL muscleblind-like splicing regulator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33604 chr8 33556336 33556402 + 7.32857 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -98930 NM_024025 78986 Hs.8719 NM_024025 HPRD:14421 DUSP26 DUSP24|LDP-4|MKP8|NATA1|SKRP3 dual specificity phosphatase 26 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16238 chr19 20259299 20259485 + 7.32857 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -18631 NM_052852 90649 Hs.590991 NM_052852 ENSG00000256229 ZNF486 KRBO2 zinc finger protein 486 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23538 chr3 120481169 120481250 + 7.32857 NA intron (NM_005513, intron 2 of 4) L1PA6|LINE|L1 19651 NM_005513 2960 Hs.445272 NM_005513 HPRD:01799 GTF2E1 FE|TF2E1|TFIIE-A general transcription factor IIE, polypeptide 1, alpha 56kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14751 chr17 73761193 73761267 + 7.32857 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000154) promoter-TSS (NM_000154) 50 NM_000154 2584 Hs.407966 NM_000154 HPRD:05057 GALK1 GALK|GK1|HEL-S-19 galactokinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8346-2 chr12 68092619 68092942 + 7.32857 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30475 NR_110063 101927901 Hs.369609 NR_110063 ENSG00000255970 LOC101927901 - uncharacterized LOC101927901 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8346 chr12 68092619 68092942 + 7.32857 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30475 NR_110063 101927901 Hs.369609 NR_110063 ENSG00000255970 LOC101927901 - uncharacterized LOC101927901 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4444 chr10 63721106 63721301 + 7.32857 NA intron (NM_032199, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_032199, intron 3 of 9) -14858 NR_049858 100847083 NR_049858 MIR548AV - microRNA 548av ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34339 chr8 101844754 101844881 + 7.32712 NA Intergenic HAL1|LINE|L1 -110502 NM_002568 26986 Hs.387804 NM_002568 HPRD:05247 PABPC1 PAB1|PABP|PABP1|PABPC2|PABPL1 poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32547 chr7 107531807 107532001 + 7.32711 NA intron (NM_001289752, intron 1 of 12) CpG 352 NM_000108 1738 Hs.131711 NM_000108 HPRD:02006 DLD DLDD|DLDH|E3|GCSL|LAD|PHE3 dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23329 chr3 101569433 101569538 + 7.32711 NA intron (NM_031419, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_031419, intron 1 of 11) 1127 NM_031419 64332 Hs.319171 NM_031419 HPRD:09217 NFKBIZ IKBZ|INAP|MAIL nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, zeta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33835 chr8 52810969 52811090 + 7.32711 NA intron (NM_052937, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_052937, intron 1 of 5) 717 NM_001286782 115294 Hs.671268 NM_052937 HPRD:08313 PCMTD1 - protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16675 chr19 41284353 41284565 + 7.32711 NA intron (NM_016154, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_016154, intron 1 of 7) 335 NR_037791 100529264 Hs.631539 NR_037791 RAB4B-EGLN2 RERT-lncRNA RAB4B-EGLN2 readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26701 chr5 474624 474898 + 7.32705 NA intron (NR_125375, intron 1 of 6) CpG 1410 NR_125375 100288152 Hs.535801 NR_125375 LOC100288152 - uncharacterized LOC100288152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8500 chr12 78051317 78051401 + 7.32367 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -173710 NM_001024383 89795 Hs.655301 NM_014903 HPRD:10114 NAV3 POMFIL1|STEERIN3|unc53H3 neuron navigator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3847 chr10 26776001 26776078 + 7.31808 NA intron (NM_019043, intron 2 of 14) intron (NM_019043, intron 2 of 14) 48773 NM_019043 54518 Hs.310421 NM_019043 HPRD:16420 APBB1IP INAG1|PREL1|RARP1|RIAM amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26630 chr4 190838595 190838666 + 7.31808 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23344 NM_004477 2483 Hs.203772 NM_004477 HPRD:03176 FRG1 FRG1A|FSG1 FSHD region gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22700 chr3 44519130 44519256 + 7.31552 NA promoter-TSS (NM_181489) promoter-TSS (NM_181489) -31 NM_181489 353274 Hs.250481 NM_181489 HPRD:11719 ZNF445 ZKSCAN15|ZNF168|ZSCAN47 zinc finger protein 445 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37074 chrUn_gl000231 25296 25471 + 7.31552 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16570 chr19 37997690 37997805 + 7.31552 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001013659) promoter-TSS (NM_001013659) -94 NM_001013659 390927 Hs.568010 NM_001013659 HPRD:18402 ZNF793 - zinc finger protein 793 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1958 chr1 148309556 148309645 + 7.31552 NA intron (NM_015383, intron 37 of 65) intron (NM_015383, intron 37 of 65) 37156 NM_015383 25832 Hs.534675 NM_015383 HPRD:13148 NBPF14 DJ328E19.C1.1|NBPF neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32264 chr7 87601777 87601846 + 7.31552 NA intron (NM_004194, intron 2 of 28) L1PA4|LINE|L1 38245 NM_016351 53616 Hs.256398 NM_004194 HPRD:04751 ADAM22 ADAM 22|MDC2 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20787 chr20 42709469 42709535 + 7.31552 NA Intergenic Intergenic 106716 NM_175913 57158 Hs.441737 NM_020433 HPRD:12006 JPH2 CMH17|JP-2|JP2 junctophilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8359 chr12 68574911 68575021 + 7.31552 NA Intergenic LTR33B|LTR|ERVL -21445 NM_000619 3458 Hs.856 NM_000619 HPRD:00957 IFNG IFG|IFI interferon, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24274 chr3 186501928 186502055 + 7.31205 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002587) promoter-TSS (NR_002587) -594 NR_002587 619567 NR_002587 SNORD2 R39B|SNR39B small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 2 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9467 chr13 45151946 45152120 + 7.31033 NA intron (NR_038381, intron 2 of 2) CpG-6410 -1332 NM_183422 8848 Hs.436383 NM_006022 TSC22D1 Ptg-2|TGFB1I4|TSC22 TSC22 domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15484 chr18 60828407 60828545 + 7.31033 NA intron (NM_000633, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_000633, intron 2 of 2) 158137 NM_000633 596 Hs.150749 NM_000633 HPRD:01045 BCL2 Bcl-2|PPP1R50 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3229 chr1 229478060 229478341 + 7.30779 NA exon (NM_145257, exon 2 of 4) exon (NM_145257, exon 2 of 4) 488 NM_145257 126731 Hs.585011 NM_145257 HPRD:14035 CCSAP C1orf96|CSAP centriole, cilia and spindle-associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20193 chr2 240302740 240302849 + 7.30728 NA intron (NM_006037, intron 1 of 26) intron (NM_006037, intron 1 of 26) 19849 NM_006037 9759 Hs.20516 NM_006037 HPRD:05610 HDAC4 AHO3|BDMR|HA6116|HD4|HDAC-4|HDAC-A|HDACA histone deacetylase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27253 chr5 50650075 50650166 + 7.30728 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -28838 NM_002202 3670 Hs.505 NM_002202 HPRD:02650 ISL1 ISLET1|Isl-1 ISL LIM homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1233 chr1 86967938 86968143 + 7.30728 NA Intergenic Intergenic 33514 NM_001285 1179 Hs.194659 NM_001285 HPRD:04880 CLCA1 CACC|CACC1|CLCRG1|CaCC-1|GOB5|hCLCA1|hCaCC-1 chloride channel accessory 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3250 chr1 231557987 231558192 + 7.30728 NA 5' UTR (NM_022051, exon 1 of 5) 5' UTR (NM_022051, exon 1 of 5) 2701 NM_022051 54583 Hs.444450 NM_022051 HPRD:06971 EGLN1 C1orf12|ECYT3|HIF-PH2|HIFPH2|HPH-2|HPH2|PHD2|SM20|ZMYND6 egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18737 chr2 113507800 113507933 + 7.30728 NA intron (NM_152515, intron 5 of 8) intron (NM_152515, intron 5 of 8) 14388 NM_152515 150468 Hs.434250 NM_152515 CKAP2L - cytoskeleton associated protein 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9588 chr13 52810507 52810578 + 7.30728 NA Intergenic L1PA16|LINE|L1 -41940 NR_002816 100887750 Hs.553878 NR_002816 ENSG00000243406 MRPS31P5 MRPS31P3 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S31 pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5225 chr10 127638641 127638721 + 7.30711 NA intron (NM_145235, intron 1 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 23161 NR_102707 101410540 Hs.557889 NR_102707 ENSG00000233409 FANK1-AS1 - FANK1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4748 chr10 90342634 90342756 + 7.30711 NA intron (NM_001031709, intron 1 of 6) CpG 387 NM_018363 55328 Hs.149849 NM_018363 HPRD:07742 RNLS C10orf59|RENALASE renalase, FAD-dependent amine oxidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13852 chr17 11879018 11879099 + 7.30711 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 21631 NM_144680 7566 Hs.370473 NM_144680 HPRD:01913 ZNF18 HDSG1|KOX11|ZKSCAN6|ZNF535|ZSCAN38|Zfp535 zinc finger protein 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25522 chr4 83931855 83932097 + 7.30331 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001288997) promoter-TSS (NM_001288997) 11 NM_001288996 132660 Hs.96952 NM_194282 HPRD:13218 LIN54 CXCDC1|JC8.6|MIP120 lin-54 DREAM MuvB core complex component protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7979 chr12 44199861 44199938 + 7.30137 NA non-coding (NR_073472, exon 1 of 9) non-coding (NR_073472, exon 1 of 9) 279 NM_002822 5756 Hs.189075 NM_002822 HPRD:10174 TWF1 A6|PTK9 twinfilin actin-binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15825 chr19 6373353 6373567 + 7.29945 NA intron (NM_032306, intron 1 of 3) CpG 1016 NM_032306 84266 Hs.111099 NM_032306 HPRD:15425 ALKBH7 ABH7|SPATA11|UNQ6002 alkB, alkylation repair homolog 7 (E. coli) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18880 chr2 130827540 130827608 + 7.29945 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -18870 NR_026758 440905 Hs.469918 NM_001013711 HPRD:18454 FAR2P1 - fatty acyl CoA reductase 2 pseudogene 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22870 chr3 52444379 52444461 + 7.29746 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004656) promoter-TSS (NM_004656) -157 NM_016483 51533 Hs.372719 NM_016483 HPRD:15127 PHF7 HSPC045|HSPC226|NYD-SP6 PHD finger protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14427 chr17 45727980 45728126 + 7.29746 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001276453) promoter-TSS (NM_001276453) -509 NM_001276453 3837 Hs.532793 NM_002265 KPNB1 IMB1|IPO1|IPOB|Impnb|NTF97 karyopherin (importin) beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1777 chr1 143510610 143510710 + 7.29744 NA Intergenic Tigger3a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -162261 NR_106967 102466225 NR_106967 MIR6077 MIR6077-1|MIR6077-2|hsa-mir-6077-1|hsa-mir-6077-2 microRNA 6077 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17830 chr2 48541807 48541891 + 7.29739 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002158) promoter-TSS (NM_002158) 54 NM_002158 3344 Hs.468478 NM_002158 HPRD:00882 FOXN2 HTLF forkhead box N2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35625 chr9 70417497 70417582 + 7.29530 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 11360 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30483 chr6 130031313 130031435 + 7.29367 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033515) promoter-TSS (NM_033515) -4 NM_033515 93663 Hs.486458 NM_033515 HPRD:12474 ARHGAP18 MacGAP|SENEX|bA307O14.2 Rho GTPase activating protein 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31411 chr7 22893782 22893859 + 7.29211 NA Intergenic CpG -2412 NR_003075 692210 NR_003075 ENSG00000221740 SNORD93 HBII-336 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 93 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37881 chrX 62508997 62509069 + 7.29149 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 62185 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4838 chr10 96822618 96822751 + 7.29149 NA intron (NM_001198853, intron 4 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 6570 NM_001198853 1558 Hs.709188 NM_000770 HPRD:03083 CYP2C8 CPC8|CYPIIC8|MP-12/MP-20 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37389 chrX 23971419 23971509 + 7.29149 NA Intergenic LTR16C|LTR|ERVL 45341 NM_152761 254158 Hs.351265 NM_152761 HPRD:06544 CXorf58 - chromosome X open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31966 chr7 63566018 63566084 + 7.29149 NA Intergenic Intergenic 60230 NM_001159522 442319 Hs.640774 NM_001159522 ENSG00000257482 ZNF727P ZNF727 zinc finger protein 727, pseudogene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24762 chr4 19079963 19080029 + 7.28906 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -1056513 NM_153686 254251 Hs.446201 NM_153686 HPRD:10088 LCORL MLR1 ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14902 chr17 80743149 80743364 + 7.28516 NA intron (NM_005993, intron 7 of 38) intron (NM_005993, intron 7 of 38) 33316 NM_005993 6904 Hs.464391 NM_005993 HPRD:05227 TBCD SSD-1|tfcD tubulin folding cofactor D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30647 chr6 141806040 141806153 + 7.27877 NA Intergenic MER57C2|LTR|ERV1 603840 NM_002511 4829 Hs.654478 NM_002511 HPRD:01211 NMBR BB1 neuromedin B receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25163 chr4 52710891 52711041 + 7.27192 NA intron (NM_001287755, intron 1 of 10) CpG 1221 NM_001287755 23142 Hs.605388 NM_015115 HPRD:13791 DCUN1D4 - DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8805 chr12 108955162 108955233 + 7.27143 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014706) promoter-TSS (NM_014706) -32 NM_014706 9733 Hs.584842 NM_014706 HPRD:11532 SART3 DSAP1|P100|RP11-13G14|TIP110|p110|p110(nrb) squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T cells 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4287 chr10 47669283 47669357 + 7.26761 NA intron (NM_001278688, intron 9 of 16) intron (NM_001278688, intron 9 of 16) 11087 NM_001278688 195977 Hs.538515 NM_001278688 ENSG00000198250 ANTXRL - anthrax toxin receptor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1173 chr1 80966714 80966846 + 7.26761 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -1198675 NM_001297704 23266 Hs.24212 NM_012302 HPRD:06116 LPHN2 CIRL2|CL2|LEC1|LPHH1 latrophilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35935 chr9 98778527 98778665 + 7.26761 NA 3' UTR (NM_020207, exon 19 of 19) 3' UTR (NM_020207, exon 19 of 19) 5441 NR_024129 100188953 Hs.434310 NR_024129 ENSG00000225194 LINC00092 NCRNA00092|bA346B7.1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 92 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8553 chr12 88025068 88025190 + 7.26761 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 153359 NR_033410 400058 Hs.572212 NR_033410 MKRN9P MKRN5|MKRN9|MKRNP6|RNF65|ZNF127L3 makorin ring finger protein 9, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35158 chr9 31375338 31375404 + 7.26761 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -966919 NR_046204 401497 Hs.680131 NR_046204 LINC01242 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1242 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1190 chr1 84543380 84543494 + 7.26761 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002731) promoter-TSS (NM_002731) -221 NM_002731 5567 Hs.487325 NM_002731 HPRD:01482 PRKACB PKA C-beta|PKACB protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15748 chr19 2608117 2608209 + 7.26761 NA intron (NM_052847, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_052847, intron 2 of 4) 94583 NM_052847 2788 Hs.515544 NM_052847 HPRD:07638 GNG7 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10852 chr14 89259296 89259416 + 7.26761 NA promoter-TSS (NM_183387) promoter-TSS (NM_183387) -260 NM_183387 161436 Hs.325846 NM_183387 HPRD:16861 EML5 EMAP-2 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34036 chr8 72812424 72812610 + 7.26761 NA intron (NR_033651, intron 1 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -55786 NM_005098 9242 Hs.442619 NM_005098 HPRD:04694 MSC ABF-1|ABF1|MYOR|bHLHa22 musculin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15165 chr18 19812268 19812506 + 7.26363 NA Intergenic (TCCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 62989 NM_005257 2627 Hs.514746 NM_005257 HPRD:09043 GATA6 - GATA binding protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36360 chr9 131998334 131998440 + 7.26363 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46308 NR_121587 101929331 Hs.522428 NR_121587 ENSG00000224307 LOC101929331 - uncharacterized LOC101929331 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31085 chr6 169989519 169989650 + 7.26363 NA intron (NM_182552, intron 23 of 25) intron (NM_182552, intron 23 of 25) 112575 NM_182552 253769 Hs.131903 NM_182552 HPRD:11352 WDR27 - WD repeat domain 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33459 chr8 21868024 21868102 + 7.26363 NA Intergenic CpG -13558 NM_001286680 10361 Hs.131055 NM_182795 HPRD:12160 NPM2 - nucleophosmin/nucleoplasmin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29134 chr6 20202291 20202381 + 7.26363 NA intron (NM_001080480, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001080480, intron 1 of 12) 10359 NR_073465 154141 Hs.377830 NM_001080480 MBOAT1 1|LPEAT1|LPLAT|LPLAT 1|LPSAT|OACT1|dJ434O11.1 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_204 chr1 11582681 11582918 + 7.26363 NA intron (NM_020780, intron 10 of 20) (CAGCC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 43504 NM_020780 57540 Hs.202355 NM_020780 ENSG00000204624 PTCHD2 DISP3 patched domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24708 chr4 14473700 14473790 + 7.25870 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 360153 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35967 chr9 100880372 100880471 + 7.25772 NA intron (NM_033219, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_033219, intron 1 of 6) 1214 NM_014788 9830 Hs.575631 NM_014788 HPRD:05948 TRIM14 - tripartite motif containing 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38352 chrX 99423244 99423323 + 7.25103 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -228442 NR_024608 442459 Hs.706599 NM_001127438 XRCC6P5 - X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6 pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26649 chr4 190994057 190994194 + 7.24853 NA Intergenic CpG 8468 NR_121644 100419743 NR_121644 DBET DBE-T D4Z4 binding element transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28379 chr5 140655232 140655393 + 7.24792 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 28300 NM_031947 83884 Hs.97647 NM_031947 HPRD:12180 SLC25A2 ORC2|ORNT2 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; ornithine transporter) member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7985 chr12 45135641 45135711 + 7.24792 NA intron (NM_006159, intron 10 of 20) L1PA4|LINE|L1 133768 NM_001145109 4753 Hs.505326 NM_006159 HPRD:11891 NELL2 NRP2 NEL-like 2 (chicken) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3045 chr1 220252655 220252721 + 7.24792 NA intron (NM_001286149, intron 1 of 7) AluSx3|SINE|Alu 10507 NM_001286149 10380 Hs.406134 NM_006085 HPRD:06814 BPNT1 HEL20|PIP 3'(2'), 5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38328 chrX 95313212 95313294 + 7.24792 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 279648 NR_003539 643486 Hs.590806 NR_003539 ENSG00000271209 LOC643486 - bromodomain, testis-specific pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12823 chr16 33586494 33586583 + 7.24563 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23295 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36852 chrUn_gl000221 942 1023 + 7.24470 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34714 chr8 138573361 138573461 + 7.24439 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -147580 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36424 chr9 134955241 134955384 + 7.24352 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004269) promoter-TSS (NM_004269) -38 NM_001253881 9442 Hs.374262 NM_004269 HPRD:05438 MED27 CRAP34|CRSP34|CRSP8|TRAP37 mediator complex subunit 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29849 chr6 72527189 72527265 + 7.24352 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -69179 NM_014989 22999 Hs.485729 NM_014989 HPRD:09435 RIMS1 CORD7|RAB3IP2|RIM|RIM1 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9776 chr13 86050487 86050558 + 7.24352 NA intron (NR_046989, intron 1 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu 112784 NR_046989 100874137 Hs.742643 NR_046989 ENSG00000226317 LINC00351 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 351 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22394 chr3 16831064 16831165 + 7.24352 NA Intergenic MSTD-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -95338 NM_001144382 23228 Hs.741267 NM_015184 HPRD:07147 PLCL2 PLCE2 phospholipase C-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_808 chr1 43968263 43968562 + 7.24352 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -28135 NM_002840 5792 Hs.272062 NM_002840 HPRD:01552 PTPRF LAR protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11175-2 chr15 21315602 21315951 + 7.24348 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 170009 NR_040094 348120 Hs.116287 NR_040094 ENSG00000258710 LINC01193 CT60 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1193 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11175 chr15 21315602 21315951 + 7.24348 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 170009 NR_040094 348120 Hs.116287 NR_040094 ENSG00000258710 LINC01193 CT60 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1193 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21523 chr21 47343762 47343986 + 7.24196 NA intron (NM_001130141, intron 8 of 12) CpG -49010 NR_109931 101928796 Hs.130919 NR_109931 LOC101928796 - uncharacterized LOC101928796 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26296 chr4 158339485 158339551 + 7.24196 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -154124 NR_026992 340017 Hs.428275 NR_026992 ENSG00000234111 LOC340017 - uncharacterized LOC340017 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28275 chr5 135416320 135416402 + 7.24196 NA promoter-TSS (NR_030583) promoter-TSS (NR_030583) -75 NR_030583 100126299 NR_030583 ENSG00000270123 VTRNA2-1 CBL-3|CBL3|MIR886|MIRN886|VTRNA2|hsa-mir-886|hvg-5|nc886 vault RNA 2-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15550 chr18 71676797 71676896 + 7.24196 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 138153 NM_152676 201456 Hs.664011 NM_152676 HPRD:16435 FBXO15 FBX15 F-box protein 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10316 chr14 40850654 40850732 + 7.24196 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -573223 NR_109758 644919 Hs.434414 NR_109757 LOC644919 - uncharacterized LOC644919 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4416 chr10 60284385 60284451 + 7.24196 NA intron (NM_001080512, intron 1 of 20) L1PA4|LINE|L1 11514 NM_001080512 80114 Hs.100261 NM_001080512 ENSG00000122870 BICC1 BICC|CYSRD BicC family RNA binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34220 chr8 90712030 90712112 + 7.24196 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -57904 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21523-2 chr21 47343762 47343986 + 7.24196 NA intron (NM_001130141, intron 8 of 12) CpG -49010 NR_109931 101928796 Hs.130919 NR_109931 LOC101928796 - uncharacterized LOC101928796 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30723 chr6 148648833 148648918 + 7.23964 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -14854 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15043 chr18 9334096 9334301 + 7.23964 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020648) promoter-TSS (NM_020648) -567 NM_020648 57045 Hs.514685 NM_020648 HPRD:05443 TWSG1 TSG twisted gastrulation BMP signaling modulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31755 chr7 55638020 55638146 + 7.23952 NA intron (NM_030796, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_030796, intron 1 of 4) 2117 NM_030796 81552 Hs.488307 NM_030796 HPRD:08526 VOPP1 ECOP|GASP vesicular, overexpressed in cancer, prosurvival protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19852 chr2 211036028 211036299 + 7.23952 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152519) promoter-TSS (NM_152519) -112 NM_152519 151050 Hs.282260 NM_152519 HPRD:08679 KANSL1L C2orf67|MSL1v2 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19784 chr2 204812074 204812291 + 7.23440 NA intron (NM_012092, intron 1 of 4) AluSc5|SINE|Alu 10711 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13507 chr16 89258961 89259192 + 7.23440 NA intron (NM_004933, intron 11 of 13) (CCCCG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 7453 NM_001242757 146429 Hs.447544 NM_001242757 SLC22A31 - solute carrier family 22, member 31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7731 chr12 27559091 27559174 + 7.23314 NA intron (NM_001248002, intron 13 of 15) L1PA4|LINE|L1 40435 NR_109975 101928646 Hs.434269 NR_109975 ENSG00000245311 ARNTL2-AS1 - ARNTL2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33214 chr8 155599 155685 + 7.23100 NA Intergenic (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -26495 NM_001287255 169270 Hs.591388 NM_173539 HPRD:11731 ZNF596 - zinc finger protein 596 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8694 chr12 98897591 98897713 + 7.23100 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038383) promoter-TSS (NR_038383) -19 NR_038383 643770 Hs.129589 NR_038383 ENSG00000245017 LOC643770 - uncharacterized LOC643770 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6280 chr11 60681321 60681405 + 7.23100 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024092) promoter-TSS (NM_024092) -8 NM_024092 79073 Hs.13662 NM_024092 HPRD:14687 TMEM109 - transmembrane protein 109 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8895 chr12 113623022 113623128 + 7.22999 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032848) promoter-TSS (NM_032848) 209 NM_001111322 79039 Hs.506861 NM_024072 HPRD:13129 DDX54 DP97 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 54 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_730 chr1 40505480 40505567 + 7.22999 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006367) promoter-TSS (NM_006367) -732 NM_001105530 10487 Hs.370581 NM_006367 HPRD:09869 CAP1 CAP|CAP1-PEN CAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1 (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30816 chr6 153456964 153457088 + 7.22840 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4637 NM_012419 26575 Hs.166313 NM_012419 HPRD:06223 RGS17 RGS-17|RGSZ2|hRGS17 regulator of G-protein signaling 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9136 chr12 133066665 133066749 + 7.22470 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142641) promoter-TSS (NM_001142641) -450 NM_001142641 57666 Hs.411138 NM_001142641 ENSG00000112787 FBRSL1 - fibrosin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32535 chr7 106684944 106685198 + 7.22133 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002736) promoter-TSS (NM_002736) -107 NM_002736 5577 Hs.433068 NM_002736 HPRD:01486 PRKAR2B PRKAR2|RII-BETA protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, regulatory, type II, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7578 chr12 18013963 18014050 + 7.22133 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 187773 NR_039770 100616279 NR_039770 MIR3974 - microRNA 3974 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26077 chr4 137572197 137572333 + 7.22025 NA Intergenic MLT1E2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -737430 NR_103763 100507528 Hs.518987 NR_103762 ENSG00000248330 LINC00613 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 613 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30357 chr6 116281636 116281710 + 7.22025 NA intron (NM_002031, intron 4 of 7) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -78221 NR_027338 728402 Hs.729953 NR_027338 TPI1P3 - triosephosphate isomerase 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17671 chr2 37429016 37429150 + 7.22025 NA non-coding (NR_037879, exon 6 of 6) non-coding (NR_037879, exon 6 of 6) 5448 NR_037880 100505876 Hs.743972 NR_037879 ENSG00000218739 CEBPZOS CEBPZ-AS1 CEBPZ opposite strand ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31589 chr7 37205448 37205524 + 7.22025 NA intron (NM_001206480, intron 13 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 168085 NR_104120 100861514 Hs.627775 NR_104120 ELMO1-AS1 - ELMO1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25733 chr4 104526364 104526459 + 7.22025 NA intron (NM_001059, intron 3 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 114562 NM_001059 6870 Hs.942 NM_001059 TACR3 HH11|NK-3R|NK3R|NKR|TAC3RL tachykinin receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11453 chr15 42873746 42873883 + 7.22025 NA intron (NM_020759, intron 1 of 32) CpG 5957 NM_020759 57519 Hs.122061 NM_020759 ENSG00000159433 STARD9 - StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6834 chr11 94609939 94610008 + 7.21974 NA TTS (NM_130847) TTS (NM_130847) 96803 NM_016403 51503 Hs.503597 NM_016403 HPRD:13703 CWC15 AD002|C11orf5|Cwf15|HSPC148|ORF5 CWC15 spliceosome-associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31212 chr7 3501627 3501869 + 7.21974 NA intron (NM_152744, intron 1 of 44) L2|LINE|L2 160668 NM_152744 221935 Hs.653013 NM_152744 HPRD:07388 SDK1 - sidekick cell adhesion molecule 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32924 chr7 143163434 143163500 + 7.21974 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 2 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu -11499 NM_176883 259287 Hs.650648 NM_176883 HPRD:18151 TAS2R41 T2R41|T2R59 taste receptor, type 2, member 41 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27858 chr5 97732217 97732293 + 7.21974 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -372744 NM_001012761 285704 Hs.526902 NM_173670 HPRD:15243 RGMB DRAGON repulsive guidance molecule family member b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29902 chr6 76906741 76906824 + 7.21974 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -124387 NM_001282368 3617 Hs.590893 NM_001563 HPRD:04186 IMPG1 GP147|IPM150|SPACR interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycan 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9118 chr12 132379111 132379198 + 7.21468 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003565) promoter-TSS (NM_003565) -125 NM_003565 8408 Hs.47061 NM_003565 HPRD:11933 ULK1 ATG1|ATG1A|UNC51|Unc51.1|hATG1 unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24700 chr4 14425265 14425481 + 7.21226 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 311781 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32587 chr7 113173761 113173914 + 7.20879 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 385245 NM_002711 5506 Hs.458309 NM_002711 HPRD:02950 PPP1R3A GM|PP1G|PPP1R3 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4251 chr10 44185616 44185827 + 7.20879 NA Intergenic CpG -41395 NM_006973 7580 Hs.522885 NM_006973 HPRD:01924 ZNF32 KOX30 zinc finger protein 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4850 chr10 97889763 97889853 + 7.20350 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278525) promoter-TSS (NM_001278525) -5 NM_001278525 9849 Hs.600823 NM_014803 ZNF518A ZNF518 zinc finger protein 518A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2026 chr1 149513761 149513895 + 7.19906 NA TTS (NR_104086).2 TTS (NR_104086).2 428 NR_104086 101954277 NR_104086 RNVU1-19 RNU1-126|RNU1-147|RNVU1-13|vU1.13|vU1.19 RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 19 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24872 chr4 36396404 36396470 + 7.19899 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 110793 NM_001170700 401124 Hs.363407 NM_001136536 DTHD1 - death domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15182 chr18 21017922 21017990 + 7.19899 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032933) promoter-TSS (NM_032933) -31 NM_032933 85019 Hs.137562 NM_032933 HPRD:12692 TMEM241 C18orf45|hVVT transmembrane protein 241 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38780 chrX 136134571 136134738 + 7.19899 NA Intergenic CpG -20821 NM_054021 83550 Hs.350569 NM_054021 HPRD:02315 GPR101 GPCR6 G protein-coupled receptor 101 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34078 chr8 77937394 77937542 + 7.19899 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -24188 NM_001172086 5828 Hs.437966 NM_000318 HPRD:01367 PEX2 PAF1|PBD5A|PBD5B|PMP3|PMP35|PXMP3|RNF72|ZWS3 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2426 chr1 169332676 169332816 + 7.19595 NA intron (NR_104229, intron 1 of 12) MER112|DNA|hAT-Charlie -4448 NM_003666 8548 Hs.130746 NM_003666 HPRD:16367 BLZF1 GOLGIN-45|JEM-1|JEM-1s|JEM1 basic leucine zipper nuclear factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30425 chr6 122813211 122813288 + 7.19595 NA intron (NM_001270393, intron 3 of 7) intron (NM_001270393, intron 3 of 7) 20187 NM_001270393 5570 Hs.741340 NM_032471 HPRD:06075 PKIB PRKACN2 protein kinase (cAMP-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7725 chr12 27492582 27492661 + 7.19595 NA intron (NM_001248003, intron 1 of 14) AluY|SINE|Alu 6834 NM_001248002 56938 Hs.445447 NM_020183 ARNTL2 BMAL2|CLIF|MOP9|PASD9|bHLHe6 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14128 chr17 30462781 30462863 + 7.19595 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -6651 NM_001033568 55288 Hs.655325 NM_018307 HPRD:15247 RHOT1 ARHT1|MIRO-1|MIRO1 ras homolog family member T1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26251 chr4 153457911 153458041 + 7.19375 NA TTS (NR_039658) TTS (NR_039658) 396 NR_039658 100616193 NR_039658 miRBase:MI0016799 MIR4453 - microRNA 4453 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2817 chr1 201798162 201798301 + 7.18930 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018085) promoter-TSS (NM_018085) -57 NM_018085 55705 Hs.596014 NM_018085 HPRD:17154 IPO9 Imp9 importin 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5920 chr11 36308638 36308967 + 7.18930 NA intron (NM_014186, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_014186, intron 1 of 5) 2197 NM_001101653 29099 Hs.279836 NM_014186 COMMD9 - COMM domain containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24165 chr3 179033976 179034086 + 7.18930 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7520 NM_016331 51193 Hs.632578 NM_016331 HPRD:15882 ZNF639 6230400O18Rik|ANC-2H01|ANC_2H01|ZASC1 zinc finger protein 639 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35496 chr9 67647162 67647228 + 7.18930 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -131928 NR_121606 102723709 Hs.743015 NR_121606 LOC102723709 - uncharacterized LOC102723709 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28647 chr5 158690007 158690205 + 7.18930 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145049) promoter-TSS (NM_145049) 17 NM_145049 134510 Hs.591733 NM_145049 HPRD:08318 UBLCP1 CPUB1 ubiquitin-like domain containing CTD phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38631 chrX 126254950 126255017 + 7.18563 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 301236 NM_001122716 100130613 Hs.130370 NM_001122716 ENSG00000183631 PRR32 CXorf64 proline rich 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34026 chr8 71580769 71580852 + 7.18563 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287259) promoter-TSS (NM_001287259) 637 NM_016027 51110 Hs.118554 NM_016027 HPRD:13955 LACTB2 - lactamase, beta 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18744 chr2 113926684 113926765 + 7.18465 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -4836 NM_012455 23550 Hs.516306 NM_012455 HPRD:15191 PSD4 EFA6B|TIC pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14948 chr18 711743 711885 + 7.18387 NA intron (NM_001126123, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_001126123, intron 1 of 15) 703 NM_202758 55556 Hs.658550 NM_017512 ENSG00000132199 ENOSF1 HSRTSBETA|RTS|TYMSAS enolase superfamily member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30823 chr6 154571224 154571382 + 7.18161 NA intron (NM_001130700, intron 3 of 11) intron (NM_001130700, intron 3 of 11) 79912 NM_001130699 26034 Hs.146100 NM_015553 HPRD:17851 IPCEF1 PIP3-E interaction protein for cytohesin exchange factors 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26037 chr4 130800681 130800747 + 7.17751 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -108081 NR_110753 101927282 Hs.407480 NR_110753 ENSG00000246876 LOC101927282 - uncharacterized LOC101927282 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6040 chr11 48311415 48311481 + 7.17751 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -16327 NM_001004725 256148 Hs.553657 NM_001004725 HPRD:14987 OR4S1 OR11-100 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily S, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19671 chr2 198906933 198907172 + 7.17751 NA intron (NM_006226, intron 1 of 5) MLT1J|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 237626 NM_006226 5334 Hs.153322 NM_006226 PLCL1 PLCE|PLCL|PLDL1|PPP1R127|PRIP phospholipase C-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34579 chr8 125985413 125985565 + 7.17210 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152412) promoter-TSS (NM_152412) -50 NM_152412 137209 Hs.175350 NM_152412 HPRD:15851 ZNF572 - zinc finger protein 572 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37130 chrX 60006 60072 + 7.17210 NA Intergenic Intergenic -132952 NR_028057 55344 Hs.522568 NM_018390 PLCXD1 - phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6799 chr11 92300510 92300576 + 7.17210 NA intron (NM_001008781, intron 2 of 24) L1PA3|LINE|L1 215281 NM_001008781 120114 Hs.98523 NM_001008781 ENSG00000165323 FAT3 CDHF15|CDHR10 FAT atypical cadherin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1104 chr1 71576281 71576484 + 7.17210 NA intron (NR_046217, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 29375 NR_046217 100852410 Hs.535534 NR_046217 ENSG00000229956 ZRANB2-AS2 - ZRANB2 antisense RNA 2 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38951 chrY 10006 10072 + 7.17210 NA Intergenic Intergenic -132952 NR_028057 55344 Hs.522568 NM_018390 PLCXD1 - phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20073 chr2 233771173 233771373 + 7.17210 NA intron (NM_019850, intron 5 of 14) SVA_D|Other|Other 21588 NM_001114090 25791 Hs.97316 NM_019850 HPRD:10442 NGEF ARHGEF27|EPHEXIN neuronal guanine nucleotide exchange factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10540 chr14 60798359 60798500 + 7.16972 NA Intergenic Intergenic 82463 NM_021003 5494 Hs.130036 NM_021003 HPRD:16199 PPM1A PP2C-ALPHA|PP2CA|PP2Calpha protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32107 chr7 73703723 73703829 + 7.16972 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032421) promoter-TSS (NM_032421) -29 NM_032421 7461 Hs.647018 NM_003388 HPRD:09140 CLIP2 CLIP|CLIP-115|CYLN2|WBSCR3|WBSCR4|WSCR3|WSCR4 CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28787 chr5 176388978 176389281 + 7.16972 NA intron (NM_016290, intron 6 of 14) SVA_F|Other|Other 44314 NM_016290 51720 Hs.232721 NM_016290 HPRD:11482 UIMC1 RAP80|X2HRIP110 ubiquitin interaction motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27241 chr5 49886846 49886994 + 7.16834 NA Intergenic Intergenic -74813 NM_001178055 79668 Hs.369581 NM_024615 HPRD:07960 PARP8 ARTD16|pART16 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22547 chr3 30672837 30672980 + 7.16817 NA intron (NM_001024847, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001024847, intron 2 of 7) 24914 NM_003242 7048 Hs.82028 NM_003242 HPRD:01823 TGFBR2 AAT3|FAA3|LDS1B|LDS2|LDS2B|MFS2|RIIC|TAAD2|TGFR-2|TGFbeta-RII transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70/80kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10395 chr14 50320427 50320547 + 7.16817 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004713) promoter-TSS (NM_004713) -948 NM_004713 9147 Hs.655964 NM_004713 HPRD:08494 NEMF NY-CO-1|SDCCAG1 nuclear export mediator factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1051 chr1 66713251 66713388 + 7.16817 NA exon (NM_001297441, exon 3 of 16) exon (NM_001297441, exon 3 of 16) -84472 NM_001037339 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25704 chr4 103352640 103352725 + 7.16806 NA Intergenic Intergenic -69804 NM_003998 4790 Hs.618430 NM_003998 HPRD:01238 NFKB1 EBP-1|KBF1|NF-kB1|NF-kappa-B|NF-kappaB|NFKB-p105|NFKB-p50|NFkappaB|p105|p50 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2875 chr1 205091128 205091221 + 7.16806 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001193273) promoter-TSS (NM_001193273) -24 NM_001193272 5929 Hs.519230 NM_005057 HPRD:02826 RBBP5 RBQ3|SWD1 retinoblastoma binding protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34688 chr8 135332473 135332613 + 7.16806 NA Intergenic Intergenic -277771 NR_002438 594840 Hs.626298 NR_002438 ENSG00000248492 ZFAT-AS1 NCRNA00070|SAS-ZFAT|ZFAT-AS|ZFATAS ZFAT antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28970 chr6 5260657 5260735 + 7.16747 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006567) promoter-TSS (NM_006567) 487 NM_001164840 57128 Hs.387755 NM_020408 HPRD:12855 LYRM4 C6orf149|CGI-203|COXPD19|ISD11 LYR motif containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27154 chr5 46325805 46325937 + 7.16460 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -629651 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32868 chr7 140737193 140737372 + 7.16312 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -22501 NM_053035 51650 Hs.416207 NM_016071 HPRD:17598 MRPS33 MRP-S33|PTD003|S33mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25790 chr4 110569936 110570007 + 7.15607 NA intron (NM_017918, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_017918, intron 1 of 7) 54658 NM_001226 839 Hs.654616 NM_001226 HPRD:03321 CASP6 MCH2 caspase 6, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29999 chr6 84954984 84955106 + 7.15607 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -17692 NM_014895 22832 Hs.485865 NM_014895 HPRD:10796 CEP162 C6orf84|KIAA1009|QN1 centrosomal protein 162kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24509 chr4 2486898 2486990 + 7.15607 NA intron (NM_001185009, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_001185009, intron 2 of 8) 15764 NM_001185009 6047 Hs.66394 NM_002938 HPRD:04167 RNF4 SLX5|SNURF ring finger protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16402 chr19 30113500 30113585 + 7.15607 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16372 NR_027368 10775 Hs.412870 NM_006627 POP4 RPP29 processing of precursor 4, ribonuclease P/MRP subunit (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16008 chr19 13262651 13262775 + 7.15297 NA intron (NM_004907, intron 1 of 1) CpG 1431 NM_004907 9592 Hs.501629 NM_004907 HPRD:09997 IER2 ETR101 immediate early response 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18631 chr2 106361226 106361301 + 7.15157 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003581) promoter-TSS (NM_003581) -257 NM_003581 8440 Hs.529244 NM_003581 HPRD:05378 NCK2 GRB4|NCKbeta NCK adaptor protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36083 chr9 111775779 111775904 + 7.15157 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286974) promoter-TSS (NM_001286974) 33 NM_003798 8727 Hs.58488 NM_003798 HPRD:09210 CTNNAL1 ACRP|CLLP|alpha-CATU catenin (cadherin-associated protein), alpha-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13602-2 chr17 910021 910393 + 7.15050 NA intron (NM_001256847, intron 7 of 7) CpG 9850 NM_013337 29928 Hs.745034 NM_013337 TIMM22 TEX4|TIM22 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 22 homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22709 chr3 45635479 45635733 + 7.15050 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014240) promoter-TSS (NM_014240) -717 NM_014240 8994 Hs.193370 NM_014240 LIMD1 - LIM domains containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13602 chr17 910021 910393 + 7.15050 NA intron (NM_001256847, intron 7 of 7) CpG 9850 NM_013337 29928 Hs.745034 NM_013337 TIMM22 TEX4|TIM22 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 22 homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10768 chr14 76452081 76452179 + 7.15050 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001102564) promoter-TSS (NM_001102564) 34 NM_001102564 112752 Hs.532626 NM_052873 HPRD:14449 IFT43 C14orf179|CED3 intraflagellar transport 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7532 chr12 12961004 12961109 + 7.15050 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5224 NM_016355 51202 Hs.719938 NM_016355 HPRD:10863 DDX47 E4-DBP|HQ0256|MSTP162|RRP3 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18734 chr2 113484371 113484456 + 7.15050 NA Intergenic Intergenic 37841 NM_152515 150468 Hs.434250 NM_152515 CKAP2L - cytoskeleton associated protein 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17563 chr2 27781649 27781758 + 7.15022 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -17686 NM_032266 84226 Hs.131021 NM_032266 HPRD:09849 C2orf16 - chromosome 2 open reading frame 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34441 chr8 113709572 113709665 + 7.15022 NA intron (NM_198124, intron 14 of 71) L1PA5|LINE|L1 53896 NR_031745 100302225 NR_031745 miRBase:MI0010487 MIR2053 hsa-mir-2053 microRNA 2053 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21687 chr22 20365912 20365999 + 7.15022 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11714 NM_001242313 728229 Hs.376511 NM_001242313 TMEM191B - transmembrane protein 191B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2913 chr1 206888037 206888298 + 7.15022 NA intron (NM_032960, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_032960, intron 1 of 9) 29802 NM_004759 9261 Hs.643566 NM_004759 HPRD:11882 MAPKAPK2 MAPKAP-K2|MK-2|MK2 mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9697 chr13 74818101 74818290 + 7.15022 NA Intergenic Intergenic -110129 NM_007249 11278 Hs.373857 NM_007249 HPRD:06336 KLF12 AP-2rep|AP2REP Kruppel-like factor 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_654 chr1 36541806 36542012 + 7.15022 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -7767 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9416 chr13 41415647 41415715 + 7.14904 NA intron (NR_038259, intron 2 of 5) L1PA6|LINE|L1 30779 NR_030352 693206 NR_030352 miRBase:MI0003635 MIR621 MIRN621|hsa-mir-621 microRNA 621 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_999 chr1 60905947 60906048 + 7.14904 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -366555 NM_152377 127795 Hs.47385 NM_152377 HPRD:11338 C1orf87 CREF chromosome 1 open reading frame 87 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13338 chr16 75755212 75755278 + 7.14904 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 73610 NM_018975 54386 Hs.301419 NM_018975 HPRD:05452 TERF2IP DRIP5|RAP1 telomeric repeat binding factor 2, interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30111 chr6 94356561 94356767 + 7.14904 NA Intergenic AluYg6|SINE|Alu -60137 NR_015362 643432 Hs.509936 NR_015362 TSG1 - tumor suppressor TSG1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3867 chr10 27592860 27592926 + 7.14904 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -51658 NR_003525 387646 Hs.631829 NM_001006604 HPRD:17363 LRRC37A6P - leucine rich repeat containing 37, member A6, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38940 chrX 154801571 154801637 + 7.14904 NA intron (NM_001184797, intron 1 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 41018 NM_018196 55217 Hs.133321 NM_018196 HPRD:06743 TMLHE AUTSX6|BBOX2|TMLD|TMLH|TMLHED|XAP130 trimethyllysine hydroxylase, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7391 chr12 7052677 7052784 + 7.14559 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138425) promoter-TSS (NM_138425) -473 NM_138425 113246 Hs.405913 NM_138425 HPRD:13609 C12orf57 C10|GRCC10|TEMTYS chromosome 12 open reading frame 57 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5274 chr10 129612352 129612418 + 7.13769 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu 76847 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13462 chr16 87417509 87417833 + 7.13636 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024735) promoter-TSS (NM_024735) -272 NM_024735 79791 Hs.567582 NM_024735 FBXO31 FBX14|FBXO14|Fbx31|pp2386 F-box protein 31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7706 chr12 27021005 27021089 + 7.13512 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -34916 NM_002223 3709 Hs.512235 NM_002223 HPRD:02536 ITPR2 CFAP48|IP3R2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2727 chr1 193561583 193561743 + 7.13512 NA Intergenic Intergenic 287788 NR_125789 101929184 Hs.146728 NR_125789 LINC01031 TCONS_00000361 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1031 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16971 chr19 50861105 50861262 + 7.13236 NA TTS (NM_004851) TTS (NM_004851) 7748 NM_004851 9476 Hs.512843 NM_004851 HPRD:07064 NAPSA KAP|Kdap|NAP1|NAPA|SNAPA napsin A aspartic peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11173 chr15 21313440 21313754 + 7.13175 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 167830 NR_040094 348120 Hs.116287 NR_040094 ENSG00000258710 LINC01193 CT60 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1193 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8662 chr12 96173029 96173097 + 7.13132 NA intron (NM_021229, intron 2 of 9) L1PA5|LINE|L1 11473 NM_021229 59277 Hs.201034 NM_021229 HPRD:10121 NTN4 PRO3091 netrin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25970 chr4 123461343 123461517 + 7.13132 NA Intergenic Intergenic -78708 NR_104126 100996941 Hs.439487 NR_104126 ENSG00000227145 IL21-AS1 - IL21 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32772 chr7 134664777 134664845 + 7.13132 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -6448 NM_178563 340351 Hs.648616 NM_178563 HPRD:14175 AGBL3 CCP3 ATP/GTP binding protein-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9639 chr13 61010050 61010150 + 7.13132 NA intron (NM_001146070, intron 1 of 13) L1PB2|LINE|L1 38673 NM_001146070 81550 Hs.525061 NM_030794 HPRD:11625 TDRD3 - tudor domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10916 chr14 92588266 92588337 + 7.13132 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004545) promoter-TSS (NM_004545) 3 NM_017437 53981 Hs.657632 NM_017437 HPRD:05824 CPSF2 CPSF100 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 2, 100kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7180 chr11 126335773 126335868 + 7.13132 NA intron (NM_001301097, intron 5 of 15) intron (NM_001301097, intron 5 of 15) 59743 NM_001254759 6484 Hs.591947 NM_006278 HPRD:00084 ST3GAL4 CGS23|NANTA3|SAT3|SIAT4|SIAT4C|ST3GalIV|STZ ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1534 chr1 112162275 112162506 + 7.13132 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001291896) promoter-TSS (NM_001291896) -15 NM_001010935 5906 Hs.190334 NM_002884 HPRD:01545 RAP1A C21KG|G-22K|KREV-1|KREV1|RAP1|SMGP21 RAP1A, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34259 chr8 94929893 94930088 + 7.12258 NA intron (NM_001161781, intron 1 of 1) CpG 711 NM_001161781 54704 Hs.22265 NM_018444 HPRD:16185 PDP1 PDH|PDP|PDPC|PPM2C pyruvate dehyrogenase phosphatase catalytic subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33906 chr8 60032253 60032325 + 7.12258 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014729) promoter-TSS (NM_014729) -522 NM_014729 9760 Hs.491805 NM_014729 HPRD:12113 TOX TOX1 thymocyte selection-associated high mobility group box protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15855 chr19 7600271 7600337 + 7.11879 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166114) promoter-TSS (NM_001166114) -285 NM_001166114 10908 Hs.631863 NM_006702 HPRD:04432 PNPLA6 BNHS|NTE|NTEMND|SPG39|iPLA2delta|sws patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1880 chr1 146450296 146450378 + 7.11826 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 72 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 72 of 85) 64262 NR_024442 728989 Hs.537068 NR_024442 ENSG00000227242 LOC728989 - phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29871 chr6 74362936 74363054 + 7.11826 NA intron (NM_012434, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_012434, intron 1 of 10) 742 NM_012434 26503 Hs.597422 NM_012434 HPRD:05058 SLC17A5 AST|ISSD|NSD|SD|SIALIN|SIASD|SLD solute carrier family 17 (acidic sugar transporter), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8619 chr12 93077480 93077565 + 7.11389 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -19097 NM_001037671 338809 Hs.326303 NM_001037671 ENSG00000214215 C12orf74 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 74 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14093 chr17 28033503 28033655 + 7.11389 NA intron (NM_001282130, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001282130, intron 2 of 7) 54871 NM_001282131 85464 Hs.654754 NM_033389 HPRD:09487 SSH2 SSH-2|SSH-2L slingshot protein phosphatase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24671 chr4 11150578 11150644 + 7.11389 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -219840 NR_030298 693157 NR_030298 miRBase:MI0003579 MIR572 MIRN572|hsa-mir-572 microRNA 572 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17290 chr2 3289483 3289611 + 7.11389 NA intron (NM_003310, intron 3 of 8) CpG 92106 NM_003310 7260 Hs.502770 NM_003310 HPRD:10287 TSSC1 - tumor suppressing subtransferable candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21292 chr21 27012152 27012228 + 7.11389 NA exon (NM_001270408, exon 1 of 10) exon (NM_001270408, exon 1 of 10) 596 NM_001270408 58494 Hs.517227 NM_021219 HPRD:06041 JAM2 C21orf43|CD322|JAM-B|JAMB|PRO245|VE-JAM|VEJAM junctional adhesion molecule 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33228 chr8 638309 638492 + 7.11389 NA intron (NM_207332, intron 3 of 5) intron (NM_207332, intron 3 of 5) 42826 NM_207332 157697 Hs.655310 NM_207332 HPRD:14105 ERICH1 - glutamate-rich 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13586 chr17 735475 735565 + 7.11197 NA intron (NM_022463, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 31831 NM_001205319 64359 Hs.527989 NM_022463 HPRD:14858 NXN NRX|TRG-4 nucleoredoxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24622 chr4 9212370 9212462 + 7.11197 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001256852) promoter-TSS (NM_001256852) 33 NM_001256852 100287144 Hs.741130 NM_001256852 ENSG00000231396 USP17L10 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20445 chr20 17565070 17565136 + 7.11197 NA intron (NM_006870, intron 1 of 3) AluSp|SINE|Alu 14504 NM_001011546 11034 Hs.304192 NM_006870 HPRD:16446 DSTN ACTDP|ADF|HEL32|bA462D18.2 destrin (actin depolymerizing factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13439 chr16 85604609 85604750 + 7.11197 NA Intergenic MER5A1|DNA|hAT-Charlie -40350 NM_001134473 23199 Hs.461647 NM_014615 HPRD:11066 GSE1 KIAA0182 Gse1 coiled-coil protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19316 chr2 169104095 169104216 + 7.11003 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013233) promoter-TSS (NM_013233) -50 NM_013233 27347 Hs.276271 NM_013233 HPRD:09627 STK39 DCHT|PASK|SPAK serine threonine kinase 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20540 chr20 26294819 26294926 + 7.10885 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -105003 NR_040095 284801 Hs.370699 NR_040095 ENSG00000227195 MIR663AHG - MIR663A host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1828 chr1 145312807 145312910 + 7.10820 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 15 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 15 of 85) 19487 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17398 chr2 11270130 11270246 + 7.10737 NA intron (NR_040080, intron 1 of 8) intron (NR_040080, intron 1 of 8) 2114 NR_040080 285150 Hs.329841 NM_182586 HPRD:08158 FLJ33534 - uncharacterized LOC285150 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6631 chr11 74303539 74303656 + 7.10198 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006591) promoter-TSS (NM_006591) 22 NM_006591 10714 Hs.82502 NM_006591 HPRD:11446 POLD3 P66|P68|PPP1R128 polymerase (DNA-directed), delta 3, accessory subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3872 chr10 27857568 27857652 + 7.10198 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64507 NM_001256412 22931 Hs.406799 NM_021252 HPRD:03731 RAB18 RAB18LI1|WARBM3 RAB18, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13705 chr17 5130885 5130964 + 7.10198 NA intron (NR_034082, intron 5 of 7) intron (NR_034082, intron 5 of 7) 7231 NM_207103 388325 Hs.462080 NM_207103 HPRD:18267 SCIMP C17orf87|UNQ5783 SLP adaptor and CSK interacting membrane protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10419 chr14 51193156 51193254 + 7.10198 NA TTS (NM_182944) TTS (NM_182944) -58134 NM_021818 60485 Hs.642842 NM_021818 HPRD:06229 SAV1 SAV|WW45|WWP4 salvador family WW domain containing protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23140 chr3 80468415 80468544 + 7.10198 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -651420 NM_002941 6091 Hs.744218 NM_002941 HPRD:03890 ROBO1 DUTT1|SAX3 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38149 chrX 75438209 75438381 + 7.10198 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 45524 NM_016500 51260 Hs.370100 NM_016500 HPRD:06659 PBDC1 CXorf26 polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17870 chr2 54800135 54800306 + 7.09738 NA intron (NM_178313, intron 1 of 30) intron (NM_178313, intron 1 of 30) 14689 NM_178313 6711 Hs.503178 NM_003128 HPRD:01683 SPTBN1 ELF|HEL102|SPTB2|betaSpII spectrin, beta, non-erythrocytic 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7155 chr11 124746291 124746386 + 7.09693 NA exon (NM_022370, exon 17 of 28) exon (NM_022370, exon 17 of 28) 11033 NM_022370 64221 Hs.435621 NM_022370 HPRD:10554 ROBO3 HGPPS|HGPS|RBIG1|RIG1 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13298 chr16 71915226 71915307 + 7.09693 NA intron (NM_001201552, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001201552, intron 2 of 7) 2178 NM_017530 55565 Hs.744055 NM_017530 HPRD:14244 ZNF821 - zinc finger protein 821 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15114 chr18 15162392 15162481 + 7.09294 NA Intergenic MER77|LTR|ERVL 163482 NR_027417 644669 Hs.579474 NR_027417 ENSG00000215512 LOC644669 - ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33237 chr8 1332514 1332771 + 7.09292 NA Intergenic Intergenic -81819 NR_111948 286083 Hs.382131 NR_033895 ENSG00000253640 LOC286083 - uncharacterized LOC286083 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30388 chr6 119047215 119047407 + 7.09292 NA Intergenic MLT1I|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -16073 NM_001178035 387119 Hs.656959 NM_206921 HPRD:12874 CEP85L C6orf204|NY-BR-15|bA57K17.2 centrosomal protein 85kDa-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36157 chr9 117168008 117168116 + 7.09292 NA intron (NM_001083885, intron 9 of 11) intron (NM_001083885, intron 9 of 11) -11377 NM_030767 80709 Hs.494895 NM_030767 HPRD:16148 AKNA - AT-hook transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2440 chr1 170077922 170078026 + 7.09292 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -34095 NM_001204516 22920 Hs.433442 NM_014970 HPRD:03499 KIFAP3 FLA3|KAP-1|KAP-3|KAP3|SMAP|Smg-GDS|dJ190I16.1 kinesin-associated protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15245 chr18 32609844 32609952 + 7.09292 NA intron (NM_001143827, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001143827, intron 2 of 7) -11426 NM_014268 10982 Hs.532824 NM_014268 HPRD:16157 MAPRE2 EB1|EB2|RP1 microtubule-associated protein, RP/EB family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12552 chr16 25072418 25072569 + 7.09292 NA Intergenic Intergenic 29431 NR_038379 554206 Hs.552959 NR_038379 LOC554206 - leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28115 chr5 123549595 123549680 + 7.09292 NA intron (NR_125774, intron 4 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 224576 NR_125774 103724389 Hs.582211 NR_125774 LINC01170 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1170 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1170 chr1 80866062 80866129 + 7.09292 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1299360 NM_001297704 23266 Hs.24212 NM_012302 HPRD:06116 LPHN2 CIRL2|CL2|LEC1|LPHH1 latrophilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14494 chr17 48585751 48585924 + 7.09292 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032133) promoter-TSS (NM_032133) 92 NM_032133 84073 Hs.398196 NM_032133 HPRD:11378 MYCBPAP AMAP-1|AMAP1 MYCBP associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7994 chr12 46064270 46064417 + 7.09292 NA Intergenic Intergenic 57361 NR_028408 400027 Hs.597122 NR_028408 ENSG00000273015 LINC00938 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 938 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1710 chr1 142537316 142537396 + 7.09292 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 176249 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1033 chr1 65432319 65432454 + 7.09244 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002227) promoter-TSS (NM_002227) -199 NM_002227 3716 Hs.207538 NM_002227 HPRD:00992 JAK1 JAK1A|JAK1B|JTK3 Janus kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5569 chr11 7757500 7757576 + 7.08626 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -29597 NM_198185 341277 Hs.532475 NM_198185 HPRD:07139 OVCH2 OVTN ovochymase 2 (gene/pseudogene) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12406 chr16 12036530 12036668 + 7.08155 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22365 NM_001192 608 Hs.2556 NM_001192 HPRD:00144 TNFRSF17 BCM|BCMA|CD269|TNFRSF13A tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12797 chr16 33143506 33143584 + 7.08155 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -62038 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38055 chrX 71325365 71325595 + 7.08155 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) 26271 NM_001024455 340526 Hs.512180 NM_001024455 HPRD:18594 RGAG4 6430402L03Rik|MAR5|MART5 retrotransposon gag domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37709 chrX 55478445 55478590 + 7.07933 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014061) promoter-TSS (NM_014061) -5 NM_014061 28986 Hs.279819 NM_014061 HPRD:06633 MAGEH1 APR-1|APR1|MAGEH melanoma antigen family H, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5218 chr10 126916613 126916720 + 7.07876 NA Intergenic CpG -67042 NM_001083914 1488 Hs.501345 NM_001329 HPRD:04016 CTBP2 - C-terminal binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37147 chrX 488976 489163 + 7.07876 NA Intergenic T-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -96010 NM_000451 6473 Hs.105932 NM_000451 HPRD:02430 SHOX GCFX|PHOG|SHOXY|SS short stature homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13500 chr16 89108953 89109094 + 7.07876 NA Intergenic CpG -51194 NM_001243279 197322 Hs.461727 NM_174917 HPRD:14117 ACSF3 - acyl-CoA synthetase family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3881 chr10 28944402 28944519 + 7.07876 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -21964 NM_012342 25805 Hs.533336 NM_012342 HPRD:05117 BAMBI NMA BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38968 chrY 438976 439163 + 7.07876 NA Intergenic T-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -96010 NM_006883 6473 Hs.105932 NM_000451 HPRD:02430 SHOX GCFX|PHOG|SHOXY|SS short stature homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25365 chr4 70627236 70627406 + 7.07876 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014465) promoter-TSS (NM_014465) -891 NM_014465 27284 Hs.129742 NM_014465 SULT1B1 ST1B1|ST1B2|SULT1B2 sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 1B, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5219 chr10 126916813 126916958 + 7.07876 NA Intergenic CpG -67261 NM_001083914 1488 Hs.501345 NM_001329 HPRD:04016 CTBP2 - C-terminal binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9726 chr13 77600719 77600802 + 7.07711 NA intron (NM_012158, intron 1 of 4) CpG 571 NM_012158 26224 Hs.508284 NM_012158 HPRD:05737 FBXL3 FBL3|FBL3A|FBXL3A F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25484 chr4 81287212 81287328 + 7.07370 NA intron (NM_152770, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_152770, intron 2 of 5) 30396 NM_152770 255119 Hs.527104 NM_152770 HPRD:14597 C4orf22 - chromosome 4 open reading frame 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26549 chr4 186955072 186955228 + 7.07370 NA Intergenic Intergenic -35159 NM_003265 7098 Hs.657724 NM_003265 TLR3 CD283|IIAE2 toll-like receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33536 chr8 28221034 28221164 + 7.07370 NA intron (NM_018660, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_018660, intron 1 of 9) 22878 NM_018660 55893 Hs.435535 NM_018660 HPRD:11711 ZNF395 HDBP-2|HDBP2|HDRF-2|PBF|PRF-1|PRF1|Si-1-8-14 zinc finger protein 395 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15677 chr19 893473 893551 + 7.07370 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005481) promoter-TSS (NM_005481) 28 NR_125730 103625684 NR_125730 RNU6-2 U6-2 RNA, U6 small nuclear 2 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12053 chr15 90398866 90399052 + 7.07370 NA intron (NR_037582, intron 4 of 5) AluSp|SINE|Alu -5006 NR_049817 100847059 NR_049817 MIR5094 - microRNA 5094 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13418 chr16 84220614 84220796 + 7.07206 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005679) promoter-TSS (NM_005679) -29 NM_001243156 9013 Hs.153022 NM_005679 HPRD:05364 TAF1C MGC:39976|SL1|TAFI110|TAFI95 TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, RNA polymerase I, C, 110kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4778 chr10 91918383 91918551 + 7.07206 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -201337 NR_110655 101926924 Hs.500498 NR_110655 ENSG00000226159 LINC01375 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1375 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4478 chr10 65801075 65801220 + 7.07206 NA Intergenic L1M3e|LINE|L1 520024 NM_001001330 221035 Hs.499833 NM_001001330 HPRD:16582 REEP3 C10orf74 receptor accessory protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32755 chr7 132265632 132265754 + 7.07206 NA intron (NM_181775, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_181775, intron 2 of 4) -4370 NM_001105543 91584 Hs.511454 NM_020911 HPRD:10901 PLXNA4 FAYV2820|PLEXA4|PLXNA4A|PLXNA4B|PRO34003 plexin A4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37662 chrX 53001892 53001980 + 7.07206 NA intron (NM_001242492, intron 1 of 4) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -14221 NM_001242491 29057 Hs.6451 NM_014138 HPRD:06683 FAM156A PRO0659|TMEM29 family with sequence similarity 156, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3158 chr1 226384832 226384926 + 7.07206 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10456 NM_022735 64746 Hs.520207 NM_022735 HPRD:08432 ACBD3 GCP60|GOCAP1|GOLPH1|PAP7 acyl-CoA binding domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21693 chr22 20424556 20424687 + 7.07013 NA Intergenic Intergenic -25926 NR_003563 728233 Hs.592456 NR_003563 ENSG00000215513 PI4KAP1 - phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, catalytic, alpha pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30038 chr6 88183097 88183195 + 7.06174 NA intron (NM_006416, intron 1 of 7) CpG 503 NM_001168398 10559 Hs.423163 NM_006416 HPRD:09290 SLC35A1 CDG2F|CMPST|CST|hCST solute carrier family 35 (CMP-sialic acid transporter), member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6702 chr11 82873566 82873632 + 7.06174 NA intron (NM_015885, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_015885, intron 2 of 15) 5462 NM_015885 51585 Hs.128959 NM_015885 PCF11 - PCF11 cleavage and polyadenylation factor subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8845 chr12 110907050 110907225 + 7.06174 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164372) promoter-TSS (NM_001164372) -611 NM_001164372 51184 Hs.634680 NM_016301 HPRD:17498 GPN3 ATPBD1C GPN-loop GTPase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11249 chr15 29343287 29343446 + 7.05531 NA intron (NM_001130414, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_001130414, intron 2 of 12) 129526 NM_001130414 321 Hs.618112 NM_005503 HPRD:04090 APBA2 D15S1518E|HsT16821|LIN-10|MGC:14091|MINT2|X11-BETA|X11L amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30340 chr6 114394024 114394126 + 7.05531 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -10034 NM_153612 222537 Hs.645477 NM_153612 HPRD:13674 HS3ST5 3-OST-5|3OST5|HS3OST5|NBLA04021 heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33973 chr8 67358470 67358696 + 7.05531 NA intron (NM_144650, intron 6 of 13) intron (NM_144650, intron 6 of 13) 13865 NM_144650 137872 Hs.720023 NM_144650 HPRD:12428 ADHFE1 ADH8|HOT alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13766 chr17 6483404 6483474 + 7.05531 NA intron (NM_014804, intron 18 of 18) AluSx|SINE|Alu -23562 NM_031220 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4147 chr10 42407376 42407447 + 7.05510 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 456082 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1470 chr1 109102488 109102686 + 7.05452 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001010883) promoter-TSS (NM_001010883) -384 NM_001010883 284611 Hs.200230 NM_001010883 HPRD:17339 FAM102B SYM-3B family with sequence similarity 102, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10785 chr14 77587898 77587990 + 7.05452 NA Intergenic Intergenic 20190 NM_174976 283576 Hs.525485 NM_174976 HPRD:12655 ZDHHC22 C14orf59 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7325 chr12 2801025 2801094 + 7.05373 NA promoter-TSS (NR_045725) promoter-TSS (NR_045725) -736 NR_045725 100652846 Hs.683896 NR_045725 ENSG00000246627 CACNA1C-AS1 - CACNA1C antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21961 chr22 37939639 37939724 + 7.05113 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -16790 NM_152243 11135 Hs.225356 NM_152243 HPRD:07303 CDC42EP1 BORG5|CEP1|MSE55 CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8467 chr12 76116562 76116687 + 7.05113 NA Intergenic Intergenic -211206 NM_007043 11103 Hs.645517 NM_007043 HPRD:11027 KRR1 HRB2|RIP-1 KRR1, small subunit (SSU) processome component, homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38014 chrX 69882374 69882448 + 7.05113 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 17 of 30) L1P1|LINE|L1 -206567 NR_109801 100873930 Hs.571699 NR_046586 DLG3-AS1 - DLG3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34155 chr8 86019563 86019685 + 7.05113 NA exon (NM_033402, exon 1 of 19) exon (NM_033402, exon 1 of 19) 301 NM_033402 85444 Hs.193115 NM_033402 HPRD:11160 LRRCC1 CLERC|SAP2|VFL1 leucine rich repeat and coiled-coil centrosomal protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36636 chr9_gl000199_random 116131 116293 + 7.04932 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12899 chr16 35198692 35198763 + 7.04678 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 217804 NR_033985 400533 Hs.499135 NR_033985 ENSG00000261122 FLJ26245 - uncharacterized LOC400533 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_587 chr1 35035279 35035371 + 7.04594 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -185323 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_479 chr1 27930637 27930735 + 7.04433 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001029882) promoter-TSS (NM_001029882) -681 NM_001029882 27245 Hs.469280 NM_001029882 HPRD:10885 AHDC1 MRD25 AT hook, DNA binding motif, containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30897 chr6 159260771 159260848 + 7.04433 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu 17855 NR_028496 202459 Hs.487035 NM_145303 HPRD:14130 OSTCP1 DC2L|OSTCL oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12506 chr16 21658599 21658862 + 7.04433 NA exon (NM_005849, exon 2 of 6) exon (NM_005849, exon 2 of 6) 5257 NM_005849 10261 Hs.530902 NM_005849 HPRD:06938 IGSF6 DORA immunoglobulin superfamily, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30943 chr6 159416692 159416769 + 7.03742 NA intron (NM_031924, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 4468 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16370 chr19 27864387 27864486 + 7.03558 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -419939 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32519 chr7 105517105 105517278 + 7.03550 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020725) promoter-TSS (NM_020725) -160 NM_152749 222255 Hs.745056 NM_020725 HPRD:12508 ATXN7L1 ATXN7L4 ataxin 7-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19426 chr2 177498174 177498240 + 7.03238 NA intron (NR_040001, intron 1 of 2) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 4095 NR_040001 375295 Hs.636452 NR_040001 LINC01116 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1116 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11680 chr15 63340597 63340681 + 7.03238 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018008) promoter-TSS (NM_001018008) 3 NM_001018008 7168 Hs.133892 NM_000366 HPRD:01839 TPM1 C15orf13|CMD1Y|CMH3|HTM-alpha|LVNC9|TMSA tropomyosin 1 (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22628 chr3 39268964 39269135 + 7.03238 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -34964 NM_001198621 165904 Hs.447868 NM_194293 HPRD:16727 XIRP1 CMYA1|Xin xin actin-binding repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22395 chr3 16890876 16890975 + 7.03238 NA Intergenic Intergenic -35527 NM_001144382 23228 Hs.741267 NM_015184 HPRD:07147 PLCL2 PLCE2 phospholipase C-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4520 chr10 70787410 70787615 + 7.03238 NA Intergenic Intergenic 39035 NM_015634 26128 Hs.279580 NM_015634 HPRD:13848 KIAA1279 KBP|TTC20 KIAA1279 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18007 chr2 68612782 68612928 + 7.03238 NA intron (NM_002664, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_002664, intron 4 of 8) 20533 NM_002664 5341 Hs.468840 NM_002664 HPRD:15935 PLEK P47 pleckstrin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4826 chr10 95653603 95653776 + 7.03238 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153226) promoter-TSS (NM_153226) -41 NM_153226 159371 Hs.632085 NM_153226 HPRD:15531 SLC35G1 C10orf60|TMEM20 solute carrier family 35, member G1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36752 chrUn_gl000216 36686 36808 + 7.02865 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6080 chr11 48935239 48935308 + 7.02702 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -117879 NM_001206626 283116 Hs.448644 NM_001206626 ENSG00000182053 TRIM49B - tripartite motif containing 49B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7962 chr12 42622145 42622216 + 7.02702 NA intron (NM_001190979, intron 2 of 4) SVA_F|Other|Other 9909 NM_001190977 10138 Hs.649195 NM_005748 HPRD:09606 YAF2 - YY1 associated factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35703 chr9 77625627 77625716 + 7.02702 NA intron (NM_152420, intron 3 of 7) L1MEf|LINE|L1 17639 NM_152420 138199 Hs.567688 NM_152420 HPRD:12958 C9orf41 - chromosome 9 open reading frame 41 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2591 chr1 181058952 181059037 + 7.02533 NA exon (NM_016545, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_016545, exon 1 of 1) 1356 NM_016545 51278 Hs.15725 NM_016545 HPRD:06210 IER5 SBBI48 immediate early response 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5362 chr10 135088667 135088738 + 7.02533 NA intron (NM_001164490, intron 1 of 19) intron (NM_001164490, intron 1 of 19) 1705 NM_001164490 101 Hs.501574 NM_001109 HPRD:03777 ADAM8 CD156|CD156a|MS2 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7026 chr11 115127190 115127323 + 7.01654 NA intron (NM_001301043, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001301043, intron 1 of 11) 247985 NM_014333 23705 Hs.370510 NM_014333 HPRD:05746 CADM1 BL2|IGSF4|IGSF4A|NECL2|Necl-2|RA175|ST17|SYNCAM|TSLC1|sTSLC-1|sgIGSF|synCAM1 cell adhesion molecule 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11137 chr15 20101069 20101169 + 7.01654 NA Intergenic Intergenic -386878 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30909 chr6 159301103 159301199 + 7.01086 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -8468 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37682 chrX 54208926 54208993 + 7.00931 NA exon (NM_017848, exon 1 of 16) exon (NM_017848, exon 1 of 16) 732 NM_017848 54954 Hs.86045 NM_017848 HPRD:06480 FAM120C CXorf17|ORF34 family with sequence similarity 120C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26384 chr4 168270003 168270069 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -114295 NM_001204355 50859 Hs.481133 NM_016950 HPRD:12147 SPOCK3 HSAJ1454|TES-3|TICN3 sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11221 chr15 25498729 25498816 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 2766 NR_003359 100033818 NR_003359 ENSG00000202261 SNORD115-44 HBII-52-44 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 115-44 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17985 chr2 65827789 65827882 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -168179 NM_181784 200734 Hs.59332 NM_181784 HPRD:18100 SPRED2 Spred-2 sprouty-related, EVH1 domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3199 chr1 228373377 228373464 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic MER82|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 19991 NM_001010867 200205 Hs.237017 NM_001010867 HPRD:17318 IBA57 C1orf69|MMDS3 IBA57, iron-sulfur cluster assembly homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30749 chr6 148827082 148827193 + 7.00931 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 8 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 163408 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21858 chr22 29663947 29664094 + 7.00931 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001163287) promoter-TSS (NM_001163287) 22 NM_001163285 2130 Hs.374477 NM_005243 HPRD:00592 EWSR1 EWS|bK984G1.4 EWS RNA-binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9627 chr13 59965922 59966069 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic LTR50|LTR|ERVL -620857 NR_046539 100874195 Hs.664101 NR_046539 ENSG00000227528 DIAPH3-AS1 - DIAPH3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25965 chr4 122899175 122899261 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -26309 NM_001130698 7222 Hs.150981 NM_003305 HPRD:15999 TRPC3 TRP3 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19038 chr2 137038895 137039047 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic Intergenic -163246 NM_003467 7852 Hs.593413 NM_003467 HPRD:01217 CXCR4 CD184|D2S201E|FB22|HM89|HSY3RR|LAP-3|LAP3|LCR1|LESTR|NPY3R|NPYR|NPYRL|NPYY3R|WHIM chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6181 chr11 54941801 54941867 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -87824 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3660 chr10 11800036 11800142 + 7.00931 NA intron (NM_024693, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_024693, intron 4 of 4) 15733 NM_024693 79746 Hs.22242 NM_024693 HPRD:10930 ECHDC3 - enoyl CoA hydratase domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33395 chr8 12476296 12476362 + 7.00931 NA intron (NR_047662, intron 2 of 8) AluY|SINE|Alu 46791 NR_047662 729732 Hs.322761 NR_047662 LOC729732 - uncharacterized LOC729732 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29668 chr6 49597047 49597113 + 7.00931 NA intron (NM_000324, intron 1 of 9) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 7507 NM_000324 6005 Hs.120950 NM_000324 HPRD:01582 RHAG CD241|RH2|RH50A|Rh50|Rh50GP|SLC42A1 Rh-associated glycoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25235 chr4 58766327 58766533 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -789879 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29113 chr6 17736226 17736371 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -29233 NM_001278210 9972 Hs.601591 NM_005124 HPRD:04899 NUP153 HNUP153|N153 nucleoporin 153kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9597 chr13 53072588 53072676 + 7.00931 NA intron (NR_002793, intron 3 of 23) L1MC|LINE|L1 9504 NR_002793 220115 Hs.528448 NR_002793 ENSG00000198384 TPTE2P3 TPTEps1 transmembrane phosphoinositide 3-phosphatase and tensin homolog 2 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22374 chr3 15599242 15599318 + 7.00931 NA Intergenic Intergenic -36022 NM_080539 8292 Hs.146735 NM_005677 HPRD:04328 COLQ EAD collagen-like tail subunit (single strand of homotrimer) of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16484 chr19 36207855 36207980 + 7.00540 NA TTS (NM_014383) TTS (NM_014383) -1004 NM_014727 9757 Hs.92236 NM_014727 HPRD:06017 KMT2B HRX2|MLL1B|MLL2|MLL4|TRX2|WBP-7|WBP7 lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29064 chr6 15245900 15245997 + 7.00267 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004973) promoter-TSS (NM_004973) -258 NM_004973 3720 Hs.269059 NM_004973 HPRD:03355 JARID2 JMJ jumonji, AT rich interactive domain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29918 chr6 78434206 78434301 + 7.00267 NA intron (NM_001282136, intron 1 of 3) HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 33880 NM_001282136 101928601 NM_001282136 MEI4 - meiosis-specific 4 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23073 chr3 71275907 71276313 + 6.99766 NA intron (NM_001012505, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001012505, intron 5 of 6) 18206 NM_001244814 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5003 chr10 106097924 106098005 + 6.99766 NA intron (NM_001272013, intron 1 of 1) CpG 287 NM_001272013 85450 Hs.523252 NM_033397 ITPRIP DANGER|KIAA1754|bA127L20|bA127L20.2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7675 chr12 25075291 25075400 + 6.99766 NA intron (NM_005504, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_005504, intron 1 of 10) -19336 NM_001178093 586 Hs.438993 NM_005504 HPRD:00216 BCAT1 BCATC|BCT1|ECA39|MECA39|PNAS121|PP18 branched chain amino-acid transaminase 1, cytosolic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23073-2 chr3 71275907 71276313 + 6.99766 NA intron (NM_001012505, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_001012505, intron 5 of 6) 18206 NM_001244814 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36764 chrUn_gl000216 64341 64410 + 6.99615 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33678 chr8 42911342 42911457 + 6.99200 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002027) promoter-TSS (NM_002027) -43 NR_033698 2339 Hs.370312 NM_002027 HPRD:00607 FNTA FPTA|PGGT1A|PTAR2 farnesyltransferase, CAAX box, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36540 chr9 140513297 140513442 + 6.99200 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024757) promoter-TSS (NM_024757) -22 NR_122035 85026 Hs.522520 NM_032937 HPRD:12955 ARRDC1-AS1 C9orf37 ARRDC1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2231 chr1 156474780 156474922 + 6.99069 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4217 NM_005920 4209 Hs.314327 NM_005920 HPRD:02810 MEF2D - myocyte enhancer factor 2D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27590 chr5 75416860 75416944 + 6.99061 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 37663 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11062 chr14 104313934 104314088 + 6.98884 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015316) promoter-TSS (NM_015316) -47 NR_038436 145216 Hs.578091 NR_038436 ENSG00000258735 LINC00637 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 637 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27129 chr5 45352507 45352575 + 6.98884 NA intron (NM_021072, intron 5 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 343679 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10190 chr14 25135071 25135151 + 6.98884 NA Intergenic Intergenic -31679 NM_004131 3002 Hs.1051 NM_004131 HPRD:00476 GZMB CCPI|CGL-1|CGL1|CSP-B|CSPB|CTLA1|CTSGL1|HLP|SECT granzyme B (granzyme 2, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30879 chr6 158195254 158195329 + 6.98686 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -48912 NM_016224 51429 Hs.191213 NM_016224 HPRD:12072 SNX9 SDP1|SH3PX1|SH3PXD3A|WISP sorting nexin 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38664 chrX 129220922 129221078 + 6.98686 NA intron (NM_001127197, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001127197, intron 1 of 8) 23475 NM_001421 2000 Hs.271940 NM_001421 HPRD:06499 ELF4 ELFR|MEF E74-like factor 4 (ets domain transcription factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17758 chr2 44001111 44001197 + 6.98686 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016008) promoter-TSS (NM_016008) -24 NM_016008 51626 Hs.371597 NM_015522 HPRD:13116 DYNC2LI1 D2LIC|LIC3 dynein, cytoplasmic 2, light intermediate chain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25019 chr4 49096596 49096668 + 6.98319 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 107973 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4688 chr10 85898599 85898689 + 6.98319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014394) promoter-TSS (NM_014394) -541 NM_014394 27069 Hs.352656 NM_014394 HPRD:17038 GHITM DERP2|HSPC282|MICS1|PTD010|TMBIM5 growth hormone inducible transmembrane protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22690 chr3 43330049 43330128 + 6.97886 NA intron (NM_001100594, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001100594, intron 1 of 5) 2084 NM_001100594 54861 Hs.476052 NM_017719 HPRD:18082 SNRK HSNFRK SNF related kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38220 chrX 80457487 80457566 + 6.97886 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030763) promoter-TSS (NM_030763) -85 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27737 chr5 86416450 86416598 + 6.97475 NA intron (NR_105018, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_105018, intron 1 of 3) 559 NR_105018 101929380 NR_105018 LOC101929380 - uncharacterized LOC101929380 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34475 chr8 117690637 117690722 + 6.97475 NA intron (NM_003756, intron 2 of 7) SVA_D|Other|Other 77383 NM_003756 8667 Hs.492599 NM_003756 EIF3H EIF3S3|eIF3-gamma|eIF3-p40 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4753 chr10 90639840 90640013 + 6.97318 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020799) promoter-TSS (NM_020799) -18 NM_020799 57559 Hs.16229 NM_020799 HPRD:16486 STAMBPL1 ALMalpha|AMSH-FP|AMSH-LP|bA399O19.2 STAM binding protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12037 chr15 89170818 89170917 + 6.97318 NA intron (NM_022767, intron 2 of 3) Tigger9b|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 6340 NM_022767 64782 Hs.436102 NM_022767 HPRD:08573 AEN ISG20L1|pp12744 apoptosis enhancing nuclease protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37272 chrX 11776645 11776756 + 6.97185 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001193270) promoter-TSS (NM_001193270) -1 NM_001193270 10943 Hs.655288 NM_006800 HPRD:05344 MSL3 MSL3L1 male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1393 chr1 100817994 100818062 + 6.97185 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033312) promoter-TSS (NM_033312) 5 NM_033312 8556 Hs.127411 NM_003672 HPRD:04614 CDC14A cdc14|hCDC14 cell division cycle 14A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32688 chr7 127496982 127497066 + 6.96814 NA intron (NM_014390, intron 12 of 23) intron (NM_014390, intron 12 of 23) -140538 NR_027330 27099 Hs.657377 NM_014411 SND1-IT1 C7orf54|NAG8|NSG-X SND1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1333 chr1 94975265 94975338 + 6.96814 NA intron (NM_002858, intron 21 of 22) L1PA3|LINE|L1 32112 NM_001178096 2152 Hs.62192 NM_001993 HPRD:00603 F3 CD142|TF|TFA coagulation factor III (thromboplastin, tissue factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25509 chr4 83033894 83033966 + 6.96814 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 261219 NM_031369 3184 Hs.480073 NM_002138 HNRNPD AUF1|AUF1A|HNRPD|P37|hnRNPD0 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D (AU-rich element RNA binding protein 1, 37kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30677 chr6 143896618 143896719 + 6.96814 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6192 NR_027113 285740 Hs.432656 NR_027113 LOC285740 - uncharacterized LOC285740 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33531 chr8 27695573 27695640 + 6.96814 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018492) promoter-TSS (NM_018492) 6 NM_018492 55872 Hs.104741 NM_018492 HPRD:17822 PBK CT84|HEL164|Nori-3|SPK|TOPK PDZ binding kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27349 chr5 57266078 57266192 + 6.96387 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -71146 NR_109900 101928539 Hs.639385 NR_109900 ENSG00000249584 LOC101928539 - uncharacterized LOC101928539 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20152 chr2 237421753 237421822 + 6.96387 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5609 NR_073043 79781 Hs.591594 NM_024726 HPRD:13743 IQCA1 4930465P12Rik|DRC11|IQCA IQ motif containing with AAA domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27835 chr5 95937605 95937672 + 6.96387 NA Intergenic Intergenic -60103 NM_001190442 831 Hs.436186 NM_001750 HPRD:00233 CAST BS-17 calpastatin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18046 chr2 71078967 71079139 + 6.96387 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16100 NM_015717 50489 Hs.199731 NM_015717 HPRD:07278 CD207 CLEC4K CD207 molecule, langerin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30590 chr6 137736776 137736957 + 6.96387 NA Intergenic Intergenic 78665 NM_175747 167826 Hs.195398 NM_175747 HPRD:17662 OLIG3 Bhlhb7|bHLHe20 oligodendrocyte transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14899 chr17 80709662 80709734 + 6.96008 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005993) promoter-TSS (NM_005993) -242 NM_005993 6904 Hs.464391 NM_005993 HPRD:05227 TBCD SSD-1|tfcD tubulin folding cofactor D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29860 chr6 73972759 73972999 + 6.96008 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030568) promoter-TSS (NM_030568) 28 NM_030568 80759 Hs.433062 NM_030568 HPRD:10790 KHDC1 C6orf148|NDG1|bA257K9.4 KH homology domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3047 chr1 220257508 220257602 + 6.95749 NA intron (NM_001286150, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 5640 NM_001286149 10380 Hs.406134 NM_006085 HPRD:06814 BPNT1 HEL20|PIP 3'(2'), 5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_488 chr1 28180613 28180727 + 6.95749 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -18384 NM_004848 9473 Hs.10649 NM_004848 HPRD:12728 THEMIS2 C1orf38|ICB-1 thymocyte selection associated family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39169 chrY 13631502 13631574 + 6.95749 NA Intergenic Intergenic 901851 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6730 chr11 85538872 85538965 + 6.95730 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16716 NM_001289608 54843 Hs.369520 NM_032379 HPRD:10260 SYTL2 CHR11SYT|EXO4|PPP1R151|SGA72M|SLP2|SLP2A synaptotagmin-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24188 chr3 180320235 180320319 + 6.95535 NA intron (NM_133462, intron 1 of 11) CpG 359 NM_001288582 151613 Hs.43213 NM_133462 HPRD:15579 TTC14 DRDL5813|PRO19630 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35614 chr9 70166581 70166910 + 6.94971 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 12070 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16909 chr19 49376326 49376429 + 6.94312 NA intron (NM_014330, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_014330, intron 1 of 2) 728 NM_014330 23645 Hs.631593 NM_014330 HPRD:06572 PPP1R15A GADD34 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 15A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27422 chr5 65015527 65015654 + 6.94178 NA intron (NM_019072, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_019072, intron 2 of 10) 2351 NM_019072 54557 Hs.482301 NM_019072 HPRD:18049 SGTB SGT2 small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6696 chr11 82671594 82671761 + 6.94115 NA Intergenic Intergenic 58940 NM_145018 220042 Hs.165607 NM_145018 HPRD:08062 DDIAS C11orf82|noxin DNA damage-induced apoptosis suppressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34940 chr9 4971446 4971618 + 6.94115 NA Intergenic LTR16B1|LTR|ERVL -13713 NM_004972 3717 Hs.656213 NM_004972 HPRD:00993 JAK2 JTK10|THCYT3 Janus kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1341 chr1 96518980 96519126 + 6.94115 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 320628 NR_110693 101928241 Hs.514137 NR_110693 ENSG00000231987 LOC101928241 - uncharacterized LOC101928241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18773 chr2 116810071 116810152 + 6.94115 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 890427 NM_001004360 57628 Hs.580539 NM_020868 HPRD:07083 DPP10 DPL2|DPPY|DPRP-3|DPRP3 dipeptidyl-peptidase 10 (non-functional) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20807 chr20 43941962 43942034 + 6.94115 NA intron (NM_014276, intron 6 of 11) (CCCTAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -4829 NM_003833 8785 Hs.278489 NM_003833 HPRD:04873 MATN4 - matrilin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24056 chr3 165189841 165189946 + 6.94115 NA intron (NR_125764, intron 3 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 265145 NR_125764 103695433 Hs.570689 NR_125764 LINC01322 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1322 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16994 chr19 51849061 51849250 + 6.94115 NA intron (NM_001014763, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_001014763, intron 4 of 4) -3777 NM_001163922 147645 Hs.293236 NM_001163922 ENSG00000186806 VSIG10L - V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28183 chr5 130208445 130208645 + 6.94115 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 292496 NR_073488 3094 Hs.483305 NM_005340 HINT1 HINT|NMAN|PKCI-1|PRKCNH1 histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14244 chr17 37778741 37778832 + 6.94060 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4391 NM_032192 84152 Hs.286192 NM_032192 HPRD:05097 PPP1R1B DARPP-32|DARPP32 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24145 chr3 176917084 176917327 + 6.93946 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2157 NM_024665 79718 Hs.715026 NM_024665 HPRD:15476 TBL1XR1 C21|DC42|IRA1|TBLR1 transducin (beta)-like 1 X-linked receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18380 chr2 91651735 91651866 + 6.93610 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 196175 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17194 chr19 59117108 59117300 + 6.93223 NA Intergenic LTR60|LTR|ERV1 30438 NR_026052 65996 Hs.541177 NM_023939 HPRD:14527 CENPBD1P1 - CENPBD1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27065 chr5 42254591 42254718 + 6.93118 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -79207 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7529 chr12 12878390 12878462 + 6.92703 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130415) promoter-TSS (NM_001130415) -425 NM_001130415 81575 Hs.23388 NM_030817 HPRD:13153 APOLD1 VERGE apolipoprotein L domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4642 chr10 79789267 79789405 + 6.92703 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007055) promoter-TSS (NM_007055) -38 NM_007055 11128 Hs.436896 NM_007055 HPRD:17879 POLR3A ADDH|HLD7|RPC1|RPC155|hRPC155 polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide A, 155kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3914 chr10 31287375 31287499 + 6.92699 NA intron (NM_182755, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 1009 NM_001143769 220929 Hs.660642 NM_182755 HPRD:11247 ZNF438 bA330O11.1 zinc finger protein 438 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37634 chrX 49969385 49969528 + 6.92699 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3792 NM_003886 8852 Hs.97633 NM_003886 HPRD:02173 AKAP4 AKAP 82|AKAP-4|AKAP82|CT99|FSC1|HI|PRKA4|hAKAP82|p82 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16713 chr19 42759267 42759441 + 6.92534 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001301035) promoter-TSS (NM_001301035) -38 NM_006494 2077 Hs.655969 NM_006494 HPRD:09942 ERF CRS4|PE-2|PE2 Ets2 repressor factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38299 chrX 89617488 89617687 + 6.92534 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu 440647 NM_138960 90316 Hs.592220 NM_138960 HPRD:02328 TGIF2LX TGIFLX TGFB-induced factor homeobox 2-like, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30575 chr6 137074847 137075009 + 6.92534 NA intron (NM_005923, intron 1 of 29) intron (NM_005923, intron 1 of 29) 38728 NM_005923 4217 Hs.186486 NM_005923 HPRD:03904 MAP3K5 ASK1|MAPKKK5|MEKK5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32310 chr7 92262845 92262911 + 6.92288 NA intron (NM_001259, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_001259, intron 5 of 7) -43170 NR_109929 257415 Hs.18564 NM_152789 HPRD:17557 FAM133B - family with sequence similarity 133, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17427 chr2 12868744 12868830 + 6.92288 NA intron (NR_027303, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_027303, intron 2 of 2) -8706 NR_036072 100422986 NR_036072 MIR3125 - microRNA 3125 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25513 chr4 83189904 83189977 + 6.92288 NA Intergenic Intergenic 105209 NM_031369 3184 Hs.480073 NM_002138 HNRNPD AUF1|AUF1A|HNRPD|P37|hnRNPD0 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D (AU-rich element RNA binding protein 1, 37kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16436 chr19 34012646 34012821 + 6.91870 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166056) promoter-TSS (NM_001166056) 66 NM_001166057 5184 Hs.36473 NM_000285 HPRD:01358 PEPD PROLIDASE peptidase D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29984 chr6 83924997 83925093 + 6.91870 NA intron (NM_002395, intron 13 of 13) MER20|DNA|hAT-Charlie -21390 NM_001199917 5238 Hs.661665 NM_015599 HPRD:01390 PGM3 AGM1|IMD23|PAGM|PGM 3 phosphoglucomutase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38611 chrX 125070242 125070435 + 6.91870 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -173407 NR_110409 101928495 Hs.545998 NR_110409 ENSG00000237208 LOC101928495 - uncharacterized LOC101928495 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38131 chrX 74897243 74897309 + 6.91870 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 65638 NR_030737 286495 Hs.567832 NR_030737 TTC3P1 RNF105L|TTC3L tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23058 chr3 69355665 69355736 + 6.91870 NA intron (NM_015123, intron 3 of 22) intron (NM_015123, intron 3 of 22) 79755 NM_015123 23150 Hs.371681 NM_015123 ENSG00000114541 FRMD4B 6030440G05Rik|GRSP1 FERM domain containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19204 chr2 159248497 159248662 + 6.91870 NA intron (NM_138803, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_138803, intron 1 of 13) 64686 NM_138803 130940 Hs.668597 NM_138803 HPRD:14046 CCDC148 - coiled-coil domain containing 148 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34681 chr8 134898488 134898603 + 6.91870 NA promoter-TSS (NR_125424) promoter-TSS (NR_125424) -194 NR_125424 101927822 Hs.129114 NR_125424 ENSG00000253593 LOC101927822 - uncharacterized LOC101927822 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8670 chr12 96392597 96392678 + 6.91870 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2494 NM_001258334 3034 Hs.190783 NM_002108 HPRD:07187 HAL HIS|HSTD histidine ammonia-lyase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37517 chrX 43531389 43531455 + 6.91870 NA intron (NM_001270458, intron 2 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 17267 NM_001270458 4128 Hs.183109 NM_000240 MAOA MAO-A monoamine oxidase A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13598 chr17 855906 856088 + 6.91870 NA intron (NM_022463, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_022463, intron 1 of 7) 27001 NM_022463 64359 Hs.527989 NM_022463 HPRD:14858 NXN NRX|TRG-4 nucleoredoxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22691 chr3 43338306 43338395 + 6.91870 NA intron (NM_001100594, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001100594, intron 1 of 5) 10346 NM_001100594 54861 Hs.476052 NM_017719 HPRD:18082 SNRK HSNFRK SNF related kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6671 chr11 77570523 77570642 + 6.91870 NA intron (NM_024684, intron 2 of 3) HERV17-int|LTR|ERV1 38374 NM_024684 28971 Hs.745040 NM_024684 HPRD:17924 AAMDC C11orf67|CK067 adipogenesis associated, Mth938 domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37669 chrX 53241674 53241741 + 6.91870 NA intron (NM_001282622, intron 8 of 25) AluSg|SINE|Alu 12897 NM_001282622 8242 Hs.631768 NM_004187 HPRD:02442 KDM5C DXS1272E|JARID1C|MRX13|MRXJ|MRXSCJ|MRXSJ|SMCX|XE169 lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27256 chr5 51252301 51252422 + 6.91256 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -573195 NR_046243 642366 Hs.544139 NR_046243 LOC642366 - uncharacterized LOC642366 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36642 chr9_gl000199_random 128293 128366 + 6.91084 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31223 chr7 4815547 4815715 + 6.90954 NA intron (NM_014855, intron 1 of 16) L2c|LINE|L2 369 NM_014855 9907 Hs.558440 NM_014855 AP5Z1 KIAA0415|SPG48|zeta adaptor-related protein complex 5, zeta 1 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6339 chr11 62649082 62649176 + 6.90954 NA promoter-TSS (NR_037193) promoter-TSS (NR_037193) -42 NR_037193 6520 Hs.502769 NM_002394 HPRD:01148 SLC3A2 4F2|4F2HC|4T2HC|CD98|CD98HC|MDU1|NACAE solute carrier family 3 (amino acid transporter heavy chain), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4119 chr10 42357294 42357363 + 6.90897 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 506165 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16768 chr19 44961939 44962005 + 6.90895 NA Intergenic ACRO1|Satellite|acro -9206 NM_001278510 7772 Hs.709348 NM_014518 HPRD:18324 ZNF229 - zinc finger protein 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33098 chr7 156835034 156835201 + 6.90626 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 31566 NR_038835 645249 Hs.224879 NR_038835 ENSG00000243479 MNX1-AS1 - MNX1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24087 chr3 169477123 169477349 + 6.90626 NA Intergenic Intergenic 5612 NR_001566 7012 Hs.436182 NR_001566 ENSG00000270141 TERC DKCA1|PFBMFT2|SCARNA19|TR|TRC3|hTR telomerase RNA component ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33652 chr8 41372871 41372988 + 6.90626 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13796 NM_032336 84296 Hs.656996 NM_032336 HPRD:11583 GINS4 SLD5 GINS complex subunit 4 (Sld5 homolog) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24155 chr3 177399783 177399992 + 6.90626 NA intron (NR_047568, intron 3 of 3) MLT1J2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -134766 NR_110826 102724550 Hs.570526 NR_110826 LOC102724550 - uncharacterized LOC102724550 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28902 chr6 446942 447037 + 6.90438 NA Intergenic Intergenic 55250 NM_002460 3662 Hs.401013 NM_002460 HPRD:03543 IRF4 LSIRF|MUM1|NF-EM5 interferon regulatory factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21421 chr21 40177476 40177582 + 6.90438 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005239) promoter-TSS (NM_005239) -226 NM_005239 2114 Hs.644231 NM_005239 HPRD:01263 ETS2 ETS2IT1 v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28935 chr6 2999851 2999981 + 6.89985 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000904) promoter-TSS (NM_000904) -134 NM_001290222 4835 Hs.145597 NM_000904 HPRD:01190 NQO2 DHQV|DIA6|NMOR2|QR2 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37092 chrUn_gl000235 31472 31678 + 6.89888 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28616 chr5 156692957 156693183 + 6.89784 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001291721) promoter-TSS (NM_001291721) -20 NM_001037333 26999 Hs.519702 NM_014376 HPRD:07556 CYFIP2 PIR121 cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29686 chr6 52255246 52255421 + 6.89784 NA intron (NM_133367, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_133367, intron 1 of 1) 28407 NM_133367 85315 Hs.239388 NM_133367 HPRD:07415 PAQR8 C6orf33|LMPB1|MPRB progestin and adipoQ receptor family member VIII protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32984 chr7 149137437 149137597 + 6.89621 NA intron (NM_015694, intron 4 of 5) AluJr|SINE|Alu 20536 NM_015694 27153 Hs.38512 NM_015694 HPRD:13849 ZNF777 - zinc finger protein 777 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20457 chr20 18052427 18052493 + 6.89621 NA Intergenic AluYb9|SINE|Alu -13939 NM_021220 58495 Hs.661013 NM_021220 HPRD:15780 OVOL2 EUROIMAGE566589|ZNF339 ovo-like zinc finger 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34501 chr8 120781366 120781484 + 6.89621 NA intron (NM_003184, intron 18 of 25) L1PA15-16|LINE|L1 63649 NM_003184 6873 Hs.122752 NM_003184 HPRD:07060 TAF2 CIF150|MRT40|TAF2B|TAFII150 TAF2 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 150kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36726 chrUn_gl000215 75077 75158 + 6.89621 NA Intergenic MER11A|LTR|ERVK 6603 NR_107036 102466252 NR_107036 MIR8069-1 MIR8069|hsa-mir-8069 microRNA 8069-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5203 chr10 126455485 126455565 + 6.89621 NA intron (NM_212554, intron 4 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu -22595 NM_014661 9679 Hs.129195 NM_014661 HPRD:13314 FAM53B KIAA0140|bA12J10.2 family with sequence similarity 53, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36177 chr9 121827213 121827286 + 6.89621 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 304490 NM_014618 1620 Hs.532316 NM_014618 HPRD:04181 BRINP1 DBC1|DBCCR1|FAM5A bone morphogenetic protein/retinoic acid inducible neural-specific 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37686 chrX 54665760 54666023 + 6.88908 NA Intergenic CpG 109247 NM_019067 54552 Hs.654677 NM_019067 GNL3L - guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 3 (nucleolar)-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6138 chr11 51270596 51270679 + 6.88657 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 141811 NM_001005272 81318 Hs.554531 NM_001005272 HPRD:17719 OR4A5 OR11-111 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20119 chr2 234874568 234874634 + 6.88657 NA intron (NM_024080, intron 14 of 25) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 48558 NM_024080 79054 Hs.366053 NM_024080 HPRD:09454 TRPM8 LTRPC6|TRPP8 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15034 chr18 8705079 8705218 + 6.88657 NA intron (NR_120598, intron 1 of 1) CpG 2471 NR_120598 100287082 Hs.439434 NR_120598 ENSG00000265962 GACAT2 MTCL1-AS1 gastric cancer associated transcript 2 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26722 chr5 1411908 1411981 + 6.88657 NA intron (NM_001044, intron 8 of 14) (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 33599 NM_001044 6531 Hs.406 NM_001044 HPRD:00543 SLC6A3 DAT|DAT1|PKDYS solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35895 chr9 95203005 95203183 + 6.88657 NA intron (NM_001012267, intron 5 of 7) MER44C|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -16258 NM_005014 4958 Hs.94070 NM_005014 HPRD:10128 OMD OSAD|SLRR2C osteomodulin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17762 chr2 44314449 44314557 + 6.88657 NA Intergenic CpG -81439 NM_177969 5495 Hs.416769 NM_002706 HPRD:04796 PPM1B PP2C-beta|PP2C-beta-X|PP2CB|PP2CBETA|PPC2BETAX protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5482 chr11 2920086 2920152 + 6.88597 NA promoter-TSS (NM_183233) promoter-TSS (NM_183233) -832 NM_183233 5002 Hs.50868 NM_002555 HPRD:04024 SLC22A18 BWR1A|BWSCR1A|HET|IMPT1|ITM|ORCTL2|SLC22A1L|TSSC5|p45-BWR1A solute carrier family 22, member 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14911 chr17 80930530 80930614 + 6.88597 NA intron (NM_001009905, intron 6 of 12) intron (NM_001009905, intron 6 of 12) 79114 NM_001009905 146712 Hs.607824 NM_001009905 HPRD:14071 B3GNTL1 B3GNT8 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21549 chr22 16212831 16212935 + 6.88444 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -19874 NR_122113 503637 Hs.744284 NR_122113 DUXAP8 - double homeobox A pseudogene 8 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18023 chr2 69871590 69871662 + 6.88343 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014911) promoter-TSS (NM_014911) -649 NM_014911 22848 Hs.468878 NM_014911 AAK1 - AP2 associated kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27423 chr5 65017917 65018070 + 6.88343 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020726) promoter-TSS (NM_020726) -30 NM_020726 57486 Hs.247460 NM_020726 HPRD:07495 NLN AGTBP|EP24.16|MEP|MOP neurolysin (metallopeptidase M3 family) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19249 chr2 162135151 162135259 + 6.87678 NA Intergenic L1MB8|LINE|L1 -24051 NR_110593 101929512 Hs.666488 NR_110593 LOC101929512 - uncharacterized LOC101929512 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11134 chr15 20041454 20041612 + 6.87664 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -446464 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2248 chr1 158277736 158277882 + 6.87375 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 18246 NM_001765 911 Hs.132448 NM_001765 HPRD:01772 CD1C BDCA1|CD1|CD1A|R7 CD1c molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38745 chrX 134429699 134429805 + 6.87375 NA 5' UTR (NM_001185063, exon 1 of 4) 5' UTR (NM_001185063, exon 1 of 4) 213 NM_001185063 7626 Hs.371717 NM_007131 HPRD:02448 ZNF75D D8C6|ZKSCAN24|ZNF75|ZNF82|ZSCAN28 zinc finger protein 75D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29652 chr6 46620595 46620883 + 6.87375 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278739) promoter-TSS (NM_001278739) 87 NM_001204051 9481 Hs.40510 NM_004277 HPRD:15358 SLC25A27 UCP4 solute carrier family 25, member 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24891 chr4 38162722 38162797 + 6.87375 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 41184 NM_001253915 23216 Hs.176503 NM_015173 HPRD:18161 TBC1D1 TBC|TBC1 TBC1 (tre-2/USP6, BUB2, cdc16) domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37333 chrX 16519720 16519805 + 6.87375 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -148519 NM_004057 795 Hs.639 NM_004057 HPRD:02360 S100G CABP|CABP1|CABP9K|CALB3 S100 calcium binding protein G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6568 chr11 71095070 71095160 + 6.87375 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 39285 NR_038862 399923 Hs.128191 NM_001001680 HPRD:13457 FLJ42102 - uncharacterized LOC399923 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10575 chr14 63850597 63850706 + 6.87375 NA intron (NR_104104, intron 11 of 12) intron (NR_104104, intron 11 of 12) -65058 NM_145171 122876 Hs.375028 NM_145171 GPHB5 B5|GPB5|ZLUT1 glycoprotein hormone beta 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24977 chr4 45807294 45807460 + 6.87375 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 318705 NM_173536 2565 Hs.375051 NM_173536 HPRD:15923 GABRG1 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20516 chr20 25228699 25228796 + 6.87231 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002862) promoter-TSS (NM_002862) 41 NM_002862 5834 Hs.368157 NM_002862 HPRD:00720 PYGB GPBB phosphorylase, glycogen; brain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31905 chr7 61772243 61772469 + 6.87005 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 992078 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18881 chr2 130902530 130902736 + 6.86862 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001258307) promoter-TSS (NM_001258307) 74 NM_001258307 91409 Hs.29383 NM_207310 HPRD:08534 CCDC74B - coiled-coil domain containing 74B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16417 chr19 30433519 30433631 + 6.86743 NA intron (NR_045557, intron 1 of 9) CpG 429 NM_003796 8725 Hs.466391 NM_003796 HPRD:11943 URI1 C19orf2|NNX3|PPP1R19|RMP|URI URI1, prefoldin-like chaperone protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1271 chr1 90308878 90309044 + 6.86743 NA intron (NM_018103, intron 1 of 2) CpG 21481 NM_018103 55144 Hs.482087 NM_018103 HPRD:11287 LRRC8D LRRC5 leucine rich repeat containing 8 family, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15373 chr18 47485647 47485934 + 6.86743 NA intron (NM_001080467, intron 12 of 39) intron (NM_001080467, intron 12 of 39) 145397 NR_117096 103091864 Hs.646459 NR_117096 SNHG22 SCARNA17HG small nucleolar RNA host gene 22 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6489 chr11 67213916 67213982 + 6.86743 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -2657 NM_001018070 57175 Hs.6191 NM_020441 HPRD:16743 CORO1B CORONIN-2 coronin, actin binding protein, 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4996 chr10 105795769 105795996 + 6.86665 NA intron (NM_000494, intron 48 of 55) (TG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 12062 NR_030760 100126326 NR_030760 MIR936 MIRN936|hsa-mir-936 microRNA 936 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33492 chr8 24699347 24699440 + 6.86665 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -71881 NM_005382 4741 Hs.458657 NM_005382 HPRD:01205 NEFM NEF3|NF-M|NFM neurofilament, medium polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20020 chr2 229720501 229720570 + 6.86665 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 415522 NM_017933 55022 Hs.745038 NM_017933 HPRD:07944 PID1 NYGGF4|P-CLI1|PCLI1 phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31846 chr7 61080000 61080202 + 6.86080 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1684333 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1881 chr1 146455056 146455138 + 6.85781 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 123 of 130) intron (NM_001278267, intron 123 of 130) 59502 NR_024442 728989 Hs.537068 NR_024442 ENSG00000227242 LOC728989 - phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38608 chrX 124748247 124748472 + 6.85153 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 294390 NM_001195272 100129520 Hs.728728 NM_001195272 LOC100129520 - testis expressed sequence 13-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26304 chr4 159469254 159469326 + 6.85153 NA intron (NR_045579, intron 2 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 26424 NR_045583 59350 Hs.591686 NM_021634 HPRD:05975 RXFP1 LGR7|RXFPR1 relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20791 chr20 43013164 43013232 + 6.85153 NA non-coding (NR_109949, exon 3 of 4) non-coding (NR_109949, exon 3 of 4) 11148 NR_109949 101927219 Hs.655919 NR_109949 ENSG00000229005 HNF4A-AS1 uc002xlx HNF4A antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27460 chr5 67620031 67620100 + 6.85153 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 31669 NM_001242466 5295 Hs.132225 NM_181504 HPRD:01381 PIK3R1 AGM7|GRB1|p85|p85-ALPHA phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19329 chr2 169988579 169988663 + 6.85153 NA intron (NM_004525, intron 77 of 78) intron (NM_004525, intron 77 of 78) 51004 NM_001142271 10170 Hs.179608 NM_005771 HPRD:09916 DHRS9 3-alpha-HSD|3ALPHA-HSD|RDH-E2|RDH-TBE|RDH15|RDHL|RDHTBE|RETSDR8|SDR9C4 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6201 chr11 55208367 55208433 + 6.85153 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 73040 NM_001005275 81328 Hs.554529 NM_001005275 HPRD:14958 OR4A15 OR11-118 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35373 chr9 44880235 44880301 + 6.84728 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -109968 NR_027421 100132948 Hs.645763 NM_001024942 ENSG00000154537 FAM27C FAM27A|FAM27A1|FAM27A3 family with sequence similarity 27, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2083 chr1 151030268 151030344 + 6.84676 NA intron (NM_001038707, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001038707, intron 1 of 5) 1819 NM_020239 56882 Hs.22065 NM_020239 HPRD:16694 CDC42SE1 SCIP1|SPEC1 CDC42 small effector 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30480 chr6 129994130 129994198 + 6.84676 NA intron (NM_033515, intron 1 of 14) MIR3|SINE|MIR 37206 NM_033515 93663 Hs.486458 NM_033515 HPRD:12474 ARHGAP18 MacGAP|SENEX|bA307O14.2 Rho GTPase activating protein 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38768 chrX 135578947 135579097 + 6.84649 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001163280) promoter-TSS (NM_001163280) -216 NM_001163280 27336 Hs.204475 NM_014500 HPRD:02282 HTATSF1 TAT-SF1|TATSF1|dJ196E23.2 HIV-1 Tat specific factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27840 chr5 96130583 96130693 + 6.84649 NA intron (NM_001040458, intron 5 of 18) intron (NM_001040458, intron 5 of 18) 13254 NM_001040458 51752 Hs.666524 NM_016442 HPRD:06015 ERAP1 A-LAP|ALAP|APPILS|ARTS-1|ARTS1|ERAAP|ERAAP1|PILS-AP|PILSAP endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12316 chr16 3208716 3208795 + 6.84649 NA Intergenic CpG 23621 NM_001134655 7760 Hs.115284 NM_004220 HPRD:12224 ZNF213 CR53|ZKSCAN21|ZSCAN53 zinc finger protein 213 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35801 chr9 88330698 88330764 + 6.84649 NA intron (NM_015239, intron 1 of 25) L2|LINE|L2 26213 NM_001286715 23287 Hs.719980 NM_015239 HPRD:08442 AGTPBP1 CCP1|NNA1 ATP/GTP binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28331 chr5 139305621 139305711 + 6.84649 NA intron (NM_001184935, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001184935, intron 1 of 7) 117218 NM_004883 9542 Hs.408515 NM_004883 HPRD:04821 NRG2 DON1|HRG2|NTAK neuregulin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36520 chr9 140196724 140196838 + 6.84649 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001004354) promoter-TSS (NM_001004354) -78 NM_001004354 441478 Hs.535075 NM_001004354 HPRD:17564 NRARP - NOTCH-regulated ankyrin repeat protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24513 chr4 2736783 2736852 + 6.84649 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 20935 NM_001161527 79155 Hs.368551 NM_024309 HPRD:18207 TNIP2 ABIN2|FLIP1|KLIP TNFAIP3 interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4092 chr10 39135819 39135899 + 6.84624 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 146132 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3211 chr1 228747826 228747927 + 6.84577 NA Intergenic CpG -32518 NR_037962 58480 Hs.647774 NM_021205 HPRD:06965 RHOU ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K ras homolog family member U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21122 chr21 10777650 10777737 + 6.84391 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 213250 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27871 chr5 98862689 98862788 + 6.84008 NA Intergenic THE1B-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -6956 NR_110562 102724855 Hs.519477 NR_110562 CTD-2151A2.1 - uncharacterized LOC102724855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14864 chr17 79790077 79790216 + 6.83840 NA intron (NM_001288798, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001288798, intron 1 of 6) 1024 NM_001093767 348262 Hs.514632 NM_207368 HPRD:14179 FAM195B - family with sequence similarity 195, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37367 chrX 20281543 20281619 + 6.83840 NA intron (NM_004586, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_004586, intron 1 of 21) 3169 NM_004586 6197 Hs.445387 NM_004586 HPRD:02092 RPS6KA3 CLS|HU-3|ISPK-1|MAPKAPK1B|MRX19|RSK|RSK2|S6K-alpha3|p90-RSK2|pp90RSK2 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kDa, polypeptide 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13205 chr16 67596620 67596766 + 6.83439 NA intron (NM_006565, intron 1 of 11) CpG 383 NM_001191022 10664 Hs.368367 NM_006565 HPRD:05005 CTCF MRD21 CCCTC-binding factor (zinc finger protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3419 chr1 245026359 245026739 + 6.83341 NA intron (NM_004501, intron 1 of 13) CpG 1278 NM_004501 3192 Hs.106212 NM_004501 HPRD:04185 HNRNPU HNRPU|SAF-A|U21.1|hnRNP U heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (scaffold attachment factor A) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3419-2 chr1 245026359 245026739 + 6.83341 NA intron (NM_004501, intron 1 of 13) CpG 1278 NM_004501 3192 Hs.106212 NM_004501 HPRD:04185 HNRNPU HNRPU|SAF-A|U21.1|hnRNP U heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (scaffold attachment factor A) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38074 chrX 71398840 71399245 + 6.83154 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -2484 NM_001170747 5303 Hs.655623 NM_006223 HPRD:02219 PIN4 EPVH|PAR14|PAR17 protein (peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting, 4 (parvulin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27825 chr5 95170821 95170899 + 6.83098 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12283 NM_001118890 2745 Hs.28988 NM_002064 HPRD:02707 GLRX GRX|GRX1 glutaredoxin (thioltransferase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35833 chr9 90373741 90373830 + 6.83061 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -14045 NR_027917 392360 Hs.690450 NM_001023564 HPRD:18619 CTSL3P CTSL3|HCTSL-s cathepsin L family member 3, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18561 chr2 99065020 99065209 + 6.83061 NA intron (NM_001134225, intron 1 of 24) L1MC4|LINE|L1 3793 NM_001134224 3631 Hs.469386 NM_001566 HPRD:02949 INPP4A INPP4|TVAS1 inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type I, 107kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24301 chr3 187717740 187717887 + 6.83061 NA Intergenic Intergenic -153848 NM_001167672 4026 Hs.720220 NM_005578 HPRD:02828 LPP - LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31334 chr7 13311928 13312034 + 6.83061 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 585070 NM_005738 10124 Hs.245540 NM_005738 HPRD:11987 ARL4A ARL4 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2711 chr1 192522004 192522074 + 6.83061 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22818 NM_002922 5996 Hs.75256 NM_002922 HPRD:15968 RGS1 1R20|BL34|HEL-S-87|IER1|IR20 regulator of G-protein signaling 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23908 chr3 152027868 152027960 + 6.82956 NA intron (NM_207292, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_207292, intron 2 of 8) 10720 NM_207295 4154 Hs.201858 NM_021038 HPRD:07355 MBNL1 EXP|EXP35|EXP40|EXP42|MBNL muscleblind-like splicing regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32934 chr7 143412346 143412441 + 6.82956 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130026) promoter-TSS (NM_001130026) -546 NM_001130026 285966 Hs.743565 NM_173678 HPRD:07117 FAM115C FAM139A family with sequence similarity 115, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13049 chr16 56188850 56189002 + 6.82956 NA intron (NR_027078, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 36080 NR_027078 283856 Hs.707433 NR_027078 ENSG00000246379 LOC283856 - uncharacterized LOC283856 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11324 chr15 34330882 34330962 + 6.82956 NA intron (NM_020371, intron 1 of 5) CpG 381 NM_020371 57099 Hs.555966 NM_020371 HPRD:05588 AVEN PDCD12 apoptosis, caspase activation inhibitor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38170 chrX 76315450 76315520 + 6.82956 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -80528 NR_110406 101928469 Hs.640805 NR_110400 MIR325HG MIR384HG MIR325 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30124 chr6 96605061 96605136 + 6.82956 NA intron (NM_006581, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_006581, intron 2 of 2) 141253 NM_006581 10690 Hs.49117 NM_006581 HPRD:06036 FUT9 Fuc-TIX fucosyltransferase 9 (alpha (1,3) fucosyltransferase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14343 chr17 42143954 42144127 + 6.82956 NA 5' UTR (NM_152344, exon 2 of 6) 5' UTR (NM_152344, exon 2 of 6) 947 NM_152344 124801 Hs.355570 NM_152344 HPRD:08701 LSM12 PNAS-135 LSM12 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30938 chr6 159389288 159389536 + 6.82956 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu 31786 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21527 chr21 47554348 47554550 + 6.82642 NA Intergenic (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 21032 NM_006657 10841 Hs.415846 NM_006657 HPRD:08430 FTCD LCHC1 formimidoyltransferase cyclodeaminase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13353 chr16 78829001 78829130 + 6.82642 NA intron (NM_001291997, intron 7 of 7) MIR|SINE|MIR 695755 NR_120435 51741 Hs.461453 NM_016373 HPRD:05501 WWOX D16S432E|FOR|FRA16D|HHCMA56|PRO0128|SCAR12|SDR41C1|WOX1 WW domain containing oxidoreductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21639 chr22 19804904 19804978 + 6.82642 NA intron (NM_053004, intron 4 of 7) AluSc5|SINE|Alu 37430 NM_024627 79680 Hs.105642 NM_024627 HPRD:13382 C22orf29 BOP chromosome 22 open reading frame 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18090 chr2 73949033 73949104 + 6.82642 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 15449 NM_016058 51002 Hs.157401 NM_016058 ENSG00000144034 TPRKB - TP53RK binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33811 chr8 48616638 48616785 + 6.82642 NA intron (NR_104581, intron 11 of 16) intron (NR_104581, intron 11 of 16) 34015 NM_005195 1052 Hs.440829 NM_005195 CEBPD C/EBP-delta|CELF|CRP3|NF-IL6-beta CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18534 chr2 97779509 97779715 + 6.82175 NA exon (NM_001164315, exon 1 of 76) exon (NM_001164315, exon 1 of 76) 379 NM_001164315 375248 Hs.541894 NM_198555 HPRD:16492 ANKRD36 UNQ2430 ankyrin repeat domain 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2258 chr1 158900393 158900540 + 6.82171 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198930) promoter-TSS (NM_198930) -871 NM_152501 149628 Hs.710248 NM_152501 HPRD:09999 PYHIN1 IFIX pyrin and HIN domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14531 chr17 55677585 55677729 + 6.82171 NA TTS (NR_110807) TTS (NR_110807) 8116 NR_110807 101927539 Hs.680439 NR_110807 ENSG00000263499 LOC101927539 - uncharacterized LOC101927539 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17084 chr19 55592850 55592978 + 6.82171 NA intron (NM_133180, intron 8 of 19) CpG-14394 1154 NM_017729 54869 Hs.438862 NM_017729 HPRD:13276 EPS8L1 DRC3|EPS8R1 EPS8-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10451 chr14 53161578 53161675 + 6.82171 NA intron (NM_014584, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_014584, intron 1 of 15) 793 NM_014584 30001 Hs.592304 NM_014584 ERO1L ERO1-alpha|ERO1A|ERO1LA ERO1-like (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13642 chr17 2295975 2296128 + 6.81783 NA intron (NM_020310, intron 4 of 5) CpG 8207 NM_020310 4335 Hs.626579 NM_020310 HPRD:04331 MNT MAD6|MXD6|ROX|bHLHd3 MAX network transcriptional repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20645 chr20 32582286 32582354 + 6.81783 NA promoter-TSS (NR_109886) promoter-TSS (NR_109886) -147 NR_109885 101926888 Hs.405849 NR_109885 ENSG00000228265 RALY-AS1 - RALY antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28731 chr5 171538419 171538509 + 6.81783 NA intron (NM_005990, intron 4 of 18) intron (NM_005990, intron 4 of 18) 76882 NM_005990 6793 Hs.744005 NM_005990 HPRD:06796 STK10 LOK|PRO2729 serine/threonine kinase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3921 chr10 31608134 31608219 + 6.81553 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001174096) promoter-TSS (NM_001174096) 75 NM_001174095 6935 Hs.124503 NM_030751 HPRD:01798 ZEB1 AREB6|BZP|DELTAEF1|FECD6|NIL2A|PPCD3|TCF8|ZFHEP|ZFHX1A zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5649 chr11 12257798 12258024 + 6.81230 NA intron (NM_001282665, intron 15 of 21) intron (NM_001282665, intron 15 of 21) -50536 NM_032867 84953 Hs.128196 NM_032867 HPRD:08610 MICALCL Ebitein1 MICAL C-terminal like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6459 chr11 66085397 66085567 + 6.81230 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020404) promoter-TSS (NM_020404) -967 NM_020404 57124 Hs.195727 NM_020404 HPRD:06933 CD248 CD164L1|TEM1 CD248 molecule, endosialin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26327 chr4 161495845 161495925 + 6.81230 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 1306887 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4853 chr10 98411782 98411882 + 6.81230 NA intron (NM_152309, intron 4 of 16) intron (NM_152309, intron 4 of 16) -65023 NM_020123 56889 Hs.500674 NM_020123 HPRD:18073 TM9SF3 EP70-P-iso|SMBP transmembrane 9 superfamily member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4037 chr10 38870914 38870985 + 6.81125 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite -118778 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29632 chr6 44969583 44969676 + 6.80733 NA intron (NM_003599, intron 6 of 10) intron (NM_003599, intron 6 of 10) 195878 NR_030313 693171 NR_030313 MIR586 MIRN586|hsa-mir-586 microRNA 586 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19234 chr2 161570119 161570274 + 6.80733 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -219878 NM_002897 5937 Hs.470412 NM_002897 HPRD:03814 RBMS1 C2orf12|HCC-4|MSSP|MSSP-1|MSSP-2|MSSP-3|SCR2|YC1 RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17486 chr2 23452623 23452775 + 6.80733 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -155599 NM_052920 114818 Hs.130593 NM_025067 ENSG00000119771 KLHL29 KBTBD9 kelch-like family member 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29914 chr6 78024935 78025001 + 6.80733 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 148152 NM_000863 3351 Hs.123016 NM_000863 HTR1B 5-HT1B|5-HT1DB|HTR1D2|HTR1DB|S12 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1B, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15362 chr18 46747772 46747910 + 6.80733 NA intron (NM_017653, intron 13 of 16) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -171703 NR_039898 100616420 NR_039898 MIR4744 - microRNA 4744 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31953 chr7 62054804 62054871 + 6.80733 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 709597 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5090 chr10 115145066 115145143 + 6.80733 NA Intergenic Intergenic -165486 NM_001177660 3026 Hs.422542 NM_004132 HPRD:04890 HABP2 FSAP|HABP|HGFAL|PHBP hyaluronan binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38679 chrX 130379927 130380023 + 6.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 43060 NM_001170963 3547 Hs.22111 NM_001555 HPRD:02138 IGSF1 CHTE|IGCD1|IGDC1|INHBP|PGSF2|p120 immunoglobulin superfamily, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34678 chr8 134769416 134769482 + 6.80640 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 20146 NR_125422 101927798 Hs.615036 NR_125422 ENSG00000253165 LOC101927798 - uncharacterized LOC101927798 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36226 chr9 125629299 125629428 + 6.80640 NA intron (NM_001100588, intron 9 of 20) SVA_D|Other|Other 13235 NR_003071 692206 Hs.693253 NR_003071 SNORD90 HBII-295 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 90 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37650 chrX 51838696 51838782 + 6.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -26371 NM_001242362 81557 Hs.522650 NM_030801 HPRD:06631 MAGED4B - melanoma antigen family D, 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28892 chr6 236010 236240 + 6.80640 NA Intergenic CT-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -55932 NR_104475 56940 Hs.29106 NM_020185 HPRD:13255 DUSP22 JKAP|JSP-1|JSP1|LMW-DSP2|LMWDSP2|MKP-x|MKPX|VHX dual specificity phosphatase 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37289 chrX 13155993 13156059 + 6.80640 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -93109 NM_174901 171484 Hs.667546 NM_174901 HPRD:06507 FAM9C TEX39C family with sequence similarity 9, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5700 chr11 14665253 14665321 + 6.80640 NA promoter-TSS (NM_148976) promoter-TSS (NM_148976) 18 NM_000922 5140 Hs.445711 NM_000922 HPRD:03626 PDE3B HcGIP1|cGIPDE1 phosphodiesterase 3B, cGMP-inhibited protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3876 chr10 28622414 28622566 + 6.80448 NA Intergenic Intergenic -44211 NR_107053 102465880 NR_107053 MIR8086 hsa-mir-8086 microRNA 8086 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28793 chr5 176730718 176730821 + 6.79581 NA promoter-TSS (NM_130781) promoter-TSS (NM_130781) 6 NM_013237 27166 Hs.744904 NM_013237 HPRD:16149 PRELID1 PRELI|PX19|SBBI12 PRELI domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27007 chr5 39074444 39074539 + 6.79416 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152756) promoter-TSS (NM_152756) 19 NM_001285440 253260 Hs.407926 NM_152756 HPRD:10682 RICTOR AVO3|PIA|hAVO3 RPTOR independent companion of MTOR, complex 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5337 chr10 134063862 134064046 + 6.79416 NA intron (NM_173575, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_173575, intron 1 of 11) 57523 NM_173575 282974 Hs.469002 NM_173575 HPRD:18119 STK32C PKE|YANK3 serine/threonine kinase 32C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16169 chr19 18043414 18043537 + 6.79416 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001136203) promoter-TSS (NM_001136203) -349 NM_001136203 115098 Hs.100043 NM_138442 HPRD:14008 CCDC124 - coiled-coil domain containing 124 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12472 chr16 18872227 18872479 + 6.79416 NA intron (NM_015092, intron 25 of 62) intron (NM_015092, intron 25 of 62) -59496 NM_015161 23204 Hs.634882 NM_015161 HPRD:09641 ARL6IP1 AIP1|ARL6IP|ARMER|SPG61 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11151 chr15 20310443 20310581 + 6.78801 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -177485 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29923 chr6 78627032 78627105 + 6.78628 NA intron (NM_001282136, intron 3 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 226695 NM_001282136 101928601 NM_001282136 MEI4 - meiosis-specific 4 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23189 chr3 88555886 88555955 + 6.78628 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -356904 NM_001195308 8545 Hs.444818 NM_003663 HPRD:04529 CGGBP1 CGGBP|p20-CGGBP CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14739 chr17 73238526 73238644 + 6.78628 NA intron (NM_001291642, intron 4 of 13) intron (NM_001291642, intron 4 of 13) 19157 NM_014001 23163 Hs.87726 NM_014001 HPRD:10443 GGA3 - golgi-associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19424 chr2 177134106 177134218 + 6.78628 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006554) promoter-TSS (NM_006554) 39 NM_006554 10651 Hs.470728 NM_006554 HPRD:09777 MTX2 - metaxin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20924 chr20 52824348 52824439 + 6.78628 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002623) promoter-TSS (NM_002623) -109 NM_002623 5203 Hs.91161 NM_002623 HPRD:05358 PFDN4 C1|PFD4 prefoldin subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7732 chr12 27560390 27560563 + 6.78628 NA intron (NM_001248002, intron 13 of 15) L1PA4|LINE|L1 39091 NR_109975 101928646 Hs.434269 NR_109975 ENSG00000245311 ARNTL2-AS1 - ARNTL2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38603 chrX 123890931 123891007 + 6.78541 NA intron (NM_001163278, intron 3 of 31) L1PA3|LINE|L1 206697 NM_001163279 10178 Hs.23796 NM_014253 HPRD:06669 TENM1 ODZ1|ODZ3|TEN-M1|TNM|TNM1 teneurin transmembrane protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5248 chr10 128572692 128572825 + 6.78541 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -21220 NM_001290223 1793 Hs.159195 NM_001380 HPRD:03240 DOCK1 DOCK180|ced5 dedicator of cytokinesis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15784 chr19 4060115 4060203 + 6.78466 NA intron (NM_015898, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_015898, intron 1 of 2) 6657 NM_015898 51341 Hs.591384 NM_015898 HPRD:10433 ZBTB7A FBI-1|FBI1|LRF|ZBTB7|ZNF857A|pokemon zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28789 chr5 176433733 176433904 + 6.78466 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199297) promoter-TSS (NM_001199297) -23 NM_001199298 51720 Hs.232721 NM_016290 HPRD:11482 UIMC1 RAP80|X2HRIP110 ubiquitin interaction motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31888 chr7 61640931 61640997 + 6.78458 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1123470 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12615 chr16 29440056 29440143 + 6.78151 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20567 NR_002454 606724 Hs.744975 NR_002454 LOC606724 - coronin, actin binding protein, 1A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16668 chr19 41196950 41197022 + 6.77598 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004756) promoter-TSS (NM_004756) -423 NM_004756 9253 Hs.326953 NM_004756 NUMBL CAG3A|CTG3a|NBL|NUMB-R|NUMBLIKE|NUMBR|TNRC23 numb homolog (Drosophila)-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13942 chr17 19016165 19016238 + 6.77167 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14581 NM_001129778 400581 Hs.661470 NM_001129778 GRAPL - GRB2-related adaptor protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17578 chr2 28633172 28633398 + 6.77054 NA intron (NM_005253, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_005253, intron 3 of 3) -15746 NR_103831 403150 Hs.562970 NR_103831 ENSG00000229951 FLJ31356 - uncharacterized protein FLJ31356 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21751 chr22 21868533 21868664 + 6.76887 NA intron (NR_003700, intron 1 of 16) intron (NR_003700, intron 1 of 16) 3182 NR_003700 375133 Hs.448225 NR_003700 HPRD:14194 PI4KAP2 - phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, catalytic, alpha pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22917 chr3 57261612 57261763 + 6.76652 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012096) promoter-TSS (NM_012096) -78 NM_012096 26060 Hs.476415 NM_012096 HPRD:05053 APPL1 APPL|DIP13alpha adaptor protein, phosphotyrosine interaction, PH domain and leucine zipper containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14428 chr17 45737503 45737600 + 6.76652 NA intron (NM_001276453, intron 4 of 20) L1MB2|LINE|L1 8989 NM_001276453 3837 Hs.532793 NM_002265 KPNB1 IMB1|IPO1|IPOB|Impnb|NTF97 karyopherin (importin) beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10711 chr14 73650918 73651352 + 6.76652 NA intron (NM_000021, intron 5 of 11) SVA_F|Other|Other 47992 NM_007318 5663 Hs.3260 NM_000021 HPRD:00087 PSEN1 AD3|FAD|PS-1|PS1|S182 presenilin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34758 chr8 142211788 142211859 + 6.76652 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 26850 NM_001080431 57210 Hs.372492 NM_001080431 ENSG00000022567 SLC45A4 - solute carrier family 45, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31271 chr7 7042036 7042106 + 6.76652 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 94346 NR_034022 100131257 Hs.551110 NR_034022 LOC100131257 - zinc finger protein 655 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39076 chrY 10075647 10075733 + 6.76652 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 327283 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22252 chr3 6632555 6632627 + 6.76652 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 214545 NR_110123 101927347 Hs.333345 NR_110123 ENSG00000226258 GRM7-AS3 - GRM7 antisense RNA 3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26078 chr4 138089205 138089442 + 6.76652 NA Intergenic (TATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 364329 NM_019035 54510 Hs.591691 NM_019035 HPRD:12205 PCDH18 PCDH68L protocadherin 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38623 chrX 125521888 125522067 + 6.76652 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 164865 NM_178470 139170 Hs.120403 NM_178470 HPRD:06604 DCAF12L1 KIAA1892L|WDR40B DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 12-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17387 chr2 10760722 10761025 + 6.76351 NA intron (NR_048552, intron 12 of 19) intron (NR_048552, intron 12 of 19) 69240 NM_024894 79954 Hs.222494 NM_024894 HPRD:07849 NOL10 PQBP5 nucleolar protein 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3608 chr10 6549471 6549595 + 6.76351 NA intron (NM_001282644, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_001282644, intron 3 of 17) 72730 NM_001282644 5588 Hs.498570 NM_006257 HPRD:02710 PRKCQ PRKCT|nPKC-theta protein kinase C, theta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33059 chr7 154861821 154861944 + 6.76351 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024012) promoter-TSS (NM_024012) -152 NM_024012 3361 Hs.65791 NM_024012 HTR5A 5-HT5A 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 5A, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31278 chr7 7585537 7585603 + 6.76351 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -10110 NM_001037763 340267 Hs.491104 NM_001037763 ENSG00000215018 COL28A1 COL28 collagen, type XXVIII, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23375 chr3 106328647 106328797 + 6.76351 NA Intergenic Intergenic 630763 NR_028303 100302640 Hs.648607 NR_028303 ENSG00000242759 LINC00882 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 882 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7743 chr12 27637047 27637144 + 6.76351 NA intron (NM_001145010, intron 5 of 8) AluSx|SINE|Alu 17352 NM_001145010 341346 Hs.282121 NM_001145010 ENSG00000165935 SMCO2 C12orf70 single-pass membrane protein with coiled-coil domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16729 chr19 43222353 43222445 + 6.76351 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 22269 NM_021016 5671 Hs.654413 NM_021016 HPRD:08892 PSG3 - pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13542 chr16 89940420 89940497 + 6.76351 NA intron (NM_014972, intron 1 of 17) CpG 464 NM_014972 22980 Hs.415342 NM_014972 HPRD:13830 TCF25 Hulp1|NULP1|PRO2620|hKIAA1049 transcription factor 25 (basic helix-loop-helix) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35888 chr9 94977200 94977266 + 6.76351 NA intron (NR_073446, intron 32 of 32) L1PA2|LINE|L1 73484 NR_027341 158314 Hs.149940 NR_027341 LINC00475 C9orf44 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 475 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10652 chr14 68750229 68750422 + 6.76351 NA intron (NM_133510, intron 7 of 10) intron (NM_133510, intron 7 of 10) 463829 NM_133510 5890 Hs.172587 NM_002877 HPRD:04255 RAD51B R51H2|RAD51L1|REC2 RAD51 paralog B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11619 chr15 56335599 56335672 + 6.76351 NA Intergenic Intergenic -49691 NM_006154 4734 Hs.1565 NM_006154 HPRD:03786 NEDD4 NEDD4-1|RPF1 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36816 chrUn_gl000217 108293 108396 + 6.76237 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18337 chr2 90379209 90379343 + 6.75869 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 1267392 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22673 chr3 42054395 42054553 + 6.75779 NA Intergenic Intergenic -50814 NM_017886 54986 Hs.656192 NM_017886 HPRD:07928 ULK4 FAM7C1|REC01035 unc-51 like kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30552 chr6 135853193 135853397 + 6.75779 NA intron (NR_026805, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_026805, intron 1 of 3) 34356 NR_026805 100131814 Hs.734007 NR_026805 ENSG00000231028 LINC00271 C6orf217|NCRNA00271 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 271 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29514 chr6 36953889 36954087 + 6.75779 NA 5' UTR (NM_001271641, exon 1 of 12) 5' UTR (NM_001271641, exon 1 of 12) 339 NM_001271641 23787 Hs.485262 NM_014341 HPRD:14787 MTCH1 CGI-64|PIG60|PSAP|SLC25A49 mitochondrial carrier 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23042 chr3 67704983 67705056 + 6.75779 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001177599) promoter-TSS (NM_001177599) 19 NM_003848 8801 Hs.644919 NM_003848 HPRD:06799 SUCLG2 GBETA succinate-CoA ligase, GDP-forming, beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3484 chr1 249120387 249120549 + 6.75259 NA promoter-TSS (NR_036070) promoter-TSS (NR_036070) -108 NR_036070 100422879 NR_036070 miRBase:MI0014140 MIR3124 - microRNA 3124 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37866 chrX 61894821 61894998 + 6.75259 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 676309 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12992 chr16 48644053 48644237 + 6.74817 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153029) promoter-TSS (NM_153029) -25 NM_153029 9683 Hs.511839 NM_153029 HPRD:08109 N4BP1 - NEDD4 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19310 chr2 169031353 169031553 + 6.74665 NA intron (NM_013233, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_013233, intron 2 of 17) 72652 NM_013233 27347 Hs.276271 NM_013233 HPRD:09627 STK39 DCHT|PASK|SPAK serine threonine kinase 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5202 chr10 126441743 126441824 + 6.74665 NA Intergenic AluSc8|SINE|Alu -8853 NM_014661 9679 Hs.129195 NM_014661 HPRD:13314 FAM53B KIAA0140|bA12J10.2 family with sequence similarity 53, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37888 chrX 63124067 63124230 + 6.74665 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -118181 NR_031567 100302115 NR_031567 miRBase:MI0003782 MIR1468 MIRN1468|hsa-mir-1468 microRNA 1468 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37348 chrX 18128757 18128825 + 6.74665 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 110233 NM_153346 139105 Hs.403802 NM_153346 HPRD:06646 BEND2 CXorf20 BEN domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14251 chr17 38020530 38020629 + 6.74665 NA promoter-TSS (NM_183230) promoter-TSS (NM_183230) -138 NM_012481 22806 Hs.371680 NM_012481 IKZF3 AIO|AIOLOS|ZNFN1A3 IKAROS family zinc finger 3 (Aiolos) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28965 chr6 4942528 4942655 + 6.74665 NA intron (NR_026590, intron 6 of 8) intron (NR_026590, intron 6 of 8) 52365 NM_001143971 9425 Hs.269092 NM_004824 HPRD:04803 CDYL CDYL1 chromodomain protein, Y-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18258 chr2 87656016 87656189 + 6.74413 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -98872 NR_024204 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28833 chr5 178531516 178531582 + 6.74144 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 43942 NM_014594 30832 Hs.272328 NM_014594 HPRD:15785 ZNF354C KID3 zinc finger protein 354C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38288 chrX 89530996 89531179 + 6.74144 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 354147 NM_138960 90316 Hs.592220 NM_138960 HPRD:02328 TGIF2LX TGIFLX TGFB-induced factor homeobox 2-like, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_524 chr1 31050290 31050396 + 6.74144 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -141276 NR_034182 100129196 Hs.659751 NR_034182 ENSG00000186056 MATN1-AS1 - MATN1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20100 chr2 234736020 234736086 + 6.74144 NA intron (NM_001287395, intron 35 of 41) L1PA10|LINE|L1 27159 NM_018410 55355 Hs.532968 NM_018410 ENSG00000123485 HJURP FAKTS|URLC9|hFLEG1 Holliday junction recognition protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10502 chr14 57579333 57579400 + 6.74144 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -156240 NM_018229 55745 Hs.597349 NM_018229 HPRD:12630 AP5M1 C14orf108|MUDENG|Mu5|MuD adaptor-related protein complex 5, mu 1 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15463 chr18 57972192 57972258 + 6.74144 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 67776 NM_005912 4160 Hs.532833 NM_005912 HPRD:01116 MC4R - melanocortin 4 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6969 chr11 109054042 109054108 + 6.74144 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -238771 NM_207645 399947 Hs.172982 NM_207645 HPRD:14218 C11orf87 LOH11CR1A|NEURIM1 chromosome 11 open reading frame 87 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2760 chr1 198136554 198136807 + 6.73977 NA intron (NM_133494, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_133494, intron 1 of 9) 10572 NM_133494 140609 Hs.24119 NM_133494 HPRD:06027 NEK7 - NIMA-related kinase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11472 chr15 44039157 44039263 + 6.73814 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002318) promoter-TSS (NR_002318) 620 NM_005313 2923 Hs.591095 NM_005313 HPRD:03625 PDIA3 ER60|ERp57|ERp60|ERp61|GRP57|GRP58|HEL-S-269|HEL-S-93n|HsT17083|P58|PI-PLC protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22180 chr22 50946479 50946692 + 6.73814 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014551) promoter-TSS (NM_014551) -60 NM_014551 29781 Hs.730607 NM_014551 ENSG00000025770 NCAPH2 CAPH2 non-SMC condensin II complex, subunit H2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13621 chr17 1592644 1592742 + 6.73814 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -4517 NM_006445 10594 Hs.181368 NM_006445 HPRD:06295 PRPF8 HPRP8|PRP8|PRPC8|RP13|SNRNP220 pre-mRNA processing factor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18358 chr2 90485043 90485224 + 6.73684 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 1362842 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_265 chr1 16405612 16405842 + 6.72679 NA Intergenic MER91A|DNA|hAT-Tip100 -5600 NM_182623 348487 Hs.126825 NM_182623 HPRD:08779 FAM131C C1orf117 family with sequence similarity 131, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22248 chr3 6383039 6383107 + 6.72679 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 464063 NR_110123 101927347 Hs.333345 NR_110123 ENSG00000226258 GRM7-AS3 - GRM7 antisense RNA 3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26352 chr4 165486516 165486587 + 6.72679 NA intron (NR_049864, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 60009 NR_049864 100847071 NR_049864 miRBase:MI0019285 MIR5684 - microRNA 5684 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13757 chr17 6444013 6444197 + 6.72679 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 1 of 19) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 15772 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7005 chr11 112160799 112160986 + 6.72679 NA Intergenic CpG -29309 NM_001145024 349633 Hs.632097 NM_001145024 ENSG00000188771 PLET1 C11orf34 placenta expressed transcript 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1518 chr1 111215412 111215575 + 6.72259 NA 3' UTR (NM_002232, exon 1 of 1) 3' UTR (NM_002232, exon 1 of 1) 583 NR_109845 3738 Hs.169948 NM_002232 HPRD:15937 KCNA3 HGK5|HLK3|HPCN3|HUKIII|KV1.3|MK3|PCN3 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12905 chr16 35225878 35225963 + 6.72243 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 244997 NR_033985 400533 Hs.499135 NR_033985 ENSG00000261122 FLJ26245 - uncharacterized LOC400533 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18369 chr2 91600667 91600832 + 6.72191 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 247226 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31073 chr6 169582139 169582216 + 6.72176 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 72032 NM_003247 7058 Hs.371147 NM_003247 HPRD:01766 THBS2 TSP2 thrombospondin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38480 chrX 109245814 109245949 + 6.72176 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017698) promoter-TSS (NM_017698) 18 NM_017698 84187 Hs.496572 NM_017698 HPRD:06539 TMEM164 bB360B22.3 transmembrane protein 164 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11284 chr15 30989617 30989784 + 6.72176 NA intron (NR_038254, intron 1 of 4) L1MC4a|LINE|L1 38780 NR_038255 100288637 Hs.668950 NR_038253 ENSG00000187951 LOC100288637 - OTU deubiquitinase 7A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20410 chr20 12565489 12565702 + 6.72150 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 352016 NR_109872 102606466 Hs.602196 NR_109872 LOC102606466 - uncharacterized LOC102606466 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10699 chr14 71902070 71902281 + 6.72005 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 37121 NR_001276 319139 NR_001276 ENSG00000207444 SNORD56B RNU56B small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 56B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28025 chr5 112630617 112630760 + 6.72005 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002387) promoter-TSS (NM_002387) -76 NM_002387 4163 Hs.593171 NM_002387 HPRD:01157 MCC MCC1 mutated in colorectal cancers protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28167 chr5 128273779 128273931 + 6.72005 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -27355 NM_014031 28965 Hs.49765 NM_014031 HPRD:09173 SLC27A6 ACSVL2|FACVL2|FATP6|VLCS-H1 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7430 chr12 8549997 8550081 + 6.72005 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -6691 NR_024420 389634 Hs.434403 NM_001012988 HPRD:18395 LINC00937 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 937 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34405 chr8 109480812 109480923 + 6.72005 NA intron (NM_014673, intron 5 of 10) intron (NM_014673, intron 5 of 10) 25014 NM_014673 9694 Hs.654351 NM_014673 HPRD:09657 EMC2 KIAA0103|TTC35 ER membrane protein complex subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2013 chr1 149133343 149133415 + 6.72005 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -23654 NR_104217 101929780 Hs.534675 NR_104217 NBPF25P WI2-925H4.1 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 25, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3927 chr10 31737626 31737827 + 6.72005 NA intron (NM_001128128, intron 1 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 127662 NM_001174094 6935 Hs.124503 NM_030751 HPRD:01798 ZEB1 AREB6|BZP|DELTAEF1|FECD6|NIL2A|PPCD3|TCF8|ZFHEP|ZFHX1A zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11147 chr15 20306259 20306575 + 6.71982 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -181580 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21557 chr22 16850696 16850774 + 6.71494 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 222965 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1186 chr1 84153820 84153945 + 6.71419 NA intron (NR_119375, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 172347 NR_119374 101927560 Hs.559661 NR_119374 ENSG00000233008 LOC101927560 - uncharacterized LOC101927560 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1626 chr1 119374589 119374664 + 6.70714 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 157553 NM_152380 6913 Hs.146196 NM_152380 HPRD:16035 TBX15 TBX14 T-box 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26437 chr4 175905145 175905368 + 6.70714 NA Intergenic SVA_A|Other|Other 65747 NM_001278126 11086 Hs.126838 NM_014269 HPRD:05306 ADAM29 CT73|svph1 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5787 chr11 22668771 22668837 + 6.70714 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -19356 NM_001143830 2620 Hs.711297 NM_005256 HPRD:04158 GAS2 - growth arrest-specific 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3791 chr10 21822653 21822740 + 6.70714 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195628) promoter-TSS (NM_001195628) -405 NM_001195627 8028 Hs.30385 NM_004641 HPRD:03874 MLLT10 AF10 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31062 chr6 169309852 169310063 + 6.70714 NA Intergenic CpG 344252 NM_003247 7058 Hs.371147 NM_003247 HPRD:01766 THBS2 TSP2 thrombospondin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20603 chr20 30102217 30102299 + 6.70714 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030789) promoter-TSS (NM_030789) 45 NM_178582 81502 Hs.373741 NM_030789 HPRD:06166 HM13 H13|IMP1|IMPAS|IMPAS-1|MSTP086|PSENL3|PSL3|SPP|SPPL1|dJ324O17.1 histocompatibility (minor) 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20343 chr20 3801124 3801483 + 6.70487 NA 5' UTR (NM_018347, exon 1 of 3) 5' UTR (NM_018347, exon 1 of 3) 132 NM_018347 55317 Hs.104806 NM_018347 HPRD:16649 AP5S1 C20orf29 adaptor-related protein complex 5, sigma 1 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23893 chr3 150927568 150927640 + 6.70397 NA intron (NM_053002, intron 14 of 42) intron (NM_053002, intron 14 of 42) -6616 NM_013308 29909 Hs.549152 NM_013308 HPRD:17071 GPR171 H963 G protein-coupled receptor 171 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25420 chr4 76580910 76581007 + 6.70397 NA exon (NM_203505, exon 6 of 12) exon (NM_203505, exon 6 of 12) 17385 NM_012297 9908 Hs.303676 NM_012297 HPRD:06570 G3BP2 - GTPase activating protein (SH3 domain) binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30539 chr6 134561915 134562043 + 6.70397 NA intron (NM_001143676, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_001143676, intron 2 of 13) -62969 NM_001143677 6446 Hs.510078 NM_005627 HPRD:04264 SGK1 SGK serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23960 chr3 156391657 156391789 + 6.70311 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001184717) promoter-TSS (NM_001184717) -482 NM_015508 25976 Hs.744050 NM_015508 HPRD:18192 TIPARP ARTD14|PARP7|pART14 TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30744 chr6 148799003 148799088 + 6.69816 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 7 of 19) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 135316 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36183 chr9 122821152 122821218 + 6.69816 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 186143 NR_029604 406939 NR_029604 miRBase:MI0000262 MIR147A MIR147|MIRN147|hsa-mir-147a microRNA 147a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30335 chr6 114180149 114180310 + 6.69816 NA intron (NM_002356, intron 1 of 1) CpG 1702 NM_002356 4082 Hs.519909 NM_002356 HPRD:07519 MARCKS 80K-L|MACS|PKCSL|PRKCSL myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28375 chr5 140610588 140610790 + 6.69816 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -3249 NR_001281 54660 Hs.676071 NR_001281 ENSG00000146001 PCDHB18 PCDH-psi2 protocadherin beta 18 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33816 chr8 49231441 49231531 + 6.69816 NA Intergenic Intergenic -232641 NR_105002 101929268 Hs.683934 NR_105002 ENSG00000253608 LOC101929268 - uncharacterized LOC101929268 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3585 chr10 5290489 5290681 + 6.69816 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 51787 NM_001818 1109 Hs.567245 NM_001818 HPRD:07040 AKR1C4 3-alpha-HSD|C11|CDR|CHDR|DD-4|DD4|HAKRA aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37432 chrX 28166214 28166282 + 6.69816 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -166682 NM_001017930 139425 Hs.447365 NM_001017930 HPRD:18551 DCAF8L1 WDR42B DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 8-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19415 chr2 176019451 176019519 + 6.69816 NA intron (NM_001256091, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_001256091, intron 1 of 13) 12952 NR_030630 100126350 NR_030630 miRBase:MI0005755 MIR933 MIRN933|hsa-mir-933 microRNA 933 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9452 chr13 43615454 43615520 + 6.69816 NA intron (NM_013238, intron 1 of 5) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 18125 NM_013238 29103 Hs.438830 NM_013238 HPRD:13238 DNAJC15 DNAJD1|HSD18|MCJ DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4844 chr10 97479643 97479717 + 6.69816 NA intron (NM_001098175, intron 1 of 9) HERV17-int|LTR|ERV1 8144 NM_001098175 953 Hs.576612 NM_001776 HPRD:09047 ENTPD1 ATPDase|CD39|NTPDase-1|SPG64 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19912 chr2 219271208 219271406 + 6.69640 NA TTS (NM_182642) TTS (NM_182642) 3938 NR_029500 407017 NR_029500 MIR26B MIRN26B|hsa-mir-26b|miR-26b microRNA 26b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30889 chr6 159065583 159065860 + 6.69640 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006519) promoter-TSS (NM_006519) 97 NM_006519 6993 Hs.445999 NM_006519 HPRD:15987 DYNLT1 CW-1|TCTEL1|tctex-1 dynein, light chain, Tctex-type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18349 chr2 90435488 90435634 + 6.69567 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1323677 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4647 chr10 81045145 81045216 + 6.69524 NA intron (NM_020338, intron 8 of 24) MIR|SINE|MIR -62040 NM_005729 10105 Hs.381072 NM_005729 HPRD:06839 PPIF CYP3|CyP-M|Cyp-D|CypD peptidylprolyl isomerase F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3640 chr10 8095416 8095515 + 6.69524 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104327) promoter-TSS (NR_104327) -18 NR_024256 399717 Hs.158992 NM_207423 HPRD:13518 GATA3-AS1 - GATA3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21333 chr21 33104398 33104631 + 6.69206 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145445) promoter-TSS (NM_001145445) -83 NM_001145444 57466 Hs.17255 NM_020706 HPRD:11551 SCAF4 SFRS15|SRA4 SR-related CTD-associated factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17289 chr2 3225269 3225414 + 6.69206 NA intron (NM_003310, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_003310, intron 4 of 8) -95543 NR_110228 101927554 Hs.638446 NR_110228 ENSG00000234423 LINC01250 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1250 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37423 chrX 26441145 26441361 + 6.69206 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -135201 NR_001559 139538 Hs.447377 NR_001559 ENSG00000259849 VENTXP1 CT18|NA88A|VENTX2P1 VENT homeobox pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21836 chr22 26879503 26879569 + 6.68825 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001013694) promoter-TSS (NM_001013694) 293 NM_022081 89781 Hs.474436 NM_022081 HPRD:05983 HPS4 LE Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3363 chr1 238106977 238107046 + 6.68780 NA Intergenic tRNA-Leu-TTA(m)|tRNA|tRNA -52789 NM_021186 57829 Hs.136241 NM_021186 ZP4 ZBP|ZP1|ZPB|Zp-4 zona pellucida glycoprotein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38409 chrX 103282978 103283044 + 6.68780 NA intron (NR_031657, intron 1 of 1).2 L1PA2|LINE|L1 -11505 NM_001164416 286436 Hs.376474 NM_001164416 ENSG00000101812 H2BFM - H2B histone family, member M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24889 chr4 38004851 38004996 + 6.68780 NA intron (NM_001253912, intron 2 of 20) intron (NM_001253912, intron 2 of 20) 42867 NM_006607 10744 Hs.668806 NM_006607 HPRD:09176 PTTG2 - pituitary tumor-transforming 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27284 chr5 52083672 52083738 + 6.68607 NA promoter-TSS (NM_181501) promoter-TSS (NM_181501) -69 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4193 chr10 42643525 42643615 + 6.68607 NA Intergenic Intergenic 219923 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32738 chr7 130754157 130754240 + 6.68607 NA intron (NR_109850, intron 2 of 5) intron (NR_109850, intron 2 of 5) 37591 NR_024153 378805 Hs.150556 NM_001085379 ENSG00000226380 LINC-PINT LincRNA-Pint|MKLN1-AS1|PINT long intergenic non-protein coding RNA, p53 induced transcript ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16587 chr19 39109638 39109817 + 6.68607 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001300992) promoter-TSS (NM_001300992) 13 NM_001300992 27335 Hs.314359 NM_013234 HPRD:11740 EIF3K EIF3-p28|EIF3S12|HSPC029|M9|MSTP001|PLAC-24|PLAC24|PRO1474|PTD001 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit K protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12892 chr16 34190159 34190264 + 6.68418 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 214551 NR_002837 606551 Hs.646441 NR_002837 UBE2MP1 - ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2M pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7196 chr11 128392203 128392288 + 6.68307 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005238) promoter-TSS (NM_005238) -40 NM_001162422 2113 Hs.369438 NM_005238 HPRD:01260 ETS1 ETS-1|EWSR2|p54 v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27527 chr5 70752058 70752154 + 6.68098 NA intron (NM_018429, intron 1 of 38) intron (NM_018429, intron 1 of 38) 664 NM_018429 55814 Hs.258272 NM_018429 HPRD:06114 BDP1 HSA238520|TAF3B1|TFC5|TFIIIB''|TFIIIB150|TFIIIB90|TFNR B double prime 1, subunit of RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor IIIB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5508 chr11 3941416 3941497 + 6.67660 NA intron (NM_001277962, intron 1 of 12) FLAM_C|SINE|Alu 64164 NR_039835 100616453 NR_039835 miRBase:MI0017319 MIR4687 - microRNA 4687 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29073 chr6 15994239 15994383 + 6.67660 NA Intergenic Intergenic -135006 NM_013262 29116 Hs.484738 NM_013262 HPRD:17621 MYLIP IDOL|MIR myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38132 chrX 74897656 74897730 + 6.67660 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 65221 NR_030737 286495 Hs.567832 NR_030737 TTC3P1 RNF105L|TTC3L tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9025 chr12 123932876 123932954 + 6.67660 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -9736 NR_104103 11066 Hs.632738 NM_007020 SNRNP35 HM-1|U1SNRNPBP small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 35kDa (U11/U12) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23709 chr3 133380768 133380888 + 6.67177 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007027) promoter-TSS (NM_007027) -91 NM_007027 11073 Hs.593379 NM_007027 HPRD:09678 TOPBP1 TOP2BP1 topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27997 chr5 110428225 110428317 + 6.67177 NA exon (NM_139281, exon 1 of 23) exon (NM_139281, exon 1 of 23) 401 NM_139281 134430 Hs.533237 NM_139281 HPRD:10305 WDR36 GLC1G|TA-WDRP|TAWDRP|UTP21 WD repeat domain 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35406 chr9 46754784 46754851 + 6.67177 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8974 NR_046203 643648 Hs.640178 NR_046203 LINC01189 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1189 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3906 chr10 30818790 30818987 + 6.66943 NA Intergenic Intergenic 95938 NM_005204 1326 Hs.432453 NM_005204 HPRD:01863 MAP3K8 COT|EST|ESTF|MEKK8|TPL2|Tpl-2|c-COT mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22301 chr3 10479062 10479244 + 6.66815 NA intron (NM_001001331, intron 2 of 22) MIRb|SINE|MIR -42907 NR_030614 100126334 NR_030614 MIR885 MIRN885|hsa-mir-885 microRNA 885 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25390 chr4 73265641 73265764 + 6.66815 NA intron (NM_014243, intron 4 of 21) (TG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 168814 NM_014243 9508 Hs.590919 NM_014243 HPRD:06893 ADAMTS3 ADAMTS-4 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20827 chr20 45029753 45030003 + 6.66815 NA intron (NM_133171, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_133171, intron 1 of 21) 5393 NM_182764 63916 Hs.210469 NM_022086 HPRD:12103 ELMO2 CED-12|CED12|ELMO-2 engulfment and cell motility 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21642 chr22 19821127 19821203 + 6.66815 NA intron (NM_053004, intron 2 of 7) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 21206 NM_024627 79680 Hs.105642 NM_024627 HPRD:13382 C22orf29 BOP chromosome 22 open reading frame 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5702 chr11 14742867 14742934 + 6.66815 NA intron (NM_000922, intron 1 of 15) L1PA2|LINE|L1 77631 NM_000922 5140 Hs.445711 NM_000922 HPRD:03626 PDE3B HcGIP1|cGIPDE1 phosphodiesterase 3B, cGMP-inhibited protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4663 chr10 81838977 81839078 + 6.66815 NA promoter-TSS (NR_072986) promoter-TSS (NR_072986) 26 NR_072985 80195 Hs.169982 NM_025125 HPRD:08501 TMEM254 C10orf57|bA369J21.6 transmembrane protein 254 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4640 chr10 79637577 79637807 + 6.66815 NA intron (NM_004747, intron 1 of 31) intron (NM_004747, intron 1 of 31) 48656 NM_004747 9231 Hs.652690 NM_004747 HPRD:04972 DLG5 LP-DLG|P-DLG5|PDLG discs, large homolog 5 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8975 chr12 121678413 121678693 + 6.66815 NA exon (NM_006549, exon 17 of 17) exon (NM_006549, exon 17 of 17) 30889 NM_002560 5025 Hs.321709 NM_002560 HPRD:09017 P2RX4 P2X4|P2X4R purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4143 chr10 42401941 42402007 + 6.66803 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 461519 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5554 chr11 6633896 6633992 + 6.66695 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006284) promoter-TSS (NM_006284) -469 NM_006284 6881 Hs.5158 NM_006284 TAF10 TAF2A|TAF2H|TAFII30 TAF10 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 30kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34276 chr8 96281931 96282034 + 6.66695 NA promoter-TSS (NM_177965) promoter-TSS (NM_177965) -520 NM_177965 157657 Hs.548157 NM_177965 HPRD:14104 C8orf37 CORD16|RP64|smalltalk chromosome 8 open reading frame 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1769 chr1 143345889 143346132 + 6.66594 NA Intergenic SATR1|Satellite|Satellite -143771 NR_110761 102723769 Hs.652926 NR_110761 LOC102723769 - uncharacterized LOC102723769 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17868 chr2 54784968 54785051 + 6.66156 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178313) promoter-TSS (NM_178313) -522 NM_178313 6711 Hs.503178 NM_003128 HPRD:01683 SPTBN1 ELF|HEL102|SPTB2|betaSpII spectrin, beta, non-erythrocytic 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10167 chr14 24640964 24641146 + 6.66156 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001048205) promoter-TSS (NM_001048205) -179 NM_001048205 9985 Hs.419259 NM_005132 HPRD:09739 REC8 HR21spB|REC8L1|Rec8p REC8 meiotic recombination protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9246 chr13 25086885 25086956 + 6.65529 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006437) promoter-TSS (NM_006437) 28 NM_006437 143 Hs.744855 NM_006437 HPRD:09598 PARP4 ADPRTL1|ARTD4|PARP-4|PARPL|PH5P|VAULT3|VPARP|VWA5C|p193 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15232 chr18 30050762 30050946 + 6.65505 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022751) promoter-TSS (NM_022751) -407 NM_001242409 64762 Hs.444314 NM_022751 HPRD:12685 GAREM C18orf11|FAM59A|Gm944 GRB2 associated, regulator of MAPK1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5151 chr10 121464167 121464241 + 6.65505 NA Intergenic Intergenic -21355 NM_001243195 22876 Hs.369755 NM_014937 HPRD:11048 INPP5F MSTPO47|SAC2|hSAC2 inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23802 chr3 141272034 141272175 + 6.65505 NA intron (NM_006506, intron 5 of 23) intron (NM_006506, intron 5 of 23) 66178 NM_006506 5922 Hs.98445 NM_006506 ENSG00000155903 RASA2 GAP1M RAS p21 protein activator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7727 chr12 27523610 27523682 + 6.65505 NA intron (NM_001248002, intron 3 of 15) AluSc|SINE|Alu 37859 NM_001248002 56938 Hs.445447 NM_020183 ARNTL2 BMAL2|CLIF|MOP9|PASD9|bHLHe6 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37260 chrX 9983179 9983343 + 6.65505 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015691) promoter-TSS (NM_015691) -534 NM_015691 55841 Hs.527524 NM_015691 HPRD:11136 WWC3 BM042 WWC family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11248 chr15 29324056 29324148 + 6.65505 NA intron (NM_001130414, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_001130414, intron 2 of 12) 110262 NM_001130414 321 Hs.618112 NM_005503 HPRD:04090 APBA2 D15S1518E|HsT16821|LIN-10|MGC:14091|MINT2|X11-BETA|X11L amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15402 chr18 50702298 50702422 + 6.65505 NA intron (NM_005215, intron 8 of 28) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -392457 NR_110798 102724651 Hs.123442 NR_110798 LOC102724651 - uncharacterized LOC102724651 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33493 chr8 24870914 24871004 + 6.65505 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -56576 NM_006158 4747 Hs.521461 NM_006158 NEFL CMT1F|CMT2E|NF-L|NF68|NFL|PPP1R110 neurofilament, light polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34224 chr8 90794578 90794696 + 6.65505 NA intron (NM_003821, intron 7 of 10) MER44D|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 24662 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31634 chr7 43099420 43099489 + 6.65505 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -52744 NM_001287059 23072 Hs.164453 NM_015052 HECW1 NEDL1 HECT, C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1276 chr1 90683801 90683876 + 6.65505 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 223160 NM_182976 284695 Hs.306221 NM_181781 HPRD:15774 ZNF326 ZAN75|ZIRD|Zfp326|dJ871E2.1 zinc finger protein 326 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26700 chr5 474339 474536 + 6.65256 NA intron (NR_125375, intron 1 of 6) G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 1086 NR_125375 100288152 Hs.535801 NR_125375 LOC100288152 - uncharacterized LOC100288152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34757 chr8 142138436 142138665 + 6.65256 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014957) promoter-TSS (NM_014957) -170 NM_014957 22898 Hs.18166 NM_014957 HPRD:11114 DENND3 - DENN/MADD domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12448 chr16 16489702 16489870 + 6.65025 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16684 NM_001282511 101059953 Hs.636569 NM_001282511 NPIPA8 LCR16a9 nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15084 chr18 12980119 12980390 + 6.65023 NA intron (NM_001013437, intron 6 of 8) SVA_D|Other|Other -11107 NM_032142 55125 Hs.100914 NM_018069 HPRD:10855 CEP192 PPP1R62 centrosomal protein 192kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26319 chr4 160445655 160445721 + 6.65023 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 256690 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21117 chr21 10765903 10766132 + 6.65023 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 224926 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38649 chrX 128474924 128474991 + 6.65023 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 182525 NM_001282874 6594 Hs.152292 NM_003069 HPRD:02055 SMARCA1 ISWI|NURF140|SNF2L|SNF2L1|SNF2LB|SNF2LT|SWI|SWI2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9920 chr13 102279421 102279570 + 6.64880 NA intron (NM_001271755, intron 6 of 9) intron (NM_001271755, intron 6 of 9) 137192 NM_001271756 9358 Hs.696554 NM_004791 HPRD:07253 ITGBL1 OSCP|TIED integrin, beta-like 1 (with EGF-like repeat domains) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14341 chr17 42084332 42084448 + 6.64880 NA intron (NM_153006, intron 4 of 6) CpG-10669 2358 NM_153006 162417 Hs.8876 NM_153006 HPRD:10510 NAGS AGAS|ARGA N-acetylglutamate synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4990 chr10 105419853 105419932 + 6.64880 NA intron (NM_014631, intron 8 of 13) intron (NM_014631, intron 8 of 13) -86645 NR_038940 100505839 Hs.655149 NR_038940 SH3PXD2A-AS1 - SH3PXD2A antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33033 chr7 151466282 151466490 + 6.64880 NA intron (NM_001040633, intron 3 of 15) MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 45571 NM_001040633 51422 Hs.647072 NM_016203 HPRD:04119 PRKAG2 AAKG|AAKG2|CMH6|H91620p|WPWS protein kinase, AMP-activated, gamma 2 non-catalytic subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3550 chr10 2564696 2564779 + 6.64880 NA Intergenic CpG -207469 