#202: posAUC fold change from previous time point GOAL: To make a simple vector plot of gene expression change for all genes METHODS: 1. Use posAUCs for all RefSeqs on merged replicates, as calculated in #191 2. Write a python script that will make a table of the fold change from the previous time point for every transcript 3. Edit the existing get_plot.py script that has been used in all recent experiments so that -1.5x fold change and lower is green, no fold change is black, and +1.5x fold change is red --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07.09.2015 mkdir 07092015_foldChange cp tp.unique.NoEU.posAUCs.txt files from 06022015_NoEUtest/AUCs to the working directory change EU in the file names to Async write mergeDataTable.py to put all data in to a table in the following order: 0MIN, 40MIN, 80MIN, 105MIN, 165MIN, 300MIN, ASYNC output file: posAUCs.txt write foldChange.py to calculate the fold change of every gene from the previous time point output file: foldChange.txt scp to the GGA and use heatmap.py split into individuale files of the following format: column 1 header = "name" X,0,0 0 column 1 contents = IDs column 2 contents = values