Information for motif3

Reverse Opposite:

log p-value:-9.365e+02
Information Content per bp:1.618
Number of Target Sequences with motif263.0
Percentage of Target Sequences with motif11.73%
Number of Background Sequences with motif1.6
Percentage of Background Sequences with motif0.21%
Average Position of motif in Targets157.3 +/- 80.3bp
Average Position of motif in Background130.7 +/- 53.7bp
Strand Bias (log2 ratio + to - strand density)-0.0
Multiplicity (# of sites on avg that occur together)1.21
Motif File:file (matrix)
reverse opposite

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20.6151e-316-729.57170111.42%0.39%motif file (matrix)
30.6251e-305-703.4071709.41%0.00%motif file (matrix)
40.7461e-229-528.98651011.02%0.61%motif file (matrix)
50.6161e-222-513.1164779.90%0.48%motif file (matrix)
60.6501e-218-503.2086259.77%0.47%motif file (matrix)
70.7861e-213-491.2713168.56%0.36%motif file (matrix)
80.6221e-191-442.0379277.94%0.30%motif file (matrix)
90.7421e-169-390.6148367.27%0.35%motif file (matrix)
100.6631e-132-305.0799416.11%0.37%motif file (matrix)
110.6321e-126-291.35471713.83%2.66%motif file (matrix)
120.7021e-95-219.4473425.58%0.45%motif file (matrix)
130.6221e-79-183.2380538.07%1.46%motif file (matrix)