NR_038884 399708 Hs.521270 NR_038884 LINC00701 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 701 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20442 chr20 17543042 17543168 + 6.64880 NA intron (NM_001278608, intron 2 of 9) AluSx3|SINE|Alu -3500 NM_001161705 631 Hs.129702 NM_001195 HPRD:04494 BFSP1 CP115|CP94|CTRCT33|LIFL-H beaded filament structural protein 1, filensin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13604 chr17 975623 975782 + 6.64880 NA intron (NM_001282149, intron 3 of 17) CpG 6684 NM_001282149 29 Hs.159306 NM_001092 HPRD:02649 ABR MDB active BCR-related protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10080 chr14 19945208 19945313 + 6.64757 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -19926 NR_110526 503639 Hs.659013 NM_001013701 DUXAP10 - double homeobox A pseudogene 10 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32702 chr7 128171364 128171452 + 6.64651 NA Intergenic CpG 54625 NM_018396 55798 Hs.433213 NM_018396 HPRD:09705 METTL2B METL|METTL2|METTL2A|PSENIP1 methyltransferase like 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37071 chrUn_gl000229 19012 19078 + 6.64459 NA NA SSU-rRNA_Hsa|rRNA|rRNA NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24171 chr3 179370379 179370453 + 6.63899 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003940) promoter-TSS (NM_003940) -517 NM_003940 8975 Hs.175322 NM_003940 HPRD:04666 USP13 ISOT3|IsoT-3 ubiquitin specific peptidase 13 (isopeptidase T-3) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32360 chr7 97544821 97544928 + 6.63835 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -43020 NM_001673 440 Hs.489207 NM_001673 HPRD:00153 ASNS ASNSD|TS11 asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7647 chr12 22498586 22498766 + 6.63810 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -11028 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1990 chr1 148829456 148829531 + 6.63702 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 23478 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32763 chr7 133928922 133928996 + 6.63344 NA intron (NM_144648, intron 16 of 19) L1PA5|LINE|L1 72868 NM_032826 84912 Hs.490181 NM_032826 HPRD:11578 SLC35B4 YEA|YEA4 solute carrier family 35 (UDP-xylose/UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transporter), member B4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12789 chr16 33067612 33067751 + 6.63243 NA Intergenic L2|LINE|L2 -137902 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32751 chr7 132136051 132136194 + 6.63243 NA intron (NM_001105543, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_001105543, intron 3 of 3) 125201 NM_020911 91584 Hs.511454 NM_020911 HPRD:10901 PLXNA4 FAYV2820|PLEXA4|PLXNA4A|PLXNA4B|PRO34003 plexin A4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4855 chr10 98431162 98431370 + 6.63125 NA intron (NM_152309, intron 2 of 16) intron (NM_152309, intron 2 of 16) 49013 NM_152309 118788 Hs.310456 NM_152309 HPRD:06401 PIK3AP1 BCAP phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28294 chr5 137673634 137673757 + 6.63125 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016605) promoter-TSS (NM_016605) -9 NM_016605 51307 Hs.54056 NM_016605 HPRD:10785 FAM53C C5orf6 family with sequence similarity 53, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23907 chr3 152016869 152016975 + 6.63125 NA promoter-TSS (NM_207297) promoter-TSS (NM_207297) -272 NM_207294 4154 Hs.201858 NM_021038 HPRD:07355 MBNL1 EXP|EXP35|EXP40|EXP42|MBNL muscleblind-like splicing regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21749 chr22 21822759 21823039 + 6.62990 NA intron (NM_001207052, intron 4 of 8) CpG-17591 1440 NM_001207052 645426 Hs.376511 NM_001207052 TMEM191C - transmembrane protein 191C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31517 chr7 30767123 30767326 + 6.62953 NA Intergenic Intergenic -24527 NM_001199219 11185 Hs.632629 NM_006774 HPRD:06890 INMT TEMT indolethylamine N-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38896 chrX 153251254 153251344 + 6.62953 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR -4672 NR_036175 100422877 NR_036175 MIR3202-2 - microRNA 3202-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26118 chr4 141844873 141844952 + 6.62953 NA intron (NM_020724, intron 5 of 6) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -167441 NM_015130 23158 Hs.480819 NM_015130 HPRD:11115 TBC1D9 MDR1 TBC1 domain family, member 9 (with GRAM domain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36114 chr9 114423794 114423897 + 6.62953 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001198664) promoter-TSS (NM_001198664) -6 NM_001198664 2790 Hs.534196 NM_001017998 ENSG00000242616 GNG10 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14060 chr17 26879624 26879708 + 6.62953 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005148) promoter-TSS (NM_005148) -20 NM_005148 9094 Hs.410455 NM_005148 HPRD:04927 UNC119 HRG4|IMD13|POC7|POC7A unc-119 homolog (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27098 chr5 42909130 42909216 + 6.62953 NA Intergenic MER1B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 84262 NR_104643 643977 Hs.535791 NR_104643 FLJ32255 - uncharacterized LOC643977 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31000 chr6 162630879 162630945 + 6.62953 NA intron (NM_004562, intron 3 of 11) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -517252 NM_001080378 135138 Hs.25791 NM_152410 HPRD:07465 PACRG GLUP|HAK005771|PARK2CRG PARK2 co-regulated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26850 chr5 17598609 17598711 + 6.62635 NA Intergenic Intergenic -211241 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35358 chr9 44335022 44335096 + 6.62284 NA Intergenic Intergenic -49526 NR_121564 101927827 Hs.738704 NR_121564 ENSG00000229311 LOC101927827 - uncharacterized LOC101927827 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14865 chr17 79791107 79791197 + 6.62284 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001093767) promoter-TSS (NM_001093767) 18 NM_001093767 348262 Hs.514632 NM_207368 HPRD:14179 FAM195B - family with sequence similarity 195, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14543 chr17 56409881 56409956 + 6.61839 NA intron (NR_038413, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_038413, intron 1 of 3) -1239 NR_029683 406934 NR_029683 miRBase:MI0000458 MIR142 MIRN142 microRNA 142 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21291 chr21 26980696 26980811 + 6.61597 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017446) promoter-TSS (NM_017446) -952 NM_080794 54148 Hs.420696 NM_017446 HPRD:11371 MRPL39 C21orf92|L39mt|MRP-L5|MRPL5|PRED22|PRED66|RPML5 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7373 chr12 6741589 6741660 + 6.61597 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142961) promoter-TSS (NM_001142961) -809 NM_001142961 57121 Hs.155538 NM_020400 HPRD:09495 LPAR5 GPR92|GPR93|KPG_010|LPA5 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1301 chr1 93003728 93003894 + 6.61479 NA intron (NM_005665, intron 17 of 17) intron (NM_005665, intron 17 of 17) -51378 NM_005263 2672 Hs.73172 NM_005263 HPRD:07527 GFI1 GFI-1|GFI1A|SCN2|ZNF163 growth factor independent 1 transcription repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15352 chr18 46369103 46369256 + 6.61479 NA intron (NM_014772, intron 10 of 11) intron (NM_014772, intron 10 of 11) 99998 NM_001190823 4092 Hs.465087 NM_005904 HPRD:04241 SMAD7 CRCS3|MADH7|MADH8 SMAD family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11102 chr14 106477931 106478094 + 6.61479 NA Intergenic Intergenic -39654 NR_002224 8755 Hs.662288 NR_002224 ENSG00000233988 ADAM6 C14orf96|tMDCIV ADAM metallopeptidase domain 6, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34072 chr8 77221767 77221851 + 6.61479 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -97080 NR_105006 101926978 Hs.615028 NR_105006 ENSG00000254300 LINC01111 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1111 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24276 chr3 186524252 186524346 + 6.61479 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002916) promoter-TSS (NM_002916) -9 NM_002916 5984 Hs.732098 NM_002916 HPRD:00022 RFC4 A1|RFC37 replication factor C (activator 1) 4, 37kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11886 chr15 78423782 78423930 + 6.61232 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001301224) promoter-TSS (NM_001301224) 21 NM_001271889 10518 Hs.129867 NM_006383 HPRD:05713 CIB2 DFNB48|KIP2|USH1J calcium and integrin binding family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26827 chr5 15003701 15003827 + 6.61232 NA Intergenic Intergenic -131877 NM_054027 56172 Hs.156727 NM_054027 HPRD:05509 ANKH ANK|CCAL2|CMDJ|CPPDD|HANK|MANK ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29585 chr6 42694425 42694571 + 6.61232 NA promoter-TSS (NR_037141) promoter-TSS (NR_037141) -816 NR_037141 442211 Hs.563394 NR_037141 ATP6V0CP3 - ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 16kDa, V0 subunit c pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22456 chr3 23075811 23075879 + 6.61232 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -168939 NM_152653 7325 Hs.475688 NM_152653 UBE2E2 UBCH8 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19670 chr2 198788347 198788416 + 6.61232 NA intron (NM_006226, intron 1 of 5) SVA_F|Other|Other 118955 NM_006226 5334 Hs.153322 NM_006226 PLCL1 PLCE|PLCL|PLDL1|PPP1R127|PRIP phospholipase C-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12029 chr15 88053819 88053931 + 6.61232 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -66285 NR_026869 145978 Hs.350808 NM_152454 HPRD:08101 LINC00052 NCRNA00052|TMEM83 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 52 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24961 chr4 44304080 44304148 + 6.61232 NA intron (NM_198353, intron 1 of 1) L1PA3|LINE|L1 146710 NM_198353 386617 Hs.479644 NM_198353 HPRD:13771 KCTD8 - potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9660 chr13 68167365 68167434 + 6.61232 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -362931 NM_203487 5101 Hs.654709 NM_020403 HPRD:04661 PCDH9 - protocadherin 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38628 chrX 125808595 125808849 + 6.61232 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -121880 NM_178470 139170 Hs.120403 NM_178470 HPRD:06604 DCAF12L1 KIAA1892L|WDR40B DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 12-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37306 chrX 14127531 14127603 + 6.61232 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -79532 NM_001042480 54960 Hs.592237 NM_017856 HPRD:06533 GEMIN8 FAM51A1 gem (nuclear organelle) associated protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18483 chr2 96488809 96488902 + 6.61232 NA intron (NR_103734, intron 1 of 2) L1PA2|LINE|L1 3874 NR_103734 150759 Hs.503463 NR_103734 LINC00342 NCRNA00342 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 342 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13742 chr17 6404023 6404116 + 6.61232 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 4 of 19) AluSx|SINE|Alu 55808 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23500 chr3 118570612 118570689 + 6.61022 NA Intergenic Intergenic -91273 NR_046230 100506765 Hs.660823 NR_046230 ENSG00000239877 IGSF11-AS1 - IGSF11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34706 chr8 138048630 138048696 + 6.61022 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 377168 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32589 chr7 113177602 113177671 + 6.61022 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 381446 NM_002711 5506 Hs.458309 NM_002711 HPRD:02950 PPP1R3A GM|PP1G|PPP1R3 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36052 chr9 108320354 108320764 + 6.61022 NA intron (NM_006731, intron 1 of 9) CpG 148 NM_001198963 2218 Hs.55777 NM_006731 HPRD:06308 FKTN CMD1X|FCMD|LGMD2M|MDDGA4|MDDGB4|MDDGC4 fukutin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19325 chr2 169818242 169818382 + 6.61022 NA intron (NM_003742, intron 18 of 27) intron (NM_003742, intron 18 of 27) 60562 NM_001081686 57818 Hs.283963 NM_021176 G6PC2 IGRP glucose-6-phosphatase, catalytic, 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1840 chr1 145350590 145350687 + 6.61022 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 57 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 57 of 85) 57267 NM_001039703 100132406 Hs.714127 NM_001039703 ENSG00000163386 NBPF10 AB6|AG1|NBPF9 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29303 chr6 28863573 28863701 + 6.60673 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104117) promoter-TSS (NR_104117) -670 NR_104117 414760 Hs.211005 NR_104117 HCG14 dJ111M5.4 HLA complex group 14 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15576 chr18 72783322 72783428 + 6.60673 NA Intergenic Intergenic 137906 NM_175907 284273 Hs.465433 NM_175907 ZADH2 - zinc binding alcohol dehydrogenase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3041 chr1 220236563 220236632 + 6.60673 NA intron (NM_001286151, intron 5 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu -16597 NM_004446 2058 Hs.497788 NM_004446 HPRD:00703 EPRS EARS|GLUPRORS|PARS|QARS|QPRS glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21504 chr21 46644434 46644500 + 6.60673 NA 3' UTR (NM_015833, exon 12 of 12) 3' UTR (NM_015833, exon 12 of 12) 63344 NM_133635 23275 Hs.592164 NM_015227 HPRD:09846 POFUT2 C21orf80|FUT13 protein O-fucosyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16552 chr19 37769623 37769694 + 6.60346 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -9746 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12877 chr16 33995494 33995853 + 6.60234 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -33170 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6936 chr11 105947643 105947814 + 6.60203 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015423) promoter-TSS (NM_015423) -564 NM_015423 60496 Hs.524009 NM_015423 HPRD:09675 AASDHPPT AASD-PPT|LYS2|LYS5 aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase-phosphopantetheinyl transferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21154 chr21 10837846 10837945 + 6.59890 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 153048 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8052 chr12 49318479 49318593 + 6.59718 NA intron (NM_001143782, intron 2 of 5) CpG 128 NM_001143781 51303 Hs.655103 NM_016594 HPRD:11170 FKBP11 FKBP19 FK506 binding protein 11, 19 kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33494 chr8 24871227 24871293 + 6.59101 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -56877 NM_006158 4747 Hs.521461 NM_006158 NEFL CMT1F|CMT2E|NF-L|NF68|NFL|PPP1R110 neurofilament, light polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32931 chr7 143333128 143333223 + 6.59101 NA intron (NM_173678, intron 1 of 6) LTR19B|LTR|ERV1 11564 NR_110549 653691 Hs.632030 NR_110549 FAM115D FAM139B family with sequence similarity 139, member B pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38499 chrX 112586497 112586606 + 6.59101 NA intron (NR_110399, intron 3 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 300596 NR_110399 101928437 Hs.640112 NR_110399 LOC101928437 - uncharacterized LOC101928437 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27033 chr5 40541932 40541998 + 6.59101 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -138067 NM_000958 5734 Hs.199248 NM_000958 HPRD:03350 PTGER4 EP4|EP4R prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5968 chr11 42403882 42403948 + 6.59101 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -128675 NR_038309 100507205 Hs.99310 NR_038309 LOC100507205 - uncharacterized LOC100507205 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10291 chr14 39455022 39455167 + 6.59101 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -69008 NR_039982 283547 Hs.675941 NR_039982 ENSG00000259070 LINC00639 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 639 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17597 chr2 30388050 30388145 + 6.59101 NA Intergenic Intergenic 18347 NM_016061 51646 Hs.515890 NM_016061 HPRD:18312 YPEL5 - yippee-like 5 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17833 chr2 48589836 48589916 + 6.59101 NA intron (NM_002158, intron 5 of 6) Tigger3b|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 48081 NM_002158 3344 Hs.468478 NM_002158 HPRD:00882 FOXN2 HTLF forkhead box N2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26321 chr4 160638810 160638879 + 6.59094 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 449846 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_429 chr1 26232947 26233101 + 6.59094 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203401) promoter-TSS (NM_203401) -31 NM_005563 3925 Hs.209983 NM_005563 HPRD:01047 STMN1 C1orf215|LAP18|Lag|OP18|PP17|PP19|PR22|SMN stathmin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21351 chr21 34572168 34572349 + 6.59094 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29717 NR_024102 728409 Hs.125234 NR_024102 ENSG00000229086 C21orf54 - chromosome 21 open reading frame 54 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7358 chr12 6387930 6388030 + 6.59094 NA Intergenic CpG -31622 NM_018173 55200 Hs.631660 NM_018173 HPRD:07692 PLEKHG6 MyoGEF pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8577 chr12 89855691 89855801 + 6.59094 NA intron (NR_037659, intron 8 of 11) intron (NR_037659, intron 8 of 11) 62837 NM_003774 8693 Hs.25130 NM_003774 HPRD:09152 GALNT4 GALNAC-T4|GALNACT4 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5783 chr11 22313930 22314019 + 6.59094 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -45693 NM_020346 57084 Hs.242821 NM_020346 HPRD:10459 SLC17A6 DNPI|VGLUT2 solute carrier family 17 (vesicular glutamate transporter), member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30041 chr6 88424344 88424429 + 6.59094 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -12401 NM_018064 55122 Hs.485915 NM_018064 HPRD:12864 AKIRIN2 C6orf166|FBI1|dJ486L4.2 akirin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37241 chrX 8742767 8742882 + 6.59058 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 26554 NM_001171186 171482 Hs.382062 NM_174951 HPRD:06506 FAM9A TEX39A family with sequence similarity 9, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36879 chrUn_gl000224 5968 6079 + 6.58762 NA NA ACRO1|Satellite|acro NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34330 chr8 101506833 101506909 + 6.58620 NA Intergenic Intergenic 65068 NM_001270378 157567 Hs.530199 NM_198401 HPRD:14103 ANKRD46 ANK-S|GENX-115279 ankyrin repeat domain 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17720 chr2 42333250 42333353 + 6.58223 NA Intergenic Intergenic 58140 NM_138370 91461 Hs.408542 NM_138370 HPRD:18707 PKDCC SGK493|Vlk protein kinase domain containing, cytoplasmic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21671 chr22 19944523 19944717 + 6.58223 NA intron (NM_001135162, intron 1 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu -5450 NM_007310 1312 Hs.370408 NM_000754 HPRD:00284 COMT HEL-S-98n catechol-O-methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27015 chr5 39270738 39270834 + 6.57976 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243093) promoter-TSS (NM_001243093) -27 NM_001243093 2533 Hs.370503 NM_001465 HPRD:04107 FYB ADAP|PRO0823|SLAP-130 FYN binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9399 chr13 40765088 40765192 + 6.57976 NA Intergenic Intergenic 9194 NR_046870 100874127 Hs.578028 NR_046870 ENSG00000230710 LINC00332 NCRNA00332 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 332 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33172 chr7 158314343 158314691 + 6.57976 NA intron (NM_002847, intron 1 of 22) intron (NM_002847, intron 1 of 22) 10988 NR_030325 693180 NR_030325 MIR595 MIRN595|hsa-mir-595 microRNA 595 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13898 chr17 17345613 17345682 + 6.57976 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -34653 NM_018019 55090 Hs.244595 NM_018019 HPRD:14383 MED9 MED25 mediator complex subunit 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16551 chr19 37767094 37767171 + 6.57976 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -7220 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9716 chr13 76112200 76112276 + 6.57407 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203497) promoter-TSS (NM_203497) -230 NM_203495 170622 Hs.508266 NM_203495 HPRD:13084 COMMD6 Acrg COMM domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7224 chr11 130184773 130184962 + 6.57407 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014155) promoter-TSS (NM_014155) -260 NM_001301098 29068 Hs.721470 NM_014155 HPRD:13692 ZBTB44 BTBD15|HSPC063|ZNF851 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 44 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9011 chr12 123450956 123451148 + 6.57158 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019624) promoter-TSS (NM_019624) 4 NM_203444 23457 Hs.511951 NM_019624 HPRD:09262 ABCB9 EST122234|TAPL ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23505 chr3 118638865 118638940 + 6.57158 NA intron (NM_001015887, intron 4 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -23021 NR_046230 100506765 Hs.660823 NR_046230 ENSG00000239877 IGSF11-AS1 - IGSF11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16166 chr19 17958759 17958904 + 6.57158 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000215) promoter-TSS (NM_000215) 10 NM_000215 3718 Hs.515247 NM_000215 HPRD:02547 JAK3 JAK-3|JAK3_HUMAN|JAKL|L-JAK|LJAK Janus kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8190 chr12 55958879 55958950 + 6.57158 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -9285 NM_001258285 121129 Hs.742584 NM_001258285 ENSG00000179615 OR2AP1 OR2AP1P olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily AP, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2324 chr1 161379775 161379921 + 6.57158 NA Intergenic HERV3-int|LTR|ERV1 -42175 NM_001013625 257177 Hs.534593 NM_001013625 HPRD:13257 C1orf192 Flattop|Fltp chromosome 1 open reading frame 192 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3603 chr10 6452392 6452511 + 6.57019 NA Intergenic Intergenic 83944 NR_040079 399715 NR_040079 ENSG00000215244 LOC399715 - uncharacterized LOC399715 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10341 chr14 44552905 44552971 + 6.57019 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 423561 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18074 chr2 73119980 73120046 + 6.57019 NA TTS (NM_003124) TTS (NM_003124) 5501 NM_003124 6697 Hs.301540 NM_003124 HPRD:01632 SPR SDR38C1 sepiapterin reductase (7,8-dihydrobiopterin:NADP+ oxidoreductase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31008 chr6 163260130 163260201 + 6.57019 NA intron (NM_152410, intron 3 of 6) L1PA2|LINE|L1 111163 NM_001080379 135138 Hs.25791 NM_152410 HPRD:07465 PACRG GLUP|HAK005771|PARK2CRG PARK2 co-regulated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29948 chr6 81193677 81193764 + 6.57019 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 377376 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21037 chr20 62534318 62534394 + 6.57019 NA intron (NM_025219, intron 1 of 4) AluJo|SINE|Alu 7901 NM_025219 80331 Hs.164419 NM_025219 HPRD:08539 DNAJC5 CLN4|CLN4B|CSP|DNAJC5A|NCL DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3207 chr1 228688846 228688919 + 6.57019 NA Intergenic MER77B|LTR|ERVL 11107 NM_001287262 100129094 Hs.730208 NM_001287262 BTNL10 BTN4|BUTR1 butyrophilin-like 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14219 chr17 36571107 36571173 + 6.57019 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13580 NM_001199417 57636 Hs.374446 NM_020876 ENSG00000225485 ARHGAP23 - Rho GTPase activating protein 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15380 chr18 47824417 47824493 + 6.57019 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9763 NM_014593 30827 Hs.180933 NM_014593 HPRD:10852 CXXC1 2410002I16Rik|5830420C16Rik|CFP1|CGBP|HsT2645|PCCX1|PHF18|SPP1|ZCGPC1|hCGBP CXXC finger protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15241 chr18 32476941 32477009 + 6.57019 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 78673 NM_032980 1837 Hs.643454 NM_001390 HPRD:03141 DTNA D18S892E|DRP3|DTN|DTN-A|LVNC1 dystrobrevin, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24181 chr3 180092758 180092832 + 6.57019 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -227123 NM_133462 151613 Hs.43213 NM_133462 HPRD:15579 TTC14 DRDL5813|PRO19630 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18323 chr2 89877790 89878061 + 6.56971 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 766041 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26621 chr4 190643561 190643667 + 6.56418 NA Intergenic Intergenic 62854 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22634 chr3 39458982 39459049 + 6.56228 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK 6470 NR_002324 6044 Hs.449909 NR_002324 SNORA62 E2|E2-1|RNE2|RNU108 small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 62 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15451 chr18 57459712 57459860 + 6.56228 NA Intergenic Intergenic -95142 NM_133459 147372 Hs.34333 NM_133459 HPRD:08703 CCBE1 - collagen and calcium binding EGF domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2856 chr1 203576451 203576607 + 6.56228 NA Intergenic Intergenic -19386 NM_001001396 493 Hs.343522 NM_001684 HPRD:00159 ATP2B4 ATP2B2|MXRA1|PMCA4|PMCA4b|PMCA4x ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plasma membrane 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35472 chr9 66950182 66950339 + 6.56120 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27293 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8405 chr12 70168542 70168609 + 6.56120 NA intron (NR_103519, intron 3 of 8) L1HS|LINE|L1 -4157 NM_001278402 117177 Hs.258209 NM_022456 HPRD:10565 RAB3IP RABIN3 RAB3A interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18868 chr2 129076380 129076511 + 6.55436 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004807) promoter-TSS (NM_004807) -274 NM_004807 9394 Hs.512841 NM_004807 HPRD:07274 HS6ST1 HH15|HS6ST heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34930 chr9 4596723 4596951 + 6.55271 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -65457 NM_203453 403313 Hs.107510 NM_203453 HPRD:17397 PPAPDC2 PDP1|PSDP|bA6J24.6 phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2 domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2868 chr1 204463788 204463859 + 6.55271 NA Intergenic CpG -4349 NM_002646 5287 Hs.497487 NM_002646 HPRD:04160 PIK3C2B C2-PI3K phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit type 2 beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16078 chr19 14996042 14996253 + 6.55271 NA Intergenic L1P3|LINE|L1 -3980 NM_030901 26333 Hs.247717 NM_030901 HPRD:17781 OR7A17 BC85395_4|HTPCRX19 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7991 chr12 45764974 45765131 + 6.55271 NA intron (NM_001142678, intron 9 of 19) L1PA3|LINE|L1 78586 NM_001142678 196527 Hs.505339 NM_001025356 HPRD:18746 ANO6 BDPLT7|SCTS|TMEM16F anoctamin 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36048 chr9 108210234 108210323 + 6.55271 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287192) promoter-TSS (NM_001287192) -37 NM_001287191 83856 Hs.136901 NM_031919 HPRD:14641 FSD1L CCDC10|CSDUFD1|FSD1CL|FSD1NL|MIR1 fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22680 chr3 42679907 42680047 + 6.55271 NA exon (NM_005385, exon 13 of 17) exon (NM_005385, exon 13 of 17) -15199 NM_145166 92999 Hs.409561 NM_145166 ZBTB47 ZNF651 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 47 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31494 chr7 29377376 29377496 + 6.55271 NA intron (NM_001293070, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_001293070, intron 2 of 13) -128850 NR_120522 102724484 Hs.638665 NR_120522 LOC102724484 - uncharacterized LOC102724484 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36972 chrUn_gl000225 107670 107756 + 6.55213 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20153 chr2 237445681 237445806 + 6.54909 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -29565 NR_073043 79781 Hs.591594 NM_024726 HPRD:13743 IQCA1 4930465P12Rik|DRC11|IQCA IQ motif containing with AAA domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8240 chr12 57576900 57577005 + 6.54909 NA intron (NM_002332, intron 34 of 88) intron (NM_002332, intron 34 of 88) -11335 NR_031597 100302201 NR_031597 MIR1228 MIRN1228|hsa-mir-1228 microRNA 1228 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25602 chr4 93856611 93856781 + 6.54909 NA intron (NM_001286838, intron 2 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 631146 NM_001510 2895 Hs.162727 NM_001510 HPRD:06781 GRID2 GluD2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27788 chr5 91920391 91920459 + 6.54909 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 986624 NR_109825 441094 Hs.457407 NR_015369 ENSG00000237187 NR2F1-AS1 - NR2F1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9127 chr12 132811878 132812014 + 6.54679 NA intron (NM_001122636, intron 6 of 10) intron (NM_001122636, intron 6 of 10) -40031 NR_024563 100130238 Hs.536338 NR_024563 LOC100130238 - uncharacterized LOC100130238 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8203 chr12 56441027 56441114 + 6.54493 NA Intergenic Intergenic 5384 NM_001029 6231 Hs.447562 NM_001029 HPRD:04743 RPS26 DBA10|S26 ribosomal protein S26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_369 chr1 24117446 24117620 + 6.54493 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007260) promoter-TSS (NM_007260) -113 NM_007260 11313 Hs.533479 NM_007260 HPRD:07127 LYPLA2 APT-2|DJ886K2.4 lysophospholipase II protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31187 chr7 2393675 2393783 + 6.54213 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003751) promoter-TSS (NM_003751) -745 NM_001037283 8662 Hs.371001 NM_003751 HPRD:06795 EIF3B EIF3-ETA|EIF3-P110|EIF3-P116|EIF3S9|PRT1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21998 chr22 39548477 39548573 + 6.54213 NA promoter-TSS (NM_175709) promoter-TSS (NM_175709) 13 NM_175709 23492 Hs.356416 NM_175709 HPRD:12234 CBX7 - chromobox homolog 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12509 chr16 21843834 21844136 + 6.54100 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -13490 NR_003370 730092 Hs.31290 NR_003370 RRN3P1 - RNA polymerase I transcription factor homolog (S. cerevisiae) pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14070 chr17 27047163 27047229 + 6.54067 NA promoter-TSS (NR_000013) promoter-TSS (NR_000013) 196 NM_000984 6147 Hs.419463 NM_000984 RPL23A L23A|MDA20 ribosomal protein L23a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31124 chr6 171054739 171054964 + 6.54067 NA Intergenic Intergenic -161071 NM_001199461 5134 Hs.367900 NM_002598 HPRD:02922 PDCD2 RP8|ZMYND7 programmed cell death 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15048 chr18 9612359 9612429 + 6.53368 NA intron (NM_001042388, intron 2 of 19) intron (NM_001042388, intron 2 of 19) 2211 NM_005134 9989 Hs.743236 NM_005134 ENSG00000154845 PPP4R1 MEG1|PP4(Rmeg)|PP4R1 protein phosphatase 4, regulatory subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30736 chr6 148731287 148731431 + 6.53368 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 2 of 19) AluSg|SINE|Alu 67630 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6536 chr11 70878111 70878177 + 6.52795 NA intron (NM_012309, intron 1 of 22) SVA_D|Other|Other 57698 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26451 chr4 177824354 177824483 + 6.52795 NA Intergenic Intergenic -110519 NM_005429 7424 Hs.435215 NM_005429 HPRD:03317 VEGFC Flt4-L|LMPH1D|VRP vascular endothelial growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_378 chr1 24319455 24319521 + 6.52795 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -12535 NM_006625 10772 Hs.3530 NM_006625 HPRD:05562 SRSF10 FUSIP1|FUSIP2|NSSR|PPP1R149|SFRS13|SFRS13A|SRp38|SRrp40|TASR|TASR1|TASR2 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7776 chr12 29963147 29963287 + 6.52795 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -25525 NM_175861 83857 Hs.401954 NM_175861 HPRD:12472 TMTC1 OLF|TMTC1A transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38681 chrX 130637504 130637574 + 6.52795 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -40509 NM_001004486 347468 Hs.553711 NM_001004486 HPRD:18600 OR13H1 ORX1 olfactory receptor, family 13, subfamily H, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38895 chrX 153245907 153245978 + 6.52748 NA promoter-TSS (NR_036174) promoter-TSS (NR_036174) -606 NR_036174 100422987 NR_036174 miRBase:MI0014252 MIR3202-1 - microRNA 3202-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18137 chr2 76933402 76933497 + 6.52748 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -279642 NR_110284 101927907 Hs.382185 NR_110284 ENSG00000234653 LOC101927907 - uncharacterized LOC101927907 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23674 chr3 129898276 129898347 + 6.52664 NA Intergenic HERVS71-int|LTR|ERV1 -33352 NR_027898 646300 Hs.170475 NR_027898 COL6A4P2 COL6A4 collagen, type VI, alpha 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38251 chrX 83630787 83630862 + 6.52640 NA intron (NM_144657, intron 4 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 126663 NM_001177479 139324 Hs.559546 NM_144657 HPRD:06550 HDX CXorf43|D030011N01Rik highly divergent homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25125 chr4 49557842 49557910 + 6.52569 NA Intergenic Intergenic 569217 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11281 chr15 30905648 30905769 + 6.52516 NA intron (NM_001282490, intron 15 of 18) intron (NM_001282490, intron 15 of 18) 9475 NM_001282490 728498 NM_001282490 GOLGA8H GOLGA6L11 golgin A8 family, member H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29250 chr6 26870934 26871032 + 6.52118 NA intron (NR_003504, intron 3 of 8) MLT1A|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 53350 NR_003504 387036 Hs.675815 NM_001033523 ENSG00000241549 GUSBP2 GUSBL1|GUSBP4|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|SMAC3L2|b55C20.1|bA239L20.1|bA239L20.5|bGLU-Lp glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12769 chr16 32838622 32838720 + 6.51822 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 57792 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22334 chr3 13114920 13115152 + 6.51456 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001134382) promoter-TSS (NM_001134382) -419 NM_001134382 9922 Hs.475506 NM_014869 HPRD:11052 IQSEC1 ARF-GEP100|ARFGEP100|BRAG2|GEP100 IQ motif and Sec7 domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27716 chr5 83089621 83089790 + 6.51456 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -72809 NM_001884 1404 Hs.2799 NM_001884 HPRD:00275 HAPLN1 CRTL1 hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26332 chr4 161950357 161950423 + 6.51456 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 1134796 NM_020116 56884 Hs.32452 NM_020116 HPRD:10998 FSTL5 - follistatin-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13277 chr16 70488402 70488546 + 6.51456 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145059) promoter-TSS (NM_145059) -24 NM_145059 197258 Hs.7907 NM_145059 HPRD:16365 FUK 1110046B12Rik fucokinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22550 chr3 30686283 30686537 + 6.51262 NA intron (NM_001024847, intron 3 of 7) intron (NM_001024847, intron 3 of 7) 38416 NM_003242 7048 Hs.82028 NM_003242 HPRD:01823 TGFBR2 AAT3|FAA3|LDS1B|LDS2|LDS2B|MFS2|RIIC|TAAD2|TGFR-2|TGFbeta-RII transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70/80kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26938 chr5 32585665 32585845 + 6.51262 NA intron (NM_006713, intron 1 of 4) CpG 150 NM_006713 10923 Hs.229641 NM_006713 HPRD:02737 SUB1 P15|PC4|p14 SUB1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1078 chr1 68152049 68152125 + 6.51262 NA exon (NM_001199741, exon 2 of 3) exon (NM_001199741, exon 2 of 3) 1227 NM_001924 1647 Hs.80409 NM_001924 HPRD:00528 GADD45A DDIT1|GADD45 growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16360 chr19 27802723 27802809 + 6.51203 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -481609 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8897 chr12 113623469 113623545 + 6.51160 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001111322) promoter-TSS (NM_001111322) 176 NM_032848 84934 Hs.524762 NM_032848 HPRD:08606 RITA1 C12orf52|RITA RBPJ interacting and tubulin associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11899 chr15 79053938 79054074 + 6.51020 NA intron (NM_014272, intron 23 of 23) MIR3|SINE|MIR 9627 NR_036495 646938 Hs.449783 NR_036495 ENSG00000238166 LOC646938 - TBC1 domain family, member 2B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16869 chr19 48248685 48248862 + 6.51020 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015710) promoter-TSS (NM_015710) -20 NM_015710 29997 Hs.421907 NM_015710 HPRD:16142 GLTSCR2 PICT-1|PICT1 glioma tumor suppressor candidate region gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21560 chr22 16861796 16861905 + 6.50876 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 211850 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35247 chr9 36166662 36166738 + 6.50750 NA Intergenic CpG -2689 NM_005893 881 Hs.115460 NM_005893 HPRD:04907 CCIN BTBD20|KBTBD14 calicin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37641 chrX 50991524 50991747 + 6.50750 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -77403 NR_110382 101926971 Hs.657995 NR_110382 LINC01284 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1284 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26189 chr4 147866978 147867162 + 6.50750 NA promoter-TSS (NM_031956) promoter-TSS (NM_031956) -36 NM_031956 83894 Hs.378893 NM_031956 HPRD:14866 TTC29 NYD-SP14|TBPP2A tetratricopeptide repeat domain 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33007 chr7 150277103 150277204 + 6.50750 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 12695 NM_018326 55303 Hs.647101 NM_018326 HPRD:16281 GIMAP4 IAN-1|IAN1|IMAP4 GTPase, IMAP family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8540 chr12 86415219 86415349 + 6.50750 NA intron (NM_013244, intron 4 of 6) L1PA4|LINE|L1 147211 NM_006183 4922 Hs.80962 NM_006183 HPRD:08878 NTS NMN-125|NN|NT|NT/N|NTS1 neurotensin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9677 chr13 73187053 73187134 + 6.50750 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -114794 NM_024808 79866 Hs.643464 NM_024808 HPRD:13389 BORA C13orf34 bora, aurora kinase A activator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24567 chr4 6136395 6136634 + 6.50750 NA intron (NM_001099433, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_001099433, intron 1 of 20) 65804 NM_001099433 152789 Hs.479066 NM_144720 HPRD:11292 JAKMIP1 Gababrbp|JAMIP1|MARLIN1 janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24879 chr4 37669967 37670136 + 6.50750 NA intron (NM_001085400, intron 1 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 17948 NM_001085399 768211 Hs.283378 NM_001085399 ENSG00000181826 RELL1 - RELT-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5234 chr10 127937342 127937417 + 6.50750 NA intron (NM_001288975, intron 3 of 18) AluSz|SINE|Alu 139748 NM_001288975 8038 Hs.594351 NM_003474 HPRD:04092 ADAM12 ADAM12-OT1|CAR10|MCMP|MCMPMltna|MLTN|MLTNA ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9050 chr12 125404764 125404856 + 6.50226 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4717 NR_049820 100847004 NR_049820 miRBase:MI0018167 MIR5188 - microRNA 5188 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33914 chr8 61429940 61430165 + 6.49903 NA intron (NM_001242644, intron 1 of 6) CpG 583 NM_001242644 5862 Hs.369017 NM_002865 HPRD:01539 RAB2A LHX|RAB2 RAB2A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22437 chr3 20082916 20082983 + 6.49903 NA intron (NM_003884, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_003884, intron 1 of 17) 1425 NM_003884 8850 Hs.533055 NM_003884 HPRD:06780 KAT2B CAF|P/CAF|PCAF K(lysine) acetyltransferase 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5137 chr10 120938285 120938402 + 6.49677 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014098) promoter-TSS (NM_014098) 34 NM_014098 10935 Hs.523302 NM_006793 HPRD:05305 PRDX3 AOP-1|AOP1|HBC189|MER5|PRO1748|SP-22|prx-III peroxiredoxin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1609 chr1 117551857 117551946 + 6.49593 NA intron (NM_001256109, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001256109, intron 1 of 9) 7529 NM_001256109 9398 Hs.654598 NM_004258 HPRD:05154 CD101 EWI-101|IGSF2|V7 CD101 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10183 chr14 24955546 24955615 + 6.49593 NA intron (NR_110032, intron 2 of 2) L1PA2|LINE|L1 21891 NM_001836 1215 Hs.135626 NM_001836 HPRD:00346 CMA1 CYH|MCT1|chymase chymase 1, mast cell protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24662 chr4 10463033 10463104 + 6.49438 NA Intergenic CpG -4036 NM_053042 85460 Hs.455089 NM_053042 HPRD:13889 ZNF518B - zinc finger protein 518B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16901 chr19 49148184 49148257 + 6.49438 NA intron (NM_001217, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_001217, intron 2 of 8) 1231 NM_001217 770 Hs.428446 NM_001217 HPRD:05225 CA11 CARPX1 carbonic anhydrase XI protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3813 chr10 22905201 22905284 + 6.49438 NA intron (NM_005028, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_005028, intron 1 of 9) 98261 NM_005028 5305 Hs.57079 NM_005028 HPRD:11931 PIP4K2A PI5P4KA|PIP5K2A|PIP5KII-alpha|PIP5KIIA|PIPK phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16213 chr19 19475884 19475955 + 6.49438 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -20723 NM_017660 54815 Hs.118964 NM_017660 HPRD:11741 GATAD2A p66alpha GATA zinc finger domain containing 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31248 chr7 6120803 6120928 + 6.49438 NA Intergenic CpG -22005 NM_014413 27102 Hs.520205 NM_014413 HPRD:10684 EIF2AK1 HCR|HRI eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6775 chr11 88193602 88193668 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -44109 NR_049724 100873989 Hs.616625 NR_049724 ENSG00000255082 GRM5-AS1 - GRM5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29635 chr6 45123963 45124186 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_003599, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_003599, intron 2 of 10) 41433 NR_030313 693171 NR_030313 MIR586 MIRN586|hsa-mir-586 microRNA 586 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11106 chr14 106559327 106559518 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -121064 NR_002224 8755 Hs.662288 NR_002224 ENSG00000233988 ADAM6 C14orf96|tMDCIV ADAM metallopeptidase domain 6, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8549 chr12 87879799 87879895 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic (CATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 298641 NR_033410 400058 Hs.572212 NR_033410 MKRN9P MKRN5|MKRN9|MKRNP6|RNF65|ZNF127L3 makorin ring finger protein 9, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26233 chr4 152284008 152284101 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46344 NM_001109977 729830 Hs.633810 NM_001109977 ENSG00000164142 FAM160A1 - family with sequence similarity 160, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2300 chr1 160903714 160903803 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_110695, intron 2 of 5) SVA_B|Other|Other 1503 NR_110695 101928372 NR_110695 ENSG00000198358 LOC101928372 - uncharacterized LOC101928372 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26001 chr4 126573281 126573347 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 144900 NR_031746 100302267 NR_031746 MIR2054 hsa-mir-2054 microRNA 2054 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4808 chr10 94037520 94037588 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_014912, intron 1 of 9) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 13321 NM_014912 22849 Hs.131683 NM_014912 HPRD:16745 CPEB3 - cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14509 chr17 49948959 49949039 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001082533, intron 4 of 9) AluSx|SINE|Alu 287133 NM_020178 56934 Hs.463466 NM_020178 HPRD:05224 CA10 CA-RPX|CARPX|HUCEP-15 carbonic anhydrase X protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18094 chr2 74058368 74058434 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_201647, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_201647, intron 2 of 9) 2276 NM_213622 10617 Hs.469018 NM_006463 HPRD:05877 STAMBP AMSH|MICCAP STAM binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30755 chr6 149381582 149381676 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_005715, intron 7 of 7) intron (NM_005715, intron 7 of 7) -95809 NR_038408 100128176 Hs.557541 NR_038408 LOC100128176 - uncharacterized LOC100128176 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7637 chr12 22371064 22371156 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_003034, intron 4 of 4) AluSz6|SINE|Alu 116538 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10570 chr14 62584012 62584219 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NR_015358) promoter-TSS (NR_015358) 40 NR_015358 646113 Hs.445241 NM_001039785 LINC00643 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 643 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18775 chr2 117509779 117509845 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1062443 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11201 chr15 22758806 22758889 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 22579 NM_001271664 440243 NM_001271664 GOLGA6L22 - golgin A6 family-like 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11687 chr15 63524776 63524845 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_016530, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_016530, intron 1 of 7) 43082 NM_016530 51762 Hs.389733 NM_016530 HPRD:11476 RAB8B - RAB8B, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39045 chrY 9784176 9784263 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 35812 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18700 chr2 111899147 111899216 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_138625, intron 3 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 20690 NM_001204111 10018 Hs.469658 NM_006538 HPRD:04828 BCL2L11 BAM|BIM|BOD BCL2-like 11 (apoptosis facilitator) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11829 chr15 74988371 74988440 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025083) promoter-TSS (NM_025083) -19 NM_001142444 80153 Hs.96852 NM_025083 HPRD:07954 EDC3 LSM16|YJDC|YJEFN2 enhancer of mRNA decapping 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14578 chr17 58498731 58498845 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic CpG -1077 NM_181707 124773 Hs.129312 NM_181707 HPRD:14029 C17orf64 - chromosome 17 open reading frame 64 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9514 chr13 48591412 48591508 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -15998 NM_003850 8803 Hs.743361 NM_003850 HPRD:06798 SUCLA2 A-BETA|MTDPS5|SCS-betaA succinate-CoA ligase, ADP-forming, beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21437 chr21 41720089 41720263 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_073202, intron 5 of 32) intron (NR_073202, intron 5 of 32) -34834 NR_038898 100506492 Hs.667053 NR_038896 ENSG00000235123 DSCAM-AS1 M41 DSCAM antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22912 chr3 56950035 56950143 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001128615, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001128615, intron 3 of 12) 410 NM_001289698 50650 Hs.476402 NM_019555 HPRD:12480 ARHGEF3 GEF3|STA3|XPLN Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38395 chrX 102510086 102510171 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153333) promoter-TSS (NM_153333) -7 NM_001006684 90843 Hs.389734 NM_153333 HPRD:06656 TCEAL8 WEX3 transcription elongation factor A (SII)-like 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17612 chr2 31456872 31456944 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014600) promoter-TSS (NM_014600) 28 NM_014600 30845 Hs.368808 NM_014600 EHD3 PAST3 EH-domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36559 chr9_gl000198_random 470 596 + 6.49319 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28359 chr5 140476074 140476207 + 6.49319 NA exon (NM_018936, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_018936, exon 1 of 1) 1949 NM_018936 56133 Hs.533023 NM_018936 HPRD:07558 PCDHB2 PCDH-BETA2 protocadherin beta 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14113 chr17 29602940 29603026 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_000267, intron 35 of 56) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 21397 NM_002544 4974 Hs.113874 NM_002544 HPRD:01257 OMG OMGP oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4371 chr10 55456268 55456346 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -924847 NM_000242 4153 Hs.499674 NM_000242 HPRD:01107 MBL2 COLEC1|HSMBPC|MBL|MBL2D|MBP|MBP-C|MBP1|MBPD mannose-binding lectin (protein C) 2, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_572 chr1 33739236 33739304 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_152493, intron 2 of 8) MIRc|SINE|MIR 17096 NM_152493 149076 Hs.743358 NM_152493 HPRD:13394 ZNF362 RN|lin-29 zinc finger protein 362 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19068 chr2 143868428 143868557 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18407 NM_018460 55843 Hs.171011 NM_018460 HPRD:06447 ARHGAP15 BM046 Rho GTPase activating protein 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15469 chr18 59643317 59643417 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1MEg|LINE|L1 -83063 NM_173557 220441 Hs.165062 NM_173557 RNF152 - ring finger protein 152 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29256 chr6 26978587 26978676 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_026775, intron 2 of 2) L1PA6|LINE|L1 9454 NR_026776 100270746 Hs.590428 NR_026776 LOC100270746 - uncharacterized LOC100270746 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25760 chr4 107164000 107164066 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001163435, intron 11 of 25) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -72734 NM_001142415 9255 Hs.591680 NM_004757 HPRD:04676 AIMP1 EMAP2|EMAPII|HLD3|SCYE1|p43 aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3543 chr10 1659347 1659493 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_018702, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_018702, intron 1 of 9) 90595 NR_033387 642394 Hs.568831 NM_001098830 ENSG00000205696 ADARB2-AS1 C10orf109|NCRNA00168|bA466B20.1 ADARB2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24975 chr4 45724516 45724582 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 401533 NM_173536 2565 Hs.375051 NM_173536 HPRD:15923 GABRG1 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3271 chr1 232733144 232733239 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -81948 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22970 chr3 63140078 63140251 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 51800 NR_027104 285401 Hs.211125 NR_027104 ENSG00000244342 LINC00698 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 698 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7293 chr12 589132 589212 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_173593, intron 1 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 19629 NM_173593 283358 Hs.504416 NM_173593 HPRD:12514 B4GALNT3 - beta-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl transferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8187 chr12 55826280 55826402 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 6303 NM_001005183 390326 Hs.553764 NM_001005183 HPRD:15062 OR6C76 - olfactory receptor, family 6, subfamily C, member 76 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17010 chr19 52599008 52599089 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001136499) promoter-TSS (NM_001136499) -30 NM_001136499 284371 Hs.665751 NM_001136499 ENSG00000197608 ZNF841 - zinc finger protein 841 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19798 chr2 205686137 205686203 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_205863, intron 2 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 275654 NM_057177 117583 Hs.657382 NM_057177 HPRD:09795 PARD3B ALS2CR19|PAR3B|PAR3L|PAR3LC|PAR3beta|Par3Lb par-3 family cell polarity regulator beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24047 chr3 163802109 163802233 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -781082 NR_033945 647107 Hs.408584 NR_033945 ENSG00000241369 LINC01192 CT64 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1192 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32817 chr7 138934308 138934405 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_173569, intron 2 of 17) MamRep137|DNA|TcMar? 18125 NM_173569 254048 Hs.153458 NM_173569 ENSG00000157741 UBN2 - ubinuclein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7781 chr12 30445188 30445259 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 384955 NM_001190995 10526 Hs.505136 NM_006390 HPRD:09282 IPO8 RANBP8 importin 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_605 chr1 35422955 35423022 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 21319 NR_037869 653160 Hs.533986 NR_037869 ENSG00000241014 LOC653160 - uncharacterized LOC653160 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9227 chr13 23432775 23432841 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 39512 NR_033774 646201 Hs.729338 NR_033774 BASP1P1 - brain abundant, membrane attached signal protein 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29989 chr6 84462239 84462352 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -43168 NM_001242793 9892 Hs.368046 NM_014841 HPRD:06391 SNAP91 AP180|CALM synaptosomal-associated protein, 91kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35243 chr9 36008896 36008967 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -27979 NM_021111 8434 Hs.388918 NM_021111 HPRD:05567 RECK ST15 reversion-inducing-cysteine-rich protein with kazal motifs protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34192 chr8 87818544 87818644 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -60082 NM_173538 168975 Hs.246284 NM_173538 HPRD:08192 CNBD1 - cyclic nucleotide binding domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1121 chr1 75045185 75045398 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_121671, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_121671, intron 1 of 2) 2177 NR_121671 101927320 Hs.662589 NR_121670 ERICH3-AS1 - ERICH3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12025 chr15 87316667 87316820 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_152336, intron 22 of 23) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -456544 NR_046012 727915 Hs.451281 NR_046012 ENSG00000260125 AGBL1-AS1 - AGBL1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38928 chrX 154209300 154209370 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_000132, intron 6 of 25) intron (NM_000132, intron 6 of 25) 41663 NM_000132 2157 Hs.632836 NM_000132 HPRD:02384 F8 AHF|DXS1253E|F8B|F8C|FVIII|HEMA coagulation factor VIII, procoagulant component protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24200 chr3 182044115 182044190 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 159998 NR_040105 401103 Hs.591304 NR_040105 ENSG00000241098 FLJ46066 - uncharacterized LOC401103 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22542 chr3 30361382 30361514 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -286546 NM_001024847 7048 Hs.82028 NM_003242 HPRD:01823 TGFBR2 AAT3|FAA3|LDS1B|LDS2|LDS2B|MFS2|RIIC|TAAD2|TGFR-2|TGFbeta-RII transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70/80kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_970 chr1 55606352 55606490 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_015306, intron 24 of 67) intron (NM_015306, intron 24 of 67) 74618 NM_015306 23358 Hs.477009 NM_015306 ENSG00000162402 USP24 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7006 chr11 112882187 112882255 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_181351, intron 2 of 19) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -48039 NR_120563 101928847 Hs.711235 NR_120563 ENSG00000247416 LOC101928847 - uncharacterized LOC101928847 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5772 chr11 20418932 20419062 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_005788, intron 6 of 15) intron (NM_005788, intron 6 of 15) 9921 NM_005788 10196 Hs.152337 NM_005788 HPRD:11934 PRMT3 HRMT1L3 protein arginine methyltransferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20502 chr20 24081335 24081515 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic MER91C|DNA|hAT-Tip100 -98978 NR_040102 400839 Hs.651965 NR_040102 ENSG00000230133 FLJ33581 - uncharacterized LOC400839 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7697 chr12 25793674 25793752 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001145727, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 7783 NM_001145727 160492 Hs.44647 NM_152590 HPRD:08768 LMNTD1 IFLTD1|PAS1C1 lamin tail domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11861 chr15 76578746 76578828 + 6.49319 NA exon (NM_000126, exon 6 of 12) exon (NM_000126, exon 6 of 12) 25023 NM_000126 2108 Hs.39925 NM_000126 HPRD:01979 ETFA EMA|GA2|MADD electron-transfer-flavoprotein, alpha polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9497 chr13 46948590 46948663 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001286761, intron 2 of 14) U2|snRNA|snRNA 13009 NM_001286762 80183 Hs.98117 NM_025113 HPRD:12615 KIAA0226L C13orf18 KIAA0226-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2255 chr1 158789516 158789595 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11613 NM_002432 4332 Hs.153837 NM_002432 HPRD:15932 MNDA PYHIN3 myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18655 chr2 109000877 109000944 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_006588, intron 5 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu 6489 NM_006588 27233 Hs.312644 NM_006588 HPRD:07461 SULT1C4 SULT1C|SULT1C2 sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 1C, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5518 chr11 4676049 4676127 + 6.49319 NA 3' UTR (NM_152430, exon 2 of 2) 3' UTR (NM_152430, exon 2 of 2) 10932 NM_152430 143503 Hs.470038 NM_152430 HPRD:14996 OR51E1 D-GPCR|DGPCR|GPR136|GPR164|OR51E1P|OR52A3P|POGR|PSGR2 olfactory receptor, family 51, subfamily E, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24178 chr3 179923027 179923177 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -168261 NM_001256750 51555 Hs.235331 NM_016559 HPRD:11425 PEX5L PEX5R|PEX5RP|PXR2|PXR2B|TRIP8b peroxisomal biogenesis factor 5-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35099 chr9 21731878 21732031 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -70681 NM_002451 4507 Hs.193268 NM_002451 HPRD:01134 MTAP BDMF|DMSFH|DMSMFH|HEL-249|LGMBF|MSAP|c86fus methylthioadenosine phosphorylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21441 chr21 42672493 42672568 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -16131 NM_058186 54097 Hs.473877 NM_058186 FAM3B 2-21|C21orf11|C21orf76|ORF9|PANDER family with sequence similarity 3, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20244 chr2 242771563 242771635 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 19572 NM_001167602 129807 Hs.551747 NM_080741 HPRD:12249 NEU4 - sialidase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11888 chr15 78459938 78460055 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_005530, intron 10 of 10) L1MB3|LINE|L1 18277 NM_005530 3419 Hs.591110 NM_005530 IDH3A - isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (NAD+) alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37221 chrX 8585540 8585687 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_000216, intron 3 of 13) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 114614 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11593 chr15 53788348 53788414 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 44668 NR_102336 256764 Hs.122125 NM_182758 HPRD:10987 WDR72 AI2A3 WD repeat domain 72 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7914 chr12 38218907 38219042 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -491583 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27963 chr5 107596277 107596471 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001163315, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_001163315, intron 4 of 8) 121425 NM_001163315 64839 Hs.657225 NM_022824 HPRD:10950 FBXL17 FBXO13|Fbl17|Fbx13 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2743 chr1 196063509 196063678 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 488018 NR_039888 100616363 NR_039888 MIR4735 - microRNA 4735 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37895 chrX 63363063 63363137 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 62524 NM_152424 139285 Hs.314225 NM_152424 HPRD:06565 AMER1 FAM123B|OSCS|WTX APC membrane recruitment protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21490 chr21 46038919 46039060 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_144991, intron 1 of 11) L1M4|LINE|L1 6993 NM_198695 386681 Hs.528021 NM_198695 HPRD:11194 KRTAP10-8 KAP10.8|KRTAP18-8|KRTAP18.8 keratin associated protein 10-8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5299 chr10 131337973 131338043 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu 72554 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18675 chr2 110077912 110078126 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001099289, intron 8 of 9) ERVL-B4-int|LTR|ERVL -147938 NR_036224 100423027 NR_036224 miRBase:MI0015870 MIR4266 - microRNA 4266 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15497 chr18 61401565 61401713 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -18642 NM_001040147 8710 Hs.138202 NM_003784 HPRD:04524 SERPINB7 MEGSIN|PPKN|TP55 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10695 chr14 71852592 71852672 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluSc5|SINE|Alu -12422 NR_001276 319139 NR_001276 ENSG00000207444 SNORD56B RNU56B small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 56B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23186 chr3 88334964 88335094 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -136013 NM_001195308 8545 Hs.444818 NM_003663 HPRD:04529 CGGBP1 CGGBP|p20-CGGBP CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39333 chrY 23076538 23076675 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 158652 NM_001039567 140032 Hs.367761 NM_001039567 HPRD:15960 RPS4Y2 RPS4Y2P ribosomal protein S4, Y-linked 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1524 chr1 111573287 111573356 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic HUERS-P3-int|LTR|ERV1 -66755 NM_001006945 55791 Hs.25245 NM_018372 HPRD:17975 LRIF1 C1orf103|RIF1 ligand dependent nuclear receptor interacting factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_593 chr1 35089610 35089806 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -130940 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18177 chr2 84968698 84968804 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001370, intron 62 of 76) L1M2a1|LINE|L1 139618 NM_001080824 129293 Hs.469134 NM_001080824 ENSG00000186854 TRABD2A C2orf89|TIKI1 TraB domain containing 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11107 chr14 106573107 106573173 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -134782 NR_002224 8755 Hs.662288 NR_002224 ENSG00000233988 ADAM6 C14orf96|tMDCIV ADAM metallopeptidase domain 6, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4685 chr10 85363537 85363745 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic LTR33A_|LTR|ERVL -535544 NM_014394 27069 Hs.352656 NM_014394 HPRD:17038 GHITM DERP2|HSPC282|MICS1|PTD010|TMBIM5 growth hormone inducible transmembrane protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27338 chr5 55623757 55623847 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -94616 NM_024669 79722 Hs.436214 NM_024669 HPRD:07758 ANKRD55 - ankyrin repeat domain 55 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9033 chr12 124226883 124227060 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_012463, intron 9 of 19) intron (NM_012463, intron 9 of 19) -20071 NM_207437 196385 Hs.622654 NM_207437 HPRD:13473 DNAH10 - dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26894 chr5 24372835 24372901 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 272217 NM_006727 1008 Hs.92489 NM_006727 HPRD:05187 CDH10 - cadherin 10, type 2 (T2-cadherin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13763 chr17 6469137 6469253 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -9318 NM_031220 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29297 chr6 28459345 28459417 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK 24189 NM_182701 257202 Hs.448570 NM_182701 HPRD:12132 GPX6 GPX5p|GPXP3|GPx-6|GSHPx-6|dJ1186N24|dJ1186N24.1 glutathione peroxidase 6 (olfactory) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20093 chr2 234609816 234609919 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_205862, intron 2 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 8355 NM_001072 54578 Hs.554822 NM_001072 HPRD:07071 UGT1A6 GNT1|HLUGP|HLUGP1|UDPGT|UDPGT 1-6|UGT1|UGT1A6S|UGT1F UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23740 chr3 136198013 136198166 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_005862, intron 9 of 33) L1HS|LINE|L1 228922 NM_001178014 5096 Hs.63788 NM_000532 HPRD:01982 PCCB - propionyl CoA carboxylase, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20375 chr20 5769115 5769255 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_152504, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_152504, intron 2 of 2) 38142 NM_152504 149840 Hs.529340 NM_152504 HPRD:08681 C20orf196 - chromosome 20 open reading frame 196 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25808 chr4 111424122 111424192 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001977, intron 3 of 19) L1PA5|LINE|L1 26928 NM_001977 2028 Hs.435765 NM_001977 ENPEP APA|CD249|gp160 glutamyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase A) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36268 chr9 128586506 128586592 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_024123, intron 2 of 6) intron (NR_024123, intron 2 of 6) 76071 NM_001134778 5090 Hs.428027 NM_006195 HPRD:15938 PBX3 - pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26872 chr5 20398915 20399010 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001291956, intron 1 of 14) L1PA8A|LINE|L1 177020 NM_001291956 1016 Hs.317632 NM_004934 HPRD:04314 CDH18 CDH14|CDH14L|CDH24 cadherin 18, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23579 chr3 124407845 124407914 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001024660, intron 51 of 59) intron (NM_001024660, intron 51 of 59) -41334 NM_000373 7372 Hs.2057 NM_000373 UMPS OPRT uridine monophosphate synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23036 chr3 67164372 67164512 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L4|LINE|RTE -111446 NR_036234 100422941 NR_036234 MIR4272 - microRNA 4272 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29172 chr6 24801792 24801886 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -2715 NM_001282492 101928603 Hs.635133 NM_001282492 C6orf229 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31631 chr7 42827715 42827965 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -81794 NR_110833 101928795 Hs.566753 NR_110833 ENSG00000238284 LINC01448 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1448 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38530 chrX 116912053 116912199 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 195575 NM_033495 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31487 chr7 28878900 28878977 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 119091 NM_014817 9865 Hs.744120 NM_014817 TRIL - TLR4 interactor with leucine-rich repeats protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39355 chrY 27402633 27402706 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -71749 NR_002180 474151 Hs.741142 NR_002180 ENSG00000227439 TTTY17B NCRNA00141 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 17B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24665 chr4 10675061 10675132 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_052964, intron 1 of 18) L1PA6|LINE|L1 11290 NM_052964 116449 Hs.678910 NM_052964 CLNK MIST cytokine-dependent hematopoietic cell linker protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16999 chr19 51890269 51890335 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001161748, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_001161748, intron 2 of 4) 908 NM_030657 3982 Hs.162754 NM_030657 HPRD:01097 LIM2 CTRCT19|MP17|MP19 lens intrinsic membrane protein 2, 19kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25543 chr4 86248140 86248206 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -148111 NM_001025616 83478 Hs.444229 NM_031305 HPRD:09804 ARHGAP24 FILGAP|RC-GAP72|RCGAP72|p73|p73RhoGAP Rho GTPase activating protein 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13862 chr17 14262703 14262812 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic 55700 NR_026880 84815 Hs.597458 NM_032729 MGC12916 - uncharacterized protein MGC12916 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15397 chr18 48738082 48738252 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14116 NM_016626 51320 Hs.465144 NM_016626 HPRD:15255 MEX3C MEX-3C|RKHD2|RNF194 mex-3 RNA binding family member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29922 chr6 78584255 78584440 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001282136, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 183974 NM_001282136 101928601 NM_001282136 MEI4 - meiosis-specific 4 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5471 chr11 2099508 2099630 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic 55870 NR_030158 619552 NR_030158 MIR483 MIRN483|hsa-mir-483 microRNA 483 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38683 chrX 130681195 130681331 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 3215 NM_001004486 347468 Hs.553711 NM_001004486 HPRD:18600 OR13H1 ORX1 olfactory receptor, family 13, subfamily H, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31616 chr7 39605840 39606153 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020192) promoter-TSS (NM_020192) 21 NM_001282446 57002 Hs.72168 NM_020192 HPRD:16669 YAE1D1 C7orf36 Yae1 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18173 chr2 84686608 84686713 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003849) promoter-TSS (NM_003849) -74 NM_003849 8802 Hs.270428 NM_003849 HPRD:18128 SUCLG1 GALPHA|MTDPS9|SUCLA1 succinate-CoA ligase, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22544 chr3 30389260 30389377 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -258676 NM_001024847 7048 Hs.82028 NM_003242 HPRD:01823 TGFBR2 AAT3|FAA3|LDS1B|LDS2|LDS2B|MFS2|RIIC|TAAD2|TGFR-2|TGFbeta-RII transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70/80kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_255 chr1 15930122 15930194 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic CpG -13795 NM_032341 84301 Hs.718857 NM_032341 DDI2 - DNA-damage inducible 1 homolog 2 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3376 chr1 241150004 241150077 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_002924, intron 3 of 17) AluYf4|SINE|Alu -145532 NR_036069 100422856 NR_036069 miRBase:MI0014139 MIR3123 - microRNA 3123 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27268 chr5 51420096 51420166 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -663643 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38179 chrX 76981972 76982038 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_138270, intron 1 of 33) L1PA5|LINE|L1 59750 NM_138270 546 Hs.533526 NM_000489 HPRD:02069 ATRX ATR2|JMS|MRXHF1|RAD54|RAD54L|SFM1|SHS|XH2|XNP|ZNF-HX alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21493 chr21 46221720 46221825 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001202489) promoter-TSS (NM_001202489) -21 NM_001202489 7327 Hs.529420 NM_003343 HPRD:04387 UBE2G2 UBC7 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22789 chr3 49240340 49240410 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001135197, intron 1 of 7) AluYb8|SINE|Alu 3442 NM_001135197 339834 Hs.631931 NM_178173 HPRD:14172 CCDC36 CT74 coiled-coil domain containing 36 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19427 chr2 177632023 177632121 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 129590 NR_110599 102724224 Hs.663125 NR_110599 LOC102724224 - uncharacterized LOC102724224 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14876 chr17 80135140 80135215 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_198082, intron 10 of 16) AluSp|SINE|Alu 35512 NM_198082 284001 Hs.631724 NM_152675 HPRD:08041 CCDC57 - coiled-coil domain containing 57 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36216 chr9 125200268 125200423 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 39860 NM_001004451 347168 Hs.632692 NM_001004451 HPRD:14916 OR1J1 OR9-18|hg32 olfactory receptor, family 1, subfamily J, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11787 chr15 70964658 70964781 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001008224, intron 13 of 18) intron (NM_001008224, intron 13 of 18) 29901 NM_001008224 55075 Hs.108049 NM_018003 HPRD:11657 UACA NUCLING uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19060 chr2 141792724 141792794 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_018557, intron 11 of 90) L1PA3|LINE|L1 1096511 NM_018557 53353 Hs.656461 NM_018557 HPRD:16383 LRP1B LRP-DIT|LRPDIT low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27896 chr5 99959578 99959651 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic 88490 NM_198507 345757 Hs.356108 NM_198507 HPRD:18260 FAM174A TMEM157|UNQ1912 family with sequence similarity 174, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9524 chr13 48779685 48779756 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -27554 NM_021999 9445 Hs.643683 NM_021999 HPRD:04878 ITM2B ABRI|BRI|BRI2|BRICD2B|E25B|E3-16|FBD|imBRI2 integral membrane protein 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29832 chr6 70724863 70724929 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001858, intron 11 of 50) L1HS|LINE|L1 148448 NM_001858 1310 Hs.444842 NM_001858 COL19A1 COL9A1L|D6S228E collagen, type XIX, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15235 chr18 31119570 31119721 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -38896 NM_030632 80816 Hs.464876 NM_030632 ENSG00000141431 ASXL3 BRPS|KIAA1713 additional sex combs like transcriptional regulator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23019 chr3 66923805 66923904 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -124873 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24290 chr3 187334190 187334281 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic 53966 NM_001048 6750 Hs.12409 NM_001048 HPRD:08920 SST SMST somatostatin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28511 chr5 149104127 149104227 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5638 NM_001172698 133522 Hs.483816 NM_133263 HPRD:10594 PPARGC1B ERRL1|PERC|PGC-1(beta)|PGC1B peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1 beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2115 chr1 152413458 152413577 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26767 NM_016190 49860 Hs.242057 NM_016190 HPRD:12720 CRNN C1orf10|DRC1|PDRC1|SEP53 cornulin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13964 chr17 20190478 20190556 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001033553, intron 12 of 14) AluYb8|SINE|Alu -33970 NR_023380 348254 Hs.462475 NR_023380 CCDC144CP CCDC144C coiled-coil domain containing 144C, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19076 chr2 144623269 144623365 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -71317 NR_110237 101928386 Hs.668251 NR_110237 ENSG00000232377 LOC101928386 - uncharacterized LOC101928386 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11591 chr15 53345809 53345930 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA10|LINE|L1 -263660 NM_004498 3175 Hs.658573 NM_004498 ONECUT1 HNF-6|HNF6|HNF6A one cut homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36706 chrUn_gl000213 145737 145819 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -6439 NM_001257362 100288966 Hs.442712 NM_001257362 LOC100288966 - POTE ankyrin domain family member D-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23498 chr3 118536694 118536778 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -125187 NR_046230 100506765 Hs.660823 NR_046230 ENSG00000239877 IGSF11-AS1 - IGSF11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18098 chr2 74288507 74288698 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001287491, intron 3 of 10) SVA_D|Other|Other 75071 NM_001287491 200424 Hs.516107 NM_144993 ENSG00000187605 TET3 - tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29292 chr6 28271543 28271613 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic 22264 NM_032507 84547 Hs.144527 NM_032507 HPRD:11426 PGBD1 HUCEP-4|SCAND4|dJ874C20.4 piggyBac transposable element derived 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1076 chr1 68131176 68131279 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -19633 NM_001199741 1647 Hs.80409 NM_001924 HPRD:00528 GADD45A DDIT1|GADD45 growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37993 chrX 68952985 68953072 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001005613, intron 2 of 2) L1PA5|LINE|L1 117117 NM_001005609 1896 Hs.105407 NM_001399 HPRD:02347 EDA ECTD1|ED1|ED1-A1|ED1-A2|EDA-A1|EDA-A2|EDA1|EDA2|HED|HED1|ODT1|STHAGX1|XHED|XLHED ectodysplasin A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3788 chr10 20857806 20857947 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 16977 NR_039822 100616383 NR_039822 miRBase:MI0017306 MIR4675 - microRNA 4675 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23464 chr3 113549547 113549630 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Tigger3a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -8093 NM_017577 54762 Hs.24583 NM_017577 ENSG00000178075 GRAMD1C - GRAM domain containing 1C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6251 chr11 58926080 58926188 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12769 NM_001300727 23220 Hs.523696 NM_015177 ENSG00000110042 DTX4 RNF155 deltex 4, E3 ubiquitin ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38788 chrX 138403453 138403589 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -116336 NM_001139500 2258 Hs.6540 NM_004114 HPRD:02090 FGF13 FGF-13|FGF2|FHF-2|FHF2 fibroblast growth factor 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6962 chr11 108464469 108464557 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015065) promoter-TSS (NM_015065) -139 NM_015065 23086 Hs.28540 NM_015065 HPRD:08341 EXPH5 SLAC2-B|SLAC2B exophilin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14794 chr17 75663022 75663104 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic 61578 NR_104134 100132174 Hs.640110 NR_104134 LOC100132174 - uncharacterized LOC100132174 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_298 chr1 19260160 19260233 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001136265, intron 1 of 8) AluJb|SINE|Alu 22630 NM_001136265 126917 Hs.466625 NM_001136265 ENSG00000169991 IFFO2 - intermediate filament family orphan 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21336 chr21 33291300 33291425 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_014586, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_014586, intron 1 of 10) 45734 NM_014586 30811 Hs.109437 NM_014586 HPRD:09410 HUNK - hormonally up-regulated Neu-associated kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31376 chr7 19557861 19557933 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 187162 NR_036101 100422967 NR_036101 MIR3146 - microRNA 3146 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20596 chr20 29854525 29854591 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 9091 NM_001037730 245929 Hs.580793 NM_001037730 ENSG00000215547 DEFB115 DEFB-15 defensin, beta 115 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35130 chr9 26586570 26586641 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 306221 NM_024828 79886 Hs.178357 NM_024828 HPRD:12981 CAAP1 C9orf82|CAAP caspase activity and apoptosis inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20332 chr20 3400920 3401051 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12676 NM_001009984 25943 Hs.516853 NM_001009984 ENSG00000088854 C20orf194 - chromosome 20 open reading frame 194 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6136 chr11 51170163 51170229 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 242252 NM_001005272 81318 Hs.554531 NM_001005272 HPRD:17719 OR4A5 OR11-111 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily A, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34531 chr8 123651260 123651402 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -142570 NM_014943 22882 Hs.377090 NM_014943 HPRD:16458 ZHX2 AFR1|RAF zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_426 chr1 26168120 26168186 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_024037, intron 1 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 17796 NM_001287490 79000 Hs.149305 NM_024037 HPRD:08323 AUNIP AIBP|C1orf135 aurora kinase A and ninein interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38732 chrX 134003863 134003947 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 45392 NM_019556 56180 Hs.590789 NM_019556 HPRD:06483 MOSPD1 DJ473B4 motile sperm domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3514 chr10 654439 654509 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_014974, intron 1 of 36) (CCCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 33244 NR_049884 100847086 NR_049884 MIR5699 - microRNA 5699 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4619 chr10 76660110 76660194 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001256469, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_001256469, intron 3 of 17) 73981 NM_012330 23522 Hs.35758 NM_012330 HPRD:07065 KAT6B GTPTS|MORF|MOZ2|MYST4|ZC2HC6B|qkf|querkopf K(lysine) acetyltransferase 6B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23652 chr3 128942882 128942948 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -25538 NM_016128 22820 Hs.518250 NM_016128 HPRD:09887 COPG1 COPG coatomer protein complex, subunit gamma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24307 chr3 188157007 188157123 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001167671, intron 3 of 10) intron (NM_001167671, intron 3 of 10) 129389 NR_046623 100873917 Hs.674993 NR_046623 LPP-AS1 - LPP antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30279 chr6 109871026 109871097 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001145128, intron 25 of 40) AluYg6|SINE|Alu -66621 NM_014797 9841 Hs.409876 NM_014797 HPRD:18315 ZBTB24 BIF1|ICF2|PATZ2|ZNF450 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34485 chr8 118791133 118791255 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 258242 NM_080651 90390 Hs.492612 NM_080651 HPRD:11631 MED30 MED30S|THRAP6|TRAP25 mediator complex subunit 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5844 chr11 28354120 28354200 + 6.49319 NA 3' UTR (NM_152636, exon 8 of 8) 3' UTR (NM_152636, exon 8 of 8) 144935 NR_107035 102466876 NR_107035 MIR8068 hsa-mir-8068 microRNA 8068 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31211 chr7 3340602 3340828 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152744) promoter-TSS (NM_152744) -365 NM_152744 221935 Hs.653013 NM_152744 HPRD:07388 SDK1 - sidekick cell adhesion molecule 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9292 chr13 28843062 28843130 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_175854, intron 12 of 18) intron (NM_175854, intron 12 of 18) -129785 NR_029383 100288730 Hs.123191 NR_029383 PAN3-AS1 - PAN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3731 chr10 17125356 17125433 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 17 of 66) AluSp|SINE|Alu 46422 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23369 chr3 105829132 105829313 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -241335 NM_170662 868 Hs.430589 NM_170662 HPRD:05136 CBLB Cbl-b|RNF56 Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16447 chr19 34578700 34578857 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -84574 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6252 chr11 58939487 58939553 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015177) promoter-TSS (NM_015177) -292 NM_015177 23220 Hs.523696 NM_015177 ENSG00000110042 DTX4 RNF155 deltex 4, E3 ubiquitin ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38630 chrX 126107268 126107364 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 153569 NM_001122716 100130613 Hs.130370 NM_001122716 ENSG00000183631 PRR32 CXorf64 proline rich 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17497 chr2 24836093 24836197 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_147233, intron 1 of 20) L1PA15-16|LINE|L1 28799 NM_147223 8648 Hs.596314 NM_003743 HPRD:04070 NCOA1 F-SRC-1|KAT13A|RIP160|SRC1|bHLHe42|bHLHe74 nuclear receptor coactivator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38060 chrX 71341429 71341502 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) 10286 NM_001024455 340526 Hs.512180 NM_001024455 HPRD:18594 RGAG4 6430402L03Rik|MAR5|MART5 retrotransposon gag domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27047 chr5 41332458 41332535 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001005473, intron 2 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -70956 NM_001115131 729 Hs.481992 NM_000065 HPRD:01956 C6 - complement component 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12241 chr16 868788 868946 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic (ATGGTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 13424 NM_001013638 388199 Hs.528461 NM_001013638 HPRD:18379 PRR25 gs64 proline rich 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23138 chr3 80014972 80015074 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -197964 NM_002941 6091 Hs.744218 NM_002941 HPRD:03890 ROBO1 DUTT1|SAX3 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18983 chr2 134058888 134058995 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_107007, intron 3 of 6) L1HS|LINE|L1 35174 NR_110294 101928161 Hs.661917 NR_110294 ENSG00000226953 LOC101928161 - uncharacterized LOC101928161 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20824 chr20 44935854 44935945 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_021248, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_021248, intron 1 of 11) 1238 NM_021248 64405 Hs.472861 NM_021248 HPRD:13018 CDH22 C20orf25|dJ998H6.1 cadherin 22, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9613 chr13 55926102 55926168 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 177546 NR_049804 100846996 NR_049804 miRBase:MI0017874 MIR5007 - microRNA 5007 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16604 chr19 39447288 39447354 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_104026, intron 1 of 5) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -3994 NM_148169 115290 Hs.531770 NM_024907 HPRD:16436 FBXO17 FBG4|FBX26|FBXO26|Fbx17 F-box protein 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10465 chr14 54902450 54902516 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_005776, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_005776, intron 2 of 4) 5665 NM_005776 10175 Hs.294603 NM_005776 HPRD:16730 CNIH1 CNIH|CNIH-1|CNIL|TGAM77 cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24393 chr3 196554745 196554899 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_002577, intron 14 of 14) intron (NM_002577, intron 14 of 14) -39905 NM_152699 205564 Hs.240770 NM_152699 HPRD:10222 SENP5 - SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19863 chr2 214172423 214172493 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_047660, intron 3 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 23355 NR_047659 79582 Hs.743365 NM_024532 HPRD:18089 SPAG16 PF20|WDR29 sperm associated antigen 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22721 chr3 46311106 46311176 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27269 NM_001164680 1232 Hs.506190 NM_001837 HPRD:03167 CCR3 CC-CKR-3|CD193|CKR3|CMKBR3 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21509 chr21 46789979 46790072 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1ME3A|LINE|L1 -28120 NR_103811 388830 Hs.592162 NR_103811 ENSG00000237664 LINC00316 C21orf111|NCRNA00316|PRED59 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 316 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3306 chr1 235512637 235512703 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -18005 NM_001287802 6905 Hs.744998 NM_003193 HPRD:05381 TBCE HRD|KCS|KCS1|pac2 tubulin folding cofactor E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24951 chr4 43004164 43004365 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001080476, intron 2 of 3) LTR5A|LTR|ERVK 108981 NM_001080476 389207 Hs.162559 NM_001080476 ENSG00000215203 GRXCR1 DFNB25|PPP1R88 glutaredoxin, cysteine rich 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11563 chr15 52376766 52376837 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 28171 NM_020396 10017 Hs.283672 NM_020396 HPRD:06071 BCL2L10 BCL-B|Boo|Diva BCL2-like 10 (apoptosis facilitator) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7056 chr11 118187818 118187889 + 6.49319 NA TTS (NM_000733) TTS (NM_000733) 12558 NM_000733 916 Hs.3003 NM_000733 HPRD:08923 CD3E IMD18|T3E|TCRE CD3e molecule, epsilon (CD3-TCR complex) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11539 chr15 50295993 50296100 + 6.49319 NA intron (NR_073596, intron 8 of 27) intron (NR_073596, intron 8 of 27) 109467 NR_073598 79895 Hs.511311 NM_024837 HPRD:10681 ATP8B4 ATPIM ATPase, class I, type 8B, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32875 chr7 140997220 140997286 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001195278, intron 2 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 223221 NM_001195278 100507421 Hs.283851 NM_001195278 ENSG00000261115 TMEM178B - transmembrane protein 178B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13101 chr16 58232006 58232096 + 6.49319 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001896) promoter-TSS (NM_001896) -269 NM_001896 1459 Hs.82201 NM_001896 HPRD:00279 CSNK2A2 CK2A2|CSNK2A1 casein kinase 2, alpha prime polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4477 chr10 65571874 65572001 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 290814 NM_001001330 221035 Hs.499833 NM_001001330 HPRD:16582 REEP3 C10orf74 receptor accessory protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6938 chr11 105995006 105995087 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -46581 NM_198439 143879 Hs.101949 NM_152433 HPRD:10005 KBTBD3 BKLHD3 kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3234 chr1 230036568 230036797 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic Intergenic -156854 NM_001291866 2590 Hs.743964 NM_004481 HPRD:03782 GALNT2 GalNAc-T2 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2552 chr1 178878968 178879034 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001286247, intron 18 of 18) AluSc8|SINE|Alu -38786 NM_004673 9068 Hs.591474 NM_004673 HPRD:04851 ANGPTL1 ANG3|ANGPT3|ARP1|AngY|UNQ162|dJ595C2.2 angiopoietin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10382 chr14 49616214 49616285 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 436885 NM_001032 6235 Hs.156367 NM_001032 HPRD:04698 RPS29 DBA13|S29 ribosomal protein S29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25402 chr4 74869191 74869260 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -4779 NM_002994 6374 Hs.89714 NM_002994 HPRD:08976 CXCL5 ENA-78|SCYB5 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1130 chr1 76100891 76100997 + 6.49319 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -24145 NM_152697 204962 Hs.654821 NM_152697 HPRD:14580 SLC44A5 CTL5 solute carrier family 44, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5766 chr11 19675686 19675791 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_001111018, intron 1 of 37) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -59143 NM_145117 89797 Hs.64341 NM_145117 HPRD:07385 NAV2 HELAD1|POMFIL2|RAINB1|STEERIN2|UNC53H2 neuron navigator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32180 chr7 76809441 76809540 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_020879, intron 2 of 18) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 19660 NM_006682 10875 Hs.520989 NM_006682 HPRD:16098 FGL2 T49|pT49 fibrinogen-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14590 chr17 60098321 60098388 + 6.49319 NA intron (NM_005121, intron 8 of 29) SVA_D|Other|Other 44289 NM_005121 9969 Hs.282678 NM_005121 HPRD:07229 MED13 ARC250|DRIP250|HSPC221|THRAP1|TRAP240 mediator complex subunit 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18944 chr2 132810385 132810569 + 6.49133 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 109048 NR_027019 554226 Hs.380689 NR_027019 ENSG00000163046 ANKRD30BL ANKRD30BP3|NCRNA00164 ankyrin repeat domain 30B-like pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14032 chr17 25305276 25305347 + 6.49133 NA Intergenic Tigger3a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 315711 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19366 chr2 171830328 171830411 + 6.48862 NA Intergenic CpG 45333 NM_015530 26003 Hs.431317 NM_015530 HPRD:08303 GORASP2 GOLPH6|GRASP55|GRS2|p59 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2, 55kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30893 chr6 159125892 159126108 + 6.48862 NA intron (NM_001242395, intron 6 of 15) intron (NM_001242395, intron 6 of 15) 54954 NM_001242394 94120 Hs.436977 NM_001009991 HPRD:15462 SYTL3 SLP3 synaptotagmin-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18978 chr2 133045918 133045992 + 6.48787 NA Intergenic Intergenic -30413 NR_027020 554226 Hs.380689 NR_027019 ENSG00000163046 ANKRD30BL ANKRD30BP3|NCRNA00164 ankyrin repeat domain 30B-like pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16911 chr19 49393565 49393749 + 6.48744 NA intron (NM_003323, intron 6 of 12) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 8339 NM_003323 7288 Hs.104636 NM_003323 HPRD:03813 TULP2 CT65|TUBL2 tubby like protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24122 chr3 172314065 172314170 + 6.48744 NA Intergenic Intergenic -72820 NM_001190942 8743 Hs.478275 NM_003810 HPRD:04670 TNFSF10 APO2L|Apo-2L|CD253|TL2|TRAIL tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38652 chrX 128526146 128526212 + 6.48744 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 131303 NM_001282874 6594 Hs.152292 NM_003069 HPRD:02055 SMARCA1 ISWI|NURF140|SNF2L|SNF2L1|SNF2LB|SNF2LT|SWI|SWI2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28409 chr5 142225070 142225155 + 6.48744 NA intron (NM_015071, intron 1 of 22) intron (NM_015071, intron 1 of 22) 23363 NR_046680 100874239 Hs.570896 NR_046680 ENSG00000226272 ARHGAP26-AS1 - ARHGAP26 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15355 chr18 46439697 46439802 + 6.48619 NA Intergenic Intergenic 29428 NM_001190823 4092 Hs.465087 NM_005904 HPRD:04241 SMAD7 CRCS3|MADH7|MADH8 SMAD family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17561 chr2 27780542 27780732 + 6.48619 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -18752 NM_032266 84226 Hs.131021 NM_032266 HPRD:09849 C2orf16 - chromosome 2 open reading frame 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26162 chr4 146047314 146047543 + 6.48619 NA intron (NM_001040876, intron 17 of 17) intron (NM_001040876, intron 17 of 17) -27735 NM_001256708 10393 Hs.480876 NM_014885 ANAPC10 APC10|DOC1 anaphase promoting complex subunit 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19765 chr2 204734613 204734730 + 6.48376 NA intron (NM_001037631, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001037631, intron 1 of 2) 2160 NM_005214 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28020 chr5 112259219 112259332 + 6.48270 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -1244 NM_005669 7905 Hs.429608 NM_005669 HPRD:15918 REEP5 C5orf18|D5S346|DP1|TB2|YOP1 receptor accessory protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23951 chr3 155997050 155997214 + 6.48270 NA intron (NM_003471, intron 1 of 13) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -11644 NM_172159 7881 Hs.654519 NM_003471 HPRD:03089 KCNAB1 AKR6A3|KCNA1B|KV-BETA-1|Kvb1.3|hKvBeta3|hKvb3 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32074 chr7 72349846 72349981 + 6.48182 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001257190) promoter-TSS (NM_001257190) 7 NM_001257190 9883 Hs.655217 NM_172020 HPRD:11448 POM121 P145|POM121A POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29063 chr6 15245646 15245740 + 6.47794 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004973) promoter-TSS (NM_004973) -513 NM_004973 3720 Hs.269059 NM_004973 HPRD:03355 JARID2 JMJ jumonji, AT rich interactive domain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4991 chr10 105532092 105532165 + 6.47474 NA intron (NM_014631, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_014631, intron 2 of 13) 25591 NR_038940 100505839 Hs.655149 NR_038940 SH3PXD2A-AS1 - SH3PXD2A antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33903 chr8 59832922 59833005 + 6.47474 NA intron (NM_014729, intron 3 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 198804 NM_014729 9760 Hs.491805 NM_014729 HPRD:12113 TOX TOX1 thymocyte selection-associated high mobility group box protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32809 chr7 138729001 138729132 + 6.47297 NA 3' UTR (NM_020119, exon 13 of 13) 3' UTR (NM_020119, exon 13 of 13) -8291 NM_080660 92092 Hs.512833 NM_080660 HPRD:14440 ZC3HAV1L C7orf39 zinc finger CCCH-type, antiviral 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13611 chr17 1104526 1104635 + 6.47297 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13964 NM_001159746 29 Hs.159306 NM_001092 HPRD:02649 ABR MDB active BCR-related protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33740 chr8 43823198 43823289 + 6.47180 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 675658 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33315 chr8 7473576 7473658 + 6.47065 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -41697 NR_046343 441317 Hs.715411 NM_001136572 FAM90A7P FAM90A7 putative protein FAM90A7 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30458 chr6 127664717 127664828 + 6.46905 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018479) promoter-TSS (NM_018479) -18 NM_001105545 55862 Hs.486410 NM_018479 HPRD:13260 ECHDC1 HEL-S-76|MMCD|dJ351K20.2 enoyl CoA hydratase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19523 chr2 186450892 186450958 + 6.46905 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -152430 NM_173651 401024 Hs.98025 NM_173651 HPRD:13483 FSIP2 - fibrous sheath interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33555 chr8 29172388 29172471 + 6.46900 NA Intergenic Intergenic 33893 NM_057158 1846 Hs.417962 NM_001394 HPRD:04123 DUSP4 HVH2|MKP-2|MKP2|TYP dual specificity phosphatase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25945 chr4 122250001 122250204 + 6.46900 NA 3' UTR (NM_198179, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_198179, exon 6 of 6) 52079 NM_198179 84109 Hs.368977 NM_198179 QRFPR AQ27|GPR103|SP9155 pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26355 chr4 165897313 165897405 + 6.46900 NA intron (NM_001012414, intron 2 of 4) LTR5A|LTR|ERVK 1459 NM_001012414 391712 Hs.654633 NM_001012414 HPRD:18225 TRIM61 RNF35 tripartite motif containing 61 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25051 chr4 49144144 49144240 + 6.46630 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 155533 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35567 chr9 69690330 69690398 + 6.46595 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 39003 NR_024443 100133920 Hs.645503 NR_024443 LOC100133920 - uncharacterized LOC100133920 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11124 chr15 20001018 20001131 + 6.46520 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -486923 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39232 chrY 13802866 13802936 + 6.46501 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 730488 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29731 chr6 56760004 56760296 + 6.46334 NA intron (NM_001144769, intron 3 of 96) SVA_E|Other|Other -43436 NM_001144770 667 Hs.604915 NM_001723 HPRD:00222 DST BP240|BPA|BPAG1|CATX-15|CATX15|D6S1101|DMH|DT|EBSB2|HSAN6|MACF2 dystonin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5041 chr10 111767917 111768056 + 6.46334 NA non-coding (NR_038943, exon 1 of 5) non-coding (NR_038943, exon 1 of 5) 153 NR_038943 100505933 Hs.604103 NR_038943 ADD3-AS1 - ADD3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32950 chr7 144532806 144532891 + 6.46334 NA intron (NM_022445, intron 1 of 8) CpG 298 NM_022445 27010 Hs.660232 NM_022445 HPRD:06967 TPK1 HTPK1|PP20|THMD5 thiamin pyrophosphokinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26942 chr5 33436121 33436217 + 6.46334 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4633 NM_001258437 6897 Hs.481860 NM_152295 HPRD:01762 TARS ThrRS threonyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7888 chr12 38062870 38062967 + 6.45846 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -647639 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7473 chr12 10101328 10101431 + 6.45574 NA Intergenic L1MB2|LINE|L1 -2536 NM_001207010 160364 Hs.190519 NM_138337 HPRD:14719 CLEC12A CLL-1|CLL1|DCAL-2|MICL C-type lectin domain family 12, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5192 chr10 126195892 126196388 + 6.45574 NA intron (NM_001167880, intron 5 of 5) intron (NM_001167880, intron 5 of 5) 45799 NM_001167880 64077 Hs.527748 NM_022126 HPRD:17274 LHPP HDHD2B phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5192-2 chr10 126195892 126196388 + 6.45574 NA intron (NM_001167880, intron 5 of 5) intron (NM_001167880, intron 5 of 5) 45799 NM_001167880 64077 Hs.527748 NM_022126 HPRD:17274 LHPP HDHD2B phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19681 chr2 201171214 201171290 + 6.45574 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001100423) promoter-TSS (NM_001100423) -104 NM_001100423 26010 Hs.120323 NM_015535 HPRD:10916 SPATS2L DNAPTP6|SGNP spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38283 chrX 88462314 88462454 + 6.45467 NA Intergenic Intergenic 460158 NM_001184771 53336 Hs.458292 NM_033048 HPRD:06474 CPXCR1 CT77 CPX chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24485 chr4 1713985 1714160 + 6.45467 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006527) promoter-TSS (NM_006527) -42 NM_006527 7884 Hs.298345 NM_006527 HPRD:03884 SLBP HBP stem-loop binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1292 chr1 92163168 92163335 + 6.45206 NA intron (NM_001195684, intron 16 of 17) intron (NM_001195684, intron 16 of 17) 188585 NM_003243 7049 Hs.482390 NM_003243 HPRD:02846 TGFBR3 BGCAN|betaglycan transforming growth factor, beta receptor III protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30354 chr6 116066166 116066232 + 6.45206 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -293695 NR_027338 728402 Hs.729953 NR_027338 TPI1P3 - triosephosphate isomerase 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1255 chr1 89817724 89817843 + 6.45206 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11653 NM_198460 163351 Hs.254338 NM_198460 GBP6 - guanylate binding protein family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35211 chr9 34647033 34647109 + 6.45206 NA intron (NM_001258332, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001258332, intron 1 of 8) 485 NM_000155 2592 Hs.522090 NM_000155 HPRD:06106 GALT - galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32654 chr7 123069083 123069244 + 6.45206 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 103839 NR_104244 154865 Hs.159650 NM_178827 HPRD:08194 IQUB - IQ motif and ubiquitin domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24489 chr4 1829882 1830131 + 6.45057 NA intron (NM_012318, intron 6 of 13) intron (NM_012318, intron 6 of 13) 27968 NM_012318 3954 Hs.120165 NM_012318 HPRD:05101 LETM1 - leucine zipper-EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_770 chr1 43123750 43123817 + 6.45057 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006347) promoter-TSS (NM_006347) -265 NM_006347 10465 Hs.256639 NM_006347 HPRD:12084 PPIH CYP-20|CYPH|SnuCyp-20|USA-CYP peptidylprolyl isomerase H (cyclophilin H) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29869 chr6 74233524 74233595 + 6.45034 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2804 NM_001402 1915 Hs.535192 NM_001402 HPRD:00559 EEF1A1 CCS-3|CCS3|EE1A1|EEF-1|EEF1A|EF-Tu|EF1A|GRAF-1EF|HNGC:16303|LENG7|PTI1|eEF1A-1 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31805 chr7 57921347 57921489 + 6.44905 NA Intergenic Intergenic 411535 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35717 chr9 78245180 78245261 + 6.44905 NA intron (NR_031679, intron 2 of 2).2 L1PA4|LINE|L1 93524 NR_031679 100302287 NR_031679 MIR548H3 MIR548H-3|MIRN548H3|hsa-mir-548h-3 microRNA 548h-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25134 chr4 49634171 49634237 + 6.44742 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 645545 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35077 chr9 20623613 20623687 + 6.44571 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1108 NM_004529 4300 Hs.317248 NM_004529 HPRD:01163 MLLT3 AF9|YEATS3 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog, Drosophila); translocated to, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1771 chr1 143449832 143449937 + 6.44421 NA Intergenic Intergenic -223037 NR_106967 102466225 NR_106967 MIR6077 MIR6077-1|MIR6077-2|hsa-mir-6077-1|hsa-mir-6077-2 microRNA 6077 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9142 chr12 133338633 133338815 + 6.44168 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015114) promoter-TSS (NM_015114) -250 NM_015114 23141 Hs.654628 NM_015114 ENSG00000176915 ANKLE2 KIAA0692|LEMD7|Lem4 ankyrin repeat and LEM domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14693 chr17 66292862 66292968 + 6.44168 NA intron (NM_001267727, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001267727, intron 1 of 11) 5279 NM_001267727 22901 Hs.437249 NM_014960 ARSG - arylsulfatase G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35552 chr9 69162060 69162126 + 6.44168 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14239 NR_002836 595135 Hs.571593 NR_002836 ENSG00000227558 PGM5P2 - phosphoglucomutase 5 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11072 chr14 105267289 105267407 + 6.44168 NA intron (NM_001137601, intron 1 of 1) CpG 415 NM_001137601 100128927 Hs.170853 NM_001137601 ZBTB42 ZNF925 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12754 chr16 32749471 32749549 + 6.44121 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -62060 NR_110910 24150 Hs.592038 NM_015369 TP53TG3 P53TG3|TP53TG3A TP53 target 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4441 chr10 63510878 63510948 + 6.43531 NA intron (NM_173554, intron 4 of 6) intron (NM_173554, intron 4 of 6) 88194 NM_173554 219621 Hs.673160 NM_173554 HPRD:12559 C10orf107 bA63A2.1 chromosome 10 open reading frame 107 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18609 chr2 103353281 103353436 + 6.43531 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032718) promoter-TSS (NM_032718) -21 NM_032718 84804 Hs.590898 NM_032718 MFSD9 - major facilitator superfamily domain containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30439 chr6 125930629 125930695 + 6.43531 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -64837 NR_038906 643623 Hs.520367 NR_038906 ENSG00000224506 LOC643623 - uncharacterized LOC643623 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34271 chr8 96112681 96112879 + 6.43531 NA Intergenic Intergenic -27556 NR_037484 100500907 NR_037484 miRBase:MI0016426 MIR3150B - microRNA 3150b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34196 chr8 88314773 88314853 + 6.43531 NA intron (NM_173538, intron 8 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 436137 NM_173538 168975 Hs.246284 NM_173538 HPRD:08192 CNBD1 - cyclic nucleotide binding domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8960 chr12 120972104 120972193 + 6.43524 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014868) promoter-TSS (NM_014868) 16 NM_014868 9921 Hs.442798 NM_014868 HPRD:11496 RNF10 RIE2 ring finger protein 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16593 chr19 39260540 39260648 + 6.43524 NA Intergenic CpG 3563 NM_002307 3963 Hs.702546 NM_002307 HPRD:09002 LGALS7 GAL7|LGALS7A lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25477 chr4 81046736 81046842 + 6.43524 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -52163 NM_001286780 118429 Hs.162963 NM_058172 HPRD:07452 ANTXR2 CMG-2|CMG2|HFS|ISH|JHF anthrax toxin receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_314 chr1 19924152 19924316 + 6.43524 NA intron (NM_001204089, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_001204089, intron 1 of 3) 763 NM_001204082 440574 Hs.466662 NM_001032363 ENSG00000173436 MINOS1 C1orf151|MIO10 mitochondrial inner membrane organizing system 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9098 chr12 131356295 131356514 + 6.43443 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001300796) promoter-TSS (NM_001300796) -135 NM_001300796 5901 Hs.10842 NM_006325 RAN ARA24|Gsp1|TC4 RAN, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37588 chrX 48794291 48794417 + 6.43443 NA intron (NM_017602, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_017602, intron 2 of 8) -17941 NM_006875 11040 Hs.727148 NM_006875 HPRD:02244 PIM2 - Pim-2 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5475 chr11 2354602 2354671 + 6.43207 NA intron (NR_108080, intron 1 of 2) SVA_F|Other|Other 31393 NM_139022 10077 Hs.271954 NM_005705 HPRD:04834 TSPAN32 ART1|PHEMX|PHMX|TSSC6 tetraspanin 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12152 chr15 99543730 99543813 + 6.43207 NA intron (NM_001167902, intron 2 of 4) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 5114 NM_001102612 145814 Hs.592021 NM_001102612 ENSG00000183571 PGPEP1L - pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1402 chr1 100996594 100996729 + 6.43207 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7067 NM_022049 54112 Hs.170053 NM_022049 HPRD:16248 GPR88 STRG G protein-coupled receptor 88 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26802 chr5 12871167 12871274 + 6.42963 NA Intergenic Intergenic 296251 NR_033383 404663 Hs.552273 NR_033383 LINC01194 CT49|TAG long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1194 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5963 chr11 42077806 42077872 + 6.42963 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 197401 NR_038309 100507205 Hs.99310 NR_038309 LOC100507205 - uncharacterized LOC100507205 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32219 chr7 82928151 82928217 + 6.42963 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -135987 NM_033026 27445 Hs.12376 NM_014510 HPRD:16078 PCLO ACZ piccolo presynaptic cytomatrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33342 chr8 8869482 8869591 + 6.42963 NA intron (NM_153332, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_153332, intron 3 of 6) 9222 NM_153332 90459 Hs.20000 NM_153332 HPRD:11784 ERI1 3'HEXO|HEXO|THEX1 exoribonuclease 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21888 chr22 31102207 31102276 + 6.42963 NA intron (NM_030758, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_030758, intron 1 of 13) 11448 NM_030758 23762 Hs.517546 NM_030758 HPRD:09471 OSBP2 HLM|ORP-4|ORP4|OSBPL1|OSBPL4 oxysterol binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5531 chr11 5706335 5706420 + 6.42791 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033093) promoter-TSS (NM_033093) -38 NM_033034 85363 Hs.125300 NM_033034 HPRD:07004 TRIM5 RNF88|TRIM5alpha tripartite motif containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21063 chr21 9485618 9485695 + 6.42670 NA Intergenic Intergenic -340176 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39058 chrY 9930075 9930146 + 6.42644 NA Intergenic Intergenic 181703 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38987 chrY 1606130 1606252 + 6.42644 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178129).2 promoter-TSS (NM_178129).2 -154 NM_178129 286530 Hs.111377 NM_178129 HPRD:06671 P2RY8 P2Y8 purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5495 chr11 3516236 3516327 + 6.42021 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -103136 NR_044999 10821 Hs.637689 NR_044999 ENSG00000189398 OR7E12P HG1058|OR11-3|OR7E58P|OR7E79P|OR7E81P|OST021 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily E, member 12 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34401 chr8 109260677 109260770 + 6.41991 NA intron (NM_001568, intron 1 of 12) CpG 236 NM_001568 3646 Hs.405590 NM_001568 HPRD:03734 EIF3E EIF3-P48|EIF3S6|INT6|eIF3-p46 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34588 chr8 126614093 126614230 + 6.41847 NA Intergenic Intergenic 169710 NM_001282985 10221 Hs.444947 NM_025195 HPRD:09863 TRIB1 C8FW|GIG-2|GIG2|SKIP1|TRB-1|TRB1 tribbles pseudokinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23304 chr3 101109158 101109309 + 6.41847 NA intron (NM_001282803, intron 3 of 20) L1M2|LINE|L1 -69814 NM_016247 50939 Hs.209249 NM_016247 HPRD:06135 IMPG2 IPM200|RP56|SPACRCAN interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycan 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26926 chr5 32020662 32020791 + 6.41847 NA intron (NM_178140, intron 5 of 23) intron (NM_178140, intron 5 of 23) -84461 NR_036241 100422874 NR_036241 miRBase:MI0015887 MIR4279 - microRNA 4279 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28366 chr5 140568607 140568714 + 6.41847 NA exon (NM_019119, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_019119, exon 1 of 1) 1959 NM_019119 56127 Hs.662726 NM_019119 PCDHB9 PCDH-BETA9|PCDH3H protocadherin beta 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3469 chr1 248231365 248231473 + 6.41528 NA intron (NM_175911, intron 1 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 7435 NM_001004687 391192 Hs.690412 NM_001004687 HPRD:14943 OR2L3 - olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily L, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31205 chr7 2903404 2903536 + 6.41528 NA Intergenic LTR78B|LTR|ERV1 -19511 NM_001293092 2768 Hs.487341 NM_007353 HPRD:05093 GNA12 NNX3|RMP|gep guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) alpha 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30252 chr6 109103646 109103780 + 6.41528 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30856 NR_033376 387111 Hs.520310 NR_033376 ENSG00000203801 LINC00222 C6orf181|NCRNA00222|dJ354J5.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 222 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8739 chr12 103673397 103673529 + 6.41528 NA intron (NR_103526, intron 4 of 10) intron (NR_103526, intron 4 of 10) 216325 NR_103526 374470 Hs.534649 NM_198521 HPRD:13393 C12orf42 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4609 chr10 75700491 75700558 + 6.41528 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17989 NM_001001791 414236 Hs.585453 NM_001001791 HPRD:16580 C10orf55 bA417O11.3 chromosome 10 open reading frame 55 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25778 chr4 109330403 109330507 + 6.41528 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other 211158 NR_026968 285456 Hs.683863 NM_182591 HPRD:08228 RPL34-AS1 - RPL34 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25981 chr4 123937794 123937938 + 6.41528 NA intron (NM_145207, intron 10 of 15) SVA_D|Other|Other 93641 NM_145207 166378 Hs.709648 NM_145207 HPRD:11595 SPATA5 AFG2|SPAF spermatogenesis associated 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11522 chr15 49102698 49102967 + 6.41432 NA intron (NM_001194998, intron 1 of 26) CpG 511 NM_001194998 22995 Hs.443005 NM_014985 HPRD:16778 CEP152 MCPH4|MCPH9|SCKL5 centrosomal protein 152kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28047 chr5 115174796 115174898 + 6.41432 NA intron (NM_004707, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_004707, intron 1 of 3) 2701 NM_001277783 9140 Hs.264482 NM_004707 HPRD:08496 ATG12 APG12|APG12L|FBR93|HAPG12 autophagy related 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10714 chr14 73957825 73957957 + 6.41374 NA exon (NM_024644, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_024644, exon 1 of 1) 252 NM_024644 79697 Hs.509916 NM_024644 C14orf169 MAPJD|NO66|ROX|hsNO66 chromosome 14 open reading frame 169 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10495 chr14 56471614 56471753 + 6.41374 NA Intergenic Intergenic -113410 NM_021255 57161 Hs.657926 NM_021255 HPRD:17835 PELI2 - pellino E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7317 chr12 1913795 1913919 + 6.41374 NA intron (NM_172364, intron 29 of 37) MLT1J|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -15576 NM_001163926 654429 Hs.585579 NM_001039029 ENSG00000166159 LRTM2 - leucine-rich repeats and transmembrane domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29851 chr6 72539054 72539131 + 6.41374 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -57314 NM_014989 22999 Hs.485729 NM_014989 HPRD:09435 RIMS1 CORD7|RAB3IP2|RIM|RIM1 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1517 chr1 111174088 111174175 + 6.41374 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001204269) promoter-TSS (NM_001204269) -35 NM_001204269 3737 Hs.248139 NM_004974 HPRD:01443 KCNA2 HBK5|HK4|HUKIV|KV1.2|MK2|NGK1|RBK2 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18201 chr2 85716712 85716859 + 6.41374 NA Intergenic MER57A-int|LTR|ERV1 49224 NR_038942 100630918 Hs.66049 NR_038942 LOC100630918 - uncharacterized LOC100630918 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39179 chrY 13653010 13653085 + 6.41199 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 880342 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2588 chr1 180992304 180992387 + 6.41085 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005819) promoter-TSS (NM_005819) -88 NM_001286210 10228 Hs.518417 NM_005819 HPRD:07231 STX6 - syntaxin 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2149 chr1 154301121 154301229 + 6.41085 NA intron (NM_001005855, intron 2 of 11) CpG 899 NM_020452 57198 Hs.435700 NM_020452 HPRD:05794 ATP8B2 ATPID ATPase, aminophospholipid transporter, class I, type 8B, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33623 chr8 37756761 37756863 + 6.41085 NA exon (NM_025151, exon 1 of 5) exon (NM_025151, exon 1 of 5) 203 NM_025151 80223 Hs.191179 NM_025151 HPRD:09787 RAB11FIP1 NOEL1A|RCP|rab11-FIP1 RAB11 family interacting protein 1 (class I) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30440 chr6 126070620 126070763 + 6.41085 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012259) promoter-TSS (NM_012259) -41 NM_012259 23493 Hs.144287 NM_012259 HPRD:05243 HEY2 CHF1|GRIDLOCK|GRL|HERP1|HESR2|HRT2|bHLHb32 hes-related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26664 chr4_gl000193_random 82259 82407 + 6.41001 NA intron (NR_038377, intron 1 of 5) GA-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 6042 NR_038377 441058 Hs.130535 NR_038377 MGC39584 - uncharacterized LOC441058 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7249 chr11 133516076 133516224 + 6.40768 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -113747 NM_001012393 4978 Hs.4817 NM_002545 HPRD:07198 OPCML IGLON1|OBCAM|OPCM opioid binding protein/cell adhesion molecule-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7524 chr12 12798519 12798586 + 6.40706 NA TTS (NM_001310) TTS (NM_001310) 33785 NM_001310 1389 Hs.591156 NM_001310 HPRD:07541 CREBL2 - cAMP responsive element binding protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38485 chrX 109791066 109791132 + 6.40706 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 27559 NR_002718 6998 Hs.592361 NR_002718 ENSG00000225366 TDGF1P3 CR-3|CRIPTO|CRIPTO-3|CRIPTO3|TDGF1|TDGF2|TDGF3 teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8998 chr12 122431357 122431423 + 6.40706 NA intron (NM_144668, intron 19 of 21) SVA_F|Other|Other -28471 NM_020993 605 Hs.530970 NM_020993 BCL7A BCL7 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2940 chr1 209302270 209302447 + 6.40706 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -299810 NM_001104548 642587 Hs.510543 NM_001104548 MIR205HG LINC00510 MIR205 host gene (non-protein coding) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3821 chr10 23202569 23202655 + 6.40706 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14341 NM_001282746 219681 Hs.659807 NM_173081 HPRD:12487 ARMC3 CT81|KU-CT-1 armadillo repeat containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17024 chr19 53193793 53193905 + 6.40706 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001277945) promoter-TSS (NM_001277945) -15 NM_001277949 55769 Hs.467210 NM_018300 HPRD:01935 ZNF83 HPF1|ZNF816B zinc finger protein 83 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18151 chr2 78955852 78955927 + 6.40706 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -296923 NM_001008387 130120 Hs.447084 NM_198448 HPRD:10137 REG3G LPPM429|PAP IB|PAP-1B|PAP1B|PAPIB|REG III|REG-III|UNQ429 regenerating islet-derived 3 gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17079 chr19 55431225 55431295 + 6.40706 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK 13752 NM_004829 9437 Hs.97084 NM_004829 HPRD:05167 NCR1 CD335|LY94|NK-p46|NKP46 natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38415 chrX 103451037 103451137 + 6.40706 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 39931 NM_207318 139231 Hs.496535 NM_207318 HPRD:10045 FAM199X CXorf39 family with sequence similarity 199, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8501 chr12 78464389 78464455 + 6.40706 NA intron (NM_001024383, intron 12 of 39) L1PA2|LINE|L1 239353 NM_014903 89795 Hs.655301 NM_014903 HPRD:10114 NAV3 POMFIL1|STEERIN3|unc53H3 neuron navigator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33354 chr8 10361539 10361627 + 6.40706 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -21473 NM_001197020 203074 Hs.591394 NM_198464 HPRD:07162 PRSS55 CT153|T-SP1|TSP1|UNQ9391 protease, serine, 55 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12110 chr15 94772898 94772992 + 6.40171 NA Intergenic Intergenic -68485 NM_001159643 55784 Hs.33368 NM_018349 HPRD:07738 MCTP2 - multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27211 chr5 49447969 49448036 + 6.40093 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 289232 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11636 chr15 58418004 58418085 + 6.39511 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -12364 NM_020980 366 Hs.104624 NM_020980 HPRD:04223 AQP9 AQP-9|HsT17287|SSC1 aquaporin 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15168 chr18 19925001 19925069 + 6.39511 NA Intergenic Intergenic 72843 NM_172241 64693 Hs.406709 NM_022663 HPRD:16395 CTAGE1 CT21.1|CT21.2|CTAGE|CTAGE-1|CTAGE-2 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19392 chr2 174392470 174392589 + 6.39511 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 172968 NM_145810 83879 Hs.470654 NM_031942 HPRD:09874 CDCA7 JPO1 cell division cycle associated 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23963 chr3 156404941 156405007 + 6.39511 NA intron (NM_015508, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_015508, intron 2 of 5) 10521 NM_001184718 25976 Hs.744050 NM_015508 HPRD:18192 TIPARP ARTD14|PARP7|pART14 TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16982 chr19 51085234 51085400 + 6.39511 NA Intergenic SVA_B|Other|Other -14015 NM_001080457 94030 Hs.120873 NM_001080457 ENSG00000131409 LRRC4B HSM|LRIG4 leucine rich repeat containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29958 chr6 81561882 81561976 + 6.39511 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 745585 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31493 chr7 29325157 29325278 + 6.39511 NA intron (NM_001293072, intron 1 of 12) L3|LINE|CR1 -76631 NR_120522 102724484 Hs.638665 NR_120522 LOC102724484 - uncharacterized LOC102724484 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25652 chr4 99584498 99584655 + 6.39511 NA Intergenic MLT1L|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -4764 NM_005723 10098 Hs.118118 NM_005723 HPRD:15513 TSPAN5 NET-4|NET4|TM4SF9|TSPAN-5 tetraspanin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27939 chr5 104520547 104520616 + 6.39511 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 85406 NR_000039 9366 Hs.158296 NR_000039 ENSG00000232159 RAB9BP1 RAB9P1 RAB9B, member RAS oncogene family pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8782 chr12 106696471 106696554 + 6.39131 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286262) promoter-TSS (NM_001286262) -57 NM_001286262 255394 Hs.696047 NM_152772 HPRD:17555 TCP11L2 - t-complex 11, testis-specific-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19207 chr2 159314580 159314659 + 6.39131 NA intron (NM_001005476, intron 1 of 20) CpG 1143 NM_001005476 8502 Hs.407580 NM_003628 HPRD:05043 PKP4 p0071 plakophilin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16326 chr19 24630599 24630697 + 6.39035 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -284399 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7995 chr12 46121366 46121486 + 6.38784 NA non-coding (NR_028408, exon 1 of 1) non-coding (NR_028408, exon 1 of 1) 278 NR_028408 400027 Hs.597122 NR_028408 ENSG00000273015 LINC00938 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 938 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12585 chr16 28503320 28503478 + 6.38739 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286105) promoter-TSS (NM_001286105) 4 NM_001286110 1201 Hs.534667 NM_000086 HPRD:08450 CLN3 BTS|JNCL ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14631 chr17 62501574 62501694 + 6.38728 NA intron (NM_004396, intron 1 of 12) CpG 850 NM_004396 1655 Hs.279806 NM_004396 HPRD:01615 DDX5 G17P1|HLR1|HUMP68|p68 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box helicase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5317 chr10 131930949 131931038 + 6.38486 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -3646 NM_006541 10539 Hs.42644 NM_006541 HPRD:10153 GLRX3 GLRX4|GRX3|GRX4|PICOT|TXNL2|TXNL3 glutaredoxin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4334 chr10 52020639 52020768 + 6.38486 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12333 NM_001143974 56624 Hs.512645 NM_019893 ENSG00000188611 ASAH2 BCDase|HNAC1|LCDase|N-CDase|NCDase N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (non-lysosomal ceramidase) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3080 chr1 222002792 222002858 + 6.38486 NA Intergenic L1MA8|LINE|L1 -87307 NM_007207 11221 Hs.497822 NM_007207 HPRD:12320 DUSP10 MKP-5|MKP5 dual specificity phosphatase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8602 chr12 91971743 91971868 + 6.38468 NA Intergenic Intergenic -394999 NM_001920 1634 Hs.156316 NM_001920 HPRD:00501 DCN CSCD|DSPG2|PG40|PGII|PGS2|SLRR1B decorin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21256 chr21 19297420 19297545 + 6.38468 NA intron (NM_001204175, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001204175, intron 1 of 5) 7825 NM_001204178 140578 Hs.283725 NM_024944 HPRD:06261 CHODL C21orf68|MT75 chondrolectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4370 chr10 55413757 55413823 + 6.38468 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -882330 NM_000242 4153 Hs.499674 NM_000242 HPRD:01107 MBL2 COLEC1|HSMBPC|MBL|MBL2D|MBP|MBP-C|MBP1|MBPD mannose-binding lectin (protein C) 2, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13415 chr16 83984336 83984471 + 6.38468 NA Intergenic (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -2424 NM_182981 29948 Hs.128055 NM_013370 HPRD:06412 OSGIN1 BDGI|OKL38 oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15976 chr19 12251165 12251285 + 6.38468 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021143) promoter-TSS (NM_021143) -3 NM_021143 7568 Hs.512823 NM_021143 ENSG00000132010 ZNF20 KOX13 zinc finger protein 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28313 chr5 138391393 138391473 + 6.38468 NA intron (NM_022464, intron 3 of 9) SVA_D|Other|Other 142632 NM_022464 64374 Hs.483521 NM_022464 HPRD:12150 SIL1 BAP|MSS|ULG5 SIL1 nucleotide exchange factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23827 chr3 143690164 143690343 + 6.38437 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173552) promoter-TSS (NM_173552) -387 NM_173552 205428 Hs.288954 NM_173552 HPRD:14559 C3orf58 DIA1|GoPro49|HASF chromosome 3 open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7906 chr12 38133690 38133756 + 6.37983 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -576834 NM_001013620 144245 Hs.259305 NM_001013620 ALG10B ALG10|KCR1 ALG10B, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4918 chr10 102130875 102131025 + 6.37983 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2383 NR_026762 90271 Hs.628088 NR_026762 LINC00263 C10orf75|NCRNA00263 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 263 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11854 chr15 75795758 75795977 + 6.37983 NA intron (NM_002833, intron 7 of 12) intron (NM_002833, intron 7 of 12) -47743 NM_001145357 25942 Hs.513039 NM_015477 HPRD:09690 SIN3A - SIN3 transcription regulator family member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2769 chr1 198608131 198608249 + 6.37983 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002838) promoter-TSS (NM_002838) 92 NM_002838 5788 Hs.654514 NM_002838 HPRD:01050 PTPRC B220|CD45|CD45R|GP180|L-CA|LCA|LY5|T200 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32138 chr7 75115610 75115713 + 6.37983 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001099415) promoter-TSS (NM_001099415) -96 NM_001099415 100101267 Hs.712563 NM_001099415 ENSG00000135213 POM121C POM121-2 POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15100 chr18 14251651 14251806 + 6.37697 NA Intergenic Intergenic 72632 NR_040113 440482 Hs.632352 NM_001029999 ANKRD20A5P ANKRD20A5 ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A5, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21610 chr22 18834477 18834616 + 6.37697 NA Intergenic Intergenic -55072 NR_003267 2679 Hs.595809 NR_003267 ENSG00000197421 GGT3P GGT3 gamma-glutamyltransferase 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21283 chr21 26768770 26768928 + 6.37697 NA intron (NR_024027, intron 4 of 4) intron (NR_024027, intron 4 of 4) 35164 NR_024027 54072 Hs.234016 NM_058184 HPRD:10748 LINC00158 C21orf42|NCRNA00158 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 158 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15100-2 chr18 14251651 14251806 + 6.37697 NA Intergenic Intergenic 72632 NR_040113 440482 Hs.632352 NM_001029999 ANKRD20A5P ANKRD20A5 ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A5, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8356 chr12 68513540 68513688 + 6.37697 NA Intergenic Intergenic 39907 NM_000619 3458 Hs.856 NM_000619 HPRD:00957 IFNG IFG|IFI interferon, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8982 chr12 122028669 122028877 + 6.37697 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9853 NM_032590 84678 Hs.524800 NM_032590 HPRD:12362 KDM2B CXXC2|FBXL10|Fbl10|JHDM1B|PCCX2 lysine (K)-specific demethylase 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10786 chr14 77647982 77648123 + 6.37697 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020431) promoter-TSS (NM_020431) -50 NM_020431 57156 Hs.22452 NM_020431 HPRD:16617 TMEM63C C14orf171|CSC1|hsCSC1 transmembrane protein 63C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_671 chr1 36604379 36604465 + 6.37697 NA intron (NM_001270897, intron 1 of 2) AluSp|SINE|Alu 10693 NR_073098 27095 Hs.523131 NM_014408 HPRD:11644 TRAPPC3 BET3 trafficking protein particle complex 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9032 chr12 124196792 124196977 + 6.37697 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012463) promoter-TSS (NM_012463) 19 NM_012463 23545 Hs.25786 NM_012463 HPRD:16521 ATP6V0A2 A2|ARCL|ARCL2A|ATP6A2|ATP6N1D|J6B7|RTF|STV1|TJ6|TJ6M|TJ6S|VPH1|WSS ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit a2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8144 chr12 53774374 53774469 + 6.37688 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003109) promoter-TSS (NM_003109) -7 NM_003109 6667 Hs.620754 NM_003109 HPRD:01796 SP1 - Sp1 transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18738 chr2 113513129 113513282 + 6.37526 NA intron (NM_152515, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_152515, intron 4 of 8) 9049 NM_152515 150468 Hs.434250 NM_152515 CKAP2L - cytoskeleton associated protein 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19292 chr2 166634205 166634271 + 6.37526 NA intron (NM_004482, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_004482, intron 1 of 10) 16565 NM_004482 2591 Hs.170986 NM_004482 HPRD:03453 GALNT3 GalNAc-T3|HFTC|HHS polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29587 chr6 42714560 42714796 + 6.37430 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003192) promoter-TSS (NM_003192) -794 NM_003192 6903 Hs.75064 NM_003192 HPRD:04276 TBCC CFC tubulin folding cofactor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3692 chr10 14614291 14614462 + 6.36820 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282702) promoter-TSS (NM_001282702) -4 NM_001282700 83641 Hs.446315 NM_031453 HPRD:12575 FAM107B C10orf45 family with sequence similarity 107, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21288 chr21 26946223 26946289 + 6.36427 NA promoter-TSS (NR_030784) promoter-TSS (NR_030784) -36 NR_030784 406947 NR_030784 miRBase:MI0000681 MIR155 MIRN155|miRNA155 microRNA 155 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31252 chr7 6413882 6414055 + 6.36427 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018890) promoter-TSS (NM_018890) -158 NM_006908 5879 Hs.413812 NM_006908 HPRD:03627 RAC1 Rac-1|TC-25|p21-Rac1 ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (rho family, small GTP binding protein Rac1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27595 chr5 75418871 75419061 + 6.36346 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 39727 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1256 chr1 89823966 89824044 + 6.36231 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5431 NM_198460 163351 Hs.254338 NM_198460 GBP6 - guanylate binding protein family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31994 chr7 64703538 64703606 + 6.36231 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -135140 NM_152626 168374 Hs.9521 NM_007139 HPRD:04919 ZNF92 HEL-203|HPF12|HTF12|TF12 zinc finger protein 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11556 chr15 52070322 52070388 + 6.36231 NA intron (NM_014548, intron 5 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 26597 NM_001142885 29767 Hs.513734 NM_014548 HPRD:04237 TMOD2 N-TMOD|NTMOD tropomodulin 2 (neuronal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37691 chrX 54932079 54932146 + 6.36231 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -14884 NM_177556 7216 Hs.633653 NM_016157 HPRD:02134 TRO MAGE-d3|MAGED3 trophinin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5986 chr11 44590835 44590974 + 6.36081 NA intron (NM_001024844, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001024844, intron 1 of 8) 3763 NM_001024844 3732 Hs.527778 NM_002231 CD82 4F9|C33|GR15|IA4|KAI1|R2|SAR2|ST6|TSPAN27 CD82 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31174 chr7 1668275 1668355 + 6.35891 NA Intergenic AluJo|SINE|Alu 14209 NR_001288 260341 Hs.534596 NR_001288 TFAMP1 MTTF1|TCF6L1 transcription factor A, mitochondrial pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15648 chr18 78015811 78015892 + 6.35891 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -10454 NM_032510 84552 Hs.654920 NM_032510 HPRD:10138 PARD6G PAR-6G|PAR6gamma par-6 family cell polarity regulator gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10534 chr14 60650916 60650998 + 6.35891 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR -18746 NM_016029 51635 Hs.59719 NM_016029 HPRD:16802 DHRS7 SDR34C1|retDSR4|retSDR4 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5186 chr10 125014907 125014994 + 6.35891 NA Intergenic (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 101190 NM_004725 9184 Hs.418533 NM_004725 HPRD:04761 BUB3 BUB3L|hBUB3 BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37183 chrX 2846763 2846920 + 6.35891 NA intron (NM_001669, intron 1 of 9) CpG 575 NM_001669 414 Hs.528631 NM_001669 HPRD:02048 ARSD ASD arylsulfatase D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11119 chr14 107083097 107083215 + 6.35891 NA Intergenic Intergenic 144711 NR_027457 338005 Hs.322826 NR_027457 ENSG00000187156 LINC00221 C14orf98|NCRNA00221 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 221 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9566 chr13 50811213 50811281 + 6.35891 NA intron (NR_109974, intron 2 of 6) intron (NR_109974, intron 2 of 6) 65093 NR_002183 145165 Hs.511834 NM_153290 ST13P4 FAM10A4|FAM10A4P suppression of tumorigenicity 13 (colon carcinoma) (Hsp70 interacting protein) pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25912 chr4 122060897 122061090 + 6.35891 NA intron (NM_024873, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_024873, intron 9 of 10) 24502 NM_024873 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3187 chr1 228122625 228122835 + 6.35511 NA intron (NM_003395, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_003395, intron 1 of 3) 6654 NR_049806 100847072 NR_049806 MIR5008 - microRNA 5008 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4472 chr10 64996284 64996390 + 6.35511 NA intron (NM_001282948, intron 2 of 24) intron (NM_001282948, intron 2 of 24) 32646 NM_001282948 221037 Hs.413416 NM_004241 HPRD:05141 JMJD1C TRIP8 jumonji domain containing 1C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17977 chr2 65100651 65100727 + 6.35511 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9924 NR_110224 101927438 Hs.580313 NR_110224 LOC101927438 - uncharacterized LOC101927438 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27345 chr5 56489753 56489852 + 6.35511 NA intron (NM_001203246, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_001203246, intron 2 of 10) 18527 NM_001127235 65056 Hs.444279 NM_022913 HPRD:16333 GPBP1 GPBP|SSH6|VASCULIN GC-rich promoter binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30372 chr6 117506900 117507003 + 6.35165 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -79770 NM_182645 245806 Hs.99324 NM_153453 HPRD:18282 VGLL2 VGL2|VITO1 vestigial-like family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7795 chr12 31876173 31876309 + 6.35165 NA intron (NM_001278412, intron 1 of 8) HERVL40-int|LTR|ERVL 5867 NM_001278411 196394 Hs.585084 NM_001113402 HPRD:14115 AMN1 - antagonist of mitotic exit network 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6993 chr11 111742192 111742296 + 6.35165 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001077690) promoter-TSS (NM_001077690) 61 NM_024740 79796 Hs.745155 NM_024740 ALG9 CDG1L|DIBD1|LOH11CR1J ALG9, alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38867 chrX 150562119 150562215 + 6.35165 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3490 NM_001017980 203547 Hs.58633 NM_001017980 HPRD:18578 VMA21 MEAX|XMEA VMA21 vacuolar H+-ATPase homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16554 chr19 37772519 37772590 + 6.35070 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -12642 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5912 chr11 35269561 35269638 + 6.34908 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 109182 NM_001202556 960 Hs.502328 NM_000610 HPRD:00115 CD44 CDW44|CSPG8|ECMR-III|HCELL|HUTCH-I|IN|LHR|MC56|MDU2|MDU3|MIC4|Pgp1 CD44 molecule (Indian blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32136 chr7 75081855 75081937 + 6.34908 NA intron (NM_001099415, intron 3 of 14) intron (NM_001099415, intron 3 of 14) 33669 NM_001099415 100101267 Hs.712563 NM_001099415 ENSG00000135213 POM121C POM121-2 POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31280 chr7 7679633 7679724 + 6.34748 NA promoter-TSS (NR_034084) promoter-TSS (NR_034084) -664 NR_034084 729852 Hs.652371 NR_034084 RPA3OS RPA3-AS1 RPA3 opposite strand ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18418 chr2 92267603 92267674 + 6.34579 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 138479 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3393 chr1 243418754 243418834 + 6.34490 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014812) promoter-TSS (NM_014812) -86 NM_001042404 9859 Hs.533635 NM_014812 HPRD:17172 CEP170 FAM68A|KAB|KIAA0470 centrosomal protein 170kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8377 chr12 69224069 69224208 + 6.34046 NA intron (NM_001145337, intron 8 of 10) intron (NM_001145337, intron 8 of 10) 21341 NM_001278462 4193 Hs.484551 NM_002392 HPRD:01272 MDM2 ACTFS|HDMX|hdm2 MDM2 proto-oncogene, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20605 chr20 30190794 30190952 + 6.34046 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2213 NM_181353 3397 Hs.504609 NM_002165 HPRD:08980 ID1 ID|bHLHb24 inhibitor of DNA binding 1, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1114 chr1 73369346 73369442 + 6.33996 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -402459 NR_110677 101927295 Hs.436589 NR_110676 ENSG00000233973 LINC01360 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1360 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34685 chr8 135278492 135278613 + 6.33996 NA Intergenic Intergenic -331762 NR_002438 594840 Hs.626298 NR_002438 ENSG00000248492 ZFAT-AS1 NCRNA00070|SAS-ZFAT|ZFAT-AS|ZFATAS ZFAT antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16069 chr19 14965007 14965090 + 6.33996 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu -12359 NM_001005190 390892 Hs.553776 NM_001005190 HPRD:17780 OR7A10 BC85395_3|OR19-18 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily A, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29786 chr6 63831721 63831877 + 6.33996 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 198083 NM_016571 51557 Hs.149585 NM_016571 HPRD:13585 LGSN GLULD1|LGS lengsin, lens protein with glutamine synthetase domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2512 chr1 174607952 174608147 + 6.33996 NA intron (NM_014857, intron 14 of 20) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -160986 NM_001243765 9910 Hs.585378 NM_014857 HPRD:16464 RABGAP1L HHL|TBC1D18 RAB GTPase activating protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15574 chr18 72708126 72708298 + 6.33488 NA intron (NM_017757, intron 7 of 7) intron (NM_017757, intron 7 of 7) 213069 NM_175907 284273 Hs.465433 NM_175907 ZADH2 - zinc binding alcohol dehydrogenase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8557 chr12 88145663 88145738 + 6.33488 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 32788 NR_033410 400058 Hs.572212 NR_033410 MKRN9P MKRN5|MKRN9|MKRNP6|RNF65|ZNF127L3 makorin ring finger protein 9, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5046 chr10 111897086 111897232 + 6.33488 NA Intergenic Intergenic -70204 NM_130439 4601 Hs.602078 NM_005962 HPRD:02486 MXI1 MAD2|MXD2|MXI|bHLHc11 MAX interactor 1, dimerization protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1921 chr1 147624537 147624640 + 6.33488 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046188) promoter-TSS (NR_046188) -119 NR_046188 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23437 chr3 111830793 111830861 + 6.33488 NA promoter-TSS (NR_030292) promoter-TSS (NR_030292) -821 NR_030292 693152 NR_030292 MIR567 MIRN567|hsa-mir-567 microRNA 567 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34101 chr8 81050936 81051103 + 6.33488 NA intron (NR_105035, intron 1 of 6) intron (NR_105035, intron 1 of 6) 32416 NR_105037 7163 Hs.368433 NM_005079 HPRD:04963 TPD52 D52|N8L|PC-1|PrLZ|hD52 tumor protein D52 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13371 chr16 80625051 80625130 + 6.33488 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18385 NR_104666 101928276 Hs.149769 NR_104665 ENSG00000260737 LINC01227 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1227 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7841 chr12 34835448 34835603 + 6.33476 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 660309 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39071 chrY 10043693 10043784 + 6.33409 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 295331 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35209 chr9 34638047 34638150 + 6.33395 NA promoter-TSS (NM_147157) promoter-TSS (NM_147157) -275 NM_001282209 10280 Hs.522087 NM_005866 HPRD:03580 SIGMAR1 ALS16|OPRS1|SIG-1R|SR-BP|SR-BP1|SRBP|hSigmaR1|sigma1R sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12820 chr16 33524793 33525049 + 6.33269 NA intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) 38322 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11197 chr15 22466424 22466680 + 6.33269 NA Intergenic Intergenic 53090 NR_028067 390539 Hs.666555 NR_028067 ENSG00000259435 OR4N3P OR15-2 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily N, member 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18266 chr2 87754843 87754964 + 6.33269 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024205) promoter-TSS (NR_024205) -71 NR_024204 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31122 chr6 171052970 171053047 + 6.33233 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 -159228 NM_001199461 5134 Hs.367900 NM_002598 HPRD:02922 PDCD2 RP8|ZMYND7 programmed cell death 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26680 chr4_gl000194_random 80579 80681 + 6.32974 NA intron (NR_046442, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_046442, intron 2 of 2) 34443 NR_046440 727764 Hs.626311 NM_001190825 MAFIP MIP|TEKT4P4|pp5644 MAFF interacting protein (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1802 chr1 144395527 144395602 + 6.32828 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 52 of 130) intron (NM_001278267, intron 52 of 130) -31318 NM_001143883 653505 Hs.573713 NM_178230 ENSG00000255854 PPIAL4B COAS-2|COAS2|PPIAL4|PPIAL4A peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18308 chr2 89865743 89865813 + 6.32496 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 753894 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32401 chr7 99730385 99730456 + 6.32225 NA Intergenic Intergenic 6100 NM_203397 255374 Hs.632319 NM_203397 HPRD:18584 MBLAC1 - metallo-beta-lactamase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26458 chr4 178230890 178230971 + 6.32052 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018248) promoter-TSS (NM_018248) -61 NM_018248 55247 Hs.405467 NM_018248 HPRD:16407 NEIL3 FGP2|FPG2|NEI3|ZGRF3|hFPG2|hNEI3 nei endonuclease VIII-like 3 (E. coli) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32153 chr7 75988292 75988378 + 6.31967 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012479) promoter-TSS (NM_012479) 7 NM_012479 7532 Hs.744840 NM_012479 HPRD:05639 YWHAG 14-3-3GAMMA|PPP1R170 tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28223 chr5 131999210 131999314 + 6.31825 NA Intergenic Intergenic 5397 NM_002188 3596 Hs.845 NM_002188 HPRD:00981 IL13 IL-13|P600 interleukin 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1603 chr1 117113020 117113192 + 6.31825 NA intron (NM_001144822, intron 1 of 4) CpG 609 NR_026665 965 Hs.34341 NM_001779 HPRD:01081 CD58 LFA-3|LFA3|ag3 CD58 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2328 chr1 161500146 161500225 + 6.31825 NA Intergenic tRNA-Leu-CTG|tRNA|tRNA 6149 NM_002155 3310 Hs.654614 NM_002155 HPRD:00775 HSPA6 - heat shock 70kDa protein 6 (HSP70B') protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31689 chr7 46181469 46181550 + 6.31805 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -220638 NM_001013398 3486 Hs.450230 NM_000598 HPRD:00899 IGFBP3 BP-53|IBP3 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23402 chr3 108581828 108581914 + 6.31805 NA Intergenic Intergenic 40240 NM_016388 50852 Hs.138701 NM_016388 HPRD:05392 TRAT1 TCRIM|TRIM T cell receptor associated transmembrane adaptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1025 chr1 65210629 65210695 + 6.31805 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018211) promoter-TSS (NM_018211) -116 NM_018211 55225 Hs.591443 NM_018211 HPRD:11154 RAVER2 - ribonucleoprotein, PTB-binding 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38612 chrX 125071271 125071343 + 6.31805 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -172438 NR_110409 101928495 Hs.545998 NR_110409 ENSG00000237208 LOC101928495 - uncharacterized LOC101928495 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23117 chr3 75808314 75808382 + 6.31540 NA intron (NM_001290209, intron 2 of 4) Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 20917 NR_036235 100422955 NR_036235 miRBase:MI0015881 MIR4273 - microRNA 4273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3898 chr10 30648734 30648800 + 6.31540 NA Intergenic Intergenic 8827 NR_106985 102466227 NR_106985 MIR7162 hsa-mir-7162 microRNA 7162 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5731 chr11 18127572 18127713 + 6.31540 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138421) promoter-TSS (NM_138421) -4 NM_138421 113174 Hs.591998 NM_138421 HPRD:13999 SAAL1 SPACIA1 serum amyloid A-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16464 chr19 34919184 34919376 + 6.31540 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005499) promoter-TSS (NM_005499) 12 NM_005499 10054 Hs.631580 NM_005499 HPRD:11658 UBA2 ARX|SAE2 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2645 chr1 185238072 185238168 + 6.31540 NA intron (NM_017673, intron 16 of 18) AluY|SINE|Alu 48341 NM_006469 10625 Hs.497183 NM_006469 HPRD:10004 IVNS1ABP FLARA3|HSPC068|KLHL39|ND1|NS-1|NS1-BP|NS1BP influenza virus NS1A binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38256 chrX 84208142 84208209 + 6.31540 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 19018 NR_024062 100131816 Hs.460809 NM_178567 ENSG00000229547 UBE2DNL - ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D N-terminal like (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21328 chr21 32727263 32727334 + 6.31540 NA intron (NM_003253, intron 2 of 28) intron (NM_003253, intron 2 of 28) 203992 NM_003253 7074 Hs.517228 NM_003253 HPRD:02820 TIAM1 - T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5699 chr11 14655148 14655222 + 6.31540 NA intron (NM_148976, intron 1 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 9995 NM_148976 5682 Hs.102798 NM_002786 HPRD:04170 PSMA1 HC2|HEL-S-275|NU|PROS30 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37675 chrX 53463099 53463169 + 6.31540 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -1811 NM_004493 3028 Hs.171280 NM_004493 HPRD:02223 HSD17B10 17b-HSD10|ABAD|CAMR|DUPXp11.22|ERAB|HADH2|HCD2|MHBD|MRPP2|MRX17|MRX31|MRXS10|SCHAD|SDR5C1 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11278 chr15 30853587 30853710 + 6.31540 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11110 NR_027470 100288380 Hs.642616 NR_027470 ENSG00000260128 ULK4P2 D-X|FAM7A2 ULK4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21307 chr21 30204591 30204717 + 6.30544 NA Intergenic Intergenic 53041 NR_047510 29104 Hs.163846 NM_013240 N6AMT1 C21orf127|HEMK2|MTQ2|N6AMT|m.HsaHemK2P N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 1 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19128 chr2 152144782 152144862 + 6.30544 NA intron (NM_004688, intron 1 of 7) MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 1608 NM_004688 9111 Hs.54483 NM_004688 HPRD:04632 NMI - N-myc (and STAT) interactor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27687 chr5 79950853 79950998 + 6.30521 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110936) promoter-TSS (NR_110936) -125 NR_110936 1719 Hs.592364 NM_000791 HPRD:00519 DHFR DHFRP1|DYR dihydrofolate reductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34912 chr9 2026666 2026773 + 6.30446 NA intron (NM_001289396, intron 1 of 33) intron (NM_001289396, intron 1 of 33) 4774 NM_001289396 6595 Hs.298990 NM_003070 HPRD:02483 SMARCA2 BAF190|BRM|NCBRS|SNF2|SNF2L2|SNF2LA|SWI2|Sth1p|hBRM|hSNF2a SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30926 chr6 159357844 159357955 + 6.30446 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 48280 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_392 chr1 25160508 25160792 + 6.30319 NA intron (NM_013943, intron 4 of 5) SVA_E|Other|Other 85257 NR_106789 102465437 NR_106789 MIR6731 hsa-mir-6731 microRNA 6731 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27664 chr5 78280447 78280593 + 6.30319 NA intron (NM_198709, intron 2 of 7) CpG 1246 NM_198709 411 Hs.149103 NM_000046 HPRD:08358 ARSB ASB|G4S|MPS6 arylsulfatase B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31574-2 chr7 36429225 36429461 + 6.30200 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018685) promoter-TSS (NM_018685) -72 NM_018685 54443 Hs.62180 NM_018685 HPRD:09799 ANLN Scraps|scra anillin, actin binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12987 chr16 48400512 48400619 + 6.30200 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001006610) promoter-TSS (NM_001006610) -781 NM_001006610 6477 Hs.706828 NM_003031 HPRD:03736 SIAH1 SIAH1A siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31574 chr7 36429225 36429461 + 6.30200 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018685) promoter-TSS (NM_018685) -72 NM_018685 54443 Hs.62180 NM_018685 HPRD:09799 ANLN Scraps|scra anillin, actin binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23273 chr3 97624617 97624685 + 6.30200 NA intron (NM_153605, intron 15 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 66644 NM_001261829 84864 Hs.570562 NM_032778 HPRD:17575 MINA MDIG|MINA53|NO52|ROX MYC induced nuclear antigen protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16553 chr19 37772155 37772221 + 6.30067 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -12276 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24010 chr3 159261407 159261593 + 6.29569 NA intron (NM_001197108, intron 1 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 224901 NR_121669 100874433 Hs.601476 NR_121669 IQCJ-SCHIP1-AS1 uaz98 IQCJ-SCHIP1 readthrough antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5074 chr10 113557060 113557166 + 6.29539 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 386424 NM_001244949 57678 Hs.42586 NM_020918 HPRD:03865 GPAM GPAT|GPAT1 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31155 chr7 1084185 1084251 + 6.29539 NA intron (NM_001134395, intron 2 of 4) GC_rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -12923 NM_138445 115330 Hs.585007 NM_138445 HPRD:17064 GPR146 PGR8 G protein-coupled receptor 146 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26876 chr5 21113097 21113171 + 6.29539 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -346455 NR_027026 728411 Hs.88181 NM_207331 ENSG00000183666 GUSBP1 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36491 chr9 139527008 139527160 + 6.29539 NA Intergenic CpG -26224 NR_046367 51162 Hs.91481 NM_016215 HPRD:16351 EGFL7 NEU1|VE-STATIN|ZNEU1 EGF-like-domain, multiple 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21191 chr21 14516333 14516409 + 6.29448 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 105884 NR_026916 149992 Hs.558645 NM_153773 ANKRD30BP2 C21orf99|CT85|CTSP-1|CTSP1 ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8407 chr12 70172550 70172719 + 6.28738 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278402) promoter-TSS (NM_001278402) -98 NM_001278402 117177 Hs.258209 NM_022456 HPRD:10565 RAB3IP RABIN3 RAB3A interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34693 chr8 135632426 135632552 + 6.28655 NA intron (NR_110323, intron 3 of 16) intron (NR_110323, intron 3 of 16) 22175 NR_002438 594840 Hs.626298 NR_002438 ENSG00000248492 ZFAT-AS1 NCRNA00070|SAS-ZFAT|ZFAT-AS|ZFATAS ZFAT antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26348 chr4 164471538 164471656 + 6.28550 NA intron (NM_017923, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_017923, intron 2 of 3) 55924 NM_018352 55319 Hs.267446 NM_018352 HPRD:07739 TMA16 C4orf43 translation machinery associated 16 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8007 chr12 46777710 46777895 + 6.28550 NA promoter-TSS (NR_125381) promoter-TSS (NR_125381) -88 NR_125381 100288798 Hs.525922 NR_125377 LOC100288798 - uncharacterized LOC100288798 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27908 chr5 100515888 100515965 + 6.28550 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -276937 NM_175052 7903 Hs.308628 NM_005668 HPRD:03970 ST8SIA4 PST|PST1|SIAT8D|ST8SIA-IV ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2434 chr1 169860278 169860436 + 6.28270 NA intron (NM_020423, intron 1 of 12) MLT1M|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 2743 NM_181093 57147 Hs.435560 NM_020423 HPRD:07459 SCYL3 PACE-1|PACE1 SCY1-like 3 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28874 chr5 180587882 180588271 + 6.28133 NA Intergenic (CTGGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 6133 NM_206880 285659 Hs.553681 NM_206880 HPRD:14956 OR2V2 OR2V3|OST713 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily V, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14818 chr17 76778494 76778579 + 6.28105 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017456) promoter-TSS (NM_017456) -112 NM_004762 9267 Hs.191215 NM_004762 HPRD:01630 CYTH1 B2-1|CYTOHESIN-1|D17S811E|PSCD1|SEC7 cytohesin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37127 chrUn_gl000247 24253 24358 + 6.27639 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15715 chr19 1706893 1706961 + 6.27540 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -46735 NM_001080488 390874 Hs.654347 NM_001080488 ONECUT3 OC3 one cut homeobox 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33148 chr7 157518502 157518777 + 6.27540 NA intron (NM_130842, intron 11 of 21) L1M2|LINE|L1 -128638 NR_038966 100506585 Hs.661265 NR_038966 ENSG00000233038 LOC100506585 - uncharacterized LOC100506585 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7654 chr12 22535748 22535898 + 6.27540 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -48175 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9344 chr13 33311237 33311387 + 6.27540 NA intron (NM_015032, intron 21 of 34) L1MEg|LINE|L1 150748 NM_015032 23047 Hs.744901 NM_015032 HPRD:05624 PDS5B APRIN|AS3|CG008 PDS5, regulator of cohesion maintenance, homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7353 chr12 5230946 5231053 + 6.27376 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 77914 NM_002234 3741 Hs.150208 NM_002234 HPRD:08888 KCNA5 ATFB7|HCK1|HK2|HPCN1|KV1.5|PCN1 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21640 chr22 19812894 19812965 + 6.27376 NA intron (NM_053004, intron 2 of 7) AluJo|SINE|Alu 29442 NM_024627 79680 Hs.105642 NM_024627 HPRD:13382 C22orf29 BOP chromosome 22 open reading frame 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34683 chr8 135055923 135055999 + 6.27376 NA Intergenic Intergenic 157222 NR_125424 101927822 Hs.129114 NR_125424 ENSG00000253593 LOC101927822 - uncharacterized LOC101927822 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17794 chr2 46414499 46414626 + 6.27376 NA 3' UTR (NM_005400, exon 15 of 15) 3' UTR (NM_005400, exon 15 of 15) -109979 NM_001430 2034 Hs.468410 NM_001430 HPRD:06787 EPAS1 ECYT4|HIF2A|HLF|MOP2|PASD2|bHLHe73 endothelial PAS domain protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22365 chr3 15167032 15167181 + 6.27272 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -26451 NM_022340 64145 Hs.475565 NM_022340 HPRD:15732 ZFYVE20 Rabenosyn-5 zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11139 chr15 20118142 20118226 + 6.27165 NA Intergenic Intergenic -369813 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33457 chr8 21775935 21776084 + 6.26966 NA Intergenic LTR67B|LTR|ERVL -1171 NM_015024 23039 Hs.172685 NM_015024 HPRD:05846 XPO7 EXP7|RANBP16 exportin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32903 chr7 143041925 143041998 + 6.26892 NA intron (NM_000083, intron 16 of 22) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 17212 NM_014690 9715 Hs.648908 NM_014690 HPRD:13816 FAM131B - family with sequence similarity 131, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31210 chr7 3160264 3160377 + 6.26870 NA Intergenic MLT1J|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -76741 NM_032415 84433 Hs.648101 NM_032415 HPRD:06234 CARD11 BENTA|BIMP3|CARMA1|IMD11|PPBL caspase recruitment domain family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5064 chr10 112609874 112610102 + 6.26870 NA Intergenic Charlie1a|DNA|hAT-Charlie 20674 NR_026932 282997 Hs.599931 NR_026932 PDCD4-AS1 - PDCD4 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26270 chr4 154495555 154495671 + 6.26870 NA intron (NM_015196, intron 7 of 34) intron (NM_015196, intron 7 of 34) 108115 NM_015196 23240 Hs.732450 NM_015196 HPRD:13823 KIAA0922 TMEM131L KIAA0922 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14263 chr17 38335477 38335543 + 6.26870 NA intron (NM_016339, intron 1 of 14) AluSc8|SINE|Alu 1268 NM_016339 51195 Hs.632254 NM_016339 HPRD:17954 RAPGEFL1 Link-GEFII Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8775 chr12 105380243 105380323 + 6.26870 NA intron (NM_152318, intron 1 of 3) CpG 185 NM_152318 121053 Hs.295563 NM_152318 C12orf45 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 45 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38072 chrX 71398358 71398446 + 6.26107 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -3124 NM_001170747 5303 Hs.655623 NM_006223 HPRD:02219 PIN4 EPVH|PAR14|PAR17 protein (peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting, 4 (parvulin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5677 chr11 13959421 13959570 + 6.25769 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -24689 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24366 chr3 195636584 195636752 + 6.25762 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005781) promoter-TSS (NM_005781) -788 NM_005781 10188 Hs.518513 NM_005781 HPRD:06104 TNK2 ACK|ACK-1|ACK1|p21cdc42Hs tyrosine kinase, non-receptor, 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5143 chr10 121066268 121066360 + 6.25731 NA intron (NM_005308, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_005308, intron 1 of 15) -71170 NR_039829 100616398 NR_039829 MIR4681 - microRNA 4681 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30152 chr6 99963698 99963789 + 6.25731 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001080481) promoter-TSS (NM_001080481) -491 NM_001080481 85015 Hs.143410 NM_032929 ENSG00000123552 USP45 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 45 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11778 chr15 70051428 70051638 + 6.25731 NA Intergenic Intergenic -76040 NR_026764 414926 Hs.569502 NR_026764 ENSG00000259703 LINC00593 C15orf50 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 593 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7 chr1 469271 469348 + 6.25731 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 98484 NR_106781 102465432 NR_106781 MIR6723 hsa-mir-6723 microRNA 6723 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28586 chr5 153847387 153847455 + 6.25571 NA Intergenic Intergenic 10403 NM_004821 9421 Hs.152531 NM_004821 HPRD:03871 HAND1 Hxt|Thing1|bHLHa27|eHand heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9961 chr13 108573438 108573515 + 6.25571 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -54016 NM_001080396 728215 Hs.535394 NM_001080396 ENSG00000204442 FAM155A - family with sequence similarity 155, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11532 chr15 49552948 49553029 + 6.25571 NA intron (NM_001001556, intron 5 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 90775 NM_002044 2585 Hs.122006 NM_002044 HPRD:00657 GALK2 GK2 galactokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32273 chr7 88632392 88632466 + 6.25571 NA intron (NM_181646, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_181646, intron 1 of 3) -207398 NM_152706 219557 Hs.112877 NM_152706 HPRD:14507 C7orf62 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16826 chr19 46850638 46850720 + 6.25571 NA intron (NM_001204284, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001204284, intron 1 of 11) 428 NM_001204284 5536 Hs.654604 NM_006247 HPRD:02805 PPP5C PP5|PPP5|PPT protein phosphatase 5, catalytic subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7222 chr11 130063746 130063833 + 6.25571 NA intron (NM_021978, intron 7 of 18) intron (NM_021978, intron 7 of 18) 34107 NM_021978 6768 Hs.504315 NM_021978 HPRD:06005 ST14 ARCI11|HAI|MT-SP1|MTSP1|PRSS14|SNC19|TADG15|TMPRSS14 suppression of tumorigenicity 14 (colon carcinoma) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33629 chr8 38042075 38042219 + 6.25571 NA intron (NM_001204878, intron 1 of 3) LTR50|LTR|ERVL -7899 NR_045492 27257 Hs.425311 NM_014462 HPRD:06281 LSM1 CASM|YJL124C LSM1, U6 small nuclear RNA associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12244 chr16 908280 908363 + 6.25571 NA intron (NR_033645, intron 11 of 11) intron (NR_033645, intron 11 of 11) 52878 NM_001013638 388199 Hs.528461 NM_001013638 HPRD:18379 PRR25 gs64 proline rich 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22588 chr3 35148737 35148808 + 6.25571 NA intron (NR_110817, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 286743 NR_110817 101928135 Hs.550715 NR_110817 LOC101928135 - uncharacterized LOC101928135 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1912 chr1 147454742 147454812 + 6.25571 NA intron (NM_016334, intron 10 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 32411 NR_111936 100034743 Hs.696575 NR_003377 ENSG00000215860 PDZK1P2 OTTHUMT00000038524|PDZK1P1 PDZ domain containing 1 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11108 chr14 106626972 106627080 + 6.25571 NA Intergenic Intergenic -117243 NR_033375 338004 Hs.569411 NR_033375 ENSG00000229084 LINC00226 C14orf97|NCRNA00226 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 226 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16805 chr19 46195165 46195332 + 6.25471 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001163377) promoter-TSS (NM_001163377) 195 NM_004597 6633 Hs.515472 NM_004597 HPRD:03038 SNRPD2 SMD2|SNRPD1|Sm-D2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2 polypeptide 16.5kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3049 chr1 220267327 220267516 + 6.25471 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018060) promoter-TSS (NM_018060) -34 NM_018060 55699 Hs.262823 NM_018060 HPRD:13334 IARS2 ILERS isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12745 chr16 32313097 32313372 + 6.25451 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -11932 NR_033866 390705 Hs.278513 NR_033866 LOC390705 - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35820 chr9 89561516 89561585 + 6.25247 NA exon (NM_002048, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_002048, exon 1 of 1) 554 NM_002048 2619 Hs.65029 NM_002048 HPRD:00747 GAS1 - growth arrest-specific 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5149 chr10 121412110 121412194 + 6.25247 NA intron (NM_004281, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_004281, intron 1 of 3) 1270 NM_004281 9531 Hs.523309 NM_004281 HPRD:04860 BAG3 BAG-3|BIS|CAIR-1|MFM6 BCL2-associated athanogene 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12759 chr16 32797999 32798065 + 6.25247 NA Intergenic Intergenic 98431 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15530 chr18 67842191 67842308 + 6.25204 NA intron (NM_173630, intron 11 of 48) AluSx|SINE|Alu 30713 NM_173630 25914 Hs.654809 NM_173630 HPRD:11525 RTTN - rotatin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7118 chr11 121694921 121694987 + 6.25204 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 275598 NR_029671 406911 NR_029671 miRBase:MI0000446 MIR125B1 MIRN125B1 microRNA 125b-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25951 chr4 122363896 122363962 + 6.25204 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 -61748 NM_198179 84109 Hs.368977 NM_198179 QRFPR AQ27|GPR103|SP9155 pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10218 chr14 29995798 29995951 + 6.25204 NA intron (NR_039672, intron 3 of 4) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 178734 NR_039672 100616347 NR_039672 miRBase:MI0016813 MIR548AI - microRNA 548ai ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15611 chr18 76615908 76616138 + 6.25204 NA Intergenic Intergenic -124252 NM_171999 27164 Hs.700557 NM_171999 SALL3 ZNF796 spalt-like transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3530 chr10 1164306 1164399 + 6.25204 NA intron (NM_014023, intron 11 of 13) intron (NM_014023, intron 11 of 13) -41356 NR_015376 399706 Hs.721191 NM_001010910 HPRD:17990 LINC00200 C10orf139|NCRNA00200 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 200 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11095 chr14 106333651 106333843 + 6.25204 NA Intergenic CpG -50091 NR_026800 9834 Hs.649259 NM_014151 KIAA0125 C14orf110|FAM30A KIAA0125 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8029 chr12 48109249 48109322 + 6.25204 NA intron (NM_001172439, intron 6 of 9) intron (NM_001172439, intron 6 of 9) -9441 NM_024604 79657 Hs.437855 NM_024604 RPAP3 - RNA polymerase II associated protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8826 chr12 109915396 109915474 + 6.25093 NA promoter-TSS (NM_183415) promoter-TSS (NM_183415) 7 NM_183415 89910 Hs.374067 NM_130466 HPRD:06993 UBE3B BPIDS ubiquitin protein ligase E3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5866 chr11 32113056 32113183 + 6.25093 NA intron (NM_002901, intron 1 of 5) CpG 642 NM_002901 5954 Hs.97887 NM_002901 HPRD:04111 RCN1 HEL-S-84|PIG20|RCAL|RCN reticulocalbin 1, EF-hand calcium binding domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17872 chr2 54807199 54807350 + 6.25093 NA intron (NM_178313, intron 1 of 30) intron (NM_178313, intron 1 of 30) 21743 NM_178313 6711 Hs.503178 NM_003128 HPRD:01683 SPTBN1 ELF|HEL102|SPTB2|betaSpII spectrin, beta, non-erythrocytic 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16416 chr19 30433020 30433250 + 6.25093 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003796) promoter-TSS (NM_003796) -11 NR_045557 8725 Hs.466391 NM_003796 HPRD:11943 URI1 C19orf2|NNX3|PPP1R19|RMP|URI URI1, prefoldin-like chaperone protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32162 chr7 76235467 76235586 + 6.24941 NA intron (NR_029411, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_029411, intron 2 of 2) 21094 NM_152992 22932 Hs.488877 NM_012230 HPRD:15974 POMZP3 POM-ZP3|POM121 POM121 and ZP3 fusion protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22 chr1 713743 713821 + 6.23624 NA non-coding (NR_033908, exon 1 of 7) non-coding (NR_033908, exon 1 of 7) 286 NR_033908 100288069 Hs.527521 NR_033908 ENSG00000228327 LOC100288069 - uncharacterized LOC100288069 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10764 chr14 76009226 76009397 + 6.23601 NA intron (NM_006399, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_006399, intron 2 of 2) 20527 NM_006399 10538 Hs.509964 NM_006399 HPRD:09820 BATF B-ATF|BATF1|SFA-2|SFA2 basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19991 chr2 225818135 225818280 + 6.23601 NA intron (NM_014689, intron 1 of 55) intron (NM_014689, intron 1 of 55) -6425 NM_001290263 55619 Hs.46578 NM_014689 HPRD:10919 DOCK10 DRIP2|Nbla10300|ZIZ3 dedicator of cytokinesis 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6035 chr11 47972058 47972176 + 6.23601 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29993 NM_001098503 5795 Hs.318547 NM_002843 HPRD:02955 PTPRJ CD148|DEP1|HPTPeta|R-PTP-ETA|SCC1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1216 chr1 85493514 85493602 + 6.23601 NA intron (NM_001253693, intron 6 of 11) intron (NM_001253693, intron 6 of 11) 20665 NM_001253693 55283 Hs.535239 NM_018298 HPRD:09585 MCOLN3 TRP-ML3|TRPML3 mucolipin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25352 chr4 69239454 69239550 + 6.23601 NA Intergenic LTR67B|LTR|ERVL -23678 NM_001031732 91746 Hs.175955 NM_133370 HPRD:11689 YTHDC1 YT521|YT521-B YTH domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3908 chr10 30907530 30907790 + 6.23601 NA intron (NM_183058, intron 3 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 10987 NM_183058 119180 Hs.522610 NM_183058 HPRD:14337 LYZL2 - lysozyme-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33491 chr8 24697490 24697680 + 6.23601 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -73689 NM_005382 4741 Hs.458657 NM_005382 HPRD:01205 NEFM NEF3|NF-M|NFM neurofilament, medium polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5719 chr11 17008161 17008384 + 6.23601 NA intron (NM_175058, intron 3 of 22) MIR3|SINE|MIR 27691 NM_175058 144100 Hs.12332 NM_175058 HPRD:15142 PLEKHA7 - pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35212 chr9 34664418 34664487 + 6.23522 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1763 NM_006664 10850 Hs.648124 NM_006664 HPRD:05321 CCL27 ALP|CTACK|CTAK|ESKINE|ILC|PESKY|SCYA27 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12792 chr16 33087938 33088070 + 6.23512 NA Intergenic Intergenic -117579 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27245 chr5 49961671 49961773 + 6.23495 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001178055) promoter-TSS (NM_001178055) -11 NM_001178055 79668 Hs.369581 NM_024615 HPRD:07960 PARP8 ARTD16|pART16 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21769 chr22 22622545 22622614 + 6.23336 NA Intergenic Intergenic 23379 NM_007128 7441 Hs.247979 NM_007128 HPRD:05505 VPREB1 IGI|IGVPB|VPREB pre-B lymphocyte 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5283 chr10 129948336 129948462 + 6.23301 NA Intergenic CpG -23931 NM_001145966 4288 Hs.80976 NM_002417 HPRD:08902 MKI67 KIA|MIB-|MIB-1|PPP1R105 marker of proliferation Ki-67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28080 chr5 118651487 118651554 + 6.23301 NA intron (NM_001077654, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_001077654, intron 1 of 1) -17350 NM_001286814 25816 Hs.618488 NM_014350 TNFAIP8 GG2-1|MDC-3.13|NDED|SCC-S2|SCCS2 tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14036 chr17 25428171 25428320 + 6.23301 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 192777 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13089 chr16 57564051 57564163 + 6.23301 NA intron (NM_033212, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_033212, intron 1 of 8) 6370 NM_033212 92922 Hs.644611 NM_033212 HPRD:14408 CCDC102A - coiled-coil domain containing 102A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3075 chr1 221951353 221951465 + 6.23301 NA Intergenic Intergenic -35891 NM_007207 11221 Hs.497822 NM_007207 HPRD:12320 DUSP10 MKP-5|MKP5 dual specificity phosphatase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17648 chr2 35337485 35337572 + 6.23301 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 1245185 NR_037631 100288911 Hs.432924 NR_037631 LOC100288911 - uncharacterized LOC100288911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17611 chr2 31128747 31128817 + 6.23301 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -98471 NM_144575 92291 Hs.660911 NM_144575 HPRD:07008 CAPN13 - calpain 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22427 chr3 19188200 19188327 + 6.23025 NA Intergenic CpG -1754 NM_144633 131096 Hs.475656 NM_144633 HPRD:10006 KCNH8 ELK|ELK1|Kv12.1|elk3 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3879 chr10 28657170 28657334 + 6.23025 NA Intergenic Intergenic -78973 NR_107053 102465880 NR_107053 MIR8086 hsa-mir-8086 microRNA 8086 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10371 chr14 47148332 47148415 + 6.23025 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -27345 NM_080746 140801 Hs.308332 NM_080746 HPRD:11753 RPL10L RPL10_5_1358 ribosomal protein L10-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26316 chr4 160311694 160311784 + 6.23025 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 122741 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36387 chr9 132682729 132682812 + 6.23025 NA intron (NM_015033, intron 10 of 16) AluSg|SINE|Alu 50886 NR_106914 102466750 NR_106914 MIR6855 hsa-mir-6855 microRNA 6855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11926 chr15 82338500 82338566 + 6.23025 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032246) promoter-TSS (NM_032246) -49 NM_032246 84206 Hs.104744 NM_032246 HPRD:15256 MEX3B MEX-3B|RKHD3|RNF195 mex-3 RNA binding family member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12437 chr16 15455401 15455631 + 6.22885 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16635 NM_001277325 100288332 Hs.676266 NM_001277325 ENSG00000183793 NPIPA5 NPIP nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36546 chr9 140614339 140614447 + 6.22863 NA intron (NM_001145527, intron 3 of 15) intron (NM_001145527, intron 3 of 15) -43081 NR_024341 643210 Hs.721002 NM_001039765 EHMT1-IT1 - EHMT1 intronic transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12447 chr16 16446340 16446462 + 6.22862 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -16332 NR_106969 102466812 NR_106969 MIR6511A2 MIR6511A-2|hsa-mir-6511a-2 microRNA 6511a-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37757 chrX 57660639 57660711 + 6.22751 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 42406 NM_007157 158586 Hs.156257 NM_007157 HPRD:11777 ZXDB ZNF905|dJ83L6.1 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32917 chr7 143118287 143118443 + 6.22751 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 2 of 4) AluSp|SINE|Alu -12380 NM_005232 2041 Hs.89839 NM_005232 HPRD:01554 EPHA1 EPH|EPHT|EPHT1 EPH receptor A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21740 chr22 21679263 21679426 + 6.22626 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite 42630 NR_024583 29797 Hs.396963 NM_001029950 POM121L8P DKFZp434K191 POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin-like 8 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3217 chr1 228763363 228763444 + 6.22584 NA Intergenic CpG -16991 NR_037962 58480 Hs.647774 NM_021205 HPRD:06965 RHOU ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K ras homolog family member U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10683 chr14 71374014 71374173 + 6.22102 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014982) promoter-TSS (NM_014982) -29 NM_014982 22990 Hs.446559 NM_014982 HPRD:10139 PCNX PCNXL1|pecanex pecanex homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27070 chr5 42259548 42259618 + 6.22080 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -84136 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27202 chr5 49435300 49435471 + 6.22073 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 301849 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12226 chr16 542387 542456 + 6.21983 NA intron (NM_014700, intron 5 of 13) intron (NM_014700, intron 5 of 13) 17571 NM_001142272 9727 Hs.531642 NM_014700 HPRD:18521 RAB11FIP3 CART1|Rab11-FIP3 RAB11 family interacting protein 3 (class II) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12952 chr16 46458257 46458459 + 6.21924 NA Intergenic MER77|LTR|ERVL 144651 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9793 chr13 91691057 91691124 + 6.21657 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 52603 NR_104057 101930747 Hs.112745 NR_104057 LINC00380 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 380 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22856 chr3 52246732 52246804 + 6.21657 NA intron (NM_199166, intron 10 of 10) AluSp|SINE|Alu 13411 NM_017442 54106 Hs.87968 NM_017442 HPRD:05685 TLR9 CD289 toll-like receptor 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22585 chr3 34454704 34454957 + 6.21657 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 614767 NM_001162429 10015 Hs.475896 NM_013374 HPRD:06425 PDCD6IP AIP1|ALIX|DRIP4|HP95 programmed cell death 6 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27930 chr5 102560405 102560499 + 6.21657 NA Intergenic L1PA17|LINE|L1 -33990 NM_033211 90355 Hs.482976 NM_033211 HPRD:12383 C5orf30 - chromosome 5 open reading frame 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18073 chr2 73053098 73053240 + 6.21657 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015189) promoter-TSS (NM_015189) 8 NM_015189 23233 Hs.303454 NM_015189 ENSG00000144036 EXOC6B SEC15B|SEC15L2 exocyst complex component 6B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20085 chr2 234306024 234306090 + 6.21657 NA intron (NM_152879, intron 3 of 29) intron (NM_152879, intron 3 of 29) 9257 NM_003648 8527 Hs.471675 NM_003648 HPRD:03492 DGKD DGKdelta|dgkd-2 diacylglycerol kinase, delta 130kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11204 chr15 23075923 23076116 + 6.21521 NA intron (NM_001142275, intron 1 of 4) AluSz6|SINE|Alu 10417 NM_144599 123606 Hs.511797 NM_144599 HPRD:10487 NIPA1 FSP3|SPG6 non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_793 chr1 43644458 43644527 + 6.21521 NA intron (NM_152498, intron 2 of 10) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -6251 NM_001159936 10969 Hs.346868 NM_006824 HPRD:16849 EBNA1BP2 EBP2|NOBP|P40 EBNA1 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20866 chr20 48552812 48552966 + 6.21521 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018683) promoter-TSS (NM_018683) -25 NM_018683 55905 Hs.144949 NM_018683 HPRD:10329 RNF114 PSORS12|ZNF313 ring finger protein 114 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23253 chr3 94560225 94560297 + 6.21521 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -96846 NR_015400 255025 Hs.130994 NR_015400 ENSG00000239589 LINC00879 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 879 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34463 chr8 116464412 116464568 + 6.21521 NA intron (NM_001282902, intron 4 of 5) intron (NM_001282902, intron 4 of 5) 215749 NM_001282902 7227 Hs.657018 NM_014112 HPRD:05091 TRPS1 GC79|LGCR trichorhinophalangeal syndrome I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30520 chr6 132833875 132834069 + 6.21234 NA intron (NM_003569, intron 1 of 9) CpG 365 NM_003569 8417 Hs.593148 NM_003569 STX7 - syntaxin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25350 chr4 69069151 69069217 + 6.21234 NA intron (NR_104048, intron 2 of 9) L1PA4|LINE|L1 14614 NR_104048 401136 Hs.652046 NM_001129907 ENSG00000226894 TMPRSS11BNL - TMPRSS11B N-terminal like, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20200 chr2 240866876 240866942 + 6.20844 NA Intergenic Tigger3b|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 15602 NR_039949 100616417 NR_039949 miRBase:MI0017433 MIR4786 - microRNA 4786 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32327 chr7 93717141 93717287 + 6.20844 NA Intergenic Intergenic -83524 NM_005868 10282 Hs.489132 NM_005868 HPRD:16107 BET1 HBET1 Bet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13566 chr17 138547 138620 + 6.20844 NA intron (NM_001190411, intron 4 of 8) CpG -42413 NM_001242780 100506388 Hs.627744 NM_001242780 LOC100506388 - uncharacterized LOC100506388 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22994 chr3 66633260 66633360 + 6.20844 NA Intergenic Intergenic -82465 NM_015541 26018 Hs.518055 NM_015541 HPRD:10057 LRIG1 LIG-1|LIG1 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3828 chr10 24351527 24351603 + 6.20844 NA intron (NM_001098500, intron 2 of 18) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -146155 NM_001282767 56243 Hs.445885 NM_019590 HPRD:11132 KIAA1217 SKT KIAA1217 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24242 chr3 184135775 184135878 + 6.20844 NA Intergenic Intergenic 37965 NM_003741 8646 Hs.166186 NM_003741 HPRD:04592 CHRD - chordin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12177 chr15 101548693 101548791 + 6.20844 NA intron (NM_024652, intron 6 of 33) CpG 89282 NM_024652 79705 Hs.407918 NM_024652 HPRD:14319 LRRK1 RIPK6|Roco1 leucine-rich repeat kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28696 chr5 165578543 165578633 + 6.20844 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 774787 NR_108020 102557615 NR_108020 CTB-7E3.1 - uncharacterized LOC102557615 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38999 chrY 2499291 2499439 + 6.20802 NA intron (NR_033380, intron 8 of 8).2 intron (NR_033380, intron 8 of 8).2 22059 NR_033381 401577 Hs.444541 NR_033380 ENSG00000223773 CD99P1 CD99L1|CXYorf12|MIC2R|NCRNA00103 CD99 molecule pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37178 chrX 2549291 2549439 + 6.20802 NA intron (NR_033380, intron 8 of 8) intron (NR_033380, intron 8 of 8) -15977 NR_037842 100359394 Hs.571720 NR_037842 ENSG00000230542 LINC00102 NCRNA00102 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 102 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29749 chr6 58251908 58252028 + 6.20802 NA intron (NR_003660, intron 5 of 6) AluJo|SINE|Alu 35756 NR_125729 375513 Hs.561539 NM_206908 GUSBP4 C6orf216|GUSBL2|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4227 chr10 43133949 43134281 + 6.20727 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006955) promoter-TSS (NM_006955) -123 NM_006955 7582 Hs.732284 NM_006955 HPRD:01912 ZNF33B KOX2|KOX31|ZNF11B zinc finger protein 33B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18490 chr2 96658158 96658291 + 6.20727 NA Intergenic CpG -18075 NR_003698 729234 Hs.720108 NR_003698 ENSG00000231584 FAHD2CP - fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase domain containing 2C, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4227-2 chr10 43133949 43134281 + 6.20727 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006955) promoter-TSS (NM_006955) -123 NM_006955 7582 Hs.732284 NM_006955 HPRD:01912 ZNF33B KOX2|KOX31|ZNF11B zinc finger protein 33B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38888 chrX 152736047 152736213 + 6.20356 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017518) promoter-TSS (NM_017518) -41 NM_017518 55559 Hs.170835 NM_017518 HPRD:18695 HAUS7 UCHL5IP|UIP1 HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21327 chr21 32726925 32727126 + 6.19720 NA intron (NM_003253, intron 2 of 28) intron (NM_003253, intron 2 of 28) 204265 NM_003253 7074 Hs.517228 NM_003253 HPRD:02820 TIAM1 - T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28522 chr5 149592318 149592512 + 6.19720 NA Intergenic AluSc8|SINE|Alu 22895 NM_014228 6534 Hs.241597 NM_014228 HPRD:09371 SLC6A7 PROT solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12197 chr15 102307360 102307521 + 6.19720 NA Intergenic Intergenic -38483 NM_001005326 390648 Hs.553399 NM_001005326 HPRD:11415 OR4F6 OR15-15|OR4F12 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily F, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25958 chr4 122732349 122732540 + 6.19720 NA intron (NM_005033, intron 7 of 11) intron (NM_005033, intron 7 of 11) 9972 NM_001034194 5393 Hs.91728 NM_005033 HPRD:07315 EXOSC9 PM/Scl-75|PMSCL1|RRP45|Rrp45p|p5|p6 exosome component 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2661 chr1 186587712 186587788 + 6.19720 NA Intergenic Intergenic 61809 NM_000963 5743 Hs.196384 NM_000963 HPRD:02599 PTGS2 COX-2|COX2|GRIPGHS|PGG/HS|PGHS-2|PHS-2|hCox-2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34609 chr8 128795757 128795854 + 6.19720 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -12403 NR_031609 100302185 NR_031609 miRBase:MI0006337 MIR1204 hsa-mir-1204 microRNA 1204 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31264 chr7 6783356 6783481 + 6.19720 NA intron (NR_002217, intron 3 of 5) intron (NR_002217, intron 3 of 5) 8482 NR_002217 441194 Hs.715590 NR_002217 ENSG00000187953 PMS2CL PMS2P13 PMS2 C-terminal like pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23700 chr3 132379065 132379447 + 6.19720 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032169) promoter-TSS (NM_032169) 116 NM_024818 79876 Hs.170737 NM_024818 HPRD:15598 UBA5 THIFP1|UBE1DC1 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27667 chr5 78809733 78809829 + 6.19720 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004272) promoter-TSS (NM_004272) -122 NM_001277078 9456 Hs.591761 NM_004272 HOMER1 HOMER|HOMER1A|HOMER1B|HOMER1C|SYN47|Ves-1 homer homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13238 chr16 68554650 68554734 + 6.19720 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18969 NM_133458 146198 Hs.461074 NM_133458 HPRD:18729 ZFP90 FIK|NK10|ZNF756 ZFP90 zinc finger protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21327-2 chr21 32726925 32727126 + 6.19720 NA intron (NM_003253, intron 2 of 28) intron (NM_003253, intron 2 of 28) 204265 NM_003253 7074 Hs.517228 NM_003253 HPRD:02820 TIAM1 - T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36296 chr9 130478283 130478349 + 6.19720 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144965) promoter-TSS (NM_144965) -42 NM_144965 158248 Hs.642748 NM_144965 HPRD:15581 TTC16 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37117 chrUn_gl000243 19810 19900 + 6.19502 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13422 chr16 84552450 84552535 + 6.19324 NA Intergenic MLT1B|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -14204 NM_020947 57707 Hs.288274 NM_020947 TLDC1 KIAA1609 TBC/LysM-associated domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35568 chr9 69691942 69692137 + 6.18962 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 40678 NR_024443 100133920 Hs.645503 NR_024443 LOC100133920 - uncharacterized LOC100133920 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21255 chr21 19192352 19192426 + 6.18916 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017447) promoter-TSS (NM_017447) -686 NM_001100421 54149 Hs.293811 NM_017447 HPRD:10776 C21orf91 C21orf14|C21orf38|CSSG1|EURL|YG81 chromosome 21 open reading frame 91 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22843 chr3 51720589 51720742 + 6.18724 NA intron (NM_001243725, intron 3 of 4) intron (NM_001243725, intron 3 of 4) 15022 NR_103463 51368 Hs.517864 NM_015926 HPRD:15492 TEX264 ZSIG11 testis expressed 264 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24714 chr4 14484712 14484783 + 6.18709 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 371155 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25464 chr4 79274848 79275018 + 6.18681 NA intron (NM_001166133, intron 20 of 41) L1HS|LINE|L1 -197809 NM_005139 306 Hs.480042 NM_005139 HPRD:00111 ANXA3 ANX3 annexin A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24043 chr3 163479430 163479496 + 6.18681 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -458374 NR_033945 647107 Hs.408584 NR_033945 ENSG00000241369 LINC01192 CT64 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1192 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5220 chr10 127303874 127303941 + 6.18681 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 40967 NR_023362 100169752 Hs.652647 NR_023362 ENSG00000237675 TEX36-AS1 - TEX36 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15001 chr18 3526046 3526120 + 6.18681 NA intron (NM_001242764, intron 7 of 9) intron (NM_001242764, intron 7 of 9) 59835 NR_110428 100505592 Hs.635114 NR_110428 ENSG00000266835 LOC100505592 - uncharacterized LOC100505592 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22139 chr22 47540355 47540509 + 6.18681 NA intron (NR_104292, intron 13 of 13) intron (NR_104292, intron 13 of 13) -228494 NR_122047 642757 Hs.632786 NR_122047 TBC1D22A-AS1 - TBC1D22A antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5959 chr11 40757154 40757223 + 6.18681 NA intron (NM_020929, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -442508 NR_047673 57689 Hs.745123 NM_020929 HPRD:12303 LRRC4C NGL-1|NGL1 leucine rich repeat containing 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37862 chrX 61872894 61872990 + 6.18450 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 698276 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3011 chr1 218772112 218772190 + 6.17963 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 156183 NR_125715 103611157 Hs.133379 NR_125715 TGFB2-OT1 - TGFB2 overlapping transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10642 chr14 68141254 68141402 + 6.17963 NA 5' UTR (NM_006370, exon 1 of 6) 5' UTR (NM_006370, exon 1 of 6) 274 NM_006370 10490 Hs.741177 NM_006370 HPRD:04440 VTI1B VTI1|VTI1-LIKE|VTI1L|VTI2|v-SNARE|vti1-rp1 vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6805 chr11 93150709 93150866 + 6.17963 NA intron (NM_181645, intron 13 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 86904 NM_181645 159989 Hs.436625 NM_181645 HPRD:08689 CCDC67 - coiled-coil domain containing 67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9075 chr12 129281032 129281121 + 6.17933 NA intron (NM_145648, intron 7 of 7) intron (NM_145648, intron 7 of 7) 27465 NM_145648 121260 Hs.507260 NM_145648 ENSG00000139370 SLC15A4 PHT1|PTR4 solute carrier family 15 (oligopeptide transporter), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17430 chr2 13105712 13105806 + 6.17782 NA Intergenic Intergenic 41379 NR_038434 100506474 Hs.242196 NR_038434 ENSG00000225649 LOC100506474 - uncharacterized LOC100506474 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12739 chr16 32202542 32202609 + 6.17651 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -3141 NR_109773 100289574 Hs.531536 NR_109773 ENSG00000230267 HERC2P4 D16F37S5 hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25271 chr4 60170024 60170264 + 6.17579 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -2192695 NM_015236 23284 Hs.28391 NM_015236 HPRD:10055 LPHN3 CIRL3|LEC3 latrophilin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5300 chr10 131373418 131373512 + 6.17416 NA intron (NM_002412, intron 2 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 108011 NM_002412 4255 Hs.501522 NM_002412 MGMT - O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25902 chr4 120987540 120987716 + 6.17198 NA intron (NM_002358, intron 1 of 4) CpG 385 NM_002358 4085 Hs.591697 NM_002358 MAD2L1 HSMAD2|MAD2 MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39059 chrY 9939004 9939171 + 6.17198 NA Intergenic Intergenic 190680 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16559 chr19 37787665 37787735 + 6.17176 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -27788 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25955 chr4 122618884 122619039 + 6.17118 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001154) promoter-TSS (NM_001154) -814 NM_001154 308 Hs.480653 NM_001154 HPRD:00568 ANXA5 ANX5|ENX2|HEL-S-7|PP4|RPRGL3 annexin A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11483 chr15 44719757 44719887 + 6.17118 NA 5' UTR (NM_016396, exon 1 of 13) 5' UTR (NM_016396, exon 1 of 13) 243 NM_016396 51496 Hs.497967 NM_016396 HPRD:13697 CTDSPL2 HSPC129 CTD (carboxy-terminal domain, RNA polymerase II, polypeptide A) small phosphatase like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17195 chr19 59117779 59117857 + 6.16579 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 31052 NR_026052 65996 Hs.541177 NM_023939 HPRD:14527 CENPBD1P1 - CENPBD1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30268 chr6 109703583 109703801 + 6.16527 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142401) promoter-TSS (NM_001142401) 70 NM_001142402 8763 Hs.520313 NM_006016 HPRD:04523 CD164 MGC-24|MUC-24|endolyn CD164 molecule, sialomucin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10964 chr14 97634324 97634390 + 6.16525 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 224441 NR_104113 145249 NR_104113 LINC00618 C14orf63 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 618 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34073 chr8 77362000 77362067 + 6.16525 NA intron (NR_105006, intron 2 of 5) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 43144 NR_105006 101926978 Hs.615028 NR_105006 ENSG00000254300 LINC01111 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1111 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33466 chr8 22103561 22103649 + 6.16525 NA intron (NM_001722, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_001722, intron 2 of 8) 986 NM_001722 661 Hs.148342 NM_001722 HPRD:01755 POLR3D BN51T|RPC4|RPC53|TSBN51 polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide D, 44kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10343 chr14 45103433 45103499 + 6.16525 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -126967 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31459 chr7 25896726 25896843 + 6.16525 NA Intergenic CpG -16154 NR_046486 100873753 NR_046486 RNU6-16P RNU6-16 RNA, U6 small nuclear 16, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17620 chr2 32335939 32336134 + 6.16525 NA intron (NM_014946, intron 4 of 16) (TATAG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 47356 NM_014946 6683 Hs.468091 NM_014946 HPRD:05044 SPAST ADPSP|FSP2|SPG4 spastin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15589 chr18 74775349 74775421 + 6.16525 NA intron (NM_001025101, intron 3 of 8) intron (NM_001025101, intron 3 of 8) -46330 NM_001025092 4155 Hs.551713 NM_002385 HPRD:01158 MBP - myelin basic protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2744 chr1 196156759 196156826 + 6.16525 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 394819 NR_039888 100616363 NR_039888 MIR4735 - microRNA 4735 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15857 chr19 7701906 7702044 + 6.16215 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001127396) promoter-TSS (NM_001127396) -12 NR_073560 6813 Hs.515104 NM_006949 HPRD:03423 STXBP2 FHL5|Hunc18b|MUNC18-2|UNC18-2|UNC18B|pp10122 syntaxin binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6619 chr11 73685110 73685229 + 6.16215 NA TTS (NM_003355) TTS (NM_003355) 8720 NM_003355 7351 Hs.80658 NM_003355 UCP2 BMIQ4|SLC25A8|UCPH uncoupling protein 2 (mitochondrial, proton carrier) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25654 chr4 99627729 99627844 + 6.16215 NA Intergenic MLT2B3|LTR|ERVL -47974 NM_005723 10098 Hs.118118 NM_005723 HPRD:15513 TSPAN5 NET-4|NET4|TM4SF9|TSPAN-5 tetraspanin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20880 chr20 49407323 49407400 + 6.16215 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4070 NM_017843 55653 Hs.381178 NM_017843 HPRD:06314 BCAS4 CNOL breast carcinoma amplified sequence 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6861 chr11 96000904 96001079 + 6.16215 NA intron (NM_032427, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_032427, intron 1 of 4) -73611 NR_036125 100422991 NR_036125 miRBase:MI0014197 MIR1260B - microRNA 1260b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3932 chr10 32059398 32059468 + 6.15846 NA Intergenic Charlie7|DNA|hAT-Charlie 138421 NM_001270699 94134 Hs.499264 NM_018287 HPRD:06446 ARHGAP12 - Rho GTPase activating protein 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31803 chr7 57875741 57875821 + 6.15846 NA Intergenic THE1A|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 365898 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16985 chr19 51127900 51128068 + 6.15846 NA intron (NM_032298, intron 7 of 8) AluSx|SINE|Alu 13318 NM_032298 84258 Hs.515554 NM_032298 HPRD:08977 SYT3 SytIII synaptotagmin III protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18072 chr2 73052941 73053009 + 6.15846 NA exon (NM_015189, exon 1 of 22) exon (NM_015189, exon 1 of 22) 202 NM_015189 23233 Hs.303454 NM_015189 ENSG00000144036 EXOC6B SEC15B|SEC15L2 exocyst complex component 6B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6858 chr11 95948460 95948572 + 6.15846 NA intron (NM_032427, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_032427, intron 1 of 4) -126086 NR_036125 100422991 NR_036125 miRBase:MI0014197 MIR1260B - microRNA 1260b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5725 chr11 17307421 17307491 + 6.15846 NA intron (NM_005013, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_005013, intron 2 of 13) 9170 NM_005013 4925 Hs.654599 NM_005013 HPRD:09726 NUCB2 HEL-S-109|NEFA nucleobindin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27335 chr5 55310250 55310335 + 6.15508 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 19297 NR_102755 441072 Hs.482141 NR_102755 ENSG00000227908 FLJ31104 - uncharacterized LOC441072 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3947 chr10 32646066 32646140 + 6.15508 NA intron (NR_104163, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_104163, intron 1 of 1) 9811 NR_104163 102031319 Hs.128132 NR_104163 LOC102031319 - ncRNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30667 chr6 143208075 143208194 + 6.15508 NA intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) 58204 NM_006734 3097 Hs.510172 NM_006734 HPRD:00881 HIVEP2 HIV-EP2|MBP-2|MIBP1|SHN2|ZAS2|ZNF40B human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9131 chr12 133021698 133021764 + 6.15508 NA Intergenic Intergenic -45426 NM_001142641 57666 Hs.411138 NM_001142641 ENSG00000112787 FBRSL1 - fibrosin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35527 chr9 68501630 68501808 + 6.15253 NA Intergenic THE1C-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -47344 NR_033907 642236 Hs.529357 NR_033907 LOC642236 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_94 chr1 2458026 2458097 + 6.15253 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018216) promoter-TSS (NM_018216) -26 NM_018216 55229 Hs.26156 NM_018216 HPRD:07313 PANK4 - pantothenate kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36136 chr9 115850611 115850703 + 6.15165 NA Intergenic Intergenic 23300 NR_024376 100128385 Hs.99052 NR_024376 ENSG00000225684 FAM225B C9orf110|LINC00256B|NCRNA00256B family with sequence similarity 225, member B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31550 chr7 34556827 34556893 + 6.14442 NA intron (NR_033665, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -140991 NM_001300934 387129 Hs.652373 NM_207172 HPRD:10547 NPSR1 ASRT2|GPR154|GPRA|NPSR|PGR14|VRR1 neuropeptide S receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6880 chr11 100156967 100157044 + 6.14442 NA intron (NM_014361, intron 18 of 24) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -401402 NM_152432 143872 Hs.741465 NM_152432 ENSG00000165895 ARHGAP42 GRAF3 Rho GTPase activating protein 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16085 chr19 15051586 15051900 + 6.14442 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012377) promoter-TSS (NM_012377) -558 NM_012377 26658 Hs.589620 NM_012377 HPRD:15072 OR7C2 CIT-HSP-87M17|OR19-18|OR7C3 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37499 chrX 41125013 41125159 + 6.14385 NA Intergenic Intergenic -67565 NM_001356 1654 Hs.743263 NM_001356 HPRD:02154 DDX3X DBX|DDX14|DDX3|HLP2 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box helicase 3, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7535 chr12 13053567 13053633 + 6.14385 NA intron (NM_003979, intron 1 of 3) AluSp|SINE|Alu 9644 NM_003979 9052 Hs.631733 NM_003979 GPRC5A GPCR5A|RAI3|RAIG1 G protein-coupled receptor, class C, group 5, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32937 chr7 143518606 143518698 + 6.14385 NA intron (NR_015421, intron 2 of 2) LTR19B|LTR|ERV1 11569 NR_110549 653691 Hs.632030 NR_110549 FAM115D FAM139B family with sequence similarity 139, member B pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20888 chr20 49575036 49575127 + 6.14385 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003859) promoter-TSS (NM_003859) -21 NM_003859 8813 Hs.654951 NM_003859 HPRD:04613 DPM1 CDGIE|MPDS dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1, catalytic subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31400 chr7 21985486 21985552 + 6.14385 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001127370) promoter-TSS (NM_001127370) 23 NM_018719 55536 Hs.744069 NM_018719 HPRD:11481 CDCA7L JPO2|R1|RAM2 cell division cycle associated 7-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3006 chr1 217430676 217430742 + 6.14385 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -119612 NM_001134285 2104 Hs.444225 NM_001438 HPRD:04274 ESRRG ERR3|ERRgamma|NR3B3 estrogen-related receptor gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13061 chr16 56659581 56659669 + 6.14385 NA promoter-TSS (NM_175617) promoter-TSS (NM_175617) 40 NM_175617 4493 Hs.744893 NM_175617 MT1E MT1|MTD metallothionein 1E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35802 chr9 88338239 88338359 + 6.14385 NA intron (NM_015239, intron 1 of 25) L1PA6|LINE|L1 18645 NM_001286715 23287 Hs.719980 NM_015239 HPRD:08442 AGTPBP1 CCP1|NNA1 ATP/GTP binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3337 chr1 235983001 235983077 + 6.13900 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 3 of 52) AluY|SINE|Alu 33321 NR_031718 100302139 NR_031718 miRBase:MI0007258 MIR1537 MIRN1537|hsa-mir-1537 microRNA 1537 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13509 chr16 89284014 89284133 + 6.13900 NA promoter-TSS (NR_037705) promoter-TSS (NR_037705) -38 NR_037705 197320 Hs.647385 NM_182531 HPRD:08111 ZNF778 - zinc finger protein 778 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6560 chr11 71017791 71017994 + 6.13900 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -82050 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6524 chr11 69490074 69490173 + 6.13900 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153451) promoter-TSS (NM_153451) 42 NM_153451 220064 Hs.667996 NM_153451 HPRD:06245 ORAOV1 TAOS1 oral cancer overexpressed 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6003 chr11 46142965 46143042 + 6.13900 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016621) promoter-TSS (NM_016621) -18 NM_016621 51317 Hs.502458 NM_016621 ENSG00000135365 PHF21A BHC80 PHD finger protein 21A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19079 chr2 145078230 145078370 + 6.13784 NA intron (NM_001284235, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001284235, intron 1 of 6) 11801 NM_001284235 79712 Hs.44780 NM_024659 HPRD:13615 GTDC1 Hmat-Xa|mat-Xa glycosyltransferase-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17719 chr2 42329563 42329636 + 6.13783 NA Intergenic CpG 54438 NM_138370 91461 Hs.408542 NM_138370 HPRD:18707 PKDCC SGK493|Vlk protein kinase domain containing, cytoplasmic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7844 chr12 34838571 34838687 + 6.13753 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 663413 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9284 chr13 28195481 28195575 + 6.13585 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015972) promoter-TSS (NM_015972) -388 NM_152705 51082 Hs.507584 NM_015972 HPRD:14717 POLR1D AC19|POLR1C|RPA16|RPA9|RPAC2|RPC16|RPO1-3|TCS2 polymerase (RNA) I polypeptide D, 16kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20048 chr2 232328465 232328598 + 6.13113 NA intron (NM_005381, intron 1 of 13) CpG 674 NM_005381 4691 Hs.79110 NM_005381 NCL C23 nucleolin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12263 chr16 1660780 1660848 + 6.12686 NA 5' UTR (NM_014714, exon 2 of 31) 5' UTR (NM_014714, exon 2 of 31) 1295 NM_014714 9742 Hs.389438 NM_014714 HPRD:11093 IFT140 MZSDS|SRTD9|WDTC2|c305C8.4|c380F5.1|gs114 intraflagellar transport 140 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19515 chr2 183903147 183903213 + 6.12686 NA 5' UTR (NM_205842, exon 1 of 32) 5' UTR (NM_205842, exon 1 of 32) 406 NM_205842 10787 Hs.603732 NM_013436 HPRD:05353 NCKAP1 HEM2|NAP1|NAP125|p125Nap1 NCK-associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6980 chr11 110198823 110199030 + 6.12686 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -31489 NM_002906 5962 Hs.263671 NM_002906 HPRD:01534 RDX DFNB24 radixin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18354 chr2 90451833 90451902 + 6.12665 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1339983 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35585 chr9 69954165 69954257 + 6.12658 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -196427 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12763 chr16 32821117 32821183 + 6.12482 NA Intergenic Intergenic 75313 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20805 chr20 43596203 43596300 + 6.12377 NA intron (NM_006282, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_006282, intron 1 of 10) 1131 NM_006282 6789 Hs.472838 NM_006282 HPRD:05395 STK4 KRS2|MST1|TIIAC|YSK3 serine/threonine kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12748 chr16 32491052 32491156 + 6.12332 NA Intergenic ERVL-E-int|LTR|ERVL -189802 NR_033866 390705 Hs.278513 NR_033866 LOC390705 - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9285 chr13 28195907 28196091 + 6.12332 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015972) promoter-TSS (NM_015972) 83 NM_015972 51082 Hs.507584 NM_015972 HPRD:14717 POLR1D AC19|POLR1C|RPA16|RPA9|RPAC2|RPC16|RPO1-3|TCS2 polymerase (RNA) I polypeptide D, 16kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2945 chr1 209942874 209942971 + 6.12288 NA intron (NM_001287754, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001287754, intron 1 of 6) 1089 NM_001287754 80342 Hs.147434 NM_025228 HPRD:16305 TRAF3IP3 T3JAM TRAF3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24377 chr3 195976713 195976779 + 6.12288 NA intron (NM_005017, intron 4 of 9) intron (NM_005017, intron 4 of 9) 33363 NM_152672 200931 Hs.630585 NM_152672 HPRD:17810 SLC51A OSTA|OSTalpha solute carrier family 51, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30574 chr6 137072797 137072969 + 6.12288 NA intron (NM_005923, intron 1 of 29) intron (NM_005923, intron 1 of 29) 40773 NM_005923 4217 Hs.186486 NM_005923 HPRD:03904 MAP3K5 ASK1|MAPKKK5|MEKK5 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38450 chrX 106694158 106694270 + 6.12288 NA Intergenic Intergenic -71466 NM_032428 84443 Hs.496546 NM_032428 ENSG00000147234 FRMPD3 - FERM and PDZ domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17984 chr2 65459864 65459967 + 6.12288 NA intron (NM_005722, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_005722, intron 1 of 8) 5086 NM_001005386 10097 Hs.643727 NM_005722 HPRD:05023 ACTR2 ARP2 ARP2 actin-related protein 2 homolog (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19201 chr2 159085062 159085133 + 6.12275 NA intron (NM_138803, intron 10 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 61935 NR_038850 554201 Hs.570262 NR_038850 ENSG00000227480 CCDC148-AS1 - CCDC148 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35698 chr9 77039373 77039443 + 6.12275 NA intron (NR_106746, intron 1 of 7) L1PA2|LINE|L1 52961 NR_121182 101927358 Hs.559523 NR_121182 ENSG00000227809 LOC101927358 - uncharacterized LOC101927358 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12527 chr16 22549718 22549842 + 6.12032 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -7239 NR_003676 653786 Hs.564945 NR_003676 ENSG00000257838 LOC653786 - otoancorin pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34734 chr8 139218699 139218880 + 6.12018 NA intron (NM_015912, intron 7 of 19) intron (NM_015912, intron 7 of 19) 290276 NM_015912 51059 Hs.126024 NM_015912 HPRD:14230 FAM135B C8ORFK32 family with sequence similarity 135, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1138 chr1 76733469 76733608 + 6.12018 NA intron (NM_152996, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_152996, intron 1 of 4) 193149 NM_001160011 256435 Hs.337040 NM_152996 ST6GALNAC3 PRO7177|SIAT7C|ST6GALNACIII|STY ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29720 chr6 55174496 55174567 + 6.12018 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -17736 NM_207410 389400 Hs.526967 NM_207410 HPRD:15622 GFRAL C6orf144|GRAL|UNQ9356|bA360D14.1 GDNF family receptor alpha like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33242 chr8 1694441 1694563 + 6.12018 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17368 NM_018941 2055 Hs.127675 NM_018941 HPRD:06383 CLN8 C8orf61|EPMR ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 8 (epilepsy, progressive with mental retardation) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11673 chr15 62189086 62189158 + 6.12018 NA intron (NM_001018088, intron 66 of 81) L1PA3|LINE|L1 163542 NM_017684 54832 Hs.511668 NM_017684 HPRD:12323 VPS13C - vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog C (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35371 chr9 44876191 44876442 + 6.12009 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -113920 NR_027421 100132948 Hs.645763 NM_001024942 ENSG00000154537 FAM27C FAM27A|FAM27A1|FAM27A3 family with sequence similarity 27, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13400 chr16 82014592 82014711 + 6.11129 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 30442 NM_145168 93517 Hs.87779 NM_145168 HPRD:17118 SDR42E1 - short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 42E, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2930 chr1 207907703 207907781 + 6.10961 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -17641 NM_002389 4179 Hs.510402 NM_002389 HPRD:00406 CD46 AHUS2|MCP|MIC10|TLX|TRA2.10 CD46 molecule, complement regulatory protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22115 chr22 45637003 45637175 + 6.10961 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001009880) promoter-TSS (NM_001009880) -439 NM_001009880 23313 Hs.592207 NM_015264 HPRD:12802 KIAA0930 C22orf9|LSC3 KIAA0930 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30027 chr6 87587960 87588026 + 6.10961 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -59031 NM_000865 3354 Hs.1611 NM_000865 HPRD:01635 HTR1E 5-HT1E 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1E, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4751 chr10 90591565 90591723 + 6.10810 NA exon (NM_144590, exon 2 of 6) exon (NM_144590, exon 2 of 6) 20088 NM_144590 118932 Hs.217484 NM_144590 ANKRD22 - ankyrin repeat domain 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4285 chr10 47655814 47655928 + 6.10709 NA Intergenic CpG -2362 NM_001278688 195977 Hs.538515 NM_001278688 ENSG00000198250 ANTXRL - anthrax toxin receptor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23467 chr3 113666640 113666820 + 6.10709 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173570) promoter-TSS (NM_173570) -18 NM_173570 254887 Hs.21902 NM_173570 HPRD:15717 ZDHHC23 NIDD zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19126 chr2 152117875 152118010 + 6.10709 NA intron (NM_198557, intron 1 of 3) CpG 447 NM_198557 375287 Hs.302442 NM_198557 HPRD:10992 RBM43 C2orf38 RNA binding motif protein 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33685 chr8 43036123 43036227 + 6.10709 NA intron (NM_152419, intron 10 of 17) SVA_E|Other|Other 40583 NM_152419 138050 Hs.600384 NM_152419 ENSG00000165102 HGSNAT HGNAT|MPS3C|TMEM76 heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29167 chr6 24721067 24721229 + 6.10176 NA Intergenic CpG -1745 NM_030939 81688 Hs.744857 NM_030939 C6orf62 Nbla00237|XTP12|dJ30M3.2 chromosome 6 open reading frame 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38508 chrX 114070631 114070839 + 6.10117 NA intron (NM_001256761, intron 4 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 12718 NR_029955 554212 NR_029955 MIR448 MIRN448|hsa-mir-448|miRNA448 microRNA 448 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29030 chr6 12138775 12138841 + 6.10117 NA intron (NM_002114, intron 7 of 8) L2a|LINE|L2 126084 NM_002114 3096 Hs.567284 NM_002114 HPRD:01925 HIVEP1 CIRIP|CRYBP1|GAAP|MBP-1|PRDII-BF1|Schnurri-1|ZAS1|ZNF40|ZNF40A human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2656 chr1 185861839 185861907 + 6.10117 NA intron (NM_031935, intron 4 of 106) L1PA2|LINE|L1 158190 NM_031935 83872 Hs.58877 NM_031935 HPRD:06509 HMCN1 ARMD1|FBLN6|FIBL-6|FIBL6 hemicentin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6874 chr11 98308083 98308176 + 6.10117 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -583577 NM_001243270 53942 Hs.656783 NM_014361 HPRD:06241 CNTN5 HNB-2s|NB-2 contactin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3928 chr10 31892513 31892619 + 6.10117 NA Intergenic CpG 282502 NM_001174094 6935 Hs.124503 NM_030751 HPRD:01798 ZEB1 AREB6|BZP|DELTAEF1|FECD6|NIL2A|PPCD3|TCF8|ZFHEP|ZFHX1A zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16591 chr19 39157823 39157910 + 6.10117 NA intron (NM_004924, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_004924, intron 1 of 20) 19599 NM_004924 81 Hs.270291 NM_004924 ACTN4 ACTININ-4|FSGS|FSGS1 actinin, alpha 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21213 chr21 15825744 15825919 + 6.10117 NA Intergenic Intergenic -70322 NM_006948 6782 Hs.352341 NM_006948 HPRD:03061 HSPA13 STCH heat shock protein 70kDa family, member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30658 chr6 142553729 142553816 + 6.10117 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -69284 NM_001032394 57211 Hs.743302 NM_020455 HPRD:17059 GPR126 APG1|DREG|PS1TP2|VIGR G protein-coupled receptor 126 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2453 chr1 171763352 171763476 + 6.10117 NA intron (NM_001007239, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_001007239, intron 6 of 7) 12653 NM_001007239 51603 Hs.494705 NM_014955 HPRD:13821 METTL13 5630401D24Rik|KIAA0859|feat methyltransferase like 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5712 chr11 16449163 16449234 + 6.10117 NA intron (NM_033326, intron 1 of 15) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -18768 NM_001145811 55553 Hs.368226 NM_017508 HPRD:06267 SOX6 HSSOX6|SOXD SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35296 chr9 40625851 40625952 + 6.10087 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -74390 NM_001083124 727830 Hs.632078 NM_001083124 ENSG00000147926 SPATA31A3 FAM75A3 SPATA31 subfamily A, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34384 chr8 104418632 104418700 + 6.10087 NA intron (NM_030780, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_030780, intron 2 of 6) -8276 NM_015420 25879 Hs.532265 NM_015420 HPRD:08528 DCAF13 GM83|WDSOF1 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7667 chr12 22840765 22840884 + 6.10087 NA 3' UTR (NM_018638, exon 8 of 8) 3' UTR (NM_018638, exon 8 of 8) 62748 NM_001039481 55500 Hs.29464 NM_018638 HPRD:09934 ETNK1 EKI|EKI 1|EKI1|Nbla10396 ethanolamine kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_231 chr1 13219154 13219238 + 6.10087 NA Intergenic Intergenic 24678 NR_111945 645354 NR_111945 LOC645354 - PRAME family member 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28368 chr5 140573846 140573946 + 6.10087 NA exon (NM_018930, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_018930, exon 1 of 1) 1944 NM_018930 56126 Hs.657953 NM_018930 HPRD:06954 PCDHB10 PCDH-BETA10|PCHB10 protocadherin beta 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27853 chr5 96853113 96853208 + 6.10087 NA intron (NR_105028, intron 1 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 12760 NR_105028 102546227 Hs.582516 NR_105028 LINC01340 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1340 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9290 chr13 28713203 28713393 + 6.09664 NA promoter-TSS (NR_029383) promoter-TSS (NR_029383) 13 NR_029383 100288730 Hs.123191 NR_029383 PAN3-AS1 - PAN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14787 chr17 75331721 75331903 + 6.09238 NA intron (NM_006640, intron 1 of 10) (TATATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 16215 NM_006640 10801 Hs.440932 NM_006640 HPRD:10360 SEPT9 AF17q25|MSF|MSF1|NAPB|PNUTL4|SINT1|SeptD1 septin 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29213 chr6 26235179 26235286 + 6.09238 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005320) promoter-TSS (NM_005320) -16 NM_005320 3007 Hs.136857 NM_005320 HPRD:06764 HIST1H1D H1.3|H1D|H1F3|H1s-2 histone cluster 1, H1d protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29016 chr6 11203312 11203425 + 6.09238 NA intron (NM_182966, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_182966, intron 2 of 2) 29547 NM_182966 4739 Hs.37982 NM_006403 HPRD:11888 NEDD9 CAS-L|CAS2|CASL|CASS2|HEF1 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27426 chr5 65221082 65221166 + 6.09129 NA Intergenic CpG -1258 NM_001253701 55914 Hs.591774 NM_018695 HPRD:06090 ERBB2IP ERBIN|HEL-S-78|LAP2 erbb2 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37903 chrX 63736870 63736938 + 6.09129 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -121571 NM_017677 55613 Hs.442892 NM_017677 HPRD:06664 MTMR8 - myotubularin related protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21075 chr21 9698375 9698464 + 6.08897 NA Intergenic Intergenic -127413 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12760 chr16 32805292 32805432 + 6.08784 NA Intergenic Intergenic 91101 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30105 chr6 94342884 94343075 + 6.08620 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -73822 NR_015362 643432 Hs.509936 NR_015362 TSG1 - tumor suppressor TSG1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6741 chr11 85955725 85955798 + 6.08272 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003797) promoter-TSS (NM_003797) -45 NM_152991 8726 Hs.503510 NM_003797 HPRD:09343 EED HEED|WAIT1 embryonic ectoderm development protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23459 chr3 113325864 113325961 + 6.08174 NA exon (NM_017699, exon 15 of 25) exon (NM_017699, exon 15 of 25) 12189 NR_039648 100616476 NR_039648 MIR4446 - microRNA 4446 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29700 chr6 53156076 53156189 + 6.08174 NA intron (NM_001242828, intron 3 of 8) intron (NM_001242828, intron 3 of 8) 14341 NR_049866 100847075 NR_049866 miRBase:MI0019287 MIR5685 - microRNA 5685 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24408 chr3 197329997 197330063 + 6.08174 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 24722 NR_003266 220729 Hs.478854 NR_003266 ENSG00000214135 LOC220729 - succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit A, flavoprotein (Fp) pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9800 chr13 92050715 92050904 + 6.08174 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004466) promoter-TSS (NM_004466) -64 NM_004466 2262 Hs.655675 NM_004466 HPRD:03902 GPC5 - glypican 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7467 chr12 9950760 9950826 + 6.08174 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29284 NM_001291823 51348 Hs.183125 NM_016523 HPRD:05432 KLRF1 CLEC5C|NKp80 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily F, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30301 chr6 111927071 111927138 + 6.08174 NA non-coding (NR_028338, exon 1 of 10) non-coding (NR_028338, exon 1 of 10) 373 NR_028338 10758 Hs.561514 NM_147200 HPRD:06129 TRAF3IP2 ACT1|C6orf2|C6orf4|C6orf5|C6orf6|CANDF8|CIKS|PSORS13 TRAF3 interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23891 chr3 150864000 150864077 + 6.08031 NA intron (NM_053002, intron 4 of 42) intron (NM_053002, intron 4 of 42) 56950 NM_013308 29909 Hs.549152 NM_013308 HPRD:17071 GPR171 H963 G protein-coupled receptor 171 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18214 chr2 86054676 86054778 + 6.08031 NA TTS (NR_038888) TTS (NR_038888) 12474 NR_038888 284950 Hs.570227 NR_038888 LOC284950 - uncharacterized LOC284950 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7266 chr11 133973659 133973765 + 6.08031 NA intron (NM_001205329, intron 1 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 34892 NM_032801 83700 Hs.150718 NM_032801 HPRD:06042 JAM3 JAM-2|JAM-3|JAM-C|JAMC junctional adhesion molecule 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19566 chr2 191545182 191545268 + 6.08031 NA intron (NM_005966, intron 6 of 9) L2b|LINE|L2 31377 NM_005966 4664 Hs.107474 NM_005966 HPRD:02881 NAB1 - NGFI-A binding protein 1 (EGR1 binding protein 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18926 chr2 132193804 132193888 + 6.08031 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 8621 NR_002826 401010 Hs.452369 NR_002826 ENSG00000217950 LOC401010 - nucleolar complex associated 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae) pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25708 chr4 103440097 103440317 + 6.08031 NA intron (NM_003998, intron 1 of 23) MLT1H|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 17721 NM_001165412 4790 Hs.618430 NM_003998 HPRD:01238 NFKB1 EBP-1|KBF1|NF-kB1|NF-kappa-B|NF-kappaB|NFKB-p105|NFKB-p50|NFkappaB|p105|p50 nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2313 chr1 161147238 161147342 + 6.07890 NA 5' UTR (NM_001199873, exon 1 of 8) 5' UTR (NM_001199873, exon 1 of 8) 468 NM_001199874 8703 Hs.321231 NM_003779 HPRD:04929 B4GALT3 beta4Gal-T3 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25521 chr4 83826528 83826670 + 6.07544 NA intron (NM_024672, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_024672, intron 2 of 4) -4530 NR_034075 100499177 Hs.728916 NR_034075 ENSG00000251022 THAP9-AS1 - THAP9 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2960 chr1 211854509 211854608 + 6.07539 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5586 NM_001204182 4751 Hs.153704 NM_002497 HPRD:04953 NEK2 HsPK21|NEK2A|NLK1|PPP1R111|RP67 NIMA-related kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15314 chr18 43246610 43246723 + 6.07539 NA intron (NM_007163, intron 12 of 19) intron (NM_007163, intron 12 of 19) 51900 NM_007163 8170 Hs.710927 NM_007163 HPRD:03366 SLC14A2 HUT2|UT-A2|UT2|UTA|UTR|hUT-A6 solute carrier family 14 (urea transporter), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1869 chr1 146216542 146216616 + 6.07536 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17).2 intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17).2 -133946 NR_110864 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37722 chrX 56353410 56353483 + 6.07536 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 94576 NM_001159296 11279 Hs.646614 NM_007250 HPRD:02238 KLF8 BKLF3|ZNF741 Kruppel-like factor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26271 chr4 154564700 154564768 + 6.07536 NA Intergenic Intergenic -40707 NM_003264 7097 Hs.519033 NM_003264 TLR2 CD282|TIL4 toll-like receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35064 chr9 20043223 20043298 + 6.07536 NA Intergenic Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -256243 NM_020344 25769 Hs.283014 NM_020344 HPRD:15351 SLC24A2 NCKX2 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31636 chr7 43622365 43622523 + 6.06944 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004760) promoter-TSS (NM_004760) -248 NM_004760 9263 Hs.709489 NM_004760 HPRD:05288 STK17A DRAK1 serine/threonine kinase 17a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17391 chr2 10950431 10950529 + 6.06944 NA 5' UTR (NM_001282707, exon 2 of 14) 5' UTR (NM_001282707, exon 2 of 14) 2485 NM_005742 10130 Hs.212102 NM_005742 HPRD:07504 PDIA6 ERP5|P5|TXNDC7 protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27889 chr5 99723001 99723075 + 6.06847 NA intron (NR_027503, intron 1 of 3) THE1B-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 920 NR_027503 100133050 Hs.534796 NR_027503 LOC100133050 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16562 chr19 37792730 37792803 + 6.06427 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -32814 NM_181786 284459 Hs.657027 NM_181786 HPRD:01314 HKR1 ZNF875 HKR1, GLI-Kruppel zinc finger family member protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3922 chr10 31608372 31608468 + 6.06393 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024284) promoter-TSS (NR_024284) 319 NM_001174095 6935 Hs.124503 NM_030751 HPRD:01798 ZEB1 AREB6|BZP|DELTAEF1|FECD6|NIL2A|PPCD3|TCF8|ZFHEP|ZFHX1A zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24923 chr4 40249165 40249303 + 6.06393 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR 50707 NM_001278363 399 Hs.654594 NM_004310 RHOH ARHH|TTF ras homolog family member H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35538 chr9 68824146 68824257 + 6.06393 NA Intergenic Intergenic 97660 NR_034006 100132352 Hs.231861 NR_034006 LOC100132352 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3397 chr1 243759260 243759398 + 6.06393 NA intron (NM_181690, intron 7 of 13) Tigger3b|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 247255 NM_181690 10000 Hs.498292 NM_005465 HPRD:06441 AKT3 MPPH|PKB-GAMMA|PKBG|PRKBG|RAC-PK-gamma|RAC-gamma|STK-2 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17688 chr2 38361148 38361347 + 6.06336 NA intron (NR_027252, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 3000 NR_027252 285154 Hs.353894 NM_173652 HPRD:14592 CYP1B1-AS1 C2orf58 CYP1B1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8809 chr12 109023626 109023748 + 6.06302 NA intron (NM_003006, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_003006, intron 1 of 1) 2167 NM_001206609 6404 Hs.591014 NM_003006 HPRD:02845 SELPLG CD162|CLA|PSGL-1|PSGL1 selectin P ligand protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5200 chr10 126440888 126440955 + 6.06295 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -7991 NM_014661 9679 Hs.129195 NM_014661 HPRD:13314 FAM53B KIAA0140|bA12J10.2 family with sequence similarity 53, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8012 chr12 47099120 47099273 + 6.06295 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 120584 NM_001143824 55089 Hs.446077 NM_018018 HPRD:12159 SLC38A4 ATA3|NAT3|PAAT solute carrier family 38, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7485 chr12 10562183 10562253 + 6.06295 NA 5' UTR (NM_013431, exon 1 of 4) 5' UTR (NM_013431, exon 1 of 4) 138 NM_013431 8302 Hs.721094 NM_013431 HPRD:16008 KLRC4 NKG2-F|NKG2F killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily C, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6451 chr11 65990342 65990419 + 6.06295 NA intron (NM_018026, intron 10 of 23) intron (NM_018026, intron 10 of 23) -34385 NM_001134775 64837 Hs.280792 NM_022822 HPRD:13917 KLC2 - kinesin light chain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9496 chr13 46895823 46895930 + 6.06295 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23897 NR_047493 100861554 Hs.90866 NR_047493 ENSG00000261097 LINC00563 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 563 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2001 chr1 149008587 149008659 + 6.06155 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 78218 NR_027354 645166 Hs.744183 NR_027354 ENSG00000232527 LOC645166 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23660 chr3 129118244 129118347 + 6.05957 NA promoter-TSS (NR_003111) promoter-TSS (NR_003111) -13 NR_003111 132241 Hs.477537 NR_003111 ENSG00000251474 RPL32P3 - ribosomal protein L32 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4954 chr10 103880253 103880361 + 6.05957 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001113407) promoter-TSS (NM_001113407) -97 NM_001113407 8861 Hs.454418 NM_003893 HPRD:09144 LDB1 CLIM2|NLI LIM domain binding 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20778 chr20 42086128 42086255 + 6.05957 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006275) promoter-TSS (NM_006275) -313 NM_006275 6431 Hs.725336 NM_006275 HPRD:09054 SRSF6 B52|HEL-S-91|SFRS6|SRP55 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13597 chr17 855468 855817 + 6.05953 NA intron (NM_022463, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_022463, intron 1 of 7) 27356 NM_022463 64359 Hs.527989 NM_022463 HPRD:14858 NXN NRX|TRG-4 nucleoredoxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16642 chr19 40544248 40544419 + 6.05953 NA intron (NM_001005851, intron 4 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 17782 NM_001005851 163131 Hs.101139 NM_001005851 HPRD:11243 ZNF780B ZNF779 zinc finger protein 780B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32603 chr7 115635320 115635386 + 6.05953 NA intron (NM_001018058, intron 1 of 6) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -26986 NM_001244583 22797 Hs.125962 NM_012252 HPRD:05294 TFEC TCFEC|TFE-C|TFEC-L|TFECL|bHLHe34|hTFEC-L transcription factor EC protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13912 chr17 17929027 17929139 + 6.05953 NA intron (NM_145691, intron 4 of 7) intron (NM_145691, intron 4 of 7) 13397 NM_145691 91647 Hs.528889 NM_145691 HPRD:10599 ATPAF2 ATP12|ATP12p|MC5DN1 ATP synthase mitochondrial F1 complex assembly factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2948 chr1 210088230 210088296 + 6.05953 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -23256 NM_153262 255928 Hs.658866 NM_153262 HPRD:11617 SYT14 SCAR11|sytXIV synaptotagmin XIV protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28986 chr6 7107943 7108013 + 6.05830 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001003699) promoter-TSS (NM_001003699) -108 NM_001003700 6239 Hs.298248 NM_002955 HPRD:03733 RREB1 FINB|HNT|LZ321|RREB-1|Zep-1 ras responsive element binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2586 chr1 180923453 180923554 + 6.05830 NA Intergenic CpG 41190 NM_020950 57710 Hs.734816 NM_020950 KIAA1614 - KIAA1614 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10968 chr14 97923457 97923540 + 6.05830 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1655 NR_110165 101929241 Hs.650839 NR_110165 ENSG00000246084 LOC101929241 - uncharacterized LOC101929241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21681 chr22 20287127 20287295 + 6.05830 NA Intergenic CpG 20417 NM_033257 85359 Hs.410965 NM_033257 HPRD:16800 DGCR6L DGCR6 DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28516 chr5 149425717 149425910 + 6.05614 NA intron (NM_014983, intron 16 of 19) MIR|SINE|MIR 40390 NM_001288705 1436 Hs.586219 NM_005211 HPRD:01269 CSF1R C-FMS|CD115|CSF-1R|CSFR|FIM2|FMS|HDLS|M-CSF-R colony stimulating factor 1 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12592 chr16 28671957 28672056 + 6.05609 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -27873 NM_001199142 8663 Hs.567374 NM_003752 HPRD:04889 EIF3C EIF3CL|EIF3S8|eIF3-p110 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35313 chr9 42267271 42267391 + 6.05201 NA Intergenic Intergenic -100972 NM_001012421 441430 Hs.632663 NM_001012421 HPRD:18652 ANKRD20A2 - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8748 chr12 104323218 104323308 + 6.05201 NA promoter-TSS (NR_037425) promoter-TSS (NR_037425) 726 NR_027249 253724 Hs.506549 NR_027249 ENSG00000214198 GNN - Grp94 neighboring nucleotidase pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13279 chr16 70554730 70554811 + 6.04964 NA intron (NM_015386, intron 1 of 18) MIRb|SINE|MIR 2687 NM_015386 25839 Hs.208680 NM_015386 HPRD:08444 COG4 CDG2J|COD1 component of oligomeric golgi complex 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28194 chr5 130602519 130602594 + 6.04819 NA intron (NM_001038702, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001038702, intron 1 of 4) 2854 NM_020240 56990 Hs.508829 NM_020240 HPRD:16695 CDC42SE2 SPEC2 CDC42 small effector 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37865 chrX 61881824 61881949 + 6.04819 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 689332 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27270 chr5 51541613 51541725 + 6.04401 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -542105 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30446 chr6 126125543 126125680 + 6.04401 NA intron (NM_001199620, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_001199620, intron 3 of 17) 13702 NM_001199621 135112 Hs.171426 NM_181782 HPRD:14814 NCOA7 ERAP140|ESNA1|NCOA7-AS|Nbla00052|Nbla10993|TLDC4|dJ187J11.3 nuclear receptor coactivator 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6654 chr11 75864497 75864566 + 6.04401 NA Intergenic Intergenic 53043 NM_004626 7481 Hs.108219 NM_004626 HPRD:04741 WNT11 HWNT11 wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4533 chr10 71267741 71267813 + 6.04401 NA TTS (NM_012339) TTS (NM_012339) 56551 NM_012339 23555 Hs.499941 NM_012339 HPRD:15511 TSPAN15 2700063A19Rik|NET-7|NET7|TM4SF15 tetraspanin 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37795 chrX 61691389 61691460 + 6.04386 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 879794 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29939 chr6 80487844 80487916 + 6.04087 NA Intergenic Intergenic 36244 NR_004393 6086 NR_004393 ENSG00000252316 RNY4 HY4|Y4 RNA, Ro-associated Y4 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22723 chr3 46318170 46318258 + 6.04087 NA Intergenic Intergenic 34342 NM_001164680 1232 Hs.506190 NM_001837 HPRD:03167 CCR3 CC-CKR-3|CD193|CKR3|CMKBR3 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8510 chr12 80541875 80541967 + 6.04087 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -61312 NM_173591 283310 Hs.723594 NM_173591 HPRD:08815 OTOGL C12orf64|DFNB84B otogelin-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20985 chr20 59950817 59950991 + 6.03858 NA intron (NM_001794, intron 2 of 15) HAL1-2a_MD|LINE|L1 123422 NM_001794 1002 Hs.473231 NM_001794 HPRD:04304 CDH4 CAD4|R-CAD|RCAD cadherin 4, type 1, R-cadherin (retinal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26737 chr5 2146014 2146085 + 6.03858 NA Intergenic Intergenic 162020 NR_107011 102465854 NR_107011 MIR548BA hsa-mir-548ba microRNA 548ba ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4304 chr10 50455991 50456082 + 6.03858 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 50902 NR_108038 100506769 Hs.562293 NR_108038 C10orf71-AS1 - C10orf71 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1980 chr1 148677210 148677284 + 6.03839 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 116400 NM_173638 284565 Hs.523572 NM_173638 HPRD:14710 NBPF15 AB14|AG3|NBPF16 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4234 chr10 43727133 43727231 + 6.03568 NA intron (NM_145313, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_145313, intron 1 of 12) -1995 NM_001282862 221002 Hs.125293 NM_145313 HPRD:15211 RASGEF1A CG4853 RasGEF domain family, member 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36214 chr9 125172107 125172179 + 6.03568 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 34542 NM_001271165 5742 Hs.201978 NM_000962 HPRD:07518 PTGS1 COX1|COX3|PCOX1|PES-1|PGG/HS|PGHS-1|PGHS1|PHS1|PTGHS prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13432 chr16 85063176 85063261 + 6.03531 NA intron (NM_001286566, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001286566, intron 1 of 11) 1861 NM_001286566 9764 Hs.301658 NM_014732 HPRD:17192 KIAA0513 - KIAA0513 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2899 chr1 206100664 206100731 + 6.03531 NA Intergenic Intergenic -37743 NM_001287385 554282 NM_001287385 FAM72C - family with sequence similarity 72, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36800 chrUn_gl000216 163981 164054 + 6.03434 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26665 chr4_gl000193_random 83126 83240 + 6.03254 NA intron (NR_038377, intron 1 of 5) SST1|Satellite|centr 5192 NR_038377 441058 Hs.130535 NR_038377 MGC39584 - uncharacterized LOC441058 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37123 chrUn_gl000244 37744 37815 + 6.02867 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1642 chr1 120798323 120798451 + 6.02867 NA Intergenic Intergenic -40618 NM_001100910 653820 Hs.339665 NM_001100910 ENSG00000188610 FAM72B p17 family with sequence similarity 72, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30703 chr6 146039069 146039141 + 6.02542 NA intron (NM_001018041, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -16900 NR_038246 100507557 Hs.124537 NR_038244 ENSG00000235652 LOC100507557 - uncharacterized LOC100507557 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27312 chr5 54177576 54177660 + 6.02542 NA Intergenic Charlie7|DNA|hAT-Charlie 103796 NM_007036 11082 Hs.129944 NM_007036 HPRD:03310 ESM1 endocan endothelial cell-specific molecule 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9757 chr13 82685653 82685750 + 6.02542 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 1093175 NR_125770 103724386 Hs.539622 NR_125770 LINC00377 TCONS_00021861 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 377 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22123 chr22 46409489 46409559 + 6.02542 NA Intergenic Intergenic 7028 NR_027240 730668 Hs.640071 NR_027240 LOC730668 - dynein heavy chain -like pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17696 chr2 38909410 38909564 + 6.02382 NA intron (NM_138801, intron 3 of 6) Plat_L3|LINE|CR1 16435 NM_138801 130589 Hs.435012 NM_138801 HPRD:13559 GALM GLAT|HEL-S-63p|IBD1 galactose mutarotase (aldose 1-epimerase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3242 chr1 231108621 231108697 + 6.02382 NA intron (NM_024525, intron 1 of 22) intron (NM_024525, intron 1 of 22) 5959 NM_001122835 79573 Hs.424788 NM_024525 HPRD:15578 TTC13 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_510 chr1 28995202 28995294 + 6.02382 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024482) promoter-TSS (NM_024482) 8 NM_006582 10691 Hs.632373 NM_006582 HPRD:16059 GMEB1 P96PIF|PIF96 glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36469 chr9 137348192 137348262 + 6.02382 NA Intergenic Intergenic 49799 NM_001291921 6256 Hs.590886 NM_002957 RXRA NR2B1 retinoid X receptor, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9683 chr13 73632745 73632815 + 6.02382 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001730) promoter-TSS (NM_001730) -150 NM_001730 688 Hs.508234 NM_001730 HPRD:04212 KLF5 BTEB2|CKLF|IKLF Kruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25685 chr4 101941173 101941513 + 6.01838 NA Intergenic Intergenic 220686 NR_107033 102465868 NR_107033 MIR8066 hsa-mir-8066 microRNA 8066 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37520 chrX 44112588 44112823 + 6.01777 NA intron (NM_025184, intron 4 of 14) L1PA7|LINE|L1 90218 NM_025184 80258 Hs.521953 NM_025184 EFHC2 MRX74|dJ1158H2.1 EF-hand domain (C-terminal) containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2752 chr1 197596799 197596894 + 6.01777 NA intron (NM_001300858, intron 10 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 147777 NM_001300858 163486 Hs.125056 NM_019049 HPRD:13303 DENND1B C1ORF18|C1orf218|FAM31B DENN/MADD domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36219 chr9 125359255 125359321 + 6.01777 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -17729 NM_012364 158131 Hs.684864 NM_012364 HPRD:14926 OR1Q1 HSTPCR106|OR1Q2|OR1Q3|OR9-25|OR9-A|OST226|OST226OR9-A|TPCR106 olfactory receptor, family 1, subfamily Q, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5536 chr11 5956177 5956257 + 6.01777 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -12360 NM_001003443 390083 Hs.553741 NM_001003443 HPRD:17747 OR56A3 OR56A2P|OR56A3P|OR56A6 olfactory receptor, family 56, subfamily A, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31479 chr7 27906026 27906177 + 6.01777 NA intron (NM_175061, intron 3 of 4) MIR|SINE|MIR 126387 NM_006024 8887 Hs.34576 NM_006024 HPRD:05618 TAX1BP1 CALCOCO3|T6BP|TXBP151 Tax1 (human T-cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33247 chr8 1764449 1764569 + 6.01777 NA promoter-TSS (NR_030326) promoter-TSS (NR_030326) -888 NR_030326 693181 NR_030326 miRBase:MI0003608 MIR596 MIRN596|hsa-mir-596 microRNA 596 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9784 chr13 89336335 89336401 + 6.01777 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 143284 NR_047021 100874168 Hs.126406 NR_047021 LINC00433 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 433 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37321 chrX 15705315 15705383 + 6.01777 NA intron (NR_026551, intron 2 of 4) MER20|DNA|hAT-Charlie 12310 NR_026551 340591 Hs.732244 NR_026551 ENSG00000186312 CA5BP1 CA5BL|CA5BP|PRO2325 carbonic anhydrase VB pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9608 chr13 54888649 54888732 + 6.01777 NA Intergenic SATR1|Satellite|Satellite -2507 NR_031628 100302187 NR_031628 MIR1297 MIRN1297|hsa-mir-1297 microRNA 1297 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28467 chr5 145993011 145993079 + 6.01777 NA intron (NR_073526, intron 6 of 8) L1HS|LINE|L1 -97369 NM_194251 134391 Hs.483732 NM_194251 GPR151 GALR4|GALRL|GPCR|PGR7 G protein-coupled receptor 151 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31412 chr7 22925717 22925793 + 6.01777 NA Intergenic MLT1L|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 29523 NR_003075 692210 NR_003075 ENSG00000221740 SNORD93 HBII-336 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 93 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28297 chr5 137762019 137762085 + 6.01777 NA intron (NM_016604, intron 17 of 23) AluY|SINE|Alu -12638 NR_073449 51308 Hs.416090 NM_016606 HPRD:16655 REEP2 C5orf19|SGC32445|SPG72 receptor accessory protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19030 chr2 136875576 136875699 + 6.01703 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003467) promoter-TSS (NM_003467) 88 NM_003467 7852 Hs.593413 NM_003467 HPRD:01217 CXCR4 CD184|D2S201E|FB22|HM89|HSY3RR|LAP-3|LAP3|LCR1|LESTR|NPY3R|NPYR|NPYRL|NPYY3R|WHIM chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24543 chr4 4041317 4041496 + 6.01264 NA Intergenic AluYb9|SINE|Alu -84258 NR_024253 348926 Hs.591720 NR_024253 FAM86EP - family with sequence similarity 86, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14605 chr17 61167965 61168045 + 6.01264 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 2 of 24) L1PA5|LINE|L1 81107 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36093 chr9 112906381 112906533 + 6.00669 NA intron (NM_001004065, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_001004065, intron 2 of 3) 18676 NM_001136562 11217 Hs.591908 NM_001004065 ENSG00000241978 AKAP2 AKAP-2|AKAPKL|PRKA2 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8076 chr12 50064874 50064945 + 6.00669 NA intron (NM_175736, intron 1 of 25) intron (NM_175736, intron 1 of 25) 36288 NM_198900 91010 Hs.179838 NM_175736 HPRD:17007 FMNL3 FHOD3|WBP-3|WBP3 formin-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32029 chr7 65591006 65591207 + 6.00669 NA intron (NM_001040648, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001040648, intron 1 of 2) 11301 NM_014478 27297 Hs.300684 NM_014478 HPRD:12089 CRCP CGRP-RCP|CGRPRCP|RCP|RCP9 CGRP receptor component protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17572 chr2 28496656 28496737 + 6.00669 NA intron (NM_199193, intron 11 of 13) intron (NM_199193, intron 11 of 13) 36630 NR_038319 100505716 Hs.679092 NR_038319 ENSG00000223522 LOC100505716 - uncharacterized LOC100505716 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23771 chr3 139048248 139048443 + 6.00669 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14516 NM_020191 56945 Hs.745001 NM_020191 HPRD:10430 MRPS22 C3orf5|COXPD5|GIBT|MRP-S22|RPMS22 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20872 chr20 48770351 48770440 + 6.00669 NA promoter-TSS (NM_199203) promoter-TSS (NM_199203) -60 NM_199203 387522 Hs.744839 NM_003349 HPRD:04294 TMEM189-UBE2V1 CROC-1B|CROC1B|KUA-UEV TMEM189-UBE2V1 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32849 chr7 140635804 140635889 + 6.00669 NA Intergenic AluSg|SINE|Alu -11282 NM_004333 673 Hs.550061 NM_004333 HPRD:01264 BRAF B-RAF1|BRAF1|NS7|RAFB1 B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17967 chr2 64871859 64871925 + 6.00669 NA intron (NM_014755, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_014755, intron 1 of 1) 9154 NM_014755 9792 Hs.591569 NM_014755 HPRD:18040 SERTAD2 Sei-2|TRIP-Br2 SERTA domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23909 chr3 152189878 152189989 + 6.00669 NA Intergenic Intergenic -131154 NM_001123228 645843 Hs.632562 NM_001123228 ENSG00000221962 TMEM14E - transmembrane protein 14E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30589 chr6 137710384 137710480 + 6.00669 NA Intergenic Intergenic 105099 NM_175747 167826 Hs.195398 NM_175747 HPRD:17662 OLIG3 Bhlhb7|bHLHe20 oligodendrocyte transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37437 chrX 29352202 29352418 + 6.00669 NA intron (NM_014271, intron 3 of 10) SVA_F|Other|Other 746629 NM_014271 11141 Hs.658912 NM_014271 IL1RAPL1 IL1R8|IL1RAPL|MRX10|MRX21|MRX34|OPHN4|TIGIRR-2 interleukin 1 receptor accessory protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11730 chr15 65805424 65805564 + 6.00669 NA intron (NM_130434, intron 1 of 19) intron (NM_130434, intron 1 of 19) 4115 NM_197960 54878 Hs.591106 NM_017743 HPRD:07076 DPP8 DP8|DPRP1|MSTP141 dipeptidyl-peptidase 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26824 chr5 14871978 14872109 + 6.00647 NA promoter-TSS (NM_054027) promoter-TSS (NM_054027) -156 NM_054027 56172 Hs.156727 NM_054027 HPRD:05509 ANKH ANK|CCAL2|CMDJ|CPPDD|HANK|MANK ANKH inorganic pyrophosphate transport regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37977 chrX 67797163 67797231 + 6.00647 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -70314 NM_001142503 9754 Hs.95140 NM_014725 HPRD:06730 STARD8 ARHGAP38|DLC3|STARTGAP3 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15050 chr18 9914185 9914264 + 6.00203 NA 5' UTR (NM_003574, exon 1 of 7) 5' UTR (NM_003574, exon 1 of 7) 269 NM_003574 9218 Hs.165195 NM_003574 HPRD:09299 VAPA VAP-33|VAP-A|VAP33|hVAP-33 VAMP (vesicle-associated membrane protein)-associated protein A, 33kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18198 chr2 85645536 85645647 + 6.00203 NA Intergenic CpG -4394 NM_001256139 822 Hs.516155 NM_001747 HPRD:01088 CAPG AFCP|HEL-S-66|MCP capping protein (actin filament), gelsolin-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12562 chr16 27248950 27249017 + 6.00203 NA intron (NM_145080, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_145080, intron 2 of 7) -30543 NR_037184 400512 Hs.434412 NR_037184 ENSG00000245888 FLJ21408 - uncharacterized LOC400512 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18009 chr2 68692528 68692614 + 5.99766 NA intron (NM_001024680, intron 2 of 3) AluJr4|SINE|Alu 1819 NM_001024680 554251 Hs.164117 NM_001024680 FBXO48 - F-box protein 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34865 chr8 145734343 145734413 + 5.99695 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138431) promoter-TSS (NM_138431) -174 NM_138431 113655 Hs.7678 NM_138431 HPRD:14003 MFSD3 - major facilitator superfamily domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20301 chr20 1231133 1231298 + 5.99695 NA intron (NM_001136566, intron 13 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -15745 NM_014723 9751 Hs.323833 NM_014723 HPRD:16081 SNPH bA314N13.5 syntaphilin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9253 chr13 25592225 25592309 + 5.99695 NA Intergenic CpG -49660 NR_026730 646405 Hs.620592 NM_001126062 TPTE2P1 - transmembrane phosphoinositide 3-phosphatase and tensin homolog 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7024 chr11 114714591 114714680 + 5.99695 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 165435 NM_182495 120406 Hs.446760 NM_182495 HPRD:08055 NXPE2 FAM55B neurexophilin and PC-esterase domain family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21067 chr21 9559910 9559979 + 5.99627 NA Intergenic Intergenic -265888 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11176 chr15 21317655 21317807 + 5.99571 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 171964 NR_040094 348120 Hs.116287 NR_040094 ENSG00000258710 LINC01193 CT60 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1193 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13099 chr16 58161020 58161116 + 5.99179 NA intron (NM_013242, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_013242, intron 1 of 5) 2228 NM_013242 29105 Hs.532755 NM_013242 HPRD:13616 CFAP20 C16orf80|EVORF|GTL3|fSAP23 cilia and flagella associated protein 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34080 chr8 78002175 78002247 + 5.98981 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -88931 NM_001172086 5828 Hs.437966 NM_000318 HPRD:01367 PEX2 PAF1|PBD5A|PBD5B|PMP3|PMP35|PXMP3|RNF72|ZWS3 peroxisomal biogenesis factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8833 chr12 110330745 110330839 + 5.98825 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR -7287 NM_001143852 84260 Hs.410924 NM_032300 HPRD:14403 TCHP TpMs trichoplein, keratin filament binding protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2217 chr1 156124234 156124304 + 5.98825 NA intron (NM_001193302, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001193302, intron 1 of 12) 900 NM_001193302 64218 Hs.408846 NM_022367 HPRD:09528 SEMA4A CORD10|RP35|SEMAB|SEMB sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23608 chr3 126076413 126076495 + 5.98825 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014079) promoter-TSS (NM_014079) -218 NM_014079 28999 Hs.272215 NM_014079 HPRD:07568 KLF15 KKLF Kruppel-like factor 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36820 chrUn_gl000217 124681 124790 + 5.98684 NA NA THE1B|LTR|ERVL-MaLR NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2201 chr1 155603637 155603845 + 5.98527 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 23762 NR_024117 100129405 Hs.656361 NR_024117 MSTO2P MSTO2 misato family member 2, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7463 chr12 9911300 9911400 + 5.98506 NA intron (NM_001781, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001781, intron 1 of 4) 2147 NM_001781 969 Hs.208854 NM_001781 HPRD:00119 CD69 AIM|BL-AC/P26|CLEC2C|EA1|GP32/28|MLR-3 CD69 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35357 chr9 44334792 44334887 + 5.98133 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo -49746 NR_121564 101927827 Hs.738704 NR_121564 ENSG00000229311 LOC101927827 - uncharacterized LOC101927827 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16039 chr19 14491879 14492051 + 5.98068 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001784) promoter-TSS (NM_001784) 9 NM_001784 976 Hs.466039 NM_001784 HPRD:03130 CD97 TM7LN1 CD97 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9719 chr13 76124021 76124095 + 5.97725 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287394) promoter-TSS (NM_001287394) 172 NM_006002 7347 Hs.162241 NM_006002 HPRD:04367 UCHL3 UCH-L3 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal esterase L3 (ubiquitin thiolesterase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17346 chr2 8628515 8628590 + 5.97633 NA Intergenic Intergenic 95370 NR_110257 101929567 Hs.634706 NR_110257 ENSG00000236008 LOC101929567 - uncharacterized LOC101929567 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10601 chr14 64932134 64932200 + 5.97633 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004857) promoter-TSS (NM_004857) -50 NM_004857 9495 Hs.656683 NM_004857 HPRD:05255 AKAP5 AKAP75|AKAP79|H21 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12722 chr16 31963683 31963833 + 5.97633 NA Intergenic Intergenic 78679 NM_001265588 10308 Hs.460645 NM_003414 HPRD:06883 ZNF267 HZF2 zinc finger protein 267 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7762 chr12 28913691 28913776 + 5.97633 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -388203 NM_001271783 55711 Hs.728955 NM_018099 HPRD:14723 FAR2 MLSTD1|SDR10E2 fatty acyl CoA reductase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20453 chr20 17919772 17919918 + 5.97633 NA Intergenic Intergenic 23744 NR_003045 692086 Hs.680747 NR_003045 SNORD17 HBI-43 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 17 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31243 chr7 5898194 5898406 + 5.97633 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -22129 NM_001097622 654231 Hs.571315 NM_001097622 ENSG00000122543 OCM OCM1|OM|ONCM oncomodulin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23506 chr3 118723846 118723999 + 5.97633 NA intron (NM_152538, intron 3 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 29754 NM_001015887 152404 Hs.112873 NM_152538 HPRD:16321 IGSF11 BT-IgSF|CT119|CXADRL1|Igsf13|VSIG3 immunoglobulin superfamily, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4629 chr10 76993987 76994205 + 5.97382 NA intron (NM_144589, intron 6 of 6) CpG 1674 NM_144589 118881 Hs.355333 NM_144589 HPRD:08678 COMTD1 - catechol-O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_833 chr1 45285456 45285692 + 5.97290 NA TTS (NM_001166292) TTS (NM_001166292) 11420 NM_001136537 149478 Hs.632400 NM_001136537 ENSG00000222009 BTBD19 - BTB (POZ) domain containing 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23466 chr3 113631911 113632006 + 5.97290 NA intron (NM_017577, intron 9 of 17) intron (NM_017577, intron 9 of 17) 15640 NM_001172105 54762 Hs.24583 NM_017577 ENSG00000178075 GRAMD1C - GRAM domain containing 1C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13833 chr17 8191899 8192014 + 5.96957 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001177801) promoter-TSS (NM_001177801) -13 NM_001177802 29098 Hs.408233 NM_016492 HPRD:06407 RANGRF HSPC236|MOG1|RANGNRF RAN guanine nucleotide release factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5644 chr11 12017311 12017497 + 5.96957 NA intron (NM_001018057, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_001018057, intron 3 of 6) 12782 NM_001018057 27122 Hs.292156 NM_013253 HPRD:05659 DKK3 REIC|RIG dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36319 chr9 130981029 130981191 + 5.96957 NA intron (NM_001288737, intron 3 of 21) CpG -14448 NM_001131015 25792 Hs.212395 NM_012127 HPRD:13061 CIZ1 LSFR1|NP94|ZNF356 CDKN1A interacting zinc finger protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21088 chr21 9950688 9950768 + 5.96901 NA intron (NR_038329, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_038329, intron 2 of 2) 17866 NR_038327 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11420 chr15 41407829 41407932 + 5.96293 NA intron (NR_104038, intron 1 of 34) intron (NR_104038, intron 1 of 34) 564 NR_104038 54617 Hs.292949 NM_017553 HPRD:10024 INO80 INO80A|INOC1|hINO80 INO80 complex subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8 chr1 471148 471258 + 5.96016 NA Intergenic Intergenic 96590 NR_106781 102465432 NR_106781 MIR6723 hsa-mir-6723 microRNA 6723 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27589 chr5 75416372 75416538 + 5.95933 NA intron (NM_001297716, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 37216 NM_001297716 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30834 chr6 155477050 155477132 + 5.95574 NA intron (NM_012454, intron 6 of 25) intron (NM_012454, intron 6 of 25) -61006 NM_001010927 26230 Hs.586279 NM_012454 HPRD:05273 TIAM2 STEF|TIAM-2 T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6927 chr11 104839256 104839357 + 5.95574 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001225) promoter-TSS (NM_001225) 19 NM_001225 837 Hs.138378 NM_001225 HPRD:04047 CASP4 ICE(rel)II|ICEREL-II|ICH-2|Mih1/TX|TX caspase 4, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9192 chr13 21239106 21239172 + 5.95574 NA intron (NM_175605, intron 25 of 27) AluY|SINE|Alu -38343 NM_138284 53342 Hs.655142 NM_138284 HPRD:16251 IL17D IL-17D|IL-27|IL27 interleukin 17D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9446 chr13 42967459 42967650 + 5.95574 NA Intergenic Intergenic 121265 NM_016248 11215 Hs.105105 NM_016248 HPRD:05261 AKAP11 AKAP-11|AKAP220|PPP1R44|PRKA11 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12028 chr15 87924479 87924554 + 5.95574 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -195644 NR_026869 145978 Hs.350808 NM_152454 HPRD:08101 LINC00052 NCRNA00052|TMEM83 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 52 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30655 chr6 142141457 142141524 + 5.95574 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 268446 NM_002511 4829 Hs.654478 NM_002511 HPRD:01211 NMBR BB1 neuromedin B receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36128 chr9 115248921 115249038 + 5.95574 NA promoter-TSS (NM_133465) promoter-TSS (NM_133465) -269 NM_001287036 158405 Hs.656619 NM_133465 HPRD:11173 KIAA1958 - KIAA1958 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11089 chr14 106049109 106049320 + 5.95574 NA Intergenic Intergenic -38239 NR_107038 102465871 NR_107038 MIR8071-1 hsa-mir-8071-1 microRNA 8071-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30349 chr6 115483162 115483228 + 5.95574 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -876699 NR_027338 728402 Hs.729953 NR_027338 TPI1P3 - triosephosphate isomerase 1 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18597 chr2 101945145 101945223 + 5.95574 NA Intergenic Intergenic 19272 NR_049881 100847007 NR_049881 miRBase:MI0019303 MIR5696 - microRNA 5696 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3786 chr10 20628321 20628404 + 5.95574 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -212537 NR_039822 100616383 NR_039822 miRBase:MI0017306 MIR4675 - microRNA 4675 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14649 chr17 63023601 63023709 + 5.95574 NA intron (NM_006572, intron 2 of 3) L2c|LINE|L2 28237 NM_001282425 10672 Hs.515018 NM_006572 HPRD:05100 GNA13 G13 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16644 chr19 40547441 40547524 + 5.95095 NA intron (NM_001005851, intron 4 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 14633 NM_001005851 163131 Hs.101139 NM_001005851 HPRD:11243 ZNF780B ZNF779 zinc finger protein 780B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24925 chr4 40285746 40285896 + 5.95095 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23381 NR_121641 101060498 Hs.351492 NR_121640 ENSG00000249241 LOC101060498 - uncharacterized LOC101060498 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28082 chr5 118747917 118748009 + 5.95095 NA Intergenic Intergenic -40175 NM_000414 3295 Hs.406861 NM_000414 HPRD:03514 HSD17B4 DBP|MFE-2|MPF-2|PRLTS1|SDR8C1 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32616 chr7 116593534 116593614 + 5.95041 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002329) promoter-TSS (NR_002329) 193 NM_021908 7982 Hs.368131 NM_018412 HPRD:09015 ST7 ETS7q|FAM4A|FAM4A1|HELG|RAY1|SEN4|TSG7 suppression of tumorigenicity 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15830 chr19 6460554 6460668 + 5.95041 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024103) promoter-TSS (NM_024103) -830 NM_024103 79085 Hs.356231 NM_024103 HPRD:16381 SLC25A23 APC2|MCSC2|SCaMC-3 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18888 chr2 131002810 131002970 + 5.95041 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -46856 NM_207312 112714 Hs.433336 NM_207312 HPRD:17288 TUBA3E - tubulin, alpha 3e protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1874 chr1 146373770 146373975 + 5.95041 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278141) promoter-TSS (NM_001278141) 15 NM_001278141 149013 Hs.666981 NM_001278141 ENSG00000186275 NBPF12 COAS1|KIAA1245 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14667 chr17 65446160 65446229 + 5.95041 NA intron (NM_181671, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_181671, intron 1 of 9) 72797 NM_012417 26207 Hs.591185 NM_012417 HPRD:05504 PITPNC1 M-RDGB-beta|MRDGBbeta|RDGB-BETA|RDGBB|RDGBB1 phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, cytoplasmic 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18440 chr2 92301172 92301238 + 5.94993 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 172046 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1553 chr1 113500234 113500310 + 5.94878 NA non-coding (NR_103743, exon 1 of 3) non-coding (NR_103743, exon 1 of 3) 1235 NR_103743 100506392 Hs.418285 NR_103743 ENSG00000226419 SLC16A1-AS1 - SLC16A1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16190 chr19 18548018 18548099 + 5.94878 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001253389) promoter-TSS (NM_001253389) 61 NM_001253389 51477 Hs.405873 NM_016368 HPRD:17163 ISYNA1 INO1|INOS|IPS|IPS 1|IPS-1 inositol-3-phosphate synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35375 chr9 44992453 44992574 + 5.94621 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr 2277 NR_027421 100132948 Hs.645763 NM_001024942 ENSG00000154537 FAM27C FAM27A|FAM27A1|FAM27A3 family with sequence similarity 27, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11150 chr15 20309809 20309952 + 5.94290 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -178117 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27052 chr5 41856905 41856972 + 5.93887 NA intron (NM_000436, intron 3 of 16) intron (NM_000436, intron 3 of 16) -13194 NR_046635 100874002 Hs.375537 NR_046635 OXCT1-AS1 - OXCT1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28744 chr5 172234339 172234529 + 5.93887 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26789 NM_001031711 57222 Hs.509163 NM_020462 HPRD:13836 ERGIC1 ERGIC-32|ERGIC32|NET24 endoplasmic reticulum-golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27956 chr5 106906729 106906795 + 5.93887 NA intron (NM_001962, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001962, intron 1 of 4) 99834 NM_001962 1946 Hs.288741 NM_001962 HPRD:03324 EFNA5 AF1|EFL5|EPLG7|GLC1M|LERK7|RAGS ephrin-A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18952 chr2 132980888 132980986 + 5.93821 NA intron (NR_027020, intron 1 of 4) ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 33716 NR_031608 100313824 NR_031608 miRBase:MI0006336 MIR663B MIRN663B microRNA 663b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26113 chr4 141294054 141294161 + 5.93491 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001153552) promoter-TSS (NM_001153552) 439 NR_033939 100129858 Hs.660477 NR_033939 ENSG00000196951 SCOC-AS1 - SCOC antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20293 chr20 1181586 1181656 + 5.93491 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu -2477 NM_001009612 400831 Hs.148503 NM_001009612 HPRD:17387 C20orf202 - chromosome 20 open reading frame 202 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32863 chr7 140725468 140725662 + 5.93491 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -10784 NM_053035 51650 Hs.416207 NM_016071 HPRD:17598 MRPS33 MRP-S33|PTD003|S33mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34744 chr8 140949041 140949330 + 5.93491 NA intron (NM_031466, intron 19 of 22) intron (NM_031466, intron 19 of 22) -233886 NM_001282534 51305 Hs.493037 NM_001282534 HPRD:16167 KCNK9 K2p9.1|KT3.2|TASK-3|TASK3 potassium channel, subfamily K, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24236 chr3 183968195 183968278 + 5.93491 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001006941) promoter-TSS (NM_001006941) 791 NM_032331 9718 Hs.146161 NM_014693 HPRD:09931 ECE2 - endothelin converting enzyme 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37448 chrX 33071646 33071712 + 5.93491 NA intron (NM_000109, intron 1 of 78) AluSx4|SINE|Alu 74865 NM_004010 1756 Hs.495912 NM_000109 HPRD:02303 DMD BMD|CMD3B|DXS142|DXS164|DXS206|DXS230|DXS239|DXS268|DXS269|DXS270|DXS272|MRX85 dystrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2441 chr1 170387640 170387747 + 5.93491 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -113570 NR_027397 92344 Hs.183702 NM_152281 HPRD:12144 GORAB GO|NTKLBP1|SCYL1BP1 golgin, RAB6-interacting protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24017 chr3 160117461 160117540 + 5.93491 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020800) promoter-TSS (NM_020800) -180 NM_001190241 57560 Hs.478095 NM_020800 HPRD:13853 IFT80 ATD2|SRTD2|WDR56 intraflagellar transport 80 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36439 chr9 136006508 136006576 + 5.93491 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001271774) promoter-TSS (NM_001271774) 2 NM_001271774 5900 Hs.106185 NM_006266 HPRD:03371 RALGDS RGDS|RGF|RalGEF ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19525 chr2 186931962 186932050 + 5.93491 NA intron (NR_110218, intron 3 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 19038 NR_110218 101927217 Hs.130011 NR_110218 LINC01473 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1473 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2924 chr1 207224343 207224446 + 5.93480 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018566) promoter-TSS (NM_018566) 28 NM_018566 55432 Hs.567533 NM_018566 HPRD:10312 YOD1 DUBA8|OTUD2|PRO0907 YOD1 deubiquitinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27839 chr5 96039022 96039178 + 5.93445 NA intron (NM_001284212, intron 1 of 27) intron (NM_001284212, intron 1 of 27) 558 NM_001284212 831 Hs.436186 NM_001750 HPRD:00233 CAST BS-17 calpastatin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20414 chr20 13340800 13340877 + 5.93268 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 -120504 NR_040043 100505536 Hs.665253 NR_040043 ISM1-AS1 - ISM1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4480 chr10 65882383 65882450 + 5.93268 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 601293 NM_001001330 221035 Hs.499833 NM_001001330 HPRD:16582 REEP3 C10orf74 receptor accessory protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18786 chr2 118407296 118407378 + 5.93268 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -164918 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34094 chr8 80605624 80605749 + 5.93268 NA Intergenic Intergenic 73024 NM_001282851 23462 Hs.234434 NM_012258 HPRD:04260 HEY1 BHLHb31|CHF2|HERP2|HESR1|HRT-1|OAF1|hHRT1 hes-related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34281 chr8 97176686 97176777 + 5.93268 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3711 NM_001001557 392255 Hs.492277 NM_001001557 HPRD:11002 GDF6 BMP-13|BMP13|CDMP2|KFM|KFS|KFS1|KFSL|LCA17|MCOP4|MCOPCB6|SCDO4|SGM1 growth differentiation factor 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9247 chr13 25129350 25129494 + 5.93268 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -24924 NR_002815 374491 Hs.406779 NR_002815 TPTE2P6 - transmembrane phosphoinositide 3-phosphatase and tensin homolog 2 pseudogene 6 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13110 chr16 58718652 58718737 + 5.93268 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018231) promoter-TSS (NM_018231) -20 NM_018231 55238 Hs.10499 NM_018231 SLC38A7 SNAT7 solute carrier family 38, member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3617 chr10 6949057 6949180 + 5.93268 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 127558 NR_038291 100507127 Hs.498571 NR_038291 ENSG00000238266 LINC00707 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 707 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32873 chr7 140763173 140763252 + 5.93189 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -10820 NM_001195278 100507421 Hs.283851 NM_001195278 ENSG00000261115 TMEM178B - transmembrane protein 178B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35677 chr9 74977701 74977789 + 5.92957 NA intron (NM_001102421, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001102421, intron 1 of 5) 1763 NM_001278243 7763 Hs.406096 NM_006007 HPRD:05302 ZFAND5 ZA20D2|ZFAND5A|ZNF216 zinc finger, AN1-type domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16510 chr19 36763242 36763317 + 5.92495 NA Intergenic CpG -38966 NR_029389 100134317 Hs.466550 NR_029389 LOC100134317 - uncharacterized LOC100134317 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14309 chr17 40682367 40682508 + 5.92205 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -5514 NM_000263 4669 Hs.50727 NM_000263 HPRD:02017 NAGLU MPS-IIIB|MPS3B|NAG|UFHSD N-acetylglucosaminidase, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33430 chr8 17104067 17104237 + 5.91997 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145152) promoter-TSS (NM_001145152) 235 NM_013354 29883 Hs.645009 NM_013354 ENSG00000198791 CNOT7 CAF1|Caf1a|hCAF-1 CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4639 chr10 79597495 79597576 + 5.91997 NA intron (NM_004747, intron 7 of 31) intron (NM_004747, intron 7 of 31) 88813 NM_004747 9231 Hs.652690 NM_004747 HPRD:04972 DLG5 LP-DLG|P-DLG5|PDLG discs, large homolog 5 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30566 chr6 136610395 136610550 + 5.91956 NA intron (NM_001301038, intron 1 of 12) CpG 517 NM_014739 9774 Hs.486542 NM_014739 HPRD:16544 BCLAF1 BTF|bK211L9.1 BCL2-associated transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35418 chr9 66455702 66455786 + 5.91743 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1545 NR_121647 103352539 Hs.351215 NR_121647 LINC01410 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1410 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8579 chr12 89888272 89888382 + 5.91471 NA intron (NR_037660, intron 1 of 9) MLT1H|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 30256 NM_003774 8693 Hs.25130 NM_003774 HPRD:09152 GALNT4 GALNAC-T4|GALNACT4 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9990 chr13 112220674 112220804 + 5.91471 NA Intergenic Intergenic 247724 NM_152324 121793 Hs.210677 NM_152324 HPRD:14603 TEX29 C13orf16|bA474D23.1 testis expressed 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25985 chr4 124221495 124221603 + 5.91471 NA intron (NM_145207, intron 15 of 15) intron (NM_145207, intron 15 of 15) -96401 NM_199327 10252 Hs.744854 NM_005841 HPRD:06782 SPRY1 hSPRY1 sprouty homolog 1, antagonist of FGF signaling (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15338 chr18 45187132 45187198 + 5.91471 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 269805 NM_005901 4087 Hs.12253 NM_005901 HPRD:03221 SMAD2 JV18|JV18-1|MADH2|MADR2|hMAD-2|hSMAD2 SMAD family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22977 chr3 63937311 63937400 + 5.91471 NA intron (NM_001177387, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001177387, intron 3 of 12) -16065 NM_001128149 6314 Hs.476595 NM_000333 HPRD:06365 ATXN7 ADCAII|OPCA3|SCA7 ataxin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13155 chr16 66785665 66785797 + 5.91471 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006141) promoter-TSS (NM_006141) -206 NM_001286157 1783 Hs.369068 NM_006141 HPRD:09923 DYNC1LI2 DNCLI2|LIC2 dynein, cytoplasmic 1, light intermediate chain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37761 chrX 58500857 58500931 + 5.90571 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -563827 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30913 chr6 159319497 159319670 + 5.90571 NA intron (NM_001195032, intron 2 of 2) AluSg|SINE|Alu 9964 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27824 chr5 95160026 95160101 + 5.90571 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1486 NM_001118890 2745 Hs.28988 NM_002064 HPRD:02707 GLRX GRX|GRX1 glutaredoxin (thioltransferase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28474 chr5 146258231 146258412 + 5.90555 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001271948) promoter-TSS (NM_001271948) 27 NM_001271948 5521 Hs.627618 NM_181674 HPRD:05059 PPP2R2B B55BETA|PP2AB55BETA|PP2ABBETA|PP2APR55B|PP2APR55BETA|PR2AB55BETA|PR2ABBETA|PR2APR55BETA|PR52B|PR55-BETA|PR55BETA|SCA12 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19246 chr2 162090642 162090715 + 5.90555 NA intron (NM_004180, intron 7 of 7) intron (NM_004180, intron 7 of 7) -10572 NR_110163 100996579 Hs.660929 NR_110163 LOC100996579 - uncharacterized LOC100996579 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32362 chr7 97601590 97601722 + 5.90555 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002822) promoter-TSS (NR_002822) -18 NR_002822 389538 Hs.655977 NR_002822 MGC72080 - MGC72080 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32717 chr7 128694562 128694634 + 5.90555 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002187) promoter-TSS (NR_002187) 629 NM_012470 23534 Hs.193613 NM_012470 HPRD:18209 TNPO3 IPO12|LGMD1F|MTR10A|TRN-SR|TRN-SR2|TRNSR transportin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1052 chr1 66740459 66740537 + 5.90555 NA intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) -57293 NM_001037339 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11135 chr15 20042021 20042087 + 5.90116 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -445943 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21572 chr22 17039445 17039519 + 5.90110 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 34218 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35663 chr9 73034609 73034723 + 5.89834 NA Intergenic CpG -5093 NM_001206 687 Hs.150557 NM_001206 HPRD:04211 KLF9 BTEB|BTEB1 Kruppel-like factor 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11144 chr15 20147817 20147884 + 5.89834 NA Intergenic Intergenic -340147 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30830 chr6 155055524 155055626 + 5.89771 NA intron (NM_001286194, intron 2 of 20) intron (NM_001286194, intron 2 of 20) 1063 NM_014892 22828 Hs.591329 NM_014892 HPRD:11487 SCAF8 RBM16 SR-related CTD-associated factor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23847 chr3 146269120 146269191 + 5.89547 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6527 NM_021105 5359 Hs.130759 NM_021105 HPRD:08855 PLSCR1 MMTRA1B phospholipid scramblase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34957 chr9 5949229 5949330 + 5.89547 NA intron (NM_001017969, intron 4 of 7) AluSc5|SINE|Alu 58370 NM_005511 2315 Hs.154069 NM_005511 MLANA MART-1|MART1 melan-A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11473 chr15 44042049 44042156 + 5.89511 NA intron (NM_005313, intron 1 of 12) AluJb|SINE|Alu 3512 NM_005313 2923 Hs.591095 NM_005313 HPRD:03625 PDIA3 ER60|ERp57|ERp60|ERp61|GRP57|GRP58|HEL-S-269|HEL-S-93n|HsT17083|P58|PI-PLC protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31384 chr7 20326956 20327113 + 5.89443 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9297 NR_110117 101927769 Hs.256080 NR_110117 ENSG00000226097 LOC101927769 - uncharacterized LOC101927769 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23733 chr3 135378142 135378213 + 5.89443 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -306338 NM_001190447 5523 Hs.518155 NM_002718 HPRD:09225 PPP2R3A PPP2R3|PR130|PR72 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15012 chr18 5004847 5004916 + 5.89443 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 192374 NM_001145194 642597 Hs.437160 NM_001145194 C18orf42 - chromosome 18 open reading frame 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4775 chr10 91620887 91620981 + 5.89443 NA Intergenic Intergenic 31684 NR_038382 643529 Hs.618956 NR_038382 ENSG00000232229 LINC00865 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 865 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23383 chr3 107744603 107744700 + 5.89443 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 65284 NM_198793 961 Hs.446414 NM_001777 HPRD:03017 CD47 IAP|MER6|OA3 CD47 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37531 chrX 45666116 45666355 + 5.89443 NA Intergenic Intergenic 44685 NR_125365 401585 Hs.633348 NR_125365 LOC401585 - uncharacterized LOC401585 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35576 chr9 69730492 69730656 + 5.89378 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 27210 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28319 chr5 138629292 138629403 + 5.89155 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001194956) promoter-TSS (NM_001194956) 14 NM_018834 9782 Hs.268939 NM_018834 HPRD:05270 MATR3 ALS21|MPD2|VCPDM matrin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23962 chr3 156395048 156395140 + 5.89072 NA intron (NM_001184718, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001184718, intron 1 of 5) 641 NM_001184718 25976 Hs.744050 NM_015508 HPRD:18192 TIPARP ARTD14|PARP7|pART14 TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17116 chr19 56146303 56146374 + 5.88872 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6054 NM_207115 51157 Hs.631551 NM_016202 HPRD:18353 ZNF580 - zinc finger protein 580 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4260 chr10 45464264 45464336 + 5.88872 NA intron (NM_032023, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_032023, intron 1 of 10) 9081 NM_032023 83937 Hs.522895 NM_032023 HPRD:15219 RASSF4 AD037 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34512 chr8 121743584 121743650 + 5.88870 NA intron (NM_021021, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_021021, intron 1 of 6) -29876 NR_125419 101927543 Hs.371902 NR_125419 ENSG00000248318 LOC101927543 - uncharacterized LOC101927543 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16925 chr19 49617535 49617661 + 5.88870 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022165) promoter-TSS (NM_022165) -20 NM_022165 64130 Hs.221737 NM_022165 HPRD:10040 LIN7B LIN-7B|MALS-2|MALS2|VELI2 lin-7 homolog B (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1705 chr1 121483820 121483928 + 5.88757 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 222964 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4731 chr10 88979371 88979444 + 5.88555 NA Intergenic MER101|LTR|ERV1 -5798 NM_001099338 728118 Hs.710565 NM_001099338 ENSG00000184923 NUTM2A FAM22A NUT family member 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14071 chr17 27054017 27054104 + 5.88555 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001160407) promoter-TSS (NM_001160407) -111 NM_001160407 116238 Hs.499952 NM_138463 HPRD:14015 TLCD1 - TLC domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39131 chrY 13450413 13450483 + 5.88386 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 1082941 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13769 chr17 6544013 6544106 + 5.87705 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032731) promoter-TSS (NM_032731) -163 NM_032731 84817 Hs.408236 NM_032731 HPRD:11656 TXNDC17 TRP14|TXNL5 thioredoxin domain containing 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35855 chr9 92042699 92042824 + 5.87705 NA intron (NM_006378, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_006378, intron 2 of 17) 51850 NM_006378 10507 Hs.494406 NM_006378 HPRD:03520 SEMA4D C9orf164|CD100|M-sema-G|SEMAJ|coll-4 sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11708 chr15 64914801 64914899 + 5.87705 NA intron (NM_015042, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_015042, intron 1 of 8) 80630 NM_001301302 4947 Hs.744924 NM_002537 HPRD:11966 OAZ2 AZ2 ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10944 chr14 94523147 94523223 + 5.87705 NA intron (NM_020414, intron 6 of 8) MER21B|LTR|ERVL 24373 NM_020414 57062 Hs.510328 NM_020414 HPRD:05860 DDX24 - DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box helicase 24 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31853 chr7 61237532 61237652 + 5.87705 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1526842 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29055 chr6 14277402 14277484 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic Intergenic 8242 NR_108097 102216342 Hs.563409 NR_108096 LINC01108 LncRNA-ES1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1108 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26289 chr4 157680488 157680698 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic Intergenic 211953 NM_016205 56034 Hs.570855 NM_016205 PDGFC FALLOTEIN|SCDGF platelet derived growth factor C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10655 chr14 69201346 69201450 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic Intergenic 59233 NM_004926 677 Hs.85155 NM_004926 HPRD:03041 ZFP36L1 BRF1|Berg36|ERF-1|ERF1|RNF162B|TIS11B|cMG1 ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16055 chr19 14899086 14899152 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic AluSx3|SINE|Alu -9766 NM_013447 30817 Hs.531619 NM_013447 HPRD:07308 EMR2 CD312 egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2793 chr1 200443002 200443085 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic Intergenic -63857 NM_012482 23528 Hs.59757 NM_012482 HPRD:11702 ZNF281 ZBP-99|ZNP-99 zinc finger protein 281 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19715 chr2 202228820 202228890 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic L1PA16|LINE|L1 -6734 NR_110620 130540 Hs.107944 NM_139163 HPRD:12444 ALS2CR12 - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region, candidate 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39350 chrY 26469867 26469990 + 5.87406 NA Intergenic MLT1H|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -108950 NR_001555 84559 Hs.531603 NR_001555 ENSG00000172332 GOLGA2P2Y GOLGA2LY|GOLGA2LY1|GOLGA2P2 golgin A2 pseudogene 2, Y-linked pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_338 chr1 22351874 22351940 + 5.87340 NA promoter-TSS (NR_023919) promoter-TSS (NR_023919) -90 NR_109762 29092 Hs.279842 NR_023918 ENSG00000218510 LINC00339 HSPC157|NCRNA00339 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 339 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32986 chr7 149194819 149194934 + 5.87340 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001163474) promoter-TSS (NM_001163474) 22 NM_001163474 155061 Hs.24643 NM_152557 HPRD:08099 ZNF746 PARIS zinc finger protein 746 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14287 chr17 39822287 39822355 + 5.87340 NA Intergenic CpG -22806 NM_005801 10209 Hs.150580 NM_005801 EIF1 A121|EIF-1|EIF1A|ISO1|SUI1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19456 chr2 179278338 179278438 + 5.87340 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110205) promoter-TSS (NR_110205) 2 NR_110205 101927027 Hs.715694 NR_110204 ENSG00000223960 LOC101927027 - uncharacterized LOC101927027 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26360 chr4 166034315 166034406 + 5.87338 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001100389) promoter-TSS (NM_001100389) -336 NM_001100389 201931 Hs.704511 NM_152681 TMEM192 - transmembrane protein 192 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24370 chr3 195689172 195689245 + 5.87235 NA intron (NR_003264, intron 16 of 16) MER1B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 27942 NR_003264 255812 Hs.566872 NR_003264 ENSG00000185485 SDHAP1 SDHAL1|SDHALP1 succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit A, flavoprotein pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22778 chr3 48936338 48936420 + 5.87235 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000387) promoter-TSS (NM_000387) 47 NM_000387 788 Hs.13845 NM_000387 HPRD:01953 SLC25A20 CAC|CACT solute carrier family 25 (carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase), member 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7752 chr12 27975098 27975298 + 5.87235 NA Intergenic Intergenic 42011 NM_020782 57542 Hs.505104 NM_020782 HPRD:17237 KLHL42 Ctb9|KLHDC5 kelch-like family member 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17587 chr2 29093490 29093568 + 5.87235 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017910) promoter-TSS (NM_017910) -354 NM_017910 55006 Hs.468026 NM_017910 HPRD:07935 TRMT61B - tRNA methyltransferase 61 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_845 chr1 45806092 45806237 + 5.87235 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001048174) promoter-TSS (NM_001048174) -22 NM_001048171 4595 Hs.271353 NM_012222 HPRD:05380 MUTYH MYH mutY homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6031 chr11 47788255 47788406 + 5.86348 NA intron (NM_015308, intron 1 of 16) CpG 663 NM_015308 23360 Hs.6834 NM_015308 HPRD:10996 FNBP4 FBP30 formin binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31903 chr7 61768688 61768763 + 5.86348 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 995709 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35339 chr9 43133670 43133805 + 5.86322 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001012419).2 promoter-TSS (NM_001012419).2 -193 NM_001012421 441430 Hs.632663 NM_001012421 HPRD:18652 ANKRD20A2 - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7201 chr11 128494503 128494591 + 5.86312 NA Intergenic Intergenic -37094 NM_001143820 2113 Hs.369438 NM_005238 HPRD:01260 ETS1 ETS-1|EWSR2|p54 v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19192 chr2 158300507 158300637 + 5.85924 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004288) promoter-TSS (NM_004288) 32 NM_004288 9595 Hs.270 NM_004288 HPRD:09192 CYTIP B3-1|CASP|CYBR|CYTHIP|HE|PSCDBP cytohesin 1 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20730 chr20 37274952 37275033 + 5.85891 NA intron (NM_001164431, intron 12 of 14) CpG 44415 NM_001164431 343578 Hs.451997 NM_001164431 ENSG00000124143 ARHGAP40 C20orf95|dJ1100H13.4 Rho GTPase activating protein 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8421 chr12 70760802 70760976 + 5.85891 NA intron (NM_014505, intron 1 of 2) CpG 827 NM_014505 27345 Hs.525529 NM_014505 HPRD:05564 KCNMB4 - potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, beta member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13370 chr16 80614474 80614574 + 5.85891 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7819 NR_104666 101928276 Hs.149769 NR_104665 ENSG00000260737 LINC01227 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1227 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11260 chr15 29956135 29956201 + 5.85891 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -93241 NM_015307 23359 Hs.383564 NM_015307 ENSG00000104059 FAM189A1 TMEM228 family with sequence similarity 189, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13640 chr17 2256963 2257235 + 5.85891 NA intron (NM_014853, intron 2 of 23) intron (NM_014853, intron 2 of 23) 16291 NM_001098509 9905 Hs.513861 NM_014853 HPRD:15284 SGSM2 RUTBC1 small G protein signaling modulator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27796 chr5 92958056 92958251 + 5.85891 NA TTS (NR_049801) TTS (NR_049801) -1659 NR_031754 100313887 NR_031754 miRBase:MI0011284 MIR2277 - microRNA 2277 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22126 chr22 46432314 46432388 + 5.85796 NA Intergenic Intergenic 8397 NR_027036 100271722 Hs.528519 NR_027036 LINC00899 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 899 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7502 chr12 11454850 11454992 + 5.85796 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 8448 NM_001261399 5545 Hs.528651 NM_002723 HPRD:01624 PRB4 Po proline-rich protein BstNI subfamily 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18042 chr2 70529056 70529311 + 5.85796 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032822) promoter-TSS (NM_032822) 37 NM_032822 84908 Hs.516077 NM_032822 HPRD:07866 FAM136A - family with sequence similarity 136, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37599 chrX 49022917 49022997 + 5.85796 NA 3' UTR (NM_024859, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_024859, exon 6 of 6) 3776 NM_001099681 79917 Hs.193170 NM_024859 MAGIX JM10|PDZX MAGI family member, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39090 chrY 13122032 13122116 + 5.85552 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1411315 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24734 chr4 15756131 15756207 + 5.85552 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23762 NM_001775 952 Hs.479214 NM_001775 CD38 ADPRC 1|T10 CD38 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34759 chr8 142216735 142216802 + 5.85550 NA TTS (NM_001080431) TTS (NM_001080431) 21905 NM_001080431 57210 Hs.372492 NM_001080431 ENSG00000022567 SLC45A4 - solute carrier family 45, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2327 chr1 161410621 161410722 + 5.85512 NA Intergenic CpG -64534 NM_021642 2212 Hs.352642 NM_021642 HPRD:00906 FCGR2A CD32|CD32A|CDw32|FCG2|FCGR2|FCGR2A1|FcGR|IGFR2 Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIa, receptor (CD32) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8709 chr12 100689602 100689673 + 5.85407 NA intron (NM_017988, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_017988, intron 3 of 17) 28088 NM_017988 55681 Hs.506481 NM_017988 HPRD:07642 SCYL2 CVAK104 SCY1-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_622 chr1 36441678 36441753 + 5.85407 NA intron (NM_024852, intron 5 of 18) AluSx|SINE|Alu 45032 NM_177422 192669 Hs.657659 NM_024852 HPRD:09558 AGO3 EIF2C3 argonaute RISC catalytic component 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28209 chr5 131362537 131362674 + 5.85407 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14844 NM_001205250 23305 Hs.14945 NM_015256 HPRD:09190 ACSL6 ACS2|FACL6|LACS 6|LACS2|LACS5 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33423 chr8 16565108 16565191 + 5.85407 NA Intergenic (CATATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 294525 NM_019851 26281 Hs.199905 NM_019851 FGF20 FGF-20|RHDA2 fibroblast growth factor 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37455 chrX 34271578 34271648 + 5.85407 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -121166 NM_203408 158724 Hs.143268 NM_203408 HPRD:10947 FAM47A - family with sequence similarity 47, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11156 chr15 20508397 20508557 + 5.85084 NA Intergenic (CCCTAG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 20480 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18346 chr2 90426781 90426847 + 5.84928 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1314930 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3152 chr1 226187699 226187798 + 5.84867 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152608) promoter-TSS (NM_152608) -682 NM_152608 163859 Hs.520192 NM_152608 HPRD:08180 SDE2 C1orf55|dJ671D7.1 SDE2 telomere maintenance homolog (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22686 chr3 43054194 43054265 + 5.84867 NA intron (NM_001129908, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001129908, intron 1 of 4) 33470 NM_001129908 729085 Hs.729533 NM_001129908 ENSG00000144649 FAM198A C3orf41 family with sequence similarity 198, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27189 chr5 49416194 49416266 + 5.84659 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 321004 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30689 chr6 144627159 144627277 + 5.84257 NA intron (NM_007124, intron 1 of 73) intron (NM_007124, intron 1 of 73) 14345 NM_007124 7402 Hs.133135 NM_007124 HPRD:00547 UTRN DMDL|DRP|DRP1 utrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8489 chr12 76953470 76953740 + 5.84242 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020841) promoter-TSS (NM_020841) -16 NM_001003712 114882 Hs.430849 NM_020841 HPRD:09478 OSBPL8 MST120|MSTP120|ORP8|OSBP10 oxysterol binding protein-like 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24094 chr3 169896553 169896647 + 5.84242 NA exon (NM_024947, exon 2 of 15) exon (NM_024947, exon 2 of 15) 2937 NM_024947 80012 Hs.529592 NM_024947 HPRD:10149 PHC3 EDR3|HPH3 polyhomeotic homolog 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5198 chr10 126407865 126407983 + 5.84142 NA intron (NM_014661, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_014661, intron 1 of 4) 15327 NR_120630 101927944 Hs.437448 NR_120630 FAM53B-AS1 - FAM53B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38909 chrX 153744594 153744824 + 5.84090 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171132) promoter-TSS (NM_001171132) -143 NM_001171133 60343 Hs.289108 NM_021806 HPRD:06505 FAM3A 2.19|DLD|DXS560S|XAP-7 family with sequence similarity 3, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1321 chr1 93977688 93977851 + 5.84090 NA intron (NM_001024948, intron 2 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 64081 NM_001024948 54874 Hs.134060 NM_017737 HPRD:12317 FNBP1L C1orf39|TOCA1 formin binding protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38213 chrX 80214600 80214672 + 5.84090 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -149403 NM_153252 254065 Hs.147027 NM_153252 HPRD:06564 BRWD3 BRODL|MRX93 bromodomain and WD repeat domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18513 chr2 97127035 97127111 + 5.84090 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 44049 NM_001285486 93082 Hs.149219 NM_001080535 HPRD:14296 NEURL3 LINCR neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28152 chr5 126565230 126565430 + 5.84090 NA Intergenic CpG -61126 NM_001256545 84466 Hs.438709 NM_032446 HPRD:14384 MEGF10 EMARDD multiple EGF-like-domains 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27960 chr5 107315746 107315881 + 5.84090 NA intron (NM_001163315, intron 7 of 8) L3|LINE|CR1 -309217 NM_001962 1946 Hs.288741 NM_001962 HPRD:03324 EFNA5 AF1|EFL5|EPLG7|GLC1M|LERK7|RAGS ephrin-A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29569 chr6 41990208 41990275 + 5.84090 NA intron (NM_001136017, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001136017, intron 1 of 4) 26391 NM_001136126 896 Hs.534307 NM_001760 HPRD:00452 CCND3 - cyclin D3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31329 chr7 12726847 12727016 + 5.84065 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195396) promoter-TSS (NM_001195396) 20 NM_005738 10124 Hs.245540 NM_005738 HPRD:11987 ARL4A ARL4 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18378 chr2 91648558 91648624 + 5.83999 NA Intergenic Intergenic 199384 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21925 chr22 35746884 35747005 + 5.83905 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14152 NR_106717 102464824 NR_106717 MIR6069 hsa-mir-6069 microRNA 6069 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1605 chr1 117296963 117297076 + 5.83905 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001767) promoter-TSS (NM_001767) -67 NM_001767 914 Hs.523500 NM_001767 HPRD:01750 CD2 LFA-2|SRBC|T11 CD2 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38406 chrX 103174102 103174168 + 5.83905 NA intron (NR_031657, intron 1 of 1).2 MIRb|SINE|MIR -43065 NM_194324 286527 Hs.56145 NM_194324 HPRD:17546 TMSB15B Tbeta15b thymosin beta 15B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15741 chr19 2281385 2281493 + 5.83905 NA intron (NM_198532, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_198532, intron 1 of 3) 742 NM_198532 374872 Hs.511803 NM_198532 HPRD:12707 C19orf35 - chromosome 19 open reading frame 35 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2331 chr1 161525093 161525182 + 5.83905 NA Intergenic LTR8|LTR|ERV1 -4724 NM_001127593 2214 Hs.372679 NM_000569 HPRD:00903 FCGR3A CD16|CD16A|FCG3|FCGR3|FCGRIII|FCR-10|FCRIII|FCRIIIA|IGFR3|IMD20 Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIIa, receptor (CD16a) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22568 chr3 32469956 32470053 + 5.83633 NA intron (NM_181472, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_181472, intron 1 of 3) 36841 NM_181472 112616 Hs.440494 NM_138410 HPRD:06988 CMTM7 CKLFSF7 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32254 chr7 86849802 86849994 + 5.83633 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024315) promoter-TSS (NM_024315) -867 NM_024315 79161 Hs.619593 NM_024315 HPRD:12911 TMEM243 C7orf23|MM-TRAG transmembrane protein 243, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5529 chr11 5704977 5705078 + 5.83510 NA intron (NM_033093, intron 1 of 7) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 1312 NM_033093 85363 Hs.125300 NM_033034 HPRD:07004 TRIM5 RNF88|TRIM5alpha tripartite motif containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3672 chr10 13141749 13142190 + 5.83510 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021980) promoter-TSS (NM_021980) -113 NM_001008212 10133 Hs.332706 NM_021980 HPRD:03891 OPTN ALS12|FIP2|GLC1E|HIP7|HYPL|NRP|TFIIIA-INTP optineurin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3672-2 chr10 13141749 13142190 + 5.83510 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021980) promoter-TSS (NM_021980) -113 NM_001008212 10133 Hs.332706 NM_021980 HPRD:03891 OPTN ALS12|FIP2|GLC1E|HIP7|HYPL|NRP|TFIIIA-INTP optineurin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7124 chr11 122614790 122614914 + 5.83510 NA intron (NM_032873, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_032873, intron 1 of 13) 88454 NM_032873 84959 Hs.444075 NM_032873 HPRD:16463 UBASH3B STS-1|STS1|TULA-2|p70 ubiquitin associated and SH3 domain containing B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35640 chr9 71199483 71199597 + 5.83403 NA Intergenic Intergenic -38022 NR_109769 101927015 Hs.406454 NR_109769 ENSG00000234506 LINC01506 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1506 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6282 chr11 60746380 60746519 + 5.83403 NA intron (NM_001254750, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_001254750, intron 1 of 10) 7336 NM_001254750 923 Hs.744366 NM_006725 HPRD:01724 CD6 TP120 CD6 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15616 chr18 76916819 76917026 + 5.83403 NA intron (NM_198531, intron 7 of 29) intron (NM_198531, intron 7 of 29) 87525 NM_198531 374868 Hs.465475 NM_198531 HPRD:16528 ATP9B ATPASEP|ATPIIB|NEO1L|hMMR1 ATPase, class II, type 9B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38148 chrX 75437675 75437741 + 5.83403 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 44937 NM_016500 51260 Hs.370100 NM_016500 HPRD:06659 PBDC1 CXorf26 polysaccharide biosynthesis domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23855 chr3 148016403 148016564 + 5.83403 NA Intergenic L1ME3C|LINE|L1 -399175 NM_009585 185 Hs.477887 NM_000685 HPRD:00107 AGTR1 AG2S|AGTR1B|AT1|AT1AR|AT1B|AT1BR|AT1R|AT2R1|HAT1R angiotensin II receptor, type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1306 chr1 93306256 93306414 + 5.83403 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002444) promoter-TSS (NR_002444) 59 NR_002444 26782 Hs.180946 NR_002444 SNORA66 RNU66|U66 small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 66 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12730 chr16 32120995 32121151 + 5.83301 NA Intergenic L1M4b|LINE|L1 78361 NR_109773 100289574 Hs.531536 NR_109773 ENSG00000230267 HERC2P4 D16F37S5 hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15124 chr18 15196897 15197062 + 5.82910 NA Intergenic Intergenic 128939 NR_027417 644669 Hs.579474 NR_027417 ENSG00000215512 LOC644669 - ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21129 chr21 10786660 10786735 + 5.82892 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 204246 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23147 chr3 82157361 82157542 + 5.82281 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -346501 NM_000158 2632 Hs.436062 NM_000158 HPRD:01985 GBE1 APBD|GBE|GSD4 glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29469 chr6 34495033 34495161 + 5.82281 NA intron (NM_020804, intron 2 of 9) CpG 12448 NM_001199583 29993 Hs.520087 NM_020804 HPRD:05936 PACSIN1 SDPI protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_371 chr1 24136336 24136416 + 5.82281 NA intron (NM_001166059, intron 4 of 6) intron (NM_001166059, intron 4 of 6) -9082 NM_001008216 2582 Hs.632380 NM_000403 HPRD:06092 GALE SDR1E1 UDP-galactose-4-epimerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9224 chr13 23153196 23153343 + 5.82261 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 319051 NR_033774 646201 Hs.729338 NR_033774 BASP1P1 - brain abundant, membrane attached signal protein 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21830 chr22 25741864 25742033 + 5.82261 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 16576 NM_182492 91355 Hs.634058 NM_182492 HPRD:13200 LRP5L - low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19214 chr2 160082830 160082906 + 5.82261 NA intron (NM_001145909, intron 24 of 26) intron (NM_001145909, intron 24 of 26) 39522 NR_106948 102465535 NR_106948 MIR6888 hsa-mir-6888 microRNA 6888 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15695 chr19 1266627 1266697 + 5.82000 NA TTS (NR_027271) TTS (NR_027271) -2603 NM_001300829 1153 Hs.618145 NM_001280 HPRD:08375 CIRBP CIRP cold inducible RNA binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12950 chr16 46454174 46454240 + 5.81975 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 148802 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27181 chr5 49406452 49406518 + 5.81902 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 330749 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6366 chr11 63997892 63997992 + 5.81645 NA TTS (NM_001128613) TTS (NM_001128613) 189 NM_005528 3338 Hs.172847 NM_005528 ENSG00000110011 DNAJC4 DANJC4|HSPF2|MCG18 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2991 chr1 214612954 214613024 + 5.81393 NA intron (NM_005401, intron 3 of 18) intron (NM_005401, intron 3 of 18) 112035 NM_005401 5784 Hs.193557 NM_005401 HPRD:04402 PTPN14 PEZ|PTP36 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38232 chrX 81397592 81397688 + 5.81393 NA Intergenic Intergenic -940199 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17842 chr2 49309218 49309392 + 5.81393 NA intron (NM_181446, intron 1 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 72361 NM_000145 2492 Hs.1428 NM_000145 HPRD:00639 FSHR FSHRO|LGR1|ODG1 follicle stimulating hormone receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28001 chr5 110614636 110614776 + 5.81393 NA intron (NM_001744, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_001744, intron 1 of 10) 54759 NM_001744 814 Hs.591269 NM_001744 CAMK4 CaMK IV|CaMK-GR|IV|caMK calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6638 chr11 74959780 74959922 + 5.81393 NA Intergenic Intergenic 7901 NM_001195528 100507050 Hs.577323 NM_001195528 ENSG00000261594 TPBGL - trophoblast glycoprotein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6194 chr11 55024271 55024363 + 5.81360 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -5341 NM_024114 79097 Hs.195715 NM_024114 HPRD:15565 TRIM48 RNF101 tripartite motif containing 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4725 chr10 88844150 88844313 + 5.81270 NA intron (NM_005271, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_005271, intron 1 of 12) 10545 NM_005271 2746 Hs.500409 NM_005271 HPRD:11748 GLUD1 GDH|GDH1|GLUD glutamate dehydrogenase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18684 chr2 111056724 111056790 + 5.81270 NA Intergenic CpG 14327 NR_039941 100616123 NR_039941 MIR4436B1 MIR4436B|hsa-mir-4436b-1 microRNA 4436b-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34835 chr8 145053853 145053973 + 5.80905 NA intron (NM_032789, intron 9 of 10) AluYc|SINE|Alu -3000 NM_000445 5339 Hs.434248 NM_000445 HPRD:03180 PLEC EBS1|EBSO|HD1|LGMD2Q|PCN|PLEC1|PLEC1b|PLTN plectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4064 chr10 39085331 39085424 + 5.80902 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 95650 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33397 chr8 12517621 12517703 + 5.80618 NA intron (NR_047662, intron 1 of 8) L2b|LINE|L2 5458 NR_047662 729732 Hs.322761 NR_047662 LOC729732 - uncharacterized LOC729732 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4247 chr10 43961287 43961365 + 5.80618 NA intron (NR_026693, intron 1 of 3) SVA_D|Other|Other 28752 NR_026693 642819 Hs.719657 NR_026693 ZNF487 KRBO1|ZNF487P zinc finger protein 487 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2879 chr1 205254105 205254176 + 5.80618 NA Intergenic Intergenic 28811 NM_001297613 9911 Hs.6360 NM_014858 HPRD:11040 TMCC2 HUCEP11 transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8158 chr12 54485647 54485726 + 5.80618 NA intron (NR_026655, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_026655, intron 1 of 1) -10079 NR_026658 100240735 Hs.635297 NR_026658 ENSG00000250654 LOC100240735 - uncharacterized LOC100240735 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37826 chrX 61727186 61727331 + 5.80536 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 843960 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10724 chr14 74237353 74237424 + 5.80514 NA intron (NM_001043318, intron 1 of 11) Tigger16a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -10387 NM_194278 91748 Hs.594157 NM_194278 HPRD:12648 ELMSAN1 C14orf117|C14orf43|LSR68|c14_5541 ELM2 and Myb/SANT-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20883 chr20 49461366 49461516 + 5.80514 NA intron (NM_198799, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_198799, intron 4 of 4) 50010 NM_001010974 55653 Hs.381178 NM_017843 HPRD:06314 BCAS4 CNOL breast carcinoma amplified sequence 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12259 chr16 1458287 1458479 + 5.80514 NA intron (NM_001037125, intron 2 of 5) CpG 6338 NM_001193388 64718 Hs.643536 NM_023076 HPRD:15612 UNKL C16orf28|ZC3H5L|ZC3HDC5L unkempt family zinc finger-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27991 chr5 110088070 110088225 + 5.80514 NA intron (NM_138773, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_138773, intron 5 of 7) 13393 NM_138773 91137 Hs.75639 NM_138773 HPRD:14283 SLC25A46 - solute carrier family 25, member 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36627 chr9_gl000199_random 106094 106257 + 5.80415 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12787 chr16 33064289 33064466 + 5.80398 NA Intergenic L1M4b|LINE|L1 -141206 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19031 chr2 136876849 136876916 + 5.79821 NA Intergenic CpG -1157 NM_003467 7852 Hs.593413 NM_003467 HPRD:01217 CXCR4 CD184|D2S201E|FB22|HM89|HSY3RR|LAP-3|LAP3|LCR1|LESTR|NPY3R|NPYR|NPYRL|NPYY3R|WHIM chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37671 chrX 53254595 53254755 + 5.79756 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001146702) promoter-TSS (NM_001146702) -71 NM_001146702 8242 Hs.631768 NM_004187 HPRD:02442 KDM5C DXS1272E|JARID1C|MRX13|MRXJ|MRXSCJ|MRXSJ|SMCX|XE169 lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3924 chr10 31696333 31696546 + 5.79410 NA intron (NM_001128128, intron 1 of 8) L1PA3|LINE|L1 86375 NM_001174094 6935 Hs.124503 NM_030751 HPRD:01798 ZEB1 AREB6|BZP|DELTAEF1|FECD6|NIL2A|PPCD3|TCF8|ZFHEP|ZFHX1A zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10475 chr14 55375122 55375205 + 5.79410 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -5621 NM_001024071 2643 Hs.86724 NM_000161 HPRD:02573 GCH1 DYT14|DYT5|DYT5a|GCH|GTP-CH-1|GTPCH1|HPABH4B GTP cyclohydrolase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4315 chr10 51019757 51019966 + 5.79410 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -49436 NM_001143996 55753 Hs.17860 NM_018245 HPRD:07704 OGDHL - oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20232 chr2 242396878 242397134 + 5.79410 NA intron (NM_001282983, intron 14 of 17) intron (NM_001282983, intron 14 of 17) 50769 NM_001271978 10494 Hs.516807 NM_006374 HPRD:03770 STK25 SOK1|YSK1 serine/threonine kinase 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31730 chr7 51959148 51959218 + 5.79410 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -574668 NM_001287436 23242 Hs.99141 NM_015198 HPRD:10843 COBL - cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_859 chr1 46664096 46664191 + 5.79410 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017739) promoter-TSS (NM_017739) -22 NM_017739 55624 Hs.525134 NM_017739 HPRD:09493 POMGNT1 GNTI.2|GnT I.2|LGMD2O|MEB|MGAT1.2|gnT-I.2 protein O-linked mannose N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 1 (beta 1,2-) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_171 chr1 9189243 9189355 + 5.79410 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024980) promoter-TSS (NM_024980) -70 NM_024980 80045 Hs.632367 NM_024980 GPR157 - G protein-coupled receptor 157 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34377 chr8 103823160 103823274 + 5.79335 NA Intergenic CpG 53180 NM_148174 51582 Hs.459106 NM_015878 HPRD:07443 AZIN1 OAZI|OAZIN|ODC1L antizyme inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9374 chr13 37633538 37633616 + 5.79056 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278482) promoter-TSS (NM_001278482) 47 NM_001278482 55578 Hs.435815 NM_017569 HPRD:10135 SUPT20H C13|C13orf19|FAM48A|P38IP|SPT20 suppressor of Ty 20 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28797 chr5 176817670 176817807 + 5.78994 NA TTS (NM_001167579) TTS (NM_001167579) 6306 NM_001167579 6569 Hs.936 NM_003052 HPRD:08918 SLC34A1 FRTS2|NAPI-3|NPHLOP1|NPT2|NPTIIa|SLC11|SLC17A2 solute carrier family 34 (type II sodium/phosphate contransporter), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7960 chr12 42620819 42620895 + 5.78994 NA intron (NM_001190979, intron 2 of 4) CpG 11232 NM_001190977 10138 Hs.649195 NM_005748 HPRD:09606 YAF2 - YY1 associated factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14055 chr17 26646296 26646399 + 5.78994 NA exon (NM_014573, exon 1 of 3) exon (NM_014573, exon 1 of 3) 226 NM_014573 27346 Hs.199695 NM_014573 HPRD:14343 TMEM97 MAC30 transmembrane protein 97 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18033 chr2 70352002 70352071 + 5.78994 NA intron (NR_024444, intron 1 of 1) AluYc|SINE|Alu 412 NR_024444 100133985 Hs.135528 NR_024444 ENSG00000231327 LOC100133985 - uncharacterized LOC100133985 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7540 chr12 14409607 14409673 + 5.78994 NA Intergenic Intergenic -108926 NM_018179 55729 Hs.504856 NM_018179 HPRD:09811 ATF7IP AM|ATF-IP|MCAF|MCAF1|p621 activating transcription factor 7 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34752 chr8 141582513 141582646 + 5.78994 NA intron (NM_012154, intron 3 of 18) intron (NM_012154, intron 3 of 18) 60498 NR_040712 54108 Hs.279704 NM_017444 HPRD:06275 CHRAC1 CHARC1|CHARC15|CHRAC-1|CHRAC-15|CHRAC15|YCL1 chromatin accessibility complex 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18259 chr2 87656318 87656514 + 5.78994 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -98558 NR_024204 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29226 chr6 26402377 26402491 + 5.78994 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145008) promoter-TSS (NM_001145008) -31 NM_001145009 11119 Hs.191510 NM_007048 HPRD:10693 BTN3A1 BT3.1|BTF5|BTN3.1|CD277 butyrophilin, subfamily 3, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4628 chr10 76990507 76990661 + 5.78775 NA intron (NR_033675, intron 10 of 10) intron (NR_033675, intron 10 of 10) 5186 NM_144589 118881 Hs.355333 NM_144589 HPRD:08678 COMTD1 - catechol-O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20237 chr2 242640705 242640858 + 5.78775 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032329) promoter-TSS (NM_032329) -675 NM_032329 84289 Hs.529172 NM_032329 HPRD:16348 ING5 p28ING5 inhibitor of growth family, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25676 chr4 100965928 100966087 + 5.78728 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 94371 NR_002799 256880 Hs.448554 NR_002799 LOC256880 - uncharacterized LOC256880 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6563 chr11 71039510 71039589 + 5.78728 NA Intergenic AluSc8|SINE|Alu 94851 NR_038862 399923 Hs.128191 NM_001001680 HPRD:13457 FLJ42102 - uncharacterized LOC399923 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27863 chr5 98263041 98263124 + 5.78354 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001270) promoter-TSS (NM_001270) -844 NM_001270 1105 Hs.643465 NM_001270 HPRD:03668 CHD1 - chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31699 chr7 48127100 48127177 + 5.78345 NA Intergenic MER51B|LTR|ERV1 -1062 NM_001287426 7378 Hs.488240 NM_003364 HPRD:08932 UPP1 UDRPASE|UP|UPASE|UPP uridine phosphorylase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8952 chr12 120730876 120731023 + 5.78345 NA Intergenic U4|snRNA|snRNA -9175 NM_012240 23409 Hs.50861 NM_012240 HPRD:06837 SIRT4 SIR2L4 sirtuin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1742 chr1 143118426 143118510 + 5.78272 NA Intergenic MLT1H|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 83771 NR_110761 102723769 Hs.652926 NR_110761 LOC102723769 - uncharacterized LOC102723769 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30396 chr6 119255567 119255809 + 5.77763 NA intron (NM_153255, intron 1 of 6) GC_rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 639 NM_153255 254394 Hs.279008 NM_017696 HPRD:17472 MCM9 C6orf61|MCMDC1|dJ329L24.1|dJ329L24.3 minichromosome maintenance complex component 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1556 chr1 113615994 113616062 + 5.77763 NA promoter-TSS (NR_103777) promoter-TSS (NR_103777) 197 NM_014813 9860 Hs.448972 NM_014813 LRIG2 LIG-2|LIG2|UFS2 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33801 chr8 47868722 47868797 + 5.77438 NA Intergenic Intergenic 116251 NR_027013 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16606 chr19 39612851 39612919 + 5.77438 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -3535 NM_001014834 10298 Hs.20447 NM_005884 HPRD:05675 PAK4 - p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29502 chr6 36270384 36270500 + 5.77438 NA intron (NM_173676, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_173676, intron 6 of 7) 32205 NM_001145717 285848 Hs.407002 NM_173676 HPRD:17869 PNPLA1 ARCI10|dJ50J22.1 patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30325 chr6 112849487 112849635 + 5.77438 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 181029 NM_001013734 442247 Hs.448264 NM_001013734 HPRD:18472 RFPL4B RNF211 ret finger protein-like 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34610 chr8 128862087 128862243 + 5.77438 NA Intergenic (TG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -40709 NR_003367 5820 Hs.133107 NR_003367 ENSG00000249859 PVT1 LINC00079|NCRNA00079 Pvt1 oncogene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20771 chr20 40434046 40434114 + 5.77438 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -186947 NM_032221 84181 Hs.740645 NM_032221 HPRD:13049 CHD6 CHD-6|CHD5|RIGB chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2947 chr1 210001159 210001402 + 5.77375 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014388) promoter-TSS (NM_014388) -32 NM_014388 27042 Hs.194754 NM_014388 HPRD:14535 DIEXF C1orf107|DEF|DJ434O14.5|UTP25 digestive organ expansion factor homolog (zebrafish) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24380 chr3 196044548 196044614 + 5.77375 NA promoter-TSS (NR_121665) promoter-TSS (NR_121665) 584 NM_152773 255758 Hs.733180 NM_152773 HPRD:14554 TCTEX1D2 - Tctex1 domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18624 chr2 105953634 105953740 + 5.77375 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024093) promoter-TSS (NM_024093) -129 NM_024093 79074 Hs.549577 NM_024093 C2orf49 asw chromosome 2 open reading frame 49 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29845 chr6 71854591 71854661 + 5.76935 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -143851 NM_024576 79627 Hs.648434 NM_024576 OGFRL1 dJ331H24.1 opioid growth factor receptor-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26018 chr4 129005423 129005490 + 5.76935 NA intron (NM_001278604, intron 5 of 9) SVA_D|Other|Other 23035 NM_178043 55132 Hs.657067 NM_018078 HPRD:10963 LARP1B LARP2 La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5168 chr10 122708005 122708190 + 5.76935 NA intron (NR_049879, intron 3 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -97406 NR_033850 283089 Hs.568750 NR_033850 ENSG00000227165 WDR11-AS1 - WDR11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11455 chr15 43058150 43058216 + 5.76935 NA intron (NM_173500, intron 13 of 14) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -28766 NM_138477 146059 Hs.599232 NM_138477 HPRD:08470 CDAN1 CDA1|CDAI|CDAN1A|DLT|PRO1295 codanin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21492 chr21 46077914 46078028 + 5.76782 NA exon (NM_198697, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_198697, exon 1 of 1) 122 NM_198697 386683 Hs.528023 NM_198697 HPRD:11199 KRTAP12-3 KRTAP12.3 keratin associated protein 12-3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19894 chr2 217363711 217363793 + 5.76782 NA intron (NM_000998, intron 1 of 3) CpG 232 NM_000998 6168 Hs.433701 NM_000998 RPL37A L37A ribosomal protein L37a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12151 chr15 99538667 99538735 + 5.76577 NA intron (NM_001167902, intron 2 of 4) AluSx|SINE|Alu 10184 NM_001102612 145814 Hs.592021 NM_001102612 ENSG00000183571 PGPEP1L - pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32003 chr7 64962157 64962238 + 5.76577 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) 123485 NM_007139 168374 Hs.9521 NM_007139 HPRD:04919 ZNF92 HEL-203|HPF12|HTF12|TF12 zinc finger protein 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8451 chr12 73790830 73790939 + 5.76499 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 237914 NR_110130 101928137 Hs.694666 NR_110130 ENSG00000258123 LOC101928137 - uncharacterized LOC101928137 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4139 chr10 42396406 42396479 + 5.76486 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 467051 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13461 chr16 87417341 87417407 + 5.76373 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024735) promoter-TSS (NM_024735) 25 NM_024735 79791 Hs.567582 NM_024735 FBXO31 FBX14|FBXO14|Fbx31|pp2386 F-box protein 31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13532 chr16 89768121 89768286 + 5.76068 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152339) promoter-TSS (NM_152339) -82 NM_152339 124044 Hs.374556 NM_152339 HPRD:14515 SPATA2L C16orf76|tamo spermatogenesis associated 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7280 chr12 63661 63769 + 5.76068 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -3892 NR_026823 677784 Hs.722487 NR_026823 ENSG00000206114 FAM138D F379 family with sequence similarity 138, member D ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32282 chr7 89783685 89783805 + 5.75722 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012449) promoter-TSS (NM_012449) 56 NM_012449 26872 Hs.61635 NM_012449 HPRD:05106 STEAP1 PRSS24|STEAP six transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25838 chr4 114558074 114558264 + 5.75722 NA intron (NM_172114, intron 3 of 17) L2a|LINE|L2 124914 NM_172127 817 Hs.144114 NM_001221 HPRD:09653 CAMK2D CAMKD calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2670 chr1 187792870 187793141 + 5.75462 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 994973 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_938 chr1 53651547 53651711 + 5.75462 NA Intergenic LTR13_|LTR|ERVK -10472 NM_000098 1376 Hs.713535 NM_000098 HPRD:02802 CPT2 CPT1|CPTASE|IIAE4 carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23440 chr3 111882828 111882897 + 5.75462 NA intron (NM_183061, intron 26 of 28) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -30710 NM_001190259 257144 Hs.49614 NM_152785 HPRD:09695 GCSAM GCAT2|GCET2|HGAL germinal center-associated, signaling and motility protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16846 chr19 47722465 47722547 + 5.75462 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -7693 NR_036158 100422899 NR_036158 miRBase:MI0014235 MIR3190 - microRNA 3190 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16780 chr19 45418366 45418460 + 5.75462 NA intron (NM_001645, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_001645, intron 2 of 3) 492 NM_001645 341 Hs.110675 NM_001645 HPRD:00131 APOC1 - apolipoprotein C-I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8889 chr12 113062763 113062829 + 5.75462 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -166753 NM_014954 22895 Hs.21239 NM_014954 HPRD:15273 RPH3A - rabphilin 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24901 chr4 38679189 38679276 + 5.75462 NA intron (NM_016531, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_016531, intron 1 of 5) -12983 NR_026804 79667 Hs.29725 NM_024614 HPRD:07818 KLF3-AS1 - KLF3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38010 chrX 69821256 69821330 + 5.75462 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 25 of 30) L1P1|LINE|L1 -145449 NR_109801 100873930 Hs.571699 NR_046586 DLG3-AS1 - DLG3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_681 chr1 36834704 36834845 + 5.75462 NA intron (NM_032017, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_032017, intron 1 of 11) 16754 NM_001282547 83931 Hs.471768 NM_032017 HPRD:11359 STK40 SHIK|SgK495 serine/threonine kinase 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25681 chr4 101304289 101304355 + 5.75462 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 134928 NM_016242 51705 Hs.152913 NM_016242 HPRD:12220 EMCN EMCN2|MUC14 endomucin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27446 chr5 66895513 66895587 + 5.75462 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -402933 NM_005582 4064 Hs.87205 NM_005582 HPRD:03749 CD180 LY64|Ly78|RP105 CD180 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32419 chr7 100025925 100026007 + 5.75451 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001194991) promoter-TSS (NM_001194991) -447 NM_001194992 56257 Hs.178011 NM_019606 HPRD:07889 MEPCE BCDIN3 methylphosphate capping enzyme protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1123 chr1 75199510 75199609 + 5.75277 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130043) promoter-TSS (NM_001130043) -467 NM_001889 1429 Hs.83114 NM_001889 HPRD:00437 CRYZ - crystallin, zeta (quinone reductase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6365 chr11 63975350 63975456 + 5.75277 NA intron (NM_178443, intron 2 of 14) intron (NM_178443, intron 2 of 14) 1251 NM_031471 83706 Hs.180535 NM_031471 HPRD:07440 FERMT3 KIND3|MIG-2|MIG2B|UNC112C|URP2|URP2SF fermitin family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27016 chr5 39273576 39273642 + 5.75277 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2850 NM_001243093 2533 Hs.370503 NM_001465 HPRD:04107 FYB ADAP|PRO0823|SLAP-130 FYN binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16741 chr19 44038253 44038394 + 5.75277 NA intron (NM_174945, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_174945, intron 2 of 3) 983 NM_174945 284346 Hs.213534 NM_174945 ZNF575 - zinc finger protein 575 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39062 chrY 9944643 9944723 + 5.75199 NA Intergenic L1M1|LINE|L1 196276 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30807 chr6 152964252 152964324 + 5.75182 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5754 NM_182961 23345 Hs.12967 NM_015293 HPRD:09762 SYNE1 8B|ARCA1|C6orf98|CPG2|EDMD4|MYNE1|Nesp1|SCAR8|dJ45H2.2 spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13390 chr16 81771724 81771812 + 5.75182 NA Intergenic Intergenic -41095 NM_002661 5336 Hs.372303 NM_002661 HPRD:02570 PLCG2 APLAID|FCAS3|PLC-IV|PLC-gamma-2 phospholipase C, gamma 2 (phosphatidylinositol-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32338 chr7 95951147 95951238 + 5.75182 NA intron (NR_027662, intron 1 of 16) CpG 267 NM_014251 10165 Hs.489190 NM_014251 HPRD:04837 SLC25A13 ARALAR2|CITRIN|CTLN2 solute carrier family 25 (aspartate/glutamate carrier), member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32435 chr7 100273425 100273677 + 5.74967 NA intron (NM_005273, intron 1 of 9) CpG 2188 NM_005273 2783 Hs.185172 NM_005273 HPRD:11820 GNB2 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22826 chr3 50606530 50606625 + 5.74967 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016173) promoter-TSS (NM_016173) -332 NM_016173 51409 Hs.517987 NM_016173 HPRD:13645 HEMK1 HEMK|MTQ1 HemK methyltransferase family member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7492 chr12 10824878 10824975 + 5.74106 NA intron (NM_018423, intron 1 of 10) MER1A|DNA|hAT-Charlie 1965 NM_018423 55359 Hs.24979 NM_018423 HPRD:15447 STYK1 NOK|SuRTK106 serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4363 chr10 54123543 54123620 + 5.74106 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 49540 NM_012242 22943 Hs.40499 NM_012242 HPRD:05544 DKK1 DKK-1|SK dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2813 chr1 201140564 201140679 + 5.74106 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001288564) promoter-TSS (NM_001288564) 89 NM_001288564 252839 Hs.181444 NM_016456 HPRD:15542 TMEM9 TMEM9A transmembrane protein 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35647 chr9 71650638 71650707 + 5.74106 NA 5' UTR (NM_000144, exon 1 of 5) 5' UTR (NM_000144, exon 1 of 5) 193 NM_001161706 2395 Hs.20685 NM_000144 HPRD:06013 FXN CyaY|FA|FARR|FRDA|X25 frataxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24365 chr3 195633783 195633936 + 5.73931 NA intron (NM_005781, intron 1 of 14) MIRb|SINE|MIR 2021 NM_005781 10188 Hs.518513 NM_005781 HPRD:06104 TNK2 ACK|ACK-1|ACK1|p21cdc42Hs tyrosine kinase, non-receptor, 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12291 chr16 2587776 2587906 + 5.73897 NA promoter-TSS (NM_031268) promoter-TSS (NM_031268) -124 NM_031268 5170 Hs.459691 NM_002613 HPRD:05556 PDPK1 PDK1|PDPK2|PRO0461 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3405 chr1 244483102 244483212 + 5.73791 NA Intergenic Intergenic -32780 NM_001276349 200159 Hs.442703 NM_001012970 HPRD:13168 C1orf100 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 100 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14950 chr18 712697 712810 + 5.73791 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017512) promoter-TSS (NM_017512) -91 NM_001126123 55556 Hs.658550 NM_017512 ENSG00000132199 ENOSF1 HSRTSBETA|RTS|TYMSAS enolase superfamily member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17382 chr2 10549390 10549457 + 5.73791 NA intron (NM_134421, intron 3 of 5) intron (NM_134421, intron 3 of 5) 37552 NR_028374 100302743 Hs.730525 NR_028374 ENSG00000206633 SNORA80B ACA67B small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 80B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31854 chr7 61240623 61240728 + 5.73791 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1523759 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23182 chr3 88236817 88236959 + 5.73791 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -37872 NM_001195308 8545 Hs.444818 NM_003663 HPRD:04529 CGGBP1 CGGBP|p20-CGGBP CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6917 chr11 104480065 104480158 + 5.73518 NA promoter-TSS (NR_120585) promoter-TSS (NR_120585) -81 NR_120585 102723895 Hs.48803 NR_120585 LOC102723895 - uncharacterized LOC102723895 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11118 chr14 107078347 107078472 + 5.73518 NA Intergenic Intergenic 139964 NR_027457 338005 Hs.322826 NR_027457 ENSG00000187156 LINC00221 C14orf98|NCRNA00221 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 221 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4408 chr10 60005840 60005906 + 5.73518 NA intron (NM_152230, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 21821 NM_152230 253430 Hs.30280 NM_152230 HPRD:17153 IPMK - inositol polyphosphate multikinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35676 chr9 74715086 74715165 + 5.73518 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -14386 NM_001242507 9615 Hs.494163 NM_004293 HPRD:08849 GDA CYPIN|GUANASE|NEDASIN guanine deaminase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28175 chr5 129188597 129188711 + 5.73518 NA Intergenic Intergenic -51869 NM_175856 337876 Hs.213137 NM_175856 HPRD:16766 CHSY3 CHSY2|CSS3 chondroitin sulfate synthase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5711 chr11 15096629 15096729 + 5.73518 NA exon (NM_000728, exon 3 of 5) exon (NM_000728, exon 3 of 5) 1533 NM_000728 797 Hs.534305 NM_000728 HPRD:11742 CALCB CALC2|CGRP-II|CGRP2 calcitonin-related polypeptide beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4375 chr10 55788010 55788076 + 5.73518 NA intron (NM_001142769, intron 20 of 35) L1PA3|LINE|L1 773008 NM_001142765 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10314 chr14 40760385 40760451 + 5.73518 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -663498 NR_109758 644919 Hs.434414 NR_109757 LOC644919 - uncharacterized LOC644919 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38273 chrX 86755309 86755455 + 5.73518 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -17333 NM_019117 56062 Hs.49075 NM_019117 HPRD:02283 KLHL4 DKELCHL|KHL4 kelch-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10492 chr14 55878453 55878601 + 5.73518 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014924) promoter-TSS (NM_014924) 49 NM_014924 22863 Hs.414809 NM_014924 HPRD:13820 ATG14 ATG14L|BARKOR|KIAA0831 autophagy related 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35072 chr9 20358292 20358520 + 5.73410 NA intron (NM_001286691, intron 8 of 10) intron (NM_001286691, intron 8 of 10) 52830 NR_039684 100616229 NR_039684 MIR4473 - microRNA 4473 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36521 chr9 140217460 140217547 + 5.73410 NA intron (NM_017820, intron 19 of 21) CpG -20800 NM_001004354 441478 Hs.535075 NM_001004354 HPRD:17564 NRARP - NOTCH-regulated ankyrin repeat protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38744 chrX 134347517 134347650 + 5.73410 NA Intergenic Intergenic -41832 NM_017863 54967 Hs.272804 NM_017863 HPRD:06534 CT55 BJHCC20A|CXorf48 cancer/testis antigen 55 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23902 chr3 151613472 151613578 + 5.73410 NA intron (NR_110202, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_110202, intron 1 of 3) 22094 NM_033050 56670 Hs.279575 NM_033050 SUCNR1 GPR91 succinate receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9791 chr13 91614028 91614131 + 5.73410 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -35228 NR_027039 144776 Hs.434120 NR_027039 ENSG00000231674 LINC00410 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 410 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8558 chr12 88364868 88364969 + 5.73410 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 58258 NM_152589 160419 Hs.112930 NM_152589 HPRD:08764 C12orf50 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 50 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29964 chr6 81628703 81628769 + 5.73410 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 812392 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20837 chr20 46523871 46524066 + 5.72743 NA Intergenic D20S16|Satellite|Satellite -88002 NR_109942 101060004 Hs.129970 NR_109942 LINC01523 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1523 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12632 chr16 29827667 29827738 + 5.72626 NA TTS (NM_145239) TTS (NM_145239) 174 NM_024516 79447 Hs.702841 NM_024516 PAGR1 C16orf53|GAS|PA1 PAXIP1 associated glutamate-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23911 chr3 152878321 152878402 + 5.72552 NA Intergenic CpG -1640 NM_002886 5912 Hs.98643 NM_002886 RAP2B - RAP2B, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30770 chr6 150244248 150244330 + 5.72439 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001001788) promoter-TSS (NM_001001788) -75 NM_001001788 353091 Hs.558792 NM_001001788 HPRD:16467 RAET1G ULBP5 retinoic acid early transcript 1G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26428 chr4 175204783 175204853 + 5.72439 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145314) promoter-TSS (NM_001145314) -10 NM_001040157 80817 Hs.555989 NM_030633 HPRD:13885 CEP44 KIAA1712|PS1TP3 centrosomal protein 44kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28803 chr5 176878560 176878657 + 5.72341 NA intron (NM_001174102, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001174102, intron 1 of 2) 3282 NM_001174102 80758 Hs.534492 NM_030567 HPRD:15186 PRR7 - proline rich 7 (synaptic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31626 chr7 40174001 40174313 + 5.72328 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001193312) promoter-TSS (NM_001193312) 94 NM_138701 136647 Hs.654989 NM_138701 MPLKIP ABHS|C7orf11|ORF20 M-phase specific PLK1 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20466 chr20 18480328 18480396 + 5.71603 NA Intergenic AluYf4|SINE|Alu -2475 NM_006606 10741 Hs.69330 NM_006606 HPRD:04217 RBBP9 BOG|RBBP10 retinoblastoma binding protein 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20132 chr2 235409144 235409265 + 5.71603 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3507 NM_001282431 10123 Hs.111554 NM_005737 HPRD:11988 ARL4C ARL7|LAK ADP-ribosylation factor-like 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7153 chr11 124670261 124670358 + 5.71603 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001301087) promoter-TSS (NM_001301087) -10 NM_024631 79684 Hs.146079 NM_024631 HPRD:08024 MSANTD2 C11orf61 Myb/SANT-like DNA-binding domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23279 chr3 98259391 98259510 + 5.71566 NA Intergenic Intergenic 8707 NM_005290 2838 Hs.563128 NM_005290 HPRD:03102 GPR15 BOB G protein-coupled receptor 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35783 chr9 85888268 85888461 + 5.71566 NA intron (NM_001244960, intron 13 of 13) SVA_C|Other|Other -6162 NM_001244962 257019 Hs.127535 NM_174938 HPRD:07402 FRMD3 4.1O|EPB41L4O|EPB41LO|P410 FERM domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3432 chr1 246188177 246188390 + 5.71566 NA intron (NM_022743, intron 5 of 11) intron (NM_022743, intron 5 of 11) 392431 NM_022743 64754 Hs.567571 NM_022743 HPRD:12297 SMYD3 KMT3E|ZMYND1|ZNFN3A1|bA74P14.1 SET and MYND domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10868 chr14 90678551 90678617 + 5.71566 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -44310 NM_002802 5700 Hs.356654 NM_002802 HPRD:04084 PSMC1 P26S4|S4|p56 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38639 chrX 127333466 127333534 + 5.71566 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -147118 NM_138289 139741 Hs.680125 NM_138289 HPRD:06439 ACTRT1 AIP1|ARIP1|ARPT1|HSD27 actin-related protein T1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30831 chr6 155371539 155371615 + 5.71566 NA Intergenic Intergenic -39846 NM_012454 26230 Hs.586279 NM_012454 HPRD:05273 TIAM2 STEF|TIAM-2 T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8380 chr12 69326973 69327067 + 5.71566 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198320) promoter-TSS (NM_198320) -41 NM_198320 1368 Hs.654387 NM_001874 HPRD:00273 CPM - carboxypeptidase M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1139 chr1 76736080 76736304 + 5.71566 NA intron (NM_152996, intron 1 of 4) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 195803 NM_001160011 256435 Hs.337040 NM_152996 ST6GALNAC3 PRO7177|SIAT7C|ST6GALNACIII|STY ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32945 chr7 143892362 143892516 + 5.71284 NA intron (NM_001003702, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_001003702, intron 1 of 1) 352 NM_001003702 445328 Hs.534621 NM_001003702 HPRD:13476 ARHGEF35 ARHGEF5L Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 35 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35085 chr9 21031142 21031408 + 5.71069 NA intron (NM_001010915, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001010915, intron 1 of 6) 360 NM_001010915 401494 Hs.716678 NM_001010915 PTPLAD2 HACD4 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9054 chr12 125425280 125425366 + 5.71069 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 25230 NR_049820 100847004 NR_049820 miRBase:MI0018167 MIR5188 - microRNA 5188 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9413 chr13 41351039 41351149 + 5.71069 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5747 NM_005830 10240 Hs.596607 NM_005830 HPRD:10098 MRPS31 IMOGN38|MRP-S31|S31mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2846 chr1 203242374 203242468 + 5.70917 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13859 NR_117097 100506775 Hs.443859 NR_117097 LINC01353 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1353 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27026 chr5 40404815 40404962 + 5.70917 NA Intergenic Intergenic -275144 NM_000958 5734 Hs.199248 NM_000958 HPRD:03350 PTGER4 EP4|EP4R prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38527 chrX 116891683 116891840 + 5.70917 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 215940 NM_033495 90293 Hs.348262 NM_033495 HPRD:06461 KLHL13 BKLHD2 kelch-like family member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21247 chr21 19147807 19147914 + 5.70854 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 16966 NR_038870 246312 Hs.473425 NR_038870 ENSG00000240770 C21orf91-OT1 D21S2089E|NCRNA00285 C21orf91 overlapping transcript 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9010 chr12 123380649 123380898 + 5.70854 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024667) promoter-TSS (NM_024667) -61 NM_024667 79720 Hs.507162 NM_024667 HPRD:07794 VPS37B - vacuolar protein sorting 37 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4280 chr10 47395877 47395975 + 5.70854 NA intron (NR_027634, intron 2 of 6) CpG 16206 NR_027634 439965 Hs.283521 NR_027634 FAM35DP FAM35B2 family with sequence similarity 35, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16487 chr19 36235617 36235685 + 5.70654 NA promoter-TSS (NM_172341) promoter-TSS (NM_172341) 692 NM_144987 199746 Hs.351558 NM_144987 HPRD:03050 U2AF1L4 U2AF1-RS3|U2AF1L3|U2AF1L3V1|U2AF1RS3|U2af26 U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12828 chr16 33804685 33804751 + 5.70654 NA Intergenic Intergenic 157785 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7553 chr12 14923111 14923293 + 5.70198 NA TTS (NM_175054) TTS (NM_175054) 863 NM_175054 121504 Hs.745457 NM_175054 HPRD:13662 HIST4H4 H4/p histone cluster 4, H4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2232 chr1 156475218 156475286 + 5.70198 NA Intergenic CpG -4618 NM_005920 4209 Hs.314327 NM_005920 HPRD:02810 MEF2D - myocyte enhancer factor 2D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33399 chr8 12528754 12528994 + 5.70068 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -5754 NR_047662 729732 Hs.322761 NR_047662 LOC729732 - uncharacterized LOC729732 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31591 chr7 37350118 37350246 + 5.69849 NA intron (NM_001206480, intron 4 of 21) intron (NM_001206480, intron 4 of 21) 43090 NM_001206482 9844 Hs.434989 NM_014800 HPRD:12102 ELMO1 CED-12|CED12|ELMO-1 engulfment and cell motility 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33867 chr8 56919248 56919338 + 5.69849 NA intron (NM_001111097, intron 12 of 12) intron (NM_001111097, intron 12 of 12) 67167 NR_002437 26795 NR_002437 SNORD54 RNU54|U54 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 54 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6604 chr11 73077318 73077484 + 5.69849 NA intron (NM_014786, intron 20 of 20) intron (NM_014786, intron 20 of 20) -10004 NM_152222 84957 Hs.533720 NM_032871 HPRD:15544 RELT TNFRSF19L|TRLT RELT tumor necrosis factor receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3313 chr1 235815198 235815320 + 5.69849 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -1205 NM_001098721 2786 Hs.159711 NM_004485 HPRD:11978 GNG4 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19212 chr2 160001823 160001947 + 5.69849 NA intron (NM_001145909, intron 5 of 26) MIRc|SINE|MIR -41461 NR_106948 102465535 NR_106948 MIR6888 hsa-mir-6888 microRNA 6888 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16016 chr19 13901168 13901337 + 5.69687 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -5022 NM_023072 65249 Hs.466015 NM_023072 HPRD:15904 ZSWIM4 - zinc finger, SWIM-type containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37478 chrX 39625751 39625820 + 5.69624 NA Intergenic Charlie4a|DNA|hAT-Charlie 330934 NM_017745 54880 Hs.659681 NM_017745 HPRD:06458 BCOR ANOP2|MAA2|MCOPS2 BCL6 corepressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20831 chr20 45986366 45986433 + 5.69624 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001281779) promoter-TSS (NM_001281779) -766 NM_183048 23613 Hs.446240 NM_012408 HPRD:10166 ZMYND8 PRKCBP1|PRO2893|RACK7 zinc finger, MYND-type containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33527 chr8 27283798 27283946 + 5.69624 NA intron (NM_173174, intron 10 of 35) intron (NM_173174, intron 10 of 35) -7015 NR_106901 102465507 NR_106901 MIR6842 hsa-mir-6842 microRNA 6842 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22283 chr3 9811658 9811724 + 5.69624 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003656) promoter-TSS (NM_003656) -23 NM_003656 8536 Hs.434875 NM_003656 HPRD:05412 CAMK1 CAMKI calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14085 chr17 27507378 27507527 + 5.69624 NA promoter-TSS (NM_078471) promoter-TSS (NM_078471) -45 NM_203318 399687 Hs.462590 NM_078471 HPRD:10106 MYO18A MYSPDZ|SPR210 myosin XVIIIA protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10552 chr14 61524728 61524794 + 5.69624 NA intron (NR_033344, intron 15 of 16) L1HS|LINE|L1 76796 NR_033344 145389 Hs.200738 NM_153811 HPRD:15382 SLC38A6 NAT-1 solute carrier family 38, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33322 chr8 7656924 7657021 + 5.69367 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16266 NM_001040705 503614 Hs.520874 NM_001040705 ENSG00000198129 DEFB107B HsT21816 defensin, beta 107B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4672 chr10 82247762 82247836 + 5.69321 NA intron (NM_030927, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_030927, intron 1 of 8) 33761 NM_001128309 81619 Hs.718943 NM_030927 HPRD:18196 TSPAN14 DC-TM4F2|TM4SF14 tetraspanin 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16963 chr19 50594341 50594512 + 5.68823 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 1440 NR_024225 100169954 Hs.723094 NR_024225 SNAR-A11 - small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA A11 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2397 chr1 167684733 167684810 + 5.68814 NA Intergenic tRNA-Pro-CCY|tRNA|tRNA -6416 NM_024569 9019 Hs.493919 NM_003953 HPRD:05086 MPZL1 MPZL1b|PZR|PZR1b|PZRa|PZRb myelin protein zero-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12956 chr16 46481474 46481563 + 5.68644 NA Intergenic LTR49|LTR|ERV1 121491 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23894 chr3 150945614 150945736 + 5.68096 NA intron (NM_014879, intron 1 of 2) MER20|DNA|hAT-Charlie 21323 NM_001081455 9934 Hs.2465 NM_014879 HPRD:08820 P2RY14 BPR105|GPR105|P2Y14 purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1085 chr1 69581473 69581553 + 5.68096 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -618609 NM_001114120 55635 Hs.445098 NM_017779 HPRD:10879 DEPDC1 DEP.8|DEPDC1-V2|DEPDC1A|SDP35 DEP domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38711 chrX 132077931 132078015 + 5.68096 NA intron (NM_001077188, intron 3 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 17450 NM_001077188 90161 Hs.385956 NM_147175 HPRD:06590 HS6ST2 - heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12738 chr16 32159943 32160009 + 5.67767 NA Intergenic Intergenic 39458 NR_109773 100289574 Hs.531536 NR_109773 ENSG00000230267 HERC2P4 D16F37S5 hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10557 chr14 61870248 61870377 + 5.67706 NA intron (NM_006255, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_006255, intron 2 of 13) 82151 NM_006255 5583 Hs.333907 NM_006255 HPRD:05669 PRKCH PKC-L|PKCL|PRKCL|nPKC-eta protein kinase C, eta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18500 chr2 96840412 96840518 + 5.67706 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29286 NM_004418 1844 Hs.1183 NM_004418 HPRD:04348 DUSP2 PAC-1|PAC1 dual specificity phosphatase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24076 chr3 167733961 167734100 + 5.67706 NA intron (NM_014498, intron 14 of 15) L1PA2|LINE|L1 79387 NM_014498 27333 Hs.143600 NM_014498 HPRD:08429 GOLIM4 GIMPC|GOLPH4|GPP130|P138 golgi integral membrane protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26821 chr5 14809624 14809694 + 5.67706 NA intron (NM_054027, intron 1 of 11) AluJb|SINE|Alu 16462 NR_039780 100616271 NR_039780 MIR4637 - microRNA 4637 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15903 chr19 9896484 9896576 + 5.67706 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -17120 NM_001077624 162993 Hs.665717 NM_001077624 ENSG00000196605 ZNF846 - zinc finger protein 846 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34370 chr8 103597518 103597626 + 5.67706 NA Intergenic Intergenic 33724 NM_024410 4956 Hs.159274 NM_024410 HPRD:01687 ODF1 CT133|HSPB10|ODF|ODF2|ODF27|ODFP|ODFPG|ODFPGA|ODFPGB|RT7|SODF outer dense fiber of sperm tails 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8819 chr12 109490266 109490379 + 5.67706 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032663) promoter-TSS (NM_032663) -53 NM_032663 84749 Hs.486434 NM_032663 HPRD:15633 USP30 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36390 chr9 132735824 132735894 + 5.67703 NA intron (NM_015033, intron 4 of 16) AluY|SINE|Alu 69614 NM_015033 23048 Hs.189409 NM_015033 HPRD:10446 FNBP1 FBP17 formin binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38259 chrX 84249812 84249917 + 5.67703 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -9034 NM_198450 139322 Hs.512181 NM_198450 APOOL CXorf33|FAM121A|UNQ8193 apolipoprotein O-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25579 chr4 90165023 90165129 + 5.67703 NA TTS (NM_198281) TTS (NM_198281) 64085 NM_198281 285513 Hs.605082 NM_198281 GPRIN3 GRIN3 GPRIN family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32444 chr7 100721025 100721093 + 5.67703 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7727 NM_030961 81844 Hs.521092 NM_030961 HPRD:10284 TRIM56 RNF109 tripartite motif containing 56 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2454 chr1 171810493 171810719 + 5.67703 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278252) promoter-TSS (NM_001278252) -12 NM_001278252 26052 Hs.654775 NM_015569 HPRD:13241 DNM3 Dyna III dynamin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4337 chr10 52085280 52085378 + 5.67703 NA intron (NM_147156, intron 8 of 10) intron (NM_147156, intron 8 of 10) -76959 NM_001143974 56624 Hs.512645 NM_019893 ENSG00000188611 ASAH2 BCDase|HNAC1|LCDase|N-CDase|NCDase N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (non-lysosomal ceramidase) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29843 chr6 71665701 71665856 + 5.67703 NA exon (NM_080742, exon 1 of 4) exon (NM_080742, exon 1 of 4) 1010 NM_080742 135152 Hs.713609 NM_080742 B3GAT2 GLCATS beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1986 chr1 148766597 148766678 + 5.67459 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) -39378 NM_001144032 730262 NM_001144032 PPIAL4E COAS2 peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18252 chr2 87641779 87641932 + 5.67451 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -113119 NR_024204 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29074 chr6 16012409 16012518 + 5.67066 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -116854 NM_013262 29116 Hs.484738 NM_013262 HPRD:17621 MYLIP IDOL|MIR myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2953 chr1 211432598 211432899 + 5.66974 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001136223) promoter-TSS (NM_001136223) 40 NM_001136225 55758 Hs.356399 NM_018254 HPRD:08338 RCOR3 - REST corepressor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2229 chr1 156470566 156470799 + 5.66627 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005920) promoter-TSS (NM_005920) -48 NM_005920 4209 Hs.314327 NM_005920 HPRD:02810 MEF2D - myocyte enhancer factor 2D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26505 chr4 184328273 184328378 + 5.66401 NA Intergenic Intergenic -37464 NM_017632 55602 Hs.644077 NM_017632 HPRD:16683 CDKN2AIP CARF CDKN2A interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10766 chr14 76120642 76120716 + 5.66357 NA intron (NM_007176, intron 3 of 4) intron (NM_007176, intron 3 of 4) 6859 NM_007176 11161 Hs.15106 NM_007176 C14orf1 ERG28|NET51 chromosome 14 open reading frame 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20118 chr2 234873001 234873161 + 5.66357 NA intron (NM_024080, intron 13 of 25) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 47038 NM_024080 79054 Hs.366053 NM_024080 HPRD:09454 TRPM8 LTRPC6|TRPP8 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16044 chr19 14606936 14607181 + 5.66357 NA promoter-TSS (NM_202470) promoter-TSS (NM_202470) -97 NM_202494 10755 Hs.655012 NM_005716 HPRD:05462 GIPC1 C19orf3|GIPC|GLUT1CBP|Hs.6454|IIP-1|NIP|RGS19IP1|SEMCAP|SYNECTIIN|SYNECTIN|TIP-2 GIPC PDZ domain containing family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9041 chr12 124923710 124923798 + 5.66357 NA intron (NM_001077261, intron 9 of 47) (CAGAGA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -101966 NR_106940 102466204 NR_106940 MIR6880 hsa-mir-6880 microRNA 6880 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36451 chr9 136325187 136325309 + 5.66357 NA TTS (NM_139025) TTS (NM_139025) 161 NM_001242369 11094 Hs.62003 NM_017586 HPRD:12974 CACFD1 C9orf7|D9S2135|FLOWER calcium channel flower domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4110 chr10 39152447 39152513 + 5.66347 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 162753 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5889 chr11 34073190 34073309 + 5.66276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203364) promoter-TSS (NM_203364) 19 NM_203364 4076 Hs.471818 NM_005898 HPRD:03108 CAPRIN1 GPIAP1|GPIP137|GRIP137|M11S1|RNG105|p137GPI cell cycle associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37817 chrX 61718701 61718824 + 5.66210 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 852456 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7525 chr12 12849544 12849708 + 5.66112 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006143) promoter-TSS (NM_006143) -505 NM_006143 2842 Hs.657862 NM_006143 HPRD:04236 GPR19 - G protein-coupled receptor 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28418 chr5 142609628 142609722 + 5.66112 NA Intergenic Intergenic 173579 NM_000176 2908 Hs.122926 NM_000176 HPRD:00679 NR3C1 GCCR|GCR|GR|GRL nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 (glucocorticoid receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7621 chr12 21550322 21550517 + 5.66112 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -2048 NM_134431 6579 Hs.46440 NM_005075 HPRD:09112 SLCO1A2 OATP|OATP-A|OATP1A2|SLC21A3 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 1A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5894 chr11 34196028 34196100 + 5.66112 NA intron (NM_145804, intron 3 of 16) CpG 68953 NM_001144030 55226 Hs.577281 NM_024662 HPRD:10964 NAT10 ALP|NET43 N-acetyltransferase 10 (GCN5-related) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7594 chr12 19718960 19719054 + 5.65862 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 125492 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1140 chr1 76760275 76760446 + 5.65753 NA intron (NM_152996, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_152996, intron 1 of 4) 219971 NM_001160011 256435 Hs.337040 NM_152996 ST6GALNAC3 PRO7177|SIAT7C|ST6GALNACIII|STY ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11567 chr15 52519715 52519826 + 5.65753 NA intron (NM_018728, intron 25 of 40) intron (NM_018728, intron 25 of 40) -36205 NM_016194 10681 Hs.155090 NM_006578 HPRD:09191 GNB5 GB5 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26965 chr5 35445978 35446046 + 5.65753 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -171977 NM_144722 79925 Hs.298863 NM_024867 HPRD:11181 SPEF2 CT122|KPL2 sperm flagellar 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26532 chr4 185683384 185683467 + 5.65753 NA intron (NM_001286711, intron 16 of 19) intron (NM_001286711, intron 16 of 19) -28139 NM_024629 79682 Hs.575032 NM_024629 HPRD:14722 CENPU CENP50|CENPU50|KLIP1|MLF1IP|PBIP1 centromere protein U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2758 chr1 198071823 198071910 + 5.65753 NA Intergenic Intergenic -54242 NM_133494 140609 Hs.24119 NM_133494 HPRD:06027 NEK7 - NIMA-related kinase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14675 chr17 66015988 66016154 + 5.65753 NA Intergenic tRNA-Arg-AGG|tRNA|tRNA -15777 NM_002266 3838 Hs.594238 NM_002266 HPRD:02818 KPNA2 IPOA1|QIP2|RCH1|SRP1alpha karyopherin alpha 2 (RAG cohort 1, importin alpha 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9869 chr13 99967204 99967362 + 5.65753 NA intron (NR_026644, intron 5 of 8) intron (NR_026644, intron 5 of 8) -7534 NM_004951 1880 Hs.784 NM_004951 HPRD:12040 GPR183 EBI2 G protein-coupled receptor 183 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2739 chr1 195583799 195583866 + 5.65753 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 967779 NR_039888 100616363 NR_039888 MIR4735 - microRNA 4735 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11909 chr15 80189640 80189713 + 5.65753 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199758) promoter-TSS (NM_001199758) -49 NM_001199758 10588 Hs.194294 NM_006441 MTHFS HsT19268 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34332 chr8 101553124 101553262 + 5.65753 NA intron (NM_198401, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_198401, intron 1 of 5) 18746 NM_001270378 157567 Hs.530199 NM_198401 HPRD:14103 ANKRD46 ANK-S|GENX-115279 ankyrin repeat domain 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32366 chr7 97880710 97880781 + 5.65626 NA 5' UTR (NM_015395, exon 2 of 26) 5' UTR (NM_015395, exon 2 of 26) 818 NM_015395 25851 Hs.592281 NM_015395 HPRD:08521 TECPR1 - tectonin beta-propeller repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19350 chr2 170681351 170681521 + 5.64989 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014168) promoter-TSS (NM_014168) 5 NM_014168 29081 Hs.470553 NM_014168 ENSG00000138382 METTL5 HSPC133 methyltransferase like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30663 chr6 143164008 143164090 + 5.64989 NA intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) 102289 NM_006734 3097 Hs.510172 NM_006734 HPRD:00881 HIVEP2 HIV-EP2|MBP-2|MIBP1|SHN2|ZAS2|ZNF40B human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19159 chr2 156326790 156326907 + 5.64946 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 771755 NM_001260509 3760 Hs.591606 NM_002239 HPRD:03323 KCNJ3 GIRK1|KGA|KIR3.1 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23584 chr3 124774939 124775034 + 5.64946 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020733) promoter-TSS (NM_020733) -184 NM_020733 57493 Hs.477420 NM_020733 ENSG00000173706 HEG1 HEG|MST112|MSTP112 heart development protein with EGF-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31649 chr7 44043154 44043220 + 5.64905 NA intron (NM_175064, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_175064, intron 2 of 6) 2698 NM_175064 285955 Hs.645483 NM_175064 HPRD:11677 SPDYE1 Ringo1|SPDYE|WBSCR19 speedy/RINGO cell cycle regulator family member E1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16680 chr19 41471673 41471739 + 5.64610 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -25498 NM_000767 1555 Hs.1360 NM_000767 HPRD:00477 CYP2B6 CPB6|CYP2B|CYP2B7|CYP2B7P|CYPIIB6|EFVM|IIB1|P450 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily B, polypeptide 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23965 chr3 156534738 156534868 + 5.64610 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038387) promoter-TSS (NR_038387) 48 NR_038387 730091 Hs.659905 NR_038387 ENSG00000240875 LINC00886 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 886 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3841 chr10 26624162 26624255 + 5.64610 NA Intergenic L1M3f|LINE|L1 -103058 NM_019043 54518 Hs.310421 NM_019043 HPRD:16420 APBB1IP INAG1|PREL1|RARP1|RIAM amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22611 chr3 38080550 38080720 + 5.64523 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007335) promoter-TSS (NM_007335) -61 NM_007335 9940 Hs.714499 NM_007335 HPRD:07234 DLEC1 CFAP81|DLC1|F56 deleted in lung and esophageal cancer 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12819 chr16 33524615 33524681 + 5.64427 NA intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) 38595 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3681 chr10 13390196 13390386 + 5.64263 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195602) promoter-TSS (NM_001195602) 7 NM_001195602 22929 Hs.124027 NM_012247 HPRD:02944 SEPHS1 SELD|SPS|SPS1 selenophosphate synthetase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19732 chr2 203470520 203470625 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -29329 NM_173511 150864 Hs.471130 NM_173511 HPRD:12445 FAM117B ALS2CR13 family with sequence similarity 117, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29223 chr6 26341932 26342026 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23408 NM_001197249 11118 Hs.376046 NM_007047 HPRD:12547 BTN3A2 BT3.2|BTF4|BTN3.2|CD277 butyrophilin, subfamily 3, member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20954 chr20 56008049 56008208 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic Intergenic 41674 NM_001291780 55544 Hs.236361 NM_017495 HPRD:15268 RBM38 HSRNASEB|RNPC1|SEB4B|SEB4D|dJ800J21.2 RNA binding motif protein 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4677 chr10 83024696 83024819 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -610313 NM_001165972 10718 Hs.125119 NM_001010848 HPRD:16115 NRG3 HRG3|pro-NRG3 neuregulin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35528 chr9 68511505 68511575 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -57165 NR_033907 642236 Hs.529357 NR_033907 LOC642236 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25204 chr4 56419683 56419808 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic MER51A|LTR|ERV1 -6669 NM_004898 9575 Hs.436975 NM_004898 HPRD:03508 CLOCK KAT13D|bHLHe8 clock circadian regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27260 chr5 51315298 51315541 + 5.63817 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -636253 NR_046243 642366 Hs.544139 NR_046243 LOC642366 - uncharacterized LOC642366 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1818 chr1 144918092 144918316 + 5.63496 NA intron (NM_001002811, intron 6 of 18) L2c|LINE|L2 14161 NM_001002811 9659 Hs.584841 NM_014644 HPRD:10482 PDE4DIP CMYA2|MMGL phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_852 chr1 46049579 46049657 + 5.63225 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152298) promoter-TSS (NM_152298) -42 NM_152298 4678 Hs.319334 NM_002482 HPRD:04423 NASP FLB7527|PRO1999 nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein (histone-binding) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19491 chr2 181845457 181845548 + 5.62913 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278554) promoter-TSS (NM_001278554) 194 NM_006357 10477 Hs.470804 NM_006357 HPRD:05000 UBE2E3 UBCH9|UbcM2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34804 chr8 144640508 144640600 + 5.62913 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024736) promoter-TSS (NM_024736) 77 NM_024736 79792 Hs.118983 NM_024736 HPRD:11014 GSDMD DF5L|DFNA5L|GSDMDC1 gasdermin D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10590 chr14 64319611 64319737 + 5.62897 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015180) promoter-TSS (NM_015180) -9 NM_015180 23224 Hs.745014 NM_015180 HPRD:09763 SYNE2 EDMD5|NUA|NUANCE|Nesp2|Nesprin-2|SYNE-2|TROPH spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24161 chr3 178837742 178838046 + 5.62892 NA intron (NR_125401, intron 2 of 2) SVA_F|Other|Other 27867 NR_125401 101928739 Hs.434553 NR_125401 ENSG00000229102 LOC101928739 - uncharacterized LOC101928739 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7272 chr11 134230254 134230355 + 5.62892 NA intron (NM_138342, intron 7 of 19) intron (NM_138342, intron 7 of 19) 28536 NM_138342 89944 Hs.436178 NM_138342 HPRD:14265 GLB1L2 MST114|MSTP114 galactosidase, beta 1-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34801 chr8 144451458 144451567 + 5.62892 NA promoter-TSS (NR_026785) promoter-TSS (NR_026785) 487 NM_052924 114822 Hs.521912 NM_052924 HPRD:17973 RHPN1 ODF5|RHOPHILIN|RHPN rhophilin, Rho GTPase binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28149 chr5 126409127 126409289 + 5.62892 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164479) promoter-TSS (NM_001164479) -24 NM_001164479 401207 Hs.49573 NM_001164478 ENSG00000164241 C5orf63 YDR286C chromosome 5 open reading frame 63 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3367 chr1 239883093 239883215 + 5.62892 NA promoter-TSS (NR_103776) promoter-TSS (NR_103776) -735 NR_103776 100506915 Hs.667175 NR_103776 ENSG00000233355 CHRM3-AS2 - CHRM3 antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4311 chr10 50927036 50927103 + 5.62607 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 39385 NM_001042427 282966 Hs.131287 NM_182554 C10orf53 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34044 chr8 74205836 74205998 + 5.62607 NA promoter-TSS (NM_172037) promoter-TSS (NM_172037) -48 NM_000971 6129 Hs.421257 NM_000971 HPRD:05004 RPL7 L7|humL7-1 ribosomal protein L7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5891 chr11 34075038 34075131 + 5.62481 NA intron (NM_005898, intron 2 of 18) intron (NM_005898, intron 2 of 18) 1854 NM_203364 4076 Hs.471818 NM_005898 HPRD:03108 CAPRIN1 GPIAP1|GPIP137|GRIP137|M11S1|RNG105|p137GPI cell cycle associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39152 chrY 13475642 13475835 + 5.61976 NA Intergenic BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite 1057651 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17858 chr2 53814616 53814789 + 5.61894 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -180227 NM_001008708 494143 Hs.585944 NM_001008708 HPRD:17418 CHAC2 - ChaC, cation transport regulator homolog 2 (E. coli) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24225 chr3 183484980 183485085 + 5.61894 NA intron (NM_018023, intron 15 of 30) AluSx|SINE|Alu 58361 NM_024871 79929 Hs.478465 NM_024871 HPRD:07793 MAP6D1 MAPO6D1|SL21 MAP6 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1352 chr1 97324327 97324408 + 5.61894 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 136173 NR_125356 58155 Hs.596061 NM_021190 HPRD:12233 PTBP2 PTBLP|brPTB|nPTB polypyrimidine tract binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18471 chr2 95742553 95742741 + 5.61894 NA Intergenic CpG 45107 NM_031902 64969 Hs.655259 NM_031902 HPRD:10099 MRPS5 MRP-S5|S5mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3569 chr10 3871159 3871226 + 5.61894 NA Intergenic Intergenic -43719 NM_001160124 1316 Hs.4055 NM_001300 HPRD:03632 KLF6 BCD1|CBA1|COPEB|CPBP|GBF|PAC1|ST12|ZF9 Kruppel-like factor 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30215 chr6 106960307 106960427 + 5.61539 NA exon (NM_001624, exon 1 of 20) exon (NM_001624, exon 1 of 20) 637 NM_001624 202 Hs.724262 NM_001624 HPRD:18576 AIM1 CRYBG1|ST4 absent in melanoma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35907 chr9 95896589 95896661 + 5.61539 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004148) promoter-TSS (NM_004148) -55 NM_004148 4814 Hs.494457 NM_004148 HPRD:03639 NINJ1 NIN1|NINJURIN ninjurin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15058 chr18 11634689 11634790 + 5.61482 NA Intergenic Intergenic 20201 NR_106975 102465690 NR_106975 MIR7153 hsa-mir-7153 microRNA 7153 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_353 chr1 23673532 23673692 + 5.61339 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -2755 NM_001102397 10236 Hs.373763 NM_005826 HPRD:06228 HNRNPR HNRPR|hnRNP-R heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38361 chrX 100306620 100306691 + 5.61339 NA 5' UTR (NM_001167971, exon 2 of 14) 5' UTR (NM_001167971, exon 2 of 14) 450 NM_001167971 79979 Hs.496501 NM_024917 HPRD:06520 TRMT2B CXorf34|dJ341D10.3 tRNA methyltransferase 2 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38070 chrX 71395358 71395485 + 5.61339 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -6105 NM_001170747 5303 Hs.655623 NM_006223 HPRD:02219 PIN4 EPVH|PAR14|PAR17 protein (peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase) NIMA-interacting, 4 (parvulin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35182 chr9 33159749 33159817 + 5.61339 NA intron (NM_001497, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001497, intron 1 of 5) -7163 NR_108110 101929639 Hs.545818 NR_108108 B4GALT1-AS1 - B4GALT1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25954 chr4 122618128 122618281 + 5.61339 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001154) promoter-TSS (NM_001154) -57 NM_001154 308 Hs.480653 NM_001154 HPRD:00568 ANXA5 ANX5|ENX2|HEL-S-7|PP4|RPRGL3 annexin A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27560 chr5 73875192 73875258 + 5.61339 NA Intergenic Intergenic -60623 NM_001292004 3074 Hs.69293 NM_000521 HPRD:06043 HEXB ENC-1AS|HEL-248 hexosaminidase B (beta polypeptide) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18031 chr2 70314029 70314362 + 5.61218 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006196) promoter-TSS (NM_006196) -48 NR_033872 400960 Hs.683864 NR_033872 ENSG00000179818 PCBP1-AS1 - PCBP1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37970 chrX 67718834 67718915 + 5.61152 NA 5' UTR (NM_173834, exon 1 of 7) 5' UTR (NM_173834, exon 1 of 7) 250 NM_173834 286451 Hs.82719 NM_173834 HPRD:06639 YIPF6 FinGER6 Yip1 domain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12273 chr16 2042333 2042449 + 5.61152 NA intron (NM_004209, intron 2 of 3) CpG-8631 2445 NM_004209 9143 Hs.435277 NM_004209 HPRD:06801 SYNGR3 - synaptogyrin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31892 chr7 61653415 61653577 + 5.61121 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1110938 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34413 chr8 110552779 110552845 + 5.60568 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278938) promoter-TSS (NM_001278938) -43 NM_001278938 9166 Hs.409368 NM_004215 HPRD:05775 EBAG9 EB9|PDAF estrogen receptor binding site associated, antigen, 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32574 chr7 112031477 112031564 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic CpG -31679 NM_001007245 3475 Hs.7879 NM_001550 IFRD1 PC4|TIS7 interferon-related developmental regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23767 chr3 138786387 138786453 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -22686 NM_001134657 389152 Hs.531377 NM_001004315 HPRD:13526 PRR23C - proline rich 23C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19442 chr2 178366104 178366170 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_003659, intron 14 of 19) intron (NM_003659, intron 14 of 19) 51387 NM_152517 150737 Hs.447659 NM_152517 TTC30B IFT70|fleer tetratricopeptide repeat domain 30B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27371 chr5 59984177 59984362 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_018369, intron 1 of 10) MIRb|SINE|MIR 11724 NM_001145208 55789 Hs.482233 NM_018369 HPRD:16794 DEPDC1B BRCC3|XTP1 DEP domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1289 chr1 91869885 91870078 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001017975, intron 1 of 38) CpG 445 NM_001017975 164045 Hs.454818 NM_001017975 HPRD:13423 HFM1 MER3|POF9|SEC63D1|Si-11|Si-11-6|helicase HFM1, ATP-dependent DNA helicase homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38466 chrX 107556781 107556854 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001287758, intron 2 of 45) L1PA4|LINE|L1 124843 NM_001287760 1288 Hs.145586 NM_001847 HPRD:02364 COL4A6 CXDELq22.3|DELXq22.3|DFNX6 collagen, type IV, alpha 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18805 chr2 120399274 120399359 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_073132, intron 22 of 24) intron (NR_073132, intron 22 of 24) -37427 NM_001105198 80775 Hs.439991 NM_030577 HPRD:14409 TMEM177 - transmembrane protein 177 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35712 chr9 77990867 77991034 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 287552 NM_012383 26578 Hs.494192 NM_012383 HPRD:17808 OSTF1 OSF|SH3P2|bA235O14.1 osteoclast stimulating factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17838 chr2 48841670 48841807 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_172311, intron 3 of 10) SVA_D|Other|Other -3181 NM_006872 11036 Hs.732016 NM_006872 HPRD:05640 GTF2A1L ALF general transcription factor IIA, 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39316 chrY 17756802 17756949 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -840962 NR_046504 100874056 Hs.743197 NR_046504 ENSG00000228787 NLGN4Y-AS1 NLGN4Y-AS|NLGN4YAS NLGN4Y antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28165 chr5 127824743 127824811 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001999, intron 5 of 64) L1PA3|LINE|L1 48958 NM_001999 2201 Hs.519294 NM_001999 HPRD:00416 FBN2 CCA|DA9 fibrillin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13015 chr16 50597791 50597878 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_033119, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_033119, intron 3 of 9) 15593 NM_033119 85407 Hs.187578 NM_033119 NKD1 Naked1 naked cuticle homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22465 chr3 24121391 24121492 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 23297 NR_026834 152024 Hs.385606 NR_026834 ENSG00000224074 LINC00691 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 691 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28376 chr5 140626840 140626976 + 5.60568 NA exon (NM_018935, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_018935, exon 1 of 1) 1991 NM_018935 56121 Hs.130757 NM_018935 HPRD:06959 PCDHB15 PCDH-BETA15 protocadherin beta 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38720 chrX 133463986 133464052 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -43323 NM_032335 84295 Hs.356501 NM_032335 HPRD:02330 PHF6 BFLS|BORJ|CENP-31 PHD finger protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31084 chr6 169984171 169984249 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_182552, intron 23 of 25) L1MA9|LINE|L1 117949 NM_182552 253769 Hs.131903 NM_182552 HPRD:11352 WDR27 - WD repeat domain 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11479 chr15 44544545 44544680 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -36297 NM_177974 113201 Hs.512867 NM_138423 HPRD:11018 CASC4 H63 cancer susceptibility candidate 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28450 chr5 145326216 145326300 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_152550, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_152550, intron 2 of 9) 10132 NM_152550 153769 Hs.443728 NM_152550 HPRD:10229 SH3RF2 HEPP1|POSHER|PPP1R39|RNF158 SH3 domain containing ring finger 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15423 chr18 54672088 54672203 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_015285, intron 26 of 27) intron (NM_015285, intron 26 of 27) 67205 NR_048536 100885779 Hs.742426 NR_048536 ENSG00000258609 LINC-ROR lincRNA-RoR long intergenic non-protein coding RNA, regulator of reprogramming ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15532 chr18 68295753 68295819 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 22307 NM_001278515 220158 Hs.448217 NM_178506 ENSG00000263417 GTSCR1 - Gilles de la Tourette syndrome chromosome region, candidate 1 (non-protein coding) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25346 chr4 68959705 68959771 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_207407, intron 2 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -30723 NR_027094 401135 Hs.130270 NM_001014372 SYT14P1 CHR415SYT|SYT14L|SYTDEP synaptotagmin XIV pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39330 chrY 22017009 22017075 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -110217 NM_001146705 8284 Hs.80358 NM_004653 HPRD:02464 KDM5D HY|HYA|JARID1D|SMCY lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20921 chr20 52516283 52516458 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -24122 NR_002189 391257 Hs.449977 NR_002189 SUMO1P1 PIC1L|UBL2|UBL6 SUMO1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31475 chr7 27170543 27170627 + 5.60568 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002141) promoter-TSS (NM_002141) -186 NM_002141 3201 Hs.533357 NM_002141 HPRD:00841 HOXA4 HOX1|HOX1D homeobox A4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32332 chr7 94732765 94732834 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_017650, intron 2 of 15) AluY|SINE|Alu 193589 NM_001166161 55607 Hs.21816 NM_017650 ENSG00000158528 PPP1R9A NRB1|NRBI|Neurabin-I protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 9A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38432 chrX 104166950 104167019 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_017416, intron 2 of 10) L1PA15-16|LINE|L1 298393 NM_031274 56157 Hs.567543 NM_031274 HPRD:02257 TEX13A - testis expressed 13A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33599 chr8 33213741 33213856 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 116866 NM_032664 84750 Hs.458713 NM_032664 ENSG00000172728 FUT10 - fucosyltransferase 10 (alpha (1,3) fucosyltransferase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28588 chr5 154062524 154062590 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29905 NM_015315 23367 Hs.292078 NM_015315 HPRD:11225 LARP1 LARP La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38872 chrX 151179748 151179819 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1MA4A|LINE|L1 -36632 NM_004961 2564 Hs.22785 NM_004961 HPRD:02104 GABRE - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35721 chr9 78361516 78361582 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -22805 NR_031679 100302287 NR_031679 MIR548H3 MIR548H-3|MIRN548H3|hsa-mir-548h-3 microRNA 548h-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22377 chr3 15709109 15709226 + 5.60568 NA 3' UTR (NM_001195099, exon 26 of 26) 3' UTR (NM_001195099, exon 26 of 26) 65691 NM_001281725 686 Hs.517830 NM_000060 HPRD:08359 BTD - biotinidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36856 chrUn_gl000221 55676 55752 + 5.60568 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3785 chr10 20343658 20343725 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_032812, intron 3 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 238319 NM_032812 84898 Hs.99472 NM_032812 HPRD:08440 PLXDC2 TEM7R plexin domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34603 chr8 127789451 127789595 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -218812 NM_174911 157638 Hs.741352 NM_174911 HPRD:11403 FAM84B BCMP101|NSE2 family with sequence similarity 84, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29938 chr6 80479655 80479723 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluYg6|SINE|Alu 28053 NR_004393 6086 NR_004393 ENSG00000252316 RNY4 HY4|Y4 RNA, Ro-associated Y4 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25660 chr4 99964679 99964797 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_015143, intron 7 of 10) intron (NM_015143, intron 7 of 10) 45201 NM_000671 128 Hs.78989 NM_000671 HPRD:00064 ADH5 ADH-3|ADHX|FALDH|FDH|GSH-FDH|GSNOR alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (class III), chi polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33052 chr7 153280196 153280264 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluYg6|SINE|Alu -170911 NR_125776 103724390 Hs.614280 NR_125776 LINC01287 TCONS_l2_00027522 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1287 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14615 chr17 61265744 61265881 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_025185, intron 3 of 24) AluSc|SINE|Alu 178914 NM_025185 26115 Hs.410889 NM_015623 ENSG00000170921 TANC2 ROLSA|rols tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29026 chr6 11575906 11576026 + 5.60568 NA 3' UTR (NM_001100829, exon 3 of 3) 3' UTR (NM_001100829, exon 3 of 3) 37506 NM_001100829 100113407 Hs.146317 NM_001100829 ENSG00000205269 TMEM170B - transmembrane protein 170B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9753 chr13 81052397 81052506 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -137365 NM_005842 10253 Hs.18676 NM_005842 HPRD:03916 SPRY2 hSPRY2 sprouty homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38575 chrX 120434122 120434193 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 252695 NM_012084 2747 Hs.368538 NM_012084 HPRD:02143 GLUD2 GDH2|GLUDP1 glutamate dehydrogenase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3733 chr10 17144311 17144377 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 13 of 66) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 27472 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1353 chr1 97627769 97627835 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_000110, intron 20 of 22) L1PA3|LINE|L1 66323 NR_046590 100873932 Hs.682651 NR_046590 ENSG00000232878 DPYD-AS1 - DPYD antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21235 chr21 17209301 17209393 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001283041, intron 17 of 25) intron (NM_001283041, intron 17 of 25) 107003 NM_001283041 29761 Hs.743994 NM_013396 HPRD:05296 USP25 USP21 ubiquitin specific peptidase 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34786 chr8 144041522 144041588 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -35690 NR_102426 100128627 NR_102426 CDC42P3 - cell division cycle 42 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31082 chr6 169909422 169909515 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001202550, intron 21 of 21) L1PA4|LINE|L1 192691 NM_182552 253769 Hs.131903 NM_182552 HPRD:11352 WDR27 - WD repeat domain 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6745 chr11 86247759 86247883 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001014811, intron 3 of 13) L1PA2|LINE|L1 135419 NM_001014811 10873 Hs.199743 NM_006680 HPRD:06862 ME3 NADP-ME malic enzyme 3, NADP(+)-dependent, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4252 chr10 44277505 44277677 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic 8274 NR_002726 10151 Hs.632956 NR_002726 HPRD:05644 HNRNPA3P1 D10S102|FBRNP|HNRPA3|HNRPA3P1 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12056 chr15 90418310 90418435 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_037582, intron 3 of 5) intron (NR_037582, intron 3 of 5) 19245 NR_023361 10239 Hs.632161 NM_005829 HPRD:03880 AP3S2 AP3S3|sigma3b adaptor-related protein complex 3, sigma 2 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28689 chr5 164509894 164509980 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 612652 NR_105065 102546299 Hs.437730 NR_105065 LOC102546299 - uncharacterized LOC102546299 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6716 chr11 85036350 85036419 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001142699, intron 3 of 27) L1HS|LINE|L1 301930 NM_001142699 1740 Hs.367656 NM_001364 HPRD:04663 DLG2 PPP1R58|PSD-93|PSD93|chapsyn-110 discs, large homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10441 chr14 52456588 52456720 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_016039, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_016039, intron 1 of 7) 426 NM_016039 51637 Hs.534457 NM_016039 HPRD:16615 C14orf166 CGI99|CLE|CLE7|LCRP369|RLLM1 chromosome 14 open reading frame 166 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4300 chr10 49980899 49981017 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_020945, intron 13 of 61) L1PA2|LINE|L1 87440 NM_020945 57705 Hs.287379 NM_020945 ENSG00000128815 WDFY4 C10orf64 WDFY family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17790 chr2 46085937 46086026 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 2 of 14) AluSx1|SINE|Alu 206938 NM_005400 5581 Hs.580351 NM_005400 HPRD:01500 PRKCE PKCE|nPKC-epsilon protein kinase C, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22969 chr3 63139744 63139810 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 51413 NR_027104 285401 Hs.211125 NR_027104 ENSG00000244342 LINC00698 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 698 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2660 chr1 186373802 186373868 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001164245, intron 10 of 12) intron (NM_001164245, intron 10 of 12) 4131 NM_022375 10896 Hs.679230 NM_022375 HPRD:16054 OCLM TISR oculomedin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16473 chr19 35937249 35937349 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic LTR89|LTR|ERVL? -3318 NM_005306 2867 Hs.248056 NM_005306 HPRD:04824 FFAR2 FFA2R|GPR43 free fatty acid receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9738 chr13 78596421 78596525 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_047028, intron 2 of 5) intron (NR_047028, intron 2 of 5) 9455 NR_047028 100874175 Hs.130364 NR_047028 LINC00446 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 446 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28382 chr5 140756320 140756393 + 5.60568 NA TTS (NM_032086) TTS (NM_032086) 2705 NM_018919 56109 Hs.368160 NM_018919 HPRD:09383 PCDHGA6 PCDH-GAMMA-A6 protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10033 chr13 114846407 114846528 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_007368, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_007368, intron 1 of 23) 51628 NM_007368 22821 Hs.593075 NM_007368 HPRD:05537 RASA3 GAP1IP4BP|GAPIII RAS p21 protein activator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9287 chr13 28511476 28511552 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -7829 NR_002162 432369 Hs.574118 NR_002162 ENSG00000180389 ATP5EP2 - ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, epsilon subunit pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19788 chr2 204829428 204829754 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 28120 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18711 chr2 112456541 112456681 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic 185130 NM_022662 64682 Hs.436527 NM_022662 HPRD:09769 ANAPC1 APC1|MCPR|TSG24 anaphase promoting complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25394 chr4 73743274 73743362 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 192158 NM_173827 285521 Hs.356697 NM_173827 HPRD:08249 COX18 COX18HS COX18 cytochrome C oxidase assembly factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27848 chr5 96309615 96309681 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_175920, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_175920, intron 1 of 17) 15492 NM_175920 4012 Hs.527199 NM_005575 HPRD:01041 LNPEP CAP|IRAP|P-LAP|PLAP leucyl/cystinyl aminopeptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11262 chr15 30093709 30093859 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001301025, intron 2 of 28) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 19967 NM_001301026 7082 Hs.743990 NM_003257 HPRD:03002 TJP1 ZO-1 tight junction protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9652 chr13 64850573 64850639 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic UCON29|DNA|PiggyBac? -538455 NR_047011 100874157 Hs.539670 NR_047011 ENSG00000231061 LINC00395 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 395 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5173 chr10 124304141 124304339 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15941 NM_017579 1755 Hs.279611 NM_004406 HPRD:03575 DMBT1 GP340|muclin deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33981 chr8 67624946 67625015 + 5.60568 NA 5' UTR (NM_001033578, exon 1 of 17) 5' UTR (NM_001033578, exon 1 of 17) 327 NM_001033578 23678 Hs.613417 NM_013257 HPRD:06349 SGK3 CISK|SGK2|SGKL serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7566 chr12 16064205 16064351 + 5.60568 NA 5' UTR (NM_015954, exon 1 of 9) 5' UTR (NM_015954, exon 1 of 9) 172 NM_015954 51071 Hs.39429 NM_015954 HPRD:13138 DERA DEOC deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38100 chrX 72820423 72820493 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001300884, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 37474 NM_001039840 53344 Hs.496323 NM_001039840 ENSG00000204116 CHIC1 BRX cysteine-rich hydrophobic domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7713 chr12 27246006 27246175 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -10635 NM_001080406 728858 Hs.334003 NM_001080406 ENSG00000214700 C12orf71 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 71 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22093 chr22 44300518 44300584 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -12658 NM_001177675 150379 Hs.248086 NM_138814 HPRD:17870 PNPLA5 GS2L|dJ388M5|dJ388M5.4 patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17342 chr2 8477627 8477721 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9125 NR_034135 339789 Hs.565619 NM_207358 HPRD:14171 LINC00299 C2orf46|NCRNA00299 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 299 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4405 chr10 59408012 59408127 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -343750 NR_037490 100500834 NR_037490 miRBase:MI0016432 MIR3924 - microRNA 3924 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2700 chr1 191046949 191047015 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 452962 NR_033922 440704 Hs.518802 NR_033922 ENSG00000231175 LOC440704 - uncharacterized LOC440704 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21503 chr21 46560402 46560530 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_027673, intron 3 of 12) intron (NR_027673, intron 3 of 12) 65973 NM_015834 104 Hs.474018 NM_001112 HPRD:06777 ADARB1 ADAR2|DRABA2|DRADA2|RED1 adenosine deaminase, RNA-specific, B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23060 chr3 69417550 69417621 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_015123, intron 1 of 22) intron (NM_015123, intron 1 of 22) 17870 NM_015123 23150 Hs.371681 NM_015123 ENSG00000114541 FRMD4B 6030440G05Rik|GRSP1 FERM domain containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_998 chr1 60280277 60280343 + 5.60568 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015888) promoter-TSS (NM_015888) -223 NM_015888 51361 Hs.378836 NM_015888 HPRD:07428 HOOK1 HK1 hook microtubule-tethering protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6763 chr11 87340842 87340941 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 567744 NM_022337 23682 Hs.591975 NM_022337 HPRD:05889 RAB38 NY-MEL-1|rrGTPbp RAB38, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17286 chr2 3108837 3109026 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_110228, intron 3 of 6) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 20867 NR_110228 101927554 Hs.638446 NR_110228 ENSG00000234423 LINC01250 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1250 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13851 chr17 11381727 11381793 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001173462, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -119988 NM_001372 1770 Hs.567259 NM_001372 HPRD:04511 DNAH9 DNAH17L|DNEL1|DYH9|Dnahc9|HL-20|HL20 dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17008 chr19 52546695 52546761 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_014650, intron 2 of 4) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 5345 NM_014650 9668 Hs.655934 NM_014650 HPRD:11716 ZNF432 - zinc finger protein 432 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1397 chr1 100880367 100880570 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_003672, intron 4 of 15) intron (NM_003672, intron 4 of 15) 62445 NM_033312 8556 Hs.127411 NM_003672 HPRD:04614 CDC14A cdc14|hCDC14 cell division cycle 14A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37420 chrX 26395942 26396010 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 161690 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28699 chr5 166395124 166395226 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -41800 NR_108020 102557615 NR_108020 CTB-7E3.1 - uncharacterized LOC102557615 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12387 chr16 11202697 11202915 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_015226, intron 18 of 22) AluY|SINE|Alu 147233 NM_003745 8651 Hs.50640 NM_003745 HPRD:04669 SOCS1 CIS1|CISH1|JAB|SOCS-1|SSI-1|SSI1|TIP3 suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24823 chr4 26888927 26889034 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001169117, intron 1 of 12) L3|LINE|CR1 26667 NM_020860 57620 Hs.744950 NM_020860 HPRD:11609 STIM2 - stromal interaction molecule 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1142 chr1 77326364 77326490 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -6759 NM_030965 81849 Hs.303609 NM_030965 ST6GALNAC5 SIAT7E|ST6GalNAcV ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7672 chr12 24948795 24948861 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1MD2|LINE|L1 106494 NM_001178094 586 Hs.438993 NM_005504 HPRD:00216 BCAT1 BCATC|BCT1|ECA39|MECA39|PNAS121|PP18 branched chain amino-acid transaminase 1, cytosolic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22373 chr3 15577414 15577495 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14196 NM_080539 8292 Hs.146735 NM_005677 HPRD:04328 COLQ EAD collagen-like tail subunit (single strand of homotrimer) of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33904 chr8 59904475 59904600 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_014729, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_014729, intron 1 of 8) 127230 NM_014729 9760 Hs.491805 NM_014729 HPRD:12113 TOX TOX1 thymocyte selection-associated high mobility group box protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15368 chr18 47312836 47312906 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_006111, intron 8 of 9) intron (NM_006111, intron 8 of 9) 27380 NM_006111 10449 Hs.200136 NM_006111 HPRD:10380 ACAA2 DSAEC acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3767 chr10 17486176 17486371 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001004470, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001004470, intron 2 of 7) 9981 NM_001004470 338596 Hs.677766 NM_001004470 ST8SIA6 SIA8F|SIAT8F|ST8SIA-VI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5849 chr11 28973367 28973434 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -474305 NR_107035 102466876 NR_107035 MIR8068 hsa-mir-8068 microRNA 8068 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10909 chr14 92434788 92434866 + 5.60568 NA 3' UTR (NM_004239, exon 21 of 21) 3' UTR (NM_004239, exon 21 of 21) -20781 NM_006329 10516 Hs.332708 NM_006329 HPRD:05204 FBLN5 ADCL2|ARCL1A|ARMD3|DANCE|EVEC|FIBL-5|UP50 fibulin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34215 chr8 90101753 90101919 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -668139 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19305 chr2 168149450 168149527 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic CpG 105695 NM_001199145 129446 Hs.73680 NM_152381 HPRD:10267 XIRP2 CMYA3 xin actin-binding repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34998 chr9 11803773 11803839 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -889580 NM_000550 7306 Hs.270279 NM_000550 HPRD:00283 TYRP1 CAS2|CATB|GP75|OCA3|TRP|TRP1|TYRP|b-PROTEIN tyrosinase-related protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17960 chr2 64510914 64510982 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic 55413 NR_120420 100507006 Hs.442789 NR_120420 LOC100507006 - uncharacterized LOC100507006 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29842 chr6 71579818 71579964 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_080742, intron 2 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 86897 NM_080742 135152 Hs.713609 NM_080742 B3GAT2 GLCATS beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17451 chr2 18034339 18034625 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -24632 NM_001282428 3790 Hs.414489 NM_002252 HPRD:04865 KCNS3 KV9.3 potassium voltage-gated channel, delayed-rectifier, subfamily S, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8383 chr12 69684935 69685015 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17977 NR_031692 100302182 NR_031692 MIR1279 MIRN1279|hsa-mir-1279 microRNA 1279 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14110 chr17 29233245 29233360 + 5.60568 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024683) promoter-TSS (NM_024683) -16 NM_024683 79736 Hs.317340 NM_024683 TEFM C17orf42 transcription elongation factor, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29319 chr6 29863971 29864037 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other 8467 NR_001434 3136 Hs.728808 NR_001434 HLA-H HLAHP major histocompatibility complex, class I, H (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1010 chr1 61918868 61919163 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001145511, intron 10 of 10) intron (NM_001145511, intron 10 of 10) -199825 NR_104180 645030 Hs.632410 NR_104180 NFIA-AS1 - NFIA antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37688 chrX 54695598 54695664 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 129042 NM_198510 347365 Hs.454272 NM_198510 HPRD:17164 ITIH6 ITIH5L|UNQ6369|dJ14O9.1 inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10505 chr14 57800039 57800239 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -57132 NM_001011713 122830 Hs.165465 NM_001011713 NAA30 C14orf35|MAK3|Mak3p|NAT12|NAT12P N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 30, NatC catalytic subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13341 chr16 76360756 76360822 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_033401, intron 2 of 23) L1PA4|LINE|L1 17054 NM_138994 85445 Hs.461389 NM_033401 HPRD:13079 CNTNAP4 CASPR4 contactin associated protein-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25450 chr4 78539939 78540015 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic 107070 NM_006419 10563 Hs.100431 NM_006419 HPRD:05513 CXCL13 ANGIE|ANGIE2|BCA-1|BCA1|BLC|BLR1L|SCYB13 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38324 chrX 94022049 94022115 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 1093070 NM_001171111 286499 Hs.110069 NM_173698 HPRD:06562 FAM133A CT115 family with sequence similarity 133, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17707 chr2 39501450 39501547 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001270425, intron 23 of 32) AluY|SINE|Alu -44825 NM_001009565 344387 Hs.403201 NM_001009565 HPRD:16698 CDKL4 - cyclin-dependent kinase-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8779 chr12 105872505 105872638 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 148157 NM_001145199 387882 Hs.368938 NM_207376 HPRD:17368 C12orf75 AGD3|OCC-1|OCC1 chromosome 12 open reading frame 75 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16303 chr19 24119899 24119977 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 22254 NM_001244038 730087 Hs.655305 NM_001190829 ZNF726 - zinc finger protein 726 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4836 chr10 96776187 96776253 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 53034 NM_001198853 1558 Hs.709188 NM_000770 HPRD:03083 CYP2C8 CPC8|CYPIIC8|MP-12/MP-20 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4794 chr10 93149529 93149595 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_024467, intron 3 of 4) intron (NR_024467, intron 3 of 4) -20480 NM_001284274 143279 Hs.596096 NM_173497 HPRD:13643 HECTD2 - HECT domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10778 chr14 77288495 77288564 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -4196 NM_194287 145497 Hs.147276 NM_194287 HPRD:12621 LRRC74A C14orf166B|LRRC74 leucine rich repeat containing 74A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34799 chr8 144397312 144397419 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001258447, intron 12 of 13) LTR13|LTR|ERVK 19696 NM_052963 116447 Hs.528574 NM_052963 HPRD:16214 TOP1MT - topoisomerase (DNA) I, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15387 chr18 48135366 48135432 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001292039, intron 1 of 4) SVA_B|Other|Other 48915 NM_001292039 5596 Hs.433728 NM_002747 HPRD:01497 MAPK4 ERK-4|ERK4|PRKM4|p63-MAPK|p63MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_985 chr1 59183855 59183995 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18178 NM_001085487 114803 Hs.744921 NM_001085487 ENSG00000162601 MYSM1 2A-DUB|2ADUB Myb-like, SWIRM and MPN domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36066 chr9 109975938 109976045 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -69526 NM_002874 5887 Hs.521640 NM_002874 HPRD:06772 RAD23B HHR23B|HR23B|P58 RAD23 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6918 chr11 104524222 104524433 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Charlie1a|DNA|hAT-Charlie -44297 NR_120585 102723895 Hs.48803 NR_120585 LOC102723895 - uncharacterized LOC102723895 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38804 chrX 140361342 140361453 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -89998 NM_012317 23641 Hs.45231 NM_012317 HPRD:02322 LDOC1 BCUR1|Mar7|Mart7 leucine zipper, down-regulated in cancer 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15522 chr18 67230461 67230527 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_152721, intron 1 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 162210 NM_152721 220164 Hs.278285 NM_152721 HPRD:13244 DOK6 DOK5L|HsT3226 docking protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28669 chr5 161927413 161927563 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 432840 NM_198904 2566 Hs.7195 NM_000816 HPRD:00663 GABRG2 CAE2|ECA2|GEFSP3 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20388 chr20 8137270 8137416 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_015192, intron 2 of 31) MIRb|SINE|MIR 24431 NM_015192 23236 Hs.431173 NM_015192 HPRD:06177 PLCB1 EIEE12|PI-PLC|PLC-154|PLC-I|PLC154|PLCB1A|PLCB1B phospholipase C, beta 1 (phosphoinositide-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35866 chr9 92864701 92864772 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -60955 NR_038882 286370 Hs.407589 NR_038882 ENSG00000227555 LOC286370 - uncharacterized LOC286370 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32021 chr7 65263542 65263649 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -27798 NR_038378 441242 Hs.373941 NM_001013464 LOC441242 - uncharacterized LOC441242 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6002 chr11 46134668 46134774 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001101802, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001101802, intron 1 of 17) 8264 NM_001101802 51317 Hs.502458 NM_016621 ENSG00000135365 PHF21A BHC80 PHD finger protein 21A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20919 chr20 52470594 52470671 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 21616 NR_002189 391257 Hs.449977 NR_002189 SUMO1P1 PIC1L|UBL2|UBL6 SUMO1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23977 chr3 156957043 156957116 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -78597 NM_020307 57018 Hs.4859 NM_020307 CCNL1 ANIA6A|PRO1073|ania-6a cyclin L1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23355 chr3 105237838 105237935 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001243280, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_001243280, intron 1 of 14) 152329 NM_001243280 214 Hs.591293 NM_001627 HPRD:03389 ALCAM CD166|MEMD activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2210 chr1 155863565 155863631 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic 17108 NM_001256821 6016 Hs.491234 NM_006912 HPRD:10195 RIT1 NS8|RIBB|RIT|ROC1 Ras-like without CAAX 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1374 chr1 99449006 99449199 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001010861, intron 1 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -20730 NR_033940 100129620 Hs.588631 NR_033940 ENSG00000232825 LOC100129620 - uncharacterized LOC100129620 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22927 chr3 57800879 57800969 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_007159, intron 1 of 20) MER1B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 57750 NM_007159 7871 Hs.476432 NM_007159 HPRD:04079 SLMAP SLAP sarcolemma associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15263 chr18 33597746 33597819 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_018170, intron 6 of 6) intron (NM_018170, intron 6 of 6) 45194 NM_001201474 83608 Hs.37883 NM_031446 HPRD:12688 C18orf21 HsT3108|PNAS-131|XTP13 chromosome 18 open reading frame 21 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36260 chr9 128284195 128284270 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001006618, intron 7 of 7) intron (NM_001006618, intron 7 of 7) 185281 NM_001006619 79109 Hs.495138 NM_024117 HPRD:17464 MAPKAP1 JC310|MIP1|SIN1|SIN1b|SIN1g mitogen-activated protein kinase associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22116 chr22 45665029 45665095 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15806 NM_001167574 7380 Hs.632787 NM_006953 HPRD:15625 UPK3A UP3A|UPIII|UPIIIA|UPK3 uroplakin 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25534 chr4 84865178 84865349 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 407793 NM_032717 84803 Hs.99196 NM_032717 HPRD:14417 AGPAT9 AGPAT 10|AGPAT8|GPAT3|LPAAT-theta|MAG1 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17522 chr2 26054783 26054857 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_018263, intron 2 of 11) L1MD2|LINE|L1 46492 NM_018263 55252 Hs.119815 NM_018263 HPRD:10676 ASXL2 ASXH2 additional sex combs like transcriptional regulator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30782 chr6 150796895 150796969 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 106904 NM_001164695 389434 Hs.310225 NM_203395 HPRD:16668 IYD C6orf71|DEHAL1|TDH4|dJ422F24.1 iodotyrosine deiodinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2253 chr1 158712161 158712227 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -12412 NM_001005184 128371 Hs.553591 NM_001005184 HPRD:17778 OR6K6 OR1-21 olfactory receptor, family 6, subfamily K, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1499 chr1 110186079 110186168 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic CpG -12575 NM_147148 2948 Hs.348387 NM_000850 HPRD:00706 GSTM4 GSTM4-4|GTM4 glutathione S-transferase mu 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27075 chr5 42284022 42284166 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluSq|SINE|Alu -108647 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35996 chr9 102790539 102790615 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_015051, intron 4 of 11) intron (NM_015051, intron 4 of 11) 70753 NM_015051 23071 Hs.154023 NM_015051 HPRD:10290 ERP44 PDIA10|TXNDC4 endoplasmic reticulum protein 44 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4235 chr10 43818311 43818416 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic CpG -48729 NM_001184963 53828 Hs.130497 NM_173160 HPRD:07019 FXYD4 CHIF FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11321 chr15 32949785 32949851 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001144757, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_001144757, intron 2 of 5) 15948 NM_003020 6447 Hs.156540 NM_003020 HPRD:01410 SCG5 7B2|P7B2|SGNE1|SgV secretogranin V (7B2 protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31706 chr7 49673033 49673119 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -140181 NM_198570 375567 Hs.629302 NM_198570 VWC2 PSST739|UNQ739 von Willebrand factor C domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18777 chr2 117629359 117629458 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -942847 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5324 chr10 132583804 132584080 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic CpG 176989 NR_036180 100422867 NR_036180 miRBase:MI0015825 MIR378C - microRNA 378c ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13051 chr16 56237119 56237197 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_138736, intron 2 of 7) MLT1K|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -8721 NR_026889 26077 Hs.721567 NR_026889 ENSG00000261439 DKFZP434H168 - uncharacterized LOC26077 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37151 chrX 829680 829749 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 244635 NM_006883 6473 Hs.105932 NM_000451 HPRD:02430 SHOX GCFX|PHOG|SHOXY|SS short stature homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10379 chr14 49043074 49043181 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -778910 NR_039996 100506433 Hs.547419 NR_039996 ENSG00000259129 LINC00648 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 648 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11889 chr15 78480079 78480145 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_015162, intron 5 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 38393 NM_005530 3419 Hs.591110 NM_005530 IDH3A - isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (NAD+) alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10000 chr13 113194170 113194280 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_006322, intron 11 of 21) intron (NM_006322, intron 11 of 21) 48274 NM_006322 10426 Hs.224152 NM_006322 HPRD:10289 TUBGCP3 104p|GCP3|Grip104|SPBC98|Spc98|Spc98p tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10967 chr14 97871499 97871565 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -53621 NR_110165 101929241 Hs.650839 NR_110165 ENSG00000246084 LOC101929241 - uncharacterized LOC101929241 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2893 chr1 205760869 205760935 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_173854, intron 10 of 10) intron (NM_173854, intron 10 of 10) -16292 NM_001135664 8934 Hs.115325 NM_003929 HPRD:11962 RAB29 RAB7L|RAB7L1 RAB29, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34240 chr8 92053040 92053113 + 5.60568 NA 5' UTR (NM_018710, exon 1 of 7) 5' UTR (NM_018710, exon 1 of 7) 127 NM_018710 55529 Hs.202517 NM_018710 HPRD:13233 TMEM55A - transmembrane protein 55A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35759 chr9 82294792 82294932 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_104239, intron 9 of 20) L1PA4|LINE|L1 108174 NR_104239 7091 Hs.444213 NM_007005 ENSG00000106829 TLE4 BCE-1|BCE1|E(spI)|ESG|ESG4|GRG4 transducin-like enhancer of split 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33149 chr7 157645437 157645503 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_130842, intron 11 of 21) AluSc|SINE|Alu -1807 NR_038966 100506585 Hs.661265 NR_038966 ENSG00000233038 LOC100506585 - uncharacterized LOC100506585 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25459 chr4 78904564 78904630 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -74127 NM_025074 80144 Hs.369448 NM_020875 HPRD:06382 FRAS1 - Fraser extracellular matrix complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25567 chr4 89472964 89473046 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -28053 NM_001042616 84992 Hs.26136 NM_001042616 HPRD:17492 PIGY PIG-Y phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class Y protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34064 chr8 75923428 75923533 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001286777, intron 1 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 11091 NM_001286778 83690 Hs.436542 NM_031461 HPRD:16756 CRISPLD1 CRISP-10|CRISP10|LCRISP1 cysteine-rich secretory protein LCCL domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3806 chr10 22695753 22695930 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_172242, intron 9 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 31017 NR_036533 100499489 Hs.7444 NR_036533 LOC100499489 - uncharacterized LOC100499489 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12243 chr16 897026 897246 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic CpG 41693 NM_001013638 388199 Hs.528461 NM_001013638 HPRD:18379 PRR25 gs64 proline rich 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32390 chr7 99412267 99412335 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -13335 NM_057095 64816 Hs.306220 NM_022820 HPRD:05942 CYP3A43 - cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily A, polypeptide 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12452 chr16 16939805 16939871 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 466736 NM_001282511 101059953 Hs.636569 NM_001282511 NPIPA8 LCR16a9 nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37371 chrX 20669193 20669316 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -384504 NM_004586 6197 Hs.445387 NM_004586 HPRD:02092 RPS6KA3 CLS|HU-3|ISPK-1|MAPKAPK1B|MRX19|RSK|RSK2|S6K-alpha3|p90-RSK2|pp90RSK2 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kDa, polypeptide 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8325 chr12 65190189 65190293 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -28111 NM_015279 23329 Hs.192492 NM_015279 ENSG00000111490 TBC1D30 - TBC1 domain family, member 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6637 chr11 74834397 74834490 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -27589 NM_001145212 11309 Hs.7884 NM_007256 HPRD:07061 SLCO2B1 OATP-B|OATP2B1|OATPB|SLC21A9 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 2B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3012 chr1 219277027 219277178 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_038845, intron 3 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 70028 NR_038845 643723 Hs.519774 NR_038845 LYPLAL1-AS1 - LYPLAL1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36561 chr9_gl000198_random 1472 1551 + 5.60568 NA NA L1PA3|LINE|L1 NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4388 chr10 56694461 56694548 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -133453 NM_001142766 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3696 chr10 14690604 14690812 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001282695, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_001282695, intron 2 of 5) -44291 NM_001282696 83641 Hs.446315 NM_031453 HPRD:12575 FAM107B C10orf45 family with sequence similarity 107, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4493 chr10 68785585 68785664 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_111909, intron 2 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 13600 NR_111909 347731 Hs.652155 NM_178011 LRRTM3 - leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37311 chrX 15017152 15017219 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 113772 NM_001177475 158747 Hs.744919 NM_152581 HPRD:06642 MOSPD2 - motile sperm domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15614 chr18 76899348 76899414 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_198531, intron 5 of 29) Tigger3|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 69984 NM_198531 374868 Hs.465475 NM_198531 HPRD:16528 ATP9B ATPASEP|ATPIIB|NEO1L|hMMR1 ATPase, class II, type 9B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38972 chrY 779680 779749 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 244635 NM_000451 6473 Hs.105932 NM_000451 HPRD:02430 SHOX GCFX|PHOG|SHOXY|SS short stature homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4632 chr10 77907985 77908081 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_032024, intron 4 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 365514 NM_032024 83938 Hs.118161 NM_032024 HPRD:12560 C10orf11 OCA5|OCA7 chromosome 10 open reading frame 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11225 chr15 25862702 25862768 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -178560 NM_130839 7337 Hs.598862 NM_000462 HPRD:03375 UBE3A ANCR|AS|E6-AP|EPVE6AP|HPVE6A ubiquitin protein ligase E3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17080 chr19 55462392 55462471 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -3558 NM_206828 199713 Hs.351118 NM_139176 HPRD:10112 NLRP7 CLR19.4|HYDM|NALP7|NOD12|PAN7|PYPAF3 NLR family, pyrin domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34214 chr8 90101465 90101552 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -668467 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38920 chrX 153917582 153917659 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001081573, intron 8 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -35767 NM_020994 30848 Hs.87225 NM_020994 HPRD:02318 CTAG2 CAMEL|CT2|CT6.2|CT6.2a|CT6.2b|ESO2|LAGE-1|LAGE2B cancer/testis antigen 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34916 chr9 2764668 2764734 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47175 NM_133497 169522 Hs.622675 NM_133497 HPRD:12126 KCNV2 KV11.1|Kv8.2|RCD3B potassium channel, subfamily V, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33001 chr7 150118290 150118356 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12419 NR_034033 285972 Hs.647110 NR_034033 ENSG00000242258 LINC00996 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 996 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5025 chr10 109827092 109827158 + 5.60568 NA intron (NR_125760, intron 1 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 1926 NR_125760 103695365 Hs.648991 NR_125760 LINC01435 TCONS_00018040 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1435 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8173 chr12 54997138 54997214 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic 7070 NR_003039 644076 Hs.483519 NR_003039 ENSG00000257780 GLYCAM1 - glycosylation dependent cell adhesion molecule 1 (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31473 chr7 26944443 26944645 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -40203 NM_003930 8935 Hs.200770 NM_003930 HPRD:05558 SKAP2 PRAP|RA70|SAPS|SCAP2|SKAP-HOM|SKAP55R src kinase associated phosphoprotein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26575 chr4 187600473 187600539 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_005245, intron 2 of 26) AluY|SINE|Alu 44481 NM_005245 2195 Hs.481371 NM_005245 HPRD:02986 FAT1 CDHF7|CDHR8|FAT|ME5|hFat1 FAT atypical cadherin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35093 chr9 21381823 21381893 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic Intergenic 3538 NM_000605 3440 Hs.211575 NM_000605 HPRD:00950 IFNA2 IFN-alphaA|IFNA|IFNA2B|INFA2 interferon, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39281 chrY 14112461 14112531 + 5.60568 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 420893 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13292 chr16 71824218 71824287 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001030007, intron 1 of 23) AluSp|SINE|Alu 18724 NM_001030007 164 Hs.461253 NM_001128 HPRD:04637 AP1G1 ADTG|CLAPG1 adaptor-related protein complex 1, gamma 1 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_422 chr1 25969281 25969458 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_001289010, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001289010, intron 1 of 11) 25410 NM_020379 57134 Hs.197043 NM_020379 MAN1C1 HMIC|MAN1A3|MAN1C|pp6318 mannosidase, alpha, class 1C, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31290 chr7 8075686 8075766 + 5.60568 NA intron (NM_138426, intron 3 of 7) L1PB4|LINE|L1 -67343 NR_110018 100505921 Hs.634989 NR_110018 LOC100505921 - uncharacterized LOC100505921 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31159 chr7 1187509 1187583 + 5.60434 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -9653 NM_001134395 84310 Hs.653258 NM_032350 HPRD:14413 C7orf50 YCR016W chromosome 7 open reading frame 50 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27670 chr5 78908067 78908133 + 5.60154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001114394) promoter-TSS (NM_001114394) -143 NM_001114394 167153 Hs.418198 NM_173797 HPRD:15098 PAPD4 GLD2|TUT2 PAP associated domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38050 chrX 71307802 71307946 + 5.60154 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) AluSp|SINE|Alu 43615 NR_002309 441502 Hs.449523 NR_002309 RPS26P11 RPS26L1|RPS26_22_1784|bA366E13.1 ribosomal protein S26 pseudogene 11 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24239 chr3 184053653 184053793 + 5.60154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171093) promoter-TSS (NM_001171093) 6 NM_001171093 131408 Hs.591307 NM_144635 HPRD:14481 FAM131A C3orf40|FLAT715|PRO1378 family with sequence similarity 131, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32113 chr7 74267902 74267991 + 5.59909 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001281447) promoter-TSS (NM_001281447) -74 NM_001281447 84163 Hs.647017 NM_173537 HPRD:16402 GTF2IRD2 FP630|GTF2IRD2 alpha|GTF2IRD2A GTF2I repeat domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8712 chr12 101034345 101034414 + 5.59474 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 66890 NM_174942 283431 Hs.20575 NM_174942 HPRD:13568 GAS2L3 G2L3 growth arrest-specific 2 like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37760 chrX 58494196 58494270 + 5.59474 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -557166 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2187 chr1 155164684 155164786 + 5.59474 NA promoter-TSS (NR_030281) promoter-TSS (NR_030281) -233 NR_030281 693235 NR_030281 miRBase:MI0003560 MIR92B MIRN92B|hsa-mir-92b microRNA 92b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30163 chr6 100705971 100706079 + 5.59379 NA Intergenic Intergenic 205526 NM_005068 6492 Hs.520293 NM_005068 HPRD:07049 SIM1 bHLHe14 single-minded family bHLH transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13413 chr16 83932651 83932775 + 5.59379 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012213) promoter-TSS (NM_012213) -17 NM_012213 23417 Hs.644610 NM_012213 HPRD:05999 MLYCD MCD malonyl-CoA decarboxylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16124 chr19 16560375 16560572 + 5.59379 NA intron (NM_001258374, intron 1 of 23) L1MD1|LINE|L1 22350 NM_001258374 58513 Hs.654639 NM_021235 HPRD:09445 EPS15L1 EPS15R epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25422 chr4 76611659 76611842 + 5.59379 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -13083 NM_203504 9908 Hs.303676 NM_012297 HPRD:06570 G3BP2 - GTPase activating protein (SH3 domain) binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_155 chr1 7973287 7973371 + 5.59238 NA Intergenic LTR36|LTR|ERV1 29896 NM_001561 3604 Hs.86447 NM_001561 TNFRSF9 4-1BB|CD137|CDw137|ILA tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2864 chr1 204332869 204332994 + 5.59238 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3874 NM_014935 22874 Hs.253146 NM_014935 HPRD:09685 PLEKHA6 PEPP-3|PEPP3 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6798 chr11 92163983 92164072 + 5.59238 NA intron (NM_001008781, intron 1 of 24) L1PA4|LINE|L1 78765 NM_001008781 120114 Hs.98523 NM_001008781 ENSG00000165323 FAT3 CDHF15|CDHR10 FAT atypical cadherin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12262 chr16 1649212 1649371 + 5.59238 NA intron (NM_014714, intron 4 of 30) SVA_F|Other|Other 12818 NM_014714 9742 Hs.389438 NM_014714 HPRD:11093 IFT140 MZSDS|SRTD9|WDTC2|c305C8.4|c380F5.1|gs114 intraflagellar transport 140 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18400 chr2 91995999 91996072 + 5.59155 NA Intergenic ERVL-E-int|LTR|ERVL 32667 NR_003503 645367 Hs.650223 NR_003503 GGT8P GGT1P1 gamma-glutamyltransferase 8 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28298 chr5 137774723 137774789 + 5.59013 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016606) promoter-TSS (NM_016606) 66 NR_073448 51308 Hs.416090 NM_016606 HPRD:16655 REEP2 C5orf19|SGC32445|SPG72 receptor accessory protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17329 chr2 7591031 7591113 + 5.59013 NA TTS (NR_038432) TTS (NR_038432) 29680 NR_038432 100506274 Hs.177930 NR_038432 ENSG00000229727 LOC100506274 - uncharacterized LOC100506274 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10142 chr14 23538208 23538275 + 5.59013 NA intron (NM_014977, intron 9 of 18) intron (NM_014977, intron 9 of 18) 2538 NM_001164816 22985 Hs.124490 NM_014977 HPRD:05191 ACIN1 ACINUS|ACN|fSAP152 apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11715 chr15 65175428 65175580 + 5.59013 NA Intergenic Intergenic -28597 NM_182703 348094 Hs.207157 NM_182703 HPRD:14178 ANKDD1A - ankyrin repeat and death domain containing 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34334 chr8 101576335 101576411 + 5.59012 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4359 NM_001270377 157567 Hs.530199 NM_198401 HPRD:14103 ANKRD46 ANK-S|GENX-115279 ankyrin repeat domain 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34889 chr9 88780 88936 + 5.59012 NA TTS (NR_121190).2 TTS (NR_121190).2 16168 NR_121188 101929127 Hs.552787 NR_121188 PGM5P3-AS1 FAM233B PGM5P3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35315 chr9 42368123 42368194 + 5.58851 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001012419).3 promoter-TSS (NM_001012419).3 -145 NM_001012421 441430 Hs.632663 NM_001012421 HPRD:18652 ANKRD20A2 - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19988 chr2 225792426 225792500 + 5.58851 NA intron (NM_001290263, intron 2 of 55) L2a|LINE|L2 19319 NM_001290263 55619 Hs.46578 NM_014689 HPRD:10919 DOCK10 DRIP2|Nbla10300|ZIZ3 dedicator of cytokinesis 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13170 chr16 67194898 67194995 + 5.58688 NA intron (NM_018378, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_018378, intron 1 of 2) 1055 NM_018378 55336 Hs.710714 NM_018378 HPRD:16430 FBXL8 FBL8 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3386 chr1 243174284 243174374 + 5.58688 NA Intergenic Intergenic 90717 NR_029401 731275 Hs.722350 NR_029401 LINC01347 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1347 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33195 chr7 158988644 158988763 + 5.57929 NA Intergenic Intergenic -51054 NM_003382 7434 Hs.585052 NM_003382 HPRD:03576 VIPR2 C16DUPq36.3|DUP7q36.3|PACAP-R-3|PACAP-R3|VIP-R-2|VPAC2|VPAC2R|VPCAP2R vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10918 chr14 93017947 93018050 + 5.57929 NA intron (NM_024832, intron 1 of 9) L1ME2z|LINE|L1 37873 NM_024832 79890 Hs.326822 NM_024832 HPRD:11494 RIN3 - Ras and Rab interactor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1546 chr1 113247859 113247971 + 5.57929 NA intron (NM_175744, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_175744, intron 1 of 5) 1763 NM_001042679 389 Hs.502659 NM_175744 HPRD:01322 RHOC ARH9|ARHC|H9|RHOH9 ras homolog family member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28490 chr5 147886483 147886626 + 5.57532 NA intron (NR_104445, intron 6 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 123056 NM_001271723 81545 Hs.483772 NM_030793 HPRD:09775 FBXO38 Fbx38|HMN2D|MOKA F-box protein 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7787 chr12 31424919 31425082 + 5.57509 NA Intergenic Intergenic -52250 NR_026806 79857 Hs.534485 NM_024799 ENSG00000177340 FLJ13224 - uncharacterized LOC79857 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25441 chr4 77996632 77996744 + 5.57509 NA 5' UTR (NM_006835, exon 1 of 7) 5' UTR (NM_006835, exon 1 of 7) 437 NM_006835 10983 Hs.518827 NM_006835 HPRD:16690 CCNI CCNI1|CYC1|CYI cyclin I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35556 chr9 69328879 69328951 + 5.57509 NA Intergenic MER77|LTR|ERVL -53066 NM_001098805 728747 Hs.645502 NM_001098805 ENSG00000172014 ANKRD20A4 - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29912 chr6 77771550 77771625 + 5.57509 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 401533 NM_000863 3351 Hs.123016 NM_000863 HTR1B 5-HT1B|5-HT1DB|HTR1D2|HTR1DB|S12 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1B, G protein-coupled protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34347 chr8 102121067 102121139 + 5.57509 NA Intergenic Intergenic 56821 NR_033962 441374 Hs.652045 NR_033962 ENSG00000248599 FLJ42969 - uncharacterized LOC441374 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32710 chr7 128298426 128298542 + 5.57509 NA non-coding (NR_024368, exon 5 of 5) non-coding (NR_024368, exon 5 of 5) -13836 NM_001290255 346653 Hs.445236 NM_001012454 HPRD:17840 FAM71F2 FAM137B family with sequence similarity 71, member F2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6942 chr11 107245936 107246002 + 5.57509 NA intron (NM_152434, intron 12 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 82603 NM_152434 143884 Hs.212140 NM_152434 HPRD:13102 CWF19L2 - CWF19-like 2, cell cycle control (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37345 chrX 17672393 17672535 + 5.57509 NA intron (NM_001291868, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001291868, intron 1 of 7) 19051 NM_001136024 4810 Hs.201623 NM_198270 HPRD:02351 NHS CTRCT40|CXN|SCML1 Nance-Horan syndrome (congenital cataracts and dental anomalies) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5062 chr10 112533982 112534172 + 5.57509 NA intron (NM_001134363, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_001134363, intron 1 of 13) 96585 NR_026932 282997 Hs.599931 NR_026932 PDCD4-AS1 - PDCD4 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13557 chr16 90188689 90188769 + 5.57453 NA Intergenic (TTAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -46391 NM_001098173 11105 Hs.406695 NM_052996 HPRD:17903 PRDM7 PFM4|ZNF910 PR domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15869 chr19 8373208 8373332 + 5.57331 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001165895) promoter-TSS (NM_001165895) -30 NM_001165895 51293 Hs.558499 NM_016579 HPRD:05929 CD320 8D6|8D6A|TCBLR CD320 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5013 chr10 107983789 107984092 + 5.57331 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -403849 NR_120625 101927549 Hs.556885 NR_120625 ENSG00000229466 LOC101927549 - uncharacterized LOC101927549 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3076 chr1 221956940 221957011 + 5.57331 NA Intergenic Intergenic -41457 NM_007207 11221 Hs.497822 NM_007207 HPRD:12320 DUSP10 MKP-5|MKP5 dual specificity phosphatase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6595 chr11 72463426 72463625 + 5.57331 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001040118) promoter-TSS (NM_001040118) -91 NM_001040118 116985 Hs.503165 NM_015242 HPRD:09440 ARAP1 CENTD2 ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29481 chr6 35226930 35227075 + 5.57331 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001292032) promoter-TSS (NM_001292032) -489 NM_003427 7629 Hs.388024 NM_003427 HPRD:01929 ZNF76 D6S229E|ZNF523|Zfp523 zinc finger protein 76 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8469 chr12 76210802 76210868 + 5.57331 NA Intergenic L1MC4|LINE|L1 214721 NM_007350 22822 Hs.602085 NM_007350 PHLDA1 DT1P1B11|PHRIP|TDAG51 pleckstrin homology-like domain, family A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29820 chr6 69496999 69497088 + 5.57331 NA intron (NM_001704, intron 3 of 31) L1PA4|LINE|L1 151411 NM_001704 577 Hs.13261 NM_001704 HPRD:04064 BAI3 - brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28478 chr5 146345724 146345834 + 5.57173 NA intron (NM_001271900, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_001271900, intron 2 of 10) -46710 NR_047115 100874361 Hs.193825 NR_047115 PPP2R2B-IT1 - PPP2R2B intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28595 chr5 155038789 155038855 + 5.57173 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 645562 NM_001099293 285643 Hs.567824 NM_001099293 ENSG00000226650 KIF4B - kinesin family member 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29814 chr6 68603381 68603462 + 5.57173 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -742211 NM_001704 577 Hs.13261 NM_001704 HPRD:04064 BAI3 - brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31365 chr7 17300912 17301107 + 5.57173 NA Intergenic Intergenic -37267 NM_001621 196 Hs.171189 NM_001621 HPRD:02596 AHR bHLHe76 aryl hydrocarbon receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4475 chr10 65225133 65225199 + 5.57173 NA non-coding (NR_027182, exon 1 of 1) non-coding (NR_027182, exon 1 of 1) 177 NR_027182 84989 Hs.659950 NM_032903 ENSG00000272767 JMJD1C-AS1 - JMJD1C antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36513 chr9 140039425 140039508 + 5.57173 NA intron (NM_007327, intron 2 of 19) intron (NM_007327, intron 2 of 19) 5857 NM_021569 2902 Hs.558334 NM_000832 HPRD:15926 GRIN1 GluN1|MRD8|NMDA1|NMDAR1|NR1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26656 chr4 191013834 191013969 + 5.56845 NA Intergenic LSAU|Satellite|Satellite 28244 NR_121644 100419743 NR_121644 DBET DBE-T D4Z4 binding element transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20027 chr2 231084717 231084819 + 5.56398 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004510) promoter-TSS (NM_004510) 59 NM_004510 3431 Hs.145150 NM_004509 HPRD:06832 SP110 IFI41|IFI75|IPR1|VODI SP110 nuclear body protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37132 chrX 69573 69660 + 5.56398 NA Intergenic CpG -123375 NR_028057 55344 Hs.522568 NM_018390 PLCXD1 - phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30482 chr6 130008505 130008611 + 5.56398 NA intron (NM_033515, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_033515, intron 1 of 14) 22812 NM_033515 93663 Hs.486458 NM_033515 HPRD:12474 ARHGAP18 MacGAP|SENEX|bA307O14.2 Rho GTPase activating protein 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38953 chrY 19573 19660 + 5.56398 NA Intergenic CpG -123375 NR_028057 55344 Hs.522568 NM_018390 PLCXD1 - phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1962 chr1 148329123 148329198 + 5.56398 NA intron (NM_001277444, intron 13 of 24).2 intron (NM_001277444, intron 13 of 24).2 17596 NM_015383 25832 Hs.534675 NM_015383 HPRD:13148 NBPF14 DJ328E19.C1.1|NBPF neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19164 chr2 156734057 156734152 + 5.56398 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 377339 NR_110249 101929378 Hs.171192 NR_110249 LOC101929378 - uncharacterized LOC101929378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8291 chr12 61812351 61812457 + 5.55639 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 774216 NM_178539 338811 Hs.269745 NM_178539 HPRD:16876 FAM19A2 TAFA-2|TAFA2 family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16421 chr19 32896908 32897060 + 5.55639 NA promoter-TSS (NM_207325) promoter-TSS (NM_207325) -38 NM_207325 147991 Hs.194392 NM_207325 HPRD:14078 DPY19L3 - dpy-19-like 3 (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7588 chr12 19637811 19637892 + 5.55637 NA intron (NM_001267043, intron 3 of 8) intron (NM_001267043, intron 3 of 8) 44336 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6929 chr11 104905838 104905914 + 5.55637 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001223) promoter-TSS (NM_001223) 8 NM_033295 834 Hs.2490 NM_001223 HPRD:00977 CASP1 ICE|IL1BC|P45 caspase 1, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_122 chr1 4765164 4765409 + 5.55637 NA intron (NM_001042478, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 50181 NM_018836 55966 Hs.25924 NM_018836 HPRD:15339 AJAP1 MOT8|SHREW-1|SHREW1 adherens junctions associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24601 chr4 7707997 7708174 + 5.55637 NA intron (NM_020777, intron 14 of 26) (GGCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -47732 NR_026892 84740 Hs.663029 NM_032654 ENSG00000272620 AFAP1-AS1 AFAP1-AS|AFAP1AS AFAP1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_122-2 chr1 4765164 4765409 + 5.55637 NA intron (NM_001042478, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 50181 NM_018836 55966 Hs.25924 NM_018836 HPRD:15339 AJAP1 MOT8|SHREW-1|SHREW1 adherens junctions associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14485 chr17 48228407 48228559 + 5.55637 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032595) promoter-TSS (NM_032595) -605 NM_032595 84687 Hs.514323 NM_032595 HPRD:04506 PPP1R9B PPP1R6|PPP1R9|SPINO|Spn protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 9B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2485 chr1 173127163 173127230 + 5.55637 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 47501 NM_001297562 7292 Hs.181097 NM_003326 HPRD:04668 TNFSF4 CD134L|CD252|GP34|OX-40L|OX4OL|TXGP1 tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28539 chr5 150127251 150127576 + 5.55207 NA intron (NM_001135643, intron 3 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 10669 NM_001135644 51164 Hs.675564 NM_016221 HPRD:13126 DCTN4 DYN4|P62 dynactin 4 (p62) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24986 chr4 47244221 47244305 + 5.55063 NA intron (NM_000812, intron 4 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 210968 NM_000812 2560 Hs.27283 NM_000812 HPRD:15924 GABRB1 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30595 chr6 138057709 138057782 + 5.55063 NA intron (NR_121618, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_121618, intron 1 of 2) 2429 NR_121618 100507406 Hs.556703 NR_121618 ENSG00000234956 LOC100507406 - uncharacterized LOC100507406 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13124 chr16 60562359 60562497 + 5.55063 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -168761 NM_001282301 729159 NM_001282301 LOC729159 - UPF0607 protein ENSP00000381418-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35696 chr9 76961285 76961564 + 5.55063 NA intron (NR_106746, intron 1 of 7) intron (NR_106746, intron 1 of 7) -25023 NR_121182 101927358 Hs.559523 NR_121182 ENSG00000227809 LOC101927358 - uncharacterized LOC101927358 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21234 chr21 17204000 17204094 + 5.55063 NA intron (NM_001283041, intron 16 of 25) intron (NM_001283041, intron 16 of 25) 101703 NM_001283041 29761 Hs.743994 NM_013396 HPRD:05296 USP25 USP21 ubiquitin specific peptidase 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28594 chr5 154320559 154320625 + 5.54883 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014180) promoter-TSS (NM_014180) -41 NM_001014990 29093 Hs.483924 NM_014180 HPRD:14748 MRPL22 L22mt|MRP-L22|MRP-L25|RPML25 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9132 chr12 133022643 133022735 + 5.54883 NA Intergenic CpG -44468 NM_001142641 57666 Hs.411138 NM_001142641 ENSG00000112787 FBRSL1 - fibrosin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36193 chr9 123655146 123655212 + 5.54883 NA intron (NM_001286840, intron 1 of 14) L2b|LINE|L2 1995 NM_001286840 26147 Hs.460124 NM_015651 HPRD:17846 PHF19 MTF2L1|PCL3|TDRD19B PHD finger protein 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38052 chrX 71318208 71318348 + 5.54883 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 33473 NM_001024455 340526 Hs.512180 NM_001024455 HPRD:18594 RGAG4 6430402L03Rik|MAR5|MART5 retrotransposon gag domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26545 chr4 186392533 186392603 + 5.54748 NA intron (NM_152775, intron 1 of 6) (CGGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 345 NM_001145411 256309 Hs.41101 NM_152775 HPRD:11335 CCDC110 CT52|KM-HN-1|KMHN1 coiled-coil domain containing 110 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39066 chrY 10021708 10021776 + 5.54032 NA Intergenic CT-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 273335 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10579 chr14 63991628 63991728 + 5.53927 NA intron (NM_006246, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_006246, intron 2 of 13) -16722 NM_001282181 5529 Hs.334868 NM_006246 PPP2R5E - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', epsilon isoform protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21028 chr20 62289608 62289738 + 5.53927 NA non-coding (NR_037882, exon 1 of 38) non-coding (NR_037882, exon 1 of 38) 510 NM_032957 51750 Hs.745057 NM_016434 HPRD:15281 RTEL1 C20orf41|DKCA4|DKCB5|NHL|RTEL regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9884 chr13 100741175 100741249 + 5.53927 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001178004) promoter-TSS (NM_001178004) -57 NM_000282 5095 Hs.80741 NM_000282 HPRD:01981 PCCA - propionyl CoA carboxylase, alpha polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14724 chr17 72470696 72470840 + 5.53927 NA exon (NM_001256841, exon 2 of 6) exon (NM_001256841, exon 2 of 6) 8246 NM_001256841 11314 Hs.9688 NM_007261 HPRD:09492 CD300A CLM-8|CMRF-35-H9|CMRF-35H|CMRF35-H|CMRF35-H9|CMRF35H|CMRF35H9|IGSF12|IRC1|IRC1/IRC2|IRC2|IRp60 CD300a molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30073 chr6 90545046 90545156 + 5.53927 NA intron (NM_012115, intron 1 of 9) AluJb|SINE|Alu 5482 NM_001137668 9994 Hs.558218 NM_012115 CASP8AP2 CED-4|FLASH|RIP25 caspase 8 associated protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23635 chr3 128327331 128327397 + 5.53927 NA Intergenic CpG -32435 NR_125802 23434 Hs.194283 NM_007354 HPRD:13607 C3orf27 GR6 chromosome 3 open reading frame 27 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1785 chr1 143953647 143953768 + 5.53852 NA Intergenic Intergenic -40547 NM_001287385 554282 NM_001287385 FAM72C - family with sequence similarity 72, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7451 chr12 9588373 9588495 + 5.53852 NA intron (NR_033399, intron 5 of 26) L2c|LINE|L2 12334 NR_033399 440081 Hs.447869 NM_004400 ENSG00000214826 DDX12P CHLR2|DDX12 DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide 12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14956 chr18 1632982 1633237 + 5.53852 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -273479 NR_023926 56651 Hs.541165 NM_031416 LINC00470 C18orf2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 470 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10567 chr14 62327150 62327242 + 5.53793 NA Intergenic Intergenic 98121 NM_003082 6617 Hs.179312 NM_003082 HPRD:08998 SNAPC1 PTFgamma|SNAP43 small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 1, 43kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37167 chrX 1673921 1674039 + 5.53793 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17943 NM_178129 286530 Hs.111377 NM_178129 HPRD:06671 P2RY8 P2Y8 purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23422 chr3 111111765 111111967 + 5.53793 NA Intergenic MER66C|LTR|ERV1 -149060 NM_005816 10225 Hs.142023 NM_005816 HPRD:06916 CD96 TACTILE CD96 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38988 chrY 1623921 1624039 + 5.53793 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17943 NM_178129 286530 Hs.111377 NM_178129 HPRD:06671 P2RY8 P2Y8 purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25417 chr4 76373178 76373286 + 5.53793 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 61274 NR_103725 25898 Hs.48297 NM_015436 HPRD:07607 RCHY1 ARNIP|CHIMP|PIRH2|PRO1996|RNF199|ZCHY|ZNF363 ring finger and CHY zinc finger domain containing 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21070 chr21 9671898 9671966 + 5.53765 NA Intergenic Intergenic -153900 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27100 chr5 42950847 42950944 + 5.53563 NA Intergenic Intergenic 42540 NR_104643 643977 Hs.535791 NR_104643 FLJ32255 - uncharacterized LOC643977 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30888 chr6 158980912 158981216 + 5.53323 NA intron (NM_020823, intron 1 of 16) CpG 23596 NM_020823 57583 Hs.99145 NM_020823 ENSG00000146433 TMEM181 GPR178|KIAA1423 transmembrane protein 181 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4712 chr10 88160700 88160795 + 5.53316 NA Intergenic CpG -34497 NM_017551 2894 Hs.530653 NM_017551 HPRD:17078 GRID1 GluD1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28402 chr5 141852055 141852132 + 5.52982 NA Intergenic Intergenic 141633 NM_033137 2246 Hs.483635 NM_000800 HPRD:00567 FGF1 AFGF|ECGF|ECGF-beta|ECGFA|ECGFB|FGF-1|FGF-alpha|FGFA|GLIO703|HBGF-1|HBGF1 fibroblast growth factor 1 (acidic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32142 chr7 75396523 75396589 + 5.52982 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 22508 NM_006072 10344 Hs.131342 NM_006072 HPRD:05262 CCL26 IMAC|MIP-4a|MIP-4alpha|SCYA26|TSC-1 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25855 chr4 117125522 117125595 + 5.52982 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -95323 NR_031737 100302290 NR_031737 MIR1973 hsa-mir-1973 microRNA 1973 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29130 chr6 19702370 19702462 + 5.52982 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -135185 NM_001546 3400 Hs.519601 NM_001546 ID4 IDB4|bHLHb27 inhibitor of DNA binding 4, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7780 chr12 30085736 30085802 + 5.52982 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -148077 NM_175861 83857 Hs.401954 NM_175861 HPRD:12472 TMTC1 OLF|TMTC1A transmembrane and tetratricopeptide repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16638 chr19 40508974 40509104 + 5.52982 NA intron (NM_178544, intron 3 of 6) AluY|SINE|Alu 6096 NM_001297763 339327 Hs.125008 NM_178544 HPRD:11726 ZNF546 ZNF49 zinc finger protein 546 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18863 chr2 128644380 128644448 + 5.52926 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199140) promoter-TSS (NM_001199140) -900 NM_001199140 83607 Hs.546449 NM_031445 HPRD:14625 AMMECR1L - AMMECR1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1803 chr1 144398298 144398406 + 5.52926 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 52 of 130) intron (NM_001278267, intron 52 of 130) -34106 NM_001143883 653505 Hs.573713 NM_178230 ENSG00000255854 PPIAL4B COAS-2|COAS2|PPIAL4|PPIAL4A peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10336 chr14 43844060 43844216 + 5.52250 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1132361 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37544 chrX 47050072 47050287 + 5.52250 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153280) promoter-TSS (NM_153280) -20 NM_153280 7317 Hs.533273 NM_003334 HPRD:02440 UBA1 A1S9|A1S9T|A1ST|AMCX1|CFAP124|GXP1|POC20|SMAX2|UBA1A|UBE1|UBE1X ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20017 chr2 229624680 229624868 + 5.52250 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 511283 NM_017933 55022 Hs.745038 NM_017933 HPRD:07944 PID1 NYGGF4|P-CLI1|PCLI1 phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37410 chrX 26301368 26301540 + 5.52250 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 67168 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29261 chr6 27145620 27145695 + 5.51931 NA Intergenic CpG 30252 NR_036096 100422934 NR_036096 miRBase:MI0014167 MIR3143 - microRNA 3143 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12144 chr15 99515876 99516033 + 5.51931 NA intron (NM_001167902, intron 2 of 4) AluY|SINE|Alu 32931 NM_001102612 145814 Hs.592021 NM_001102612 ENSG00000183571 PGPEP1L - pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24914 chr4 39933246 39933435 + 5.51931 NA intron (NM_001100400, intron 2 of 15) MLT1F|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 46236 NM_001100400 23244 Hs.331431 NM_015200 HPRD:11537 PDS5A SCC-112|SCC112 PDS5, regulator of cohesion maintenance, homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4303 chr10 50391830 50392003 + 5.51908 NA intron (NM_001010863, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001010863, intron 1 of 5) 4529 NM_001288743 170371 Hs.385493 NM_001010863 C10orf128 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 128 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19692 chr2 201727311 201727495 + 5.51901 NA intron (NR_027855, intron 1 of 11) intron (NR_027855, intron 1 of 11) 1881 NM_001162407 1195 Hs.433732 NM_004071 HPRD:09058 CLK1 CLK|CLK/STY|STY CDC-like kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11307 chr15 32584971 32585063 + 5.51818 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 110476 NM_001282493 653125 NM_001282493 GOLGA8K - golgin A8 family, member K protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35654 chr9 72374792 72375037 + 5.50922 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001099666) promoter-TSS (NM_001099666) -38 NM_001099666 375743 Hs.744192 NM_001099666 ENSG00000188647 PTAR1 - protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12741 chr16 32290883 32290955 + 5.50922 NA Intergenic Intergenic 10383 NR_033866 390705 Hs.278513 NR_033866 LOC390705 - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35654-2 chr9 72374792 72375037 + 5.50922 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001099666) promoter-TSS (NM_001099666) -38 NM_001099666 375743 Hs.744192 NM_001099666 ENSG00000188647 PTAR1 - protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5441 chr11 819390 819561 + 5.50922 NA intron (NM_020376, intron 1 of 9) CpG 574 NM_020376 57104 Hs.654697 NM_020376 HPRD:11443 PNPLA2 1110001C14Rik|ATGL|PEDF-R|TTS-2.2|TTS2|iPLA2zeta patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20286 chr20 1109607 1109813 + 5.50910 NA intron (NM_178578, intron 4 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 10470 NM_006814 9491 Hs.471917 NM_006814 HPRD:17919 PSMF1 PI31 proteasome (prosome, macropain) inhibitor subunit 1 (PI31) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34629 chr8 130394246 130394313 + 5.50910 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -140793 NR_033916 728724 Hs.49902 NR_033916 ENSG00000250400 LINC00977 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 977 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11526 chr15 49268087 49268166 + 5.50910 NA Intergenic CpG -12485 NM_203349 399694 Hs.642615 NM_203349 HPRD:15289 SHC4 RaLP|SHCD SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23288 chr3 99787810 99787897 + 5.50910 NA intron (NM_182909, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_182909, intron 1 of 5) 45504 NM_182909 11259 Hs.104672 NM_014890 HPRD:16832 FILIP1L DOC-1|DOC1|GIP130|GIP90 filamin A interacting protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6584 chr11 71736302 71736368 + 5.50910 NA intron (NR_104476, intron 4 of 24) intron (NR_104476, intron 4 of 24) 10998 NR_104178 100128494 Hs.713607 NR_104178 LOC100128494 - uncharacterized LOC100128494 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36514 chr9 140039698 140039771 + 5.50910 NA intron (NM_007327, intron 2 of 19) intron (NM_007327, intron 2 of 19) 6125 NM_021569 2902 Hs.558334 NM_000832 HPRD:15926 GRIN1 GluN1|MRD8|NMDA1|NMDAR1|NR1 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24862 chr4 36210604 36210720 + 5.50910 NA intron (NM_015230, intron 6 of 32) intron (NM_015230, intron 6 of 32) -35076 NR_122079 439933 Hs.591071 NR_122079 ENSG00000247193 LOC439933 - uncharacterized LOC439933 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37910 chrX 63792900 63793048 + 5.50910 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -177641 NM_017677 55613 Hs.442892 NM_017677 HPRD:06664 MTMR8 - myotubularin related protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28371 chr5 140604771 140604904 + 5.50593 NA exon (NM_018934, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_018934, exon 1 of 1) 2939 NM_018934 56122 Hs.658497 NM_018934 HPRD:06958 PCDHB14 PCDH-BETA14 protocadherin beta 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7321 chr12 2244982 2245054 + 5.50593 NA intron (NM_001129832, intron 3 of 47) L1PA2|LINE|L1 82567 NM_199460 775 Hs.118262 NM_000719 CACNA1C CACH2|CACN2|CACNL1A1|CCHL1A1|CaV1.2|LQT8|TS calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L type, alpha 1C subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32168 chr7 76365100 76365192 + 5.50593 NA Intergenic Intergenic -108526 NM_012230 22932 Hs.488877 NM_012230 HPRD:15974 POMZP3 POM-ZP3|POM121 POM121 and ZP3 fusion protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36533 chr9 140416823 140416890 + 5.50593 NA intron (NM_152286, intron 8 of 33) AluY|SINE|Alu 28165 NM_152286 375775 Hs.294147 NM_152286 HPRD:12933 PNPLA7 C9orf111|NTE-R1|NTEL1 patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20329 chr20 3185289 3185355 + 5.50279 NA promoter-TSS (NM_023935) promoter-TSS (NM_023935) -27 NM_023935 65992 Hs.471975 NM_023935 HPRD:12741 DDRGK1 C20orf116|UFBP1|dJ1187M17.3 DDRGK domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29739 chr6 57087075 57087162 + 5.50279 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278667) promoter-TSS (NM_001278667) -6 NM_016277 51715 Hs.555016 NM_016277 RAB23 HSPC137 RAB23, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21859 chr22 29664202 29664322 + 5.50279 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012265) promoter-TSS (NM_012265) 264 NM_001163285 2130 Hs.374477 NM_005243 HPRD:00592 EWSR1 EWS|bK984G1.4 EWS RNA-binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23028 chr3 66968606 66968675 + 5.50250 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -80087 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23436 chr3 111708073 111708181 + 5.50113 NA intron (NR_073570, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_073570, intron 3 of 3) -9459 NM_013259 29114 Hs.169330 NM_013259 HPRD:12136 TAGLN3 NP22|NP24|NP25 transgelin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19104 chr2 149083814 149083880 + 5.50113 NA intron (NM_018328, intron 4 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -304674 NM_181742 5000 Hs.558364 NM_002552 HPRD:09118 ORC4 ORC4L|ORC4P origin recognition complex, subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22968 chr3 63126558 63126695 + 5.50113 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 38262 NR_027104 285401 Hs.211125 NR_027104 ENSG00000244342 LINC00698 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 698 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25592 chr4 91411049 91411174 + 5.50113 NA intron (NM_207491, intron 5 of 7) L1PA5|LINE|L1 254929 NM_207491 401145 Hs.654735 NM_207491 HPRD:17561 CCSER1 FAM190A coiled-coil serine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4992 chr10 105560648 105560797 + 5.50113 NA intron (NM_014631, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_014631, intron 2 of 13) 54185 NR_038940 100505839 Hs.655149 NR_038940 SH3PXD2A-AS1 - SH3PXD2A antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14862 chr17 79670351 79670428 + 5.50113 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002949) promoter-TSS (NM_002949) -11 NM_002949 6182 Hs.109059 NM_002949 HPRD:03849 MRPL12 5c5-2|L12mt|MRP-L31/34|MRPL7|MRPL7/L12|RPML12 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35380 chr9 45424224 45424343 + 5.49733 NA Intergenic Intergenic -418993 NR_121606 102723709 Hs.743015 NR_121606 LOC102723709 - uncharacterized LOC102723709 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3339 chr1 236029510 236029629 + 5.49675 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 1 of 52) intron (NM_001301365, intron 1 of 52) 658 NM_000081 1130 Hs.532411 NM_000081 HPRD:06060 LYST CHS|CHS1 lysosomal trafficking regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22558 chr3 31573487 31573611 + 5.49675 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178862) promoter-TSS (NM_178862) -444 NM_178862 201595 Hs.475812 NM_178862 STT3B CDG1X|SIMP|STT3-B STT3B, subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex (catalytic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30582 chr6 137539915 137540004 + 5.49642 NA intron (NM_000416, intron 1 of 6) Tigger3a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 608 NM_000416 3459 Hs.520414 NM_000416 HPRD:00127 IFNGR1 CD119|IFNGR interferon gamma receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24732 chr4 15656902 15657133 + 5.49057 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001193534) promoter-TSS (NM_001193534) 18 NR_036464 26234 Hs.643433 NM_012161 HPRD:05739 FBXL5 FBL4|FBL5|FLR1 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13269 chr16 70266278 70266467 + 5.49057 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6436 NR_033959 100506060 Hs.655258 NR_033959 ENSG00000261556 SMG1P7 - SMG1 pseudogene 7 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19621 chr2 196513592 196513740 + 5.49057 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7866 NM_001127257 57181 Hs.650158 NM_020342 HPRD:10572 SLC39A10 LZT-Hs2 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31605 chr7 38260195 38260343 + 5.49057 NA intron (NM_032016, intron 7 of 8) L1MB3|LINE|L1 42461 NM_032016 83930 Hs.309753 NM_032016 HPRD:18117 STARD3NL MENTHO STARD3 N-terminal like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9689 chr13 74340282 74340470 + 5.48908 NA intron (NM_007249, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_007249, intron 5 of 7) 201995 NR_047009 100874155 Hs.672679 NR_047009 LINC00392 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 392 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27439 chr5 66300348 66300536 + 5.48908 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001297651) promoter-TSS (NM_001297651) -6 NM_001297651 375449 Hs.595458 NM_015183 HPRD:14195 MAST4 - microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35874 chr9 93862512 93862664 + 5.48908 NA Intergenic Intergenic -25174 NR_033912 100129316 Hs.458154 NR_033912 LOC100129316 - uncharacterized LOC100129316 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34776 chr8 143472472 143472574 + 5.48861 NA intron (NM_001291931, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_001291931, intron 1 of 10) 12087 NM_145003 203062 Hs.370931 NM_145003 HPRD:08708 TSNARE1 - t-SNARE domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1230 chr1 86709874 86709950 + 5.48861 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -87791 NM_152890 255631 Hs.659516 NM_152890 HPRD:10846 COL24A1 - collagen, type XXIV, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13209 chr16 67746538 67746755 + 5.48861 NA intron (NM_001243650, intron 1 of 1) SVA_E|Other|Other 6627 NM_030819 81577 Hs.307084 NM_030819 HPRD:14419 GFOD2 - glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23412 chr3 110033599 110033665 + 5.48861 NA Intergenic Intergenic 755174 NR_045114 100506555 Hs.535689 NR_045114 PVRL3-AS1 - PVRL3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29718 chr6 54593624 54593815 + 5.48861 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -117850 NM_001010872 222584 Hs.152423 NM_001010872 FAM83B C6orf143 family with sequence similarity 83, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16440 chr19 34543890 34543956 + 5.48861 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -119429 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29369 chr6 31422042 31422112 + 5.48765 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -8880 NR_040662 10866 Hs.691948 NR_040662 HCP5 6S2650E|D6S2650E|P5-1 HLA complex P5 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27257 chr5 51252687 51252763 + 5.48342 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -573559 NR_046243 642366 Hs.544139 NR_046243 LOC642366 - uncharacterized LOC642366 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24571 chr4 6202293 6202359 + 5.48342 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144720) promoter-TSS (NM_144720) -8 NM_144720 152789 Hs.479066 NM_144720 HPRD:11292 JAKMIP1 Gababrbp|JAMIP1|MARLIN1 janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38682 chrX 130638845 130638986 + 5.48269 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -39133 NM_001004486 347468 Hs.553711 NM_001004486 HPRD:18600 OR13H1 ORX1 olfactory receptor, family 13, subfamily H, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34561 chr8 124874721 124874802 + 5.48269 NA intron (NM_001039112, intron 1 of 40) L1PA2|LINE|L1 10534 NM_001039112 654463 Hs.632058 NM_001039112 ENSG00000214814 FER1L6 C8ORFK23 fer-1-like family member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35180 chr9 33130616 33130736 + 5.48269 NA intron (NM_001497, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_001497, intron 2 of 5) -36270 NR_108110 101929639 Hs.545818 NR_108108 B4GALT1-AS1 - B4GALT1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17629 chr2 33094513 33094585 + 5.48269 NA intron (NR_027098, intron 2 of 5) SVA_F|Other|Other -13217 NR_027099 285045 Hs.434660 NR_027098 ENSG00000230876 LINC00486 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 486 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23699 chr3 132303902 132303984 + 5.48269 NA intron (NR_037804, intron 39 of 44) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -12138 NM_016557 51554 Hs.310512 NM_016557 HPRD:07298 ACKR4 CC-CKR-11|CCBP2|CCR-11|CCR10|CCR11|CCRL1|CCX CKR|CCX-CKR|CKR-11|PPR1|VSHK1 atypical chemokine receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25250 chr4 60053339 60053419 + 5.48207 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2076828 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10483 chr14 55565155 55565264 + 5.47680 NA Intergenic Intergenic -30726 NM_001177388 3958 Hs.531081 NM_002306 HPRD:01090 LGALS3 CBP35|GAL3|GALBP|GALIG|L31|LGALS2|MAC2 lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5210 chr10 126499542 126499609 + 5.47680 NA intron (NM_032182, intron 2 of 8) AluY|SINE|Alu 9221 NM_032182 23172 Hs.280695 NM_032182 HPRD:13783 FAM175B ABRO1|KIAA0157 family with sequence similarity 175, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12289 chr16 2563626 2563763 + 5.47680 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001198569) promoter-TSS (NM_001198569) -33 NM_001198569 527 Hs.389107 NM_001694 HPRD:00162 ATP6V0C ATP6C|ATP6L|ATPL|VATL|VPPC|Vma3 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 16kDa, V0 subunit c protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30049 chr6 89067549 89067717 + 5.47242 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 181455 NR_110867 101928936 Hs.533080 NR_110867 LOC101928936 - uncharacterized LOC101928936 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38613 chrX 125238359 125238471 + 5.47242 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -5330 NR_110409 101928495 Hs.545998 NR_110409 ENSG00000237208 LOC101928495 - uncharacterized LOC101928495 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32496 chr7 104392230 104392418 + 5.47242 NA intron (NM_199000, intron 2 of 2) HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 52215 NR_034141 645591 Hs.658835 NR_034141 ENSG00000226869 LHFPL3-AS1 - LHFPL3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11858 chr15 76031101 76031195 + 5.47242 NA intron (NR_024595, intron 2 of 4) CpG-8112 1270 NR_024595 100128285 Hs.604066 NR_024595 ENSG00000246877 DNM1P35 DNM1DN8-2|DNM1DN8.2|DNM1DN8@|FKSG88 DNM1 pseudogene 35 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36121 chr9 114939016 114939092 + 5.47218 NA intron (NR_036085, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_036085, intron 3 of 3) -1477 NM_001282640 64420 Hs.494827 NM_022486 HPRD:15452 SUSD1 - sushi domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17807 chr2 46862174 46862327 + 5.46804 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 17939 NM_014171 9419 Hs.133998 NM_014171 HPRD:05208 CRIPT SSMDF cysteine-rich PDZ-binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22619 chr3 38447139 38447205 + 5.46804 NA intron (NM_005108, intron 18 of 18) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -48618 NM_001106 93 Hs.174273 NM_001106 HPRD:04106 ACVR2B ACTRIIB|ActR-IIB|HTX4 activin A receptor, type IIB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16822 chr19 46431037 46431194 + 5.46804 NA Intergenic LTR67B|LTR|ERVL -13079 NM_001029861 339345 Hs.434218 NM_001029861 HPRD:18784 NANOS2 NOS2 nanos homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32767 chr7 134291238 134291306 + 5.46804 NA Intergenic Intergenic -40259 NM_001724 669 Hs.198365 NM_001724 HPRD:01961 BPGM DPGM 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate mutase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20072 chr2 233770629 233770783 + 5.46804 NA intron (NM_019850, intron 5 of 14) SVA_D|Other|Other 22155 NM_001114090 25791 Hs.97316 NM_019850 HPRD:10442 NGEF ARHGEF27|EPHEXIN neuronal guanine nucleotide exchange factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17284 chr2 2909094 2909205 + 5.46804 NA intron (NR_110228, intron 5 of 6) intron (NR_110228, intron 5 of 6) 220649 NR_110228 101927554 Hs.638446 NR_110228 ENSG00000234423 LINC01250 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1250 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23287 chr3 99594985 99595110 + 5.46804 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014890) promoter-TSS (NM_014890) 0 NM_014890 11259 Hs.104672 NM_014890 HPRD:16832 FILIP1L DOC-1|DOC1|GIP130|GIP90 filamin A interacting protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28582 chr5 153652714 153652820 + 5.46804 NA intron (NM_198321, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_198321, intron 1 of 11) 82472 NM_198321 55568 Hs.631797 NM_017540 HPRD:12157 GALNT10 GALNACT10|PPGALNACT10|PPGANTASE10 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24179 chr3 179955100 179955166 + 5.46804 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -200292 NM_001256750 51555 Hs.235331 NM_016559 HPRD:11425 PEX5L PEX5R|PEX5RP|PXR2|PXR2B|TRIP8b peroxisomal biogenesis factor 5-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28420 chr5 142784770 142784900 + 5.46515 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018076) promoter-TSS (NM_001018076) -790 NM_001018076 2908 Hs.122926 NM_000176 HPRD:00679 NR3C1 GCCR|GCR|GR|GRL nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 (glucocorticoid receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23115 chr3 75718948 75719057 + 5.46485 NA Intergenic CpG -2430 NR_040005 401074 Hs.528540 NR_040004 ENSG00000242516 LINC00960 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25980 chr4 123937552 123937668 + 5.46421 NA intron (NM_145207, intron 10 of 15) SVA_D|Other|Other 93385 NM_145207 166378 Hs.709648 NM_145207 HPRD:11595 SPATA5 AFG2|SPAF spermatogenesis associated 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5802 chr11 23812805 23812958 + 5.46421 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -372145 NR_107021 102465860 NR_107021 MIR8054 hsa-mir-8054 microRNA 8054 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20762 chr20 39785934 39786040 + 5.46302 NA intron (NM_182811, intron 1 of 31) intron (NM_182811, intron 1 of 31) -11676 NR_106931 102466912 NR_106931 MIR6871 hsa-mir-6871 microRNA 6871 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5655 chr11 13416486 13416560 + 5.46302 NA intron (NM_032320, intron 8 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 45303 NM_001297742 84280 Hs.332382 NM_032320 HPRD:17045 BTBD10 GMRP-1|GMRP1 BTB (POZ) domain containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11015 chr14 102179417 102179521 + 5.46071 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17305 NR_026774 145200 Hs.150840 NR_026774 ENSG00000258512 LINC00239 C14orf72|NCRNA00239 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 239 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5868 chr11 32606235 32606303 + 5.45729 NA intron (NM_006360, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_006360, intron 1 of 10) 956 NM_006360 10480 Hs.502244 NM_006360 EIF3M B5|PCID1|TANGO7|hfl-B5 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15683 chr19 1041083 1041156 + 5.45729 NA intron (NM_019112, intron 1 of 46) intron (NM_019112, intron 1 of 46) 1017 NM_019112 10347 Hs.134514 NM_019112 HPRD:09255 ABCA7 ABCA-SSN|ABCX ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27266 chr5 51394619 51394782 + 5.45729 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -689074 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32411 chr7 99869831 99869914 + 5.45706 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178831) promoter-TSS (NM_178831) -17 NR_028039 352954 Hs.556063 NM_178831 HPRD:17030 GATS STAG3OS GATS, stromal antigen 3 opposite strand protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37926 chrX 64816363 64816429 + 5.45706 NA Intergenic Intergenic -44095 NR_033742 83957 Hs.652967 NR_033742 HPRD:06511 FRMD8P1 - FERM domain containing 8 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28576 chr5 153451953 153452076 + 5.45610 NA Intergenic Intergenic 33495 NM_001135037 4238 Hs.432818 NM_005927 HPRD:02731 MFAP3 - microfibrillar-associated protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18867 chr2 129031300 129031429 + 5.45610 NA intron (NM_004807, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_004807, intron 1 of 1) 44807 NM_004807 9394 Hs.512841 NM_004807 HPRD:07274 HS6ST1 HH15|HS6ST heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9737 chr13 78326071 78326211 + 5.45610 NA intron (NM_001040153, intron 4 of 6) intron (NM_001040153, intron 4 of 6) 10846 NM_001242869 122060 Hs.349955 NM_144595 HPRD:13400 SLAIN1 C13orf32 SLAIN motif family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21573 chr22 17046398 17046527 + 5.45575 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 27238 NM_014406 150160 Hs.128342 NM_014406 HPRD:16708 CCT8L2 CESK1 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 8 (theta)-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23592 chr3 125481649 125481750 + 5.45351 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27696 NR_031687 100302204 NR_031687 miRBase:MI0006421 MIR548I1 MIR548I-1|MIRN548I1|hsa-mir-548i-1 microRNA 548i-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9902 chr13 101966355 101966454 + 5.45335 NA intron (NM_052867, intron 7 of 43) L1PA4|LINE|L1 102409 NM_052867 259232 Hs.525146 NM_052867 HPRD:15647 NALCN CanIon|INNFD|VGCNL1|bA430M15.1 sodium leak channel, non-selective protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2936 chr1 208037401 208037485 + 5.44870 NA Intergenic Intergenic 45719 NR_026817 148696 Hs.125511 NM_001039568 LOC148696 - uncharacterized LOC148696 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26108 chr4 141017408 141017487 + 5.44757 NA intron (NM_018717, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_018717, intron 1 of 5) 57786 NM_018717 55534 Hs.586165 NM_018717 HPRD:10066 MAML3 CAGH3|ERDA3|GDN|MAM-2|MAM2|TNRC3 mastermind-like 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3383 chr1 242261412 242261494 + 5.44757 NA intron (NM_001195812, intron 8 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -99068 NM_001004343 440738 Hs.534971 NM_001004343 HPRD:14226 MAP1LC3C ATG8J|LC3C microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27720 chr5 84716962 84717075 + 5.44757 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -861244 NR_003719 285622 Hs.449272 NR_003719 NBPF22P - neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 22, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24739 chr4 16207355 16207421 + 5.44757 NA intron (NM_153365, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_153365, intron 2 of 13) 20773 NM_153365 202018 Hs.479223 NM_153365 ENSG00000169762 TAPT1 CMVFR transmembrane anterior posterior transformation 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36087 chr9 112203102 112203234 + 5.44757 NA intron (NM_002829, intron 7 of 25) L2b|LINE|L2 10496 NM_001145369 5774 Hs.436429 NM_002829 HPRD:06767 PTPN3 PTP-H1|PTPH1 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2605 chr1 182599034 182599100 + 5.44757 NA Intergenic Intergenic 14792 NR_036490 284648 Hs.253475 NR_036490 ENSG00000261504 LOC284648 - uncharacterized LOC284648 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3614 chr10 6866578 6866665 + 5.44591 NA intron (NR_038291, intron 2 of 4) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 45061 NR_038291 100507127 Hs.498571 NR_038291 ENSG00000238266 LINC00707 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 707 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31023 chr6 165373359 165373458 + 5.44591 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 349703 NM_144980 168090 Hs.144734 NM_144980 HPRD:12844 C6orf118 bA85G2.1|dJ416F21.2 chromosome 6 open reading frame 118 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19197 chr2 158485159 158485256 + 5.44591 NA 5' UTR (NM_145259, exon 1 of 9) 5' UTR (NM_145259, exon 1 of 9) 192 NM_001111032 130399 Hs.562901 NM_145259 HPRD:10608 ACVR1C ACVRLK7|ALK7 activin A receptor, type IC protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10861 chr14 90167997 90168157 + 5.44591 NA Intergenic CpG -82583 NM_001085471 1112 Hs.434286 NM_005197 HPRD:07533 FOXN3 C14orf116|CHES1|PRO1635 forkhead box N3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36432 chr9 135545756 135545841 + 5.44591 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012204) promoter-TSS (NM_012204) -10 NM_022779 64794 Hs.660767 NM_022779 HPRD:10860 DDX31 PPP1R25 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29899 chr6 76458848 76458924 + 5.44591 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004999) promoter-TSS (NM_004999) -7 NM_001300899 4646 Hs.149387 NM_004999 HPRD:02985 MYO6 DFNA22|DFNB37 myosin VI protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20240 chr2 242673897 242674052 + 5.44460 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152783) promoter-TSS (NM_152783) -20 NM_001287249 728294 Hs.516813 NM_152783 HPRD:14502 D2HGDH D2HGD D-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24156 chr3 177401567 177401673 + 5.44201 NA intron (NR_047568, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_047568, intron 3 of 3) -133033 NR_110826 102724550 Hs.570526 NR_110826 LOC102724550 - uncharacterized LOC102724550 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34112 chr8 82006225 82006345 + 5.44201 NA intron (NM_018440, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_018440, intron 1 of 8) 18018 NM_018440 55824 Hs.266175 NM_018440 HPRD:05772 PAG1 CBP|PAG phosphoprotein membrane anchor with glycosphingolipid microdomains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3631 chr10 7452946 7453030 + 5.44201 NA intron (NM_001029880, intron 1 of 20) CpG-2560 460 NM_001029880 57713 Hs.407983 NM_001018039 ENSG00000198879 SFMBT2 - Scm-like with four mbt domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3351 chr1 236687126 236687327 + 5.44201 NA non-coding (NR_034040, exon 1 of 1) non-coding (NR_034040, exon 1 of 1) 199 NM_201544 3964 Hs.4082 NM_006499 HPRD:09356 LGALS8 Gal-8|PCTA-1|PCTA1|Po66-CBP lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2754 chr1 197745617 197745717 + 5.44154 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1044 NR_125340 163486 Hs.125056 NM_019049 HPRD:13303 DENND1B C1ORF18|C1orf218|FAM31B DENN/MADD domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11158 chr15 20546055 20546143 + 5.44073 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 58102 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16050 chr19 14878148 14878313 + 5.43957 NA intron (NM_013447, intron 5 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu 9509 NM_001271052 30817 Hs.531619 NM_013447 HPRD:07308 EMR2 CD312 egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1991 chr1 148838893 148838967 + 5.43930 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 32915 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32408 chr7 99817406 99817561 + 5.43930 NA 5' UTR (NM_024070, exon 2 of 6) 5' UTR (NM_024070, exon 2 of 6) 612 NM_024070 79037 Hs.729356 NM_024070 ENSG00000213413 PVRIG C7orf15 poliovirus receptor related immunoglobulin domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23003 chr3 66821434 66821502 + 5.43808 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -227259 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14396 chr17 44438578 44438690 + 5.43808 NA intron (NM_016632, intron 1 of 4).3 CpG 500 NM_001039083 100506084 Hs.559259 NM_001039083 ENSG00000228696 ARL17B ARL17|ARL17A ADP-ribosylation factor-like 17B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39052 chrY 9911230 9911319 + 5.43808 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 162867 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21981 chr22 39096974 39097172 + 5.43598 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014876) promoter-TSS (NM_014876) -614 NM_014876 9929 Hs.3094 NM_014876 HPRD:08823 JOSD1 dJ508I15.2 Josephin domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35462 chr9 66835368 66835434 + 5.43553 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -87566 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32429 chr7 100167894 100167996 + 5.43492 NA Intergenic CpG 3325 NM_001168682 100316904 Hs.633863 NM_001168682 ENSG00000205307 SAP25 - Sin3A-associated protein, 25kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36362 chr9 132175935 132176162 + 5.43492 NA Intergenic CpG -74891 NR_038955 100506190 Hs.529860 NR_038955 LINC00963 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 963 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13808 chr17 7477159 7477238 + 5.43297 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002918) promoter-TSS (NR_002918) -833 NR_002918 652965 Hs.742408 NR_002918 SNORA48 ACA48 small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 48 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35510 chr9 68395132 68395302 + 5.43199 NA Intergenic L1M1|LINE|L1 59158 NR_033907 642236 Hs.529357 NR_033907 LOC642236 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12799 chr16 33231498 33231570 + 5.43136 NA Intergenic Intergenic 25949 NM_001205259 653550 Hs.592038 NM_001205259 ENSG00000205457 TP53TG3C TP53TG3 TP53 target 3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34283 chr8 97243819 97243993 + 5.42903 NA intron (NR_045639, intron 3 of 4) intron (NR_045639, intron 3 of 4) 3956 NM_001199975 7381 Hs.131255 NM_006294 HPRD:11770 UQCRB MC3DN3|QCR7|QP-C|QPC|UQBC|UQBP|UQCR6|UQPC ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39446 chrY 58994114 58994192 + 5.42802 NA Intergenic BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite -106304 NM_005840 10251 Hs.381912 NM_005840 HPRD:03917 SPRY3 HSPRY3|spry-3 sprouty homolog 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4380 chr10 55980339 55980568 + 5.42734 NA intron (NM_001142769, intron 10 of 35) AluY|SINE|Alu 580598 NM_001142765 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13383 chr16 81503586 81503720 + 5.42734 NA intron (NM_198390, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_198390, intron 1 of 20) 24878 NM_198390 80790 Hs.594095 NM_030629 HPRD:10839 CMIP TCMIP c-Maf inducing protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1516 chr1 111162389 111162469 + 5.42734 NA intron (NM_001204269, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001204269, intron 1 of 4) 11667 NM_001204269 3737 Hs.248139 NM_004974 HPRD:01443 KCNA2 HBK5|HK4|HUKIV|KV1.2|MK2|NGK1|RBK2 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20624 chr20 31073132 31073253 + 5.42734 NA intron (NM_001256798, intron 4 of 10) intron (NM_001256798, intron 4 of 10) -1807 NM_080616 140688 Hs.516978 NM_080616 HPRD:10728 NOL4L C20orf112|C20orf113|dJ1184F4.2|dJ1184F4.4 nucleolar protein 4-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34331 chr8 101539299 101539474 + 5.42734 NA intron (NM_198401, intron 5 of 5) intron (NM_198401, intron 5 of 5) 32553 NM_001270378 157567 Hs.530199 NM_198401 HPRD:14103 ANKRD46 ANK-S|GENX-115279 ankyrin repeat domain 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17147 chr19 57999072 57999142 + 5.42734 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098494) promoter-TSS (NM_001098494) 28 NM_001098492 79744 Hs.744339 NM_024691 HPRD:08665 ZNF419 ZNF419A zinc finger protein 419 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30499 chr6 130718053 130718134 + 5.42725 NA intron (NM_001258277, intron 2 of 2) L1ME3C|LINE|L1 -24148 NM_001258278 114801 Hs.591341 NM_052913 HPRD:13901 TMEM200A KIAA1913|TTMA|TTMC transmembrane protein 200A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33803 chr8 48010199 48010317 + 5.42725 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -90672 NR_037168 100287846 Hs.21550 NR_037168 LOC100287846 - patched 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31276 chr7 7456068 7456135 + 5.42725 NA intron (NM_001037763, intron 27 of 34) intron (NM_001037763, intron 27 of 34) 119359 NM_001037763 340267 Hs.491104 NM_001037763 ENSG00000215018 COL28A1 COL28 collagen, type XXVIII, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19870 chr2 215037280 215037346 + 5.42725 NA intron (NR_047659, intron 17 of 17) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -239148 NM_001080500 402117 Hs.534834 NM_001080500 VWC2L - von Willebrand factor C domain containing protein 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_420 chr1 25889003 25889159 + 5.42725 NA intron (NM_015627, intron 4 of 8) intron (NM_015627, intron 4 of 8) 19005 NM_015627 26119 Hs.590911 NM_015627 HPRD:05765 LDLRAP1 ARH|ARH1|ARH2|FHCB1|FHCB2 low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28890 chr6 194232 194303 + 5.42700 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46108 NR_109817 441123 NR_109817 ENSG00000170590 LINC00266-3 C6orf88|NCRNA00266-3|NCRNA00266C|dJ24O22.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 266-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17556 chr2 27654424 27654557 + 5.42700 NA intron (NM_013392, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_013392, intron 1 of 17) 3017 NM_013392 29959 Hs.515876 NM_013392 HPRD:05819 NRBP1 BCON3|MADM|MUDPNP|NRBP nuclear receptor binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15640 chr18 77711662 77711760 + 5.42700 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025078) promoter-TSS (NM_025078) -58 NM_001146343 80148 Hs.288284 NM_025078 HPRD:11454 PQLC1 - PQ loop repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24861 chr4 36194707 36194773 + 5.42700 NA intron (NM_015230, intron 7 of 32) intron (NM_015230, intron 7 of 32) -50998 NR_122079 439933 Hs.591071 NR_122079 ENSG00000247193 LOC439933 - uncharacterized LOC439933 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18085 chr2 73511626 73511729 + 5.42700 NA Intergenic CpG 9152 NM_001965 1961 Hs.3052 NM_001965 HPRD:00550 EGR4 NGFI-C|NGFIC|PAT133 early growth response 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22504 chr3 26825056 26825188 + 5.42700 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 160822 NM_052953 116135 Hs.517868 NM_052953 HPRD:14318 LRRC3B LRP15 leucine rich repeat containing 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32120 chr7 74508229 74508305 + 5.42614 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173537) promoter-TSS (NM_173537) -80 NM_001003795 389524 Hs.647017 NM_001003795 HPRD:12327 GTF2IRD2B - GTF2I repeat domain containing 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28599 chr5 155496101 155496173 + 5.42303 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -257630 NM_172244 6444 Hs.387207 NM_000337 HPRD:03246 SGCD 35DAG|CMD1L|DAGD|SG-delta|SGCDP|SGD sarcoglycan, delta (35kDa dystrophin-associated glycoprotein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30541 chr6 134757435 134757503 + 5.42303 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1385 NR_038216 154092 Hs.223718 NR_038216 LINC01010 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1010 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13994 chr17 22208697 22208763 + 5.42303 NA Intergenic Intergenic 186293 NM_001190452 100462977 Hs.740185 NM_001190452 ENSG00000256618 MTRNR2L1 HN1 MT-RNR2-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35049 chr9 19230129 19230233 + 5.42115 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017925) promoter-TSS (NM_017925) -582 NR_073201 55667 Hs.249591 NM_017925 HPRD:12927 DENND4C C9orf55|C9orf55B|bA513M16.3 DENN/MADD domain containing 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36983 chrUn_gl000225 117398 117464 + 5.42012 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16494 chr19 36390681 36390747 + 5.41867 NA intron (NM_139239, intron 1 of 11) CpG 838 NM_139239 84807 Hs.466531 NM_139239 HPRD:18140 NFKBID IkappaBNS|TA-NFKBH nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12809 chr16 33288037 33288109 + 5.41867 NA Intergenic Intergenic 10629 NR_033866 390705 Hs.278513 NR_033866 LOC390705 - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13231 chr16 68271655 68271734 + 5.41867 NA Intergenic CpG-9434 -1558 NM_024939 80004 Hs.436585 NM_024939 HPRD:07971 ESRP2 RBM35B epithelial splicing regulatory protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16403 chr19 30156259 30156330 + 5.41154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024310) promoter-TSS (NM_024310) -33 NM_024310 79156 Hs.466383 NM_024310 HPRD:15146 PLEKHF1 APPD|LAPF|PHAFIN1|ZFYVE15 pleckstrin homology domain containing, family F (with FYVE domain) member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12438 chr16 15472806 15472904 + 5.41154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001277325) promoter-TSS (NM_001277325) -704 NM_001277325 100288332 Hs.676266 NM_001277325 ENSG00000183793 NPIPA5 NPIP nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38793 chrX 139015109 139015191 + 5.41154 NA Intergenic CpG -8760 NR_030230 574508 NR_030230 MIR505 MIRN505|hsa-mir-505 microRNA 505 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2468 chr1 172616247 172616460 + 5.40926 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11832 NM_000639 356 Hs.2007 NM_000639 HPRD:00610 FASLG ALPS1B|APT1LG1|APTL|CD178|CD95-L|CD95L|FASL|TNFSF6 Fas ligand (TNF superfamily, member 6) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20689 chr20 35120490 35120581 + 5.40926 NA intron (NM_183006, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_183006, intron 1 of 6) 30349 NM_183006 22839 Hs.249600 NM_014902 HPRD:16826 DLGAP4 DAP-4|DAP4|DLP4|SAPAP-4|SAPAP4 discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29085 chr6 16332428 16332494 + 5.40926 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_001128164, intron 6 of 7) 93650 NM_006877 2766 Hs.484741 NM_006877 HPRD:00754 GMPR GMPR1 guanosine monophosphate reductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8202 chr12 56435854 56435960 + 5.40702 NA 5' UTR (NM_001029, exon 1 of 4) 5' UTR (NM_001029, exon 1 of 4) 221 NM_001029 6231 Hs.447562 NM_001029 HPRD:04743 RPS26 DBA10|S26 ribosomal protein S26 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5507 chr11 3892647 3892768 + 5.40702 NA intron (NM_001277962, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001277962, intron 1 of 12) 15415 NR_039835 100616453 NR_039835 miRBase:MI0017319 MIR4687 - microRNA 4687 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22574 chr3 33015558 33015676 + 5.40702 NA Intergenic Intergenic 22551 NM_005508 1233 Hs.184926 NM_005508 CCR4 CC-CKR-4|CD194|CKR4|CMKBR4|ChemR13|HGCN:14099|K5-5 chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31613 chr7 38919817 38919895 + 5.40702 NA intron (NM_080631, intron 2 of 27) intron (NM_080631, intron 2 of 27) 28944 NM_080631 27072 Hs.592184 NM_014396 HPRD:10402 VPS41 HVPS41|HVSP41|hVps41p vacuolar protein sorting 41 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18069 chr2 72291170 72291255 + 5.40702 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 83779 NM_001277742 56603 Hs.91546 NM_019885 HPRD:05550 CYP26B1 CYP26A2|P450RAI-2|P450RAI2|RHFCA cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily B, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6697 chr11 82774318 82774384 + 5.40702 NA intron (NM_014488, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_014488, intron 1 of 5) 8153 NM_001286061 27314 Hs.40758 NM_014488 HPRD:05750 RAB30 - RAB30, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_712 chr1 39491917 39492021 + 5.40702 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004552) promoter-TSS (NM_004552) 2 NM_001184979 4725 Hs.632385 NM_004552 HPRD:11961 NDUFS5 CI-15k|CI15K NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein 5, 15kDa (NADH-coenzyme Q reductase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4282 chr10 47639866 47639934 + 5.40702 NA intron (NR_103827, intron 1 of 4) intron (NR_103827, intron 1 of 4) 944 NR_103827 100996567 Hs.546758 NR_103827 ANTXRLP1 - anthrax toxin receptor-like pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_881 chr1 47799347 47799448 + 5.40702 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016308) promoter-TSS (NM_016308) -72 NM_016308 51727 Hs.731647 NM_016308 HPRD:18258 CMPK1 CK|CMK|CMPK|UMK|UMP-CMPK|UMPK cytidine monophosphate (UMP-CMP) kinase 1, cytosolic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5938 chr11 36666357 36666524 + 5.40675 NA intron (NM_001276723, intron 4 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -46611 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24893 chr4 38320578 38320658 + 5.40675 NA Intergenic Intergenic 199043 NM_001253915 23216 Hs.176503 NM_015173 HPRD:18161 TBC1D1 TBC|TBC1 TBC1 (tre-2/USP6, BUB2, cdc16) domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26400 chr4 170491305 170491386 + 5.40675 NA intron (NM_001199398, intron 12 of 34) SVA_D|Other|Other 42433 NM_012224 4750 Hs.481181 NM_012224 HPRD:06847 NEK1 NY-REN-55|SRPS2|SRPS2A|SRTD6 NIMA-related kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19616 chr2 196398831 196398911 + 5.40608 NA Intergenic Intergenic -122661 NM_001127257 57181 Hs.650158 NM_020342 HPRD:10572 SLC39A10 LZT-Hs2 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8807 chr12 108957422 108957501 + 5.40443 NA intron (NM_001301141, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001301141, intron 1 of 5) 2222 NM_001301141 23479 Hs.615131 NM_014301 HPRD:14828 ISCU 2310020H20Rik|HML|ISU2|NIFU|NIFUN|hnifU iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27866 chr5 98269195 98269308 + 5.39666 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 4413 NR_036530 100289230 Hs.552095 NR_036530 LOC100289230 - uncharacterized LOC100289230 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6830 chr11 94227320 94227433 + 5.39663 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005591) promoter-TSS (NM_005591) 223 NM_017704 54851 Hs.29052 NM_017704 HPRD:16893 ANKRD49 FGIF|GBIF ankyrin repeat domain 49 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30820 chr6 154477319 154477411 + 5.39663 NA 3' UTR (NM_015553, exon 12 of 12) 3' UTR (NM_015553, exon 12 of 12) 66468 NM_001285527 4988 Hs.2353 NM_000914 HPRD:02484 OPRM1 LMOR|M-OR-1|MOP|MOR|MOR1|OPRM opioid receptor, mu 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26995 chr5 37482355 37482459 + 5.39663 NA intron (NM_018034, intron 8 of 17) THE1B|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 102995 NM_018034 55100 Hs.213690 NM_018034 WDR70 - WD repeat domain 70 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13854 chr17 11901826 11901904 + 5.39663 NA Intergenic (CATGT)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -1176 NM_144680 7566 Hs.370473 NM_144680 HPRD:01913 ZNF18 HDSG1|KOX11|ZKSCAN6|ZNF535|ZSCAN38|Zfp535 zinc finger protein 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33474 chr8 22552868 22552957 + 5.39312 NA Intergenic CpG-25499 -2097 NM_004430 1960 Hs.534313 NM_004430 HPRD:03881 EGR3 EGR-3|PILOT early growth response 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33296 chr8 6948753 6948848 + 5.39312 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -34541 NM_021010 1670 Hs.655233 NM_021010 HPRD:02720 DEFA5 DEF5|HD-5 defensin, alpha 5, Paneth cell-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13827 chr17 8079687 8079795 + 5.39287 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032354) promoter-TSS (NM_032354) -27 NM_032354 84314 Hs.513933 NM_032354 TMEM107 GRVS638|PRO1268 transmembrane protein 107 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23426 chr3 111327338 111327489 + 5.39287 NA intron (NM_198196, intron 9 of 14) MIRc|SINE|MIR -13231 NM_024508 79413 Hs.136912 NM_024508 HPRD:15686 ZBED2 - zinc finger, BED-type containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36445 chr9 136223340 136223447 + 5.39135 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003172) promoter-TSS (NM_003172) -28 NM_017503 6835 Hs.159448 NM_017503 HPRD:15948 SURF2 SURF-2 surfeit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13914 chr17 17936928 17937009 + 5.39135 NA intron (NM_145691, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_145691, intron 1 of 7) 5512 NM_145691 91647 Hs.528889 NM_145691 HPRD:10599 ATPAF2 ATP12|ATP12p|MC5DN1 ATP synthase mitochondrial F1 complex assembly factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24183 chr3 180166765 180166859 + 5.39033 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -153106 NM_133462 151613 Hs.43213 NM_133462 HPRD:15579 TTC14 DRDL5813|PRO19630 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31048 chr6 168378191 168378386 + 5.39033 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001129895) promoter-TSS (NM_001129895) -669 NM_001129895 100128124 Hs.448059 NM_001129895 HGC6.3 - uncharacterized LOC100128124 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_207 chr1 11809355 11809437 + 5.38703 NA intron (NM_020350, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_020350, intron 4 of 4) -12854 NM_001010881 284498 Hs.585415 NM_001010881 C1orf167 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 167 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11226 chr15 26003843 26004017 + 5.38703 NA intron (NM_024490, intron 2 of 20) intron (NM_024490, intron 2 of 20) 90042 NR_039865 100616474 NR_039865 MIR4715 - microRNA 4715 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33422 chr8 16530001 16530068 + 5.38703 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 329640 NM_019851 26281 Hs.199905 NM_019851 FGF20 FGF-20|RHDA2 fibroblast growth factor 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10577 chr14 63944792 63944977 + 5.38703 NA intron (NM_006246, intron 2 of 13) intron (NM_006246, intron 2 of 13) 30072 NM_001282182 5529 Hs.334868 NM_006246 PPP2R5E - protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', epsilon isoform protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28449 chr5 145306840 145306911 + 5.38703 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -9251 NM_152550 153769 Hs.443728 NM_152550 HPRD:10229 SH3RF2 HEPP1|POSHER|PPP1R39|RNF158 SH3 domain containing ring finger 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28369 chr5 140581041 140581170 + 5.38703 NA exon (NM_018931, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_018931, exon 1 of 1) 1757 NM_018931 56125 Hs.283084 NM_018931 HPRD:06955 PCDHB11 ME2|PCDH-BETA11 protocadherin beta 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8857 chr12 111136156 111136290 + 5.38703 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8606 NM_001040107 84329 Hs.211511 NM_032369 HPRD:17507 HVCN1 HV1|VSOP hydrogen voltage-gated channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18571 chr2 99452634 99452730 + 5.38703 NA intron (NM_207362, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_207362, intron 3 of 9) 100002 NM_207362 343990 Hs.469398 NM_207362 HPRD:14620 KIAA1211L C2orf55 KIAA1211-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21545 chr21 48118780 48119141 + 5.38641 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 63453 NM_206962 3275 Hs.154163 NM_001535 HPRD:09060 PRMT2 HRMT1L1 protein arginine methyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5146 chr10 121302242 121302322 + 5.38186 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001005339) promoter-TSS (NM_001005339) -60 NM_001005339 6001 Hs.501200 NM_002925 HPRD:04172 RGS10 - regulator of G-protein signaling 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32474 chr7 102356257 102356345 + 5.38186 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33098 NR_026879 222234 Hs.202543 NM_147194 FAM185A - family with sequence similarity 185, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37653 chrX 51968675 51968751 + 5.38186 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 34995 NR_003711 100124541 Hs.709779 NR_003711 SNORA11D - small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 11D snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6421 chr11 65314158 65314387 + 5.38186 NA exon (NM_001164266, exon 15 of 27) exon (NM_001164266, exon 15 of 27) 11427 NM_001130144 4054 Hs.289019 NM_021070 HPRD:03649 LTBP3 LTBP-3|LTBP2|STHAG6|pp6425 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12821 chr16 33583450 33583526 + 5.38182 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20245 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35139 chr9 27572806 27572911 + 5.38182 NA intron (NM_145005, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_145005, intron 1 of 4) 633 NM_018325 203228 Hs.493639 NM_018325 HPRD:12975 C9orf72 ALSFTD|FTDALS chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35323 chr9 42722241 42722497 + 5.38163 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4303 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3069 chr1 221882467 221882533 + 5.38035 NA intron (NR_111940, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_111940, intron 1 of 2) 27742 NR_111939 11221 Hs.497822 NM_007207 HPRD:12320 DUSP10 MKP-5|MKP5 dual specificity phosphatase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4652 chr10 81107896 81107976 + 5.37988 NA intron (NM_005729, intron 1 of 5) CpG 716 NM_005729 10105 Hs.381072 NM_005729 HPRD:06839 PPIF CYP3|CyP-M|Cyp-D|CypD peptidylprolyl isomerase F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7932 chr12 39725528 39725596 + 5.37379 NA exon (NM_001173465, exon 20 of 34) exon (NM_001173465, exon 20 of 34) 111630 NM_001173463 55605 Hs.374201 NM_017641 HPRD:10506 KIF21A CFEOM1|FEOM1|FEOM3A kinesin family member 21A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34498 chr8 120473997 120474081 + 5.37379 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 45487 NM_002514 4856 Hs.235935 NM_002514 HPRD:01291 NOV CCN3|IBP-9|IGFBP-9|IGFBP9|NOVh nephroblastoma overexpressed protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23425 chr3 111296794 111296871 + 5.37379 NA intron (NM_198196, intron 4 of 14) MER5B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 17350 NM_024508 79413 Hs.136912 NM_024508 HPRD:15686 ZBED2 - zinc finger, BED-type containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16940 chr19 50037383 50037449 + 5.37354 NA intron (NM_020650, intron 2 of 6) CpG 6541 NM_020650 57333 Hs.567550 NM_020650 HPRD:17962 RCN3 RLP49 reticulocalbin 3, EF-hand calcium binding domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14234 chr17 37253073 37253206 + 5.37354 NA intron (NM_020405, intron 7 of 13) intron (NM_020405, intron 7 of 13) 39867 NR_036551 100131347 Hs.676510 NR_036551 ENSG00000263818 LOC100131347 - RAD52 motif containing 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34965 chr9 6080318 6080479 + 5.37354 NA Intergenic Intergenic -64758 NM_012416 26953 Hs.167496 NM_012416 HPRD:17953 RANBP6 - RAN binding protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30949 chr6 159441921 159442125 + 5.37354 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -20825 NM_031924 83861 Hs.154628 NM_031924 HPRD:15279 RSPH3 RSHL2|RSP3|dJ111C20.1 radial spoke 3 homolog (Chlamydomonas) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38231 chrX 81389974 81390084 + 5.37354 NA Intergenic MSTA-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -932588 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18761 chr2 114648521 114648602 + 5.37062 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110174) promoter-TSS (NR_110174) 8 NR_110174 101060091 Hs.741753 NR_110174 LOC101060091 - uncharacterized LOC101060091 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3114 chr1 224095890 224095995 + 5.37062 NA Intergenic Intergenic -62268 NM_005426 7159 Hs.523968 NM_005426 HPRD:11803 TP53BP2 53BP2|ASPP2|BBP|P53BP2|PPP1R13A tumor protein p53 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29111 chr6 17706317 17706388 + 5.37062 NA intron (NM_001278210, intron 1 of 20) CpG 713 NM_001278209 9972 Hs.601591 NM_005124 HPRD:04899 NUP153 HNUP153|N153 nucleoporin 153kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20149 chr2 237151699 237151765 + 5.36704 NA intron (NM_212556, intron 1 of 5) AluY|SINE|Alu 21256 NM_212556 401036 Hs.639909 NM_212556 HPRD:16514 ASB18 ASB-18 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26320 chr4 160530748 160530929 + 5.36704 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 341840 NM_014247 9693 Hs.744884 NM_014247 ENSG00000109756 RAPGEF2 CNrasGEF|NRAPGEP|PDZ-GEF1|PDZGEF1|RA-GEF|RA-GEF-1|Rap-GEP|nRap GEP Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11867 chr15 77287401 77287502 + 5.36704 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003978) promoter-TSS (NM_003978) -14 NM_003978 9051 Hs.129758 NM_003978 HPRD:05891 PSTPIP1 CD2BP1|CD2BP1L|CD2BP1S|H-PIP|PAPAS|PSTPIP proline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21775 chr22 22676473 22676563 + 5.36704 NA intron (NR_027293, intron 10 of 10) intron (NR_027293, intron 10 of 10) 24055 NR_027293 96610 Hs.449601 NM_080926 HPRD:14302 BMS1P20 - BMS1 pseudogene 20 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19152 chr2 154335231 154335475 + 5.36704 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019845) promoter-TSS (NM_019845) -31 NM_019845 56475 Hs.100890 NM_019845 HPRD:18002 RPRM REPRIMO reprimo, TP53 dependent G2 arrest mediator candidate protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7810 chr12 32312991 32313107 + 5.36704 NA intron (NM_001003398, intron 1 of 8) MIRb|SINE|MIR 52864 NM_001714 636 Hs.505202 NM_001714 HPRD:03730 BICD1 BICD bicaudal D homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1972 chr1 148598354 148598436 + 5.36632 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 37548 NM_173638 284565 Hs.523572 NM_173638 HPRD:14710 NBPF15 AB14|AG3|NBPF16 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21287 chr21 26945365 26945431 + 5.36632 NA promoter-TSS (NR_030784) promoter-TSS (NR_030784) -894 NR_030784 406947 NR_030784 miRBase:MI0000681 MIR155 MIRN155|miRNA155 microRNA 155 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3706 chr10 15002006 15002163 + 5.36632 NA intron (NM_001080836, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001080836, intron 1 of 2) 646 NM_001080836 644890 Hs.257249 NM_001080836 ENSG00000197889 MEIG1 SPATA39|bA2K17.3 meiosis/spermiogenesis associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26597 chr4 190154201 190154280 + 5.35985 NA Intergenic Intergenic -426520 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27167 chr5 46369135 46369201 + 5.35761 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -672948 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9962 chr13 108578436 108578587 + 5.35761 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -59051 NM_001080396 728215 Hs.535394 NM_001080396 ENSG00000204442 FAM155A - family with sequence similarity 155, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34795 chr8 144349446 144349616 + 5.35761 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138465) promoter-TSS (NM_138465) -76 NM_138465 2738 Hs.400533 NM_138465 HPRD:01317 GLI4 HKR4|ZNF928 GLI family zinc finger 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31339 chr7 13846411 13846563 + 5.35761 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 179652 NM_001163150 2115 Hs.22634 NM_004956 HPRD:02765 ETV1 ER81 ets variant 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30814 chr6 153305407 153305487 + 5.35601 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142522) promoter-TSS (NM_001142522) -707 NM_001142522 26271 Hs.520506 NM_012177 HPRD:09348 FBXO5 EMI1|FBX5|Fbxo31 F-box protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35733 chr9 79273630 79273718 + 5.35561 NA intron (NM_015225, intron 9 of 18) intron (NM_015225, intron 9 of 18) -105680 NR_015342 50652 Hs.663766 NR_015342 ENSG00000225937 PCA3 DD3|NCRNA00019|PCAT3 prostate cancer associated 3 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23331 chr3 101706846 101706977 + 5.35561 NA intron (NR_026934, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_026934, intron 2 of 3) 47208 NR_026934 152225 Hs.376768 NR_026934 ENSG00000214407 LOC152225 - uncharacterized LOC152225 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17431 chr2 13105970 13106045 + 5.35561 NA TTS (NR_038434) TTS (NR_038434) 41131 NR_038434 100506474 Hs.242196 NR_038434 ENSG00000225649 LOC100506474 - uncharacterized LOC100506474 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34222 chr8 90770033 90770192 + 5.35561 NA 5' UTR (NM_003821, exon 1 of 11) 5' UTR (NM_003821, exon 1 of 11) 137 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_336 chr1 22345640 22345739 + 5.35561 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5995 NR_023918 29092 Hs.279842 NR_023918 ENSG00000218510 LINC00339 HSPC157|NCRNA00339 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 339 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6916 chr11 104034790 104034988 + 5.35561 NA 5' UTR (NM_025208, exon 1 of 7) 5' UTR (NM_025208, exon 1 of 7) 138 NM_033135 80310 Hs.352298 NM_025208 HPRD:17830 PDGFD IEGF|SCDGF-B|SCDGFB platelet derived growth factor D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12815 chr16 33493592 33493694 + 5.35504 NA intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) L1M2a|LINE|L1 69600 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17040 chr19 53691520 53691588 + 5.35504 NA intron (NM_024733, intron 1 of 3) SVA_E|Other|Other 5065 NM_024733 79788 Hs.745230 NM_024733 HPRD:07856 ZNF665 ZFP160L zinc finger protein 665 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5196 chr10 126385298 126385388 + 5.35239 NA intron (NM_014661, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_014661, intron 2 of 4) -7254 NR_120631 101927944 Hs.437448 NR_120630 FAM53B-AS1 - FAM53B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33461 chr8 21946630 21946736 + 5.35239 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022749) promoter-TSS (NM_022749) -31 NM_022749 64760 Hs.491223 NM_022749 HPRD:17951 FAM160B2 RAI16 family with sequence similarity 160, member B2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31417 chr7 23145735 23145885 + 5.35239 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018846) promoter-TSS (NM_018846) -107 NM_018846 55975 Hs.654817 NM_018846 HPRD:13927 KLHL7 KLHL6|SBBI26 kelch-like family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12955 chr16 46479310 46479453 + 5.35211 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 123628 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3219 chr1 228767846 228767922 + 5.34810 NA Intergenic CpG -12510 NR_037962 58480 Hs.647774 NM_021205 HPRD:06965 RHOU ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K ras homolog family member U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28365 chr5 140537297 140537404 + 5.34701 NA non-coding (NR_001280, exon 1 of 1) non-coding (NR_001280, exon 1 of 1) 1770 NR_001280 54661 Hs.284307 NR_001280 PCDHB17 ME4|PCDH-psi1 protocadherin beta 17 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15988 chr19 12822959 12823025 + 5.34701 NA intron (NM_001136196, intron 9 of 24) LTR13|LTR|ERVK -5660 NR_002751 26810 NR_002751 SNORD41 RNU41|U41 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 41 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29360 chr6 31148573 31148669 + 5.34701 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2945 NR_026816 100130889 Hs.670091 NM_001134284 ENSG00000204528 PSORS1C3 NCRNA00196 psoriasis susceptibility 1 candidate 3 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2565 chr1 179286810 179286942 + 5.34701 NA intron (NM_001252511, intron 2 of 14) intron (NM_001252511, intron 2 of 14) 24027 NR_045530 6646 Hs.445588 NM_003101 HPRD:00033 SOAT1 ACACT|ACAT|ACAT-1|ACAT1|SOAT|STAT sterol O-acyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7730 chr12 27538002 27538089 + 5.34701 NA intron (NM_001248002, intron 4 of 15) AluSz6|SINE|Alu 52258 NM_001248002 56938 Hs.445447 NM_020183 ARNTL2 BMAL2|CLIF|MOP9|PASD9|bHLHe6 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36885 chrUn_gl000224 16778 16942 + 5.34224 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1210 chr1 85342203 85342309 + 5.34158 NA intron (NM_012152, intron 1 of 2) LTR33|LTR|ERVL 16640 NM_012152 23566 Hs.674915 NM_012152 HPRD:05486 LPAR3 EDG7|Edg-7|GPCR|HOFNH30|LP-A3|LPA3|RP4-678I3 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15309 chr18 42686362 42686591 + 5.34158 NA Intergenic MER3|DNA|hAT-Charlie -106471 NM_001242692 8170 Hs.710927 NM_007163 HPRD:03366 SLC14A2 HUT2|UT-A2|UT2|UTA|UTR|hUT-A6 solute carrier family 14 (urea transporter), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22426 chr3 19144294 19144392 + 5.34158 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -45674 NM_144633 131096 Hs.475656 NM_144633 HPRD:10006 KCNH8 ELK|ELK1|Kv12.1|elk3 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33980 chr8 67601286 67601366 + 5.33789 NA intron (NM_001204173, intron 2 of 18) intron (NM_001204173, intron 2 of 18) 21539 NM_001204173 100533105 Hs.613417 NM_001204173 C8orf44-SGK3 - C8orf44-SGK3 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30848 chr6 157008439 157008576 + 5.33774 NA Intergenic GC_rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -90557 NM_017519 57492 Hs.291587 NM_017519 HPRD:10660 ARID1B 6A3-5|BAF250B|BRIGHT|DAN15|ELD/OSA1|MRD12|OSA2|P250R AT rich interactive domain 1B (SWI1-like) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2056 chr1 150206956 150207061 + 5.32941 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001136479) promoter-TSS (NM_001136479) 18 NM_001136479 81611 Hs.656466 NM_030920 HPRD:16493 ANP32E LANP-L|LANPL acidic (leucine-rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25234 chr4 58762749 58762824 + 5.32700 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -786235 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28158 chr5 127121353 127121535 + 5.32700 NA Intergenic Intergenic 132737 NM_001127385 613212 Hs.66194 NM_001048252 ENSG00000205279 CTXN3 KABE cortexin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22965 chr3 61383667 61383733 + 5.32700 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -146567 NM_001166243 2272 Hs.655995 NM_002012 HPRD:03096 FHIT AP3Aase|FRA3B fragile histidine triad protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14147 chr17 32965414 32965482 + 5.32700 NA 3' UTR (NM_207313, exon 10 of 10) 3' UTR (NM_207313, exon 10 of 10) 57680 NM_207313 124842 Hs.310482 NM_207313 HPRD:14030 TMEM132E - transmembrane protein 132E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9623 chr13 57985529 57985616 + 5.32700 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -220217 NM_001040429 27253 Hs.106511 NM_014459 ENSG00000118946 PCDH17 PCDH68|PCH68 protocadherin 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32680 chr7 126987884 126988051 + 5.32700 NA Intergenic CpG 44800 NM_176814 168850 Hs.159006 NM_176814 HPRD:14112 ZNF800 - zinc finger protein 800 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24194 chr3 180867795 180867882 + 5.32700 NA intron (NR_075091, intron 2 of 7) intron (NR_075091, intron 2 of 7) -25094 NR_075093 347689 Hs.654932 NR_004053 SOX2-OT NCRNA00043|SOX2OT SOX2 overlapping transcript ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19210 chr2 159383415 159383532 + 5.32550 NA intron (NM_001005476, intron 1 of 20) L1PA2|LINE|L1 69997 NM_001005476 8502 Hs.407580 NM_003628 HPRD:05043 PKP4 p0071 plakophilin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31768 chr7 56218899 56219188 + 5.32550 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -34953 NM_001145712 389493 Hs.177948 NM_001145712 ENSG00000185290 NUPR1L - nuclear protein, transcriptional regulator, 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11438 chr15 42120211 42120325 + 5.32550 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001198588) promoter-TSS (NM_001198588) -15 NM_001114632 100137047 Hs.198161 NM_001114632 ENSG00000243789 JMJD7 - jumonji domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8336 chr12 66682016 66682224 + 5.32550 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -14215 NM_033647 92797 Hs.505941 NM_033647 HPRD:09979 HELB hDHB helicase (DNA) B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33291 chr8 6275259 6275411 + 5.32550 NA intron (NM_024596, intron 3 of 13) L1MEf|LINE|L1 11222 NM_024596 79648 Hs.656769 NM_024596 HPRD:06174 MCPH1 BRIT1|MCT microcephalin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4649 chr10 81077660 81077768 + 5.32533 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29506 NM_005729 10105 Hs.381072 NM_005729 HPRD:06839 PPIF CYP3|CyP-M|Cyp-D|CypD peptidylprolyl isomerase F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15577 chr18 72921298 72921398 + 5.32533 NA promoter-TSS (NM_175907) promoter-TSS (NM_175907) -67 NM_175907 284273 Hs.465433 NM_175907 ZADH2 - zinc binding alcohol dehydrogenase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4571 chr10 74079504 74079598 + 5.32287 NA Intergenic CpG 35356 NM_001002762 54788 Hs.500013 NM_017626 HPRD:07086 DNAJB12 DJ10 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37035 chrUn_gl000227 120332 120403 + 5.32287 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46122 NR_109817 441123 NR_109817 ENSG00000170590 LINC00266-3 C6orf88|NCRNA00266-3|NCRNA00266C|dJ24O22.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 266-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23552 chr3 121468296 121468400 + 5.32254 NA intron (NM_001256488, intron 1 of 20) CpG 266 NM_004487 2804 Hs.213389 NM_004487 HPRD:03933 GOLGB1 GCP|GCP372|GOLIM1 golgin B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12600 chr16 28835532 28835623 + 5.32254 NA intron (NM_148416, intron 1 of 22) CpG 1208 NM_148415 11273 Hs.460499 NM_007245 HPRD:06394 ATXN2L A2D|A2LG|A2LP|A2RP ataxin 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35083 chr9 21001712 21001778 + 5.32020 NA Intergenic L1M4c|LINE|L1 29890 NM_001010915 401494 Hs.716678 NM_001010915 PTPLAD2 HACD4 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14802 chr17 75884170 75884249 + 5.32020 NA Intergenic CpG -4040 NR_028337 400624 Hs.514521 NM_001001685 FLJ45079 - FLJ45079 protein ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23267 chr3 96661042 96661114 + 5.32020 NA intron (NM_001080448, intron 2 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 127653 NM_001278301 285220 Hs.653244 NM_173655 ENSG00000080224 EPHA6 EHK-2|EHK2|EK12|EPA6|HEK12|PRO57066 EPH receptor A6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37064 chrUn_gl000228 128778 128857 + 5.32020 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 16212 NM_001293798 100288687 Hs.728749 NM_001205218 DUX4 DUX4L double homeobox 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29523 chr6 37175989 37176077 + 5.32020 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 38111 NM_001243186 5292 Hs.81170 NM_002648 HPRD:01292 PIM1 PIM Pim-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27940 chr5 104850969 104851064 + 5.32020 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 415841 NR_000039 9366 Hs.158296 NR_000039 ENSG00000232159 RAB9BP1 RAB9P1 RAB9B, member RAS oncogene family pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11160 chr15 20546780 20547139 + 5.31769 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 58962 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4757 chr10 90750331 90750454 + 5.31712 NA TTS (NR_028371) TTS (NR_028371) 104 NR_028033 355 Hs.244139 NM_000043 HPRD:00609 FAS ALPS1A|APO-1|APT1|CD95|FAS1|FASTM|TNFRSF6 Fas cell surface death receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6494 chr11 67251792 67251879 + 5.31528 NA intron (NM_003977, intron 1 of 5) MIR|SINE|MIR 1330 NM_003977 9049 Hs.412433 NM_003977 HPRD:10408 AIP ARA9|FKBP16|FKBP37|SMTPHN|XAP-2|XAP2 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36835 chrUn_gl000218 160479 160562 + 5.31141 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -63066 NR_037871 100233156 Hs.487536 NM_174888 LOC100233156 - tektin 4 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19850 chr2 210867495 210867582 + 5.31043 NA intron (NM_006916, intron 1 of 5) CpG 249 NM_001278288 6120 Hs.282260 NM_006916 RPE RPE2-1 ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33194 chr7 158873453 158873619 + 5.30927 NA intron (NM_003382, intron 4 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 64113 NM_003382 7434 Hs.585052 NM_003382 HPRD:03576 VIPR2 C16DUPq36.3|DUP7q36.3|PACAP-R-3|PACAP-R3|VIP-R-2|VPAC2|VPAC2R|VPCAP2R vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3604 chr10 6515471 6515635 + 5.30927 NA intron (NM_001282644, intron 12 of 17) intron (NM_001282644, intron 12 of 17) 106710 NM_001282644 5588 Hs.498570 NM_006257 HPRD:02710 PRKCQ PRKCT|nPKC-theta protein kinase C, theta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32428 chr7 100157542 100157613 + 5.30927 NA intron (NM_006076, intron 6 of 11) intron (NM_006076, intron 6 of 11) 13693 NM_001168682 100316904 Hs.633863 NM_001168682 ENSG00000205307 SAP25 - Sin3A-associated protein, 25kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12734 chr16 32144699 32144834 + 5.30876 NA Intergenic Intergenic 54668 NR_109773 100289574 Hs.531536 NR_109773 ENSG00000230267 HERC2P4 D16F37S5 hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8121 chr12 52752429 52752545 + 5.30804 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR 5919 NM_001300810 3891 Hs.182507 NM_002283 HPRD:04139 KRT85 ECTD4|HB5|Hb-5|K85|KRTHB5|hHb5 keratin 85 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3690 chr10 14281556 14281626 + 5.30756 NA intron (NM_018027, intron 2 of 24) AluY|SINE|Alu 91275 NM_018027 55691 Hs.330463 NM_018027 HPRD:13553 FRMD4A FRMD4|bA295P9.4 FERM domain containing 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25217 chr4 57410892 57410958 + 5.30756 NA intron (NM_001256475, intron 1 of 8) CpG 14150 NM_001256475 100506564 Hs.573073 NM_001256475 ENSG00000249693 THEGL - theg spermatid protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7119 chr11 121728001 121728067 + 5.30756 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 242518 NR_029671 406911 NR_029671 miRBase:MI0000446 MIR125B1 MIRN125B1 microRNA 125b-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27144 chr5 45939868 45939934 + 5.30756 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -243681 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9189 chr13 21214481 21214648 + 5.30756 NA intron (NM_175605, intron 19 of 27) AluY|SINE|Alu -62918 NM_138284 53342 Hs.655142 NM_138284 HPRD:16251 IL17D IL-17D|IL-27|IL27 interleukin 17D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38086 chrX 71901361 71901436 + 5.30756 NA intron (NM_001172436, intron 5 of 29) SVA_F|Other|Other -7401 NR_110391 101928259 Hs.666679 NR_110391 ENSG00000231944 LOC101928259 - uncharacterized LOC101928259 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9233 chr13 24270102 24270204 + 5.30756 NA Intergenic MER45A|DNA|hAT-Tip100 116654 NM_001204458 55504 Hs.149168 NM_018647 HPRD:05838 TNFRSF19 TAJ|TAJ-alpha|TRADE|TROY tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11181 chr15 21995985 21996181 + 5.30732 NA Intergenic CpG 20795 NR_024387 646243 Hs.720910 NR_024387 CXADRP2 - coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37413 chrX 26334606 26334683 + 5.30530 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 100358 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5095 chr10 115720389 115720587 + 5.30456 NA Intergenic Intergenic -83318 NM_000684 153 Hs.99913 NM_000684 HPRD:00181 ADRB1 ADRB1R|B1AR|BETA1AR|RHR adrenoceptor beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19505 chr2 182321939 182322084 + 5.30456 NA 5' UTR (NM_000885, exon 1 of 28) 5' UTR (NM_000885, exon 1 of 28) 392 NM_000885 3676 Hs.440955 NM_000885 HPRD:01894 ITGA4 CD49D|IA4 integrin, alpha 4 (antigen CD49D, alpha 4 subunit of VLA-4 receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4572 chr10 74086427 74086562 + 5.30456 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 28413 NM_001002762 54788 Hs.500013 NM_017626 HPRD:07086 DNAJB12 DJ10 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8808 chr12 108962697 108962763 + 5.30253 NA 3' UTR (NM_014301, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_014301, exon 6 of 6) 7491 NM_001301141 23479 Hs.615131 NM_014301 HPRD:14828 ISCU 2310020H20Rik|HML|ISU2|NIFU|NIFUN|hnifU iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3201 chr1 228463656 228463831 + 5.29814 NA intron (NM_001271223, intron 25 of 115) CpG-2300 -62378 NR_073154 574407 Hs.650039 NM_001025495 ENSG00000162913 C1orf145 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 145 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12818 chr16 33521820 33521971 + 5.29700 NA intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) 41348 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4347 chr10 52381761 52381845 + 5.29674 NA intron (NM_147156, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_147156, intron 1 of 10) 1934 NM_147156 259230 Hs.654698 NM_147156 HPRD:18203 SGMS1 MOB|MOB1|SMS1|TMEM23|hmob33 sphingomyelin synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17067 chr19 54695027 54695108 + 5.29531 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001077446) promoter-TSS (NM_001077446) 2 NM_001077446 79042 Hs.15580 NM_024075 HPRD:10038 TSEN34 LENG5|PCH2C|SEN34|SEN34L TSEN34 tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7132 chr11 122940026 122940125 + 5.29333 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -7032 NM_153201 3312 Hs.180414 NM_006597 HPRD:07205 HSPA8 HEL-33|HEL-S-72p|HSC54|HSC70|HSC71|HSP71|HSP73|HSPA10|LAP-1|LAP1|NIP71 heat shock 70kDa protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36129 chr9 115277554 115277620 + 5.29333 NA intron (NM_001287036, intron 1 of 4) SVA_F|Other|Other 28339 NM_001287038 158405 Hs.656619 NM_133465 HPRD:11173 KIAA1958 - KIAA1958 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9459 chr13 44833196 44833456 + 5.29333 NA Intergenic Intergenic -62990 NR_107046 102465876 NR_107046 MIR8079 hsa-mir-8079 microRNA 8079 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2602 chr1 182557990 182558075 + 5.29333 NA intron (NM_021133, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_021133, intron 1 of 6) 362 NM_021133 6041 Hs.518545 NM_021133 HPRD:01590 RNASEL PRCA1|RNS4 ribonuclease L (2',5'-oligoisoadenylate synthetase-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18724 chr2 113238713 113238814 + 5.29333 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153712) promoter-TSS (NM_153712) -980 NM_153712 150465 Hs.358997 NM_153712 TTL - tubulin tyrosine ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28702 chr5 167287034 167287320 + 5.29333 NA intron (NM_001122679, intron 2 of 28) SVA_F|Other|Other 372200 NR_109894 101927862 Hs.659376 NR_109894 ENSG00000253978 CTB-178M22.2 - uncharacterized LOC101927862 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6223 chr11 57335750 57335856 + 5.29333 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004223) promoter-TSS (NM_004223) 0 NM_198183 9246 Hs.425777 NM_004223 HPRD:04867 UBE2L6 RIG-B|UBCH8 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17039 chr19 53690218 53690330 + 5.29201 NA intron (NM_024733, intron 1 of 3) SVA_F|Other|Other 6345 NM_024733 79788 Hs.745230 NM_024733 HPRD:07856 ZNF665 ZFP160L zinc finger protein 665 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10181 chr14 24901054 24901177 + 5.29201 NA exon (NM_015299, exon 3 of 8) exon (NM_015299, exon 3 of 8) 1974 NM_001290257 23351 Hs.713590 NM_015299 HPRD:11076 KHNYN KIAA0323 KH and NYN domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13392 chr16 81804724 81804790 + 5.28767 NA Intergenic L1ME3A|LINE|L1 -8106 NM_002661 5336 Hs.372303 NM_002661 HPRD:02570 PLCG2 APLAID|FCAS3|PLC-IV|PLC-gamma-2 phospholipase C, gamma 2 (phosphatidylinositol-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18555 chr2 98487089 98487173 + 5.28767 NA intron (NM_015348, intron 4 of 40) intron (NM_015348, intron 4 of 40) 125223 NM_015348 23505 Hs.469376 NM_015348 ENSG00000075568 TMEM131 CC28|PRO1048|RW1|YR-23 transmembrane protein 131 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37309 chrX 14702954 14703025 + 5.28767 NA intron (NM_002063, intron 7 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 155569 NM_002063 2742 Hs.2700 NM_002063 HPRD:02379 GLRA2 GLR glycine receptor, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24201 chr3 182137749 182137931 + 5.28767 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 66310 NR_040105 401103 Hs.591304 NR_040105 ENSG00000241098 FLJ46066 - uncharacterized LOC401103 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22538 chr3 29514727 29514795 + 5.28767 NA intron (NM_001003792, intron 2 of 13) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 191958 NM_001177711 27303 Hs.221436 NM_014483 HPRD:16155 RBMS3 - RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23205 chr3 90354028 90354094 + 5.28716 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1197387 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1181 chr1 83736602 83736692 + 5.28476 NA Intergenic Intergenic -284756 NR_110633 101927498 NR_110632 ENSG00000236268 LINC01361 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1361 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1322 chr1 94080938 94081016 + 5.28476 NA intron (NM_001261408, intron 5 of 13) intron (NM_001261408, intron 5 of 13) -1275 NM_001261410 8412 Hs.36958 NM_003567 HPRD:05268 BCAR3 NSP2|SH2D3B breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22073 chr22 42915790 42915864 + 5.28476 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015703) promoter-TSS (NM_015703) 2 NM_015703 27341 Hs.745006 NM_015703 RRP7A BK126B4.3|CGI-96 ribosomal RNA processing 7 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25224 chr4 58030269 58030383 + 5.28476 NA intron (NR_034081, intron 1 of 4) CpG -53775 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28993 chr6 7911000 7911112 + 5.28476 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001145549) promoter-TSS (NM_001145549) -9 NM_030810 81567 Hs.150837 NM_022085 HPRD:18249 TXNDC5 ENDOPDI|ERP46|HCC-2|PDIA15|STRF8|UNQ364 thioredoxin domain containing 5 (endoplasmic reticulum) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5277 chr10 129893874 129893968 + 5.28476 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30547 NM_002417 4288 Hs.80976 NM_002417 HPRD:08902 MKI67 KIA|MIB-|MIB-1|PPP1R105 marker of proliferation Ki-67 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35042 chr9 19048924 19049020 + 5.28476 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006570) promoter-TSS (NM_006570) 380 NM_001287049 158297 Hs.731593 NM_153707 HPRD:16676 FAM154A C9orf138 family with sequence similarity 154, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13159 chr16 66981237 66981358 + 5.28476 NA Intergenic Intergenic 12923 NR_036684 8824 Hs.282975 NM_003869 HPRD:07062 CES2 CE-2|CES2A1|PCE-2|iCE carboxylesterase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14489 chr17 48423277 48423344 + 5.28476 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022167) promoter-TSS (NM_022167) -83 NR_110010 64132 Hs.463416 NM_022167 HPRD:16286 XYLT2 PXYLT2|XT-II|XT2|xylT-II xylosyltransferase II protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20727 chr20 37075315 37075428 + 5.28476 NA promoter-TSS (NR_003239) promoter-TSS (NR_003239) 74 NR_003239 128439 Hs.16936 NM_139016 HPRD:11814 SNHG11 C20orf198|LINC00101|NCRNA00101 small nucleolar RNA host gene 11 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28602 chr5 156349669 156349777 + 5.28476 NA intron (NM_138379, intron 6 of 8) Charlie1b|DNA|hAT-Charlie 40543 NM_138379 91937 Hs.334907 NM_138379 HPRD:15508 TIMD4 SMUCKLER|TIM4 T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13391 chr16 81779902 81780002 + 5.28476 NA Intergenic L1M6|LINE|L1 -32911 NM_002661 5336 Hs.372303 NM_002661 HPRD:02570 PLCG2 APLAID|FCAS3|PLC-IV|PLC-gamma-2 phospholipase C, gamma 2 (phosphatidylinositol-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26666 chr4_gl000193_random 83607 83766 + 5.28406 NA intron (NR_038377, intron 1 of 5) SST1|Satellite|centr 4689 NR_038377 441058 Hs.130535 NR_038377 MGC39584 - uncharacterized LOC441058 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36702 chrUn_gl000212 146745 146968 + 5.27932 NA Intergenic AluJb|SINE|Alu 122807 NR_027278 26080 Hs.448583 NR_027278 FAM230C LINC00281|NCRNA00281 family with sequence similarity 230, member C ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19942 chr2 220462474 220462633 + 5.27882 NA promoter-TSS (NM_052902) promoter-TSS (NM_052902) -43 NM_052902 114790 Hs.22410 NM_052902 HPRD:06207 STK11IP LIP1|LKB1IP|STK11IP1 serine/threonine kinase 11 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19943 chr2 220462758 220462893 + 5.27882 NA exon (NM_052902, exon 2 of 25) exon (NM_052902, exon 2 of 25) 229 NM_052902 114790 Hs.22410 NM_052902 HPRD:06207 STK11IP LIP1|LKB1IP|STK11IP1 serine/threonine kinase 11 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2812 chr1 201123600 201123719 + 5.27882 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016456) promoter-TSS (NM_016456) 24 NM_016456 252839 Hs.181444 NM_016456 HPRD:15542 TMEM9 TMEM9A transmembrane protein 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12163 chr15 100468637 100468782 + 5.27748 NA Intergenic Intergenic -121577 NR_003260 196968 Hs.567763 NM_194295 HPRD:13192 DNM1P46 C15orf51|DNM1DN14.2|DNM1DN14@ DNM1 pseudogene 46 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27950 chr5 106810335 106810423 + 5.27603 NA intron (NM_001962, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001962, intron 1 of 4) 196217 NM_001962 1946 Hs.288741 NM_001962 HPRD:03324 EFNA5 AF1|EFL5|EPLG7|GLC1M|LERK7|RAGS ephrin-A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5400 chr10 135523492 135523730 + 5.27169 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo -83312 NM_001080998 441581 Hs.690471 NM_001080998 ENSG00000225899 FRG2B - FSHD region gene 2 family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19499 chr2 182165518 182165600 + 5.27092 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4820 NR_039637 100616213 NR_039637 miRBase:MI0016778 MIR4437 - microRNA 4437 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26951 chr5 34231966 34232162 + 5.27092 NA Intergenic THE1D-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -107431 NR_037951 100534612 Hs.171929 NR_037951 C1QTNF3-AMACR - C1QTNF3-AMACR readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35428 chr9 66783480 66783563 + 5.27016 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -139446 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10831 chr14 85678419 85678485 + 5.26792 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -181771 NR_102737 100996280 Hs.135735 NR_102737 ENSG00000259107 LINC00911 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5088 chr10 114853985 114854175 + 5.26792 NA intron (NM_001146283, intron 5 of 12) intron (NM_001146283, intron 5 of 12) 144071 NM_001146286 6934 Hs.593995 NM_030756 HPRD:03751 TCF7L2 TCF-4|TCF4 transcription factor 7-like 2 (T-cell specific, HMG-box) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13394 chr16 81836816 81836886 + 5.26792 NA intron (NM_002661, intron 2 of 32) AluY|SINE|Alu 23988 NM_002661 5336 Hs.372303 NM_002661 HPRD:02570 PLCG2 APLAID|FCAS3|PLC-IV|PLC-gamma-2 phospholipase C, gamma 2 (phosphatidylinositol-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35348 chr9 43869223 43869295 + 5.26792 NA intron (NR_111893, intron 13 of 23) L1PA5|LINE|L1 184063 NR_111893 643827 Hs.521495 NM_001012280 CNTNAP3P2 - contactin associated protein-like 3 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1115 chr1 73595693 73595764 + 5.26792 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -176125 NR_110677 101927295 Hs.436589 NR_110676 ENSG00000233973 LINC01360 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1360 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12543 chr16 23961430 23961651 + 5.26792 NA intron (NM_212535, intron 2 of 16) intron (NM_212535, intron 2 of 16) 114240 NM_212535 5579 Hs.460355 NM_002738 HPRD:01499 PRKCB PKC-beta|PKCB|PRKCB1|PRKCB2 protein kinase C, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3295 chr1 234894680 234894861 + 5.26792 NA Intergenic Intergenic 34981 NR_038856 100506810 Hs.586634 NR_038856 ENSG00000227630 LINC01132 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1132 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33837 chr8 52874879 52875001 + 5.26715 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -63194 NM_001286783 115294 Hs.671268 NM_052937 HPRD:08313 PCMTD1 - protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28487 chr5 147739249 147739315 + 5.26715 NA intron (NR_105057, intron 2 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 24131 NR_105057 102546294 Hs.660461 NR_105057 LOC102546294 - uncharacterized LOC102546294 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31424 chr7 23570099 23570189 + 5.26703 NA intron (NM_001282757, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_001282757, intron 1 of 8) 1516 NM_001282758 29896 Hs.445652 NM_013293 HPRD:04096 TRA2A AWMS1|HSU53209 transformer 2 alpha homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19727 chr2 203143234 203143331 + 5.26431 NA intron (NM_015934, intron 3 of 14) intron (NM_015934, intron 3 of 14) 2128 NR_003058 692110 NR_003058 SNORD70 HBII-234 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 70 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9932 chr13 103451358 103451465 + 5.26431 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024089) promoter-TSS (NM_024089) -7 NM_024089 79070 Hs.408629 NM_024089 HPRD:11061 KDELC1 EP58|KDEL1 KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31535 chr7 32945484 32945573 + 5.26431 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -14060 NM_015483 25948 Hs.372541 NM_015483 HPRD:13756 KBTBD2 BKLHD1 kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38776 chrX 136017779 136018005 + 5.26161 NA Intergenic Intergenic -54953 NM_001164803 27316 Hs.380118 NM_002139 HPRD:02186 RBMX HNRNPG|HNRPG|RBMXP1|RBMXRT|RNMX|hnRNP-G RNA binding motif protein, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8798 chr12 107763658 107763744 + 5.26161 NA intron (NM_001018072, intron 1 of 16) MIRc|SINE|MIR 51504 NM_001018072 121551 Hs.271272 NM_152322 HPRD:12536 BTBD11 ABTB2B BTB (POZ) domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27775 chr5 90562273 90562429 + 5.26161 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47868 NR_103548 100505994 Hs.628363 NR_103548 ENSG00000248323 LUCAT1 SCAL1 lung cancer associated transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17237 chr1_gl000192_random 16004 16107 + 5.26161 NA Intergenic CpG 391455 NR_103556 100288805 Hs.648712 NR_049745 HYDIN2 HYDINP1 HYDIN2, axonemal central pair apparatus protein (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11745 chr15 66797150 66797220 + 5.26161 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000968) promoter-TSS (NM_000968) 8 NM_000968 6124 Hs.186350 NM_000968 HPRD:01607 RPL4 L4 ribosomal protein L4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22716 chr3 46018330 46018404 + 5.26161 NA intron (NM_024513, intron 4 of 17) intron (NM_024513, intron 4 of 17) 18949 NM_024513 79443 Hs.200227 NM_024513 HPRD:06215 FYCO1 CATC2|CTRCT18|RUFY3|ZFYVE7 FYVE and coiled-coil domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35622 chr9 70399491 70399557 + 5.25446 NA Intergenic MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -24600 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10170 chr14 24682300 24682459 + 5.24933 NA TTS (NM_138476) TTS (NM_138476) 657 NM_014169 29082 Hs.279761 NM_014169 HPRD:16597 CHMP4A C14orf123|CHMP4|CHMP4B|HSPC134|SHAX2|SNF7|SNF7-1|VPS32-1|VPS32A charged multivesicular body protein 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15525 chr18 67563797 67563891 + 5.24933 NA intron (NM_006566, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_006566, intron 3 of 6) 60388 NM_006566 10666 Hs.660130 NM_006566 HPRD:09252 CD226 DNAM-1|DNAM1|PTA1|TLiSA1 CD226 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4344 chr10 52300012 52300180 + 5.24933 NA intron (NM_147156, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_147156, intron 2 of 10) 83641 NM_147156 259230 Hs.654698 NM_147156 HPRD:18203 SGMS1 MOB|MOB1|SMS1|TMEM23|hmob33 sphingomyelin synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34735 chr8 139219033 139219115 + 5.24933 NA intron (NM_015912, intron 7 of 19) intron (NM_015912, intron 7 of 19) 289991 NM_015912 51059 Hs.126024 NM_015912 HPRD:14230 FAM135B C8ORFK32 family with sequence similarity 135, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26927 chr5 32093458 32093541 + 5.24933 NA intron (NM_178140, intron 20 of 23) intron (NM_178140, intron 20 of 23) 80926 NM_022130 64083 Hs.408909 NM_022130 HPRD:11007 GOLPH3 GOPP1|GPP34|MIDAS golgi phosphoprotein 3 (coat-protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30587 chr6 137590589 137590721 + 5.24933 NA Intergenic Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -50088 NM_000416 3459 Hs.520414 NM_000416 HPRD:00127 IFNGR1 CD119|IFNGR interferon gamma receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4946 chr10 103454930 103455017 + 5.24933 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022039) promoter-TSS (NM_022039) -230 NM_022039 6468 Hs.500822 NM_022039 HPRD:06994 FBXW4 DAC|FBW4|FBWD4|SHFM3|SHSF3 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3907 chr10 30907298 30907402 + 5.24933 NA intron (NM_183058, intron 3 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 11297 NM_183058 119180 Hs.522610 NM_183058 HPRD:14337 LYZL2 - lysozyme-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26246 chr4 153380024 153380149 + 5.24933 NA intron (NM_001257069, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_001257069, intron 2 of 3) 30482 NR_036092 100422896 NR_036092 miRBase:MI0014163 MIR3140 - microRNA 3140 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32808 chr7 138701949 138702035 + 5.24933 NA Intergenic MLT1N2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 18783 NM_080660 92092 Hs.512833 NM_080660 HPRD:14440 ZC3HAV1L C7orf39 zinc finger CCCH-type, antiviral 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25892 chr4 120264439 120264505 + 5.24869 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -21156 NM_000134 2169 Hs.282265 NM_000134 HPRD:00611 FABP2 FABPI|I-FABP fatty acid binding protein 2, intestinal protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25754 chr4 106654531 106654606 + 5.24869 NA intron (NM_001031720, intron 5 of 11) L1PA5|LINE|L1 22598 NM_001031720 79807 Hs.161429 NM_024751 HPRD:07823 GSTCD - glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20023 chr2 230700791 230700892 + 5.24869 NA intron (NM_001284214, intron 6 of 41) intron (NM_001284214, intron 6 of 41) 44003 NM_001284215 9320 Hs.572642 NM_004238 HPRD:05144 TRIP12 TRIP-12|ULF thyroid hormone receptor interactor 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27375 chr5 60189866 60189932 + 5.24869 NA intron (NM_001007233, intron 10 of 12) AluY|SINE|Alu -49798 NM_001297618 79993 Hs.274256 NM_024930 HPRD:18700 ELOVL7 - ELOVL fatty acid elongase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15248 chr18 32630074 32630145 + 5.24869 NA intron (NR_046177, intron 1 of 6) intron (NR_046177, intron 1 of 6) 8495 NR_046177 10982 Hs.532824 NM_014268 HPRD:16157 MAPRE2 EB1|EB2|RP1 microtubule-associated protein, RP/EB family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24801 chr4 26077899 26078087 + 5.24569 NA Intergenic Intergenic 162179 NM_001145432 389203 Hs.479386 NM_001145432 ENSG00000250317 SMIM20 C4orf52 small integral membrane protein 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10666 chr14 70078173 70078381 + 5.24440 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014734) promoter-TSS (NM_014734) -33 NM_014734 9766 Hs.440025 NM_014734 HPRD:10010 KIAA0247 - KIAA0247 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36788 chrUn_gl000216 151720 151857 + 5.24221 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21093 chr21 9988156 9988277 + 5.23815 NA Intergenic LTR49-int|LTR|ERV1 -19622 NR_038328 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24528 chr4 3295584 3295669 + 5.23494 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20248 NM_198229 6002 Hs.527061 NM_002926 HPRD:03943 RGS12 - regulator of G-protein signaling 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35407 chr9 46754988 46755059 + 5.23494 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo -8768 NR_046203 643648 Hs.640178 NR_046203 LINC01189 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1189 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36270 chr9 129231836 129231902 + 5.23194 NA intron (NM_033446, intron 7 of 9) intron (NM_033446, intron 7 of 9) -59086 NR_045006 641373 Hs.742606 NR_045006 NRON NCRNA00194 non-protein coding RNA, repressor of NFAT ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7583 chr12 18943939 18944005 + 5.23194 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 52927 NM_033328 93661 Hs.131288 NM_033328 HPRD:12282 CAPZA3 CAPPA3|Gsg3 capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, alpha 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38111 chrX 73770196 73770364 + 5.23194 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64181 NM_183353 51132 Hs.653288 NM_016120 HPRD:02304 RLIM NY-REN-43|RNF12 ring finger protein, LIM domain interacting protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11336 chr15 34696209 34696460 + 5.23070 NA intron (NR_027409, intron 5 of 23) MIR|SINE|MIR -14333 NM_181077 23015 Hs.182982 NM_181077 HPRD:09974 GOLGA8A GM88 golgin A8 family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12806 chr16 33240819 33240895 + 5.23013 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -21261 NR_110911 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19679 chr2 200820420 200820501 + 5.22974 NA promoter-TSS (NR_109905) promoter-TSS (NR_109905) -1 NR_004862 129450 Hs.204619 NM_152382 HPRD:08232 TYW5 C2orf60|hTYW5 tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34098 chr8 81003994 81004087 + 5.22940 NA intron (NM_001025253, intron 1 of 7) MER5A1|DNA|hAT-Charlie -10974 NM_001287140 7163 Hs.368433 NM_005079 HPRD:04963 TPD52 D52|N8L|PC-1|PrLZ|hD52 tumor protein D52 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14677 chr17 66083495 66083634 + 5.22940 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14132 NR_027418 100499466 Hs.591212 NR_027418 LINC00674 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 674 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2227 chr1 156390114 156390231 + 5.22940 NA promoter-TSS (NR_029691) promoter-TSS (NR_029691) 49 NR_029691 407046 NR_029691 MIR9-1 MIRN9-1|hsa-mir-9-1|miRNA9-1 microRNA 9-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24202 chr3 182511143 182511336 + 5.22929 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014616) promoter-TSS (NM_014616) -52 NM_014616 23200 Hs.478429 NM_014616 HPRD:10432 ATP11B ATPIF|ATPIR ATPase, class VI, type 11B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1754 chr1 143242282 143242495 + 5.22902 NA Intergenic SATR1|Satellite|Satellite -40149 NR_110761 102723769 Hs.652926 NR_110761 LOC102723769 - uncharacterized LOC102723769 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12791 chr16 33077218 33077307 + 5.22790 NA Intergenic Intergenic -128321 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20247 chr2 242823833 242824104 + 5.22790 NA intron (NR_110220, intron 1 of 3) CpG 454 NR_110220 101927289 Hs.130180 NR_110220 ENSG00000233806 LINC01237 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1237 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12761 chr16 32807993 32808062 + 5.22471 NA Intergenic Intergenic 88436 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32827 chr7 139762756 139762891 + 5.22060 NA 5' UTR (NM_022750, exon 1 of 12) 5' UTR (NM_022750, exon 1 of 12) 698 NM_022750 64761 Hs.12646 NM_022750 HPRD:15696 PARP12 ARTD12|MST109|MSTP109|ZC3H1|ZC3HDC1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21947 chr22 37475999 37476146 + 5.22060 NA intron (NM_001289001, intron 10 of 17) intron (NM_001289001, intron 10 of 17) 23621 NM_153609 164656 Hs.370885 NM_153609 HPRD:10270 TMPRSS6 IRIDA transmembrane protease, serine 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7183 chr11 127909261 127909392 + 5.22060 NA Intergenic Intergenic 482879 NM_005238 2113 Hs.369438 NM_005238 HPRD:01260 ETS1 ETS-1|EWSR2|p54 v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17196 chr19 59117970 59118043 + 5.21926 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 31240 NR_026052 65996 Hs.541177 NM_023939 HPRD:14527 CENPBD1P1 - CENPBD1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35611 chr9 70149012 70149078 + 5.21852 NA Intergenic MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 29770 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15324 chr18 43678221 43678318 + 5.21731 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001257335) promoter-TSS (NM_001257335) 50 NM_001257335 498 Hs.298280 NM_004046 HPRD:01258 ATP5A1 ATP5A|ATP5AL2|ATPM|HEL-S-123m|MC5DN4|MOM2|OMR|ORM|hATP1 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, alpha subunit 1, cardiac muscle protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13185 chr16 67278370 67278505 + 5.21731 NA intron (NM_013241, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_013241, intron 1 of 21) 2988 NM_013241 29109 Hs.95231 NM_013241 HPRD:06049 FHOD1 FHOS formin homology 2 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37251 chrX 9324015 9324081 + 5.21731 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -107287 NM_001139468 6907 Hs.495656 NM_005647 HPRD:02183 TBL1X EBI|SMAP55|TBL1 transducin (beta)-like 1X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15662 chr19 531550 531831 + 5.21731 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004359) promoter-TSS (NM_004359) -43 NM_004359 997 Hs.514997 NM_004359 HPRD:00306 CDC34 E2-CDC34|UBC3|UBCH3|UBE2R1 cell division cycle 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36122 chr9 115095270 115095401 + 5.21704 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001244898) promoter-TSS (NM_001244898) -29 NM_001244898 9991 Hs.269988 NM_005156 HPRD:09603 PTBP3 ROD1 polypyrimidine tract binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36602 chr9_gl000199_random 74477 74613 + 5.21530 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20560 chr20 29437250 29437374 + 5.21473 NA Intergenic Intergenic -174567 NR_003579 284802 Hs.653099 NM_207350 HPRD:17570 FRG1B C20orf80|bA348I14.2 FSHD region gene 1 family, member B pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15464 chr18 58099937 58100198 + 5.21473 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -60066 NM_005912 4160 Hs.532833 NM_005912 HPRD:01116 MC4R - melanocortin 4 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32426 chr7 100121851 100121949 + 5.21473 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -14934 NM_006076 3268 Hs.521083 NM_006076 HPRD:04932 AGFG2 HRBL|RABR ArfGAP with FG repeats 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20046 chr2 232063176 232063352 + 5.21473 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001291656) promoter-TSS (NM_001291656) 4 NM_025139 80210 Hs.471610 NM_025139 HPRD:07778 ARMC9 ARM|KU-MEL-1|NS21 armadillo repeat containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18107 chr2 74619079 74619260 + 5.21473 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001190836) promoter-TSS (NM_001190836) 45 NR_033935 1639 Hs.516111 NM_004082 HPRD:07206 DCTN1 DAP-150|DP-150|P135 dynactin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5474 chr11 2353383 2353517 + 5.21413 NA intron (NR_108080, intron 1 of 2) SVA_F|Other|Other 30207 NM_139022 10077 Hs.271954 NM_005705 HPRD:04834 TSPAN32 ART1|PHEMX|PHMX|TSSC6 tetraspanin 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18725 chr2 113239651 113239732 + 5.21413 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153712) promoter-TSS (NM_153712) -52 NM_153712 150465 Hs.358997 NM_153712 TTL - tubulin tyrosine ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29886 chr6 75205217 75205376 + 5.20982 NA intron (NR_110856, intron 2 of 3) L1PA5|LINE|L1 426129 NR_110856 101928516 Hs.384600 NR_110856 ENSG00000223786 LOC101928516 - uncharacterized LOC101928516 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26443 chr4 176129170 176129236 + 5.20982 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 289694 NM_001278126 11086 Hs.126838 NM_014269 HPRD:05306 ADAM29 CT73|svph1 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20333 chr20 3477299 3477415 + 5.20982 NA intron (NM_139321, intron 1 of 28) L1PA3|LINE|L1 25692 NM_001207047 8455 Hs.276252 NM_012070 HPRD:04388 ATRN DPPT-L|MGCA attractin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38225 chrX 80967891 80967960 + 5.20982 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -510484 NM_030763 79366 Hs.282204 NM_030763 HPRD:02310 HMGN5 NBP-45|NSBP1 high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16861 chr19 47931548 47931696 + 5.20982 NA 3' UTR (NM_015063, exon 10 of 10) 3' UTR (NM_015063, exon 10 of 10) -8837 NM_020160 56917 Hs.380923 NM_020160 HPRD:14386 MEIS3 MRG2 Meis homeobox 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23747 chr3 136762246 136762334 + 5.20982 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 85583 NM_144717 53833 Hs.61232 NM_144717 HPRD:14594 IL20RB DIRS1|FNDC6|IL-20R2 interleukin 20 receptor beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20783 chr20 42286106 42286206 + 5.20982 NA Intergenic CpG -9503 NM_002466 4605 Hs.179718 NM_002466 HPRD:03247 MYBL2 B-MYB|BMYB v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32895 chr7 142912287 142912502 + 5.20982 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6778 NM_176882 259286 Hs.352241 NM_176882 HPRD:18150 TAS2R40 GPR60|T2R40|T2R58 taste receptor, type 2, member 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28886 chr6 142564 142680 + 5.20696 NA intron (NR_109817, intron 2 of 2).2 intron (NR_109817, intron 2 of 2).2 5537 NR_109817 441123 NR_109817 ENSG00000170590 LINC00266-3 C6orf88|NCRNA00266-3|NCRNA00266C|dJ24O22.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 266-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4125 chr10 42378551 42378620 + 5.20628 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 484908 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29265 chr6 27446623 27446768 + 5.20624 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5798 NM_007149 7738 Hs.158174 NM_007149 HPRD:03785 ZNF184 - zinc finger protein 184 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28130 chr5 125785815 125785881 + 5.20624 NA intron (NM_001146320, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001146320, intron 1 of 12) -14939 NM_001146322 65983 Hs.363558 NM_023927 HPRD:11402 GRAMD3 NS3TP2 GRAM domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11665 chr15 61133165 61133270 + 5.20624 NA intron (NM_134261, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_134261, intron 1 of 10) 159449 NR_120318 100996876 Hs.511626 NR_120318 LOC100996876 - uncharacterized LOC100996876 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2770 chr1 198610902 198610974 + 5.20624 NA intron (NR_052021, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_052021, intron 2 of 2) 2840 NM_002838 5788 Hs.654514 NM_002838 HPRD:01050 PTPRC B220|CD45|CD45R|GP180|L-CA|LCA|LY5|T200 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15925 chr19 10519331 10519467 + 5.20481 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5128 NM_007065 11140 Hs.160958 NM_007065 HPRD:05456 CDC37 P50CDC37 cell division cycle 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35329 chr9 42747077 42747153 + 5.20447 NA Intergenic MLT1D|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -24593 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27067 chr5 42255283 42255430 + 5.20447 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -79909 NR_104636 101926960 Hs.365692 NR_104635 LOC101926960 - uncharacterized LOC101926960 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36325 chr9 131085102 131085194 + 5.20434 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015679) promoter-TSS (NM_015679) 357 NM_016035 51117 Hs.98541 NM_016035 HPRD:16741 COQ4 CGI-92 coenzyme Q4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36489 chr9 139434273 139434357 + 5.20434 NA intron (NM_017617, intron 2 of 33) MIR3|SINE|MIR 5923 NM_017617 4851 Hs.495473 NM_017617 HPRD:01827 NOTCH1 TAN1|hN1 notch 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37002 chrUn_gl000225 139284 139427 + 5.20222 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4066 chr10 39087545 39087637 + 5.20151 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 97864 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25967 chr4 123377551 123377617 + 5.19815 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000586) promoter-TSS (NM_000586) 66 NM_000586 3558 Hs.89679 NM_000586 IL2 IL-2|TCGF|lymphokine interleukin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21201 chr21 15232672 15232738 + 5.19815 NA Intergenic MSTA-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -12020 NR_026755 54055 Hs.580910 NR_026755 ENSG00000228314 CYP4F29P 4F-se4[6:7:8]|C21orf15|CYP4F-se4[6:7:8]|CYP4F3LP cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily F, polypeptide 29, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34199 chr8 88383237 88383362 + 5.19815 NA intron (NM_173538, intron 10 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 502997 NM_152418 138009 Hs.371738 NM_152418 HPRD:08187 DCAF4L2 WDR21C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4928 chr10 102672232 102672348 + 5.19746 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001136123) promoter-TSS (NM_001136123) -36 NM_001136123 55719 Hs.447458 NM_018121 HPRD:12581 FAM178A C10orf6 family with sequence similarity 178, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34726 chr8 138641646 138641727 + 5.19746 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -215855 NR_125428 101927915 Hs.695851 NR_125428 LOC101927915 - uncharacterized LOC101927915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26725 chr5 1448859 1449147 + 5.19746 NA Intergenic ERVL-E-int|LTR|ERVL -3460 NM_001044 6531 Hs.406 NM_001044 HPRD:00543 SLC6A3 DAT|DAT1|PKDYS solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16588 chr19 39122267 39122334 + 5.19746 NA intron (NM_013234, intron 4 of 7) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 12586 NM_001300992 27335 Hs.314359 NM_013234 HPRD:11740 EIF3K EIF3-p28|EIF3S12|HSPC029|M9|MSTP001|PLAC-24|PLAC24|PRO1474|PTD001 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit K protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38771 chrX 135668608 135668822 + 5.19746 NA Intergenic Intergenic 35678 NR_030631 100126324 NR_030631 MIR934 MIRN934|hsa-mir-934 microRNA 934 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9214 chr13 22154300 22154380 + 5.19746 NA intron (NM_152726, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_152726, intron 1 of 11) 24015 NM_152726 221154 Hs.412103 NM_152726 HPRD:16852 MICU2 1110008L20Rik|EFHA1 mitochondrial calcium uptake 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11365 chr15 38944053 38944123 + 5.19746 NA Intergenic Intergenic -44711 NM_207444 400359 Hs.448785 NM_207444 HPRD:13418 C15orf53 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19218 chr2 160372820 160372886 + 5.19746 NA intron (NM_001289975, intron 2 of 35) intron (NM_001289975, intron 2 of 35) -98952 NR_110588 643072 Hs.632541 NR_110587 LOC643072 - uncharacterized LOC643072 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17394 chr2 11042817 11043066 + 5.19746 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -9122 NM_002236 3754 Hs.23735 NM_002236 HPRD:04808 KCNF1 IK8|KCNF|KV5.1|kH1 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily F, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36534 chr9 140440176 140440243 + 5.19746 NA intron (NM_152286, intron 3 of 33) LTR13|LTR|ERVK 4812 NM_152286 375775 Hs.294147 NM_152286 HPRD:12933 PNPLA7 C9orf111|NTE-R1|NTEL1 patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20601 chr20 30058143 30058317 + 5.19185 NA intron (NM_001037500, intron 1 of 1) SVA_D|Other|Other 2586 NM_001037500 245937 Hs.381373 NM_001037500 HPRD:18759 DEFB124 DEFB-24 defensin, beta 124 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12817 chr16 33519219 33519285 + 5.19182 NA intron (NR_046943, intron 1 of 2) L1MB7|LINE|L1 43991 NR_046943 100873777 NR_046943 ENSG00000206787 RNU6-76P RNU6-76 RNA, U6 small nuclear 76, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11565 chr15 52471966 52472225 + 5.19098 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006578) promoter-TSS (NM_006578) 67 NM_006578 10681 Hs.155090 NM_006578 HPRD:09191 GNB5 GB5 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14193 chr17 34435239 34435332 + 5.19098 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4065 NM_002984 6351 Hs.75703 NM_002984 CCL4 ACT2|AT744.1|G-26|HC21|LAG-1|LAG1|MIP-1-beta|MIP1B|MIP1B1|SCYA2|SCYA4 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9837 chr13 98011831 98011920 + 5.19077 NA intron (NM_207304, intron 6 of 6) intron (NM_207304, intron 6 of 6) -74600 NM_021033 5911 Hs.508480 NM_021033 RAP2A K-REV|KREV|RAP2|RbBP-30 RAP2A, member of RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10726 chr14 74296857 74296956 + 5.19077 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -21628 NM_001146154 145482 Hs.632344 NM_152444 HPRD:09782 PTGR2 HEL-S-298|PGR2|ZADH1 prostaglandin reductase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7806 chr12 32178921 32179215 + 5.19077 NA Intergenic HERVIP10FH-int|LTR|ERV1 -32266 NR_046944 100873778 NR_046944 RNU6-78P RNU6-78 RNA, U6 small nuclear 78, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18144 chr2 77981463 77981581 + 5.19077 NA intron (NR_110288, intron 3 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -161538 NR_110286 101927926 Hs.149042 NR_110286 ENSG00000233605 LOC101927926 - uncharacterized LOC101927926 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_632 chr1 36475581 36475647 + 5.19077 NA intron (NM_177422, intron 7 of 16) AluY|SINE|Alu -74062 NM_014466 27285 Hs.127111 NM_014466 HPRD:16410 TEKT2 TEKTB1|TEKTIN-T|h-tektin-t tektin 2 (testicular) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15120 chr18 15179367 15179551 + 5.19009 NA Intergenic Intergenic 146459 NR_027417 644669 Hs.579474 NR_027417 ENSG00000215512 LOC644669 - ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_588 chr1 35036939 35037013 + 5.18823 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -183672 NM_005268 2709 Hs.198249 NM_005268 HPRD:06840 GJB5 CX31.1 gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16969 chr19 50641953 50642194 + 5.18782 NA TTS (NR_024231) TTS (NR_024231) 421 NR_024231 100170224 Hs.446545 NR_024231 SNAR-B1 - small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA B1 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23248 chr3 93957778 93957853 + 5.18409 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -175748 NM_001195643 200895 Hs.718516 NM_176815 HPRD:11246 DHFRL1 DHFRP4 dihydrofolate reductase-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16514 chr19 36796181 36796255 + 5.18284 NA Intergenic CpG -6027 NR_029389 100134317 Hs.466550 NR_029389 LOC100134317 - uncharacterized LOC100134317 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34924 chr9 3526356 3526631 + 5.18258 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282116) promoter-TSS (NM_001282116) -492 NM_134428 5991 Hs.136829 NM_002919 HPRD:03215 RFX3 - regulatory factor X, 3 (influences HLA class II expression) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2916 chr1 206939894 206940025 + 5.18019 NA TTS (NM_000572) TTS (NM_000572) 5880 NM_000572 3586 Hs.193717 NM_000572 HPRD:00495 IL10 CSIF|GVHDS|IL-10|IL10A|TGIF interleukin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34100 chr8 81034398 81034478 + 5.18019 NA intron (NR_105035, intron 1 of 6) intron (NR_105035, intron 1 of 6) -41372 NM_001287140 7163 Hs.368433 NM_005079 HPRD:04963 TPD52 D52|N8L|PC-1|PrLZ|hD52 tumor protein D52 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35915 chr9 96853350 96853465 + 5.18019 NA intron (NM_152422, intron 4 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 6696 NM_001253829 138639 Hs.437943 NM_152422 HPRD:06689 PTPDC1 PTP9Q22 protein tyrosine phosphatase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18782 chr2 117917794 117917873 + 5.17776 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -654422 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7070 chr11 118563256 118563335 + 5.17771 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12914 NM_007180 11181 Hs.129712 NM_007180 HPRD:02038 TREH TRE|TREA trehalase (brush-border membrane glycoprotein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18921 chr2 132135195 132135274 + 5.17336 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -13503 NM_001077637 150786 Hs.645670 NM_001077637 WTH3DI - RAB6C-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21386 chr21 36421107 36421286 + 5.17331 NA exon (NM_001754, exon 2 of 9) exon (NM_001754, exon 2 of 9) 399 NM_001754 861 Hs.149261 NM_001754 HPRD:01043 RUNX1 AML1|AML1-EVI-1|AMLCR1|CBFA2|EVI-1|PEBP2aB runt-related transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38021 chrX 69970377 69970452 + 5.17128 NA intron (NM_001003811, intron 10 of 30) L1PA2|LINE|L1 158153 NM_031276 56159 Hs.121776 NM_031276 HPRD:02256 TEX11 TGC1|TSGA3 testis expressed 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_41 chr1 1057681 1057750 + 5.17128 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5979 NM_017891 54991 Hs.235095 NM_017891 HPRD:07930 C1orf159 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 159 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17922 chr2 61420971 61421043 + 5.17128 NA intron (NM_014709, intron 75 of 79) MER58B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 16452 NM_152392 130872 Hs.655602 NM_152392 HPRD:16479 AHSA2 Hch1 AHA1, activator of heat shock 90kDa protein ATPase homolog 2 (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37304 chrX 14057611 14057737 + 5.17128 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9639 NM_001042480 54960 Hs.592237 NM_017856 HPRD:06533 GEMIN8 FAM51A1 gem (nuclear organelle) associated protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23074 chr3 71442372 71442504 + 5.17128 NA intron (NM_001012505, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_001012505, intron 3 of 6) -88527 NM_001244812 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23832 chr3 144014099 144014228 + 5.17128 NA Intergenic Intergenic 321996 NM_001134470 205428 Hs.288954 NM_173552 HPRD:14559 C3orf58 DIA1|GoPro49|HASF chromosome 3 open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11653 chr15 60096030 60096097 + 5.17128 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -114421 NM_004330 663 Hs.592515 NM_004330 HPRD:04481 BNIP2 BNIP-2|NIP2 BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6847 chr11 95176674 95176864 + 5.17128 NA Intergenic LTR33A_|LTR|ERVL -211064 NM_001271594 143686 Hs.120633 NM_144665 HPRD:09682 SESN3 SEST3 sestrin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25626 chr4 96587267 96587334 + 5.16776 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -116939 NM_003728 8633 Hs.388565 NM_003728 HPRD:04678 UNC5C UNC5H3 unc-5 homolog C (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16129 chr19 16683261 16683400 + 5.16703 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024881) promoter-TSS (NM_024881) -137 NM_024881 79939 Hs.620596 NM_024881 HPRD:15373 SLC35E1 - solute carrier family 35, member E1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27191 chr5 49418410 49418477 + 5.16703 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 318791 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1931 chr1 147931103 147931377 + 5.16566 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 17 of 18).2 CpG 24179 NM_001135789 653598 Hs.534674 NM_001135789 ENSG00000198161 PPIAL4C COAS-2 peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30720 chr6 148119793 148119868 + 5.16327 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 290002 NM_001030060 389432 Hs.567973 NM_001030060 ENSG00000203727 SAMD5 dJ875H10.1 sterile alpha motif domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14618 chr17 61775366 61775507 + 5.16327 NA 3' UTR (NM_030576, exon 5 of 5) 3' UTR (NM_030576, exon 5 of 5) 2083 NM_030576 80774 Hs.591166 NM_030576 HPRD:14407 LIMD2 - LIM domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34190 chr8 87526533 87526599 + 5.16327 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003909) promoter-TSS (NM_003909) -90 NM_003909 8895 Hs.191219 NM_003909 HPRD:05016 CPNE3 CPN3|PRO1071 copine III protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_95 chr1 2478406 2478521 + 5.16327 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9341 NM_001297605 8764 Hs.512898 NM_003820 HPRD:04122 TNFRSF14 ATAR|CD270|HVEA|HVEM|LIGHTR|TR2 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9622 chr13 57930004 57930129 + 5.16324 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 188735 NM_001130406 729246 Hs.525056 NM_001130406 ENSG00000227151 PRR20D - proline rich 20D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6815 chr11 93680318 93680478 + 5.16324 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -73980 NM_001098672 341208 Hs.669645 NM_001098672 ENSG00000181333 HEPHL1 - hephaestin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3661 chr10 11905662 11905897 + 5.16324 NA intron (NR_038222, intron 3 of 5) intron (NR_038222, intron 3 of 5) 30930 NR_038222 219731 Hs.576787 NR_038222 ENSG00000225778 PROSER2-AS1 - PROSER2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18892 chr2 131129765 131129832 + 5.16324 NA intron (NM_014369, intron 12 of 14) CpG 16218 NM_001142370 26469 Hs.516390 NM_014369 HPRD:05961 PTPN18 BDP1|PTP-HSCF protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 18 (brain-derived) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17788 chr2 46059661 46059727 + 5.16324 NA intron (NM_005400, intron 1 of 14) AluSx4|SINE|Alu 180651 NM_005400 5581 Hs.580351 NM_005400 HPRD:01500 PRKCE PKCE|nPKC-epsilon protein kinase C, epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34056 chr8 75167593 75167659 + 5.15542 NA intron (NM_020647, intron 3 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 65936 NM_020647 56704 Hs.657367 NM_020647 HPRD:07286 JPH1 JP-1|JP1 junctophilin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1262 chr1 90073953 90074143 + 5.15542 NA Intergenic MLT1A|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 24405 NR_033981 400761 Hs.741594 NR_033981 ENSG00000231999 FLJ27354 - uncharacterized LOC400761 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32679 chr7 126465922 126465988 + 5.15205 NA intron (NR_028041, intron 5 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 232283 NR_030323 693177 NR_030323 MIR592 MIRN592|hsa-mir-592 microRNA 592 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38659 chrX 129039991 129040121 + 5.15205 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006649) promoter-TSS (NM_006649) -41 NM_001166221 10813 Hs.458598 NM_006649 HPRD:06712 UTP14A NYCO16|SDCCAG16|dJ537K23.3 UTP14, U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein, homolog A (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35014 chr9 15271551 15271672 + 5.15205 NA intron (NM_001168339, intron 1 of 19) MER1B|DNA|hAT-Charlie -21413 NM_001168342 158219 Hs.563630 NM_152574 HPRD:10801 TTC39B C9orf52 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25828 chr4 113405418 113405525 + 5.15205 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 31857 NM_024019 63973 Hs.744415 NM_024019 HPRD:06976 NEUROG2 Atoh4|Math4A|NGN2|bHLHa8|ngn-2 neurogenin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13567 chr17 154754 154891 + 5.15205 NA intron (NM_001190411, intron 4 of 8) G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -26174 NM_001242780 100506388 Hs.627744 NM_001242780 LOC100506388 - uncharacterized LOC100506388 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13482 chr16 88519414 88519581 + 5.15184 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153813) promoter-TSS (NM_153813) -517 NM_153813 161882 Hs.632218 NM_153813 ZFPM1 FOG|FOG1|ZC2HC11A|ZNF408|ZNF89A zinc finger protein, FOG family member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6786 chr11 89051767 89051850 + 5.15149 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 140768 NM_000372 7299 Hs.503555 NM_000372 HPRD:06086 TYR ATN|CMM8|OCA1|OCA1A|OCAIA|SHEP3 tyrosinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12319 chr16 3313725 3313796 + 5.15149 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033904) promoter-TSS (NR_033904) -8 NR_033904 283876 Hs.592092 NR_033904 ENSG00000006194 LINC00921 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 921 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27867 chr5 98373767 98374002 + 5.15149 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 109046 NR_036530 100289230 Hs.552095 NR_036530 LOC100289230 - uncharacterized LOC100289230 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21747 chr22 21774829 21774937 + 5.15149 NA intron (NM_015094, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_015094, intron 1 of 2) 3190 NM_015094 23119 Hs.632767 NM_015094 HPRD:07412 HIC2 HRG22|ZBTB30|ZNF907 hypermethylated in cancer 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22576 chr3 33105252 33105347 + 5.15149 NA intron (NM_001079811, intron 5 of 15) intron (NM_001079811, intron 5 of 15) 32994 NM_001136238 643853 Hs.443031 NM_001039770 ENSG00000170266 TMPPE - transmembrane protein with metallophosphoesterase domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17636 chr2 33701236 33701365 + 5.15149 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001139488) promoter-TSS (NM_001139488) -21 NM_001139488 25780 Hs.143674 NM_015376 HPRD:15213 RASGRP3 GRP3 RAS guanyl releasing protein 3 (calcium and DAG-regulated) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9576 chr13 51489146 51489241 + 5.15149 NA intron (NM_024570, intron 1 of 10) MIR|SINE|MIR -4345 NR_046552 100874255 Hs.741501 NR_046552 ENSG00000233672 RNASEH2B-AS1 - RNASEH2B antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25428 chr4 76912078 76912213 + 5.14916 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018115) promoter-TSS (NM_018115) -30 NM_018115 55153 Hs.632604 NM_018115 HPRD:10214 SDAD1 - SDA1 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36351 chr9 131790579 131790735 + 5.14916 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287046) promoter-TSS (NM_001287046) -25 NM_001287046 56904 Hs.460238 NM_020145 HPRD:15334 SH3GLB2 PP6569|PP9455|RRIG1 SH3-domain GRB2-like endophilin B2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1711 chr1 142537619 142537699 + 5.14914 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 175946 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5070 chr10 112679447 112679523 + 5.14858 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195305) promoter-TSS (NM_001195305) 184 NM_007373 8036 Hs.104315 NM_007373 HPRD:04144 SHOC2 SIAA0862|SOC2|SUR8 soc-2 suppressor of clear homolog (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34217 chr8 90230901 90231040 + 5.14606 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -539005 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8764 chr12 104752312 104752414 + 5.14606 NA Intergenic Intergenic 54853 NM_001008394 493861 Hs.659857 NM_001008394 HPRD:17415 EID3 NS4EB|NSE4B|NSMCE4B EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34968 chr9 6297758 6297824 + 5.14606 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -30558 NM_001001874 89882 Hs.351815 NM_033516 HPRD:14864 TPD52L3 NYDSP25|hD55 tumor protein D52-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8352 chr12 68299253 68299369 + 5.14606 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -23704 NR_120456 101927922 Hs.450769 NR_120456 LINC01479 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1479 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23403 chr3 108633978 108634114 + 5.14606 NA intron (NM_005459, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_005459, intron 3 of 3) 38631 NM_005459 9626 Hs.233363 NM_005459 HPRD:05499 GUCA1C GCAP3 guanylate cyclase activator 1C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8420 chr12 70760539 70760695 + 5.14606 NA exon (NM_014505, exon 1 of 3) exon (NM_014505, exon 1 of 3) 555 NM_014505 27345 Hs.525529 NM_014505 HPRD:05564 KCNMB4 - potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, beta member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3693 chr10 14625332 14625504 + 5.13809 NA intron (NM_001282695, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_001282695, intron 2 of 5) -11046 NM_001282700 83641 Hs.446315 NM_031453 HPRD:12575 FAM107B C10orf45 family with sequence similarity 107, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_910 chr1 51435649 51435716 + 5.13582 NA promoter-TSS (NM_078626) promoter-TSS (NM_078626) 40 NM_078626 1031 Hs.525324 NM_001262 HPRD:04534 CDKN2C INK4C|p18|p18-INK4C cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C (p18, inhibits CDK4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1488 chr1 109756376 109756460 + 5.13582 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006513) promoter-TSS (NM_006513) -97 NR_034072 6301 Hs.531176 NM_006513 HPRD:09605 SARS SERRS|SERS seryl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35858 chr9 92078944 92079081 + 5.13474 NA intron (NM_006378, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_006378, intron 1 of 17) 15599 NM_006378 10507 Hs.494406 NM_006378 HPRD:03520 SEMA4D C9orf164|CD100|M-sema-G|SEMAJ|coll-4 sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10717 chr14 74036493 74036559 + 5.13474 NA exon (NM_006821, exon 1 of 3) exon (NM_006821, exon 1 of 3) 763 NM_006821 10965 Hs.446685 NM_006821 HPRD:10173 ACOT2 CTE-IA|CTE1A|MTE1|PTE2|PTE2A|ZAP128 acyl-CoA thioesterase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18751 chr2 114285051 114285182 + 5.13474 NA TTS (NR_121190) TTS (NR_121190) 15134 NR_121190 101929127 Hs.552787 NR_121188 PGM5P3-AS1 FAM233B PGM5P3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1591 chr1 115605940 115606031 + 5.13474 NA intron (NM_005725, intron 2 of 7) L1PA16|LINE|L1 26136 NM_005725 10100 Hs.310458 NM_005725 HPRD:18233 TSPAN2 NET3|TSN2|TSPAN-2 tetraspanin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23844 chr3 146240222 146240294 + 5.13326 NA intron (NM_021105, intron 5 of 8) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 22370 NM_021105 5359 Hs.130759 NM_021105 HPRD:08855 PLSCR1 MMTRA1B phospholipid scramblase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38570 chrX 120010778 120010912 + 5.13326 NA TTS (NM_001080139) TTS (NM_001080139) -1066 NM_001145718 643311 Hs.729566 NM_001145718 ENSG00000236446 CT47B1 CT47.13|CT47A13 cancer/testis antigen family 47, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20753 chr20 39249418 39249484 + 5.13326 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 68429 NM_005461 9935 Hs.169487 NM_005461 HPRD:07129 MAFB KRML|MCTO v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_729 chr1 40420640 40420796 + 5.13326 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287809) promoter-TSS (NM_001287809) -66 NM_001136493 84879 Hs.655177 NM_032793 HPRD:07861 MFSD2A MFSD2|NLS1 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36262 chr9 128386402 128386520 + 5.13326 NA intron (NM_001006618, intron 4 of 7) SVA_F|Other|Other 83052 NM_001006619 79109 Hs.495138 NM_024117 HPRD:17464 MAPKAP1 JC310|MIP1|SIN1|SIN1b|SIN1g mitogen-activated protein kinase associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5488 chr11 3220547 3220766 + 5.13326 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18906 NR_027138 283303 Hs.151154 NM_173590 HPRD:08770 MRGPRG-AS1 C11orf36|HSD-40 MRGPRG antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12869 chr16 33943597 33943765 + 5.13223 NA Intergenic Intergenic 18822 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28642 chr5 158547562 158547721 + 5.12894 NA Intergenic L1ME3B|LINE|L1 20150 NR_109890 101927740 Hs.738721 NR_109890 ENSG00000245812 LOC101927740 - uncharacterized LOC101927740 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3571 chr10 3916063 3916246 + 5.12518 NA Intergenic Intergenic -88681 NM_001160124 1316 Hs.4055 NM_001300 HPRD:03632 KLF6 BCD1|CBA1|COPEB|CPBP|GBF|PAC1|ST12|ZF9 Kruppel-like factor 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30923 chr6 159348693 159348759 + 5.12518 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu 39107 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15945 chr19 10946420 10946527 + 5.12518 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104015) promoter-TSS (NR_104015) -57 NR_104015 11018 Hs.211463 NM_006858 TMED1 IL1RL1LG|Il1rl1l|Tp24 transmembrane emp24 protein transport domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24020 chr3 160472918 160473032 + 5.12518 NA Intergenic CpG -1021 NM_139245 151742 Hs.389027 NM_139245 PPM1L PP2C-epsilon|PP2CE|PPM1-LIKE protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1L protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4240 chr10 43905372 43905497 + 5.12271 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098204) promoter-TSS (NM_001098204) -738 NM_001098204 3185 Hs.808 NM_004966 HPRD:03023 HNRNPF HNRPF|OK/SW-cl.23|mcs94-1 heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24633 chr4 9261296 9261379 + 5.12150 NA exon (NM_001256854, exon 1 of 1).3 exon (NM_001256854, exon 1 of 1).3 1487 NM_001256854 100287178 Hs.722783 NM_001256854 ENSG00000233136 USP17L11 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5760 chr11 19262570 19262693 + 5.12049 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024680) promoter-TSS (NM_024680) -124 NM_024680 79733 Hs.523526 NM_024680 HPRD:10981 E2F8 E2F-8 E2F transcription factor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27321 chr5 54392831 54392954 + 5.12049 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -5582 NM_006144 3001 Hs.90708 NM_006144 HPRD:00771 GZMA CTLA3|HFSP granzyme A (granzyme 1, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase 3) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33672 chr8 42396337 42396403 + 5.12049 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138436) promoter-TSS (NM_138436) 72 NM_001135676 114926 Hs.655320 NM_138436 HPRD:14005 SMIM19 C8orf40 small integral membrane protein 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5930 chr11 36574527 36574598 + 5.12000 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -15001 NM_000448 5896 Hs.73958 NM_000448 HPRD:01556 RAG1 RAG-1|RNF74 recombination activating gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4186 chr10 42598840 42598909 + 5.11597 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 264619 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15004 chr18 3738506 3738579 + 5.11413 NA intron (NM_001242764, intron 3 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 106816 NM_001242766 9229 Hs.594640 NM_004746 HPRD:09260 DLGAP1 DAP-1|DAP-1-ALPHA|DAP-1-BETA|DAP1|DLGAP1A|DLGAP1B|GKAP|SAPAP1|hGKAP discs, large (Drosophila) homolog-associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34960 chr9 6008236 6008429 + 5.11413 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001017969) promoter-TSS (NM_001017969) -329 NM_001017969 158358 Hs.535060 NM_001017969 HPRD:18566 KIAA2026 - KIAA2026 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6569 chr11 71102261 71102327 + 5.11413 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 32106 NR_038862 399923 Hs.128191 NM_001001680 HPRD:13457 FLJ42102 - uncharacterized LOC399923 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24104 chr3 170578096 170578162 + 5.11413 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK 9916 NM_001099645 200916 Hs.380933 NM_001099645 ENSG00000163584 RPL22L1 - ribosomal protein L22-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23374 chr3 106253269 106253348 + 5.11413 NA Intergenic L1PA8|LINE|L1 -665421 NM_170662 868 Hs.430589 NM_170662 HPRD:05136 CBLB Cbl-b|RNF56 Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5262 chr10 129508974 129509079 + 5.11413 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -26512 NM_207426 399823 Hs.449674 NM_207426 HPRD:13540 FOXI2 - forkhead box I2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17155 chr19 58239009 58239075 + 5.11413 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024833) promoter-TSS (NM_024833) -47 NM_024833 79891 Hs.180402 NM_024833 HPRD:08031 ZNF671 - zinc finger protein 671 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16382 chr19 28135942 28136014 + 5.11199 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK -148397 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19954 chr2 223555461 223555527 + 5.11195 NA intron (NM_058165, intron 3 of 5) intron (NM_058165, intron 3 of 5) 19037 NM_058165 116255 Hs.344090 NM_058165 HPRD:14729 MOGAT1 DGAT2L|DGAT2L1|MGAT1 monoacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34305 chr8 99956564 99956653 + 5.11195 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142462) promoter-TSS (NM_001142462) -23 NM_001286841 116039 Hs.253247 NM_053001 HPRD:17806 OSR2 - odd-skipped related transciption factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19222 chr2 160760956 160761036 + 5.10681 NA intron (NM_002349, intron 1 of 34) CpG 271 NM_001198760 100526664 Hs.153563 NM_001198759 ENSG00000248672 LY75-CD302 - LY75-CD302 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8192 chr12 56109772 56109838 + 5.10514 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001487) promoter-TSS (NM_001487) -13 NR_037658 100528022 Hs.600940 NR_037658 BLOC1S1-RDH5 - BLOC1S1-RDH5 readthrough ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18519 chr2 97303690 97303812 + 5.10514 NA promoter-TSS (NR_047658) promoter-TSS (NR_047658) 46 NR_047658 55683 Hs.516341 NM_017991 HPRD:07643 KANSL3 KIAA1310|NSL3|Rcd1 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4812 chr10 94135599 94135729 + 5.10514 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -42754 NR_038243 100507674 Hs.568772 NR_038243 MARK2P9 - MAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 2 pseudogene 9 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3214 chr1 228754447 228754526 + 5.10500 NA Intergenic CpG -25908 NR_037962 58480 Hs.647774 NM_021205 HPRD:06965 RHOU ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K ras homolog family member U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35634 chr9 70662767 70662848 + 5.10354 NA Intergenic Intergenic -172596 NM_001286836 220869 Hs.355950 NM_001024916 HPRD:14134 CBWD5 DC36 COBW domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36568 chr9_gl000199_random 17638 17738 + 5.10064 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6864 chr11 96122765 96122831 + 5.09885 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001261833) promoter-TSS (NM_001261833) 285 NM_024725 79780 Hs.525088 NM_014148 HPRD:08033 CCDC82 HSPC048 coiled-coil domain containing 82 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36632 chr9_gl000199_random 111789 111858 + 5.09759 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10463 chr14 53766286 53766352 + 5.09522 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 146247 NR_110062 101927620 NR_110062 ENSG00000258731 LOC101927620 - uncharacterized LOC101927620 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14218 chr17 36507596 36507811 + 5.09522 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014598) promoter-TSS (NM_014598) -304 NM_014598 30837 Hs.514132 NM_014598 SOCS7 NAP4|NCKAP4 suppressor of cytokine signaling 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10015 chr13 114002056 114002198 + 5.09522 NA intron (NM_001286732, intron 4 of 6) intron (NM_001286732, intron 4 of 6) -3861 NR_046541 100874068 Hs.661837 NR_046541 GRTP1-AS1 - GRTP1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11511 chr15 45997969 45998066 + 5.09522 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR 71079 NM_021199 58472 Hs.511251 NM_021199 HPRD:18102 SQRDL PRO1975 sulfide quinone reductase-like (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7707 chr12 27037960 27038032 + 5.09522 NA Intergenic LTR41B|LTR|ERVL -51865 NM_002223 3709 Hs.512235 NM_002223 HPRD:02536 ITPR2 CFAP48|IP3R2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2017 chr1 149198647 149198713 + 5.09522 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -88450 NR_111933 388692 Hs.271249 NM_001013644 LOC388692 - uncharacterized LOC388692 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_126 chr1 5175684 5175750 + 5.09522 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 -448414 NR_039612 100616489 NR_039612 miRBase:MI0016753 MIR4417 - microRNA 4417 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26741 chr5 2491142 2491530 + 5.09522 NA Intergenic Intergenic -179021 NR_104616 100506858 Hs.445071 NR_104616 LOC100506858 - uncharacterized LOC100506858 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21595 chr22 18632828 18632941 + 5.09522 NA 5' UTR (NM_017414, exon 1 of 11) 5' UTR (NM_017414, exon 1 of 11) 126 NM_017414 11274 Hs.38260 NM_017414 HPRD:06136 USP18 ISG43|UBP43 ubiquitin specific peptidase 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28228 chr5 132082999 132083067 + 5.09491 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287253) promoter-TSS (NM_001287253) -104 NM_001287253 645121 Hs.522057 NM_001039780 ENSG00000205089 CCNI2 - cyclin I family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17204 chr19_gl000208_random 27514 27613 + 5.09264 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23632 chr3 127872160 127872260 + 5.08982 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021937) promoter-TSS (NM_021937) -103 NM_021937 60678 Hs.477498 NM_021937 HPRD:07409 EEFSEC EFSEC|SELB eukaryotic elongation factor, selenocysteine-tRNA-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4693 chr10 85965492 85965565 + 5.08982 NA intron (NM_033100, intron 9 of 16) intron (NM_033100, intron 9 of 16) 11137 NM_033100 92211 Hs.137556 NM_033100 HPRD:15106 CDHR1 CORD15|PCDH21|PRCAD|RP65 cadherin-related family member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22107 chr22 45080765 45080854 + 5.08982 NA intron (NM_001198721, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_001198721, intron 2 of 9) 8121 NM_001017530 55615 Hs.102336 NM_015366 HPRD:18696 PRR5 FLJ20185k|PP610|PROTOR-1|PROTOR1 proline rich 5 (renal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26564 chr4 187357061 187357136 + 5.08982 NA intron (NR_033900, intron 1 of 3) CpG 65114 NR_033900 285441 Hs.481369 NR_033900 ENSG00000251165 F11-AS1 - F11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34487 chr8 119812967 119813146 + 5.08982 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 151327 NM_002546 4982 Hs.81791 NM_002546 HPRD:04032 TNFRSF11B OCIF|OPG|TR1 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20246 chr2 242823471 242823723 + 5.08793 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110220) promoter-TSS (NR_110220) 83 NR_110220 101927289 Hs.130180 NR_110220 ENSG00000233806 LINC01237 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1237 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30894 chr6 159141627 159141773 + 5.08600 NA intron (NM_001242394, intron 10 of 17) MIR|SINE|MIR 44085 NR_037482 100500851 NR_037482 miRBase:MI0016424 MIR3918 - microRNA 3918 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26935 chr5 32531821 32531990 + 5.08600 NA Intergenic Intergenic -53700 NM_006713 10923 Hs.229641 NM_006713 HPRD:02737 SUB1 P15|PC4|p14 SUB1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16182 chr19 18390435 18390547 + 5.08548 NA TTS (NM_005354) TTS (NM_005354) 1975 NM_005354 3727 Hs.2780 NM_005354 HPRD:01304 JUND AP-1 jun D proto-oncogene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37031 chrUn_gl000227 68429 68545 + 5.08548 NA intron (NR_109817, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_109817, intron 2 of 2) 5758 NR_109817 441123 NR_109817 ENSG00000170590 LINC00266-3 C6orf88|NCRNA00266-3|NCRNA00266C|dJ24O22.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 266-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14030 chr17 25280139 25280280 + 5.08254 NA Intergenic L1MCa|LINE|L1 340813 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24503 chr4 2414386 2414469 + 5.08003 NA intron (NM_001172656, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001172656, intron 1 of 11) 5943 NM_001172658 57732 Hs.292056 NM_020972 HPRD:11701 ZFYVE28 LST2|LYST2 zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14887 chr17 80407342 80407431 + 5.07805 NA TTS (NR_036519) TTS (NR_036519) 216 NM_001193655 79415 Hs.163113 NM_001033046 HPRD:14630 C17orf62 - chromosome 17 open reading frame 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_964 chr1 55266959 55267057 + 5.07789 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017904) promoter-TSS (NM_017904) -67 NM_017904 55001 Hs.16230 NM_017904 HPRD:07932 TTC22 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6781 chr11 88722478 88722568 + 5.07789 NA intron (NM_001143831, intron 1 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 58717 NM_001143831 2915 Hs.147361 NM_000842 ENSG00000168959 GRM5 GPRC1E|MGLUR5|PPP1R86|mGlu5 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24488 chr4 1758610 1758681 + 5.07789 NA Intergenic Intergenic 35428 NM_006342 10460 Hs.104019 NM_006342 HPRD:05601 TACC3 ERIC-1|ERIC1 transforming, acidic coiled-coil containing protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27580 chr5 74997368 74997494 + 5.07789 NA intron (NM_152408, intron 4 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 10849 NM_152408 134359 Hs.432726 NM_152408 HPRD:08188 POC5 C5orf37 POC5 centriolar protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11498 chr15 45315254 45315353 + 5.07789 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003104) promoter-TSS (NM_003104) 1 NR_034039 6652 Hs.878 NM_003104 SORD HEL-S-95n|SORD1 sorbitol dehydrogenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30317 chr6 112318443 112318512 + 5.07789 NA Intergenic Intergenic -56801 NM_003880 8838 Hs.558428 NM_003880 HPRD:04550 WISP3 CCN6|LIBC|PPAC|PPD WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18985 chr2 134308614 134308690 + 5.07673 NA intron (NM_207481, intron 2 of 17) L1PA2|LINE|L1 17379 NM_207481 344148 Hs.537329 NM_207363 HPRD:16936 NCKAP5 ERIH1|ERIH2|NAP5 NCK-associated protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17918 chr2 61244554 61244660 + 5.07673 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002618) promoter-TSS (NM_002618) -205 NM_002618 5194 Hs.161377 NM_002618 HPRD:03475 PEX13 NALD|PBD11A|PBD11B|ZWS peroxisomal biogenesis factor 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25541 chr4 85503968 85504038 + 5.07673 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001263) promoter-TSS (NM_001263) -54 NM_001263 1040 Hs.654899 NM_001263 HPRD:11944 CDS1 CDS CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23098 chr3 74368577 74368643 + 5.07673 NA intron (NM_020872, intron 12 of 21) L1PA4|LINE|L1 201733 NM_020872 5067 Hs.12723 NM_020872 ENSG00000113805 CNTN3 BIG-1|PANG|PCS contactin 3 (plasmacytoma associated) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23276 chr3 97758264 97758374 + 5.07673 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4171 NR_047685 200959 Hs.534578 NM_001105580 ENSG00000183185 GABRR3 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, rho 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29124 chr6 18756732 18756804 + 5.07452 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 184753 NR_030312 693125 NR_030312 miRBase:MI0003593 MIR548A1 MIRN548A1 microRNA 548a-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15999 chr19 12992332 12992419 + 5.07452 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001375) promoter-TSS (NM_001375) -40 NM_001375 1777 Hs.118243 NM_001375 HPRD:00531 DNASE2 DNASE2A|DNL|DNL2 deoxyribonuclease II, lysosomal protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24738 chr4 15964861 15964975 + 5.07452 NA promoter-TSS (NM_031950) promoter-TSS (NM_031950) -59 NM_031950 83888 Hs.98785 NM_031950 HPRD:07413 FGFBP2 HBP17RP|KSP37 fibroblast growth factor binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26936 chr5 32532279 32532406 + 5.07326 NA Intergenic Intergenic -53263 NM_006713 10923 Hs.229641 NM_006713 HPRD:02737 SUB1 P15|PC4|p14 SUB1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24497 chr4 2242857 2242939 + 5.07326 NA intron (NM_024511, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_024511, intron 1 of 4) 962 NM_024511 79441 Hs.665869 NM_024511 HPRD:10784 HAUS3 C4orf15|IT1|dgt3 HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33333 chr8 8016275 8016341 + 5.07285 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -69697 NR_031689 100302186 NR_031689 miRBase:MI0006423 MIR548I3 MIR548I-3|MIRN548I3|hsa-mir-548i-3 microRNA 548i-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27029 chr5 40436722 40436857 + 5.07082 NA Intergenic Intergenic -243243 NM_000958 5734 Hs.199248 NM_000958 HPRD:03350 PTGER4 EP4|EP4R prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35186 chr9 33398202 33398311 + 5.06912 NA intron (NM_001170, intron 2 of 7) L2|LINE|L2 4261 NM_001170 364 Hs.455323 NM_001170 HPRD:04277 AQP7 AQP7L|AQP9|AQPap|GLYCQTL aquaporin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19628 chr2 197035029 197035132 + 5.06246 NA intron (NM_004226, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_004226, intron 1 of 7) 1256 NM_004226 9262 Hs.88297 NM_004226 HPRD:05289 STK17B DRAK2 serine/threonine kinase 17b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35060 chr9 19926103 19926223 + 5.06106 NA Intergenic Intergenic -139146 NM_020344 25769 Hs.283014 NM_020344 HPRD:15351 SLC24A2 NCKX2 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12698 chr16 31243227 31243403 + 5.06106 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -14920 NM_152901 260434 Hs.58314 NM_152901 PYDC1 ASC2|POP1|PYC1 PYD (pyrin domain) containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16564 chr19 37803705 37803882 + 5.06106 NA Intergenic CpG -21787 NM_181786 284459 Hs.657027 NM_181786 HPRD:01314 HKR1 ZNF875 HKR1, GLI-Kruppel zinc finger family member protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24722 chr4 14551052 14551237 + 5.06106 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 437552 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25940 chr4 122216104 122216199 + 5.05911 NA Intergenic AluSc8|SINE|Alu -67530 NM_001244764 79931 Hs.208206 NM_024873 HPRD:16268 TNIP3 ABIN-3|LIND TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6573 chr11 71227288 71227356 + 5.05911 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -10991 NM_001012503 440050 Hs.710675 NM_001012503 HPRD:17251 KRTAP5-7 KRTAP5-3|KRTAP5.7 keratin associated protein 5-7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38282 chrX 88462133 88462199 + 5.05875 NA Intergenic Intergenic 459940 NM_001184771 53336 Hs.458292 NM_033048 HPRD:06474 CPXCR1 CT77 CPX chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26401 chr4 170533262 170533392 + 5.05875 NA 5' UTR (NM_012224, exon 1 of 34) 5' UTR (NM_012224, exon 1 of 34) 451 NM_012224 4750 Hs.481181 NM_012224 HPRD:06847 NEK1 NY-REN-55|SRPS2|SRPS2A|SRTD6 NIMA-related kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6811 chr11 93474075 93474165 + 5.05875 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286070) promoter-TSS (NM_001286070) 583 NM_024116 79101 Hs.355750 NM_024116 HPRD:14679 TAF1D JOSD3|RAFI41|TAF(I)41|TAFI41 TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, RNA polymerase I, D, 41kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21799 chr22 24197726 24197797 + 5.05875 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -1129 NR_104248 66035 Hs.661910 NM_030807 HPRD:11571 SLC2A11 GLUT10|GLUT11 solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18547 chr2 98206883 98207010 + 5.05875 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025190) promoter-TSS (NM_025190) -518 NM_025190 57730 Hs.532921 NM_020970 ANKRD36B KIAA1641 ankyrin repeat domain 36B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37518 chrX 43533407 43533634 + 5.05824 NA intron (NM_001270458, intron 2 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 19365 NM_001270458 4128 Hs.183109 NM_000240 MAOA MAO-A monoamine oxidase A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5954 chr11 39868684 39868750 + 5.05824 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 445963 NR_047674 57689 Hs.745123 NM_020929 HPRD:12303 LRRC4C NGL-1|NGL1 leucine rich repeat containing 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3629 chr10 7430682 7430775 + 5.05824 NA intron (NM_001029880, intron 1 of 20) L2a|LINE|L2 20575 NM_001018039 57713 Hs.407983 NM_001018039 ENSG00000198879 SFMBT2 - Scm-like with four mbt domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15292 chr18 41604266 41604358 + 5.05824 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 507350 NR_110792 101927921 Hs.464986 NR_110792 ENSG00000267337 LINC01478 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1478 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37487 chrX 40358680 40358876 + 5.05824 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -81438 NM_005765 10159 Hs.495960 NM_005765 HPRD:06454 ATP6AP2 APT6M8-9|ATP6IP2|ATP6M8-9|ELDF10|M8-9|MRXE|MRXSH|MSTP009|PRR|RENR|XMRE|XPDS ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal accessory protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19380 chr2 173180665 173180752 + 5.05824 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -111606 NM_000210 3655 Hs.133397 NM_000210 HPRD:00945 ITGA6 CD49f|ITGA6B|VLA-6 integrin, alpha 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19840 chr2 209639589 209639706 + 5.05824 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 368092 NM_005048 5746 Hs.570296 NM_005048 HPRD:03276 PTH2R PTHR2 parathyroid hormone 2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5204 chr10 126455856 126455922 + 5.05824 NA intron (NM_212554, intron 4 of 6) AluSc8|SINE|Alu -22959 NM_014661 9679 Hs.129195 NM_014661 HPRD:13314 FAM53B KIAA0140|bA12J10.2 family with sequence similarity 53, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32841 chr7 140596391 140596460 + 5.05824 NA intron (NM_004333, intron 1 of 17) AluSx|SINE|Alu 28139 NM_004333 673 Hs.550061 NM_004333 HPRD:01264 BRAF B-RAF1|BRAF1|NS7|RAFB1 B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32340 chr7 96314831 96314958 + 5.05824 NA Intergenic Intergenic -21244 NR_038948 100506136 Hs.729869 NR_038948 LOC100506136 - uncharacterized LOC100506136 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37607 chrX 49174867 49174972 + 5.05649 NA intron (NM_001098413, intron 4 of 4) AluJr|SINE|Alu -3590 NM_001098406 729396 Hs.645554 NM_001098406 ENSG00000224659 GAGE12J GAGE11 G antigen 12J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21081 chr21 9736753 9736981 + 5.05120 NA Intergenic SATR1|Satellite|Satellite -88965 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31199 chr7 2595307 2595489 + 5.05037 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152743) promoter-TSS (NM_152743) -6 NM_152743 221927 Hs.520623 NM_152743 HPRD:12914 BRAT1 BAAT1|C7orf27|RMFSL BRCA1-associated ATM activator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24345 chr3 194980577 194980682 + 5.05037 NA intron (NM_152531, intron 1 of 3) CpG 11266 NM_152531 152002 Hs.478741 NM_152531 HPRD:08757 XXYLT1 C3orf21 xyloside xylosyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38250 chrX 83630207 83630376 + 5.05037 NA intron (NM_144657, intron 4 of 9) L1PA3|LINE|L1 127196 NM_001177479 139324 Hs.559546 NM_144657 HPRD:06550 HDX CXorf43|D030011N01Rik highly divergent homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18209 chr2 85839173 85839240 + 5.05037 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001256727) promoter-TSS (NM_001256727) -20 NM_001256728 10713 Hs.654745 NM_006590 HPRD:07165 USP39 65K|HSPC332|SAD1|SNRNP65 ubiquitin specific peptidase 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36802 chrUn_gl000216 165919 166013 + 5.05037 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14922 chr17_gl000205_random 12167 12247 + 5.05037 NA Intergenic Intergenic -104416 NR_003682 403340 Hs.572501 NR_003682 MGC70870 - C-terminal binding protein 2 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3220 chr1 228773917 228774020 + 5.05011 NA Intergenic CpG -6426 NR_037962 58480 Hs.647774 NM_021205 HPRD:06965 RHOU ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K ras homolog family member U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19271 chr2 163175497 163175563 + 5.04711 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022168) promoter-TSS (NM_022168) -312 NM_022168 64135 Hs.163173 NM_022168 HPRD:09507 IFIH1 AGS7|Hlcd|IDDM19|MDA-5|MDA5|RLR-2 interferon induced with helicase C domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29521 chr6 37140148 37140249 + 5.04660 NA intron (NM_001243186, intron 4 of 5) intron (NM_001243186, intron 4 of 5) 2276 NM_001243186 5292 Hs.81170 NM_002648 HPRD:01292 PIM1 PIM Pim-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32946 chr7 143990942 143991115 + 5.04555 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5438 NR_002158 401428 Hs.490448 NR_002158 ENSG00000170356 OR2A20P OR2A20 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily A, member 20 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21095 chr21 10020023 10020172 + 5.04555 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -51503 NR_038328 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8364 chr12 68682591 68682726 + 5.04448 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -35377 NM_020525 50616 Hs.287369 NM_020525 HPRD:05621 IL22 IL-21|IL-22|IL-D110|IL-TIF|ILTIF|TIFIL-23|TIFa|zcyto18 interleukin 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22780 chr3 49027271 49027395 + 5.04448 NA promoter-TSS (NM_177939) promoter-TSS (NM_177939) -8 NM_177938 54681 Hs.654944 NM_017732 HPRD:17842 P4HTM EGLN4|HIFPH4|P4H-TM|PH-4|PH4|PHD4 prolyl 4-hydroxylase, transmembrane (endoplasmic reticulum) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13652 chr17 2699584 2699655 + 5.04448 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001100398) promoter-TSS (NM_001100398) -113 NM_015085 23108 Hs.499659 NM_015085 HPRD:17028 RAP1GAP2 GARNL4|RAP1GA3 RAP1 GTPase activating protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25964 chr4 122871503 122871606 + 5.04448 NA intron (NM_001130698, intron 1 of 11) CpG 1355 NM_001130698 7222 Hs.150981 NM_003305 HPRD:15999 TRPC3 TRP3 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21829 chr22 25741518 25741649 + 5.04413 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 16941 NM_182492 91355 Hs.634058 NM_182492 HPRD:13200 LRP5L - low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21301 chr21 29218089 29218177 + 5.04413 NA intron (NR_049807, intron 2 of 4) intron (NR_049807, intron 2 of 4) 65396 NR_049807 100846993 NR_049807 MIR5009 - microRNA 5009 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23297 chr3 100309500 100309633 + 5.03947 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18867 NM_032787 84873 Hs.334511 NM_032787 HPRD:17060 GPR128 - G protein-coupled receptor 128 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15258 chr18 33153674 33153772 + 5.03947 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17978 NR_039771 100616257 NR_039771 MIR3975 - microRNA 3975 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6304 chr11 61602210 61602307 + 5.03947 NA intron (NM_004265, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_004265, intron 1 of 11) 6753 NM_004265 9415 Hs.502745 NM_004265 HPRD:05854 FADS2 D6D|DES6|FADSD6|LLCDL2|SLL0262|TU13 fatty acid desaturase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10330 chr14 42895383 42895449 + 5.03947 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 818652 NM_152447 145581 Hs.136893 NM_152447 HPRD:17445 LRFN5 C14orf146|FIGLER8|SALM5 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22017 chr22 40721448 40721603 + 5.03947 NA 3' UTR (NM_001162501, exon 23 of 23) 3' UTR (NM_001162501, exon 23 of 23) -20979 NM_001123378 158 Hs.75527 NM_000026 HPRD:00049 ADSL AMPS|ASASE|ASL adenylosuccinate lyase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1299 chr1 92831298 92831377 + 5.03947 NA intron (NM_024813, intron 11 of 12) intron (NM_024813, intron 11 of 12) -66771 NM_053274 11146 Hs.49105 NM_007070 HPRD:03451 GLMN FAP|FAP48|FAP68|FKBPAP|GLML|GVM|VMGLOM glomulin, FKBP associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35421 chr9 66472474 66472578 + 5.03753 NA Intergenic L1M1|LINE|L1 15237 NR_121647 103352539 Hs.351215 NR_121647 LINC01410 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1410 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11200 chr15 22707505 22707654 + 5.03741 NA intron (NR_027407, intron 12 of 17) intron (NR_027407, intron 12 of 17) 8149 NR_027407 100132979 Hs.454647 NR_027407 GOLGA8DP GOLGA8D golgin A8 family, member D, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27226 chr5 49534945 49535083 + 5.03741 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 202220 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_669 chr1 36598123 36598191 + 5.03460 NA Intergenic AluSg7|SINE|Alu -7472 NM_005202 1296 Hs.353001 NM_005202 HPRD:08347 COL8A2 FECD|FECD1|PPCD|PPCD2 collagen, type VIII, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13629 chr17 1953155 1953263 + 5.03460 NA promoter-TSS (NR_029674) promoter-TSS (NR_029674) 93 NR_029674 406921 NR_029674 miRBase:MI0000449 MIR132 MIRN132|miRNA132 microRNA 132 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12733 chr16 32134003 32134095 + 5.03298 NA Intergenic Intergenic 65385 NR_109773 100289574 Hs.531536 NR_109773 ENSG00000230267 HERC2P4 D16F37S5 hect domain and RLD 2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18254 chr2 87644143 87644304 + 5.03225 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -110751 NR_024204 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13239 chr16 68563931 68564061 + 5.02866 NA Intergenic CpG -9665 NM_133458 146198 Hs.461074 NM_133458 HPRD:18729 ZFP90 FIK|NK10|ZNF756 ZFP90 zinc finger protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38591 chrX 123012244 123012310 + 5.02866 NA intron (NR_037916, intron 1 of 5) L1MB7|LINE|L1 18260 NR_037916 331 Hs.356076 NM_001167 HPRD:02094 XIAP API3|BIRC4|IAP-3|ILP1|MIHA|XLP2|hIAP-3|hIAP3 X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37998 chrX 69042769 69042942 + 5.02784 NA intron (NM_001005613, intron 2 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -199852 NR_037494 100500887 NR_037494 MIR676 hsa-mir-676 microRNA 676 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19135 chr2 152495221 152495294 + 5.02784 NA intron (NM_001164508, intron 63 of 181) intron (NM_001164508, intron 63 of 181) 95744 NM_001164508 4703 Hs.588655 NM_004543 HPRD:01196 NEB NEB177D|NEM2 nebulin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36854 chrUn_gl000221 37957 38061 + 5.02737 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12613 chr16 29390668 29390857 + 5.02632 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -69904 NR_002454 606724 Hs.744975 NR_002454 LOC606724 - coronin, actin binding protein, 1A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14978 chr18 2655008 2655221 + 5.02418 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015295) promoter-TSS (NM_015295) 280 NR_033754 645158 Hs.712861 NR_033754 ENSG00000266405 CBX3P2 - chromobox homolog 3 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15659 chr19 507404 507516 + 5.02278 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033513) promoter-TSS (NM_033513) -37 NM_033513 91978 Hs.369613 NM_033513 HPRD:12701 TPGS1 C19orf20|GTRGEO22|PGs1 tubulin polyglutamylase complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28242 chr5 133458403 133458469 + 5.02258 NA intron (NR_033449, intron 1 of 7) intron (NR_033449, intron 1 of 7) 7086 NR_033449 6932 Hs.573153 NM_003202 HPRD:01797 TCF7 TCF-1 transcription factor 7 (T-cell specific, HMG-box) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2904 chr1 206643722 206643818 + 5.02258 NA 5' UTR (NM_014002, exon 1 of 22) 5' UTR (NM_014002, exon 1 of 22) 184 NM_001193322 9641 Hs.321045 NM_014002 HPRD:05442 IKBKE IKK-E|IKK-i|IKKE|IKKI inhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells, kinase epsilon protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27565 chr5 74062257 74062371 + 5.02162 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014886) promoter-TSS (NM_014886) -502 NM_014886 10412 Hs.482526 NM_014886 HPRD:18191 NSA2 CDK105|HCL-G1|HCLG1|HUSSY29|TINP1 NSA2 ribosome biogenesis homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11721 chr15 65321952 65322033 + 5.02108 NA promoter-TSS (NM_139242) promoter-TSS (NM_139242) -15 NM_139242 123263 Hs.531615 NM_139242 MTFMT COXPD15|FMT1 mitochondrial methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2233 chr1 156494351 156494425 + 5.02108 NA TTS (NM_178229) TTS (NM_178229) -23754 NM_005920 4209 Hs.314327 NM_005920 HPRD:02810 MEF2D - myocyte enhancer factor 2D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32756 chr7 132590056 132590132 + 5.02108 NA intron (NM_017812, intron 4 of 7) L1PA11|LINE|L1 176734 NM_017812 54927 Hs.655010 NM_017812 HPRD:13044 CHCHD3 MINOS3|PPP1R22 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34429 chr8 112421094 112421179 + 5.02108 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -172704 NR_125418 101927487 Hs.630004 NR_125418 LOC101927487 - uncharacterized LOC101927487 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38034 chrX 70562089 70562155 + 5.02108 NA intron (NR_001568, intron 2 of 3) SVA_D|Other|Other -23967 NR_104391 6872 Hs.158560 NM_004606 HPRD:02436 TAF1 BA2R|CCG1|CCGS|DYT3|DYT3/TAF1|KAT4|N-TAF1|NSCL2|OF|P250|TAF(II)250|TAF2A|TAFII-250|TAFII250|XDP TAF1 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 250kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32067 chr7 71145001 71145210 + 5.02108 NA intron (NM_022479, intron 9 of 10) (TCCC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -372349 NR_037477 100500836 NR_037477 miRBase:MI0016419 MIR3914-1 - microRNA 3914-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32192 chr7 78299338 78299430 + 5.02108 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 2 of 20) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -305341 NR_049853 100847045 NR_049853 MIR548AU - microRNA 548au ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26966 chr5 35479367 35479433 + 5.02108 NA Intergenic Intergenic -138589 NM_144722 79925 Hs.298863 NM_024867 HPRD:11181 SPEF2 CT122|KPL2 sperm flagellar 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25813 chr4 111684079 111684235 + 5.01355 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -120878 NM_001204399 5308 Hs.643588 NM_000325 HPRD:03328 PITX2 ARP1|Brx1|IDG2|IGDS|IGDS2|IHG2|IRID2|Otlx2|PTX2|RGS|RIEG|RIEG1|RS paired-like homeodomain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10430 chr14 52118755 52118829 + 5.01355 NA promoter-TSS (NR_037676) promoter-TSS (NR_037676) 216 NM_152330 122786 Hs.434914 NM_152330 HPRD:12646 FRMD6 C14orf31|EX1|Willin|c14_5320 FERM domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3559 chr10 3356728 3356811 + 5.01355 NA Intergenic Intergenic -141736 NM_001242307 10531 Hs.528300 NM_014889 HPRD:07142 PITRM1 MP1|PreP pitrilysin metallopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18708 chr2 112252691 112252783 + 5.01307 NA promoter-TSS (NR_015395) promoter-TSS (NR_015395) -45 NR_024373 541471 Hs.560805 NR_015395 ENSG00000172965 MIR4435-1HG AGD2|LINC00978 MIR4435-1 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9100 chr12 131480909 131481034 + 5.01117 NA intron (NM_198827, intron 8 of 24) SVA_D|Other|Other 42519 NM_198827 283383 Hs.719239 NM_198827 HPRD:17061 GPR133 PGR25 G protein-coupled receptor 133 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14870 chr17 79935380 79935450 + 5.01117 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024083) promoter-TSS (NM_024083) -11 NR_045351 79058 Hs.298351 NM_024083 HPRD:06947 ASPSCR1 ASPCR1|ASPL|ASPS|RCC17|TUG|UBXD9|UBXN9 alveolar soft part sarcoma chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12196 chr15 102286309 102286448 + 5.01105 NA Intergenic CpG -21733 NM_152334 123283 Hs.657163 NM_152334 HPRD:15469 TARSL2 - threonyl-tRNA synthetase-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13388 chr16 81748984 81749148 + 5.00888 NA Intergenic L1MA10|LINE|L1 50107 NR_045112 100129617 Hs.657151 NR_045112 LOC100129617 - uncharacterized LOC100129617 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2203 chr1 155658754 155658919 + 5.00888 NA promoter-TSS (NM_139121) promoter-TSS (NM_139121) -13 NM_139118 55249 Hs.584927 NM_018253 HPRD:08485 YY1AP1 HCCA1|HCCA2|YAP|YY1AP YY1 associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28802 chr5 176878386 176878459 + 5.00306 NA intron (NM_001174102, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001174102, intron 1 of 2) 3096 NM_001174102 80758 Hs.534492 NM_030567 HPRD:15186 PRR7 - proline rich 7 (synaptic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13080 chr16 57234505 57234658 + 5.00240 NA intron (NM_133368, intron 1 of 14) SVA_D|Other|Other 14340 NM_133368 89970 Hs.460885 NM_133368 HPRD:13908 RSPRY1 - ring finger and SPRY domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25687 chr4 101993924 101994006 + 5.00240 NA intron (NM_001130691, intron 8 of 12) AluY|SINE|Alu 168064 NR_107033 102465868 NR_107033 MIR8066 hsa-mir-8066 microRNA 8066 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19400 chr2 175135826 175135893 + 5.00240 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -22494 NM_013341 29789 Hs.157351 NM_013341 HPRD:15194 OLA1 DOC45|GBP45|GTBP9|GTPBP9 Obg-like ATPase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_722 chr1 40072261 40072327 + 5.00240 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -29773 NM_003819 8761 Hs.169900 NM_003819 HPRD:04557 PABPC4 APP-1|APP1|PABP4|iPABP poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 4 (inducible form) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28673 chr5 162123349 162123415 + 5.00240 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 628734 NM_198904 2566 Hs.7195 NM_000816 HPRD:00663 GABRG2 CAE2|ECA2|GEFSP3 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17049 chr19 53936188 53936275 + 5.00240 NA intron (NM_001289951, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001289951, intron 1 of 5) 1004 NR_110551 388561 Hs.433293 NM_001008401 ZNF761 ZNF468 zinc finger protein 761 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9975 chr13 111037987 111038066 + 5.00240 NA intron (NM_001846, intron 4 of 47) intron (NM_001846, intron 4 of 47) 44721 NR_107040 102465872 NR_107040 MIR8073 hsa-mir-8073 microRNA 8073 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10569 chr14 62544705 62544857 + 5.00240 NA intron (NM_031914, intron 3 of 5) intron (NM_031914, intron 3 of 5) -39294 NR_015358 646113 Hs.445241 NM_001039785 LINC00643 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 643 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10421 chr14 51244741 51244815 + 5.00240 NA intron (NM_182946, intron 6 of 29) intron (NM_182946, intron 6 of 29) 53061 NM_016350 51199 Hs.310429 NM_016350 HPRD:09785 NIN SCKL7 ninein (GSK3B interacting protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35714 chr9 78162316 78162533 + 5.00240 NA intron (NR_031679, intron 2 of 2).2 AluY|SINE|Alu 176320 NR_031679 100302287 NR_031679 MIR548H3 MIR548H-3|MIRN548H3|hsa-mir-548h-3 microRNA 548h-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23626 chr3 127391773 127391897 + 4.99893 NA promoter-TSS (NM_172027) promoter-TSS (NM_172027) 54 NR_033429 80325 Hs.107812 NM_032548 HPRD:10513 ABTB1 BPOZ|BTB3|BTBD21|EF1ABP ankyrin repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28854 chr5 179579545 179579687 + 4.99861 NA intron (NM_175062, intron 1 of 13) L1PA4|LINE|L1 56514 NM_175062 255426 Hs.190559 NM_175062 HPRD:15212 RASGEF1C - RasGEF domain family, member 1C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31170 chr7 1609633 1609766 + 4.99861 NA promoter-TSS (NR_021487) promoter-TSS (NR_021487) -10 NR_027328 114796 Hs.436146 NR_021487 ENSG00000230487 PSMG3-AS1 - PSMG3 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16784 chr19 45594989 45595083 + 4.99496 NA TTS (NM_024707) TTS (NM_024707) -1395 NM_019121 284352 Hs.285363 NM_019121 ENSG00000104866 PPP1R37 LRRC68 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2168 chr1 154937548 154937776 + 4.99496 NA intron (NM_183001, intron 11 of 11) AluSx1|SINE|Alu -3404 NM_138300 90780 Hs.533597 NM_138300 HPRD:06065 PYGO2 1190004M21Rik pygopus family PHD finger 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4913 chr10 101988887 101988980 + 4.99484 NA intron (NM_001278, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_001278, intron 1 of 20) 411 NM_001278 1147 Hs.198998 NM_001278 HPRD:02811 CHUK IKBKA|IKK-alpha|IKK1|IKKA|NFKBIKA|TCF16 conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14638 chr17 62804728 62804943 + 4.99484 NA intron (NR_024386, intron 4 of 10) intron (NR_024386, intron 4 of 10) 13385 NR_036199 100423004 NR_036199 MIR4315-1 - microRNA 4315-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31304 chr7 9469162 9469294 + 4.99484 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -204672 NR_002790 168741 Hs.545134 NR_002790 PER4 - period circadian clock 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23720 chr3 133969677 133969787 + 4.99484 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002958) promoter-TSS (NM_002958) -146 NM_001005861 6259 Hs.654562 NM_002958 HPRD:02751 RYK D3S3195|JTK5|JTK5A|RYK1 receptor-like tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23545 chr3 121170747 121170824 + 4.99484 NA intron (NM_199420, intron 25 of 29) L1P1|LINE|L1 94068 NM_199420 10721 Hs.241517 NM_199420 HPRD:10375 POLQ POLH|PRO0327 polymerase (DNA directed), theta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12113 chr15 94848503 94848744 + 4.99484 NA intron (NM_018349, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_018349, intron 1 of 21) 7193 NM_018349 55784 Hs.33368 NM_018349 HPRD:07738 MCTP2 - multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2002 chr1 149016226 149016353 + 4.99194 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 85884 NR_027354 645166 Hs.744183 NR_027354 ENSG00000232527 LOC645166 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5343 chr10 134261226 134261292 + 4.98705 NA exon (NM_173541, exon 3 of 3) exon (NM_173541, exon 3 of 3) 2545 NM_173541 170393 Hs.375059 NM_173541 C10orf91 bA432J24.4 chromosome 10 open reading frame 91 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17203 chr19_gl000208_random 24296 24473 + 4.98421 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8716 chr12 102065286 102065376 + 4.98388 NA intron (NM_001254721, intron 21 of 28) intron (NM_001254721, intron 21 of 28) -26086 NM_020244 56994 Hs.293077 NM_020244 HPRD:13052 CHPT1 CPT|CPT1 choline phosphotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24582 chr4 6711591 6711766 + 4.98388 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203462) promoter-TSS (NM_203462) -72 NM_203462 114932 Hs.593159 NM_152301 HPRD:15162 MRFAP1L1 - Morf4 family associated protein 1-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31481 chr7 27940680 27940843 + 4.98388 NA intron (NM_175061, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_175061, intron 2 of 4) 161047 NM_006024 8887 Hs.34576 NM_006024 HPRD:05618 TAX1BP1 CALCOCO3|T6BP|TXBP151 Tax1 (human T-cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12332 chr16 3740637 3740703 + 4.98388 NA intron (NM_001272049, intron 1 of 16) intron (NM_001272049, intron 1 of 16) 26928 NM_016292 10131 Hs.30345 NM_016292 HPRD:05868 TRAP1 HSP 75|HSP75|HSP90L|TRAP-1 TNF receptor-associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24444 chr4 693325 693412 + 4.98388 NA Intergenic L1MC5|LINE|L1 -6205 NM_006315 10336 Hs.144309 NM_006315 HPRD:11515 PCGF3 DONG1|RNF3|RNF3A polycomb group ring finger 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17979 chr2 65144878 65144964 + 4.98388 NA intron (NR_036586, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_036586, intron 1 of 2) 14660 NR_036586 400958 Hs.591565 NR_036586 LOC400958 - uncharacterized LOC400958 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37375 chrX 21990945 21991030 + 4.98388 NA intron (NM_004595, intron 4 of 10) AluSz6|SINE|Alu 32296 NM_001258423 6611 Hs.724874 NM_004595 HPRD:02115 SMS MRSR|SPMSY|SRS|SpS spermine synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28489 chr5 147837022 147837088 + 4.98388 NA intron (NM_001040169, intron 5 of 5) intron (NM_001040169, intron 5 of 5) 73557 NM_001271723 81545 Hs.483772 NM_030793 HPRD:09775 FBXO38 Fbx38|HMN2D|MOKA F-box protein 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14540 chr17 56152050 56152153 + 4.98388 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 8464 NR_110809 101927666 Hs.552237 NR_110809 ENSG00000266290 LOC101927666 - uncharacterized LOC101927666 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29900 chr6 76491675 76491821 + 4.98388 NA intron (NM_001300899, intron 1 of 32) intron (NM_001300899, intron 1 of 32) 32839 NM_004999 4646 Hs.149387 NM_004999 HPRD:02985 MYO6 DFNA22|DFNB37 myosin VI protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9339 chr13 33105065 33105164 + 4.98364 NA intron (NM_001278432, intron 2 of 9) MLT1F2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 7818 NM_014887 10443 Hs.507680 NM_014887 HPRD:15119 N4BP2L2 92M18.3|CG005|PFAAP5 NEDD4 binding protein 2-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8637 chr12 94601747 94601813 + 4.98141 NA intron (NM_005761, intron 4 of 30) intron (NM_005761, intron 4 of 30) -54517 NR_037687 10154 Hs.584845 NM_005761 HPRD:05036 PLXNC1 CD232|PLXN-C1|VESPR plexin C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12720 chr16 31880918 31881055 + 4.98141 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4093 NM_003414 10308 Hs.460645 NM_003414 HPRD:06883 ZNF267 HZF2 zinc finger protein 267 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22242 chr3 5239188 5239359 + 4.98141 NA intron (NM_014674, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_014674, intron 2 of 11) 9914 NM_014674 9695 Hs.224616 NM_014674 HPRD:09644 EDEM1 EDEM ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11315 chr15 32828299 32828448 + 4.98005 NA promoter-TSS (NR_102756) promoter-TSS (NR_102756) -587 NR_102756 100996255 Hs.634408 NR_102756 LOC100996255 - uncharacterized LOC100996255 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38956 chrY 99078 99147 + 4.97837 NA Intergenic CpG -43879 NR_028057 55344 Hs.522568 NM_018390 PLCXD1 - phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20052 chr2 232422713 232422808 + 4.97837 NA Intergenic Intergenic -27578 NM_006056 10316 Hs.471619 NM_006056 HPRD:16039 NMUR1 (FM-3)|FM-3|FM3|GPC-R|GPR66|NMU1R neuromedin U receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31751 chr7 55470543 55470609 + 4.97837 NA intron (NM_018697, intron 5 of 8) SVA_D|Other|Other 37435 NM_018697 55915 Hs.595384 NM_018697 HPRD:13956 LANCL2 GPR69B|TASP LanC lantibiotic synthetase component C-like 2 (bacterial) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37135 chrX 149078 149147 + 4.97837 NA Intergenic CpG -43879 NR_028057 55344 Hs.522568 NM_018390 PLCXD1 - phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26982 chr5 36870645 36870775 + 4.97837 NA TTS (NR_046262) TTS (NR_046262) 6086 NR_046262 646719 Hs.355684 NR_046262 LOC646719 - uncharacterized LOC646719 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9171 chr13 19383890 19384015 + 4.97551 NA Intergenic Intergenic 62157 NR_027995 284232 Hs.679496 NR_027995 ANKRD20A9P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A9, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26631 chr4 190856135 190856204 + 4.97551 NA Intergenic MER58A|DNA|hAT-Charlie -5805 NM_004477 2483 Hs.203772 NM_004477 HPRD:03176 FRG1 FRG1A|FSG1 FSHD region gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11726 chr15 65588107 65588173 + 4.97551 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9122 NM_017851 54956 Hs.30634 NM_017851 HPRD:07919 PARP16 ARTD15|C15orf30|pART15 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33398 chr8 12523768 12523849 + 4.97380 NA promoter-TSS (NR_047662) promoter-TSS (NR_047662) -688 NR_047662 729732 Hs.322761 NR_047662 LOC729732 - uncharacterized LOC729732 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5166 chr10 122681173 122681287 + 4.97247 NA intron (NR_049879, intron 3 of 4) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -70539 NR_033850 283089 Hs.568750 NR_033850 ENSG00000227165 WDR11-AS1 - WDR11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8641 chr12 94638741 94638827 + 4.96857 NA intron (NM_005761, intron 12 of 30) intron (NM_005761, intron 12 of 30) -17513 NR_037687 10154 Hs.584845 NM_005761 HPRD:05036 PLXNC1 CD232|PLXN-C1|VESPR plexin C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_825 chr1 45187277 45187444 + 4.96857 NA intron (NM_001145636, intron 6 of 11) AluJb|SINE|Alu -18130 NM_006845 11004 Hs.720061 NM_006845 HPRD:05172 KIF2C CT139|KNSL6|MCAK kinesin family member 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36550 chr9 140783426 140783521 + 4.96750 NA intron (NR_121583, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_121583, intron 1 of 3) 3549 NR_121583 100133077 Hs.640081 NR_121583 ENSG00000203987 LOC100133077 - uncharacterized LOC100133077 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12303 chr16 2955774 2955954 + 4.96750 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6116 NM_032296 84256 Hs.655321 NM_020912 HPRD:13222 FLYWCH1 - FLYWCH-type zinc finger 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36483 chr9 139258111 139258237 + 4.96750 NA promoter-TSS (NR_073565) promoter-TSS (NR_073565) 89 NM_001080849 728489 Hs.528581 NM_001080849 ENSG00000187796 DNLZ C9orf151|HEP|HEP1|TIMM15|ZIM17|bA413M3.2 DNL-type zinc finger protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31735 chr7 53210538 53210614 + 4.96592 NA Intergenic Intergenic 107227 NM_182595 285877 Hs.381970 NM_182595 HPRD:13212 POM121L12 - POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin-like 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25667 chr4 100346901 100346967 + 4.96592 NA intron (NM_001166504, intron 5 of 8) L1HS|LINE|L1 9357 NM_001166504 131 Hs.389 NM_000673 HPRD:02515 ADH7 ADH4 alcohol dehydrogenase 7 (class IV), mu or sigma polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27452 chr5 67185926 67186008 + 4.96592 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -299737 NR_105003 102467655 Hs.544102 NR_105003 LOC102467655 - uncharacterized LOC102467655 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28008 chr5 111222473 111222606 + 4.96592 NA intron (NM_001142474, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -25666 NR_046678 100873948 Hs.147716 NR_046678 ENSG00000250095 NREP-AS1 - NREP antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37357 chrX 19166101 19166276 + 4.96592 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -25433 NM_001184837 10149 Hs.146978 NM_005756 HPRD:04040 GPR64 EDDM6|HE6|TM7LN2 G protein-coupled receptor 64 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10470 chr14 55094554 55094644 + 4.96592 NA intron (NM_001161576, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_001161576, intron 1 of 10) 60269 NM_015589 23034 Hs.98259 NM_015589 HPRD:10209 SAMD4A SAMD4|SMAUG|SMAUG1|SMG|SMGA sterile alpha motif domain containing 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12926 chr16 46388012 46388078 + 4.96581 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 214964 NR_026556 124149 Hs.97414 NM_001004299 ANKRD26P1 - ankyrin repeat domain 26 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5687 chr11 14402684 14402825 + 4.96190 NA Intergenic CpG -16702 NM_001177314 22800 Hs.502004 NM_012250 HPRD:02518 RRAS2 TC21 related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8351 chr12 68298865 68298974 + 4.96190 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -24096 NR_120456 101927922 Hs.450769 NR_120456 LINC01479 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1479 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3473 chr1 248334681 248334747 + 4.96190 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -8574 NM_001004688 391194 Hs.534728 NM_001004688 HPRD:17703 OR2M2 OR2M2Q|OST423 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily M, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1446 chr1 105758715 105758782 + 4.96190 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1143103 NR_033990 100129138 Hs.514487 NR_033990 ENSG00000215869 LOC100129138 - THAP domain containing, apoptosis associated protein 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8048 chr12 49235669 49235735 + 4.96190 NA intron (NM_004818, intron 3 of 16) SVA_D|Other|Other 10255 NM_004818 9416 Hs.130098 NM_004818 HPRD:09908 DDX23 PRPF28|SNRNP100|U5-100K|U5-100KD|prp28 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7809 chr12 32287487 32287635 + 4.96190 NA intron (NM_001003398, intron 1 of 8) L3|LINE|CR1 27376 NM_001714 636 Hs.505202 NM_001714 HPRD:03730 BICD1 BICD bicaudal D homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1168 chr1 80407527 80407613 + 4.96190 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -935075 NM_022159 64123 Hs.132314 NM_022159 ENSG00000162618 ELTD1 ETL|KPG_003 EGF, latrophilin and seven transmembrane domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33199 chr7 159126609 159126744 + 4.96190 NA Intergenic MER72|LTR|ERV1 -189027 NM_003382 7434 Hs.585052 NM_003382 HPRD:03576 VIPR2 C16DUPq36.3|DUP7q36.3|PACAP-R-3|PACAP-R3|VIP-R-2|VPAC2|VPAC2R|VPCAP2R vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23112 chr3 75590845 75590930 + 4.96190 NA Intergenic (TATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -89027 NR_031714 100302212 NR_031714 miRBase:MI0006657 MIR1324 MIRN1324|hsa-mir-1324 microRNA 1324 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32983 chr7 149119512 149119645 + 4.96190 NA Intergenic CpG 38475 NM_015694 27153 Hs.38512 NM_015694 HPRD:13849 ZNF777 - zinc finger protein 777 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24118 chr3 172194932 172195029 + 4.96190 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -28734 NM_004122 2693 Hs.130212 NM_004122 HPRD:03541 GHSR - growth hormone secretagogue receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36925 chrUn_gl000225 44944 45026 + 4.95627 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29487 chr6 35351792 35351867 + 4.95370 NA intron (NM_001171819, intron 2 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 41494 NM_177435 5467 Hs.696032 NM_006238 HPRD:02679 PPARD FAAR|NR1C2|NUC1|NUCI|NUCII|PPARB peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18474 chr2 95825449 95825742 + 4.95370 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032788) promoter-TSS (NM_032788) -332 NM_032788 84874 Hs.655109 NM_032788 HPRD:15814 ZNF514 - zinc finger protein 514 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10394 chr14 50319765 50319840 + 4.95370 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004713) promoter-TSS (NM_004713) -263 NM_004713 9147 Hs.655964 NM_004713 HPRD:08494 NEMF NY-CO-1|SDCCAG1 nuclear export mediator factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7649 chr12 22499038 22499226 + 4.95370 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -11484 NM_003034 6489 Hs.408614 NM_003034 HPRD:03078 ST8SIA1 GD3S|SIAT8|SIAT8-A|SIAT8A|ST8SiaI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23385 chr3 107844664 107844741 + 4.95370 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110028) promoter-TSS (NR_110028) 34 NR_110028 101929623 Hs.570653 NR_110028 LINC01215 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1215 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11172 chr15 21312899 21312982 + 4.94850 NA Intergenic (GCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 167173 NR_040094 348120 Hs.116287 NR_040094 ENSG00000258710 LINC01193 CT60 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1193 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25255 chr4 60075162 60075251 + 4.94837 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -2098655 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27961 chr5 107327005 107327158 + 4.94750 NA intron (NM_001163315, intron 7 of 8) intron (NM_001163315, intron 7 of 8) -320485 NM_001962 1946 Hs.288741 NM_001962 HPRD:03324 EFNA5 AF1|EFL5|EPLG7|GLC1M|LERK7|RAGS ephrin-A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22854 chr3 52241087 52241182 + 4.94750 NA intron (NM_199166, intron 7 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu 9035 NM_199166 211 Hs.476308 NM_000688 HPRD:00505 ALAS1 ALAS|ALAS3|ALASH|MIG4 aminolevulinate, delta-, synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_365 chr1 23946292 23946384 + 4.94750 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7486 NR_027042 259283 Hs.523369 NR_027042 ENSG00000197880 MDS2 - myelodysplastic syndrome 2 translocation associated ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16239 chr19 20260722 20260850 + 4.94750 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -17237 NM_052852 90649 Hs.590991 NM_052852 ENSG00000256229 ZNF486 KRBO2 zinc finger protein 486 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17047 chr19 53899382 53899448 + 4.94750 NA intron (NM_001040185, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_001040185, intron 1 of 3) 1018 NM_001040185 91661 Hs.685640 NM_138372 HPRD:14285 ZNF765 - zinc finger protein 765 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_555 chr1 33093251 33093361 + 4.94750 NA intron (NM_178547, intron 5 of 6) intron (NM_178547, intron 5 of 6) 22879 NM_178547 339487 Hs.655921 NM_178547 ZBTB8OS ARCH|ARCH2 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 8 opposite strand protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4911 chr10 101853486 101853557 + 4.94750 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -11879 NM_001308 1369 Hs.2246 NM_001308 HPRD:09120 CPN1 CPN|SCPN carboxypeptidase N, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23142 chr3 80959851 80959945 + 4.94750 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 851052 NM_000158 2632 Hs.436062 NM_000158 HPRD:01985 GBE1 APBD|GBE|GSD4 glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3453 chr1 247290024 247290142 + 4.94541 NA intron (NM_001243740, intron 3 of 3) CpG -14364 NM_207401 388759 Hs.456511 NM_207401 HPRD:13511 C1orf229 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36086 chr9 112083301 112083467 + 4.94541 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019114) promoter-TSS (NM_019114) -140 NM_018424 54566 Hs.591901 NM_018424 HPRD:09940 EPB41L4B CG1|EHM2 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21378 chr21 36012597 36012767 + 4.94541 NA Intergenic L1MB4|LINE|L1 -25241 NM_004414 1827 Hs.282326 NM_004414 HPRD:04226 RCAN1 ADAPT78|CSP1|DSC1|DSCR1|MCIP1|RCN1 regulator of calcineurin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33449 chr8 20161453 20161619 + 4.94541 NA Intergenic CpG 28252 NR_047509 100874051 Hs.385799 NR_047509 ENSG00000253733 LZTS1-AS1 - LZTS1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_944 chr1 53760341 53760419 + 4.94541 NA intron (NM_001018054, intron 2 of 17) MIR3|SINE|MIR 33441 NM_004631 7804 Hs.280387 NM_004631 LRP8 APOER2|HSZ75190|LRP-8|MCI1 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8, apolipoprotein e receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15693 chr19 1249731 1249813 + 4.94459 NA intron (NM_177401, intron 1 of 7) CpG 1220 NM_177401 90007 Hs.465529 NM_177401 HPRD:16230 MIDN - midnolin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30478 chr6 129812230 129812303 + 4.94014 NA intron (NM_001079823, intron 55 of 63) intron (NM_001079823, intron 55 of 63) 219104 NM_033515 93663 Hs.486458 NM_033515 HPRD:12474 ARHGAP18 MacGAP|SENEX|bA307O14.2 Rho GTPase activating protein 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16740 chr19 44038087 44038155 + 4.94014 NA intron (NM_174945, intron 2 of 3) CpG-13861 781 NM_174945 284346 Hs.213534 NM_174945 ZNF575 - zinc finger protein 575 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34549 chr8 124407667 124407743 + 4.94014 NA intron (NM_014109, intron 1 of 27) intron (NM_014109, intron 1 of 27) 1000 NM_014109 29028 Hs.370834 NM_014109 HPRD:10678 ATAD2 ANCCA|CT137|PRO2000 ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1053 chr1 66740902 66741046 + 4.93897 NA intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) -56817 NM_001037339 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32247 chr7 86688912 86689026 + 4.93897 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142749) promoter-TSS (NM_001142749) 45 NM_001142749 222223 Hs.208093 NM_152748 HPRD:13405 KIAA1324L EIG121L KIAA1324-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18056 chr2 71357129 71357195 + 4.93897 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005791) promoter-TSS (NM_005791) 232 NM_032601 84693 Hs.94949 NM_032601 HPRD:12229 MCEE GLOD2 methylmalonyl CoA epimerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11159 chr15 20546229 20546351 + 4.93675 NA Intergenic (CAGC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 58293 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30672 chr6 143267494 143267665 + 4.93457 NA Intergenic CpG-22589 -1241 NM_006734 3097 Hs.510172 NM_006734 HPRD:00881 HIVEP2 HIV-EP2|MBP-2|MIBP1|SHN2|ZAS2|ZNF40B human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32296 chr7 91656923 91657063 + 4.92926 NA intron (NM_147185, intron 14 of 49) SVA_A|Other|Other 86804 NM_005751 10142 Hs.651221 NM_005751 HPRD:04921 AKAP9 AKAP-9|AKAP350|AKAP450|CG-NAP|HYPERION|LQT11|MU-RMS-40.16A|PPP1R45|PRKA9|YOTIAO A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5643 chr11 12009324 12009390 + 4.92926 NA intron (NM_001018057, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_001018057, intron 3 of 6) 20829 NM_001018057 27122 Hs.292156 NM_013253 HPRD:05659 DKK3 REIC|RIG dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7402 chr12 7706161 7706229 + 4.92926 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -49781 NM_004244 9332 Hs.504641 NM_004244 HPRD:05708 CD163 M130|MM130 CD163 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21416 chr21 39128930 39129086 + 4.92926 NA intron (NM_002240, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_002240, intron 2 of 3) 159733 NM_002240 3763 Hs.626242 NM_002240 KCNJ6 BIR1|GIRK-2|GIRK2|KATP-2|KATP2|KCNJ7|KIR3.2|hiGIRK2 potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7497 chr12 11134908 11135167 + 4.92926 NA intron (NM_001291315, intron 2 of 5) ERVL-E-int|LTR|ERVL 4474 NM_176890 259296 Hs.688194 NM_176890 HPRD:18158 TAS2R50 T2R50|T2R51|TAS2R51 taste receptor, type 2, member 50 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20518 chr20 25302226 25302382 + 4.92914 NA intron (NM_001042472, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001042472, intron 3 of 12) 69314 NM_015600 26090 Hs.441550 NM_015600 HPRD:07094 ABHD12 ABHD12A|BEM46L2|C20orf22|PHARC|dJ965G21.2 abhydrolase domain containing 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29036 chr6 13355736 13355890 + 4.92914 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26998 NM_001258457 51256 Hs.484678 NM_016495 HPRD:18165 TBC1D7 MGCPH|PIG51|TBC7 TBC1 domain family, member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30241 chr6 108590663 108590743 + 4.92914 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -8239 NM_001300929 8724 Hs.12102 NM_003795 HPRD:09333 SNX3 Grd19|MCOPS8|SDP3 sorting nexin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38456 chrX 106916249 106916318 + 4.92856 NA Intergenic Intergenic 43428 NM_001015881 1831 Hs.522074 NM_004089 HPRD:04266 TSC22D3 DIP|DSIPI|GILZ|TSC-22R|hDIP TSC22 domain family, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36626 chr9_gl000199_random 104225 104369 + 4.92646 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10559 chr14 61919385 61919454 + 4.92424 NA intron (NM_006255, intron 6 of 13) intron (NM_006255, intron 6 of 13) 117493 NR_110417 101927780 Hs.254789 NR_110416 ENSG00000250548 LOC101927780 - uncharacterized LOC101927780 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8037 chr12 48577310 48577429 + 4.92424 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001013635) promoter-TSS (NM_001013635) 3 NM_001013635 387856 Hs.251699 NM_001013635 HPRD:18375 CCDC184 C12orf68 coiled-coil domain containing 184 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7814 chr12 32909270 32909364 + 4.92424 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001040436) promoter-TSS (NM_001040436) -430 NM_001040436 51067 Hs.505231 NM_015936 HPRD:13025 YARS2 MLASA2|MT-TYRRS|TYRRS tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22615 chr3 38180064 38180181 + 4.92089 NA 5' UTR (NM_001172567, exon 1 of 5) 5' UTR (NM_001172567, exon 1 of 5) 153 NM_002468 4615 Hs.82116 NM_002468 HPRD:03703 MYD88 MYD88D myeloid differentiation primary response 88 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33955 chr8 66546186 66546254 + 4.92026 NA intron (NM_001286702, intron 1 of 5) CpG 232 NM_001286702 55156 Hs.269542 NM_018120 HPRD:16506 ARMC1 Arcp armadillo repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8984 chr12 122064571 122064653 + 4.91655 NA 5' UTR (NM_032790, exon 1 of 2) 5' UTR (NM_032790, exon 1 of 2) 157 NM_032790 84876 Hs.55148 NM_032790 ORAI1 CRACM1|IMD9|ORAT1|TAM2|TMEM142A ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33813 chr8 48872688 48872798 + 4.91655 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006904) promoter-TSS (NM_006904) 0 NM_006904 5591 Hs.491682 NM_006904 HPRD:02941 PRKDC DNA-PKcs|DNAPK|DNPK1|HYRC|HYRC1|XRCC7|p350 protein kinase, DNA-activated, catalytic polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27326 chr5 54829980 54830170 + 4.91655 NA non-coding (NR_001575, exon 1 of 1) non-coding (NR_001575, exon 1 of 1) 295 NR_001575 379013 Hs.745164 NR_001575 RNF138P1 - ring finger protein 138, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17607 chr2 30934608 30934702 + 4.91278 NA Intergenic LTR41|LTR|ERVL 95656 NM_144575 92291 Hs.660911 NM_144575 HPRD:07008 CAPN13 - calpain 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3694 chr10 14644179 14644324 + 4.91278 NA intron (NM_001282695, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_001282695, intron 2 of 5) 2166 NM_001282697 83641 Hs.446315 NM_031453 HPRD:12575 FAM107B C10orf45 family with sequence similarity 107, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20009 chr2 228336756 228336847 + 4.91276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135187) promoter-TSS (NM_001135187) -47 NR_049888 100847081 NR_049888 miRBase:MI0019310 MIR5703 - microRNA 5703 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5833 chr11 27500472 27500538 + 4.91276 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -6171 NM_018490 55366 Hs.502176 NM_018490 HPRD:05978 LGR4 BNMD17|GPR48 leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17491 chr2 24163293 24163469 + 4.91276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_181713) promoter-TSS (NM_181713) 5 NM_181713 165324 Hs.591576 NM_181713 UBXN2A UBXD4 UBX domain protein 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22175 chr22 50752971 50753112 + 4.91276 NA exon (NM_001001794, exon 11 of 20) exon (NM_001001794, exon 11 of 20) -7040 NM_012401 23654 Hs.3989 NM_012401 HPRD:05050 PLXNB2 MM1|Nbla00445|PLEXB2|dJ402G11.3 plexin B2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11960 chr15 83736162 83736228 + 4.91276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025238) promoter-TSS (NM_025238) -89 NM_001011885 53339 Hs.459149 NM_025238 HPRD:12251 BTBD1 C15orf1|NS5ATP8 BTB (POZ) domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34145 chr8 85436206 85436272 + 4.91276 NA intron (NM_001100392, intron 2 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -181923 NM_001287244 138046 Hs.121663 NM_173848 HPRD:11236 RALYL HNRPCL3 RALY RNA binding protein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19639 chr2 197615960 197616030 + 4.91276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -38259 NR_034036 100130452 Hs.591625 NR_034036 LOC100130452 - uncharacterized LOC100130452 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5926 chr11 36531598 36531710 + 4.91276 NA 5' UTR (NM_004620, exon 1 of 7) 5' UTR (NM_004620, exon 1 of 7) 209 NM_145803 7189 Hs.444172 NM_004620 TRAF6 MGC:3310|RNF85 TNF receptor-associated factor 6, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36892 chrUn_gl000225 346 431 + 4.91150 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15838 chr19 6753467 6753610 + 4.91150 NA exon (NM_005490, exon 9 of 10) exon (NM_005490, exon 9 of 10) 13845 NR_110231 9322 Hs.515094 NM_004240 HPRD:05142 TRIP10 CIP4|HSTP|STOT|STP|TRIP-10 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32507 chr7 105029236 105029350 + 4.91150 NA promoter-TSS (NM_182692) promoter-TSS (NM_182692) 84 NM_182692 6733 Hs.285197 NM_182691 HPRD:04280 SRPK2 SFRSK2 SRSF protein kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30139 chr6 98508707 98508780 + 4.91150 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 36336 NR_031579 100302164 NR_031579 miRBase:MI0003939 MIR2113 hsa-mir-2113 microRNA 2113 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23068 chr3 71099802 71099943 + 4.91150 NA intron (NM_001244812, intron 4 of 15) intron (NM_001244812, intron 4 of 15) 14202 NM_001244813 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17725 chr2 42478169 42478267 + 4.91150 NA intron (NM_019063, intron 2 of 22) MER1A|DNA|hAT-Charlie -80847 NR_110584 102723824 Hs.639826 NR_110584 LOC102723824 - uncharacterized LOC102723824 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_779 chr1 43404083 43404155 + 4.90949 NA intron (NM_006516, intron 2 of 9) MIRc|SINE|MIR -20601 NR_033967 440584 Hs.260928 NR_033967 ENSG00000227533 SLC2A1-AS1 - SLC2A1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25781 chr4 109571473 109571541 + 4.90949 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021227) promoter-TSS (NM_021227) -234 NM_001267818 58505 Hs.445803 NM_021227 HPRD:13120 OSTC - oligosaccharyltransferase complex subunit (non-catalytic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25436 chr4 77837420 77837524 + 4.90949 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -18470 NM_001029870 345079 Hs.257292 NM_001029870 HPRD:18789 SOWAHB ANKRD56 sosondowah ankyrin repeat domain family member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4717 chr10 88516020 88516292 + 4.90949 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004329) promoter-TSS (NM_004329) -240 NM_004329 657 Hs.524477 NM_004329 BMPR1A 10q23del|ACVRLK3|ALK3|CD292|SKR5 bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IA protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27314 chr5 54319963 54320034 + 4.90949 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104662) promoter-TSS (NR_104662) -1 NR_104662 102467081 NR_104662 LOC102467081 - uncharacterized LOC102467081 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5104 chr10 116304201 116304306 + 4.90792 NA intron (NM_001003407, intron 6 of 21) intron (NM_001003407, intron 6 of 21) -17568 NM_006720 3983 Hs.438236 NM_002313 HPRD:03819 ABLIM1 ABLIM|LIMAB1|LIMATIN|abLIM-1 actin binding LIM protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36563 chr9_gl000198_random 73417 73510 + 4.89944 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21344 chr21 34100645 34100713 + 4.89939 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001160302) promoter-TSS (NM_001160302) 254 NR_038879 100506215 Hs.657123 NR_038879 ENSG00000238197 PAXBP1-AS1 GCFC1-AS1 PAXBP1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23190 chr3 88605224 88605290 + 4.89646 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -406241 NM_001195308 8545 Hs.444818 NM_003663 HPRD:04529 CGGBP1 CGGBP|p20-CGGBP CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21515 chr21 46974910 46975024 + 4.89646 NA Intergenic CpG -12582 NM_194255 6573 Hs.84190 NM_003056 HPRD:02691 SLC19A1 CHMD|FOLT|IFC1|REFC|RFC1 solute carrier family 19 (folate transporter), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19635 chr2 197127942 197128071 + 4.89646 NA non-coding (NR_110226, exon 3 of 3) non-coding (NR_110226, exon 3 of 3) 3258 NR_110226 101927482 Hs.191841 NR_110225 ENSG00000229056 LOC101927482 - uncharacterized LOC101927482 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35653 chr9 72374446 72374529 + 4.89507 NA intron (NM_001099666, intron 1 of 7) CpG 389 NM_001099666 375743 Hs.744192 NM_001099666 ENSG00000188647 PTAR1 - protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30084 chr6 91116016 91116089 + 4.89455 NA Intergenic MER110A|LTR|ERV1 93591 NR_039671 100616109 NR_039671 miRBase:MI0016812 MIR4464 - microRNA 4464 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23533 chr3 120277794 120277932 + 4.89455 NA Intergenic Intergenic -37265 NM_004547 4710 Hs.304613 NM_004547 HPRD:11955 NDUFB4 B15|CI-B15 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex, 4, 15kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14773 chr17 74522847 74523004 + 4.89455 NA promoter-TSS (NR_033357) promoter-TSS (NR_033357) -743 NR_033357 768206 Hs.634380 NM_001077620 PRCD RP36 progressive rod-cone degeneration protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21615 chr22 18880416 18880555 + 4.89435 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite -13251 NM_005675 8214 Hs.474185 NM_005675 HPRD:03177 DGCR6 - DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24563 chr4 5601099 5601167 + 4.89358 NA intron (NM_147127, intron 16 of 21) L1PA3|LINE|L1 74250 NM_005750 10141 Hs.177972 NM_005750 HPRD:12826 C4orf6 aC1 chromosome 4 open reading frame 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33861 chr8 56533003 56533113 + 4.89358 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 143481 NM_001286657 137695 Hs.420076 NM_152417 HPRD:08128 TMEM68 - transmembrane protein 68 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26112 chr4 141281108 141281177 + 4.89358 NA intron (NM_001153635, intron 2 of 4) MIR3|SINE|MIR 13404 NR_033939 100129858 Hs.660477 NR_033939 ENSG00000196951 SCOC-AS1 - SCOC antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30746 chr6 148807338 148807409 + 4.89358 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 7 of 19) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 143644 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9016 chr12 123707853 123708004 + 4.89358 NA intron (NM_022782, intron 3 of 23) intron (NM_022782, intron 3 of 23) 9857 NR_103517 10198 Hs.577404 NM_022782 HPRD:12022 MPHOSPH9 MPP-9|MPP9 M-phase phosphoprotein 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7332 chr12 3837994 3838081 + 4.89358 NA intron (NM_032680, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_032680, intron 2 of 10) 24329 NM_001144958 84766 Hs.504534 NM_032680 HPRD:10079 CRACR2A EFCAB4B calcium release activated channel regulator 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35602 chr9 70003053 70003185 + 4.89299 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 175696 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19707 chr2 202097052 202097121 + 4.89250 NA Intergenic LTR41|LTR|ERVL -1080 NM_033355 841 Hs.599762 NM_001228 HPRD:03459 CASP8 ALPS2B|CAP4|Casp-8|FLICE|MACH|MCH5 caspase 8, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18410 chr2 92226843 92226972 + 4.88692 NA Intergenic Intergenic 97748 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17228 chr19_gl000208_random 91812 91920 + 4.88601 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14637 chr17 62776529 62776656 + 4.88595 NA promoter-TSS (NR_106728) promoter-TSS (NR_106728) -285 NR_106728 102464831 NR_106728 MIR6080 hsa-mir-6080 microRNA 6080 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16452 chr19 34623440 34623514 + 4.88249 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -39875 NM_015578 26065 Hs.744009 NM_015578 HPRD:12697 LSM14A C19orf13|FAM61A|RAP55|RAP55A LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19028 chr2 136711983 136712049 + 4.88039 NA intron (NM_001293312, intron 3 of 14) MIR|SINE|MIR -30730 NR_110200 101928243 Hs.602178 NR_110199 DARS-AS1 - DARS antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24610 chr4 8200882 8200994 + 4.88039 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018986) promoter-TSS (NM_018986) -122 NM_018986 54436 Hs.479116 NM_018986 HPRD:11556 SH3TC1 - SH3 domain and tetratricopeptide repeats 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32665 chr7 123389114 123389387 + 4.87997 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003941) promoter-TSS (NM_003941) -125 NM_003941 8976 Hs.143728 NM_003941 HPRD:05448 WASL N-WASP|NWASP Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3685 chr10 14051710 14051850 + 4.87997 NA intron (NM_018027, intron 2 of 24) intron (NM_018027, intron 2 of 24) -64503 NR_120638 101928453 Hs.650212 NR_120638 LOC101928453 - uncharacterized LOC101928453 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32665-2 chr7 123389114 123389387 + 4.87997 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003941) promoter-TSS (NM_003941) -125 NM_003941 8976 Hs.143728 NM_003941 HPRD:05448 WASL N-WASP|NWASP Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11447 chr15 42565270 42565444 + 4.87997 NA intron (NM_015497, intron 1 of 19) intron (NM_015497, intron 1 of 19) 425 NM_001286487 25963 Hs.511138 NM_015497 ENSG00000103978 TMEM87A - transmembrane protein 87A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32321 chr7 92776885 92776973 + 4.87560 NA intron (NM_152703, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_152703, intron 1 of 4) 751 NM_152703 219285 Hs.489118 NM_152703 HPRD:10798 SAMD9L C7orf6|DRIF2|UEF1 sterile alpha motif domain containing 9-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22027 chr22 41214793 41214962 + 4.87560 NA intron (NR_104235, intron 1 of 10) intron (NR_104235, intron 1 of 10) 526 NR_104236 10478 Hs.474938 NM_006358 HPRD:08425 SLC25A17 PMP34 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; peroxisomal membrane protein, 34kDa), member 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8545 chr12 87035122 87035234 + 4.87560 NA intron (NM_013244, intron 1 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -88449 NR_039710 100616215 NR_039710 miRBase:MI0016851 MIR548AL - microRNA 548al ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30760 chr6 149816063 149816301 + 4.87560 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10034 NM_207360 340152 Hs.632618 NM_207360 ZC3H12D C6orf95|MCPIP4|TFL|dJ281H8.1|p34 zinc finger CCCH-type containing 12D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30063 chr6 89940847 89940936 + 4.87560 NA intron (NM_001267582, intron 1 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 116 NM_001267582 2569 Hs.99927 NM_002042 HPRD:15921 GABRR1 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, rho 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8744 chr12 103899262 103899416 + 4.87560 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9551 NM_001099336 374470 Hs.534649 NM_198521 HPRD:13393 C12orf42 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5470 chr11 1910646 1910738 + 4.87255 NA intron (NM_001289005, intron 10 of 10) intron (NM_001289005, intron 10 of 10) -7297 NR_120534 101927624 Hs.523404 NR_120534 LINC01150 2G7|TCONS_00019134 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1150 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19890 chr2 217217787 217217886 + 4.87255 NA intron (NM_020814, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_020814, intron 1 of 3) 18914 NM_020814 57574 Hs.170388 NM_020814 HPRD:16299 MARCH4 MARCH-IV|RNF174 membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 4, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20958 chr20 56195599 56195708 + 4.87255 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001160419) promoter-TSS (NM_001160419) -21 NM_001160418 81030 Hs.302123 NM_030776 HPRD:09484 ZBP1 C20orf183|DAI|DLM-1|DLM1 Z-DNA binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2090 chr1 151253697 151253789 + 4.87044 NA Intergenic CpG -1048 NM_020832 57592 Hs.186756 NM_020832 HPRD:13859 ZNF687 - zinc finger protein 687 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14502 chr17 48945133 48945199 + 4.87030 NA non-coding (NR_038458, exon 2 of 2) non-coding (NR_038458, exon 2 of 2) 173 NM_001243877 10140 Hs.703321 NM_005749 HPRD:09273 TOB1 APRO6|PIG49|TOB|TROB|TROB1 transducer of ERBB2, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34807 chr8 144679844 144679954 + 4.87030 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032378) promoter-TSS (NM_032378) -54 NM_001130055 1936 Hs.333388 NM_001960 HPRD:00560 EEF1D EF-1D|EF1D|FP1047 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 delta (guanine nucleotide exchange protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30375 chr6 117870942 117871012 + 4.87030 NA intron (NM_173674, intron 14 of 14) intron (NM_173674, intron 14 of 14) 52728 NM_001017408 57120 Hs.191539 NM_020399 HPRD:06024 GOPC CAL|FIG|GOPC1|PIST|dJ94G16.2 golgi-associated PDZ and coiled-coil motif containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11215 chr15 23607989 23608080 + 4.86980 NA intron (NR_038843, intron 12 of 17) intron (NR_038843, intron 12 of 17) 8139 NR_038843 653061 Hs.528454 NR_038843 GOLGA8S - golgin A8 family, member S pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5376 chr10 135462648 135462903 + 4.86686 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22476 NM_001080998 441581 Hs.690471 NM_001080998 ENSG00000225899 FRG2B - FSHD region gene 2 family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37586 chrX 48755406 48755534 + 4.86512 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001167992) promoter-TSS (NM_001167992) -44 NM_005834 10245 Hs.30570 NM_005834 HPRD:02218 TIMM17B DXS9822|TIM17B translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 17 homolog B (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3811 chr10 22895260 22895326 + 4.86512 NA intron (NM_005028, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_005028, intron 3 of 9) 108210 NM_005028 5305 Hs.57079 NM_005028 HPRD:11931 PIP4K2A PI5P4KA|PIP5K2A|PIP5KII-alpha|PIP5KIIA|PIPK phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15474 chr18 60173394 60173738 + 4.86512 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17092 NM_017742 54877 Hs.114191 NM_017742 HPRD:11696 ZCCHC2 C18orf49 zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20608 chr20 30262797 30262865 + 4.86445 NA intron (NM_001191, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_001191, intron 2 of 2) 37140 NM_032609 84701 Hs.277101 NM_032609 HPRD:12143 COX4I2 COX4|COX4-2|COX4B|COX4L2|COXIV-2|dJ857M17.2 cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV isoform 2 (lung) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24388 chr3 196358971 196359237 + 4.86445 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7552 NM_198565 375387 Hs.702186 NM_198565 HPRD:17452 NRROS GARPL1|LRRC33|UNQ3030 negative regulator of reactive oxygen species protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2234 chr1 156629908 156629996 + 4.86445 NA TTS (NM_021948) TTS (NM_021948) 17237 NM_006617 10763 Hs.527971 NM_006617 HPRD:09020 NES - nestin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12158 chr15 100337495 100337626 + 4.86445 NA intron (NR_003260, intron 4 of 4) intron (NR_003260, intron 4 of 4) 9572 NR_003260 196968 Hs.567763 NM_194295 HPRD:13192 DNM1P46 C15orf51|DNM1DN14.2|DNM1DN14@ DNM1 pseudogene 46 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6041 chr11 48317988 48318111 + 4.86445 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -9726 NM_001004725 256148 Hs.553657 NM_001004725 HPRD:14987 OR4S1 OR11-100 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily S, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23448 chr3 112492951 112493093 + 4.86445 NA Intergenic MIR|SINE|MIR -24856 NR_110017 101929694 Hs.385630 NR_110017 ENSG00000240893 LOC101929694 - uncharacterized LOC101929694 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11990 chr15 85279835 85279901 + 4.86445 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11950 NM_014630 9640 Hs.79347 NM_014630 HPRD:10339 ZNF592 CAMOS|SCAR5 zinc finger protein 592 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18845 chr2 127535101 127535167 + 4.85898 NA Intergenic CpG 121623 NM_002101 2995 Hs.59138 NM_002101 HPRD:00193 GYPC CD236|CD236R|GE|GPC|GPD|GYPD|PAS-2|PAS-2' glycophorin C (Gerbich blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30212 chr6 106611469 106611556 + 4.85898 NA Intergenic Intergenic 64775 NM_182907 639 Hs.436023 NM_001198 HPRD:04572 PRDM1 BLIMP1|PRDI-BF1 PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31315 chr7 11634710 11634798 + 4.85781 NA intron (NM_015204, intron 2 of 26) HERVL-int|LTR|ERVL 237070 NM_015204 221981 Hs.120855 NM_015204 ENSG00000005108 THSD7A - thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11664 chr15 60942144 60942326 + 4.85781 NA intron (NM_134261, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_134261, intron 2 of 10) -22506 NM_134260 6095 Hs.560343 NM_002943 HPRD:02896 RORA NR1F1|ROR1|ROR2|ROR3|RZR-ALPHA|RZRA RAR-related orphan receptor A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15347 chr18 46201726 46201802 + 4.85781 NA intron (NM_014772, intron 6 of 11) intron (NM_014772, intron 6 of 11) 4793 NR_039897 100616366 NR_039897 MIR4743 - microRNA 4743 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37640 chrX 50990348 50990422 + 4.85781 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -76153 NR_110382 101926971 Hs.657995 NR_110382 LINC01284 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1284 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36207 chr9 124470440 124470506 + 4.85781 NA intron (NM_032552, intron 3 of 16) MIRb|SINE|MIR -34591 NM_138709 153090 Hs.522378 NM_032552 HPRD:09903 DAB2IP AF9Q34|AIP-1|AIP1|DIP1/2 DAB2 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20038 chr2 231729498 231729683 + 4.85045 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001012516) promoter-TSS (NM_001012516) -20 NM_001012514 81618 Hs.111577 NM_030926 HPRD:17167 ITM2C BRI3|BRICD2C|E25|E25C|ITM3 integral membrane protein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17601 chr2 30560008 30560153 + 4.85045 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR -9432 NR_122048 285043 Hs.429119 NR_122048 LOC285043 - uncharacterized LOC285043 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35901 chr9 95716469 95716626 + 4.84826 NA intron (NM_001083536, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001083536, intron 1 of 17) 6946 NM_001083536 89846 Hs.411081 NM_033086 HPRD:10957 FGD3 ZFYVE5 FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32588 chr7 113174116 113174199 + 4.84826 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 384925 NM_002711 5506 Hs.458309 NM_002711 HPRD:02950 PPP1R3A GM|PP1G|PPP1R3 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18605 chr2 102869998 102870116 + 4.84826 NA Intergenic Intergenic -57905 NM_001282408 9173 Hs.66 NM_003856 HPRD:03123 IL1RL1 DER4|FIT-1|IL33R|ST2|ST2L|ST2V|T1 interleukin 1 receptor-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25701 chr4 103265830 103265978 + 4.84709 NA 5' UTR (NM_001135147, exon 2 of 11) 5' UTR (NM_001135147, exon 2 of 11) 444 NM_022154 64116 Hs.288034 NM_022154 HPRD:12286 SLC39A8 BIGM103|LZT-Hs6|ZIP8 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1032 chr1 65432144 65432232 + 4.84550 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002227) promoter-TSS (NM_002227) -1 NM_002227 3716 Hs.207538 NM_002227 HPRD:00992 JAK1 JAK1A|JAK1B|JTK3 Janus kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1428 chr1 104137191 104137300 + 4.84550 NA Intergenic LTR25-int|LTR|ERV1 -22754 NM_000699 279 Hs.654437 NM_000699 HPRD:00094 AMY2A AMY2|AMY2B|PA amylase, alpha 2A (pancreatic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11165 chr15 20775779 20775878 + 4.84465 NA intron (NR_027411, intron 12 of 17) intron (NR_027411, intron 12 of 17) 8154 NR_027411 729786 Hs.592025 NR_027411 GOLGA8CP GOLGA8C golgin A8 family, member C, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16324 chr19 24627978 24628085 + 4.84125 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -281782 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10794 chr14 78047410 78047480 + 4.83971 NA intron (NM_004863, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_004863, intron 2 of 11) 35665 NM_004863 9517 Hs.435661 NM_004863 HPRD:05755 SPTLC2 HSN1C|LCB2|LCB2A|NSAN1C|SPT2|hLCB2a serine palmitoyltransferase, long chain base subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23502 chr3 118603656 118603739 + 4.83971 NA Intergenic Intergenic -58226 NR_046230 100506765 Hs.660823 NR_046230 ENSG00000239877 IGSF11-AS1 - IGSF11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36292 chr9 130374391 130374457 + 4.83971 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003165) promoter-TSS (NM_003165) -62 NM_001032221 6812 Hs.288229 NM_003165 HPRD:04235 STXBP1 MUNC18-1|NSEC1|P67|RBSEC1|UNC18 syntaxin binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29781 chr6 63057254 63057320 + 4.83971 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -61187 NM_152688 202559 Hs.519794 NM_152688 HPRD:13775 KHDRBS2 SLM-1|SLM1|bA535F17.1 KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24963 chr4 44507662 44507728 + 4.83971 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -56871 NM_198353 386617 Hs.479644 NM_198353 HPRD:13771 KCTD8 - potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15790 chr19 4124229 4124308 + 4.83971 NA promoter-TSS (NM_030662) promoter-TSS (NM_030662) -142 NM_030662 5605 Hs.465627 NM_030662 HPRD:03164 MAP2K2 CFC4|MAPKK2|MEK2|MKK2|PRKMK2 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38738 chrX 134166207 134166317 + 4.83971 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001078171) promoter-TSS (NM_001078171) -71 NM_001078171 8933 Hs.522789 NM_003928 HPRD:02197 FAM127A CXX1|MAR8C|MART8C|Mar8|Mart8 family with sequence similarity 127, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27868 chr5 98675840 98675908 + 4.83971 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -193820 NR_110562 102724855 Hs.519477 NR_110562 CTD-2151A2.1 - uncharacterized LOC102724855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6792 chr11 90796265 90796493 + 4.83971 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -507354 NR_039711 100616186 NR_039711 miRBase:MI0016852 MIR4490 - microRNA 4490 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9315 chr13 31035922 31036007 + 4.83791 NA intron (NM_002128, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_002128, intron 4 of 4) 4117 NM_002128 3146 Hs.434102 NM_002128 HPRD:01228 HMGB1 HMG1|HMG3|SBP-1 high mobility group box 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24629 chr4 9237539 9237632 + 4.83773 NA exon (NM_001256894, exon 1 of 2) exon (NM_001256894, exon 1 of 2) 1474 NM_001256894 100288520 Hs.528621 NM_001256894 USP17L15 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20312 chr20 2450806 2450935 + 4.83589 NA intron (NM_003091, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_003091, intron 1 of 6) 629 NM_003091 6628 Hs.83753 NM_003091 HPRD:01655 SNRPB COD|SNRPB1|Sm-B/B'|SmB/B'|SmB/SmB'|snRNP-B small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20968 chr20 57227332 57227518 + 4.83589 NA intron (NM_001134772, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001134772, intron 1 of 7) 1116 NM_003763 8675 Hs.307913 NM_003763 HPRD:04718 STX16 SYN16 syntaxin 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32047 chr7 66386102 66386181 + 4.83589 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017994) promoter-TSS (NM_017994) -62 NM_017994 55069 Hs.488478 NM_017994 HPRD:08541 TMEM248 C7orf42 transmembrane protein 248 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1730 chr1 142690639 142690743 + 4.83582 NA Intergenic Intergenic 22914 NR_046228 100874392 Hs.648245 NR_046228 ANKRD20A12P - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A12, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18367 chr2 91597867 91598092 + 4.83452 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 249996 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8083 chr12 50469096 50469165 + 4.83227 NA intron (NM_001256830, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001256830, intron 1 of 9) 1762 NM_001256830 41 Hs.274361 NM_001095 HPRD:04182 ASIC1 ACCN2|ASIC|BNaC2 acid-sensing (proton-gated) ion channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22939 chr3 58518633 58518715 + 4.83227 NA intron (NM_003500, intron 5 of 14) intron (NM_003500, intron 5 of 14) 4255 NM_003500 8309 Hs.444959 NM_003500 HPRD:09037 ACOX2 BCOX|BRCACOX|BRCOX|THCCox acyl-CoA oxidase 2, branched chain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38650 chrX 128523633 128523721 + 4.83227 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 133805 NM_001282874 6594 Hs.152292 NM_003069 HPRD:02055 SMARCA1 ISWI|NURF140|SNF2L|SNF2L1|SNF2LB|SNF2LT|SWI|SWI2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4492 chr10 68206493 68206670 + 4.83227 NA intron (NM_013266, intron 11 of 17) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -479211 NM_178011 347731 Hs.652155 NM_178011 LRRTM3 - leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32283 chr7 89874262 89874405 + 4.83227 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001039706) promoter-TSS (NM_001039706) -155 NM_001039706 79846 Hs.657403 NM_024788 HPRD:08633 CFAP69 C7orf63|FAP69 cilia and flagella associated protein 69 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4342 chr10 52286700 52286767 + 4.83227 NA intron (NM_147156, intron 2 of 10) AluSc|SINE|Alu 97004 NM_147156 259230 Hs.654698 NM_147156 HPRD:18203 SGMS1 MOB|MOB1|SMS1|TMEM23|hmob33 sphingomyelin synthase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1327 chr1 94344680 94344844 + 4.83227 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014597) promoter-TSS (NM_014597) 0 NM_014597 30836 Hs.85769 NM_014597 DNTTIP2 ERBP|FCF2|HSU15552|LPTS-RP2|TdIF2 deoxynucleotidyltransferase, terminal, interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1994 chr1 148846951 148847118 + 4.82898 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 41019 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15123 chr18 15196578 15196644 + 4.82714 NA Intergenic AluJr|SINE|Alu 129307 NR_027417 644669 Hs.579474 NR_027417 ENSG00000215512 LOC644669 - ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11000 chr14 100531534 100531749 + 4.82714 NA promoter-TSS (NM_016337) promoter-TSS (NM_016337) -110 NM_016337 51466 Hs.125867 NM_016337 HPRD:10942 EVL RNB6 Enah/Vasp-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32160 chr7 76151591 76151669 + 4.82191 NA intron (NM_030570, intron 4 of 4) MIRb|SINE|MIR 11890 NM_182683 80761 Hs.488861 NM_030570 HPRD:15626 UPK3B P35|UP3B|UPIIIB uroplakin 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16240 chr19 20269548 20269681 + 4.82191 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 -8409 NM_052852 90649 Hs.590991 NM_052852 ENSG00000256229 ZNF486 KRBO2 zinc finger protein 486 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33866 chr8 56885774 56885850 + 4.82191 NA intron (NM_001111097, intron 10 of 12) intron (NM_001111097, intron 10 of 12) 93426 NM_002350 4067 Hs.491767 NM_002350 HPRD:01301 LYN JTK8|p53Lyn|p56Lyn LYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25598 chr4 92779948 92780063 + 4.82191 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -445545 NM_001286838 2895 Hs.162727 NM_001510 HPRD:06781 GRID2 GluD2 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33958 chr8 66574566 66574632 + 4.82191 NA intron (NM_014637, intron 1 of 7) SVA_D|Other|Other -7509 NM_001145838 9650 Hs.584788 NM_014637 HPRD:12389 MTFR1 CHPPR|FAM54A2 mitochondrial fission regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22023 chr22 41079271 41079346 + 4.82191 NA TTS (NM_005297) TTS (NM_005297) 4126 NM_005297 2847 Hs.248122 NM_005297 HPRD:11874 MCHR1 GPR24|MCH-1R|MCH1R|SLC-1|SLC1 melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30858 chr6 157620386 157620479 + 4.82191 NA Intergenic Intergenic 124859 NM_018452 729515 Hs.157212 NM_018452 ENSG00000215712 TMEM242 BM033|C6orf35 transmembrane protein 242 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4952 chr10 103824673 103824841 + 4.82144 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024747) promoter-TSS (NM_024747) -367 NM_024747 79803 Hs.125133 NM_024747 HPRD:08471 HPS6 - Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8112 chr12 52430744 52430858 + 4.82144 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001202234) promoter-TSS (NM_001202234) -698 NM_001202234 3164 Hs.524430 NM_002135 HPRD:00744 NR4A1 GFRP1|HMR|N10|NAK-1|NGFIB|NP10|NUR77|TR3 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10301 chr14 39736604 39736691 + 4.82144 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038935) promoter-TSS (NR_038935) 319 NM_203355 4253 Hs.509200 NM_005930 HPRD:03680 CTAGE5 MEA6|MGEA|MGEA11|MGEA6 CTAGE family, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28879 chr5 180670916 180671036 + 4.82071 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002591) promoter-TSS (NR_002591) -70 NM_006098 10399 Hs.5662 NM_006098 HPRD:01503 GNB2L1 Gnb2-rs1|H12.3|HLC-7|PIG21|RACK1 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31110 chr6 170708230 170708537 + 4.81897 NA intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_001286380, intron 9 of 10) 68534 NR_039787 100616430 NR_039787 MIR4644 - microRNA 4644 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11138 chr15 20117822 20117888 + 4.81684 NA Intergenic Intergenic -370142 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29339 chr6 30402758 30402824 + 4.81646 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -54392 NM_005516 3133 Hs.650174 NM_005516 HPRD:00877 HLA-E EA1.2|EA2.1|HLA-6.2|MHC|QA1 major histocompatibility complex, class I, E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34136 chr8 84363399 84363471 + 4.81646 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 47442 NR_122034 103352670 Hs.399852 NR_122034 LINC01419 TCONS_00014497 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1419 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7677 chr12 25144590 25144688 + 4.81646 NA Intergenic Intergenic 5734 NM_001101339 196415 Hs.434453 NM_001101339 ENSG00000226397 C12orf77 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 77 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22128 chr22 46546317 46546392 + 4.81646 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005036) promoter-TSS (NM_005036) -145 NM_005036 5465 Hs.103110 NM_005036 HPRD:01369 PPARA NR1C1|PPAR|PPARalpha|hPPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_250 chr1 15735934 15736002 + 4.81646 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024329) promoter-TSS (NM_024329) -423 NM_024329 79180 Hs.465374 NM_024329 HPRD:13266 EFHD2 SWS1 EF-hand domain family, member D2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28726 chr5 170782560 170782697 + 4.81646 NA Intergenic ERVL-E-int|LTR|ERVL 31136 NR_037474 100500831 NR_037474 miRBase:MI0016416 MIR3912 - microRNA 3912 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12462 chr16 18409738 18409914 + 4.81531 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16693 NM_001282511 101059953 Hs.636569 NM_001282511 NPIPA8 LCR16a9 nuclear pore complex interacting protein family, member A8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3341 chr1 236031550 236031662 + 4.80922 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 1 of 52) L2a|LINE|L2 -1379 NM_000081 1130 Hs.532411 NM_000081 HPRD:06060 LYST CHS|CHS1 lysosomal trafficking regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9876 chr13 100089394 100089545 + 4.80856 NA Intergenic Intergenic -30915 NR_039765 100616144 NR_039765 MIR548AN - microRNA 548an ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12396 chr16 11762195 11762291 + 4.80686 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003498) promoter-TSS (NM_003498) -46 NM_003498 8303 Hs.618526 NM_003498 HPRD:04327 SNN - stannin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19553 chr2 190656502 190656657 + 4.80686 NA exon (NM_001128143, exon 2 of 12) exon (NM_001128143, exon 2 of 12) -7482 NM_001128150 94101 Hs.700632 NM_016467 HPRD:15092 ORMDL1 - ORMDL sphingolipid biosynthesis regulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6810 chr11 93394757 93394823 + 4.80686 NA promoter-TSS (NM_033395) promoter-TSS (NM_033395) -26 NM_033395 85459 Hs.458418 NM_033395 ENSG00000166004 KIAA1731 - KIAA1731 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38755 chrX 134870993 134871262 + 4.80686 NA intron (NM_001172288, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_001172288, intron 2 of 4) 4712 NM_001291543 101060211 Hs.535080 NM_001291543 LOC101060211 - cancer/testis antigen family 45 member A5-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10045 chr13 115047240 115047339 + 4.80556 NA exon (NM_080687, exon 1 of 9) exon (NM_080687, exon 1 of 9) 230 NM_023011 65110 Hs.533855 NM_023011 HPRD:09274 UPF3A HUPF3A|RENT3A|UPF3 UPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog A (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10085 chr14 20752663 20752743 + 4.80452 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 21450 NM_138376 91875 Hs.98553 NM_138376 TTC5 Strap tetratricopeptide repeat domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21005 chr20 61531751 61531820 + 4.80452 NA intron (NM_080797, intron 6 of 14) intron (NM_080797, intron 6 of 14) 26118 NM_001193369 11083 Hs.517172 NM_022105 HPRD:10363 DIDO1 BYE1|C20orf158|DATF-1|DATF1|DIDO2|DIDO3|DIO-1|DIO1|dJ885L7.8 death inducer-obliterator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28961 chr6 4608179 4608277 + 4.80452 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2571 NR_122107 497048 Hs.591355 NM_001011540 KU-MEL-3 - uncharacterized LOC497048 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8738 chr12 103663016 103663116 + 4.80452 NA intron (NR_103526, intron 7 of 10) intron (NR_103526, intron 7 of 10) 226722 NR_103526 374470 Hs.534649 NM_198521 HPRD:13393 C12orf42 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26385 chr4 168315100 168315241 + 4.80452 NA Intergenic Tigger3c|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -159429 NM_001204355 50859 Hs.481133 NM_016950 HPRD:12147 SPOCK3 HSAJ1454|TES-3|TICN3 sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11884 chr15 78361136 78361233 + 4.80452 NA intron (NM_144572, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_144572, intron 1 of 12) 8810 NM_144572 23102 Hs.567426 NM_015079 HPRD:08310 TBC1D2B - TBC1 domain family, member 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23415 chr3 110345710 110345840 + 4.80452 NA Intergenic LTR12F|LTR|ERV1 443031 NR_045114 100506555 Hs.535689 NR_045114 PVRL3-AS1 - PVRL3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21111 chr21 10702420 10702514 + 4.80081 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 288476 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38542 chrX 117662332 117662442 + 4.80055 NA intron (NM_144658, intron 1 of 52) intron (NM_144658, intron 1 of 52) 32515 NM_144658 139818 Hs.368203 NM_144658 HPRD:06492 DOCK11 ACG|ZIZ2|bB128O4.1 dedicator of cytokinesis 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19748 chr2 204605864 204605970 + 4.80055 NA Intergenic Intergenic 34719 NM_001243077 940 Hs.443123 NM_006139 HPRD:01727 CD28 Tp44 CD28 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31909 chr7 61792025 61792152 + 4.79626 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 972346 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20998 chr20 61282730 61282796 + 4.79238 NA intron (NM_016354, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_016354, intron 1 of 11) 8966 NM_016354 28231 Hs.235782 NM_016354 HPRD:11582 SLCO4A1 OATP-E|OATP1|OATP4A1|OATPE|OATPRP1|POAT|SLC21A12 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 4A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7550 chr12 14571588 14571719 + 4.79232 NA intron (NM_181352, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_181352, intron 1 of 14) 33655 NM_181352 55729 Hs.504856 NM_018179 HPRD:09811 ATF7IP AM|ATF-IP|MCAF|MCAF1|p621 activating transcription factor 7 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18953 chr2 132981289 132981380 + 4.78932 NA intron (NR_027020, intron 1 of 4) ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 33319 NR_031608 100313824 NR_031608 miRBase:MI0006336 MIR663B MIRN663B microRNA 663b ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30033 chr6 88102889 88102972 + 4.78671 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3912 NR_026784 63914 Hs.645177 NM_022084 ENSG00000203871 C6orf164 dJ102H19.4 chromosome 6 open reading frame 164 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38595 chrX 123346582 123346674 + 4.78671 NA Intergenic Intergenic -133504 NM_002351 4068 Hs.349094 NM_002351 HPRD:02390 SH2D1A DSHP|EBVS|IMD5|LYP|MTCP1|SAP|SAP/SH2D1A|XLP|XLPD|XLPD1 SH2 domain containing 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31480 chr7 27939377 27939503 + 4.78671 NA intron (NM_175061, intron 2 of 4) MIR3|SINE|MIR 159726 NM_006024 8887 Hs.34576 NM_006024 HPRD:05618 TAX1BP1 CALCOCO3|T6BP|TXBP151 Tax1 (human T-cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10615 chr14 65754628 65754710 + 4.78671 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47232 NR_039857 100616176 NR_039857 miRBase:MI0017341 MIR4708 - microRNA 4708 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34797 chr8 144369626 144369755 + 4.78455 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -3869 NM_030895 79943 Hs.512740 NM_030895 ZNF696 - zinc finger protein 696 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26133 chr4 143338342 143338408 + 4.78455 NA intron (NM_001101669, intron 5 of 25) intron (NM_001101669, intron 5 of 25) 429229 NM_003866 8821 Hs.531403 NM_003866 HPRD:06322 INPP4B - inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type II, 105kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_156 chr1 8009209 8009375 + 4.78455 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6067 NM_001561 3604 Hs.86447 NM_001561 TNFRSF9 4-1BB|CD137|CDw137|ILA tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10544 chr14 61220111 61220177 + 4.78455 NA intron (NM_001177963, intron 1 of 6) MLT1F1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 18685 NM_002431 4331 Hs.509523 NM_002431 HPRD:04042 MNAT1 CAP35|MAT1|RNF66|TFB3 MNAT CDK-activating kinase assembly factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5674 chr11 13916497 13916605 + 4.78455 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -67633 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35949 chr9 99619231 99619368 + 4.78455 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2910 NM_001001662 158431 Hs.732126 NM_001001662 HPRD:16914 ZNF782 - zinc finger protein 782 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12115 chr15 94867589 94867664 + 4.78455 NA intron (NM_018349, intron 3 of 21) intron (NM_018349, intron 3 of 21) 26196 NM_018349 55784 Hs.33368 NM_018349 HPRD:07738 MCTP2 - multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38005 chrX 69653834 69653910 + 4.78455 NA TTS (NM_001171192) TTS (NM_001171192) -10833 NM_021120 1741 Hs.721586 NM_020730 HPRD:02177 DLG3 MRX|MRX90|NEDLG|PPP1R82|SAP102|XLMR discs, large homolog 3 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21039 chr20 62573173 62573282 + 4.78390 NA promoter-TSS (NR_031735) promoter-TSS (NR_031735) -330 NR_031735 100302137 NR_031735 MIR1914 MIRN1914|hsa-mir-1914 microRNA 1914 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21039-2 chr20 62573173 62573282 + 4.78390 NA promoter-TSS (NR_031735) promoter-TSS (NR_031735) -330 NR_031735 100302137 NR_031735 MIR1914 MIRN1914|hsa-mir-1914 microRNA 1914 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28579 chr5 153569959 153570044 + 4.77900 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198321) promoter-TSS (NM_198321) -294 NM_198321 55568 Hs.631797 NM_017540 HPRD:12157 GALNT10 GALNACT10|PPGALNACT10|PPGANTASE10 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8320 chr12 65078523 65078656 + 4.77900 NA exon (NM_178169, exon 2 of 5) exon (NM_178169, exon 2 of 5) -62204 NR_037515 100500856 NR_037515 MIR548Z - microRNA 548z ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28749 chr5 172411445 172411530 + 4.77900 NA intron (NM_003945, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_003945, intron 1 of 3) 724 NM_003945 8992 Hs.484188 NM_003945 ATP6V0E1 ATP6H|ATP6V0E|M9.2|Vma21|Vma21p ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 9kDa, V0 subunit e1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33308 chr8 7379038 7379136 + 4.77900 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18062 NM_001282479 100131608 NM_001282479 ENSG00000255251 PRR23D1 - proline rich 23 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24546 chr4 4053817 4053910 + 4.77900 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -96715 NR_024253 348926 Hs.591720 NR_024253 FAM86EP - family with sequence similarity 86, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10412 chr14 50779550 50779681 + 4.77900 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024884) promoter-TSS (NM_024884) 568 NR_033761 27109 Hs.438489 NM_015684 HPRD:12503 ATP5S ATPW|FB|HSU79253 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex, subunit s (factor B) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34348 chr8 102138954 102139201 + 4.77820 NA Intergenic CpG 74795 NR_033962 441374 Hs.652045 NR_033962 ENSG00000248599 FLJ42969 - uncharacterized LOC441374 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24991 chr4 47487462 47487640 + 4.77820 NA intron (NM_020453, intron 1 of 22) intron (NM_020453, intron 1 of 22) 141 NM_020453 57205 Hs.437241 NM_020453 HPRD:16518 ATP10D ATPVD ATPase, class V, type 10D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28611 chr5 156575895 156576020 + 4.77820 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6036 NM_004270 9443 Hs.279902 NM_004270 HPRD:05439 MED7 ARC34|CRSP33|CRSP9 mediator complex subunit 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29217 chr6 26251717 26251831 + 4.77820 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003524) promoter-TSS (NM_003524) -105 NM_003524 8345 Hs.247815 NM_003524 HPRD:11902 HIST1H2BH H2B/j|H2BFJ histone cluster 1, H2bh protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11359 chr15 38432517 38432597 + 4.77820 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 99963 NR_120330 101928227 Hs.602381 NR_120330 LOC101928227 - uncharacterized LOC101928227 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32870 chr7 140761859 140762050 + 4.77761 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -12078 NM_001195278 100507421 Hs.283851 NM_001195278 ENSG00000261115 TMEM178B - transmembrane protein 178B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18412 chr2 92232753 92232826 + 4.76967 NA Intergenic ERVL-E-int|LTR|ERVL 103630 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7170 chr11 125932802 125932925 + 4.76908 NA intron (NM_016952, intron 1 of 19) CpG 324 NM_016952 50937 Hs.38034 NM_016952 HPRD:16372 CDON CDO|CDON1|HPE11|ORCAM cell adhesion associated, oncogene regulated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19993 chr2 225917546 225917675 + 4.76908 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10280 NM_014689 55619 Hs.46578 NM_014689 HPRD:10919 DOCK10 DRIP2|Nbla10300|ZIZ3 dedicator of cytokinesis 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22990 chr3 66444595 66444712 + 4.76908 NA intron (NM_015541, intron 11 of 18) intron (NM_015541, intron 11 of 18) 106192 NM_015541 26018 Hs.518055 NM_015541 HPRD:10057 LRIG1 LIG-1|LIG1 leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31443 chr7 24938425 24938572 + 4.76908 NA intron (NM_015550, intron 1 of 22) L3|LINE|CR1 -6258 NR_104112 26031 Hs.520259 NM_015550 HPRD:09474 OSBPL3 ORP-3|ORP3|OSBP3 oxysterol binding protein-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1424 chr1 103598540 103598608 + 4.76908 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -24522 NM_001854 1301 Hs.523446 NM_001854 HPRD:00375 COL11A1 CO11A1|COLL6|STL2 collagen, type XI, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10160 chr14 24550794 24550916 + 4.76908 NA intron (NM_006177, intron 2 of 2) CpG 2977 NM_006177 4901 Hs.652297 NM_006177 HPRD:08875 NRL D14S46E|NRL-MAF|RP27 neural retina leucine zipper protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30804 chr6 152946467 152946612 + 4.76908 NA intron (NM_182961, intron 3 of 145) 7SK|RNA|RNA 11447 NM_033071 23345 Hs.12967 NM_015293 HPRD:09762 SYNE1 8B|ARCA1|C6orf98|CPG2|EDMD4|MYNE1|Nesp1|SCAR8|dJ45H2.2 spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29015 chr6 11199290 11199429 + 4.76880 NA intron (NM_001271033, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001271033, intron 1 of 5) 33556 NM_182966 4739 Hs.37982 NM_006403 HPRD:11888 NEDD9 CAS-L|CAS2|CASL|CASS2|HEF1 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20819 chr20 44519927 44519993 + 4.76880 NA promoter-TSS (NM_080749) promoter-TSS (NM_080749) -34 NM_080749 140825 Hs.517094 NM_080749 HPRD:16353 NEURL2 C20orf163|OZZ|OZZ-E3 neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10904 chr14 92302888 92303068 + 4.76880 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001289134) promoter-TSS (NM_001289134) -108 NM_152332 123036 Hs.510262 NM_152332 HPRD:11375 TC2N C14orf47|C2CD1|MTAC2D1|Tac2-N tandem C2 domains, nuclear protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25884 chr4 119986748 119986866 + 4.76880 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -70132 NM_016599 51778 Hs.732122 NM_016599 HPRD:05724 MYOZ2 C4orf5|CMH16|CS-1 myozenin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24169 chr3 179281377 179281476 + 4.76691 NA intron (NM_178042, intron 1 of 13) CpG 718 NM_178042 86 Hs.435326 NM_004301 HPRD:05389 ACTL6A ACTL6|ARPN-BETA|Arp4|BAF53A|INO80K actin-like 6A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18453 chr2 92313839 92314022 + 4.76665 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 184771 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25972 chr4 123554561 123554627 + 4.76597 NA intron (NR_104126, intron 7 of 10) intron (NR_104126, intron 7 of 10) -12382 NM_021803 59067 Hs.567559 NM_021803 HPRD:05650 IL21 CVID11|IL-21|Za11 interleukin 21 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33808 chr8 48513472 48513567 + 4.76383 NA intron (NM_001080394, intron 10 of 19) intron (NM_001080394, intron 10 of 19) 137207 NM_005195 1052 Hs.440829 NM_005195 CEBPD C/EBP-delta|CELF|CRP3|NF-IL6-beta CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24658 chr4 10108388 10108470 + 4.76383 NA intron (NM_017491, intron 2 of 14) intron (NM_017491, intron 2 of 14) 10144 NM_005112 9948 Hs.128548 NM_005112 HPRD:09199 WDR1 AIP1|HEL-S-52|NORI-1 WD repeat domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36910 chrUn_gl000225 25018 25185 + 4.76370 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33008 chr7 150361052 150361127 + 4.75926 NA Intergenic Intergenic -21705 NM_015660 26157 Hs.647071 NM_015660 HPRD:16279 GIMAP2 HIMAP2|IAN12|IMAP2 GTPase, IMAP family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21699 chr22 20648170 20648239 + 4.75926 NA Intergenic Intergenic -100201 NM_003426 7625 Hs.517418 NM_003426 HPRD:01928 ZNF74 COS52|ZFP520|ZNF520|hZNF7 zinc finger protein 74 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6764 chr11 87341254 87341434 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 567291 NM_022337 23682 Hs.591975 NM_022337 HPRD:05889 RAB38 NY-MEL-1|rrGTPbp RAB38, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35291 chr9 39464287 39464365 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_003528, intron 1 of 4) CpG 200 NR_003528 401509 Hs.449445 NM_001032297 ENSG00000198416 ZNF658B - zinc finger protein 658B, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24266 chr3 185903081 185903147 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001080744, intron 21 of 23) intron (NM_001080744, intron 21 of 23) -76213 NM_004454 2119 Hs.43697 NM_004454 HPRD:09035 ETV5 ERM ets variant 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30476 chr6 129602032 129602131 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001079823, intron 18 of 63) intron (NM_001079823, intron 18 of 63) 397795 NM_000426 3908 Hs.200841 NM_000426 HPRD:01125 LAMA2 LAMM laminin, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2613 chr1 183076720 183076786 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_002293, intron 2 of 27) AluY|SINE|Alu -78421 NM_005562 3918 Hs.591484 NM_005562 HPRD:01031 LAMC2 B2T|BM600|CSF|EBR2|EBR2A|LAMB2T|LAMNB2 laminin, gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11302 chr15 32162917 32162992 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -159732 NM_000746 1139 Hs.511772 NM_000746 CHRNA7 CHRNA7-2|NACHRA7 cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 7 (neuronal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35216 chr9 34899727 34899822 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -58418 NM_015297 23349 Hs.7989 NM_015297 ENSG00000122733 KIAA1045 - KIAA1045 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18707 chr2 112252084 112252152 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_024373, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_024373, intron 1 of 1) 574 NR_015395 541471 Hs.560805 NR_015395 ENSG00000172965 MIR4435-1HG AGD2|LINC00978 MIR4435-1 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_994 chr1 59453200 59453270 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -32913 NR_110626 101926925 NR_110626 LINC01358 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1358 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2695 chr1 190907518 190907584 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu 313531 NR_033922 440704 Hs.518802 NR_033922 ENSG00000231175 LOC440704 - uncharacterized LOC440704 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13575 chr17 475376 475521 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_018289, intron 12 of 17) SVA_D|Other|Other 142648 NM_001128159 55275 Hs.461819 NM_018289 HPRD:07720 VPS53 HCCS1|PCH2E|hVps53L|pp13624 vacuolar protein sorting 53 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11514 chr15 46828939 46829113 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -647377 NM_001198999 80031 Hs.511265 NM_020858 HPRD:10221 SEMA6D - sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23581 chr3 124509268 124509334 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_002213, intron 10 of 14) intron (NM_002213, intron 10 of 14) 60088 NR_033434 7372 Hs.2057 NM_000373 UMPS OPRT uridine monophosphate synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27757 chr5 87976323 87976408 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_015436, intron 1 of 4) CpG -2103 NR_024383 645323 Hs.12827 NR_015436 ENSG00000245526 LINC00461 EyeLinc1|Visc-1a|Visc-1b long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 461 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14839 chr17 78525646 78525826 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_020761, intron 1 of 33) LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 7111 NM_001163034 57521 Hs.133044 NM_020761 HPRD:06184 RPTOR KOG1|Mip1 regulatory associated protein of MTOR, complex 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7705 chr12 27006893 27006959 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic LTR81B|LTR|Gypsy -20795 NM_002223 3709 Hs.512235 NM_002223 HPRD:02536 ITPR2 CFAP48|IP3R2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5777 chr11 21518637 21518791 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_201551, intron 15 of 18) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -696008 NM_213599 203859 Hs.154329 NM_213599 HPRD:10558 ANO5 GDD1|LGMD2L|TMEM16E anoctamin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26191 chr4 148342500 148342594 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic (GGAA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -59522 NM_001256283 1909 Hs.183713 NM_001957 HPRD:00571 EDNRA ET-A|ETA|ETA-R|ETAR|ETRA|hET-AR endothelin receptor type A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29650 chr6 46293739 46293807 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005822) promoter-TSS (NM_005822) -144 NM_005822 10231 Hs.440168 NM_005822 HPRD:05342 RCAN2 CSP2|DSCR1L1|MCIP2|RCN2|ZAKI-4|ZAKI4 regulator of calcineurin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7179 chr11 126286506 126286616 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic CpG 10484 NM_001254759 6484 Hs.591947 NM_006278 HPRD:00084 ST3GAL4 CGS23|NANTA3|SAT3|SIAT4|SIAT4C|ST3GalIV|STZ ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35799 chr9 87035770 87036039 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -52491 NM_022127 64078 Hs.535966 NM_022127 HPRD:12200 SLC28A3 CNT3 solute carrier family 28 (concentrative nucleoside transporter), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17517 chr2 25857120 25857207 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_183360, intron 3 of 19) SVA_D|Other|Other 15928 NM_001256308 1838 Hs.307720 NM_021907 HPRD:09091 DTNB - dystrobrevin, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29337 chr6 30390506 30390654 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -66603 NM_005516 3133 Hs.650174 NM_005516 HPRD:00877 HLA-E EA1.2|EA2.1|HLA-6.2|MHC|QA1 major histocompatibility complex, class I, E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24978 chr4 46119862 46120024 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_173536, intron 1 of 8) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 6139 NM_173536 2565 Hs.375051 NM_173536 HPRD:15923 GABRG1 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37453 chrX 33440644 33440776 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -82984 NM_000109 1756 Hs.495912 NM_000109 HPRD:02303 DMD BMD|CMD3B|DXS142|DXS164|DXS206|DXS230|DXS239|DXS268|DXS269|DXS270|DXS272|MRX85 dystrophin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11230 chr15 26864652 26864766 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_103801, intron 5 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 9616 NM_001191321 2562 Hs.302352 NM_000814 HPRD:08844 GABRB3 ECA5 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34746 chr8 141404046 141404128 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_031466, intron 7 of 22) intron (NM_031466, intron 7 of 22) 63774 NM_001160372 83696 Hs.654911 NM_031466 HPRD:18136 TRAPPC9 IBP|IKBKBBP|MRT13|NIBP|TRS120 trafficking protein particle complex 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32280 chr7 89273645 89273711 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -475036 NR_003551 442523 Hs.406964 NR_003551 ENSG00000235436 DPY19L2P4 - DPY19L2 pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9357 chr13 34499593 34499674 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_181558, intron 8 of 8) (CATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 107427 NM_181558 5983 Hs.115474 NM_002915 HPRD:02676 RFC3 RFC38 replication factor C (activator 1) 3, 38kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37696 chrX 55111091 55111206 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 -4349 NM_207339 203569 Hs.662489 NM_207339 HPRD:17565 PAGE2 CT16.4|GAGEC2|GAGEE2|PAGE-2 P antigen family, member 2 (prostate associated) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6837 chr11 94800347 94800444 + 4.75276 NA exon (NM_032102, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_032102, exon 1 of 1) 354 NR_103726 10929 Hs.476680 NM_032102 SRSF8 DSM-1|SFRS2B|SRP46 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33894 chr8 59521262 59521335 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_003580, intron 10 of 30) intron (NM_003580, intron 10 of 30) 50668 NM_001144772 8439 Hs.372000 NM_003580 HPRD:09117 NSMAF FAN neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) activation associated factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27554 chr5 72939837 72940058 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001080479, intron 1 of 36) intron (NM_001080479, intron 1 of 36) 17964 NM_001080479 64283 Hs.482521 NM_001080479 ENSG00000214944 ARHGEF28 RGNEF|RIP2|p190RHOGEF Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29638 chr6 45261120 45261225 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_003599, intron 2 of 10) L1PB3|LINE|L1 -34882 NM_001015051 860 Hs.535845 NM_004348 HPRD:02566 RUNX2 AML3|CBF-alpha-1|CBFA1|CCD|CCD1|CLCD|OSF-2|OSF2|PEA2aA|PEBP2aA runt-related transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30951 chr6 159474909 159474988 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8764 NM_054114 117289 Hs.529984 NM_054114 HPRD:18143 TAGAP ARHGAP47|IDDM21|TAGAP1 T-cell activation RhoGTPase activating protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37307 chrX 14305224 14305306 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 42878 NR_110506 286480 Hs.567831 NR_110506 UBE2E4P UbcM2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 4 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5856 chr11 30274747 30274813 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 22217 NM_001018080 2488 Hs.36975 NM_000510 HPRD:00644 FSHB - follicle stimulating hormone, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17416 chr2 12596746 12596812 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_110196, intron 4 of 5) intron (NR_110196, intron 4 of 5) -260219 NR_027303 28951 Hs.467751 NM_021643 HPRD:18224 TRIB2 C5FW|GS3955|TRB2 tribbles pseudokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13935 chr17 18791725 18791826 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001243936, intron 5 of 9) SVA_F|Other|Other 22993 NM_001243940 5636 Hs.632236 NM_002767 HPRD:04789 PRPSAP2 PAP41 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15296 chr18 42087787 42087926 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_110792, intron 2 of 4) intron (NR_110792, intron 2 of 4) 23806 NR_110792 101927921 Hs.464986 NR_110792 ENSG00000267337 LINC01478 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1478 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19185 chr2 157928212 157928287 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -186091 NM_014568 11227 Hs.269027 NM_014568 GALNT5 GALNAC-T5|GALNACT5 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9110 chr12 131920177 131920243 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic 88195 NR_103736 338797 Hs.592007 NM_001025466 LOC338797 - uncharacterized LOC338797 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10001 chr13 113194489 113194729 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_006322, intron 11 of 21) intron (NM_006322, intron 11 of 21) 47890 NM_006322 10426 Hs.224152 NM_006322 HPRD:10289 TUBGCP3 104p|GCP3|Grip104|SPBC98|Spc98|Spc98p tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13406 chr16 82226416 82226483 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22620 NM_005792 10200 Hs.344400 NM_005792 HPRD:16111 MPHOSPH6 MPP|MPP-6|MPP6 M-phase phosphoprotein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36532 chr9 140404782 140404850 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_152286, intron 11 of 33) LTR13|LTR|ERVK 40205 NM_152286 375775 Hs.294147 NM_152286 HPRD:12933 PNPLA7 C9orf111|NTE-R1|NTEL1 patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31587 chr7 37009169 37009239 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001206480, intron 16 of 21) intron (NM_001206480, intron 16 of 21) 15513 NM_001039459 9844 Hs.434989 NM_014800 HPRD:12102 ELMO1 CED-12|CED12|ELMO-1 engulfment and cell motility 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8610 chr12 92579069 92579165 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic MLT1F2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -39444 NM_001731 694 Hs.255935 NM_001731 BTG1 - B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38666 chrX 129255057 129255127 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic CpG -10404 NM_001127197 2000 Hs.271940 NM_001421 HPRD:06499 ELF4 ELFR|MEF E74-like factor 4 (ets domain transcription factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5806 chr11 24681007 24681073 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001252008, intron 1 of 11) L1PA4|LINE|L1 162524 NM_001252008 338645 Hs.144138 NM_001009909 HPRD:17348 LUZP2 KFSP2566|PRO6246 leucine zipper protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36560 chr9_gl000198_random 1091 1272 + 4.75276 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18291 chr2 89094184 89094250 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_015424, intron 12 of 16) L1PA4|LINE|L1 -17667 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17016 chr19 52839462 52839540 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001161425) promoter-TSS (NM_001161425) 3 NM_001161425 162963 Hs.147025 NM_173530 HPRD:11735 ZNF610 - zinc finger protein 610 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25546 chr4 87540104 87540181 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_080685, intron 1 of 47) L1P1|LINE|L1 24674 NM_080685 5783 Hs.436142 NM_006264 HPRD:02602 PTPN13 FAP-1|PNP1|PTP-BAS|PTP-BL|PTP1E|PTPL1|PTPLE|hPTP1E protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 13 (APO-1/CD95 (Fas)-associated phosphatase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32191 chr7 78262903 78262969 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001301128, intron 2 of 20) AluY|SINE|Alu -268893 NR_049853 100847045 NR_049853 MIR548AU - microRNA 548au ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5098 chr10 115855813 115855924 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic 52062 NM_000684 153 Hs.99913 NM_000684 HPRD:00181 ADRB1 ADRB1R|B1AR|BETA1AR|RHR adrenoceptor beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3936 chr10 32181799 32181893 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001270695, intron 3 of 18) L1PA5|LINE|L1 16008 NM_001270699 94134 Hs.499264 NM_018287 HPRD:06446 ARHGAP12 - Rho GTPase activating protein 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39294 chrY 15853695 15853875 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 38338 NM_004202 9087 Hs.159201 NM_004202 HPRD:02458 TMSB4Y TB4Y thymosin beta 4, Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13713 chr17 5404440 5404566 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001162371) promoter-TSS (NM_001162371) -184 NM_001162371 728392 Hs.104305 NM_001162371 LOC728392 - uncharacterized LOC728392 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23183 chr3 88309104 88309307 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -110189 NM_001195308 8545 Hs.444818 NM_003663 HPRD:04529 CGGBP1 CGGBP|p20-CGGBP CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37312 chrX 15018289 15018369 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 114916 NM_001177475 158747 Hs.744919 NM_152581 HPRD:06642 MOSPD2 - motile sperm domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5373 chr10 135333778 135333849 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic CpG -7054 NM_000773 1571 Hs.12907 NM_000773 HPRD:11813 CYP2E1 CPE1|CYP2E|P450-J|P450C2E cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily E, polypeptide 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19647 chr2 198056777 198056951 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001195144, intron 1 of 27) intron (NM_001195144, intron 1 of 27) 110379 NR_046837 101927547 Hs.687027 NR_046837 ANKRD44-IT1 - ANKRD44 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39006 chrY 4912647 4912713 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001278619, intron 4 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -11451 NM_032972 83259 Hs.661308 NM_032971 HPRD:11847 PCDH11Y PCDH-PC|PCDH22|PCDHX|PCDHY protocadherin 11 Y-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37431 chrX 27965728 27965826 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic (TATATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 33789 NM_001017930 139425 Hs.447365 NM_001017930 HPRD:18551 DCAF8L1 WDR42B DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 8-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27117 chr5 43603232 43603361 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_182977) promoter-TSS (NM_182977) 36 NR_073113 100652772 Hs.482043 NR_073113 NNT-AS1 - NNT antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3268 chr1 232699493 232699603 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -48305 NM_020808 57568 Hs.745009 NM_020808 HPRD:15346 SIPA1L2 SPAL2 signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21766 chr22 22222434 22222559 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138957) promoter-TSS (NM_138957) -526 NM_138957 5594 Hs.431850 NM_002745 HPRD:01496 MAPK1 ERK|ERK-2|ERK2|ERT1|MAPK2|P42MAPK|PRKM1|PRKM2|p38|p40|p41|p41mapk|p42-MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3975 chr10 35438707 35438782 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_051975, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_051975, intron 2 of 3) 12034 NM_183011 1390 Hs.200250 NM_001881 HPRD:00444 CREM CREM-2|ICER|hCREM-2 cAMP responsive element modulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32572 chr7 111768438 111768548 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_014705, intron 1 of 51) SVA_D|Other|Other 77969 NM_014705 9732 Hs.654652 NM_014705 HPRD:07407 DOCK4 - dedicator of cytokinesis 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31071 chr6 169571848 169572019 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu 82276 NM_003247 7058 Hs.371147 NM_003247 HPRD:01766 THBS2 TSP2 thrombospondin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5008 chr10 106619280 106619390 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_014978, intron 2 of 26) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -193361 NR_104028 100505890 Hs.348526 NR_104028 ENSG00000226387 SORCS3-AS1 - SORCS3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3103 chr1 223491722 223491807 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001037175, intron 2 of 5) L1HS|LINE|L1 45780 NM_017982 55061 Hs.497841 NM_017982 HPRD:07641 SUSD4 PRO222 sushi domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3374 chr1 241077232 241077317 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001282773, intron 4 of 15) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -218298 NR_036069 100422856 NR_036069 miRBase:MI0014139 MIR3123 - microRNA 3123 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39040 chrY 8044560 8044626 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 371628 NR_001551 83867 Hs.667616 NR_001551 ENSG00000237048 TTTY12 NCRNA00135|TTY11|TTY12 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 12 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19645 chr2 197826768 197826867 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -35363 NM_024989 80055 Hs.229988 NM_024989 HPRD:10147 PGAP1 Bst1|ISPD3024|MRT42|SPG67 post-GPI attachment to proteins 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38136 chrX 75137777 75137909 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -132764 NM_138703 139599 Hs.356869 NM_138703 HPRD:06585 MAGEE2 HCA3 melanoma antigen family E, 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10990 chr14 99882114 99882246 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_032233, intron 6 of 12) intron (NM_032233, intron 6 of 12) 65046 NM_032233 84193 Hs.510407 NM_032233 HPRD:08664 SETD3 C14orf154 SET domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6099 chr11 49949288 49949408 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -24595 NM_001001955 283092 Hs.553668 NM_001001955 HPRD:17720 OR4C13 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily C, member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3635 chr10 7729352 7729428 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15846 NM_002216 3698 Hs.75285 NM_002216 HPRD:00890 ITIH2 H2P|SHAP inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1623 chr1 119221479 119221545 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 310667 NM_152380 6913 Hs.146196 NM_152380 HPRD:16035 TBX15 TBX14 T-box 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6869 chr11 96947477 96947552 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 543381 NR_107016 102465857 NR_107016 MIR7976 hsa-mir-7976 microRNA 7976 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3246 chr1 231347176 231347340 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001300889, intron 10 of 11) intron (NM_001300889, intron 10 of 11) -23885 NM_001256615 149373 Hs.632505 NM_001256615 LOC149373 - uncharacterized LOC149373 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23693 chr3 131768013 131768174 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -9643 NM_153429 131034 Hs.199877 NM_130808 HPRD:05017 CPNE4 COPN4|CPN4 copine IV protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3239 chr1 230982665 230982802 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_032800, intron 2 of 3) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 9049 NM_001136495 84886 Hs.520494 NM_032800 HPRD:13359 C1orf198 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 198 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34523 chr8 122213133 122213224 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic (CATATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -388869 NM_021021 6641 Hs.46701 NM_021021 HPRD:02490 SNTB1 59-DAP|A1B|BSYN2|DAPA1B|SNT2|SNT2B1|TIP-43 syntrophin, beta 1 (dystrophin-associated protein A1, 59kDa, basic component 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23583 chr3 124773517 124773598 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_020733, intron 1 of 16) MIRc|SINE|MIR 1245 NM_020733 57493 Hs.477420 NM_020733 ENSG00000173706 HEG1 HEG|MST112|MSTP112 heart development protein with EGF-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11789 chr15 71466913 71467014 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_120349, intron 1 of 1) L1PA2|LINE|L1 14435 NR_120349 101929196 Hs.680472 NR_120348 LOC101929196 - uncharacterized LOC101929196 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9539 chr13 49721137 49721216 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_103528, intron 8 of 25) intron (NR_103528, intron 8 of 25) 36737 NM_014923 22862 Hs.508010 NM_014923 HPRD:13548 FNDC3A FNDC3|HUGO|bA203I16.1|bA203I16.5 fibronectin type III domain containing 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_735 chr1 40652319 40652404 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_012421, intron 1 of 7) L2c|LINE|L2 25320 NM_012421 6018 Hs.205627 NM_012421 HPRD:01614 RLF ZN-15L|ZNF292L rearranged L-myc fusion protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9282 chr13 28133951 28134082 + 4.75276 NA exon (NM_153371, exon 6 of 10) exon (NM_153371, exon 6 of 10) 60704 NM_153371 222484 Hs.132359 NM_153371 HPRD:10042 LNX2 PDZRN1 ligand of numb-protein X 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13467 chr16 87772344 87772477 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001184854, intron 3 of 9) (CCCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 27188 NM_017566 54758 Hs.123450 NM_017566 HPRD:11180 KLHDC4 - kelch domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10738 chr14 75040889 75041025 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_000428, intron 3 of 35) intron (NM_000428, intron 3 of 35) 38077 NM_000428 4053 Hs.512776 NM_000428 HPRD:03650 LTBP2 C14orf141|GLC3D|LTBP3|MSPKA|MSTP031|WMS3 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25864 chr4 118497123 118497194 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_125757, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_125757, intron 2 of 3) 147604 NR_125757 103689918 Hs.582062 NR_125757 LINC01378 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3830 chr10 24931929 24931995 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_020824, intron 4 of 25) intron (NM_020824, intron 4 of 25) 80635 NM_020824 57584 Hs.524195 NM_020824 HPRD:06445 ARHGAP21 ARHGAP10 Rho GTPase activating protein 21 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11388 chr15 40509544 40509610 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001128629) promoter-TSS (NM_001128629) -52 NM_001128629 56924 Hs.513645 NM_020168 HPRD:06426 PAK6 PAK5 p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29681 chr6 52041526 52041704 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9570 NM_002190 3605 Hs.41724 NM_002190 HPRD:04396 IL17A CTLA8|IL-17|IL-17A|IL17 interleukin 17A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36405 chr9 134053760 134053932 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_005085, intron 24 of 35) intron (NM_005085, intron 24 of 35) 52898 NM_005085 8021 Hs.654530 NM_005085 HPRD:00258 NUP214 CAIN|CAN|D9S46E|N214|p250 nucleoporin 214kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38276 chrX 86810781 86810884 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_019117, intron 1 of 10) L1P1|LINE|L1 38117 NM_057162 56062 Hs.49075 NM_019117 HPRD:02283 KLHL4 DKELCHL|KHL4 kelch-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11603 chr15 55540107 55540235 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_183234, intron 1 of 6) AluYc|SINE|Alu 22313 NM_183234 5873 Hs.654978 NM_004580 HPRD:04845 RAB27A GS2|HsT18676|RAB27|RAM RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38700 chrX 131634594 131634739 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -10670 NM_001170704 55796 Hs.105134 NM_018388 HPRD:02329 MBNL3 CHCR|MBLX|MBLX39|MBXL muscleblind-like splicing regulator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3160 chr1 226521264 226521330 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23848 NM_001270410 286826 Hs.120817 NM_173083 HPRD:13990 LIN9 BARA|BARPsv|Lin-9|TGS|TGS1|TGS2 lin-9 DREAM MuvB core complex component protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35272 chr9 37512524 37512753 + 4.75276 NA exon (NM_012166, exon 11 of 11) exon (NM_012166, exon 11 of 11) 26706 NM_022490 64425 Hs.591087 NM_022490 HPRD:15096 POLR1E PAF53|PRAF1 polymerase (RNA) I polypeptide E, 53kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9885 chr13 100742034 100742100 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001127692, intron 1 of 22) intron (NM_001127692, intron 1 of 22) 798 NM_001127692 5095 Hs.80741 NM_000282 HPRD:01981 PCCA - propionyl CoA carboxylase, alpha polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23949 chr3 155879000 155879281 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_003471, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_003471, intron 1 of 13) 18389 NM_003471 7881 Hs.654519 NM_003471 HPRD:03089 KCNAB1 AKR6A3|KCNA1B|KV-BETA-1|Kvb1.3|hKvBeta3|hKvb3 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26773 chr5 7604376 7604502 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_020546, intron 3 of 24) L1HS|LINE|L1 208096 NM_020546 108 Hs.481545 NM_020546 HPRD:00052 ADCY2 AC2|HBAC2 adenylate cyclase 2 (brain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27455 chr5 67437460 67437528 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic MER57E1|LTR|ERV1 -48210 NR_105003 102467655 Hs.544102 NR_105003 LOC102467655 - uncharacterized LOC102467655 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19528 chr2 187018973 187019058 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -67971 NR_110218 101927217 Hs.130011 NR_110218 LINC01473 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1473 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25183 chr4 54297363 54297434 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001134938, intron 10 of 14) intron (NM_001134938, intron 10 of 14) 53578 NM_001134937 81608 Hs.624245 NM_030917 HPRD:09646 FIP1L1 FIP1|Rhe|hFip1 factor interacting with PAPOLA and CPSF1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27781 chr5 90677658 90677740 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_027435, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_027435, intron 1 of 2) 1450 NM_020801 57561 Hs.24684 NM_020801 HPRD:09810 ARRDC3 TLIMP arrestin domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6262 chr11 59467088 59467189 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 14180 NM_001005324 390201 Hs.589001 NM_001005324 HPRD:17676 OR10V1 OR11-256 olfactory receptor, family 10, subfamily V, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39282 chrY 14114604 14114672 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 418751 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16243 chr19 20349201 20349357 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic 71256 NM_052852 90649 Hs.590991 NM_052852 ENSG00000256229 ZNF486 KRBO2 zinc finger protein 486 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7096 chr11 119134352 119134491 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_005188, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_005188, intron 2 of 15) 49301 NR_106814 102465453 NR_106814 MIR6756 hsa-mir-6756 microRNA 6756 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12484 chr16 19918923 19918989 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22805 NM_016235 51704 Hs.148685 NM_016235 HPRD:16177 GPRC5B RAIG-2|RAIG2 G protein-coupled receptor, class C, group 5, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14842 chr17 78807091 78807167 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_020761, intron 9 of 33) intron (NM_020761, intron 9 of 33) -27697 NR_110852 101928855 Hs.670692 NR_110852 ENSG00000262833 LOC101928855 - uncharacterized LOC101928855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10804 chr14 79655176 79655293 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_073547, intron 14 of 20) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -90448 NM_138970 9369 Hs.368307 NM_004796 NRXN3 C14orf60 neurexin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1593 chr1 116549383 116549545 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_018420, intron 2 of 11) (TCTCTG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 30345 NM_018420 55356 Hs.125482 NM_018420 ENSG00000163393 SLC22A15 FLIPT1|PRO34686 solute carrier family 22, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2280 chr1 160175910 160175977 + 4.75276 NA non-coding (NR_123725, exon 3 of 5) non-coding (NR_123725, exon 3 of 5) 834 NR_123724 8682 Hs.517216 NM_003768 HPRD:04579 PEA15 HMAT1|HUMMAT1H|MAT1|MAT1H|PEA-15|PED phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32533 chr7 106570073 106570181 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 64203 NM_002649 5294 Hs.32942 NM_002649 HPRD:03135 PIK3CG PI3CG|PI3K|PI3Kgamma|PIK3|p110gamma|p120-PI3K phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14570 chr17 57830975 57831044 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_030938, intron 5 of 11) intron (NM_030938, intron 5 of 11) 46146 NM_030938 81671 Hs.444569 NM_030938 HPRD:15649 VMP1 EPG3|TANGO5|TMEM49 vacuole membrane protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31499 chr7 29739821 29740021 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -14484 NR_027347 100271874 Hs.729709 NR_027347 ZNRF2P2 - zinc and ring finger 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27240 chr5 49871691 49871868 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -89954 NM_001178055 79668 Hs.369581 NM_024615 HPRD:07960 PARP8 ARTD16|pART16 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33568 chr8 29522711 29522806 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic 82867 NR_026765 619351 Hs.566911 NR_026765 ENSG00000251191 LINC00589 C8orf75 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 589 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35752 chr9 81716299 81716472 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 44196 NR_109771 101927450 Hs.738041 NR_109771 ENSG00000260995 LOC101927450 - uncharacterized LOC101927450 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34126 chr8 83203639 83203775 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -449186 NM_022133 64089 Hs.492121 NM_022133 HPRD:15411 SNX16 - sorting nexin 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8086 chr12 50549435 50549501 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001281731, intron 1 of 10) AluY|SINE|Alu 11848 NM_147190 91012 Hs.270525 NM_147190 HPRD:13963 CERS5 LASS5|Trh4 ceramide synthase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9503 chr13 47370776 47370851 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001984, intron 1 of 9) CpG 554 NM_001984 2098 Hs.432491 NM_001984 HPRD:00588 ESD FGH esterase D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38642 chrX 127867279 127867384 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -680949 NM_138289 139741 Hs.680125 NM_138289 HPRD:06439 ACTRT1 AIP1|ARIP1|ARPT1|HSD27 actin-related protein T1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4682 chr10 83777159 83777260 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001165973, intron 1 of 10) L1PA5|LINE|L1 139766 NM_001165973 10718 Hs.125119 NM_001010848 HPRD:16115 NRG3 HRG3|pro-NRG3 neuregulin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22495 chr3 25874813 25874896 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 40332 NR_034055 285326 Hs.145246 NR_034055 ENSG00000230891 LINC00692 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 692 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11434 chr15 41907969 41908036 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic AluSx1|SINE|Alu -44608 NM_001164273 23269 Hs.187569 NM_001080541 ENSG00000174197 MGA MAD5|MXD5 MGA, MAX dimerization protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7335 chr12 3948538 3948604 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_104461, intron 1 of 8) CpG 34043 NM_020367 57097 Hs.657268 NM_020367 HPRD:15101 PARP11 ARTD11|C12orf6|MIB006 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29556 chr6 41312809 41312902 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001199510, intron 5 of 5) HAL1|LINE|L1 9327 NM_001199510 9436 Hs.194721 NM_004828 HPRD:05168 NCR2 CD336|LY95|NK-p44|NKP44|dJ149M18.1 natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15597 chr18 75669954 75670098 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic HAL1-2a_MD|LINE|L1 35657 NR_104127 101927715 Hs.385670 NR_104127 LINC01029 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1029 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5522 chr11 5315109 5315375 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 7934 NM_033179 79339 Hs.679499 NM_033179 HPRD:17735 OR51B4 HOR5'Beta1 olfactory receptor, family 51, subfamily B, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38924 chrX 154033791 154033872 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166462) promoter-TSS (NM_001166462) -29 NM_001166461 4354 Hs.496984 NM_002436 HPRD:02370 MPP1 AAG12|DXS552E|EMP55|MRG1|PEMP membrane protein, palmitoylated 1, 55kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23051 chr3 69047132 69047227 + 4.75276 NA exon (NM_173654, exon 10 of 15) exon (NM_173654, exon 10 of 15) 15866 NM_001278689 285203 Hs.518059 NM_173654 HPRD:12435 EOGT AER61|AOS4|C3orf64|EOGT1 EGF domain-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) transferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37562 chrX 47762583 47762667 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_007137, intron 4 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 66324 NM_007137 347344 Hs.114246 NM_007137 ENSG00000197779 ZNF81 HFZ20|MRX45|dJ54B20.6 zinc finger protein 81 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9860 chr13 99777309 99777434 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic 38394 NR_047482 100861541 Hs.344872 NR_047482 DOCK9-AS2 - DOCK9 antisense RNA 2 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1050 chr1 66708518 66708625 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001037340, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_001037340, intron 1 of 14) -89220 NM_001037339 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31602 chr7 38089270 38089379 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 128403 NM_001242948 54749 Hs.563491 NM_017549 HPRD:16865 EPDR1 EPDR|MERP-1|MERP1|UCC1 ependymin related 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3754 chr10 17215836 17215920 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_004412, intron 2 of 10) AluSg|SINE|Alu 28192 NM_004412 1787 Hs.351665 NM_004412 HPRD:16001 TRDMT1 DMNT2|DNMT2|MHSAIIP|PUMET|RNMT1 tRNA aspartic acid methyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16666 chr19 41119914 41120024 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001042544, intron 21 of 32) CpG-13769 12692 NM_001042545 8425 Hs.466766 NM_003573 HPRD:05274 LTBP4 ARCL1C|LTBP-4|LTBP4L|LTBP4S latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3910 chr10 30990823 30990988 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_036438, intron 5 of 9) intron (NR_036438, intron 5 of 9) 9702 NR_036438 645954 Hs.408581 NR_036438 ENSG00000234814 SVILP1 - supervillin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26910 chr5 27744040 27744130 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 271686 NR_038848 643401 Hs.533212 NR_038848 ENSG00000250337 LINC01021 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1021 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15926 chr19 10523082 10523182 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -4317 NM_001243121 5141 Hs.89901 NM_006202 HPRD:02527 PDE4A DPDE2|PDE4|PDE46 phosphodiesterase 4A, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29126 chr6 19132989 19133055 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_110860, intron 5 of 10) L1PA4|LINE|L1 47689 NR_110860 101928519 Hs.551771 NR_110860 LOC101928519 - uncharacterized LOC101928519 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21289 chr21 26979567 26979651 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_080794, intron 1 of 10) CpG 192 NM_017446 54148 Hs.420696 NM_017446 HPRD:11371 MRPL39 C21orf92|L39mt|MRP-L5|MRPL5|PRED22|PRED66|RPML5 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1576 chr1 114873190 114873280 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic MLT1N2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -176763 NM_001270805 148281 Hs.370963 NM_205848 HPRD:09654 SYT6 sytVI synaptotagmin VI protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10953 chr14 95636701 95636767 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_015415, intron 3 of 3) AluY|SINE|Alu -12387 NM_030621 23405 Hs.87889 NM_030621 HPRD:05875 DICER1 DCR1|Dicer|HERNA|MNG1|RMSE2 dicer 1, ribonuclease type III protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27289 chr5 52300839 52300964 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_073107, intron 1 of 28) intron (NR_073107, intron 1 of 28) 15745 NR_073106 3673 Hs.482077 NM_002203 HPRD:01893 ITGA2 BR|CD49B|GPIa|HPA-5|VLA-2|VLAA2 integrin, alpha 2 (CD49B, alpha 2 subunit of VLA-2 receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37220 chrX 8470789 8470855 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic SVA_A|Other|Other 37951 NM_001001888 425054 Hs.279737 NM_001001888 HPRD:15646 VCX3B VCX-C|VCXC variable charge, X-linked 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3399 chr1 243912147 243912213 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_181690, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_181690, intron 1 of 13) 94404 NM_181690 10000 Hs.498292 NM_005465 HPRD:06441 AKT3 MPPH|PKB-GAMMA|PKBG|PRKBG|RAC-PK-gamma|RAC-gamma|STK-2 v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16728 chr19 43179286 43179420 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic MER65-int|LTR|ERV1 65315 NM_021016 5671 Hs.654413 NM_021016 HPRD:08892 PSG3 - pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_309 chr1 19795010 19795102 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001206541, intron 1 of 8) (CAGGG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 16145 NM_001282162 832 Hs.432760 NM_004930 HPRD:11872 CAPZB CAPB|CAPPB|CAPZ capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32244 chr7 86209391 86209472 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -63799 NM_000840 2913 Hs.590575 NM_000840 HPRD:03070 GRM3 GLUR3|GPRC1C|MGLUR3|mGlu3 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25697 chr4 102711797 102711874 + 4.75276 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017935) promoter-TSS (NM_017935) 71 NM_001127507 55024 Hs.480400 NM_017935 HPRD:09819 BANK1 BANK B-cell scaffold protein with ankyrin repeats 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24743 chr4 16949314 16949384 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -48925 NM_001130834 9079 Hs.714330 NM_001290 HPRD:16022 LDB2 CLIM1|LDB1 LIM domain binding 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8450 chr12 73779719 73779826 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 226802 NR_110130 101928137 Hs.694666 NR_110130 ENSG00000258123 LOC101928137 - uncharacterized LOC101928137 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38281 chrX 88369671 88369737 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 367478 NM_001184771 53336 Hs.458292 NM_033048 HPRD:06474 CPXCR1 CT77 CPX chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9525 chr13 48807468 48807561 + 4.75276 NA exon (NM_021999, exon 1 of 6) exon (NM_021999, exon 1 of 6) 240 NM_021999 9445 Hs.643683 NM_021999 HPRD:04878 ITM2B ABRI|BRI|BRI2|BRICD2B|E25B|E3-16|FBD|imBRI2 integral membrane protein 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34646 chr8 132451015 132451081 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -398213 NM_001115 114 Hs.591859 NM_001115 HPRD:00051 ADCY8 AC8|ADCY3|HBAC1 adenylate cyclase 8 (brain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33135 chr7 156989409 156989591 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_014671, intron 10 of 22) AluSp|SINE|Alu 57845 NM_014671 9690 Hs.118351 NM_014671 HPRD:15604 UBE3C HECTH2 ubiquitin protein ligase E3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24985 chr4 47013057 47013179 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16694 NM_000809 2557 Hs.248112 NM_000809 HPRD:08839 GABRA4 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, alpha 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32965 chr7 148028748 148028843 + 4.75276 NA intron (NR_036093, intron 3 of 3) (TGGA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -258862 NM_145304 202865 Hs.352212 NM_145304 HPRD:12921 C7orf33 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6966 chr11 108604437 108604585 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_004398, intron 13 of 17) intron (NM_004398, intron 13 of 17) 68759 NM_004398 1662 Hs.591931 NM_004398 HPRD:03138 DDX10 HRH-J8 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38238 chrX 82353500 82353625 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -409707 NM_000307 5456 Hs.2229 NM_000307 HPRD:02076 POU3F4 BRAIN-4|BRN-4|BRN4|DFN3|DFNX2|OCT-9|OTF-9|OTF9 POU class 3 homeobox 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20983 chr20 59192708 59192841 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 139605 NR_039758 100616362 NR_039758 miRBase:MI0016900 MIR4533 - microRNA 4533 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15172 chr18 20302355 20302459 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 64393 NR_110782 101927571 Hs.335020 NR_110782 ENSG00000266850 LOC101927571 - uncharacterized LOC101927571 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39007 chrY 6403079 6403167 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic Intergenic -61452 NR_003591 100101118 Hs.461138 NR_003591 ENSG00000185700 TTTY8B NCRNA00217|TTTY8 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 8B (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24309 chr3 188506449 188506530 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_001167671, intron 8 of 10) intron (NM_001167671, intron 8 of 10) 158939 NR_046873 100874043 Hs.616287 NR_046873 TPRG1-AS1 - TPRG1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37434 chrX 28409142 28409217 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 104601 NR_106750 102465140 NR_106750 MIR6134 hsa-mir-6134 microRNA 6134 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4263 chr10 45813208 45813339 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -2217 NM_001004297 79290 Hs.532435 NM_001004297 HPRD:14904 OR13A1 - olfactory receptor, family 13, subfamily A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24077 chr3 167812646 167812805 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_014498, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_014498, intron 1 of 15) 692 NM_014498 27333 Hs.143600 NM_014498 HPRD:08429 GOLIM4 GIMPC|GOLPH4|GPP130|P138 golgi integral membrane protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12002 chr15 85951337 85951422 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_007200, intron 1 of 36) intron (NM_007200, intron 1 of 36) 27532 NM_006738 11214 Hs.459211 NM_006738 HPRD:05253 AKAP13 AKAP-13|AKAP-Lbc|ARHGEF13|BRX|HA-3|Ht31|LBC|PRKA13|PROTO-LB|PROTO-LBC|c-lbc|p47 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24132 chr3 174040196 174040270 + 4.75276 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -401647 NR_046664 100874010 Hs.624265 NR_046664 NLGN1-AS1 - NLGN1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9036 chr12 124401403 124401538 + 4.75276 NA intron (NM_207437, intron 62 of 77) intron (NM_207437, intron 62 of 77) 55693 NM_025140 80212 Hs.713131 NM_025140 HPRD:16919 CCDC92 - coiled-coil domain containing 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17523 chr2 26100369 26100449 + 4.75260 NA intron (NM_018263, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_018263, intron 1 of 11) 903 NM_018263 55252 Hs.119815 NM_018263 HPRD:10676 ASXL2 ASXH2 additional sex combs like transcriptional regulator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6361 chr11 63938968 63939159 + 4.75260 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -5478 NM_014067 28992 Hs.602898 NM_014067 HPRD:17448 MACROD1 LRP16 MACRO domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24570 chr4 6200062 6200176 + 4.75260 NA intron (NM_001099433, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_001099433, intron 1 of 20) 2199 NM_001099433 152789 Hs.479066 NM_144720 HPRD:11292 JAKMIP1 Gababrbp|JAMIP1|MARLIN1 janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20604 chr20 30161032 30161141 + 4.75260 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046853) promoter-TSS (NR_046853) -20 NR_046853 100874042 Hs.743198 NR_046853 ENSG00000230613 HM13-AS1 - HM13 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26169 chr4 146540795 146540962 + 4.75260 NA intron (NM_172250, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_172250, intron 1 of 6) 338 NM_172250 166785 Hs.452864 NM_172250 HPRD:07394 MMAA cblA methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblA type protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12300 chr16 2827258 2827360 + 4.75260 NA promoter-TSS (NM_207013) promoter-TSS (NM_207013) -12 NM_207013 6923 Hs.172772 NM_007108 HPRD:02874 TCEB2 ELOB|SIII transcription elongation factor B (SIII), polypeptide 2 (18kDa, elongin B) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31734 chr7 53194683 53194867 + 4.75260 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 91426 NM_182595 285877 Hs.381970 NM_182595 HPRD:13212 POM121L12 - POM121 transmembrane nucleoporin-like 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22100 chr22 44894248 44894414 + 4.75222 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032287) promoter-TSS (NM_032287) -326 NM_032287 84247 Hs.744991 NM_032287 HPRD:13982 LDOC1L Mar6|Mart6|dJ1033E15.2 leucine zipper, down-regulated in cancer 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9617 chr13 57213663 57213730 + 4.75222 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -501356 NM_001130404 729233 Hs.723090 NM_001130404 ENSG00000204918 PRR20B - proline rich 20B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29897 chr6 76151384 76151524 + 4.75222 NA intron (NM_001300866, intron 1 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 52091 NR_110608 27145 Hs.696158 NM_015687 HPRD:09533 FILIP1 FILIP filamin A interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32333 chr7 94960091 94960212 + 4.75222 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6267 NM_000446 5444 Hs.370995 NM_000446 PON1 ESA|MVCD5|PON paraoxonase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28471 chr5 146144767 146144891 + 4.75222 NA intron (NM_001271899, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_001271899, intron 2 of 9) 113519 NM_001271948 5521 Hs.627618 NM_181674 HPRD:05059 PPP2R2B B55BETA|PP2AB55BETA|PP2ABBETA|PP2APR55B|PP2APR55BETA|PR2AB55BETA|PR2ABBETA|PR2APR55BETA|PR52B|PR55-BETA|PR55BETA|SCA12 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26439 chr4 175944859 175944929 + 4.75046 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 105385 NM_001278126 11086 Hs.126838 NM_014269 HPRD:05306 ADAM29 CT73|svph1 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33389 chr8 12379725 12379810 + 4.75029 NA intron (NR_040091, intron 5 of 6) HERVS71-int|LTR|ERV1 85245 NR_040092 100506990 Hs.656893 NR_040091 LOC100506990 - uncharacterized LOC100506990 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15023 chr18 7098572 7098662 + 4.74641 NA intron (NM_005559, intron 1 of 62) SVA_D|Other|Other 19196 NM_005559 284217 Hs.270364 NM_005559 HPRD:01033 LAMA1 LAMA|S-LAM-alpha laminin, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9712 chr13 75946733 75946799 + 4.74641 NA intron (NM_001286659, intron 1 of 18) intron (NM_001286659, intron 1 of 18) 109484 NM_014832 9882 Hs.210891 NM_014832 HPRD:18164 TBC1D4 AS160 TBC1 domain family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20406 chr20 11494401 11494555 + 4.74641 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -240447 NR_038972 339593 Hs.434320 NR_038972 LOC339593 - uncharacterized LOC339593 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26515 chr4 184739373 184739439 + 4.74641 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -87103 NM_020225 56977 Hs.21958 NM_020225 HPRD:16823 STOX2 - storkhead box 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22944 chr3 58875921 58876097 + 4.74641 NA intron (NM_198463, intron 6 of 15) SVA_F|Other|Other 65812 NR_110820 101929238 Hs.683953 NR_110820 ENSG00000242428 C3orf67-AS1 - C3orf67 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32549 chr7 108166227 108166368 + 4.74640 NA intron (NM_001256011, intron 1 of 10) CpG 465 NM_001256008 50640 Hs.617340 NM_015723 HPRD:13741 PNPLA8 IPLA2(GAMMA)|IPLA2-2|IPLA2G|iPLA2gamma patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34866 chr8 145743246 145743350 + 4.74430 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014665) promoter-TSS (NM_014665) -51 NM_001272036 9684 Hs.459391 NM_014665 HPRD:14312 LRRC14 LRRC14A leucine rich repeat containing 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20631 chr20 31958244 31958315 + 4.74430 NA intron (NM_001278168, intron 10 of 12) intron (NM_001278168, intron 10 of 12) 31096 NM_016082 51654 Hs.435952 NM_016082 HPRD:12189 CDK5RAP1 C20orf34|C42|CGI-05|HSPC167 CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_883 chr1 47800287 47800353 + 4.74430 NA intron (NM_001136140, intron 1 of 4) CpG 851 NR_046395 51727 Hs.731647 NM_016308 HPRD:18258 CMPK1 CK|CMK|CMPK|UMK|UMP-CMPK|UMPK cytidine monophosphate (UMP-CMP) kinase 1, cytosolic protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18394 chr2 91983515 91983625 + 4.74035 NA Intergenic Intergenic 20202 NR_003503 645367 Hs.650223 NR_003503 GGT8P GGT1P1 gamma-glutamyltransferase 8 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2395 chr1 167611621 167611692 + 4.73950 NA intron (NM_052862, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_052862, intron 1 of 6) 12182 NM_052862 92241 Hs.493867 NM_052862 HPRD:10077 RCSD1 CAPZIP|MK2S4 RCSD domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2325 chr1 161392698 161392838 + 4.73950 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -55095 NM_001013625 257177 Hs.534593 NM_001013625 HPRD:13257 C1orf192 Flattop|Fltp chromosome 1 open reading frame 192 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27549 chr5 72794424 72794547 + 4.73950 NA 5' UTR (NM_001037637, exon 1 of 6) 5' UTR (NM_001037637, exon 1 of 6) 235 NM_001207 689 Hs.591768 NM_001207 HPRD:03966 BTF3 BETA-NAC|BTF3a|BTF3b|NACB basic transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11328 chr15 34517409 34517579 + 4.73950 NA intron (NM_016454, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_016454, intron 1 of 4) 296 NM_001286420 51234 Hs.250905 NM_016454 HPRD:14233 EMC4 PIG17|TMEM85 ER membrane protein complex subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22762 chr3 48254696 48254863 + 4.73886 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -10058 NM_004345 820 Hs.51120 NM_004345 HPRD:02722 CAMP CAP-18|CAP18|CRAMP|FALL-39|FALL39|LL37 cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17883 chr2 55506995 55507061 + 4.73886 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -2427 NR_027258 344405 Hs.445292 NM_001080459 ENSG00000162997 PRORSD1P NCRNA00117|PRDXDD1P|Prdxdd1|Ybakd1 prolyl-tRNA synthetase associated domain containing 1, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14083 chr17 27472466 27472584 + 4.73886 NA intron (NM_203318, intron 2 of 40) intron (NM_203318, intron 2 of 40) 34882 NM_078471 399687 Hs.462590 NM_078471 HPRD:10106 MYO18A MYSPDZ|SPR210 myosin XVIIIA protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27157 chr5 46333954 46334031 + 4.73564 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -637772 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28272 chr5 135223204 135223282 + 4.73514 NA intron (NM_145282, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_145282, intron 4 of 4) 8273 NM_000590 3578 Hs.960 NM_000590 HPRD:00910 IL9 HP40|IL-9|P40 interleukin 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26518 chr4 185158832 185159007 + 4.73514 NA Intergenic Intergenic -19805 NM_153343 133121 Hs.297814 NM_153343 HPRD:16863 ENPP6 NPP6 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19321 chr2 169607748 169607888 + 4.73514 NA intron (NM_203463, intron 8 of 9) intron (NM_203463, intron 8 of 9) 35121 NR_045787 100861402 Hs.506829 NR_045786 ENSG00000227617 CERS6-AS1 - CERS6 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6429 chr11 65488239 65488347 + 4.73514 NA 5' UTR (NM_032193, exon 1 of 4) 5' UTR (NM_032193, exon 1 of 4) 116 NM_032193 84153 Hs.718438 NM_032193 HPRD:16531 RNASEH2C AGS3|AYP1 ribonuclease H2, subunit C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2394 chr1 167606733 167606822 + 4.73514 NA intron (NM_052862, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_052862, intron 1 of 6) 7303 NM_052862 92241 Hs.493867 NM_052862 HPRD:10077 RCSD1 CAPZIP|MK2S4 RCSD domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35638 chr9 70957552 70957668 + 4.73136 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14205 NM_021965 5239 Hs.307835 NM_021965 HPRD:02990 PGM5 PGMRP phosphoglucomutase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4869 chr10 99186357 99186454 + 4.72816 NA intron (NM_002629, intron 1 of 3) MIRb|SINE|MIR 378 NM_002629 5223 Hs.632918 NM_002629 HPRD:01392 PGAM1 HEL-S-35|PGAM-B|PGAMA phosphoglycerate mutase 1 (brain) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29589 chr6 42787796 42787869 + 4.72732 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015349) promoter-TSS (NM_015349) -962 NM_015349 23506 Hs.658033 NM_015349 HPRD:17180 GLTSCR1L KIAA0240 GLTSCR1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_796 chr1 43660947 43661126 + 4.72732 NA intron (NM_152498, intron 6 of 10) AluSc|SINE|Alu -22795 NM_001159936 10969 Hs.346868 NM_006824 HPRD:16849 EBNA1BP2 EBP2|NOBP|P40 EBNA1 binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22345 chr3 14133418 14133534 + 4.72732 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK 32895 NM_001098502 131474 Hs.517815 NM_144636 HPRD:13045 CHCHD4 MIA40|TIMM40 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4774 chr10 91553536 91553632 + 4.72732 NA Intergenic Intergenic -35666 NR_038382 643529 Hs.618956 NR_038382 ENSG00000232229 LINC00865 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 865 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23391 chr3 108208716 108208795 + 4.72732 NA intron (NM_014981, intron 10 of 41) intron (NM_014981, intron 10 of 41) 39414 NM_014981 22989 Hs.731060 NM_014981 ENSG00000144821 MYH15 - myosin, heavy chain 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24184 chr3 180179431 180179685 + 4.72732 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -140360 NM_133462 151613 Hs.43213 NM_133462 HPRD:15579 TTC14 DRDL5813|PRO19630 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20039 chr2 231732106 231732188 + 4.72488 NA intron (NM_001012514, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_001012514, intron 1 of 4) 2482 NM_001012516 81618 Hs.111577 NM_030926 HPRD:17167 ITM2C BRI3|BRICD2C|E25|E25C|ITM3 integral membrane protein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19724 chr2 202898842 202898909 + 4.72488 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003507) promoter-TSS (NM_003507) -435 NM_003507 8324 Hs.173859 NM_003507 HPRD:04560 FZD7 FzE3 frizzled class receptor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28388 chr5 141071760 141071847 + 4.72488 NA Intergenic CpG -10003 NM_022481 64411 Hs.726187 NM_022481 HPRD:09441 ARAP3 CENTD3|DRAG1 ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16785 chr19 45596139 45596218 + 4.72488 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019121) promoter-TSS (NM_019121) -253 NM_019121 284352 Hs.285363 NM_019121 ENSG00000104866 PPP1R37 LRRC68 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20523 chr20 25604398 25604464 + 4.72449 NA intron (NM_152667, intron 1 of 1) CpG 217 NM_152667 140838 Hs.143137 NM_152667 HPRD:17097 NANP C20orf147|HDHD4|dJ694B14.3 N-acetylneuraminic acid phosphatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17410 chr2 11915758 11915860 + 4.72449 NA intron (NM_001261427, intron 6 of 20) intron (NM_001261427, intron 6 of 20) 29087 NM_145693 23175 Hs.467740 NM_145693 HPRD:09271 LPIN1 PAP1 lipin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24970 chr4 44728517 44728654 + 4.72449 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001270880) promoter-TSS (NM_001270880) 66 NR_073094 132789 Hs.21398 NM_138335 HPRD:13594 GNPDA2 GNP2|SB52 glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36720 chrUn_gl000214 135690 135765 + 4.72314 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35113 chr9 22951542 22951626 + 4.71809 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 305385 NR_038977 441389 NR_038977 ENSG00000234840 LINC01239 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1239 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30680 chr6 144193502 144193585 + 4.71809 NA intron (NM_001013623, intron 1 of 7) HERVL-int|LTR|ERVL 7970 NM_001013623 153918 Hs.121188 NM_001013623 HPRD:10178 ZC2HC1B C6orf94|FAM164B|dJ468K18.5 zinc finger, C2HC-type containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27741 chr5 86582820 86582940 + 4.71809 NA intron (NM_022650, intron 1 of 24) (CATATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 18139 NM_022650 5921 Hs.664080 NM_002890 HPRD:00745 RASA1 CM-AVM|CMAVM|GAP|PKWS|RASA|RASGAP|p120GAP|p120RASGAP RAS p21 protein activator (GTPase activating protein) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33545 chr8 28738886 28738952 + 4.71809 NA intron (NM_001145159, intron 1 of 15) SVA_F|Other|Other 8513 NM_001172562 55756 Hs.162397 NM_018250 HPRD:07706 INTS9 CPSF2L|INT9|RC74 integrator complex subunit 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23806 chr3 141594478 141594611 + 4.71715 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001679) promoter-TSS (NM_001679) -926 NM_001679 483 Hs.477789 NM_001679 HPRD:03521 ATP1B3 ATPB-3|CD298 ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, beta 3 polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2647 chr1 185285394 185285463 + 4.71427 NA intron (NM_006469, intron 1 of 14) CpG 1033 NM_006469 10625 Hs.497183 NM_006469 HPRD:10004 IVNS1ABP FLARA3|HSPC068|KLHL39|ND1|NS-1|NS1-BP|NS1BP influenza virus NS1A binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29245 chr6 26854775 26854841 + 4.71282 NA intron (NR_003504, intron 4 of 8) L2b|LINE|L2 69525 NR_003504 387036 Hs.675815 NM_001033523 ENSG00000241549 GUSBP2 GUSBL1|GUSBP4|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|SMAC3L2|b55C20.1|bA239L20.1|bA239L20.5|bGLU-Lp glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32405 chr7 99774910 99775108 + 4.71064 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012447) promoter-TSS (NM_012447) -19 NM_152742 221914 Hs.211701 NM_152742 HPRD:17051 GPC2 - glypican 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17877 chr2 55360899 55361057 + 4.70876 NA Intergenic MER41B|LTR|ERV1 -83244 NM_153828 57142 Hs.637850 NM_007008 HPRD:07259 RTN4 ASY|NI220/250|NOGO|NOGO-A|NOGOC|NSP|NSP-CL|Nbla00271|Nbla10545|Nogo-B|Nogo-C|RTN-X|RTN4-A|RTN4-B1|RTN4-B2|RTN4-C reticulon 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37584 chrX 48749032 48749182 + 4.70876 NA Intergenic CpG -6088 NM_001032382 10084 Hs.534384 NM_005710 HPRD:02354 PQBP1 MRX2|MRX55|MRXS3|MRXS8|NPW38|RENS1|SHS polyglutamine binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10549 chr14 61447995 61448114 + 4.70876 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020810) promoter-TSS (NM_020810) 89 NR_033344 145389 Hs.200738 NM_153811 HPRD:15382 SLC38A6 NAT-1 solute carrier family 38, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22168 chr22 50338909 50339000 + 4.70876 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15189 NM_001001852 415116 Hs.530381 NM_001001852 HPRD:15137 PIM3 pim-3 Pim-3 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5627 chr11 10894834 10894953 + 4.70825 NA intron (NR_034137, intron 2 of 2) AluY|SINE|Alu 15129 NR_034137 729013 Hs.726427 NR_034137 ENSG00000247271 ZBED5-AS1 - ZBED5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13685 chr17 4599774 4599884 + 4.70825 NA intron (NM_001278241, intron 1 of 18) L2a|LINE|L2 -7696 NR_103482 101559451 Hs.634966 NR_103482 ENSG00000244184 LOC101559451 - uncharacterized LOC101559451 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12080 chr15 91381454 91381551 + 4.70825 NA Intergenic Intergenic -30320 NM_002569 5045 Hs.513153 NM_002569 HPRD:00653 FURIN FUR|PACE|PCSK3|SPC1 furin (paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23001 chr3 66816645 66816803 + 4.70724 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -232003 NM_032505 84541 Hs.116665 NM_032505 HPRD:18138 KBTBD8 TA-KRP kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16665 chr19 41119723 41119813 + 4.70582 NA intron (NM_001042544, intron 20 of 32) CpG-13769 12491 NM_001042545 8425 Hs.466766 NM_003573 HPRD:05274 LTBP4 ARCL1C|LTBP-4|LTBP4L|LTBP4S latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30964 chr6 160133296 160133574 + 4.70582 NA Intergenic (CCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -14595 NM_004906 9589 Hs.446091 NM_004906 HPRD:09259 WTAP - Wilms tumor 1 associated protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30304 chr6 112035794 112035867 + 4.70582 NA intron (NM_153047, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_153047, intron 1 of 10) 5435 NM_153047 2534 Hs.390567 NM_002037 HPRD:00655 FYN SLK|SYN|p59-FYN FYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32513 chr7 105316419 105316535 + 4.70582 NA intron (NM_020725, intron 3 of 11) intron (NM_020725, intron 3 of 11) 3132 NM_138495 222255 Hs.745056 NM_020725 HPRD:12508 ATXN7L1 ATXN7L4 ataxin 7-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22179 chr22 50945920 50946130 + 4.70520 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014551) promoter-TSS (NM_014551) 110 NM_033200 91289 Hs.150540 NM_033200 HPRD:12519 LMF2 TMEM112B|TMEM153 lipase maturation factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26668 chr4_gl000193_random 85056 85172 + 4.70382 NA intron (NR_038377, intron 1 of 5) intron (NR_038377, intron 1 of 5) 3261 NR_038377 441058 Hs.130535 NR_038377 MGC39584 - uncharacterized LOC441058 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4577 chr10 74124165 74124288 + 4.70110 NA intron (NR_031657, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_031657, intron 1 of 1) -9319 NM_017626 54788 Hs.500013 NM_017626 HPRD:07086 DNAJB12 DJ10 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24764 chr4 19398671 19398795 + 4.70110 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -856454 NM_001289135 9353 Hs.29802 NM_004787 HPRD:04776 SLIT2 SLIL3|Slit-2 slit homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22454 chr3 22784500 22784600 + 4.70110 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -460234 NM_152653 7325 Hs.475688 NM_152653 UBE2E2 UBCH8 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38216 chrX 80325462 80325528 + 4.70110 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -131808 NM_003022 6451 Hs.108029 NM_003022 HPRD:02178 SH3BGRL HEL-S-115|SH3BGR SH3 domain binding glutamate-rich protein like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33810 chr8 48525238 48525304 + 4.70110 NA intron (NM_001080394, intron 10 of 19) intron (NM_001080394, intron 10 of 19) 125455 NM_005195 1052 Hs.440829 NM_005195 CEBPD C/EBP-delta|CELF|CRP3|NF-IL6-beta CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4200 chr10 42727771 42727838 + 4.70023 NA Intergenic Intergenic 135689 NR_024380 441666 Hs.255729 NR_024380 ENSG00000215146 LOC441666 - zinc finger protein 91 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9797 chr13 92000718 92000790 + 4.69723 NA intron (NR_027349, intron 1 of 3) CpG 680 NR_027349 407975 Hs.24115 NR_027349 HPRD:12617 MIR17HG C13orf25|FGLDS2|LINC00048|MIHG1|MIRH1|MIRHG1|NCRNA00048|miR-17-92 miR-17-92 cluster host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7746 chr12 27676718 27676784 + 4.69676 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001198916) promoter-TSS (NM_001198916) -294 NM_177444 8496 Hs.172445 NM_003622 HPRD:04390 PPFIBP1 L2|SGT2|hSGT2|hSgt2p PTPRF interacting protein, binding protein 1 (liprin beta 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37904 chrX 63737304 63737394 + 4.69676 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -122016 NM_017677 55613 Hs.442892 NM_017677 HPRD:06664 MTMR8 - myotubularin related protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28949 chr6 3259117 3259257 + 4.69676 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135750) promoter-TSS (NM_001135750) 25 NM_001128592 389362 Hs.207069 NM_001128591 ENSG00000180822 PSMG4 C6orf86|PAC4|bA506K6.2 proteasome (prosome, macropain) assembly chaperone 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3511 chr10 497010 497130 + 4.69676 NA intron (NM_014974, intron 3 of 36) intron (NM_014974, intron 3 of 36) 190648 NR_049884 100847086 NR_049884 MIR5699 - microRNA 5699 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29479 chr6 34857012 34857164 + 4.69356 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015245) promoter-TSS (NM_015245) 50 NM_015245 23294 Hs.656492 NM_015245 HPRD:10610 ANKS1A ANKS1 ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21994 chr22 39495583 39495759 + 4.69356 NA intron (NM_181773, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_181773, intron 1 of 4) 2442 NM_001166003 164668 Hs.440515 NM_181773 HPRD:16508 APOBEC3H A3H|ARP-10|ARP10 apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10143 chr14 23540751 23540927 + 4.69356 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164816) promoter-TSS (NM_001164816) -60 NM_001164817 22985 Hs.124490 NM_014977 HPRD:05191 ACIN1 ACINUS|ACN|fSAP152 apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24064 chr3 166340757 166340834 + 4.69356 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 757276 NM_001199202 79740 Hs.478143 NM_024687 HPRD:08015 ZBBX - zinc finger, B-box domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27267 chr5 51396221 51396302 + 4.69321 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -687513 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35692 chr9 75767963 75768093 + 4.69321 NA intron (NM_000700, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_000700, intron 1 of 12) 1247 NM_000700 301 Hs.494173 NM_000700 HPRD:01060 ANXA1 ANX1|LPC1 annexin A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27700 chr5 81267556 81267646 + 4.69321 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001131028) promoter-TSS (NM_001131028) -243 NM_031482 83734 Hs.713698 NM_031482 HPRD:16497 ATG10 APG10|APG10L|pp12616 autophagy related 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30197 chr6 105850968 105851081 + 4.69303 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002726) promoter-TSS (NM_002726) -25 NM_002726 5550 Hs.436564 NM_002726 HPRD:02673 PREP PE|PEP prolyl endopeptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4003 chr10 38692329 38692403 + 4.69238 NA promoter-TSS (NR_027269) promoter-TSS (NR_027269) -586 NR_027269 285961 Hs.406568 NR_027269 SEPT7P9 CDC10L|SEPT7L|bA291L22.2 septin 7 pseudogene 9 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24857 chr4 35716092 35716181 + 4.68923 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -529602 NR_122079 439933 Hs.591071 NR_122079 ENSG00000247193 LOC439933 - uncharacterized LOC439933 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39028 chrY 7440750 7440825 + 4.68923 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 128501 NR_001552 252948 Hs.522848 NR_001552 ENSG00000225520 TTTY16 NCRNA00139 testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 16 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17164 chr19 58658871 58658956 + 4.68923 NA intron (NM_024620, intron 1 of 3) SVA_D|Other|Other 3235 NM_024620 79673 Hs.458377 NM_024620 HPRD:07779 ZNF329 - zinc finger protein 329 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27188 chr5 49414147 49414338 + 4.68629 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 322992 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22863 chr3 52312607 52312789 + 4.68414 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025222) promoter-TSS (NM_025222) -39 NM_025222 80335 Hs.194110 NM_025222 HPRD:15183 WDR82 MST107|MSTP107|PRO2730|PRO34047|SWD2|TMEM113|WDR82A WD repeat domain 82 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6506 chr11 67634229 67634297 + 4.68414 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -61456 NR_024249 645332 Hs.535094 NR_024249 ENSG00000160172 FAM86C2P - family with sequence similarity 86, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31592 chr7 37376046 37376142 + 4.68414 NA intron (NM_001206480, intron 2 of 21) intron (NM_001206480, intron 2 of 21) 17178 NM_001206482 9844 Hs.434989 NM_014800 HPRD:12102 ELMO1 CED-12|CED12|ELMO-1 engulfment and cell motility 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14964 chr18 1733498 1733564 + 4.68414 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -373901 NR_023926 56651 Hs.541165 NM_031416 LINC00470 C18orf2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 470 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4764 chr10 91061591 91061786 + 4.68414 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001547) promoter-TSS (NM_001547) -18 NM_001547 3433 Hs.437609 NM_001547 HPRD:00913 IFIT2 G10P2|GARG-39|IFI-54|IFI-54K|IFI54|IFIT-2|ISG-54 K|ISG-54K|ISG54|P54|cig42 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9809 chr13 95014802 95014935 + 4.68414 NA intron (NM_005708, intron 6 of 8) intron (NM_005708, intron 6 of 8) 117068 NM_001922 1638 Hs.301865 NM_001922 HPRD:01864 DCT TRP-2|TYRP2 dopachrome tautomerase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24603 chr4 7804020 7804086 + 4.68414 NA intron (NM_198595, intron 9 of 16) intron (NM_198595, intron 9 of 16) 48236 NR_026892 84740 Hs.663029 NM_032654 ENSG00000272620 AFAP1-AS1 AFAP1-AS|AFAP1AS AFAP1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5181 chr10 124920256 124920335 + 4.68414 NA intron (NM_001007793, intron 5 of 7) MIRc|SINE|MIR 6535 NM_004725 9184 Hs.418533 NM_004725 HPRD:04761 BUB3 BUB3L|hBUB3 BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26461 chr4 178241511 178241742 + 4.68309 NA intron (NM_018248, intron 1 of 9) AluYc|SINE|Alu 10635 NM_018248 55247 Hs.405467 NM_018248 HPRD:16407 NEIL3 FGP2|FPG2|NEI3|ZGRF3|hFPG2|hNEI3 nei endonuclease VIII-like 3 (E. coli) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24885 chr4 37893393 37893465 + 4.68309 NA intron (NM_001253912, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_001253912, intron 1 of 20) 724 NM_015173 23216 Hs.176503 NM_015173 HPRD:18161 TBC1D1 TBC|TBC1 TBC1 (tre-2/USP6, BUB2, cdc16) domain family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38492 chrX 110924759 110924863 + 4.68309 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001257239) promoter-TSS (NM_001257239) -74 NM_001257239 79868 Hs.443061 NM_018466 HPRD:06542 ALG13 CDG1S|CXorf45|GLT28D1|MDS031|TDRD13|YGL047W ALG13, UDP-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10391 chr14 50234339 50234489 + 4.68145 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014315) promoter-TSS (NM_014315) -373 NM_014315 23588 Hs.509264 NM_014315 HPRD:08824 KLHDC2 HCLP-1|HCLP1|LCP kelch domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21151 chr21 10833890 10833995 + 4.68138 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 157001 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14462 chr17 47287943 47288080 + 4.67852 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001198754) promoter-TSS (NM_001198754) -75 NM_001198754 2793 Hs.181781 NM_031498 HPRD:06792 GNGT2 G-GAMMA-8|G-GAMMA-C|GNG8|GNG9|GNGT8 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma transducing activity polypeptide 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17190 chr19 59092522 59092650 + 4.67852 NA intron (NR_026052, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_026052, intron 1 of 1) 5820 NR_026052 65996 Hs.541177 NM_023939 HPRD:14527 CENPBD1P1 - CENPBD1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20572 chr20 29618627 29618775 + 4.67749 NA intron (NR_003579, intron 2 of 7) intron (NR_003579, intron 2 of 7) 6822 NR_003579 284802 Hs.653099 NM_207350 HPRD:17570 FRG1B C20orf80|bA348I14.2 FSHD region gene 1 family, member B pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27197 chr5 49429981 49430078 + 4.67724 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 307205 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18637 chr2 106711069 106711289 + 4.67289 NA intron (NR_045607, intron 13 of 13) intron (NR_045607, intron 13 of 13) 29066 NM_032411 84417 Hs.43125 NM_032411 HPRD:13261 C2orf40 ECRG4 chromosome 2 open reading frame 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10612 chr14 65565503 65565575 + 4.67289 NA intron (NR_073137, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_073137, intron 1 of 3) 3723 NM_145112 4149 Hs.285354 NM_002382 HPRD:01113 MAX bHLHd4 MYC associated factor X protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32149 chr7 75856405 75856493 + 4.67007 NA intron (NM_001291831, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_001291831, intron 1 of 15) 25238 NM_001291831 222183 Hs.511025 NM_001039212 HPRD:08219 SRRM3 - serine/arginine repetitive matrix 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38506 chrX 113941002 113941071 + 4.67007 NA intron (NM_001256761, intron 2 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -8614 NR_031578 100302153 NR_031578 miRBase:MI0003938 MIR1298 MIRN1298|hsa-mir-1298 microRNA 1298 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1426 chr1 104068312 104068595 + 4.66952 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017619) promoter-TSS (NM_017619) -125 NM_017619 55599 Hs.632423 NM_017619 HPRD:15267 RNPC3 RBM40|RNP|SNRNP65 RNA-binding region (RNP1, RRM) containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4768 chr10 91151761 91151845 + 4.66918 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001270928) promoter-TSS (NM_001270928) -500 NM_001270928 3434 Hs.20315 NM_001548 IFIT1 C56|G10P1|IFI-56|IFI-56K|IFI56|IFIT-1|IFNAI1|ISG56|P56|RNM561 interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37606 chrX 49174571 49174730 + 4.66827 NA intron (NM_001098413, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_001098413, intron 4 of 4) -3859 NM_001098406 729396 Hs.645554 NM_001098406 ENSG00000224659 GAGE12J GAGE11 G antigen 12J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13010 chr16 50230759 50230935 + 4.66751 NA intron (NM_001040284, intron 2 of 12) AluJb|SINE|Alu 44018 NM_001040285 64282 Hs.514342 NM_022447 HPRD:16119 PAPD5 TRF4-2 PAP associated domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20910 chr20 52210181 52210354 + 4.66751 NA Intergenic CpG -10631 NM_006526 7764 Hs.155040 NM_006526 HPRD:04272 ZNF217 ZABC1 zinc finger protein 217 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11366 chr15 38945213 38945310 + 4.66751 NA Intergenic Intergenic -43538 NM_207444 400359 Hs.448785 NM_207444 HPRD:13418 C15orf53 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9023 chr12 123912520 123912595 + 4.66751 NA intron (NM_145058, intron 2 of 3) intron (NM_145058, intron 2 of 3) 8707 NM_145058 196383 Hs.488173 NM_145058 HPRD:10084 RILPL2 RLP2 Rab interacting lysosomal protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18465 chr2 92326037 92326133 + 4.66460 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 196926 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32437 chr7 100338682 100338838 + 4.66342 NA intron (NR_111918, intron 7 of 46) SVA_F|Other|Other 7511 NR_111917 7455 Hs.307004 NM_003386 HPRD:03846 ZAN - zonadhesin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2173 chr1 154964449 154964610 + 4.66342 NA intron (NM_201398, intron 6 of 7) AluSg|SINE|Alu -1533 NM_018655 55891 Hs.272399 NM_018655 HPRD:09569 LENEP LEP503 lens epithelial protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28083 chr5 118788075 118788159 + 4.66342 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199292) promoter-TSS (NM_001199292) -21 NM_000414 3295 Hs.406861 NM_000414 HPRD:03514 HSD17B4 DBP|MFE-2|MPF-2|PRLTS1|SDR8C1 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37297 chrX 13735162 13735379 + 4.66342 NA intron (NM_001128835, intron 3 of 5) intron (NM_001128835, intron 3 of 5) 17484 NM_001128835 6399 Hs.592238 NM_014563 HPRD:02189 TRAPPC2 MIP2A|SEDL|SEDT|TRAPPC2P1|TRS20|ZNF547L|hYP38334 trafficking protein particle complex 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20712 chr20 35629185 35629390 + 4.66342 NA intron (NM_002895, intron 21 of 21) SVA_D|Other|Other -49041 NM_015474 25939 Hs.580681 NM_015474 HPRD:08418 SAMHD1 CHBL2|DCIP|HDDC1|MOP-5|SBBI88 SAM domain and HD domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35412 chr9 66033190 66033271 + 4.65771 NA Intergenic L1P3|LINE|L1 -424059 NR_121647 103352539 Hs.351215 NR_121647 LINC01410 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1410 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7545 chr12 14547446 14547605 + 4.65771 NA intron (NM_181352, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_181352, intron 1 of 14) 9527 NM_181352 55729 Hs.504856 NM_018179 HPRD:09811 ATF7IP AM|ATF-IP|MCAF|MCAF1|p621 activating transcription factor 7 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6127 chr11 50764112 50764224 + 4.65534 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 395850 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16885 chr19 48763063 48763140 + 4.65521 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -3898 NM_001184902 22900 Hs.446146 NM_014959 HPRD:16425 CARD8 CARDINAL|DACAR|DAKAR|NDPP|NDPP1|TUCAN caspase recruitment domain family, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10725 chr14 74252733 74252814 + 4.65521 NA intron (NM_001043318, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001043318, intron 1 of 11) 1188 NM_001043318 91748 Hs.594157 NM_194278 HPRD:12648 ELMSAN1 C14orf117|C14orf43|LSR68|c14_5541 ELM2 and Myb/SANT-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7963 chr12 42622359 42622487 + 4.65521 NA intron (NM_001190979, intron 2 of 4) SVA_F|Other|Other 9666 NM_001190977 10138 Hs.649195 NM_005748 HPRD:09606 YAF2 - YY1 associated factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6831 chr11 94277057 94277142 + 4.65521 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002033) promoter-TSS (NM_002033) 82 NM_002033 2526 Hs.390420 NM_002033 HPRD:00083 FUT4 CD15|ELFT|FCT3A|FUC-TIV|FUTIV|LeX|SSEA-1 fucosyltransferase 4 (alpha (1,3) fucosyltransferase, myeloid-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18332 chr2 90372182 90372255 + 4.65410 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 1260334 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1923 chr1 147753068 147753180 + 4.65139 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 17 of 18).2 CpG -33782 NR_120331 101927468 Hs.515867 NR_120331 LOC101927468 - uncharacterized LOC101927468 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36496 chr9 139713634 139713716 + 4.65139 NA intron (NM_001173988, intron 1 of 14) AluY|SINE|Alu -10375 NR_024580 100131193 Hs.734812 NR_024580 ENSG00000228544 CCDC183-AS1 KIAA1984-AS1 CCDC183 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13885 chr17 16557111 16557222 + 4.65139 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020787) promoter-TSS (NM_020787) 1 NM_020787 57547 Hs.128078 NM_020787 HPRD:18359 ZNF624 - zinc finger protein 624 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22935 chr3 58449551 58449625 + 4.65139 NA Intergenic Intergenic -28235 NM_001128214 200845 Hs.13982 NM_153331 HPRD:13769 KCTD6 KCASH3 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18159 chr2 81255157 81255280 + 4.65139 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 438852 NR_110161 100507201 Hs.98589 NR_110161 LOC100507201 - uncharacterized LOC100507201 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32559 chr7 110653221 110653325 + 4.65076 NA intron (NM_032549, intron 3 of 5) L2b|LINE|L2 -77789 NM_001099658 54674 Hs.3781 NM_018334 HPRD:14321 LRRN3 FIGLER5|NLRR-3|NLRR3 leucine rich repeat neuronal 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15070 chr18 12407835 12407914 + 4.65076 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006553) promoter-TSS (NM_006553) -21 NM_001142405 10650 Hs.514718 NM_006553 HPRD:09981 SLMO1 C18orf43|HFL-EDDG1|PRELID3A slowmo homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19239 chr2 161947024 161947179 + 4.65076 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46365 NM_133484 10010 Hs.132257 NM_004180 HPRD:04870 TANK I-TRAF|ITRAF|TRAF2 TRAF family member-associated NFKB activator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18402 chr2 92001851 92001958 + 4.64847 NA Intergenic Intergenic 38536 NR_003503 645367 Hs.650223 NR_003503 GGT8P GGT1P1 gamma-glutamyltransferase 8 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33573 chr8 29848378 29848511 + 4.64841 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33580 NR_036104 100422876 NR_036104 miRBase:MI0014175 MIR3148 - microRNA 3148 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31262 chr7 6677413 6677505 + 4.64841 NA intron (NM_001278559, intron 1 of 8) CpG 506 NM_001278559 100131017 Hs.112668 NM_001278559 ZNF316 ENST00000305834|MZF-3 zinc finger protein 316 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12832 chr16 33833493 33833559 + 4.64625 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 128977 NR_038368 649159 Hs.532675 NM_001040069 ENSG00000256642 LINC00273 NCRNA00273|TOP long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 273 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13531 chr16 89766630 89766775 + 4.64563 NA intron (NM_152339, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_152339, intron 2 of 2) 1419 NM_152339 124044 Hs.374556 NM_152339 HPRD:14515 SPATA2L C16orf76|tamo spermatogenesis associated 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28234 chr5 132387863 132387935 + 4.64563 NA 5' UTR (NM_002154, exon 1 of 19) 5' UTR (NM_002154, exon 1 of 19) 237 NM_002154 3308 Hs.90093 NM_002154 HSPA4 APG-2|HEL-S-5a|HS24/P52|HSPH2|RY|hsp70|hsp70RY heat shock 70kDa protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18651 chr2 108488936 108489013 + 4.64203 NA exon (NM_182588, exon 20 of 23) exon (NM_182588, exon 20 of 23) 45586 NM_182588 285190 Hs.449164 NM_182588 RGPD4 RGP4 RANBP2-like and GRIP domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_481 chr1 27986612 27986694 + 4.64203 NA Intergenic CpG 12071 NM_022872 2537 Hs.523847 NM_002038 HPRD:00959 IFI6 6-16|FAM14C|G1P3|IFI-6-16|IFI616 interferon, alpha-inducible protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20064 chr2 233191962 233192047 + 4.64163 NA intron (NR_046476, intron 14 of 20) intron (NR_046476, intron 14 of 20) -51344 NM_001632 250 Hs.284255 NM_001632 ENSG00000163283 ALPP ALP|PALP|PLAP|PLAP-1 alkaline phosphatase, placental protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8324 chr12 65153214 65153323 + 4.64163 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002076) promoter-TSS (NM_002076) -42 NM_002076 2799 Hs.334534 NM_002076 HPRD:09637 GNS G6S glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17813 chr2 47169468 47169551 + 4.64026 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171508) promoter-TSS (NM_001171508) -515 NM_001171511 90411 Hs.662152 NM_139279 HPRD:09693 MCFD2 F5F8D|F5F8D2|LMAN1IP|SDNSF multiple coagulation factor deficiency 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12599 chr16 28835276 28835387 + 4.64026 NA intron (NM_148416, intron 1 of 22) CpG 962 NM_148415 11273 Hs.460499 NM_007245 HPRD:06394 ATXN2L A2D|A2LG|A2LP|A2RP ataxin 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6645 chr11 75294379 75294451 + 4.63368 NA Intergenic CpG 21314 NM_001235 871 Hs.596449 NM_001235 HPRD:02968 SERPINH1 AsTP3|CBP1|CBP2|HSP47|OI10|PPROM|RA-A47|SERPINH2|gp46 serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade H (heat shock protein 47), member 1, (collagen binding protein 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10822 chr14 81947249 81947417 + 4.63368 NA intron (NM_005065, intron 19 of 20) Charlie2a|DNA|hAT-Charlie -30832 NR_109999 100506700 Hs.116304 NR_109999 ENSG00000258675 LOC100506700 - uncharacterized LOC100506700 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17564 chr2 27805836 27805968 + 4.63368 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001271287) promoter-TSS (NM_001271287) 66 NM_001271318 84450 Hs.529178 NM_032434 HPRD:10336 ZNF512 - zinc finger protein 512 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1899 chr1 146879600 146879688 + 4.63368 NA intron (NR_038423, intron 3 of 3) L1PA4|LINE|L1 110055 NR_038423 100289211 Hs.323484 NR_038423 LINC00624 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 624 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9326 chr13 31439650 31439724 + 4.63368 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17012 NR_103813 440132 Hs.729493 NR_103813 ENSG00000236094 LINC00545 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 545 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36824 chrUn_gl000217 141360 141457 + 4.63368 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15766 chr19 3275846 3275986 + 4.63368 NA exon (NM_001172673, exon 4 of 12) exon (NM_001172673, exon 4 of 12) 50433 NR_033342 60680 Hs.655747 NM_021938 HPRD:12535 CELF5 BRUNOL-5|BRUNOL5|CELF-5 CUGBP, Elav-like family member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35971 chr9 101558769 101558921 + 4.63368 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173551) promoter-TSS (NM_173551) -51 NM_173551 203286 Hs.406890 NM_173551 HPRD:18012 ANKS6 ANKRD14|NPHP16|PKDR1|SAMD6 ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26261 chr4 154037100 154037268 + 4.63307 NA Intergenic Intergenic -37086 NM_001130067 23321 Hs.435711 NM_015271 HPRD:10279 TRIM2 CMT2R|RNF86 tripartite motif containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28213 chr5 131722407 131722499 + 4.63307 NA intron (NM_003060, intron 4 of 9) intron (NM_003060, intron 4 of 9) -16845 NR_110997 553103 Hs.570908 NR_037898 ENSG00000233006 LOC553103 - uncharacterized LOC553103 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10850 chr14 88913369 88913435 + 4.63307 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 61414 NM_001040428 55812 Hs.525518 NM_018418 HPRD:15431 SPATA7 HEL-S-296|HSD-3.1|HSD3|LCA3 spermatogenesis associated 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31087 chr6 170044965 170045138 + 4.63307 NA intron (NM_182552, intron 16 of 25) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 57108 NM_182552 253769 Hs.131903 NM_182552 HPRD:11352 WDR27 - WD repeat domain 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15305 chr18 42367605 42367671 + 4.63302 NA intron (NM_001130110, intron 2 of 3) AluYb9|SINE|Alu 106775 NM_015559 26040 Hs.435458 NM_015559 HPRD:10224 SETBP1 SEB SET binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25445 chr4 78114703 78114769 + 4.63302 NA Intergenic Intergenic 36379 NM_004354 901 Hs.740456 NM_004354 HPRD:04438 CCNG2 - cyclin G2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15440 chr18 56209125 56209192 + 4.63302 NA intron (NM_052947, intron 4 of 12) intron (NM_052947, intron 4 of 12) 87031 NM_052947 115701 Hs.628152 NM_052947 HPRD:11019 ALPK2 HAK alpha-kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15776 chr19 3700472 3700635 + 4.63302 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195733) promoter-TSS (NM_001195733) -63 NM_001300849 23396 Hs.282177 NM_012398 HPRD:05834 PIP5K1C LCCS3|PIP5K-GAMMA|PIP5K1-gamma|PIP5Kgamma phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12777 chr16 32871660 32871726 + 4.63206 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 24770 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6111 chr11 50711748 50711815 + 4.62265 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 343463 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12786 chr16 33061762 33061828 + 4.61784 NA Intergenic Intergenic -143788 NR_110897 729355 Hs.592038 NM_001099687 ENSG00000261509 TP53TG3B - TP53 target 3B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19793 chr2 204859577 204859749 + 4.61720 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR 58192 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34118 chr8 82239374 82239491 + 4.61720 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 46714 NM_001444 2171 Hs.408061 NM_001444 HPRD:05524 FABP5 E-FABP|EFABP|KFABP|PA-FABP|PAFABP fatty acid binding protein 5 (psoriasis-associated) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17124 chr19 56334328 56334515 + 4.61720 NA intron (NM_145007, intron 3 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 9039 NM_001297743 204801 Hs.375039 NM_145007 HPRD:10110 NLRP11 CLR19.6|NALP11|NOD17|PAN10|PYPAF6|PYPAF7 NLR family, pyrin domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15452 chr18 57469308 57469428 + 4.61720 NA Intergenic LTR82B|LTR|ERVL -97824 NM_021127 5366 Hs.96 NM_021127 HPRD:12002 PMAIP1 APR|NOXA phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14642 chr17 62923821 62923890 + 4.61702 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8952 NM_199340 374819 Hs.551962 NM_199340 ENSG00000176809 LRRC37A3 LRRC37|LRRC37A leucine rich repeat containing 37, member A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15578 chr18 72922682 72922796 + 4.61702 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005786) promoter-TSS (NM_005786) 29 NM_005786 10194 Hs.284217 NM_005786 HPRD:15308 TSHZ1 CAA|NY-CO-33|SDCCAG33|TSH1 teashirt zinc finger homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7039 chr11 116949037 116949171 + 4.61425 NA intron (NM_025164, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_025164, intron 1 of 23) 20027 NM_025164 23387 Hs.167451 NM_025164 HPRD:11121 SIK3 QSK|SIK-3 SIK family kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34187 chr8 87402534 87402630 + 4.61425 NA intron (NM_007013, intron 5 of 24) SVA_B|Other|Other 47588 NM_007013 11059 Hs.655189 NM_007013 HPRD:03811 WWP1 AIP5|Tiul1|hSDRP1 WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26863 chr5 18578726 18578850 + 4.61425 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -1191369 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_477 chr1 27817033 27817116 + 4.61425 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006990) promoter-TSS (NM_006990) -396 NM_001201404 10163 Hs.469244 NM_006990 HPRD:05796 WASF2 IMD2|SCAR2|WASF4|WAVE2|dJ393P12.2 WAS protein family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25384 chr4 72064866 72064965 + 4.61425 NA intron (NM_001098484, intron 1 of 25) intron (NM_001098484, intron 1 of 25) 11912 NM_001098484 8671 Hs.5462 NM_003759 HPRD:04516 SLC4A4 HNBC1|KNBC|NBC1|NBC2|NBCe1-A|SLC4A5|hhNMC|pNBC solute carrier family 4 (sodium bicarbonate cotransporter), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19909 chr2 219166128 219166243 + 4.61425 NA intron (NM_015488, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_015488, intron 2 of 9) -8905 NM_022152 64114 Hs.591605 NM_022152 HPRD:17884 TMBIM1 LFG3|MST100|MSTP100|RECS1 transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30210 chr6 106562482 106562554 + 4.61425 NA Intergenic Intergenic 15781 NM_182907 639 Hs.436023 NM_001198 HPRD:04572 PRDM1 BLIMP1|PRDI-BF1 PR domain containing 1, with ZNF domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10511 chr14 58618908 58619022 + 4.61425 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001001872) promoter-TSS (NM_001001872) -118 NM_001001872 145407 Hs.535420 NM_001001872 C14orf37 c14_5376 chromosome 14 open reading frame 37 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24803 chr4 26133536 26133619 + 4.61425 NA Intergenic MamRep38|DNA|hAT -187755 NM_203283 3516 Hs.479396 NM_005349 HPRD:00920 RBPJ AOS3|CBF1|IGKJRB|IGKJRB1|KBF2|RBP-J|RBPJK|RBPSUH|SUH|csl recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29092 chr6 16504251 16504317 + 4.61425 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_001128164, intron 5 of 7) 257437 NM_001128164 6310 Hs.434961 NM_000332 HPRD:03333 ATXN1 ATX1|D6S504E|SCA1 ataxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20082 chr2 234285277 234285362 + 4.61425 NA intron (NM_152879, intron 1 of 29) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -11481 NM_003648 8527 Hs.471675 NM_003648 HPRD:03492 DGKD DGKdelta|dgkd-2 diacylglycerol kinase, delta 130kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10941 chr14 94437022 94437136 + 4.61425 NA intron (NM_001202429, intron 1 of 9) MIR|SINE|MIR 5997 NM_001202429 51676 Hs.510327 NM_016150 HPRD:05768 ASB2 ASB-2 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9419 chr13 41531231 41531354 + 4.61425 NA intron (NM_001145353, intron 2 of 7) MER57A-int|LTR|ERV1 25126 NM_001145353 1997 Hs.135646 NM_172373 HPRD:01808 ELF1 - E74-like factor 1 (ets domain transcription factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4023 chr10 38804350 38804475 + 4.60987 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 87338 NR_024497 399744 Hs.497951 NM_001013665 LINC00999 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 999 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24159 chr3 178733469 178733584 + 4.60300 NA Intergenic Intergenic 56130 NM_152240 64393 Hs.371609 NM_022470 HPRD:07343 ZMAT3 PAG608|WIG-1|WIG1 zinc finger, matrin-type 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36053 chr9 108343851 108343933 + 4.60065 NA intron (NM_006731, intron 2 of 9) L1PA2|LINE|L1 23481 NM_001198963 2218 Hs.55777 NM_006731 HPRD:06308 FKTN CMD1X|FCMD|LGMD2M|MDDGA4|MDDGB4|MDDGC4 fukutin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34637 chr8 131207068 131207134 + 4.60065 NA intron (NM_018482, intron 5 of 29) MER1B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 101678 NR_002765 29065 Hs.639318 NR_002765 ASAP1-IT1 ASAP1-IT|ASAP1IT|ASAP1IT1|DDEF1IT1|HSPC054|NCRNA00050 ASAP1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30596 chr6 138083756 138083859 + 4.60065 NA Intergenic Intergenic -23633 NR_121619 100507406 Hs.556703 NR_121618 ENSG00000234956 LOC100507406 - uncharacterized LOC100507406 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25301 chr4 63596216 63596282 + 4.60065 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -568766 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28972 chr6 5261704 5261787 + 4.59959 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001164840) promoter-TSS (NM_001164840) 161 NM_006567 10667 Hs.484547 NM_006567 HPRD:09946 FARS2 COXPD14|FARS1|HSPC320|PheRS|dJ520B18.2 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5462 chr11 1593517 1593604 + 4.59675 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004420) promoter-TSS (NM_004420) -410 NM_004420 1850 Hs.41688 NM_004420 HPRD:03617 DUSP8 C11orf81|HB5|HVH-5|HVH8 dual specificity phosphatase 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7817 chr12 33566961 33567036 + 4.59566 NA intron (NM_198992, intron 2 of 6) L1P1|LINE|L1 25756 NM_198992 341359 Hs.118703 NM_198992 SYT10 - synaptotagmin X protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19362 chr2 171772994 171773060 + 4.59566 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -11921 NM_001201428 26003 Hs.431317 NM_015530 HPRD:08303 GORASP2 GOLPH6|GRASP55|GRS2|p59 golgi reassembly stacking protein 2, 55kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4387 chr10 56517205 56517271 + 4.59566 NA intron (NM_001142769, intron 1 of 35) AluYg6|SINE|Alu 43813 NM_001142765 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11621 chr15 56466935 56467055 + 4.59566 NA intron (NM_022841, intron 2 of 8) L1MEc|LINE|L1 68488 NM_022841 64864 Hs.745089 NM_022841 HPRD:07807 RFX7 RFXDC2 regulatory factor X, 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30273 chr6 109776037 109776103 + 4.59470 NA intron (NM_001286613, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001286613, intron 1 of 24) 1120 NM_022765 64780 Hs.33476 NM_022765 HPRD:06183 MICAL1 MICAL|MICAL-1|NICAL microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37098 chrUn_gl000239 1345 1438 + 4.59360 NA NA HERV17-int|LTR|ERV1 NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11340 chr15 34842430 34842681 + 4.59182 NA intron (NR_027410, intron 5 of 23) MIR|SINE|MIR -14333 NM_001023567 440270 Hs.720151 NM_001023567 HPRD:18635 GOLGA8B GOLGA5 golgin A8 family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16035 chr19 14477529 14477616 + 4.59140 NA Intergenic MLT1I|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -14384 NM_078481 976 Hs.466039 NM_001784 HPRD:03130 CD97 TM7LN1 CD97 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21841 chr22 26986044 26986232 + 4.58807 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003595) promoter-TSS (NM_003595) -49 NM_003595 8459 Hs.632768 NM_003595 HPRD:07217 TPST2 TANGO13B tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6476 chr11 66623786 66623874 + 4.58700 NA intron (NM_001040716, intron 12 of 22) CpG -1046 NM_024036 78999 Hs.209979 NM_024036 HPRD:14310 LRFN4 FIGLER6|SALM3|SALM3. leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29315 chr6 29716789 29716912 + 4.58700 NA promoter-TSS (NR_026972).6 promoter-TSS (NR_026972).6 -24 NR_026973 285830 Hs.646985 NM_001003807 HPRD:16938 HLA-F-AS1 - HLA-F antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6129 chr11 50769840 50769912 + 4.58539 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 401558 NR_024504 646813 Hs.684179 NR_024504 LOC646813 - DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23210 chr3 90401785 90401923 + 4.58437 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1245180 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2918 chr1 206957919 206957993 + 4.58436 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12117 NM_000572 3586 Hs.193717 NM_000572 HPRD:00495 IL10 CSIF|GVHDS|IL-10|IL10A|TGIF interleukin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26581 chr4 188877530 188877665 + 4.58436 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -39328 NM_174900 132625 Hs.335787 NM_174900 HPRD:15726 ZFP42 REX1|ZNF754 ZFP42 zinc finger protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32900 chr7 143028967 143029033 + 4.58436 NA intron (NM_000083, intron 10 of 22) AluSx|SINE|Alu 15781 NR_046453 1180 Hs.121483 NM_000083 HPRD:00320 CLCN1 CLC1 chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16966 chr19 50596110 50596251 + 4.58419 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024214).2 promoter-TSS (NR_024214).2 -314 NR_024226 100169955 Hs.723094 NR_024226 SNAR-A9 - small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA A9 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12757 chr16 32794531 32794751 + 4.58390 NA Intergenic LTR56|LTR|ERV1 101822 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36418 chr9 134543138 134543280 + 4.57927 NA intron (NM_005312, intron 1 of 23) MIRb|SINE|MIR 42020 NM_198679 2889 Hs.127897 NM_005312 HPRD:02627 RAPGEF1 C3G|GRF2 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6414 chr11 65198911 65199092 + 4.57927 NA Intergenic L1MB2|LINE|L1 8732 NR_028272 283131 Hs.523789 NR_002802 NEAT1 LINC00084|NCRNA00084|TncRNA|VINC nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33961 chr8 66754540 66754639 + 4.57927 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001242318) promoter-TSS (NM_001242318) -620 NM_001242318 5150 Hs.527119 NM_002603 PDE7A HCP1|PDE7 phosphodiesterase 7A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1418 chr1 102600188 102600350 + 4.57713 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -137479 NR_110211 118427 Hs.484475 NM_058170 ENSG00000118733 OLFM3 NOE3|NOELIN3|OPTIMEDIN olfactomedin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1437 chr1 105132269 105132335 + 4.57713 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 516657 NR_033990 100129138 Hs.514487 NR_033990 ENSG00000215869 LOC100129138 - THAP domain containing, apoptosis associated protein 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1594 chr1 116681769 116681946 + 4.57713 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27481 NM_152367 126868 Hs.376194 NM_152367 HPRD:08245 MAB21L3 C1orf161 mab-21-like 3 (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34518 chr8 121951418 121951484 + 4.57713 NA Intergenic Intergenic -127142 NM_021021 6641 Hs.46701 NM_021021 HPRD:02490 SNTB1 59-DAP|A1B|BSYN2|DAPA1B|SNT2|SNT2B1|TIP-43 syntrophin, beta 1 (dystrophin-associated protein A1, 59kDa, basic component 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29114 chr6 17815716 17815784 + 4.57713 NA intron (NM_001105568, intron 17 of 37) LTR13|LTR|ERVK -108685 NM_001278210 9972 Hs.601591 NM_005124 HPRD:04899 NUP153 HNUP153|N153 nucleoporin 153kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17335 chr2 7889391 7889457 + 4.57713 NA Intergenic Intergenic 150362 NR_110256 101929551 Hs.116006 NR_110256 LOC101929551 - uncharacterized LOC101929551 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26028 chr4 129969345 129969448 + 4.57713 NA intron (NM_001300897, intron 2 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 45366 NM_001300898 132320 Hs.654690 NM_144643 HPRD:08700 SCLT1 CAP-1A|CAP1A sodium channel and clathrin linker 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24319 chr3 190040245 190040339 + 4.57713 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021101) promoter-TSS (NM_021101) -57 NM_021101 9076 Hs.439060 NM_021101 HPRD:04760 CLDN1 CLD1|ILVASC|SEMP1 claudin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28043 chr5 114879642 114879725 + 4.57644 NA intron (NM_020177, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_020177, intron 1 of 2) 908 NM_020177 56929 Hs.47367 NM_020177 HPRD:16384 FEM1C EUROIMAGE686608|EUROIMAGE783647|FEM1A fem-1 homolog c (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30861 chr6 157695817 157695925 + 4.57644 NA Intergenic CpG 49420 NM_018452 729515 Hs.157212 NM_018452 ENSG00000215712 TMEM242 BM033|C6orf35 transmembrane protein 242 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15863 chr19 7969277 7969364 + 4.57644 NA intron (NM_001297556, intron 1 of 10) CpG 655 NM_145185 5609 Hs.531754 NM_145185 ENSG00000076984 MAP2K7 JNKK2|MAPKK7|MEK|MEK 7|MKK7|PRKMK7|SAPKK-4|SAPKK4 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8137 chr12 53661877 53662023 + 4.57350 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012291) promoter-TSS (NM_012291) -133 NM_012291 9700 Hs.153479 NM_012291 HPRD:06825 ESPL1 ESP1|SEPA extra spindle pole bodies homolog 1 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20075 chr2 233949301 233949375 + 4.57350 NA intron (NM_001017915, intron 2 of 25) intron (NM_001017915, intron 2 of 25) 24661 NM_005541 3635 Hs.262886 NM_005541 HPRD:09033 INPP5D SHIP|SHIP-1|SHIP1|SIP-145|hp51CN|p150Ship inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase, 145kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_339 chr1 22352423 22352489 + 4.57350 NA promoter-TSS (NR_110692) promoter-TSS (NR_110692) 85 NR_110692 101928043 Hs.617422 NR_110692 LOC101928043 - uncharacterized LOC101928043 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33460 chr8 21924329 21924402 + 4.57350 NA 5' UTR (NM_001978, exon 2 of 16) 5' UTR (NM_001978, exon 2 of 16) 7679 NM_001114138 2039 Hs.106124 NM_001978 HPRD:00506 DMTN DMT|EPB49 dematin actin binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37974 chrX 67780768 67780834 + 4.57350 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 62177 NM_173834 286451 Hs.82719 NM_173834 HPRD:06639 YIPF6 FinGER6 Yip1 domain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32894 chr7 142551993 142552082 + 4.56780 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001280794) promoter-TSS (NM_001280794) -739 NM_001280794 2051 Hs.380089 NM_004445 HPRD:04133 EPHB6 HEP EPH receptor B6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2148 chr1 154259991 154260195 + 4.56780 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 15054 NM_001018837 10456 Hs.199625 NM_006118 HPRD:12075 HAX1 HCLSBP1|HS1BP1|SCN3 HCLS1 associated protein X-1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10859 chr14 90083397 90083503 + 4.56701 NA intron (NM_001085471, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001085471, intron 1 of 6) 2044 NM_001085471 1112 Hs.434286 NM_005197 HPRD:07533 FOXN3 C14orf116|CHES1|PRO1635 forkhead box N3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11335 chr15 34695405 34695522 + 4.56701 NA intron (NR_027409, intron 5 of 23) intron (NR_027409, intron 5 of 23) -13462 NM_181077 23015 Hs.182982 NM_181077 HPRD:09974 GOLGA8A GM88 golgin A8 family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18242 chr2 87214474 87214551 + 4.56449 NA exon (NM_001078170, exon 20 of 23) exon (NM_001078170, exon 20 of 23) 34457 NM_001032392 5343 Hs.652169 NM_001032392 PLGLB1 PLGL|PLGP1|PRGB|PRP-B plasminogen-like B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18912 chr2 132031239 132031323 + 4.56449 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5582 NR_030728 440910 Hs.666215 NR_030728 ENSG00000231431 LOC440910 - uncharacterized LOC440910 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34114 chr8 82019307 82019488 + 4.55970 NA intron (NM_018440, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_018440, intron 1 of 8) 4906 NM_018440 55824 Hs.266175 NM_018440 HPRD:05772 PAG1 CBP|PAG phosphoprotein membrane anchor with glycosphingolipid microdomains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21725 chr22 21212772 21212840 + 4.55866 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004782) promoter-TSS (NM_004782) 294 NM_058004 5297 Hs.529438 NM_002650 HPRD:08972 PI4KA PI4K-ALPHA|PIK4CA|pi4K230 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, catalytic, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22519 chr3 27902636 27902773 + 4.55866 NA Intergenic Eulor9C|DNA|DNA -138498 NM_001278183 8320 Hs.591663 NM_005442 HPRD:07054 EOMES TBR2 eomesodermin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37262 chrX 10079067 10079262 + 4.55866 NA intron (NM_015691, intron 9 of 22) intron (NM_015691, intron 9 of 22) -45821 NM_001256944 1183 Hs.495674 NM_001830 HPRD:02362 CLCN4 CLC4|ClC-4|ClC-4A chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8866 chr12 111843866 111843934 + 4.55371 NA 5' UTR (NM_005475, exon 1 of 8) 5' UTR (NM_005475, exon 1 of 8) 148 NM_005475 10019 Hs.506784 NM_005475 HPRD:05480 SH2B3 IDDM20|LNK SH2B adaptor protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4001 chr10 38645489 38645577 + 4.55371 NA intron (NR_003086, intron 1 of 7) intron (NR_003086, intron 1 of 7) 225 NR_003086 158160 Hs.652484 NM_182829 HPRD:14106 HSD17B7P2 HSD17B7|Hsd17b_2|bA291L22.1 hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 7 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22237 chr3 5020076 5020171 + 4.55335 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003670) promoter-TSS (NM_003670) -974 NM_003670 8553 Hs.744856 NM_003670 HPRD:16050 BHLHE40 BHLHB2|DEC1|HLHB2|SHARP-2|STRA13|Stra14 basic helix-loop-helix family, member e40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14224 chr17 36831216 36831347 + 4.55149 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130677) promoter-TSS (NM_001130677) -94 NM_001130677 100170841 Hs.445574 NM_001130677 ENSG00000179294 C17orf96 PRR28 chromosome 17 open reading frame 96 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5327 chr10 132840552 132840730 + 4.55149 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -52840 NR_120623 101927489 NR_120623 ENSG00000230098 TCERG1L-AS1 - TCERG1L antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10496 chr14 56486034 56486287 + 4.55149 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -98933 NM_021255 57161 Hs.657926 NM_021255 HPRD:17835 PELI2 - pellino E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36271 chr9 129286090 129286213 + 4.55149 NA Intergenic Intergenic -90571 NM_001174147 4010 Hs.129133 NM_002316 HPRD:03986 LMX1B LMX1.2|NPS1 LIM homeobox transcription factor 1, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36986 chrUn_gl000225 120100 120203 + 4.54944 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18355 chr2 90452182 90452296 + 4.54806 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1340355 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6832 chr11 94277294 94277366 + 4.54625 NA exon (NM_002033, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_002033, exon 1 of 1) 313 NM_002033 2526 Hs.390420 NM_002033 HPRD:00083 FUT4 CD15|ELFT|FCT3A|FUC-TIV|FUTIV|LeX|SSEA-1 fucosyltransferase 4 (alpha (1,3) fucosyltransferase, myeloid-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12468 chr16 18771360 18771477 + 4.54625 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30238 NM_001030009 6210 Hs.370504 NM_001019 HPRD:04723 RPS15A S15a ribosomal protein S15a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17205 chr19_gl000208_random 38641 38792 + 4.54448 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11487 chr15 44954911 44954977 + 4.54191 NA intron (NM_025137, intron 1 of 39) intron (NM_025137, intron 1 of 39) 932 NM_001160227 80208 Hs.656271 NM_025137 HPRD:07963 SPG11 KIAA1840 spastic paraplegia 11 (autosomal recessive) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3817 chr10 22971521 22971618 + 4.54168 NA intron (NM_005028, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_005028, intron 1 of 9) 31934 NM_005028 5305 Hs.57079 NM_005028 HPRD:11931 PIP4K2A PI5P4KA|PIP5K2A|PIP5KII-alpha|PIP5KIIA|PIPK phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14530-2 chr17 55333701 55333969 + 4.54047 NA promoter-TSS (NM_170721) promoter-TSS (NM_170721) -96 NM_138962 124540 Hs.658922 NM_138962 HPRD:07438 MSI2 MSI2H musashi RNA-binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23478 chr3 114042841 114042931 + 4.54047 NA non-coding (NR_121662, exon 7 of 7) non-coding (NR_121662, exon 7 of 7) -7470 NR_030293 693153 NR_030293 miRBase:MI0003574 MIR568 MIRN568|hsa-mir-568 microRNA 568 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6850 chr11 95569327 95569406 + 4.54047 NA exon (NM_201278, exon 16 of 17) exon (NM_201278, exon 16 of 17) 45741 NM_001243777 9702 Hs.101014 NM_014679 HPRD:16261 CEP57 MVA2|PIG8|TSP57 centrosomal protein 57kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12897 chr16 34772316 34772505 + 4.54047 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -31570 NR_034018 100130700 Hs.97712 NR_034018 ENSG00000260857 LOC100130700 - uncharacterized LOC100130700 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1925 chr1 147807064 147807204 + 4.54047 NA promoter-TSS (NR_049810) promoter-TSS (NR_049810) -456 NR_049810 100847044 NR_049810 MIR5087 - microRNA 5087 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14530 chr17 55333701 55333969 + 4.54047 NA promoter-TSS (NM_170721) promoter-TSS (NM_170721) -96 NM_138962 124540 Hs.658922 NM_138962 HPRD:07438 MSI2 MSI2H musashi RNA-binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22133 chr22 46938323 46938389 + 4.54047 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5289 NM_014246 9620 Hs.252387 NM_014246 HPRD:05160 CELSR1 CDHF9|FMI2|HFMI2|ME2 cadherin, EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37783 chrX 58581768 58581850 + 4.53712 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -644742 NM_007156 7789 Hs.550094 NM_007156 HPRD:02210 ZXDA ZNF896 zinc finger, X-linked, duplicated A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36239 chr9 126964866 126965006 + 4.53500 NA Intergenic Intergenic -54949 NM_001166167 10783 Hs.197071 NM_014397 HPRD:05348 NEK6 SID6-1512 NIMA-related kinase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27461 chr5 67640818 67640998 + 4.53500 NA Intergenic Intergenic 52512 NM_001242466 5295 Hs.132225 NM_181504 HPRD:01381 PIK3R1 AGM7|GRB1|p85|p85-ALPHA phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29024 chr6 11496607 11496678 + 4.53500 NA Intergenic Intergenic -41818 NM_001100829 100113407 Hs.146317 NM_001100829 ENSG00000205269 TMEM170B - transmembrane protein 170B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8069 chr12 49829908 49830031 + 4.53500 NA intron (NM_001293285, intron 3 of 14) SVA_D|Other|Other 47012 NR_033267 100335030 Hs.687044 NR_033267 LOC100335030 - FGFR1 oncogene partner 2 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14236 chr17 37321241 37321307 + 4.53500 NA intron (NM_001143968, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_001143968, intron 2 of 5) 1140 NM_001143968 390790 Hs.568007 NM_001143968 ARL5C ARL12 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 5C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17343 chr2 8486542 8486621 + 4.53500 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18032 NR_034135 339789 Hs.565619 NM_207358 HPRD:14171 LINC00299 C2orf46|NCRNA00299 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 299 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7724 chr12 27483188 27483288 + 4.53500 NA Intergenic AluSc8|SINE|Alu -2549 NM_001248005 56938 Hs.445447 NM_020183 ARNTL2 BMAL2|CLIF|MOP9|PASD9|bHLHe6 aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7701 chr12 26939119 26939200 + 4.53500 NA intron (NM_002223, intron 2 of 56) SVA_E|Other|Other 46972 NM_002223 3709 Hs.512235 NM_002223 HPRD:02536 ITPR2 CFAP48|IP3R2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6814 chr11 93518009 93518108 + 4.53293 NA intron (NM_004268, intron 1 of 11) CpG 653 NM_004268 9440 Hs.444931 NM_004268 MED17 CRSP6|CRSP77|DRIP80|TRAP80 mediator complex subunit 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33245 chr8 1729570 1729656 + 4.53293 NA 3' UTR (NM_018941, exon 3 of 3) 3' UTR (NM_018941, exon 3 of 3) 17743 NM_018941 2055 Hs.127675 NM_018941 HPRD:06383 CLN8 C8orf61|EPMR ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 8 (epilepsy, progressive with mental retardation) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34675 chr8 134584242 134584338 + 4.53261 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003033) promoter-TSS (NM_003033) -107 NM_003033 6482 Hs.374257 NM_003033 HPRD:06219 ST3GAL1 Gal-NAc6S|SIAT4A|SIATFL|ST3GalA|ST3GalA.1|ST3GalIA|ST3GalIA,1|ST3O ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19766 chr2 204736360 204736426 + 4.53016 NA intron (NM_005214, intron 3 of 3) intron (NM_005214, intron 3 of 3) 3882 NM_005214 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27005 chr5 39073260 39073326 + 4.52907 NA intron (NM_001285439, intron 2 of 38) intron (NM_001285439, intron 2 of 38) 1217 NM_001285440 253260 Hs.407926 NM_152756 HPRD:10682 RICTOR AVO3|PIA|hAVO3 RPTOR independent companion of MTOR, complex 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36130 chr9 115277800 115277924 + 4.52907 NA intron (NM_001287036, intron 1 of 4) SVA_F|Other|Other 28614 NM_001287038 158405 Hs.656619 NM_133465 HPRD:11173 KIAA1958 - KIAA1958 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16325 chr19 24628789 24628859 + 4.52886 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -282575 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7104 chr11 120894865 120894931 + 4.52193 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152715) promoter-TSS (NM_152715) 85 NM_152715 219899 Hs.504136 NM_152715 TBCEL El|LRRC35 tubulin folding cofactor E-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1372 chr1 99319866 99319932 + 4.52193 NA Intergenic Intergenic -149933 NR_033940 100129620 Hs.588631 NR_033940 ENSG00000232825 LOC100129620 - uncharacterized LOC100129620 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33475 chr8 22613714 22613819 + 4.52193 NA intron (NM_144962, intron 4 of 6) intron (NM_144962, intron 4 of 6) -62951 NM_004430 1960 Hs.534313 NM_004430 HPRD:03881 EGR3 EGR-3|PILOT early growth response 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3836 chr10 25305905 25306017 + 4.52154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145010) promoter-TSS (NM_145010) 453 NM_024838 79896 Hs.645274 NM_024838 HPRD:07974 THNSL1 TSH1 threonine synthase-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36813 chrUn_gl000217 37158 37258 + 4.52154 NA NA AluSx|SINE|Alu NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35307 chr9 41954895 41955040 + 4.52035 NA non-coding (NR_015363, exon 1 of 2) non-coding (NR_015363, exon 1 of 2) 109 NR_015363 389741 Hs.380240 NM_203448 GLIDR LINC01172 glioblastoma down-regulated RNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10091 chr14 20880731 20880899 + 4.51941 NA intron (NM_007110, intron 1 of 54) intron (NM_007110, intron 1 of 54) 764 NM_007110 7011 Hs.508835 NM_007110 HPRD:03404 TEP1 TLP1|TP1|TROVE1|VAULT2|p240 telomerase-associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38125 chrX 74730476 74730542 + 4.51884 NA intron (NM_144969, intron 1 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 12828 NM_001146256 158866 Hs.253211 NM_144969 HPRD:06758 ZDHHC15 MRX91 zinc finger, DHHC-type containing 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_230 chr1 12678311 12678377 + 4.51884 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004753) promoter-TSS (NM_004753) -607 NM_004753 9249 Hs.289347 NM_004753 HPRD:09915 DHRS3 DD83.1|RDH17|Rsdr1|SDR1|SDR16C1|retSDR1 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8071 chr12 49932806 49932872 + 4.51884 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012284) promoter-TSS (NM_012284) -101 NM_012284 23416 Hs.64064 NM_012284 HPRD:05164 KCNH3 BEC1|ELK2|Kv12.2 potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34301 chr8 99725049 99725115 + 4.51884 NA intron (NM_001256312, intron 6 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 112817 NM_001256313 6788 Hs.492333 NM_006281 HPRD:05433 STK3 KRS1|MST2 serine/threonine kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30972 chr6 160389862 160390004 + 4.51746 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000876) promoter-TSS (NM_000876) -198 NM_000876 3482 Hs.487062 NM_000876 HPRD:00928 IGF2R CD222|CIMPR|M6P-R|MPR1|MPRI insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25562 chr4 88633740 88633813 + 4.51445 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 62322 NM_001079911 1758 Hs.652366 NM_004407 HPRD:02989 DMP1 ARHP|ARHR|DMP-1 dentin matrix acidic phosphoprotein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28801 chr5 176873484 176873569 + 4.50706 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001174101) promoter-TSS (NM_001174101) -270 NM_030567 80758 Hs.534492 NM_030567 HPRD:15186 PRR7 - proline rich 7 (synaptic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26818 chr5 14666213 14666295 + 4.50706 NA intron (NM_138348, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_138348, intron 1 of 6) 1471 NM_138348 90268 Hs.406335 NM_138348 HPRD:14266 OTULIN FAM105B|GUM OTU deubiquitinase with linear linkage specificity protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9427 chr13 41768372 41768500 + 4.50584 NA 5' UTR (NM_032138, exon 1 of 1) 5' UTR (NM_032138, exon 1 of 1) 266 NM_032138 84078 Hs.63841 NM_032138 KBTBD7 - kelch repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16323 chr19 24616406 24616486 + 4.50520 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -270197 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37084 chrUn_gl000234 29797 29868 + 4.50389 NA NA L1PA4|LINE|L1 NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10762 chr14 75981522 75981606 + 4.50389 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7220 NM_006399 10538 Hs.509964 NM_006399 HPRD:09820 BATF B-ATF|BATF1|SFA-2|SFA2 basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26070 chr4 136069880 136069993 + 4.50389 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 739312 NR_103762 100507528 Hs.518987 NR_103762 ENSG00000248330 LINC00613 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 613 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9742 chr13 79552680 79552747 + 4.50389 NA Intergenic Intergenic -138528 NR_046869 100874126 Hs.577893 NR_046869 LINC00331 NCRNA00331 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 331 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11518 chr15 47458260 47458366 + 4.50389 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -18090 NM_001198999 80031 Hs.511265 NM_020858 HPRD:10221 SEMA6D - sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12715 chr16 31644825 31644905 + 4.50389 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -64020 NR_027011 440359 Hs.650902 NR_027011 YBX3P1 CSDAP1 Y box binding protein 3 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25267 chr4 60167468 60167691 + 4.50316 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -2191028 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28738 chr5 172149342 172149422 + 4.50275 NA Intergenic MER113|DNA|hAT-Charlie -33124 NM_001287812 101928093 Hs.646902 NM_001287812 LOC101928093 - uncharacterized LOC101928093 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2109 chr1 152187306 152187406 + 4.50213 NA exon (NM_001009931, exon 3 of 3) exon (NM_001009931, exon 3 of 3) 9316 NM_001009931 388697 Hs.490162 NM_001009931 HPRD:17114 HRNR FLG3|S100A16|S100a18 hornerin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33144 chr7 157179976 157180100 + 4.49994 NA intron (NM_058246, intron 8 of 9) intron (NM_058246, intron 8 of 9) 50327 NM_058246 10049 Hs.490745 NM_005494 HPRD:07107 DNAJB6 DJ4|DnaJ|HHDJ1|HSJ-2|HSJ2|LGMD1D|LGMD1E|MRJ|MSJ-1 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13983 chr17 21905133 21905357 + 4.49939 NA intron (NR_027084, intron 1 of 1) SST1|Satellite|centr 1183 NR_027084 284124 Hs.310247 NR_027084 FLJ36000 - uncharacterized FLJ36000 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9880 chr13 100258884 100259032 + 4.49606 NA promoter-TSS (NM_206808) promoter-TSS (NM_206808) 40 NM_206808 171425 Hs.655642 NM_206808 HPRD:10838 CLYBL CLB citrate lyase beta like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33371 chr8 11660342 11660477 + 4.49606 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001287748) promoter-TSS (NM_001287748) -144 NM_001287747 2222 Hs.593928 NM_004462 HPRD:01694 FDFT1 DGPT|ERG9|SQS|SS farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34676 chr8 134587917 134588079 + 4.49606 NA Intergenic Tigger3|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -3815 NM_003033 6482 Hs.374257 NM_003033 HPRD:06219 ST3GAL1 Gal-NAc6S|SIAT4A|SIATFL|ST3GalA|ST3GalA.1|ST3GalIA|ST3GalIA,1|ST3O ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18336 chr2 90377178 90377331 + 4.49120 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1265370 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16712 chr19 42748983 42749049 + 4.48779 NA Intergenic CpG -2280 NM_019884 2931 Hs.466828 NM_019884 HPRD:06002 GSK3A - glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31448 chr7 25058439 25058539 + 4.48623 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -38658 NM_015550 26031 Hs.520259 NM_015550 HPRD:09474 OSBPL3 ORP-3|ORP3|OSBP3 oxysterol binding protein-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19610 chr2 195937548 195937621 + 4.48623 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 342265 NR_110223 101927431 Hs.558215 NR_110223 ENSG00000230173 LOC101927431 - uncharacterized LOC101927431 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14255 chr17 38170072 38170182 + 4.48623 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1487 NR_033662 1440 Hs.2233 NM_000759 HPRD:00736 CSF3 C17orf33|CSF3OS|GCSF colony stimulating factor 3 (granulocyte) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14408 chr17 45144863 45144948 + 4.48598 NA Intergenic HERVIP10FH-int|LTR|ERV1 -24826 NM_001288811 51326 Hs.559259 NM_016632 HPRD:17424 ARL17A ARF1P2|ARL17P1 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 17A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19570 chr2 191776658 191776818 + 4.48598 NA intron (NM_001256310, intron 7 of 14) intron (NM_001256310, intron 7 of 14) 31191 NM_014905 2744 Hs.116448 NM_014905 HPRD:00700 GLS AAD20|GAC|GAM|GLS1|KGA glutaminase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12131 chr15 99036680 99036809 + 4.48598 NA intron (NM_182562, intron 2 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 20867 NM_182562 283777 Hs.668070 NM_182562 HPRD:08265 FAM169B - family with sequence similarity 169, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30507 chr6 131123431 131123573 + 4.48598 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -25043 NM_001195597 100507203 Hs.388715 NM_001195597 ENSG00000256162 SMLR1 - small leucine-rich protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29027 chr6 11786436 11786510 + 4.48598 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7193 NM_032744 84830 Hs.126409 NM_032744 HPRD:12836 ADTRP AIG1L|C6orf105|dJ413H6.1 androgen-dependent TFPI-regulating protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7564 chr12 15942289 15942372 + 4.48598 NA 5' UTR (NM_004447, exon 1 of 21) 5' UTR (NM_004447, exon 1 of 21) 180 NM_004447 2059 Hs.591160 NM_004447 HPRD:02563 EPS8 - epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28380 chr5 140690407 140690558 + 4.48598 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -6870 NM_031947 83884 Hs.97647 NM_031947 HPRD:12180 SLC25A2 ORC2|ORNT2 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; ornithine transporter) member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14566 chr17 57642917 57642997 + 4.48598 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001166301) promoter-TSS (NM_001166301) 71 NM_024612 79665 Hs.29403 NM_024612 HPRD:06346 DHX40 DDX40|PAD DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 40 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13497 chr16 88878657 88878773 + 4.48501 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000485) promoter-TSS (NM_000485) -373 NM_001030018 353 Hs.28914 NM_000485 HPRD:00029 APRT AMP|APRTD adenine phosphoribosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39077 chrY 10083370 10083450 + 4.48501 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 335003 NR_001540 252955 Hs.522846 NR_001540 ENSG00000239225 TTTY23 NCRNA00148|TTTY23B testis-specific transcript, Y-linked 23 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19503 chr2 182259469 182259581 + 4.48063 NA Intergenic LTR33|LTR|ERVL -62094 NM_000885 3676 Hs.440955 NM_000885 HPRD:01894 ITGA4 CD49D|IA4 integrin, alpha 4 (antigen CD49D, alpha 4 subunit of VLA-4 receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23358 chr3 105471934 105472038 + 4.48063 NA intron (NM_170662, intron 4 of 18) intron (NM_170662, intron 4 of 18) 115901 NM_170662 868 Hs.430589 NM_170662 HPRD:05136 CBLB Cbl-b|RNF56 Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11228 chr15 26096006 26096072 + 4.47970 NA intron (NM_024490, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_024490, intron 1 of 20) -2067 NR_039865 100616474 NR_039865 MIR4715 - microRNA 4715 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3768 chr10 17551341 17551454 + 4.47970 NA Intergenic Intergenic -55143 NM_001004470 338596 Hs.677766 NM_001004470 ST8SIA6 SIA8F|SIAT8F|ST8SIA-VI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28900 chr6 389767 389885 + 4.47970 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1913 NR_046000 3662 Hs.401013 NM_002460 HPRD:03543 IRF4 LSIRF|MUM1|NF-EM5 interferon regulatory factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13268 chr16 70148392 70148466 + 4.47932 NA intron (NM_017990, intron 1 of 18) CpG 900 NM_017990 55066 Hs.744043 NM_017990 HPRD:17832 PDPR PDP3 pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase regulatory subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12641 chr16 30076428 30076534 + 4.47932 NA promoter-TSS (NM_184041) promoter-TSS (NM_184041) -513 NM_184041 226 Hs.513490 NM_000034 HPRD:00070 ALDOA ALDA|GSD12|HEL-S-87p aldolase A, fructose-bisphosphate protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9538 chr13 49550592 49550691 + 4.47314 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001278438) promoter-TSS (NM_001278438) -104 NM_001278438 22862 Hs.508010 NM_014923 HPRD:13548 FNDC3A FNDC3|HUGO|bA203I16.1|bA203I16.5 fibronectin type III domain containing 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35486 chr9 67293017 67293184 + 4.47094 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3608 NR_002817 375719 Hs.658215 NR_002817 AQP7P1 bA251O17.3 aquaporin 7 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32478 chr7 102789872 102790046 + 4.47036 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001122838) promoter-TSS (NM_001122838) -390 NM_001122838 222236 Hs.324271 NM_198990 HPRD:14809 NAPEPLD FMP30|NAPE-PLD N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14203 chr17 34891337 34891433 + 4.47036 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001163735) promoter-TSS (NM_001163735) -18 NM_178517 284098 Hs.378885 NM_178517 HPRD:11432 PIGW Gwt1 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class W protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8350 chr12 68243026 68243117 + 4.47036 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -79944 NR_120456 101927922 Hs.450769 NR_120456 LINC01479 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1479 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13505 chr16 89232512 89232674 + 4.47036 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046200) promoter-TSS (NR_046200) -198 NR_046200 400558 Hs.513818 NR_046200 ENSG00000205015 LOC400558 - uncharacterized LOC400558 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16097 chr19 15334247 15334373 + 4.47035 NA Intergenic CpG 8921 NM_024794 79852 Hs.156457 NM_024794 HPRD:12410 EPHX3 ABHD9|EH3 epoxide hydrolase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24981 chr4 46380346 46380421 + 4.47035 NA intron (NM_000807, intron 3 of 9) SVA_D|Other|Other 11013 NM_001114175 2555 Hs.116250 NM_000807 HPRD:11747 GABRA2 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38133 chrX 74901944 74902010 + 4.47035 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 60937 NR_030737 286495 Hs.567832 NR_030737 TTC3P1 RNF105L|TTC3L tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12043 chr15 89456418 89456496 + 4.47035 NA intron (NM_001114614, intron 1 of 6) CpG 206 NM_005928 4240 Hs.3745 NM_005928 HPRD:03789 MFGE8 BA46|EDIL1|HMFG|HsT19888|MFG-E8|MFGM|OAcGD3S|SED1|SPAG10|hP47 milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25403 chr4 75023492 75023640 + 4.47035 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001144978) promoter-TSS (NM_001144978) -263 NM_001144978 441024 Hs.721011 NM_001004346 HPRD:17608 MTHFD2L - methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24902 chr4 38806502 38806568 + 4.47035 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003263) promoter-TSS (NM_003263) -123 NM_003263 7096 Hs.621817 NM_003263 HPRD:03119 TLR1 CD281|TIL|TIL. LPRS5|rsc786 toll-like receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9051 chr12 125412402 125412574 + 4.46836 NA Intergenic Intergenic 12395 NR_049820 100847004 NR_049820 miRBase:MI0018167 MIR5188 - microRNA 5188 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21423 chr21 40555184 40555277 + 4.46836 NA exon (NM_003720, exon 1 of 7) exon (NM_003720, exon 1 of 7) 210 NM_003720 8624 Hs.473838 NM_003720 HPRD:05598 PSMG1 C21LRP|DSCR2|LRPC21|PAC-1|PAC1 proteasome (prosome, macropain) assembly chaperone 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7403 chr12 7714488 7714616 + 4.46821 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -58138 NM_004244 9332 Hs.504641 NM_004244 HPRD:05708 CD163 M130|MM130 CD163 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32649 chr7 122321109 122321229 + 4.46821 NA intron (NM_001009571, intron 2 of 27) L1PA3|LINE|L1 18039 NM_139175 168433 Hs.126730 NM_139175 HPRD:11505 RNF133 - ring finger protein 133 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35644 chr9 71594567 71594671 + 4.46821 NA intron (NM_001278253, intron 13 of 13) intron (NM_001278253, intron 13 of 13) -3862 NR_110647 101927069 Hs.663405 NR_110647 LOC101927069 - uncharacterized LOC101927069 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26738 chr5 2146567 2146688 + 4.46821 NA Intergenic Intergenic 162598 NR_107011 102465854 NR_107011 MIR548BA hsa-mir-548ba microRNA 548ba ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11371 chr15 39110057 39110123 + 4.46821 NA Intergenic Intergenic 121291 NM_207444 400359 Hs.448785 NM_207444 HPRD:13418 C15orf53 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2595 chr1 181135849 181135915 + 4.46821 NA Intergenic Intergenic -69642 NR_046249 100287948 Hs.742594 NR_046249 ENSG00000179452 GM140 - uncharacterized LOC100287948 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27451 chr5 67132799 67132882 + 4.46821 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -352864 NR_105003 102467655 Hs.544102 NR_105003 LOC102467655 - uncharacterized LOC102467655 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36657 chr9_gl000199_random 146911 147060 + 4.46821 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26847 chr5 17590922 17590989 + 4.46535 NA Intergenic Intergenic -203536 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24676 chr4 11796626 11796824 + 4.45784 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -366188 NM_005114 9957 Hs.507348 NM_005114 HS3ST1 3OST|3OST1 heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38088 chrX 71996628 71996707 + 4.45598 NA Intergenic Intergenic 5817 NR_120499 100129407 Hs.512473 NR_034116 ENSG00000204119 LINC00684 DMRTC1-AS1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 684 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33246 chr8 1733568 1733655 + 4.45598 NA 3' UTR (NM_018941, exon 3 of 3) 3' UTR (NM_018941, exon 3 of 3) 21741 NM_018941 2055 Hs.127675 NM_018941 HPRD:06383 CLN8 C8orf61|EPMR ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 8 (epilepsy, progressive with mental retardation) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25646 chr4 99182617 99182683 + 4.45598 NA 5' UTR (NM_001100429, exon 1 of 14) 5' UTR (NM_001100429, exon 1 of 14) 123 NM_001100427 5910 Hs.132858 NM_021159 HPRD:11763 RAP1GDS1 GDS1|SmgGDS RAP1, GTP-GDP dissociation stimulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34691 chr8 135510009 135510247 + 4.45598 NA intron (NM_001174158, intron 13 of 13) intron (NM_001174158, intron 13 of 13) -100186 NR_002438 594840 Hs.626298 NR_002438 ENSG00000248492 ZFAT-AS1 NCRNA00070|SAS-ZFAT|ZFAT-AS|ZFATAS ZFAT antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10187 chr14 25074740 25074816 + 4.45598 NA TTS (NM_033423) TTS (NM_033423) 4148 NM_001270780 2999 Hs.348264 NM_033423 HPRD:00290 GZMH CCP-X|CGL-2|CSP-C|CTLA1|CTSGL2 granzyme H (cathepsin G-like 2, protein h-CCPX) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28164 chr5 127537149 127537253 + 4.45598 NA Intergenic Intergenic 117718 NR_046207 6558 Hs.162585 NM_001046 HPRD:06775 SLC12A2 BSC|BSC2|NKCC1|PPP1R141 solute carrier family 12 (sodium/potassium/chloride transporter), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24929 chr4 40303880 40303946 + 4.45598 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5289 NR_121641 101060498 Hs.351492 NR_121640 ENSG00000249241 LOC101060498 - uncharacterized LOC101060498 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12044 chr15 89592540 89592657 + 4.45441 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -38783 NM_007011 11057 Hs.122337 NM_007011 HPRD:09791 ABHD2 HS1-2|LABH2|PHPS1-2 abhydrolase domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10403 chr14 50511841 50511907 + 4.45441 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5272 NR_102736 100506499 Hs.728904 NR_102736 LOC100506499 - uncharacterized LOC100506499 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25810 chr4 111437668 111437765 + 4.45441 NA intron (NM_001977, intron 8 of 19) intron (NM_001977, intron 8 of 19) 40487 NM_001977 2028 Hs.435765 NM_001977 ENPEP APA|CD249|gp160 glutamyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase A) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26172 chr4 146859332 146859422 + 4.45322 NA intron (NM_178835, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_178835, intron 1 of 14) 230 NM_178835 152485 Hs.633543 NM_178835 HPRD:14095 ZNF827 - zinc finger protein 827 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31528 chr7 32723046 32723112 + 4.45023 NA intron (NR_036680, intron 2 of 16) L1PA2|LINE|L1 35701 NR_036680 100129460 Hs.633705 NR_036680 DPY19L1P1 - DPY19L1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37948 chrX 66174476 66174564 + 4.45023 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -315380 NM_001199687 60401 Hs.302017 NM_021783 HPRD:02230 EDA2R EDA-A2R|EDAA2R|TNFRSF27|XEDAR ectodysplasin A2 receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28670 chr5 161958116 161958219 + 4.45023 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 463519 NM_198904 2566 Hs.7195 NM_000816 HPRD:00663 GABRG2 CAE2|ECA2|GEFSP3 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8165 chr12 54673937 54674055 + 4.44396 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002136) promoter-TSS (NM_002136) -81 NM_012117 23468 Hs.349283 NM_012117 HPRD:05131 CBX5 HEL25|HP1|HP1A chromobox homolog 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13513 chr16 89382789 89382857 + 4.44396 NA intron (NR_045839, intron 3 of 9) intron (NR_045839, intron 3 of 9) -4718 NM_001242885 100287036 Hs.656995 NM_001242885 LOC100287036 - uncharacterized LOC100287036 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1974 chr1 148604590 148604683 + 4.44396 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 43789 NM_173638 284565 Hs.523572 NM_173638 HPRD:14710 NBPF15 AB14|AG3|NBPF16 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37490 chrX 40504344 40504422 + 4.44396 NA intron (NM_144970, intron 2 of 6) L2|LINE|L2 2436 NM_144970 159013 Hs.495961 NM_144970 CXorf38 - chromosome X open reading frame 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16320 chr19 24604348 24604481 + 4.44174 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -258165 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9429 chr13 41837430 41837496 + 4.44166 NA intron (NM_004294, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_004294, intron 1 of 9) 250 NM_004294 9617 Hs.382176 NM_004294 HPRD:06855 MTRF1 MRF1|MTTRF1|RF1 mitochondrial translational release factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5931 chr11 36635682 36635811 + 4.43988 NA intron (NM_001276725, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -15917 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33483 chr8 23101031 23101174 + 4.43988 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152272) promoter-TSS (NM_152272) -48 NM_152272 91782 Hs.5019 NM_152272 HPRD:14534 CHMP7 - charged multivesicular body protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19614 chr2 196397289 196397380 + 4.43955 NA Intergenic MIR3|SINE|MIR -124198 NM_001127257 57181 Hs.650158 NM_020342 HPRD:10572 SLC39A10 LZT-Hs2 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32365 chr7 97761130 97761196 + 4.43861 NA intron (NM_014916, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_014916, intron 1 of 13) 24966 NM_014916 22853 Hs.444179 NM_014916 HPRD:13994 LMTK2 AATYK2|BREK|KPI-2|KPI2|LMR2|PPP1R100|cprk lemur tyrosine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28094 chr5 120549477 120549573 + 4.43861 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -108720 NR_104999 102467226 NR_104999 LOC102467226 - uncharacterized LOC102467226 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37598 chrX 48980100 48980248 + 4.43861 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015698) promoter-TSS (NM_015698) -23 NM_015698 27238 Hs.503666 NM_015698 GPKOW GPATC5|GPATCH5|Spp2|T54 G patch domain and KOW motifs protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38290 chrX 89543186 89543255 + 4.43861 NA Intergenic AluSq2|SINE|Alu 366280 NM_138960 90316 Hs.592220 NM_138960 HPRD:02328 TGIF2LX TGIFLX TGFB-induced factor homeobox 2-like, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29080 chr6 16137557 16137623 + 4.43219 NA intron (NM_013262, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_013262, intron 2 of 6) -4197 NR_039782 100616269 NR_039782 MIR4639 - microRNA 4639 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38616 chrX 125287723 125287819 + 4.43219 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 12309 NM_001013628 340578 Hs.181867 NM_001013628 DCAF12L2 WDR40C DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 12-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29040 chr6 13432217 13432286 + 4.43210 NA intron (NM_018988, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_018988, intron 1 of 1) -23882 NM_001242630 54438 Hs.484686 NM_018988 HPRD:13574 GFOD1 ADG-90|C6orf114 glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23529 chr3 120063405 120063471 + 4.42693 NA intron (NM_001099678, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_001099678, intron 1 of 3) 4748 NM_001099678 116064 Hs.518084 NM_001099678 ENSG00000163428 LRRC58 - leucine rich repeat containing 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18562 chr2 99074843 99074909 + 4.42693 NA intron (NM_001134225, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001134225, intron 1 of 24) 13555 NM_001134224 3631 Hs.469386 NM_001566 HPRD:02949 INPP4A INPP4|TVAS1 inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type I, 107kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_161 chr1 8213418 8213545 + 4.42265 NA Intergenic LTR12|LTR|ERV1 -127088 NM_018948 54206 Hs.605445 NM_018948 HPRD:09218 ERRFI1 GENE-33|MIG-6|MIG6|RALT ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14131 chr17 30813513 30813579 + 4.42265 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003885) promoter-TSS (NM_003885) -559 NM_003885 8851 Hs.500015 NM_003885 HPRD:04586 CDK5R1 CDK5P35|CDK5R|NCK5A|p23|p25|p35|p35nck5a cyclin-dependent kinase 5, regulatory subunit 1 (p35) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33454 chr8 21570115 21570277 + 4.42265 NA intron (NM_001165038, intron 3 of 7) SVA_D|Other|Other 76150 NM_001495 2675 Hs.441202 NM_001495 HPRD:11801 GFRA2 GDNFRB|NRTNR-ALPHA|NTNRA|RETL2|TRNR2 GDNF family receptor alpha 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18995 chr2 135046497 135046633 + 4.42265 NA intron (NM_002410, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_002410, intron 2 of 15) 34735 NM_002410 4249 Hs.4988 NM_002410 HPRD:03467 MGAT5 GNT-V|GNT-VA mannosyl (alpha-1,6-)-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11869 chr15 77314155 77314295 + 4.41986 NA intron (NM_003978, intron 3 of 14) L2c|LINE|L2 26760 NM_003978 9051 Hs.129758 NM_003978 HPRD:05891 PSTPIP1 CD2BP1|CD2BP1L|CD2BP1S|H-PIP|PAPAS|PSTPIP proline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36921 chrUn_gl000225 40457 40566 + 4.41703 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33384 chr8 12288454 12288548 + 4.41659 NA intron (NM_001137610, intron 3 of 7) intron (NM_001137610, intron 3 of 7) 5351 NM_001137610 653333 Hs.458413 NM_001137610 ENSG00000145002 FAM86B2 - family with sequence similarity 86, member B2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4111 chr10 39153276 39153489 + 4.41519 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 163655 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29840 chr6 71418334 71418411 + 4.41446 NA intron (NM_001281440, intron 1 of 10) L1MA9|LINE|L1 40139 NM_001281440 60682 Hs.485717 NM_021940 HPRD:18072 SMAP1 SMAP-1 small ArfGAP 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15895 chr19 9546479 9546604 + 4.41446 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001271314) promoter-TSS (NM_001271314) -287 NM_001271314 10781 Hs.656185 NM_006631 HPRD:06882 ZNF266 HZF1 zinc finger protein 266 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31064 chr6 169331917 169332055 + 4.41446 NA Intergenic CpG 322223 NM_003247 7058 Hs.371147 NM_003247 HPRD:01766 THBS2 TSP2 thrombospondin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31717 chr7 50678435 50678602 + 4.41389 NA intron (NM_001001550, intron 10 of 15) intron (NM_001001550, intron 10 of 15) -45364 NM_001082971 1644 Hs.359698 NM_000790 HPRD:00145 DDC AADC dopa decarboxylase (aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32898 chr7 143007393 143007546 + 4.41389 NA Intergenic AluSc|SINE|Alu -5750 NM_000083 1180 Hs.121483 NM_000083 HPRD:00320 CLCN1 CLC1 chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15746 chr19 2475991 2476089 + 4.41389 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015675) promoter-TSS (NM_015675) -83 NM_015675 4616 Hs.110571 NM_015675 HPRD:05382 GADD45B GADD45BETA|MYD118 growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11991 chr15 85291247 85291327 + 4.41333 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014630) promoter-TSS (NM_014630) -531 NM_014630 9640 Hs.79347 NM_014630 HPRD:10339 ZNF592 CAMOS|SCAR5 zinc finger protein 592 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7753 chr12 27975395 27975506 + 4.41333 NA Intergenic Intergenic 42263 NM_020782 57542 Hs.505104 NM_020782 HPRD:17237 KLHL42 Ctb9|KLHDC5 kelch-like family member 42 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39 chr1 976180 976271 + 4.40687 NA exon (NM_198576, exon 4 of 36) exon (NM_198576, exon 4 of 36) 20722 NM_198576 375790 Hs.273330 NM_198576 HPRD:10550 AGRN CMSPPD agrin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7808 chr12 32259673 32259775 + 4.40687 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001714) promoter-TSS (NM_001714) -461 NM_001003398 636 Hs.505202 NM_001714 HPRD:03730 BICD1 BICD bicaudal D homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8651 chr12 95337682 95337776 + 4.40608 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 59760 NM_018838 55967 Hs.506374 NM_018838 HPRD:16781 NDUFA12 B17.2|DAP13 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex, 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37614 chrX 49197261 49197338 + 4.40170 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001127212).2 promoter-TSS (NM_001127212).2 -264 NM_001098407 729408 Hs.695912 NM_001098407 ENSG00000240257 GAGE2D CT4.8|GAGE-2D|GAGE-8|GAGE8 G antigen 2D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14298 chr17 40172013 40172117 + 4.40057 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001144928) promoter-TSS (NM_001144928) -22 NM_001144927 28511 Hs.632252 NM_017595 HPRD:07261 NKIRAS2 KBRAS2|kappaB-Ras2 NFKB inhibitor interacting Ras-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14726 chr17 72734418 72734484 + 4.40057 NA intron (NM_001163990, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001163990, intron 1 of 7) 1095 NM_001163990 326624 Hs.351413 NM_175738 HPRD:06702 RAB37 - RAB37, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22937 chr3 58477713 58477779 + 4.39869 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001128214) promoter-TSS (NM_001128214) -77 NM_001128214 200845 Hs.13982 NM_153331 HPRD:13769 KCTD6 KCASH3 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28799 chr5 176839647 176839823 + 4.39869 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3158 NM_000505 2161 Hs.1321 NM_000505 HPRD:01992 F12 HAE3|HAEX|HAF coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37794 chrX 61690278 61690376 + 4.39699 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 880891 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8008 chr12 46793364 46793482 + 4.39685 NA intron (NR_125381, intron 2 of 2) L1PA5|LINE|L1 15533 NR_125381 100288798 Hs.525922 NR_125377 LOC100288798 - uncharacterized LOC100288798 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31063 chr6 169331538 169331640 + 4.39685 NA Intergenic Intergenic 322620 NM_003247 7058 Hs.371147 NM_003247 HPRD:01766 THBS2 TSP2 thrombospondin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11927 chr15 82339399 82339486 + 4.39685 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032246) promoter-TSS (NM_032246) -958 NM_032246 84206 Hs.104744 NM_032246 HPRD:15256 MEX3B MEX-3B|RKHD3|RNF195 mex-3 RNA binding family member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26999 chr5 38442000 38442098 + 4.39685 NA intron (NM_182798, intron 12 of 16) intron (NM_182798, intron 12 of 16) -3529 NM_182801 133584 Hs.20103 NM_152403 HPRD:13433 EGFLAM AGRINL|AGRNL|PIKA EGF-like, fibronectin type III and laminin G domains protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21584 chr22 17514227 17514310 + 4.39597 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3192 NR_015352 100130418 Hs.660640 NR_015352 ENSG00000237438 CECR7 SAHL1 cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 7 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27498 chr5 69641196 69641359 + 4.39582 NA intron (NR_027386, intron 3 of 5) intron (NR_027386, intron 3 of 5) -55273 NR_029426 11039 Hs.582500 NM_006780 SMA4 SMA3|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37612 chrX 49187758 49187835 + 4.39229 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098412) promoter-TSS (NM_001098412) -285 NM_001098412 645051 NM_001098412 ENSG00000237597 GAGE13 GAGE-12A|GAGE-13|GAGE12A G antigen 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33928 chr8 63232408 63232538 + 4.39119 NA intron (NM_173688, intron 1 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 70972 NM_173688 286183 Hs.654662 NM_173688 NKAIN3 FAM77D Na+/K+ transporting ATPase interacting 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9994 chr13 112802753 112802819 + 4.39119 NA Intergenic Intergenic 41353 NR_120394 100505996 Hs.654853 NR_120392 LINC00403 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 403 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12607 chr16 28937031 28937111 + 4.38771 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024816) promoter-TSS (NM_024816) -539 NM_024816 79874 Hs.555978 NM_024816 HPRD:17948 RABEP2 FRA rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31762 chr7 56119053 56119208 + 4.38771 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001762) promoter-TSS (NM_001762) 138 NM_004577 5723 Hs.512656 NM_004577 HPRD:01406 PSPH PSP|PSPHD phosphoserine phosphatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35609 chr9 70095980 70096159 + 4.38573 NA Intergenic Intergenic 82746 NM_001126334 653427 Hs.714683 NM_001126334 ENSG00000204779 FOXD4L5 bA15J10.2 forkhead box D4-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10660 chr14 69262981 69263111 + 4.38484 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001244701) promoter-TSS (NM_001244701) -86 NM_001244701 677 Hs.85155 NM_004926 HPRD:03041 ZFP36L1 BRF1|Berg36|ERF-1|ERF1|RNF162B|TIS11B|cMG1 ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20881 chr20 49411383 49411528 + 4.38460 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198799) promoter-TSS (NM_198799) 24 NM_001010974 55653 Hs.381178 NM_017843 HPRD:06314 BCAS4 CNOL breast carcinoma amplified sequence 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22975 chr3 63896634 63896811 + 4.38393 NA intron (NM_001177387, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_001177387, intron 1 of 12) 12647 NM_001177387 6314 Hs.476595 NM_000333 HPRD:06365 ATXN7 ADCAII|OPCA3|SCA7 ataxin 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34837 chr8 145060548 145060673 + 4.38388 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032789) promoter-TSS (NM_032789) 25 NM_032789 84875 Hs.348609 NM_032789 HPRD:15100 PARP10 ARTD10 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5960 chr11 41326687 41326753 + 4.37928 NA intron (NM_001258419, intron 1 of 6) SVA_F|Other|Other 154466 NM_001258419 57689 Hs.745123 NM_020929 HPRD:12303 LRRC4C NGL-1|NGL1 leucine rich repeat containing 4C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21677 chr22 20088140 20088342 + 4.37928 NA intron (NM_001190326, intron 8 of 12) intron (NM_001190326, intron 8 of 12) 14033 NR_106874 102465490 NR_106874 MIR6816 hsa-mir-6816 microRNA 6816 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12538 chr16 23690096 23690201 + 4.37928 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005030) promoter-TSS (NM_005030) -53 NM_005030 5347 Hs.592049 NM_005030 HPRD:03652 PLK1 PLK|STPK13 polo-like kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36492 chr9 139595451 139595522 + 4.37928 NA Intergenic LTR43|LTR|ERV1 -11538 NM_152421 138311 Hs.741305 NM_152421 FAM69B C9orf136|pp6977 family with sequence similarity 69, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2205 chr1 155738025 155738091 + 4.37928 NA intron (NM_001282858, intron 19 of 31) AluSx|SINE|Alu 22499 NR_024117 100129405 Hs.656361 NR_024117 MSTO2P MSTO2 misato family member 2, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25833 chr4 114276922 114277122 + 4.37928 NA exon (NM_001148, exon 38 of 46) exon (NM_001148, exon 38 of 46) 203584 NR_107049 102465878 NR_107049 MIR8082 hsa-mir-8082 microRNA 8082 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13088 chr16 57520402 57520483 + 4.37928 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018110) promoter-TSS (NM_018110) -57 NM_018110 55715 Hs.279832 NM_018110 HPRD:16316 DOK4 - docking protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20212 chr2 241519303 241519369 + 4.37539 NA Intergenic Intergenic 6397 NR_103792 101752400 Hs.585987 NR_103792 ENSG00000260942 CAPN10-AS1 locus959 CAPN10 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10942 chr14 94474731 94474820 + 4.37539 NA TTS (NR_024182) TTS (NR_024182) 11133 NR_024183 256369 Hs.143845 NM_152777 HPRD:12651 LINC00521 C14orf48|c14_5713 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 521 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32810 chr7 138729325 138729421 + 4.37488 NA 3' UTR (NM_020119, exon 13 of 13) 3' UTR (NM_020119, exon 13 of 13) -8598 NM_080660 92092 Hs.512833 NM_080660 HPRD:14440 ZC3HAV1L C7orf39 zinc finger CCCH-type, antiviral 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39115 chrY 13251174 13251240 + 4.37478 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1282182 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31149 chr7 965417 965526 + 4.37276 NA intron (NM_006869, intron 3 of 10) intron (NM_006869, intron 3 of 10) 1381 NM_001284310 11033 Hs.602573 NM_006869 HPRD:09733 ADAP1 CENTA1|GCS1L|p42IP4 ArfGAP with dual PH domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20942 chr20 54968240 54968352 + 4.37206 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198436) promoter-TSS (NM_198436) 589 NM_001033522 1477 Hs.172865 NM_001324 HPRD:02653 CSTF1 CstF-50|CstFp50 cleavage stimulation factor, 3' pre-RNA, subunit 1, 50kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17742 chr2 43367211 43367311 + 4.37206 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR 86484 NM_006887 678 Hs.503093 NM_006887 HPRD:18319 ZFP36L2 BRF2|ERF-2|ERF2|RNF162C|TIS11D ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18626 chr2 105986413 105986532 + 4.37058 NA intron (NM_201557, intron 3 of 5) intron (NM_201557, intron 3 of 5) 29103 NM_001039492 2274 Hs.443687 NM_001450 HPRD:04026 FHL2 AAG11|DRAL|FHL-2|SLIM-3|SLIM3 four and a half LIM domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32087 chr7 72847994 72848083 + 4.37058 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003508) promoter-TSS (NM_003508) -71 NM_003508 8326 Hs.647029 NM_003508 HPRD:03460 FZD9 CD349|FZD3 frizzled class receptor 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38564 chrX 119603176 119603277 + 4.37058 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002294) promoter-TSS (NM_002294) -22 NM_013995 3920 Hs.496684 NM_002294 HPRD:02396 LAMP2 CD107b|LAMP-2|LAMPB|LGP110 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33377 chr8 12046176 12046269 + 4.36965 NA intron (NM_001083537, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_001083537, intron 3 of 6) 5402 NR_003494 85002 Hs.675799 NM_001083537 HPRD:17515 FAM86B1 - family with sequence similarity 86, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24632 chr4 9251807 9251880 + 4.36913 NA exon (NM_001256859, exon 1 of 1).2 exon (NM_001256859, exon 1 of 1).2 1487 NM_001256859 100287364 Hs.741138 NM_001256859 ENSG00000250844 USP17L18 - ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like family member 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19429 chr2 177663405 177663494 + 4.36636 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 160967 NR_110599 102724224 Hs.663125 NR_110599 LOC102724224 - uncharacterized LOC102724224 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10176 chr14 24740431 24740504 + 4.36399 NA 5' UTR (NM_004581, exon 1 of 16) 5' UTR (NM_004581, exon 1 of 16) 366 NM_182836 5875 Hs.377992 NM_004581 HPRD:03547 RABGGTA PTAR3 Rab geranylgeranyltransferase, alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2577 chr1 179853050 179853136 + 4.36399 NA intron (NM_001267578, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001267578, intron 1 of 9) 1916 NM_001267578 26092 Hs.496459 NM_015602 HPRD:13958 TOR1AIP1 LAP1|LAP1B torsin A interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26922 chr5 30493048 30493221 + 4.36399 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK -700628 NM_004932 1004 Hs.124776 NM_004932 HPRD:04305 CDH6 CAD6|KCAD cadherin 6, type 2, K-cadherin (fetal kidney) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20965 chr20 57219057 57219175 + 4.36154 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7193 NR_037943 8675 Hs.307913 NM_003763 HPRD:04718 STX16 SYN16 syntaxin 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2493 chr1 173794045 173794125 + 4.36154 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171182) promoter-TSS (NM_001171182) 288 NM_018122 55157 Hs.647707 NM_018122 HPRD:07677 DARS2 ASPRS|LBSL|MT-ASPRS aspartyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35988 chr9 102573987 102574164 + 4.36154 NA intron (NR_109802, intron 1 of 6) intron (NR_109802, intron 1 of 6) 8096 NR_109802 101928438 Hs.637767 NR_109802 ENSG00000237461 LOC101928438 - uncharacterized LOC101928438 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6639 chr11 74986796 74986884 + 4.36154 NA intron (NM_004041, intron 10 of 15) MIRb|SINE|MIR 34890 NM_001195528 100507050 Hs.577323 NM_001195528 ENSG00000261594 TPBGL - trophoblast glycoprotein-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13936 chr17 18804354 18804494 + 4.36154 NA intron (NM_001243936, intron 6 of 9) L1MDa|LINE|L1 35642 NM_001243940 5636 Hs.632236 NM_002767 HPRD:04789 PRPSAP2 PAP41 phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24867 chr4 36280544 36280619 + 4.36006 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2656 NM_001136536 401124 Hs.363407 NM_001136536 DTHD1 - death domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33840 chr8 53625784 53625898 + 4.36006 NA intron (NM_001083617, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_001083617, intron 1 of 23) 1185 NM_001083617 9821 Hs.196102 NM_014781 HPRD:06019 RB1CC1 ATG17|CC1|FIP200|PPP1R131 RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29350 chr6 30614774 30614840 + 4.35998 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001161376) promoter-TSS (NM_001161376) -9 NM_145029 221545 Hs.591787 NM_145029 HPRD:12851 C6orf136 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 136 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14947 chr18 682067 682177 + 4.35998 NA intron (NM_001126123, intron 10 of 15) MamRep605|Unknown|Unknown -23782 NM_001012716 494514 Hs.274959 NM_001012716 HPRD:18668 TYMSOS C18orf56 TYMS opposite strand protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37414 chrX 26337892 26338074 + 4.35951 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 103697 NM_001271752 347541 Hs.224079 NM_001271752 ENSG00000188408 MAGEB5 CT3.3|MAGE-B5 melanoma antigen family B, 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27140 chr5 45838366 45838432 + 4.35650 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -142179 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5935 chr11 36663449 36663615 + 4.35650 NA intron (NM_001276723, intron 4 of 5) L1P1|LINE|L1 -43703 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3902 chr10 30726211 30726289 + 4.34877 NA 5' UTR (NM_005204, exon 2 of 9) 5' UTR (NM_005204, exon 2 of 9) 3300 NM_005204 1326 Hs.432453 NM_005204 HPRD:01863 MAP3K8 COT|EST|ESTF|MEKK8|TPL2|Tpl-2|c-COT mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20008 chr2 228190262 228190383 + 4.34808 NA promoter-TSS (NR_102371) promoter-TSS (NR_102371) -442 NR_102371 654841 Hs.659982 NR_102371 ENSG00000236432 LOC654841 - uncharacterized LOC654841 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38371 chrX 100878052 100878135 + 4.34428 NA promoter-TSS (NM_177948) promoter-TSS (NM_177948) -27 NM_177947 51566 Hs.592225 NM_016607 HPRD:02294 ARMCX3 ALEX3|GASP6|dJ545K15.2 armadillo repeat containing, X-linked 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22020 chr22 40915735 40915815 + 4.34428 NA intron (NM_001282661, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_001282661, intron 3 of 13) -2029 NR_109965 101927257 Hs.662725 NR_109965 ENSG00000232564 LOC101927257 - uncharacterized LOC101927257 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16493 chr19 36360696 36360810 + 4.34428 NA intron (NM_001024807, intron 2 of 16) CpG-13540 1352 NM_005166 333 Hs.74565 NM_005166 HPRD:00102 APLP1 APLP amyloid beta (A4) precursor-like protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8893 chr12 113541692 113541824 + 4.34428 NA exon (NM_001193520, exon 19 of 22) exon (NM_001193520, exon 19 of 22) 31646 NM_001301202 8437 Hs.528693 NM_004658 HPRD:04986 RASAL1 RASAL RAS protein activator like 1 (GAP1 like) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2796 chr1 200499807 200499985 + 4.34428 NA Intergenic Intergenic 89966 NM_014875 9928 Hs.3104 NM_014875 HPRD:06605 KIF14 - kinesin family member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33408 chr8 13503241 13503408 + 4.34428 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 78972 NM_001007090 157773 Hs.104941 NM_001007090 HPRD:16922 C8orf48 - chromosome 8 open reading frame 48 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25295 chr4 62837316 62837431 + 4.34428 NA intron (NM_015236, intron 14 of 22) L1PA3|LINE|L1 190110 NR_110595 101927186 Hs.723269 NR_110595 LPHN3-AS1 - LPHN3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31373 chr7 18561645 18561728 + 4.34428 NA intron (NM_001204148, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_001204148, intron 1 of 10) 12786 NM_001204148 9734 Hs.196054 NM_014707 HPRD:05944 HDAC9 HD7|HD7b|HD9|HDAC|HDAC7|HDAC7B|HDAC9B|HDAC9FL|HDRP|MITR histone deacetylase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38040 chrX 70896700 70896797 + 4.34428 NA intron (NR_001568, intron 1 of 3) SVA_A|Other|Other -20298 NR_034005 441501 Hs.641282 NR_034005 LINC00891 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 891 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25312 chr4 64400550 64400717 + 4.34428 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 874545 NM_001010874 253017 Hs.227752 NM_001010874 TECRL GPSN2L|SRD5A2L2|TERL trans-2,3-enoyl-CoA reductase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30162 chr6 100676775 100676927 + 4.34428 NA Intergenic CpG 234700 NM_005068 6492 Hs.520293 NM_005068 HPRD:07049 SIM1 bHLHe14 single-minded family bHLH transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14285 chr17 39705636 39705702 + 4.34428 NA TTS (NR_038442) TTS (NR_038442) 5078 NR_038442 147093 Hs.680576 NR_038442 ENSG00000226629 LINC00974 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 974 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24937 chr4 41908474 41908540 + 4.34428 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -23879 NR_104143 101927074 Hs.611425 NR_104143 ENSG00000245870 LINC00682 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 682 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15864 chr19 7985177 7985298 + 4.34396 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003083) promoter-TSS (NM_003083) 43 NM_003083 6618 Hs.631860 NM_003083 HPRD:05464 SNAPC2 PTFDELTA|SNAP45 small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 2, 45kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36648 chr9_gl000199_random 138098 138235 + 4.34377 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12584 chr16 28465630 28465728 + 4.34342 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -27904 NM_001199142 8663 Hs.567374 NM_003752 HPRD:04889 EIF3C EIF3CL|EIF3S8|eIF3-p110 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13556 chr16 90184425 90184493 + 4.34281 NA Intergenic Intergenic -42121 NM_001098173 11105 Hs.406695 NM_052996 HPRD:17903 PRDM7 PFM4|ZNF910 PR domain containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23870 chr3 148995406 148995472 + 4.34250 NA Intergenic Intergenic -55607 NR_046371 1356 Hs.558314 NM_000096 HPRD:00317 CP CP-2 ceruloplasmin (ferroxidase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8133 chr12 53496800 53496891 + 4.34250 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003578) promoter-TSS (NM_003578) -429 NM_003578 8435 Hs.656544 NM_003578 HPRD:03202 SOAT2 ACACT2|ACAT2|ARGP2 sterol O-acyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1677 chr1 121400967 121401069 + 4.34250 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 140108 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8286 chr12 61398684 61398787 + 4.34250 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 1187885 NM_178539 338811 Hs.269745 NM_178539 HPRD:16876 FAM19A2 TAFA-2|TAFA2 family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31839 chr7 61057319 61057401 + 4.33998 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1707074 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19385 chr2 173421117 173421269 + 4.33975 NA intron (NR_103729, intron 1 of 11) CpG 496 NM_002610 5163 Hs.470633 NM_002610 PDK1 - pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isozyme 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11256 chr15 29562612 29562702 + 4.33975 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138704) promoter-TSS (NM_138704) -637 NM_138704 56160 Hs.94011 NM_138704 HPRD:10503 NDNL2 HCA4|MAGEG1|MAGEL3|NSE3|NSMCE3 necdin-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8635 chr12 94496124 94496269 + 4.33618 NA Intergenic CpG -46303 NM_005761 10154 Hs.584845 NM_005761 HPRD:05036 PLXNC1 CD232|PLXN-C1|VESPR plexin C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22318 chr3 12526132 12526225 + 4.33618 NA 5' UTR (NM_001145395, exon 1 of 9) 5' UTR (NM_001145395, exon 1 of 9) 168 NM_001145392 80746 Hs.335550 NM_025265 HPRD:10576 TSEN2 PCH2B|SEN2|SEN2L TSEN2 tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17821 chr2 47979607 47979694 + 4.32842 NA Intergenic MER90a|LTR|ERV1 -30571 NM_001281492 2956 Hs.445052 NM_000179 HPRD:07202 MSH6 GTBP|GTMBP|HNPCC5|HSAP|p160 mutS homolog 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1995 chr1 148852936 148853036 + 4.32842 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) AluJr|SINE|Alu 46971 NM_001164261 645142 Hs.730589 NM_001164261 ENSG00000256374 PPIAL4D - peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21969 chr22 38142126 38142247 + 4.32842 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138632) promoter-TSS (NM_138632) -55 NM_138632 11078 Hs.533030 NM_007032 HPRD:11028 TRIOBP DFNB28|TAP68|TARA|dJ37E16.4 TRIO and F-actin binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15527 chr18 67633205 67633271 + 4.32842 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -9006 NM_006566 10666 Hs.660130 NM_006566 HPRD:09252 CD226 DNAM-1|DNAM1|PTA1|TLiSA1 CD226 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30431 chr6 124669511 124669617 + 4.32842 NA intron (NM_001300740, intron 1 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 65413 NM_001300740 154215 Hs.656604 NM_153355 HPRD:18168 NKAIN2 FAM77B|NKAIP2|TCBA|TCBA1 Na+/K+ transporting ATPase interacting 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10999 chr14 100530016 100530126 + 4.32842 NA Intergenic L1MEf|LINE|L1 -1680 NM_016337 51466 Hs.125867 NM_016337 HPRD:10942 EVL RNB6 Enah/Vasp-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18193 chr2 85512742 85512808 + 4.32842 NA intron (NM_031283, intron 4 of 11) intron (NM_031283, intron 4 of 11) 42644 NM_001206840 10618 Hs.593382 NM_006464 HPRD:04343 TGOLN2 TGN38|TGN46|TGN48|TGN51|TTGN2 trans-golgi network protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30713 chr6 147178775 147178849 + 4.32842 NA intron (NR_034115, intron 8 of 10) intron (NR_034115, intron 8 of 10) -53852 NR_003954 729176 Hs.486708 NR_003954 KATNBL1P6 - katanin p80 subunit B-like 1 pseudogene 6 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8458 chr12 75724090 75724215 + 4.32813 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032606) promoter-TSS (NM_032606) -316 NM_001286547 84698 Hs.733835 NM_032606 HPRD:09659 CAPS2 - calcyphosine 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20203 chr2 241075621 241075783 + 4.32813 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001163424) promoter-TSS (NM_001163424) 45 NM_001163424 150678 Hs.293884 NM_138336 HPRD:17306 MYEOV2 - myeloma overexpressed 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19962 chr2 223761880 223762058 + 4.32720 NA intron (NM_203372, intron 2 of 15) SVA_E|Other|Other 36237 NM_203372 2181 Hs.655772 NM_004457 ACSL3 ACS3|FACL3|PRO2194 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17454 chr2 18324080 18324157 + 4.32720 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 264194 NM_002252 3790 Hs.414489 NM_002252 HPRD:04865 KCNS3 KV9.3 potassium voltage-gated channel, delayed-rectifier, subfamily S, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24828 chr4 28516551 28516771 + 4.32720 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -304543 NR_036237 100422937 NR_036237 MIR4275 - microRNA 4275 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27628 chr5 75904867 75904941 + 4.32720 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001285461) promoter-TSS (NM_001285461) -16 NM_001285462 10788 Hs.291030 NM_006633 HPRD:09253 IQGAP2 - IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5189 chr10 126092197 126092305 + 4.32720 NA intron (NM_001171814, intron 5 of 8) intron (NM_001171814, intron 5 of 8) 15294 NM_000274 4942 Hs.523332 NM_000274 HPRD:02021 OAT GACR|HOGA|OATASE|OKT ornithine aminotransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21218 chr21 16002944 16003060 + 4.32720 NA intron (NM_001256579, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001256579, intron 1 of 6) 12426 NM_001256579 388813 Hs.334177 NM_001256579 LOC388813 - uncharacterized protein ENSP00000383407-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33998 chr8 68507671 68507913 + 4.32720 NA intron (NM_020361, intron 2 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 150828 NM_020361 57094 Hs.658850 NM_020361 HPRD:09891 CPA6 CPAH|ETL5|FEB11 carboxypeptidase A6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13053 chr16 56313030 56313229 + 4.32720 NA intron (NM_138736, intron 3 of 7) intron (NM_138736, intron 3 of 7) 33697 NR_037499 100500891 NR_037499 MIR3935 - microRNA 3935 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36933 chrUn_gl000225 56996 57119 + 4.32350 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9040 chr12 124807777 124807956 + 4.32340 NA Intergenic Intergenic 13922 NR_106940 102466204 NR_106940 MIR6880 hsa-mir-6880 microRNA 6880 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29101 chr6 16763471 16763541 + 4.32278 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1785 NM_000332 6310 Hs.434961 NM_000332 HPRD:03333 ATXN1 ATX1|D6S504E|SCA1 ataxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35334 chr9 42845723 42845789 + 4.32185 NA non-coding (NR_046175, exon 4 of 4).2 non-coding (NR_046175, exon 4 of 4).2 -12396 NR_026558 441432 Hs.743215 NR_026558 AQP7P3 AQPap-3 aquaporin 7 pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27509 chr5 69960356 69960517 + 4.31813 NA Intergenic Intergenic -78807 NR_027386 653188 Hs.631974 NR_027386 ENSG00000253203 GUSBP3 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 3 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21596 chr22 18676336 18676405 + 4.31748 NA Intergenic Intergenic 43612 NM_017414 11274 Hs.38260 NM_017414 HPRD:06136 USP18 ISG43|UBP43 ubiquitin specific peptidase 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3454 chr1 247334897 247335023 + 4.31748 NA intron (NM_001297569, intron 1 of 3) CpG 359 NM_001243740 7678 Hs.421238 NM_003431 HPRD:01936 ZNF124 HZF-16|HZF16|ZK7 zinc finger protein 124 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17737 chr2 43217117 43217204 + 4.31303 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 49522 NR_110585 102723854 Hs.570165 NR_110585 LOC102723854 - uncharacterized LOC102723854 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31695 chr7 47999763 47999876 + 4.31303 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -11748 NM_138295 168507 Hs.195979 NM_138295 HPRD:10154 PKD1L1 PRO19563 polycystic kidney disease 1 like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30257 chr6 109169779 109169914 + 4.31303 NA intron (NM_032131, intron 1 of 17) CpG 227 NM_032131 84071 Hs.645481 NM_032131 HPRD:09809 ARMC2 bA787I22.1 armadillo repeat containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12699 chr16 31243868 31243934 + 4.31303 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -15506 NM_152901 260434 Hs.58314 NM_152901 PYDC1 ASC2|POP1|PYC1 PYD (pyrin domain) containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9856 chr13 99738522 99738627 + 4.31265 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130049) promoter-TSS (NM_001130049) 86 NM_001130049 23348 Hs.596105 NM_015296 HPRD:09542 DOCK9 ZIZ1|ZIZIMIN1 dedicator of cytokinesis 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14237 chr17 37356272 37356338 + 4.31038 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000981) promoter-TSS (NM_000981) -231 NM_000981 6143 Hs.381061 NM_000981 HPRD:01594 RPL19 L19 ribosomal protein L19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6989 chr11 111092774 111092840 + 4.30989 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -33900 NM_198498 341032 Hs.298685 NM_198498 HPRD:14663 C11orf53 - chromosome 11 open reading frame 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19598 chr2 193547127 193547259 + 4.30989 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -67378 NR_002769 64002 Hs.546994 NR_002769 ENSG00000227418 PCGEM1 LINC00071|NCRNA00071|PCAT9 PCGEM1, prostate-specific transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30420 chr6 122485832 122485964 + 4.30989 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -234798 NM_001135564 3298 Hs.158195 NM_004506 HPRD:00779 HSF2 HSF 2|HSTF 2 heat shock transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30563 chr6 136462665 136462731 + 4.30989 NA intron (NM_018945, intron 3 of 12) L1PA4|LINE|L1 108751 NM_138419 113115 Hs.121536 NM_138419 HPRD:16884 MTFR2 DUFD1|FAM54A mitochondrial fission regulator 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5144 chr10 121092823 121092978 + 4.30989 NA intron (NM_005308, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_005308, intron 2 of 15) -44584 NR_039829 100616398 NR_039829 MIR4681 - microRNA 4681 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_758 chr1 42039883 42039974 + 4.30989 NA intron (NM_001127714, intron 4 of 7) intron (NM_001127714, intron 4 of 7) -89584 NM_001956 1907 Hs.1407 NM_001956 HPRD:07173 EDN2 ET2|PPET2 endothelin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35473 chr9 66951724 66951868 + 4.30966 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 28829 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11211 chr15 23443178 23443268 + 4.30399 NA intron (NR_033350, intron 12 of 17) intron (NR_033350, intron 12 of 17) 8153 NR_033350 390535 Hs.454647 NM_001012423 HPRD:17381 GOLGA8EP GOLGA8E golgin A8 family, member E, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7708 chr12 27090979 27091078 + 4.29888 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171888) promoter-TSS (NM_001171888) 226 NM_018164 55726 Hs.505077 NM_018164 HPRD:07689 ASUN C12orf11|GCT1|Mat89Bb|NET48|SPATA30 asunder spermatogenesis regulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3674 chr10 13158511 13158654 + 4.29764 NA intron (NM_001008211, intron 7 of 15) intron (NM_001008211, intron 7 of 15) 16500 NM_001008211 10133 Hs.332706 NM_021980 HPRD:03891 OPTN ALS12|FIP2|GLC1E|HIP7|HYPL|NRP|TFIIIA-INTP optineurin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34321 chr8 101170698 101170780 + 4.29764 NA 5' UTR (NM_003114, exon 1 of 19) 5' UTR (NM_003114, exon 1 of 19) 176 NM_003114 6674 Hs.591866 NM_003114 HPRD:04548 SPAG1 CILD28|CT140|HSD-3.8|SP75|TPIS sperm associated antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32104 chr7 73508551 73508625 + 4.29764 NA intron (NM_001204426, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_001204426, intron 1 of 14) 1102 NM_001204426 3984 Hs.647035 NM_002314 HPRD:03210 LIMK1 LIMK|LIMK-1 LIM domain kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30285 chr6 110360779 110360891 + 4.29764 NA Intergenic MLT1B|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 61376 NM_001286099 2830 Hs.46332 NM_005284 HPRD:02775 GPR6 - G protein-coupled receptor 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34393 chr8 107051358 107051557 + 4.29764 NA intron (NR_125797, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 21274 NR_125796 102723356 Hs.571413 NR_125796 ZFPM2-AS1 - ZFPM2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31754 chr7 55637575 55637641 + 4.29574 NA intron (NM_030796, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_030796, intron 1 of 4) 2592 NM_030796 81552 Hs.488307 NM_030796 HPRD:08526 VOPP1 ECOP|GASP vesicular, overexpressed in cancer, prosurvival protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13499 chr16 88960629 88960719 + 4.29248 NA intron (NM_175931, intron 2 of 10) (CA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -27606 NM_001080487 390748 Hs.730522 NM_001080487 ENSG00000205022 PABPN1L PABPNL1|ePABP2 poly(A) binding protein, nuclear 1-like (cytoplasmic) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20374 chr20 5730875 5731006 + 4.29248 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152504) promoter-TSS (NM_152504) -103 NM_152504 149840 Hs.529340 NM_152504 HPRD:08681 C20orf196 - chromosome 20 open reading frame 196 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11314 chr15 32827484 32827662 + 4.28238 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1387 NR_102756 100996255 Hs.634408 NR_102756 LOC100996255 - uncharacterized LOC100996255 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29961 chr6 81622524 81622697 + 4.28238 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 806266 NM_183050 594 Hs.654441 NM_000056 HPRD:02011 BCKDHB E1B|dJ279A18.1 branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36197 chr9 123836969 123837270 + 4.28238 NA Intergenic CpG -13455 NM_007018 11064 Hs.653263 NM_007018 HPRD:05691 CNTRL CEP1|CEP110|FAN|bA165P4.1 centriolin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37959 chrX 66882589 66882657 + 4.28238 NA intron (NM_001011645, intron 2 of 7) L1PA4|LINE|L1 93940 NM_001011645 367 Hs.76704 NM_000044 HPRD:02437 AR AIS|DHTR|HUMARA|HYSP1|KD|NR3C4|SBMA|SMAX1|TFM androgen receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17426 chr2 12857046 12857125 + 4.28238 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021643) promoter-TSS (NM_021643) 87 NM_021643 28951 Hs.467751 NM_021643 HPRD:18224 TRIB2 C5FW|GS3955|TRB2 tribbles pseudokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33650 chr8 41365231 41365389 + 4.27528 NA intron (NM_001002296, intron 4 of 4) intron (NM_001002296, intron 4 of 4) 17137 NM_001002296 51125 Hs.654773 NM_016099 HPRD:13595 GOLGA7 GCP16|GOLGA3AP1|GOLGA7A|HSPC041 golgin A7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10225 chr14 31156065 31156131 + 4.27528 NA intron (NM_001283033, intron 11 of 21) L1HS|LINE|L1 64573 NM_001257376 23256 Hs.369168 NM_016106 HPRD:10210 SCFD1 C14orf163|RA410|SLY1|SLY1P|STXBP1L2 sec1 family domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17463 chr2 20032874 20032957 + 4.27528 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -35700 NR_033875 400946 Hs.289062 NR_033875 ENSG00000228784 LINC00954 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 954 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3946 chr10 32641594 32641800 + 4.27231 NA intron (NR_104163, intron 1 of 1) MIRb|SINE|MIR 5405 NR_104163 102031319 Hs.128132 NR_104163 LOC102031319 - ncRNA ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3676 chr10 13342069 13342135 + 4.27231 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006214) promoter-TSS (NM_006214) 28 NM_006214 5264 Hs.498732 NM_006214 HPRD:03609 PHYH LN1|LNAP1|PAHX|PHYH1|RD phytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19717 chr2 202456714 202456820 + 4.27231 NA intron (NM_152525, intron 4 of 14) L1PA3|LINE|L1 27138 NM_001168217 151254 Hs.335788 NM_152525 HPRD:08687 ALS2CR11 - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region, candidate 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15448 chr18 57025305 57025381 + 4.27231 NA intron (NM_005570, intron 1 of 12) intron (NM_005570, intron 1 of 12) 1165 NM_005570 3998 Hs.465295 NM_005570 HPRD:03338 LMAN1 ERGIC-53|ERGIC53|F5F8D|FMFD1|MCFD1|MR60|gp58 lectin, mannose-binding, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23921 chr3 153339948 153340054 + 4.27231 NA Intergenic HAL1|LINE|L1 137717 NM_001101337 152118 Hs.58586 NM_001101337 ENSG00000237787 C3orf79 - chromosome 3 open reading frame 79 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16643 chr19 40545874 40545944 + 4.27138 NA intron (NM_001005851, intron 4 of 4) L1PA4|LINE|L1 16206 NM_001005851 163131 Hs.101139 NM_001005851 HPRD:11243 ZNF780B ZNF779 zinc finger protein 780B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21054 chr21 9452607 9452720 + 4.26900 NA Intergenic Intergenic -373169 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33729 chr8 43809027 43809147 + 4.26710 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 661502 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13591 chr17 759225 759375 + 4.26706 NA intron (NM_022463, intron 1 of 7) AluSc|SINE|Alu 8051 NM_001205319 64359 Hs.527989 NM_022463 HPRD:14858 NXN NRX|TRG-4 nucleoredoxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32035 chr7 65878779 65878873 + 4.26706 NA Intergenic CpG -13431 NR_026873 285908 Hs.50755 NM_181722 HPRD:14160 LINC00174 NCRNA00174 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 174 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9113 chr12 132089129 132089201 + 4.26706 NA Intergenic Intergenic -106467 NM_004592 6433 Hs.308171 NM_004592 HPRD:09055 SFSWAP SFRS8|SWAP splicing factor, suppressor of white-apricot family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32002 chr7 64961152 64961269 + 4.26574 NA intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) intron (NR_038378, intron 9 of 9) 122498 NM_007139 168374 Hs.9521 NM_007139 HPRD:04919 ZNF92 HEL-203|HPF12|HTF12|TF12 zinc finger protein 92 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2952 chr1 211432364 211432455 + 4.26574 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001136223) promoter-TSS (NM_001136223) -299 NM_001136224 55758 Hs.356399 NM_018254 HPRD:08338 RCOR3 - REST corepressor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31561 chr7 35731730 35731852 + 4.26299 NA intron (NM_022373, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_022373, intron 2 of 8) 2981 NM_022373 64224 Hs.643051 NM_022373 HPRD:07984 HERPUD2 - HERPUD family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14991 chr18 3246187 3246312 + 4.26299 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1279 NM_006471 10627 Hs.190086 NM_006471 HPRD:14735 MYL12A HEL-S-24|MLCB|MRCL3|MRLC3|MYL2B myosin, light chain 12A, regulatory, non-sarcomeric protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2579 chr1 179924240 179924359 + 4.26299 NA intron (NM_014810, intron 1 of 37) CpG 391 NM_014810 9857 Hs.413045 NM_014810 HPRD:09870 CEP350 CAP350|GM133 centrosomal protein 350kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11141 chr15 20130629 20130764 + 4.26148 NA Intergenic Intergenic -357301 NR_038836 646096 Hs.448789 NR_038836 CHEK2P2 - checkpoint kinase 2 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34875 chr8 146024147 146024324 + 4.25933 NA promoter-TSS (NM_213605) promoter-TSS (NM_213605) -26 NM_213605 340385 Hs.521942 NM_213605 HPRD:15815 ZNF517 - zinc finger protein 517 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13150 chr16 66623474 66623546 + 4.25835 NA Intergenic Intergenic 10159 NM_144673 146225 Hs.195685 NM_144673 HPRD:07434 CMTM2 CKLFSF2 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2611 chr1 182859252 182859391 + 4.25835 NA Intergenic Intergenic 50882 NR_033302 1660 Hs.191518 NM_001357 HPRD:04386 DHX9 DDX9|LKP|NDH2|NDHII|RHA DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box helicase 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2052 chr1 149871363 149871482 + 4.25835 NA intron (NM_016074, intron 1 of 1) CpG 267 NM_016074 51027 Hs.13880 NM_016074 HPRD:13036 BOLA1 - bolA family member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1532 chr1 112139219 112139338 + 4.25835 NA Intergenic MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 11662 NR_034126 100129269 Hs.689728 NR_034126 LINC01160 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1160 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21025 chr20 62258742 62258808 + 4.25835 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012384) promoter-TSS (NM_012384) -394 NM_012384 26205 Hs.473286 NM_012384 HPRD:16245 GMEB2 P79PIF|PIF79 glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6346 chr11 63117104 63117413 + 4.25835 NA intron (NR_049833, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -20003 NM_080866 114571 Hs.502772 NM_080866 HPRD:06982 SLC22A9 HOAT4|OAT4|OAT7|UST3H|ust3 solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22191 chr22 51233612 51233716 + 4.25835 NA intron (NR_026981, intron 3 of 3) L1MC3|LINE|L1 11507 NR_026982 284942 Hs.406135 NM_203302 RPL23AP82 RPL23A_43_1761 ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene 82 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35069 chr9 20242855 20242993 + 4.25183 NA Intergenic Intergenic 168312 NR_039684 100616229 NR_039684 MIR4473 - microRNA 4473 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15186 chr18 21151003 21151092 + 4.25183 NA intron (NM_000271, intron 3 of 24) intron (NM_000271, intron 3 of 24) 15534 NM_000271 4864 Hs.464779 NM_000271 HPRD:09622 NPC1 NPC Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20844 chr20 47355598 47355669 + 4.25183 NA intron (NM_020820, intron 3 of 39) L2a|LINE|L2 88787 NM_020820 57580 Hs.153310 NM_020820 HPRD:06066 PREX1 P-REX1 phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31693 chr7 47998675 47998839 + 4.25183 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -10686 NM_138295 168507 Hs.195979 NM_138295 HPRD:10154 PKD1L1 PRO19563 polycystic kidney disease 1 like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9071 chr12 129054813 129054904 + 4.25183 NA intron (NM_001136103, intron 3 of 8) intron (NM_001136103, intron 3 of 8) 253683 NM_145648 121260 Hs.507260 NM_145648 ENSG00000139370 SLC15A4 PHT1|PTR4 solute carrier family 15 (oligopeptide transporter), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31914 chr7 61840906 61841107 + 4.24960 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 923428 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30618 chr6 139483153 139483304 + 4.24681 NA intron (NM_016217, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_016217, intron 1 of 3) 26979 NM_016217 51696 Hs.197644 NM_016217 HPRD:16265 HECA HDC|HDCL|HHDC|dJ225E12.1 headcase homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21202 chr21 15251899 15252054 + 4.24681 NA Intergenic MSTA-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -31291 NR_026755 54055 Hs.580910 NR_026755 ENSG00000228314 CYP4F29P 4F-se4[6:7:8]|C21orf15|CYP4F-se4[6:7:8]|CYP4F3LP cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily F, polypeptide 29, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12039 chr15 89179458 89179529 + 4.24558 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2546 NM_002201 3669 Hs.459265 NM_002201 ISG20 CD25|HEM45 interferon stimulated exonuclease gene 20kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6007 chr11 46389267 46389333 + 4.24457 NA intron (NM_201532, intron 3 of 30) CpG-4084 6155 NM_001105540 8525 Hs.502461 NM_003646 HPRD:03260 DGKZ DAGK5|DAGK6|DGK-ZETA|hDGKzeta diacylglycerol kinase, zeta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20826 chr20 44993010 44993103 + 4.24457 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015945) promoter-TSS (NM_015945) 41 NM_015945 51006 Hs.593344 NM_015945 HPRD:15371 SLC35C2 BA394O2.1|C20orf5|CGI-15|OVCOV1 solute carrier family 35 (GDP-fucose transporter), member C2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23765 chr3 138534110 138534211 + 4.24457 NA Intergenic AluJb|SINE|Alu -55959 NM_006219 5291 Hs.239818 NM_006219 PIK3CB P110BETA|PI3K|PI3KBETA|PIK3C1 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37672 chrX 53449174 53449268 + 4.24220 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144968) promoter-TSS (NM_144968) 456 NM_006306 8243 Hs.211602 NM_006306 HPRD:02077 SMC1A CDLS2|DXS423E|SB1.8|SMC1|SMC1L1|SMC1alpha|SMCB structural maintenance of chromosomes 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8254 chr12 58135906 58136092 + 4.24172 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014770) promoter-TSS (NM_014770) -55 NM_014770 116986 Hs.302435 NM_014770 HPRD:05687 AGAP2 CENTG1|GGAP2|PIKE ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21589 chr22 17718001 17718074 + 4.24134 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15293 NM_001282227 51816 Hs.170310 NM_017424 HPRD:10462 CECR1 ADA2|ADGF|IDGFL|PAN|SNEDS cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31081 chr6 169825358 169825488 + 4.24134 NA Intergenic Intergenic -171214 NM_003247 7058 Hs.371147 NM_003247 HPRD:01766 THBS2 TSP2 thrombospondin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14438 chr17 46089730 46089816 + 4.24134 NA Intergenic CpG 24840 NR_029687 406943 NR_029687 MIR152 MIRN152 microRNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8905 chr12 114522172 114522238 + 4.24134 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -118029 NM_001146699 9904 Hs.7482 NM_016196 HPRD:15225 RBM19 - RNA binding motif protein 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10587 chr14 64226318 64226404 + 4.24134 NA Intergenic Intergenic -31605 NM_030791 81537 Hs.24678 NM_030791 HPRD:10226 SGPP1 SPPase1 sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1983 chr1 148757058 148757311 + 4.24088 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) -48831 NM_001144032 730262 NM_001144032 PPIAL4E COAS2 peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A)-like 4E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30739 chr6 148755313 148755464 + 4.23666 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 2 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 91659 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2478 chr1 172788463 172788615 + 4.23666 NA Intergenic Intergenic 160354 NM_000639 356 Hs.2007 NM_000639 HPRD:00610 FASLG ALPS1B|APT1LG1|APTL|CD178|CD95-L|CD95L|FASL|TNFSF6 Fas ligand (TNF superfamily, member 6) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13275 chr16 70438423 70438511 + 4.23666 NA intron (NM_006927, intron 1 of 6) L1MB7|LINE|L1 34524 NM_006927 6483 Hs.368611 NM_006927 HPRD:06220 ST3GAL2 Gal-NAc6S|SIAT4B|ST3GALII|ST3GalA.2 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19259 chr2 162397777 162397891 + 4.23666 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -33421 NR_077058 285116 Hs.470435 NR_077058 AHCTF1P1 AHCTF1P|ELYS-like AT hook containing transcription factor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7138 chr11 123325075 123325233 + 4.23666 NA Intergenic Intergenic -71190 NM_020716 57476 Hs.144725 NM_020716 ENSG00000023171 GRAMD1B - GRAM domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37792 chrX 61689282 61689361 + 4.23434 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 881897 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37611 chrX 49178244 49178441 + 4.23300 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001098406) promoter-TSS (NM_001098406) -167 NM_001098406 729396 Hs.645554 NM_001098406 ENSG00000224659 GAGE12J GAGE11 G antigen 12J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18277 chr2 88082015 88082092 + 4.23168 NA exon (NM_001078170, exon 20 of 23).2 exon (NM_001078170, exon 20 of 23).2 34443 NM_001032392 5343 Hs.652169 NM_001032392 PLGLB1 PLGL|PLGP1|PRGB|PRP-B plasminogen-like B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32110 chr7 74179717 74179831 + 4.23168 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8535 NM_000265 653361 Hs.647047 NM_000265 ENSG00000158517 NCF1 NCF1A|NOXO2|SH3PXD1A|p47phox neutrophil cytosolic factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36318 chr9 130965483 130965616 + 4.23098 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001288739) promoter-TSS (NM_001288739) -85 NM_001288738 1759 Hs.522413 NM_004408 HPRD:03851 DNM1 DNM dynamin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28210 chr5 131434901 131434967 + 4.23092 NA Intergenic Intergenic 25449 NM_000758 1437 Hs.1349 NM_000758 HPRD:00734 CSF2 GMCSF colony stimulating factor 2 (granulocyte-macrophage) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10793 chr14 77924295 77924527 + 4.23087 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022067) promoter-TSS (NM_022067) 38 NM_012111 10598 Hs.204041 NM_012111 HPRD:09768 AHSA1 AHA1|C14orf3|p38 AHA1, activator of heat shock 90kDa protein ATPase homolog 1 (yeast) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18388 chr2 91672843 91673009 + 4.22467 NA Intergenic Intergenic 175049 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16501 chr19 36559595 36559726 + 4.22420 NA intron (NM_173636, intron 7 of 31) SVA_C|Other|Other 13877 NM_001083961 284403 Hs.116244 NM_173636 HPRD:10721 WDR62 C19orf14|MCPH2 WD repeat domain 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17931 chr2 62020583 62020676 + 4.22420 NA Intergenic Intergenic 60649 NR_037710 84140 Hs.440466 NM_032180 ENSG00000170264 FAM161A RP28 family with sequence similarity 161, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35879 chr9 93956287 93956356 + 4.22420 NA Intergenic CpG -118907 NR_033912 100129316 Hs.458154 NR_033912 LOC100129316 - uncharacterized LOC100129316 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4099 chr10 39143284 39143439 + 4.22350 NA Intergenic (GAATG)n|Satellite|Satellite 153634 NR_045000 399746 Hs.742607 NR_045000 ENSG00000227264 ACTR3BP5 FKSG74 ACTR3B pseudogene 5 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11414 chr15 41099229 41099357 + 4.22173 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001077268) promoter-TSS (NM_001077268) 19 NM_032850 84936 Hs.121676 NM_032850 HPRD:15731 ZFYVE19 ANCHR|MPFYVE zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8680 chr12 96878970 96879156 + 4.22173 NA Intergenic Intergenic -84697 NM_001170464 5128 Hs.506415 NM_002595 HPRD:09141 CDK17 PCTAIRE2|PCTK2 cyclin-dependent kinase 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24809 chr4 26326877 26326948 + 4.22173 NA intron (NM_015874, intron 1 of 10) L2|LINE|L2 4483 NM_203284 3516 Hs.479396 NM_005349 HPRD:00920 RBPJ AOS3|CBF1|IGKJRB|IGKJRB1|KBF2|RBP-J|RBPJK|RBPSUH|SUH|csl recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24214 chr3 183146494 183146571 + 4.22161 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015078) promoter-TSS (NM_015078) -475 NM_015078 23101 Hs.208267 NM_015078 HPRD:08308 MCF2L2 ARHGEF22 MCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3773 chr10 18916799 18916897 + 4.22161 NA intron (NM_182543, intron 3 of 10) L1PA3|LINE|L1 23718 NM_182543 221078 Hs.396175 NM_182543 HPRD:14843 NSUN6 4933414E04Rik|ARL5B-AS1|NOPD1 NOP2/Sun domain family, member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24272 chr3 186490640 186490746 + 4.22161 NA Intergenic CpG -10668 NM_001967 1974 Hs.518475 NM_001967 HPRD:03062 EIF4A2 BM-010|DDX2B|EIF4A|EIF4F|eIF-4A-II|eIF4A-II eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6664 chr11 76777868 76777937 + 4.22161 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004055) promoter-TSS (NM_004055) -90 NM_004055 726 Hs.248153 NM_004055 HPRD:03963 CAPN5 ADNIV|HTRA3|VRNI|nCL-3 calpain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20519 chr20 25311102 25311189 + 4.22161 NA intron (NM_001042472, intron 2 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 60473 NM_015600 26090 Hs.441550 NM_015600 HPRD:07094 ABHD12 ABHD12A|BEM46L2|C20orf22|PHARC|dJ965G21.2 abhydrolase domain containing 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17929 chr2 61921810 61921897 + 4.22161 NA Intergenic CpG -156435 NM_003400 7514 Hs.370770 NM_003400 HPRD:03975 XPO1 CRM1|emb|exp1 exportin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22551 chr3 30696906 30697084 + 4.21941 NA intron (NM_001024847, intron 4 of 7) intron (NM_001024847, intron 4 of 7) 49001 NM_003242 7048 Hs.82028 NM_003242 HPRD:01823 TGFBR2 AAT3|FAA3|LDS1B|LDS2|LDS2B|MFS2|RIIC|TAAD2|TGFR-2|TGFbeta-RII transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70/80kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19215 chr2 160084058 160084217 + 4.21743 NA intron (NM_001145909, intron 24 of 26) intron (NM_001145909, intron 24 of 26) 40791 NR_106948 102465535 NR_106948 MIR6888 hsa-mir-6888 microRNA 6888 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5942 chr11 36699298 36699432 + 4.20736 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -79536 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38829 chrX 145812258 145812423 + 4.20736 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -78962 NM_001244892 100133053 Hs.98197 NM_001244892 CXorf51B - chromosome X open reading frame 51B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18824 chr2 122732750 122732886 + 4.20736 NA Intergenic MER91B|DNA|hAT-Tip100 219697 NR_048557 7247 Hs.75066 NM_004622 HPRD:08993 TSN BCLF-1|C3PO|RCHF1|REHF-1|TBRBP|TRSLN translin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14340 chr17 41856360 41856428 + 4.20736 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004090) promoter-TSS (NM_004090) -26 NM_004090 1845 Hs.181046 NM_004090 HPRD:02553 DUSP3 VHR dual specificity phosphatase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_172 chr1 9189655 9189759 + 4.20736 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024980) promoter-TSS (NM_024980) -478 NM_024980 80045 Hs.632367 NM_024980 GPR157 - G protein-coupled receptor 157 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14588 chr17 59981834 59981972 + 4.20736 NA non-coding (NR_026641, exon 9 of 25) non-coding (NR_026641, exon 9 of 25) 23474 NR_026641 57508 Hs.279646 NM_020748 HPRD:11137 INTS2 INT2|KIAA1287 integrator complex subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34369 chr8 103580350 103580478 + 4.20736 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16566 NM_024410 4956 Hs.159274 NM_024410 HPRD:01687 ODF1 CT133|HSPB10|ODF|ODF2|ODF27|ODFP|ODFPG|ODFPGA|ODFPGB|RT7|SODF outer dense fiber of sperm tails 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31041 chr6 167596546 167596612 + 4.20648 NA TTS (NM_001145121) TTS (NM_001145121) 12498 NM_001145121 401285 Hs.691976 NM_001013683 HPRD:18427 TCP10L2 bA517H2.3 t-complex 10-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_47 chr1 1186458 1186524 + 4.20648 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4389 NM_001014980 388581 Hs.197613 NM_001014980 ENSG00000184163 FAM132A C1QDC2|C1QTNF12|CTRP12 family with sequence similarity 132, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21030 chr20 62339358 62339424 + 4.20648 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001267546) promoter-TSS (NM_001267546) 11 NM_001195654 84619 Hs.590868 NM_032527 HPRD:15736 ZGPAT GPATC6|GPATCH6|KIAA1847|ZC3H9|ZC3HDC9|ZIP zinc finger, CCCH-type with G patch domain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27689 chr5 79988711 79988808 + 4.20648 NA intron (NM_002439, intron 8 of 23) (TATATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -37959 NR_110936 1719 Hs.592364 NM_000791 HPRD:00519 DHFR DHFRP1|DYR dihydrofolate reductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22082 chr22 43377977 43378114 + 4.20648 NA intron (NM_001184970, intron 1 of 10) SVA_E|Other|Other -22158 NM_001184971 11252 Hs.162877 NM_007229 HPRD:05390 PACSIN2 SDPII protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2409 chr1 168317666 168317825 + 4.20648 NA Intergenic LTR12F|LTR|ERV1 -27017 NR_030284 693142 NR_030284 miRBase:MI0003563 MIR557 MIRN557|hsa-mir-557 microRNA 557 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35482 chr9 67018707 67018794 + 4.20517 NA non-coding (NR_046175, exon 4 of 4) non-coding (NR_046175, exon 4 of 4) 13322 NR_046175 286297 Hs.645503 NR_046175 ENSG00000182021 LOC286297 - uncharacterized LOC286297 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21623 chr22 18932251 18932324 + 4.20517 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK -8221 NM_016335 5625 Hs.517352 NM_016335 HPRD:08433 PRODH HSPOX2|PIG6|POX|PRODH1|PRODH2|TP53I6 proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17421 chr2 12663806 12663912 + 4.20373 NA intron (NR_110196, intron 4 of 5) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -193139 NR_027303 28951 Hs.467751 NM_021643 HPRD:18224 TRIB2 C5FW|GS3955|TRB2 tribbles pseudokinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21062 chr21 9481512 9481578 + 4.20373 NA Intergenic Intergenic -344287 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11879 chr15 78326901 78327010 + 4.20373 NA intron (NM_144572, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_144572, intron 3 of 12) -40388 NR_026998 91450 Hs.406766 NR_026998 LOC91450 - uncharacterized LOC91450 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33019 chr7 150780590 150780717 + 4.20176 NA promoter-TSS (NM_031434) promoter-TSS (NM_031434) -33 NM_001136044 83590 Hs.726215 NM_031434 HPRD:12910 TMUB1 C7orf21|DULP transmembrane and ubiquitin-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_117 chr1 3816635 3816701 + 4.20176 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024455) promoter-TSS (NR_024455) 189 NM_207356 339448 Hs.103939 NM_207356 HPRD:17353 C1orf174 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 174 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7489 chr12 10711952 10712072 + 4.19663 NA Intergenic Intergenic 40422 NR_028045 10748 Hs.159297 NM_006611 HPRD:09180 KLRAP1 KLRA#|KLRA1|LY49L|Ly-49L|Ly49 killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily A pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14027 chr17 25274742 25274808 + 4.19503 NA Intergenic MER54A|LTR|ERVL 346247 NR_039748 100616277 NR_039748 miRBase:MI0016889 MIR4522 - microRNA 4522 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5762 chr11 19305671 19305764 + 4.19105 NA Intergenic Intergenic -42515 NM_001256372 79733 Hs.523526 NM_024680 HPRD:10981 E2F8 E2F-8 E2F transcription factor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10938 chr14 94406080 94406253 + 4.19105 NA intron (NM_016150, intron 5 of 7) CpG-7324 12435 NM_001207072 90050 Hs.525550 NM_138344 HPRD:12636 FAM181A C14orf152 family with sequence similarity 181, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1652 chr1 121277608 121277751 + 4.19105 NA intron (NR_003955, intron 1 of 7) L1HS|LINE|L1 16769 NR_003955 647121 Hs.697682 NR_003955 EMBP1 - embigin pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34030 chr8 71612921 71613054 + 4.19105 NA intron (NM_001287258, intron 4 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 31305 NM_001287260 389668 Hs.458938 NM_001011720 HPRD:18309 XKR9 XRG9 XK, Kell blood group complex subunit-related family, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28058 chr5 117244134 117244298 + 4.19069 NA intron (NR_104997, intron 1 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 178160 NR_104997 102467224 Hs.134230 NR_104997 LOC102467224 - uncharacterized LOC102467224 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_789 chr1 43625736 43625812 + 4.19069 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 11609 NR_106791 102465439 NR_106791 MIR6733 hsa-mir-6733 microRNA 6733 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36810 chrUn_gl000217 4047 4179 + 4.18468 NA NA L2c|LINE|L2 NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16973 chr19 50880041 50880107 + 4.18441 NA 5' UTR (NM_007121, exon 2 of 10) 5' UTR (NM_007121, exon 2 of 10) 394 NM_001256647 7376 Hs.432976 NM_007121 HPRD:02660 NR1H2 LXR-b|LXRB|NER|NER-I|RIP15|UNR nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28655 chr5 159865821 159866066 + 4.18441 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR 17026 NM_001282383 9232 Hs.350966 NM_004219 HPRD:04998 PTTG1 EAP1|HPTTG|PTTG|TUTR1 pituitary tumor-transforming 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33504 chr8 25316653 25316826 + 4.17813 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017634) promoter-TSS (NM_017634) 226 NM_152562 157313 Hs.33366 NM_152562 HPRD:13014 CDCA2 PPP1R81|Repo-Man cell division cycle associated 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34627 chr8 130340262 130340408 + 4.17673 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -86849 NR_033916 728724 Hs.49902 NR_033916 ENSG00000250400 LINC00977 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 977 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37391 chrX 24061927 24062010 + 4.17604 NA Intergenic L1PA11|LINE|L1 -11097 NM_001415 1968 Hs.539684 NM_001415 EIF2S3 EIF2|EIF2G|EIF2gamma|eIF-2gA eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2, subunit 3 gamma, 52kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15841 chr19 6772606 6772732 + 4.17604 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005428) promoter-TSS (NM_005428) -10 NM_001258207 7409 Hs.116237 NM_005428 HPRD:01284 VAV1 VAV vav 1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20076 chr2 234149959 234150116 + 4.17604 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -10180 NM_001190266 55054 Hs.529322 NM_017974 HPRD:16498 ATG16L1 APG16L|ATG16A|ATG16L|IBD10|WDR30 autophagy related 16-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33681 chr8 42948971 42949101 + 4.17604 NA intron (NM_001277971, intron 1 of 3) AluSz|SINE|Alu 387 NM_032237 84197 Hs.491646 NM_032237 HPRD:08668 POMK MDDGA12|SGK196 protein-O-mannose kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15044 chr18 9334410 9334527 + 4.17604 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020648) promoter-TSS (NM_020648) -297 NM_020648 57045 Hs.514685 NM_020648 HPRD:05443 TWSG1 TSG twisted gastrulation BMP signaling modulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22127 chr22 46491586 46491652 + 4.17398 NA intron (NR_110479, intron 1 of 4) intron (NR_110479, intron 1 of 4) 4695 NR_037413 100500828 NR_037413 miRBase:MI0016009 MIR3619 - microRNA 3619 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26875 chr5 21109596 21109721 + 4.17398 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -349931 NR_027026 728411 Hs.88181 NM_207331 ENSG00000183666 GUSBP1 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34692 chr8 135537879 135537945 + 4.17398 NA intron (NR_110323, intron 13 of 16) intron (NR_110323, intron 13 of 16) -72402 NR_002438 594840 Hs.626298 NR_002438 ENSG00000248492 ZFAT-AS1 NCRNA00070|SAS-ZFAT|ZFAT-AS|ZFATAS ZFAT antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19947 chr2 221552090 221552176 + 4.17398 NA Intergenic MLT1I|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -780847 NR_036228 100422959 NR_036228 miRBase:MI0015874 MIR4268 - microRNA 4268 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7203 chr11 128563940 128564006 + 4.17336 NA 5' UTR (NM_002017, exon 1 of 9) 5' UTR (NM_002017, exon 1 of 9) 162 NM_002017 2313 Hs.504281 NM_002017 HPRD:01901 FLI1 EWSR2|SIC-1 Fli-1 proto-oncogene, ETS transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21170 chr21 10886187 10886253 + 4.17194 NA Intergenic Intergenic 104723 NM_001290224 7179 Hs.122986 NM_199259 HPRD:05064 TPTE CT44|PTEN2 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15379 chr18 47814619 47814687 + 4.16652 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001101654) promoter-TSS (NM_001101654) 39 NM_001101654 30827 Hs.180933 NM_014593 HPRD:10852 CXXC1 2410002I16Rik|5830420C16Rik|CFP1|CGBP|HsT2645|PCCX1|PHF18|SPP1|ZCGPC1|hCGBP CXXC finger protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15226 chr18 29599721 29599800 + 4.16637 NA intron (NM_017831, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_017831, intron 1 of 5) 1315 NM_017831 54941 Hs.633703 NM_017831 HPRD:11500 RNF125 TRAC-1|TRAC1 ring finger protein 125, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11977 chr15 84981917 84981985 + 4.16637 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4635 NR_120378 102724034 Hs.694638 NR_120378 LOC102724034 - uncharacterized LOC102724034 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35620 chr9 70346710 70346889 + 4.16515 NA Intergenic Intergenic 28125 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35639 chr9 70981882 70982083 + 4.16249 NA intron (NM_021965, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_021965, intron 1 of 10) -9200 NR_015423 572558 Hs.552819 NR_015423 ENSG00000224958 PGM5-AS1 FAM233A PGM5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23397 chr3 108322743 108322821 + 4.16249 NA intron (NM_014648, intron 1 of 32) intron (NM_014648, intron 1 of 32) -14291 NM_020890 57650 Hs.591308 NM_020890 HPRD:11151 KIAA1524 CIP2A|p90 KIAA1524 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15761 chr19 3061509 3061586 + 4.16249 NA intron (NM_198969, intron 1 of 6) CpG 824 NM_001130 166 Hs.515053 NM_001130 HPRD:02556 AES AES-1|AES-2|ESP1|GRG|GRG5|TLE5 amino-terminal enhancer of split protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28337 chr5 139555292 139555358 + 4.16149 NA intron (NM_032412, intron 1 of 2) CpG 672 NM_032412 84418 Hs.529798 NM_032412 CYSTM1 C5orf32 cysteine-rich transmembrane module containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28140 chr5 126152535 126152669 + 4.16149 NA intron (NM_005573, intron 5 of 10) L1MC4a|LINE|L1 39757 NM_001198557 4001 Hs.89497 NM_005573 HPRD:01036 LMNB1 ADLD|LMN|LMN2|LMNB lamin B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4848 chr10 97849474 97849720 + 4.16136 NA intron (NR_038444, intron 1 of 5) CpG 395 NR_038444 728558 Hs.538374 NR_038444 ENSG00000226688 ENTPD1-AS1 - ENTPD1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8321 chr12 65091958 65092027 + 4.16136 NA TTS (NM_178169) TTS (NM_178169) 61234 NM_002076 2799 Hs.334534 NM_002076 HPRD:09637 GNS G6S glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8956 chr12 120884123 120884219 + 4.16136 NA promoter-TSS (NM_176818) promoter-TSS (NM_176818) 44 NM_016399 51499 Hs.69499 NM_016399 HPRD:13698 TRIAP1 MDM35|P53CSV|WF-1 TP53 regulated inhibitor of apoptosis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18040 chr2 70520584 70520679 + 4.15952 NA intron (NM_003096, intron 1 of 3) CpG 238 NM_003096 6637 Hs.465167 NM_003096 HPRD:04646 SNRPG SMG|Sm-G small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_740 chr1 40847288 40847432 + 4.15952 NA intron (NM_001198978, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001198978, intron 1 of 9) 7055 NM_001198978 64744 Hs.15200 NM_022733 HPRD:12442 SMAP2 SMAP1L small ArfGAP2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15323 chr18 43635610 43635726 + 4.15738 NA intron (NM_024430, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_024430, intron 1 of 14) 16582 NM_024430 9050 Hs.567384 NM_024430 HPRD:06687 PSTPIP2 MAYP proline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18917 chr2 132117741 132117811 + 4.15738 NA TTS (NM_001077637) TTS (NM_001077637) 3955 NM_001077637 150786 Hs.645670 NM_001077637 WTH3DI - RAB6C-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7589 chr12 19665045 19665112 + 4.15738 NA intron (NM_001267043, intron 5 of 8) AluSg4|SINE|Alu 71563 NM_001267043 121536 Hs.126497 NM_153207 AEBP2 - AE binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_252 chr1 15851182 15851375 + 4.15738 NA promoter-TSS (NR_102733) promoter-TSS (NR_102733) 7 NM_032996 842 Hs.329502 NM_001229 HPRD:03756 CASP9 APAF-3|APAF3|ICE-LAP6|MCH6|PPP1R56 caspase 9, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36763 chrUn_gl000216 61494 61591 + 4.15657 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16346 chr19 27755234 27755355 + 4.15327 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -529081 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38054 chrX 71320908 71321026 + 4.14705 NA intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_001013627, intron 1 of 7) 30784 NM_001024455 340526 Hs.512180 NM_001024455 HPRD:18594 RGAG4 6430402L03Rik|MAR5|MART5 retrotransposon gag domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38182 chrX 77043636 77043765 + 4.14657 NA Intergenic MER51A|LTR|ERV1 -1945 NM_000489 546 Hs.533526 NM_000489 HPRD:02069 ATRX ATR2|JMS|MRXHF1|RAD54|RAD54L|SFM1|SHS|XH2|XNP|ZNF-HX alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15853 chr19 7587368 7587434 + 4.14657 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020533) promoter-TSS (NM_020533) -95 NM_020533 57192 Hs.631858 NM_020533 HPRD:05582 MCOLN1 MG-2|ML4|MLIV|MST080|TRP-ML1|TRPM-L1|TRPML1 mucolipin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25504 chr4 82426484 82426562 + 4.14657 NA Intergenic Intergenic -33441 NM_001300736 153020 Hs.591696 NM_152545 HPRD:17955 RASGEF1B GPIG4 RasGEF domain family, member 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29468 chr6 34452792 34452918 + 4.14657 NA intron (NM_020804, intron 1 of 9) L2a|LINE|L2 19017 NM_020804 29993 Hs.520087 NM_020804 HPRD:05936 PACSIN1 SDPI protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18048 chr2 71204110 71204176 + 4.14657 NA Intergenic LTR13|LTR|ERVK -1432 NM_001115116 79998 Hs.512744 NM_024933 HPRD:07762 ANKRD53 - ankyrin repeat domain 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5929 chr11 36573216 36573376 + 4.14518 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -16267 NM_000448 5896 Hs.73958 NM_000448 HPRD:01556 RAG1 RAG-1|RNF74 recombination activating gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12051 chr15 90294074 90294173 + 4.14072 NA exon (NM_018670, exon 1 of 2) exon (NM_018670, exon 1 of 2) 417 NM_018670 55897 Hs.447531 NM_018670 MESP1 bHLHc5 mesoderm posterior basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30175 chr6 102911721 102911788 + 4.14072 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1064893 NM_021956 2898 Hs.98262 NM_021956 HPRD:00692 GRIK2 EAA4|GLR6|GLUK6|GLUR6|GluK2|MRT6 glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27528 chr5 70829611 70829692 + 4.14072 NA intron (NM_018429, intron 26 of 38) L1MB7|LINE|L1 -53464 NM_022132 64087 Hs.604789 NM_022132 HPRD:01952 MCCC2 MCCB methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase 2 (beta) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34999 chr9 11941594 11941698 + 4.14072 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -751740 NM_000550 7306 Hs.270279 NM_000550 HPRD:00283 TYRP1 CAS2|CATB|GP75|OCA3|TRP|TRP1|TYRP|b-PROTEIN tyrosinase-related protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32656 chr7 123090638 123090727 + 4.13580 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 82320 NR_104244 154865 Hs.159650 NM_178827 HPRD:08194 IQUB - IQ motif and ubiquitin domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30196 chr6 105697961 105698027 + 4.13580 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -70136 NM_022361 64208 Hs.458336 NM_022361 POPDC3 POP3|bA355M14.1 popeye domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38960 chrY 176705 176825 + 4.13485 NA intron (NM_012227, intron 3 of 5) MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 4122 NM_012227 8225 Hs.437145 NM_012227 HPRD:02128 GTPBP6 PGPL GTP binding protein 6 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32861 chr7 140711958 140712097 + 4.13482 NA intron (NM_053035, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_053035, intron 1 of 2) 2452 NM_016071 51650 Hs.416207 NM_016071 HPRD:17598 MRPS33 MRP-S33|PTD003|S33mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30245 chr6 108879151 108879269 + 4.13464 NA Intergenic CpG -1816 NM_201559 2309 Hs.220950 NM_001455 HPRD:04061 FOXO3 AF6q21|FKHRL1|FKHRL1P2|FOXO2|FOXO3A forkhead box O3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8883 chr12 112568570 112568636 + 4.13175 NA intron (NM_001143906, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_001143906, intron 2 of 11) 5254 NM_006700 10906 Hs.5148 NM_006700 HPRD:10994 TRAFD1 FLN29 TRAF-type zinc finger domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35285 chr9 38325143 38325351 + 4.13175 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -67414 NM_000692 219 Hs.436219 NM_000692 HPRD:00005 ALDH1B1 ALDH5|ALDHX aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12463 chr16 18449969 18450056 + 4.12962 NA Intergenic L2b|LINE|L2 -12076 NR_106969 102466812 NR_106969 MIR6511A2 MIR6511A-2|hsa-mir-6511a-2 microRNA 6511a-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32504 chr7 104654674 104654740 + 4.12783 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018682) promoter-TSS (NM_018682) 70 NM_018682 55904 Hs.592262 NM_018682 HPRD:10528 KMT2E HDCMC04P|MLL5|NKp44L lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26687 chr4_gl000194_random 166548 166686 + 4.12554 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -51544 NR_046439 727764 Hs.626311 NM_001190825 MAFIP MIP|TEKT4P4|pp5644 MAFF interacting protein (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26757 chr5 5481483 5481554 + 4.12407 NA intron (NM_015325, intron 17 of 18) intron (NM_015325, intron 17 of 18) 58732 NM_015325 23379 Hs.449296 NM_015325 ENSG00000164151 ICE1 KIAA0947 interactor of little elongator complex ELL subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11911 chr15 80260722 80260832 + 4.12407 NA intron (NM_001114735, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001114735, intron 1 of 2) 2866 NM_004049 597 Hs.227817 NM_004049 HPRD:03034 BCL2A1 ACC-1|ACC-2|BCL2L5|BFL1|GRS|HBPA1 BCL2-related protein A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2663 chr1 186834541 186834671 + 4.12407 NA intron (NM_024420, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_024420, intron 2 of 17) 36574 NM_024420 5321 Hs.497200 NM_024420 HPRD:08986 PLA2G4A PLA2G4|cPLA2-alpha phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9675 chr13 72527106 72527174 + 4.12407 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -85810 NM_004392 1602 Hs.129452 NM_004392 HPRD:16031 DACH1 DACH dachshund family transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15472 chr18 59854700 59854803 + 4.12407 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012327) promoter-TSS (NM_012327) 227 NM_020854 57614 Hs.465323 NM_020854 HPRD:13866 KIAA1468 HsT3308|HsT885 KIAA1468 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21233 chr21 17196224 17196351 + 4.12407 NA intron (NM_001283041, intron 10 of 25) intron (NM_001283041, intron 10 of 25) 93943 NM_001283041 29761 Hs.743994 NM_013396 HPRD:05296 USP25 USP21 ubiquitin specific peptidase 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1870 chr1 146217241 146217307 + 4.12259 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17).2 intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17).2 -134641 NR_110864 200030 Hs.721588 NM_183372 HPRD:14123 NBPF11 NBPF24 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7549 chr12 14569728 14569825 + 4.12259 NA intron (NM_181352, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_181352, intron 1 of 14) 31778 NM_181352 55729 Hs.504856 NM_018179 HPRD:09811 ATF7IP AM|ATF-IP|MCAF|MCAF1|p621 activating transcription factor 7 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37139 chrX 226705 226825 + 4.12259 NA intron (NM_012227, intron 3 of 5).2 MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 4122 NM_012227 8225 Hs.437145 NM_012227 HPRD:02128 GTPBP6 PGPL GTP binding protein 6 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5287 chr10 130022925 130023000 + 4.11690 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -61252 NR_120619 101927381 Hs.523342 NR_120619 LINC01163 TCONS_00017722 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1163 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22458 chr3 23800121 23800191 + 4.11690 NA Intergenic Intergenic -47228 NM_182666 7324 Hs.164853 NM_003341 HPRD:04225 UBE2E1 UBCH6 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38032 chrX 70474502 70474586 + 4.11690 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171163) promoter-TSS (NM_001171163) -45 NM_001171163 9203 Hs.522684 NM_005096 HPRD:02088 ZMYM3 DXS6673E|MYM|XFIM|ZNF198L2|ZNF261 zinc finger, MYM-type 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15077 chr18 12873518 12873596 + 4.11690 NA intron (NM_001207013, intron 1 of 10) SVA_D|Other|Other 10777 NM_080423 5771 Hs.654527 NM_002828 HPRD:06768 PTPN2 PTN2|PTPT|TC-PTP|TCELLPTP|TCPTP protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13720 chr17 6299019 6299186 + 4.11690 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 39350 NM_001285402 23746 Hs.279887 NM_014336 HPRD:05092 AIPL1 AIPL2|LCA4 aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9424 chr13 41635049 41635145 + 4.11643 NA promoter-TSS (NM_007187) promoter-TSS (NM_007187) -600 NM_007187 11193 Hs.411300 NM_007187 HPRD:16086 WBP4 FBP21 WW domain binding protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35493 chr9 67346521 67346695 + 4.11623 NA Intergenic Intergenic -57116 NR_002817 375719 Hs.658215 NR_002817 AQP7P1 bA251O17.3 aquaporin 7 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36011 chr9 104292515 104292605 + 4.11365 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3571 NM_019592 56254 Hs.729085 NM_019592 HPRD:07410 RNF20 BRE1|BRE1A|hBRE1 ring finger protein 20, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8638 chr12 94602061 94602128 + 4.11019 NA intron (NM_005761, intron 4 of 30) intron (NM_005761, intron 4 of 30) -54203 NR_037687 10154 Hs.584845 NM_005761 HPRD:05036 PLXNC1 CD232|PLXN-C1|VESPR plexin C1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36120 chr9 114936840 114937081 + 4.10901 NA intron (NM_001282640, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001282640, intron 1 of 17) 617 NM_022486 64420 Hs.494827 NM_022486 HPRD:15452 SUSD1 - sushi domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11890 chr15 78557044 78557188 + 4.10789 NA exon (NM_001130182, exon 1 of 7) exon (NM_001130182, exon 1 of 7) 127 NM_001130182 55466 Hs.513053 NM_018602 HPRD:09920 DNAJA4 MST104|MSTP104|PRO1472 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily A, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4447 chr10 63798519 63798651 + 4.10789 NA intron (NM_032199, intron 4 of 9) intron (NM_032199, intron 4 of 9) -10385 NM_001244638 84159 Hs.535297 NM_032199 ENSG00000150347 ARID5B DESRT|MRF-2|MRF2 AT rich interactive domain 5B (MRF1-like) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31618 chr7 39632283 39632411 + 4.10789 NA intron (NM_001282446, intron 2 of 2) L1MEb|LINE|L1 26372 NM_001282446 57002 Hs.72168 NM_020192 HPRD:16669 YAE1D1 C7orf36 Yae1 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14886 chr17 80401699 80401771 + 4.10789 NA non-coding (NR_036517, exon 5 of 5) non-coding (NR_036517, exon 5 of 5) 5867 NM_001193655 79415 Hs.163113 NM_001033046 HPRD:14630 C17orf62 - chromosome 17 open reading frame 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1355 chr1 97859154 97859329 + 4.10789 NA intron (NM_000110, intron 14 of 22) L1PA5|LINE|L1 297762 NR_046590 100873932 Hs.682651 NR_046590 ENSG00000232878 DPYD-AS1 - DPYD antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36783 chrUn_gl000216 144152 144277 + 4.10493 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36817 chrUn_gl000217 112503 112589 + 4.10370 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4233 chr10 43724633 43724768 + 4.10319 NA intron (NM_145313, intron 1 of 12) CpG 487 NM_001282862 221002 Hs.125293 NM_145313 HPRD:15211 RASGEF1A CG4853 RasGEF domain family, member 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33040 chr7 151926363 151926440 + 4.10234 NA intron (NM_170606, intron 18 of 58) intron (NM_170606, intron 18 of 58) 203623 NM_022087 63917 Hs.647109 NM_022087 HPRD:13560 GALNT11 GALNACT11 polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30604 chr6 138777262 138777438 + 4.10234 NA intron (NM_020464, intron 3 of 6) MER94|DNA|hAT-Blackjack -20919 NR_036099 100423001 NR_036099 MIR3145 - microRNA 3145 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27101 chr5 42993487 42993575 + 4.09810 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104643) promoter-TSS (NR_104643) -96 NR_104643 643977 Hs.535791 NR_104643 FLJ32255 - uncharacterized LOC643977 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34450 chr8 114792430 114792512 + 4.09575 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -343229 NM_198123 114788 Hs.91381 NM_052900 HPRD:16329 CSMD3 - CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22742 chr3 47205903 47206017 + 4.09575 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014159) promoter-TSS (NM_014159) 100 NR_033373 285352 Hs.570631 NR_033373 KIF9-AS1 - KIF9 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36283 chr9 129987265 129987331 + 4.09575 NA Intergenic CpG -38643 NM_001286779 84253 Hs.29304 NM_032293 HPRD:13567 GARNL3 bA356B19.1 GTPase activating Rap/RanGAP domain-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28141 chr5 126188067 126188207 + 4.09367 NA Intergenic Intergenic 75292 NM_001198557 4001 Hs.89497 NM_005573 HPRD:01036 LMNB1 ADLD|LMN|LMN2|LMNB lamin B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6448 chr11 65849139 65849207 + 4.09150 NA intron (NM_018026, intron 1 of 23) intron (NM_018026, intron 1 of 23) 11349 NM_018026 55690 Hs.644326 NM_018026 HPRD:06320 PACS1 MRD17 phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24945 chr4 42630310 42630488 + 4.09150 NA intron (NM_001105529, intron 1 of 35) intron (NM_001105529, intron 1 of 35) 28723 NM_001105529 10396 Hs.435052 NM_006095 HPRD:16527 ATP8A1 ATPASEII|ATPIA|ATPP2 ATPase, aminophospholipid transporter (APLT), class I, type 8A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1900 chr1 146900476 146900542 + 4.09150 NA intron (NR_038423, intron 3 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 89190 NR_038423 100289211 Hs.323484 NR_038423 LINC00624 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 624 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25614 chr4 95627345 95627427 + 4.09150 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 51298 NR_121610 100507012 Hs.128612 NR_121610 BMPR1B-AS1 - BMPR1B antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25957 chr4 122647978 122648114 + 4.09150 NA Intergenic Intergenic -29899 NM_001154 308 Hs.480653 NM_001154 HPRD:00568 ANXA5 ANX5|ENX2|HEL-S-7|PP4|RPRGL3 annexin A5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25777 chr4 109330222 109330288 + 4.09150 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other 211358 NR_026968 285456 Hs.683863 NM_182591 HPRD:08228 RPL34-AS1 - RPL34 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12762 chr16 32813731 32813863 + 4.09117 NA Intergenic Intergenic 82666 NR_003083 386757 Hs.433146 NM_198857 HPRD:13479 SLC6A10P CT-2|CT2|SLC6A10|SLC6A10pA solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter), member 10, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_617 chr1 36184765 36184858 + 4.08762 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152374) promoter-TSS (NM_152374) -21 NM_152374 127703 Hs.112023 NM_152374 HPRD:08798 C1orf216 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 216 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12095 chr15 93311168 93311267 + 4.08762 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -27497 NR_033769 728619 Hs.684129 NR_033769 ASB9P1 - ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 9 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6844 chr11 94891161 94891232 + 4.08250 NA intron (NR_110303, intron 2 of 2) MIR|SINE|MIR 7493 NR_110303 101929295 Hs.735838 NR_110303 ENSG00000245552 LOC101929295 - uncharacterized LOC101929295 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5549 chr11 6502949 6503026 + 4.08250 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001242855) promoter-TSS (NM_001242855) -278 NM_001242854 23647 Hs.75139 NM_012402 HPRD:07209 ARFIP2 POR1 ADP-ribosylation factor interacting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11275 chr15 30764467 30764641 + 4.08246 NA Intergenic Intergenic -58091 NM_001282484 101059918 NM_001282484 GOLGA8R - golgin A8 family, member R protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37252 chrX 9372659 9372742 + 4.08246 NA Intergenic Intergenic -58635 NM_001139468 6907 Hs.495656 NM_005647 HPRD:02183 TBL1X EBI|SMAP55|TBL1 transducin (beta)-like 1X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22533 chr3 28457136 28457266 + 4.07491 NA intron (NM_001040432, intron 2 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 25214 NM_001040432 152098 Hs.510635 NM_001040432 ENSG00000206559 ZCWPW2 ZCW2 zinc finger, CW type with PWWP domain 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4674 chr10 82643659 82643725 + 4.07491 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 343117 NM_001145719 387694 Hs.147643 NM_207372 HPRD:18050 SH2D4B - SH2 domain containing 4B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5594 chr11 9532470 9532580 + 4.07491 NA intron (NM_001282657, intron 11 of 14) intron (NM_001282657, intron 11 of 14) 50013 NM_001282656 7702 Hs.523471 NM_003442 HPRD:04578 ZNF143 SBF|STAF|pHZ-1 zinc finger protein 143 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34057 chr8 75203999 75204089 + 4.07491 NA intron (NM_020647, intron 2 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 29518 NM_020647 56704 Hs.657367 NM_020647 HPRD:07286 JPH1 JP-1|JP1 junctophilin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1806 chr1 144496609 144496717 + 4.07414 NA intron (NM_001278267, intron 52 of 130) LTR73|LTR|ERV1 116056 NR_003242 767846 Hs.657186 NR_003242 PFN1P2 C1orf152|COAS3 profilin 1 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9347 chr13 34116361 34116427 + 4.07366 NA intron (NM_001243476, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_001243476, intron 3 of 17) 134578 NM_001243476 90627 Hs.156551 NM_052851 HPRD:11607 STARD13 ARHGAP37|DLC2|GT650|LINC00464 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30226 chr6 107979090 107979349 + 4.07311 NA intron (NM_018013, intron 6 of 6) intron (NM_018013, intron 6 of 6) 74381 NM_001286409 256380 Hs.486109 NM_198081 SCML4 dJ47M23.1 sex comb on midleg-like 4 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3002 chr1 216125028 216125114 + 4.07311 NA intron (NM_206933, intron 37 of 71) L1P1|LINE|L1 384336 NM_016121 51133 Hs.335139 NM_016121 HPRD:13766 KCTD3 NY-REN-45 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33221 chr8 534219 534285 + 4.07311 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -38471 NM_175075 157695 Hs.289293 NM_175075 HPRD:13740 TDRP C8orf42|Inm01|TDRP1|TDRP2 testis development related protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18338 chr2 90381206 90381363 + 4.06984 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 1269400 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36934 chrUn_gl000225 57210 57313 + 4.06949 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2293 chr1 160708964 160709084 + 4.06943 NA 5' UTR (NM_001282596, exon 1 of 5) 5' UTR (NM_001282596, exon 1 of 5) 177 NM_001282593 57823 Hs.517265 NM_021181 HPRD:09432 SLAMF7 19A|CD319|CRACC|CS1 SLAM family member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22828 chr3 50625988 50626115 + 4.06943 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17593 NM_001171741 51161 Hs.517860 NM_016210 HPRD:16654 C3orf18 G20 chromosome 3 open reading frame 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22920 chr3 57541980 57542046 + 4.06943 NA promoter-TSS (NM_177966) promoter-TSS (NM_177966) 32 NM_177966 201626 Hs.572993 NM_177966 PDE12 2'-PDE phosphodiesterase 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1798 chr1 144316366 144316474 + 4.06497 NA intron (NR_111953, intron 2 of 3) LTR73|LTR|ERV1 24339 NR_109754 728855 Hs.456578 NR_024510 ENSG00000235398 LINC00623 CH17-118O6.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 623 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24259 chr3 185655191 185655289 + 4.06497 NA intron (NM_004593, intron 1 of 8) CpG 684 NM_001243879 6434 Hs.533122 NM_004593 TRA2B Htra2-beta|PPP1R156|SFRS10|SRFS10|TRA2-BETA|TRAN2B transformer 2 beta homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1843 chr1 145369058 145369138 + 4.06340 NA non-coding (NR_104217, exon 17 of 18).3 non-coding (NR_104217, exon 17 of 18).3 -44093 NM_213653 148738 Hs.632436 NM_145277 HPRD:10521 HFE2 HFE2A|HJV|JH|RGMC hemochromatosis type 2 (juvenile) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20529 chr20 25846804 25846905 + 4.06340 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -12197 NR_110001 101926935 Hs.737440 NR_110001 LOC101926935 - uncharacterized LOC101926935 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33839 chr8 53485287 53485408 + 4.05879 NA Intergenic SVA_A|Other|Other -7326 NM_207413 389658 Hs.527111 NM_207413 HPRD:15623 FAM150A UNQ9433 family with sequence similarity 150, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8796 chr12 107711985 107712061 + 4.05879 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018072) promoter-TSS (NM_001018072) -174 NM_001018072 121551 Hs.271272 NM_152322 HPRD:12536 BTBD11 ABTB2B BTB (POZ) domain containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30251 chr6 109035702 109035874 + 4.05879 NA Intergenic L3|LINE|CR1 -37069 NR_033376 387111 Hs.520310 NR_033376 ENSG00000203801 LINC00222 C6orf181|NCRNA00222|dJ354J5.2 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 222 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35626 chr9 70417737 70417847 + 4.05879 NA Intergenic THE1B|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 11107 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17566 chr2 27861049 27861202 + 4.05879 NA intron (NM_001145047, intron 9 of 14) intron (NM_001145047, intron 9 of 14) -9227 NM_024584 79635 Hs.21081 NM_024584 HPRD:07834 CCDC121 - coiled-coil domain containing 121 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35080 chr9 20767427 20767530 + 4.05879 NA intron (NM_017794, intron 9 of 45) L1PA2|LINE|L1 51374 NR_030166 574444 NR_030166 MIR491 MIRN491|hsa-mir-491 microRNA 491 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11893 chr15 78832665 78832803 + 4.05879 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001102668) promoter-TSS (NM_001102668) -13 NM_001102668 5685 Hs.251531 NM_002789 HPRD:10168 PSMA4 HC9|HsT17706|PSC9 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type, 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26378 chr4 167772072 167772212 + 4.05879 NA intron (NM_016950, intron 7 of 11) L1HS|LINE|L1 383435 NM_001204353 50859 Hs.481133 NM_016950 HPRD:12147 SPOCK3 HSAJ1454|TES-3|TICN3 sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25829 chr4 113445085 113445172 + 4.05879 NA Intergenic CpG -7800 NM_024019 63973 Hs.744415 NM_024019 HPRD:06976 NEUROG2 Atoh4|Math4A|NGN2|bHLHa8|ngn-2 neurogenin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9670 chr13 71960647 71960798 + 4.05855 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 371449 NR_047699 100885781 Hs.372660 NR_047699 ENSG00000226846 LINC00348 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 348 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11059 chr14 104095396 104095545 + 4.05855 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130107) promoter-TSS (NM_001130107) -55 NM_001130107 3831 Hs.20107 NM_005552 HPRD:02489 KLC1 KLC|KNS2|KNS2A kinesin light chain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32944 chr7 143824967 143825041 + 4.05855 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1202 NM_001001659 135941 Hs.534547 NM_001001659 HPRD:14930 OR2A14 OR2A14P|OR2A6|OST182 olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily A, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7526 chr12 12867735 12867877 + 4.05099 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2398 NM_004064 1027 Hs.238990 NM_004064 HPRD:02867 CDKN1B CDKN4|KIP1|MEN1B|MEN4|P27KIP1 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (p27, Kip1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30772 chr6 150284967 150285053 + 4.04950 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025218) promoter-TSS (NM_025218) -133 NM_025218 80329 Hs.653255 NM_025218 HPRD:09297 ULBP1 RAET1I UL16 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2909 chr1 206751679 206751790 + 4.04892 NA intron (NM_182665, intron 1 of 4) MIR|SINE|MIR 21242 NM_182665 83593 Hs.497579 NM_031437 HPRD:06117 RASSF5 Maxp1|NORE1|NORE1A|NORE1B|RAPL|RASSF3 Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21297 chr21 27543166 27543232 + 4.04365 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000484) promoter-TSS (NM_000484) -61 NM_001204301 351 Hs.434980 NM_000484 HPRD:00100 APP AAA|ABETA|ABPP|AD1|APPI|CTFgamma|CVAP|PN-II|PN2 amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25462 chr4 79223429 79223593 + 4.04365 NA intron (NM_001166133, intron 14 of 41) L1PA3|LINE|L1 244787 NM_001166133 80144 Hs.369448 NM_020875 HPRD:06382 FRAS1 - Fraser extracellular matrix complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33680 chr8 42948614 42948680 + 4.04365 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032237) promoter-TSS (NM_032237) -2 NM_001277971 84197 Hs.491646 NM_032237 HPRD:08668 POMK MDDGA12|SGK196 protein-O-mannose kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29069 chr6 15662683 15662865 + 4.04365 NA intron (NR_036448, intron 1 of 9) CpG 515 NR_036448 84062 Hs.571148 NM_032122 HPRD:06190 DTNBP1 BLOC1S8|DBND|HPS7|My031|SDY dystrobrevin binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25483 chr4 81123450 81123540 + 4.04365 NA exon (NM_001099403, exon 4 of 4) exon (NM_001099403, exon 4 of 4) 4838 NM_001099403 56978 Hs.373642 NM_020226 HPRD:17904 PRDM8 PFM5 PR domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33651 chr8 41372567 41372714 + 4.04277 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14085 NM_032336 84296 Hs.656996 NM_032336 HPRD:11583 GINS4 SLD5 GINS complex subunit 4 (Sld5 homolog) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18846 chr2 127729730 127729805 + 4.04277 NA Intergenic CpG 135136 NM_139343 274 Hs.193163 NM_004305 HPRD:03150 BIN1 AMPH2|AMPHL|SH3P9 bridging integrator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27277 chr5 51994649 51994715 + 4.04277 NA Intergenic L1PA16|LINE|L1 -89092 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30405 chr6 120063483 120063575 + 4.04277 NA Intergenic Intergenic -251062 NR_046100 285762 Hs.571063 NR_046100 LOC285762 - uncharacterized LOC285762 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3338 chr1 236006795 236006872 + 4.04277 NA intron (NM_001301365, intron 1 of 52) intron (NM_001301365, intron 1 of 52) 9527 NR_031718 100302139 NR_031718 miRBase:MI0007258 MIR1537 MIRN1537|hsa-mir-1537 microRNA 1537 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19045 chr2 137833697 137833763 + 4.04277 NA intron (NM_001080427, intron 2 of 26) L1PA4|LINE|L1 85268 NM_001080427 80731 Hs.68533 NM_001080427 ENSG00000144229 THSD7B - thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19751 chr2 204676484 204676606 + 4.04277 NA Intergenic Intergenic -55966 NM_001037631 1493 Hs.247824 NM_005214 HPRD:00474 CTLA4 CD|CD152|CELIAC3|CTLA-4|GRD4|GSE|IDDM12 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36357 chr9 131902411 131902477 + 4.04277 NA intron (NM_001271832, intron 7 of 8) intron (NM_001271832, intron 7 of 8) 28477 NM_001193397 5524 Hs.400740 NM_021131 HPRD:02858 PPP2R4 PP2A|PR53|PTPA protein phosphatase 2A activator, regulatory subunit 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16548 chr19 37762669 37762828 + 4.03805 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -2836 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33671 chr8 42249856 42249964 + 4.02947 NA intron (NM_005662, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_005662, intron 1 of 9) 631 NM_001135694 7419 Hs.699301 NM_005662 HPRD:06750 VDAC3 HD-VDAC3|VDAC-3 voltage-dependent anion channel 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20407 chr20 12323396 12323462 + 4.02947 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 424916 NM_014962 22903 Hs.709366 NM_014962 HPRD:12538 BTBD3 dJ742J24.1 BTB (POZ) domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10860 chr14 90092578 90092730 + 4.02947 NA Intergenic L1MD3|LINE|L1 -7160 NM_001085471 1112 Hs.434286 NM_005197 HPRD:07533 FOXN3 C14orf116|CHES1|PRO1635 forkhead box N3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22908 chr3 56766802 56767052 + 4.02935 NA intron (NM_001289698, intron 9 of 10) AluSx|SINE|Alu 42818 NM_001128616 50650 Hs.476402 NM_019555 HPRD:12480 ARHGEF3 GEF3|STA3|XPLN Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32109 chr7 74072831 74072930 + 4.02663 NA intron (NM_001280800, intron 1 of 9) CpG 889 NM_001163636 2969 Hs.647041 NM_001518 HPRD:03399 GTF2I BAP135|BTKAP1|DIWS|GTFII-I|IB291|SPIN|TFII-I|WBS|WBSCR6 general transcription factor IIi protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32597 chr7 114562935 114563042 + 4.02663 NA exon (NM_001166346, exon 2 of 3) exon (NM_001166346, exon 2 of 3) 779 NM_001166345 29969 Hs.741413 NM_199072 HPRD:17103 MDFIC HIC MyoD family inhibitor domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4758 chr10 90750554 90750642 + 4.02663 NA TTS (NR_028371) TTS (NR_028371) 310 NR_028033 355 Hs.244139 NM_000043 HPRD:00609 FAS ALPS1A|APO-1|APT1|CD95|FAS1|FASTM|TNFRSF6 Fas cell surface death receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8319 chr12 65073668 65073737 + 4.02663 NA intron (NR_040718, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_040718, intron 1 of 3) -57317 NR_037515 100500856 NR_037515 MIR548Z - microRNA 548z ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26919 chr5 29490211 29490301 + 4.02663 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -94173 NR_104628 101929681 Hs.549659 NR_104628 LOC101929681 - uncharacterized LOC101929681 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32023 chr7 65445834 65445964 + 4.02580 NA intron (NM_001284290, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001284290, intron 1 of 9) 1402 NM_001284290 2990 Hs.255230 NM_000181 HPRD:02018 GUSB BG|MPS7 glucuronidase, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14386 chr17 43677591 43677657 + 4.01643 NA non-coding (NR_026901, exon 1 of 1) non-coding (NR_026901, exon 1 of 1) 2124 NR_026901 644172 Hs.448859 NR_026901 LOC644172 - mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24585 chr4 6785089 6785155 + 4.01548 NA intron (NM_001100590, intron 1 of 8) CpG 663 NM_014743 9778 Hs.79276 NM_014743 HPRD:11070 KIAA0232 - KIAA0232 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37362 chrX 19809860 19809986 + 4.01498 NA intron (NM_031892, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_031892, intron 2 of 17) 7994 NM_001024666 30011 Hs.726365 NM_031892 HPRD:02301 SH3KBP1 CD2BP3|CIN85|GIG10|HSB-1|HSB1|MIG18 SH3-domain kinase binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5634 chr11 10988798 10988909 + 4.01498 NA Intergenic L1P2|LINE|L1 109089 NR_034137 729013 Hs.726427 NR_034137 ENSG00000247271 ZBED5-AS1 - ZBED5 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23570 chr3 122660221 122660302 + 4.01498 NA intron (NM_001256347, intron 4 of 22) MIRb|SINE|MIR 34720 NM_001256347 54437 Hs.210870 NM_018987 HPRD:15322 SEMA5B SEMAG|SemG sema domain, seven thrombospondin repeats (type 1 and type 1-like), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 5B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9240 chr13 24804675 24804845 + 4.01498 NA intron (NM_001286792, intron 4 of 14) MIR|SINE|MIR 23817 NR_046531 100874231 Hs.577998 NR_046531 ENSG00000227213 SPATA13-AS1 - SPATA13 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12081 chr15 91432804 91432928 + 4.01498 NA exon (NM_001143783, exon 5 of 17) exon (NM_001143783, exon 5 of 17) 4590 NM_001143783 2242 Hs.7636 NM_002005 HPRD:01814 FES FPS FES proto-oncogene, tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20383 chr20 8001108 8001176 + 4.01359 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021156) promoter-TSS (NM_021156) -749 NM_021156 56255 Hs.169358 NM_021156 TMX4 DJ971N18.2|PDIA14|TXNDC13 thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11484 chr15 44828863 44828958 + 4.01359 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003758) promoter-TSS (NM_003758) 188 NR_034171 645212 Hs.594287 NR_034170 EIF3J-AS1 - EIF3J antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21094 chr21 10014788 10014854 + 4.01356 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46227 NR_038328 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30342 chr6 115126932 115127061 + 4.01062 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -742955 NM_153612 222537 Hs.645477 NM_153612 HPRD:13674 HS3ST5 3-OST-5|3OST5|HS3OST5|NBLA04021 heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32341 chr7 96338749 96338816 + 4.01062 NA intron (NM_006304, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_006304, intron 1 of 2) 421 NM_006304 7979 Hs.489201 NM_006304 SHFM1 DSS1|ECD|SEM1|SHFD1|SHSF1|Shfdg1 split hand/foot malformation (ectrodactyly) type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38794 chrX 139015311 139015377 + 4.00354 NA Intergenic CpG -8954 NR_030230 574508 NR_030230 MIR505 MIRN505|hsa-mir-505 microRNA 505 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36511 chr9 139990575 139990660 + 4.00354 NA intron (NR_045721, intron 4 of 13) intron (NR_045721, intron 4 of 13) 9238 NR_045720 11253 Hs.279881 NM_016219 HPRD:05068 MAN1B1 ERMAN1|MANA-ER|MRT15 mannosidase, alpha, class 1B, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21839 chr22 26880440 26880513 + 4.00354 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022081) promoter-TSS (NM_022081) 626 NM_001013694 402055 Hs.709914 NM_001013694 SRRD HC/HCC|SRR1L SRR1 domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11339 chr15 34841626 34841743 + 4.00149 NA intron (NR_027410, intron 5 of 23) intron (NR_027410, intron 5 of 23) -13462 NM_001023567 440270 Hs.720151 NM_001023567 HPRD:18635 GOLGA8B GOLGA5 golgin A8 family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11843 chr15 75497273 75497339 + 4.00149 NA intron (NM_015492, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_015492, intron 1 of 2) 3085 NM_015492 56905 Hs.17936 NM_015492 HPRD:13154 C15orf39 - chromosome 15 open reading frame 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32708 chr7 128296591 128296731 + 4.00144 NA non-coding (NR_024368, exon 5 of 5) non-coding (NR_024368, exon 5 of 5) 15366 NR_024368 402483 Hs.722350 NM_001039682 LINC01000 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1000 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4825 chr10 95462669 95462800 + 4.00068 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145246) promoter-TSS (NM_145246) -405 NM_145246 118924 Hs.586650 NM_145246 HPRD:12319 FRA10AC1 C10orf4|F26C11.1-like|FRA10A fragile site, folic acid type, rare, fra(10)(q23.3) or fra(10)(q24.2) candidate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21091 chr21 9967050 9967151 + 3.99581 NA intron (NR_038327, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_038327, intron 1 of 3) 1494 NR_038327 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32267 chr7 87831752 87831841 + 3.99449 NA 3' UTR (NM_021723, exon 31 of 31) 3' UTR (NM_021723, exon 31 of 31) -14179 NR_120517 102723885 Hs.489040 NR_120517 LOC102723885 - uncharacterized LOC102723885 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25353 chr4 69241846 69241915 + 3.99449 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26056 NM_001031732 91746 Hs.175955 NM_133370 HPRD:11689 YTHDC1 YT521|YT521-B YTH domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18450 chr2 92310691 92310795 + 3.99413 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 181584 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16053 chr19 14883766 14883832 + 3.99052 NA intron (NM_013447, intron 4 of 20) AluSz|SINE|Alu 3940 NM_001271052 30817 Hs.531619 NM_013447 HPRD:07308 EMR2 CD312 egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20245 chr2 242810337 242810469 + 3.98932 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1483 NM_173821 285093 Hs.376307 NM_173821 RTP5 C2orf85|CXXC11|Z3CXXC5 receptor (chemosensory) transporter protein 5 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9568 chr13 50939554 50939679 + 3.98632 NA intron (NR_109974, intron 2 of 6) LTR88b|LTR|Gypsy? 161969 NR_125753 103689915 Hs.722230 NR_125753 DLEU1-AS1 LINC01308 DLEU1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34573 chr8 125605318 125605392 + 3.98632 NA intron (NM_001282974, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_001282974, intron 3 of 13) 54012 NM_001278645 4715 Hs.15977 NM_005005 HPRD:03264 NDUFB9 B22|CI-B22|LYRM3|UQOR22 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex, 9, 22kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11620 chr15 56403011 56403144 + 3.98632 NA intron (NM_022841, intron 4 of 8) SVA_D|Other|Other -117133 NM_006154 4734 Hs.1565 NM_006154 HPRD:03786 NEDD4 NEDD4-1|RPF1 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5083 chr10 114149238 114149470 + 3.98632 NA intron (NM_016234, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_016234, intron 1 of 20) 13398 NM_016234 51703 Hs.11638 NM_016234 HPRD:16139 ACSL5 ACS2|ACS5|FACL5 acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3726 chr10 17071658 17071756 + 3.98248 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 27 of 66) intron (NM_001081, intron 27 of 66) 100109 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36614 chr9_gl000199_random 89717 89810 + 3.98176 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11237 chr15 28631913 28632015 + 3.97904 NA intron (NR_033353, intron 12 of 17) intron (NR_033353, intron 12 of 17) 8180 NR_033353 283768 Hs.169639 NM_001012420 HPRD:17331 GOLGA8G - golgin A8 family, member G pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19190 chr2 158277514 158277601 + 3.97872 NA intron (NM_004288, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_004288, intron 6 of 7) 23047 NM_004288 9595 Hs.270 NM_004288 HPRD:09192 CYTIP B3-1|CASP|CYBR|CYTHIP|HE|PSCDBP cytohesin 1 interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19393 chr2 174397437 174397503 + 3.97853 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 177909 NM_145810 83879 Hs.470654 NM_031942 HPRD:09874 CDCA7 JPO1 cell division cycle associated 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7436 chr12 8797630 8797750 + 3.97853 NA TTS (NM_001297711) TTS (NM_001297711) 17794 NM_001297709 8076 Hs.512842 NM_003480 HPRD:03063 MFAP5 MAGP-2|MAGP2|MFAP-5|MP25 microfibrillar associated protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37300 chrX 13753157 13753296 + 3.97781 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014563) promoter-TSS (NM_014563) 394 NM_003611 8481 Hs.6483 NM_003611 HPRD:02162 OFD1 71-7A|CXorf5|JBTS10|RP23|SGBS2 oral-facial-digital syndrome 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11319 chr15 32893892 32893988 + 3.97262 NA intron (NM_001282494, intron 13 of 18) intron (NM_001282494, intron 13 of 18) 8283 NM_001282494 643699 Hs.672754 NM_001282494 ENSG00000232653 GOLGA8N GOLGA8R golgin A8 family, member N protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26569 chr4 187547123 187547299 + 3.97204 NA intron (NM_005245, intron 9 of 26) intron (NM_005245, intron 9 of 26) -70674 NM_005958 4543 Hs.243467 NM_005958 HPRD:02812 MTNR1A MEL-1A-R|MT1 melatonin receptor 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21512 chr21 46860412 46860512 + 3.97204 NA intron (NM_130445, intron 2 of 42) CpG -14962 NM_030582 80781 Hs.517356 NM_030582 HPRD:00382 COL18A1 KNO|KNO1|KS collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23121 chr3 75884313 75884379 + 3.97204 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -49612 NM_001290210 100131827 Hs.556877 NM_001128223 ENSG00000227124 ZNF717 X17|ZNF838 zinc finger protein 717 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21053 chr20 62923945 62924045 + 3.96851 NA intron (NR_040415, intron 1 of 2) intron (NR_040415, intron 1 of 2) 2257 NR_040415 140849 Hs.745565 NR_040415 LINC00266-1 C20orf69|NCRNA00266|NCRNA00266-1|bA476I15.3 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 266-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35544 chr9 69051515 69051648 + 3.96770 NA Intergenic Intergenic 96273 NR_002836 595135 Hs.571593 NR_002836 ENSG00000227558 PGM5P2 - phosphoglucomutase 5 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25502 chr4 82393491 82393576 + 3.96712 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001300736) promoter-TSS (NM_001300736) -451 NM_001300736 153020 Hs.591696 NM_152545 HPRD:17955 RASGEF1B GPIG4 RasGEF domain family, member 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35524 chr9 68477159 68477233 + 3.96491 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22821 NR_033907 642236 Hs.529357 NR_033907 LOC642236 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16006 chr19 13228890 13229098 + 3.96459 NA promoter-TSS (NM_052876) promoter-TSS (NM_052876) -108 NM_052876 112939 Hs.531614 NM_052876 HPRD:10692 NACC1 BEND8|BTBD14B|BTBD30|NAC-1|NAC1 nucleus accumbens associated 1, BEN and BTB (POZ) domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4246 chr10 43959874 43959960 + 3.96459 NA intron (NR_026693, intron 1 of 3) SVA_D|Other|Other 27343 NR_026693 642819 Hs.719657 NR_026693 ZNF487 KRBO1|ZNF487P zinc finger protein 487 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32607 chr7 115790780 115790917 + 3.96279 NA Intergenic Intergenic -59699 NM_015641 26136 Hs.592286 NM_015641 HPRD:05833 TES TESS|TESS-2 testis derived transcript (3 LIM domains) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17549 chr2 27545944 27546031 + 3.96279 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002437) promoter-TSS (NM_002437) -18 NM_002437 4358 Hs.75659 NM_002437 HPRD:08847 MPV17 MTDPS6|SYM1 MpV17 mitochondrial inner membrane protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10795 chr14 78047659 78047781 + 3.96279 NA intron (NM_004863, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_004863, intron 2 of 11) 35390 NM_004863 9517 Hs.435661 NM_004863 HPRD:05755 SPTLC2 HSN1C|LCB2|LCB2A|NSAN1C|SPT2|hLCB2a serine palmitoyltransferase, long chain base subunit 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26969 chr5 35617805 35617894 + 3.96279 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144722) promoter-TSS (NM_144722) -140 NM_144722 79925 Hs.298863 NM_024867 HPRD:11181 SPEF2 CT122|KPL2 sperm flagellar 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15932 chr19 10676678 10676803 + 3.96253 NA promoter-TSS (NM_023008) promoter-TSS (NM_023008) -38 NM_023008 65095 Hs.709967 NM_023008 HPRD:10969 KRI1 - KRI1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26257 chr4 153701374 153701454 + 3.96067 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145720) promoter-TSS (NM_145720) 325 NM_014447 27236 Hs.416089 NM_014447 HPRD:09331 ARFIP1 HSU52521 ADP-ribosylation factor interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20736 chr20 37504143 37504255 + 3.95853 NA intron (NM_015568, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_015568, intron 2 of 10) -50756 NM_030919 81610 Hs.726442 NM_030919 HPRD:12744 FAM83D C20orf129|CHICA|dJ616B8.3 family with sequence similarity 83, member D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8547 chr12 87239959 87240081 + 3.95781 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -7339 NM_013244 25834 Hs.589093 NM_013244 HPRD:09575 MGAT4C GNTIVH|HGNT-IV-H MGAT4 family, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10915 chr14 92587976 92588102 + 3.95781 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017437) promoter-TSS (NM_017437) 114 NM_004545 4707 Hs.183435 NM_004545 NDUFB1 CI-MNLL|CI-SGDH|MNLL NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex, 1, 7kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12612 chr16 29160457 29160523 + 3.95781 NA Intergenic Intergenic 74327 NR_003369 653390 Hs.720348 NR_003369 ENSG00000103472 RRN3P2 - RNA polymerase I transcription factor homolog (S. cerevisiae) pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28445 chr5 144800547 144800633 + 3.95781 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 414342 NM_138492 153768 Hs.314261 NM_138492 HPRD:14479 PRELID2 - PRELI domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37126 chrUn_gl000245 35794 35917 + 3.95653 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36730 chrUn_gl000216 2085 2297 + 3.95309 NA NA (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16505 chr19 36632069 36632235 + 3.95164 NA intron (NM_001003962, intron 2 of 10) intron (NM_001003962, intron 2 of 10) 1234 NM_001749 826 Hs.515371 NM_001749 HPRD:00240 CAPNS1 30K|CALPAIN4|CANP|CANPS|CAPN4|CDPS|CSS1 calpain, small subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34777 chr8 143484589 143484691 + 3.95164 NA promoter-TSS (NM_145003) promoter-TSS (NM_145003) -30 NM_001291931 203062 Hs.370931 NM_145003 HPRD:08708 TSNARE1 - t-SNARE domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34440 chr8 113708869 113708989 + 3.95164 NA intron (NM_198124, intron 14 of 71) L1PA5|LINE|L1 53207 NR_031745 100302225 NR_031745 miRBase:MI0010487 MIR2053 hsa-mir-2053 microRNA 2053 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38464 chrX 107524263 107524372 + 3.94949 NA intron (NM_001287758, intron 3 of 45) L1PA3|LINE|L1 157343 NM_001287760 1288 Hs.145586 NM_001847 HPRD:02364 COL4A6 CXDELq22.3|DELXq22.3|DFNX6 collagen, type IV, alpha 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8588 chr12 90257913 90257985 + 3.94358 NA Intergenic Intergenic 155217 NR_028138 338758 Hs.601766 NR_028138 ENSG00000271614 LINC00936 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 936 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18632 chr2 106370627 106370800 + 3.94358 NA intron (NM_001004722, intron 1 of 3) Helitron3Na_Mam|RC|Helitron 9193 NM_001004722 8440 Hs.529244 NM_003581 HPRD:05378 NCK2 GRB4|NCKbeta NCK adaptor protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26046 chr4 132658684 132658758 + 3.94067 NA Intergenic SST1|Satellite|centr -1411749 NM_032961 57575 Hs.192859 NM_020815 PCDH10 OL-PCDH|PCDH19 protocadherin 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18567 chr2 99266056 99266141 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_012214, intron 8 of 15) intron (NM_012214, intron 8 of 15) 13838 NM_001160154 11320 Hs.177576 NM_012214 HPRD:06860 MGAT4A GNT-IV|GNT-IVA|GnT-4a mannosyl (alpha-1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, isozyme A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18784 chr2 118217264 118217370 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -354938 NM_006773 8886 Hs.744922 NM_006773 HPRD:05894 DDX18 MrDb DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8443 chr12 73590992 73591280 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_110130, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 38166 NR_110130 101928137 Hs.694666 NR_110130 ENSG00000258123 LOC101928137 - uncharacterized LOC101928137 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11459 chr15 43306436 43306593 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_174916, intron 29 of 46) SVA_D|Other|Other 91772 NM_174916 197131 Hs.591121 NM_174916 HPRD:09342 UBR1 JBS ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26425 chr4 174415679 174415762 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 35658 NM_021973 9464 Hs.388245 NM_021973 HPRD:03872 HAND2 DHAND2|Hed|Thing2|bHLHa26|dHand heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1049 chr1 66680683 66680760 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001037340, intron 1 of 14) intron (NM_001037340, intron 1 of 14) -117070 NM_001037339 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31182 chr7 2077685 2077751 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001013836, intron 12 of 18) Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -193829 NR_039799 100616160 NR_039799 MIR4655 - microRNA 4655 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24251 chr3 185072043 185072109 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001242317, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_001242317, intron 2 of 12) -8760 NM_004721 9175 Hs.591306 NM_004721 HPRD:05372 MAP3K13 LZK|MEKK13|MLK mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20940 chr20 54949171 54949323 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_198437, intron 6 of 8) intron (NM_198437, intron 6 of 8) 15264 NM_080821 116151 Hs.143736 NM_080821 HPRD:12737 FAM210B 5A3|C20orf108|dJ1167H4.1 family with sequence similarity 210, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37719 chrX 56163690 56163851 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -95052 NM_007250 11279 Hs.646614 NM_007250 HPRD:02238 KLF8 BKLF3|ZNF741 Kruppel-like factor 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30158 chr6 100194358 100194440 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 139749 NM_021620 59336 Hs.287386 NM_021620 PRDM13 MU-MB-20.220|PFM10 PR domain containing 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6687 chr11 81697315 81697487 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_120571, intron 6 of 7) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -95523 NR_036186 100422823 NR_036186 miRBase:MI0015831 MIR4300 - microRNA 4300 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3470 chr1 248247538 248247654 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_175911, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_175911, intron 1 of 2) 23612 NM_001004687 391192 Hs.690412 NM_001004687 HPRD:14943 OR2L3 - olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily L, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27844 chr5 96204731 96204797 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -6880 NM_022350 64167 Hs.482910 NM_022350 HPRD:14306 ERAP2 L-RAP|LRAP endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14564 chr17 57577371 57577454 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_110813, intron 2 of 2) SVA_D|Other|Other 26806 NR_110813 101927728 Hs.569720 NR_110813 ENSG00000265313 LINC01476 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1476 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34641 chr8 131316790 131316984 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_018482, intron 3 of 29) intron (NM_018482, intron 3 of 29) -8108 NR_002765 29065 Hs.639318 NR_002765 ASAP1-IT1 ASAP1-IT|ASAP1IT|ASAP1IT1|DDEF1IT1|HSPC054|NCRNA00050 ASAP1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6518 chr11 68518994 68519184 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004923) promoter-TSS (NM_004923) -101 NM_004923 9633 Hs.145932 NM_004923 HPRD:09186 MTL5 CXCDC2|MTLT|TESMIN metallothionein-like 5, testis-specific (tesmin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20389 chr20 8409812 8409894 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_015192, intron 3 of 31) intron (NM_015192, intron 3 of 31) 296941 NM_015192 23236 Hs.431173 NM_015192 HPRD:06177 PLCB1 EIEE12|PI-PLC|PLC-154|PLC-I|PLC154|PLCB1A|PLCB1B phospholipase C, beta 1 (phosphoinositide-specific) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17437 chr2 14535934 14536141 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_103814, intron 1 of 3) (TATATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 5045 NR_103814 100499171 Hs.565606 NR_103814 ENSG00000230448 LINC00276 NCRNA00276 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 276 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5015 chr10 108610117 108610220 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001013031, intron 2 of 26) L1PA2|LINE|L1 314298 NM_001206572 114815 Hs.591915 NM_052918 HPRD:12098 SORCS1 hSorCS sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35062 chr9 19976458 19976526 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic MSTA|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -189475 NM_020344 25769 Hs.283014 NM_020344 HPRD:15351 SLC24A2 NCKX2 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28572 chr5 152407256 152407326 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -55382 NR_109877 101927134 Hs.531423 NR_109877 ENSG00000249484 LINC01470 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1470 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22260 chr3 8433399 8433553 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_033378, intron 3 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 109868 NR_033378 100288428 Hs.651576 NR_033378 ENSG00000227110 LMCD1-AS1 - LMCD1 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12000 chr15 85839953 85840019 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -83861 NM_007200 11214 Hs.459211 NM_006738 HPRD:05253 AKAP13 AKAP-13|AKAP-Lbc|ARHGEF13|BRX|HA-3|Ht31|LBC|PRKA13|PROTO-LB|PROTO-LBC|c-lbc|p47 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17405 chr2 11777112 11777195 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_014668, intron 30 of 32) (CAGAGA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 33176 NM_012344 23620 Hs.131138 NM_012344 HPRD:05704 NTSR2 NTR2 neurotensin receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29460 chr6 34164170 34164294 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic CpG -40345 NM_145903 3159 Hs.518805 NM_002131 HPRD:02829 HMGA1 HMG-R|HMGA1A|HMGIY high mobility group AT-hook 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16838 chr19 47439960 47440034 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_004491, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_004491, intron 1 of 5) 18064 NM_004491 2909 Hs.509447 NM_004491 HPRD:05592 ARHGAP35 GRF-1|GRLF1|P190-A|P190A|p190ARhoGAP|p190RhoGAP Rho GTPase activating protein 35 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26848 chr5 17594356 17594488 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -207003 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23337 chr3 102366674 102366781 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 212868 NM_175056 131368 Hs.352213 NM_175056 HPRD:14048 ZPLD1 - zona pellucida-like domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18416 chr2 92245205 92245319 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 116103 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1134 chr1 76540273 76540415 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001160011) promoter-TSS (NM_001160011) -45 NM_152996 256435 Hs.337040 NM_152996 ST6GALNAC3 PRO7177|SIAT7C|ST6GALNACIII|STY ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36076 chr9 111010403 111010537 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic (CACAC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 607805 NM_006686 10880 Hs.534390 NM_006686 ACTL7B Tact1 actin-like 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9078 chr12 129502707 129502900 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -91432 NR_104173 283352 Hs.665667 NR_104172 ENSG00000249196 LOC283352 - uncharacterized LOC283352 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11616 chr15 56122167 56122233 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_104302, intron 20 of 20) intron (NR_104302, intron 20 of 20) -87023 NM_173814 283659 Hs.130957 NM_173814 HPRD:18765 PRTG IGDCC5 protogenin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15567 chr18 72342215 72342286 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001146190) promoter-TSS (NM_001146190) -669 NM_001146190 55628 Hs.536490 NM_017757 HPRD:11713 ZNF407 - zinc finger protein 407 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5252 chr10 129437095 129437198 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 89533 NM_001030013 594857 Hs.643423 NM_001030013 ENSG00000214285 NPS - neuropeptide S protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14446 chr17 46372908 46372978 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_003726, intron 4 of 12) intron (NM_003726, intron 4 of 12) 134651 NM_001075099 8631 Hs.316931 NM_003726 HPRD:05396 SKAP1 HEL-S-81p|SCAP1|SKAP55 src kinase associated phosphoprotein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30219 chr6 107045816 107046083 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_032730, intron 5 of 8) L1PA2|LINE|L1 31424 NM_032730 84816 Hs.155839 NM_032730 RTN4IP1 NIMP reticulon 4 interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6284 chr11 60789261 60789398 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 50216 NM_001254750 923 Hs.744366 NM_006725 HPRD:01724 CD6 TP120 CD6 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23176 chr3 88081105 88081203 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 26992 NM_001008390 8545 Hs.444818 NM_003663 HPRD:04529 CGGBP1 CGGBP|p20-CGGBP CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1241 chr1 87510599 87510665 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_012262, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_012262, intron 1 of 6) -84816 NR_026989 339524 Hs.306423 NM_207357 HPRD:14169 LINC01140 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1140 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18331 chr2 90371751 90371855 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 1259919 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29539 chr6 38540066 38540256 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001172418, intron 5 of 10) intron (NM_001172418, intron 5 of 10) 23682 NM_001172418 114781 Hs.603858 NM_052893 HPRD:12543 BTBD9 dJ322I12.1 BTB (POZ) domain containing 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16497 chr19 36450090 36450239 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic CpG 22142 NM_024509 79414 Hs.143792 NM_024509 HPRD:14309 LRFN3 FIGLER1|SALM4 leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31374 chr7 19204001 19204143 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -19028 NM_152898 222894 Hs.592168 NM_152898 HPRD:16890 FERD3L N-TWIST|NATO3|NTWIST|bHLHa31 Fer3-like bHLH transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22755 chr3 48031547 48031647 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_002375, intron 2 of 18) intron (NM_002375, intron 2 of 18) 99172 NM_030885 4134 Hs.517949 NM_002375 HPRD:01141 MAP4 - microtubule-associated protein 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21816 chr22 24770100 24770233 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001254732, intron 13 of 14) L1PA4|LINE|L1 32090 NM_001254733 23384 Hs.474384 NM_015330 HPRD:11080 SPECC1L CYTSA|OBLFC1 sperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8597 chr12 91417317 91417422 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18566 NM_004950 1833 Hs.435680 NM_004950 HPRD:15988 EPYC DSPG3|PGLB|Pg-Lb|SLRR3B epiphycan protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3023 chr1 220065679 220065745 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_002753, intron 1 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 19093 NR_002753 26828 NR_002753 ENSG00000199377 RNU5F-1 RNU5F|U5F RNA, U5F small nuclear 1 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30985 chr6 162067245 162067394 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_004562, intron 7 of 11) CpG -372212 NM_020133 56895 Hs.353175 NM_020133 HPRD:12437 AGPAT4 1-AGPAT4|LPAAT-delta|dJ473J16.2 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33034 chr7 151517547 151517638 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_016203, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_016203, intron 1 of 15) -5635 NM_001040633 51422 Hs.647072 NM_016203 HPRD:04119 PRKAG2 AAKG|AAKG2|CMH6|H91620p|WPWS protein kinase, AMP-activated, gamma 2 non-catalytic subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31123 chr6 171054027 171054279 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic MER31-int|LTR|ERV1 -160373 NM_001199461 5134 Hs.367900 NM_002598 HPRD:02922 PDCD2 RP8|ZMYND7 programmed cell death 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35985 chr9 102009352 102009520 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 24866 NM_006808 10952 Hs.191887 NM_006808 HPRD:06715 SEC61B - Sec61 beta subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23973 chr3 156837299 156837436 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_034007, intron 1 of 3) MER101|LTR|ERV1 3424 NR_034007 339894 Hs.478050 NR_034007 ENSG00000243629 LINC00880 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 880 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27348 chr5 56814038 56814104 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic SVA_A|Other|Other -35435 NM_001017992 345651 Hs.482167 NM_001017992 HPRD:18598 ACTBL2 ACT actin, beta-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8685 chr12 97040649 97040812 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -246364 NM_001170464 5128 Hs.506415 NM_002595 HPRD:09141 CDK17 PCTAIRE2|PCTK2 cyclin-dependent kinase 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17652 chr2 36203483 36203585 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 379179 NR_037631 100288911 Hs.432924 NR_037631 LOC100288911 - uncharacterized LOC100288911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20747 chr20 38212830 38212909 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -359478 NR_027124 339568 Hs.434319 NR_027124 ENSG00000230324 LOC339568 - uncharacterized LOC339568 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38647 chrX 128219227 128219331 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 438203 NM_001282874 6594 Hs.152292 NM_003069 HPRD:02055 SMARCA1 ISWI|NURF140|SNF2L|SNF2L1|SNF2LB|SNF2LT|SWI|SWI2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13235 chr16 68362640 68362744 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001290018, intron 5 of 18) intron (NM_001290018, intron 5 of 18) 17675 NM_001290018 54496 Hs.653193 NM_019023 HPRD:15174 PRMT7 - protein arginine methyltransferase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33368 chr8 11359224 11359337 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001715, intron 1 of 12) MER63C|DNA|hAT-Blackjack 7759 NM_001715 640 Hs.146591 NM_001715 HPRD:01866 BLK MODY11 BLK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9261 chr13 26567380 26567493 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_016529, intron 35 of 36) L1MD1|LINE|L1 57762 NM_001007538 387914 Hs.433791 NM_001007538 HPRD:16589 SHISA2 C13orf13|PRO28631|TMEM46|WGAR9166|bA398O19.2|hShisa shisa family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34986 chr9 7935801 7935924 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -136063 NM_033428 90871 Hs.7517 NM_033428 HPRD:12939 TMEM261 C9orf123 transmembrane protein 261 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32207 chr7 81072481 81072547 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 326938 NM_001010933 3082 Hs.396530 NM_000601 HPRD:00799 HGF DFNB39|F-TCF|HGFB|HPTA|SF hepatocyte growth factor (hepapoietin A; scatter factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26223 chr4 151788370 151788438 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_006726, intron 22 of 57) intron (NM_006726, intron 22 of 57) 148015 NM_001199282 987 Hs.480938 NM_006726 HPRD:07344 LRBA BGL|CDC4L|CVID8|LAB300|LBA LPS-responsive vesicle trafficking, beach and anchor containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35758 chr9 82246077 82246171 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001282748, intron 6 of 20) intron (NM_001282748, intron 6 of 20) 59436 NR_104239 7091 Hs.444213 NM_007005 ENSG00000106829 TLE4 BCE-1|BCE1|E(spI)|ESG|ESG4|GRG4 transducin-like enhancer of split 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16705 chr19 42612809 42612898 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_002698, intron 5 of 13) intron (NM_002698, intron 5 of 13) 23772 NM_001207025 5452 Hs.147381 NM_002698 HPRD:01251 POU2F2 OCT2|OTF2|Oct-2 POU class 2 homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20394 chr20 9959195 9959274 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7747 NR_109861 101929371 Hs.619265 NR_109861 ENSG00000243961 LOC101929371 - uncharacterized LOC101929371 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33676 chr8 42781913 42782052 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_032410, intron 3 of 21) L1MD2|LINE|L1 29949 NM_032410 84376 Hs.162852 NM_032410 HPRD:09699 HOOK3 HK3 hook microtubule-tethering protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32866 chr7 140736680 140736753 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -21935 NM_053035 51650 Hs.416207 NM_016071 HPRD:17598 MRPS33 MRP-S33|PTD003|S33mt mitochondrial ribosomal protein S33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18477 chr2 95872985 95873083 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic CpG 41872 NM_001017396 7549 Hs.590916 NM_021088 HPRD:11834 ZNF2 A1-5|ZNF661|Zfp661 zinc finger protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15470 chr18 59719243 59719351 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_176787, intron 30 of 30) L1PA3|LINE|L1 134992 NM_012327 23556 Hs.157031 NM_012327 HPRD:12085 PIGN MCAHS|MCAHS1|MCD4|MDC4|PIG-N phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class N protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3624 chr10 7105279 7105345 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 283752 NR_038291 100507127 Hs.498571 NR_038291 ENSG00000238266 LINC00707 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 707 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10323 chr14 41664847 41664990 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 241002 NR_109757 644919 Hs.434414 NR_109757 LOC644919 - uncharacterized LOC644919 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36215 chr9 125174532 125174598 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 36964 NM_001271165 5742 Hs.201978 NM_000962 HPRD:07518 PTGS1 COX1|COX3|PCOX1|PES-1|PGG/HS|PGHS-1|PGHS1|PHS1|PTGHS prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32025 chr7 65498729 65498795 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -42014 NM_000048 435 Hs.632015 NM_000048 HPRD:01948 ASL ASAL argininosuccinate lyase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2382 chr1 167013416 167013522 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 46399 NM_005814 10223 Hs.651244 NM_005814 HPRD:03704 GPA33 A33 glycoprotein A33 (transmembrane) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6928 chr11 104871636 104871743 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_024239, intron 3 of 7) L2a|LINE|L2 22206 NM_001136109 838 Hs.213327 NM_004347 HPRD:04048 CASP5 ICE(rel)III|ICEREL-III|ICH-3 caspase 5, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26154 chr4 144919641 144919751 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_002100, intron 3 of 4) intron (NM_002100, intron 3 of 4) 20800 NM_002100 2994 Hs.654368 NM_002100 HPRD:00201 GYPB CD235b|GPB|GPB.NY|GYPHe.NY|GpMiIII|HGpMiIII|HGpMiVI|HGpMiX|MNS|PAS-3|SS glycophorin B (MNS blood group) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12073 chr15 91111837 91111977 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001042574, intron 2 of 14) Tigger1|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 38789 NM_022769 64784 Hs.567572 NM_022769 HPRD:13384 CRTC3 TORC-3|TORC3 CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14586 chr17 59883526 59883592 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_032043, intron 7 of 19) intron (NM_032043, intron 7 of 19) 57361 NM_032043 83990 Hs.128903 NM_032043 BRIP1 BACH1|FANCJ|OF BRCA1 interacting protein C-terminal helicase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27862 chr5 98074614 98074735 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -30325 NM_001012761 285704 Hs.526902 NM_173670 HPRD:15243 RGMB DRAGON repulsive guidance molecule family member b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34389 chr8 104751326 104751417 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001100117, intron 2 of 23) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -80045 NM_014677 9699 Hs.655271 NM_014677 RIMS2 OBOE|RAB3IP3|RIM2 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31743 chr7 55141694 55141840 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_201284, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_201284, intron 1 of 15) 55042 NM_005228 1956 Hs.488293 NM_005228 HPRD:00579 EGFR ERBB|ERBB1|HER1|PIG61|mENA epidermal growth factor receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7094 chr11 119076578 119076761 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005188) promoter-TSS (NM_005188) -317 NM_005188 867 Hs.504096 NM_005188 HPRD:01320 CBL C-CBL|CBL2|FRA11B|NSLL|RNF55 Cbl proto-oncogene, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22156 chr22 49850113 49850280 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_110523, intron 1 of 4) AluSp|SINE|Alu 200994 NR_110522 348645 Hs.133159 NM_198851 HPRD:14180 C22orf34 - chromosome 22 open reading frame 34 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24688 chr4 13454736 13454811 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001017979, intron 4 of 6) L1M2c|LINE|L1 31216 NM_004249 9364 Hs.656060 NM_004249 HPRD:06699 RAB28 CORD18 RAB28, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17317 chr2 6262279 6262410 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 140234 NR_026833 400940 Hs.378814 NM_207479 LOC400940 - uncharacterized LOC400940 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34316 chr8 100555461 100555599 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_152564, intron 30 of 61) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -6441 NR_030596 100126309 NR_030596 miRBase:MI0005541 MIR875 MIRN875|hsa-mir-875 microRNA 875 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17328 chr2 7273495 7273580 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -55526 NR_110252 101929452 NR_110252 ENSG00000223884 LOC101929452 - uncharacterized LOC101929452 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28015 chr5 112184106 112184178 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12743 NM_001204193 6728 Hs.637001 NM_003135 SRP19 - signal recognition particle 19kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4889 chr10 100655565 100655684 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001166246, intron 3 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 340008 NM_001166244 60495 Hs.500750 NM_021828 HPSE2 HPA2|HPR2|UFS|UFS1 heparanase 2 (inactive) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19797 chr2 205435541 205435685 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_205863, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_205863, intron 1 of 21) 25097 NM_057177 117583 Hs.657382 NM_057177 HPRD:09795 PARD3B ALS2CR19|PAR3B|PAR3L|PAR3LC|PAR3beta|Par3Lb par-3 family cell polarity regulator beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37463 chrX 36279565 36279638 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001098843, intron 4 of 18) SVA_C|Other|Other 32705 NM_001098843 645090 Hs.632791 NM_001098843 ENSG00000205081 CXorf30 - chromosome X open reading frame 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29132 chr6 20024315 20024406 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic LTR12_|LTR|ERV1 186759 NM_001546 3400 Hs.519601 NM_001546 ID4 IDB4|bHLHb27 inhibitor of DNA binding 4, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14552 chr17 56709399 56709530 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_198393, intron 2 of 32) intron (NM_198393, intron 2 of 32) 59952 NM_001201457 56155 Hs.390221 NM_031272 ENSG00000121101 TEX14 CT113 testis expressed 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5685 chr11 14192047 14192113 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_006108, intron 6 of 15) L1PA4|LINE|L1 187951 NM_001177315 22800 Hs.502004 NM_012250 HPRD:02518 RRAS2 TC21 related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19507 chr2 182757079 182757172 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_109843, intron 1 of 17) CpG 682 NM_001287505 6744 Hs.196983 NM_006751 HPRD:00353 SSFA2 CS-1|CS1|KRAP|SPAG13 sperm specific antigen 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16387 chr19 28436288 28436434 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -151513 NR_027301 148189 Hs.706547 NR_027301 ENSG00000261824 LINC00662 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 662 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15286 chr18 40098333 40098399 + 3.93948 NA non-coding (NR_046455, exon 5 of 5) non-coding (NR_046455, exon 5 of 5) 331733 NR_046457 284260 Hs.652819 NR_046174 ENSG00000267586 LINC00907 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 907 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26977 chr5 36293490 36293626 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_145000, intron 1 of 13) L1PA3|LINE|L1 8453 NM_001161429 202151 Hs.729817 NM_145000 HPRD:08064 RANBP3L - RAN binding protein 3-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38192 chrX 77772852 77772930 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 141934 NM_152694 203430 Hs.134873 NM_152694 HPRD:06756 ZCCHC5 Mar3|Mart3|ZHC5 zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33831 chr8 52303959 52304045 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_144651, intron 17 of 22) L1PA3|LINE|L1 418003 NM_144651 137902 Hs.444882 NM_144651 HPRD:08693 PXDNL PMR1|PRM1|VPO2 peroxidasin homolog (Drosophila)-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29146 chr6 20846883 20847074 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_017774, intron 9 of 15) intron (NM_017774, intron 9 of 15) 312290 NM_017774 54901 Hs.657604 NM_017774 HPRD:13022 CDKAL1 - CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26798 chr5 12252965 12253122 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -321926 NR_033383 404663 Hs.552273 NR_033383 LINC01194 CT49|TAG long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1194 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17310 chr2 4843260 4843335 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -139485 NR_034134 727982 Hs.444391 NR_034134 ENSG00000231532 LINC01249 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1249 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25225 chr4 58039970 58040058 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_034081, intron 1 of 4) SVA_D|Other|Other -63463 NM_001253835 3490 Hs.479808 NM_001553 HPRD:04183 IGFBP7 AGM|FSTL2|IBP-7|IGFBP-7|IGFBP-7v|IGFBPRP1|MAC25|PSF|RAMSVPS|TAF insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10196 chr14 26060119 26060244 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 -541086 NM_014178 29091 Hs.508958 NM_014178 ENSG00000168952 STXBP6 amisyn syntaxin binding protein 6 (amisyn) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2941 chr1 209315241 209315308 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -286894 NM_001104548 642587 Hs.510543 NM_001104548 MIR205HG LINC00510 MIR205 host gene (non-protein coding) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30665 chr6 143193091 143193182 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) 73202 NM_006734 3097 Hs.510172 NM_006734 HPRD:00881 HIVEP2 HIV-EP2|MBP-2|MIBP1|SHN2|ZAS2|ZNF40B human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26563 chr4 187200339 187200478 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_000128, intron 7 of 14) AluSg|SINE|Alu 13290 NM_000128 2160 Hs.1430 NM_000128 HPRD:07524 F11 FXI coagulation factor XI protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19382 chr2 173299675 173299764 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001079818, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_001079818, intron 1 of 24) 7405 NM_001079818 3655 Hs.133397 NM_000210 HPRD:00945 ITGA6 CD49f|ITGA6B|VLA-6 integrin, alpha 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36147 chr9 116274616 116274691 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_130795, intron 5 of 15) intron (NM_130795, intron 5 of 15) 10946 NM_001276261 5998 Hs.494875 NM_017790 HPRD:03720 RGS3 C2PA|RGP3 regulator of G-protein signaling 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5747 chr11 18831399 18831557 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -17210 NM_001278236 84867 Hs.79092 NM_006906 HPRD:01472 PTPN5 PTPSTEP|STEP protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 5 (striatum-enriched) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12054 chr15 90411281 90411347 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_037582, intron 4 of 5) SVA_F|Other|Other -17361 NR_049817 100847059 NR_049817 MIR5094 - microRNA 5094 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2286 chr1 160510092 160510212 + 3.93948 NA TTS (NM_001184879) TTS (NM_001184879) -17100 NM_052931 114836 Hs.492348 NM_052931 HPRD:05920 SLAMF6 CD352|KALI|KALIb|Ly108|NTB-A|NTBA|SF2000 SLAM family member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1175 chr1 81201259 81201352 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -964150 NM_001297704 23266 Hs.24212 NM_012302 HPRD:06116 LPHN2 CIRL2|CL2|LEC1|LPHH1 latrophilin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33257 chr8 3415927 3416063 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_033225, intron 10 of 69) intron (NM_033225, intron 10 of 69) -830004 NR_125425 101927815 Hs.571467 NR_125423 ENSG00000249694 LOC101927815 - uncharacterized LOC101927815 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13407 chr16 82466050 82466124 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -194312 NM_001220490 1012 Hs.654386 NM_001257 HPRD:03219 CDH13 CDHH|P105 cadherin 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20351 chr20 4646789 4646855 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic LTR8|LTR|ERV1 -19975 NM_001080121 5621 Hs.472010 NM_000311 HPRD:01453 PRNP ASCR|AltPrP|CD230|CJD|GSS|KURU|PRIP|PrP|PrP27-30|PrP33-35C|PrPc|p27-30 prion protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2034 chr1 149605903 149606028 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NR_125392) promoter-TSS (NR_125392) 48 NR_125392 101954268 NR_125392 RNVU1-20 RNU1-110|vU1.20 RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 20 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22541 chr3 30240754 30240820 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -265140 NR_046556 100873977 Hs.581453 NR_046556 RBMS3-AS1 - RBMS3 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36102 chr9 113964448 113964614 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 68963 NR_106989 102465800 NR_106989 MIR7702 hsa-mir-7702 microRNA 7702 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37091 chrUn_gl000235 18679 18783 + 3.93948 NA NA Intergenic NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5011 chr10 107540201 107540267 + 3.93948 NA intron (NR_120625, intron 3 of 3) L1HS|LINE|L1 39857 NR_120625 101927549 Hs.556885 NR_120625 ENSG00000229466 LOC101927549 - uncharacterized LOC101927549 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6660 chr11 76194751 76194817 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001300944, intron 9 of 20) L1P3|LINE|L1 38715 NM_001300942 56946 Hs.352588 NM_020193 HPRD:10544 C11orf30 EMSY chromosome 11 open reading frame 30 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9188 chr13 21209004 21209164 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_175605, intron 18 of 27) L1PA4|LINE|L1 67876 NM_175605 8100 Hs.187376 NM_006531 HPRD:09000 IFT88 D13S1056E|DAF19|TG737|TTC10|hTg737 intraflagellar transport 88 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8604 chr12 92246013 92246101 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1MB8|LINE|L1 289432 NR_046159 256021 Hs.651357 NM_001256373 ENSG00000257242 C12orf79 - chromosome 12 open reading frame 79 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9396 chr13 40517084 40517183 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -238813 NR_046870 100874127 Hs.578028 NR_046870 ENSG00000230710 LINC00332 NCRNA00332 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 332 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6496 chr11 67365022 67365187 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other -9219 NM_007103 4723 Hs.7744 NM_007103 HPRD:01191 NDUFV1 CI-51K|CI51KD|UQOR1 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) flavoprotein 1, 51kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19177 chr2 157257235 157257301 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -34697 NM_001083112 2820 Hs.512382 NM_000408 HPRD:00715 GPD2 GDH2|GPDM|mGPDH glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (mitochondrial) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26576 chr4 187762885 187762951 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -117931 NM_005245 2195 Hs.481371 NM_005245 HPRD:02986 FAT1 CDHF7|CDHR8|FAT|ME5|hFat1 FAT atypical cadherin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19327 chr2 169962112 169962208 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 24543 NM_001142271 10170 Hs.179608 NM_005771 HPRD:09916 DHRS9 3-alpha-HSD|3ALPHA-HSD|RDH-E2|RDH-TBE|RDH15|RDHL|RDHTBE|RETSDR8|SDR9C4 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23976 chr3 156911996 156912097 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -33564 NM_020307 57018 Hs.4859 NM_020307 CCNL1 ANIA6A|PRO1073|ania-6a cyclin L1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10337 chr14 43860978 43861076 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1115472 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18165 chr2 83165188 83165254 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 81294 NR_033423 1720 Hs.169235 NR_033423 ENSG00000168129 LOC1720 - dihydrofolate reductase pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20923 chr20 52689685 52689760 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2418 NM_003657 8537 Hs.400556 NM_003657 HPRD:04273 BCAS1 AIBC1|NABC1 breast carcinoma amplified sequence 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31352 chr7 16386065 16386192 + 3.93948 NA intron (NM_001101417, intron 2 of 8) intron (NM_001101417, intron 2 of 8) 74819 NM_001101426 729920 Hs.636502 NM_001101417 ISPD MDDGA7|Nip|hCG_1745121 isoprenoid synthase domain containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6261 chr11 59466786 59466950 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 14450 NM_001005324 390201 Hs.589001 NM_001005324 HPRD:17676 OR10V1 OR11-256 olfactory receptor, family 10, subfamily V, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11559 chr15 52274538 52274668 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10605 NM_138792 123169 Hs.567662 NM_138792 HPRD:11231 LEO1 RDL Leo1, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component, homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34648 chr8 132647930 132647996 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -268393 NM_015137 23167 Hs.204564 NM_015137 HPRD:17179 EFR3A - EFR3 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8298 chr12 62586561 62586632 + 3.93948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_178539) promoter-TSS (NM_178539) 24 NM_178539 338811 Hs.269745 NM_178539 HPRD:16876 FAM19A2 TAFA-2|TAFA2 family with sequence similarity 19 (chemokine (C-C motif)-like), member A2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1254 chr1 89751791 89751857 + 3.93948 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4221 NR_077244 729930 Hs.745054 NR_077244 LOC729930 - chromosome 11 open reading frame 74 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29089 chr6 16436926 16436992 + 3.93847 NA intron (NM_001128164, intron 6 of 7) L2a|LINE|L2 198148 NM_006877 2766 Hs.484741 NM_006877 HPRD:00754 GMPR GMPR1 guanosine monophosphate reductase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16546 chr19 37760420 37760494 + 3.93697 NA promoter-TSS (NR_029390) promoter-TSS (NR_029390) -545 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4972 chr10 104406128 104406263 + 3.93539 NA intron (NM_030912, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_030912, intron 1 of 5) 1943 NM_030912 81603 Hs.336810 NM_030912 HPRD:06934 TRIM8 GERP|RNF27 tripartite motif containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30455 chr6 127588399 127588465 + 3.93191 NA intron (NM_001242849, intron 1 of 2) CpG 449 NM_001242845 81847 Hs.267120 NM_030963 ENSG00000118518 RNF146 dJ351K20.1 ring finger protein 146 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23549 chr3 121379455 121379568 + 3.93191 NA intron (NM_005335, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_005335, intron 1 of 13) 284 NM_001292041 3059 Hs.14601 NM_005335 HPRD:03199 HCLS1 CTTNL|HS1|lckBP1|p75 hematopoietic cell-specific Lyn substrate 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2274 chr1 159893092 159893196 + 3.93117 NA intron (NM_003564, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_003564, intron 1 of 4) 363 NM_001277224 8407 Hs.517168 NM_003564 HPRD:06864 TAGLN2 HA1756 transgelin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8403 chr12 70133517 70133583 + 3.93117 NA non-coding (NR_103520, exon 1 of 9) non-coding (NR_103520, exon 1 of 9) 380 NR_103520 117177 Hs.258209 NM_022456 HPRD:10565 RAB3IP RABIN3 RAB3A interacting protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8497 chr12 77459854 77459960 + 3.93117 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203394) promoter-TSS (NM_203394) -547 NM_203394 144455 Hs.416375 NM_203394 HPRD:10929 E2F7 - E2F transcription factor 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20711 chr20 35628914 35629081 + 3.92610 NA intron (NM_002895, intron 21 of 21) SVA_F|Other|Other -48751 NM_015474 25939 Hs.580681 NM_015474 HPRD:08418 SAMHD1 CHBL2|DCIP|HDDC1|MOP-5|SBBI88 SAM domain and HD domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5937 chr11 36666147 36666231 + 3.92610 NA intron (NM_001276723, intron 4 of 5) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -46360 NM_001243786 5897 Hs.714519 NM_000536 HPRD:08913 RAG2 RAG-2 recombination activating gene 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11082 chr14 105757014 105757083 + 3.92610 NA intron (NM_001242787, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001242787, intron 1 of 17) -10100 NM_001243127 23241 Hs.525626 NM_015197 HPRD:17816 PACS2 PACS-2|PACS1L phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28896 chr6 325749 325828 + 3.92565 NA intron (NR_104473, intron 3 of 5) intron (NR_104473, intron 3 of 5) 33731 NM_001286555 56940 Hs.29106 NM_020185 HPRD:13255 DUSP22 JKAP|JSP-1|JSP1|LMW-DSP2|LMWDSP2|MKP-x|MKPX|VHX dual specificity phosphatase 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14066 chr17 26988857 26988989 + 3.92535 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003170) promoter-TSS (NM_003170) 267 NM_006923 6388 Hs.514036 NM_006923 HPRD:04243 SDF2 - stromal cell-derived factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22402 chr3 17274953 17275074 + 3.92497 NA intron (NM_014744, intron 17 of 21) intron (NM_014744, intron 17 of 21) 300325 NR_037465 100500913 NR_037465 miRBase:MI0016135 MIR3714 - microRNA 3714 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15482 chr18 60805448 60805593 + 3.92497 NA intron (NM_000633, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_000633, intron 2 of 2) 181093 NM_000633 596 Hs.150749 NM_000633 HPRD:01045 BCL2 Bcl-2|PPP1R50 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13647 chr17 2350626 2350695 + 3.92497 NA intron (NM_024086, intron 6 of 9) SVA_D|Other|Other -31930 NR_028335 284009 Hs.632244 NM_001025459 HPRD:18767 LOC284009 - uncharacterized LOC284009 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7028 chr11 115375148 115375214 + 3.92497 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014333) promoter-TSS (NM_014333) 60 NM_014333 23705 Hs.370510 NM_014333 HPRD:05746 CADM1 BL2|IGSF4|IGSF4A|NECL2|Necl-2|RA175|ST17|SYNCAM|TSLC1|sTSLC-1|sgIGSF|synCAM1 cell adhesion molecule 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24461 chr4 1124554 1124635 + 3.92497 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7642 NR_033768 100379220 Hs.635208 NR_033768 ENSG00000215367 TMED11P - transmembrane emp24 protein transport domain containing 11, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35251 chr9 36383219 36383295 + 3.92497 NA intron (NM_194332, intron 1 of 10) AluSc|SINE|Alu 17039 NM_022781 152006 Hs.333503 NM_022781 HPRD:11519 RNF38 - ring finger protein 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31438 chr7 24623700 24623766 + 3.92497 NA intron (NM_016447, intron 1 of 12) L1PA2|LINE|L1 10648 NM_016447 51678 Hs.533355 NM_016447 HPRD:09509 MPP6 PALS2|VAM-1|VAM1|p55T membrane protein, palmitoylated 6 (MAGUK p55 subfamily member 6) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19423 chr2 177005259 177005401 + 3.92497 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3504 NR_038435 100506783 Hs.667234 NR_038435 HOXD-AS2 - HOXD cluster antisense RNA 2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26342 chr4 164087364 164087486 + 3.92344 NA intron (NM_138386, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_138386, intron 1 of 7) 648 NM_138386 92345 Hs.129095 NM_138386 HPRD:10054 NAF1 - nuclear assembly factor 1 ribonucleoprotein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2175 chr1 154994419 154994577 + 3.92081 NA intron (NM_144622, intron 14 of 14) AluSx|SINE|Alu 11759 NM_144622 127579 Hs.591491 NM_144622 HPRD:08739 DCST2 - DC-STAMP domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29870 chr6 74295394 74295471 + 3.92079 NA Intergenic Intergenic -64677 NM_001402 1915 Hs.535192 NM_001402 HPRD:00559 EEF1A1 CCS-3|CCS3|EE1A1|EEF-1|EEF1A|EF-Tu|EF1A|GRAF-1EF|HNGC:16303|LENG7|PTI1|eEF1A-1 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22386 chr3 16353552 16353681 + 3.92079 NA Intergenic Intergenic 46949 NM_138381 92106 Hs.655449 NM_138381 HPRD:14446 OXNAD1 - oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37536 chrX 46433709 46433802 + 3.92079 NA exon (NM_019886, exon 1 of 2) exon (NM_019886, exon 1 of 2) 633 NM_019886 56548 Hs.129955 NM_019886 HPRD:02302 CHST7 C6ST-2|GST-5 carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine 6-O) sulfotransferase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5664 chr11 13845223 13845335 + 3.91964 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -138905 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30216 chr6 106968024 106968187 + 3.91675 NA exon (NM_001624, exon 2 of 20) exon (NM_001624, exon 2 of 20) 8375 NM_001624 202 Hs.724262 NM_001624 HPRD:18576 AIM1 CRYBG1|ST4 absent in melanoma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11553 chr15 51200597 51200764 + 3.91675 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001252127) promoter-TSS (NM_001252127) -189 NM_007347 23431 Hs.413366 NM_007347 HPRD:06258 AP4E1 CPSQ4|SPG51 adaptor-related protein complex 4, epsilon 1 subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3769 chr10 17553425 17553491 + 3.91287 NA Intergenic Intergenic -57204 NM_001004470 338596 Hs.677766 NM_001004470 ST8SIA6 SIA8F|SIAT8F|ST8SIA-VI ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19831 chr2 209119178 209119282 + 3.91287 NA promoter-TSS (NR_046452) promoter-TSS (NR_046452) -48 NM_001282386 3417 Hs.593422 NM_005896 HPRD:00984 IDH1 HEL-216|HEL-S-26|IDCD|IDH|IDP|IDPC|PICD isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (NADP+), soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14806 chr17 76164594 76164684 + 3.91261 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004710) promoter-TSS (NM_004710) -32 NM_004710 9144 Hs.464210 NM_004710 HPRD:04891 SYNGR2 - synaptogyrin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35831 chr9 90372545 90372628 + 3.91261 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -15244 NR_027917 392360 Hs.690450 NM_001023564 HPRD:18619 CTSL3P CTSL3|HCTSL-s cathepsin L family member 3, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39118 chrY 13292947 13293044 + 3.91261 NA Intergenic MLT2B3|LTR|ERVL 1240394 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6507 chr11 67636002 67636197 + 3.90983 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -63292 NR_024249 645332 Hs.535094 NR_024249 ENSG00000160172 FAM86C2P - family with sequence similarity 86, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1242 chr1 87597503 87597664 + 3.90976 NA promoter-TSS (NR_026987) promoter-TSS (NR_026987) -26 NR_026987 339524 Hs.306423 NM_207357 HPRD:14169 LINC01140 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1140 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32560 chr7 110653574 110653668 + 3.90976 NA intron (NM_032549, intron 3 of 5) L2b|LINE|L2 -77441 NM_001099658 54674 Hs.3781 NM_018334 HPRD:14321 LRRN3 FIGLER5|NLRR-3|NLRR3 leucine rich repeat neuronal 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27906 chr5 100395966 100396048 + 3.90976 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -157018 NM_175052 7903 Hs.308628 NM_005668 HPRD:03970 ST8SIA4 PST|PST1|SIAT8D|ST8SIA-IV ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6774 chr11 88126566 88126705 + 3.90801 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -55694 NM_001814 1075 Hs.128065 NM_001814 HPRD:03841 CTSC CPPI|DPP-I|DPP1|DPPI|HMS|JP|JPD|PALS|PDON1|PLS cathepsin C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24987 chr4 47244405 47244487 + 3.90801 NA intron (NM_000812, intron 4 of 8) L1PA5|LINE|L1 211151 NM_000812 2560 Hs.27283 NM_000812 HPRD:15924 GABRB1 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33329 chr8 7923076 7923148 + 3.90749 NA Intergenic CpG 23499 NR_031689 100302186 NR_031689 miRBase:MI0006423 MIR548I3 MIR548I-3|MIRN548I3|hsa-mir-548i-3 microRNA 548i-3 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7476 chr12 10365397 10365544 + 3.90347 NA promoter-TSS (NM_031412) promoter-TSS (NM_031412) -19 NM_031412 23710 Hs.524250 NM_031412 HPRD:07601 GABARAPL1 APG8-LIKE|APG8L|ATG8|ATG8B|ATG8L|GEC1 GABA(A) receptor-associated protein like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30064 chr6 90008637 90008722 + 3.90065 NA intron (NM_002043, intron 2 of 8) MLT1A0|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 16339 NM_002043 2570 Hs.719891 NM_002043 HPRD:15922 GABRR2 - gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, rho 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2517 chr1 174938049 174938213 + 3.89942 NA intron (NM_001243764, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001243764, intron 1 of 6) 4226 NM_001243764 9910 Hs.585378 NM_014857 HPRD:16464 RABGAP1L HHL|TBC1D18 RAB GTPase activating protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10087 chr14 20778542 20778657 + 3.89908 NA TTS (NM_182852) TTS (NM_182852) -4446 NM_138376 91875 Hs.98553 NM_138376 TTC5 Strap tetratricopeptide repeat domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31185 chr7 2354074 2354215 + 3.89771 NA promoter-TSS (NM_013321) promoter-TSS (NM_013321) -45 NM_013321 29886 Hs.584900 NM_013321 HPRD:11592 SNX8 Mvp1 sorting nexin 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14678 chr17 66176706 66176798 + 3.89771 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -18049 NR_027283 440461 Hs.661522 NR_027283 LOC440461 - Rho GTPase activating protein 27 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_439 chr1 26644322 26644393 + 3.89450 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001803) promoter-TSS (NM_001803) -54 NM_001803 1043 Hs.276770 NM_001803 HPRD:00257 CD52 CDW52 CD52 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27020 chr5 39916446 39916512 + 3.89450 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -135914 NR_104633 102467077 Hs.148993 NR_104633 LINC00603 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 603 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2106 chr1 151966373 151966583 + 3.89450 NA 5' UTR (NM_002966, exon 1 of 3) 5' UTR (NM_002966, exon 1 of 3) 236 NM_002966 6281 Hs.143873 NM_002966 HPRD:00232 S100A10 42C|ANX2L|ANX2LG|CAL1L|CLP11|Ca[1]|GP11|P11|p10 S100 calcium binding protein A10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12277 chr16 2168388 2168456 + 3.89357 NA exon (NM_000296, exon 5 of 46) exon (NM_000296, exon 5 of 46) -11668 NR_106775 102465429 NR_106775 MIR6511B1 MIR6511B-1|hsa-mir-6511b-1 microRNA 6511b-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3189 chr1 228162444 228162571 + 3.89343 NA Intergenic Intergenic -26831 NM_003395 7483 Hs.149504 NM_003395 WNT9A WNT14 wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 9A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38605 chrX 124452513 124452626 + 3.89053 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -1400 NM_001195272 100129520 Hs.728728 NM_001195272 LOC100129520 - testis expressed sequence 13-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28484 chr5 147338854 147338974 + 3.89053 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -52813 NM_206966 389336 Hs.660038 NM_206966 HPRD:14491 C5orf46 SSSP1 chromosome 5 open reading frame 46 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37426 chrX 27244149 27244259 + 3.89053 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 237254 NR_002784 139420 Hs.350673 NR_002784 SMEK3P FLFL3P|smk1 SMEK homolog 3, suppressor of mek1 (Dictyostelium) pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32794 chr7 136658232 136658315 + 3.89053 NA intron (NM_001006626, intron 3 of 4) HAL1-2a_MD|LINE|L1 70359 NR_030165 574443 NR_030165 miRBase:MI0003125 MIR490 MIRN490|hsa-mir-490|miR-490 microRNA 490 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27514 chr5 70086850 70086947 + 3.88963 NA Intergenic Intergenic -109592 NM_021967 8293 Hs.726820 NM_021967 HPRD:04308 SERF1A 4F5|FAM2A|H4F5|SERF1|SMAM1 small EDRK-rich factor 1A (telomeric) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35537 chr9 68733290 68733430 + 3.88765 NA intron (NR_034006, intron 3 of 5) intron (NR_034006, intron 3 of 5) 6819 NR_034006 100132352 Hs.231861 NR_034006 LOC100132352 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4922 chr10 102268574 102268722 + 3.88634 NA intron (NM_015490, intron 5 of 25) intron (NM_015490, intron 5 of 25) 10947 NM_015490 25956 Hs.18889 NM_015490 HPRD:15315 SEC31B SEC31B-1|SEC31L2 SEC31 homolog B (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19049 chr2 138072443 138072509 + 3.88555 NA intron (NM_001080427, intron 11 of 26) L1PA3|LINE|L1 324014 NM_001080427 80731 Hs.68533 NM_001080427 ENSG00000144229 THSD7B - thrombospondin, type I, domain containing 7B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16545 chr19 37760135 37760297 + 3.88497 NA promoter-TSS (NR_029390) promoter-TSS (NR_029390) -304 NR_029390 284412 Hs.635932 NR_029390 LOC284412 - uncharacterized LOC284412 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7059 chr11 118230088 118230154 + 3.87928 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004788) promoter-TSS (NM_004788) -175 NM_001204077 9354 Hs.75275 NM_004788 HPRD:06793 UBE4A E4|UBOX2|UFD2 ubiquitination factor E4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17388 chr2 10794378 10794444 + 3.87928 NA intron (NR_048552, intron 11 of 19) AmnSINE1|SINE|Deu 35702 NM_024894 79954 Hs.222494 NM_024894 HPRD:07849 NOL10 PQBP5 nucleolar protein 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24602 chr4 7761124 7761210 + 3.87928 NA 3' UTR (NM_001134647, exon 18 of 18) 3' UTR (NM_001134647, exon 18 of 18) 5350 NR_026892 84740 Hs.663029 NM_032654 ENSG00000272620 AFAP1-AS1 AFAP1-AS|AFAP1AS AFAP1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17434 chr2 13775684 13775771 + 3.87928 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -628589 NR_038434 100506474 Hs.242196 NR_038434 ENSG00000225649 LOC100506474 - uncharacterized LOC100506474 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5888 chr11 34018605 34018754 + 3.87928 NA Intergenic Intergenic -54551 NM_005898 4076 Hs.471818 NM_005898 HPRD:03108 CAPRIN1 GPIAP1|GPIP137|GRIP137|M11S1|RNG105|p137GPI cell cycle associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36826 chrUn_gl000218 65830 65900 + 3.87608 NA intron (NR_037871, intron 2 of 4) intron (NR_037871, intron 2 of 4) -10816 NR_027420 389834 Hs.720653 NR_027420 LOC389834 - ankyrin repeat domain 57 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21963 chr22 38023616 38023773 + 3.87577 NA intron (NM_001172687, intron 11 of 16) intron (NM_001172687, intron 11 of 16) -11990 NM_018957 23616 Hs.601143 NM_018957 HPRD:10227 SH3BP1 ARHGAP43 SH3-domain binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_454 chr1 27019574 27019712 + 3.87478 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2879 NM_006015 8289 Hs.468972 NM_006015 HPRD:04319 ARID1A B120|BAF250|BAF250a|BM029|C1orf4|ELD|MRD14|OSA1|P270|SMARCF1|hELD|hOSA1 AT rich interactive domain 1A (SWI-like) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_459 chr1 27114638 27114714 + 3.87478 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001202554) promoter-TSS (NM_001202554) -3 NM_001202554 55650 Hs.259605 NM_017837 HPRD:07912 PIGV GPI-MT-II|HPMRS1|PIG-V phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class V protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29193 chr6 26033794 26033865 + 3.87478 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003513) promoter-TSS (NM_003513) -33 NM_003513 8335 Hs.248174 NM_003513 HPRD:09105 HIST1H2AB H2A/m|H2AFM histone cluster 1, H2ab protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33518 chr8 27172945 27173020 + 3.87478 NA intron (NM_173174, intron 3 of 35) intron (NM_173174, intron 3 of 35) 3983 NM_173174 2185 Hs.491322 NM_004103 HPRD:03131 PTK2B CADTK|CAKB|FADK2|FAK2|PKB|PTK|PYK2|RAFTK protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30619 chr6 139583668 139583828 + 3.87351 NA exon (NM_153235, exon 5 of 10) exon (NM_153235, exon 5 of 10) 29460 NM_153235 167838 Hs.535820 NM_153235 HPRD:10793 TXLNB C6orf198|LST001|MDP77|dJ522B19.2 taxilin beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14670 chr17 65775096 65775162 + 3.87351 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu 38343 NR_003706 100124536 Hs.693446 NR_003706 SNORA38B - small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 38B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24051 chr3 164357860 164357926 + 3.87351 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 438390 NM_001041 6476 Hs.429596 NM_001041 HPRD:01962 SI - sucrase-isomaltase (alpha-glucosidase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7986 chr12 45222035 45222122 + 3.87351 NA intron (NM_006159, intron 3 of 20) intron (NM_006159, intron 3 of 20) 47366 NM_001145109 4753 Hs.505326 NM_006159 HPRD:11891 NELL2 NRP2 NEL-like 2 (chicken) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26884 chr5 21495164 21495298 + 3.87238 NA non-coding (NR_027028, exon 5 of 6) non-coding (NR_027028, exon 5 of 6) 35642 NR_027027 728411 Hs.88181 NM_207331 ENSG00000183666 GUSBP1 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17617 chr2 32264806 32264940 + 3.87204 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032574) promoter-TSS (NM_032574) -29 NM_032574 84661 Hs.444969 NM_032574 DPY30 Cps25|HDPY-30|Saf19 dpy-30 homolog (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20950 chr20 55967815 55967967 + 3.87112 NA intron (NM_183425, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_183425, intron 2 of 2) 1437 NM_001291780 55544 Hs.236361 NM_017495 HPRD:15268 RBM38 HSRNASEB|RNPC1|SEB4B|SEB4D|dJ800J21.2 RNA binding motif protein 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2240 chr1 156783936 156784048 + 3.87112 NA intron (NM_001161443, intron 3 of 7) CpG-1809 -1550 NM_001007792 4914 Hs.406293 NM_002529 HPRD:01869 NTRK1 MTC|TRK|TRK1|TRKA|Trk-A|p140-TrkA neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27917 chr5 102017224 102017316 + 3.86417 NA Intergenic Intergenic -10102 NR_103753 285708 Hs.533011 NR_103753 LINC00491 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 491 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4823 chr10 95139625 95139706 + 3.86417 NA exon (NM_013451, exon 21 of 54) exon (NM_013451, exon 21 of 54) 102409 NM_133337 26509 Hs.602086 NM_013451 HPRD:06857 MYOF FER1L3 myoferlin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29981 chr6 83796616 83796731 + 3.86417 NA intron (NM_015018, intron 1 of 38) L2a|LINE|L2 19288 NM_001199942 23033 Hs.520246 NM_015018 HPRD:10022 DOPEY1 KIAA1117|dJ202D23.2 dopey family member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38985 chrY 1550695 1550835 + 3.86370 NA intron (NM_178129, intron 1 of 1).2 intron (NM_178129, intron 1 of 1).2 -28110 NM_001173473 8623 Hs.533514 NM_004192 HPRD:02156 ASMTL ASMTLX|ASMTLY|ASTML acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10512 chr14 58664949 58665037 + 3.86370 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -1840 NM_018477 55860 Hs.509451 NM_018477 ACTR10 ACTR11|Arp11|HARP11 actin-related protein 10 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37164 chrX 1600695 1600835 + 3.86370 NA intron (NM_178129, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_178129, intron 1 of 1) -28110 NM_001173473 8623 Hs.533514 NM_004192 HPRD:02156 ASMTL ASMTLX|ASMTLY|ASTML acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26596 chr4 190154033 190154110 + 3.86348 NA Intergenic Intergenic -426689 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20249 chr2 242863754 242863848 + 3.85660 NA intron (NR_110220, intron 2 of 3) intron (NR_110220, intron 2 of 3) 40287 NR_110220 101927289 Hs.130180 NR_110220 ENSG00000233806 LINC01237 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1237 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24938 chr4 41937106 41937222 + 3.85660 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018126) promoter-TSS (NM_018126) 27 NM_018126 55161 Hs.31082 NM_018126 HPRD:07680 TMEM33 1600019D15Rik|SHINC3 transmembrane protein 33 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21847 chr22 28405510 28405576 + 3.85660 NA intron (NM_001145418, intron 14 of 22) intron (NM_001145418, intron 14 of 22) -88943 NR_036169 100423034 NR_036169 miRBase:MI0014247 MIR3199-1 - microRNA 3199-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9854 chr13 99698673 99698903 + 3.85131 NA intron (NM_015296, intron 1 of 55) intron (NM_015296, intron 1 of 55) 39872 NM_001130049 23348 Hs.596105 NM_015296 HPRD:09542 DOCK9 ZIZ1|ZIZIMIN1 dedicator of cytokinesis 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29255 chr6 26967521 26967587 + 3.84936 NA intron (NR_026775, intron 2 of 2) MER5B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 20531 NR_026776 100270746 Hs.590428 NR_026776 LOC100270746 - uncharacterized LOC100270746 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6895 chr11 102139418 102139594 + 3.84936 NA Intergenic CpG -48675 NM_182962 330 Hs.127799 NM_001165 HPRD:03426 BIRC3 AIP1|API2|CIAP2|HAIP1|HIAP1|MALT2|MIHC|RNF49|c-IAP2 baculoviral IAP repeat containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6997 chr11 111802637 111802735 + 3.84709 NA intron (NM_001278542, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_001278542, intron 2 of 5) 4818 NM_001278542 85458 Hs.655626 NM_033425 HPRD:16804 DIXDC1 CCD1 DIX domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28743 chr5 172204976 172205042 + 3.84709 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR -6806 NM_004417 1843 Hs.171695 NM_004417 HPRD:02835 DUSP1 CL100|HVH1|MKP-1|MKP1|PTPN10 dual specificity phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2631 chr1 184813033 184813157 + 3.84472 NA intron (NM_052966, intron 5 of 13) intron (NM_052966, intron 5 of 13) -89054 NM_025191 80267 Hs.523811 NM_025191 HPRD:10724 EDEM3 C1orf22 ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6434 chr11 65647207 65647312 + 3.84472 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001335) promoter-TSS (NM_001335) -25 NM_001335 1521 Hs.416848 NM_001335 HPRD:03840 CTSW LYPN cathepsin W protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13795 chr17 7233453 7233542 + 3.84090 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032442) promoter-TSS (NM_032442) -859 NM_032442 84461 Hs.654794 NM_032442 HPRD:13894 NEURL4 - neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18192 chr2 85199176 85199262 + 3.84090 NA intron (NM_020122, intron 1 of 6) CpG 988 NM_020122 56888 Hs.654968 NM_020122 HPRD:13761 KCMF1 DEBT91|FIGC|PCMF|ZZZ1 potassium channel modulatory factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7229 chr11 130764409 130764494 + 3.83954 NA intron (NM_001301089, intron 8 of 10) intron (NM_001301089, intron 8 of 10) 21931 NM_014758 399979 Hs.444024 NM_014758 HPRD:18621 SNX19 CHET8 sorting nexin 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23732 chr3 135309445 135309527 + 3.83954 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -375029 NM_001190447 5523 Hs.518155 NM_002718 HPRD:09225 PPP2R3A PPP2R3|PR130|PR72 protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B'', alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11025 chr14 102430712 102430866 + 3.83924 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001376) promoter-TSS (NM_001376) -76 NM_001376 1778 Hs.614080 NM_001376 HPRD:02524 DYNC1H1 DHC1|DHC1a|DNCH1|DNCL|DNECL|DYHC|Dnchc1|HL-3|SMALED1|p22 dynein, cytoplasmic 1, heavy chain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5882 chr11 33280027 33280133 + 3.83924 NA 5' UTR (NM_001278162, exon 1 of 16) 5' UTR (NM_001278162, exon 1 of 16) 203 NM_001278162 10114 Hs.201918 NM_005734 HPRD:05111 HIPK3 DYRK6|FIST3|PKY|YAK1 homeodomain interacting protein kinase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6816 chr11 93770088 93770191 + 3.83441 NA intron (NM_001098672, intron 1 of 19) L1PA2|LINE|L1 15761 NM_001098672 341208 Hs.669645 NM_001098672 ENSG00000181333 HEPHL1 - hephaestin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25670 chr4 100729581 100729647 + 3.83441 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8367 NM_014395 27071 Hs.436271 NM_014395 HPRD:05773 DAPP1 BAM32 dual adaptor of phosphotyrosine and 3-phosphoinositides protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12991 chr16 48642570 48642690 + 3.83354 NA intron (NM_153029, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_153029, intron 1 of 6) 1490 NM_153029 9683 Hs.511839 NM_153029 HPRD:08109 N4BP1 - NEDD4 binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1645 chr1 120925580 120925646 + 3.82998 NA TTS (NR_045213) TTS (NR_045213) 10331 NR_045213 2210 Hs.534956 NM_001004340 FCGR1B CD64b|IGFRB Fc fragment of IgG, high affinity Ib, receptor (CD64) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31804 chr7 57915800 57915958 + 3.82624 NA Intergenic L1MB7|LINE|L1 405996 NM_001159279 441234 Hs.533121 NM_001159279 ENSG00000182111 ZNF716 - zinc finger protein 716 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9454 chr13 44453643 44453716 + 3.82272 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153218) promoter-TSS (NM_153218) 147 NM_144974 160857 Hs.170849 NM_144974 HPRD:13406 CCDC122 - coiled-coil domain containing 122 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9830 chr13 96617381 96617463 + 3.82272 NA intron (NM_020121, intron 12 of 38) L1PA3|LINE|L1 88314 NM_020121 55757 Hs.193226 NM_020121 HPRD:12065 UGGT2 HUGT2|UGCGL2|UGT2 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11877 chr15 78202871 78202997 + 3.81940 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16254 NR_027024 645752 Hs.546408 NR_027024 LOC645752 - golgin A6 family, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23872 chr3 149098139 149098527 + 3.81940 NA intron (NR_109810, intron 1 of 1) SVA_D|Other|Other -2765 NM_014220 4071 Hs.351316 NM_014220 HPRD:01854 TM4SF1 H-L6|L6|M3S1|TAAL6 transmembrane 4 L six family member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1192 chr1 84556708 84556808 + 3.81940 NA intron (NM_207578, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_207578, intron 1 of 8) 13100 NM_207578 5567 Hs.487325 NM_002731 HPRD:01482 PRKACB PKA C-beta|PKACB protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36155 chr9 117160225 117160311 + 3.81876 NA Intergenic CpG -3583 NM_030767 80709 Hs.494895 NM_030767 HPRD:16148 AKNA - AT-hook transcription factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32540 chr7 107220583 107220726 + 3.81813 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001008405) promoter-TSS (NM_001008405) 232 NM_018844 55973 Hs.303787 NM_018844 HPRD:16541 BCAP29 BAP29 B-cell receptor-associated protein 29 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38894 chrX 153238188 153238316 + 3.80736 NA 5' UTR (NM_003492, exon 1 of 2) 5' UTR (NM_003492, exon 1 of 2) 261 NM_003492 8269 Hs.23119 NM_003492 HPRD:02086 TMEM187 CXorf12|DXS9878E|ITBA1 transmembrane protein 187 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13222 chr16 67970782 67970853 + 3.80700 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002801) promoter-TSS (NM_002801) -37 NM_002801 5699 Hs.9661 NM_002801 HPRD:01465 PSMB10 LMP10|MECL1|beta2i proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type, 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35847 chr9 91778114 91778215 + 3.80579 NA intron (NM_016848, intron 1 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 15518 NM_016848 53358 Hs.292737 NM_016848 SHC3 N-Shc|NSHC|RAI|SHCC SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) transforming protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4407 chr10 59656465 59656531 + 3.80579 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 371196 NM_152230 253430 Hs.30280 NM_152230 HPRD:17153 IPMK - inositol polyphosphate multikinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4267 chr10 45890563 45890649 + 3.80469 NA intron (NM_001256153, intron 2 of 13) L1PA5|LINE|L1 20982 NM_000698 240 Hs.89499 NM_000698 HPRD:01065 ALOX5 5-LO|5-LOX|5LPG|LOG5 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6321 chr11 62408335 62408401 + 3.80469 NA intron (NM_001278194, intron 1 of 22) intron (NM_001278194, intron 1 of 22) 5830 NM_198334 23193 Hs.595071 NM_014610 HPRD:03516 GANAB G2AN|GLUII glucosidase, alpha; neutral AB protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12106 chr15 93684785 93684969 + 3.80469 NA Intergenic Intergenic -52434 NM_020211 56963 Hs.271277 NM_020211 HPRD:09560 RGMA RGM repulsive guidance molecule family member a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_133 chr1 6088316 6088388 + 3.80284 NA intron (NM_003636, intron 1 of 15) intron (NM_003636, intron 1 of 15) 2279 NM_003636 8514 Hs.440497 NM_003636 HPRD:03090 KCNAB2 AKR6A5|HKvbeta2|HKvbeta2.1|HKvbeta2.2|KCNA2B|KV-BETA-2 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13084 chr16 57333824 57334075 + 3.79646 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15365 NM_015993 51090 Hs.632215 NM_015993 HPRD:11854 PLLP PMLP|TM4SF11 plasmolipin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27282 chr5 52067600 52067751 + 3.79090 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16099 NM_015946 53918 Hs.644352 NM_015946 PELO PRO1770 pelota homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8985 chr12 122072276 122072359 + 3.79090 NA intron (NM_032790, intron 1 of 1) SVA_D|Other|Other 7862 NM_032790 84876 Hs.55148 NM_032790 ORAI1 CRACM1|IMD9|ORAT1|TAM2|TMEM142A ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36522 chr9 140222189 140222255 + 3.79013 NA intron (NM_017820, intron 17 of 21) intron (NM_017820, intron 17 of 21) -25519 NM_001004354 441478 Hs.535075 NM_001004354 HPRD:17564 NRARP - NOTCH-regulated ankyrin repeat protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30738 chr6 148742594 148742718 + 3.78971 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 2 of 19) AluSx|SINE|Alu 78927 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1156 chr1 78335956 78336099 + 3.78971 NA intron (NM_198549, intron 14 of 15) SVA_E|Other|Other -18173 NM_001172309 91624 Hs.612385 NM_144573 HPRD:11388 NEXN CMH20|NELIN nexilin (F actin binding protein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24995 chr4 47839435 47839513 + 3.78971 NA intron (NM_001278585, intron 1 of 19) CpG 649 NM_006587 10699 Hs.518618 NM_006587 HPRD:05573 CORIN ATC2|CRN|Lrp4|PEE5|TMPRSS10 corin, serine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29754 chr6 58605529 58605652 + 3.78971 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -317866 NR_125728 375513 Hs.561539 NM_206908 GUSBP4 C6orf216|GUSBL2|SMA3-L|SMAC3L|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 4 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_44 chr1 1143526 1143592 + 3.78971 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1470 NM_148901 8784 Hs.212680 NM_004195 HPRD:04879 TNFRSF18 AITR|CD357|GITR|GITR-D tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22687 chr3 43147472 43147634 + 3.78967 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032806) promoter-TSS (NM_032806) 22 NM_032806 84892 Hs.745002 NM_032806 HPRD:07863 POMGNT2 AGO61|C3orf39|GTDC2|MDDGA8 protein O-linked mannose N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 (beta 1,4-) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3933 chr10 32078659 32078731 + 3.78967 NA Intergenic L1ME3|LINE|L1 119159 NM_001270699 94134 Hs.499264 NM_018287 HPRD:06446 ARHGAP12 - Rho GTPase activating protein 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37208 chrX 7509097 7509167 + 3.78967 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -301171 NM_013452 26609 Hs.567503 NM_013452 HPRD:02206 VCX VCX-10r|VCX-B1|VCX1|VCX10R|VCXB1 variable charge, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27575 chr5 74862818 74862884 + 3.78967 NA intron (NM_016218, intron 3 of 14) intron (NM_016218, intron 3 of 14) -44450 NM_001276713 728780 Hs.370455 NM_001271529 ENSG00000189045 ANKDD1B - ankyrin repeat and death domain containing 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24537 chr4 3878130 3878280 + 3.78967 NA Intergenic CpG 78943 NR_024253 348926 Hs.591720 NR_024253 FAM86EP - family with sequence similarity 86, member A pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35254 chr9 36401197 36401318 + 3.78541 NA promoter-TSS (NM_194328) promoter-TSS (NM_194328) -62 NM_194330 152006 Hs.333503 NM_022781 HPRD:11519 RNF38 - ring finger protein 38 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24580 chr4 6692334 6692462 + 3.78541 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3168 NM_005980 6286 Hs.2962 NM_005980 S100P MIG9 S100 calcium binding protein P protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38547 chrX 118699386 118699477 + 3.77491 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022101) promoter-TSS (NM_022101) -34 NM_022101 63932 Hs.248572 NM_022101 HPRD:06541 CXorf56 - chromosome X open reading frame 56 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38482 chrX 109473189 109473312 + 3.77491 NA intron (NM_001025580, intron 1 of 4) L1PA6|LINE|L1 -4962 NR_004379 692226 NR_004379 SNORD96B U96b small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 96B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1544 chr1 113182532 113182632 + 3.77491 NA intron (NM_006135, intron 1 of 9) SVA_D|Other|Other 20507 NM_006135 829 Hs.744974 NM_006135 HPRD:03347 CAPZA1 CAPPA1|CAPZ|CAZ1 capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19624 chr2 196522899 196523021 + 3.77415 NA intron (NM_020342, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_020342, intron 1 of 9) 1108 NM_020342 57181 Hs.650158 NM_020342 HPRD:10572 SLC39A10 LZT-Hs2 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27631 chr5 76059127 76059225 + 3.77305 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47308 NM_001992 2149 Hs.482562 NM_001992 HPRD:01763 F2R CF2R|HTR|PAR-1|PAR1|TR coagulation factor II (thrombin) receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38832 chrX 146229084 146229161 + 3.77305 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 83239 NR_030233 574511 NR_030233 miRBase:MI0003193 MIR506 MIRN506|hsa-mir-506 microRNA 506 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28378 chr5 140637581 140637653 + 3.77305 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 12700 NM_018935 56121 Hs.130757 NM_018935 HPRD:06959 PCDHB15 PCDH-BETA15 protocadherin beta 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16748 chr19 44205573 44205716 + 3.77305 NA Intergenic L2a|LINE|L2 -14570 NM_019612 56269 Hs.515444 NM_019612 HPRD:15200 IRGC CINEMA|IFGGE|IRGC1|Iigp5|R30953_1 immunity-related GTPase family, cinema protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17443 chr2 15282321 15282545 + 3.77305 NA Intergenic Intergenic 419039 NR_052013 51594 Hs.467759 NM_015909 HPRD:10473 NBAS NAG|SOPH neuroblastoma amplified sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37222 chrX 8592183 8592249 + 3.77305 NA intron (NM_000216, intron 2 of 13) AluSq10|SINE|Alu 108011 NM_000216 3730 Hs.521869 NM_000216 HPRD:02393 KAL1 ADMLX|HH1|HHA|KAL|KALIG-1|KMS|WFDC19 Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32919 chr7 143121329 143121433 + 3.76624 NA intron (NR_033897, intron 2 of 4) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -15396 NM_005232 2041 Hs.89839 NM_005232 HPRD:01554 EPHA1 EPH|EPHT|EPHT1 EPH receptor A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28701 chr5 167286439 167286511 + 3.76479 NA intron (NM_001122679, intron 2 of 28) SVA_F|Other|Other 372902 NR_109894 101927862 Hs.659376 NR_109894 ENSG00000253978 CTB-178M22.2 - uncharacterized LOC101927862 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36467 chr9 137299259 137299337 + 3.76479 NA 5' UTR (NM_001291921, exon 1 of 9) 5' UTR (NM_001291921, exon 1 of 9) 870 NM_001291921 6256 Hs.590886 NM_002957 RXRA NR2B1 retinoid X receptor, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31426 chr7 23586712 23586823 + 3.76479 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15107 NM_013293 29896 Hs.445652 NM_013293 HPRD:04096 TRA2A AWMS1|HSU53209 transformer 2 alpha homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8896 chr12 113623235 113623358 + 3.76321 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001111322) promoter-TSS (NM_001111322) -12 NM_024072 79039 Hs.506861 NM_024072 HPRD:13129 DDX54 DP97 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 54 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27182 chr5 49406914 49407006 + 3.76305 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 330274 NM_198449 133418 Hs.561411 NM_198449 HPRD:13271 EMB GP70 embigin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3735 chr10 17149532 17149639 + 3.76042 NA intron (NM_001081, intron 10 of 66) AluY|SINE|Alu 22231 NM_001081 8029 Hs.166206 NM_001081 HPRD:04296 CUBN IFCR|MGA1|gp280 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8862 chr12 111494639 111494839 + 3.76042 NA intron (NM_015267, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_015267, intron 1 of 21) 22911 NM_015267 23316 Hs.124953 NM_015267 HPRD:10851 CUX2 CDP2|CUTL2 cut-like homeobox 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17624 chr2 32519861 32519955 + 3.76042 NA intron (NM_032312, intron 3 of 5) SVA_D|Other|Other 16950 NM_032312 84272 Hs.468099 NM_032312 YIPF4 FinGER4 Yip1 domain family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3801 chr10 22605257 22605355 + 3.76042 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001204062) promoter-TSS (NM_001204062) -6 NM_012071 23412 Hs.534398 NM_012071 HPRD:13082 COMMD3 BUP|C10orf8 COMM domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25824 chr4 113153272 113153396 + 3.75843 NA intron (NM_018569, intron 1 of 9) CpG 439 NM_018569 55435 Hs.435991 NM_018569 HPRD:12824 AP1AR 2C18|C4orf16|GBAR|gamma-BAR adaptor-related protein complex 1 associated regulatory protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18570 chr2 99452337 99452405 + 3.75637 NA intron (NM_207362, intron 3 of 9) intron (NM_207362, intron 3 of 9) 100313 NM_207362 343990 Hs.469398 NM_207362 HPRD:14620 KIAA1211L C2orf55 KIAA1211-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20625 chr20 31124443 31124509 + 3.75446 NA intron (NM_001256798, intron 1 of 10) CpG 26714 NR_110619 101929698 Hs.638392 NR_110619 LOC101929698 - uncharacterized LOC101929698 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21018 chr20 62151890 62151987 + 3.75446 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024299) promoter-TSS (NM_024299) -195 NM_024299 79144 Hs.79625 NM_024299 HPRD:12750 PPDPF C20orf149|dJ697K14.9|exdpf pancreatic progenitor cell differentiation and proliferation factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12077 chr15 91203863 91203954 + 3.75183 NA non-coding (NR_120371, exon 1 of 3) non-coding (NR_120371, exon 1 of 3) 443 NR_120371 101929765 Hs.615348 NR_120371 ENSG00000245479 LOC101929765 - uncharacterized LOC101929765 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18012 chr2 68944445 68944511 + 3.74570 NA Intergenic Intergenic -17435 NM_001007231 9938 Hs.531807 NM_014882 HPRD:09805 ARHGAP25 HEL-S-308|KAIA0053 Rho GTPase activating protein 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32901 chr7 143031213 143031279 + 3.74570 NA intron (NM_000083, intron 12 of 22) AluSq2|SINE|Alu 18027 NR_046453 1180 Hs.121483 NM_000083 HPRD:00320 CLCN1 CLC1 chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38835 chrX 146999952 147000046 + 3.74570 NA intron (NR_024499, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_024499, intron 1 of 1) 3677 NR_024502 100126270 Hs.561999 NR_024499 FMR1-AS1 ASFMR1|FMR1-AS|FMR1AS|FMR4 FMR1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25018 chr4 49095924 49096013 + 3.74348 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 107309 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23433 chr3 111578545 111578647 + 3.74099 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001134439) promoter-TSS (NM_001134439) 28 NM_001134439 90102 Hs.603252 NM_145753 HPRD:06611 PHLDB2 LL5b|LL5beta pleckstrin homology-like domain, family B, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32245 chr7 86608224 86608374 + 3.73989 NA intron (NM_001142749, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_001142749, intron 1 of 21) -13008 NM_152748 222223 Hs.208093 NM_152748 HPRD:13405 KIAA1324L EIG121L KIAA1324-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18997 chr2 135169707 135169780 + 3.73989 NA intron (NM_002410, intron 11 of 15) intron (NM_002410, intron 11 of 15) 157913 NM_002410 4249 Hs.4988 NM_002410 HPRD:03467 MGAT5 GNT-V|GNT-VA mannosyl (alpha-1,6-)-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13968 chr17 20946317 20946383 + 3.73396 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015276) promoter-TSS (NM_015276) 2 NM_015276 23326 Hs.462492 NM_015276 ENSG00000124422 USP22 USP3L ubiquitin specific peptidase 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24262 chr3 185695364 185695456 + 3.73110 NA intron (NR_033752, intron 5 of 5) intron (NR_033752, intron 5 of 5) 17652 NR_033752 344887 Hs.128803 NR_033752 ENSG00000171658 LOC344887 - NmrA-like family domain containing 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10157 chr14 24446566 24446632 + 3.73110 NA intron (NM_001193637, intron 1 of 5) intron (NM_001193637, intron 1 of 5) 7375 NM_001193635 317749 Hs.743442 NM_198083 HPRD:10880 DHRS4L2 SDR25C3 dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 4 like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23665 chr3 129209177 129209243 + 3.73110 NA intron (NM_052989, intron 16 of 29) intron (NM_052989, intron 16 of 29) -38272 NM_000539 6010 Hs.247565 NM_000539 HPRD:01584 RHO CSNBAD1|OPN2|RP4 rhodopsin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11982 chr15 85141696 85141783 + 3.73043 NA Intergenic MLT1A|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -2510 NM_181877 54993 Hs.594023 NM_017894 HPRD:15898 ZSCAN2 ZFP29|ZNF854 zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16018 chr19 13944541 13944637 + 3.73031 NA TTS (NR_036515) TTS (NR_036515) 2514 NR_036515 284454 Hs.436426 NR_036515 ENSG00000267519 LOC284454 - uncharacterized LOC284454 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26839 chr5 17521901 17522057 + 3.72799 NA Intergenic Intergenic -134560 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26530 chr4 185589794 185589914 + 3.72358 NA intron (NM_001300767, intron 5 of 12) intron (NM_001300767, intron 5 of 12) 19087 NM_001300768 201973 Hs.481307 NM_152683 HPRD:08742 PRIMPOL CCDC111|MYP22 primase and polymerase (DNA-directed) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35190 chr9 33523827 33523956 + 3.72358 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001244752) promoter-TSS (NM_001244752) -520 NM_001244752 441459 Hs.493710 NM_001013728 HPRD:18466 ANKRD18B bA255A11.3|bA255A11.5 ankyrin repeat domain 18B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5805 chr11 24409226 24409314 + 3.72358 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -109246 NM_001009909 338645 Hs.144138 NM_001009909 HPRD:17348 LUZP2 KFSP2566|PRO6246 leucine zipper protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15062 chr18 11959522 11959594 + 3.72358 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -21869 NM_014214 3613 Hs.743311 NM_014214 HPRD:09329 IMPA2 - inositol(myo)-1(or 4)-monophosphatase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18598 chr2 102327181 102327300 + 3.72358 NA intron (NM_145686, intron 2 of 30) intron (NM_145686, intron 2 of 30) 12702 NM_145687 9448 Hs.701013 NM_004834 HPRD:05235 MAP4K4 FLH21957|HEL-S-31|HGK|MEKKK4|NIK mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37788 chrX 61684725 61684819 + 3.72261 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 886446 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29462 chr6 34204138 34204204 + 3.71920 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002131) promoter-TSS (NM_002131) -406 NM_145903 3159 Hs.518805 NM_002131 HPRD:02829 HMGA1 HMG-R|HMGA1A|HMGIY high mobility group AT-hook 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23434 chr3 111579297 111579490 + 3.71920 NA intron (NM_001134439, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001134439, intron 1 of 17) 825 NM_001134439 90102 Hs.603252 NM_145753 HPRD:06611 PHLDB2 LL5b|LL5beta pleckstrin homology-like domain, family B, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4930 chr10 102673002 102673101 + 3.71681 NA exon (NM_001243770, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_001243770, exon 1 of 1) 725 NM_001243770 55719 Hs.447458 NM_018121 HPRD:12581 FAM178A C10orf6 family with sequence similarity 178, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_992 chr1 59407521 59407670 + 3.71681 NA Intergenic Intergenic -78553 NR_110626 101926925 NR_110626 LINC01358 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1358 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19795 chr2 204973138 204973256 + 3.71681 NA Intergenic Intergenic 171726 NM_012092 29851 Hs.56247 NM_012092 HPRD:09196 ICOS AILIM|CD278|CVID1 inducible T-cell co-stimulator protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30592 chr6 138029258 138029344 + 3.71373 NA Intergenic Intergenic 30873 NR_121618 100507406 Hs.556703 NR_121618 ENSG00000234956 LOC100507406 - uncharacterized LOC100507406 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18516 chr2 97173887 97174007 + 3.71230 NA promoter-TSS (NR_104346) promoter-TSS (NR_104346) -101 NR_104346 93082 Hs.149219 NM_001080535 HPRD:14296 NEURL3 LINCR neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32124 chr7 74596302 74596421 + 3.71106 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8559 NR_003187 654817 Hs.647047 NR_003187 HPRD:01990 NCF1C SH3PXD1C neutrophil cytosolic factor 1C pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23359 chr3 105472136 105472202 + 3.70806 NA intron (NM_170662, intron 4 of 18) intron (NM_170662, intron 4 of 18) 115718 NM_170662 868 Hs.430589 NM_170662 HPRD:05136 CBLB Cbl-b|RNF56 Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34861 chr8 145638884 145639009 + 3.70806 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001280557) promoter-TSS (NM_001280557) 29 NM_001280557 55630 Hs.521934 NM_017767 HPRD:06137 SLC39A4 AEZ|AWMS2|ZIP4 solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36721 chrUn_gl000214 136103 136232 + 3.70724 NA NA ACRO1|Satellite|acro NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36169 chr9 119276824 119276904 + 3.70712 NA intron (NR_033973, intron 1 of 11) L1PA5|LINE|L1 10302 NR_033973 100128505 Hs.675821 NR_033973 ENSG00000229105 ASTN2-AS1 - ASTN2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34228 chr8 90986852 90986940 + 3.70712 NA intron (NM_002485, intron 5 of 15) LTR40c|LTR|ERVL 10003 NM_002485 4683 Hs.492208 NM_002485 HPRD:04050 NBN AT-V1|AT-V2|ATV|NBS|NBS1|P95 nibrin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13667 chr17 3642136 3642202 + 3.70712 NA intron (NM_002208, intron 20 of 30) intron (NM_002208, intron 20 of 30) 14972 NM_031965 83903 Hs.534059 NM_031965 HPRD:17083 GSG2 HASPIN germ cell associated 2 (haspin) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20875 chr20 49094939 49095005 + 3.70712 NA Intergenic LTR1|LTR|ERV1 -31886 NM_002827 5770 Hs.417549 NM_002827 HPRD:01477 PTPN1 PTP1B protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14280 chr17 38975091 38975354 + 3.70712 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195386) promoter-TSS (NM_001195386) -122 NM_001195387 147184 Hs.353163 NM_145274 HPRD:14478 TMEM99 - transmembrane protein 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10977 chr14 98460701 98460835 + 3.70712 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16307 NR_015430 388011 Hs.651477 NR_015430 ENSG00000246223 C14orf64 - chromosome 14 open reading frame 64 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1845 chr1 145396765 145396935 + 3.70361 NA intron (NM_001039703, intron 68 of 85) intron (NM_001039703, intron 68 of 85) -16341 NM_213653 148738 Hs.632436 NM_145277 HPRD:10521 HFE2 HFE2A|HJV|JH|RGMC hemochromatosis type 2 (juvenile) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_160 chr1 8213246 8213312 + 3.70224 NA Intergenic LTR12|LTR|ERV1 -126886 NM_018948 54206 Hs.605445 NM_018948 HPRD:09218 ERRFI1 GENE-33|MIG-6|MIG6|RALT ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9258 chr13 26421425 26421553 + 3.70224 NA intron (NM_016529, intron 30 of 36) intron (NM_016529, intron 30 of 36) 203709 NM_001007538 387914 Hs.433791 NM_001007538 HPRD:16589 SHISA2 C13orf13|PRO28631|TMEM46|WGAR9166|bA398O19.2|hShisa shisa family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22296 chr3 10236518 10236634 + 3.70224 NA intron (NM_001570, intron 2 of 12) intron (NM_001570, intron 2 of 12) 30013 NM_001570 3656 Hs.449207 NM_001570 HPRD:04491 IRAK2 IRAK-2 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36944 chrUn_gl000225 70649 70726 + 3.70023 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29655 chr6 46959756 46959870 + 3.69083 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -37138 NM_015234 221395 Hs.362806 NM_015234 HPRD:11010 GPR116 KPG_001 G protein-coupled receptor 116 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1055 chr1 66748096 66748278 + 3.69083 NA intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) intron (NM_001297440, intron 6 of 15) -49604 NM_001037339 5142 Hs.198072 NM_002600 HPRD:02528 PDE4B DPDE4|PDEIVB phosphodiesterase 4B, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19371 chr2 172430759 172430860 + 3.69083 NA Intergenic Intergenic 51943 NM_001127383 79901 Hs.221941 NM_024843 HPRD:05764 CYBRD1 CYB561A2|DCYTB|FRRS3 cytochrome b reductase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6303 chr11 61584027 61584093 + 3.69083 NA exon (NM_013402, exon 1 of 12) exon (NM_013402, exon 1 of 12) 184 NM_001281502 9415 Hs.502745 NM_004265 HPRD:05854 FADS2 D6D|DES6|FADSD6|LLCDL2|SLL0262|TU13 fatty acid desaturase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36634 chr9_gl000199_random 113646 113723 + 3.69008 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29879 chr6 74627740 74627840 + 3.68774 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -151377 NR_110856 101928516 Hs.384600 NR_110856 ENSG00000223786 LOC101928516 - uncharacterized LOC101928516 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9346 chr13 33591844 33591960 + 3.68774 NA intron (NM_004795, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_004795, intron 1 of 4) 1331 NM_004795 9365 Hs.524953 NM_004795 HPRD:05316 KL - klotho protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2685 chr1 189439152 189439256 + 3.68774 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 1007555 NM_199051 339479 Hs.65765 NM_199051 HPRD:16782 BRINP3 DBCCR1L|DBCCR1L1|FAM5C bone morphogenetic protein/retinoic acid inducible neural-specific 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33695 chr8 43181126 43181192 + 3.68774 NA intron (NM_001002920, intron 8 of 12) L1PA3|LINE|L1 33574 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11280 chr15 30904476 30904568 + 3.67992 NA intron (NM_001282490, intron 13 of 18) intron (NM_001282490, intron 13 of 18) 8289 NM_001282490 728498 NM_001282490 GOLGA8H GOLGA6L11 golgin A8 family, member H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16995 chr19 51858943 51859009 + 3.67446 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001014763) promoter-TSS (NM_001014763) -880 NM_001014763 2109 Hs.348531 NM_001985 HPRD:00557 ETFB MADD electron-transfer-flavoprotein, beta polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36035 chr9 106820905 106821030 + 3.67446 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 33788 NR_121580 101928550 Hs.144722 NR_121580 ENSG00000270332 SMC2-AS1 - SMC2 antisense RNA 1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33036 chr7 151633439 151633567 + 3.67446 NA Intergenic Intergenic -19961 NM_145292 168391 Hs.647077 NM_145292 HPRD:13565 GALNTL5 GALNACT19|GALNT15|GalNAc-T5L polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27718 chr5 83140528 83140655 + 3.67446 NA Intergenic Intergenic -123695 NM_001884 1404 Hs.2799 NM_001884 HPRD:00275 HAPLN1 CRTL1 hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37582 chrX 48730839 48730905 + 3.67446 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -24323 NM_001032382 10084 Hs.534384 NM_005710 HPRD:02354 PQBP1 MRX2|MRX55|MRXS3|MRXS8|NPW38|RENS1|SHS polyglutamine binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2884 chr1 205370917 205371030 + 3.67344 NA intron (NR_037583, intron 2 of 3) L1PA3|LINE|L1 20241 NM_001199052 93273 Hs.655520 NM_001001552 HPRD:13983 LEMD1 CT50|LEMP-1 LEM domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3611 chr10 6600337 6600444 + 3.67344 NA intron (NM_001282644, intron 1 of 17) intron (NM_001282644, intron 1 of 17) 21873 NM_001282644 5588 Hs.498570 NM_006257 HPRD:02710 PRKCQ PRKCT|nPKC-theta protein kinase C, theta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26572 chr4 187548296 187548405 + 3.67344 NA intron (NM_005245, intron 9 of 26) intron (NM_005245, intron 9 of 26) -71813 NM_005958 4543 Hs.243467 NM_005958 HPRD:02812 MTNR1A MEL-1A-R|MT1 melatonin receptor 1A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20006 chr2 227935057 227935145 + 3.67344 NA intron (NM_000092, intron 25 of 47) L1PA3|LINE|L1 94174 NM_000092 1286 Hs.591645 NM_000092 HPRD:00360 COL4A4 CA44 collagen, type IV, alpha 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9184 chr13 21069364 21069517 + 3.67344 NA intron (NM_015974, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_015974, intron 2 of 7) 30572 NM_015974 51084 Hs.370703 NM_015974 HPRD:16762 CRYL1 GDH|HEL30|lambda-CRY crystallin, lambda 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12433 chr16 15195539 15195630 + 3.67344 NA intron (NR_125434, intron 1 of 3) AluJb|SINE|Alu 7316 NR_125434 100505915 Hs.678758 NR_125434 LOC100505915 - uncharacterized LOC100505915 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9202 chr13 21347756 21347873 + 3.67137 NA intron (NM_174928, intron 1 of 4) CpG 243 NM_174928 221143 Hs.26674 NM_174928 HPRD:14135 N6AMT2 ESP13 N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 2 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1396 chr1 100866030 100866124 + 3.67137 NA intron (NM_003672, intron 4 of 15) intron (NM_003672, intron 4 of 15) 48054 NM_033312 8556 Hs.127411 NM_003672 HPRD:04614 CDC14A cdc14|hCDC14 cell division cycle 14A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36833 chrUn_gl000218 143603 143721 + 3.66889 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46208 NR_037871 100233156 Hs.487536 NM_174888 LOC100233156 - tektin 4 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25116 chr4 49514877 49514992 + 3.66466 NA Intergenic Intergenic 526275 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28782 chr5 175968882 175968948 + 3.66419 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171976) promoter-TSS (NM_001171976) -597 NM_001171976 54825 Hs.4205 NM_017675 HPRD:15103 CDHR2 PCDH24|PCLKC cadherin-related family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26685 chr4_gl000194_random 161317 161435 + 3.66136 NA Intergenic Intergenic -46303 NR_046439 727764 Hs.626311 NM_001190825 MAFIP MIP|TEKT4P4|pp5644 MAFF interacting protein (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35448 chr9 66813343 66813440 + 3.66066 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -109576 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4756 chr10 90695273 90695420 + 3.66003 NA intron (NR_125373, intron 3 of 4) intron (NR_125373, intron 3 of 4) 2905 NR_125373 100132116 Hs.713690 NR_125373 ACTA2-AS1 ZXF1|uc001kfo.1 ACTA2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13345 chr16 77246902 77246994 + 3.65903 NA TTS (NM_001129979) TTS (NM_001129979) 13599 NM_001129979 100130958 Hs.734779 NM_001129979 ENSG00000205078 SYCE1L MRP2 synaptonemal complex central element protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31488 chr7 28966745 28966855 + 3.65896 NA Intergenic Intergenic 31229 NM_014817 9865 Hs.744120 NM_014817 TRIL - TLR4 interactor with leucine-rich repeats protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19075 chr2 144486171 144486268 + 3.65896 NA intron (NM_018460, intron 13 of 13) intron (NM_018460, intron 13 of 13) -208415 NR_110237 101928386 Hs.668251 NR_110237 ENSG00000232377 LOC101928386 - uncharacterized LOC101928386 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29269 chr6 27655928 27656211 + 3.65896 NA Intergenic Intergenic -5745 NR_038293 100507173 Hs.635987 NR_038292 LINC01012 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1012 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21828 chr22 25574994 25575103 + 3.65884 NA intron (NM_001145206, intron 7 of 10) CpG -20769 NM_004076 1417 Hs.533022 NM_004076 HPRD:00431 CRYBB3 CATCN2|CRYB3|CTRCT22 crystallin, beta B3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38773 chrX 135861716 135861848 + 3.65884 NA intron (NM_004840, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_004840, intron 1 of 21) 1721 NM_004840 9459 Hs.522795 NM_004840 HPRD:02226 ARHGEF6 COOL2|Cool-2|MRX46|PIXA|alpha-PIX|alphaPIX Rac/Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3463 chr1 247859156 247859247 + 3.65884 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 16856 NM_001005286 343169 Hs.591529 NM_001005286 HPRD:17777 OR6F1 OR1-34|OR1-38|OST731 olfactory receptor, family 6, subfamily F, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17843 chr2 49310991 49311091 + 3.65884 NA intron (NM_181446, intron 1 of 8) L1PA4|LINE|L1 70625 NM_000145 2492 Hs.1428 NM_000145 HPRD:00639 FSHR FSHRO|LGR1|ODG1 follicle stimulating hormone receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10869 chr14 90722837 90722953 + 3.65884 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002802) promoter-TSS (NM_002802) 1 NM_002802 5700 Hs.356654 NM_002802 HPRD:04084 PSMC1 P26S4|S4|p56 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19462 chr2 179343797 179343925 + 3.65494 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135212) promoter-TSS (NM_001135212) -506 NM_001135212 51661 Hs.410378 NM_016105 HPRD:08451 FKBP7 FKBP23|PPIase FK506 binding protein 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13982 chr17 21904929 21904996 + 3.64725 NA intron (NR_027084, intron 1 of 1) intron (NR_027084, intron 1 of 1) 900 NR_027084 284124 Hs.310247 NR_027084 FLJ36000 - uncharacterized FLJ36000 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13530 chr16 89753266 89753378 + 3.64725 NA intron (NR_027703, intron 1 of 11) CpG 246 NR_027702 8558 Hs.699177 NM_003674 ENSG00000185324 CDK10 PISSLRE cyclin-dependent kinase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23133 chr3 78541756 78541917 + 3.64725 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 526773 NM_001145845 6091 Hs.744218 NM_002941 HPRD:03890 ROBO1 DUTT1|SAX3 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38729 chrX 133973188 133973263 + 3.64725 NA intron (NM_138819, intron 3 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 32002 NM_138819 159091 Hs.269127 NM_138819 HPRD:06615 FAM122C - family with sequence similarity 122C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22481 chr3 25743298 25743383 + 3.64523 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -36910 NR_039644 100616477 NR_039644 miRBase:MI0016785 MIR4442 - microRNA 4442 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32080 chr7 72626003 72626122 + 3.64523 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8612 NR_003186 654816 Hs.655201 NR_003186 ENSG00000182487 NCF1B NCF-1B|SH3PXD1B neutrophil cytosolic factor 1B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10949 chr14 95057730 95057854 + 3.64462 NA intron (NM_000624, intron 5 of 5) (CACTC)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 10086 NM_000624 5104 Hs.159628 NM_000624 HPRD:03503 SERPINA5 PAI-3|PAI3|PCI|PCI-B|PLANH3|PROCI serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22911 chr3 56836267 56836357 + 3.64323 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019555) promoter-TSS (NM_019555) -317 NM_019555 50650 Hs.476402 NM_019555 HPRD:12480 ARHGEF3 GEF3|STA3|XPLN Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26908 chr5 27426606 27426878 + 3.64270 NA Intergenic Intergenic -45657 NR_038848 643401 Hs.533212 NR_038848 ENSG00000250337 LINC01021 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1021 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32256 chr7 86950065 86950155 + 3.64270 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 24698 NR_015381 11257 Hs.274329 NM_007233 HPRD:10276 TP53TG1 LINC00096|NCRNA00096|P53TG1|P53TG1-D|TP53AP1 TP53 target 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29141 chr6 20336200 20336266 + 3.64270 NA Intergenic Intergenic -65904 NM_001949 1871 Hs.269408 NM_001949 HPRD:02693 E2F3 E2F-3 E2F transcription factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30526 chr6 133134280 133134399 + 3.63912 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1369 NM_001016 6206 Hs.546289 NM_001016 RPS12 S12 ribosomal protein S12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33745 chr8 43827013 43827093 + 3.63869 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 679468 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32741 chr7 130793496 130793604 + 3.63863 NA non-coding (NR_015431, exon 2 of 5) non-coding (NR_015431, exon 2 of 5) 1125 NR_109850 378805 Hs.150556 NM_001085379 ENSG00000226380 LINC-PINT LincRNA-Pint|MKLN1-AS1|PINT long intergenic non-protein coding RNA, p53 induced transcript ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33478 chr8 22875815 22875968 + 3.63572 NA 3' UTR (NM_001160036, exon 12 of 12) 3' UTR (NM_001160036, exon 12 of 12) 18799 NM_015178 23221 Hs.372688 NM_015178 HPRD:06300 RHOBTB2 DBC2 Rho-related BTB domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33896 chr8 59572113 59572247 + 3.63572 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001144772) promoter-TSS (NM_001144772) -214 NM_001144772 8439 Hs.372000 NM_003580 HPRD:09117 NSMAF FAN neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) activation associated factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20887 chr20 49548394 49548503 + 3.63572 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282531) promoter-TSS (NM_001282531) -921 NM_015339 23394 Hs.293736 NM_015339 HPRD:09793 ADNP ADNP1|MRD28 activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20066 chr2 233305416 233305486 + 3.63455 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15382 NM_001631 248 Hs.37009 NM_001631 HPRD:01376 ALPI IAP alkaline phosphatase, intestinal protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_39117 chrY 13269710 13269831 + 3.63234 NA Intergenic MER21C|LTR|ERVL 1263619 NR_033667 352887 Hs.546221 NR_033667 ENSG00000206159 GYG2P1 GYG2P glycogenin 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6900 chr11 102322557 102322693 + 3.63234 NA intron (NM_052932, intron 1 of 4) CpG 1150 NM_052932 114908 Hs.503709 NM_052932 ENSG00000152558 TMEM123 KCT3|PORIMIN|PORMIN transmembrane protein 123 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16906 chr19 49242232 49242364 + 3.63045 NA exon (NM_017805, exon 3 of 12) exon (NM_017805, exon 3 of 12) 1672 NM_017805 54922 Hs.233955 NM_017805 HPRD:15214 RASIP1 RAIN Ras interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13770 chr17 6544286 6544352 + 3.63045 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014804) promoter-TSS (NM_014804) -72 NM_014804 9851 Hs.28070 NM_014804 HPRD:11106 KIAA0753 - KIAA0753 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15321 chr18 43518474 43518578 + 3.63045 NA intron (NM_020964, intron 10 of 43) intron (NM_020964, intron 10 of 43) 28779 NM_020964 57724 Hs.514843 NM_020964 HPRD:11157 EPG5 HEEW1|KIAA1632|VICIS|hEPG5 ectopic P-granules autophagy protein 5 homolog (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28017 chr5 112251667 112251787 + 3.63045 NA intron (NM_005669, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_005669, intron 2 of 4) 6304 NM_005669 7905 Hs.429608 NM_005669 HPRD:15918 REEP5 C5orf18|D5S346|DP1|TB2|YOP1 receptor accessory protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34829 chr8 145016845 145016954 + 3.63044 NA promoter-TSS (NM_201383) promoter-TSS (NM_201383) -207 NM_201383 5339 Hs.434248 NM_000445 HPRD:03180 PLEC EBS1|EBSO|HD1|LGMD2Q|PCN|PLEC1|PLEC1b|PLTN plectin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2033 chr1 149600813 149600937 + 3.62663 NA intron (NR_111957, intron 2 of 3) LTR73|LTR|ERV1 -5042 NR_125392 101954268 NR_125392 RNVU1-20 RNU1-110|vU1.20 RNA, variant U1 small nuclear 20 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5669 chr11 13887764 13887891 + 3.62663 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -96357 NM_006108 10418 Hs.643864 NM_006108 SPON1 VSGP/F-spondin|f-spondin spondin 1, extracellular matrix protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27586 chr5 75250733 75250822 + 3.62651 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -128462 NM_014979 22987 Hs.663229 NM_014979 HPRD:18753 SV2C - synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_350 chr1 23437562 23437647 + 3.62651 NA intron (NM_033631, intron 1 of 4) AluSx|SINE|Alu 57747 NM_001142546 7798 Hs.257900 NM_033631 HPRD:03250 LUZP1 LUZP leucine zipper protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9447 chr13 42980603 42980711 + 3.62651 NA Intergenic Intergenic 134368 NM_016248 11215 Hs.105105 NM_016248 HPRD:05261 AKAP11 AKAP-11|AKAP220|PPP1R44|PRKA11 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5583 chr11 8913069 8913181 + 3.62651 NA intron (NM_005418, intron 1 of 22) L1PA5|LINE|L1 19373 NM_005418 6764 Hs.117715 NM_005418 HPRD:00780 ST5 DENND2B|HTS1|p126 suppression of tumorigenicity 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35558 chr9 69352158 69352280 + 3.62430 NA Intergenic AluJb|SINE|Alu -29762 NM_001098805 728747 Hs.645502 NM_001098805 ENSG00000172014 ANKRD20A4 - ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6555 chr11 70991829 70991964 + 3.61628 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu -56054 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13758 chr17 6450191 6450310 + 3.61628 NA intron (NM_031220, intron 1 of 19) AluSx|SINE|Alu 9627 NM_001165966 83394 Hs.183983 NM_031220 HPRD:07498 PITPNM3 ACKR6|CORD5|NIR1|RDGBA3 PITPNM family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23055 chr3 69247439 69247559 + 3.61083 NA intron (NM_015123, intron 12 of 22) L1M4|LINE|L1 -75753 NM_198271 56203 Hs.350621 NM_198271 HPRD:13993 LMOD3 - leiomodin 3 (fetal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37292 chrX 13502023 13502146 + 3.61069 NA Intergenic Intergenic -85610 NM_001167890 25975 Hs.12844 NM_015507 HPRD:02212 EGFL6 MAEG|W80 EGF-like-domain, multiple 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8481 chr12 76552638 76552704 + 3.61069 NA Intergenic Intergenic -73933 NM_004537 4673 Hs.524599 NM_004537 HPRD:01248 NAP1L1 NAP1|NAP1L|NRP nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29581 chr6 42396121 42396187 + 3.61069 NA intron (NM_033502, intron 2 of 17) intron (NM_033502, intron 2 of 17) 23635 NM_001297573 55809 Hs.485392 NM_018415 HPRD:11647 TRERF1 BCAR2|HSA277276|RAPA|TREP132|TReP-132|dJ139D8.5 transcriptional regulating factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13781 chr17 7051541 7051637 + 3.61069 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 31294 NM_001671 432 Hs.12056 NM_001671 HPRD:00151 ASGR1 ASGPR|ASGPR1|CLEC4H1|HL-1 asialoglycoprotein receptor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10983 chr14 99398438 99398504 + 3.61069 NA Intergenic Intergenic 220521 NM_182560 283598 Hs.448754 NM_182560 HPRD:08075 C14orf177 - chromosome 14 open reading frame 177 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11850 chr15 75743154 75743328 + 3.60540 NA intron (NM_001145357, intron 1 of 20) CpG 685 NM_015477 25942 Hs.513039 NM_015477 HPRD:09690 SIN3A - SIN3 transcription regulator family member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4551 chr10 72446908 72447051 + 3.60219 NA intron (NM_080722, intron 2 of 21) SVA_F|Other|Other 14420 NM_080722 140766 Hs.352156 NM_080722 HPRD:06329 ADAMTS14 - ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32404 chr7 99756342 99756460 + 3.60219 NA promoter-TSS (NM_018275) promoter-TSS (NM_018275) -99 NM_018275 55262 Hs.533139 NM_018275 HPRD:07716 C7orf43 - chromosome 7 open reading frame 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8419 chr12 70759916 70760057 + 3.60219 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014505) promoter-TSS (NM_014505) -76 NM_014505 27345 Hs.525529 NM_014505 HPRD:05564 KCNMB4 - potassium large conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily M, beta member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3494 chr1 249228087 249228208 + 3.60016 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 27705 NM_170725 267002 Hs.602037 NM_170725 PGBD2 - piggyBac transposable element derived 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23595 chr3 125515071 125515140 + 3.59629 NA Intergenic AluJr|SINE|Alu -5710 NR_031687 100302204 NR_031687 miRBase:MI0006421 MIR548I1 MIR548I-1|MIRN548I1|hsa-mir-548i-1 microRNA 548i-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_452 chr1 26946877 26947084 + 3.59629 NA Intergenic CpG 65947 NR_031740 100302190 NR_031740 MIR1976 hsa-mir-1976 microRNA 1976 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8449 chr12 73764623 73764775 + 3.59488 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 211729 NR_110130 101928137 Hs.694666 NR_110130 ENSG00000258123 LOC101928137 - uncharacterized LOC101928137 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20895 chr20 50211686 50211775 + 3.59488 NA Intergenic Intergenic -32360 NM_001258294 4773 Hs.744148 NM_012340 HPRD:02730 NFATC2 NFAT1|NFATP nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23755 chr3 137787524 137787673 + 3.59488 NA TTS (NM_001170538) TTS (NM_001170538) 44724 NM_001170538 199221 Hs.351403 NM_173543 HPRD:08145 DZIP1L DZIP2 DAZ interacting zinc finger protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37857 chrX 61863352 61863450 + 3.59485 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 707817 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31712 chr7 50418473 50418584 + 3.58971 NA intron (NM_001291840, intron 2 of 2) intron (NM_001291840, intron 2 of 2) 59884 NM_001291842 10320 Hs.435949 NM_006060 HPRD:04318 IKZF1 Hs.54452|IK1|IKAROS|LYF1|LyF-1|PPP1R92|PRO0758|ZNFN1A1 IKAROS family zinc finger 1 (Ikaros) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2126 chr1 153606877 153606977 + 3.58948 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001024210) promoter-TSS (NM_001024210) -359 NM_001024210 6284 Hs.516505 NM_005979 HPRD:03586 S100A13 - S100 calcium binding protein A13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30821 chr6 154553308 154553379 + 3.58948 NA intron (NM_001130700, intron 5 of 11) intron (NM_001130700, intron 5 of 11) 97872 NM_001130699 26034 Hs.146100 NM_015553 HPRD:17851 IPCEF1 PIP3-E interaction protein for cytohesin exchange factors 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23070 chr3 71136826 71137001 + 3.58835 NA intron (NM_001244810, intron 7 of 20) intron (NM_001244810, intron 7 of 20) -22839 NM_001244813 27086 Hs.59368 NM_032682 HPRD:18518 FOXP1 12CC4|QRF1|hFKH1B forkhead box P1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6891 chr11 101709184 101709286 + 3.58835 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -76511 NM_020802 57562 Hs.156352 NM_020802 HPRD:17212 KIAA1377 - KIAA1377 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7862 chr12 34855324 34855472 + 3.58809 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 680182 NM_032834 84920 Hs.102971 NM_032834 ALG10 ALG10A|DIE2|KCR1 ALG10, alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20364 chr20 5107006 5107155 + 3.58729 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003818) promoter-TSS (NM_003818) 188 NM_002592 5111 Hs.147433 NM_002592 HPRD:01456 PCNA ATLD2 proliferating cell nuclear antigen protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15133 chr18 15382898 15383109 + 3.58707 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -57085 NR_027417 644669 Hs.579474 NR_027417 ENSG00000215512 LOC644669 - ankyrin repeat domain 30B pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8459 chr12 75728256 75728339 + 3.58379 NA promoter-TSS (NM_152779) promoter-TSS (NM_152779) -166 NM_152779 256710 Hs.567788 NM_152779 HPRD:14514 GLIPR1L1 ALKN2972|PRO7434 GLI pathogenesis-related 1 like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20599 chr20 30016042 30016141 + 3.57900 NA intron (NR_045677, intron 2 of 2) SVA_D|Other|Other 892 NR_045677 245935 Hs.526624 NR_002577 ENSG00000204547 DEFB122 DEFB-22|DEFB122P defensin, beta 122 (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34741 chr8 140473740 140473903 + 3.57900 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK 241478 NR_104210 51305 Hs.493037 NM_001282534 HPRD:16167 KCNK9 K2p9.1|KT3.2|TASK-3|TASK3 potassium channel, subfamily K, member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10269 chr14 36004565 36004655 + 3.57900 NA exon (NM_032594, exon 1 of 1) exon (NM_032594, exon 1 of 1) 1362 NM_032594 84684 Hs.62813 NM_032594 HPRD:17152 INSM2 IA-6|IA6|mlt1 insulinoma-associated 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23935 chr3 154817788 154817859 + 3.57900 NA intron (NM_007289, intron 3 of 22) L1PA5|LINE|L1 19744 NM_007289 4311 Hs.307734 NM_000902 HPRD:00392 MME CALLA|CD10|NEP|SFE membrane metallo-endopeptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3212 chr1 228749330 228749425 + 3.57621 NA Intergenic CpG -31017 NR_037962 58480 Hs.647774 NM_021205 HPRD:06965 RHOU ARHU|CDC42L1|G28K|WRCH1|hG28K ras homolog family member U protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1924 chr1 147775217 147775314 + 3.57431 NA intron (NR_102404, intron 17 of 18).2 CpG 31413 NR_049810 100847044 NR_049810 MIR5087 - microRNA 5087 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7507 chr12 11698440 11698564 + 3.57431 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2462 NR_033890 338817 Hs.733066 NR_033890 ENSG00000247157 LINC01252 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1252 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19314 chr2 169103069 169103136 + 3.57431 NA intron (NM_013233, intron 1 of 17) CpG 1003 NM_013233 27347 Hs.276271 NM_013233 HPRD:09627 STK39 DCHT|PASK|SPAK serine threonine kinase 39 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26492 chr4 181866256 181866364 + 3.57431 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 213992 NR_033918 728081 Hs.535735 NR_033918 ENSG00000248197 LINC00290 NCRNA00290 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 290 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35174 chr9 32712531 32712597 + 3.57431 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -70933 NM_212558 401498 Hs.522063 NM_212558 TMEM215 - transmembrane protein 215 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27367 chr5 59402033 59402147 + 3.57128 NA intron (NM_001165899, intron 2 of 16) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -212469 NM_001104631 5144 Hs.117545 NM_006203 HPRD:02530 PDE4D ACRDYS2|DPDE3|HSPDE4D|PDE43|PDE4DN2|STRK1 phosphodiesterase 4D, cAMP-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1774 chr1 143474270 143474499 + 3.57002 NA Intergenic MER52A|LTR|ERV1 -198537 NR_106967 102466225 NR_106967 MIR6077 MIR6077-1|MIR6077-2|hsa-mir-6077-1|hsa-mir-6077-2 microRNA 6077 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9736 chr13 78304199 78304312 + 3.56338 NA intron (NM_001040153, intron 2 of 6) L2b|LINE|L2 -11040 NM_144595 122060 Hs.349955 NM_144595 HPRD:13400 SLAIN1 C13orf32 SLAIN motif family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10083 chr14 20510180 20510300 + 3.56338 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -7323 NM_001004714 390433 Hs.553573 NM_001004714 HPRD:14976 OR4K13 OR14-27 olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily K, member 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33387 chr8 12307138 12307308 + 3.56270 NA intron (NR_040092, intron 4 of 5) (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 12701 NR_040092 100506990 Hs.656893 NR_040091 LOC100506990 - uncharacterized LOC100506990 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37617 chrX 49206817 49206887 + 3.56045 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001127212) promoter-TSS (NM_001127212) -264 NM_001098407 729408 Hs.695912 NM_001098407 ENSG00000240257 GAGE2D CT4.8|GAGE-2D|GAGE-8|GAGE8 G antigen 2D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29254 chr6 26952739 26952817 + 3.56036 NA intron (NR_026775, intron 2 of 2) MER65-int|LTR|ERV1 28006 NR_026775 100133205 Hs.526951 NR_026775 ENSG00000224843 LINC00240 C6orf41|NCRNA00240|bA373D17.1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 240 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6230 chr11 57484831 57484909 + 3.55830 NA intron (NR_037646, intron 1 of 20) SVA_D|Other|Other 4875 NR_037646 100528016 Hs.166011 NR_037646 ENSG00000254462 TMX2-CTNND1 - TMX2-CTNND1 readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38961 chrY 177045 177154 + 3.55503 NA intron (NM_012227, intron 3 of 5) intron (NM_012227, intron 3 of 5) 3788 NM_012227 8225 Hs.437145 NM_012227 HPRD:02128 GTPBP6 PGPL GTP binding protein 6 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37140 chrX 227045 227154 + 3.55503 NA intron (NM_012227, intron 3 of 5).2 intron (NM_012227, intron 3 of 5).2 3788 NM_012227 8225 Hs.437145 NM_012227 HPRD:02128 GTPBP6 PGPL GTP binding protein 6 (putative) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26207 chr4 149138056 149138181 + 3.54753 NA intron (NM_000901, intron 3 of 8) intron (NM_000901, intron 3 of 8) 225554 NM_000901 4306 Hs.163924 NM_000901 HPRD:02991 NR3C2 MCR|MLR|MR|NR3C2VIT nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14273 chr17 38673155 38673234 + 3.54753 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15340 NM_032865 84951 Hs.438292 NM_032865 HPRD:12223 TNS4 CTEN tensin 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15600 chr18 76197433 76197514 + 3.54753 NA Intergenic Intergenic -491790 NR_104127 101927715 Hs.385670 NR_104127 LINC01029 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1029 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2531 chr1 177373608 177373701 + 3.54644 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 233021 NM_021165 57795 Hs.495918 NM_021165 HPRD:13891 BRINP2 DBCCR1L2|FAM5B bone morphogenetic protein/retinoic acid inducible neural-specific 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22618 chr3 38388172 38388258 + 3.54644 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005108) promoter-TSS (NM_005108) -36 NM_005108 9942 Hs.659985 NM_005108 HPRD:06812 XYLB - xylulokinase homolog (H. influenzae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19652 chr2 198120474 198120568 + 3.54632 NA intron (NR_046837, intron 5 of 5) intron (NR_046837, intron 5 of 5) 46722 NR_046837 101927547 Hs.687027 NR_046837 ANKRD44-IT1 - ANKRD44 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20171 chr2 239140266 239140388 + 3.54632 NA promoter-TSS (NR_026925) promoter-TSS (NR_026925) 0 NR_026923 643387 Hs.598359 NR_026923 LOC643387 - TAR DNA binding protein pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34673 chr8 134580942 134581027 + 3.54459 NA intron (NM_173344, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_173344, intron 1 of 9) 3199 NM_173344 6482 Hs.374257 NM_003033 HPRD:06219 ST3GAL1 Gal-NAc6S|SIAT4A|SIATFL|ST3GalA|ST3GalA.1|ST3GalIA|ST3GalIA,1|ST3O ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6485 chr11 67159311 67159411 + 3.54386 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004584) promoter-TSS (NM_004584) -62 NM_004584 5883 Hs.655354 NM_004584 HPRD:04788 RAD9A RAD9 RAD9 homolog A (S. pombe) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38858 chrX 149108799 149108878 + 3.54381 NA intron (NR_027456, intron 1 of 11) intron (NR_027456, intron 1 of 11) 2072 NR_027456 100272228 Hs.496916 NR_027456 ENSG00000235703 LINC00894 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 894 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36774 chrUn_gl000216 134884 134989 + 3.53870 NA NA BSR/Beta|Satellite|Satellite NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9402 chr13 40795627 40795701 + 3.53674 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1025 NR_033877 400123 Hs.577960 NR_033877 LINC00548 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 548 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19693 chr2 201728973 201729039 + 3.53544 NA 5' UTR (NM_001162407, exon 1 of 13) 5' UTR (NM_001162407, exon 1 of 13) 278 NM_001162407 1195 Hs.433732 NM_004071 HPRD:09058 CLK1 CLK|CLK/STY|STY CDC-like kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6955 chr11 108094721 108094838 + 3.53544 NA intron (NM_000051, intron 1 of 62) intron (NM_000051, intron 1 of 62) 1220 NM_000051 472 Hs.367437 NM_000051 HPRD:06347 ATM AT1|ATA|ATC|ATD|ATDC|ATE|TEL1|TELO1 ATM serine/threonine kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28073 chr5 118415312 118415441 + 3.53235 NA intron (NM_001290322, intron 1 of 42) intron (NM_001290322, intron 1 of 42) 8292 NM_001290321 1657 Hs.181042 NM_005509 HPRD:09294 DMXL1 - Dmx-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25737 chr4 104958145 104958284 + 3.53235 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -317241 NM_001059 6870 Hs.942 NM_001059 TACR3 HH11|NK-3R|NK3R|NKR|TAC3RL tachykinin receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26356 chr4 165941359 165941478 + 3.53235 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -11733 NM_001258025 166655 Hs.368004 NM_152620 HPRD:11502 TRIM60 RNF129|RNF33 tripartite motif containing 60 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32299 chr7 91808297 91808455 + 3.53235 NA non-coding (NR_122109, exon 5 of 5) non-coding (NR_122109, exon 5 of 5) -13786 NM_001161528 401387 Hs.671729 NM_001045475 ENSG00000240720 LRRD1 - leucine-rich repeats and death domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35260 chr9 37027787 37027881 + 3.53235 NA intron (NR_104000, intron 1 of 9) CpG 6642 NM_001280548 5079 Hs.654464 NM_016734 HPRD:01334 PAX5 ALL3|BSAP paired box 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23829 chr3 143692047 143692143 + 3.52745 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001134470) promoter-TSS (NM_001134470) -72 NM_001134470 205428 Hs.288954 NM_173552 HPRD:14559 C3orf58 DIA1|GoPro49|HASF chromosome 3 open reading frame 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16788 chr19 45908754 45908834 + 3.52065 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001297590) promoter-TSS (NM_001297590) -482 NM_006663 10848 Hs.466937 NM_006663 HPRD:09195 PPP1R13L IASPP|NKIP1|RAI|RAI4 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 13 like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32237 chr7 85835331 85835482 + 3.51865 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -437824 NM_000840 2913 Hs.590575 NM_000840 HPRD:03070 GRM3 GLUR3|GPRC1C|MGLUR3|mGlu3 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6293 chr11 61062252 61062346 + 3.51692 NA intron (NM_152718, intron 1 of 19) CpG 489 NM_152718 220001 Hs.60640 NM_152718 HPRD:08116 VWCE URG11|VWC1 von Willebrand factor C and EGF domains protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29340 chr6 30450026 30450092 + 3.51692 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7124 NM_005516 3133 Hs.650174 NM_005516 HPRD:00877 HLA-E EA1.2|EA2.1|HLA-6.2|MHC|QA1 major histocompatibility complex, class I, E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3100 chr1 223307160 223307272 + 3.51692 NA intron (NM_003268, intron 4 of 5) intron (NM_003268, intron 4 of 5) 9408 NM_003268 7100 Hs.604542 NM_003268 HPRD:04326 TLR5 MELIOS|SLE1|SLEB1|TIL3 toll-like receptor 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13271 chr16 70308417 70308562 + 3.51692 NA intron (NM_001605, intron 4 of 20) AluSg|SINE|Alu 14923 NM_001605 16 Hs.315137 NM_001605 HPRD:03042 AARS CMT2N alanyl-tRNA synthetase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2003 chr1 149021076 149021185 + 3.51308 NA intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) intron (NR_104217, intron 2 of 17) 88595 NR_104217 101929780 Hs.534675 NR_104217 NBPF25P WI2-925H4.1 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 25, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14204 chr17 34900614 34900680 + 3.50938 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024835) promoter-TSS (NM_024835) -90 NM_024835 79893 Hs.514116 NM_024835 HPRD:18337 GGNBP2 DIF-3|DIF3|LCRG1|LZK1|ZFP403|ZNF403 gametogenetin binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21040 chr20 62573377 62573668 + 3.50561 NA promoter-TSS (NR_031735) promoter-TSS (NR_031735) 557 NR_030377 693232 NR_030377 MIR647 MIRN647|hsa-mir-647 microRNA 647 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28880 chr5 180671159 180671225 + 3.50561 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002591) promoter-TSS (NR_002591) -286 NM_006098 10399 Hs.5662 NM_006098 HPRD:01503 GNB2L1 Gnb2-rs1|H12.3|HLC-7|PIG21|RACK1 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta polypeptide 2-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27391 chr5 61809748 61809822 + 3.50504 NA intron (NM_001134779, intron 19 of 29) SVA_D|Other|Other -64777 NR_073584 101180901 Hs.482269 NR_073584 IPO11-LRRC70 - IPO11-LRRC70 readthrough ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8965 chr12 121341243 121341309 + 3.50504 NA intron (NM_139015, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_139015, intron 1 of 10) 879 NM_139015 121665 Hs.507087 NM_139015 HPRD:09744 SPPL3 IMP2|MDHV1887|PRO4332|PSH1|PSL4 signal peptide peptidase like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13560 chr17 51387 51613 + 3.50144 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14458 NR_104420 100506371 NR_104420 LOC100506371 - uncharacterized LOC100506371 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21387 chr21 36421685 36421804 + 3.49925 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001754) promoter-TSS (NM_001754) -149 NM_001754 861 Hs.149261 NM_001754 HPRD:01043 RUNX1 AML1|AML1-EVI-1|AMLCR1|CBFA2|EVI-1|PEBP2aB runt-related transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23558 chr3 122102042 122102161 + 3.49826 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014367) promoter-TSS (NM_014367) -27 NM_001017928 131076 Hs.220594 NM_001017928 HPRD:18548 CCDC58 - coiled-coil domain containing 58 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14384 chr17 43661833 43661931 + 3.49545 NA Intergenic Intergenic 17866 NR_026901 644172 Hs.448859 NR_026901 LOC644172 - mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21085 chr21 9930880 9930963 + 3.49346 NA intron (NR_038329, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_038329, intron 2 of 2) 37673 NR_038327 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31542 chr7 33149009 33149123 + 3.49129 NA promoter-TSS (NM_203288) promoter-TSS (NM_203288) -64 NM_203288 6100 Hs.326805 NM_203288 HPRD:08457 RP9 PAP-1|PAP1 retinitis pigmentosa 9 (autosomal dominant) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37927 chrX 64821554 64821662 + 3.49129 NA Intergenic Intergenic -49307 NR_033742 83957 Hs.652967 NR_033742 HPRD:06511 FRMD8P1 - FERM domain containing 8 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2473 chr1 172666736 172666914 + 3.48670 NA Intergenic Intergenic 38640 NM_000639 356 Hs.2007 NM_000639 HPRD:00610 FASLG ALPS1B|APT1LG1|APTL|CD178|CD95-L|CD95L|FASL|TNFSF6 Fas ligand (TNF superfamily, member 6) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16926 chr19 49622126 49622218 + 3.48670 NA promoter-TSS (NR_103842) promoter-TSS (NR_103842) 225 NM_018111 55150 Hs.458310 NM_018111 HPRD:07676 C19orf73 - chromosome 19 open reading frame 73 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26679 chr4_gl000194_random 2530 2664 + 3.48669 NA Intergenic Intergenic 112476 NR_046440 727764 Hs.626311 NM_001190825 MAFIP MIP|TEKT4P4|pp5644 MAFF interacting protein (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18659 chr2 109200580 109200646 + 3.48608 NA intron (NM_001193483, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001193483, intron 1 of 9) -4144 NM_004987 3987 Hs.597715 NM_004987 HPRD:03978 LIMS1 PINCH|PINCH-1|PINCH1 LIM and senescent cell antigen-like domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15348 chr18 46303600 46303675 + 3.48608 NA intron (NM_014772, intron 9 of 11) intron (NM_014772, intron 9 of 11) 106666 NR_039897 100616366 NR_039897 MIR4743 - microRNA 4743 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30708 chr6 146225648 146225750 + 3.48608 NA intron (NM_001042683, intron 25 of 29) intron (NM_001042683, intron 25 of 29) 59534 NM_001042683 257218 Hs.723297 NM_173082 HPRD:10476 SHPRH bA545I5.2 SNF2 histone linker PHD RING helicase, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2015 chr1 149197008 149197074 + 3.48608 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -87316 NR_104217 101929780 Hs.534675 NR_104217 NBPF25P WI2-925H4.1 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 25, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31368 chr7 17900874 17900940 + 3.48608 NA intron (NM_015132, intron 9 of 25) intron (NM_015132, intron 9 of 25) 79224 NM_015132 23161 Hs.487648 NM_015132 HPRD:09418 SNX13 RGS-PX1 sorting nexin 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18425 chr2 92283494 92283563 + 3.47974 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 154369 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22310 chr3 11684297 11684512 + 3.47763 NA intron (NM_014667, intron 2 of 5) CpG 1047 NM_001128219 9686 Hs.740389 NM_014667 HPRD:11672 VGLL4 VGL-4 vestigial-like family member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13133 chr16 61818094 61818210 + 3.47763 NA intron (NM_001796, intron 8 of 11) L1PA2|LINE|L1 252587 NM_001796 1006 Hs.368322 NM_001796 HPRD:04306 CDH8 Nbla04261 cadherin 8, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8425 chr12 71515823 71516024 + 3.47763 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 35856 NM_004616 7103 Hs.170563 NM_004616 HPRD:02865 TSPAN8 CO-029|TM4SF3 tetraspanin 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13543 chr16 89940643 89940709 + 3.47730 NA intron (NM_014972, intron 1 of 17) CpG 682 NM_014972 22980 Hs.415342 NM_014972 HPRD:13830 TCF25 Hulp1|NULP1|PRO2620|hKIAA1049 transcription factor 25 (basic helix-loop-helix) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36323 chr9 131082266 131082336 + 3.47572 NA intron (NM_015679, intron 2 of 7) AluY|SINE|Alu 2396 NM_015679 26995 Hs.632685 NM_015679 HPRD:18230 TRUB2 CLONE24922 TruB pseudouridine (psi) synthase family member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31192 chr7 2442938 2443140 + 3.47464 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001243795) promoter-TSS (NM_001243795) -156 NM_001243795 55501 Hs.744987 NM_018641 HPRD:13056 CHST12 C4S-2|C4ST-2|C4ST2 carbohydrate (chondroitin 4) sulfotransferase 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14740 chr17 73257438 73257504 + 3.47161 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015971) promoter-TSS (NM_015971) 271 NM_014001 23163 Hs.87726 NM_014001 HPRD:10443 GGA3 - golgi-associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22876 chr3 52508238 52508423 + 3.47089 NA intron (NM_001276293, intron 7 of 12) AluY|SINE|Alu 18806 NM_007184 11188 Hs.435290 NM_007184 HPRD:11391 NISCH I-1|IR1|IRAS|hIRAS nischarin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20905 chr20 52073090 52073181 + 3.47089 NA intron (NM_173485, intron 2 of 2) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -96174 NR_110051 101927770 NR_110051 ENSG00000197670 LOC101927770 - uncharacterized LOC101927770 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6797 chr11 91908077 91908178 + 3.47089 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -177135 NM_001008781 120114 Hs.98523 NM_001008781 ENSG00000165323 FAT3 CDHF15|CDHR10 FAT atypical cadherin 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21286 chr21 26934448 26934514 + 3.46427 NA promoter-TSS (NR_001458) promoter-TSS (NR_001458) 24 NR_001458 114614 Hs.697120 NR_001458 ENSG00000234883 MIR155HG BIC|MIRHG2|NCRNA00172 MIR155 host gene (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11471 chr15 44038538 44038613 + 3.46427 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005313) promoter-TSS (NM_005313) -15 NM_005313 2923 Hs.591095 NM_005313 HPRD:03625 PDIA3 ER60|ERp57|ERp60|ERp61|GRP57|GRP58|HEL-S-269|HEL-S-93n|HsT17083|P58|PI-PLC protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20978 chr20 57741454 57741576 + 3.46427 NA Intergenic L1MD1|LINE|L1 -24560 NM_178457 128611 Hs.473204 NM_178457 ENSG00000124203 ZNF831 C20orf174|dJ492J12.1 zinc finger protein 831 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14222 chr17 36715780 36715846 + 3.46426 NA intron (NM_025248, intron 10 of 18) CpG 46370 NM_025248 80725 Hs.448872 NM_025248 HPRD:11589 SRCIN1 P140|SNIP SRC kinase signaling inhibitor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35964 chr9 100807758 100807870 + 3.46426 NA Intergenic MER57B1|LTR|ERV1 -11145 NM_018946 54187 Hs.522310 NM_018946 HPRD:07285 NANS HEL-S-100|SAS N-acetylneuraminic acid synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32871 chr7 140762273 140762393 + 3.46315 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -11699 NM_001195278 100507421 Hs.283851 NM_001195278 ENSG00000261115 TMEM178B - transmembrane protein 178B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10347 chr14 45430884 45430967 + 3.45976 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015091) promoter-TSS (NM_015091) 254 NM_017658 54813 Hs.550906 NM_017658 HPRD:12539 KLHL28 BTBD5 kelch-like family member 28 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28719 chr5 169696708 169696836 + 3.45943 NA intron (NM_005565, intron 7 of 20) L2c|LINE|L2 28050 NM_005565 3937 Hs.304475 NM_005565 LCP2 SLP-76|SLP76 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 (SH2 domain containing leukocyte protein of 76kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33196 chr7 158990342 158990449 + 3.45943 NA Intergenic Intergenic -52746 NM_003382 7434 Hs.585052 NM_003382 HPRD:03576 VIPR2 C16DUPq36.3|DUP7q36.3|PACAP-R-3|PACAP-R3|VIP-R-2|VPAC2|VPAC2R|VPCAP2R vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26106 chr4 140628754 140628906 + 3.45550 NA intron (NM_001204366, intron 5 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 41908 NM_002413 4258 Hs.81874 NM_002413 HPRD:03436 MGST2 GST2|MGST-II microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13593 chr17 769039 769160 + 3.45550 NA intron (NM_022463, intron 1 of 7) AluSz|SINE|Alu -1748 NM_001205319 64359 Hs.527989 NM_022463 HPRD:14858 NXN NRX|TRG-4 nucleoredoxin protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35095 chr9 21444497 21444580 + 3.45550 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4085 NM_024013 3439 Hs.37026 NM_024013 HPRD:00974 IFNA1 IFL|IFN|IFN-ALPHA|IFN-alphaD|IFNA13|IFNA@ interferon, alpha 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_539 chr1 32293104 32293219 + 3.45550 NA Intergenic L1ME3F|LINE|L1 -11509 NM_144569 90853 Hs.62604 NM_144569 HPRD:08057 SPOCD1 PPP1R146 SPOC domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31101 chr6 170547009 170547122 + 3.45550 NA Intergenic CpG 24592 NR_002787 154449 Hs.447751 NR_002787 ENSG00000230960 LOC154449 - uncharacterized LOC154449 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8861 chr12 111305462 111305532 + 3.45550 NA intron (NM_001286243, intron 3 of 10) SVA_F|Other|Other 20733 NM_152591 160762 Hs.437141 NM_152591 HPRD:08765 CCDC63 ODA5 coiled-coil domain containing 63 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9302 chr13 30528693 30528759 + 3.45550 NA Intergenic Intergenic 18058 NR_033889 440131 Hs.132371 NM_001010918 LINC00544 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 544 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15319 chr18 43454866 43455001 + 3.45550 NA intron (NM_020964, intron 35 of 43) L1MEd|LINE|L1 49388 NM_213602 284266 Hs.287692 NM_213602 HPRD:13011 SIGLEC15 CD33L3|HsT1361|SIGLEC-15 sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2771 chr1 198625894 198625984 + 3.45346 NA intron (NR_052021, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_052021, intron 2 of 2) 17841 NM_002838 5788 Hs.654514 NM_002838 HPRD:01050 PTPRC B220|CD45|CD45R|GP180|L-CA|LCA|LY5|T200 protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13045 chr16 55499117 55499249 + 3.45065 NA Intergenic Intergenic -13898 NM_004530 4313 Hs.513617 NM_004530 HPRD:00386 MMP2 CLG4|CLG4A|MMP-II|MONA|TBE-1 matrix metallopeptidase 2 (gelatinase A, 72kDa gelatinase, 72kDa type IV collagenase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22851 chr3 52188394 52188552 + 3.45065 NA 5' UTR (NM_001161580, exon 1 of 10) 5' UTR (NM_001161580, exon 1 of 10) 233 NM_001161581 25886 Hs.476306 NM_015426 HPRD:08523 POC1A PIX2|SOFT|WDR51A POC1 centriolar protein A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31021 chr6 165198558 165198658 + 3.44730 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 524503 NM_144980 168090 Hs.144734 NM_144980 HPRD:12844 C6orf118 bA85G2.1|dJ416F21.2 chromosome 6 open reading frame 118 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21583 chr22 17497700 17497766 + 3.44203 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -8621 NM_001037814 128954 Hs.434113 NM_001037814 ENSG00000215568 GAB4 - GRB2-associated binding protein family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17924 chr2 61596265 61596404 + 3.44037 NA intron (NM_014709, intron 10 of 79) L1MC4a|LINE|L1 48178 NR_003707 100124537 Hs.675825 NR_003707 SNORA70B - small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 70B snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22889 chr3 53787700 53787819 + 3.44037 NA intron (NM_000720, intron 30 of 48) intron (NM_000720, intron 30 of 48) 92661 NM_018397 55349 Hs.126688 NM_018397 CHDH - choline dehydrogenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29190 chr6 26026579 26026656 + 3.43917 NA TTS (NM_003544) TTS (NM_003544) 863 NM_003544 8366 Hs.143080 NM_003544 HPRD:11920 HIST1H4B H4/I|H4FI histone cluster 1, H4b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19905 chr2 219149212 219149304 + 3.43917 NA intron (NM_022152, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_022152, intron 1 of 11) -4347 NR_106768 102465256 NR_106768 MIR6513 hsa-mir-6513 microRNA 6513 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12221 chr16 475169 475380 + 3.43716 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014700) promoter-TSS (NM_014700) -394 NM_014700 9727 Hs.531642 NM_014700 HPRD:18521 RAB11FIP3 CART1|Rab11-FIP3 RAB11 family interacting protein 3 (class II) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33990 chr8 68080121 68080314 + 3.43716 NA intron (NM_001291339, intron 19 of 25) SVA_C|Other|Other 84134 NM_001291339 79848 Hs.370147 NM_024790 HPRD:07991 CSPP1 CSPP|JBTS21 centrosome and spindle pole associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12019 chr15 87075172 87075240 + 3.43716 NA intron (NM_152336, intron 18 of 23) L1PA2|LINE|L1 -215007 NR_046012 727915 Hs.451281 NR_046012 ENSG00000260125 AGBL1-AS1 - AGBL1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29613 chr6 43549394 43549460 + 3.43716 NA intron (NM_001291969, intron 1 of 8) CpG 5549 NM_006502 5429 Hs.655467 NM_006502 HPRD:04913 POLH RAD30|RAD30A|XP-V|XPV polymerase (DNA directed), eta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19163 chr2 156733871 156733965 + 3.43521 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 377525 NR_110249 101929378 Hs.171192 NR_110249 LOC101929378 - uncharacterized LOC101929378 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31510 chr7 30518346 30518412 + 3.43521 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006092) promoter-TSS (NM_006092) 14 NM_006092 10392 Hs.405153 NM_006092 HPRD:05815 NOD1 CARD4|CLR7.1|NLRC1 nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28135 chr5 126094646 126094712 + 3.43521 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu -17636 NM_005573 4001 Hs.89497 NM_005573 HPRD:01036 LMNB1 ADLD|LMN|LMN2|LMNB lamin B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35885 chr9 94560524 94560604 + 3.43113 NA intron (NM_004560, intron 1 of 8) intron (NM_004560, intron 1 of 8) 151880 NM_004560 4920 Hs.98255 NM_004560 HPRD:03822 ROR2 BDB|BDB1|NTRKR2 receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23211 chr3 90406694 90406818 + 3.42956 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 1250082 NM_182644 2042 Hs.123642 NM_005233 HPRD:01555 EPHA3 EK4|ETK|ETK1|HEK|HEK4|TYRO4 EPH receptor A3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_727 chr1 40283025 40283142 + 3.42522 NA Intergenic Intergenic -28550 NM_001720 656 Hs.734367 NM_001720 BMP8B BMP8|OP2 bone morphogenetic protein 8b protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10086 chr14 20753433 20753501 + 3.42522 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 20686 NM_138376 91875 Hs.98553 NM_138376 TTC5 Strap tetratricopeptide repeat domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26002 chr4 126670030 126670139 + 3.42522 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 241670 NR_031746 100302267 NR_031746 MIR2054 hsa-mir-2054 microRNA 2054 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14734 chr17 73105989 73106068 + 3.42522 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024585) promoter-TSS (NM_024585) -54 NM_024585 79637 Hs.413047 NM_024585 HPRD:08649 ARMC7 - armadillo repeat containing 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14919 chr17 81184214 81184305 + 3.42451 NA intron (NR_029406, intron 3 of 3) L1MC3|LINE|L1 9593 NR_029406 388574 Hs.546918 NR_029406 ENSG00000232938 FLJ43681 - ribosomal protein L23a pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27411 chr5 64460438 64460533 + 3.42370 NA intron (NM_197941, intron 24 of 24) L1PA2|LINE|L1 317219 NM_197941 11174 Hs.482291 NM_197941 HPRD:05421 ADAMTS6 ADAM-TS 6|ADAM-TS6|ADAMTS-6 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29600 chr6 43110050 43110119 + 3.42370 NA intron (NR_072997, intron 12 of 18) intron (NR_072997, intron 12 of 18) -28949 NM_003131 6722 Hs.520140 NM_003131 HPRD:02788 SRF MCM1 serum response factor (c-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12601 chr16 28835714 28835832 + 3.42024 NA intron (NM_148416, intron 1 of 22) CpG 1404 NM_148415 11273 Hs.460499 NM_007245 HPRD:06394 ATXN2L A2D|A2LG|A2LP|A2RP ataxin 2-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14378 chr17 43393993 43394064 + 3.42024 NA intron (NM_003954, intron 1 of 15) CpG 402 NM_003954 9020 Hs.404183 NM_003954 MAP3K14 FTDCR1B|HS|HSNIK|NIK mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22087 chr22 43482187 43482265 + 3.42023 NA intron (NM_012263, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_012263, intron 1 of 10) 3208 NR_027779 25809 Hs.660298 NM_012263 HPRD:10604 TTLL1 C22orf7|HS323M22B tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25036 chr4 49122480 49122584 + 3.41295 NA Intergenic (CATTC)n|Satellite|Satellite 133873 NM_001286791 80157 Hs.479703 NM_025087 HPRD:08638 CWH43 CWH43-C cell wall biogenesis 43 C-terminal homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7233 chr11 131581723 131581846 + 3.41019 NA intron (NM_001048209, intron 1 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -171023 NR_110140 101929653 Hs.559159 NR_110140 ENSG00000237654 LOC101929653 - uncharacterized LOC101929653 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34534 chr8 123807364 123807481 + 3.41019 NA intron (NM_014943, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_014943, intron 1 of 3) 13521 NM_014943 22882 Hs.377090 NM_014943 HPRD:16458 ZHX2 AFR1|RAF zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30844 chr6 156332699 156332825 + 3.41019 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -555725 NM_015718 50508 Hs.247776 NM_015718 HPRD:06165 NOX3 GP91-3|MOX-2 NADPH oxidase 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20314 chr20 2489534 2489605 + 3.41019 NA 5' UTR (NM_001282496, exon 1 of 6) 5' UTR (NM_001282496, exon 1 of 6) 209 NM_001282497 79175 Hs.516846 NM_024325 HPRD:18327 ZNF343 dJ734P14.5 zinc finger protein 343 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25612 chr4 95136047 95136131 + 3.41019 NA intron (NR_045644, intron 3 of 24) MIRc|SINE|MIR 6854 NR_045644 56916 Hs.410406 NM_020159 HPRD:11586 SMARCAD1 ADERM|ETL1|HEL1 SWI/SNF-related, matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, containing DEAD/H box 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13241 chr16 68573064 68573130 + 3.41019 NA promoter-TSS (NM_133458) promoter-TSS (NM_133458) -564 NM_133458 146198 Hs.461074 NM_133458 HPRD:18729 ZFP90 FIK|NK10|ZNF756 ZFP90 zinc finger protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13034 chr16 53488005 53488120 + 3.40937 NA intron (NM_005611, intron 7 of 21) intron (NM_005611, intron 7 of 21) 19711 NM_005611 5934 Hs.513609 NM_005611 HPRD:01576 RBL2 P130|Rb2 retinoblastoma-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35331 chr9 42799734 42799893 + 3.40540 NA Intergenic G-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity 28105 NR_121570 101928381 Hs.708686 NR_121570 LOC101928381 - uncharacterized LOC101928381 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30859 chr6 157694796 157694947 + 3.40287 NA Intergenic Intergenic 50420 NM_018452 729515 Hs.157212 NM_018452 ENSG00000215712 TMEM242 BM033|C6orf35 transmembrane protein 242 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24712 chr4 14483819 14483945 + 3.40273 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 370290 NR_033931 152742 Hs.135435 NR_033931 ENSG00000248698 LINC01085 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1085 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29489 chr6 35352623 35352758 + 3.39851 NA intron (NM_001171819, intron 2 of 6) SVA_F|Other|Other 42355 NM_177435 5467 Hs.696032 NM_006238 HPRD:02679 PPARD FAAR|NR1C2|NUC1|NUCI|NUCII|PPARB peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25358 chr4 69543631 69543770 + 3.39851 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -7206 NM_001076 7366 Hs.150207 NM_001076 HPRD:07192 UGT2B15 HLUG4|UDPGT 2B8|UDPGT2B15|UDPGTH3|UGT2B8 UDP glucuronosyltransferase 2 family, polypeptide B15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5108 chr10 116581471 116581537 + 3.39778 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001135051) promoter-TSS (NM_001135051) 1 NM_020940 57700 Hs.192619 NM_020940 HPRD:17219 FAM160B1 KIAA1600|bA106M7.3 family with sequence similarity 160, member B1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23361 chr3 105547683 105547803 + 3.39778 NA intron (NM_170662, intron 3 of 18) intron (NM_170662, intron 3 of 18) 40144 NM_170662 868 Hs.430589 NM_170662 HPRD:05136 CBLB Cbl-b|RNF56 Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2635 chr1 184861493 184861598 + 3.39778 NA intron (NM_052966, intron 3 of 13) intron (NM_052966, intron 3 of 13) 82173 NM_052966 116496 Hs.518662 NM_052966 HPRD:10725 FAM129A C1orf24|NIBAN family with sequence similarity 129, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22983 chr3 65497355 65497440 + 3.39544 NA intron (NM_001033057, intron 2 of 22) L1HS|LINE|L1 -382094 NR_046575 100873983 Hs.663889 NR_046575 ENSG00000240175 MAGI1-AS1 - MAGI1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34085 chr8 79263120 79263283 + 3.39544 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -165135 NM_181839 5569 Hs.433700 NM_006823 HPRD:05828 PKIA PRKACN1 protein kinase (cAMP-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8511 chr12 80702271 80702517 + 3.39544 NA intron (NM_173591, intron 28 of 57) SVA_D|Other|Other 99161 NM_173591 283310 Hs.723594 NM_173591 HPRD:08815 OTOGL C12orf64|DFNB84B otogelin-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38403 chrX 103146730 103146844 + 3.39544 NA intron (NR_031657, intron 1 of 1).2 L1PA2|LINE|L1 -59575 NM_016370 51209 Hs.522736 NM_016370 HPRD:02237 RAB9B RAB9L|Rab-9L RAB9B, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22662 chr3 41158990 41159153 + 3.39544 NA Intergenic Intergenic -81871 NM_001904 1499 Hs.476018 NM_001904 HPRD:00286 CTNNB1 CTNNB|MRD19|armadillo catenin (cadherin-associated protein), beta 1, 88kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33660 chr8 41908680 41908768 + 3.38671 NA intron (NM_001099413, intron 1 of 17) CpG 781 NM_006766 7994 Hs.491577 NM_006766 HPRD:03244 KAT6A MOZ|MYST3|RUNXBP2|ZC2HC6A|ZNF220 K(lysine) acetyltransferase 6A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30666 chr6 143206720 143206844 + 3.38660 NA intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_006734, intron 1 of 9) 59556 NM_006734 3097 Hs.510172 NM_006734 HPRD:00881 HIVEP2 HIV-EP2|MBP-2|MIBP1|SHN2|ZAS2|ZNF40B human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22109 chr22 45093408 45093551 + 3.38660 NA intron (NM_001198721, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_001198721, intron 2 of 9) -4599 NM_181333 55615 Hs.102336 NM_015366 HPRD:18696 PRR5 FLJ20185k|PP610|PROTOR-1|PROTOR1 proline rich 5 (renal) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31330 chr7 12727112 12727195 + 3.38347 NA 5' UTR (NM_001195396, exon 1 of 2) 5' UTR (NM_001195396, exon 1 of 2) 242 NM_005738 10124 Hs.245540 NM_005738 HPRD:11987 ARL4A ARL4 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 4A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6310 chr11 62046978 62047044 + 3.38042 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 9384 NM_002411 4250 Hs.46452 NM_002411 HPRD:05712 SCGB2A2 MGB1|UGB2 secretoglobin, family 2A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13249 chr16 69373172 69373305 + 3.38042 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199434) promoter-TSS (NM_001199434) -177 NM_016101 51388 Hs.585728 NM_016101 HPRD:16709 NIP7 HSPC031|KD93 NIP7, nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11011 chr14 101106853 101107007 + 3.38042 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16675 NR_024096 283601 Hs.379802 NM_001007560 HPRD:16621 LINC00523 C14orf70 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 523 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21065 chr21 9487768 9487872 + 3.37489 NA Intergenic Intergenic -338012 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26840 chr5 17525342 17525490 + 3.37216 NA Intergenic Intergenic -137997 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36112 chr9 114404442 114404508 + 3.37025 NA intron (NM_004125, intron 1 of 2) SVA_F|Other|Other 10843 NM_004125 552891 Hs.534196 NM_004125 HPRD:10374 DNAJC25-GNG10 - DNAJC25-GNG10 readthrough protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8355 chr12 68513125 68513330 + 3.37025 NA Intergenic MIRb|SINE|MIR 40294 NM_000619 3458 Hs.856 NM_000619 HPRD:00957 IFNG IFG|IFI interferon, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7434 chr12 8777572 8777701 + 3.37025 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -12194 NM_020661 57379 Hs.149342 NM_020661 HPRD:05585 AICDA AID|ARP2|CDA2|HEL-S-284|HIGM2 activation-induced cytidine deaminase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29676 chr6 51742735 51742896 + 3.36546 NA intron (NM_138694, intron 46 of 66) L1HS|LINE|L1 209608 NM_170724 5314 Hs.662050 NM_138694 HPRD:05987 PKHD1 ARPKD|FCYT|TIGM1 polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 (autosomal recessive) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20350 chr20 4063306 4063419 + 3.36546 NA Intergenic L1MB5|LINE|L1 -66064 NM_175840 54498 Hs.433337 NM_175839 HPRD:11587 SMOX C20orf16|PAO|PAO-1|PAO1|PAOH|PAOH1|SMO spermine oxidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30741 chr6 148767314 148767380 + 3.36546 NA intron (NM_015278, intron 4 of 19) AluY|SINE|Alu 103618 NM_015278 23328 Hs.193133 NM_015278 HPRD:06408 SASH1 SH3D6A|dJ323M4|dJ323M4.1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15053 chr18 10578014 10578116 + 3.36546 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 52192 NM_003826 8774 Hs.464622 NM_003826 HPRD:04448 NAPG GAMMASNAP N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein, gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29014 chr6 11094332 11094417 + 3.36377 NA 5' UTR (NM_001135575, exon 1 of 2) 5' UTR (NM_001135575, exon 1 of 2) 108 NM_001135575 221710 Hs.656600 NM_001135575 ENSG00000224531 SMIM13 C6orf228 small integral membrane protein 13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11449 chr15 42783366 42783435 + 3.36284 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001284307) promoter-TSS (NM_001284307) -5 NM_001284307 64397 Hs.511143 NM_022473 HPRD:10317 ZNF106 SH3BP3|ZFP106|ZNF474 zinc finger protein 106 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34019 chr8 71072985 71073068 + 3.36284 NA intron (NM_006540, intron 9 of 22) AmnSINE1|SINE|Deu -89464 NM_024504 63978 Hs.736037 NM_024504 HPRD:11457 PRDM14 PFM11 PR domain containing 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33182 chr7 158611438 158611504 + 3.35707 NA intron (NM_020728, intron 1 of 21) intron (NM_020728, intron 1 of 21) 10848 NM_020728 57488 Hs.490795 NM_020728 HPRD:13053 ESYT2 CHR2SYT|E-Syt2|FAM62B extended synaptotagmin-like protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30046 chr6 88461210 88461300 + 3.35707 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -33323 NR_110869 101928911 Hs.571178 NR_110869 LOC101928911 - uncharacterized LOC101928911 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9672 chr13 72308353 72308471 + 3.35707 NA intron (NM_080759, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_080759, intron 1 of 10) 132918 NM_080759 1602 Hs.129452 NM_004392 HPRD:16031 DACH1 DACH dachshund family transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10097 chr14 20975156 20975272 + 3.35707 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -3417 NM_001012975 338879 Hs.451057 NM_001012975 HPRD:18495 RNASE10 RAH1|RNASE9 ribonuclease, RNase A family, 10 (non-active) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5411 chr11 208703 208816 + 3.35421 NA promoter-TSS (NR_106801) promoter-TSS (NR_106801) -577 NR_106801 102465445 NR_106801 MIR6743 hsa-mir-6743 microRNA 6743 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17075 chr19 54975939 54976025 + 3.35421 NA TTS (NM_145057) TTS (NM_145057) -1088 NM_198988 94059 Hs.590976 NM_198988 HPRD:13986 LENG9 - leukocyte receptor cluster (LRC) member 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9252 chr13 25542628 25542716 + 3.35082 NA promoter-TSS (NR_026730) promoter-TSS (NR_026730) -65 NR_026730 646405 Hs.620592 NM_001126062 TPTE2P1 - transmembrane phosphoinositide 3-phosphatase and tensin homolog 2 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30809 chr6 153185151 153185222 + 3.35082 NA Intergenic Intergenic 113254 NM_003381 7432 Hs.53973 NM_003381 HPRD:15950 VIP PHM27 vasoactive intestinal peptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29631 chr6 44903752 44903866 + 3.35082 NA intron (NM_003599, intron 9 of 10) intron (NM_003599, intron 9 of 10) 261698 NR_030313 693171 NR_030313 MIR586 MIRN586|hsa-mir-586 microRNA 586 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22389 chr3 16380730 16380828 + 3.35082 NA intron (NM_015150, intron 7 of 9) intron (NM_015150, intron 7 of 9) 74112 NM_138381 92106 Hs.655449 NM_138381 HPRD:14446 OXNAD1 - oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38109 chrX 73387238 73387355 + 3.34397 NA intron (NR_028379, intron 5 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other 51000 NR_030398 693122 NR_030398 miRBase:MI0003685 MIR421 MIRN421|hsa-mir-421 microRNA 421 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15334 chr18 44544566 44544632 + 3.33955 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001100817) promoter-TSS (NM_001100817) 8 NM_001242907 100506888 Hs.729823 NM_001242907 ENSG00000266996 TCEB3CL2 - transcription elongation factor B polypeptide 3C-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17192 chr19 59106875 59106952 + 3.33903 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 20147 NR_026052 65996 Hs.541177 NM_023939 HPRD:14527 CENPBD1P1 - CENPBD1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32707 chr7 128295422 128295536 + 3.33903 NA non-coding (NR_024368, exon 5 of 5) non-coding (NR_024368, exon 5 of 5) 14184 NR_024368 402483 Hs.722350 NM_001039682 LINC01000 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1000 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16159 chr19 17607190 17607276 + 3.33609 NA intron (NM_198580, intron 6 of 11) intron (NM_198580, intron 6 of 11) -15199 NM_012088 25796 Hs.466165 NM_012088 HPRD:12001 PGLS 6PGL 6-phosphogluconolactonase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6233 chr11 57568245 57568387 + 3.33609 NA intron (NM_001085468, intron 4 of 16) intron (NM_001085468, intron 4 of 16) 39082 NM_001085467 1500 Hs.166011 NM_001331 HPRD:03026 CTNND1 CAS|CTNND|P120CAS|P120CTN|p120|p120(CAS)|p120(CTN) catenin (cadherin-associated protein), delta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16359 chr19 27793808 27793908 + 3.33422 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -490517 NR_110688 101927151 Hs.567934 NR_110687 LOC101927151 - uncharacterized LOC101927151 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18407 chr2 92171207 92171277 + 3.33154 NA Intergenic Intergenic 42083 NR_027714 440888 Hs.730239 NM_001032412 ENSG00000226481 ACTR3BP2 FKSG73 ACTR3B pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17305 chr2 3698734 3698826 + 3.33100 NA Intergenic CpG -7006 NM_018436 55821 Hs.97899 NM_018436 HPRD:10642 ALLC ALC allantoicase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18509 chr2 97001335 97001570 + 3.32712 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001281712) promoter-TSS (NM_001281712) -27 NM_001281711 23397 Hs.308045 NM_015341 HPRD:03820 NCAPH BRRN1|CAP-H non-SMC condensin I complex, subunit H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14430 chr17 45887679 45887803 + 3.32143 NA intron (NM_145798, intron 18 of 22) intron (NM_145798, intron 18 of 22) 11406 NM_145798 114881 Hs.463320 NM_017731 HPRD:09477 OSBPL7 ORP7 oxysterol binding protein-like 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16175 chr19 18215309 18215375 + 3.32143 NA intron (NM_015016, intron 1 of 26) intron (NM_015016, intron 1 of 26) -5716 NM_001290024 3594 Hs.567294 NM_005535 HPRD:03363 IL12RB1 CD212|IL-12R-BETA1|IL12RB interleukin 12 receptor, beta 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28677 chr5 162486915 162487280 + 3.32143 NA Intergenic (CATATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -377480 NM_199246 900 Hs.79101 NM_004060 HPRD:03345 CCNG1 CCNG cyclin G1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31962 chr7 62721958 62722034 + 3.32143 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 42438 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24472 chr4 1324682 1324817 + 3.31786 NA intron (NM_001297432, intron 5 of 8) intron (NM_001297432, intron 5 of 8) -16355 NM_020894 57654 Hs.380475 NM_020894 HPRD:17216 UVSSA KIAA1530|UVSS3 UV-stimulated scaffold protein A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35854 chr9 92023760 92023974 + 3.31786 NA intron (NM_006378, intron 4 of 17) intron (NM_006378, intron 4 of 17) 70744 NM_006378 10507 Hs.494406 NM_006378 HPRD:03520 SEMA4D C9orf164|CD100|M-sema-G|SEMAJ|coll-4 sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17850 chr2 51962980 51963055 + 3.31786 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -703343 NM_001135659 9378 Hs.637685 NM_004801 HPRD:11858 NRXN1 Hs.22998|PTHSL2|SCZD17 neurexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23231 chr3 93505812 93505911 + 3.31786 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 187073 NM_000313 5627 Hs.64016 NM_000313 HPRD:01473 PROS1 PROS|PS21|PS22|PS23|PS24|PS25|PSA|THPH5|THPH6 protein S (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29855 chr6 73122014 73122227 + 3.31786 NA Intergenic Intergenic 45688 NM_001168411 22999 Hs.485729 NM_014989 HPRD:09435 RIMS1 CORD7|RAB3IP2|RIM|RIM1 regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27025 chr5 40386698 40386784 + 3.31786 NA Intergenic MER5A|DNA|hAT-Charlie -293291 NM_000958 5734 Hs.199248 NM_000958 HPRD:03350 PTGER4 EP4|EP4R prostaglandin E receptor 4 (subtype EP4) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9440 chr13 42614254 42614366 + 3.31541 NA intron (NM_001204504, intron 1 of 29) CpG 138 NM_001204504 160851 Hs.630380 NM_152910 HPRD:07237 DGKH DGKeta diacylglycerol kinase, eta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9135 chr12 133066347 133066466 + 3.31255 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001142641) promoter-TSS (NM_001142641) -751 NM_001142641 57666 Hs.411138 NM_001142641 ENSG00000112787 FBRSL1 - fibrosin-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24261 chr3 185661449 185661525 + 3.31079 NA Intergenic LTR41|LTR|ERVL -5563 NM_004593 6434 Hs.533122 NM_004593 TRA2B Htra2-beta|PPP1R156|SFRS10|SRFS10|TRA2-BETA|TRAN2B transformer 2 beta homolog (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30777 chr6 150519231 150519355 + 3.30674 NA intron (NM_030949, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_030949, intron 1 of 3) 55105 NM_030949 81706 Hs.486798 NM_030949 HPRD:17890 PPP1R14C CPI17-like|KEPI|NY-BR-81 protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 14C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23966 chr3 156534956 156535046 + 3.30479 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038387) promoter-TSS (NR_038387) -150 NR_038387 730091 Hs.659905 NR_038387 ENSG00000240875 LINC00886 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 886 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15861 chr19 7934113 7934187 + 3.30363 NA exon (NM_001190467, exon 6 of 6) exon (NM_001190467, exon 6 of 6) 5176 NM_001190467 80164 Hs.288540 NM_001080403 ENSG00000183248 FLJ22184 - putative uncharacterized protein FLJ22184 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7470 chr12 10022459 10022582 + 3.30363 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005127) promoter-TSS (NM_005127) -62 NM_005127 9976 Hs.85201 NM_005127 CLEC2B AICL|CLECSF2|HP10085|IFNRG1 C-type lectin domain family 2, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4 chr1 90390 90556 + 3.30279 NA Intergenic MLT1H2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 21382 NM_001005484 79501 Hs.554500 NM_001005484 OR4F5 - olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily F, member 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9735 chr13 78271800 78271899 + 3.30009 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001242868) promoter-TSS (NM_001242868) -140 NM_001242868 122060 Hs.349955 NM_144595 HPRD:13400 SLAIN1 C13orf32 SLAIN motif family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35549 chr9 69071790 69071903 + 3.29516 NA Intergenic L1MEc|LINE|L1 76008 NR_002836 595135 Hs.571593 NR_002836 ENSG00000227558 PGM5P2 - phosphoglucomutase 5 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8919 chr12 117354560 117354669 + 3.29201 NA intron (NM_153348, intron 1 of 10) MLT1H|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 5853 NM_012174 26259 Hs.624537 NM_012174 HPRD:16427 FBXW8 FBW6|FBW8|FBX29|FBXO29|FBXW6 F-box and WD repeat domain containing 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8494 chr12 77272763 77272829 + 3.29201 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001321) promoter-TSS (NM_001321) 24 NM_001321 1466 Hs.530904 NM_001321 HPRD:03523 CSRP2 CRP2|LMO5|SmLIM cysteine and glycine-rich protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6854 chr11 95808194 95808261 + 3.29201 NA intron (NM_032427, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_032427, intron 2 of 4) -150856 NM_016156 8898 Hs.181326 NM_016156 HPRD:04650 MTMR2 CMT4B|CMT4B1 myotubularin related protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38467 chrX 107561668 107561756 + 3.29201 NA intron (NM_001287758, intron 2 of 45) L1P1|LINE|L1 119948 NM_001287760 1288 Hs.145586 NM_001847 HPRD:02364 COL4A6 CXDELq22.3|DELXq22.3|DFNX6 collagen, type IV, alpha 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23742 chr3 136447390 136447559 + 3.29173 NA intron (NM_005862, intron 1 of 33) intron (NM_005862, intron 1 of 33) 23771 NM_005862 10274 Hs.412586 NM_005862 HPRD:05076 STAG1 SA1|SCC3A stromal antigen 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_450 chr1 26922218 26922378 + 3.29173 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 41265 NR_031740 100302190 NR_031740 MIR1976 hsa-mir-1976 microRNA 1976 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26521 chr4 185203613 185203728 + 3.29173 NA Intergenic LTR81|LTR|Gypsy -64556 NM_153343 133121 Hs.297814 NM_153343 HPRD:16863 ENPP6 NPP6 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1542 chr1 113160789 113160944 + 3.28965 NA intron (NM_138729, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_138729, intron 1 of 13) 1174 NM_138727 54879 Hs.201921 NM_017744 HPRD:18112 ST7L FAM4B|ST7R|STLR suppression of tumorigenicity 7 like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4443 chr10 63663259 63663397 + 3.28943 NA intron (NM_032199, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_032199, intron 2 of 9) 2315 NM_032199 84159 Hs.535297 NM_032199 ENSG00000150347 ARID5B DESRT|MRF-2|MRF2 AT rich interactive domain 5B (MRF1-like) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7063 chr11 118309232 118309362 + 3.28244 NA intron (NM_001197104, intron 1 of 35) intron (NM_001197104, intron 1 of 35) 2092 NM_005933 4297 Hs.258855 NM_005933 HPRD:01162 KMT2A ALL-1|CXXC7|HRX|HTRX1|MLL|MLL/GAS7|MLL1|MLL1A|TET1-MLL|TRX1|WDSTS lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23648 chr3 128840966 128841045 + 3.27986 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001204888) promoter-TSS (NM_001204888) -12 NM_001204883 339122 Hs.381132 NM_198490 HPRD:17947 RAB43 RAB11B|RAB41 RAB43, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8395 chr12 70001341 70001407 + 3.27952 NA TTS (NM_201550) TTS (NM_201550) 3568 NM_201550 376132 Hs.448708 NM_201550 HPRD:17449 LRRC10 HRLRRP|LRRC10A leucine rich repeat containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6841 chr11 94829511 94829609 + 3.27844 NA intron (NM_015036, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_015036, intron 1 of 1) 6586 NM_015036 23052 Hs.167115 NM_015036 ENSG00000149218 ENDOD1 - endonuclease domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23643 chr3 128674232 128674298 + 3.27844 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 38721 NM_020741 57501 Hs.518247 NM_020741 ENSG00000114656 KIAA1257 - KIAA1257 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31086 chr6 169989743 169989906 + 3.27783 NA intron (NM_182552, intron 23 of 25) intron (NM_182552, intron 23 of 25) 112335 NM_182552 253769 Hs.131903 NM_182552 HPRD:11352 WDR27 - WD repeat domain 27 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5698 chr11 14652293 14652404 + 3.27783 NA intron (NM_148976, intron 1 of 10) L1PA2|LINE|L1 12832 NM_148976 5682 Hs.102798 NM_002786 HPRD:04170 PSMA1 HC2|HEL-S-275|NU|PROS30 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14827 chr17 77965554 77965648 + 3.27783 NA intron (NM_019020, intron 3 of 11) intron (NM_019020, intron 3 of 11) -40945 NM_001271846 125058 Hs.369819 NM_019020 HPRD:10261 TBC1D16 - TBC1 domain family, member 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32734 chr7 130353525 130353633 + 3.27783 NA promoter-TSS (NM_012133) promoter-TSS (NM_012133) 19 NM_012133 26958 Hs.6421 NM_012133 COPG2 2-COP|gamma-2-COP coatomer protein complex, subunit gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17547 chr2 27435621 27435731 + 3.27275 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021095) promoter-TSS (NM_021095) 457 NM_001170795 51374 Hs.9527 NM_016085 HPRD:16652 ATRAID APR--3|APR-3|APR3|C2orf28|PRO240|p18 all-trans retinoic acid-induced differentiation factor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22869 chr3 52444039 52444119 + 3.27275 NA promoter-TSS (NM_004656) promoter-TSS (NM_004656) 42 NM_004656 8314 Hs.106674 NM_004656 HPRD:04366 BAP1 HUCEP-13|UCHL2 BRCA1 associated protein-1 (ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36484 chr9 139294674 139294740 + 3.26556 NA Intergenic CpG -1818 NM_003086 6621 Hs.113265 NM_003086 HPRD:04146 SNAPC4 PTFalpha|SNAP190 small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 4, 190kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7299 chr12 662781 662911 + 3.26556 NA exon (NM_173593, exon 14 of 20) exon (NM_173593, exon 14 of 20) 56733 NM_001294345 4815 Hs.655804 NM_016533 HPRD:09530 NINJ2 - ninjurin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11544 chr15 50554900 50555038 + 3.26556 NA intron (NM_002112, intron 2 of 11) intron (NM_002112, intron 2 of 11) 3193 NM_002112 3067 Hs.1481 NM_002112 HPRD:00817 HDC - histidine decarboxylase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9400 chr13 40780882 40780990 + 3.26312 NA intron (NR_033877, intron 2 of 5) intron (NR_033877, intron 2 of 5) 13703 NR_033877 400123 Hs.577960 NR_033877 LINC00548 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 548 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7169 chr11 125757978 125758065 + 3.25684 NA intron (NM_001134793, intron 1 of 2) CpG 1066 NM_001134793 219844 Hs.98133 NM_145014 HPRD:08148 HYLS1 HLS hydrolethalus syndrome 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16101 chr19 15490951 15491064 + 3.25280 NA promoter-TSS (NM_005858) promoter-TSS (NM_005858) -395 NM_005858 10270 Hs.594496 NM_005858 HPRD:05258 AKAP8 AKAP 95|AKAP-8|AKAP-95|AKAP95 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22362 chr3 15096631 15096756 + 3.25269 NA intron (NM_022497, intron 2 of 3) MSTA|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 10123 NM_022497 64432 Hs.657764 NM_022497 HPRD:17594 MRPS25 MRP-S25|RPMS25 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13953 chr17 19411436 19411570 + 3.25269 NA Intergenic tRNA-Trp-TGG|tRNA|tRNA -25664 NM_018242 55244 Hs.232054 NM_018242 HPRD:07703 SLC47A1 MATE1 solute carrier family 47 (multidrug and toxin extrusion), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27661 chr5 78079395 78079488 + 3.25269 NA intron (NM_000046, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_000046, intron 6 of 7) -134793 NM_005779 10184 Hs.79299 NM_005779 HPRD:17272 LHFPL2 - lipoma HMGIC fusion partner-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15098 chr18 14223190 14223274 + 3.24864 NA intron (NR_040113, intron 15 of 15) SVA_F|Other|Other 44136 NR_040113 440482 Hs.632352 NM_001029999 ANKRD20A5P ANKRD20A5 ankyrin repeat domain 20 family, member A5, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24519 chr4 2924500 2924627 + 3.24864 NA intron (NM_001286645, intron 15 of 17) L1PA7|LINE|L1 11401 NM_001120 10227 Hs.632581 NM_001120 HPRD:10265 MFSD10 TETRAN|TETTRAN major facilitator superfamily domain containing 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11240 chr15 28769926 28770016 + 3.24739 NA intron (NR_033351, intron 12 of 17).2 intron (NR_033351, intron 12 of 17).2 8172 NR_033351 100132565 Hs.510812 NM_001012452 ENSG00000153684 GOLGA8F - golgin A8 family, member F pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29592 chr6 42858587 42858678 + 3.24637 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001008739) promoter-TSS (NM_001008739) -78 NM_001008739 441150 Hs.571098 NM_001008739 HPRD:17403 C6orf226 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 226 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30553 chr6 135858937 135859060 + 3.24637 NA intron (NR_026805, intron 1 of 3) intron (NR_026805, intron 1 of 3) 40059 NR_026805 100131814 Hs.734007 NR_026805 ENSG00000231028 LINC00271 C6orf217|NCRNA00271 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 271 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18913 chr2 132033206 132033309 + 3.24362 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3606 NR_030728 440910 Hs.666215 NR_030728 ENSG00000231431 LOC440910 - uncharacterized LOC440910 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13288 chr16 71599476 71599572 + 3.23981 NA promoter-TSS (NR_103851) promoter-TSS (NR_103851) -168 NR_103851 100132529 Hs.710296 NR_103851 ENSG00000260886 LOC100132529 - uncharacterized LOC100132529 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31172 chr7 1662778 1662858 + 3.23981 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 8712 NR_001288 260341 Hs.534596 NR_001288 TFAMP1 MTTF1|TCF6L1 transcription factor A, mitochondrial pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15194 chr18 21550587 21550696 + 3.23981 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22096 NM_153211 125488 Hs.128576 NM_153211 HPRD:08745 TTC39C C18orf17|HsT2697 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10369 chr14 46630432 46630569 + 3.23981 NA intron (NR_102701, intron 1 of 5) L1PA4|LINE|L1 97138 NR_102702 100506412 Hs.207545 NR_102699 ENSG00000258700 LINC00871 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 871 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8724 chr12 102454960 102455123 + 3.23423 NA exon (NM_001301107, exon 2 of 7) exon (NM_001301107, exon 2 of 7) 861 NM_001301107 51019 Hs.405692 NM_016053 HPRD:13031 CCDC53 CGI-116 coiled-coil domain containing 53 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9460 chr13 44834019 44834087 + 3.23331 NA Intergenic Intergenic -63717 NR_107046 102465876 NR_107046 MIR8079 hsa-mir-8079 microRNA 8079 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10141 chr14 23527366 23527455 + 3.23331 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022478) promoter-TSS (NM_022478) -663 NM_022478 64403 Hs.155912 NM_022478 HPRD:13019 CDH24 CDH11L cadherin 24, type 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5597 chr11 9634838 9634926 + 3.23331 NA Intergenic Intergenic 38648 NM_001143976 7465 Hs.249441 NM_003390 HPRD:01907 WEE1 WEE1A|WEE1hu WEE1 G2 checkpoint kinase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7933 chr12 39725735 39725911 + 3.22693 NA intron (NM_001173464, intron 21 of 37) intron (NM_001173464, intron 21 of 37) 111369 NM_001173463 55605 Hs.374201 NM_017641 HPRD:10506 KIF21A CFEOM1|FEOM1|FEOM3A kinesin family member 21A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16850 chr19 47744395 47744527 + 3.22497 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8438 NM_001127242 27113 Hs.467020 NM_014417 HPRD:16165 BBC3 JFY-1|JFY1|PUMA BCL2 binding component 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33320 chr8 7631662 7631766 + 3.22497 NA Intergenic Intergenic 4608 NR_046351 441328 Hs.694406 NM_001164447 FAM90A10P FAM90A10 putative protein FAM90A10 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24645 chr4 9605722 9605820 + 3.22343 NA Intergenic HERVS71-int|LTR|ERV1 -47834 NR_031688 100302277 NR_031688 miRBase:MI0006422 MIR548I2 MIR548I-2|MIRN548I2|hsa-mir-548i-2 microRNA 548i-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35215 chr9 34761978 34762101 + 3.21999 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -32504 NM_001141917 259308 Hs.522093 NM_001141917 ENSG00000205108 FAM205A C9orf144B family with sequence similarity 205, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18363 chr2 91595276 91595350 + 3.21615 NA Intergenic HSATII|Satellite|Satellite 252662 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27248 chr5 50047021 50047093 + 3.21429 NA intron (NM_024615, intron 3 of 25) intron (NM_024615, intron 3 of 25) 84285 NM_001178056 79668 Hs.369581 NM_024615 HPRD:07960 PARP8 ARTD16|pART16 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25845 chr4 114820893 114821020 + 3.21429 NA TTS (NM_024590) TTS (NM_024590) 79922 NM_024590 79642 Hs.22895 NM_024590 HPRD:08034 ARSJ - arylsulfatase family, member J protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8259 chr12 58176435 58176539 + 3.21429 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001172697) promoter-TSS (NM_001172697) -41 NM_001172695 10102 Hs.632704 NM_005726 HPRD:05285 TSFM EFTS|EFTSMT Ts translation elongation factor, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5399 chr10 135512104 135512222 + 3.20993 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 -71864 NM_001080998 441581 Hs.690471 NM_001080998 ENSG00000225899 FRG2B - FSHD region gene 2 family, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21885 chr22 31030594 31030660 + 3.20986 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1166 NM_001001479 339665 Hs.660384 NM_001001479 HPRD:15376 SLC35E4 - solute carrier family 35, member E4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17264 chr2 923959 924056 + 3.20560 NA Intergenic Intergenic -22547 NM_018968 54221 Hs.595069 NM_018968 HPRD:16374 SNTG2 G2SYN|SYN5 syntrophin, gamma 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21406 chr21 38362187 38362318 + 3.20560 NA intron (NM_000411, intron 1 of 11) CpG 293 NM_000411 3141 Hs.371350 NM_000411 HPRD:08360 HLCS HCS holocarboxylase synthetase (biotin-(proprionyl-CoA-carboxylase (ATP-hydrolysing)) ligase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2321 chr1 161359713 161359794 + 3.20395 NA Intergenic CpG -22080 NM_001013625 257177 Hs.534593 NM_001013625 HPRD:13257 C1orf192 Flattop|Fltp chromosome 1 open reading frame 192 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22923 chr3 57678054 57678205 + 3.20395 NA intron (NM_152678, intron 1 of 19) intron (NM_152678, intron 1 of 19) 687 NM_152678 201627 Hs.91085 NM_152678 HPRD:08756 DENND6A AFI1A|FAM116A DENN/MADD domain containing 6A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13077 chr16 57063808 57063906 + 3.20157 NA intron (NM_032206, intron 8 of 47) intron (NM_032206, intron 8 of 47) 12871 NM_032206 84166 Hs.528836 NM_032206 HPRD:14831 NLRC5 CLR16.1|NOD27|NOD4 NLR family, CARD domain containing 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24119 chr3 172238422 172238516 + 3.19842 NA intron (NM_001190943, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_001190943, intron 1 of 1) 2796 NM_001190943 8743 Hs.478275 NM_003810 HPRD:04670 TNFSF10 APO2L|Apo-2L|CD253|TL2|TRAIL tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2170 chr1 154947354 154947496 + 3.19819 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003029) promoter-TSS (NM_003029) 307 NM_001826 1163 Hs.374378 NM_001826 HPRD:00299 CKS1B CKS1|PNAS-16|PNAS-18|ckshs1 CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12036 chr15 89167713 89167832 + 3.19412 NA intron (NM_022767, intron 1 of 3) MIRb|SINE|MIR 3245 NM_022767 64782 Hs.436102 NM_022767 HPRD:08573 AEN ISG20L1|pp12744 apoptosis enhancing nuclease protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15325 chr18 43678488 43678554 + 3.19320 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001257335) promoter-TSS (NM_001257335) -202 NM_004046 498 Hs.298280 NM_004046 HPRD:01258 ATP5A1 ATP5A|ATP5AL2|ATPM|HEL-S-123m|MC5DN4|MOM2|OMR|ORM|hATP1 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, alpha subunit 1, cardiac muscle protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8061 chr12 49582066 49582139 + 3.19320 NA intron (NM_006009, intron 1 of 3) CpG 1005 NM_001270399 7846 Hs.654422 NM_006009 HPRD:03959 TUBA1A B-ALPHA-1|LIS3|TUBA3 tubulin, alpha 1a protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6542 chr11 70928946 70929053 + 3.19142 NA intron (NM_012309, intron 1 of 22) AluY|SINE|Alu 6843 NM_012309 22941 Hs.268726 NM_012309 HPRD:04479 SHANK2 AUTS17|CORTBP1|CTTNBP1|ProSAP1|SHANK|SPANK-3 SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14227 chr17 36956065 36956131 + 3.19142 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003559) promoter-TSS (NM_003559) 60 NM_003559 8396 Hs.260603 NM_003559 HPRD:04463 PIP4K2B PI5P4KB|PIP5K2B|PIP5KIIB|PIP5KIIbeta phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28732 chr5 171540182 171540330 + 3.18901 NA intron (NM_005990, intron 4 of 18) L1ME4a|LINE|L1 75090 NM_005990 6793 Hs.744005 NM_005990 HPRD:06796 STK10 LOK|PRO2729 serine/threonine kinase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3003 chr1 216126982 216127069 + 3.18886 NA intron (NM_206933, intron 37 of 71) L1PA4|LINE|L1 386290 NM_016121 51133 Hs.335139 NM_016121 HPRD:13766 KCTD3 NY-REN-45 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30662 chr6 143140860 143140958 + 3.18886 NA intron (NM_006734, intron 2 of 9) intron (NM_006734, intron 2 of 9) 125429 NM_006734 3097 Hs.510172 NM_006734 HPRD:00881 HIVEP2 HIV-EP2|MBP-2|MIBP1|SHN2|ZAS2|ZNF40B human immunodeficiency virus type I enhancer binding protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22895 chr3 55174965 55175033 + 3.18886 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -212927 NM_020678 57408 Hs.591668 NM_020678 HPRD:13718 LRTM1 - leucine-rich repeats and transmembrane domains 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27494 chr5 69497864 69497966 + 3.18878 NA intron (NR_029426, intron 6 of 9) intron (NR_029426, intron 6 of 9) 23707 NR_024054 11039 Hs.582500 NM_006780 SMA4 SMA3|b55C20.2 glucuronidase, beta pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38868 chrX 150565454 150565627 + 3.18698 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001017980) promoter-TSS (NM_001017980) -117 NM_001017980 203547 Hs.58633 NM_001017980 HPRD:18578 VMA21 MEAX|XMEA VMA21 vacuolar H+-ATPase homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19174 chr2 157191098 157191181 + 3.18149 NA Intergenic CpG -1852 NM_006186 4929 Hs.563344 NM_006186 HPRD:03493 NR4A2 HZF-3|NOT|NURR1|RNR1|TINUR nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37269 chrX 11129894 11130019 + 3.17710 NA intron (NM_005333, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_005333, intron 1 of 6) 550 NM_001171991 3052 Hs.211571 NM_005333 HPRD:02085 HCCS CCHL|MCOPS7|MLS holocytochrome c synthase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25457 chr4 78783228 78783312 + 3.17508 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020236) promoter-TSS (NM_020236) -535 NM_020236 65008 Hs.532019 NM_020236 ENSG00000169288 MRPL1 BM022|L1MT|MRP-L1 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11753 chr15 68075787 68075882 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001206804, intron 21 of 21) L2c|LINE|L2 -36208 NM_001258024 390598 Hs.451224 NM_001031807 ENSG00000188779 SKOR1 CORL1|FUSSEL15|LBXCOR1 SKI family transcriptional corepressor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3286 chr1 234445849 234446002 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001300845, intron 3 of 6) intron (NM_001300845, intron 3 of 6) 3712 NR_039818 100616380 NR_039818 MIR4671 - microRNA 4671 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17466 chr2 20099885 20100001 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001008237, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001008237, intron 1 of 2) 1801 NM_001008237 130502 Hs.591547 NM_001008237 HPRD:17296 TTC32 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 32 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33297 chr8 6950921 6951038 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -36720 NM_021010 1670 Hs.655233 NM_021010 HPRD:02720 DEFA5 DEF5|HD-5 defensin, alpha 5, Paneth cell-specific protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5031 chr10 110857033 110857114 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -73342 NR_046928 100873762 NR_046928 RNU6-53P RNU6-53 RNA, U6 small nuclear 53, pseudogene snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31256 chr7 6543329 6543487 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001145118, intron 15 of 21) CpG-24017 -19559 NM_006854 11014 Hs.654552 NM_006854 HPRD:06598 KDELR2 ELP-1|ERD2.2 KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1001 chr1 60932435 60932501 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 358788 NR_110628 101926964 Hs.650459 NR_110628 ENSG00000231252 LOC101926964 - uncharacterized LOC101926964 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4385 chr10 56507643 56507742 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001142769, intron 1 of 35) AluY|SINE|Alu 53359 NM_001142765 65217 Hs.280209 NM_033056 HPRD:05698 PCDH15 CDHR15|DFNB23|USH1F protocadherin-related 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17849 chr2 51858157 51858223 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -598516 NM_001135659 9378 Hs.637685 NM_004801 HPRD:11858 NRXN1 Hs.22998|PTHSL2|SCZD17 neurexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12540 chr16 23838030 23838152 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -9209 NM_002738 5579 Hs.460355 NM_002738 HPRD:01499 PRKCB PKC-beta|PKCB|PRKCB1|PRKCB2 protein kinase C, beta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15416 chr18 52480232 52480311 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15437 NM_004163 5874 Hs.25318 NM_004163 HPRD:04846 RAB27B C25KG RAB27B, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_849 chr1 45993983 45994063 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic LTR5_Hs|LTR|ERVK -5461 NM_001202431 5052 Hs.180909 NM_002574 HPRD:01458 PRDX1 MSP23|NKEF-A|NKEFA|PAG|PAGA|PAGB|PRX1|PRXI|TDPX2 peroxiredoxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26861 chr5 18472481 18472611 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -1085127 NR_033975 401177 Hs.508311 NR_033975 ENSG00000250822 LOC401177 - uncharacterized LOC401177 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_973 chr1 55723771 55723868 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic LTR85a|LTR|Gypsy? 32505 NR_039618 100616272 NR_039618 miRBase:MI0016759 MIR4422 - microRNA 4422 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25586 chr4 90430951 90431023 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -201826 NM_198281 285513 Hs.605082 NM_198281 GPRIN3 GRIN3 GPRIN family member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21842 chr22 27038953 27039037 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -14451 NR_033319 440823 Hs.517502 NR_003491 ENSG00000225783 MIAT C22orf35|GOMAFU|LINC00066|NCRNA00066|RNCR2 myocardial infarction associated transcript (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11397 chr15 40714253 40714360 + 3.17239 NA TTS (NM_001159508) TTS (NM_001159508) 16620 NM_001159508 3712 Hs.513646 NM_002225 HPRD:09516 IVD ACAD2 isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28622 chr5 156858970 156859036 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Tigger2|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -28024 NM_001172292 348938 Hs.4285 NM_001099287 ENSG00000172548 NIPAL4 ARCI6|ICHTHYIN|ICHYN NIPA-like domain containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35842 chr9 91241040 91241257 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other 25927 NM_001100111 286238 Hs.434185 NM_001100111 LOC286238 - uncharacterized LOC286238 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28929 chr6 2892072 2892144 + 3.17239 NA exon (NM_004155, exon 6 of 7) exon (NM_004155, exon 6 of 7) 7886 NR_110841 101927730 Hs.713231 NR_110841 LOC101927730 - uncharacterized LOC101927730 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24447 chr4 730744 730858 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_006315, intron 5 of 10) CpG 31228 NM_006315 10336 Hs.144309 NM_006315 HPRD:11515 PCGF3 DONG1|RNF3|RNF3A polycomb group ring finger 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20142 chr2 236673701 236673795 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001037131, intron 6 of 17) CpG 271015 NM_001244888 116987 Hs.435039 NM_014914 HPRD:16359 AGAP1 AGAP-1|CENTG2|GGAP1|cnt-g2 ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38359 chrX 100227358 100227586 + 3.17239 NA intron (NR_103709, intron 1 of 8) SVA_F|Other|Other 2775 NR_103708 392509 Hs.147237 NM_001162491 HPRD:18526 ARL13A ARL13|dJ341D10.2 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 13A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4719 chr10 88638887 88638969 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_004329, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_004329, intron 3 of 12) 78497 NM_024756 79812 Hs.524479 NM_024756 HPRD:10601 MMRN2 EMILIN-3|EMILIN3|ENDOGLYX-1 multimerin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14822 chr17 76929675 76929741 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8236 NM_003255 7077 Hs.633514 NM_003255 HPRD:01784 TIMP2 CSC-21K|DDC8 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15240 chr18 32440668 32440794 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_032981, intron 6 of 7) intron (NM_032981, intron 6 of 7) 42429 NM_032980 1837 Hs.643454 NM_001390 HPRD:03141 DTNA D18S892E|DRP3|DTN|DTN-A|LVNC1 dystrobrevin, alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6915 chr11 104023738 104023856 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_025208, intron 1 of 6) L2|LINE|L2 11230 NM_033135 80310 Hs.352298 NM_025208 HPRD:17830 PDGFD IEGF|SCDGF-B|SCDGFB platelet derived growth factor D protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1107 chr1 72045786 72045897 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_173808, intron 6 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 256854 NR_046218 100852409 Hs.681780 NR_046218 NEGR1-IT1 - NEGR1 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26390 chr4 169034490 169034566 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_007193, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_007193, intron 1 of 11) 20840 NM_007193 11199 Hs.188401 NM_007193 HPRD:09724 ANXA10 ANX14 annexin A10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5896 chr11 34220228 34220345 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_145804, intron 2 of 16) intron (NM_145804, intron 2 of 16) 93175 NM_001144030 55226 Hs.577281 NM_024662 HPRD:10964 NAT10 ALP|NET43 N-acetyltransferase 10 (GCN5-related) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22336 chr3 13388191 13388322 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_024923, intron 20 of 39) intron (NM_024923, intron 20 of 39) 73563 NM_024923 23225 Hs.475525 NM_024923 HPRD:06368 NUP210 GP210|POM210 nucleoporin 210kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28166 chr5 128156134 128156200 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -145043 NM_014031 28965 Hs.49765 NM_014031 HPRD:09173 SLC27A6 ACSVL2|FACVL2|FATP6|VLCS-H1 solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19711 chr2 202147771 202147847 + 3.17239 NA intron (NR_111983, intron 7 of 8) SVA_E|Other|Other 22586 NM_033356 841 Hs.599762 NM_001228 HPRD:03459 CASP8 ALPS2B|CAP4|Casp-8|FLICE|MACH|MCH5 caspase 8, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13123 chr16 60556797 60556874 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -163168 NM_001282301 729159 NM_001282301 LOC729159 - UPF0607 protein ENSP00000381418-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24532 chr4 3534175 3534290 + 3.17239 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002337) promoter-TSS (NM_002337) -8 NM_002337 4043 Hs.40966 NM_002337 LRPAP1 A2MRAP|A2RAP|HBP44|MRAP|MYP23|RAP|alpha-2-MRAP low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein associated protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26980 chr5 36690550 36690671 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic CpG 84153 NM_001289940 6507 Hs.481918 NM_004172 HPRD:02523 SLC1A3 EA6|EAAT1|GLAST|GLAST1 solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5778 chr11 21812852 21812936 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA6|LINE|L1 -401828 NM_213599 203859 Hs.154329 NM_213599 HPRD:10558 ANO5 GDD1|LGMD2L|TMEM16E anoctamin 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38645 chrX 128023015 128023192 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 634379 NM_001282874 6594 Hs.152292 NM_003069 HPRD:02055 SMARCA1 ISWI|NURF140|SNF2L|SNF2L1|SNF2LB|SNF2LT|SWI|SWI2 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6700 chr11 82844634 82844712 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -23464 NM_015885 51585 Hs.128959 NM_015885 PCF11 - PCF11 cleavage and polyadenylation factor subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8347 chr12 68112945 68113061 + 3.17239 NA intron (NR_110063, intron 2 of 4) LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 10252 NR_110063 101927901 Hs.369609 NR_110063 ENSG00000255970 LOC101927901 - uncharacterized LOC101927901 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9965 chr13 109168452 109168553 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -79998 NM_015011 23026 Hs.656587 NM_015011 HPRD:14795 MYO16 MYAP3|MYR8|Myo16b|NYAP3|PPP1R107 myosin XVI protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19580 chr2 192020493 192020584 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4216 NM_001243835 6775 Hs.80642 NM_003151 HPRD:02779 STAT4 SLEB11 signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3869 chr10 27720923 27720991 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -17660 NM_001034842 374308 Hs.631832 NM_001034842 ENSG00000182077 PTCHD3 PTR patched domain containing 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27747 chr5 86845794 86845880 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -136987 NM_001239 902 Hs.292524 NM_001239 HPRD:09059 CCNH CAK|CycH|p34|p37 cyclin H protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23653 chr3 128964717 128964853 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3668 NM_016128 22820 Hs.518250 NM_016128 HPRD:09887 COPG1 COPG coatomer protein complex, subunit gamma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11832 chr15 75092633 75092699 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_004383, intron 5 of 12) intron (NM_004383, intron 5 of 12) -11568 NR_039738 100616183 NR_039738 miRBase:MI0016879 MIR4513 - microRNA 4513 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34218 chr8 90457608 90457733 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -312305 NM_003821 8767 Hs.103755 NM_003821 HPRD:04585 RIPK2 CARD3|CARDIAK|CCK|GIG30|RICK|RIP2 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38335 chrX 96019989 96020085 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_007309, intron 4 of 26) L2c|LINE|L2 80375 NM_006729 1730 Hs.226483 NM_006729 HPRD:02117 DIAPH2 DIA|DIA2|DRF2|POF|POF2 diaphanous-related formin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16873 chr19 48437289 48437413 + 3.17239 NA promoter-TSS (NR_004435) promoter-TSS (NR_004435) -87 NR_004436 100126799 Hs.723085 NR_004436 SNAR-A2 SNAR-A53129250 small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA A2 snRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11010 chr14 100993120 100993226 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001161476, intron 5 of 6) (CACCAT)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 41234 NM_001159531 57596 Hs.211751 NM_020836 HPRD:06459 BEGAIN - brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19112 chr2 149416736 149416879 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_015630, intron 1 of 13) intron (NM_015630, intron 1 of 13) 14247 NM_015630 26122 Hs.23270 NM_015630 HPRD:13274 EPC2 EPC-LIKE enhancer of polycomb homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6209 chr11 56403019 56403135 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic AluY|SINE|Alu 6838 NM_001002925 338675 Hs.449692 NM_001002925 HPRD:17749 OR5AP2 OR9J1 olfactory receptor, family 5, subfamily AP, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28216 chr5 131792281 131792421 + 3.17239 NA intron (NR_045116, intron 3 of 3) intron (NR_045116, intron 3 of 3) 34114 NM_002198 3659 Hs.436061 NM_002198 HPRD:00961 IRF1 IRF-1|MAR interferon regulatory factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23126 chr3 76501887 76502032 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -587335 NM_001290039 6092 Hs.13305 NM_002942 ENSG00000185008 ROBO2 SAX3 roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 2 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34345 chr8 101983462 101983541 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -17878 NM_003406 7534 Hs.492407 NM_003406 HPRD:03183 YWHAZ 14-3-3-zeta|HEL-S-3|HEL4|KCIP-1|YWHAD tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, zeta protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30262 chr6 109367552 109367618 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_014454, intron 1 of 9) SVA_F|Other|Other -36827 NM_001199933 27244 Hs.591336 NM_014454 HPRD:07310 SESN1 PA26|SEST1 sestrin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15209 chr18 23795728 23795820 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -11073 NR_121653 6875 Hs.369519 NM_005640 ENSG00000141384 TAF4B SPGF13|TAF2C2|TAFII105 TAF4b RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 105kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8890 chr12 113344694 113344769 + 3.17239 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001032409) promoter-TSS (NM_001032409) -8 NM_016816 4938 Hs.524760 NM_002534 HPRD:08879 OAS1 IFI-4|OIAS|OIASI 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase 1, 40/46kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24302 chr3 187779137 187779230 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -92478 NM_001167672 4026 Hs.720220 NM_005578 HPRD:02828 LPP - LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28943 chr6 3092718 3092797 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_003804, intron 6 of 9) CpG 15699 NM_003804 8737 Hs.519842 NM_003804 HPRD:04583 RIPK1 RIP|RIP1 receptor (TNFRSF)-interacting serine-threonine kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8490 chr12 77015396 77015486 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Tigger16a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger -61852 NM_001003712 114882 Hs.430849 NM_020841 HPRD:09478 OSBPL8 MST120|MSTP120|ORP8|OSBP10 oxysterol binding protein-like 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20835 chr20 46356395 46356505 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_198596, intron 3 of 20) intron (NM_198596, intron 3 of 20) 58358 NM_018837 55959 Hs.162016 NM_018837 HPRD:18130 SULF2 HSULF-2 sulfatase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35722 chr9 78505478 78505577 + 3.17239 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001190482) promoter-TSS (NM_001190482) -33 NR_120409 5125 Hs.368542 NM_006200 HPRD:08985 PCSK5 PC5|PC6|PC6A|SPC6 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12074 chr15 91117870 91117936 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001042574, intron 2 of 14) L1MC4a|LINE|L1 44785 NM_022769 64784 Hs.567572 NM_022769 HPRD:13384 CRTC3 TORC-3|TORC3 CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5599 chr11 9770066 9770214 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_015055, intron 10 of 11) intron (NM_015055, intron 10 of 11) -9700 NR_036485 283104 Hs.632156 NR_036485 ENSG00000246273 SBF2-AS1 - SBF2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6757 chr11 86924643 86924749 + 3.17239 NA intron (NR_033149, intron 4 of 13) intron (NR_033149, intron 4 of 13) 175810 NR_033149 65084 Hs.188591 NM_022918 TMEM135 PMP52 transmembrane protein 135 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27298 chr5 52856838 52856960 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_002495, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_002495, intron 1 of 4) 434 NM_002495 4724 Hs.528222 NM_002495 HPRD:04073 NDUFS4 AQDQ|CI-18 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein 4, 18kDa (NADH-coenzyme Q reductase) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29428 chr6 32995695 32995899 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic Intergenic -18408 NM_002119 3111 Hs.631991 NM_002119 HPRD:00837 HLA-DOA HLA-DNA|HLA-DZA|HLADZ major histocompatibility complex, class II, DO alpha protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12558 chr16 26656575 26656710 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic MLT1H2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -421577 NM_001145545 162083 Hs.120831 NM_182831 C16orf82 TNT chromosome 16 open reading frame 82 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7581 chr12 18427107 18427179 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_001288774, intron 1 of 32) L1PA4|LINE|L1 12669 NM_004570 5288 Hs.22500 NM_004570 HPRD:16416 PIK3C2G PI3K-C2-gamma|PI3K-C2GAMMA phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit type 2 gamma protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15064 chr18 12039024 12039090 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic CpG -54791 NM_001277333 342850 Hs.448906 NM_001277333 ENSG00000181626 ANKRD62 DKFZp779B1634 ankyrin repeat domain 62 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3086 chr1 222311848 222311962 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -396387 NM_007207 11221 Hs.497822 NM_007207 HPRD:12320 DUSP10 MKP-5|MKP5 dual specificity phosphatase 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38343 chrX 97946894 97946990 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -1127408 NR_125391 10824 Hs.654372 NR_125391 DIAPH2-AS1 EPAG DIAPH2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21824 chr22 25396268 25396334 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic AluYa5|SINE|Alu -27640 NM_001145206 85379 Hs.419171 NM_001145206 ENSG00000197077 KIAA1671 - KIAA1671 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1007 chr1 61508775 61508853 + 3.17239 NA Intergenic CpG -34132 NM_001145511 4774 Hs.740757 NM_005595 HPRD:09007 NFIA CTF|NF-I/A|NF1-A|NFI-A|NFI-L nuclear factor I/A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6913 chr11 103828266 103828332 + 3.17239 NA intron (NM_033135, intron 3 of 6) L1PA3|LINE|L1 -79009 NM_001001711 414301 Hs.591941 NM_001001711 HPRD:13128 DDI1 - DNA-damage inducible 1 homolog 1 (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19834 chr2 209130565 209130672 + 3.16915 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001178000) promoter-TSS (NM_001178000) -373 NM_152671 200576 Hs.744997 NM_015040 HPRD:17852 PIKFYVE CFD|FAB1|HEL37|PIP5K|PIP5K3|ZFYVE29 phosphoinositide kinase, FYVE finger containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31306 chr7 9762019 9762156 + 3.15965 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 88187 NR_002790 168741 Hs.545134 NR_002790 PER4 - period circadian clock 3 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32893 chr7 142551787 142551878 + 3.15965 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001280794) promoter-TSS (NM_001280794) -944 NM_001280794 2051 Hs.380089 NM_004445 HPRD:04133 EPHB6 HEP EPH receptor B6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33063 chr7 155089438 155089513 + 3.15930 NA promoter-TSS (NM_198337) promoter-TSS (NM_198337) -11 NM_198337 3638 Hs.520819 NM_005542 HPRD:03633 INSIG1 CL-6|CL6 insulin induced gene 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38236 chrX 82315256 82315363 + 3.15930 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -447960 NM_000307 5456 Hs.2229 NM_000307 HPRD:02076 POU3F4 BRAIN-4|BRN-4|BRN4|DFN3|DFNX2|OCT-9|OTF-9|OTF9 POU class 3 homeobox 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25979 chr4 123866377 123866494 + 3.15779 NA intron (NM_145207, intron 8 of 15) L1PA4|LINE|L1 22210 NM_145207 166378 Hs.709648 NM_145207 HPRD:11595 SPATA5 AFG2|SPAF spermatogenesis associated 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_259 chr1 16161205 16161271 + 3.15779 NA non-coding (NR_024279, exon 2 of 2) non-coding (NR_024279, exon 2 of 2) -13121 NM_015001 23013 Hs.744843 NM_015001 HPRD:10230 SPEN HIAA0929|MINT|RBM15C|SHARP spen family transcriptional repressor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36043 chr9 107753939 107754143 + 3.15247 NA Intergenic GC_rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -63514 NM_005502 19 Hs.659274 NM_005502 HPRD:02501 ABCA1 ABC-1|ABC1|CERP|HDLDT1|TGD ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31117 chr6 170863016 170863082 + 3.14743 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001172085) promoter-TSS (NM_001172085) -372 NM_001172085 6908 Hs.590872 NM_003194 HPRD:02511 TBP GTF2D|GTF2D1|HDL4|SCA17|TFIID TATA box binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1768 chr1 143292037 143292114 + 3.14651 NA Intergenic CER|Satellite|Satellite -89836 NR_110761 102723769 Hs.652926 NR_110761 LOC102723769 - uncharacterized LOC102723769 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12464 chr16 18467285 18467353 + 3.14636 NA Intergenic Intergenic 5948 NR_107060 102465908 NR_107060 MIR6770-2 hsa-mir-6770-2 microRNA 6770-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2629 chr1 184774850 184774937 + 3.14636 NA intron (NM_052966, intron 11 of 13) intron (NM_052966, intron 11 of 13) -50852 NM_025191 80267 Hs.523811 NM_025191 HPRD:10724 EDEM3 C1orf22 ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16792 chr19 45954982 45955075 + 3.14636 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16225 NM_001114171 2354 Hs.590958 NM_006732 HPRD:01270 FOSB AP-1|G0S3|GOS3|GOSB FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28675 chr5 162333165 162333651 + 3.14636 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -531169 NM_199246 900 Hs.79101 NM_004060 HPRD:03345 CCNG1 CCNG cyclin G1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2385 chr1 167343843 167343940 + 3.14407 NA intron (NR_037163, intron 7 of 16) intron (NR_037163, intron 7 of 16) 45610 NM_001198783 5451 Hs.283402 NM_002697 HPRD:01250 POU2F1 OCT1|OTF1|oct-1B POU class 2 homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23600 chr3 125611180 125611276 + 3.14057 NA Intergenic HERVK-int|LTR|ERVK -6308 NR_125395 101927056 Hs.744344 NR_125395 LOC101927056 - uncharacterized LOC101927056 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10425 chr14 51326812 51326878 + 3.14057 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12033 NM_001206673 145447 Hs.271896 NM_181533 ENSG00000131969 ABHD12B BEM46L3|C14orf29|c14_5314 abhydrolase domain containing 12B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23457 chr3 113252532 113252642 + 3.13929 NA intron (NM_017699, intron 1 of 24) intron (NM_017699, intron 1 of 24) 1369 NM_017699 54847 Hs.591291 NM_017699 HPRD:12111 SIDT1 B830021E24Rik|SID-1|SID1 SID1 transmembrane family, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21066 chr21 9548433 9548685 + 3.13341 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -277273 NR_037421 100500862 NR_037421 MIR3648-1 MIR3648 microRNA 3648-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22726 chr3 46448987 46449084 + 3.13310 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001130910) promoter-TSS (NM_001130910) -14 NM_001130910 9034 Hs.535713 NM_003965 HPRD:16327 CCRL2 ACKR5|CKRX|CRAM|CRAM-A|CRAM-B|HCR chemokine (C-C motif) receptor-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19367 chr2 172182868 172182934 + 3.13310 NA intron (NM_024770, intron 7 of 9) intron (NM_024770, intron 7 of 9) -95077 NM_001136554 9874 Hs.744917 NM_012290 ENSG00000198586 TLK1 PKU-beta tousled-like kinase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35320 chr9 42610065 42610178 + 3.12888 NA Intergenic L1PA10|LINE|L1 -107945 NM_199244 349334 Hs.712520 NM_199244 HPRD:17013 FOXD4L4 FOXD4L2|FOXD4b|bA460E7.2 forkhead box D4-like 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26181 chr4 147442077 147442183 + 3.12888 NA intron (NM_001029998, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_001029998, intron 1 of 11) 993 NM_001300842 84068 Hs.659209 NM_032128 HPRD:13177 SLC10A7 C4orf13|P7 solute carrier family 10, member 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3427 chr1 245938724 245938931 + 3.12885 NA intron (NM_022743, intron 10 of 11) SVA_D|Other|Other 620540 NM_018012 55083 Hs.368096 NM_018012 ENSG00000162849 KIF26B - kinesin family member 26B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28767 chr5 174905536 174905625 + 3.12885 NA promoter-TSS (NM_022754) promoter-TSS (NM_022754) 66 NM_022754 94081 Hs.369440 NM_022754 HPRD:18044 SFXN1 - sideroflexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30442 chr6 126102468 126102534 + 3.12211 NA 5' UTR (NM_001199619, exon 1 of 17) 5' UTR (NM_001199619, exon 1 of 17) 194 NM_001199620 135112 Hs.171426 NM_181782 HPRD:14814 NCOA7 ERAP140|ESNA1|NCOA7-AS|Nbla00052|Nbla10993|TLDC4|dJ187J11.3 nuclear receptor coactivator 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20154 chr2 237455424 237455532 + 3.11977 NA Intergenic MamRep605|Unknown|Unknown -22902 NM_020311 57007 Hs.471751 NM_020311 HPRD:09882 ACKR3 CMKOR1|CXC-R7|CXCR-7|CXCR7|GPR159|RDC-1|RDC1 atypical chemokine receptor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29176 chr6 24817225 24817380 + 3.11893 NA intron (NM_001286445, intron 20 of 21) L1HS|LINE|L1 -18178 NM_001282492 101928603 Hs.635133 NM_001282492 C6orf229 - chromosome 6 open reading frame 229 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9456 chr13 44691576 44691642 + 3.11653 NA intron (NR_104065, intron 1 of 4) intron (NR_104065, intron 1 of 4) 6924 NR_104065 101929212 Hs.534877 NR_104064 SMIM2-AS1 C13orf44-AS1|C3orf81-AS1 SMIM2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38749 chrX 134518235 134518346 + 3.11383 NA Intergenic MLT1C|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -12064 NR_104652 100506790 Hs.161358 NR_104652 ENSG00000229015 LOC100506790 - uncharacterized LOC100506790 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24442 chr4 553704 553798 + 3.11383 NA Intergenic (CCCCAG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 60762 NR_110293 54872 Hs.7099 NM_017733 HPRD:07890 PIGG GPI7|LAS21|PRO4405|RLGS1930 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class G protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37245 chrX 9134060 9134183 + 3.10655 NA Intergenic L1ME1|LINE|L1 -131953 NM_205849 171483 Hs.733351 NM_173696 HPRD:06566 FAM9B TEX39B family with sequence similarity 9, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21092 chr21 9975316 9975430 + 3.10512 NA Intergenic MER52A|LTR|ERV1 -6779 NR_038328 100132288 Hs.487562 NM_174948 TEKT4P2 MAFIPL|TEKT4P tektin 4 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8194 chr12 56123090 56123209 + 3.10325 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001257390) promoter-TSS (NM_001257390) -227 NM_001780 967 Hs.445570 NM_001780 HPRD:01121 CD63 LAMP-3|ME491|MLA1|OMA81H|TSPAN30 CD63 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10016 chr13 114025838 114025961 + 3.09875 NA Intergenic C-rich|Low_complexity|Low_complexity -7436 NM_001286733 79774 Hs.745043 NM_024719 HPRD:17080 GRTP1 TBC1D6 growth hormone regulated TBC protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29110 chr6 17673890 17673959 + 3.09875 NA intron (NM_001278210, intron 5 of 20) L1ME1|LINE|L1 33141 NM_001278209 9972 Hs.601591 NM_005124 HPRD:04899 NUP153 HNUP153|N153 nucleoporin 153kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37500 chrX 41193331 41193494 + 3.09677 NA 5' UTR (NM_001193416, exon 1 of 17) 5' UTR (NM_001193416, exon 1 of 17) 761 NM_001193416 1654 Hs.743263 NM_001356 HPRD:02154 DDX3X DBX|DDX14|DDX3|HLP2 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box helicase 3, X-linked protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21173 chr21 11071536 11071701 + 3.09589 NA intron (NM_001187, intron 3 of 4) L1MDa|LINE|L1 27307 NM_181704 85317 Hs.545789 NM_181704 BAGE4 CT2.4|MLL3P B melanoma antigen family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8092 chr12 50926696 50926913 + 3.09327 NA intron (NM_173602, intron 1 of 37) intron (NM_173602, intron 1 of 37) 28036 NM_173602 57609 Hs.505516 NM_020849 HPRD:08751 DIP2B - DIP2 disco-interacting protein 2 homolog B (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3894 chr10 30320810 30320934 + 3.08980 NA intron (NM_020848, intron 2 of 3) AluYa5|SINE|Alu 27616 NM_020848 57608 Hs.533953 NM_020848 ENSG00000165757 KIAA1462 JCAD KIAA1462 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15877 chr19 8582593 8582680 + 3.08819 NA Intergenic Intergenic -3588 NM_001146175 84330 Hs.515114 NM_032370 HPRD:17511 ZNF414 ZFP414 zinc finger protein 414 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5490 chr11 3443763 3443953 + 3.08573 NA Intergenic CpG -30713 NR_044999 10821 Hs.637689 NR_044999 ENSG00000189398 OR7E12P HG1058|OR11-3|OR7E58P|OR7E79P|OR7E81P|OST021 olfactory receptor, family 7, subfamily E, member 12 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29577 chr6 42325490 42325574 + 3.08355 NA intron (NM_033502, intron 3 of 17) intron (NM_033502, intron 3 of 17) 94257 NM_001297573 55809 Hs.485392 NM_018415 HPRD:11647 TRERF1 BCAR2|HSA277276|RAPA|TREP132|TReP-132|dJ139D8.5 transcriptional regulating factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24358 chr3 195421505 195421608 + 3.08301 NA intron (NR_122105, intron 2 of 4) intron (NR_122105, intron 2 of 4) -4716 NR_030296 693155 NR_030296 miRBase:MI0003577 MIR570 MIRN570|hsa-mir-570 microRNA 570 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36 chr1 894680 894814 + 3.08111 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015658) promoter-TSS (NM_015658) -68 NM_015658 26155 Hs.405987 NM_015658 HPRD:13166 NOC2L NET15|NET7|NIR|PPP1R112 nucleolar complex associated 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10339 chr14 43965774 43965840 + 3.08111 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 1010692 NM_032135 84075 Hs.307086 NM_032135 HPRD:12638 FSCB C14orf155 fibrous sheath CABYR binding protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10765 chr14 76044105 76044203 + 3.08045 NA promoter-TSS (NM_017791) promoter-TSS (NM_017791) -786 NM_017791 55640 Hs.509966 NM_017791 HPRD:12654 FLVCR2 C14orf58|CCT|EPV|FLVCRL14q|MFSD7C|PVHH feline leukemia virus subgroup C cellular receptor family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3540 chr10 1440118 1440232 + 3.08045 NA intron (NM_018702, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_018702, intron 1 of 9) -128650 NR_033387 642394 Hs.568831 NM_001098830 ENSG00000205696 ADARB2-AS1 C10orf109|NCRNA00168|bA466B20.1 ADARB2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33581 chr8 30013366 30013449 + 3.08038 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006571) promoter-TSS (NM_006571) -406 NM_006571 10671 Hs.158427 NM_006571 HPRD:09907 DCTN6 WS-3|WS3|p27 dynactin 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21544 chr21 48118312 48118417 + 3.07643 NA Intergenic TAR1|Satellite|telo 62857 NM_206962 3275 Hs.154163 NM_001535 HPRD:09060 PRMT2 HRMT1L1 protein arginine methyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28674 chr5 162284833 162284967 + 3.06899 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -579677 NM_199246 900 Hs.79101 NM_004060 HPRD:03345 CCNG1 CCNG cyclin G1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29056 chr6 14301208 14301323 + 3.06899 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 -15580 NR_108096 102216342 Hs.563409 NR_108096 LINC01108 LncRNA-ES1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1108 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9442 chr13 42928631 42928853 + 3.06750 NA Intergenic Intergenic 82453 NM_016248 11215 Hs.105105 NM_016248 HPRD:05261 AKAP11 AKAP-11|AKAP220|PPP1R44|PRKA11 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32791 chr7 136483000 136483093 + 3.06750 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -70353 NM_001006627 1129 Hs.535891 NM_000739 HPRD:00328 CHRM2 HM2 cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26617 chr4 190566783 190566866 + 3.06525 NA Intergenic CpG -13936 NR_121679 101928971 Hs.519164 NR_121679 ENSG00000250739 LINC01262 TCONS_l2_00021807 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1262 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27159 chr5 46336969 46337065 + 3.06112 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -640797 NM_021072 348980 Hs.353176 NM_021072 HCN1 BCNG-1|BCNG1|EIEE24|HAC-2 hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated potassium channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36272 chr9 129484898 129484968 + 3.05743 NA Intergenic CpG -82352 NM_014007 23099 Hs.355581 NM_014007 HPRD:08346 ZBTB43 ZBTB22B|ZNF-X|ZNF297B zinc finger and BTB domain containing 43 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7361 chr12 6476975 6477041 + 3.05409 NA intron (NM_001159576, intron 1 of 11) MER5B|DNA|hAT-Charlie 7382 NM_001159576 6337 Hs.591047 NM_001038 HPRD:02575 SCNN1A BESC2|ENaCa|ENaCalpha|SCNEA|SCNN1 sodium channel, non-voltage-gated 1 alpha subunit protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32890 chr7 142505679 142505818 + 3.05409 NA Intergenic L3|LINE|CR1 25840 NM_002770 5645 Hs.449281 NM_002770 PRSS2 TRY2|TRY8|TRYP2 protease, serine, 2 (trypsin 2) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5115 chr10 118547642 118547777 + 3.05409 NA Intergenic CpG -45624 NM_025015 259217 Hs.648448 NM_025015 ENSG00000165868 HSPA12A - heat shock 70kDa protein 12A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33787 chr8 46884079 46884158 + 3.05234 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -868390 NR_027012 497634 Hs.406982 NR_027012 ENSG00000253314 LINC00293 BEYLA|NCRNA00293 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 293 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29258 chr6 27113751 27113852 + 3.04690 NA intron (NM_080593, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_080593, intron 1 of 1) 836 NM_080593 85236 Hs.437275 NM_080593 HPRD:13658 HIST1H2BK H2B/S|H2BFAiii|H2BFT|H2BK histone cluster 1, H2bk protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11250 chr15 29355164 29355260 + 3.04596 NA intron (NM_001130414, intron 3 of 12) intron (NM_001130414, intron 3 of 12) 141372 NM_001130414 321 Hs.618112 NM_005503 HPRD:04090 APBA2 D15S1518E|HsT16821|LIN-10|MGC:14091|MINT2|X11-BETA|X11L amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33450 chr8 20293083 20293202 + 3.04596 NA Intergenic Intergenic 159858 NR_047509 100874051 Hs.385799 NR_047509 ENSG00000253733 LZTS1-AS1 - LZTS1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21374 chr21 35445537 35445631 + 3.04076 NA promoter-TSS (NM_032476) promoter-TSS (NM_032476) -239 NM_006933 6526 Hs.302742 NM_006933 HPRD:02708 SLC5A3 BCW2|SMIT|SMIT1|SMIT2 solute carrier family 5 (sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter), member 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2287 chr1 160529364 160529430 + 3.04076 NA intron (NM_001184882, intron 1 of 5) L1PA11|LINE|L1 19909 NM_001184879 8832 Hs.398093 NM_003874 HPRD:05151 CD84 LY9B|SLAMF5|hCD84|mCD84 CD84 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33162 chr7 158107813 158107964 + 3.04076 NA intron (NM_130842, intron 2 of 21) intron (NM_130842, intron 2 of 21) 217617 NR_030325 693180 NR_030325 MIR595 MIRN595|hsa-mir-595 microRNA 595 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14449 chr17 46531074 46531185 + 3.03955 NA intron (NR_110804, intron 2 of 5) intron (NR_110804, intron 2 of 5) 8934 NR_110804 101927166 Hs.149244 NR_110804 LOC101927166 - uncharacterized LOC101927166 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25952 chr4 122383946 122384055 + 3.03955 NA Intergenic Intergenic -81819 NM_198179 84109 Hs.368977 NM_198179 QRFPR AQ27|GPR103|SP9155 pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21542 chr21 48107197 48107299 + 3.03955 NA Intergenic L1MC3|LINE|L1 51741 NM_206962 3275 Hs.154163 NM_001535 HPRD:09060 PRMT2 HRMT1L1 protein arginine methyltransferase 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17250 chr2 265130 265209 + 3.03955 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001282682) promoter-TSS (NM_001282682) 300 NM_001040649 52 Hs.558296 NM_004300 HPRD:08881 ACP1 HAAP acid phosphatase 1, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8570 chr12 89638395 89638513 + 3.03439 NA Intergenic Plat_L3|LINE|CR1 108182 NM_001946 1848 Hs.298654 NM_001946 HPRD:04124 DUSP6 HH19|MKP3|PYST1 dual specificity phosphatase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6319 chr11 62380481 62380569 + 3.03119 NA promoter-TSS (NM_153265) promoter-TSS (NM_153265) -288 NM_001300794 256364 Hs.379785 NM_153265 HPRD:08193 EML3 ELP95 echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28899 chr6 372227 372305 + 3.03109 NA Intergenic Intergenic -19473 NR_046000 3662 Hs.401013 NM_002460 HPRD:03543 IRF4 LSIRF|MUM1|NF-EM5 interferon regulatory factor 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34529 chr8 123309771 123309849 + 3.02806 NA Intergenic L1HS|LINE|L1 -484091 NM_014943 22882 Hs.377090 NM_014943 HPRD:16458 ZHX2 AFR1|RAF zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26237 chr4 152447189 152447312 + 3.02806 NA intron (NM_001109977, intron 3 of 13) SVA_D|Other|Other 116852 NM_001109977 729830 Hs.633810 NM_001109977 ENSG00000164142 FAM160A1 - family with sequence similarity 160, member A1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38092 chrX 72259076 72259142 + 3.02477 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 35757 NM_001042506 645974 Hs.567854 NM_001042506 ENSG00000184388 PABPC1L2B RBM32B poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 1-like 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20026 chr2 230931898 230931964 + 3.02477 NA intron (NM_152527, intron 1 of 4) intron (NM_152527, intron 1 of 4) 1784 NM_152527 151473 Hs.504317 NM_152527 HPRD:15347 SLC16A14 MCT14 solute carrier family 16, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14660 chr17 65362490 65362581 + 3.02286 NA exon (NM_002816, exon 1 of 11) exon (NM_002816, exon 1 of 11) 186 NM_174871 5718 Hs.592689 NM_002816 PSMD12 Rpn5|p55 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1875 chr1 146404698 146404764 + 3.02154 NA exon (NM_001278141, exon 14 of 37) exon (NM_001278141, exon 14 of 37) 30874 NM_001278141 149013 Hs.666981 NM_001278141 ENSG00000186275 NBPF12 COAS1|KIAA1245 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16914 chr19 49468874 49468964 + 3.01823 NA intron (NM_000146, intron 1 of 3) CpG 353 NM_000146 2512 Hs.433670 NM_000146 HPRD:00616 FTL LFTD|NBIA3 ferritin, light polypeptide protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4559 chr10 73487633 73487699 + 3.01823 NA intron (NM_001171930, intron 29 of 30) intron (NM_001171930, intron 29 of 30) -8088 NM_001164375 414152 Hs.568788 NM_001164375 ENSG00000214688 C10orf105 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 105 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14845 chr17 78865533 78865696 + 3.01823 NA exon (NM_001163034, exon 14 of 30) exon (NM_001163034, exon 14 of 30) -86182 NR_110852 101928855 Hs.670692 NR_110852 ENSG00000262833 LOC101928855 - uncharacterized LOC101928855 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2270 chr1 159796349 159796470 + 3.01505 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020125) promoter-TSS (NM_020125) -70 NM_020125 56833 Hs.438683 NM_020125 HPRD:09429 SLAMF8 BLAME|CD353|SBBI42 SLAM family member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13256 chr16 70008208 70008293 + 3.01089 NA Intergenic Intergenic 23361 NM_001271197 348174 Hs.592064 NM_182619 HPRD:17360 CLEC18A MRCL|MRCL1|MRLP2 C-type lectin domain family 18, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3502 chr10 310383 310449 + 3.01089 NA Intergenic Intergenic 84482 NM_001202468 10771 Hs.292265 NM_006624 HPRD:09830 ZMYND11 BRAM1|BS69 zinc finger, MYND-type containing 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33212 chr8 20136 20253 + 3.01089 NA Intergenic MLT1H2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 96830 NM_001005504 441308 Hs.690459 NM_001005504 OR4F21 OR4F21P olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily F, member 21 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31285 chr7 7857559 7857655 + 3.01029 NA intron (NR_034084, intron 3 of 3) AluJb|SINE|Alu -99369 NM_002947 6119 Hs.487540 NM_002947 RPA3 REPA3 replication protein A3, 14kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13437 chr16 85587790 85587910 + 3.00803 NA Intergenic CpG -57179 NM_001134473 23199 Hs.461647 NM_014615 HPRD:11066 GSE1 KIAA0182 Gse1 coiled-coil protein protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5339 chr10 134121392 134121578 + 3.00803 NA promoter-TSS (NM_173575) promoter-TSS (NM_173575) -8 NM_173575 282974 Hs.469002 NM_173575 HPRD:18119 STK32C PKE|YANK3 serine/threonine kinase 32C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31115 chr6 170783879 170784001 + 3.00221 NA Intergenic Intergenic 78477 NM_002793 5689 Hs.352768 NM_002793 HPRD:03603 PSMB1 HC5|PMSB1|PSC5 proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type, 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6014 chr11 46867362 46867482 + 3.00221 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038909) promoter-TSS (NR_038909) 437 NM_014756 9793 Hs.201253 NM_014756 HPRD:10830 CKAP5 CHTOG|MSPS|TOG|TOGp|ch-TOG cytoskeleton associated protein 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19718 chr2 202507425 202507504 + 3.00221 NA 5' UTR (NM_152388, exon 1 of 12) 5' UTR (NM_152388, exon 1 of 12) 203 NM_152388 65062 Hs.12319 NM_152388 HPRD:12448 TMEM237 ALS2CR4|JBTS14 transmembrane protein 237 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22227 chr3 4408956 4409042 + 2.99573 NA intron (NM_001164675, intron 7 of 7) L1P1|LINE|L1 63702 NR_024022 6419 Hs.475300 NM_006515 HPRD:10225 SETMAR HsMar1|METNASE|Mar1 SET domain and mariner transposase fusion gene protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30443 chr6 126111801 126111918 + 2.99362 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001199621) promoter-TSS (NM_001199621) -50 NM_001122842 135112 Hs.171426 NM_181782 HPRD:14814 NCOA7 ERAP140|ESNA1|NCOA7-AS|Nbla00052|Nbla10993|TLDC4|dJ187J11.3 nuclear receptor coactivator 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23599 chr3 125574197 125574263 + 2.99297 NA intron (NR_125396, intron 2 of 2) L1PA4|LINE|L1 30690 NR_125396 101927056 Hs.744344 NR_125395 LOC101927056 - uncharacterized LOC101927056 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_962 chr1 55181691 55181757 + 2.98949 NA intron (NM_001291333, intron 1 of 7) CpG 229 NM_001291333 7268 Hs.412482 NM_004623 HPRD:08417 TTC4 - tetratricopeptide repeat domain 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14495 chr17 48619513 48619591 + 2.98819 NA 3' UTR (NM_017957, exon 10 of 10) 3' UTR (NM_017957, exon 10 of 10) -4898 NM_001258373 64847 Hs.103147 NM_022827 HPRD:07961 SPATA20 SSP411|Tisp78 spermatogenesis associated 20 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9499 chr13 47128208 47128297 + 2.98308 NA intron (NM_001164211, intron 1 of 19) CpG 956 NM_015116 23143 Hs.507971 NM_015116 HPRD:14307 LRCH1 CHDC1|NP81 leucine-rich repeats and calponin homology (CH) domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22529 chr3 28293730 28293796 + 2.98109 NA intron (NM_182523, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_182523, intron 1 of 3) 10639 NM_182523 152100 Hs.444724 NM_182523 CMC1 C3orf68 C-x(9)-C motif containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14173 chr17 33815392 33815492 + 2.97658 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001195790) promoter-TSS (NM_001195790) -684 NM_001195790 100506736 Hs.447559 NM_001145027 ENSG00000205045 SLFN12L - schlafen family member 12-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14999 chr18 3458498 3458678 + 2.97658 NA TTS (NM_173210) TTS (NM_173210) 4816 NM_173211 7050 Hs.373550 NM_003244 HPRD:04023 TGIF1 HPE4|TGIF TGFB-induced factor homeobox 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10755 chr14 75714336 75714443 + 2.97376 NA Intergenic Intergenic -31092 NM_005252 2353 Hs.25647 NM_005252 HPRD:01275 FOS AP-1|C-FOS|p55 FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4904 chr10 101596972 101597078 + 2.97376 NA intron (NM_000392, intron 25 of 31) AluSp|SINE|Alu 54670 NM_000392 1244 Hs.368243 NM_000392 HPRD:03065 ABCC2 ABC30|CMOAT|DJS|MRP2|cMRP ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36842 chrUn_gl000219 75713 75820 + 2.96990 NA intron (NR_027436, intron 6 of 6) intron (NR_027436, intron 6 of 6) 23876 NR_027436 283788 Hs.657131 NR_027436 LOC283788 - FSHD region gene 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15204 chr18 23533803 23533913 + 2.96634 NA Intergenic Intergenic 136753 NM_001007559 6760 Hs.129261 NM_005637 HPRD:02559 SS18 SSXT|SYT synovial sarcoma translocation, chromosome 18 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9625 chr13 58580270 58580379 + 2.96634 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -159637 NR_120416 101926897 Hs.640215 NR_120416 LOC101926897 - uncharacterized LOC101926897 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7807 chr12 32213652 32213720 + 2.96634 NA Intergenic MER20B|DNA|hAT-Charlie -46499 NM_001003398 636 Hs.505202 NM_001714 HPRD:03730 BICD1 BICD bicaudal D homolog 1 (Drosophila) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8856 chr12 111099503 111099569 + 2.96634 NA intron (NM_001256413, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_001256413, intron 2 of 6) 27426 NM_032369 84329 Hs.211511 NM_032369 HPRD:17507 HVCN1 HV1|VSOP hydrogen voltage-gated channel 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34601 chr8 127568739 127568841 + 2.96634 NA exon (NM_174911, exon 2 of 2) exon (NM_174911, exon 2 of 2) 1921 NM_174911 157638 Hs.741352 NM_174911 HPRD:11403 FAM84B BCMP101|NSE2 family with sequence similarity 84, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19590 chr2 192606661 192606763 + 2.96413 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other 63850 NR_045623 64859 Hs.591610 NM_022837 NABP1 OBFC2A|SOSS-B2|SSB2 nucleic acid binding protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18382 chr2 91657656 91657722 + 2.95807 NA Intergenic Intergenic 190286 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11609 chr15 55582377 55582443 + 2.95514 NA promoter-TSS (NM_183235) promoter-TSS (NM_183235) -397 NM_183235 5873 Hs.654978 NM_004580 HPRD:04845 RAB27A GS2|HsT18676|RAB27|RAM RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19871 chr2 215602207 215602289 + 2.95213 NA intron (NM_001282549, intron 3 of 4) intron (NM_001282549, intron 3 of 4) 72187 NR_104215 580 Hs.591642 NM_000465 HPRD:03354 BARD1 - BRCA1 associated RING domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20137 chr2 236389476 236389557 + 2.95137 NA Intergenic L1MB2|LINE|L1 -13217 NM_001037131 116987 Hs.435039 NM_014914 HPRD:16359 AGAP1 AGAP-1|CENTG2|GGAP1|cnt-g2 ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24946 chr4 42649153 42649219 + 2.95137 NA intron (NM_001105529, intron 1 of 35) intron (NM_001105529, intron 1 of 35) 9936 NM_001105529 10396 Hs.435052 NM_006095 HPRD:16527 ATP8A1 ATPASEII|ATPIA|ATPP2 ATPase, aminophospholipid transporter (APLT), class I, type 8A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13358 chr16 79634417 79634498 + 2.94941 NA 5' UTR (NM_005360, exon 1 of 2) 5' UTR (NM_005360, exon 1 of 2) 165 NM_005360 4094 Hs.134859 NM_005360 HPRD:01518 MAF CCA4|c-MAF v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29018 chr6 11232589 11232677 + 2.94941 NA intron (NM_001142393, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_001142393, intron 2 of 7) 282 NM_182966 4739 Hs.37982 NM_006403 HPRD:11888 NEDD9 CAS-L|CAS2|CASL|CASS2|HEF1 neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20160 chr2 238343645 238343797 + 2.94195 NA Intergenic L2c|LINE|L2 -20871 NM_057166 1293 Hs.233240 NM_004369 HPRD:00371 COL6A3 - collagen, type VI, alpha 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_217 chr1 12150186 12150299 + 2.93788 NA intron (NM_001243, intron 2 of 14) (TCCA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 26808 NM_001281430 943 Hs.1314 NM_001243 HPRD:01074 TNFRSF8 CD30|D1S166E|Ki-1 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 8 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27521 chr5 70498267 70498333 + 2.93105 NA Intergenic Intergenic 56822 NR_033968 100049076 Hs.529793 NR_033968 GUSBP9 - glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 9 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32642 chr7 121036155 121036251 + 2.93061 NA intron (NM_001040020, intron 1 of 9) CpG 219 NM_014888 10447 Hs.434053 NM_014888 HPRD:12270 FAM3C ILEI family with sequence similarity 3, member C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26517 chr4 185151414 185151480 + 2.92345 NA Intergenic Intergenic -12333 NM_153343 133121 Hs.297814 NM_153343 HPRD:16863 ENPP6 NPP6 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5584 chr11 8915684 8915750 + 2.92345 NA intron (NM_005418, intron 1 of 22) L1PA5|LINE|L1 16781 NM_005418 6764 Hs.117715 NM_005418 HPRD:00780 ST5 DENND2B|HTS1|p126 suppression of tumorigenicity 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31976 chr7 64126879 64126954 + 2.91940 NA intron (NM_001282360, intron 1 of 2) CpG 455 NR_104148 51427 Hs.50216 NM_016220 HPRD:18669 ZNF107 Y8|ZFD25|ZNF588|smap-7 zinc finger protein 107 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31925 chr7 61971196 61971265 + 2.91798 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 793204 NR_003952 643955 Hs.583308 NR_003952 ENSG00000185037 ZNF733P ZNF733 zinc finger protein 733, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3887 chr10 29738020 29738121 + 2.91288 NA intron (NR_110927, intron 2 of 2) intron (NR_110927, intron 2 of 2) 38898 NR_110928 102724316 Hs.499209 NR_003930 SVIL-AS1 - SVIL antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1080 chr1 68852657 68852752 + 2.90028 NA Intergenic HERVH-int|LTR|ERV1 62938 NM_000329 6121 Hs.2133 NM_000329 HPRD:01569 RPE65 BCO3|LCA2|RP20|mRPE65|rd12|sRPE65 retinal pigment epithelium-specific protein 65kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2729 chr1 194169715 194169842 + 2.89502 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 895903 NR_125789 101929184 Hs.146728 NR_125789 LINC01031 TCONS_00000361 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1031 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32152 chr7 75948072 75948238 + 2.88792 NA Intergenic Intergenic 16280 NM_001540 3315 Hs.520973 NM_001540 HPRD:09076 HSPB1 CMT2F|HEL-S-102|HMN2B|HS.76067|HSP27|HSP28|Hsp25|SRP27 heat shock 27kDa protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34394 chr8 107051702 107051786 + 2.88792 NA intron (NR_125797, intron 1 of 4) L1PA3|LINE|L1 20987 NR_125796 102723356 Hs.571413 NR_125796 ZFPM2-AS1 - ZFPM2 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34238 chr8 91657200 91657289 + 2.88327 NA intron (NM_001008495, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_001008495, intron 1 of 2) 889 NM_001146273 169200 Hs.567759 NM_001008495 HPRD:16822 TMEM64 - transmembrane protein 64 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12502 chr16 21532108 21532219 + 2.88298 NA promoter-TSS (NR_002594) promoter-TSS (NR_002594) -398 NR_002594 387254 Hs.448808 NR_002594 SLC7A5P2 IMAA|MMAA solute carrier family 7 (amino acid transporter light chain, L system), member 5 pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18345 chr2 90416794 90416860 + 2.88094 NA Intergenic Intergenic 1304943 NR_039635 100616399 NR_039635 miRBase:MI0016776 MIR4436A - microRNA 4436a ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24457 chr4 1001505 1001580 + 2.87906 NA Intergenic L1MEc|LINE|L1 -4068 NM_001004356 53834 Hs.193326 NM_021923 HPRD:16163 FGFRL1 FGFR5|FHFR fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16849 chr19 47742996 47743106 + 2.87340 NA Intergenic CpG -7028 NM_001127242 27113 Hs.467020 NM_014417 HPRD:16165 BBC3 JFY-1|JFY1|PUMA BCL2 binding component 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7801 chr12 32028383 32028471 + 2.86687 NA Intergenic Intergenic -83252 NM_001013699 440093 Hs.448697 NM_001013699 HPRD:18443 H3F3C H3.5 H3 histone, family 3C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20654 chr20 32957230 32957364 + 2.86687 NA intron (NM_001257138, intron 2 of 23) intron (NM_001257138, intron 2 of 23) 6256 NM_031483 83737 Hs.632272 NM_031483 ENSG00000078747 ITCH AIF4|AIP4|NAPP1|dJ468O1.1 itchy E3 ubiquitin protein ligase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31043 chr6 167764973 167765081 + 2.86687 NA Intergenic CpG 26453 NM_031949 83887 Hs.520554 NM_031949 TTLL2 C6orf104|NYD-TSPG|dJ366N23.3 tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8970 chr12 121497886 121498024 + 2.86316 NA Intergenic Intergenic -20910 NM_198213 8638 Hs.118633 NM_003733 HPRD:04473 OASL OASLd|TRIP-14|TRIP14|p59 OASL|p59-OASL|p59OASL 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14114 chr17 29641419 29641485 + 2.86316 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006495) promoter-TSS (NM_006495) -322 NM_006495 2124 Hs.5509 NM_006495 HPRD:08867 EVI2B CD361|D17S376|EVDB ecotropic viral integration site 2B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35774 chr9 84324900 84325043 + 2.86316 NA intron (NR_109772, intron 1 of 3) SVA_F|Other|Other 20343 NR_109772 101927502 Hs.528628 NR_109772 ENSG00000233926 LOC101927502 - uncharacterized LOC101927502 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27323 chr5 54468092 54468158 + 2.86316 NA promoter-TSS (NR_031572) promoter-TSS (NR_031572) 56 NR_031572 100313923 NR_031572 MIR449C - microRNA 449c ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20715 chr20 35697921 35698059 + 2.85275 NA intron (NM_183404, intron 2 of 20) SVA_F|Other|Other 26413 NM_002895 5933 Hs.207745 NM_002895 HPRD:00312 RBL1 CP107|PRB1|p107 retinoblastoma-like 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24102 chr3 170385669 170385772 + 2.85114 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -81857 NM_020949 57709 Hs.596660 NM_020949 HPRD:17222 SLC7A14 PPP1R142 solute carrier family 7, member 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10922 chr14 93106856 93106971 + 2.85114 NA intron (NM_024832, intron 4 of 9) intron (NM_024832, intron 4 of 9) 108134 NM_001008530 5641 Hs.18069 NM_005606 HPRD:04017 LGMN AEP|LGMN1|PRSC1 legumain protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35277 chr9 37800947 37801013 + 2.85114 NA exon (NM_024345, exon 1 of 7) exon (NM_024345, exon 1 of 7) 197 NM_024345 79269 Hs.118394 NM_024345 HPRD:08319 DCAF10 WDR32 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 10 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4306 chr10 50518534 50518672 + 2.85114 NA intron (NM_001135196, intron 1 of 2) MIRc|SINE|MIR 11416 NM_001135196 118461 Hs.585480 NM_199459 HPRD:10699 C10orf71 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 71 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30233 chr6 108255230 108255301 + 2.85114 NA intron (NM_007214, intron 1 of 20) SVA_D|Other|Other 24217 NM_007214 11231 Hs.26904 NM_007214 HPRD:09783 SEC63 DNAJC23|ERdj2|PRO2507|SEC63L SEC63 homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31013 chr6 163835658 163835779 + 2.84148 NA promoter-TSS (NM_006775) promoter-TSS (NM_006775) 43 NM_001301085 9444 Hs.510324 NM_006775 HPRD:06691 QKI Hqk|QK|QK1|QK3|hqkI QKI, KH domain containing, RNA binding protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34661 chr8 134069752 134069836 + 2.84148 NA intron (NM_001282965, intron 1 of 6) intron (NM_001282965, intron 1 of 6) 2809 NM_006748 6503 Hs.75367 NM_006748 HPRD:03060 SLA SLA1|SLAP Src-like-adaptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12111 chr15 94774240 94774334 + 2.82998 NA Intergenic Intergenic -67143 NM_001159643 55784 Hs.33368 NM_018349 HPRD:07738 MCTP2 - multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22788 chr3 49164937 49165045 + 2.82599 NA intron (NM_002292, intron 15 of 31) AluY|SINE|Alu 5608 NM_002292 3913 Hs.439726 NM_002292 HPRD:01034 LAMB2 LAMS|NPHS5 laminin, beta 2 (laminin S) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34577 chr8 125888518 125888640 + 2.82536 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -65671 NR_027321 157381 Hs.638933 NR_027321 ENSG00000249816 LINC00964 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 964 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32167 chr7 76363418 76363538 + 2.81906 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 -106858 NM_012230 22932 Hs.488877 NM_012230 HPRD:15974 POMZP3 POM-ZP3|POM121 POM121 and ZP3 fusion protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30928 chr6 159362077 159362196 + 2.81376 NA Intergenic AluSx|SINE|Alu 52517 NM_001195032 100130967 Hs.32804 NM_001195032 C6orf99 yR211F11.1 chromosome 6 open reading frame 99 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29887 chr6 75222372 75222523 + 2.81152 NA intron (NR_110856, intron 2 of 3) L1PA2|LINE|L1 443280 NR_110856 101928516 Hs.384600 NR_110856 ENSG00000223786 LOC101928516 - uncharacterized LOC101928516 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3168 chr1 226866594 226866666 + 2.80484 NA intron (NM_002221, intron 2 of 7) intron (NM_002221, intron 2 of 7) -3861 NR_103784 100506443 Hs.664293 NR_103784 ITPKB-IT1 - ITPKB intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11008 chr14 100751760 100751849 + 2.80171 NA Intergenic CpG 8110 NR_106822 102466730 NR_106822 MIR6764 hsa-mir-6764 microRNA 6764 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11817 chr15 73989429 73989612 + 2.79760 NA intron (NM_001024736, intron 1 of 9) intron (NM_001024736, intron 1 of 9) 12898 NM_001024736 80381 Hs.744915 NM_025240 HPRD:05756 CD276 4Ig-B7-H3|B7-H3|B7H3|B7RP-2 CD276 molecule protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6983 chr11 110393310 110393411 + 2.79730 NA Intergenic Intergenic 92699 NM_004109 2230 Hs.744 NM_004109 HPRD:00059 FDX1 ADX|FDX|LOH11CR1D ferredoxin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20411 chr20 12734813 12734907 + 2.78403 NA Intergenic LTR7|LTR|ERV1 182751 NR_109872 102606466 Hs.602196 NR_109872 LOC102606466 - uncharacterized LOC102606466 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29733 chr6 56911957 56912053 + 2.78322 NA intron (NM_001286276, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_001286276, intron 1 of 3) 460 NM_001286276 57691 Hs.709521 NM_020931 HPRD:17218 KIAA1586 - KIAA1586 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18379 chr2 91651411 91651482 + 2.77927 NA Intergenic Intergenic 196529 NR_027238 654342 Hs.469287 NR_027238 ENSG00000143429 LOC654342 - lymphocyte-specific protein 1 pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10111 chr14 21572819 21572914 + 2.77739 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001102454) promoter-TSS (NM_001102454) -3 NM_001102454 51222 Hs.250493 NM_016423 HPRD:05435 ZNF219 ZFP219 zinc finger protein 219 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25165 chr4 52904389 52904487 + 2.77739 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000232) promoter-TSS (NM_000232) 47 NM_000232 6443 Hs.438953 NM_000232 HPRD:02942 SGCB A3b|LGMD2E|SGC sarcoglycan, beta (43kDa dystrophin-associated glycoprotein) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31202 chr7 2750120 2750186 + 2.77526 NA intron (NM_001284355, intron 5 of 5) intron (NM_001284355, intron 5 of 5) 22317 NM_001284355 155185 Hs.42221 NM_133463 HPRD:17232 AMZ1 - archaelysin family metallopeptidase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1146 chr1 77684837 77684930 + 2.77526 NA intron (NM_005482, intron 1 of 10) intron (NM_005482, intron 1 of 10) 249 NM_005482 10026 Hs.178305 NM_005482 HPRD:05474 PIGK GPI8 phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class K protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19425 chr2 177174212 177174327 + 2.77032 NA intron (NR_027850, intron 4 of 10) L1PA6|LINE|L1 40146 NM_006554 10651 Hs.470728 NM_006554 HPRD:09777 MTX2 - metaxin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12165 chr15 100870925 100871113 + 2.77032 NA intron (NM_139057, intron 3 of 21) intron (NM_139057, intron 3 of 21) 11164 NM_139057 170691 Hs.513200 NM_139057 HPRD:06332 ADAMTS17 - ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 17 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_38258 chrX 84249144 84249217 + 2.77032 NA Intergenic L1P1|LINE|L1 -9718 NM_198450 139322 Hs.512181 NM_198450 APOOL CXorf33|FAM121A|UNQ8193 apolipoprotein O-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4307 chr10 50543596 50543733 + 2.77032 NA Intergenic Intergenic 36477 NM_001135196 118461 Hs.585480 NM_199459 HPRD:10699 C10orf71 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 71 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37596 chrX 48937617 48937744 + 2.76543 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001029896) promoter-TSS (NM_001029896) -116 NM_001029896 11152 Hs.632807 NM_007075 HPRD:06597 WDR45 NBIA4|NBIA5|WDRX1|WIPI-4|WIPI4 WD repeat domain 45 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_212 chr1 11986492 11986599 + 2.76543 NA promoter-TSS (NM_138346) promoter-TSS (NM_138346) -60 NM_138346 90231 Hs.520094 NM_138346 HPRD:14576 KIAA2013 - KIAA2013 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30435 chr6 125620555 125620674 + 2.76454 NA intron (NM_016063, intron 2 of 5) intron (NM_016063, intron 2 of 5) 2668 NM_016063 51020 Hs.32826 NM_016063 HPRD:12897 HDDC2 C6orf74|NS5ATP2|dJ167O5.2 HD domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5338 chr10 134065331 134065443 + 2.76454 NA intron (NM_173575, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_173575, intron 1 of 11) 56090 NM_173575 282974 Hs.469002 NM_173575 HPRD:18119 STK32C PKE|YANK3 serine/threonine kinase 32C protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18267 chr2 87763931 87764013 + 2.75804 NA intron (NR_024206, intron 1 of 1) MIR|SINE|MIR 8998 NR_024206 112597 Hs.652166 NM_052871 HPRD:14654 LINC00152 C2orf59|NCRNA00152 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 152 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32287 chr7 90092872 90092968 + 2.75665 NA Intergenic THE1C-int|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 60272 NM_012129 9069 Hs.731917 NM_012129 HPRD:13064 CLDN12 - claudin 12 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19951 chr2 223013527 223013616 + 2.75665 NA Intergenic L1PA5|LINE|L1 -149295 NM_153038 151278 Hs.350729 NM_153038 HPRD:08132 CCDC140 - coiled-coil domain containing 140 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19549 chr2 190539377 190539498 + 2.75351 NA Intergenic CpG -1274 NM_144708 150709 Hs.60772 NM_144708 ENSG00000151687 ANKAR - ankyrin and armadillo repeat containing protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10002 chr13 113344337 113344428 + 2.75351 NA promoter-TSS (NM_015205) promoter-TSS (NM_015205) -261 NM_015205 23250 Hs.29189 NM_015205 HPRD:12059 ATP11A ATPIH|ATPIS ATPase, class VI, type 11A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10482 chr14 55519067 55519180 + 2.75186 NA intron (NM_144578, intron 1 of 3) intron (NM_144578, intron 1 of 3) 761 NM_144578 93487 Hs.594338 NM_144578 HPRD:12647 MAPK1IP1L C14orf32|MISS|c14_5346 mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 interacting protein 1-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25749 chr4 106392853 106392934 + 2.75047 NA intron (NM_176866, intron 1 of 7) intron (NM_176866, intron 1 of 7) 2334 NM_176866 27068 Hs.654957 NM_006903 HPRD:18494 PPA2 SID6-306 pyrophosphatase (inorganic) 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19742 chr2 204236934 204237000 + 2.74299 NA intron (NM_001282925, intron 2 of 10) SVA_D|Other|Other 5360 NM_001282927 10152 Hs.471156 NM_005759 ENSG00000138443 ABI2 ABI-2|ABI2B|AIP-1|AblBP3|SSH3BP2|argBP1|argBPIA|argBPIB abl-interactor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15843 chr19 7050556 7050644 + 2.74299 NA intron (NM_144614, intron 1 of 1) intron (NM_144614, intron 1 of 1) 1249 NM_144614 125997 Hs.567667 NM_144614 HPRD:12139 MBD3L2 - methyl-CpG binding domain protein 3-like 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25432 chr4 77135296 77135437 + 2.73343 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001204255) promoter-TSS (NM_001204255) 173 NM_001242936 100129583 Hs.720509 NM_001136570 ENSG00000189157 FAM47E - family with sequence similarity 47, member E protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19663 chr2 198557701 198557796 + 2.73180 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -12280 NM_138395 92935 Hs.744330 NM_138395 HPRD:14363 MARS2 MetRS|mtMetRS methionyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27463 chr5 67721200 67721289 + 2.72969 NA Intergenic LTR33B|LTR|ERVL 132848 NM_001242466 5295 Hs.132225 NM_181504 HPRD:01381 PIK3R1 AGM7|GRB1|p85|p85-ALPHA phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16590 chr19 39150175 39150271 + 2.72969 NA intron (NM_004924, intron 1 of 20) intron (NM_004924, intron 1 of 20) 11956 NM_004924 81 Hs.270291 NM_004924 ACTN4 ACTININ-4|FSGS|FSGS1 actinin, alpha 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4301 chr10 50372741 50372843 + 2.72969 NA intron (NM_001288741, intron 3 of 4) intron (NM_001288741, intron 3 of 4) 23653 NM_001288743 170371 Hs.385493 NM_001010863 C10orf128 - chromosome 10 open reading frame 128 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11733 chr15 65823000 65823076 + 2.72969 NA exon (NM_016395, exon 1 of 11) exon (NM_016395, exon 1 of 11) 211 NM_016395 51495 Hs.512973 NM_016395 HPRD:11037 PTPLAD1 B-IND1|BIND1|HACD3|HSPC121 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15704 chr19 1438260 1438350 + 2.72113 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001018) promoter-TSS (NM_001018) -58 NM_001018 6209 Hs.406683 NM_001018 HPRD:01613 RPS15 RIG|S15 ribosomal protein S15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15563 chr18 72219368 72219434 + 2.71631 NA intron (NM_032649, intron 1 of 11) intron (NM_032649, intron 1 of 11) 17709 NM_032649 84735 Hs.400613 NM_032649 HPRD:09883 CNDP1 CN1|CPGL2|HsT2308 carnosine dipeptidase 1 (metallopeptidase M20 family) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37535 chrX 46433087 46433170 + 2.71423 NA promoter-TSS (NM_019886) promoter-TSS (NM_019886) 6 NM_019886 56548 Hs.129955 NM_019886 HPRD:02302 CHST7 C6ST-2|GST-5 carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine 6-O) sulfotransferase 7 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25383 chr4 72052339 72052433 + 2.71423 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001134742) promoter-TSS (NM_001134742) -617 NM_001134742 8671 Hs.5462 NM_003759 HPRD:04516 SLC4A4 HNBC1|KNBC|NBC1|NBC2|NBCe1-A|SLC4A5|hhNMC|pNBC solute carrier family 4 (sodium bicarbonate cotransporter), member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6523 chr11 69064855 69065036 + 2.71042 NA TTS (NM_138768) TTS (NM_138768) 3340 NM_001300924 26579 Hs.523848 NM_138768 HPRD:16130 MYEOV OCIM myeloma overexpressed protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8765 chr12 104765996 104766118 + 2.70526 NA Intergenic Charlie3|DNA|hAT-Charlie 68547 NM_001008394 493861 Hs.659857 NM_001008394 HPRD:17415 EID3 NS4EB|NSE4B|NSMCE4B EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5035 chr10 111662910 111663019 + 2.70290 NA intron (NM_020383, intron 3 of 20) intron (NM_020383, intron 3 of 20) 20347 NM_001167604 7511 Hs.390623 NM_020383 HPRD:03899 XPNPEP1 APP1|SAMP|XPNPEP|XPNPEPL|XPNPEPL1 X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 1, soluble protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33603 chr8 33424568 33424668 + 2.69987 NA promoter-TSS (NM_024787) promoter-TSS (NM_024787) 28 NM_024787 79845 Hs.151237 NM_024787 HPRD:11498 RNF122 - ring finger protein 122 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2803 chr1 200832067 200832266 + 2.69987 NA Intergenic MIRc|SINE|MIR -9917 NM_005298 2848 Hs.534316 NM_005298 HPRD:03707 GPR25 - G protein-coupled receptor 25 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21679 chr22 20193815 20193909 + 2.69355 NA promoter-TSS (NR_026919) promoter-TSS (NR_026919) 7 NR_026919 150197 Hs.635544 NM_152508 ENSG00000236499 LINC00896 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 896 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2989 chr1 214502315 214502381 + 2.69355 NA intron (NM_020197, intron 7 of 11) intron (NM_020197, intron 7 of 11) 47783 NM_020197 56950 Hs.66170 NM_020197 HPRD:15406 SMYD2 HSKM-B|KMT3C|ZMYND14 SET and MYND domain containing 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37809 chrX 61710957 61711082 + 2.68979 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 860199 NM_001012968 139886 Hs.612782 NM_001012968 HPRD:12556 SPIN4 - spindlin family, member 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7993 chr12 46063052 46063156 + 2.68176 NA Intergenic Intergenic 58600 NR_028408 400027 Hs.597122 NR_028408 ENSG00000273015 LINC00938 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 938 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14389 chr17 44264411 44264496 + 2.66999 NA intron (NM_001193465, intron 2 of 15) intron (NM_001193465, intron 2 of 15) 5713 NM_001193466 284058 Hs.648744 NM_015443 HPRD:11254 KANSL1 CENP-36|KDVS|KIAA1267|MSL1v1|NSL1|hMSL1v1 KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8990 chr12 122150544 122150700 + 2.66790 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001080825) promoter-TSS (NM_001080825) -36 NM_001080825 144404 Hs.644504 NM_001080825 ENSG00000188735 TMEM120B - transmembrane protein 120B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28995 chr6 8033623 8033770 + 2.66299 NA intron (NM_001199323, intron 2 of 3) L1PA6|LINE|L1 30951 NR_037616 100526836 Hs.150837 NR_037616 ENSG00000259040 BLOC1S5-TXNDC5 MUTED-TXNDC5 BLOC1S5-TXNDC5 readthrough (NMD candidate) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_15839 chr19 6753704 6753832 + 2.66299 NA intron (NM_005490, intron 8 of 9) intron (NM_005490, intron 8 of 9) 13755 NM_005490 10045 Hs.439645 NM_005490 HPRD:05283 SH2D3A NSP1 SH2 domain containing 3A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31575 chr7 36431529 36431651 + 2.65741 NA intron (NM_001284301, intron 1 of 22) AluYc|SINE|Alu -1856 NM_001100425 23366 Hs.6224 NM_015314 HPRD:17197 KIAA0895 - KIAA0895 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32892 chr7 142507076 142507201 + 2.65645 NA Intergenic Intergenic 27230 NM_002770 5645 Hs.449281 NM_002770 PRSS2 TRY2|TRY8|TRYP2 protease, serine, 2 (trypsin 2) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34173 chr8 86739618 86739693 + 2.65178 NA Intergenic Intergenic -8872 NR_003594 100288527 Hs.535056 NR_003594 REXO1L2P - REX1, RNA exonuclease 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)-like 2 (pseudogene) pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26146 chr4 144580693 144580807 + 2.64974 NA intron (NM_001168235, intron 2 of 7) L1PA3|LINE|L1 41078 NM_001168235 166752 Hs.252714 NM_001168235 ENSG00000183090 FREM3 - FRAS1 related extracellular matrix 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31402 chr7 22122866 22122932 + 2.64974 NA Intergenic CpG -137357 NM_001127370 55536 Hs.744069 NM_018719 HPRD:11481 CDCA7L JPO2|R1|RAM2 cell division cycle associated 7-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11383 chr15 40353850 40353919 + 2.64974 NA intron (NR_040060, intron 2 of 2) L2c|LINE|L2 22372 NR_040059 100131089 Hs.386000 NR_040059 ENSG00000248508 SRP14-AS1 - SRP14 antisense RNA1 (head to head) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5012 chr10 107982431 107982527 + 2.64670 NA Intergenic L1PA4|LINE|L1 -402388 NR_120625 101927549 Hs.556885 NR_120625 ENSG00000229466 LOC101927549 - uncharacterized LOC101927549 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21225 chr21 16437337 16437434 + 2.64670 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003489) promoter-TSS (NM_003489) -259 NM_003489 8204 Hs.155017 NM_003489 HPRD:03927 NRIP1 RIP140 nuclear receptor interacting protein 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_31046 chr6 168133577 168133707 + 2.63647 NA Intergenic Intergenic -49175 NR_117092 441178 Hs.628956 NM_001025489 LOC441178 - uncharacterized LOC441178 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28893 chr6 255804 255915 + 2.63644 NA Intergenic Intergenic -36198 NR_104475 56940 Hs.29106 NM_020185 HPRD:13255 DUSP22 JKAP|JSP-1|JSP1|LMW-DSP2|LMWDSP2|MKP-x|MKPX|VHX dual specificity phosphatase 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6363 chr11 63940306 63940397 + 2.63644 NA Intergenic SVA_F|Other|Other -6766 NM_014067 28992 Hs.602898 NM_014067 HPRD:17448 MACROD1 LRP16 MACRO domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1969 chr1 148577235 148577301 + 2.63585 NA intron (NM_001170755, intron 6 of 21) intron (NM_001170755, intron 6 of 21) 16421 NM_173638 284565 Hs.523572 NM_173638 HPRD:14710 NBPF15 AB14|AG3|NBPF16 neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 15 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27408 chr5 64331234 64331329 + 2.63585 NA Intergenic CpG 266536 NM_001297644 10283 Hs.371372 NM_005869 HPRD:11541 CWC27 NY-CO-10|SDCCAG10 CWC27 spliceosome-associated protein homolog (S. cerevisiae) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34839 chr8 145077378 145077483 + 2.63534 NA Intergenic AluSz|SINE|Alu -9152 NM_198572 375686 Hs.97726 NM_198572 HPRD:15433 SPATC1 SPATA15 spermatogenesis and centriole associated 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11500 chr15 45459686 45459777 + 2.63534 NA 3' UTR (NM_138356, exon 8 of 8) 3' UTR (NM_138356, exon 8 of 8) 13674 NM_001301171 90525 Hs.310399 NM_138356 HPRD:14272 SHF - Src homology 2 domain containing F protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10088 chr14 20778774 20778908 + 2.63534 NA TTS (NM_182852) TTS (NM_182852) -4688 NM_138376 91875 Hs.98553 NM_138376 TTC5 Strap tetratricopeptide repeat domain 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9688 chr13 74339840 74339918 + 2.62359 NA intron (NM_007249, intron 5 of 7) intron (NM_007249, intron 5 of 7) 201498 NR_047009 100874155 Hs.672679 NR_047009 LINC00392 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 392 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25216 chr4 57371864 57372011 + 2.62359 NA intron (NM_206919, intron 1 of 3) CpG 562 NM_206919 132946 Hs.444449 NM_206919 ARL9 - ADP-ribosylation factor-like 9 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32524 chr7 105926670 105926782 + 2.61942 NA Intergenic Intergenic -1088 NM_005746 10135 Hs.489615 NM_005746 HPRD:09938 NAMPT 1110035O14Rik|PBEF|PBEF1|VF|VISFATIN nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4286 chr10 47656034 47656100 + 2.61528 NA Intergenic CpG -2166 NM_001278688 195977 Hs.538515 NM_001278688 ENSG00000198250 ANTXRL - anthrax toxin receptor-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23295 chr3 100229028 100229094 + 2.61160 NA intron (NM_018004, intron 1 of 5) L1PA3|LINE|L1 17598 NM_018004 55076 Hs.658956 NM_018004 HPRD:07647 TMEM45A DERP7 transmembrane protein 45A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34510 chr8 121457604 121457699 + 2.61160 NA promoter-TSS (NM_014078) promoter-TSS (NM_014078) -4 NM_014078 28998 Hs.333823 NM_014078 HPRD:14740 MRPL13 L13|L13A|L13mt|RPL13|RPML13 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L13 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19361 chr2 171677434 171677520 + 2.61069 NA intron (NM_013445, intron 2 of 6) intron (NM_013445, intron 2 of 6) 4277 NM_013445 2571 Hs.420036 NM_000817 HPRD:12011 GAD1 CPSQ1|GAD|SCP glutamate decarboxylase 1 (brain, 67kDa) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11091 chr14 106129949 106130034 + 2.60490 NA Intergenic Intergenic 9153 NR_046211 2003 Hs.744419 NR_046211 ELK2AP ELK2|ELK2.1|ELK2P1 ELK2A, member of ETS oncogene family, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19383 chr2 173402899 173402977 + 2.60001 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -17163 NR_103731 5163 Hs.470633 NM_002610 PDK1 - pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isozyme 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37282 chrX 12969141 12969213 + 2.59890 NA Intergenic Intergenic -7758 NR_030727 349408 Hs.685035 NR_030727 ENSG00000233338 TLR8-AS1 GS1-324M7.6 TLR8 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16319 chr19 24603824 24603906 + 2.59238 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr -257616 NR_003603 100101266 Hs.149312 NR_003603 ENSG00000268442 HAVCR1P1 - hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 pseudogene 1 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24450 chr4 872944 873010 + 2.58870 NA intron (NM_005255, intron 15 of 27) MLT1E1|LTR|ERVL-MaLR -53032 NM_006651 10815 Hs.478930 NM_006651 HPRD:09233 CPLX1 CPX-I|CPX1 complexin 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_27107 chr5 43120930 43121037 + 2.58545 NA promoter-TSS (NR_123719) promoter-TSS (NR_123719) -20 NR_123719 7690 Hs.535804 NM_003432 ENSG00000172262 ZNF131 ZBTB35|pHZ-10 zinc finger protein 131 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19178 chr2 157292802 157292910 + 2.57729 NA promoter-TSS (NM_000408) promoter-TSS (NM_000408) -44 NM_000408 2820 Hs.512382 NM_000408 HPRD:00715 GPD2 GDH2|GPDM|mGPDH glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (mitochondrial) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19651 chr2 198102770 198102860 + 2.57364 NA intron (NM_001195144, intron 1 of 27) L2b|LINE|L2 64428 NR_046837 101927547 Hs.687027 NR_046837 ANKRD44-IT1 - ANKRD44 intronic transcript 1 (non-protein coding) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4314 chr10 51019002 51019109 + 2.55907 NA Intergenic AluSp|SINE|Alu -48630 NM_001143996 55753 Hs.17860 NM_018245 HPRD:07704 OGDHL - oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19180 chr2 157383912 157384012 + 2.55907 NA intron (NM_001083112, intron 6 of 16) intron (NM_001083112, intron 6 of 16) 91062 NM_000408 2820 Hs.512382 NM_000408 HPRD:00715 GPD2 GDH2|GPDM|mGPDH glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (mitochondrial) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10891 chr14 91711525 91711615 + 2.55572 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001177676) promoter-TSS (NM_001177676) -718 NM_001177676 8111 Hs.8882 NM_003485 HPRD:03241 GPR68 GPR12A|OGR1 G protein-coupled receptor 68 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20760 chr20 39766112 39766293 + 2.53290 NA promoter-TSS (NM_002660) promoter-TSS (NM_002660) 41 NM_002660 5335 Hs.268177 NM_002660 HPRD:01398 PLCG1 NCKAP3|PLC-II|PLC1|PLC148|PLCgamma1 phospholipase C, gamma 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20265 chr2 243174844 243174968 + 2.53111 NA Intergenic MLT1H2|LTR|ERVL-MaLR 144062 NR_024437 728323 Hs.471887 NR_024437 LOC728323 - uncharacterized LOC728323 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_482 chr1 27989287 27989395 + 2.52323 NA Intergenic Intergenic 9383 NM_022872 2537 Hs.523847 NM_002038 HPRD:00959 IFI6 6-16|FAM14C|G1P3|IFI-6-16|IFI616 interferon, alpha-inducible protein 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19978 chr2 224810024 224810105 + 2.52323 NA promoter-TSS (NM_020830) promoter-TSS (NM_020830) -12 NM_020830 57590 Hs.368359 NM_020830 HPRD:15663 WDFY1 FENS-1|WDF1|ZFYVE17 WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10876 chr14 90866024 90866100 + 2.52323 NA intron (NM_006888, intron 1 of 5) AmnSINE1|SINE|Deu 2735 NM_006888 801 Hs.282410 NM_006888 HPRD:00241 CALM1 CALML2|CAMI|CPVT4|DD132|PHKD|caM calmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase, delta) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_12276 chr16 2151869 2151990 + 2.51419 NA intron (NM_001009944, intron 26 of 45) intron (NM_001009944, intron 26 of 45) 4825 NR_106775 102465429 NR_106775 MIR6511B1 MIR6511B-1|hsa-mir-6511b-1 microRNA 6511b-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33709 chr8 43761943 43762064 + 2.50822 NA Intergenic ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr 614418 NM_001005365 340441 Hs.531579 NM_001002920 POTEA A26A1|CT104.3|POTE-8|POTE8 POTE ankyrin domain family, member A protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_6661 chr11 76432987 76433077 + 2.49557 NA promoter-TSS (NR_024042) promoter-TSS (NR_024042) -199 NR_024042 390226 Hs.440026 NR_024042 GUCY2EP GC-E|GCD|GUCY2E guanylate cyclase 2E, pseudogene pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_4392 chr10 57302547 57302852 + 2.49557 NA Intergenic (TATG)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat -56051 NM_001190478 100463289 Hs.727204 NM_001190478 ENSG00000249860 MTRNR2L5 HN5 MT-RNR2-like 5 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2522 chr1 175178937 175179056 + 2.49557 NA Intergenic Intergenic -16767 NM_001162894 9674 Hs.518138 NM_014656 HPRD:13776 KIAA0040 - KIAA0040 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8654 chr12 95497151 95497217 + 2.49557 NA intron (NM_018351, intron 14 of 20) intron (NM_018351, intron 14 of 20) -29780 NM_001032287 7181 Hs.108301 NM_003297 HPRD:03318 NR2C1 TR2 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group C, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29709 chr6 53512468 53512534 + 2.47737 NA TTS (NM_001003760) TTS (NM_001003760) 18005 NM_001003760 401265 Hs.131064 NM_001003760 HPRD:13923 KLHL31 BKLHD6|KBTBD1|KLHL|bA345L23.2 kelch-like family member 31 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10243 chr14 34674502 34674885 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic Intergenic -254409 NM_022073 112399 Hs.135507 NM_022073 HPRD:06972 EGLN3 HIFP4H3|HIFPH3|PHD3 egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_7344 chr12 4463043 4463109 + 2.46205 NA 3' UTR (NM_020375, exon 6 of 6) 3' UTR (NM_020375, exon 6 of 6) 25818 NM_020638 8074 Hs.287370 NM_020638 HPRD:05648 FGF23 ADHR|FGFN|HPDR2|HYPF|PHPTC fibroblast growth factor 23 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19200 chr2 158754316 158754420 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic Intergenic -21994 NM_001111067 90 Hs.470316 NM_001105 HPRD:00021 ACVR1 ACTRI|ACVR1A|ACVRLK2|ALK2|FOP|SKR1|TSRI activin A receptor, type I protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21206 chr21 15588335 15588440 + 2.46205 NA promoter-TSS (NM_144770) promoter-TSS (NM_144770) -79 NM_144770 54033 Hs.283828 NM_144770 HPRD:10185 RBM11 - RNA binding motif protein 11 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11311 chr15 32739509 32739620 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_001277308, intron 13 of 18) intron (NM_001277308, intron 13 of 18) 8271 NM_001277308 728047 Hs.525905 NM_001277308 GOLGA8O - golgin A8 family, member O protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1611 chr1 117636698 117636801 + 2.46205 NA promoter-TSS (NR_030640) promoter-TSS (NR_030640) -516 NR_030640 100126331 NR_030640 MIR942 MIRN942|hsa-mir-942 microRNA 942 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34128 chr8 83332750 83332863 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic AluYb8|SINE|Alu -578285 NM_022133 64089 Hs.492121 NM_022133 HPRD:15411 SNX16 - sorting nexin 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13454 chr16 86597616 86597682 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic CpG -3208 NM_005251 2303 Hs.436448 NM_005251 HPRD:03869 FOXC2 FKHL14|LD|MFH-1|MFH1 forkhead box C2 (MFH-1, mesenchyme forkhead 1) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_33161 chr7 157991468 157991561 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_130842, intron 3 of 21) intron (NM_130842, intron 3 of 21) 333991 NR_030325 693180 NR_030325 MIR595 MIRN595|hsa-mir-595 microRNA 595 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_5063 chr10 112562534 112562600 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_001134363, intron 7 of 13) intron (NM_001134363, intron 7 of 13) 68095 NR_026932 282997 Hs.599931 NR_026932 PDCD4-AS1 - PDCD4 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_3856 chr10 27235268 27235373 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic Intergenic -4390 NR_026795 387644 Hs.529965 NR_026795 ENSG00000232224 LINC00202-1 C10orf51|LINC00202|NCRNA00202|bB27G4.1 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 202-1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32638 chr7 120778591 120778670 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_024913, intron 14 of 22) intron (NM_024913, intron 14 of 22) 149185 NM_001105533 79974 Hs.189652 NM_024913 HPRD:08647 CPED1 C7orf58 cadherin-like and PC-esterase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_24814 chr4 26611148 26611256 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_001292054, intron 1 of 17) L2c|LINE|L2 25656 NM_018317 55296 Hs.479403 NM_018317 HPRD:07730 TBC1D19 - TBC1 domain family, member 19 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_34346 chr8 102092920 102093036 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic CpG 28696 NR_033962 441374 Hs.652045 NR_033962 ENSG00000248599 FLJ42969 - uncharacterized LOC441374 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_8736 chr12 103250190 103250318 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_000277, intron 5 of 12) L1PA5|LINE|L1 -32077 NR_033855 283432 Hs.382110 NR_033855 ENSG00000258169 LINC00485 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 485 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10112 chr14 21651500 21651608 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic (TA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 22108 NR_038970 283624 Hs.525210 NR_038970 ENSG00000258441 LINC00641 - long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 641 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10486 chr14 55596220 55596351 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_001177388, intron 1 of 5) CpG 350 NM_002306 3958 Hs.531081 NM_002306 HPRD:01090 LGALS3 CBP35|GAL3|GALBP|GALIG|L31|LGALS2|MAC2 lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28863 chr5 180005913 180006025 + 2.46205 NA TTS (NM_015455) TTS (NM_015455) 12518 NM_052863 92304 Hs.62492 NM_052863 HPRD:05932 SCGB3A1 HIN-1|HIN1|LU105|PnSP-2|UGRP2 secretoglobin, family 3A, member 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37470 chrX 37690844 37690937 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic L1PA7|LINE|L1 15999 NM_006520 6990 Hs.446392 NM_006520 HPRD:02249 DYNLT3 RP3|TCTE1L|TCTEX1L dynein, light chain, Tctex-type 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36558 chr9_gl000198_random 160 258 + 2.46205 NA NA ALR/Alpha|Satellite|centr NA NA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22401 chr3 17221472 17221548 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_001134381, intron 21 of 23) intron (NM_001134381, intron 21 of 23) 246822 NR_037465 100500913 NR_037465 miRBase:MI0016135 MIR3714 - microRNA 3714 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35891 chr9 95087582 95087666 + 2.46205 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001286969) promoter-TSS (NM_001286969) -126 NM_001286969 401541 Hs.713775 NM_001012267 CENPP CENP-P centromere protein P protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_16409 chr19 30328473 30328588 + 2.46205 NA Intergenic Intergenic 25629 NM_001238 898 Hs.244723 NM_001238 HPRD:00455 CCNE1 CCNE cyclin E1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32337 chr7 95130904 95131017 + 2.46205 NA intron (NM_016116, intron 2 of 4) intron (NM_016116, intron 2 of 4) 15747 NM_145872 51666 Hs.602765 NM_016116 HPRD:05770 ASB4 ASB-4 ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_14338 chr17 41623796 41623886 + 2.46205 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001986) promoter-TSS (NM_001986) -41 NM_001079675 2118 Hs.434059 NM_001986 HPRD:02833 ETV4 E1A-F|E1AF|PEA3|PEAS3 ets variant 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_13491 chr16 88770023 88770115 + 2.45993 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001171816) promoter-TSS (NM_001171816) -44 NM_001171816 115992 Hs.513804 NM_178841 HPRD:15260 RNF166 - ring finger protein 166 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18594 chr2 101889030 101889116 + 2.45042 NA TTS (NR_003070) TTS (NR_003070) 438 NR_003070 692205 Hs.656503 NR_003070 SNORD89 HBII-289 small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 89 snoRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_19848 chr2 210616364 210616458 + 2.44762 NA Intergenic L1PA2|LINE|L1 -20306 NM_182587 285175 Hs.396201 NM_032504 HPRD:12809 UNC80 C2orf21|UNC-80 unc-80 homolog (C. elegans) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_25333 chr4 67650430 67650514 + 2.43626 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 637246 NR_110747 101927237 Hs.435644 NR_110747 ENSG00000250075 LOC101927237 - uncharacterized LOC101927237 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_1251 chr1 89593079 89593172 + 2.41801 NA Intergenic LTR12C|LTR|ERV1 -1283 NM_004120 2634 Hs.386567 NM_004120 HPRD:02682 GBP2 - guanylate binding protein 2, interferon-inducible protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_32263 chr7 87579830 87579916 + 2.41251 NA intron (NM_004194, intron 2 of 28) L1PA3|LINE|L1 16307 NM_016351 53616 Hs.256398 NM_004194 HPRD:04751 ADAM22 ADAM 22|MDC2 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 22 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_37541 chrX 46988973 46989070 + 2.40121 NA Intergenic Intergenic 15588 NM_019056 54539 Hs.521969 NM_019056 HPRD:02323 NDUFB11 CI-ESSS|ESSS|NP17.3|Np15|P17.3 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex, 11, 17.3kDa protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22162 chr22 50159451 50159517 + 2.38546 NA Intergenic Intergenic 14474 NR_026993 90834 Hs.679408 NR_026993 LOC90834 - uncharacterized protein BC001742 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_22592 chr3 36090537 36090644 + 2.37905 NA Intergenic L1PA3|LINE|L1 304622 NR_029824 406916 NR_029824 MIR128-2 MIR128B|MIRN128-2|MIRN128B|mir-128b microRNA 128-2 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_11182 chr15 22026612 22026720 + 2.36501 NA Intergenic CpG -9788 NR_024387 646243 Hs.720910 NR_024387 CXADRP2 - coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor pseudogene 2 pseudo 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_17560 chr2 27780168 27780234 + 2.34838 NA Intergenic SVA_E|Other|Other -19188 NM_032266 84226 Hs.131021 NM_032266 HPRD:09849 C2orf16 - chromosome 2 open reading frame 16 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2285 chr1 160402413 160402515 + 2.34663 NA Intergenic Intergenic 32100 NM_020335 57216 Hs.99477 NM_020335 HPRD:02758 VANGL2 LPP1|LTAP|STB1|STBM|STBM1 VANGL planar cell polarity protein 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30081 chr6 91006616 91006706 + 2.33380 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001170794) promoter-TSS (NM_001170794) -34 NM_001170794 60468 Hs.269764 NM_021813 HPRD:12012 BACH2 BTBD25 BTB and CNC homology 1, basic leucine zipper transcription factor 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23788 chr3 140985658 140985784 + 2.32216 NA intron (NM_001282728, intron 3 of 6) Tigger15a|DNA|TcMar-Tigger 35054 NM_001037172 92370 Hs.657887 NM_152282 HPRD:08675 PXYLP1 ACPL2|HEL124|XYLP 2-phosphoxylose phosphatase 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_36354 chr9 131872913 131873023 + 2.30851 NA promoter-TSS (NM_021131) promoter-TSS (NM_021131) 102 NM_001257363 1384 Hs.12068 NM_000755 HPRD:08971 CRAT CAT1 carnitine O-acetyltransferase protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_18590 chr2 101226864 101226930 + 2.29995 NA Intergenic Intergenic 47479 NM_024065 79031 Hs.469459 NM_024065 PDCL3 HTPHLP|PHLP2A|PHLP3|VIAF|VIAF1 phosducin-like 3 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35740 chr9 80376888 80376954 + 2.29025 NA intron (NM_002072, intron 5 of 6) SVA_D|Other|Other -113689 NM_004297 9630 Hs.657795 NM_004297 HPRD:05095 GNA14 - guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 14 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23501 chr3 118570773 118570888 + 2.28904 NA Intergenic LTR12D|LTR|ERV1 -91093 NR_046230 100506765 Hs.660823 NR_046230 ENSG00000239877 IGSF11-AS1 - IGSF11 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_26201 chr4 148910271 148910353 + 2.24582 NA intron (NM_024605, intron 18 of 22) MER11C|LTR|ERVK 206566 NR_039962 100616246 NR_039962 MIR4799 - microRNA 4799 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21874 chr22 30662197 30662305 + 2.22845 NA intron (NM_020530, intron 1 of 2) intron (NM_020530, intron 1 of 2) 578 NM_020530 5008 Hs.248156 NM_020530 HPRD:01300 OSM - oncostatin M protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20400 chr20 10375755 10375821 + 2.20925 NA Intergenic SVA_C|Other|Other 36785 NM_018848 8195 Hs.472119 NM_018848 HPRD:05356 MKKS BBS6|HMCS|KMS|MKS McKusick-Kaufman syndrome protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_10635 chr14 67894000 67894066 + 2.14859 NA Intergenic Intergenic -15205 NM_016445 26499 Hs.170473 NM_016445 HPRD:12151 PLEK2 - pleckstrin 2 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_21685 chr22 20326681 20326780 + 2.13188 NA Intergenic HSATI|Satellite|Satellite -19102 NM_033257 85359 Hs.410965 NM_033257 HPRD:16800 DGCR6L DGCR6 DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6-like protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20354 chr20 4741390 4741468 + 2.12484 NA Intergenic CpG -20115 NR_024267 149830 Hs.126516 NM_177549 HPRD:14086 PRNT M8 prion protein (testis specific) ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_29135 chr6 20212730 20212846 + 2.11701 NA promoter-TSS (NM_001080480) promoter-TSS (NM_001080480) -93 NM_001080480 154141 Hs.377830 NM_001080480 MBOAT1 1|LPEAT1|LPLAT|LPLAT 1|LPSAT|OACT1|dJ434O11.1 membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_168 chr1 8938084 8938174 + 2.11578 NA promoter-TSS (NR_038351) promoter-TSS (NR_038351) -765 NR_038351 100505975 Hs.429843 NR_038351 ENSG00000230679 ENO1-AS1 - ENO1 antisense RNA 1 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_28640 chr5 158010074 158010172 + 2.10107 NA Intergenic SVA_D|Other|Other -173342 NR_109888 101927697 Hs.483960 NR_109888 LOC101927697 - uncharacterized LOC101927697 ncRNA 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_9673 chr13 72308661 72308919 + 2.09645 NA intron (NM_080759, intron 1 of 10) (CATATA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 132540 NM_080759 1602 Hs.129452 NM_004392 HPRD:16031 DACH1 DACH dachshund family transcription factor 1 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_721 chr1 40042535 40042608 + 2.08917 NA promoter-TSS (NM_003819) promoter-TSS (NM_003819) -50 NM_003819 8761 Hs.169900 NM_003819 HPRD:04557 PABPC4 APP-1|APP1|PABP4|iPABP poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 4 (inducible form) protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_943 chr1 53749233 53749332 + 2.07571 NA intron (NM_001018054, intron 3 of 17) (CTTA)n|Simple_repeat|Simple_repeat 44539 NM_004631 7804 Hs.280387 NM_004631 LRP8 APOER2|HSZ75190|LRP-8|MCI1 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8, apolipoprotein e receptor protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_30979 chr6 161413410 161413506 + 2.06900 NA intron (NM_006724, intron 1 of 25) CpG 699 NM_001301072 4216 Hs.390428 NM_005922 HPRD:03886 MAP3K4 MAPKKK4|MEKK 4|MEKK4|MTK1|PRO0412 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_20780 chr20 42087048 42087141 + 2.06900 NA exon (NM_006275, exon 2 of 6) exon (NM_006275, exon 2 of 6) 590 NR_034009 6431 Hs.725336 NM_006275 HPRD:09054 SRSF6 B52|HEL-S-91|SFRS6|SRP55 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 6 protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_35225 chr9 35115874 35115964 + 2.04512 NA promoter-TSS (NM_025182) promoter-TSS (NM_025182) -26 NM_025182 80256 Hs.301696 NM_025182 HPRD:13869 FAM214B KIAA1539|P1.11659_5|bA182N22.6 family with sequence similarity 214, member B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_23241 chr3 93699164 93699246 + 2.03690 NA non-coding (NR_033427, exon 1 of 9) non-coding (NR_033427, exon 1 of 9) 222 NR_033427 200894 Hs.533086 NM_144996 HPRD:12334 ARL13B ARL2L1|JBTS8 ADP-ribosylation factor-like 13B protein-coding 9-PTNLB-NN-CD8_peak_2805 chr1 200857798 200857886 + 2.01386 NA Intergenic Intergenic -2785 NM_018265 55765 Hs.518997 NM_018265 HPRD:07712 C1orf106 - chromosome 1 open reading frame 106 protein-coding Done annotating peaks file